Create an empire from scratch. Key concepts in business

Hello dear readers. My name is Alexander Berezhnov and I decided to write this article especially for aspiring entrepreneurs.

I'll tell you honestly - starting your own business from scratch and without money will not be easy, but it is possible. How to start correctly, so as not to burn out and not run out of steam halfway, read in this article.

  1. An elementary test for entrepreneurial abilities or are you psychologically ready to start your own business?
  2. We calculate the profitability of your future business for real example. Numbers. Terms. Data.
  3. Which business is better to open if you have limited funds
  4. Start your own business - 5 simple steps to a successful start
    • Step 1. Choosing an idea for a future project
    • Step 2. Market analysis and niche selection
    • Step 3. Prepare an offer and launch an advertising campaign
    • Step 4. Getting the first orders and working with clients
    • Step 5. Fulfilling obligations and making a profit
  5. Conclusion

1. An elementary test for entrepreneurial abilities or are you psychologically ready to start your own business?

From my own experience, I know the “symptoms” that indicate a person’s readiness to take up their business and become successful in it. I know firsthand these symptoms, which speak of the inadequacy of the future businessman and his underestimation of the risks.

Below they will be given in the form of simple inner beliefs and thoughts that are in your head. These thoughts will be our kind of test to assess your business potential.

"Symptoms" of a potentially successful businessman:

  • I understand that my first business is likely to be unprofitable and I may lose time and money;
  • I understand that it is impossible to open a business with the last money, especially if I do not have entrepreneurial experience;
  • I understand that when opening a business with a partner, we will depend on each other, and one of us can let the other down, we can also quarrel over money;
  • I understand that business is the same profession as a surgeon, artist, musician, and it cannot be learned in a short time;
  • I understand that in case of failure, I can not only be left without money, but also undermine my reputation if, for example, I let down partners or clients;
  • At the same time, I know that business gives great opportunities for material and creative growth, if all processes are properly organized. In addition, here my income is potentially unlimited, unlike a standard job.

"Symptoms" of a would-be businessman:

  • My first business is sure to be profitable, because I good specialist and all pre-calculated;
  • I have no money at all, but risk is a noble cause, and who does not risk does not drink champagne;
  • If I open a business with a partner, in any case, as we were friends before, we will be friends, because we are childhood friends and we have a great relationship;
  • Business is not as complicated as everyone talks about it, the main thing is to get into a fight, and it will be seen that way, because I'm not used to giving up;
  • If I don’t “throw” anyone, then relations with everyone will be good, so there is nothing to be afraid of, reputation is an acquired thing;
  • I'm tired of these stupid bosses at work, it would be faster to open my own business and prove to everyone who is smart here.

Congratulations! Now you know your strengths and weak sides. It remains only to work on them and on yourself if you feel that you have some dogmas and delusions that may prevent you from starting your own business.

And for those who want to start earning in the very near future (3-7 days), there is one very interesting way. It consists in the following.

And wherever there are a lot of people, naturally, there is money and a lot of it.

It has long been known that, for example, messages from hidden advertising our stars of show business, sports and politics receive a solid reward.

And it works like this.

For example, the famous showman, actor and KVN player Mikhail Galustyan, so beloved by young people, under the guise of ordinary text messages from his life, can “accidentally” advertise some store, person or event.

Of course, he will do this not by chance, but for a good fee of several thousand dollars.

In most cases, we are not as hyped as our star compatriots, but a thousand or two rubles a day can be earned here.

Few people know this and use Twitter only for fun and do not know that it is enough just to make a few CORRECT ACTIONS and get the first money. And you don't even need to invest.

2. We calculate the profitability of your future business using a real example. Numbers. Terms. Data.

To do this, let's analyze a few key concepts in business, they will appear in all your calculations, regardless of what kind of business you open.

Key concepts in business:

  1. Cost per client
  2. Average check
  3. Cost price
  4. Revenue
  5. Profit
  6. Conversion

1) The cost of obtaining one client

For example, you bake pies at home and sell them in the market. For travel to the market and back you spend 50 rubles.

You give each client a pie in a package that costs 1 ruble, and you also pay 100 rubles a day to the market director for the opportunity to trade here.

In addition, every day before you start trading, you stick 5 ads in different parts of the market in order to be known about you. Let's say you spend $50 on ads. After all these investments, you can start selling.

Suppose you sell 100 pies per day for 20 rubles each (revenue 2000 rubles / day).

Then the cost of obtaining one customer will be equal to the total amount of expenses for the period (in your case, this is a day) divided by the number of units sold (100 pies).

