Deputy Chairman of the Board of OAO Gazprom. PJSC Gazprom: structure, branches, board of directors. Audit Commission of Gazprom

The Russian Federation has the richest reserves of minerals. Almost all the elements of the periodic table are hidden in the bowels of our country. Hydrocarbons, in particular natural gas, are especially important for the country's economy. Total inventory natural gas in Russia is, according to various sources, 45-50 billion m³. Who is in charge of this wealth?

Birth and development of the gas giant

By the time of the collapse Soviet Union firmly entrenched among the leading countries in terms of explored reserves of natural gas. All gas fields from the moment they were opened, they were transferred to the jurisdiction of the USSR Ministry of Gas Industry, which organized the production and transportation of energy carriers.

In August 1990, the ministry was transformed into a single state gas producing concern, Gazprom. Management headed In November 1992, the company became a joint-stock company. In just 5 years, more than 60% of the organization's shares were sold to private investors.

In the early 2000s, Vladimir Putin initiated the reform of the company and its return to state control. Already in 2004, the state's share in Gazprom's block of shares was more than 50.2% instead of 38.7% a few years earlier.

In 2005, Gazprom began deliveries liquefied gas in the USA, a year later - to Japan, Great Britain and South Korea. The organization has subsidiaries-suppliers and transporters of gas in Belarus, the Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Slovenia, Hungary, Germany and other countries.

The oil production market was being actively explored; they appeared as part of Gazprom. In 2004, it covered 24% of the EU's consumption with gas supplies. The dependence of some European countries on gas supplies from Russia reached 100%. During this period, the rapid development of supplies to Asian countries began. By the end of 2007, Gazprom's enterprises produced 85% of Russian and 20% of the world's gas.

By 2010, the company had international projects for the development of gas and oil fields in Venezuela (360 billion m³ of gas and 640 million tons of oil), India (375 million tons of standard fuel), Algeria (30 million tons of oil) and other countries.

Since 2007, the company has funded the Gazprom for Children charity program aimed at building sports facilities in various cities of Russia. Over 10 years, more than 1,600 modern sports facilities have been built in 73 regions of the country.

The Gazprom-Media holding, founded in 1998, is the owner of the TV channels TNT, TV3, Friday, 2x2, TNT4, MatchTV, NTV-plus, radio stations Avtoradio , "Humor FM", "Echo of Moscow", publications "7 Days" and "Caravan" stories and other resources.

At the end of 2017, the company's net revenue exceeded 6.5 trillion rubles, and profit - 714 billion rubles. 472.1 billion m³ of natural gas was produced. Such international projects for the construction of gas pipelines as Nord Stream, Power of Siberia, etc. are actively developing.

The company's employees are 469,600 people. Gazprom is the largest energy company in the world.

Head of the board of the concern

Married. Has a daughter, whose second husband is the former Minister of Defense of Russia A. Serdyukov. Viktor Zubkov is a quiet family man, a fan of skiing and athletics.

Gazprom Corporation is among the largest players in the Russian and global economy. How is the corporate governance structure organized? In which cities does Gazprom operate?

General information about the company

Before considering what is organizational structure"Gazprom", we will study the basic information about the company.

Gazprom is traditionally viewed as a global energy corporation. Its main areas of activity:

Mineral exploration;

Fuel extraction;

Gas transportation;

Processing and sale of fuel.

In addition, the corporation also produces and sells heat and electricity. Gazprom has at its disposal the richest natural gas reserves in the world. The value of the corresponding reserves is about 18% of the world and 72% of the Russian. In turn, if we talk about that, the corporation accounts for about 14% of its global volumes and 14% of Russian ones.

The company is actively developing projects in vast territories - in Yamal, on the Arctic shelf of Russia, in Siberia, Far East. Settlements whose economy is in to a large extent is based on facilities owned by Gazprom - Urengoy, Astrakhan, Nadym, and many others. Actually, it can be one of the city-forming in these settlements.

Gazprom has a developed transport and industrial infrastructure at its disposal. The company is also actively developing processing industries. Gazprom's capabilities make it possible to almost completely satisfy the domestic demand of the Russian economy for natural gas.

In addition, Gazprom has branches abroad. The activities of these structures are also largely related to the exploration and production of fuel. The corporation supplies gas to both the Russian and foreign markets.

The corporation is one of the key players in the European fuel market. Gazprom's largest projects for the development of fields abroad are being implemented in Venezuela, India, and Algeria. Managers of the Russian corporation actively interact with colleagues on a wide range of issues: investment, implementation of joint projects, exchange of experience in the application of technologies for the extraction and delivery of fuel.

In Russia, Gazprom owns one system gas supply. Its total length exceeds 168 thousand km. In fact, the company is the only manufacturer and exporter of liquefied gas in the Russian Federation.

Gazprom was founded as a public company in 1989. Its turnover during the active periods of capitalization was fixed at about 3.9 trillion rubles.

The city in which the head office of Gazprom is located is Moscow. The largest structures of the corporation are also located in St. Petersburg. It is known that it is planned to move the main office of Gazprom to the Northern capital in 2018.

history of the company

It will be useful to get acquainted with the main facts from the history of the company's development.

In the middle of the 20th century, a number of large gas fields were discovered by Soviet specialists in Siberia, the Urals, and the Volga region. They began to quickly master, and, as a result, in the 1980s the USSR became one of the largest countries in the world in the field of gas production.

