Order for referral to advanced training courses. A sample of writing a petition for an employee and detailed recommendations How to write an application for training

Sometimes in difficult situations, a petition from the place of work can influence the decision. The document itself is more conventional paper. There is no specific sample for its compilation, but you still have to follow some rules.

Drawing up a formal petition is often used when it is necessary to influence the outcome of some controversial issue. Moreover, a petition from the employer can be sent not only to the place of employment.

  • For example, the child of one of the employees needs a place in a preschool. The management of the enterprise can write a letter addressed to the head of the specified organization.
  • It is not uncommon for a document to be drawn up by a lawyer in order to reduce the penalty for his client.
  • Often, a petition is used in situations where it is necessary to obtain a positive solution to the issue. For example, the management of an organization may ask for a referral to a health resort for its employee. Rewarding a worker rarely takes place without a prior corresponding petition from his direct management. A letter from superiors can also influence the decision to provide employee housing to an employee.
  • Sometimes paper is used as a letter of recommendation. A vivid example of this is the enrollment of a certain applicant in an educational institution. Often a petition from the authorities is provided by part-time students. The presence of this document allows them to count on a change in the established schedule of the session.
  • In fact, the petition from the place of work is something like an official request from the management of the enterprise. You can draw up this paper for any worker, regardless of his position and length of service.

    How to compose

    A petition for a specific person implies a description of his positive qualities and sides. It should be noted all the advantages of the protégé both in moral terms and in working moments.

    Please note: often in the document you need to specify ultimate goal of this appeal, as well as the length of service and contribution of the employee to the development of the company.

    This clarification plays a special role if the document is drawn up to increase wages or move up the career ladder. When the goal is to improve living conditions (issuance of a subsidy, a service apartment), the current financial situation.

    The legislation does not specify how to write a petition for an employee correctly. Each specific situation implies its own version of the paper. Document preparation falls on the shoulders of specialists personnel department. At the same time, the presence of the signature of the management and assurance by the seal of the organization is required.

    Large enterprises are developing their own form for making such requests. Visually, it looks more solid and professional, which is very important when submitting an application to a state institution.

    According to exemplary pattern the document must contain the following information:

  • The legal address of the organization.
  • Contact information of the enterprise.
  • Bank details (mentioned as needed).
  • Address of the addressee institution and full name of its head.
  • Under the specified information, “Petition” and information about the protégé are written.

    The descriptive part of the paper involves the most detailed explanation of the essence of the letter. If we are talking about adjusting the visiting schedule educational institution should indicate the reason for this request. Often it lies in the discrepancy between the working schedule of the worker and the training one.

    In order for the employer's petition to be satisfied, it is necessary to bring as many good arguments and arguments as possible. Asking person's ability to identify positive sides will serve his protégé well.

    If a petition is being drawn up to be sent to court, it should be taken even more seriously. The characteristics of the employee must be such that the addressee of this request has a strong desire to provide any assistance. It is necessary to indicate the value of the employee for the organization, his diligence and perseverance in achieving the goals set by the management.

    When the protege needs to improve living conditions, the descriptive part of the request should contain information about the current situation. It should be noted the financial situation of the employee, as well as his marital status. The presence of young children or other dependents should not be ignored. The text should contain good reasons for providing the employee with the necessary assistance.

    If you have any doubts about how to write a petition for an employee, it is better to entrust the procedure to a competent lawyer. You will have to pay for the service, but the result obtained often justifies these costs.

    Application often becomes one of the decisive factors in making a decision. Having the appropriate patronage of the employer, the employee can count on a positive outcome for himself.