50 rubles for the announcement + 100 rubles for the market director + 100 rubles for sachets for pies + 50 rubles for travel = 300 rubles. This amount you spend per day to sell 100 pies.

The formula for calculating the cost of one client:

The cost of one client = 300 rubles / 100 pies. It turns out that the cost of attracting one client is 3 rubles.

2) Average bill

The average bill is the average cost of one customer purchase.

In the case of pies, it looks like this:

Some client bought one pie from you, some 2, and someone took 10 patties to his fellow workers at the construction site. Then, for example, 25 people bought our 100 pies.

The formula for calculating the average check:

Average check = revenue / cost per purchase.

In our case average check= 2000 rubles / 25 sales = 80 rubles.

3) Cost

Cost price - minimum costs required to produce a good or service.

You need to know the cost price so as not to go negative when planning a business.

4) Revenue

Revenue is the total amount of sales for a period.

For example, if in 1 day you sold 100 pies for 20 rubles, then your daily income will be 2000 rubles.

5) Profit

Profit is the main indicator in business. Calculated per period.

If you made a profit, took it out of the business and spent it on your own needs, then such profit is called NPV (Net Profit Withdrawn by the Owner).

Profit calculation formula:

Profit \u003d revenue (for the period) - the sum of all costs (for the period).

6) Conversion

conversion is total number actions taken to intended actions.

For example, if out of 1000 customers who saw your ads, 10 made a purchase, then the conversion would be 1%.

Formula for calculating conversion:

Conversion = quantity targeted actions/ total number of actions * 100%.

Or for more clarity: the number of real customers / the number potential clients* 100% (unit - %).

Your focal point

You should always strive to increase your average check, revenue, profit and conversion, and decrease the cost per client!

We got acquainted with the basic terms necessary to open our own business, of course, there are also such concepts as “break-even point”, “initial investment volume”, “periodic costs”, “amortization” and others.

But they will already appear in your business plan, which I strongly recommend that you draw up before you start a business.

On the topic of drawing up a business plan, I wrote a detailed article, where I explained everything in detail with numbers and examples - how to write a business plan. Be sure to read it.

Now let's compare the calculations of a business without investments and with investments. I must say right away that all the figures for calculations are approximate and taken for clarity.

illustrative example

As an example of a business without investment, let's take walking tours of local attractions in your city.

As an example of an investment business, consider opening small shop clothes in your city.

Tour business in hometown

Now let's look at how long it will take you to get your money back and make a profit, based on the business terms above.

As you can see, the cost of organizing a business is minimal. Basically it's advertising. Compose it correctly and then success will be guaranteed to you.

Suppose you made an advertisement, placed it somewhere for a fee, somewhere for free, and gathered a group of 20 people in 10 days. Let the ticket for your tour cost 500 rubles. At the same time, your average check will almost always be equal to 500 rubles (unless someone takes several tickets for an excursion at once).

Then with 20 people your revenue will be 10,000 rubles. At the same time, you spent 3,700 rubles, that is, the cost of one client will be equal to 185 rubles.

The profit from one client is 315 rubles, and the total profit from one excursion will be 6300 rubles.

Here we have such a mini business plan for calculating the performance indicators of the project "Excursions to the sights of the native city".

The situation is much more complicated with the opening of a clothing store.

clothing store business

And that's just the one-time cost to get started. Add here the seller's salary (if you do not trade on your own) and taxes.

It turns out that for one monthly cost you will spend about 50,000 rubles (rent, salary, taxes).

In addition, the assortment always needs to be updated, and if something goes wrong and you cannot sell the product for one reason or another, then all your money invested in the product will be frozen.

If things go really badly and you decide to close the business, then you won’t be able to return the money for renting the premises and repairs, and you will sell equipment and goods at least 2-3 times cheaper, provided that it also takes time.

Even if you reach a net profit of 2,000 rubles per day (which, believe me, is not so easy to do in an offline business, especially in the first months), then the payback period for the initial investment will be 920,000 / 60,000 rubles (profit in 30 days) = 15 months.

It will take you only time to return the initial investment!


It is better to learn how to sell and open your first business without investments, make a profit there and repeatedly consolidate the result.

Only after that you can move on to more complex steps and build a system that brings money without your participation. An example of such a system is a store.

A business system for you can also be your own website on the Internet, which is also capable of making a profit.

If you want to know how you can make money on your site and thus build an asset on the network that brings passive income, read the article “How to make money on your site”.

3. What is the best business to open if you have limited funds

You can open your business almost from scratch by providing services. You can provide them both independently and with a partner (with partners). Services can also be resold.

For example, if you plan to provide legal services, then the best option for you would be to get a job as a seller of such services for an already well-known lawyer or law firm.