In 1965, the Ministry of the Gas Industry was established in the USSR. He was in charge of mineral exploration, fuel extraction, its delivery and sale to consumers. In August 1989, this department was transformed into an economic entity - the Gazprom concern.

In 1993, it was renamed RAO Gazprom. The ownership structure of a corporation has changed significantly over time. Thus, in the 1990s, a significant part of the corporation's shares were sold as part of the privatization mechanism. By 2004, the state in Gazprom owned 38.7% of the shares. In addition, the Russian Federation had a majority in the Board of Directors of the company. Subsequently, the state's share was increased to more than 50%.

In 2000, the corporation actively increased its turnover. In 2008, in terms of capitalization, it was among the top 3 largest global businesses. In 2009, Gazprom launched the first liquefied natural gas plant in Russia. The European direction of business was actively developing. Thus, in 2012 the company launched the second branch of the Nord Stream pipeline. Soon, Gazprom officially launched production at one of the largest gas fields, Bovanenkovskoye.

In May 2014, Gazprom and the Chinese corporation CNPC signed a major contract for gas supplies to China. The contract price was $400 billion. The agreement is for 30 years.

Company owners

Who is the owner of Gazprom? The ownership structure of a corporation has the following features.

The main shareholder of the corporation is the Federal Property Management Agency, which represents this case state. This department - in fact, the country - owns 38.373% of Gazprom's shares. The next largest shareholder of the corporation is The Bank of New York Mellon. He owns 26.955% valuable papers corporations. Rosneftegaz owns a 10.74% stake in Gazprom. Rosgazifikatsiya has a 0.889% stake in the gas corporation's capital structure. Other persons own 23.043% of the company's shares.

One way or another, the state owns 50% plus 1 share of Gazprom Corporation. The management structure of the company is as follows.

Corporation Management: General Meeting of Shareholders

The supreme governing body of the company is the General Meeting of Shareholders. Its formation is carried out annually. In addition, extraordinary General Meetings are possible. Owners of ordinary shares have the right to vote.

All holders of the relevant type of securities, independently or through a representative, may exercise the right to participate in the General Meeting. An event of the corresponding type is recognized as eligible if the attendance of shareholders is ensured, who collectively have more than half of the votes.

The competence of the general meeting is represented, in particular:

Amending the provisions of the company's Articles of Association;

The definition of the auditor;

income distribution;

Election of members of the Board of Directors, as well as the Audit Commission;

Making decisions on changing the structure of the company's management;

Making decisions on changing the size of the authorized capital of Gazprom.

General management of the corporation is carried out by the Board of Directors. It will be useful to study its features.

The activities of the Corporation's Board of Directors are regulated by a separate Regulation. The considered intracorporate structure of the Gazprom company solves business development issues if they are not within the competence of the higher management body of the corporation - General Assembly. At the same time, among the relevant competencies is the election of members of the Board of Directors. This procedure carried out annually.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom is in charge of the company's management structure under consideration. The main competencies of the relevant body:

Approval of the corporate budget for the year;

Development of investment programs;

Making decisions on the formation of general meetings;

Legal issues.

Audit Commission of Gazprom

There is another important structure that is part of the management structure of the Gazprom corporation. We are talking about the Audit Commission. It is accountable to the General Assembly and is an elected body. The work of the Audit Commission of the company is also regulated by a separate Regulation.

In addition, the relevant structure of Gazprom is guided in its activities by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Company's Charter, as well as decisions of the General Meeting. The main tasks that this structure solves:

Control over the formation of reports and other information reflecting the indicators of the company's economic development, as well as characterizing its property status;

Control over the compliance of accounting methods used in the corporation with the provisions of Russian legislation;

Ensuring the timeliness of reporting by the corporation to interested structures;

Preparation of proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of the disposal of the corporation's assets, as well as the implementation of other areas of financial and economic activities of companies;

Preparation of proposals to reduce economic risks, optimize internal control mechanisms in the corporation.

This is how one of largest companies in the world, so its administration is organized. In terms of its structure, Gazprom is generally organized like other corporations of the same size. But given the importance of the tasks that the company solves in the course of its activities, the organization of business management in this case requires the use of the most effective approaches in management.

De jure, the head of Gazprom, the chairman of the company's Board of Directors, as well as persons subordinate to him solve difficult tasks to bring the corporation's management system in line with this criterion.

Company branches

In the course of building the Gazprom management model, its branches were transformed into independent legal entities. They began to function as regional corporations in the gas sector. Each branch of Gazprom is thus de jure independent of the main company, although, of course, it develops in the context of the strategic priorities developed by the head office of the corporation.

Migration of management to the Northern capital

The management of the largest Russian gas corporation is characterized by a very remarkable trend - the steady migration of Gazprom's internal corporate structures to the Northern capital. We already know that the city where the main office of the Gazprom corporation is located is Moscow. But now St. Petersburg has every chance of becoming a key city in Russia in terms of brand presence at various levels of legal relations. With what it can be connected? What attracts such a corporation as Gazprom, St. Petersburg?

First of all, of course, it is worth noting that the northern capital of Russia is a wonderful city in itself, and this circumstance alone can become a factor in the desire of the country's leading managers to work there. According to experts, the largest Russian gas corporation now occupies about 20% of St. Petersburg offices in the luxury segment.

