Profession accountant in my life. Essay of a student on the topic: "My profession". Qualities that ensure the success of the professional activities of an accountant

Accounting is a profession in demand. No matter how much time passes, no matter how the world changes, accountants will be needed as long as economic relations exist. Of course, this profession has both advantages and disadvantages. Let's talk about all this, as well as how to get a profession as an accountant.

Who is an accountant?

Not a single enterprise, both commercial and state (even public organizations) cannot work without accountants. What is the accounting profession? Description - below.

The duties of the accounting department include keeping records of material assets, payroll, maintaining tax accounting, calculation and payment of tax payments and contributions to off-budget funds, submission of reports to regulatory authorities. Chief accountants develop an accounting policy for the enterprise, forms of internal reporting, manage the work of the accounting service.

Often, in addition, the people of this profession are responsible for maintaining management accounting or accounting for international standards. If the company stops keeping records, then the activity will be paralyzed very quickly. There will be no information on the debt of buyers or suppliers, the owners will not know whether the business brings income or losses. Therefore, the work of accountants is associated with a huge responsibility.

Job Benefits

The advantages of the profession of an accountant are not only in demand. See for yourself:

An accountant is a profession, having received which you can not worry that there will not be enough for a piece of bread. Each year of work will only add value to you as a specialist.

Character traits for the profession

Accounting is a profession that is not for everyone. If you want the work to bring pleasure, and not just money, you need to select a specialty according to your character traits.

Working as an accountant requires perseverance, patience and attention to detail, the ability to work with a large amount of information, analyze it, generalize. Accuracy and thoroughness are important, the ability to remain focused on one task for a long time.

Since most of the time will have to be spent at the computer with documents, working with formulas, numbers and tables, this profession is more suitable for introverts. Extroverts will begin to yearn without communication.

To be a good accountant, you need to have curiosity and a desire to learn new things. Legislation is updated very often, and to keep abreast of important changes, you need to read a lot of professional literature and attend training seminars.

On the other hand, it is important to be able to defend the interests of the enterprise, to be fair, stress-resistant. Accountant - a profession that involves communication with representatives of the tax office, off-budget funds. This requires strength of character and emotional stability.

Disadvantages of being an accountant

The disadvantages of the profession of an accountant are, first of all, a huge responsibility. The more serious the position, the higher the level of responsibility. Errors in the work of an accountant can lead to financial losses in the enterprise. Unreliability in accounting leads to incorrectly calculated taxes and fees, and this is fraught with fines.

The disadvantages include the monotony of work - the accountant has to perform the same type of procedures, solve standard tasks according to the established model, comply with the standards and instructions.

This profession is characterized by an uneven distribution of workload. AT reporting period accountants have a lot of work to do. This time is characterized by stress, which can lead to chronic fatigue, neurosis or depression. Also during the reporting period, the working day becomes irregular.

Due to the large amount of time spent at the computer and documents, vision suffers, as the load on it is increased. Sitting position leads to occupational diseases back and neck.

How to get a profession?

The profession of an accountant (its description is given in the article in detail) implies the presence of an economic education. You can get a special education to work as an accountant in secondary or higher educational institutions. If you plan to take the position of chief accountant in the future, then higher education will be superior to the average.

Also get necessary knowledge you can also take special accounting courses, but you need to understand that such education is enough only to enter the profession. If you want to build a brilliant career, you will have to plan for a higher education in economics.

How to start a career?

In connection with the demand for accountants in the labor market, finding a job for a graduate without experience is not so difficult. The easiest option is the vacancy of an assistant accountant. At the beginning of the journey, it is better to give preference to such companies where you can get good experience, try yourself in different areas accounting, and then choose a prestigious company with high wages.

It is advisable to look for part-time opportunities already during training, then by the end educational institution you will have not only a diploma, but also work experience, as well as recommendations from the employer, which will make it possible to get a better paid and interesting position.

Modern Accounting Professions

In professional accounting activities a number of areas can be distinguished:

In each of these areas, a modern accountant can develop. As you can see, if desired, an accountant can be not only a practicing specialist, but also conduct teaching activities, write papers in professional themes if he is interested.

What does an accountant do?

