The former owner of the Cherkizovsky market, Ismailov, where is he located. Telman Ismailov decided to repent before the president. And we even know his name

The ex-owner of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov, suspected of contract killing, is hiding in Montenegro. This was reported to The CrimeRussia by a well-informed source. According to him, the fugitive tycoon concluded an agreement with the ruling circles of this state on non-extradition Russian government.

Telman Ismailov is a talented and very successful businessman

Telman Ismailov is a non-standard entrepreneur and a brilliant leader. For a long time, the name of this wealthy businessman was associated only with the work of the famous Cherkizovsky market in the capital. To date, the market is no longer there, but Telman's promotion is still ongoing. At the present time, the AST group of companies, owned by Ismailov, owns an effective business, containing many different sections. Cargo transportation, construction, book printing, restaurant business, and much more - all this is considered only a small fraction of the assets of the famous Azerbaijani businessman.

Telman's new multi-billion dollar business

It is significant that after the entrepreneur lost the Cherkizovsky market, he made an attempt to buy the most profitable similar institution in Ukraine - the 7 kilometer market near Odessa, where merchants deliberately come to buy not only from all over the state, but also from Moldova and Belarus . But at the same time, with Telman Ismailov, on this market put an eye on that period, President Viktor Yanukovych and the company was transferred into the hands of his agents.

Telman himself decided to sit out the crisis in Turkey. He opened the Mardan Palace Hotel in Antalya, named after the entrepreneur's father, who would have turned exactly 100 years old when the hotel opened. By the way, the German newspaper "Süddeutsche Zeitung" called "Mardan Palace" the most expensive hotel on the continent, since its construction took at least a billion dollars.

Telman Ismailov is hiding in Montenegro

Last year, the Ismailov family lived in a cottage on a plot of land hotel complex Mardan Palace in Antalya. But, fearing extradition to the Russian government, they left Turkey, as the district law enforcement agencies had questions for Telman Ismailov. According to the explanations of Turkish investigators, he was involved in the process of the murder of thief in law Rovshan Lenkoransky (Dzhaniev). Then the magnate's family emigrated to France. However, even there Ismailov did not feel safe, as he was put on the international wanted list.

He currently lives in a rented villa in Montenegro. Right there, he recorded his recent video message, where he stated fears that his brother Rafik could be “liquidated” before the trial. Regarding him, the investigation was completed and soon the verdict was in the organization of the murder of 2 businessmen (part 2 of article 105 and article 222 of the Criminal Code Russian Federation) must be confirmed by the prosecutor's office, after which the materials will be submitted to the court.

Telman Ismailov is an extraordinary businessman and talented manager. For a long time, the name of this wealthy entrepreneur was associated exclusively with the activities of the famous Cherkizovsky market in Moscow. Today the market is gone, but the career of our today's hero is still going on. Currently, the AST group, owned by Telman Ismailov, owns successful business covering many different industries. Trucking, construction, publishing, catering business, as well as much more - all this is only a small fraction of the assets of a well-known Azerbaijani entrepreneur.

But what else do we know about this extraordinary businessman? Collect everything in one article Interesting Facts from the life of a legendary entrepreneur, we decided today.

Early years, childhood and the family of Telman Ismailov

Telman Ismailov was born on October 26, 1956. Baku, rich in sun and oil, became his hometown. Perhaps it was this interesting fact that predetermined the entire future course of the life of our today's hero.

In the family in which Telman Ismailov was born, there were eleven more children in addition to himself. Among them all, the future famous businessman was one of the youngest (namely, the tenth in seniority). His father was an Azerbaijani by birth. And my mother, in addition to Baku, also had Jewish roots.

As for business and trade, our today's hero has been engaged in them from the very beginning. early age. The thing is that his father was a major Azerbaijani entrepreneur with his own semi-legal business in Baku. Produced in state-owned factories, products were sold under the counter. And therefore, assistants to Ismailov Sr. were needed almost constantly. Telman did not resist this state of affairs and from the age of fourteen he helped his father with might and main in his shadow business. In that period, commerce and entrepreneurship were possible only if there were good connections. That is why our today's hero always willingly made new acquaintances.

How much did Telman Ismailov's hotel cost?

Soon, Ismailov Jr. acquired many important connections and even managed to head the only commercial store in Baku in this way. However, this enterprising Caucasian very soon seemed not enough. In 1973, he entered the Azerbaijan People's Economic Institute named after. D. Buniat-Zade, where he later studied for three years.

The next stage in the life of a talented businessman was the army, after which he again returned to his studies, but this time he entered a Moscow university. In the Russian capital, he began to study at the Plekhanov Institute of National Economy. Diploma Designated educational institution he received in 1980.