By 2018, the company's headquarters are planned to be located in the northern capital. It is assumed that the new head office of Gazprom will be located in the Lakhta Center building, which is currently being built in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. The building will be represented by a skyscraper, as well as an office complex. The total area of ​​the facility will be about 400 thousand square meters. meters.

At what address in the Northern capital will the main office of Gazprom be located? The address of the Lakhta Center is Lakhtinsky Prospekt, 2, bldg. 3. The construction of the structure began in 2013. It is expected that the skyscraper of the center will be the highest among the buildings in Russia and Europe. In particular, it will be 88 meters higher than the Federation Tower, which is located in the Moscow City office complex.

Office address

Actually, where is the headquarters of the Gazprom company now located? The address of the current head office of the corporation: Moscow, st. Nametkina, 16. The building is thus located in the South-West of the Russian capital. It is possible that after Gazprom moves (St. Petersburg and Lakhta Center are still in a state of expectation of this), the competent structures involved in the management of the company will continue to work in the building of the current headquarters of the corporation. .

Gazprom's subsidiaries and departments operate in St. Petersburg.

Alexey Borisovich Miller— Chairman of the Management Board and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom. Alexey Miller is also the chairman of the board of directors of NPF Gazfond, Gazprombank and the insurance company SOGAZ. Alexey Miller is one of the highest paid Russian managers. Candidate economic sciences. Miller has a number of state awards, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2006) for his contribution to the development of the Russian gas complex, and the Order of Alexander Nevsky (2014).

Alexey Miller is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Global Energy International Prize and the government commission for the production of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation and fuel and energy complex issues.

Childhood and education of Alexei Miller

Alexey Miller comes from a family of Russified Germans.

Father - Boris Vasilievich Miller(1935−1986) - assembly fitter.

Mother - Ludmila Alexandrovna Miller(1936−2009) - engineer.

Parents worked at the Research Institute of Radio Electronics of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR.

Alexey Miller graduated from school-gymnasium No. 330 of the Nevsky district of the city of Leningrad. Young Miller studied successfully. After school, he immediately entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. ON THE. Voznesensky. In 1984, having received a diploma, Alexey Miller began working as an engineer-economist at LenNIIproekt.

From the biography of Alexei Miller on Wikipedia, you can find out that in the 80s the future head of Gazprom was a member of the circle of Leningrad reformist economists, informal leader which was Anatoly Chubais. In particular, in 1987, Alexey Miller was a member of the Sintez club at the Leningrad Youth Palace, along with such famous people, how Mikhail Dmitriev, Andrey Illarionov, Mikhail Manevich, Andrey Lankov, Andrey Prokofiev and others.

The beginning of the career of Alexei Miller

While working at LenNIIproekt, Alexey Miller continued his education, studying in graduate school. In 1989, Alexey Borisovich Miller defended his Ph.D. thesis and took the position of junior researcher.

In addition, the biography of Alexei Miller noted his activities in the Committee for Economic Reform of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council.

In 1991, a significant event took place for future career Alexei Borisovich acquaintance. In the biography of Alexei Miller on the site "Know Everything" it is reported that in 1991 he began work in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office, where he was director Vladimir Putin. In Miller's biography on the Gazprom website, it is reported that Alexei Borisovich began his career in the mayor's office as the head of the market situation department of the Foreign Economic Relations Department of the Foreign Relations Committee of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office.

Alexey Borisovich Miller successfully served on the Committee for five years and managed to establish contacts with major Western banks. In the biography of Miller in Lentapedia, it is noted that he was engaged in the development of the first investment zones in the city, in particular, Pulkovo and Parnassus, brought the first foreign banks to the city, such as Dresden Bank and Lyon Credit, was engaged in hotel business, was the chairman of the board of directors of the hotel "Europe".

Alexey Miller then became the head of the department of foreign economic relations, working under the direct supervision of Vladimir Putin (who at that time served as head of the mayor's office's foreign relations committee).

The perestroika period made it possible for Miller to rise high up the career ladder. Alexey Miller was invited to senior positions in the largest Russian companies.

In 1996, after the defeat of Anatoly Sobchak in the elections, a new place appeared in the biography of the future head of Gazprom works -JSC"Sea Port of St. Petersburg". Until 1999, Alexey Miller was the development and investment director of this company.

Since 1999, Miller has held the position CEO JSC Baltic Pipeline System.

When Vladimir Putin was elected president of Russia in 2000, Alexey Miller moved to Moscow. He was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation. In this position, Alexei Borisovich worked for only a year, since in 2001 Miller took over as chairman of the board of Gazprom.

In the photo: Moscow, May 30. Alexey Miller, Deputy Minister of Energy, became Gazprom's new Chairman of the Management Board (Photo: Vladimir Rodionov and Sergey Velichkin)

Alexey Miller's career at Gazprom

Alexey Miller, with the help of Vladimir Putin, carried out reforms at Gazprom, according to his biography on Wikipedia, the result of this activity was that by the beginning of 2004 the Russian Federation owned 38.7% of Gazprom shares and had a majority on the Board of Directors.

By 2004, the formation of the updated management apparatus of Gazprom came to an end. In 2006, Miller's employment contract was extended for another five years.

On December 9, 2005, the State Duma adopted amendments to the law "On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation", according to which the share of shares owned by state-owned companies in total cannot be less than 50% plus one share, and restrictions are also established for foreign citizens and companies.

