Pharmaceutical marketing: goals, forms, principles, functions. Types of Marketing Used in Pharmacy Lectures on Pharmaceutical Organization Marketing

The term marketing comes from the English.« market» - the market and literally can be translated as "market making".

Marketing has always been there. True, the first marketing operation was unsuccessful: Adam and Eve exchanged the Garden of Eden for an apple.

Marketing theory originated in the United States in the early 20th century. Initially, marketing research covered all types of marketing activities, the production sector was not covered by marketing.

In the 1950s, marketing theory joined with management theory. An applied science of managing companies based on the principles of marketing arose, which was called"market management theory".

From this moment begins the mass domination of marketing in practice - this new concept began to consider production and marketing as a whole. The object of marketing has become all activities for the development of new products and technologies, planning and implementation production plans, financial and marketing activities.

The analysis of the market took the first place, the production was guided by the results of this analysis. As the main goal, along with profit, the satisfaction of consumer demand was proclaimed.

There are many definitions of marketing. It is most accurately characterized by the definition adopted by the American Marketing Association in 1985.

Marketing - is the planning and development of concepts for pricing, promotion and distribution of goods and services to effectively meet the individual and group needs of consumers.

Marketing - this is a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and requirements through exchange (Kotler).

Pharmaceutical Marketing - part of general marketing - the process of implementing pharmaceutical care - activities aimed at meeting the needs and the needs of the population in pharmaceutical products.

Stages of the Historical Development of Marketing

Production Orientation - this marketing was passive, everything was determined by the production conditions. Some goods were practically not needed, many were written off. The manufacturer worked out of contact with the consumer.

Sales orientation - products had to be sold, promoted to the market.

Consumer Orientation - the shortest way to make a profit, you need to find out the consumer, the buyer, and then satisfy their needs. This leads to thoroughly researching the market.

Society Orientation - based on interests individual people, so companies began to focus on society, economic aspects, people's health, public opinion.

Marketing performs two main tasks:

  1. Orientation of production to meet the existing and potential needs of the population;
  2. Formation and stimulation of demand (FOSTIS).

Based on the main tasks, two main marketing formulas are formulated:

  1. To produce what is bought, not to produce what is produced;
  2. If the product is produced, it must be sold.

Pharmaceutical marketing, being part of healthcare marketing, has a number of features that are not typical of general marketing. The main purpose of pharmaceutical marketing isoptimization of the pharmaceutical care market, which is understood as an analysis of the relationship between need, need, demand and supply, as well as taking into account the influences of all internal factors system of drug supply of the population.

The product in pharmaceutical marketing is medicines in various dosage forms, medical instruments, dressings, etc., the use of which depends not only on the patient's disease, but also on the doctor's qualifications.

That's whyfirst and the main feature of pharmaceutical marketing is that in the case of pharmaceutical assistance, the classical formula of purchase and sale becomes more complicated, because the third link is included in the buyer (patient) - seller (pharmacist) system - the doctor, who is equally, and sometimes to a greater extent, a generator demand.

Second An important feature is that when analyzing the market, it is necessary to take into account not demand, as in general marketing, but three parameters at once - need, need and demand.

Third A feature is that consumers often view medical and pharmaceutical products not as a desired product, but as a necessary purchase, and therefore, as a rule, they make a purchase under the pressure of symptoms of an illness or when they feel deviations from normal well-being. This, in turn, determines that the patient does not buy a medicine or an item of care as such, but a way to regain health and eliminate the state of discomfort caused by ill health.

Fourth the peculiarity is connected with the ignorance of the end user (patient) about what medicine he needs and which of the synonyms available on the market should be chosen.

Fifth an important feature - pharmaceutical products must be of high quality only.

Summarizing the above features, we can say that, along with the patient, one of the main objects of pharmaceutical marketing is a drug (product) in various dosage forms (product units), which, as a product, has some unique characteristics that, in turn, set specific marketing features:

  1. The doctor, not the patient, makes the decision about the need to take medicinal product, but the doctor does not have the ability to control the purchase and consumption of the drug;
  2. Sick drug user most oftenfew knows about the quality and purpose of the drug, and in addition,and not always wishes use it;
  3. Defining indicators when purchasing a medicinal product,efficiency, quality and safety , not the price;
  4. Pharmaceutical marketing to a greater extentassociated with a regulatory role external environment , which is played government agency in the drug supply system (quality requirements, registration, nomenclature, pricing, dispensing conditions).

The main objectives of the task of pharmaceutical marketing.

Based on the foregoing, the main goals of pharmaceutical marketing can be defined asstudy of society's needs for medicines and services for the provision of pharmaceutical assistance to the population and the development of strategic programs aimed at the timely and most complete satisfaction of these needs.

The main tasks of pharmaceutical marketing include:

  • Analysis of the pharmaceutical market, identification of the characteristics of pharmaceutical products as a commodity, the specifics of supply and demand;
  • Analysis of the needs of the pharmaceutical market and forecasting its development;
  • Improving the quality of services for the provision of pharmaceutical care to the population through the creation of rational information marketing environment for marketing subjects medicines.
  • Development of integrated methods for generating demand for goods and services of a pharmaceutical profile;
  • Identification of the features of drug marketing management;
  • Development of methods strategic planning, which ensures the profitability of the production of medicines and their sale, taking into account the macroeconomic situation and the company's own potential.


Non-state educational institution

Supreme vocational education



Department of Pharmacy

G.V. Belchikova, L.V. Zolotareva


Tutorial for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy


Modern marketing is a business philosophy that determines the entire strategy and tactics of an enterprise in a competitive environment.

