Business plans for food production. Atelier at home. Production of frameless furniture

Economic volatility and the problem of import substitution have a detrimental effect on the development of new market sectors. It should be noted that the negative trend almost did not affect the sphere food production. Food is not only an integral part of human life, but also a source of inexhaustible consumer demand. Every day more and more projects are being implemented aimed at the production of food products and their distribution. As a rule, they specialize in the production of:

  • cheese;
  • sausage products;
  • semi-finished products, etc.

When starting your own business, pay attention to the profitability of the chosen business idea for food production. First, determine the initial capital that you can invest at the start-up stage. Financial opportunities are often decisive when choosing an idea for a business.

Secondly, the location of the workshop plays an equally important role in the implementation of a successful enterprise. Pleasant interior decoration and convenient transport location largely determine the success of future sales.

In the future, using a good premise, you will be able not only to produce, but also to sell the produced food products on your own. It is worth noting that the correct selection of premises can also significantly improve the image of a start-up food production.

Thirdly, do not forget about competitors, the presence of which puts your idea at risk. Competent business planning will help you increase guarantees and minimize production risks.

cheese business

Today, cheese is not only a favorite food item, but also a goldmine for aspiring entrepreneurs. The number of representatives of cheese making in Russia is not numerous. In this regard, the competitive advantage of this business area is obvious:

  • high consumption of cheese products;
  • low level of competition;
  • Guaranteed return on initial investment within 1 year.

To start production activities it is necessary to find a room, the size of which will be at least 400 square meters. On the territory it is necessary to correctly place several utility rooms, a food production workshop and a storage warehouse finished products.

The next step is the purchase of specialized equipment, which can be classified into domestic and foreign.

Experienced managers believe that it is more profitable to purchase domestic equipment. This is due to the fact that the devaluation of the ruble and unstable price policy foreign exchange can at any time affect both the cost of acquisition and the maintenance of the production line.

To open a cheese mini-factory, you will need equipment for the following purposes:

  • sterilizers;
  • sourdough enzyme;
  • equipment that feeds and molds the product;
  • containers for storage of raw materials;
  • buffer tanks;
  • molding for industrial use.

A business idea and the cost of its full implementation can vary from four to eight million rubles.

Sausage shop

Today, successfully implementing a food production business idea is not easy. Beginning entrepreneurs often try to surprise the buyer by offering a new product.

To take a stable position in the sale of finished products, it is necessary to cooperate with restaurants, hotels or mini-markets.

The food production business idea has already gained popularity among entrepreneurs. Beginning businessmen often neglect the rules of successful food production and end up at a loss.

Success is not framed only by the quality of raw materials. Today it is important successful channels sales. The product range can be presented in the following format:

  • diet or chicken;
  • home;
  • raw smoked;
  • boiled and others.

The successful implementation of this business idea can cost an entrepreneur from 5 to 7 million rubles.

Bread is the head of everything

Today, more than 60% of the market is focused on consumer products. While the remaining 40% is still open to developing business ideas.

Dietary bread is considered the main trend of this year. It not only perfectly satisfies hunger, but also cleanses the body. Special grain, fruit and even vegetable additives not only add new taste sensations, but also have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. By producing dietary bakery products, you are guaranteed to ensure an increase in the profits of your company.

The production of bakery products can be carried out fully and partially. By maintaining partial technological equipment, you can save up to half of the initial capital. While the cost of a full-fledged line varies from 3 to 5 million rubles.

Semi-finished products

The manufacture of semi-finished products can be safely called one of the proven business ideas. Currently, people appreciate not only the quality of food, but also the speed of their preparation.

Among buyers of semi-finished products, the following blanks are in greatest demand:

  • vareniki;
  • dumplings;
  • cutlets;
  • vegetable preparations;
  • fruit preparations.

The range of future products should be carefully thought out and based on current market trends. With the right guidance, a manufacturing business idea can significantly reduce manufacturing risks and guarantee the success of a company.

The cost of opening a line for the manufacture of semi-finished products starts from 2 to 3 million rubles.

Whatever business you choose to implement, remember that the main competitive advantage has always been and remains the quality of the services provided.

real business the plan is designed to invest in the opening of the production of drinking bottled water with a volume of up to 2,500 tons per month. The purpose of developing a business plan: to attract an investor; Scope of work: 88 pages; Business planning horizon: 5 years. The production of drinking bottled water is supposed to be …

This business plan is designed to invest in the construction of an ice cream factory. The purpose of developing a business plan: to attract a loan; Scope of work: 63 pages; Business planning horizon: 6 years. The idea of ​​the project is to organize its own production of high quality ice cream in the region. For …

This business plan is designed to organize the production of herbal tea. The purpose of developing a business plan: to receive a grant for start-up entrepreneurs; Scope of work: 31 pages; Business planning horizon: 3 years. The project provides for the organization of a business in the field of processing purchased medicinal raw materials and selling it …

This business plan is designed to invest in the production of vegetable oil. The purpose of developing a business plan: to attract a loan; Scope of work: 47 pages; Business planning horizon: 5 years. As part of the implementation of the business plan, it is planned to organize the production of sunflower oil with a volume of 2,500 tons per year. …

This business plan is designed to organize the production of kvass and fruit drinks. The purpose of developing a business plan: to obtain a state microloan; Scope of work: 40 pages; Business planning horizon: 3 years. The business plan provides for the creation of a mini-factory for the production of soft drinks: kvass and fruit drinks. During the period …

This business plan is designed to invest in organizing the production of frozen wild and garden berries, fruits and mushrooms. The purpose of developing a business plan: to attract an investor; Scope of work: 34 pages; Business planning horizon: 10 years. The aim of the project is to meet the existing demand in …

This business plan is designed to invest in the organization of a mini smokehouse. The purpose of developing a business plan: to receive a subsidy in the CZN; Scope of work: 20 pages; Business planning horizon: 2 years. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to smoke mainly pork and chicken meat. At …

This business plan is designed to invest in the construction of a factory for the production of sweets from boiled sugar masses for 3000 tons / year. The purpose of developing a business plan: to attract a loan; Scope of work: 82 pages; Business planning horizon: 5 years. Analysis of the confectionery industry…

Organization of a food production workshop

Food production project
Basic requirements for the premises
Characteristics of the premises for the production workshop or factory


Microbiology and chemistry of modern food production

Packaging for food production
Required permits and requirements for food production
Priority areas of food production


Financial plan.
Additional profit
Summing up

The opening of any food production in Russia can be very profitable business. Despite the fact that the stores offer a wide range of products of the food group, the state encourages an increase in the diversity of the consumer basket. In particular, we are talking about products that are consumed by Russians on a daily basis. Of course, the goal is to reduce prices and improve the quality of the entire range of food products.
If we analyze the assortment on retail shelves in the Russian Federation and, for example, in Italy, it can be noted that, despite the abundance, prices in the Russian Federation are quite high and manufacturers do not seek to reduce the cost, while the products are rather monotonous. There are a variety of labels on the shelves. In practice, it can be said that many Russian products own face is missing. And we are not talking about image solutions that are presented as part of advertising campaigns, but about the unique nutritional qualities of products.

If we consider the dynamics of development and production of products in the food industry, then there is a constant and intensive growth in production. As is known, in 1996-1998 the level of production fell by almost half in relation to the volume of production in the USSR, now the industry has been practically restored, but has not yet reached the previous level in terms of production.

One of the ways to increase the volume of food production is, of course, to attract small and medium-sized businesses to the industry, which are able to provide regional markets and create the necessary variety of goods included in the consumer basket. At the moment, food production in the Russian Federation is largely represented by large food factories and even their associations, which often reduces all antimonopoly measures to a minimum.

Against the background of this situation with large manufacturers, the state creates conditions for small full-cycle production - for farms or their cooperatives, which have equipment for processing products at their base. Of course, such farms face difficulties in implementation and relationships with large retail chains, which control the food market in a mass share. It is more profitable for retail chains to deal with a large supplier with a wide range than with small farms in the regions. This is not only due to the complication business accounting, but also the inability to dictate the cost in the market. It is also not profitable for large enterprises to “let in” small regional consumers to the market, since due to the potential improvement in the quality of products of farmers or small industries, there may be a decrease in demand for factory products.

At the same time, there are always opportunities for the development and opening of a small, highly profitable food production with a small initial investment. We will consider this issue in the proposed review.

While there are general principles for organizing food production, certain types of business are characterized by a number of features. If we consider the food industry, we can identify a number of areas that are most beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses. As part of the review, we will consider food production and its efficiency using the following examples, which are highly unique.

Confectionery: production of sweets according to unique (“old”) recipes
The peculiarity of this business will be in the quality of the raw materials used: cocoa butter, cocoa powder, high-quality milk powder, which do not contain chemical ingredients, including trans fats. At the same time, the manufactured products can be divided into products for children, adults - men and women, diabetic products and others. This approach will simplify the choice of products.

