How to remove sparrows from under a slate roof. How to get rid of sparrows under the roof of the house. Visual deterrents

Birds can be admired with their luxurious plumage, touch with chirps or delight with flooding trills, however, if they occupy your home, you will understand how unpleasant these feathered neighbors are. Residents of old private houses are waging an uncompromising war with pigeons, sparrows or swallows, freely located under the roof. These uninvited residents of attics bring a lot of inconvenience, so only an avid ornithologist can put up with such a neighborhood. In this article, we will tell you how to get rid of pigeons on the roof, as well as what to do so that the birds bypass your house.

Pigeons, sparrows, swallows, jackdaws and wagtails are uninvited guests who arbitrarily settle under the roof of a house or in the attic. At first, homeowners may even like the cheerful fuss of chicks around the nest and their cheerful chirping, but do not forget that birds are carriers of a large number of diseases, the cause of unsanitary conditions. Living literally under the same roof with birds carries the following dangers:

  1. Noise. Birds are very active people, so they do not sit still, but are constantly engaged in their important things, loudly clattering on the metal roof with claws and flapping its wings.
  2. unsanitary conditions. Pigeons often suffer such a serious disease as tuberculosis, ornithosis. In addition, their droppings contain no less dangerous viruses, fungi and infections.
  3. Dirt. As a result of the life of birds, a lot of garbage is generated. In addition to feathers, fluff, droppings accumulated in the habitats of birds, small debris accumulates in attics and roofs, which they drag to build nests.

Note! Birds often arrange their nests in such a way that they interfere with the ventilation of the roof of the house, making it difficult for air to circulate, as a result of which the thermal insulation material and the truss frame become unusable faster.

Ways to fight

Residents of the upper floors know that the constant noise that feathered neighbors make can torture even the most patient person. When moving into an attic small birds a large amount of droppings, feathers, dust and debris accumulates, which makes it almost impossible to go there.

In addition, the danger of catching a dangerous disease exists even when inhaling dust particles that contain microparticles of pigeon droppings. Bird control measures are divided into the following types:

  • Warning. These measures include a set of actions aimed at making the roof structure unattractive to birds. To do this, when designing a structure, it is necessary to avoid ledges or niches that can become a convenient place for nesting.
  • repellent. These measures are aimed at creating conditions that will scare birds away from human dwellings. To make the roof of the house unattractive to birds, sound or light effects are used, anti-attack devices that make it difficult to land on the roof slopes.
  • Fighter. These measures involve the destruction of birds and their nests by physical or chemical means. They are the most inhumane, cruel method of getting rid of birds, so they are used extremely rarely.

Important! When deciding how to get rid of pigeons on the roof of a balcony, you need to familiarize yourself with the law “On the Protection environment”, which states that the destruction of birds and their nests in their natural habitat is administrative offense. Although pigeons and sparrows are not listed in the Red Book, they are also part of our ecosystem, so it is necessary to make their eviction from the roof as humane as possible.

Scare methods

Since the destruction of bird nests is prohibited by law, it is necessary to scare them away from your home even before nesting begins. You can make the attic unattractive to feathered inhabitants with the help of light and sound effects, which they will take as signs of danger.

The most humane and effective methods of scaring birds away from the roof are:

Many homeowners and residents of upper floors are wondering how to get rid of sparrows on their own without harming them. This task has an obvious answer - just get a cat, which with its very appearance will scare away the feathered residents to a safe distance without the use of special devices.

Video instruction

People living on the upper floors in multi-storey buildings or in private houses may face such a problem as the presence of birds under the roof. They can cause significant discomfort to a person, and even carry danger. In this article, we will consider several effective options for how to get rid of sparrows under the roof of a house.

Why is such a neighborhood dangerous?

Feathered neighbors can be very annoying. It is enough that they constantly run on the roof, gnash their paws, make all kinds of sounds and make their nests. The constant roar, noise, singing and feces of such neighbors make life much more difficult for a person. However, this can still be experienced, but if the birds decide to make nests and breed their offspring under the roof, then this can lead to serious problems.