In the photo: Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko and the head of OAO Gazprom Alexei Miller during the ceremony of signing a cooperation agreement for 2006 (Photo: Grigory Sysoev / TASS)

Gazprom's Wikipedia page reports that in 2007, for the first time, the company entered the annual list of the 100 most respected firms and companies in the world according to Barron's weekly. In May 2008, Gazprom became the third largest company in the world in terms of capitalization.

In May 2008, the company had maximum price and Alexey Miller noted that in 7-8 years its capitalization should grow from 365.1 billion dollars to one trillion. But in the fall of that year, it collapsed to 77.1 billion, according to Wikipedia.

In early 2010, CEO Alexei Miller ranked third in the ranking of the most effective top managers in the world according to the Harvard Business Review magazine.

The work of Alexei Borisovich Miller has been repeatedly recognized as successful at the state level. In February 2016, the news reported a contract extension with Miller for another 5 years.

In the photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the Board of PJSC Gazprom Alexei Miller (left to right), who received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree, at the ceremony of presenting state awards of the Russian Federation in the Kremlin (Photo: Mikhail Metzel / TASS)

In January 2018, Gazprom requested Russian government allow the company to sell its own gas on the St. Petersburg Commodity Exchange (SPIMEX) without any restrictions. As reported in the news, Alexei Miller sent this letter to the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Relations between Gazprom and Naftogaz

Special place in the activities of Alexei Miller as the head of Gazprom, relations with the Ukrainian Naftogaz were occupied. The “gas wars” between Russia and Ukraine continued for years, and the situation became especially difficult after the Euromaidan, when Kyiv stopped paying for gas. Then Vladimir Putin said that Gazprom would “supply gas only in those volumes that would be paid for by the Ukrainian side a month in advance. How much they pay, so much they will receive.

On June 2, 2014, Alexey Miller announced that the price of blue fuel for Ukraine could drop below 385.5 US dollars per thousand cubic meters as a result of a discount provided by Gazprom.

On June 16, due to regular non-payments by Naftogaz Ukrainy, Gazprom introduced a prepayment regime for Ukraine for gas supplies. In addition, Gazprom filed with the Stockholm court of Arbitration a lawsuit against the government of Ukraine for a total amount of about $4.5 billion. Dmitry Medvedev, commenting on the news that Russia will supply gas to Ukraine only after pre-payment and repayment of all debts, wrote: "The freebie is over."

In July, Alexey Miller reported that Ukraine's total debt for fuel supplied by Gazprom had reached $5.29 billion. In total, 11.5 billion cubic meters of gas remain unpaid, which is comparable to the volume of annual Russian gas supplies to Poland.

“Ukraine’s unwillingness to pay for Russian gas in principle is becoming chronic and once again shows that the transfer to prepayment, stipulated by the terms of the contract, was the only right decision,” Miller emphasized.

On October 31, 2014, gas negotiations in the Russia-Ukraine-EU format were completed in Brussels. A tripartite agreement was signed, which fixed the plan for gas supplies to winter period. The first part was signed by the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso, Vice President of the European Commission Gunther Oettinger, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak and head of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine Yuri Prodan, the second document was signed by the heads of Gazprom and Naftogaz.

“We, the citizens of Europe, can say that gas supplies are secured this winter, we have achieved a breakthrough. Everyone benefited from this, especially the citizens of the EU. The transit function of Ukraine will continue to be carried out. Countries such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary will receive sufficient volumes of gas,” Günter Oettinger said.

Pictured: Belgium. Brussels. October 31. Alexei Miller, Chairman of Gazprom's Management Board, Andrey Kobelev, Chairman of the Management Board of NJSC Naftogaz (left to right, foreground) signing an agreement on Russian gas supplies to Ukraine. In the background, from left to right: Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, European Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and European Commission Vice President for Energy Union Maros Sefcovic (Photo: AR / TASS)

The European Commissioner for Energy also confirmed the points reached earlier, in particular, about a $100 discount from the Russian Federation and about Ukraine's obligations to pay $3.1 billion of its debt. At the same time, until March 2015, the news reported, Ukraine could buy gas on an advance payment at a price of $385 per thousand cubic meters. meters of gas or below, according to the calculation formula. It was noted that the key issue of the talks on October 30 was the financial guarantees of the European Commission for payment by Kyiv of Russian gas supplies.

In April 2015, Gazprom and Naftogaz signed an agreement on gas supplies in the second quarter of 2015.

In 2015, Gazprom filed a lawsuit against Naftogaz, demanding to recover from the company a fee for the shortfall in contractual gas volumes in 2012-2013, which it had to pay under the take-or-pay rule (“take or pay” - an annual payment minimum amount of fuel). Naftogaz, in turn, demanded a revision of pricing, which he considered not market-based. In 2012, "square" received a discount of one hundred dollars per thousand cubic meters of gas in exchange for basing Black Sea Fleet in Crimea. But in 2014, after Crimea became part of the Russian Federation, the discount was canceled, and the price rose to $485 per thousand cubic meters. Naftogaz refused to pay at such a price and also applied to arbitration.

In autumn 2015, Russia again gave Ukraine a gas discount. According to the Deputy Head of the European Commission (EC) for the Energy Union Maros Shefcovic, in addition to the trilateral protocol, the "winter package" of documents included additional contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz.