The main problem of large confectionery factories is that they produce the same type of products according to the same recipes, which also have a high cost and often quite low quality with chemical additives. In a small production, you can implement a variety of recipes for the preparation of chocolate and confectionery products with a short shelf life based on natural ingredients by developing your own specifications ( specifications).

Production of fermented milk products: cheeses, yoghurts, sour cream based on French starters
The features of this type of production consist in offering consumers an expanded range of dairy products with a short shelf life. The main goal is to offer consumers a diverse range of national fermented milk products based on natural starter cultures.

On the shelves of supermarkets, you can mainly see long-term yoghurts that do not differ in original taste, foreign and national producers, in turn, seeking to reduce the cost of production for raw materials (high costs for maintaining large-scale production). Small businesses are not burdened by large infrastructure, so they can offer small batches of fermented milk products with unique qualities. The same situation is observed in the production of cheese.

Here are the names of fermented milk products that can be produced by small production:
. yogurts: "Francesca" for weight loss, Greek yogurt (often used as a cream filler in confectionery), Turkish Valide yogurt, bifid yogurt, fitness yogurt, Matsoni yogurt, Tan (Ayran), Katyk;
. curd mass: curd mass "Theme", cottage cheese "Laktonik", curds in chocolate;
. kefirs: bifidum, treatment-and-prophylactic, biokefir, acidophilus, acidolact turak, ryazhenka ibifidoryazhka;
. cheeses: Formaggio-fresco cream cheese, Philadelphia, Mascarpone, Feta, Mozzarella, feta cheese, long-term storage feta cheese, Roquefort, Dor Blue, Stilton, Gorgonzola Dolce , Jugas, Camembert, Brie, Cheddar, Parmesan, etc.

The main problem of mass production in unified specifications, due to which the original taste of the product and the applied recipe is lost. In addition, in order to reduce risks, factories produce only “hot” goods and use substitute ingredients. Similar products from different industries have an almost identical price. This situation not only does not imply competition (and therefore does not contribute to lower prices), but in general does not imply an increase in the diversity of the consumer basket. Meanwhile, dairy products are categorized in high nutritional value.
Small production facilities are more mobile and can offer small batches of fermented milk products with a wide variety of assortment. In the given example, the possible assortment is based on starters for the manufacture of fermented milk products sold by BK Guilini (Germany), Sacco (Italy), Vitamax-E, Caglifitsio Clerici (Italy), Kargil (Ivory Coast), Lactina (Bulgaria), Meito.

Bakery production: hot and fresh bread and biscuits
Bread in the old days was considered the main product in Russia. After the appearance of the potato, the consumption of bread decreased, but it is still the most consumed product. Opening a small bakery fresh bread- this is a good start for anyone who wants to open their own business. As an additional assortment, biscuits made according to original national recipes can be offered, which can attract a wide range of regular customers and provide a very decent income.

Production of canned food and fruit wine: jams, jams, syrups, fruit wine
It is recommended to open a workshop for the production of canned products in the southern regions of Russia or regions with extensive forests, where there is an abundance of fruits or wild berries. In these regions, the harvesting of fruits and berries has been simplified. In many villages and cities of the south, pears, apples, cherries, apricots are practically "junk" goods that can be bought up at low prices for further processing.
As a rule, jams, jams and marmalades in stores do not have a variety of tastes. On the base small production you can arrange the production of jam according to traditional, national and author's recipes. Berries and fruits can become raw materials for the manufacture of berry wine, liqueurs and tinctures. Traditionally, such products are in great demand.

The food industry is one of the areas most controlled by the state. First of all, strict control concerns the sanitary and epidemiological sphere. Sanitary standards are not only becoming more complicated every year, but in general, the number of standards is growing.

Perhaps this is the only thing that will be difficult to master for a novice manufacturer. But the abundance of norms does not imply that it is impossible to understand them and comply with the requirements, receiving a sufficiently high profit. Sanitary norms and requirements concern three dimensions of the future food business: premises, equipment and personnel.

The premises for food production must be equipped in accordance with approved requirements. Rospotrebnadzor is the main supervisory authority over the process of design, construction and commissioning.

There are two options within which the conditions for the production of food products will be created in accordance with the law. The first is the simplest, you will need to find an empty room in which food production was previously located. Obtaining documents from the owner of the rented building will greatly simplify the process of registration.

The second option involves the re-equipment and, accordingly, the redesign of the premises specifically for food production. The project must be done by an architectural bureau that has certain experience in this area, the appropriate permit and license for the design of public catering establishments and Food Industry.

A workshop located in the city may have a store; when placing a workshop in an industrial zone, when planning, it is necessary to take into account the costs of opening a store in the city. Opening retail outlet for the sale of products will cost 500,000-3,000,000 rubles.

Food production project.
A food production project should have standard sections for non-residential buildings:
- architectural and construction, which contains plans and diagrams of premises and features of redevelopment for new production;
- technological, implying a plan for the placement of production equipment;
- a section covering the power supply system;
- Ventilation and air conditioning;
- heating and water supply system;
- Fire safety;
- occupational Safety and Health.

The finished project must be submitted for approval to Rospotrebnadzor. The supervisory authority, for its part, must check the project for compliance with sanitary standards. The project must be coordinated with a number of controlling services: fire protection, management utilities, energy supply, department of architecture of the city. After the project is approved, reconstruction should be carried out by construction organizations that have a license and/or are members of the relevant SRO.

Basic requirements for the premises.
Here are some existing requirements for a food production facility that are valid for everyone who wants to open a workshop:
1. The premises must comply with the current hygiene standards, the walls must be lined with glazed tiles at least 2.5 meters from the floor. When laying, non-toxic mixtures are used, which is reflected in the project. The rest of the surface is covered with a special paint for food production without toxic fillers.
2. Walls in warehouses must be treated with lime.
3. Particular attention is paid to ventilation and lighting in the project, in all production areas there must be a maintained level of humidity.
4. The water supply and sewerage systems in the workshops are divided into three components: the main elements of the production water supply, built-in personal hygiene items, and a drain for washing the floor. Sewerage must be protected from blockages.
5. Equipment and furniture must have sanitary certificates of SES. Equipment with metal or plastic surfaces is recommended.
6. It is required to take into account the parameters of electrical and fire safety and implement protection against electrical shock, the cables are laid at a height of 2.5-3 meters in thermal protective casings. The production should have a centralized switch, as well as an automatic shutdown system.
7. The main requirement for food production facilities is the presence of a buffer zone between the office and production areas.

Characteristics of the premises for the production workshop or factory.
Any object with an area of ​​200-100 square meters can be chosen as a production facility for a small workshop. meters, maximum 500 sq. meters. Of course, the size of the room depends on the needs of production. The premises should have an office, warehouses for raw materials and finished products, and direct production. A small factory can fit in an area of ​​1000 square meters. meters. When choosing a room, it makes sense to invite an expert from Rospotrebnadzor.

Many equipment suppliers offer their services for the design and installation of equipment. In Russian conditions, this project can only be taken as a basis. As mentioned, the design of food production is carried out by bureaus with the appropriate permission for these types of work. If a package of equipment with specific requirements is installed at a future enterprise, the project of the equipment supplier should form the basis of the project, which will subsequently be agreed with Rospotrebnadzor.
Let's consider examples of a complete set of the shops offered in examples.

Shop for the production of confectionery ("Chocolatier»)
Making chocolatiers or sweets according to author's recipes is now just coming into vogue. Several stores have appeared in Moscow, but there are still very few of them, and prices are often very high. With the optimal combination of price and recipe, the products will sell well. Of course, the equipment for the production of "Chocolate" can be supplemented with equipment for the production of mass chocolate products, for the workshop you will need:
- to maintain temperature and humidity, the Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioner of the SRK ZMP-SInverter series is enough - 2600 rubles;
- industrial refrigerator - 24,000 rubles;
- induction cooker - 3000 rubles;
- planetary mixer for 4-6 liters - 28,000 rubles;
- tempering machine (with a volume of 200 kg per month) - 340,000 rubles;
- pyrometer - 4000 rubles;
- a guitar for cutting fillings (from 200 kg / month) - 50,000 rubles;
- hairpin for 10 cells - 10,000 rubles;
- industrial tables - 3 pieces, 30,000 rubles;
- stainless steel trays - 10,000 rubles;
- inventory - 50,000 rubles.
Total: with a production volume of 100 kg / month of chocolate - 189,000 rubles, with 200,000 kg / month - 631,000 rubles

The equipment is designed for the work of 1-2 confectioners who can make chocolatiers at the rate of 100-200 kg of chocolate, a room with an area of ​​up to 100 m2 will be required. The workshop needs a washing area.

The shelf life of sweets depends on the fillings. To increase the period, you can use ready-made fillings, but the quality of the sweets will be worse. On average, the shelf life of truffles is from 1 week to 6 months. Advice on doing business is provided on the website. The company supplies equipment, chocolate from Callebaut (Belgium) and Cacao Barry (France), as well as all the necessary range of fillings and packaging.