So you will understand the whole process of the functioning of the business, and most importantly, you will earn yourself potential customers.

Remember that the main asset of a business is the customer base!

Even if you don’t have anything or, God forbid, your equipment (office, documents) burns down, the accumulated client base will quickly compensate for these losses when correct work with her.

If you still decide to open a business that requires solid investments, then the risks here will be correspondingly much higher.

When starting your own business, you must understand that, in principle, nothing can be opened without money. In any case, certain funds will be needed, at least a few thousand rubles, for advertising and other organizational expenses.

In business circles, projects with a starting budget of less than $1,000 are usually referred to as business without investments.

4. Open your own business - 5 simple steps to a successful start

Now let's move on to practical steps and we will understand what sequential actions you need to perform in order to start your project quickly and at no extra cost.

Step 1. Choosing an idea for a future project

If you want to start your own business and are looking for good ideas, then it is better to choose them not by the method " brainstorming”, when you go through all the thoughts that come to mind and write them down, and do it more competently.

First of all, the chosen business idea should be right for you. If your neighbor opened a car service in the garage, it does not mean at all that you need to do the same.

Take a piece of paper and write down what kind of business you would be interested in doing. Sketch at least 10 options.

Now think about what knowledge, experience or other resources you have to go into this particular type (types) of business.

Step 2. Market analysis and niche selection

Niche choice is very milestone. If you choose a niche with too much competition, you risk losing customers. Yes, and this business will require quite large investments.

If you decide to open an offline business, then by the abundance of advertising in newspapers and magazines of a particular field, you can indirectly estimate the size of this particular market and the competition that exists on it.

If you want to open a business on the Internet, then it is best to analyze the niche and competition in it using the Yandex.Wordstat service (

To do this, enter the word or phrase you are interested in in the search bar of Wordstat and see how many requests the service will give you.

If you see that people request your chosen phrase several thousand times a month, this indicates the demand for this niche, but the competition in it will be quite high.

As the saying goes, “A holy place is never empty!”

After you have conducted a market analysis and decided on a niche for a future project, be sure to draw up a business plan and only after that proceed to the next step.

Step 3. Prepare an offer and launch an advertising campaign

If you open a business offline, then your offer may be a well-designed storefront, and business processes - well-established deliveries of goods and high-quality work of the seller.

If you open your business on the Internet, then in this case, your offer will be a well-designed website with a well-thought-out structure and selling texts.

Take the preparation of the offer very seriously, because the success of your future project largely depends on how you position your goods and services.

If you yourself do not understand the development of advertising and marketing strategies, then you can find a professional advertising specialist or marketer who will help you set up your company's marketing processes.

You can find a marketer on the exchange of remote specialists "Freelance" (

Step 4. Getting the first orders and working with clients

At this stage, it is very important to work correctly with each buyer. I advise you to use the principle of the WBFO* here.

DBCO - to give more than expected.

That is, if the client expected to simply buy a product or service by paying you a certain amount, say that today your company is just having a “gifting day” or “sale” and offer the person a small souvenir or a 10% discount.

Then your first customers will become regular and, in addition to their purchases, will bring you profit by recommending your company to friends, acquaintances and relatives. The effect of "word of mouth" will work.

Step 5. Fulfilling obligations and making a profit

After a client has come to you and made a payment, pay attention to the quality of the product or service you offer him.

Try to earn for yourself and your company good reputation, yield to customers in those moments where it is not possible on your part, build partnerships and friendships with them.

So you can get your first profit, and then invest one part of it again in your business, and spend the second part on your needs.

Do not forget to pay taxes on time to avoid problems with representatives of the law!

For all tax matters, you can consult an accountant or tax office at the place of residence.

5. Conclusion

Dear reader, I hope that now you know how to start your own business.

In this article, we looked at different ways to start your business, including practically from scratch.

I wish you good luck, great achievements in business and never give up!

That's all for today and see you in the next posts!

A man's work should not only be beneficial to himself, but also beneficial to his fellow man.

Otherwise, it is just stupidity and vanity.

(F.T. Barnum)

When President Lincoln and his family received General Tom Tamm and his wife at the White House during the Civil War, Lincoln, tired with sad eyes, asked Tom during the conversation what he would suggest regarding the conduct of further military operations.

"My President," replied Tom, "my friend Barnum is able to settle this situation in one month."

Such an opportunity F.T. Barnum was never provided, but such an answer clearly shows how highly Americans valued the talent and creative abilities of this man. And we should think: really, what would Barnum do to end the Civil War in his country?

