Fund promotion in the library. Promotion of reading in the libraries of the Chuvash Republic. Reading Support Forms

Every person is obliged to take care of his intellectual development. This is his duty to the society in which he lives and to himself. The main way of intellectual development is reading

D. S. Likhachev

The library... the ancient and ever-living abode of the human mind. The fixed rows of bookshelves contain countless facets of the living world: the irreconcilable struggle of ideas, inquisitive scientific research, enjoyment of the beautiful, gaining knowledge, entertainment, etc. - ad infinitum. All the life of the universe is concentrated in this magical crystal, called the library. Today we are overwhelmed by an avalanche of information. How to master and assimilate this information? What should be done in order not to clutter up one's mind with rubbish that is not needed, to enrich it with the knowledge of all the facts, without which there can be no modern educated person? The library should become the center of reading guidance for readers, especially in adolescence. How to help the reader, especially the teenage reader, find the answer to his question, based on the book? The librarian is required to be able, using various forms and methods of communication with readers, to manage the reading process, trying to arouse the interest of the modern teenager in the classics, in order to awaken the process of self-awareness in him, to push him to choose a spiritual model of behavior.

Reading is an indicator not only of the state of society, but also of society's attitude to its future.

In recent years, there has been a need to increase the role of libraries in the educational impact on the younger generation, understanding the impact of reading on the process of socialization of the individual at any age. Of particular concern is the reading of youth as the most dynamic social group and the most active category of readers in need of knowledge. Hence the role modern library, which has always been both a repository of information and the basis for education and culture.

To support and develop reading it is necessary:

More actively support initiatives and use the experience of other libraries in promoting reading, primarily among children and adolescents;

Put into practice modern forms and methods of popularizing the book, aimed at improving the quality of reading;

Actively inform specialists working with children and youth about the latest domestic and foreign literature;

Actively promote traditions family reading;

Pay increased attention to the development of literary creativity in children, adolescents, youth and adults;

Develop and implement targeted comprehensive programs and innovative projects reading support, including those involving the introduction and use modern technologies;

To form a positive image of the library in the local community, using modern PR technologies for this purpose.

Reading support forms:

2. Information forms: significant literary dates, awards in the field of literature, books-anniversaries, writers-anniversaries, events dedicated to reading, reviews of new books, thematic selections of publications, books, video and audio reports, meetings with participants in the literary and publishing process, analysis of the literary segment of the Internet.

3. Interactive forms: polls, online quizzes on the work of the author (authors), ratings of books and writers, voting.


Raise the interest of the local community in the national book, reading and library;

To revive the prestige of reading;

To involve the younger generation in an interactive dialogue, in reading literary texts on the Internet and on electronic media;

Stimulate the initiative and creativity of readers;

Contribute to strengthening the positive image of the library in the eyes of the public as an information and cultural center;

Preservation of family reading traditions.

The main directions of popularization of reading in libraries:

Popularization of classical literature (both within and outside the curriculum);

Acquaintance with modern literature;

Support for literary creativity of readers;

Development of leisure reading periodicals;

Involvement in reading in the library as a whole.

3. Kapytok, A. Library exhibition - visiting card of the library // Library Light. - 2011. - No. 5. - p. 18 - 19.

4. Karzanova, A. Development of innovative forms of exhibition activity // Library of Prapanue. - 2012. - No. 2. - p. 20-26.

5. Loginov, B. Priority - computer networks [information technology] // Library. - 2011. - No. 4. - p. 14 - 15.

6. With the library - into the future: the experience of the information and educational multimedia center of the Central Children's Library named after. A.P. Gaidar, Borisov // Library of Prapanue. - 2011. - No. 4. - p. 26-28.

7. Smolskaya, G. Books of the Day [project of the Zhodino Central City Library to open the fund and promote books] // Library of Prapanue. - 2011. - No. 6. - p. 28-30.

8. Khilyutich, I. Small forms - a tangible result // Library of Prapanue. - 2010. - No. 10. - p. 34 - 36.

9. Hololova, L. Find your book, realize your uniqueness! // Library of the Prapanue. - 2012 .. - No. 2 .. - p. 28-30.

10. Shchelkova, I. One topic – different exhibitions // Library. - 2011. - No. 5. - p.17 - 23.

11. Chernova, T. Organization of the library space // Bibliyateka Prapanue. - 2012. - No. 1. - p.2 - 7.

Screen adaptation of works fiction as a way to promote reading

In today's world, people live at a fast pace and there is not always time for reading. All countries of the world have faced the problem of a non-reading society. Many pedagogical, psychological, library, media and other methods of promoting reading have been developed.