Workshop for the production of fermented milk products
The choice of equipment for the production of yogurt is determined by the technological process, which involves:
1. Reception of raw milk and its purification by means of a special filter.
2. Prepared milk is separated and normalized, the process allows you to leave the right amount of fat;
3. The mixture is made according to the recipe and dispersed until smooth;
4. Pasteurization is carried out at 95-98°C, the mixture is cooled and the leaven is added. The fermentation process lasts 2-7 hours. Fillers are also added.

Required equipment:
- pasteurization and cooling unit dairy product;
- milk mixing unit;
- packing line.
Total: the equipment will cost 2,800,000-4,400,000 rubles.

You will definitely need several refrigerators - 28,000 * 3 = 84,000 rubles. The workshop can serve 4-5 people, the production volume based on raw materials is 2-4 tons of milk, the product yield is 1.9-3.8 liters of yogurt. Starting investments 4600000 rubles.

Shop for the production of bakery products - mini-bakery
For baking bread you will need (minimum configuration, home format):
- dough mixer (PRISMAFOOD IBM 5) - 40,000 rubles;
- convection oven (Unox XF 023) - 28,000 rubles;
- freezer(DELFA DCFM-300) - 14500 rubles;
- in the absence of electricity, the FORTE FGD6500E - 36000 generator.
Total: 50,000 rubles.

For a mini-percarney, you can rent a small room in a supermarket, convert an apartment into commercial premises. It is recommended to rent or buy a room in a residential area. Minimum size workshop premises - 50 sq. meters, additionally you need to take into account the office, retail space, as well as a warehouse of flour and finished products. The volume of production is 200 kg of bread per day.

It should be noted that shops with a capacity of 60-250 kg of products per hour or 0.2-3 tons per day are considered small bakeries. For comparison, the bakery produces 40-50 tons of bread per day.

Mini-bakery with greater productivity:
- flour sifter (PV-250) - 24,000 rubles;
- dough mixing machine (PRISMAFOOD IBM 5) - 40,000 rubles;
- dough divider (А2-ХТН) - 60,000 rubles;
- Rounder (Vitella SE M 37) - 160,000 rubles;
- dough molding machine (JAC UNIC) - 42,000 rubles;
- proofing cabinet - 32,000 rubles;
- bread machine - 20,000-108,000 rubles;
- trays, baking sheets, forms;
- scales;
- industrial tables 3 pcs. - 30,000 rubles.
Total: 496,000 rubles.

The baking shop should be about 40 sq. meters, you will need a warehouse for flour - 20 square meters. meters.
Some companies sell kits for mini-bakery equipment. For example, a complete set of a bakery from the ProdTechnika company up to 50 kg per hour will cost 206,939 rubles.
Some companies, for example, the Le Pysh trademark, offer the construction of a turnkey mini-bakery, a package of documents includes technology, recipes, equipment, and a room design. The equipment is provided on lease (this is a special form of credit, when the equipment becomes the property upon full payment of its cost to the supplier).

Workshop for the production of canned products from berries
When purchasing workshop equipment, you can focus on production lines created by manufacturing enterprises for small businesses. As such an example, we can cite the equipment of the canning mini-workshop "Yagoda" of the company "Prombiofit".
Production of jam from berries grated with sugar, with hot pouring into plastic cups, euro-twist glass jars, plastic buckets, production volume up to 1250 kg/shift.
The total cost of turnkey equipment: 1184400 - 1352900 rubles.
The company also offers production lines:
- for packaging dairy products "Moloko" - 259,400 rubles;
- for packaging vegetable oil "Oil" - 254,900 rubles;
- for the production of bottled water "Aqua" - 219,000-314,900 rubles;
- for packaging honey "Medofit +" - 200,000-264,000 rubles.

Opening a small food production, of course, involves hiring staff. On average, mini-workshops employ from 2 to 10 people. The productivity of the equipment can be increased if the workshop will work in 2 shifts, in which case it will be required additional workers. Let's continue the consideration of the proposed examples.

Shop for the production of confectionery ("Chocolatier"), employees:

- with volumes up to 200 kg of chocolate / month - 1-2 confectioners - 2 * 35,000 rubles;
- with volumes up to 350 kg of chocolate / month - 2-4 confectioners - 4 * 35,000 rubles;
- HoReCa driver/distributor - 25,000 rubles +%;
- with volumes up to 350 kg / month, assistant distributor - 15,000 rubles +%;

- administrator of the online store - 20,000 rubles +%;
- online store courier - 12,000 rubles +%;
- in the presence of outlet and a coffee shop will need 2 sellers and 2 waiters - 2 * 20,000 + 2 * 13,000 rubles, the amount is below the average, since it does not mean a full working week.

Thus, when opening a shop for the production of "Chocolate", the working infrastructure depends on the volume of products produced and methods of implementation. AT this case figures are given for a workshop selling products in the HoReCa segment through delivery through an online store and using its own outlet and cafe. With the features of how to open a cafe-restaurant can be found at the link.

As a result, monthly costs confectionery shop for personnel will be:
- the volume of chocolate processing is up to 100 kg / month, the equivalent of 250 kg of sweets sold in HoReCa and through an online store - 228,000 rubles;
- with a volume of up to 350 kg per month, up to 875 kg of sweets sold in HoReCa and through an online store and in your own cafe - 370,000 rubles.

Workshop for the production of fermented milk products, employees
The following personnel will be required for the dairy products workshop:
- director - 70,000 rubles +%;
- 4-5 employees - 5*35000 rubles;

- watchman / cleaner - 2 * 11,000 rubles;
- if there is a Dairy Kitchen outlet at the workshop, 2 sellers will be required - 2 * 20,000 rubles.

The average cost for the personnel of an enterprise engaged in the production of yoghurts and dairy products with its own outlet "Dairy Kitchen" will be 321,000 rubles / month.
Shop for the production of bakery products - a mini-bakery, employees
The mini-bakery will require the following staff:
- director - 70,000 rubles +%;
- 2-3 bakers - 3*22000 rubles;
- driver/distributor in stores like "Discounter" - 25,000 rubles +%;

As a result, the monthly cost of wages in a mini-bakery will amount to 192,000 rubles.

Shop for the production of canned products from berries, employees
The cannery for the production of jam will require the following personnel:
- director - 70,000 rubles +%;
- 2-3 employees - 3*22000 rubles;
- driver/distributor in stores like "Discounter" - 25,000 rubles +%;
- watchman / cleaner - 11,000 rubles;
- if there is a retail outlet at the workshop, 1 seller will be required - 20,000 rubles.

As a result, the monthly cost of wages in the canning shop will also amount to 192,000 rubles.

Please note that these figures do not include payroll taxes that are borne by the business. The final calculations must be carried out by an accountant. Food production is under strict control government bodies Therefore, the use of "gray" accounting methods is inappropriate. The work of the technologist should be entrusted to the director or the head of the food production workshop.

Food production processes.

The principle of any production is based on a number of well-known physical processes that are used in the technology of processing raw materials into food products.

Among the processes of food production it is customary to distinguish:
- kinematics of hydrogravitational settling;
- processes of mixing liquid media;
- fluidized bed hydrodynamics;
- extraction processes;
- distillation processes;
- processes of heat treatment of food products.

The theoretical basis of food production is based on a certain processing technology, which must be purchased or developed in accordance with existing requirements. Based on the existing technological process, a technological line for the processing of raw materials is also being formed. Production optimization can be applied both to increasing the nutritional value of the product - meaning the maximum preservation of nutrients and the use of natural ingredients and value-adding additives - and to increasing the efficiency of the production process.

As a result, food production must be based on the technological process and regulatory documentation. Previously, GOST and industry standards were used, at the moment enterprises can develop TU - technical specifications. TU implies some modification of the production process described in GOST, OST, GOST R. TI - technical instruction should be developed as part of TU.

Products must be sold in trading floor or should be carried out with the help of delivery, the implementation processes should also be reflected in the TS and TI. These documents must be coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor and the Center for Standardization and Metrology (CSM). It should be noted that Rospotrebnadzor has a procedure for agreeing to specifications, which implies non-disclosure of information about the product recipe.

After approval, the technological process at the enterprise should be reflected in the following documents:
- in the catalog sheet of products approved by the CSM;
- TS portfolio agreed with Rospotrebnadzor and CSM;
- sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by a subordinate body of Rospotrebnadzor.
You can also request, if desired, the expert opinions of the CSM and Rospotrebnadzor.

The use of modern chemistry and microbiology in food production in some cases makes it possible to increase profits at times. In turn, consumers who are familiar with such “scams” ​​prefer organic products that are prepared according to traditional technologies and using natural ingredients. Why is this happening? To answer this question, it is enough to look at some examples that have become possible thanks to modern chemistry and its application in food production.