    Application for admission to an educational institution

    Information about the file: Date: 2.9.2012 Downloaded times: 82 Place in the rating: 56 Average download speed: 9269 KB/sec. Similar files: 35 Medical certificates for a certificate is needed in conclusion for admission to the educational application from the organizers of the competition for admission to a military educational institution. The procedure for accepting applications and documents for admission to a higher educational institution Certificate to the educational institution. For deferment from service in the ranks of courses for admission to an educational institution Help for admission to an educational institution. 5. Medical certificate for admission to the civil service. Certificates to the institute Medical certificates for (for admission to an educational institution) - Assistance in preparing documents for admission to a higher educational institution. required for prospective applicants for admission to a higher education institution, a complete secondary education is usually required: equivalent to an Israeli certificate for admission to an educational institution. a

    Admission to an educational institution

    At the request of the rector of a higher educational institution, this application As candidates for admission to a higher educational institution and.

    Legal advice on the topic: “Application of an educational institution”, legal Admission to an educational institution, 09:24, question No. 837375 9.

    If the applicant is denied admission to the selected university, the application is assigned the status “Refused by the higher educational institution” and.

    In 2015, applicants can use the application mechanism for admission to a higher education institution in.

    You can apply for admission to the gymnasium as part of the nationwide enrollment of students in secondary schools in February-March. You can enroll in an upper secondary school if you have completed a basic school program or a program corresponding to a basic school program. You can fill out an application for admission to the upper secondary school at Opintopolku.fi. When enrolling students in an upper secondary school, as a rule, the grades of the basic school leaving certificate are taken into account.

    You can fill out an application for admission to a gymnasium on the website To which vocational school and how you can.

    Application form from an educational institution. to CEO. FGBU "Presidential Library named after B.N. Yeltsin". A.P. Vershinin.

    Application for admission to an educational institution

    Enrollment of citizens in a higher educational institution for targeted training in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense is carried out by a reception.

    Military commissariat at the place of residence until May 15 of the year of receipt. As an exception, at the request of the rector of a higher educational institution.


    Sample application letter for employee

    How to write a petition for an employee (from the place of work)? Sample. home / Traffic police fines, deprivation of rights / How to check traffic police fines by driver's license number.

    The sample petition for an employee is a very conditional document, since the reasons and reasons for which it is drawn up cannot be regulated at the legislative level. Therefore, if the situation requiring the protection of the employer is not quite standard, for a competent writing of the application, it is enough to follow the standard rules of office work and business correspondence. What may require a petition for an employee. Petition from place of work is a fairly common way to influence opinion and decision officials various organizations whether it's a daycare principal or a federal judge.

    In the first case, the petition can help to get a place in a preschool institution for the child of an employee, in the second case, it can play an important role in determining the amount of punishment. It will not be superfluous to apply for an employee in other vital situations: admission to an educational institution (university, secondary school, postgraduate study);

    Petition, the sample of which could not be found in global network, a petition for promotion (reward) of an employee, where to get a sample.

    obtaining permission to visit freely training sessions or to change the schedule for the examination session; providing vouchers for sanatorium treatment and places of rest; employee incentives. provision of office or other housing. In a word, there are many reasons, and in each of them the patronage of the employer can become, although not the main, but an additional argument in favor of making the decision desired for the employee by persons authorized by virtue of their position to participate in the fate of people. How to apply for a job application.

    sample petition for employee sample

    A sample application for an employee is a very conditional document, since the reasons and reasons for which it is drawn up are not subject. Petitioning from the workplace is one of the proven ways to influence the opinion of the management of various organizations. You can safely approach them.

    To prevent the case from going to court, this petition is needed on the reputation of our company and the deprivation of part of the employee's income. Here is the "fresh" of that week to the Head of the Regional State Automobile Inspectorate of the GOVD " Petition" August 05, 2009, an employee of our enterprise, head of the SMIPO department .. The petition for the employee must be signed directly. You will find a general sample of the petition from the place of work on our portal. An application for housing, a sample application from the place of work to obtain, therefore, it is worth following a number of recommendations for an application for an employee. Letter of application from the place of work (samples) of the company by a senior manager, has established himself as a responsible and decent worker. An example of an organization's application for a place in A.I. APPLICATION Romashka Ltd. applies for a place in Examples and Samples personnel documents: employment contracts.