Among the media methods, the most effective is the film adaptation of works of art.

Screen adaptation - staging a movie based on another work of art (most often, based on a literary work). She interprets works of another genre in the language of cinema. Literary works have been the basis of screen images of cinema since the first days of its existence, so one of the first screen adaptations was the work of the founders of feature cinema Georges Méliès, Victorin Jasse, Louis Feuillade, who transferred the works of J. Swift, D. Defoe, J. V. Goethe to the screen.

Throughout almost the entire history of cinema and up to the present, among art critics and, in particular, film critics, there has been a widespread point of view that film adaptation is a kind of “translation” from the language of literature into the language of cinema.

Based on the history of cinema, three types of film adaptation can be identified:

1. Direct film adaptation (literal transcription) - a film adaptation that repeats the book, giving the viewer the opportunity once again, only in the cinema format, to get in touch with the original source. Examples of such screen adaptations are the films "Harry Potter" by Chris Columbus, "Heart of a Dog", many European series based on the classics (screen adaptations of Ch. Dickens, W. Shakespeare, L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, etc.) , in which scrupulously, series by series, the book is transmitted in all its glory, sometimes quite literally, to all the dialogues and off-screen texts.

Adaptations of this kind are almost always good films that are enjoyable to watch. Sometimes a direct adaptation creates a masterpiece. For example, Leonid Bondarchuk's film "War and Peace" has become something more than a neat, comfortable and unassuming adaptation of a well-known text to the screen.

2. Screen adaptation based on. Its goal is to show a familiar work in a new perspective. Often this form is used when the book cannot physically be transferred to the movie screen literally due to a mismatch of volumes, political interpretation, or when the action in the book is closed on the hero’s inner experiences, which are difficult to show without being converted into dialogues and events. Screen adaptation of this type does not strictly correspond to the original source, but conveys the main thing, adding something new. Such adaptations in the history of cinema are overwhelming. An example is PJ Hogan's Peter Pan (in which J. Barry's fairy tale was modernized and acquired a new context, becoming interesting to today's children and adolescents) and most Soviet adaptations of children's books: from Mary Goodbye Poppins!" to "Little Red Riding Hood", which were often a worthy transcription of the book into film language.

3. General film adaptation aims to create a new, original film work based on the material of the book, which is interconnected with the original source and complements it. Good examples are Tarkovsky's films ("Solaris" and "Stalker"), "Space Odyssey 2001" by Stanley Kubrick. This is a movie that takes a step further than the usual film adaptations. It not only transfers the original source to the screen, but makes discoveries in the field of film culture and film language.

Any film adaptation, even the most remote from the original source, uses the ideas, material, plots, images, atmosphere of the work. That is, it takes the resources of the source text and disposes of them. And therefore it is fair that it is by the degree of implementation of these resources that we will evaluate the result. To paraphrase A. Saint-Exupery, we can state: "... the screener is responsible for what he screens."

Against the backdrop of a "reading crisis", film adaptation becomes an effective way to support and promote reading. The premiere of the film "Inhabited Island", based on the novel of the same name by the Strugatsky brothers, caused a noticeable increase in demand for the book.

Not all young people like to read - now there are quite a variety of activities, hobbies - the Internet, computer games, sports, but to show a screen version of a really important and instructive literary work means to convey the author's idea not in text, but in visual form. After all, everyone loves to watch movies, one way or another.

Thus, literature and cinema - different types art, each of them has its own means of conveying feelings, emotions. But with the right combination, we have excellent film adaptations. The book and cinema in this case complement each other, represent a single whole.

Screening uses special means transmission, and very often a film, presents a familiar work from a different point of view, causing it to be read again.

Book exhibition as a way to the reader in the information space of the library

There are several definitions of the term "book exhibition". They are published in the "Librarian's Handbook", "Terminological Dictionary of Librarianship and Related Professions", "The Librarian's Quick Reference Guide". All options are given in the manual Zborovskaya N. V. "Exhibition activity public libraries", but their essence is one thing: a book exhibition is a traditional form mass work libraries, the most popular and up-to-date, focused with minimal time spent on informing users about the content of library funds, about new arrivals, as well as aimed at promoting and advertising the best documents, disclosing their content. Tasks - promotion of reading, facilitation of search necessary information, drawing attention to a particular problem, a particular document. The exhibitions can be used to judge the style of the library - creative or formal, the attitude towards the reader.