High costs Russian productions motivate some manufacturers to overuse chemicals. For example, boiled pork, smoked meat can be processed using a water-soy substance, as a result, the finished product increases its weight by 2-3 times.
A classic example is smokeless smoking, which was proposed in 1814 by V.N. Karamzin, as a result, the smoking time of fish or meat is reduced from 6-7 hours to 4-6 minutes. Surrogate smoking is achieved by ionizing the product in a strong electric field. Obviously, the nutritional value of the product is minimal, and its natural origin is in question.

The food industry also widely uses animal blood proteins, which are processed at meat processing plants in order to reduce the cost of the production process. The blood contains three categories of proteins - albumins, fibrinogen, globulins, which are extracted and used as an ingredient in food products. In the food industry and the agricultural sector, canned whole blood is actively used, as well as individual parts: hemoglobin, plasma, fibrin-free plasma and fibrin.
Dried plasma proteins are used in food production instead of expensive egg white, for example, in confectionery, sausage shops and bakeries. Whole blood replaces beef and is added to the product, saving on 1 ton is 150,000-180,000 rubles.

Most meat industries use the so-called fortifier, which is made from 1 part of blood and 3 parts of skimmed milk (waste), it is added to boiled sausages and pates to give a pink color to the product.
Microbiological methods of extracting a protein product are being actively introduced, which is especially important in the context of a declining natural biological protein. Processing only 2% of the annual oil production using microbiological methods into protein can give 25 million tons of protein product, which is enough to feed 2 billion people for a year.

There are also quite rational microbiological technologies that allow increasing the nutritional value of products. A striking example is the hematogen, which is obtained from defibrinated and stabilized blood mixed with food glycerin. Hematogen is a valuable food additive, since its use allows you to increase the production of red blood cells, which is especially indicated for weakened people. They also make a confectionery product - a children's hematogen.

The use of modern food ingredients in food production is the manufacturer's choice. Still, small industries can produce high quality organic products with a fairly high rate of return and use only proven natural ingredients. Despite the higher cost, the products will be consumed, as they are designed for a narrow circle of customers and are produced in small volumes.

Production of food ingredients
Within the framework of food production as a business, the production of food ingredients that are used in the manufacture of final products should also be considered. The main advantage of this line of production is wholesale and practically guaranteed sales. Also, food ingredients have a longer shelf life, which has quite definite advantages when planning a business.

Food technology involves the processing of fresh foods into dry, extractable mixtures. Mixtures can be used as additives and reconstituted for the subsequent production of the final food product. A wide variety of ingredients is offered and the list of proposals is not only constantly updated, but is always in demand.

An example is the processing of fresh fruits into dry mixes. For example, pear, peach, cranberry in the form of powder, pieces, small fractions is used for the manufacture of dietary supplements and tea, baby food, confectionery, berry fillings. It makes sense to place a workshop for the production of food ingredients based on low-temperature and vacuum drying in places where there is a large amount of non-processed fruits. It should be noted that such processing involves unsorted raw materials, respectively, its cost is low.

Baking soda and table salt are also popular food ingredients with an unlimited shelf life and guaranteed sales. Production facilities are created in places of accumulation of fossil natural resources.

For example, the Krym Soda enterprise produces heavy and light soda ash from the following raw materials:
- high-quality limestones of the Crimea;
- brines of Sivash lake;
- coal - from anthracite of Donbass;
- ammonia water - waste of chemical plants.

Edible salt can be made from salt water, for example, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, or rock salt deposits. It is processed into “Extra” grade salt, enriched salt (iodized) is also produced.

Packaging of products in food production according to well-developed and marketed options allows you to produce products not only packaged in accordance with sanitary standards and rules, but also create a bright image.

Packaging must comply with current sanitary and hygienic standards. Here are the basic requirements for packaging material SanPiN
- the absence of highly toxic substances with cumulative and specific effects on the human body that exceed current standards;
- should not change the organoleptic properties of the product, i.e. be neutral;
- the material used in the packaging must be included in the list of permitted packaging materials, ensure high-quality storage during the entire shelf life.

Packaging is divided into technological and packaging. We are talking about both the packaging of products in the final container, and technological packaging that allows you to transport the goods and deliver them intact. There are a number of ready-made solutions that are offered at competitive prices. The packaging market is constantly expanding.

Necessary permits and requirements for food production.

Basic regulations regarding the production process at food enterprise, are contained in GOST R 50762-95 and in GOST 30389-95 Catering. Classification of enterprises.

To put into operation in production, you will need:
- coordinate the construction project with Rospotrebnadzor and controlled services that control the compliance of food production characteristics with current standards;
- agree on the portfolio of specifications and approve the list of products;
- obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor form N 303-00-5 / y for the entire list of products manufactured in accordance with GOST, OST, GOST R and TU;
- together with Rospotrebnadzor, a plan of measures for the production control of the shop is being developed;
- certification and declaration of products, if necessary.
Strict sanitary and epidemiological requirements relate to the organization of work in the workshop and the rules of personal hygiene of workers. All employees must receive a sanitary-technical minimum, and a sanitary pass must be organized at large enterprises.
The main requirements for an employee include:
- short-cut nails, hair tucked under a scarf or cap, personal hygiene;
- employees must work in special overalls;
- during the manufacture of products can not be touched with bare hands and work without gloves;
- employees must undergo a medical examination.

Priority areas of food production.

The state constantly creates incentives for the development of the food industry in order to ensure the food security of the country. At the moment, the segment of food production is actively expanding due to mini-productions and attracting small and medium-sized businesses to the sector of the economy. For these purposes, preferential tax conditions are created.

According to the vision of the Government of the Russian Federation, the priority types of production activities include:
- production of dairy products and sour-milk products of the "premium" category, including fortified products;
- production of baby food;
- meat production;
- production of bread and bakery products;
- production of semi-finished products;
- production of confectionery products.

Given the interest of the state, developing business in the proposed areas, you can count on receiving benefits, subsidies, soft loans and other privileges.

Marketing activities for small food production are reduced to the development of several sales directions. We are talking about the HoReCa restaurant segment, deliveries to hypermarket chains, supermarkets, discounters, and sales through our own retail outlets.
As a rule, small productions are designed for regional implementation and consumption, so it is of great importance individual work with a potential consumer and design material for advertising products in the field retail sales, the so-called POS-materials.

Advertising of food production is carried out extremely rarely and only within the framework of trademark and brand. To advertise products in partner outlets, you will need various POS: posters, posters, price tags, flyers, wobblers, etc. These types of printing work are used for effective advertising in the field.

If you have your own outlet, you need to distinguish it from other stores. This can be done with signboards and city lights. To promote goods in the HoReCa segment, make booklets and brochures with information about your production, and a product map where you can order and select the desired products.

Total advertising costs
Printing products, the volume of production for the year:
- price tags, wobblers, shelf-stockers, calendar cards and business cards (at the rate of 1 sheet of A2 format, circulation 1000 pieces, Arktika grade cardboard, 200 g / m2) - 32,000 rubles;
- A4 booklets 1000 pcs. - 8000 rubles;
- production prospectuses 8 pages A4 with a cover - 16,000 rubles;
- posters-posters 1000 pcs. A2 format - 20,000 rubles.
Total: 76,000 rubles.
The figures are approximate, as prices in design studios and printing houses vary significantly.

Search for customers and conclusion of contracts for the supply of products
Briefcase wholesale buyers is a pledge financial stability enterprises. Bulk deliveries must be structured in such a way as to ensure that the shop reaches the break-even point. Wholesale in the sale of products by a mini-workshop can reach 30-70% of the output. Typically, the conclusion of contracts is carried out by sales representatives, who, in addition to wages at the rate receive a percentage of sales from the existing trade margin. This form of organizing the work of distributors motivates employees to work better.

Financial plan.
As part of this review, we considered a number of examples of the opening of small food production by small enterprises. Now let's try to evaluate the benefits, including in relation to each other.

Production shop "Chocolatier»
Room costs:
The cost of opening a shop for the production of sweets self made will cost the following:
- production volume up to 100 kg / chocolate - 189,000 rubles;
- production volume up to 200 kg / chocolate - 631,000 rubles;
- production volume up to 350 kg / chocolate - 836,000 rubles.
Staff costs will be:
- production volume up to 100 kg / chocolate - 228,000 rubles / month;
- production volume up to 200 kg / chocolate - 228,000 rubles / month;
- production volume up to 350 kg / chocolate - 370,000 rubles / month.
Advertising costs: 76,000 rubles/year.
The cost of opening a retail outlet and re-equipping the premises for opening a workshop is 2-3 million rubles.

Workshop for the production of fermented milk products
Equipment costs: 2800000-4400000 rubles.
Staff costs in the presence of the Dairy Kitchen store - 321,000 rubles / month.
Advertising costs (can be reduced, usually consumers remember products well) - 76,000 rubles / year.
The cost of opening the "Dairy Kitchen" and re-equipping the premises for the opening of a fermented milk products shop is 500,000 rubles.