During nesting, birds raise a lot of dust, which in turn is dangerous to human health. Fungi and the bacteria they carry are also dangerous. They can be found on the paws or in the excrement of birds.

Many modern dwellings of people are insulated with special materials that must breathe in order to fulfill their functions and long service life. Sparrows, swallows or pigeons, while arranging their nests under the roof of the house, violate natural ventilation, which leads to the formation of condensate and the destruction of the material. In addition, violation of ventilation also leads to premature destruction of roof structures, not to mention the violation in the apartment.

Summing up, we can say that the habitat of people is in no way suitable for the habitat of birds. Next, consider how to get rid of sparrows and other birds.

Studded meshes

Starting a fight with uninvited guests, it should be borne in mind that actions should be aimed solely at scaring away birds, but not at all for extermination. The destruction and destruction of bird nests is punishable by law.

So, if sparrows started up under the roof, how to get rid of them? Consider below. In this case, you need a grid with vertical wedges made of polycarbonate or metal. This structure will not allow birds to land on the roof.

If the birds settled under the roof, then this device must be installed on the eaves. It should be noted that the spacing between wedges depends on the size of the harassing birds. If it is, for example, sparrows, then the grid should be finer.

It is also necessary to periodically clean the mesh from dirt, because the sheen of the metal itself also repels birds.


Another problem is birds in the yards of private houses. How to get rid of sparrows in the yard? To do this, you can build a scarecrow.

Making it is easy enough. It is necessary to put together two boards in the form of a cross. Hang old clothes on top. For the head, a pumpkin, an old pot, or just a bag full of rags is suitable. You can decorate this case with a hat.

However, this method is not as efficient as we would like. Sparrows eventually get used to such a watchman and willingly coexist with him.

If sparrows bother you in a multi-storey building, you can use various plastic scarecrows sold in pet stores. They can be in the form of owls, snakes, coyotes and other animals that annoying feathered neighbors are afraid of.

domestic predator

How to get rid of sparrows if they have already made a nest in the attic or under the eaves? Get a cat. It will be enough for a few uninvited visits of a predator to the house of sparrows and they will leave their habitat.

However, you must not forget to take care of the safety of the domestic predator. Strong mosquito nets must be installed on the windows so that the pet does not fall out of the window, hunting for birds flying past.

In addition, a cat sitting in the window will be a natural scarecrow for sparrows.

sparkling objects

As already mentioned, birds are afraid of shiny objects, unless, of course, they are magpies. For sparrows, bright reflections are an effective deterrent.

To get rid of sparrows as unwanted neighbors, take some aluminum foil and cut it into long strips. These tapes must be hung where the accumulation of birds is especially undesirable: in the yard, in the attic, on the roof.

For more advanced fighters with birds, special gels are sold in stores for summer residents that glow in the sun. This tool is well suited for those who live on the upper floors of buildings. It is enough just to apply the gel on the cornice and "it's in the bag."

Glitter and sound

In addition to the previous method, tin cans can be used. A container for beer or carbonated drinks is perfect. They must be cut in such a way that the inner sparkling part becomes visible. Then collect a garland from them or just hang a few cans together.

In the wind, this structure will make frightening sounds for sparrows. And the shiny part of the cans will create glare in the sun.

Scaring sounds

Sellers of special devices that spread sounds signaling danger and alarm to birds will tell you how to get rid of sparrows and other birds in one fell swoop.

Also, such devices specialize in the sounds of natural enemies of birds. Having heard them, they transmit information about the impending predator to their fellow tribesmen, and the birds leave their nesting place.

These devices can also operate at an ultrasonic frequency, which is unpleasant for birds and they prefer to leave the range of these sounds. In this case, you need to be careful, since pets can also hear this device, which will be as unpleasant for them as for birds.


If none of the above methods on how to get rid of sparrows under the roof helped, then only one remains - patience. Many who have encountered this problem are advised to simply wait out this period. If the birds made a nest under the roof, then they brought out the chicks, and when they want to eat, then there is a loud squeak and chirp that brings discomfort. Many residents claim that as soon as the chicks grow up, the whole family will leave the nesting place.