The profession of an economist-accountant implies the maintenance of financial and management accounting at the enterprise, a combination of knowledge of economics and accounting. The duties of such a specialist include analysis of the results of financial and economic activities, calculation of the cost, control over spending material resources and much more.

Selection in a separate profession accountants-economists takes place on large enterprises, if the organization is small, then all these responsibilities are assigned to the accountant.

If you have everything necessary qualities nature, you love documents, numbers and analysis, you are not afraid of the monotony of work, then mastering the profession of an accountant is a competent decision that gives confidence in the future.

Shabalina V.A. GBOU RH SPO ChMTT

The profession of an accountant is one of the oldest and one of the most widespread. The profession was necessary both 500 years ago and is in demand in the 21st century. It is no coincidence that the Bernoulli curve is depicted on the international coat of arms of accountants, symbolizing that accounting, having arisen once, will always be in demand.



Shabalina Vlada,

student of GBOU RH SPO ChMTT

Essay on the topic of " My choice is the profession of an accountant”

I have always treated people working in the accounting department with great respect. It seemed to me that accountants were people of a special breed, and the concepts of "debit", "credit", "balance", "balance" were mysterious and mysterious for me. When it came time to choose a profession, after thinking and consulting with relatives, I entered the Montenegrin Mechanics and Technology College to study in the specialty of secondary vocational education"Economics and Accounting". While studying in the third year of technical school, I realized what I had done right choice and the profession of an accountant will become for me the work of my later life.

Sometimes I hear from peers that bookkeeping is a dull occupation, young people will be bored doing such work. I'll try to prove otherwise.

The profession of an accountant is one of the oldest and one of the most widespread.The profession was necessary both 500 years ago and is in demand in the 21st century. It is no coincidence that the Bernoulli curve is depicted on the international coat of arms of accountants, symbolizing that accounting, having arisen once, will always be in demand.

In ancient times, when there was no written language and people did not know numbers, they already knew the basics of accounting. On the knots of trees, on the bones of animals, on the walls of caves and even on the surfaces of rocks, primitive people kept records of their household. In the future, ropes, on which knots were tied, papyrus, clay burnt tables, parchment, wax, wood, and paper became carriers of information. Accountants participated in the development of cities, trade. They made a worthy contribution to the development of writing, money, banking and business.

No economy in the world can do without accounting. In the early 90s of the last century, when the formation of a market economy began in Russia, the profession of an accountant, like never before, became one of the most popular and in demand. Accountants are needed in industrial enterprises, institutions, budget organizations, firms and even individual entrepreneurs employed in small businesses are required to conduct Accounting. A modern accountant keeps records of all expenses, losses and profits of the enterprise, calculates wages, calculates and pays taxes. An accountant knows everything that happens with the money of a company or a factory. Accounting work is interesting and requires great knowledge and a broad outlook, as well as good health. Besides,today, an accountant must bring elements of creativity into his work in order to plan the activities of the enterprise within the framework of the law and achieve a positive financial result. The accountant is the right hand of the head, his main adviser, who helps the company stay afloat. I do not understand how such work can be considered boring by someone if it requires concentration and mental effort! Thinking is never boring.

In the work of an accountant, there are solid figures, constantly recurring operations, plus constant nervous tension. So say people who have never encountered the work of an accountant. In fact, there are many positive aspects in this profession. I will cite some of them.

1. Accountants can count large numbers quickly and accurately. Accountingdevelops mathematical skills.

2. The accountant is constantly aware of all changes in the legislation, he has to remember them involuntarily, as a result he hasmemory improves.

3. An accountant needs to correctly and competently draw up transactions, choosing the right account, as a result, helogic develops.

4. In the work of an accountant, every detail is important, everything must be done carefully and conscientiously, therefore, in everyday life, he gets used to doing everything with high quality and impeccably. All this suggests that in the process of working for an accountantorganization is formed.

5. The work of an accountant is associated with materials and values, it requires a lot ofresponsibility.

6. In accounting work, everything is constantly changing - and software and technology and engineering. There is simply no time to be bored. That's why accountant is constantlylearning process.

This profession is suitable for people, first of all, who are patient, honest, accurate, emotionally and mentally stable, fair, purposeful, responsible and organized, because late submission of a report or loss of any document can cost the company dearly.

