How to become more active. How to stay energetic throughout the day: tricks and tricks. Eat healthy breakfasts

Often we see people who have more than enough energy. They run back and forth, as if they have a propeller working in one place. They always manage to do everything and always finish the work they have started on time. Everyone wonders how they can live like this. Maybe they drink energy drinks? Maybe they drink coffee by the liter? NO!

They simply adhere to certain rules of life that they have learned through personal experience Or read somewhere in a book. So let's be the same. Who doesn’t want to wake up every morning with a smile on their face, have time to work, and spend time with their loved one, and chat with friends. We all want to do everything, so we should all learn a little more about where and how to extract this colossal energy.

1. So, the first thing we need to decide: do you love your job?

Think about this question, think seriously, if the answer is “No”, then you should look for another job that will bring you only pleasure. YES, it’s hard to do, we don’t always have what we want, but if we remain silent, endure and be content with what we have, then we will never find anything better and will endure the trials of fate all our lives.

2. The second will be your diet, or rather, your breakfast.

Breakfast is the key to a successful day, if you eat right in the morning, then the day will go well. It seems unrealistic and untrue, but still, there is some truth to it. If you eat what you like, then your mood and your body will tune in positively for the whole day, which will give you the necessary for successful start energy charge. Never leave the house without having breakfast, because this is fraught with consequences. If you are already accustomed to this, then try to unlearn, it is harmful to you and your health, and without health there will not be that colossal energy.

3. Try to live in harmony with nature!

You should always have some houseplants or flowers in the workplace. In our age, we are constantly surrounded by electronic equipment and without it there is no way. And these are electromagnetic radiations that deplete our body a little, especially our brain. And plants take most of the radiation on themselves, so they should always be in the workplace.
Everyone knows how cacti can absorb radiation from a computer monitor or TV. I'm not talking about the fact that many people who practice yoga or feng shui attach a lot of importance to certain plants and say that one gives physical strength, the second mental nourishment, the third something else. You can’t argue with them, maybe they are right, in any case, caring for plants is not so difficult, so you can put a couple of pots in your office.

4. Remember to rest.

Rest is a very important element of the working day. People who believe that it is better to do everything quickly now, and then go home earlier, are very deluded in themselves. If a person continuously works for several hours in a row, then he loses vigilance, strength and speed of work. That is, it seems to you that you have done a lot, but in fact you have done less than you could do with rest.

It seems like it’s necessary, but it doesn’t burn, but time goes by, the work stops, and we don’t get up from the workplace, which means we work, although in fact the body, or rather the brain, outwitted us with this, it made us distracted. But there is no benefit from such a rest. We always need to consciously rest, otherwise it will only get worse.

Also, remember about outdoor activities and entertainment. They bring a lot of joy and pleasure, which has a very good effect on our moods and the desire to be the best and achieve more. Discos and funny companies I really help to relax from the hard everyday life.

5. Get in the habit of walking down the street.

This is a good habit, because when we constantly sit indoors, not only do we not breathe fresh air, but we are also constantly distracted by all sorts of little things. This, in turn, does not allow us to think normally, relax and think over a plan of action for the future. And if we take a walk in the park or even just down the street, then we immediately go into “rest mode”, in this mode we have nothing to do, so we are not distracted by trifles and can think over a plan of action for the near future.

6. Do not forget about self-development.

The more we learn, the better we become, the better we become, the more chances we have to achieve our goals quickly and accurately. By the way, do not forget about physical activities, a healthy body - a healthy mind. It is very important. Supporting the body in good shape will help you always feel at your best and give our brain a lot of strength and energy.

7. Observe favorable conditions for living at home.

Remember that at home you can do whatever you want. This is your house or your apartment, so there is nothing to be ashamed of. If you really like something, but your friends may not like it, then think about who will live here, you or them? That's right, YOU! So it's up to you to decide what's best for you. Home environment very often plays a decisive role in a person's way of life. Try to achieve harmony in your home, especially in the bedroom.

That's all! You just have to use these 7 rules, and you, too, will glow with energy!

Winter does not spoil us: the temperature is below zero, low pressure, as usual, there is not enough sun ... But, despite the fact that the weather does not stimulate us to action, we need to get up in the morning and be active during the day. How to become a cheerful and energetic person? Where to draw energy from if there is a feeling that its resources are decreasing at breakneck speed?