In addition, comparing various birds according to how much trouble and inconvenience they cause, sparrows and titmouse are considered the least evil of all birds that can ruin people's lives.

Many means have been tested to control birds that cause harm.

In recent years, there has been great development chemical methods struggle. Poisonous substances are used most often in the bait product - grain, etc. Due to the fact that birds have the ability to easily get used to certain feeding places, poisoned food can be placed in isolated areas or special feeders, where preliminary bait is carried out with a clean product.

Oddly enough, but birds - such mobile active creatures with a high level of metabolism - are quite resistant to many poisons. In order to cause their poisoning (especially for birds of the passerine order), the most highly toxic preparations for warm-blooded animals are required.

One of the first poisons widely used against birds was strychnine and its derivatives. Lures with strychnine were especially popular in the 50s of our century in the GDR, the FRG, England, the USA and a number of other countries. The fight against harmful birds was carried out in winter in settlements and poultry farms. Wheat was taken as a bait product. Strychnine was added to it in such an amount that a lethal (lethal) dose of poison for a sparrow was contained in two grains. The bait, so that it was easily recognized by people and less attractive to useful birds, was most often dyed blue or green.

The fight against sparrows was carried out as follows. On special feeders, raised above the ground and sometimes covered with a large-mesh metal mesh, the birds were fed for at least three days. When they got used to the place of feeding and the color of the food, the unpoisoned grain was replaced with the poisoned one. After eating the strychnine bait, the birds died quickly (within 15 minutes), so that the corpses are easy to collect. As a result, about 1.7 million sparrow corpses were collected in the GDR in the winter of 1953/54 alone. However, later it turned out that with the destruction of 70% of the wintering population, the number of sparrows is completely restored within three years. Gradually, the fascination with the method of using baits with strychnine to fight sparrows passed. And it is not surprising, since this poison is highly toxic for all warm-blooded animals, including humans, and it is certainly risky to use it in settlements.

In the early sixties in Australia, strychnine was added to grain baits and drinkers to control the emu.

In China, grain bait with white arsenic was used against sparrows. Arsenic compounds were also used for this purpose in the USSR. BK Shtegman (1954, 1956) developed a system of measures to combat sparrows in Kazakhstan. It proposed to carry out the poisoning of sparrows with wheat soaked in a solution of sodium arsenite in early spring at last year's currents. Later, with the beginning of the ripening of winter barley, it was recommended to treat its special bait crops with a suspension of calcium arsenate. However, this method has not found wide distribution: firstly, the bait with sodium arsenite, as shown by the data of the employees of the Kazakh Institute of Plant Protection and ours, is poorly eaten by birds, and secondly, due to the peculiarities weather conditions In Kazakhstan, seedlings of winter crops begin to appear only after rains, regardless of the sowing time. Therefore, the bait crops of barley enter the stage of milky-wax maturity simultaneously with the rest of the crops of this crop, without fulfilling their role.

Later, we and the employees of the Kazakh Institute of Plant Protection used grain baits with 0.1% barium fluoroacetate or 0.2% fluoroacetamide to control sparrows (mainly migratory species). The poisoned bait was scattered on open areas of soil along sparrow nesting colonies or around crops damaged by them. This method of struggle gave a good effect in most regions of South Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Armenia. To improve the safety of livestock bait, millet was used as a bait product. It was scattered on soil with a density of no more than 3-4 grains per 1 cm 2. Grazing cattle did not collect small, sparsely located grains. In order to further secure the use of these drugs in Armenia, their content in the bait was reduced to 0.05%. Baits poisoned with barium fluoroacetate and fluoroacetamide were also used by us against sedentary species of sparrows in the Leningrad Region and Krasnodar Territory. The struggle was carried out in the winter in grain warehouses.

It is interesting to note that during the extermination of almost the entire population of house and field sparrows in the winter on the breeding plot (in Suida) of the North-Western Research Institute of Agriculture in the spring next year there was no damage by these birds of grain crops, which was noted annually. The number of sparrows and their harmfulness fully recovered only in the third year after treatment.