If we look at a typical modern representative of the accounting profession, we have an image of a smart, neat, well-dressed person. Accustomed to always being energetic and collected at work, the accountant remains so after the working day. There is order in his life, at the same time, he is not at all bored, because the work of a qualified accountant is paid adequately, he can afford to travel, have fun, and develop intellectually.

I was lucky that I chose this profession, and I hope that in the future I will be an accountant in successful company, and mine professional career will turn out well.

I want to end with the words:

Learn accounting!
Your business will go uphill.
The accountant is always respected,

Where is the accountant?

There is control, accounting!


The need for accounting for income and expenses, as well as for managing cash flows, is constantly increasing. This largely determines the high popularity of the accounting profession today. Specialists in the financial sector of the economy are still the most in demand on the market.

Most often, companies need experienced chief accountants with higher specialized education. There is a high need for organizations and for ordinary accounting staff. To date, there is an excess of specialists with fairly low qualifications, little or no work experience. But qualified specialists have always been and will be in short supply.

The history of the accountant profession

The accounting profession is one of the oldest. Already in ancient India, there were accountants for accounting for agricultural production. The first printed books appeared in the 14th-15th centuries, and among them is the Treatise on Accounts and Records by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli, the first book on accounting. In Russia, the position of an accountant was officially established by Peter I at the beginning of the 18th century. Translated from German, the word "accountant" means "biologist", since earlier the receipt and expenditure of inventory and Money recorded in a special book.

Professiogram accountant

Dominant activities of the accounting profession:

Accounting for fixed assets, inventory items, production costs, accounting for sales of products, results of financial and economic activity(determining the amount of profit), settlement with suppliers and customers, for services rendered, etc.;

Reception and control primary documentation in the relevant areas of accounting (checking the legality of their compilation, completeness of records, the correctness of the indicated meters, the correctness of signatures) and preparing them for counting processing;

grouping of received documents according to certain characteristics;

holding economic analysis economic activity and provision of information on the activities of individual units and the enterprise as a whole;

Identification of enterprise reserves and sources of losses on the basis of reports;

elimination of losses and non-production expenses;

Calculation and transfer of payments in the state budget, contributions to the state social insurance, funds to finance capital investments, wages of workers and employees, taxes and other payments and payments, as well as the allocation of funds to economic incentive funds, etc.;

Implementation of the function of preliminary control (finding out the expediency and necessity of performing operations for the issuance and receipt of money, inventory and other valuables);

Preparation of monthly, quarterly, annual reports according to the results of work and their registration in the balance sheet;

participation in inventories (comparison of available materials, cash, settlements and payment obligations with the data of accounting documents);

Ensuring the safety of accounting documents, their execution in accordance with established order for transfer to the archive;

use of modern computer technology.

Qualities that ensure the success of the professional activities of an accountant

Capabilities Personal qualities, interests and inclinations

high level of mathematical (counting) abilities;

ability to analyze, synthesize, generalize the information received;

good development of concentration, stability and switching of attention (the ability to focus on one subject for a long time, to engage in a certain type of activity, as well as the ability to quickly move from one type of activity to another);

good mnemonic abilities (good development of short-term and long-term memory);

the ability to engage in a monotonous type of activity for a long time (a tendency to work with documents and numbers);

high noise immunity;

Technical training (skills of working on a personal computer).

perseverance, patience;

· perseverance;

· obligatory;

· "pedantry" in work;

· a responsibility;

· honesty;

· neatness;

Emotional and mental stability (ability to self-control);

· justice.

Qualities hindering efficiency professional activity:

lack of mathematical abilities;

lack of analytical skills;

· fast fatiguability;

inattention, absent-mindedness;

Lack of inclination to work with numbers;


· absence moral and ethical standards.

Areas of application of professional knowledge:

the sphere of banking activity;

· financial institutions(tax inspectorates, pension funds, insurance agencies);

any state institutions, not related to the sphere of economics and finance (industry, Agriculture, medicine and healthcare, trade, transport, etc.);

Non-state enterprises of small and big business.

Some professions that may suit a person with this type of personality (conventional and entrepreneurial):

a notary;

· trading agent;

· secretary;

the archivist;


· insurance agent;


Specialist Skin

So what is he - a modern accountant? According to the research of the Personnel House "SuperJob", the age range of the most demanded representatives of this profession in the labor market is people from 23 to 45 years old. Professionals under the age of 30 account for 52.2 percent of total number accountants, in the age category from 30 to 40 years - 27.3 percent.