I bring to your attention interesting, in my opinion, exhibitions that can be used in work

Exhibition-visiting card of the library

Exhibition of one book "Birch alphabet" (city library No. 1)

Exhibition-installation "Book leaf fall" (city library No. 1)

Exhibition-installation "Literary House" (Hall of Arts)

Exhibition-recognition "At the crossroads of roads and times" (city library No. 7)

Exhibition-opening day "Mom - the purest love deity" (city specialized library No. 5)

Exhibition "The Road to Eternity Lies to a Feat" (City Library No. 1)

Exhibition "Staronki minulaga native land" (children's department of the library)

Exhibition "In the Arena of the Library Circus" (Children's Department of the Library)

Exhibition-advertising "For children about animals" (hall of literature in foreign languages)

Exhibition-parade “You are Victory. You are beyond words "(City Library No. 2)

Exhibition - a reminder "Without memory there is no conscience" (Central Library)

Exhibition-installation "Front line poets... The war rhymed your lives..." (Central Library)

Exhibition-installation "And the song also fought" (subscription of the central library)

Exhibition-panorama "War sacred pages" (city library No. 1)

Exhibition-panorama "In the book memory of a moment of war" (city library No. 1)

Book exhibition "31 books to be read before the age of 31" (subscription of the central library)

Library blogs are a tool for promoting library news, exchanging experience in promoting books and reading, informing about upcoming events, new acquisitions in the library fund, and attracting a new audience.

Libraries form and improve the information culture of users and the entire local population, teaching them computer literacy in library resources and the basics of working on the Internet. Services are created with many libraries information culture, there are free computer courses for various segments of the population, which teach the basics of computer and information literacy. These courses are becoming very popular, especially among the elderly.

And, of course, we should not forget about the corporate identity, which includes the development of a logo, forms, business cards, invitations, certificates, diplomas for rewarding readers. A set of graphic elements that libraries use on letterheads, orders, advertising materials, publishing products allows you to create a holistic view of the activities of the library, so that it is remembered and recognized as a kind and good friend.

Cultural and leisure programs- "Sunday in the Library", "Library Night", "Library After-school".

Literary brain-rings- “In the circle of favorite books”, “Writers of our childhood”.

Comprehensive forms of book and reading promotion– “Reader's Pleasure Day”, “A Day with a Writer”, “Literary Gourmet Day”, “Non Boring Classics”, “Reader's Day”.

Round tablecomplex shape, enriching itself with new content: "Youth and the book: are there any points of contact?", "To read or not to read: in search of a compromise."

Popular forms in recent years have become youth street flash mobs: “Favorite book”, “A minute of reading”, “How to get to the library?”, “Open your book”. The advantage of such actions is in mass character, speed and colorfulness.

Promotion of books and reading in transport and recreation areas- "Literary arbor in the park", "Reading Boulevard", "Book Alley", "Read-courtyard", literary readings"On the steps", "Summer reading room under open sky”, “With a book on a bench”, “Book on the road!”, “Reading without stopping”, “Reading route”, “Literary bus”, etc.

Programs summer reading “Vacation without a book is summer without the sun.”

Events aimed at the revival of family traditions of reading I: stock“Reading as a gift to mom”, “Reading from the cradle”, “The first books for our baby” (in maternity hospitals, all newborns are issued a library card, and parents are given sets of literature, booklets, memos and lists); competition"Dad, mom, book, me: together - a book family"; reflection hour for parents What are our children reading? parent hour"There will be harmony in the family, if the book is happy," family holiday"Take a book with your family"; family reading circle"Read it"; evening meeting with a book What did my parents read? quiz"The theme of the family in works of art"; complex forms"Family Benefit", "Family Reading Day".

Bright innovative forms work to promote the book attracts young people. Therefore, library specialists are looking for new forms in their work, creatively approaching events for the younger generation. Poetry rings, literary stagecoaches, dossiers, New Book Days, Days of Literary Games, Birthday Book Days, book defile, literary salons, poetry swings are held in all libraries for young people. etc. Bookcrossing is developing.

While promoting books and reading, librarians constantly study readers' opinions about literature, identify their preferences and assessments, and conduct surveys. For example, blitz polls“Ten books that shocked you”, “What role does reading play in your life?”, “In my family they read”; phone surveys about reader habits, flash polls with a video camera"Do you like reading books?"; questioning“Culture, reading, library through the eyes of youth”, “Library of my dreams”, “You and your library”, “Book, reading, library in your life”; monitoring Who are you, our reader?