My labor activity an extraordinary Caucasian businessman started as an economist at the Ministry of Commerce. In parallel with this, he also worked as an expert on certain issues at the Vostokintorg enterprise.

Career of businessman Telman Ismailov

Our today's hero created his first commercial company in 1987, choosing a very controversial name as a brand name - "Commercial Charitable Company". In this company, in fact, Telman Ismailov's career began in the world big business. Developing it, a talented Azerbaijani entrepreneur acquired friends and serious connections. So, one of the good friends of the businessman was the then chairman cooperative commission Moscow City Executive Committee - Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov. The Caucasian entrepreneur also had good relations with the notorious Moscow business lady Elena Baturina.

With their active support, Telman Ismailov organized the AST company in 1989, which at that time consisted of only one division. Developing his business, an extraordinary Azerbaijani businessman constantly mastered new directions. At present, the large Azerbaijani-Russian holding includes 31 companies, each of which specializes in its own business area. Thus, the structure of the group of companies includes enterprises operating in the construction and hotel business, passenger transportation, jewelry production, restaurant business and many other market segments. As mentioned above, for a long time, the AST holding actually owned the Cherkizovsky and Warsaw markets in Moscow.

Lezginka at the birthday of Telman Ismailov

According to some reports, the total annual turnover of the holding is estimated at 2 billion dollars. In addition, Telman Ismailov personally also owns the "seven-star" hotel "Mardan Palace" in the Turkish city of Antalya. The grand opening of the hotel complex took place in 2009 on the day when the deceased father of the entrepreneur - Mardan - was to be one hundred years old.

In the second half of the 2000s, our today's hero was in 76th place in the ranking of the richest people in Russia. At the time, his personal fortune was estimated at $620 million. At present, according to some reports, the fortune of one of the most talented businessmen in Azerbaijan is estimated at more than 1 billion dollars in terms of US currency.

Apart from commercial activities the entrepreneur is engaged in philanthropy within the framework of the Eurasian Congress of Jews. In addition, he was also a long-term sponsor of the singer Abraham Russo and the football club of the Russian Premier League - Terek Grozny.

Telman Ismailov's personal life and third-party hobbies

Telman Ismailov is married. He has two sons - Sarkhan and Alekper, who today are co-owners of the AST holding. The brother of our today's hero, Fazil, for a long time served as the prefect of one of the administrative districts of Moscow.

In his free time, Telman travels a lot (in addition to Russian citizenship, he also has Turkish citizenship), and also collects watches. Currently, his personal collection consists of two thousand copies.

Entrepreneur, former owner of the Cherkizovsky market, head of the AST group Ismailov Telman Mardanovich was born on October 26, 1956 in Baku, the tenth of twelve children in the family of Mardan and Peri Ismailov. Father and mother are Mountain Jews.
Telman's father worked in trade (a large Baku workshop), his son helped him from the age of fourteen and soon became the director of the only commercial store in Baku.
From 1973 to 1976 he studied at the Azerbaijan People's Economic Institute named after. D. Buniat-Zade. After serving in the army, he transferred to the Moscow Institute of National Economy. Plekhanov, who graduated in 1980. After that, he worked as an economist at the Ministry of Trade, as well as an expert at Vostokintorg. In 1989, he registered the ACT group, of which he is the president to this day.
He is vice-president of the Euro-Asian Congress of Jews; Maecenas.

His first-born in Moscow in 1987 was a cooperative under the controversial name "Commercial Charitable Company". Developing it, Ismailov became closely acquainted with the then chairman of the commission of the Moscow City Executive Committee on cooperative activities, Yuri Luzhkov (the secretary of this commission was Elena Baturina).
In 1989, he creates the first of the AST group of companies.

On July 13, 1989, he registered the AST-1989 company (sometimes the name KBF-AST was used). It was named after the names of the entrepreneur's sons - Alakbar and Sarkhan - and his own name, and the logo in the form of a scorpion was chosen because of the zodiac sign under which Ismailov was born. The group of companies is equally owned by Telman Ismailov, his two sons and nephew Zaur Mardanov. The group today includes 31 companies engaged in various types business, among them "AST-Hof" ( hotel business), "AST-Kapstroy" (construction), "AST-Shield" ( security company), "AST-Prague" (restaurant business), "AST-Taxi" ( Passenger Transportation), "AST-Gold" (production jewelry), JSC " Trading house TsVUM" (management of "Voentorg"). According to unspecified data, the company's annual turnover is about $2 billion. In fact, AST owned the Cherkizovsky market in Moscow. Telman Ismailov also owns the seven-star Mardan Palace Hotel in Turkey. The company began its activities with the clothing trade: the planning system began to falter and the shelves of state stores were empty. Ismailov has reached an agreement with the state-owned Mostorgodezhda chain of stores to lease its premises. According to Ismailov, it was a mutually beneficial agreement: he received trading floor, and "Mostorgodezhda" - money for the salaries of employees. To supply his stores, Ismailov himself negotiated with suppliers and attracted "shuttle traders": his first store opened on Profsoyuznaya Street. Less than a year and a half later, their number increased to 52 (some were subsequently bought into the ownership of AST), and then Ismailov opened big market in Luzhniki. In the 1990s, the Moscow authorities did not oppose the creation of such markets, since they solved the problem of supplying the capital with things and products, and also solved the problem of unemployment.