And how would he behave in our tough business environment, where some sharks greedily devour others, trying to quickly stand out from the competition and make potential customers notice themselves? What keys to success would this person pick and use—keys that you could use to emerge victorious from the hugely costly struggle to attract and retain customers in a time when most people rightfully view business as a battlefield?

As already mentioned, I have identified 10 key success factors for Barnum as a businessman. And since many associate his name with the famous circus with three arenas, I decided to call them Barnum's "arenas of power". Briefly, they can be represented as follows.

1. Barnum believed that every minute a new customer was born in the world. This man simply did not know how to think in small categories. Thus, the American Museum, one of his three main creations, was incredibly popular: over the years of the creator's life, more than four million people visited it. However, staying in New York, at a price of 25 cents per ticket (50% discount for children), Barnum would hardly have become rich thanks to the museum. His goal was not just one segment of the market. He went on a world tour. And conquered it. He took General Tom Tam several times to Europe, and Ginny Lind, on the contrary, brought him from there to America, and both artists traveled by ship (and in the 1980s it took at least two weeks). In the middle of the 19th century, Barnum was one of the most famous - and richest - people on the planet. Why? Because it was not limited to nearby markets; it was not enough for him even relatively big city in which he lived. His target was the planet! One of the chapters tells how you can expand your customer base; in this chapter, you'll also learn about new ways to reach potential customers quickly, easily, and inexpensively.

2. Barnum believed that the interest of the public must be aroused in any way. He tried to get people's attention in every way he could think of. In all likelihood, he can rightfully be called the father of the publicity stunt. Once he even bought an elephant and forced him to plow a field on his estate. What for? And then, that the field was not far from railway, which was followed by trains to New York. And although most businessmen saw the passengers in the cars as ordinary people, Barnum saw potential customers in them. He knew that the elephant would attract everyone's attention and be a great publicity stunt. And it worked. Barnum was talked about all over the country, and agrarian societies were very interested in where they could buy an elephant for agricultural work. “Newspaper reporters came to me from all over the country and wrote reams of enthusiastic articles about the productivity of the elephant as an agricultural “tool,” Barnum wrote. – Before I decided that my advertisement had attracted enough media attention mass media, the field has been plowed by an elephant at least sixty times…” Later I will tell many more stories about how to create public interest, as well as about new ways to use proven methods in today's business.

3. Barnum believed that people should be given as much as possible for their money. All his life he tirelessly tried to find something that can give people real pleasure. He wanted people to gladly give him their money. He traveled all over the world in search of artists and things of interest to the public. General Tom Tam, Jenny Lind, Siamese twins (albeit dubious artifacts) - all this was really amusing and attractive to people. The public wanted what Barnum offered them - unusual entertainment. He used extraordinary, sometimes simply absurd publicity stunts to get everyone's attention for his shows, but when he managed to lure people to the doors of his museums, theaters and circuses, he completely satisfied their desires, never disappointing their expectations. According to researchers, his shows and performances were rarely complained about, although he was a big fan of practical jokes. He turned unkempt, disreputable circuses and otherwise uninteresting museums into the most popular places for entertainment and recreation. After reading the chapter “Barnum knew what people are willing to pay their last dime for”, you will find out what all people strive for, what they are willing to pay their last cent for, and how you can give it to them no matter what business you are in.

4. Barnum was a firm believer in the power of the media. Barnum was incredibly creative in self-promotion and promotion of his businesses. An internationally acclaimed showman, speaker, politician, writer, philanthropist, and marketing genius, he rose to worldwide fame and became incredibly wealthy primarily because he knew how (and managed) to make friends with the media. In his last extant letter, five days before his death (Barnum died in 1891), he writes: "I am indebted to the American press for every dollar I have." The chapter "How to Make the Unknown Known and Get Rich Through It" describes the ingenious methods Barnum used to get the media to advertise his businesses - methods that will help any businessman outperform his competitors today.

5. Barnum relied entirely on persistent long-term advertising. Although F.T. Barnum believed in the power of free advertising, and he never forgot the power of paid advertising. He actively used posters, advertisements, classified and window advertising, brochures, leaflets and booklets - with their help he advertised what he wanted to sell. Barnum believed in the power of advertising with an almost evangelical passion (see illustration on p. 37). He was even called "Shakespeare from advertising." He wrote: “If you have something that, from your point of view, is able to interest consumers, what, if you offer them, will make them want to fork out, be sure to let them know about it.” In the chapter How to Ensure Success as Big as an African Elephant, I'll talk about Barnum's surprisingly little-known rules for creating ads that can get the results you want.