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Children's libraries in their work use various forms and methods of work, which allow them to attract children to the library, increase children's interest in books and reading.

Reading promotion methods are methods and techniques used in libraries that help to form a positive attitude towards reading among the younger generation.

Currently, there is no single classification of methods for promoting reading, so we have considered the most used and effective ones that libraries use in promoting reading and books.

Reading promotion methods used in children's libraries can be grouped as follows:

interactive methods;

Reading aloud method

Visual Methods

Game Methods

interactive methods. The name of the method comes from the psychological term "interaction", which means "interaction". Interaction is understood as direct interpersonal communication, the most important feature of which is the ability of a person to “accept the role of another”, imagine how a communication partner or group perceives him, and accordingly interpret the situation and design his own actions.

"Interactive" means the ability to interact or be in a conversation, dialogue with someone or something. Therefore, interactive methods for promoting reading in a library are methods characterized by a two-way exchange of information between the librarian and the reader. The main goal of the librarian during the dialogue is to form the reader's positive attitude towards the book and reading.

The essence of the interactive method lies in the fact that young readers should not only be included in the action emotionally, but also directly participate in the action, inevitably making certain changes to it, actively improvising. After all, a person remembers what he saw and heard by 50-60%, and what he took part in - by 90%38.

Interactive methods of reading promotion include such forms of library mass work as: training seminars, conferences, competitions, discussion clubs, various mass actions in support of reading such as Flash Mob, Bookcrossing, Library Night, etc.

Game methods are one of effective methods promoting reading in children's libraries. The essence of game methods for promoting reading is to form a stable need for traditional reading using various interesting forms of play that have a positive effect on familiarization with the book.

Children's libraries use various types of games in their work: didactic literary games, competition games and complex programs, role-playing, educational and entertaining games.

Didactic literary games are a kind of games created for the purpose of teaching and educating children by means of literature. They contribute to the deepening of reading comprehension, form the skills of independent reading, and in general - the culture of reading.

Competition games and competitions require participants to have general erudition, attention, excellent memory, ingenuity, ingenuity, artistic and performing abilities, and much more. In the practice of libraries, literary competitions and quizzes are traditionally popular39. For example, various literary quizzes, conferences, matinees and evenings will be much more interesting if elements of the game are included in them. "Book Conferences", "Book Premiere", "Literary Battle", "Literary Auction" - these and many other events have become commonplace in the work of libraries to promote reading and cultural work.

At the heart of literary and game programs and literary competitions with elements of theatricalization is always the director's script. In the process of their preparation and implementation, techniques and methods are used that are widely used in socio-cultural activities.

A role-playing game is a game of educational or entertaining purpose, a type of dramatic action, the participants of which act within the framework of their chosen roles.

Role-playing games contribute to the development of imagination, fantasy of children.

In the last decade, there has been a kind of boom in library activities, which are based on the game. Numerous scenarios of holidays, travel games, literary evenings and other complex cultural and leisure programs are published on the pages of periodicals " School library”, “Books, notes and toys for Katya and Andryushka”, “Library at school”, “ game library" and etc.

All of the above indicates the need for a wide inclusion of gaming methods to promote reading in the process of familiarizing with reading.

Reading aloud develops oral speech, helps to remember how to pronounce words correctly, where to put semantic stresses. Such a method of promoting reading as reading aloud develops the child's critical thinking, the ability to think logically, to find the most important and interesting in the text.

The out loud method is characterized by the following techniques:

Expressive reading of the librarian;

Teaching expressive reading to the reader;

Commented reading to facilitate the perception of the work;

4. Conversation, during which the reader shares his impressions of what he read.

The method of reading aloud is used in any form of library work with children: for example, individual reading of a child on a loan, when a librarian reads an excerpt from a book, reading aloud at an exhibition, during an event, in book clubs, at various reading aloud holidays. But in most cases, reading aloud is "reading out loud." This is a form of library work that includes not only reading aloud, but also discussing what has been read.

Libraries should also support family reading in order to develop a love of reading among the younger generation. To do this, libraries organize various competitions, tournaments, create reading clubs for reading families.

"Library therapy by reading" is one of the techniques of the method of reading aloud.

Bibliotherapy is the use of specially selected reading material as a therapeutic tool in general medicine and psychiatry to solve personal problems through directed reading. Today, many children's libraries implement projects using various kinds bibliotherapy.