Marketing combines and integrates a two-pronged approach:

Comprehensive study of the market, demand, taste of consumers, orientation of production on the one hand;

Active influence on the market, demand, formation of tastes and preferences of consumers on the other hand.

There are about 2000 definitions of marketing.

Here is some of them:

Marketing is a management concept that ensures the market orientation of the production and marketing activities of the enterprise.

Marketing- a set of processes for planning, creating, promoting goods and services.

Marketing- should not be identified with the sale of goods, because function trading system- to convince the buyer to buy what is already produced, and

The task of marketing is to supply the product that the consumer really needs.

Marketing- this is a type of market activity in which a systematic approach and a program-target method for solving economic problems are used, and the market, its requirements are a criterion for the effectiveness of this activity.

Marketing- a system of actions, including the study, analysis, planning and control of programs designed to study consumer demand, the creation operational management production, product realization and cost, which satisfy more qualitatively consumers, in order to guarantee the achievement of the purpose of the enterprise.

2 definitions of marketing according to Kotler :

1) Marketing- a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and requirements through exchange.

2) Marketing- there is social process through which individuals get what they need and want, on the basis of the exchange of some goods and values ​​for others.

Marketing- a set of actions of the company in the market, turning the needs of consumers into the income of the company.

In this way, Marketing is the concept of managing an organization in a market environment.

Stages of marketing development

Stage 1- Focus on production. Marketing was passive. Everything was determined by the conditions of production, plans. The manufacturer worked out of contact with the consumer, a lot of desired product, much was written off.

Stage 2– Sales orientation, market research begins.

Stage 3- Orientation to the consumer, satisfaction of needs.

Stage 4– Focus on society, public opinion becomes important, environmental issues are raised

Marketing, according to a broad understanding, is a social and managerial process through which people, through the creation of products and their exchange, get what they need.

At the core marketing lies a concept that includes the concepts: need, need, demand, commodity or product, exchange, transaction, market.

Need- a need for something that needs to be satisfied. If marketing fails to meet a need, it modifies or downplays it.

Need- a need that has taken specific forms depending on the individual characteristics of the consumer and the level of development of society.

Demand- a form of manifestation of need, i.e. a specific need, supported by solvency.

Consumption- the process of meeting demand.

Product or product- everything that can be offered on the market for purchase, use in order to satisfy needs.

Exchange The act of obtaining a desired product from someone by offering something in return.

To make an exchange, you need:

1) there must be at least two parties to the exchange;

2) each side of the exchange must have something that is of value to the other side;

3) each party should be free to choose: to enter into an exchange or not;

4) each party to the exchange must be able to communicate and deliver the goods.

Compliance with these conditions makes the exchange possible, and it will take place

maybe if the parties agree.

Deal- a trade operation between two parties, including two subjects of interest, as well as an agreement on the conditions, terms and place of its implementation.

Terms of a transaction:

Availability of at least two goods of interest for exchange;

Negotiation of conditions, terms, place of the transaction.

Market- (from the point of view of marketing) the totality of existing and potential sellers and buyers.

Marketing performs two main tasks:

1. Orientation of production to meet the existing and potential needs of the population;

2. Formation and stimulation of demand.

Based on the main tasks, formulated two main formulas of marketing:

1. Produce what is bought, not produce what is produced;

2. If the goods are produced, they must be sold.

Public Importance of Marketing:

1. Maximizing consumption.

2. Maximizing the degree of consumer satisfaction.

3. Maximizing consumer choice.

4. Maximizing the quality of life.

According to the size of the market coverage, marketing is distinguished:




Mass marketing - characterized by mass production, this is the marketing of one product intended for all consumers at once (for example, a product - toothpaste).

Product - differentiated - is characterized by the production and marketing of several products with different properties, intended for all customers, but with different tastes (for example, LP - "Tera Flu" of various modifications).

Target marketing - characterized by the fact that the production and marketing of products designed specifically for certain market segments (for example, antihistamine drugs) is carried out.

Distinguish service marketing, organization marketing(image of the organization), individual marketing(personal image - for politicians, singers, etc. - is developed by image makers), marketing places(for example, it is not recommended to open a pharmacy next to a dirty market, sobering-up station), idea marketing(for example, the idea of ​​"being healthy").

There are five main approaches that commercial organizations conduct their marketing activities:

1. Production improvement concept

Consumers are sympathetic to goods and prices. It is necessary to improve production and increase the efficiency of the distribution system. When demand for goods exceeds supply, production must be increased. When the cost of a product is too high, it must be reduced, for which it is necessary to increase productivity.

2. Product Improvement Concept

Consumers favor products that have highest quality, the best performance properties and characteristics (effective drugs), and therefore, the company must focus its energy on the continuous improvement of the product.

3. The concept of intensifying commercial efforts

This concept states that consumers will not buy enough of a business's products unless the business makes significant marketing and promotional efforts. The intensification of commercial efforts can be the provision of goods to pharmacies on credit without prepayment.

4. Marketing concept

She argues that the key to achieving the goals of the enterprise is to determine the needs and requirements of target markets and provide the desired satisfaction in a more efficient and more productive way than competitors.

The concept of pharmaceutical marketing is a focus on the needs and needs of patients, supported by an integrated marketing effort aimed at creating customer satisfaction as the basis for achieving the goals of the enterprise.

5. The concept of socially - ethical marketing

This concept states that the task of the enterprise is to establish the needs, needs and interests of target markets and provide the desired satisfaction in a more efficient and more productive (than competitors) ways while maintaining and strengthening the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole.