Letter written by F.T. Barnum to President Abraham Lincoln in 1861. Note that Barnum used every opportunity to advertise his business, even stationery. (From the private collection of the author)

6. Barnum believed that people help each other achieve the desired results. Networking(or setting business contacts) is considered a newfangled term modern business- the world, but Barnum practiced this technique for more than a hundred years ago. So, deciding that upon arrival in London he needed to meet with the Queen of Great Britain, he asked for a recommendation from the well-known and respected American politician and journalist Horace Greeley. The clearest example of networking. And when Barnum needed to "light up" in a particular region, he turned for help to one of the local influential persons, up to the President of the United States. He knew that most people liked to help others, as long as they were given a really good reason. He was an extremely pleasant and likeable person and everyone liked him. When a great entrepreneur was negotiating the purchase of what would eventually become the famous Barnum American Museum, and former owner demanded a recommendation from him, the reviews about the buyer turned out to be so enthusiastic that the owner of the museum at first even decided that it was a fake. It should not be forgotten that Barnum always treated people fairly and was honest with them, which greatly facilitated communication; people gladly did him the favors he asked for. In the chapter “As an unknown F.T. Barnum met Queen Victoria and got rich tells how you can use the arena of power to make your partner and assistant any of your contemporaries.

7. Barnum believed in a creative approach to the negotiation process and treated his employees and artists with respect. Working conditions at F.T. Barnum have always been fair. The employees adored him. He paid a good salary, shared profits with people; thanks to him, many of his artists - Jenny Lind, General Tom Tam, the Siamese twins, Admiral Nutt - became very rich people. When the famous Siamese twins Chang and Yong, having lost their fortune in the Civil War, agreed to show themselves to the public for money, Barnum shared all the income equally, and the artists earned good money. The black midget William Henry Johnson, who has worked in the show business for more than six decades, F.T. Barnum generally made his full partner. And when the famous American Mormon religious leader Brigham Young jokingly asked Barnum how much he would pay him for a show with the participation of himself and his many wives (and he had more than 50 of them), the entrepreneur answered with all seriousness that he would give him not less than half the proceeds from ticket sales, which he calculated would be about $200,000 F.T. Barnum always negotiated with absolute honesty. In the chapter How Barnum Acquired His Dream Business Without Paying a Dime, you will learn about his wise approach to closing deals, which you can use right now to achieve great success in your business activities.

8. Barnum believed in a higher power. It is known that Mark Twain experienced several serious failures in his life, including bankruptcy and a real family tragedy, and this left a deep scar in his soul for life, turning him into a gloomy cynic with a pen "warmed up in hell." Barnum also suffered a lot and experienced the same sorrows and troubles, and even much greater ones, but the misfortunes did not harden his soul. The American Museum, his favorite brainchild, burned twice. His famous palace "Iranistan", the largest and most unusual of the palaces in America, also burned to the ground. He lost his wife and two daughters. But he never showed his feelings in public. He quickly got on his feet, gave orders for the construction of new houses, museums and palaces, and even married a second time to a woman forty years younger than him. Barnum's tremendous inner strength was the result of his unshakable belief that everything that happens to us in life is for the best. The laconic inscription on his tombstone reads: "Thy will be done, not mine." Faith helped him meet adversity with honor and prosper in business, despite all the setbacks and troubles. In the chapter “How to Survive Financial Disasters and Personal Tragedies,” I will talk about the incredible feelings I experienced at the grave of F.T. Barnum, as well as how business becomes part of a person's personal development, allows him to better understand himself and gives strength to endure the biggest misfortunes in life.

9. Barnum believed in the power of the written word. Barnum's second (after the Museum) favorite brainchild was his autobiography, which he completed and rewrote until his last days. It was finally completed by Barnum's second wife, after his death, adding a chapter on the funeral of this great man. Barnum began his literary career at the age of twenty-two, becoming the editor of a religious newspaper, for which he was soon arrested by the authorities. He was well aware of the enormous power of the printed word in the formation public opinion and used this powerful weapon all his life - when he wrote letters to the presidents of America, and when he edited newspaper articles, and when he prepared booklets advertising the "mermaid from the Fiji Islands" or his favorite General Tom Tam. He did not let go of his pen until the last days, because he knew that every word he wrote brought him closer to fame, wealth and immortality. One of the chapters tells why many successful businessmen today become authors of articles and books and what you need to do in order to write a book too.