There are various projects where famous personalities come to the library and read their favorite works aloud to children, acquaint children with the latest in children's literature. With the development and widespread introduction of computer technology, videos with recordings of reading aloud, Internet projects have become popular.

So, the method of reading aloud develops the ability to interact with the text, to reflect on what is read and read, includes procedures that help the reader analyze their understanding of the content, the information contained in it.

At present, visual methods of promoting reading occupy special place in the practice of libraries, as with the development information technologies, visual images have a real impact on the current generation.

Multimedia tools in many ways change the approach of librarians to attract readers to the book. Children, due to their age characteristics, give more preference to visual methods, forms of library work, which are visual and figurative in nature: traditional and virtual exhibitions, theater in the library, cinema clubs, literary drawing rooms with screenings electronic presentations and etc.

In order to popularize reading and books, children's libraries create collections of presentations, book trailers, think over modern and comfortable interior design, make book installations, organize promotions, master classes and much more.

Many libraries try to design their websites in an interesting and convenient way, since it is with the help of the site that you can create a unique, interesting image of a library that children will want to visit.

In order to promote reading and books, libraries organize various creative contests aimed at creating photo and video products. For example: a contest of book trailers, drawings, advertising posters or a video review of a book you have read. Children are happy to participate in such competitions, as they are given the opportunity to share their creativity, their impressions of the works they have read.

In practice, the library often uses more than one method, but a combination of them.

Today, many Russian children's libraries are trying to use and combine various methods of promoting reading in their work in order to help the child find his way to books and information. Consider the experience of Russian libraries in promoting reading and books.

For example, library project Astrakhan Regional Library “Reading as a gift. Library staff held the action "Give Reading".

The librarians prepared readers' memoirs, excerpts from Lemony Snicket's 33 Misfortunes, Grigory Oster's Education of Adults, a series of books by Tamara Kryukova, etc. The best works were published as bookmarks and presented to children. Also, various creative competitions "It's great to read", "The book is my friend" were held.

Fascinating and literary project Moscow Regional State Children's Library (MOGB) "Journey of the Blue Suitcase". The main goal of the project is to introduce and develop reading skills and literary taste in children through the promotion of the best modern Russian and foreign books. The peculiarity of the project is not only the selection of the most interesting books, but also their reading aloud, followed by a discussion of what has been read.

There is a certain, well-established scheme for filling the “blue suitcase”. Bibliographers compile a list of books based on the recommendations of experts - leading experts in the field of children's reading, as well as on the results of reader surveys. Then the Blue Suitcase goes to children's libraries in the Moscow region and stays in each library for two months. First of all, the "Blue Suitcase" goes to those libraries where there are effective reading development programs, initiative employees work with interesting ideas. Upon completion of the program, the library hosting the "Suitcase" analyzes e? implementation, focusing on new elements initiated by local colleagues, and offers his options for further improvement of the project.

A similar project "Journey of the Blue Suitcase in Krasnoyarsk" is also operating in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

A number of library marathons "Reading for the Soul" of the Ivanovo Regional Children's Library, "Irkutsk Writers Visiting Readers of Children's Libraries" of the Irkutsk Regional Children's Library are designed to promote the education of a young reader, popularization and acquaintance with new books, literary works of gifted children.

In order to promote the library, reading and books, children's libraries are constantly looking for new non-standard ways and ways to solve this problem. For example, the Magadan Regional Children's Library has developed comprehensive program to attract children to the library and support reading called "Steps of Growing Up".

Each step corresponds to a certain age. The first step - children from one to six years. A specially designed hall has been allocated, where various exhibitions are held, and the “Parent University” functions.

The second stage - children 6-7 years old. The Klepa hall was created for them, where they can satisfy their needs in the game, develop their creative abilities through reading, drawing, modeling.

The third step is from 7 to 11. Children of this age are actively involved in the work of the Book Theater. The last step is children from 12 to 17 years old. For them, the Teenager Club operates, the program of which is aimed at introducing children to reading the most the best works world literature. Such a program allowed the library to improve the quality and duration of children's reading, to increase readability and attendance in the library.

Booktrailers are very popular in libraries today.

A book trailer is a short video about a book. Its main task is to tell about the book, intrigue and interest the reader. This is the surest way to present the book to the world, opening up the plot and showing the characters and the brightest fragments. In 2013, the first booktrailer was shown in 2003 on book festival in Los Angeles, he went from a fashionable world trend to the usual advertising move of Western book publishers. Let us give an example of the project of the central city children's library named after A.S. Pushkin, Sarov "BiblioVideoStudio". The project was launched in 2011.