Socio-ethical marketing requires market actors to link three factors within the framework of marketing policy.

The concept of socially ethical marketing requires a balance of all three factors: the company's profit, consumer needs and the interests of society.

Pharmaceutical Marketing- part of general marketing - the process of implementing pharmaceutical care - activities aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of the population in pharmaceutical products.

Pharmaceutical marketing, being part of healthcare marketing, has a number of features that are not typical of general marketing. The main purpose of pharmaceutical marketing is optimization of the pharmaceutical care market, which is understood as an analysis of the relationship between need, need, demand and supply, as well as taking into account the influence of all internal factors of the drug supply system for the population.

The product in pharmaceutical marketing is medicines in various dosage forms, medical instruments, dressings, etc., the use of which depends not only on the patient's disease, but also on the doctor's qualifications.

That's why first and the main feature of pharmaceutical marketing is that in the case of pharmaceutical assistance, the classical formula of purchase and sale becomes more complicated, because the third link is included in the buyer (patient) - seller (pharmacist) system - a doctor who is equally, and sometimes to a greater extent, a generator demand.

Second An important feature is that when analyzing the market, it is necessary to take into account not demand, as in general marketing, but three parameters at once - need, need and demand.

Third A feature is that consumers often view medical and pharmaceutical products not as a desired product, but as a necessary purchase, and therefore, as a rule, they make a purchase under the pressure of symptoms of an illness or when they feel deviations from normal well-being. This, in turn, determines that the patient does not buy a medicine or an item of care as such, but a way to regain health and eliminate the state of discomfort caused by ill health.

Fourth the peculiarity is connected with the ignorance of the end user (patient) about what medicine he needs and which of the synonyms available on the market should be chosen.

Fifth An important feature is that pharmaceutical products must be of only high quality.

Summarizing the above features, we can say that, along with the patient, one of the main objects of pharmaceutical marketing is a drug (product) in various dosage forms (product units), which, as a product, has some unique characteristics that, in turn, set specific marketing features:

1. The doctor, not the patient, makes the decision about the need to take the drug, but the doctor is not able to control the purchase and consumption of the drug;

2. Sick, drug user, most often knows little about the quality and purpose of the drug, and in addition, and not always willing use it;

3. Defining indicators when purchasing a medicinal product efficiency, quality and safety, not the price;

4. Pharmaceutical marketing to a greater extent associated with the regulatory role of the external environment, which is played by a state institution in the drug supply system (quality requirements, registration, nomenclature, pricing, dispensing conditions).

The main objectives of the task of pharmaceutical marketing

Based on the foregoing, the main goals of pharmaceutical marketing can be defined as study of society's needs for medicines and services for the provision of pharmaceutical assistance to the population and the development of strategic programs aimed at the timely and most complete satisfaction of these needs.

The main tasks of pharmaceutical marketing include:

Analysis of the pharmaceutical market, identification of the characteristics of pharmaceutical products as a commodity, the specifics of supply and demand;

Analysis of the needs of the pharmaceutical market and forecasting its development;

Improving the quality of services for the provision of pharmaceutical care to the population through the creation of a rational information marketing environment for drug marketing subjects;

Development of integrated methods for generating demand for goods and services of a pharmaceutical profile;

Identification of the features of drug marketing management;

Development of strategic planning methods that ensure the profitability of the production of medicines and their sale, taking into account the macroeconomic situation and the company's own potential.

The most valuable thing a person has is health. Medicines are used to maintain it and treat various diseases. At first glance, it seems that everything is simple: the patient comes to the doctor, receives a prescription with which he goes to the pharmacy, and purchases the necessary medicines.

However, in reality, everything is more serious. Which pharmacy the patient will go to and which drug he will choose from the possible assortment depends on the effectiveness of pharmaceutical marketing.

Pharmaceutical marketing is an area of ​​general marketing, the process of implementing pharmaceutical care aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of the population in medical products.

Marketing in the pharmaceutical market

The pharmaceutical market is a socio-economic system where pharmaceutical goods and services are exchanged. It is a developed platform with a high level of competition.

The pharmaceutical market consists of many connections and elements, one of which is marketing.

Among the factors influencing the functioning of the pharmaceutical market and, consequently, marketing, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Geographical (location, climate, proximity to major trade routes);
  2. Economic (the level of provision of the region with resources and its general development, scientific and technical capabilities);
  3. Political (effectiveness of interaction between different branches and levels of government);
  4. Socio-demographic (standard of living of the population);
  5. Financial (level of development of the regional banking system);
  6. Infrastructural (availability and level of development of infrastructure in the region).

The main goal of pharmaceutical marketing is to optimize the pharmaceutical care market. In other words, marketing in the pharmaceutical business involves an analysis of the relationship between demand and supply, as well as an assessment of the influence of all internal factors of the system on the provision of medical services and drugs to the population.

At the same time, the activities of pharmaceutical marketing are not limited only to the implementation medical preparations.

Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Marketing

The study of pharmaceutical marketing is impossible without a definition key concepts included in its basis:

  • A need is a feeling based on the lack of something. For example, a person's need for a drug or service caused by a disease.
  • Demand is a need backed by purchasing power. The most common example of demand in the pharmaceutical industry is the increase in sales of allergy medications during the spring and summer seasons.
  • A product is anything that can satisfy a customer's needs: a product, a service, an idea, etc.
  • Exchange - receiving from someone the desired object with the offer of something in return.
  • A transaction is a commercial exchange of value between two parties.
  • The market is a platform where the seller and the buyer carry out their activities.