Shop for the production of bakery products, mini-bakery:
Equipment costs:
- mini-bakery "Home", volume up to 200 kg / day - 50,000 rubles;
- mini-bakery "Prodtech", up to 50 kg/hour - 206939 rubles;
- mini-bakery, up to 3 tons / day - 496,000 rubles;
Staff costs in the presence of the Bakery store - 192,000 rubles / month.
Advertising costs (may be reduced or eliminated due to sale through your own outlet) - 76,000 rubles / year.
The cost of opening a bakery and re-equipping the premises for opening a mini-bakery is 500,000 rubles.

Workshop for the production of canned products, jam:
Equipment costs:
- technological line "Yagoda" of the company "Prombiofit" - 1352900 rubles;
Staff costs: 192,000 rubles / month.
Advertising costs: 76,000 rubles / year.
The cost of opening the re-equipment of the premises for the opening of a canning shop with its own store is 500,000 rubles.

Please note that the investment plan should include the salaries of employees for 2-6 months. For retail outlets and a workshop, two categories of premises were considered - in the city center and in residential areas, which implies different opening costs.

The final calculations are carried out, taking into account all the features of the mini-shop being opened. Primary investments include the cost of acquiring raw materials for production, recipes, a formalized portfolio of technical specifications, employee training, tax costs, rent of premises and utilities, as well as salaries of employees for 3 months. On the analyzed examples, it is possible to evaluate the payback.

Production shop "Chocolatier»
When purchasing equipment at the Chocolatier club and producing according to the provided recipes. The cost of production is 600-1000 rubles per 1 kg, average price handmade sweets - 2000-2500 rubles.

Total costs (estimated), including the salaries of employees for 3 months and the opening of a retail outlet "in the center" - 3,949,000 rubles.

We accept the implementation equal to 70% of the maximum capacity of 0.7 * 250 kg of sweets = 175 kg / month. The average revenue will be 350,000 rubles. In this case, the profit will be about - 175,000 rubles. Estimated payback period 22 months. On average, the Chocolatier club estimates the payback of the confectionery shop at 1-2 years.

Workshop for the production of fermented milk products
Starting investments: 4,600,000 rubles (equipment and premises) + 321,000 rubles*3 (staff). Total 4921000 rubles.

The volume of production is 3.8 tons of yogurt / day and 91 tons / month. The selling price is 200 rubles/kg. The proceeds will be 18200000 rubles. We take the average revenue at 70% load of the shop - 12,740,000 rubles.
The cost of yogurt is about 31 rubles per 1 kg, the cost of sales is on average 300 rubles per kg (Greek yogurt is taken as the basis).

To make a competitive price for consumers while high profit We reduce the selling price by 30%. We receive revenue of 891,000 rubles / month, with a sales cost of 210 rubles, the cost of production will be about 130,000 rubles. Thus, the estimated income will be (-321,000 wages) - 440,000 rubles / month.
The payback period of the workshop is 11 months.

Shop for the production of bakery products, mini-bakery
For evaluation, let's take the Prodtech mini-bakery, investments:
206,939 rubles (cost of equipment) + 3 * 192,000 rubles (staff) + 75,000 (advertising) + 500,000 (refurbishment of the premises) = 1,357,000 rubles.

The cost of 1 loaf in 1 kg is about 10 rubles. With a monthly production volume of 12 tons of bread, the revenue will be (average selling price of 1 kg - 30 rubles) - 360,000 rubles. The income will be 240,000 rubles, after the payment of wages - 48,000 rubles. Payback 28 months.

The low profitability of the bakery is obvious due to the high cost of flour, in this case it is necessary to optimize the workflow and reduce staff costs by increasing the volume of productivity. It is also permissible to increase the cost of bread.

Workshop for the production of canned products, jam
The total cost of starting production, including wages for 3 months: 2,504,000 rubles. Production volume 1250 kg/shift, respectively, 30000 kg with a six-day working week. Obviously, this production is seasonal, so for the annual volume without conditions for long-term harvesting, work in 6-8 months should be taken. A full year of work may be subject to the availability of greenhouses or the purchase of fruits supplied from abroad. In this case, the income will be estimated approximately, since at different times of the year there will be a different cost of jam.

Production volume for 8 months: 240 tons of jam. The selling price is 87 rubles/kg. The annual revenue will be 20880000 rubles. The cost of production in the canning industry is constantly changing, so we will conditionally accept the figure of 43.5 rubles / kg. The proceeds will be 10440000 rubles. Salaries for 8 months 1530000 rubles. Conditional income 8910000 rubles.
The payback period of the workshop is about 3 months, on average - 1 summer season.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Living a full life, we usually do not think about what we eat. The frantic pace of the modern world order makes us forget about an important aspect of our existence - our health. One day, one day, we stop, realizing that fatty and junk food does not have a positive effect on longevity, and the thought comes that something needs to be changed. Today, more and more people are thinking about healthy and, most importantly, wholesome food, contemptuously looking towards fast food. Do not curse him, everyone makes their own choice, but with an increase in the number of people who want to be healthy, the relevance of offering dietary products is growing.

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The entire contingent of consumers of dietary food can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first is people who, involuntarily, are forced to deny themselves a sizzling piece of meat and eat easily digestible dishes because the doctor has prescribed. The second is just adherents healthy lifestyle life, which consider dietary nutrition as the prevention of disease. When organizing a business, you will have to focus on both those and others, only in the process of a marketing campaign will the subtleties of the approach arise. The deployment of a full-scale production of diet food, which involves opening your own production line and creating large batches of products, is hardly suitable for a novice entrepreneur - opening your own factory is too expensive. Therefore, it is more economical at first to produce such products as an order is received, in other words, to open small shop where delicious and healthy food will be prepared in front of the client.

Take a look around - have you seen shops that sell only healthy food? If yes, then you already have a potential competitor. If not, then you can safely try, become the first in this type of business, because the demand for such products will provide you with poor ecology, congenital diseases and simply the desire of people to avoid diseases. Propaganda will help increase people's desire to be healthy, this is the first point that can be included in advertising campaign. And the health of the population will improve, and you benefit.

It is worth noting that such a business is probably not suitable for small cities. And it is not so much the more favorable ecology in the provinces that is to blame, but the low demand among residents of non-megacities for healthy foods - they are used to growing healthy food in their gardens. Residents of large cities are more concerned about the growing level of diseases, and fresh vegetables only seen vacuum-packed in supermarkets. However, dietary products mean not only organic vegetable food, but also sweets with glucose replaced by fructose, and soy foods, and other substitutes that do not contain harmful additives and components. Immediately you need to decide for yourself what exactly you will do - retailing ready-made dietary products from the factory or cooking fresh food from natural ingredients. But it is best to combine both. It will not be superfluous to study medical tables - diet menus prescribed to the smallest detail, which doctors prescribe to patients depending on the diagnosed disease, so you will know what you have to cook and what components will be needed for this.

Understanding the essence of the issue and all the subtleties therapeutic diets you can start a business. Registration is standard, it will require investments of about 20 thousand rubles, a simplified taxation system is recommended, OKPD codes: (OKPD 2) 47.78 Other retail trade services in specialized stores and (OKPD 2) 10.89 Other food products, not included in other groups. Next you will need a space, it is not worth renting or buying too much, but it would be very nice to be able to acquire a larger area in the medium term; if things get better, you will probably need an extension. Renting a small room will cost an average of 25 thousand rubles a month; in order for the store to work, food preparation equipment and kitchen utensils will be required. This includes:

    Dishwasher - 10 thousand rubles

    Gas stove - 5 thousand rubles

    Microwave oven - 2 thousand rubles

    Steamer - 1 thousand rubles

    Meat grinder - 2 thousand rubles

    A set of dishes, kitchen utensils - 5 thousand rubles

    Blender - 2 thousand rubles

    Juicer - 1 thousand rubles

    Furniture for the kitchen - 10 thousand rubles

    Refrigerator - 10 thousand rubles

For our small production, which will take place on own kitchen the hands of a couple of cooks will require a rounded 50 thousand rubles. Add to this the decoration of your store, the purchase cash register, equipment for storing products that act as stocks, and do not lie in the refrigerator. All this will cost about 30 thousand more. Such a store does not involve self-service, so you will not need huge shelves and tall cabinets, you will only need a showcase with the goods offered, and the seller will have a menu. Please note that to open such a business, you will need permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, as well as permission from the fire department. Pay attention to the ventilation of the room, and always keep it clean. When, with a glance, you realize that this is the very place where people will order healthy food and leave happy, you can proceed to the next stage of organization.

You cannot do without qualified personnel. The difficulty lies in the fact that you need not just a culinary specialist, but, ideally, a culinary nutritionist. Finding such a person is not easy, but you can limit yourself to the teaching and training of a hired chef in the features of dietary food and its preparation. One person cannot cope, so at least two people are required, one cooks, the other cuts vegetables. It would be nice to organize a delivery service, here you will need a courier. The cost of this is more than compensated, because you will cover absolutely the entire target audience this direction, because if we discard just people who do not want to go shopping, then there will still be those who, due to poor health, cannot do this. It's a health business, after all. In addition to the above employees, of course, sellers will be required. In order to save money at first, you can become either a courier or a seller (or a cook, if knowledge and skills allow, because this position is still more responsible). In the future, you may need an operator to receive applications, but at first this position will be performed by the courier, and in his absence, by the seller-cashier. Or you yourself, if you decide to immediately staff the staff.