1. Eat healthy breakfasts

Breakfast can be called the most important meal of the day. This is the fuel that will give you energy to work all day, so it should include good carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Nutritionists advise eating as little processed foods as possible, such as oatmeal or cornflakes. Ignore the various pseudo-healthy and diet "fitness" cereals that are actually sweet and high in calories. Eggs are one of the best sources of protein, according to research conducted by the American Heart Association. In addition, they have some carbohydrates, which gradually release energy throughout the day.

2. Drink coffee and mate

It's no news to anyone that caffeine is stimulating and energizing. The caffeine contained in coffee significantly reduces fatigue and increases energy levels, and quite quickly. So does the tea drink known as yerba mate, which is made from natural leaves. It contains a lot of picture, magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamins A, C, E and group B.

3. Pharmaceutical preparations

Pharmaceutical preparations such as Eleutherococcus, Lemongrass, Ginseng, L-carnitine, B vitamins and others will also help to become more vigorous and energetic.

4. Get moving

Physical exercise should be included in the weekly plan at least 3-4 times. But it is best if you spend about 15-20 minutes every day for these purposes. Exercise saturates the body with oxygen, improves blood circulation, and during their implementation, endorphins are released, colloquially called hormones of happiness.

5. Drink plenty of water

Water is the source of vitality for the body, so you should take care of adequate hydration. Even the slightest deficiency can lead to a noticeable decrease in energy in cells. Drink at least one and a half liters of high-mineral water per day, even if you are not thirsty.

6. Take care of the right diet

If you need a high level of energy throughout the day, you should take care of a stable blood sugar level. Women often make the mistake of escaping in moments of “weakness” with chocolate bars. When we eat sweets, there is a sharp increase in sugar levels (the so-called energy shock), and very soon - its fall, which causes an instant deterioration in well-being. If you eat whole grains instead of simple sugars in the form of sweets, the sugar will gradually be released from them over many hours. Therefore, experts recommend foods such as brown rice or corn flakes, foods rich in fiber, as well as nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, flax, sesame, which have proven themselves in terms of regulating blood sugar levels.

7. Listen to positive music

Numerous studies confirm that listening to "energy" music is effective way increasing the level of activity. Among other things, it is the simplest, healthiest and cheapest way to deal with stress and fatigue.

8. Breathe fresh air

Most of us have to work indoors with limited access to fresh air. If you can't ventilate the room regularly, try to periodically breathe in fresh air when going outside. You can also consider returning home on foot or leaving one stop before the desired one. Oxygenation of the body has a significant impact on energy levels.

9. Adjust the environment

Our mood is influenced by everything that surrounds us. It happens that you do not feel too good at the workplace. Make sure you have a comfortable chair and good lighting. Maybe you need more space or silence? Sometimes it is enough to change just one annoying factor to feel more comfortable and feel a surge of energy.

10. Get enough sleep

Alas, even the strongest coffee will not replace sleep. If you lead a hectic lifestyle, always on the run and not getting enough sleep, you will never feel rested. Sleep is the best way to regenerate the body, so try to sleep at least 7 hours during the day. During sleep, growth hormone is released, which is responsible, among other things, due to recovery processes. And if we sleep too little, then we disrupt its production and do not give ourselves a chance for a full recovery.

The more energy you have, the more energetic you will become, the cooler you can have fun and work better. Energetic people feel happier and healthier - that's a fact. And if you want to become a truly energized person, then read this article!


Part 1

Healthy food as a source of energy

    Eat a healthy breakfast every morning. Even if you are late, even if you don’t feel like eating at all, you should have a goal of “eating breakfast every morning”. Eaten breakfast is not only energy, but also a reduced level of stress! Don't eat something too fatty or heavy, eat something to cheer up and feel alive. For example:

    • A bowl of cereal
    • oatmeal
    • Scrambled eggs
    • Greens (spinach, cabbage, etc.)
    • Lean meat
    • Berries, bananas, apples
  1. Eat every 3-4 hours. Even if it seems that you don’t have a minute in your daily schedule, you are mistaken. You can always take a little time for a snack. And instead of eating 3 huge portions and feeling stuffed to the bone, it is better to eat three medium portions per day and snack twice before and after dinner. If you limit yourself to only three meals, then the energy will not be enough.