The pharmaceutical market is an important sector of the country's economy, which requires a responsible approach to work, especially in the field of marketing. Pharmaceutical marketing must combine sales promotion with the obligatory observance of the rules for providing accurate information about services and drugs.

Pharmaceutical marketing must take into account all the features of its field of activity, approach work professionally, so that the consumer ultimately receives high-level pharmaceutical assistance.

Pharmaceutical Marketing

The Essence of Pharmaceutical Marketing

Marketing in pharmacy is not only a business function. This is a broad view of the entire field of production of medicines and services, as well as their implementation; it is a social process by which the demand for medical services is predicted, expanded and satisfied.

It should be borne in mind that here patients act as buyers, each of whom has his own needs for medicines. The emergence of a wide range of medicines generates high competition among manufacturers. Pharmaceutical marketing can influence which drug the consumer will ultimately choose.

Pharmaceutical Marketing Principles

The main principle of pharmaceutical marketing is to provide those goods and services that the consumer needs. To do this, it is necessary to rely on the real needs of buyers, market segmentation, the possibilities of all marketing tools, innovation, planning, focus on the long term.

Another marketing principle in pharmacy is the sale of only quality products.

Functions of Pharmaceutical Marketing

Marketing in the pharmaceutical industry performs the following functions.

  1. Carrying out marketing research and collecting marketing information

All important marketing decisions cannot be made without analyzing marketing information. Under marketing information refers to figures, facts, information, research, estimates and other data necessary for forecasting marketing activities.

To this species information was effective for marketing, it should be:

  • up-to-date;
  • Reliable;
  • Relevant
  • Complete;
  • Purposeful.

The collection of current information about goods and services, needs and demand, competitors and prices occurs during an audit - a special study.

Marketing research must be carried out systematically, since the market tends to change constantly.

  1. Planning the range of medicines

As part of this function, products are selected for production in accordance with technical parameters. To do this, you need to have complete information about the type of drug, its characteristics and the availability of similar drugs on the market. Studying the products of competitors will help to understand the prospects for the development of new products.

  1. Development of a pricing policy for goods

Pricing policy is the leading element of marketing activities. Pricing policy has a significant impact on performance. Hence, if it was not thought out enough, it will negatively affect the dynamics of sales.

  1. Sales, distribution and promotion of goods

Pharmaceutical marketing is responsible for:

  • delivery of manufactured goods in the required quantity in conditions convenient to the consumer;
  • drawing attention to the products of the manufacturer.
  1. Advertising and sales promotion

This includes all actions aimed at making the consumer choose a particular product:

  • advertising;
  • development of communication links;
  • cooperation with clinics;
  • participation in non-commercial events as a sponsor;
  • encouragement of buyers;
  • formation of a favorable image of the manufacturer.

Tasks of pharmaceutical marketing

The functions of pharmaceutical marketing form its tasks:

  1. Increasing customer satisfaction;
  2. Formation of a permanent consumer audience;
  3. Constant market research;
  4. Development of a marketing strategy and its implementation;
  5. Identification of demand and unmet needs;
  6. Forecasting the need for goods;
  7. Development of measures to improve the organization of production;
  8. Assessment of the competitiveness of manufactured products.

Pharmaceutical company marketing department

In the pharmaceutical industry, most companies have long recognized the need for a marketing department.

Such departments are aimed at developing a strategy and tactics for promoting an enterprise in the pharmaceutical market, its successful functioning and development, which is based on the production and sale of products.

However, the work of the marketing department of a pharmaceutical company is focused not only on the well-being of the company, but also on meeting the needs of society, providing the country's population with the necessary goods.

The activities of the marketing department are based on market and consumer research, their needs and preferences. Without this, no strategy will be successful. The market is a constantly changing platform that needs to be monitored and responded to these changes in time.

Pharmaceutical company marketing models

The structure of the marketing department depends on the size and specifics of the pharmaceutical company. The following models of this unit can be distinguished:

  1. Functional. It is the most common marketing service scheme. Typical for pharmaceutical companies with a small number of markets and products. Within the department there is a clear division by function: market research, product promotion, assortment formation, etc.
  2. Commodity. For pharmaceutical companies that produce products in a wide range, a commodity scheme is used. The work of the marketing department is based on the product. So, certain groups of employees are engaged in the implementation, promotion and market research of only certain products.
  3. Regional. Firms specializing in the sale of medicines in certain regions prefer the regional model of the marketing department. Each division or group of employees is responsible for a specific region, taking into account its features when drawing up a strategy.
  4. Segment. Such organizational structure makes it possible to single out certain groups of consumers and form a unique marketing strategy for each of them.
  5. Combined. Combines elements of all the above structures.

Stages of organizing a marketing department

In the process of creating a marketing department for a pharmaceutical services company, the following stages can be distinguished:

  1. Definition of priority tasks and results;
  2. Development of Regulations on the work of the department at the enterprise;
  3. Creation of a department;
  4. Definition of job responsibilities;

The overall goal of the pharmaceutical marketing service is to optimize the development, production and distribution of medicines in accordance with consumer needs.