As part of the project, young readers, together with librarians, come up with announcement advertisements, multimedia design for events, reports and video reports, interviews, polls, congratulations, book trailers and much more. Such a fascinating and combined form of work is very attractive to children. The project participants first discuss the ideas of the future video. This is followed by joint writing of the script, selection of props, reading of the necessary literature, rehearsals, dubbing. This work allows you to unite generations of kids and teenagers, to involve them in reading.

Children's libraries work closely with social institutions such as families and schools to promote reading. Various Family Reading Clubs operate in libraries, Library Days, Class Readings are organized. For example, in the Russian State Library, about three hundred children and teenagers study every day as part of the Library Day, attending classes 2 times a month, and about families attend the Family Reading Club on Saturdays. Some children attend not only Library Day classes, but also join the Family Reading Club on Saturdays with their parents.

The experience of the Central City Children's Library named after Gaidar in Moscow (TsGDB named after Gaidar in Moscow) is unique. Together with the Foundation for the Promotion of Harmonization of Relations between Animals and Society “Not Just Dogs”, the library is successfully implementing the project “Tales for Dogs”. The project is aimed at creating and strengthening harmonious relationships between animals and people, introducing children, including "special ones", to reading and communicating with four-legged friends. Conducted in the form of free readings of children's books. The listeners are the Foundation's pet dogs.

Also in the library since 2010, 2 biblio-robots have appeared, which are equipped with a video camera, a microphone and a display. The robots are controlled by a library employee who sits in a separate office. Like ordinary librarians, robots serve readers, conduct various excursions, and take an active part in public events. It should also be noted that the biblio-robots Chuk and Gek are very useful in working with children with disabilities. Each "special" child from a home computer can control the robot, while achieving the effect of full presence. In the future, librarians are planning to organize virtual tours through the library website with the help of library robots.

Let us note the project "The City Reads to Children" of the children's library of Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region), within the framework of which the library staff read bedtime stories to children by phone. Special materials were selected that can be read in 4-5 minutes, and any child could call the library and listen to a bedtime story.

The action caused a positive response from children and parents.

Let us also consider the project of the Republican Children's Library of Chuvashia to promote reading using modern technologies "Reading City", within the framework of which 27 literary meetings were held, in which more than 400 people took part. During the campaign, book trailers, videos, exhibition projects, as well as the PHOTO PROJECT "A book in the provinces" were shown.

In addition to projects, actions, competitions, exhibitions, children's libraries are constantly coming up with new ways and methods to promote reading, as the interests and hobbies of children change, and libraries must be ready for changes and new forms and methods of work.

Thus, various methods of promoting reading are used today in the work of libraries: the method of reading aloud, interactive, visual and gaming.

The interactive method of promotion involves the interaction of the librarian and the reader, during which the reader's culture is formed. The method of reading aloud is used to improve the speech and listening skills of children. Visual method - a method of attracting reading using visual aids. With the development of multimedia technologies, the visual promotion method is especially popular in children's libraries. Game methods are included in almost every form of library work. The effectiveness of game methods in the formation of a positive attitude to reading in children has been proven. Experience is also considered Russian libraries in promoting reading.

So, today there are significant changes in children's reading. The repertoire, the duration, the culture of reading are changing. Researchers call this process “reading pattern change.” Today, 3633 specialized children's libraries are engaged in library services. In the first chapter, the main goals and objectives of modern children's libraries were considered, the main problems faced by children's libraries were identified.

Children's libraries should promptly respond to changes in children's reading, since the main task of libraries is the formation and development of a culture of reading among the younger generation. To encourage reading today, libraries are trying to use various methods and forms of promoting reading. Interactive, gaming, visual and reading aloud methods were considered. Interactive method - a method of promoting reading, which involves the interaction of the librarian with the reader, during which the librarian forms a positive attitude towards the book.

Play methods are widely used in libraries, as the inclusion of play in the process of familiarizing with the book gives significant results. Visual methods of promoting reading with the development of multimedia technologies are becoming increasingly popular in children's libraries. The method of reading aloud - develops the child's critical thinking, the ability to think logically, to find the most important and interesting in the text. In the practice of libraries, one often encounters not a separate application of methods, but their combination. We also considered the experience of promoting the reading of children's libraries in Russia. Today, libraries implement a variety of projects, campaigns to support reading, conduct interactive classes, conferences, exhibitions, and game programs within their walls.