On November 18, 2015, the European Commission gave the green light to three gas pipelines from Southeast to Central Europe at once, which Gazprom can use to supply the Balkans with Turkish Stream gas. These projects allowed Gazprom to solve the problem of delivering gas to European consumers, while refusing gas transit through Ukraine.

Thus, Russia was going to secure itself from a gas crisis similar to the 2009 crisis, when Ukraine was stealing gas. The head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, made it clear that the Russian concern would not build “threads” in the EU in continuation of the Turkish Stream, and this should be taken care of by the Europeans themselves.

At the beginning of June 2016, Gazprom received an official letter from Naftogaz with a request to resume the supply of Russian fuel. Kyiv was offered a price of $177 per thousand cubic meters, but Naftogaz considered it too high. Then Gazprom issued a preliminary bill to Kyiv for gas.

On May 31, 2017, the Stockholm Arbitration Court issued an interim decision in a dispute between Gazprom and Naftogaz over a contract for the supply of gas to Ukraine.

On February 28, 2018, the Stockholm Arbitration Court published the decision on the transit claim of Naftogaz against Gazprom. It was ruled in favor of the Ukrainian company and ordered the Russian gas giant to pay Naftogaz $2.56 billion.

At the same time, Naftogaz demanded even more - $17 billion. Gazprom does not agree with the decision of the Stockholm arbitration, accusing it of violating the norms of Swedish law governing the contract with Naftogaz. Gazprom promised to protect its rights "by all means" that would not contradict the law.

After that, the management of Gazprom announced that it had returned the advance payment for March to Naftogaz and would not resume gas supplies. As a result, the Ukrainian authorities temporarily limited gas consumption in the country, but a day later the President Petro Poroshenko announced the start of fuel supplies from Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. As it turned out, this option turned out to be four times more expensive than the Russian proposal.

Commercial Director of Naftogaz Yuri Vitrenko said that Gazprom had underpaid his company about $20 billion since 2009 due to the fact that fuel transit tariffs were underestimated.

Income of Alexey Miller

Alexey Miller is a regular participant in the Forbes ratings, which show the income of the highest paid top managers in Russia. In 2013, with an annual income of $25 million, Miller ranked third. In 2015, Alexey Borisovich for the first time became the highest paid top manager in Russia with an income of $ 27 million.

Photo: Gazprom Deputy Chairman Vitaly Markelov, Gazprom Board Chairman Alexei Miller (left to right) and Gazprom Board Chairman Viktor Zubkov (right) in front of a general annual meeting shareholders of OAO Gazprom (Photo: Sergey Fadeichev / TASS)

At the end of 2016, Miller also topped the Forbes ranking of the most expensive executives. Russian companies with an income of $17.7 million.

According to Forbes, Alexey Miller owns 0.000958% of Gazprom's shares. Package price: $488.198 (as of October 20, 2016).

On April 6, it became known that the United States imposed sanctions against Russian businessmen and officials. The "black list" of the US Treasury included 15 companies 38 businessmen, including Oleg Deripaska, Sergey Fursenko, Alexey Miller, Konstantin Kosachev, Mikhail Fradkov, Kirill Shamalov and some others.

This restrictive list includes the freezing of assets, seizure of real estate and possible bank accounts of individuals and legal entities in the United States, as well as a ban on entry into the country.

Personal life and hobbies of Alexei Miller

In the biography of Alexei Miller on the site "Know Everything" it is reported that the billionaire is married, his wife Irina is not a public person. The Millers are raising a son.

Alexey Miller can often be seen at the matches of FC Zenit, the general sponsor of which is PJSC Gazprom, it is known that he is a football fan.

In the photo: Alexey Borisovich Miller, Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprom, and Sergey Fursenko, President of the Zenit football club (Photo: Vyacheslav Evdokimov / TASS)

Alexey Miller visited the locker room of the St. Petersburg "Zenith" after the match of the ninth round of the championship of Russia, in which the "blue-white-blue" could not beat the Perm "Amkar", the news reported. The functionary was extremely dissatisfied with the result of the match and decided to personally talk with the players.

Alexey Miller is fond of equestrian sports. He owns stallions of thoroughbred riding breed - Vesely and Fragrant. In the second quarter of 2012, Miller took over as Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Russian Hippodromes.

Forbes wrote that Alexey Miller registered with Odnoklassniki after a friend with whom he studied at the institute reproached that the head of Gazprom did not communicate much with classmates on the Internet.

In 2016, during the international gas forum in St. Petersburg, Alexei Borisovich said that he was a Deep Purple fan as a teenager. According to him, he dreamed of attending a concert and now attends performances of the legendary rock band at every opportunity.

Isaev Maxim Alexandrovich- First Deputy General Director

Born in 1978 in the city of Kaliningrad.
In 2000 he graduated from the Kaliningrad State Technical University majoring in Electrical Networks.
In 2001 he graduated from the University of Applied Sciences in Stralsund, Germany with a degree in Electrical Engineering.
Professional experience
He began his career in 2000 in a subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya LLC Zavod Kaliningradgazavtomatika, where he worked his way up from an engineer to a commercial director.
From 2007 to 2009, he worked at PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya in senior positions.
Since 2008 – First Deputy General Director of PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.
From 2009 to 2013, he worked at Gazprom Inform LLC as First Deputy General Director.
Currently, he is the First Deputy General Director of PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.