    Petition for employee promotion. Sample and form.


    University Admission Application Sample

    A sample application for an employee is a very conditional document, since admission to an educational institution (university, secondary school, postgraduate study); receipt. Or a document of the established form on secondary vocational special rights (benefits) for admission to higher educational institutions.

    Is there an age requirement for admission to a university? Admissions Committee The university accepts documents of the state standard: — certificate of Fr. Enter the university, and then inform the commander about where I ask for your petition to release me from official BP gave such a sample report so that I write it for admission. Application form for admission to the magistracy (budget) Sample of filling in the form for restoration Results of monitoring the quality of budgetary admission to Russian universities in 2015: Gertsenovsky. But the scientific degree of Doctor of Science is awarded only to the Higher attestation commission(HAC) on the basis of a dissertation request. List and samples of documents. Admission Rules);; application of the relevant federation (union, association) for the type (s) of sports (for persons.

    How to write a petition for an employee (from the place of work)? Sample. home / Rules of conduct / What are the rules of behavior for students at school and how they are regulated. The sample petition for an employee is a very conditional document, since the reasons and reasons for which it is drawn up cannot be regulated at the legislative level. Therefore, if the situation requiring the protection of the employer is not quite standard, for a competent writing of the application, it is enough to follow the standard rules of office work and business correspondence.

    What may require a petition for an employee. A workplace petition is a fairly common way to influence the opinions and decisions of officials of various organizations, whether it be a kindergarten teacher or a federal judge. In the first case, the petition can help to get a place in a preschool institution for the child of an employee, in the second case, it can play an important role in determining the amount of punishment. It will not be superfluous to apply for an employee in other vital situations: admission to an educational institution (university, secondary school, postgraduate study); obtaining permission to freely attend classes or to change the schedule for passing the examination session; providing vouchers for sanatorium treatment and places of rest;

    employee incentives. provision of office or other housing. In a word, there are many reasons, and in each of them the patronage of the employer can become, although not the main, but an additional argument in favor of making the decision desired for the employee by persons authorized by virtue of their position to participate in the fate of people. How to apply for a job application.

    Despite the fact that the law practically does not regulate the procedure for compiling and submitting a petition from the place of work, it is not difficult to find a sample, it is enough to make an appropriate request in Internet search engines. However ready-made templates are not always able to fully reflect the essence of the current situation, so it is worth following a number of recommendations: it is recommended to submit a petition for an employee signed by the immediate supervisor or the head (his deputies) of the organization in which he is employed; in order to ensure the loyalty of the addressee to the submitted application, it is certified by the seal of the enterprise; the content of the descriptive part of the document should correspond as much as possible to the request (for example, if this is a petition for granting the right to free attendance at an educational institution, its text should contain reasons for the employee’s impossibility to comply with the established training schedule); a petition from the place of work sent to judicial and other law enforcement agencies requires a detailed statement of the reasons for writing it (bringing the employee to criminal or administrative liability, etc.).


    How to write a petition for an employee from the place of work

    A sample petition for an employee is a very conditional document, since at the level of law the reasons and reasons for its preparation are not regulated in any way.

    And if you need employer protection, you need to know how to write a petition for an employee from the place of work. The petition is written in compliance with the generally accepted rules of business correspondence and office work.

    Why is it necessary to apply for an employee of an institution?

    Of course, writing a petition for an employee can have a significant impact on the opinion of officials of various institutions and on their further decision regarding the employee.

    And it does not matter who the document is intended for - a federal judge or the head of a preschool institution. In the first case, a good petition can affect the amount of punishment, and in the second case, get a place in a kindergarten for the child of an employee.

    An application for an employee can play an important role in other important situations along the life path:

  • When submitting documents for admission to an educational institution - to a secondary school, graduate school, university.
  • Issuing an incentive bonus to an employee.
  • Obtaining permission to change the schedule for the examination session.
  • Provision of office housing.
  • Obtaining permission to freely attend classes.
  • Provision of vouchers to places of rest and sanatorium treatment.
  • In life there may be great amount reasons when additional patronage from the employer will help officials make a positive decision regarding the employee.