    • Snacking should be healthy food, which contains carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats.
    • Berries and nuts are a great option.
    • Yogurt with granules is also good.
    • A small piece of chocolate will give you a rush of endorphins and, at the expense of caffeine, will cheer you up a little.
  2. Don't eat heavy food. Perhaps the heaviest thing you should eat in a day should be breakfast. Lunch should be light and dinner should be something in between. This is understandable: breakfast gives energy for the whole day, lunch should invigorate, and dinner should not let you wake up from hunger in a few hours.

    • You must eat enough carbohydrates, proteins, fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind that this food should nourish you, and not take away your energy for digestion!
  3. Eat more fiber. Fiber is digested more slowly and more slowly than carbohydrates, and therefore gives you more energy throughout the day. Accordingly, when choosing what to eat, choose something that is richer in fiber. For example:

    • Multi-grain bread
    • black beans
    • Apples
    • whole wheat spaghetti
  4. Eat omega-3 fats. Oily fish, hazelnuts and walnuts, canola oil are a few sources of such fats that have a beneficial effect on brain cells and invigorate you. Eat fish once or twice a day, and snack on nuts as often as possible.

    Drink plenty of water. It is unacceptable to suffer from thirst, about 2 liters of water should be drunk per day. Even a slight degree of dehydration is already a breakdown, so play it safe and carry a bottle of water with you or just drink at every opportunity. Water, by the way, can also be obtained from foods that contain a lot of water - yogurt, carrots, oranges and grapefruits.

    • Remember that alcohol and caffeinated drinks have a dehydrating effect on the body, so it is good to drink these liquids.
  5. Less caffeine in the afternoon! Exactly. Yes, caffeine invigorates, but if you do not want to spend a sleepless night, then do not drink anything caffeinated at least in the evening, and even better in the afternoon. Even if your day is almost impossible to get tired, deal with it without coffee, or the night will go by without sleep, and the next day you will be even more tired. By the way, if you still succumb to the temptation, then do not try to fight fatigue with caffeine the next day!

    • Ditching coffee in favor of black tea or low-caffeine tea can have a positive effect on your energy levels.
  6. Don't drink energy drinks. Yes, if you need to sit out the night before exams for textbooks or not fall asleep at a party, then this is still all right. However, energy drinks are not useful, no matter what justifies their use. Within a couple of hours after you finish drinking the jar, you will feel a breakdown and even, perhaps, a headache will appear. In other words, in emergency cases- can. In all others, you can't.

    Avoid eating spicy or heavy foods before bed. Generally speaking, 2-3 hours before going to bed, it is worth making the last meal. If hunger does not recede - lightly snack. In this case, very spicy, heavy and greasy should be avoided. Why? It will be difficult for the body to digest all this at night, and, accordingly, it will be difficult for you to fall asleep.

    Turn off all visual stimuli an hour before bed. Yes, it can be nice to watch an episode of your favorite TV series while lying in bed, but, alas, this, alas, is not that conducive to falling asleep. On the contrary, visual stimuli only prevent us from falling asleep and sleeping. So turn off your computer, TV, cell phone, and all other screens (except perhaps E-Ink screens) so your body can start getting ready for bed.

    Don't work in bed. Don't write, don't research, don't read mail, etc. This is necessary so that the body does not begin to associate bed and work. Work at your workplace - at your desk. At the same time, it will be generally just wonderful if you do not work in the bedroom at all. If for some reason this is not an option, then do not work at least in bed!

    End the day on a calm note. Make changes to your daily routine so that you end the day on a calm, relaxed wave. Maybe drink a cup of herbal tea before bed? Or, say, listening to jazz? Read a newspaper? See for yourself what helps you and make the appropriate fad in your daily routine. You need to start doing all this at least an hour before going to bed. Yes, it will not be so easy to wrap up everything and start relaxing - but it will be worth it.

    Go to bed and wake up at the same time. Yes, easy to say, hard to do. Nevertheless, we must try, friends, we must! Strictly speaking, if you sleep for 8 hours two days in a row, but go to bed and wake up at different times, then the benefits for the body will be significantly less than if you slept for 7 hours, but went to bed and woke up at the same time.