10. Barnum believed in the power of the spoken word. Barnum was not afraid to perform in front of huge audiences and did it constantly, advocating for a sober lifestyle or for the emancipation of slaves, to convince people that his shows were moral, highly cultured and safe for children and animals, etc. He knew that the word able to move mountains, and tried to communicate more with the brilliant speakers of his time. Barnum performed during the peak years of Mark Twain and Charles Dickens and was as famous as his great contemporaries. He knew that public speaking contributed to the popularization and, therefore, the development and expansion of the business. Even in the political arena - although this activity gave him the opportunity to bring great benefits to his third favorite brainchild, the city of Bridgeport - Barnum engaged in what he called "profitable philanthropy." He knew that through public speaking, he was becoming more and more famous and attracting more people's attention to his business ventures. In the chapter “How F.T. Barnum went bankrupt. to get rich again" are described unique techniques that will help you become a more persuasive and charismatic speaker.

There are many more chapters in this book, full of surprises and discoveries, from which you will learn about the keys to success used by F.T. Barnum.

The great showman himself often told people about what, in his opinion, was his main business secret; he read his famous lecture entitled "The Art of Making Money" hundreds of times. Many subsequently admitted that this performance radically changed their lives. And at least one man, the father of Barnum's second wife, claimed to have made a fortune thanks to his son-in-law's advice. And so that you get a complete picture of F.T. Barnum and his opinion on what you need to do to succeed in business, I included the text of this speech in my book.

You may have already begun to wonder how you will put Barnum's arenas of power into practice. It should be said that most modern businessmen are limited to only one - two, at most three of them. And if you use all ten, then you definitely cannot avoid loud, amazing success. But how to do that? In the following chapters, we will look at all 10 arenas of power in detail.

And in order to play out your imagination, I suggest that you first listen to F.T. Barnum...

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Microsoft founder Bill Gates demonstrated his talent as a programmer in high school by devising a class schedule that allowed him to be in the class with the maximum number of girls every time. Who would have thought then what lies ahead for a savvy teenager - the creation of a transnational corporation that will develop the most popular in the world operating system Windows. Gates decided to start his own business in 1975, and in less than forty years his offspring has gone from three employees and $16,000 in a bank to the status of a business giant (almost 90,000 people in the state) and the largest manufacturer software, mobile phones and computer technology. By the way, if you decide to try your luck and become part of the Microsoft team, keep in mind that the company is very happy to accept women into its ranks and even hold summer camps for high school girls to arouse their interest in the industry. But despite this, be prepared for an extraordinary selection procedure (for example, during testing, candidates have to answer questions like “why sewer manholes are round”), as well as for fierce competition - on average, one vacancy in the company accounts for 1 million 300 thousand resumes.


Brothers Mac and Dick MacDonald pioneered fast food when they opened the first self-service restaurant in December 1948. It is likely that their business would have remained a California-scale project if not for a nimble cocktail mixer supplier named Ray Kroc, who, by the way, was on the verge of bankruptcy when he met the McDonalds. It was he who believed in the future of the company and launched the sale of franchises, and in 1961 he bought the business from the brothers for $2.7 million. The company was founded by him in 1955, and already in 1965 he managed more than 700 restaurants in the United States. The first foreign McDonald's opened in Canada in 1967, after which the hamburger corporation began its victorious march around the planet. In Russia, the opening of the first McDonald's took place on January 31, 1990 and caused an incredible stir: in spite of the cold, as many as 30,000 people lined up in line for overseas cheeseburgers. By the way, respecting the local traditions of different countries, the company adapts the menu and design of dishes: for example, there is no Big Mac in the menu of restaurants in India, but there is Maharaja Mac made from lamb meat. In total, McDonald's has more than 35,000 restaurants in the world, and despite scandals and litigation (it is worth remembering at least the story of the sensational documentary "Double Portion", as well as the recent court case won by Jamie Oliver), the company maintains its incredible popularity. : more than 70 million people become its customers every day.


Michael Dell was not brilliant at school, but at the age of 12 he showed an extraordinary entrepreneurial talent, earning $ 2,000 thanks to the distribution of a subscription to the magazine. A simple craft opened up for a young businessman the technique of direct sales: Dell recognized the names of newlyweds, sending them greeting cards with an offer for a two-week free subscription. Surprisingly, it was this direct sales technology that later became the proprietary know-how of the Dell business empire - a developer, manufacturer and seller of computers, servers and software. The company (which Dell founded at the age of 19 with $1,000 in its pocket) for the first time in its industry refused to work with intermediaries and excluded warehouses from the business chain: computers are assembled here only by order from the client and delivered directly to the buyer, offering as bonus permanent service support, minimum prices and numerous gifts-bonuses. Dell was the first company in its industry to decide to sell computers over the Internet. With such bold innovation and exceptional focus on the customer, it's no wonder that the corporation topped Fortune magazine's list of "Companies to Admire" in 2005.


