Oh mzp. Ao "mzp". Work in JSC "MZP": vacancies, practice, career and training

It is part of JSC TVEL, provides the supply of its products for control and protection systems of 42 power units located at 16 NPPs in Russia, and beyond its borders - in Ukraine, at foreign NPPs built according to Russian projects(Lithuania, Bulgaria, Finland). The company's products are used to equip nuclear power plants under construction in China, Iran and India.
At different times, the plant organized and mastered technologies for producing a wide variety of materials: beryllium and its compounds (1932–1949), arsenic and its compounds (1930–1937), zirconium iodide, calcium (1935–1955), salts rare metals (1935–1941), thorium and uranium (1934–1972), metallic lithium, antimony, vanadium, chromium (1938–1959), various rare earth elements in the form of oxides and metals (1972–1996 .).

An experimental metallurgical plant of category A (Plant A) was founded in 1932 on the basis of the Moscow Experimental Plant of Gintsvetmet (MOZ) and the Tsaritsyn Experimental Chemical Station of the Institute of Applied Mineralogy and Nonferrous Metals (TsOS). Even earlier, the Tsaritsyno Chemical Plant (1914) and the brick factory of M.E. Bogdanov (since 1876).

The main task of the new enterprise was the production of metallic beryllium, which is essential for the aviation industry.
In the prewar years, technologies for the production of rare and rare-earth minerals and their compounds were developed and introduced in laboratories and workshops. In addition to beryllium, these are metallic antimony, reactive salts of molybdenum, cobalt, bismuth, etc.

After the Great Patriotic War, in 1947 Plant "A" was transferred to the Ministry of Medium Machine Building (later the Ministry nuclear industry, now Rosatom). The plant became known as "Mailbox No. 125", later "Mailbox No. 2822". the enterprise launched the production of a secret "metal" K "- a strategically important radioactive thorium.

In 1960, the territory of the plant became part of Moscow during its expansion.

From 1960 to the present, OAO MZP has been the leading organization for the development and production of regulatory, control and protection bodies for power nuclear reactors VVER-1000, RBMK-1000/1500, BN-600, research and industrial reactors, as well as for reactor installations of ships of the navy and special purpose, incl. nuclear icebreakers"Lenin" and "Arctic".

In 1967, the enterprise was renamed into the Moscow Polymetal Plant.

In 1982, the plant was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for success in work.

Since the 2000s the enterprise is a part of JSC TVEL.

Between 1999 and 2002 at the plant, a radiation-environmental survey of 32 buildings and an area of ​​about 165 thousand square meters was carried out. More than 400 centers of radioactive contamination were identified. Decontamination of 17 buildings and territory was carried out. At the same time, about 425 cubic meters of radioactive waste were prepared and sent to the Radon test sites. Today, the radiation-hygienic condition of buildings, structures and the surface of the territory (at a depth of up to 1 m) complies with radiation safety standards (NRB-99).

Between 2002 and 2006 at the Moscow Polymetal Plant, a comprehensive reconstruction of production was carried out.

In 2007, the company received the ISO 9001:2000 certificate.

The story above comes from a few open sources. What else the plant was doing can be said only after decades, after the declassification of the archives.

Currently, there is not a single building older than 1955 left on the territory.

For many years I had to walk and pass by the Polymetal Plant, which loomed on the banks of the Moskva River near the railway platform, known throughout the south of Moscow, but only now it became known that in fact all this loud name was a fiction. But in reality, the polymetal plant belongs to the corporation Rosatom (now the sign on its doors says this) and for many years, since Stalin's time, the largest nuclear repository in Moscow has been located on its territory. Well, the most unpleasant thing is that no one knows what condition this burial ground is in now, and every now and then reports leak out that systematic leaks into the Moscow River occur from it. Let's try to figure this out.

1. For quite a long time, starting from the 90s of the last century, the Polymetal Plant was an unsightly sight, and, apparently, it had not been repaired for many years. But in the mid-2000s, apparently, with a general improvement in budget revenues and the growth of the influence of the Rosatom corporation, the owners of the burial site received considerable funds and repaired its buildings. Now he looks pompous and in any case, there are no hints that no one is watching the territory of the enterprise. But as is customary with many former production buildings in Moscow, no one is going to not only sell them or turn them into business centers, but even no tenants necessary to maintain the state of the building through rent are invisible here. This says a lot: the company exists solely due to budget injections.