    • Try to at least go to bed at the same time - say, between 10 and 11 pm, and wake up between 6 and 7 am.
  7. Follow the 15 minute rule. It's simple: if you've been tossing and turning in bed for 15 minutes and still can't sleep, then get up and start doing something relaxing - listen to classical music, read, etc. Turn on the dimmed light so that it doesn’t hurt your eyes, but you can still see the text. And, you know, read something not very interesting - the more the book excites you, the more difficult it will be to fall asleep.

    Lower your temperature before bed. During sleep, the body's temperature drops, which is natural. Temperature environment must match. Degrees 15-20 will be just right, so do not hesitate to open the window.

    Stop sleeping with pets in the same bed. This is especially true for cats. Yes, when these warm lumps settle in the legs - it's nice, no doubt about it. But they wake up in the middle of the night and wake you up! More than half of the people who keep pets and let them sleep in the same bed complain of sleep problems. This is not an easy decision, but you will no longer have to let a cat or dog into your bed.

    • Try to comfort your pet by hugging and scratching him with a vengeance on tours.
  8. Wake up right away. If you click on the "Snooze" button to silence the alarm - you lost, ah-ah-ah. They heard a signal - they began to wake up and actively get out of bed ... to the best of their ability. No one has yet had enough sleep, taking a nap, “Well, another five minutes.” Moreover, after such naps, waking up is even more difficult!

    • If you just physically can’t wake up otherwise, then you may not be getting enough sleep.

Part 3

The correct order of the day as a source of energy
  1. Change socks in the middle of the day. Yes, you read everything correctly. Get in the habit of changing your socks before or just after dinner. You will be surprised at how much more alert, cleaner and more energetic you will feel after this.

    Walk. This is especially important for those who spend most of the day sitting at a desk in the office. Take a break, take a walk in the fresh air, breathe in the fresh air, smile at the sun! Just 20-30 minutes of walking, and the effect will be just wow! And if you have work that can be done on the street, then God himself ordered to work in the fresh air.

    • Of course, it is also true that a day spent under the scorching sun will not do you any good.
  2. Take a multi-vitamin with lunch. If you are taking a multi-vitamin (and this, by the way, is highly recommended), then it is best to do this in the afternoon. So the energy of vitamins is better absorbed by the body. If you take vitamins at dinner, then this can adversely affect the quality of sleep.

    Let there be light! Woke up? Turn on the light. If possible, spend some time in the sun. Although, in general, both options are good. - light invigorates people, making them more energetic.

    Take breaks every one and a half hours or even a little more often. Most people can't focus on one thing for more than an hour and a half. However, this is normal. Do not force yourself to continue working, it is better to just rest. Every hour and a half (or hour) it is worth taking a break for 10-15 minutes - to relax, breathe in fresh air and just get a little distracted from work.

    • And if you can stretch a little during a break, then this is completely wonderful!
    • You can also chat with someone - this will allow the brain to be distracted.
  3. Dress wisely. You can trick your brain a little if you dress nicer. Of course, that doesn't mean you have to dress up like a royal 24/7, even if you're alone at home. But, say, comfortable jeans and a bright T-shirt will make you feel much more cheerful than if you were roaming around the house in your grandfather's sweatpants and an alcoholic T-shirt.

    • Gathered on the street? Dress smarter! Bright colors project your energy outward, which will make people respond to you more energetically.
  4. Turn on your favorite song. If you are completely tired, then hardly anything can cheer you up better than your favorite song. Turn on the record, sing along! You yourself will not notice how fatigue will pass!

  5. Don't shun society. Talking to people is invigorating and energizing. If you are in the company of other people, that you don’t just have to sit back and wait for everything to end - ask questions, speak out, participate in the discussion! Meet friends and chat, call them at lunch break to discuss the news! If you are at work, then do not write a letter to a colleague with questions, it is better to approach him and ask everything in person.

    • Add some “social” component to your daily routine.