Despite the rather widespread use of this method of fighting sparrows, there have been no cases of death from the bait of livestock. This is explained by the fact that the bait with the indicated method of supply cannot be collected by cows or sheep in an amount sufficient for poisoning. True, there was a mass death of cats and dogs that ate the corpses of sparrows that fell from poisoning. In the Kurdai district of the Dzhambul region, where sparrows were fought in the forest belts in the summer, the death of foxes and a sharp decrease in their numbers were noted the next winter.

Due to the general high toxicity of organofluorine preparations, they are no longer used in agriculture either to control birds or rodents, against which they were also widely used.

White phosphorus is often used to control corvids in Western Europe. Poultry eggs are taken as bait, part of the contents is removed from them with a syringe and replaced with 2% phosphorus. In spring, such eggs are laid out in fields or in artificial nests.

Feral pigeons were exterminated using hydrocyanic acid bait in the cities of Hungary, the FRG, the GDR and a number of other European countries. This poison has advantages over others. It acts very quickly - the pigeons that have eaten the poisoned bait die after 30 seconds, not having time to fly far from the bait, and their corpses are easy to collect. In addition, hydrocyanic acid decomposes in the digestive tract of birds and the corpses of pigeons do not cause secondary poisoning. However, hydrocyanic acid is a poison of the first category, highly toxic to all warm-blooded animals, and this must always be remembered.

Against birds in some countries, a diene synthesis drug, endrin, was used. Being a poison designed to fight insects, it turned out to be of such a wide spectrum of toxic action that it began to be used, in particular in Africa, to fight weavers and other birds. But due to the high toxicity to mammals and the pronounced ability to cause secondary poisoning, the drug was not widely used.

For the fight against birds in recent years in the United States, searches are being made for drugs with a more selective effect, with low toxicity to mammals. Among them is the drug DRC-1339 (3-chloro-p-toluidine hydrochloride), which is highly toxic to starlings, red-winged trupials and bulbuls. It is used to control starlings in the state of Colorado (USA). True, there is evidence of poor eating of bait with this poison by birds.

The most widely used for bird control in the United States currently is 4 nitropyridine N-oxy called Avitrol-100 and 4 aminopyridine, i.e. Avitrol-200. The action of the drugs begins after 15 minutes. and lasts 20-30 minutes, poisoning them causes nervous phenomena - screams, convulsions. For flocking species, it is enough for at least one individual to show symptoms of poisoning, as the rest of the birds get scared and fly away. This can be considered a positive circumstance if it is necessary to scare away birds from a certain area, and a negative one when it is necessary to reduce their number. Avitrol does not cause secondary poisoning. The bait with this poison has been successfully used in the USA against red-winged troupials, starlings and other species. In addition, spraying with Avitrol on maturing corn cobs was tested. Not the entire field was cultivated, but separate, carefully marked, small areas, the plants from which were collected and buried before harvesting. A decrease in the harmfulness of birds was observed both in fields with treated areas and in neighboring ones.

Thus, for the fight against birds by the method of poisoned baits, the most highly toxic poisons for warm-blooded animals were used: strychnine, barium fluoroacetate, hydrocyanic acid. Only Avitrol has a selective effect to some extent, while the rest of the drugs are toxic to mammals and humans to the same extent, and often to a greater extent, than to birds.

As evidenced by the above facts, birds that cause harm to agricultural crops are highly resistant to intestinal poisons and it is not easy to find drugs to combat them that would not act on other warm-blooded animals, including humans. Apparently, in the future, the bait method of poisoning birds will not find wide application. It is no coincidence that in recent years it has no longer been used in Western European countries and in the USSR.

At the same time, there are bird control methods that are more dangerous for the environment than bait methods. For example, in Africa, contact poisons - parathion and fenthion - are currently used to combat red-billed weavers. These preparations are sprayed at night from airplanes over bird colonies or in places of their mass overnight stays. Due to the fact that there are no other effective ways protection against weasel disease crops, especially millet, these drugs are widely used. But, as you know, they have a very wide spectrum of action and are dangerous not only for all species of birds, but also for all vertebrates and invertebrates living in the cultivated area.