Types of pharmaceutical marketing

Depending on the level of demand in the pharmaceutical market, the following types of marketing are distinguished:

  • conversion marketing. Relevant in conditions of low demand, when a significant part of the market is not interested in products. Conversion marketing aims to increase demand by creating a positive attitude towards the product.
  • Promotional marketing. Operates when consumers are absolutely indifferent to a product or service. An incentive marketing strategy takes into account the reasons why customers ignore products and develops measures to overcome them.
  • Evolving Marketing. Effective in times of increasing demand for products.
  • Remarketing. Designed to revive demand when its level begins to fall.
  • Synchromarketing. Use in conditions of fluctuating demand.
  • Supportive marketing. It is used when the level and demand corresponds to the level and structure of supply.
  • Counter marketing. Used to reduce demand that is not needed.
  • behavioral marketing. The promotion strategy is based on the study of consumer psychology.
  • Innovative marketing. Based on the development of science and technology. New developments are immediately introduced into production.
  • Integrated Marketing. He pays special attention to the coordination and linking of all components of marketing measures to influence the market, namely: commodity, price, marketing and communication policy and the balance of their participation in solving the global strategic tasks of the firm.
  • Direct marketing. Way of direct sale of goods and services of representatives.
  • Strategic Marketing. It implies the development of tactics and promotion strategies.
  • Target marketing. With this type of marketing, there are several target segments, each of which develops its own way of selling products.

Features of pharmaceutical marketing

The first feature of marketing in the field of pharmaceutical activity is that, in contrast to the usual scheme of purchase and sale, the buyer (patient) - the seller (pharmacist), the third link is included - the doctor. It can also affect the level of demand.

Second key feature- when analyzing the market, learn not only demand, but also need.

The third feature is the attitude of the consumer to pharmaceutical products. Typically, such a product is not seen as a desired purchase, but as a necessary necessity for recovery.

The fourth feature is the lack of awareness of the consumer (patient) about the assortment. Often the patient does not know what medicine he needs.

The fifth important feature is that only high quality pharmaceutical products should be presented on the market.

Pharmaceutical Marketing Concepts

There are five main approaches on the basis of which pharmaceutical companies build their marketing strategy.

Production improvement concept

Its meaning lies in the direction of the main efforts to improve production and increase the efficiency of the distribution system of goods.

The application of the concept of production improvement is recommended in two cases:

  • when demand for a product exceeds supply.
  • when the cost of a product is too high and needs to be reduced, which requires an increase in productivity.

Product Improvement Concept

A pharmaceutical company focuses on product improvement because it is believed that consumers will only buy products of the highest quality.

The concept of intensifying commercial efforts

It assumes that consumers will not buy medical products unless it makes an effort to stimulate demand.

This concept is suitable for products of passive demand: plasters, ascorbic acid, etc.

Concept of active marketing

It is based on the fact that productive promotion is impossible without a deep market analysis and identification of customer needs. The goal of the pharmaceutical company is to determine the needs and requirements of the target audience.

The concept of socially ethical marketing

It implies that pharmaceutical marketing should aim at the sale of medical products, which will ultimately lead to the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole.

In custody

The pharmaceutical market is a volatile system. If a manufacturing company is interested in promoting its products and services, it needs to have its own marketing department, which will analyze the market, conduct research to identify consumer needs and form a marketing strategy.

V. A. Usenko,
European Commission Tacis expert

Pharmaceutical Marketing

Program "Ukraine - Tacis" on privatization and industrial restructuring; assistance in the restructuring of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine, Medicine and Registration Manager of “SmithKline Beecham” MTS Ukraine


Medicines are a special category of goods, they affect the most valuable thing a person has - his health. The health of every citizen is a strategic value of any state. Thus, the pharmaceutical industry is one of the key industries in the economy.

The main tasks of the pharmaceutical industry are:

Currently, most pharmaceutical companies adhere to the concept of socially responsible marketing, which involves identifying the needs, needs and interests of target markets and satisfying consumers in a more effective way than competitors, while maintaining and enhancing the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole.

Pharmaceutical marketing is an integral part of marketing and can be defined as the process by which pharmaceutical assistance is provided.

The emphasis in pharmaceutical marketing is on pharmaceutical care, not just drugs. Any product, service or idea that aims to provide pharmaceutical assistance can be the subject of pharmaceutical marketing. Pharmaceutical marketing is not synonymous with drug marketing, but includes the marketing of a range of services and programs related to pharmacy.

As in the case of consumer goods marketing, any company strives to direct its efforts to sell the right product in the right quantities at the right place at the right time for the price that the consumer is able and willing to pay. These are the four components of the marketing mix.

Price is one of the components of the marketing mix. Some drugs, due to their uniqueness and necessity, can be bought regardless of their price (that is, the demand for these drugs is inelastic), albeit with certain reservations.

To understand the impact of price, I would like to pay attention to some features of the product that the pharmaceutical industry produces. One of the unique features is the undesirability of its product. Ideally, a person wants to be healthy and, if possible, not consume drugs. With greater willingness and pleasure, the consumer buys consumer goods, clothes, a ticket to a concert or dine in a restaurant. The combination of these factors makes drugs "unpopular" goods. Therefore, the prices of medicines also become unpopular, as a result of which they are regularly criticized. Complaints about the high prices of medicines will never stop. In this context, there is never an acceptable price for the drug for the consumer, for him it is always high.

Part 1.
Commodity policy of pharmaceutical firms. Brands and Generics

Recently, the term “brand” has been used very often. The concept of “brand” is often identified with the concepts of “ trademark” or “trademark”. However, the concept of "brand" is broader.

Brand (brand) - a set of features that influence the consumer's decision to purchase.

A product cannot be a brand simply because a name, mark, symbol, or combination thereof has been developed and is legally registered. To become a brand, a product must meet the needs of the consumer, and better than similar products-competitors. The consumer must be clear about the benefits associated with consuming the brand, the brand must add value to the consumer, and finally, the consumer must be brand aware.