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“There are days when you give up. And there are no words, no music, no strength ... ". Even taking into account the imagery of these lines from the song "Time Machine", everyone had similar sensations. When you literally fall asleep at work, trying to refresh yourself a little with strong coffee. When you return home tired and buy an energy drink, there are other things that need to be done. How useful is this for? The question is sooner. Therefore, in this article, we have collected recommendations on how to stay energetic throughout the day, using the features of our body and natural remedies.

So, to cope with drowsiness and energize the body when it is needed, you can use the following tips:

Proper organization of the day and employment

Get enough sleep at night. Everything is obvious here, but it is the simple truths that are most often forgotten. The best way feel alert and rested in the morning - it’s normal to get enough sleep the night before. How many hours of sleep you need - 6, 7 or 8 - depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But, if you sleep less than 6 hours a day, you will gradually feel a lack of sleep, and this negatively affects your well-being.

Do exercises. The body continues to remain relaxed after sleep for some more time, and in order to wake up faster, you can do a little exercise, then wash with cold water or take it.

Plan your day. This will allow you to concentrate on performing important tasks and avoid those that simply "steal" yours, destroying energy reserves.

Eat Right. Don't skip meals and don't overeat. In the latter case, your body will spend energy to cope with the digestion of incoming food and you will not be able to fully work.

Practice "catnap". "Cat's dream" - 15-minute sleep after dinner. The bottom line is that during this time the brain has time to “reboot” and relax. And then work more productively. Of course, not everyone has such an opportunity, but not only numerous Western consultants on personal productivity, but also Russian ones () assure us that the method is worthwhile.

Be outdoors. In heat, the processes in our body slow down, which is why we feel less cheerful and often cannot, if necessary, quickly gain the momentum necessary for work. Therefore, do not spend the entire lunch break in the dining room or cafe - take a walk down the street. You can also approach during work open window and stay near him for a couple of minutes - oxygen will definitely not interfere with the brain.

Move more often. Get into the habit of spending a couple of minutes at the end of every hour warming up by getting out of your chair and walking around the office. Also, give preference to the stairs, not the elevator.

Watch your posture. Incorrect position at the desk affects the ability to concentrate.

Start the day with a difficult task. Use as yet undepleted reserves of energy to solve important tasks first. The brain will get used to the load, and everything else will seem easier.

Finish what you started. This will serve as an excellent impetus and motivation for further achievements.

Food preferences

Eat less but more often. So, firstly, less energy will be used to support the digestive processes. Secondly, the body itself will be fed more often.

Give up sugar and sweets. So-called fast carbohydrates cause an increase in insulin levels in the blood, which can cause a feeling of fatigue.

Give preferencewhole grain products. Complex carbohydrates are processed by the body longer and, accordingly, energize it for longer, allowing you to feel more alert.

Eat lean meat and fish. They do not increase blood sugar, which ensures a smooth flow of energy, and the feeling of fullness lasts longer.

Mint. Try replacing coffee with mint tea, it is quite refreshing. Mint chewing gum will also be useful in concentrating attention and increasing efficiency.

Don't Forget Your Vitamins. To stay alert and energetic throughout the day, you need to take care of the intake of the right amount of vitamins in the body. Especially C, D, thiamine, riboflavin, B 12, as well as pantothenic and folic acid. Some suitable products for such purposes and their properties are described in this.

Change your socks. Frankly, the trick is strange, but it works. And if in the middle of the working day you change your socks for fresh ones, a surge of vivacity is guaranteed.

Often we see people who have more than enough energy. They run back and forth, as if they have a propeller working in one place. They always do everything in time and always finish the work they started on time.

Often we see people who have more than enough energy. They run back and forth, as if they have a propeller working in one place. They always manage to do everything and always finish the work they have started on time. Everyone wonders how they can live like this. Maybe they drink energy drinks? Maybe they drink coffee by the liter? Maybe they eat a lot of sweets, which gives them a lot of ATP? NO!

They simply adhere to certain rules of life that they have learned through personal experience or read somewhere in a book. So let's go and we'll be the same. Who doesn’t want to wake up every morning with a smile on their face, have time to work and spend time with their loved one and chat with friends. We all want to do everything, so we should all learn a little more about where and how to extract this colossal energy.