In the United States, anhydrous ammonium gassing has been used to exterminate indoor birds with good results. Undoubtedly, if necessary, this is the only real way bird control indoors.

To reduce the number of harmful bird species, poisons have been increasingly replaced by hypnotic drugs in recent years. Narcotic substances are added to feed, which is laid out on special bait sites or in places where birds usually feed. The birds that have taken the treated bait soon fall asleep, completely losing their mobility. At this time, they can be collected and destroyed. If among the sleeping birds there are those not subject to extermination, they can be released after waking up. True, in some cases, the bait with sleeping pills, eaten in excessively large quantities, causes the death of birds, which is undesirable in relation to useful species. In addition, birds that take the bait can fly long distances or fall asleep in places where it is difficult to reach them. For example, when we tested luminal bait on pigeons in an urban environment, most of the birds fell asleep on the eaves of windows on the fourth and fifth floors. Therefore, it is more important that hypnotic drugs used to trap birds act quickly rather than sustainably. If the birds fall asleep after a very short period of time, they will not have time to fly far from the place of baiting and eat too much of it.

AT to a large extent these requirements are met by the alpha isomer of chloralose, which has replaced all other previously used narcotic substances. Baits with alpha-chloralose have given good results in the fight against crows in the hunting grounds of Finland. Often they are used to control rock pigeons and house sparrows in the cities of Western Europe and the USA. In Australia, such baits are laid out against these birds in stockyards and poultry farms. An alpha-chloralose-treated bait in New Zealand was dropped from an aircraft onto a breeding colony of kelp gulls located near the airfield. As a result, a large number of birds were destroyed and the number of cases of their collision with aircraft decreased.

The use of sleeping pills for bird control is most widespread in cities. Alpha-chloralose is rarely used against birds that damage crops. True, in England, the method of fighting pigeons with grain baits impregnated with this preparation successfully passed production tests. To reduce the possibility of death of small granivorous birds, beans, which are unattractive to them, were used as a bait product. It has been found impractical to use this method to control the entire population of wood pigeons, but in selected fields, especially those suffering from birds, it can help. After laying out the baits, wood pigeons do not appear on the field for several weeks. During this period, plants have time to pass the stage of development in which they are most damaged by birds. The bait with alpha-chloralose begins to have a narcotic effect after 15-30 minutes. and it lasts 10-20 hours. Although the drug is also used against house sparrows, there is evidence that it has a very weak effect on them.

Abroad in recent times for the fight against birds, another group of substances is being tested - chemosterilants. The essence of their action is to reduce the number of birds not by direct destruction, but by artificial regulation of their reproduction. This method of all existing seems to be the most humane. By reducing the number of nesting cycles or interrupting reproductive cycles altogether, it is possible to keep the number of certain species of birds at a level at which they are not capable of harming humans.

A number of substances have been tested as sterilants for birds. Laboratory experiments were used to determine in what doses drugs are needed to stop reproduction for a certain period, what is their general toxicity and repellent properties in the bait product. As a result of experiments conducted mainly in the USA on rock pigeons, the drug 20.25 diazocholesterol dihydrochloride (SC-12937) was identified, which at a dose of 375 mg per individual interrupts oviposition for 77 days, and at a dose of 500 mg - for 102 days. However, the bait with the amount of substance necessary to obtain the effect is often poorly eaten by birds. During field trials in small settlements, with the help of this chemosterilant, it was possible to stop the breeding of rock pigeons in colonies for 5-7 months. The larger the settlement and the higher the rate of bird exchange between the colonies, the less effective the drug was. A chemosterilant, triethylenemelamine, was used against red-winged troupials and starlings.

In most works devoted to the study of the effect of chemosterilants on birds, the insufficient development of this method and the need to continue research are indicated. One cannot but agree with this, since there are still no effective sterilants, the food with the admixture of which the birds do not refuse to eat. The creation of such drugs with the desired properties will allow people to regulate the number of birds living in the anthropogenic landscape.