In 1994, AST agreed to lease a 200-hectare wasteland, which housed the Cherkizovsky market: flea markets owned by the company from different districts of Moscow were also transferred there. Ismailov concluded a lease agreement with the Moscow government, which owned 20 percent of the market, and the Russian state university physical culture, sports, youth and tourism (RGUFKSiT), which owned the rest of land plot. This market has become the largest clothing and food market in Moscow. According to the press, it was also one of the main haunts for illegal immigrants and a place where law enforcement officials did not even try to enter. The press noted that in addition to the official rent, representatives of the AST extorted from sellers additional fee and those who disagree were driven out of the market. In 2009, according to press estimates, the market brought its owners $1 million a day. As the Novye Izvestiya newspaper wrote in 2000, this money could be used to finance Azerbaijani criminal groups.

Until the mid-1990s, AST received goods from China, and then organized its own haberdashery production in Moscow and the Moscow region. Then it was created transport company"AST-Taxi". Also, the AST group of companies included the Prague restaurant, the AST-Kapstroy development company, two AST-Longevity dairy plants, the AST-Shield security agency and the Varshavsky market. In 2003, Ismailov created the AST-TSVUM company, which managed the demolished Voentorg during its reconstruction. According to Vedomosti, Voentorg was sold to Suleiman Kerimov in May 2009. In total, according to Ismailov himself, in 2007 the group included 31 companies, the total turnover was $2 billion, and the value of assets was $3 billion.

Some publications, including Kommersant, called Ismailov the owner of AST Publishing House LLC, one of the largest Russian publishing houses. This publishing house enjoyed a reputation as a "closed structure", whose owners rarely appeared in public. In 2005, Andrey Gertsev and Yakov Helemsky were named as its owners. The magazine "Company" in 2004 wrote that Ismailov participated in the creation of a publishing house, but by that time it had already worked independently of the AST group.
Also, Ismailov was sometimes erroneously credited with the ownership of the Evropeisky shopping center, located near the Kievsky railway station and owned by Kyiv Ploshchad CJSC.

Before the start of the 2009 holiday season, Telman Ismailov solemnly opened the most expensive Mardan Palace hotel in Europe in Antalya, Turkey. For its construction, the businessman spent, according to various estimates, 1.5 - 1.7 billion dollars. Richard Gere, Sharon Stone, Tom Jones, Monica Bellucci, Paris Hilton, Iosif Kobzon, Philip Kirkorov came to the opening. The ribbon was cut by Yury Luzhkov and his wife. The hotel is named after Telman Ismailov's father: Mardan. It would have been 100 years old on the opening day of the hotel.
A replica of Istanbul's Grand Bazaar has been erected on site, selling fur coats, gold and silks. More than 9,000 tons of fine sand from Egypt were brought to the hotel's beaches. The most expensive hotel room costs $19,000 a day. After the opening of the hotel, Telman Ismailov asked for Turkish citizenship. Telman Ismailov plans to build another hotel in Turkey, now the most expensive in the world, and purchase the Turkish football club Antalyaspor.

In 2007, he took 76th place in the list of Russian rich people according to Forbes magazine. Then the magazine estimated his fortune at 620 million dollars. Now Telman Ismailov's fortune is estimated at about a billion dollars. It is not unreasonable that Mr. Ismailov is considered a close and close friend of the ex-mayor of Moscow, Yu. M. Luzhkov.

Telman Ismailov is a well-known collector of expensive and very expensive watches, which he collected about 2 thousand pieces. He was a sponsor of the singer Abraham Russo. It is the general sponsor of the Terek-Grozny football club.
Created the Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow with branches in 67 regions. He financed the first Youth Olympic Games in the capital.