1. So, the first thing we need to decide: do you love your job?

Think about this question, think seriously, if the answer is “No”, then you should look for another job that will bring you only pleasure. YES, it’s hard to do, we don’t always have what we want, but if we remain silent, endure and be content with what we have, then we will never find anything better and will endure the trials of fate all our lives.

2. The second will be your diet, or rather, your breakfast.

Breakfast is the key to a successful day, if you eat right in the morning, then the day will go well. It seems unrealistic and untrue, but still, there is some truth to it. If you eat what you like, then your mood and your body will tune in positively for the whole day, which will give you the boost of energy you need for a successful start. Never go home without having breakfast, for this is the womb of some consequences. If you are already accustomed to this, then try to unlearn, it is harmful to you and your health, and without health there will not be that colossal energy.

healthy and proper nutrition will give strength both today and in many years to come, living on the right diet. Many have probably heard that poultry meat is the least nutritious and baked meat is the most useful. Therefore, we advise - chicken in foil in the oven, the very meal that is done quickly and simply, but at the same time tasty and healthy!

3. Try to live in harmony with nature!

You should always have some houseplants or flowers in the workplace. In our century, we are constantly surrounded by electronic technology and without it there is no way. And these are electromagnetic radiations that deplete our body a little, especially our brain. And plants take most of the radiation on themselves, so they should always be in the workplace.

Everyone knows how cacti can absorb radiation from a computer monitor or TV. I'm not talking about the fact that many people who practice yoga or feng shui attach a lot of importance to some plants and say that one gives physical strength, the second mental nourishment, and the third something else. You can’t argue with them, maybe they are right, in any case, caring for plants is not so difficult, so you can put a couple of pots in your office.

4. Remember to rest.

Rest is a very important element of the working day. People who believe that it is better to do everything quickly now, and then go home earlier, are very deluded in themselves. If a person continuously works for several hours in a row, then he loses vigilance, strength and speed of work. That is, it seems to you that you have done a lot, but in fact you have done less than you could do with rest.

It seems like it’s necessary, but it doesn’t burn, but time goes by, the work stops, and we don’t get up from the workplace, which means we work, although in fact the body, or rather the brain, outwitted us with this, it made us distracted. But there is no benefit from such a rest. After all, we didn’t get up from the workplace and didn’t think, I’ll go and have a rest, eat or something else.

After that, we can also look at the e-mail, but now we will have a good rest, because we told ourselves that we are going to rest. And when we don't realize it, we don't get that rest. That is why we always need to consciously rest, otherwise it will only get worse. About the fact that rest gives a lot of energy and strength, I won’t say it anymore, and it’s clear to everyone.

Also, remember about outdoor activities and entertainment. They bring a lot of joy and pleasure, which has a very good effect on our moods and the desire to be the best and achieve more. Discotheques and cheerful companies help a lot to relax from hard everyday life.

5. Get in the habit of walking down the street.

This is a good habit, because when we constantly sit indoors, not only do we not breathe fresh air, but we are also constantly distracted by all sorts of little things. This, in turn, does not allow us to think normally, relax and think over a plan of action for the future. And if we take a walk in the park or even just down the street, then we immediately go into “rest mode”, in this mode we have nothing to do, so we are not distracted by trifles and can think over a plan of action for the near future.

6. Do not forget about self-development.

I have already mentioned this more than once in previous articles, but nevertheless, I will remind you again. The more we learn, the better we become, the better we become, the more chances we have to achieve our goals quickly and accurately. By the way, do not forget about physical activities, a healthy body - a healthy mind. It is very important. Supporting the body in good shape will help you always feel at your best and give our brain a lot of strength and energy.

7. Create favorable conditions for life at home.

Remember that at home you can do whatever you want. This is your house or your apartment, so there is nothing to be ashamed of. If you really like something, but your friends may not like it, then think about who will live here, you or them? That's right, YOU! So it's up to you to decide what's best for you.

I have often noticed that the home environment very often plays a decisive role in the way a person lives. Sometimes it happens, you come to a friend’s house, and there you don’t want to do anything, you just want to exist. And it happens the other way around, you come to a friend's house and after sitting there for a while you are charged with invisible energy, you want to live, work and succeed. This suggests that the home environment plays a big role. Therefore, try to achieve harmony in your home, especially in the bedroom.