Brands can be divided into several categories:

corporate brand (corporate brand, corporate umbrella brand): the brand name is the same as the company name. An example is corporate brands - Darnitsa, Bayer, etc. (for example, Kortonitol-Darnitsa ointment, Prednikarb-Darnitsa ointment, Oflokain-Darnitsa ointment);
generic brand (family brand, family umbrella brand): a common name for a group of products from different categories. The purpose of creating a generic brand is to transfer the positive experience of consuming goods from one group to a product under a generic name from another group.
range brand: a general name for a group of products from different categories, but aimed at solving a single problem. An example is the assortment group of SmithKline Beecham, Oxy. It contains both medicines for the treatment of acne (“Oxy-5” and “Oxy-10”), and medical cosmetics intended for the prevention of acne (“Oxy-lotion for washing”, “Oxy-double-sided wipes”)
individual brands: brands that cover one category of product, but nevertheless may contain several varieties of product. An example is a group of products designed to relieve the symptoms of a cold, under the trade name of the SmithKline Beecham company, Coldrex (Coldrex tablets, Coldrex Hotrem - hot drink, Coldrex Knight - syrup to relieve symptoms of colds and flu in nighttime").

The concepts of corporate and generic brand are often combined under the term umbrella brand (umbrella brand) (“corporate umbrella” and “specific umbrella”).

Recently, the need to create a brand has become more relevant in the pharmaceutical industry. Below will be introduced concepts that are typical only for the pharmaceutical industry.

original medicinal product is a medicinal product that is the exclusive property of the company that developed it, or that is the property of the company that held the first license to sell it. The active substance of the original medicinal product has a patent obtained in accordance with the procedure established by law. Until the expiration of the patent, no other pharmaceutical company may synthesize and use this active substance for commercial and non-commercial purposes. Very often, the concept of the original drug is identified with the concept of “drug - brand”.

The concept of “original (trade) name of a medicinal product” should not be confused with the concept of the original drug, which is a proprietary name registered in order to protect the right of its exclusive use only by the company that owns the trademark or patent for this name (and not for the active substance). ). By name, you can identify a specific drug or dosage form that its manufacturer sells. Unlike a patent for an active substance, the ownership of which is limited in time, the ownership of the original (trade) name remains after the expiration of the patent for the active substance. In accordance with the legal provisions of many countries, the manufacturer is allowed to retain the trademark when replacing excipients in single-component medicinal products and even active substances in combination medicinal products.

Generic drug or generic drug - this is a medicinal product whose patent protection for the active substance has expired, and it (or rather the active substance), therefore, is not the exclusive property of the pharmaceutical company that developed it or owned the first license to sell it.

A generic medicinal product contains an active substance identical to the active substance of the original medicinal product. However, excipients (i.e., inactive ingredients that are included in the preparation as preservatives, fillers, binders, colorants, etc.) and the manufacturing process may differ.

A generic medicinal product may be under the original or under the common name. The common or generic name, as opposed to the original (trade) name, can be used by any manufacturer after the patent for the active substance has expired. In the United States, common (official) names are listed on the US Accepted Drug Names (USAN) list. However, you should pay attention to the fact that the list of generic names may differ from the list of international generic names of drugs.

The brand provides the consumer with a certain set of properties, characteristics, benefits and services, that is, this concept has various meanings (see sidebar).

Thus, “brand” is a much broader concept than just “product”. Unlike just a product, a brand can be divided into two main parts: visible and invisible to the consumer, by analogy with an iceberg, which has both surface and underwater parts. The part visible to the consumer is the name of the product, its packaging, price, advertising and the image of the product that it created. Invisible to the consumer are the company's efforts to organize the distribution and delivery of goods, the marketing skills of the staff, the profitability of the production process, large-scale Scientific research and development, efficient organization of operations along the value chain. Most of the components of the invisible part cannot be copied by competitors and are more an element of the company's experience than a specific element of the brand itself.

The Importance of Brand Creation and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Although the pharmaceutical industry is one of the most attractive in terms of profitability in the world, however, no pharmaceutical company in the world currently has a market share exceeding 6%. Even despite numerous mergers and acquisitions, this situation did not change significantly in the late 90s.

Trademark (brand sign) - any name, mark, symbol, design, or combinations thereof, used to identify the company's products and distinguish them from competitors' products.

Generic trademark - a single trademark for a complex of related goods.

Trademark - a trademark registered legally and giving the owner the exclusive right to use it.

Non-labeled or generic goods (generic products) - goods in plain packaging, which only shows the name of the product without the manufacturer's name (classic definition).

The cost of research and development has been steadily increasing, while the efficiency of bringing new drugs to market has remained almost unchanged. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the pharmaceutical industry to more effectively conduct marketing activities, in particular the development of pharmaceutical brands. All this contributes to the successful promotion of medicines, since the purely technical advantages are added to the additional benefits from the use of a medicinal product for health authorities, prescribers of medicines, and, of course, for patients. All this strengthens the relationship between the pharmaceutical company and distribution channels.

The strength of brand loyalty can be measured. There are three levels of brand loyalty:

recognition or awareness (brand awareness): consumers are familiar with this product, they are more likely to buy it because they know it;
brand preference: can be measured by the number of trials of a given brand over a certain period of time (trial level) - consumers out of habit buy a product if it is available, but if it is not available or for some other reason, they may purchase alternative products;
brand insistence or brand loyalty: the consumer does not agree to a replacement product and, if it is not available, actively searches for this product.