    How to correctly write a petition from the place of work?

    Despite the fact that at the legislative level the procedure for writing a petition from the place of work is not regulated in any way, you can easily find a sample of writing a petition for an employee on the Internet.

    Although the sample will be in front of your eyes, when drawing up a petition, we recommend using the advice of our lawyers:

    1. It is best to submit a petition for an employee signed by the immediate head of the organization or the head where he carries out labor activity.
    2. The descriptive section of the request should match the request as much as possible. For example, if the head or deputy head of the institution where the employee works applies for the right to freely attend classes in educational institution, the text should contain a reference to the fact that the employee, due to certain circumstances, is not able to adhere to the training schedule that was established in the institution.
    3. A petition from the place of work, which is sent to law enforcement agencies or to the judicial authorities, must be drawn up with a detailed statement of the reasons for writing it. For example, bringing an employee to administrative or criminal liability, etc.
    4. Petition to without fail certified by the seal of the organization.

    How to write a letter of encouragement to an employee?

    In most cases, an application for employee promotion is drawn up by the head of the department and addressed directly to the director of the institution. If the company has established internal standards, then the application is drawn up according to this regulation. The document contains the following information:

    • Employee data.
    • The grounds on which the employee must be rewarded.
    • Also, be sure to register the form of encouragement. It can be a cash prize, a certificate of honor, verbal gratitude, thank you letter, removal of the penalty that was imposed earlier. Based on the recommendations of our lawyers and having before your eyes a sample of the petition, you can easily cope with writing this document.


      Drawing up a petition to the FMS from the employer

      When an employee (including a foreign one) needs to confirm his labor status, the employer is authorized to file a petition with the Federal Migration Service (hereinafter referred to as the FMS). The opinion of the boss affects not only the internal aspects of the company (rewarding, encouragement, promotion, etc.), but also plays an important role when changing jobs or when an employee is transferred to one of the company's branches.

      Role of the Federal Migration Service

    • implementation of migration policy (FMS activates the process of official employment of foreign labor force);
    • law enforcement actions (the service deports illegal workers);
    • The FMS exercises supervision and control over the implementation of laws;
    • provision of services of a state nature (FMS issues patents for the legalization of labor, cooperates with employers who are ready to employ foreigners, etc.).
    • Since 2018, the FMS has included the following organizations:

    • points of primary reception of migrants;
    • temporary accommodation centers for internally displaced persons;
    • centers for providing medical, psychological and rehabilitation assistance;
    • training centers, etc.
    • Also, on the basis of the FMS, experienced lawyers work who can help foreigners in drawing up petitions, applications and other appeals to the court, traffic police or the Federal Migration Service on various issues. If you need to draw up such a document, then for writing it is recommended to use a ready-made sample of the appeal, which, as an example, is posted on any legal website on the Internet.

      Why do you need a job description

      Petition from the place of work - enough important document, coming from the employer, which is required for various purposes. Among the most common are:

    • admission to an educational institution;
    • changing the schedule of the exam, session;
    • permission to freely attend lectures;
    • sanitary-resort treatment on a voucher from the organization;
    • employee promotion;
    • expression of gratitude in the form of a certificate of honor;
    • bonuses;
    • career advancement;
    • provision of housing (service);
    • to mitigate punishment for a violation recorded by the traffic police;
    • as an argument influencing the final decision of the court;
    • to re-register a patent in the Federal Migration Service for legal labor activity.

    The application from the place of work is made by the head of the organization, and in accordance with the Labor Code, it is the employer who is responsible for the actions of a foreign employee. For example, if the patent is not renewed in time, both the boss and the subordinate will be punished. The first will be limited to a fine, and the second for failure to comply with the instructions of the FMS can be deported from the country without the right to further entry.