According to Ismailov, no one provided "roofs" for his stores: neither racketeers, nor bandits, nor the police. “If you eat a ruble from us, you will give back three,” he said. The press noted that the entrepreneur did not try to engage in the oil business and attributed Ismailov's success to his sociability, good friendships and charm. Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and the former vice-mayor of the capital Joseph Ordzhonikidze were called close friends. Ismailov donated funds to one of Luzhkov's main projects of those years: the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. In the 1999 elections, Ismailov was one of the main sponsors of the election campaign of Luzhkov and his Fatherland-All Russia bloc (OVR). This did not prevent him from maintaining good relations with federal government: In 1999, Russian President Boris Yeltsin awarded him an honorary diploma.

Ismailov was also actively engaged in sponsorship of the Lenkom theater troupe and the Shalom Jewish theater, as well as the Igor Moiseev ensemble. Ismailov was fond of music and invited musicians such as Avraam Rousso and Jennifer Lopez to Moscow. In addition, he opened in Israel one of the largest synangogues in the country, Baruch-Mordechai, and donated money to repair the Choral Synagogue in Moscow. Ismailov headed the Keren Hayesod Foundation, which raised funds to support the state of Israel, and was vice president of the Eurasian Jewish Congress.

Ismailov was called one of the most extravagant rich people in the world. Musicians and actors, whom Ismailov invited to his presentations, then received Porsche Cayenne cars as a birthday present. Ismailov's personal fortune in April 2009 was estimated by the Russian version of Forbes magazine at $600 million, which put him in 61st place among the richest citizens of Russia, although Finance magazine cited an order of magnitude lower figure - $70 million.

Back in the 1990s, the Moscow authorities and the federal government wanted to remove the Cherkizovsky market: it was planned to build the Fourth Transport Ring highway and build a residential microdistrict in its place. In 2007, the Arbitration Court decided to disband the market, but the owners of the market were in no hurry to implement the decision. In the spring of 2009, when the press started talking about the possible resignation of Luzhkov, there were rumors that Ismailov might also have problems. According to journalists, the "last straw" was the opening on May 23, 2009, of the largest and most luxurious hotel in the country, Mardan Palace, near the Turkish city of Antalya, named after Telman's father. The presentation was attended by Luzhkov, singer Iosif Kobzon and other influential people, and Sharon Stone acted as the presenter at the presentation. According to experts, the cost of the project ranged from 1.4 to 1.6 billion dollars.

After the opening of the hotel, on May 25, 2009, it became known that Ismailov had applied for Turkish citizenship and promised to build an even larger hotel in Turkey. On June 1, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin demanded that the prosecutor's office check the activities of the capital's markets, and on June 7, containers with contraband of "dangerous to health" children's goods and clothing worth two billion dollars were found in the Cherkizovsky market in the AST warehouses. On June 9, Rossiya TV channel aired an investigative documentary film Cherkizon by Arkady Mamontov, in which he accused the market owners of smuggling. It has been suggested in the Israeli press that Putin's statement could be the signal for a campaign against Jewish oligarchs in Russia. Other violations were revealed at the Cherkizovsky market, Ismailov's relatives were interrogated. At the same time, the Antalya administration initiated an investigation into the legality of the construction of the Mardan Palace.

On June 24, 2009, the lands of the Cherkizovsky market, which belonged to RGUFKSiT, were returned by bailiffs to the former owner. The press reported that the market would be closed until the end of 2009, but already on June 29, the prefect of the Eastern administrative district Moscow Nikolai Evtikhiev announced the temporary closure of the market due to violations of sanitary standards. On July 14, 2009, Luzhkov announced that the part of the market located on urban land would no longer resume its work, and that which was located on the territory of the RGUFKSiT was temporarily closed, but, according to the mayor, will also stop its work forever. The media stated that due to the closure of the Cherkizovsky market, Moscow faced the problem of finding jobs for its former traders, in particular, the Chinese and Vietnamese. Some of them moved to the square of the Sadovod market (better known as the Bird Market), whose old traders, outraged by the increase in rent, were even going to block the Moscow Ring Road (MKAD) in protest. On July 7, traders from the Cherkizovsky market tried to block the Shchelkovo highway.

As reported, “head of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin told Vedomosti that the Investigative Committee is investigating a criminal case initiated on February 6, 2009 on the grounds of crimes under Part 4 of Article 188 and Part 3 of Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The case was initiated against Nadezhda Zagorodnya, Irina Smirnova, and Denis Shebarov and other unidentified persons of the Baltic customs of the NWTU FCS of the Russian Federation on the facts of smuggling of goods from China across the customs border of Russia in the area of ​​responsibility of the North-Western customs administration FCS to various dummy consignees with the subsequent sale of these goods in the markets of Moscow, the Moscow Region and other regions. This case, according to Bastrykin, was separated from the criminal case initiated on September 7, 2000 on the fact of smuggling furniture into the address of Liga-Mars LLC.
In the course of the investigative measures carried out in September 2008 at the address: Moscow, Sirenevy Boulevard, vl. 4, in a warehouse rented from KBF ACT LLC (AST group is headed by businessman Telman Ismailov - Vedomosti), where it was located under the guise of an additional office "Cherkizovsky" of CB MK Bank LLC, unaccounted for cash. The investigation establishes their owners.
In addition, the right of KBF ACT LLC to real estate objects is not registered at the above address, Bastrykin said. And the so-called additional office "Cherkizovsky" was located at this address on the basis of a fake certificate of state registration rights to real estate. According to the response of the Department of the Federal RS for Moscow, as indicated in the certificate registry number object - 48122 - is listed as JSCB Lefko-bank. The investigation into all these facts is ongoing, the head of the UPC concluded.