Thus, of the chemical means of controlling birds in the agricultural zone, poisons used with food bait are now the most common. But recently they are losing popularity, because they have a disastrous effect on useful animals. Even more dangerous is the dusting of territories with contact preparations. The bait method using narcotic substances is much safer, but it is very laborious due to the need to collect sleeping birds and is therefore unacceptable for widespread use in practice. Chemosterilants can be promising in reducing the number of birds only if they become highly selective, otherwise they will have the same disadvantages as ordinary poisons. For now Agriculture does not have reliable chemical means to reduce the number of unwanted bird species that are safe for beneficial birds and mammals. However, the search for them is intensive.

Of the physical methods of regulating the number of birds, the most ancient is shooting. But it is effective only for very few species. Often these are large birds whose meat is eaten. Then shooting has some practical meaning. When fighting in this way with representatives of the sparrow order, where pests include small birds or those with inedible meat, the cost and time are not paid off. Shooting is currently carried out for the extermination of crows in hunting farms.

The physical method of fighting birds includes, first of all, various methods of trapping. Most often, automatic traps are used. In a number of European countries, a specially designed trap for crows is widely used. It is made of lightweight frames connected by hooks and works most effectively when "manna birds" are planted in it. There are many traps for sparrows - from small automatic ones to large stationary ones, which are used at breeding stations in Western Europe. These traps are placed on plots with crops of the earliest cereals. Sparrows flying from above into the trap are driven into its narrow cylindrical end and then removed from there. In England, bullfinches in gardens are caught with a box trap baited with sorrel seeds. To catch starlings, birdhouses with an automatically slamming notch are used. However, in the fight against flocking migratory species, the best effect is given by large light traps installed during the passage of birds in their roosting areas. In such traps, farmers in the United States caught a huge number of bullock birds. In some apiaries in Azerbaijan, fish hooks with live drones are sometimes used to catch golden bee-eaters.

No less cruel are all methods of destroying nests, in particular, plugging the entrance to the bee-eater's hole with clay when the female is incubating the eggs. The destruction of nests is carried out in the fight against birds, the harm from which in certain conditions especially big. This method was recommended to be used from the twenties to the sixties in the colonies of Indian and Spanish sparrows in many regions of Central Asia - Uzbekistan, South Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan. In Rostov and a number of other regions of the RSFSR in the sixties, the destruction of nests was practiced in a colony of rooks. But usually this only had an effect when there were already chicks in the colony. Birds disturbed in the early stages of nesting quickly restore nests and clutches. On the protected islands in England and Holland, the fight against gulls in the colonies was carried out as follows. Bird nests here are located openly on the ground and therefore easily accessible. Given the ability of gulls to quickly restore lost clutches, when the colonies were destroyed, the eggs were not taken from the nests, but the embryo was killed in them. To do this, the eggs were boiled, or covered with oil or kerosene, or the shell was pierced with a thick needle.

The labor-intensive method of destroying nests is sometimes mechanized. In some cities of the GDR, in order to stop the nesting of rooks on churches, the nests are thrown down with a jet of water, using fire equipment. In Africa, colonies of weavers (before they began to use parathion) were destroyed by shells with explosive mixtures and flamethrowers.

In order to reduce the number of starlings in Western Europe, for more than ten years it has been advocated not to hang artificial nests suitable for these birds, i.e. with a notch diameter of 4.5-5 cm.

In general, none of the physical methods of bird control is sufficiently universal and reliable. Apparently, trapping, although this is the most ancient and painstaking method that requires great knowledge of the object and the ingenuity of the performers, will become the leading one in the future, especially since it is the least dangerous for other animal species. In addition, the industry will produce more and more new materials, many of which can be used to make comfortable and lightweight fishing gear. For example, the appearance in the recent past of the thinnest and most durable nylon threads made it possible to widely use tangled nets for catching birds during ringing.

Birds are wonderful creatures, the orderlies of the forest, who rid the plants of all kinds of insects. But in addition to benefits, they can also be harmful. When the population of birds near the places where people live increases dramatically, they can be dangerous to humans. We will tell you what inconveniences the birds living in the attic of the house cause, and we will give effective methods of dealing with such neighbors.