The ideal for any company is the third degree of commitment. Typically, the degree of consumer loyalty to the company's brands and to the brands of competitors is clarified through the so-called "research on the consumption of specific products and attitudes" (usage and attitude studies, U&A studies). Moreover, in order to develop the correct marketing strategy determine the ratio between the number of consumers who have tried this brand to the number of consumers aware of the brand (trial to awareness ratio) and the ratio of the number of consumers with a stable commitment to the brand to the number of consumers who have tried this brand (loyalty to trial ratio).

Properties and characteristics (attributes)

The consumer has an association with the concept of a brand with certain properties and characteristics of the product that are necessary to meet his needs. These properties are used to advertise and promote the product. So, the drug "Solpaflex" suggests "relief of pain in the back and muscles", "relief of pain in the joints", "long-term action", " minimal risk complications."


Consumers don't buy features, they buy benefits. Therefore, for successful promotion brand properties must be presented in the form of benefits, which can be both rational and emotional. Consider, for example, the over-the-counter drug Coldrex Tablets, which is designed to relieve the symptoms of colds and flu. Thus, the property “to relieve many symptoms of colds and flu” can be thought of as a functional characteristic of “I will not have to buy several drugs to relieve the symptoms of my cold.” The property “expensive” can be thought of as an emotional benefit “taking this drug makes me feel more important and respectable” The property “manufactured by one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the world” can be thought of as both a functional and the drug is more effective, of higher quality and has fewer side effects.” Based on the advantages, the so-called exclusive selling proposition is based, which can be rational and emotional (rational and emotional selling proposition).
Value (values)
The brand carries information about the consumer's value system. For example, a doctor appreciates in an antibiotic for treatment infectious diseases skin "Bactroban" high efficiency against microorganisms that cause skin infections, and a low degree of development of resistance. Therefore, when developing this brand, it is necessary to identify specific groups of consumers of doctors whose values ​​coincide with the proposed set of benefits.
A brand is a reflection of individuality. In the study of motivational decisions, the question is raised: “Who would this brand look like if it were a living person?”. For example, consumers can mentally picture Panadol Baby & Infant, an over-the-counter drug for relieving the pain and symptoms of colds in children, as a relatively young, tender, and caring mother. In this case, the brand will attract those buyers whose desired or actual perception corresponds to the image created by this brand.

As consumers around the world become more discriminating and competitors are able to copy successful goods on the market, it is no longer enough to have only tangible (technical advantages) of the product. It becomes vital to create intangible benefits that cannot be copied by a competitor and that reflect the needs of the target audience.

Thus, the creation of a brand covers all elements: the product itself, the services provided and the image of the company. This approach is called total branding. This approach affects factors such as:

brand architecture - the use of the company name along with the names of sub-brands for individual products and services;
visual identification - packaging design and corporate identity.
design for retail network(merchandising) and exhibitions, the work of trade and medical representatives, scientific and government relations;
internal culture, organization and exchange of information;
external relations covering the entire spectrum of product promotion, including public relations.
commodity strategy, research and development.

The current state of the art in brand building in the pharmaceutical industry, the need to create a brand for innovative drugs.

The need to build a brand in the pharmaceutical industry was recognized over 100 years ago by Thomas Beecham. He was one of the first to use the trade name Beecham Pills to promote a safe and effective laxative he had invented. Thus, for the first time, consumers had the opportunity to choose a drug whose efficacy, safety and quality could be identified among the mass of drugs with questionable efficacy, safety and quality.

However, despite such long-standing attempts to create brands in the pharmaceutical industry, until the early 80s, this issue was not given sufficient attention. Pharmaceutical companies focused on the development of new chemicals (drugs), but did not pay due attention to the problem of building a brand after a successful drug registration. Promotion of innovative medicines was carried out mainly through personal contacts of trade and medical representatives and advertising in specialized publications. At the same time, manufacturers consumer goods when planning the promotion of their products, the concept of “brand ladder” (brand ladder) was used. The brand ladder is a method for identifying and classifying brand value (emotional and rational characteristics inherent in a brand).

The evaluation uses an analysis of three groups of values.

For example, for Solpaflex, an over-the-counter pain reliever and anti-inflammatory drug, the equivalent brand ladder could be:

functional values ​​- relief of moderate pain various origins(back pain, pain in rheumatism, arthritis, osteoarthritis, neuralgia, headache, etc.), long-lasting effect and convenient dosing regimen - twice a day;
expressive (expressive) values ​​- a choosy consumer or doctor who uses or recommends only proven and well-known drugs;
central values ​​- low risk of side effects when used in comparison with all other analogues from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

As for innovative prescription drugs, the main focus of the manufacturer is mainly on promoting the functional characteristics of the brand:

effectiveness: are the performance indicators of the innovative drug in a given clinical and therapeutic group good, are there any benefits for the patient when using this drug;
safety (relative): is the drug safe enough, are there any serious side effects when using the drug, their frequency, benefit / risk ratio when using this drug compared to analogue drugs;
ease of use: is the dosage regimen of the drug convenient, is the drug convenient to use, is there sufficient information support for the correct use of the drug; so, if the drug has a complex dosing regimen, unpleasant sensations when using the drug (unpleasant taste, pain when administered intravenously, inconvenient tablet shape that makes it difficult to swallow), the absence or insufficient information support on the correct use of the drug, there are problems associated with patient compliance with the treatment regimen;
cost-effectiveness: very often the cost of a new drug is seen as a barrier; this is due to the ingrained belief that the cost of a course of treatment with a new drug is always higher than the cost of a course of treatment with older analogues - but very often this is not the case.