Nikonchuk Dmitry Alexandrovich— Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance

Born in 1979 in the city of Leningrad.
In 2002, he graduated with honors from the Kyiv National Economic University with a degree in Finance.
Professional experience
He began his career in 2001 in the city of Kyiv, where he worked as an accountant-economist.
From 2003 to 2013, he provided financial advisory services and held leadership positions in various commercial organizations, including enterprises of the fuel and energy complex.
In June 2013, he was appointed to the position of adviser to PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.
Since September 2013, he has been appointed Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.

Krestyaninov Artem Yurievich- Vice President for Commercial Affairs

Born in 1975 in the city of Ufa.
In 1996 he graduated with honors from the Ufa Law Institute with a degree in Jurisprudence.
In 2008 he graduated with honors from the Russian Academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in State and Municipal Administration.
In 2008 he was awarded the degree of candidate of economic sciences.
In 2008 he completed the full course of the program "Master of Business Administration (MBA)" in the specialty " Financial management» at the Moscow International high school business "MIRBIS".
Professional experience
He began his career in 1992. The total work experience is more than 20 years.
Since 1996, he has worked in senior positions in various commercial organizations, including enterprises of the fuel and energy complex.
Since June 2013 - Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs of PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.
From June 2013 to September 30, 2019, he was the director of LLC Investgazavtomatika, a subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.
Since October 01, 2019 - Director of GA Engineering LLC, a subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.

Kalinin Alexander Evgenievich— Deputy General Director for Information Management Systems

Born in 1975 in Moscow.
In 1997 he graduated from the Moscow State University Commerce under the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of the Russian Federation with a degree in World Economy.
Professional experience
He began his career in 1997. Until 2013, he worked in senior positions in foreign and Russian companies, including enterprises of the fuel and energy complex.
In 2013, he was hired by PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya as an adviser to the CEO.
From 2014 to the present, he has been working as Deputy General Director for Information Management Systems of PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.

Alimov Sergey Viktorovich— Deputy General Director for Metrology

Born in 1955 in the city of Novomoskovsk, Tula region.
In 1977 he graduated from the Novomoskovsk branch of the Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute. DI. Mendeleev.
In 2011, he was awarded the degree of candidate of technical sciences.
Professional experience
He began his career in 1977 at the Novomoskovsk Production Association "Azot", where he worked his way up from foreman to senior foreman - head of the production site.
From 1983 to 1996 he worked as an engineer, deputy head - chief engineer, head of the Verkhnekazymsky LPU MG of the Tyumentransgaz enterprise of RAO Gazprom.
From 1996 to 2007, he worked as Deputy General Director for Compressor Operation, Chief Engineer - First Deputy General Director of OOO Tyumentransgaz.
From 2007 to 2016, he held the position of First Deputy Head of Department 308 of Gazprom PJSC.
Currently, he is Deputy General Director for Metrology at PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.

Pokhodenko Vitaly Vitalievich- Deputy General Director for corporate relations and administrative activities

Born in 1958 in Sol-Iletsk, Orenburg Region.
In 1982 he graduated with honors from the Donetsk Higher Military-Political School of Engineering and Signal Corps.
In 1992 he graduated from the Humanitarian Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
In 1999 he graduated with honors from the Military Diplomatic Academy with a degree in Military and Administrative Management.
Professional experience
He began his career in 1975 at the Plastmash Design Bureau of Minkhimneftemash in the city of Krasnodar.
From 1976 to 2002 he served in the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Military rank Colonel.
From 2002 to 2013, he worked in senior positions in various commercial organizations, including enterprises of the fuel and energy complex.
In December 2013, he was appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for Corporate Relations of PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.
Currently, he is Deputy General Director for Corporate Relations and Administrative Activities of PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.

Rumyantsev Vyacheslav Alexandrovich— Deputy General Director for capital construction and repair

Born in 1978 in Moscow.
In 2003 he graduated from the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman with a degree in Computers, Complexes, Systems and Networks.
Professional experience
He began his career in 1997. The total work experience is more than 20 years. He has been working in the oil and gas industry since 2002.
Since 2013, he has been the director of Servisgazavtomatika Firm LLC, a subsidiary of Gazprom avtomatizatsiya PJSC.
Since April 2018, he has simultaneously held the position of Deputy General Director for Capital Construction and Repair of PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.

Trubachev Alexey Grigorievich— Deputy General Director for Corporate Security

Born in 1963 in Yekaterinburg.
In 1984 he graduated from the Kiev Higher Combined Arms Command School.
In 2008 he graduated from the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov with a degree in Finance and Credit.
Professional experience
From 1980 to 1993 he served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, from 1993 to 2002 - in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
From 2002 to 2015, he worked in senior positions in various commercial organizations, including enterprises of the fuel and energy complex.
In February 2015, he was hired by PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya as an adviser to the CEO.
Currently, he is Deputy General Director for Corporate Security at PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.