2. What is happening on the territory of the plant, no one knows. Listed on the official website of the Open joint-stock company"Moscow plant of polymetals" (JSC "MZP") does not answer the phone. However, the company's website directly states that in 1934-1972 the company was really engaged in the production of thorium and uranium, so the waste on its territory, hidden in special storage facilities, may belong to it. “For environmental reasons, the production of these materials at the enterprise has been discontinued,” the site claims, but one cannot be sure that in the thirties, forties, fifties or sixties, any radioactive waste from production was not stored in some temporary storage on the banks of the Moscow River …

3. Greenpeace experts involved in radiological research speak. that in the studied areas around the Polymetals Plant, the radiation background reaches 600-800 microroentgens per hour (mR/h), despite the fact that for Moscow a background of 12-20 mR/h is considered normal. Access to the zones of radioactive contamination is not limited by anything, except for the immediate territory of the plant itself. Of course, there are no signs of radiation danger nearby, and with the exception of specialists and journalists who are dedicated to the problem, no one knows the true purpose of the enterprise. A couple of hundred meters downstream of the Moskva River, massive residential construction is underway, although the very bank of the Moskva River around the plant belongs to the protected zone, and residential development is located exclusively on the opposite side of Kashirskoye Highway. Actually, here is a view of the Plant and its surroundings from above, from the roof of a residential building. In the foreground below is a car depot and garages, and the Plant itself is further away.

4. The enlarged picture shows that the territory of the Plant is now in almost perfect condition, which inspires some peace. But no one knows what is happening inside and what is the state of underground burials, everything is surrounded by a cover of impenetrable secrecy. Even the directorate of the Kolomenskoye Museum, which is directly adjacent to the chapel, is not aware of what is happening. “The territory of the museum-reserve occupies 256 hectares and is located along the Moskva River. In one of the extreme parts, we border on a certain Maryino park, these are just trees along the path. Further there is a polymetal plant. Near this plant there is a point with an increased level of radiation. This has been known for ten years. There, the Radon campaign regularly does decontamination, but they can’t find this particle, where this radiation comes from. Maybe it's the size of a match head. We even made sure to freeze. From this possible hearth to our fence is 167 meters. Neither at the fence nor on our territory there is any excess. All this is localized in one small dot. Radon has been working there for 10 years, decontaminating the territory,” said Marina Tsaturova, deputy director of the museum-reserve.
“It’s difficult to get irradiated there - but I don’t wish anyone to get infected, get dirty and get inside such a dangerous radionuclide as radium-226 - the same polonium that Litvinenko was poisoned with also didn’t have a gamma, and the result was written on the tombstone. The smallest particle from Kolomna in the lungs is enough to get cancer - and yes, I forgot to say the real background there reaches 20-25 mr / h in the Fukushima resettlement zone is less than 1 mr / h - radiation exposure is not the cause of resettlement - the reason is infection and subsequent accumulation of radionuclides by the body " , - writes one of the visitors of the Greenpeace blog, where the issue of the nuclear repository closed to the public on the Kashirskoye Highway is being addressed.
This place on the banks of the Moskva River is quite accessible, although abandoned. A few years ago, MEPhI students took physical education classes here, and in the 80s, military training. Now, when the embankment of the Moskva River is equipped with visitors who, due to ignorance or inattention, can grab a dose, it has increased.
“In places, the device shows 500-600-900 mcr / hour. According to the men working in garages, literally 200 meters from the points found, such a background is not the limit. They say that in some places it reaches 2000 mkr / hour. Everyone knows that for 50 years, if not more, the bank of the Moskva River has been one big radioactive dump,” the Greenpeace expert writes in his blog.