According to statistics, 86 percent of specialists in this field are the fair sex. And since they often have to travel to work in tax office and on other important issues for the company, they do it on their own car. Therefore, a little more than half of all accountants (about 52.2%) are motorists with a category B driving license.

What is the salary of an accounting specialist? Personnel experts argue that this is a purely individual issue and directly depends on the abilities of each representative of the profession. To date, the spread of salaries in the accounting field is quite significant.

The level of remuneration of a specialist in the financial department is largely determined by his education, professional skills and work experience.

The industry specifics of the company in which the accountant works, its well-being also have a huge impact on remuneration. The number of personnel of both the company itself and the number of people directly in the accounting department is important. Therefore, to give average data on the values wages Moscow accountants would not be entirely correct. The fact is that specialists with the same work experience and with similar job responsibilities can receive in different companies both $400 and $1.5 thousand.

Also, the accountant’s salary is affected by the area where he works, the list of his official duties, the level and quality of education, the level of development of professional skills. The experience of a specialist both in a certain position and in specific areas is also important.

Market researchers of accounting specialists prefer to single out several basic salary ranges, each of which is characterized by a certain set of requirements for an accountant and, accordingly, determines the level of his salary. There are three ranges in total.

Representatives of the so-called first range - the lowest paid - their salary is limited to $500. But employers make rather low demands on them. This is knowledge of accounting standards and tax laws, computer skills at the level of a confident user, at least a year of work experience and secondary or incomplete higher (less often - complete) specialized education.

In order to receive higher earnings (about 500-700 dollars), an accountant needs to have significant amount skills. First of all, experience in a certain area of ​​​​accounting is required. You should also have a good command of the computer programs "Bank-client", "Garant", "Best", "Consultant", "Info-accountant", "1C" and the like. You will also need knowledge of special programs for submitting reports to the tax office in in electronic format. And in addition to higher education, additional courses will be welcome.

The third group of personnel officers include the most qualified and demanded specialists in the financial sector in the labor market. They are the most demanding. Such an accountant must have at least 3 years of experience in large companies, and it is necessary to understand already in several areas of accounting. Here, in addition to education and knowledge of various computer programs, a certificate is also required. professional accountant. And although the list of necessary skills for this category is long, the salary of such a specialist is quite decent: from $ 700, and the limit depends only on the abilities of a particular person.

In general, the salary of an accountant consists of many factors.

Firstly, the position of a specialist is important, the chief is an accountant or an accountant of a site. Secondly, professional experience and competence are of great importance. Thirdly, knowledge of the language is already relevant today, since reports in English are often needed. Education and refresher courses are also important, as legislation changes all the time. And in the end, a lot depends on the company in which the accountant works. For example, Chief Accountant receives 1.5 to 3.5 thousand dollars. A specialist in one of the sites will cost the company from 700 to 800 dollars

Accountant is pretty difficult profession. There is an opinion that a real accountant chronically trusts no one and nothing and perceives all information through the prism of mistrust. First, he must check and analyze the fact and only then draw conclusions about its veracity.

So what should a real accountant be like? A person who has connected himself with accounting must clearly understand this and strive for professional growth. And, of course, flexible thinking is needed. You need to be able to make independent decisions and concentrate on work. Any trifle - an incorrect figure, the slightest arithmetic error - can lead to a distortion of accounting, and the consequences can be very deplorable.

What to Look for in the Accounting Profession

The accountant must independently make decisions, have management experience, and maintain accounting records in full in accordance with the standards of national legislation and corporate requirements. He must also work with the tax authorities and external audit consultants, interact with the company's management to successfully solve the tasks set, and much more. The main thing is to be able to show your interest in the work, which is called "with a gleam in the eye."

Hereby and successful accountant you just have to be born, because this profession requires maximum scrupulousness, responsibility, attentiveness and perseverance. Interest in this routine work, which the profession implies, is also important. All of these qualities are not given to a person so easily.

Advanced managers are careful in the selection of personnel and subsequently carefully to the accountant - the second person in the company. In addition, they are looking not just for a specialist, but faithful assistant. Moreover, the process of finding such a person can take months. After all, although there are many accountants, perhaps only one is ideal.