    If a petition from the place of work is submitted to the court, its role is secondary. This means that the court will not base its decision only on the document, but the opinion of the employer will still positively or negatively affect the review process. If the employee fails to file a motion, the judge will in any case make an appropriate determination based on other facts.

    How to write an application correctly

    It happens that the official driver of the company gets into an accident. No one is immune from such situations, so the management can exercise the right to protect a subordinate before the traffic police service by submitting an application. If it becomes necessary to submit an appeal to the traffic police service, it is necessary to specifically characterize the employee, and also emphasize that the citizen has not previously violated the rules traffic and proved to be a conscientious and responsible worker.

    Sample applications to the traffic police, the Federal Migration Service, etc. filed on the Internet on legal portals, it is not difficult to find them, and you can download them completely free of charge. A special form is not required for this, the main thing is to indicate the necessary information:

    Application from the employer to the educational institution

    How to write a petition for an employee (from the place of work)? Sample. Home / Petitions / How to write a petition for an employee (from the place of work)? Sample. The sample petition for an employee is a very conditional document, since the reasons and reasons for which it is drawn up cannot be regulated at the legislative level. Therefore, if the situation requiring the protection of the employer is not quite standard, for a competent writing of the application, it is enough to follow the standard rules of office work and business correspondence. What may require a petition for an employee. A workplace petition is a fairly common way to influence the opinions and decisions of officials of various organizations, whether it be a kindergarten teacher or a federal judge.

    In the first case, the petition can help to get a place in a preschool institution for the child of an employee, in the second case, it can play an important role in determining the amount of punishment. It will not be superfluous to apply for an employee in other vital situations:

    admission to an educational institution (university, secondary school, postgraduate study); obtaining permission to freely attend classes or to change the schedule for passing the examination session; providing vouchers for sanatorium treatment and places of rest; employee incentives. provision of office or other housing. In a word, there are many reasons, and in each of them the patronage of the employer can become, although not the main, but an additional argument in favor of making the decision desired for the employee by persons authorized by virtue of their position to participate in the fate of people. How to apply for a job application.

  • A sample application for an employee is a very conditional document, admission to an educational institution (university, secondary school, graduate school).
  • When submitting an application, an applicant has the right to use a sample posted on the official website of the university or a sample application.
  • A sample application for an employee is a very conditional document, since admission to an educational institution (university, secondary school, postgraduate study); receipt.
  • Admission to the target area is carried out according to a separate competition. direction, the enterprise (employer) submits a letter of application to
  • Despite the fact that the law practically does not regulate the procedure for compiling and submitting a petition from the place of work, it is not difficult to find a sample, it is enough to make an appropriate request in Internet search engines. However, ready-made templates are not always able to fully reflect the essence of the current situation, so you should follow a number of recommendations: it is recommended to submit a petition for an employee signed by the immediate supervisor or the head (his deputies) of the organization in which he is employed; in order to ensure the loyalty of the addressee to the submitted application, it is certified by the seal of the enterprise;

    the content of the descriptive part of the document should correspond as much as possible to the request (for example, if this is a petition for granting the right to free attendance at an educational institution, its text should contain reasons for the employee’s impossibility to comply with the established training schedule); a petition from the place of work sent to judicial and other law enforcement agencies requires a detailed statement of the reasons for writing it (bringing the employee to criminal or administrative liability, etc.).

    A special procedure for entering a university after military service is possible, as a rule, and these letters of application to universities are made up.

    Making an application for study leave- a necessary part of the procedure for leaving an employee who is on training. Each employee has the full right to combine work and study - this norm is established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and this does not depend on whether he works in public sector institutions or a private company.

    Vacation can be granted to students of secondary and higher educational institutions, evening schools, as well as those who receive postgraduate education.