As you can understand, this type of entrepreneurship, although it is small business, but it requires a solution to a serious personnel issue, and this aspect is largely decisive, because the success of the entire event depends on the chefs. Therefore, their salary starts from 25 thousand rubles. The payment for the courier is approximately 15 thousand rubles per month, you can not keep him on the staff as a permanent employee, but offer a percentage of the amount of delivered orders. The work of the seller is estimated at an average of 17 thousand, and taking into account the fact that one position can reduce costs by performing duties independently, there is an opportunity to save money at the start of your project.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The next step is to find suppliers. Ease and simplicity at this moment should not be expected, you need the best supplier who adheres to the principle of "just in time", which offers a truly high-quality product (check all certificates, documents, certificates); you provide services for the preparation of healthy food, dietary, therefore, raw foods for it should be highest quality. However, it is unlikely that one supplier will offer you both directions of your sales: ingredients for personally prepared meals, and ready-made diet products like a sweetener. However, especially large distributors can do this, but often you have to cooperate with several partners at the same time. If a supplier offers you quality ones, such as broccoli, but you don’t like the quality of the legumes they supply, then it’s better to find another one in addition. This is the case when the quality of the product is critical, and even the cost of the product may not be so decisive. By selecting the criteria for selecting suppliers and conducting an analysis, you will eventually get the best partners who are ready to bring an excellent product not earlier and not later than the specified time, but just in time. The order must contain the necessary healthy vegetables and fruits, soy (a large number of dishes will be made from it), diabetic sweets, products for allergy sufferers and people with body characteristics (a person with lactose intolerance, for example, will be pleasantly surprised by the opportunity to buy milk with already contained lactase enzyme, designed to eliminate this intolerance), low-fat substitutes and analogues, as well as all kinds of breads and easily digestible foods.

How much money will be needed for purchases? Bulk orders will cost at least 30 thousand rubles (mostly you will have to pay for ready-made dietary products, and fruits and vegetables will be ordered in small batches due to the rapid deterioration), but this figure may vary depending on the size of your production, because in small shop goods ordered for such an amount may not fit, and you will have a delay in many items; and in a large one, on the contrary, the windows will appear empty. 30 thousand is the cost of an average order.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Another significant expense item is everyone's favorite trading engine. Advertising is vital to your business at all stages, a marketing campaign to promote your services is not a project for a certain period, but a permanent item in the credit column. Advertising should be given close attention, first of all, it should be conveyed to visitors to hospitals, pharmacies and sanatoriums - these can be leaflets, brochures and information posters. Advertising around the city will not be superfluous either, then most people who do not have health problems will find out that now you can eat not only tasty, but also right.

If the budget allows, you can announce yourself on local television. Even if there is no competition in your city, this does not mean that crowds of people will immediately rush to you; this type of business is quite specific, and the population must first learn about it. The main feature of your products is usefulness, and it is on this aspect that potential consumers should focus their attention. Only sick people need to first of all be conveyed that it is you who will make the product that the attending physician prescribed for them, and healthy people - that your dietary products are really useful and prevent the development of diseases. In general, advertising will cost from 20 thousand per month with the most minimally acceptable information to the population.

And, of course, you should follow the corporate style in everything. You will not be able to give the ordered food on a disposable plate, you need a full-fledged package in which the products are stored better. The cost of packaging will be included in the cost of the dish, but the initial costs will also be required for it. Serious expenses are not expected here, 5 thousand rubles should be enough for the first time of work. So, to start such an entrepreneurial activity, you will need the following funds:

    Registration - 20 thousand

    Premises rent - 25 thousand

    Equipment and design of the outlet - 80 thousand

    Remuneration of staff for the first month - 82 thousand

    Packing - 5 thousand

Starting capital is 262 thousand rubles. It should be noted that in order to conduct such a business, it is necessary to accurately calculate the probable amount of profit, consider all options and draw up a business plan that traditionally models three possible developments: negative, normal and positive.

The advantage of such a business is high profitability, the markup on the finished product can be up to more than one hundred percent, especially if you are the first player in the market - you should not neglect the marketing strategy of “skimming the cream”, you will start to reduce the price when competitors appear, and now have backlog for its own further reduction. Monthly income can be 300 thousand rubles, while operating profit (minus rent, purchases, salaries, advertising and packaging) reaches 138 thousand rubles. It is more profitable to deduct taxes on income (at a rate of 6%, the amount of tax fees will be 18 thousand), and as a result, a net profit equal to 120 thousand rubles is obtained. With all the difficulties, but still the progressive development of the business, the payback period should not exceed six months.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The most serious difficulty in the conditions of non-tough competition (and such a market is just developing) is probably the threat of bankruptcy due to the protracted period of promotion. Insufficient or unconvincing advertising will lead to customer insecurity, because people are still poorly aware of such an idea, and simple diet products can be purchased in any supermarket, and what is not in them can be found in a large pharmacy. And doctors are unlikely to recommend your store, even knowing about it, to their patients. You need to inform the population of your city about yourself, earn a name, and this will just give credibility in the eyes of nutritionists and their wards. Ordinary inhabitants should be informed about a new service that is useful in every sense through standard marketing techniques. Do not rule out the possibility of contacting advertising agency in the early months, this step can be crucial to your survival as an entrepreneur.

And what's next? Business is also good because it has many options for development. When things go uphill, and even the operator will become individual with his monthly salary, there will be an opportunity for expansion. That is why the possibility of renting additional space is needed, because the developing small shop can now offer not only services for the purchase and delivery of dietary products; why not offer to try the cooked food right here, right away, and caring waiters will serve the client his dish - in addition, a restaurant of tasty and healthy food is opening.

For those who wish, there is always the possibility of ordering food according to their own recipe by phone or by ordering on the spot, but do not miss the opportunity to open an original cafe or restaurant in which each dish has counted calories and balanced vitamins. In the future, the operator does not just accept applications, he becomes a full-fledged consultant who, no worse than a nutritionist, will tell you the optimal medical table and offer the most suitable food. All waiters have the same knowledge. If you develop this idea, then you can reach some full-fledged consulting center on dietetics, in which you will also be presented with dishes of your own production. Next - the sale of additional, indirectly related goods (for example, biologically active additives), but let's stop there.

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Legal aspects, equipment selection, assortment formation, premises requirements, production processes, sales. Complete financial calculations.

Russian citizens, thinking about what to buy for tea, in most cases opt for cookies. In any store there is a fairly wide selection of cookies for every taste - from the simplest biscuits to the bizarre form of kurabye with jam. Small and large packages of crunchy treats can be seen on the shelves at the checkout, in the bakery, snacks, desserts and even in the gifts department. People put cookies on their shopping list ahead of time or buy them spontaneously on their way to the checkout. It would seem that the production of cookies will be a profitable investment, but before drawing conclusions, you should make calculations and draw up a business plan.

Biscuit production as a business

Since the production of cookies belongs to the manufacture of food products, starting such a business cannot be called easy. Recipes, production workshop, equipment, medical examinations of workers - everything will be carefully checked by regulatory authorities - Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate.

It may take several months from the moment a decision is made to organize the production of cookies and until the date of the actual start of its preparation and sale - it will be necessary to collect an impressive set of documents, issue permits, register a business, notify the supervisory authorities about the start of activities and wait for the workshop to be checked for compliance with the norms established by law.

home production

On the Internet, you can find many business ideas that offer the organization of the production of cookies and jams at home. However, no matter how tempting it may sound, such a business would be illegal. Even if you are sure that there will be no complaints to higher authorities, that you have the cleanest kitchen and that you are able to comply with all sanitary standards, you cannot sell food prepared in a private kitchen.

There is an opinion that it is possible to issue a quality certificate or a certificate of conformity, after which the regulatory authorities will not be able to make claims against you. But this is not so - the production facility must comply with sanitary rules and the requirements of the law, and to check it, it is necessary to invite employees of Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate. But by law, a workshop or store cannot be located in a residential building, except in rare cases that are not related to food production.

No matter how clean your kitchen is, food production in a residential area is prohibited.

The only thing that can be done in this situation is to create a blog or page in in social networks and sell your products there, warning buyers that your "company" has not been subjected to any inspections, you have not been tested in specialized laboratories and you have never paid taxes. Many earn good money in this way, but, of course, this cannot be considered a full-fledged business, and the profit here will be very small. But the costs will be minimal - you can bake cookies to order on a prepaid basis with the help of the appliances and fixtures that you have in your kitchen.

Workshop organization

Equipping a biscuit production workshop, despite its seeming simplicity, requires a lot of money for rent and equipment, studying sanitary standards, inviting supervisory services and waiting for the approval of recipes and production technologies.