Unfortunately, it is relatively common for many pharmaceutical companies not to move on to other rungs of the brand ladder that embrace the expressive and central brand values ​​that need to be communicated to consumers and healthcare professionals. However, there are also exceptions. Very often, the emphasis on expressive and central values ​​in brand development is used by antidepressant companies. Examples include the brands Prozac (fluoxetine) from Eli Lilly, Paxil/Seroxat (paroxetine) from SmithKline Beecham, and Effexor (venlafaxine) from American Home Products.

For example, let's focus on the drug "Effexor". Effexor is an innovative drug for the treatment of depression from the group of serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. In its chemical structure, it is not related to any previously used drug. The emotional factor was used as the basis of the campaign to create expressive brand value - not only the patient suffers from depression, but also his family, so very often help is needed not only for the patient with depression, but also for his family. During the campaign, it was emphasized that people suffering from depression and their families are not alone - there is effective help. These provisions were used to create mottos for the advertising campaign drug "Effexor" - "My family returned to me", "I saved my marriage", "My mother is with me again."

The governments of the EU states are faced with a dual problem: on the one hand, there is a need to reduce health care costs, on the other hand, there is a need to provide quality and affordable medical care, given the growing demands in it and the increase in life expectancy of the population. The reason for the concern of the governments of the EU states is the increase in health care spending, which exceeds the growth of GDP (gross domestic product). In this regard, some measures have been introduced in the EU states that are more reminiscent of a planned economy than a free self-regulating market. This is due to the large share of state intervention in the organization of medical care in the EU countries and the very low relative share of private companies in the financing of medical care.

There are two main systems for financing medical care in the EU states. This is compulsory insurance (health funds), or the Bismarck scheme - used in Germany, Austria. Another system is the social security system based on tax revenues (for example, the National Health System in the UK). Therefore, there are two main forms of reducing the cost of medicines - limiting the budget for prescriptions or controlling the prices of medicines (Italy, Spain).

Mechanisms that are used to limit drug costs include:

All this has an impact on the process of creating brands in the pharmaceutical sector and reinforces the trend towards the creation of generic drugs - analogues of original drugs, the term of patent protection for active substances of which has expired. Therefore, I would like to dwell in more detail on such a phenomenon as generic substitution, which refers to mechanisms to limit demand (in monetary terms) for medicines.

Generic replacement refers to the release of a prescription for the originator drug of a generic drug. Such a substitution is not always permitted by law.

There are three main systems for conducting generic substitution:

System of total generic replacement. For each prescription written for the originator drug (which can be replaced by a generic one), a generic drug is dispensed. When using a total generic replacement, a number of problems may arise, the essence of which is the problem of liability in the event of side effects associated with the replacement of the original drug with a generic one. Especially often, undesirable effects, exacerbations can occur when replacing the original drug with a generic drug from such clinical and pharmacological groups as antiepileptic drugs, beta-blockers, anticonvulsants, calcium antagonists. Full mandatory generic substitution can cause many problems in the relationship of all stakeholders, including causing significant damage to the health care system. Therefore, full mandatory generic substitution is not widely used.
The system of prohibiting notes in the recipe. The doctor must make a note in the prescription if he objects to the substitution of any drug indicated in the prescription. In this case, you can replace the drug in the absence of a mark, but the doctor is given the opportunity to prevent the replacement.
The system of permissive notes in the recipe. The doctor must make a special note if he does not object to the replacement of the drug indicated in the prescription. In this case, substitution with another drug is not necessary, and the doctor is given the opportunity to decide whether such a substitution is acceptable.

Another possible way to reduce health care costs is to change treatments or therapeutic substitutions. An example is the replacement of an H2 receptor antagonist with an antacid (drug used to reduce stomach acid) in the treatment of patients with peptic ulcers. However, therapeutic substitution is seen as a violation of the doctor-patient relationship. Therefore, total therapeutic substitution is prohibited in all countries.

Attitudes towards generic substitution vary across countries, due to differences in the organization of health care systems and differences in the traditions of health care delivery. In this regard, the potential of the generics market varies from state to state.

In the United States and Canada, a pharmacist is allowed to make a generic substitution, unless the doctor has prohibited it, which must be indicated on the prescription.

In the UK, generic substitution by a pharmacist is prohibited. Generic replacement is allowed only in hospitals.

In Germany, the doctor must indicate in the prescription that he agrees to the replacement of the drug or immediately write out a prescription indicating the generic name.

In France, doctors face fines if they exceed the allowable cost of prescriptions for patients, and the fee surcharge is calculated based on savings in prescription costs. Despite this, the generic market in France is still underdeveloped.

Program "Ukraine - Tacis" on privatization and industrial restructuring.
Assistance in the restructuring of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine.
Project leader Dr. Werner Gilsdorf
Project Management CII Group, Germany
Ukraine, 254070, Kyiv, st. Pritysko-Mikitska 7
Phone/fax: (+38 044) 463-73-72; (+38 044) 463-74-67
Email: [email protected]

Growing competition dictates the need for constant movement towards the formation of the loyalty of the end consumer, while the formation of this key factor does not depend on one specialist, but on the entire team of the organization. in a positive result of work, and this is getting maximum profit First of all, the entire staff of the organization is interested, and not just its leaders. Here is one of them, marketing is any conscious activity of an organization aimed at ensuring the market success of its own products and services. ...

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