Well-known lawyer Pavel Astakhov, according to, in some cases officially represented the interests of the Ismailov family.

On July 16, 2009, the Vedomosti newspaper published an article in which, with reference to the report of the Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko, it was stated that the closure of the Cherkizovsky market was the first stage in the program to combat shuttle trade. The purpose of this program was to restore the domestic light industry. Also, according to the newspaper, his investments in the Turkish economy played against Ismailov.

There is a version that the friction between the oligarch and the Kremlin began even earlier. As a source in the authorities explained, three years ago, the head of the department quarreled at the Ministry of Internal Affairs economic security Sergei Meshcheryakov, who was friends with the FSB, and Deputy Minister Andrei Novikov, who oversaw the criminal police:
- First, Meshcheryakov's assistant was arrested, but then the president was planted compromising evidence on Novikov, in whose office Vagif, Ismailov's nephew, worked. It seems that those papers were talking about the AST business, and the leak shocked Putin so much that he dismissed the deputy minister. In general, the FSB won, and Ismailov was taken into account.

On October 15, 2009, after another attempt by the merchants of the Cherkizovsky market to break into its closed territory, the Moscow mayor's office reported that this market was deleted from the register and would never open.

When Cherkizon was nevertheless demolished, it became unclear who would develop the vacated hectares. After all, they are, in fact, divided by two oligarchs - Ismailov and his countryman Zarakh Iliev. Once they were considered almost partners, but after certain events, Ismailov said that he had no partners. What secret service ran between the tatami is a mystery, but if Luzhkov is behind Ismailov, then behind Iliev is not even just the FSB, but someone more serious. Ilham Ragimov himself, a classmate and friend of Putin in judo, has placed his office in the Venetia restaurant, owned by Zarakh Iliev.

Ismailov is married. His wife's name is Samira. They have two sons, Sarkhan and Alekper, who are involved in their father's business. Sarkhan Ismailov was a student at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. According to the Izvestia newspaper, Ismailov has an older brother, Fazil, who changed his last name to Izmailov and in 2009 served as acting prefect of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow. However, in 2005, Fazil Izmailov said that he was born in Moscow, and his father was a general. In July 2009, the post of Fazil Ismailov was taken by former deputy Head of Rosprirodnadzor Oleg Mitvol.

“Hello, Eynulla! - the voice of a barely familiar person comes from the tube.- This is Telman Ismailov. I really want to meet and give your publication an interview. Dozens of journalists from different countries, but you know, I want to give an interview about my case only to you.

Without hesitation, I collect my bag, rush on the road, and now I'm already at the airport of Podgorica - the capital of the wonderful Balkan Montenegro. It seems that here, only near the boundless black mountains, which merge with the sparkling sea waves, there is some kind of incredible power, striking in its power and grandeur. But the flickering silence of Montenegro is very arbitrary, especially if we recall the events of six months ago - an attempted coup and the assassination of the legendary Yugoslav politician Milo Djukanovic ...

Telman Ismailov should fly to Montenegro any minute. He made an appointment for me in this quiet and cozy corner of the Old World. I have dinner with Telman Mardanovich's friends at one of the popular restaurants in Podgorica. Suddenly everyone turns around - a tall, strong man entered the restaurant. T.Ismailov's friends briefly introduce: "Meet the president." Why the president? Company or bank? However, what is it - an obsession or a momentary clouding of consciousness? .. No, everything is in order with me - Milo Djukanovic himself is really in front of me. One of the most famous European and Yugoslav politicians. So, modestly, like all residents of Podgorica, the president and his wife came to a restaurant for dinner, saw his good friend and, of course, went to his table to greet him. Having overcome the stupor, enchanted by the simplicity and humanity of power, I take this opportunity to express my respect to one of the architects of the modern Balkan regional security system. Intuition did not deceive me, here only majestic mountains have unlimited power ...

But why is one of the powerful businessmen and patrons modern Russia Telman Ismailov found refuge in Europe? What happened? Why did you leave Russia? Why did he leave such a beloved Mother See?