The accountant career itself is a slow and painstaking climb. Making a name for yourself and rising quickly is hard enough. The career of an accountant is predetermined, again - there would be a desire. Almost every aspiring accountant can reach a highly paid managerial position. In most cases, the company itself provides such an opportunity, because with its development, the accountant himself grows, mastering new directions and areas. The age of an accountant is important in this profession - over the years, a person becomes a professional in his field, has many skills and abilities. Although much depends on the specialist himself. As they say: "Water does not flow under a lying stone."

In the views of others, there were many different, often incorrect opinions in relation to accounting workers.

Opinion number 1. Accountant - women's profession. As statistics show, indeed, the weak half of humanity makes up the majority of representatives in this area. They make up to 90 percent of the total number of people employed in this area. However, the rest are still men. Of course, this specialty does not belong to the traditionally “male”, but at the same time it is no less interesting for them. As a rule, we often meet men - financial directors who have risen to such heights, being once ordinary accountants.

Opinion number 2. The accountant and the director constantly clash. It all depends on the specific situation. As a rule, the director needs to reduce the amount of taxes as much as possible, and he is not so interested in how to do this. Therefore, conflicts often flare up between the leadership. The accountant must do everything legally, and the director sometimes tries to neglect this.

Opinion number 3. The accountant is misinterpreting the law. It often happens, indeed, that regulations have different variations of their consideration. For this, many informational and explanatory letters have been written. However, these documents do not always help. Therefore, an accountant often has to make a decision at his own peril and risk, which will not always be met with understanding by the tax authorities.

Opinion number 4. Accountants work late. On ordinary days, this is usually not necessary. If the reporting period is on the nose, then the accountant has to sit up at the workplace.

Opinion number 5. A computer is not a friend of an accountant. The point here is not a distrust of the machine, but an excessive concern for what it contains. The reverent attitude of the representatives of the profession to the computer is caused, rather, by a look at the information that is in the computer. After all, all the many days of work on compiling reports, balance sheets and other useful and important documentation that is waiting to be sent to the tax office may be lost.

Opinion number 6. The accountant submits reports at the last moment. This is often confirmed by practice. Not always, but very often, accountants leave their accounts on the last day. This happens because it is necessary to prepare too many documents for the inspection, and some of the information comes very late - when the deadlines are already running out.

Opinion number 7. Accountants dislike other employees. The fact is that colleagues often hand over incorrectly executed documents and consider nit-picking about their quality unreasonable. But everyone has their own work, and the accountant is unlikely to have a desire to rewrite everything for another employee. Therefore, colleagues should come to terms with such requirements.

The majority of accountants (85.4%) have higher or incomplete higher education. Since many of the professionals work in foreign companies some of them require knowledge of foreign languages.


Being an accountant is a little more difficult now than it used to be. regulations Don't let your brain dry out. All the time there is something new, unpredictable, and even in hindsight, with the prospect of a complete recalculation of previous statements. And if not for computers yes accounting programs It would be very difficult for accountants.

The profession of an accountant is for people who think logically, who are able and not afraid to make decisions, workaholics, who give their all to work during the preparation for reporting, stress-resistant, able to listen and hear, talk with management and know where to find the answer to the question posed.

Accountant is one of the most important professions, without which no enterprise, no organization can live. Moreover, the fate of these companies often depends on the qualifications and knowledge of accountants.

Literally, an accountant is translated as a bookholder. The essence of the profession of an accountant is the work of accounting for financial and material

state of the organization. The profession of an accountant originated in the Middle Ages in Germany. In the modern world, an accountant solves the following tasks:

Keeps records and control of the organization's resources: fixed assets, inventories, accruals and payments of salaries to employees,

obligations to other organizations and to employees, as well as accounting for taxes. Also, the accountant submits regulated reporting on all taxes.

and contributions to regulatory authorities.

Previously, the work of an accountant was exclusively paper-based and required

knowledge only of accounting theory and legal requirements for accounting.

Nowadays, the profession of an accountant requires knowledge of the basics of computer literacy, as well as knowledge of the 1C: Enterprise program.

This program is the most popular in Russia.