Bobrikov Nikolai MikhailovichChief Engineer

Born in 1978 in the Donetsk region of the Ukrainian SSR.
In 2000 he graduated from the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin with a degree in Automation technological processes and productions."
In 2009, Bobrikov Nikolay Mikhailovich, as part of a team of authors, became a laureate of the national technology award "Star of High Technologies" Russian Academy technological sciences.
Professional experience
He began his career in 1998. The total work experience is more than 15 years, of which 14 years at PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.
In 2000, he was admitted to PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya, where he worked his way up: engineer of the 2nd category; Head of the Hybrid Control Systems Sector of the Engineering Research Center for Control Systems and Production, Processing and Underground Gas Storage; Chief Project Engineer of the Engineering Research Center for Control Systems in Production, Processing and Underground Gas Storage; chief engineer of the project of the bureau of the GIPs of the department for the creation of integrated control systems; Head of the Department for the creation of integrated management systems; Head of Complex Projects Department.
Since July 10, 2009, Chief Engineer of PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya.
Awards and promotions
In 2009, gratitude to PJSC Gazprom.
In 2012, the gratitude of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

Taran Vladimir SergeevichChief Accountant

Born in 1976 in the city of Saratov.
In 1998 he graduated from the Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky with a degree in Radiophysics and Electronics.
In 2006, he graduated from the Saratov State Technical University with a degree in Economics and Management at an Enterprise (in Construction).
In 2006 passed professional retraining at the Saratov State Socio-Economic University under the program " Crisis management and financial recovery of the enterprise (direction "Management")".
Professional experience
From 2004 to 2005, Deputy Chief Accountant of CJSC Heavy Gear Cutting Machines, Saratov.
From 2005 to 2007, the chief accountant of Zavod Saratovgazavtomatika LLC ( subsidiary PJSC "Gazprom avtomatizatsiya").
In 2007, he was hired by PJSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya as Deputy Chief Accountant, then in December 2013 he was appointed to the position of Chief Accountant.

Alexey Miller is one of the highest paid Russian managers, Chairman of the Management Board of OAO Gazprom, Head of the Board of Directors of NPF Gazfond, as well as Gazprombank and the insurance company SOGAZ.

In addition to his activities at Gazprom, he is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Global Energy International Prize and the government commission for the production of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation and fuel and energy complex issues.

Childhood and youth

Miller Alexey Borisovich was born on January 31, 1962 on the outskirts of Leningrad in a family of employees of the closed military enterprise NPO Leninets. Miller's parents were the so-called "Russian Germans" living in Russia, so the media often publish information about the origin and nationality of a top manager.

Father Boris Vasilyevich worked as a fitter, and mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna worked as an engineer. Alexey was the only child in the family, so he was not deprived of parental attention, care and love.

The future head of Gazprom studied at a specialized gymnasium with a mathematical bias No. 330 in Leningrad. During his school years, he did not cause trouble to either teachers or parents, he did not enter into conflicts with other children. Miller was a diligent and capable student, a shy boy. Teachers and classmates of Alexei speak of him as an inconspicuous person, but with a specific desire to achieve the goal through his own efforts.

After graduating from school with excellent grades, Alexei Miller managed to enter the local financial and economic institute the first time. In 1984, he graduated from the university and received a diploma in engineering and economics. In his student years, Alexei was a favorite student of the head of the department, Professor Igor Blekhtsin, a famous St. Petersburg economist and international-class master of sports in chess. FINEC teachers remember the student as a neat calligraphic hand.

After graduating from FINEK, Alexey Miller took the position of an engineer-economist at LenNIIproekt, under which he entered graduate school in 1986 and defended his dissertation 3 years later, receiving the degree of candidate of economic sciences. In his youth, he is interested in this.


After graduate school, Alexey Miller continued his work at LenNIIproekt as a junior researcher, and in 1990 he transferred to the executive committee of the Lensoviet, where he headed the Committee on Economic Reforms.

The next step in the career ladder of the Russian economist was the Committee on Foreign Relations in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg, in which Miller was the immediate supervisor. This collaboration was a key moment in the future successful biography Alexey Borisovich Miller.

Thanks to him, the development of the first investment zones in the city - "Pulkovo" and "Parnassus", where the factories "Gillette", "Coca-Cola", "Baltika" were built. At the same time, Alexei Borisovich introduced the first foreign banks, Lyons Credit and Dresden Bank, on the territory of St. Petersburg. Miller also developed hotel business and headed the board of directors of the famous hotel "Europe".

In 1996, after losing the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg in the gubernatorial election, the biography of Alexei Miller, like the fate of his colleagues in the St. Petersburg administration, underwent a turning point. Most of the members of Vladimir Putin's team resigned from the city administration of St. Petersburg and went on a "free float" for a while.

Alexey Miller and Vladimir Putin met in St. Petersburg

After the victory of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections in 2000, many of his colleagues in the St. Petersburg administration received leadership positions in the government and state enterprises RF. Alexey Miller, who received the post of Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, was no exception. For his successful work in his position, experts and politicians predicted the post of Minister of Energy of Russia for the economist, but their assumptions did not come true. In 2001, Miller took an equally prestigious position, becoming the head of the board of OAO Gazprom.


The news of Alexey Miller's appointment to the position of Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprom was a shocking surprise for the entire management of the company. Since that moment, a new era has begun in OAO Gazprom, the return of the company to state control. Alexei Borisovich, as an experienced economist, was given the task of reviving the concern through reforms and returning the company's assets lost by the ex-head of Gazprom, Rem Vyakherev.