Birds, including sparrows, can be carriers of pathogens

The inhabitants of the upper floors of old houses are constantly at war with birds that jump on the roof and nest in the attic. If in the first case the problem lies in the rumbling, singing of birds and droppings that pollute the roof, then in the second case everything is much more serious. In addition to constant rustling and chirping, when arranging their nests under the roof of a house, birds raise a lot of dust, which can adversely affect people's health. In addition, birds are often They are carriers of infectious diseases, because their excrement may contain various fungi and bacteria, which are extremely dangerous for us. So, pathogens of diseases such as torulosis, ornithosis and others often live in pigeon droppings. All of them are transmitted by airborne droplets.

If birds build their nests right under the roof, this can impair ventilation, leading to premature failure of the roof structure. For example, the insulation layer must be well ventilated, otherwise moisture will form on it, which contributes to the destruction of the material.

In general, where people live, there is no place for forest dwellers. Therefore, such neighbors should be immediately expelled.

Ways to get rid

First of all, you need to understand that the fight against birds should not be aimed at their extermination. The key action here is to scare away the birds. Nests can be eliminated only if the animals pose a real threat to human life or property. In this case, before eliminating the nest, one should without fail obtain the appropriate permit from the Department of the Environment. The fact is that, according to the Law "On Environmental Protection", the deliberate destruction of bird dwellings in their natural habitat is strictly prohibited.

If you are convinced that the birds have not yet had time to settle over your head, but still periodically make unpleasant visits, you need to make sure that the birds do not start their next construction. Consider the most effective means and methods that will help keep these visitors away from your home.

Anti-stick spikes

Perch spikes are mainly used to scare away large birds.

This device is made of polycarbonate or metal and is a mesh with sharp vertical wedges that prevent birds from landing on the roof. However, small birds, such as starlings, are not afraid of large spikes and sit between them. But if the product is installed on the eaves, then larger birds, such as swallows and pigeons, will not be able to fly under the roof and will soon leave you alone.

Useful advice: Periodically clean the spikes from dirt and remove the leaves stuck between them, because birds are also afraid of shiny elements.

Visual deterrents

Scarecrows are commonly used by owners summer cottages or country mansions. They are installed in the yard. You can make this tool with your own hands from improvised materials. To do this, knock down two boards with a cross and hang old clothes on top. The head can be made from a regular bag. The only negative is that birds often get used to scarecrows, and the latter become useless.

Helpful Hint: Try using plastic owls, snakes, coyotes, or other animals based on what kind of birds visit you.

Home pet

A cat is a good old remedy for dealing with annoying chirping on the roof!

If the birds have made a nest in the attic of your house, then get a cat. The predator will visit the birds several times, and they will leave their home. And sitting on the balcony, the cat will scare away other annoying winged guests. And do not forget to install strong mosquito nets in the windows so that the animal does not fall off the railing when it hunts and tries to catch birds soaring nearby. Of course, it will not be possible to drive everyone away, but their number will definitely decrease!

Reflective items

Most bird species are afraid of sparkling objects. Take a roll of aluminum foil and cut it into long pieces. Ribbons can be hung on trees in the yard or on the roof. They will sway in the wind and reflect the sun's rays.

This is interesting: Sparrows are very afraid of bright highlights.

As reflective elements, tapes from old video cassettes, New Year's rain or computer disks are often used. By the way, in stores for summer residents you can buy a special gel that glows when it gets on it. sun rays. This substance should be smeared on the eaves of the building and other places of unwanted accumulation of birds.

Sound devices

An example of a bird scaring device

The principle of operation of the device is to reproduce alarm and distress signals. various kinds birds. It is also possible to imitate the sounds made by their natural enemies - predators. Sensing danger, birds notify their relatives. Therefore, having heard such sounds, the birds will soon fly away. There are also ultrasonic repellers. These devices generate a high frequency signal, which is unpleasant for animals, and they leave the area of ​​​​the device.

Isolation of possible nesting sites

Look around your attic for small spaces that might be great for nesting. Use wood planks, steel wool, or wire mesh to cover these areas. Use tape or nails to cover the indentations. In addition, it is advisable to cover the underside of the beams with a net so that the birds do not twist their houses there.