For several years now, the Russian media have been almost in unison describing the blasphemous story that strikes the mind and imagination about the rise and fall of Cherkizon, the misadventures of the most luxurious Mardan Palace hotel in history, new criminal cases against Telman Ismailov ... Documentary video chronicles about evil do not leave Russian TV channels. genius, who drove Luzhkov's Moscow into the power of the medieval slave trade and the Chinese vise of the production of counterfeit products. In Russia, they quickly found a new culprit of all troubles and suffering - Telman Ismailov ...

What's happening? Why did the oligarch, who has always been loyal to the Russian authorities, suddenly have monstrous problems in Russia itself? What made Telman Ismailov leave Moscow?

Here I waited. T. Ismailov himself is walking towards me with a quick step. With a smile on his face and jokes in his mouth. Ismailov, as always, is brief: “I have no political problems. And from the first day I oppose the politicization of my case.”

So who is persecuting the oligarch and why? Why are the investigating authorities churning out fake accusations with such zeal? What could happen if he does not and did not have political problems in Moscow?

“Many countries offer me political asylum, but I refuse,” the oligarch assures. - I'm more than sure that some individuals, pursuing an obvious goal - Raider seizure misled political power. And I will speak frankly about everything at a high-profile press conference. In the very near future… I very much count on the support of Azerbaijani journalists.”

Finally, we are in the office of T. Ismailov's friends in Podgorica. Not far from the EU Delegation in Montenegro. The oligarch, as in his best times, is accompanied by a string of armored vehicles, armed guards everywhere. Apparently, Ismailov, as in the hurricane 90s, which personified the heyday of his empire, fears for his life. At the entrance to the apartment, where there is not even a shadow of the former luxury of the Moscow baroque, I casually escaped: “Yes, this headquarters is in the current strict European style.”

Forced going through the torment did not affect the character of the oligarch in the least. He is just as emotional, hot, energetic, adamant, and most importantly, uncompromising. People like him never give up and never dutifully accept what fate has prepared for them.

Telman Ismailov talks ambitiously and colorfully about his new project - the construction of a seaport. But his thoughts, or maybe nostalgia and even despair, now and then return him to Russia, Moscow, the days of the past. From him, firsthand, so to speak, I learn that the “King of Cherkizon,” as Moscow journalists called him, is now on the international wanted list. But why?

“And go to Moscow, see my lawyer, raise all the criminal cases and make sure that they are all fabricated. And the last - in general, sheer nonsense, ”- Ismailov smiles bitterly.

Mountain Jew Ismailov has always been more Azerbaijani than many Azerbaijani millionaires and oligarchs. 36 thousand of our compatriots worked at the Cherkizovsky market, whom he helped as best he could. And you understand how hard it is in his soul from the thought that not one of these 36 thousand Azerbaijanis remembered Telman, who was abandoned by everyone to the mercy of fate, who found himself in a difficult situation. “What would the Armenians do if one of the Armenian businessmen in Moscow found themselves in such a situation? Would they leave him? Would you leave me in trouble? - Ismailov is indignant.

None of the friends, partners, compatriots who could knock on his door at a difficult moment for the entrepreneur came to the rescue. Well, as for me, I met Ismailov quite recently, in 2015, when one of the main billionaires of Russia, Moscow court of Arbitration already declared bankrupt. Does the disgraced billionaire deserve such an attitude? Apparently, it hurts him too. He is still looking in vain for something in the past, sorting through, from time to time hopelessly throwing up his hands.

From the balcony of the office of T. Ismailov's friends, a wonderful view of the Moracha River opens up, but Telman is not up to the beauty of the panorama now. He is back on the road and on planes. And still has not chosen any European country. Everywhere he is met with respect and a kind word.

He smokes a lot, without ceasing to tell remarkable stories from the life of the Russian political establishment, recalls meetings and conversations with the powerful of this world, often, with respect and even reverence, recalls Vladimir Putin and Heydar Aliyev, about the efforts that he once made for creation of a reliable and influential Azerbaijani diaspora in Moscow.

By the way, T.Ismailov was awarded twice by Vladimir Putin, and Yeltsin declared our compatriot a patron of the century. There are only six businessmen like T.Ismailov in the history of Russia! And he found a worthy place in the honorary list of the first president of Russia.

Maybe this is a wrong impression, but it seemed to me that somewhere in the depths of his soul he was also looking for our support:“I helped as best I could. Ask and they will tell you a lot. I myself do not like to talk about how I helped people. In his short but significant remarks, one can hear the cry of the soul, but also carefully concealed hope. He, like all his life, listens to Azerbaijani music, at his feasts there is still the same Azerbaijani cuisine, in his words - faith in the future of his historical Motherland ... And he is invariably accompanied at all meetings by a boy named Telman Ismailov - his grandson, and Ismailov - the elder is convinced that it is not the sons, but the grandson who will repeat the glory of his grandfather.