The global investor market took the news of the change in leadership of Gazprom with enthusiasm in connection with the upcoming reforms, which took place instantly. In a few months, Alexey Miller updated the old concern team with “his” people from the past, and also carried out a number of strategic reforms to revive the corporation. The new Gazprom team includes Mikhail Sereda, head of the management apparatus, Kirill Seleznev, head of Mezhregiongaz, Elena Vasilyeva, chief accountant, and Andrey Kruglov, head of the concern's financial and economic department.

After the “cleansing of veterans” at Gazprom, Alexey Miller took up direct duties - to return the lost assets of the company. In this matter, Miller achieved success: for a nominal fee, he returned blocks of shares from Itera, restored lost control over SIBUR, Zapsibgazprom, Vostokgazprom, Northgas. But the main achievement of Alexei Miller was the returned shares of Gazprom itself, thanks to which a 51% stake in the Russian Federation was restored, of which about 11% were held by the concern's subsidiaries.

Alexey Miller - Chairman of the Board of Gazprom

During Miller's tenure, Gazprom became the global energy business leader in the world. The gas giant received large assets in the oil and energy sectors, strengthened its position in the export direction, created strong economic ties with Italian and German corporations, began to implement projects to diversify supplies, signed strategic agreements for gas supplies to the Asia-Pacific countries. At the same time, Miller managed to eliminate the actual competition of Gazprom in the gas sector.

In 2011, the head of OAO Gazprom, Alexei Miller, was re-elected Chairman of the Management Board of the concern for the next 5 years. During the years of his reign, he was repeatedly awarded prestigious state awards, which included medals "For Merit to the Fatherland" in the development of the gas complex of the Russian Federation.

In 2013, according to the rating of the financial and economic magazine Forbes, Alexei Borisovich took the 3rd leading position in the list of the most expensive and successful managers in the world, the official's income level was $ 25 million per year. Soon the situation changed.

Since 2012, total payments to top managers of Russian companies have been gradually decreasing. In 2016, Forbes analysts found that a 2.3-fold reduction in the total income of the leaders of the largest organizations was recorded.

Alexey Miller is on the Forbes list

According to the American edition, in 2014 the state of the chairman of the board of Gazprom was again estimated at $ 25 million, but this time he took the 2nd position in the rating.

Already in 2015, this figure amounted to $ 27 million, which allowed Alexei Miller to rise to the first line of the Russian Forbes list for the first time. The company's revenue that year was recorded at $140.4 billion. In 2016, Gazprom's top manager's income fell by $9.5 million, Russian list Forbes still belongs to Miller. He lost to the head of Rosneft with a salary of $13 million a year.

Alexey Miller and Igor Sechin

Profitability of "Gazprom" fell somewhat. The company is going through hard times due to the loss of traditional markets and the activity of foreign competitors. Thus, the statement of the President of Ukraine on the refusal to buy Russian gas is one of the main reasons for the decline in the sale of resources in a long-familiar direction. In addition, European states are introducing new technologies regarding alternative energy sources.

In connection with these difficulties, the leadership of Gazprom decided to start building bypass routes for delivering gas to Europe. They were named Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexei Miller, like other famous Russian persons, remains in the shadow of his career. For many years, the head of Gazprom has been officially married. Irina, the wife of Alexei Miller, rarely appears in public, preferring the home environment to social events. The couple are raising their son Michael. Alexey Borisovich, by virtue of his status, does not maintain a personal Instagram, therefore, one can learn about his family only from publications in the media.

Information appeared in the media about Alexei Miller's affair with the head of the protocol of the chairman of the government of the Russian Federation - Deputy Head of the Government Staff Marina Yentaltseva, but it was not officially confirmed. Russian publications have repeatedly published their joint photos.

The top manager prefers to devote his free time to his family. From a young age, Alexei Borisovich has a passion for football, he is considered the most famous fan of the Zenit football club. At the same time, Miller is fond of equestrian sports, he owns 2 thoroughbred stallions. Parties in a close family circle of relatives and friends, accompanied by songs with a guitar performed by him, are not alien to him.

Miller's passion for equestrian sports as a business person resulted in labor activity. In 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Aleksey Borisovich to the position of head of the Russian Hippodromes OJSC, setting him the task of reviving the industry in this direction and inspiring new life in equestrian sport in Russia.

Alexey Miller now

In the spring of 2018, the name of Alexei Miller was included in the US sanctions list, which was called "Kremlin". In total, it contains information about 26 officials and entrepreneurs close to the President of the Russian Federation. Among them were others. But, according to the calculations of the Russian media, this did not prevent the salary of the top manager of Gazprom from being kept in the region of 58 million rubles. per month.

Now Alexey Miller oversees the construction of Nord Stream 2, which will run along the bottom of the Baltic Sea, and also controls the launch of the Turkish Stream, laid through the Black Sea. In autumn, Miller reported on the construction of 200 km of the proposed 1,200 km of Nord Stream and the laying of the Turkish Stream pipe with the final joint.

Despite reports from US Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland that the United States has enough tools to stop these projects, Gazprom is optimistic about the process of building a gas pipeline bypassing Ukraine.

In November 2018, a solemn meeting between Vladimir Putin and the President of Turkey took place in Istanbul, dedicated to the completion of laying the last section of the offshore section of the TurkStream gas pipeline. Alexey Miller at that time was on board a working ship, from where he had a video conference with the heads of state. The top manager of the gas giant plans to complete the construction of 2 southern branches by the end of 2019.