Helpful Hint: To reduce the likelihood of birds settling in your yard and home, you can cover the fruit trees that they flock to to profit.

Don't feed the birds

The most correct approach to solving the problem. Birds congregate and nest where they are fed. Therefore, people themselves are to blame for the large population of birds in the city. We first feed the gullible birds, and then get angry that they do not let us rest. Put leftover food in a trash bag instead of throwing it out the window. Do not throw crumbs and seeds from the balcony, as the birds will instantly be on your railing, and then under the roof.

If the birds often visit your house or have already built a nest under the roof, you should think about expelling them. Use the most effective methods get rid of these noisy and dangerous neighbors and don't forget about the law.

Place of hostilities 1st floor, balcony. Very annoying nasty chirping since early morning. At first, this was solved by depriving myself of fresh air and closing the window. But after a while, that didn't help either. It was decided to make soundproofing, propaneli all the cracks. It didn't help either. Sleep was simply impossible! I started to get nervous and a terrible lack of sleep. Even more than that, there were a lot of them (!), They opened up the mounting foam, littered all the windows. With a psycho, I decided to cut down all the trees under the window. You would look and scattered. And anyway, all the branches to our windows. A neighbor upstairs, of senile years, almost doused me with boiling water. Thank God it missed. She cursed me for 8 generations ahead. She, you see, wants to smell the flowers and leaves from the balcony, but the fact that trees are climbing in my window and I can’t see white light is normal. She decided to keep watch so that I wouldn't cut anything. I tied this tree to the field and uprooted it. The rest was doused with electrolyte. The scandal was terrible, threatened with a statement. Googling, I realized that I was wrong with the trees, I did not touch the rest. I started googling how to get rid of chirping parasites, asking friends, relatives, etc. I didn’t find anything intelligible: At first, my relatives also shouted that I was a murderer, and everything was as usual. But in the end, they brought me a gun and even poured balls into it =) Once I woke up, I was around 6 in the morning, hearing a very loud and overly diligent chirping. Then I exploded, took my uprooted mp654 and shot the asshole (That's how I started shooting from the windows). But literally after 10 minutes I heard more, more and more: I shot a lot of them, the lawn was strewn with them. And the most interesting thing is that this swarm was never-ending. The neighbors started to squint. Moved to the uprooted rat 2100 and shoot from the back of the room. Moreover, it wasn’t enough for me to just shoot, the bullets were laid with a skirt forward, they were even with a charge .. I hated them so much that I wanted to unscrew their heads by hand. (By the way, according to my observations, sparrows are very cunning and far from stupid. After cotton, they shut up for at least 30 minutes and did not climb out) In general, this genocide lasted almost a whole summer, about 2 months. But, what a surprise I had when I realized why there are so many of them, why they chirp. The reason for all this was the saleswoman from the store, which is behind my wall (neighbors). She appears to have fed them. Everything in the store goes rotten, dries up, etc. She laid me under the windows. That's what was the reason .. Immediately went to talk. The saleswoman is a different story, she burned the crusts here once ... In general, she told me - "you went to x .. As I fed, I will." Having made another attempt to talk to her, I heard the same thing. Once, having caught her at the scene of a crime, I took out a gun and told her that if she put something under my window again, I would shoot at her, or pour something that she would not forget for a long time, and showed these mountains of corpses. And then she began to enter into my position and even began to talk noticeably. And even let me finish, listened to the reason for my behavior. She promised not to do that again. Vorobyov, I shot for a long time, but not in such volumes. The hatred towards them was very strong. But after a while, he stopped touching them. With a shudder I waited for the summer of 2011. I waited, the terror and genocide is over. I sleep with open windows. I pass the sparrows calmly, but the sediment remains. I do not regret my behavior, I was forced to. During that time I fed 6 cats. By the end of the summer, they noticeably recovered. They still come running to me under the window and ask for food =) But now I feed them with sausage, they are already familiar comrades-in-arms in the last war, almost relatives =)
Purpose of the story? I don’t even know, just to tell you how it sometimes happens ..
For the text do not kick, wrote in a hurry. And for the rest I'm ready to get slippers =)