If the name of the Spanish company Inditex does not mean much to you, believe me, you are very familiar with its brands: Zara, Oysho, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Pull and Bear, Stradivarius - and this is not the whole list. The history of the corporation began in the 70s, when the Spanish entrepreneur Amancio Ortega decided to open an inexpensive but fashionable clothing store and named it Zara. The business turned out to be successful, Ortega continued to open more and more new stores, which in 1985 formed the Inditex holding. Further - more: within the framework of the corporation, new brands were born, each with its own style and target audience, then there were shops of textiles, accessories, shoes. Thanks to the variety of brands and the ability to instantly respond to the dynamics of demand, Inditex has become a real business empire, demonstrating fantastic growth rates. The company currently owns over 5,000 outlets on all 5 continents and does not plan to stop there.


The most popular family entertainment empire, Disney Corporation has gone from a tiny studio in a garage to one of the world's strongest giants in nine decades. Animation was a clear vocation for Disney: he began to draw comics from the age of seven, took a course in cartooning and studied at the Academy of Fine Arts. Starting in 1923 with cartoons about Alice in Wonderland, five years later he introduced the public to Mickey Mouse (who, by the way, he voiced himself), and seven years later he received an Oscar - the first of a record 29! In 1937, Disney gave the world Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the highest-grossing film of all time (surpassed only by Gone with the Wind), which ushered in a whole era of full-length cartoons. This was followed by the classics "Bambi", "Dumbo", "Beauty and the Beast", the company gained a whole army of fans. After numerous letters from viewers asking them to visit his studio, Disney decided to open a new business - an amusement park, which eventually became a pledge financial stability company and made Walt's heirs billionaires: by 1960, the income from Disneyland exceeded the income from the work of the film studio. Today, Walt Disney Productions, which is the second (after Time Warner) media holding, owns several film and recording studios, 535 branded stores, several newspapers and magazines, its own TV network, hockey and baseball teams, parks in different countries world, and the annual turnover is 21 billion dollars. I wonder what baggage the Disney empire will bring to the centenary?


Guerlain, Givenchy, Hennesy, Bulgari, Marc Jacobs, Benefit, Don Peregnon and many, many more iconic luxury brands are all LVMH. The French concern, owned by the Bernard Arnault family and today the world's largest manufacturer of luxury goods, appeared in 1987 through the merger of two key market players - Louis Vuitton and Moët Hennessy. This deal marked the beginning of numerous acquisitions and mergers, the largest of which could have been the failed acquisition of Gucci in 1999. The luxury empire, with a turnover of more than 20 billion euros a year, includes companies producing clothing, watches, wine and spirits, leather goods, perfumes and cosmetics. Also included in the LMHV corporation are an auction house, financial publications, an art magazine, hotels, and a radio station. Declaring luxury as a passion, the company strives for perfectionism in everything and is actively working to find and develop talent. In addition to direct business development, LVHM pays attention to charity and responsible business conduct: the company supports a number of social projects and medical institutions, sponsors events in the arts, and is also involved in the preservation and restoration of cultural monuments.


It's even somewhat ridiculous to define Apple as a "manufacturer of personal computers." I would like to talk about this business empire, which has created a real cult of its products, only in superlatives: created by the legendary Steve Jobs on April 1 (just kidding, they joked) 1976, Apple today is the most valuable company in the world. She earns $300,000 every minute, the amount in her company bank account sometimes exceeds the amount held in the US Treasury account, and in the first quarter of 2014 alone, Apple earned more than Google, Facebook, and Amazon combined. Setting record after record, in March 2014 the company sold its 500 millionth iPhone, and apparently, it is not going to stop there - the covenant of the founder Jobs "to remain insatiable" seems to have become the unspoken motto of the corporation.



Having given up on his unfulfilled dream of becoming a banker, 31-year-old native of a grocer's family, Conrad Hilton decided to try his luck in the hotel business. His first hotel, the Dallas Hilton, opened in 1925, he was determined to make the best hotel in Texas - and eventually created a hospitality empire. Even the Great Depression, which powerfully hit America in the 1920s, did not stop Hilton: forced to cede his company to creditors, he bought it out five years later and resumed active work, and in 1954 he stunned all of America by committing biggest deal and bought its main competitor, Statler Hotels, for $111 million. By the end of the 60s, Hilton owned more than 40 hotels in the United States, plus the same number abroad. The success of Hilton's business empire was built on numerous innovations that are now considered an integral part of the hospitality industry. So, it was Hilton who came up with the “star” (by analogy with cognac) hotel rating system. He also suggested integrating hotels and casinos (which instantly increased the number of customers), opening hotels at the airport and putting quality of service at the forefront. In addition, Hilton liked to visit competitors' hotels, observing the atmosphere and behavior of customers. It was in the Hilton Corporation that the incentive system was introduced regular customers, an information and reference system for booking rooms in conjunction with air and railway tickets, and even a Pinacolada cocktail was created at the Hilton Hotel. Today the corporation has 3800 hotels different levels in 88 countries. It is noteworthy, by the way, that after the death of Conrad Hilton, the empire he built became, in accordance with the will, the property of charitable foundation Hilton Foundation. However, one of the businessman's sons managed to challenge his father's dying will in court, and a few years later the business empire returned to the "bosom of the Hilton family".