Responsibly approach the choice of a supplier - require quality certificates. Before organizing a stockpile and buying auxiliary equipment, study the requirements of SNiP and SanPiN - this will help you not to conflict with supervisory authorities and not to redo once established production.

If possible, repair the future workshop - complex or cosmetic (depending on the condition of the room). Check in advance that the number of rooms is sufficient for zoning the workshop into a production room, warehouse, and technical rooms. Separation of zones by partitions is unacceptable.

Features of a cookie making business

The production of biscuits is deservedly considered a promising direction - all the studies of statisticians speak of this. According to their data, one in two shoppers buys at least one package of cookies every time they go grocery shopping. Unlike cakes, pastries and other creamy products, cookies have a long shelf life, which means that business losses will not be as large. Also, this type of production has no seasonality, which means that demand will remain stable throughout the year.

The main disadvantage of the biscuit business is the high level of competition, but there is something to use here to organize a successful business - industry leaders continue to use outdated models of equipment and product recipes that bother the consumer, while a beginner has a chance to equip a modern production line and think over new options for all types of cookies that everyone loves.

Video: how to open a cookie production

Biscuit business plan

The advantage of a biscuit business is that even a start-up small firm can succeed despite being adjacent to the confectionery giants in the market. The main thing is a competent thoughtful approach to business, which becomes possible only after the development of a business plan.

Before taking any action, make detailed business plan production - this will save you from unnecessary costs

Pay special attention to studying the consumer - find out how many pensioners, students, couples with children are in your city (usually there is at least some statistical information on the official websites of the Administrations of territorial entities), because everyone has different tastes and financial capabilities.

Before you start entering into agreements with stores and selling cookies, make your business legal - register your activity and register as a taxpayer. At the time of contacting the tax authorities, you must resolve the following issues:

  • what assortment of cookies will you produce;
  • what production technology will be used;
  • will your workshop work only day or night, or will employees work in shifts around the clock;
  • what will be your plan for development and struggle with competitors;
  • Who will you be selling cookies to?
  • Finally, at the time of paperwork and start of production, you must:

  • select and rent (or buy) production premises;
  • purchase equipment that meets the requirements of technological production and sanitary rules;
  • hire enough workers.
  • Do not neglect any of the above questions - the fate of the business and the rate of return on investment will depend on the decision you make.

    Statistical data of the Russian biscuit market

    Every year large production and small firms released on Russian market over 900 tons of biscuits. At the same time, the demand for this product is steadily growing by 5–7% annually - such dynamics is considered to be quite restrained, but it is worth noting the stability of the growth in consumption of the product. The highest rates are observed in large cities - the larger the settlement, the more and more often its residents buy cookies.

    In Russia, the demand for cookies is increasing every year

    According to statisticians, each Russian eats on average 4.5 kg of cookies per year, and residents of all of Russia annually consume more than 650 tons of the product.

    As for the preferences of the Russian buyer, he remains conservative in this - the current demand structure is not much different from Soviet times.

    According to research by Workline Group, oatmeal (occupied market volume - 18.6%) and sugar (18.3% of sales) biscuits are most often purchased. Crackers, kurabye with jam and dry biscuits like "Maria" are also recognized as popular.

    Business registration and required documents

    The business must be registered with without fail, especially when it comes to food production - if you are found to be making and selling cookies without proper permits, you will not only pay a fine, but may also be subject to criminal liability. This happens to those whose products contributed to the emergence food poisoning and intestinal infections in the consumer.

    You can choose one of two organizational and legal forms of running your own business - an individual entrepreneurship or a legal entity. You have the right to choose any type of commercial legal entity, but the most popular for such a business was and remains a limited liability company.

    Despite the fact that the opening of an IP is considered more in a simple way organization of a business in comparison with an LLC and is distinguished by lower tax rates, simplified document flow, smaller fines, low registration costs and no need to hire a full-time accountant, an LLC is more suitable for the production of cookies.

    To open a shop for the production of cookies, it is preferable to register a legal entity

    The fact is that large retail chains, hypermarkets, confectioneries and restaurants prefer to conclude contracts with legal entities, since they bear more responsibility to regulatory authorities, are more reliable partners and, finally, in cooperation with LLC, companies can receive VAT tax deductions while working with individual entrepreneurs carries a certain risk.

    Having spent significantly on renting a workshop, purchasing equipment and obtaining permits, do not save on registering a business - despite the complexity of organizing a company in the form of a legal entity, you will receive a lot of advantages and be able to attract more customers.

    As for the documents necessary for the functioning of the business, the list of them is quite wide - at the same time, all papers must be located on the territory of the enterprise in case of an unexpected inspection by regulatory authorities. First of all, inspectors will pay attention to the presence of the following documents:

  • constituent papers (if you have registered an LLC);
  • OGRN certificates;
  • certificates of assignment of an individual taxpayer number (TIN);
  • permission to carry out activities from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion;
  • lease agreements (or certificates of ownership) of the premises;
  • fire service permits;
  • production control programs;
  • personal medical books of employees;
  • contracts for garbage collection (a separate contract for the disposal of fluorescent lamps is concluded);
  • contracts for disinfection, disinfestation, deratization of the workshop and ventilation system;
  • agreements with the laundry about the washing of staff uniforms.
  • Many large companies that are ready to become your partner may require you to conduct laboratory tests and issue quality certificates for each type of product.

    Room selection

    It would seem that the search for premises for production will not take much time - you just need to look at the advertisements for the lease of the workshop of the required area. However, everything is not so simple, since cookies are food product, strict requirements are imposed on compliance with sanitary standards. The production process, the workshop itself, maintaining cleanliness in it (disinfection, deratization, disinfestation), equipment and other points will be controlled by Rospotrebnadzor, which is authorized to close an enterprise that does not comply with all requirements.

    For a small workshop for the production of cookies, it will be enough to rent a room with an area of ​​​​150 sq.m., but the launch of a powerful production line will require the business owner to organize a workshop with an area of ​​​​250 sq.m.

    The workshop premises must meet the following requirements:

  • all communications (electricity, sewerage, water supply, heating) must be connected;
  • a fire alarm must be connected, a fire extinguisher must be available, all fire safety rules must be observed (wait for the workshop to be checked by the fire inspectorate);
  • an appropriate repair must be carried out (on the rules for its organization and on the permissible building materials can be found in the sanitary and epidemiological supervision);
  • the area of ​​the workshop is selected based on the need to install all purchased equipment, allocate separate rooms for washing equipment, storing ingredients, organizing a warehouse, storing cleaning equipment, amenity premises, an office for management, a shower room and bathrooms (zoning of space is prerequisite food production).

    The biscuit production workshop requires large premises

  • Check that the ceiling height is at least 3.5 meters and that there are convenient access roads for loading raw materials into the workshop. The best option would be to rent a room that has already been used for food production. You can even try to rent a workshop with some of the necessary equipment.


    Before you engage in posting vacancies on the Internet and local newspapers, decide how employees will work - in one or two shifts (around the clock). It is recommended to start with a small production turnover so that the surplus products do not have to be disposed of. For uninterrupted work within one shift, you will need to hire:

  • shift supervisor,
  • six pastry bakers,
  • cleaning lady
  • storekeeper
  • driver,
  • loader (or two auxiliary workers).
  • Also on a permanent basis should be hired:

  • production technologist,
  • secretary for receiving applications,
  • Sales Manager finished products.
  • Employees need days off, they can get sick or quit, and therefore multiply the number of employees by two - they will replace each other and work 2 days after 2.

    Do not save on employees - there should always be people ready to replace a sick or quit employee

    If you are registering an LLC, you will also need a full-time accountant. If you have opted for an individual enterprise, you can use the services of an accountant as part of outsourcing.

    Remember that food production obliges all employees, without exception, to undergo regular medical examinations, the completion of which will be recorded in personal medical books. The head is responsible for this to the regulatory authorities, which means you will have to conclude an agreement with the center medical boards or control the passage of examinations on an individual basis.

    Assortment compilation

    Before deciding on a product range, it is necessary to carry out marketing research. Studying demand is extremely important as it varies by region. It is not so much the wide variety of types of cookies that is important, but the balance of the assortment, based on the requirements of the consumer, because if one cookie is sold instantly, and the other is on the shelves before the expiration date, financial losses will cover the profit. But you should not be limited to one type of product either.

    There are many types of cookies, because by changing the composition of the ingredients and manufacturing technology, you can get a dough that is diverse in its properties. Depending on the test, cookies can be classified into the following types:

  • biscuit,
  • sand,
  • sugar,
  • biscuit,
  • lingering (dry),
  • curd,
  • whipped,
  • puff,
  • oatmeal.
  • When you decide on the types of cookies, think about the shape of the products, size, decorative finishes, additives, fillings.

    Undoubtedly, many surveys and experiments have been carried out, but it is not enough to check the data and start producing the most sought-after cookies - this has long been done by experienced large enterprises, who have won the status of a leader in this field, and rivalry with them on initial stage ruin the business.