5. Of course, no one is safe from an old neighbor, to whom the late naval husband left a trophy clock from a German submarine as an inheritance (a hundredfold excess of the background radiation; there was such a case). It is also clear that the former management of the Polytechnic and Mineralogical Museums, where, until recently, respectively, pure radium (a gift from the Nobel Curie family to the Soviet people) and a huge piece of uranium ore were on display without any protection, apparently, was not always friendly with the head (background, according to Greenpeace, it was blocked almost a thousand times and until now the Polytechnic University cannot be opened after repairs due to its ongoing cleaning from traces of radiation). However, the well-known former ravine in the area of ​​​​Kashirskoye Highway, in which the phony dump from the polymetal plant is located, covered up and protected in the amount of 500 by 150 meters, has not been eliminated, and its internal state is unknown. There are underground waters, snowmelt, rains and other natural phenomena that periodically cause bursts of background radiation.
The photo shows a panorama of the area of ​​the Polymetal Plant, the banks of the Moskva River, Kashirskoye Highway and Borisov Ponds.

About companyJSC Moscow Polymetal Plant (JSC MZP):

JSC Moscow Polymetal Plant (JSC MZP) - the oldest enterprise of the nuclear industry in Russia, established in 1932.

Since 1960, MZP JSC has been the leading organization for the development and production of regulatory, control and protection bodies for power nuclear reactors VVER-1000, RBMK-1000/1500, BN-600, research and industrial reactors and reactor plants for marine and special purpose ships . Until 2013, JSC "Moscow Polymetal Plant" was part of the Fuel Company "TVEL" and provided the supply of its products for control and protection systems of 42 power units located at 16 nuclear power plants. Today MZP JSC is part of State Corporation for Atomic Energy "Rosatom".

Task and organization of the project

In 2016, it will be 10 years since the signing of a permanent service contract with OAO MPZ for Maintenance PBX Ericsson-LG

During this time, the specialists of EC TELECOM-SERVICE have performed a large amount of maintenance work corporate system communication established in the Moscow administrative building of the Customer.

The list of works and services of ITs TELECOM-SERVICE for maintenance of office automatic telephone exchanges includes:

  • planned visit of a specialist (one visit per month)
  • emergency specialist visits work time(three visits within a month)
  • update software ATS
  • reprogramming of automatic telephone exchange at the Customer's site
  • remote reprogramming of the PBX (if this function is available)
  • delivery of equipment for repair / from repair
  • installation of additional PBX equipment
  • installation and configuration of additional software
  • crossover of telephone lines
  • hotline telephone support (on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00).

Efficiency and benefits of the implemented solution

Maintenance of the communication system of MZP JSC is carried out taking into account all the individual requirements of the Customer. All works under the contract technical support carried out by one specialist who knows all the features of the internal structure of the company and the history of operation of communication equipment.

Remote maintenance of the office communication platform of MZP JSC is carried out around the clock in 24x7 mode, which allows you to consult at any time and promptly eliminate emerging failures. In case of situations that cannot be effectively resolved remotely technical specialists IC TELECOM-SERVICE always promptly go to the office of MPZ JSC.

It is also worth noting a number of undeniable advantages for the Customer when concluding a maintenance contract, these are:

  • Saving money

    The cost of owning an IT infrastructure is significantly reduced, and there is also the possibility of saving the budget for the maintenance of expensive full-time specialists.

  • Time saving

    Quality maintenance minimizes system downtime due to the rapid detection and resolution of failures and technical problems. Extensive experience and deep technical knowledge of IC Telecom-Service specialists allow troubleshooting in the Customer's network in the shortest possible time.

  • High quality Maintenance

    Having concluded an agreement with ITs Telecom-Service for the maintenance of a PBX, the Customer "hires" not one, but a whole staff of certified specialists with many years of practical experience.

The list of active technical licenses of IC Telecom-Service specialists can be found on the team page of the section about the company >>>
Comprehensive service and individual approach Our company tries to quickly solve all kinds of technical problems that our customers have: from the failure of a single part to the creation of an integrated information system.

Project Summary

Individual A complex approach to the maintenance of the communication system at the Moscow Polymetal Plant enterprise allows you to quickly track and eliminate all temporary interference, and also ensures communication without failures and trouble-free operation of all systems and IT services.