We walk along the streets of Titograd - this is the Soviet name of the ancient Illyrian town, which has become an outpost of Western civilization, the European Union and NATO. My inner feeling that Ismailov is cramped and uncomfortable in European cities, in fact, is not on the same scale, but even here, the Russian oligarch, who has lost his way in European cities, finds solace in the boundlessness and globalism of the new world.

Does Ismailov have an alternative today? Perhaps the old count's castle in France, but, as the great Russian poet wrote, "he, rebellious, asks for a storm!"

The latest accusation against him sounds like a fatal political verdict. Telman's brother, Rafik Ismailov, was arrested on suspicion of a double murder. The most paradoxical thing in this case is that Telman always had a cool, if not strained, relationship with Rafik. But the investigative committee of Russia is adamant, moreover, the prosecution did not spare another brother - Vagif, he is wanted in the same case. And from Telman mold the customer. Ismailov tells a story, or rather, utter nonsense, which is simply unbelievable. How so?

In 2012, he, Telman Ismailov, was still among the richest Russians, according to Forbes, and according to investigators, he went to kill the co-owner of some building materials market just because of two million dollars ?! "No evidence, no phone call, no evidence. And I'm accused of murdering a small businessman out of nowhere for two million dollars? Where is the logic?" - Ismailov is indignant. And really, how is it that Forbes estimated his fortune at $800 million? The question is why such richest man to order the murder of a mediocre businessman because of two million? Maybe a personal motive? “So I didn’t see this person in person. Our paths never crossed. Why did I have to kill him?"- Anger on Ismailov's face, and his fingers convulsively tap on a pack of cigarettes.

Amazing and illogical!.. An oligarch who spent tens of millions of dollars on the restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior alone, no less than millions on countless charity events and events, financed the legendary Moscow Lenkom Theater, the first youth international Olympics in the history of Russia, sponsored orphanages and shelters ..., suddenly decided to squeeze two million from an ordinary businessman?! I do not believe!

It inspires parallels with the Pichugin case and the murders that they tried to sew to Khodorkovsky. “No, don't look for political motives. This is different, here some influential people have misled the Kremlin. And that's all. I have always been out of politics, ”Ismailov convinces me again and reveals the ins and outs of this case, adding that he will definitely tell about it publicly and to the whole world.

“Soon, very soon, I will gather European journalists in the European Club and tell about my closed negotiations with one of the influential Russian politicians, who, with the help of law enforcement agencies, could not stand the competition and simply squeezed out the business,” T. Ismailov announces. “But now, I ask you, look into this matter, conduct a journalistic investigation, see for yourself and convince others of my innocence.”

Ismailov himself volunteered to undergo a polygraphic examination. "Experts were convinced that even on a lie detector I was telling the truth," T. Ismailov assures. “If I was guilty, then why did I demand repeated polygraphic examinations?” - asks the oligarch.

I firmly promise him, Ismailov, that we will take this matter under our public control...

So, on May 16, 2016, on Novorizhskoye Highway in the Moscow region, the owner of the shopping center"Stroymarket No. 1" Vladimir Savkin and the founder of "Lyublino Motors" Yuri Brilev. The investigation sees in Telman Ismailov the customer of this double murder ...

From Podgorica I fly to Moscow. In the wake of a crime committed and a rather confusing investigation.

FROM today the site begins publishing a sensational journalistic investigation about this incredible murder and the baseless accusation of the Ismailov brothers.

Who killed Savkin and Brilev? And why did the investigation choose Telman Ismailov as the customer of the crime?..

(To be continued)

The former owner of Cherkizon sold his main asset, the Mardan Palace hotel in Antalya, to a Turkish bank. Luxury hotel - only 130 million dollars. The construction cost Ismailov at least ten times more. The proceeds went to pay the businessman's debts.

In Russia, Ismailov also owes hundreds of millions of dollars. For example, "Bank of Moscow". This is another story about how our nouveau riche go to the West and only spend, not being able to earn money there, because their rules of life are not applicable there.

Why did the oligarch, whom the ex-mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov called "a friend forever", not go into business?

96 roses - according to the number of years lived. This has been the case since the opening of the hotel, which once one of the richest people in Russia, Telman Ismailov, built and named after his father.

Many other traditions, however, had to be abandoned long ago. Mardan Palace - until recently a symbol of arrogant luxury and wealth - now even saves on lighting.