In small organizations, accounting is handled by 1 person.

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In large organizations, there is a division of labor between accountants.

This division is carried out by sections of accounting. Such sections are created according to the types of objects accounted for: bank and cash accountant,

an accountant for settlements with other organizations, an accountant for accounting for inventory items, an accountant for accounting for accruals and payment of salaries to employees.

Also in large organizations there is the position of chief accountant, who is the head of the accounting department and reports directly to

the head of the organization. In addition, an accountant-adviser stands out separately. This is a specialist whose education is sufficient to perform

duties of the chief accountant. The accounting consultant advises the accountants of the organization on accounting issues. These questions can be according to the method of filling

primary documents, according to the methodology for calculating wages, according to the procedure for preparing regulatory and tax reporting.

Benefits of being an accountant:

High wages;

The accountant works in the office, that is, the work is dust-free and profitable;

Currently, an accountant is the highest paid specialist in Russia;

More than 200 people took part in the survey.

46% of the respondents chose the profession of an accountant because it is the accountant who is in demand “one hundred percent” on the labor market today and there will definitely not be any problems with employment in the next few years.

24% survey participants became accountants, because they could not help but become accountants. These are the lucky ones whom the profession has chosen itself. “This is my vocation,” the voters honestly admitted.

Nearly 13% turned out to be ardent admirers and conscientious successors of family traditions. “This is our family,” the participants in our survey proudly answered.

11,5% they realize their mercantile aspirations in the profession of an accountant and will never leave the walls of the accounting department they love, because this place is “profitable”.

4,5% respondents proudly wear the honorary and undoubtedly prestigious title of accountant today and are ready to strengthen the prestige of their professional title day by day with their conscientious work.

Generalist or specialist?

Accountants can work in a wide variety of organizations, from banks and financial corporations to hospitals and kindergartens. What is the difference? On the one hand, the principle of building accounting in all areas is the same. It doesn't matter if you work shoe factory, at a sales office or cultural centre. On the other hand, each direction has its own specifics. It is especially pronounced when compared to state enterprises and in commercial structures. Everywhere has its own nuances.

The demand for accountants is also related to the specifics of a particular industry: some firms need a specialist who has worked in production, others in financial institutions, the third in state bodies. As soon as something new appears in the legislation (for example, benefits), there is a need for professionals who are already familiar with the “novelty”.

In which of the industries to start your career - it does not matter: accountants are needed everywhere. But at higher positions it’s not worth “exchanging”. To a candidate applying for the position of deputy chief accountant or chief accountant, "jumping" from a bank to trading company or, for example, in healthcare, serious employers will not have confidence.

Down with stereotypes!

A bookworm, immersed in bills and papers, seeing nothing but his numbers, such an image of an accountant is not yet a rarity in the minds of Russians. It's a delusion! The accountant has long ceased to need to conduct scrupulous calculations himself. All the "dirty" work is done by the computer. The specialist can only substitute the correct numbers in the desired columns. Naturally, his duties do not end there: analysis of information, control over financial flows and ... work with people.

The opinion about the “isolation” of accountants is also a myth. There is enough communication: with company executives and ordinary employees, representatives government agencies, tax authorities and auditors. Changes in legislation do not give you bored at work, you constantly have to be aware of new tax and labor law norms.

Demanded "one hundred percent"

The boom in the popularity of the accounting profession came in the mid-nineties. The rapid development of commerce, the emergence of many small and medium-sized firms caused a rush demand for these specialists. At that time, getting into a well-paid job was quite simple from applicants, mainly required the ability to balance and work with payments. Most accountants were limited to short-term courses, only a few received specialized higher education.

Today everything is different. An accountant, especially a chief accountant, requires knowledge from different areas. It is no longer enough to just debit and credit. Familiarity with computer technology helps to work with automated systems accounting. Ownership foreign languages gives a good chance for employment in Western company. Knowledge of jurisprudence and financial analysis enable you to build a successful career.

Short-term courses to the modern accountant, counting on high salary, is no longer necessary. Only experienced and highly qualified specialists are in demand on the labor market. In organizations, they are worth their weight in gold, and who knows the internal "kitchen" of the enterprise "from and to" - key person companies. It is no coincidence that chief accountants usually work in the same firm for several years and receive the highest salaries.