virgin group

In 1967, the principal of the school that Richard Branson graduated from, said goodbye to his (far from the best) student with these words: “Congratulations, Richard! You either go to jail or become a millionaire." The prediction came true: Branson became one of the most famous - and most outrageous - rich people of modern times, and his company - the greatest conglomerate of various business lines. It all started with an idea as bold as it was absurd: suffering from dyslexia and, accordingly, having not read a single book, Branson decided ... to publish a magazine! From a magazine he moved to music store, from shops to a record label, and off we go: balloon flight operator, publishing house, international air travel, bridal wear, jewelry and cosmetics online, vodka production, comic book production, condoms ... It's hard to say what strikes in this endless list more - scale or spread. Even Branson himself is rumored to be unsure exactly how many companies belong to his fantastic multi-brand, which now has $24 billion in combined revenue. It is obvious that the secret of the success of the Virgin Corporation is in courage, bordering on insanity: it is not in vain that the name Virgin Branson chose for his business as a designation of a "virgin" approach to business and the absence of any experience from any of the employees. A non-standard approach is manifested in Branson's company at all levels: there is absolutely no subordination here, informality and creativity are welcomed, and employees calmly drink beer during the working day. And Branson himself this moment preoccupied with the development, no more, no less, of space tourism, still loves adventure, outrageous antics and his immortal sweater, which he does not refuse even at meetings with royalty.

Since many people want to do business, but either do not know how to do it, or open and receive huge losses, so in this article we will talk about business. Here you will learn all the main and necessary principles for creating your financial empire.

Differences between small and large businesses

There are significant differences between small and private businesses, and big business. And the difference is not that the financial turnover of a small business is much more modest than that of a large one! The main thing is the tax laws! The incident is that higher taxes are approved for small businesses than for big business. This may be a discovery for many, but rich people were able to become rich only because they adjusted to the tax laws of big business. That is, you will never be able to reach a very high level of income if you "play" from the sector of the private entrepreneur!

There is another important difference - this is what the small business owner will have average income while plowing at it without a break. While the owner big company spends on it no more than one day a week, and may even leave for a long time, but his profit from this will only increase exponentially.

financial literacy

A very important point is the financial literacy of a businessman. The problem is that enterprising people who take large loans from banks and then invest them in some projects know absolutely nothing about running a business. Subsequently, 80% of novice businessmen do not achieve any success, but on the contrary, they only get into big debts, which they then pay off all their lives.

Before investing your money in any project, first study this area well, analyze all the positive and negative points, consult with experienced financial consultants. And most importantly, come up with your own chip in this area, because without it you will not be any different from your competitors, which can lead to bankruptcy.

Often novice businessmen make such a stupid mistake as duplicating someone else's idea. And after an unsuccessful attempt, they close and wonder: “Why did someone become a billionaire on this idea, but I couldn’t?” And the subtlety is that in business the rules of the “game” change every hour. Never open your own business if someone else has already done it! Never if you don't have your chip!

How to create your own business empire?

To create an influx passive income global dimensions, it is necessary to create a large-scale corporation. The whole idea is that you can't build a financial empire if you try to do everything yourself, and many people do just that! Success lies in one thing - it is to gather a team of professionals around you who will manage your company! And you just need to correctly select reliable people who are well versed in this area and replace them in time if someone lets the team down. As a result of successful management, your financial system will be strengthened every hour, and you will only have to expand your influence, your corporations, but also do not forget about introducing new ideas into your company.

Now you will understand why this is so! Tell me, how many years do you have to work hard alone to make a million? For a very, very long time, but you won’t earn so much in a lifetime. Now let's imagine that a million people donate a ruble to you - you will become a millionaire in an instant! A large number of specialists, performing a minimum amount of work, will bring you global profit!

And finally, I’ll say, once a multibillionaire was asked: “What would you wish an average investor?”, And he answered: “Don’t be average!”. Do not be average, because business is the unlimited development of your capabilities!