In all corridors of the hotel - with the exception of the central hall - twilight, and this is clearly not a designer find. It can be seen that every few meters on the ceiling there are expensive crystal sparkling chandeliers, a lot of light bulbs, but none of them are lit. And this can be understood, because the Mardan Palace has already been completely de-energized for debts of $ 2 million.

In 2009, when the hotel opened, there were no problems here and there was not even an economic crisis that swept the entire planet. Tons of gold, marble, 242 pounds of beluga caviar brought in on a specially chartered plane, 9,000 tons of golden non-burning sand for the beaches, the mayor of Moscow at the opening, and a kaleidoscope of Hollywood stars signed out for the opening ceremony for a fee of at least $5 million each.

A significant part of the sand specially brought here has already been washed away into the sea. In the guest book in recent months, guests have complained to Telman Mardanovich that the hotel lacks "variety in food" and that it would not hurt to make repairs at all.

The hotel will now be taken care of by another owner. Mardan Palace, which cost $1.5 billion, Ismailov is forced to sell due to his debts at a price ten times lower.

The hotel's markdown was due to its precarious financial situation. Ismailov owes about $200 million to local banks and hotel builders.

Until recently, he categorically denied the very possibility of selling. But the oligarch was warned that Mardan Palace, if it would pay off, then only after 200 years. But how could this embarrass a person who literally wasted money?

Western newspapers wrote that during one of the dances, Ismailov scattered $ 60 million, that he flies on gilded planes for his feasts. Fabulous money provided access to the body of world stars.

2006 50th anniversary of Telman Ismailov. Luxury on display. Money flows like a river from the Cherkizovsky market - the foundation of Ismailov's empire. An untouchable city within a city. Billion dollar smuggling, thousands of people in the position of slaves.

“There were their own banks, their own army. There were a lot of ethnic groups. At times, our specialists worked in gas masks, because great amount goods impregnated with chemical poisons,” said Alexander Smelyakov, head of the Public Relations Department of the Federal Customs Service, major general.

The legendary Prague restaurant, where Chekhov and the Moscow Art Theater celebrated the premiere of The Seagull, was sold to Ismailov. Dear Telman, the most expensive objects of Moscow depart both in terms of location and in terms of historical value.

"Voentorg" is one of the most famous cases of Moscow vandalism of the Luzhkov period. Everything was resolved pretty quickly. At the beginning of 2003, it became known about the plans for the so-called reconstruction of Voentorg, and in the summer it was gone. It became clear that a company controlled by Telman Ismailov was behind this plan,” said Rustam Rakhmatulin, Arkhnadzor coordinator.

After Luzhkov's resignation and the demolition of the Cherkizovsky market, Ismailov's empire shuddered and sank into huge debts.

"He couldn't run a civilized business, he just didn't know how to do it. He was afloat while the conditions were shady," said Valery Fadeev, director of the Institute for Public Design.

In recent years, there has been a wasteland on the site of the former Cherkizovsky market. From the air, you can clearly see how huge the area was occupied by this all-Russian capital of smuggling. Soon the territory will benefit Moscow - a road junction is being built, the construction of a sports center should begin.

Where is Telman, his many creditors ask questions, because the one who recently scattered money has now stopped paying his bills.

"Companies associated with Telman Ismailov and the guarantor for which he acted took $ 230 million from the bank. We were not offered anything, so we are forced to go to court," Vadim Sukhoverkhov, head of the press service of VTB Bank, said.

The bailiff's writ of execution contains a list of seized real estate, consisting of 7 points: houses of 3,000 square meters, plots of 12,000, and even a high and low pressure gas pipeline. And this is only at the suit of VTB - the bank demanded that Ismailov be declared bankrupt. Another creditor is demanding $100 million back.

“We held several dozen meetings with Ismailov, but it was all useless,” said Sergey Yanchukov, CEO LLC "Mangazeya-Center"

“We see how this colossus fell apart into small fragments. And, most likely, absolutely nothing will remain from the once huge empire of Mr. Ismailov,” says the publicist, doctor economic sciences Nikita Krichevsky.

The Prague restaurant is closed, although Ismailov promised that he would never refuse it. In Turkey, creditors received not only the Mardan Palace hotel, but also Ismailov's house for debts.

On the territory of the hotel behind lush vegetation, hidden from prying eyes, there is one of the many villas of Telman Ismailov. Here, however, he has not appeared for a long time.

There is no Ismailov and at the place of Russian registration - in the house on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, in the former apartment of his father. Neighbors will no longer remember when they last saw him, but they remember only good things about him. "A wonderful person. He was always ready to help, if anything, to give money," they say.

AT next year he is celebrating his 60th birthday. Whether there will be a holiday and who will come to it, even Ismailov himself can hardly say.