    Be original - and buyers will definitely notice your cookies on store shelves

    Your best bet is to find an empty niche, stand out from the competition, develop a unique product, and make a name for it. When the goal is achieved, people will pay attention to your other products and, perhaps, give it preference.

    Today in Russia there are not many manufacturers of biscuits enriched with vitamins, ecologically pure product and low-calorie fitness cookies, but the demand for these types of products will be observed in cities with a young population, where girls follow their figure and proper nutrition, and mothers tend to buy their children healthy breakfasts. Therefore, the idea is not suitable, for example, for small villages, from which young people have moved to megacities.

    Remember, you don't have to follow suit. large firms, you can, on the contrary, produce cookies, which in the city on this moment no. And you can go the proven way, releasing popular species cookies, but at the same time present it in a new interpretation - change the shape, add an original filling, make a convenient small package for a snack and a large economical one - for a tea party for the whole family.

    Choice of production technology

    Naturally, the technology for the production of cookies will depend on what kind of cookies you are going to produce. But the stages of production in any case will be similar. It is best to develop the recipe together with a qualified technologist, since the production of cookies is different from home baking - it is important to strictly follow all stages of work, the sequence of actions and the amount of ingredients. If there is a failure, the customer will buy one cookie the first time, and the next time they will not receive the product they expected to purchase. In addition, hiring a technologist will speed up the approval of production by Rospotrebnadzor.

    The production technology will depend on what types of cookies you decide to produce.

    Raw materials should also be purchased after the assortment has been finally approved. Cookie dough is made from premium or first grade flour, fats, sugar, melange, egg powder, baking powder, starch. You can add flavors, food coloring, and other additives. Raisins, nuts, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, dried apricots can also be added to the dough. Jams, marmalade, condensed milk, coconut flakes, colored sugar, cinnamon, marzipans are suitable as fillings and for decorating products.

    The preparation of cookies can be divided into the following stages:

  • Sifting flour to saturate it with oxygen and remove lumps.
  • Weighing the ingredients according to the recipe, laying them in desired sequence into the mixer. Kneading for a certain period of time.
  • Adding melange, water, egg powder and other ingredients in accordance with the recipe. Knead until smooth.
  • Adding flour, starch, baking powder, syrup, flavors, dyes (according to the recipe).
  • Forming the dough, dividing it into parts by weight, rolling out layers of the same thickness. Cutting individual products using rotary molding machines.
  • Baking products in ovens.
  • Cooling of prepared portions.
  • Applying glaze, creating designs, sprinkling with decorations, layering (if provided).
  • Packaging (in batches, by portions, by weight) and packaging (on substrates, in bags, in baskets, in boxes, in metal cans).
  • Market analysis and development of a competitive strategy

    Russian market for the manufacture of such confectionery how biscuits are characterized by an annual stable growth in demand and an increase in sales - in the last couple of years alone, the consumption of biscuits has grown by 15%.

    Competition among domestic biscuit producers is considered average, and local companies play a decisive role in the market, since transportation of finished products to other cities will be unjustified due to the short shelf life of most varieties of biscuits. In addition, shipping costs money, and the costs end up increasing the cost of the biscuit, making it too expensive compared to a locally produced product.

    It is unprofitable to transport cookies to other cities

    When making the final decision to open a biscuit production or to abandon this venture, pay attention to the competition in the region. If the city in which you are going to produce products is small, and there are at least three companies offering cookies for sale, it is worth considering another business.

    Finding ways to sell finished products

    Proven distribution channels include:

  • grocery outlets (preferably network ones - federal and regional levels);
  • wholesale companies engaged in the resale of products to retail outlets;
  • implementation in the field of HoReCa - delivery for restaurants and cafes.
  • The best option is to open your own outlet with the prospect of further expanding into a network of mini-confectioneries, however, organizing a store requires enormous costs, and therefore it is hardly accessible to beginners. However, over time, you can think about such a sales option.

    The best way to sell cookies is to open your own outlet

    It is also necessary to decide on the ways of selling cookies in advance - the volume of production, assortment, and packaging depend on this. You can offer a different range of products to different customers depending on their needs.

    A good advertisement is the organization of retail sales at wholesale prices directly from the workshop premises - few people would refuse the freshest cookies without the store's extra charge. However, remember that outsiders entrance not allowed in the production area sanitary regulations- The distribution of cookies should be made in a separate room or "through the window".

    If you decide to make cookies at home, you can sell your product only in specialized places for trade, such as markets, fairs and exhibitions. street trading on folding tables bus stops or by hand is prohibited. Opening an online store will require business registration, paperwork and the purchase of a specialized online cash desk, so it is not advisable to create it in order to sell home-made products.

    Necessary equipment and materials

    An important problem of the industry is the use of obsolete equipment installed at enterprises since Soviet times in the production of biscuits.

    The purchase of modern equipment will reduce production costs and reduce the price of cookies

    Therefore, significant progress can be made by purchasing and engaging in manufacturing process modern equipment. The business owner will receive superior product quality, high speed production of the product and the ability to hire fewer workers due to production automation, and cost savings will allow you to set a competitive price for cookies.

    The set of equipment depends on which stages of production will be carried out manually, and which - with the help of specialized devices for food production. It is worth noting that the maximum automation of production will turn out to be more profitable in the end, since manual labor requires hiring a large staff, paying overtime hours and resolving employee turnover issues. The initial investment in equipment will pay off many times over.

    The minimum set of equipment includes:

  • flour sifter (about 35,000 rubles);
  • dough mixer (about 65,000 rubles);
  • dough machine (about 100,000 rubles);
  • dough divider (from 300,000 rubles);
  • dough sheeter (about 75,000 rubles);
  • conveyor (from 250,000 rubles);
  • rotary / convection oven (about 600,000 rubles);
  • refrigeration equipment (about 40,000 rubles);
  • desktop scales (about 10,000 rubles);
  • floor scales (about 30,000 rubles);
  • packing scales (about 15,000 rubles);
  • packaging machines (about 10,000 rubles).
  • In addition, it will be necessary to buy washing tubs, racks, shelves, washing equipment, lockers for workers' belongings, chairs, production tables and small culinary utensils, such as knives and gastronorm containers.

    If you plan to produce cookies covered with chocolate, you will need an icing line, and devices are also commercially available for applying a certain dose of filling to the base of a double cookie. Whatever equipment you decide to purchase, it is advisable to immediately invest in Italian or German-made devices. Domestic and Chinese ovens and machines will not last so long and will require regular repairs.

    At the initial stage, it is recommended to purchase a production line that is not too powerful in case the business does not pay off or if it is not possible to find enough customers. In the future, if production is established, contracts for the supply of products will be concluded, and there will not be enough production capacity to fulfill all orders, we can think about development and new investments in more powerful equipment.

    Video: automated cookie production

    Financial plan for the production of biscuits

    Below is an example financial plan workshop for the production of biscuits. Remember that it is only a guideline for making your own analysis, which will depend on the region where your enterprise is located, the taxation system you have chosen, the cost of raw materials from the supplier, the types of cookies baked, the choice of equipment seller, the cost of renting a room, and so on.

    First of all, it is necessary to calculate the volume of initial investments in starting a business. Perhaps already at this stage you will understand that you are not able to invest such an amount of money. When calculating the salary fund, rely on the average wages in the region where your company is located.

    Table: average salaries of employees of the biscuit production workshop

    Table: Initial Costs of Starting a Biscuit Making Business

    Table: Monthly Costs of Maintaining a Biscuit Shop

    Profitability calculation

    The medium-capacity biscuit production line is capable of producing 1.5 tons of products per shift, which gives 45 tons of product per month. According to statisticians, 1 ton of cookies is sold by domestic producers for an average of 40,000 rubles. This means that the revenue for one month of work will be 1,800,000 rubles.

    Table: Key Financial Indicators of the Biscuit Business

    Suppose an entrepreneur pays taxes under the USNO system (6% rate). If you do not take into account the possibility of tax deductions, the business owner will transfer 23,658 rubles per month to the tax service (6% of the amount of profit). Then the net profit will be 370,642 rubles.

    Biscuit production is a profitable business

    It turns out that in the best case, the initial investment will pay off in 9 months, but in practice the terms are longer due to the need to search regular customers, the occurrence of unforeseen situations and the need to give buyers time to notice New Product. Also, the level of profitability directly depends on the amount of initial equipment costs - than more money will be invested, the longer the costs will be reimbursed by transferring them to the cost of finished products.

    As the calculation results show, the biscuit business is profitable and pays off in sufficient short time. The main problem is the search for a direction of activity that would make the enterprise competitive - only quality, taste, attractive packaging and the unique look of finished products can help the owner of such a business win the love of consumers and a place in the market among many similar large and small firms. If the entrepreneur manages to cope with this task, his products will occupy the shelves of more than one store and will increasingly appear on the tables of Russian families.

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