    How long can it last

    The length of study leave can vary from a few days to two and a half months. It all depends on the educational institution and the form of education. For example:

    • upon delivery of state examinations in institutions of secondary professional level provide for a vacation of not more than one month;
    • for final exams in the ninth grade of evening schools - up to 9 days, in the same place in the 11th and 12th grades - up to 22 days;
    • students of the last courses of universities can get 50 days to pass the session, exams or study.

    Details of this information can be found in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    During the study leave, the employer cannot deprive (dismiss) the student of work (except in cases where the organization is completely liquidated).

    For the entire period educational process the employee retains his workplace and working conditions.

    List of required documents

    In order to receive such leave, a student or trainee is required to provide his employer with two main documents:

    • handwritten statement;
    • a special certificate-call (according to a strictly defined form), which is issued by a representative of an educational institution.

    Can an employer say no?

    In most cases, the employer does not have the right to refuse to provide a subordinate with study leave, even if his absence will negatively affect the work process. But as for payment - here the question is somewhat more complicated.

    To pay or not to pay

    Leave to study should be paid, though not always.

    If this right to payment is recognized for the student, then by law, compensation payment calculated for the entire period of the session or exams, based on the average monthly earnings this employee in a year.

    Exceptions and restrictions on the right to pay

    Study leave is the responsibility of the employer, but there are some nuances:

    • In particular, students and students of private higher educational institutions, as well as those who are acquiring more than the first professional education (including if the employee wants to get a bachelor's or master's degree - this is already considered a second higher education) cannot apply for compulsory paid study leave. ).

      The subtlety here is that the employer must give leave, but there is no longer any pay for it. The student's performance also plays a role - in order to receive paid leave, he should not have any "tails".

    • People who work on a combination basis are not eligible for study leave compensation - they can only be provided with such paid study leave where they are listed in the main state.
    • Also, restrictions are provided for students of two or more educational institutions - here the student can choose to take exams in which of them (only one) he wants to take study leave.

    Do I need to plan this vacation in the vacation schedule

    This vacation is inherently extraordinary and additional, so it does not fit into, which is formed in advance, before the start of the new calendar year.

    Also, study leave should not affect the total length of service of the employee when calculating the time for his next vacation.

    Key points when making an application

    An application for study leave today does not have a unified sample, so employees of enterprises and organizations have the right to write it in any form or according to the internal template of the company. At the same time, it is necessary to follow the rules of office work in terms of the structure of the document, and also take into account the rules of the Russian language.

    Despite the fact that the application can be written in free form, there are a number of information that must be indicated in it:

    • the name of the enterprise in which the employee works;
    • Full name of the head of the enterprise (or other employee authorized to act on behalf of the director);
    • date of preparation of the document;
    • you should also indicate the type of vacation (in this case educational), with or without salary;
    • vacation period (start and end dates) - on the basis of a certificate-call;
    • the name of the educational institution where the employee is studying.

    In the future, on the basis of this application and the attached call certificate, the head of the enterprise must issue an appropriate order to grant leave, and the personnel officer must pay all necessary information in the personal card of the employee.

    What to look for when applying

    There are no special requirements for both the descriptive part of the application and its execution: it can be written by hand ( ballpoint pen any dark color) or printed on a computer. For the application, you can use the usual Blank sheet paper or letterhead of the organization (if required by the employer).

    The only rule that must be observed unconditionally is the presence of a “live” signature of the applicant (the use of facsimile autographs, i.e. printed in any way is unacceptable).

    document to be written in duplicate:

    • one should be given to the secretary of the organization or a personnel specialist for subsequent affixing of the director's resolution on it,
    • keep the second one, before that having endorsed that a copy has been received from the representative of the employer.

    How to submit an application

    The application can be submitted in different ways. The most reliable and time-tested:

    1. personally, from hand to hand;
    2. via regular mail by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt (this option guarantees the receipt of the message by the addressee);
    3. through an authorized representative acting on the basis of a power of attorney certified by a notary.

    There is no petition, the sample of which could not be found on the global network, but difficulties still arise with the preparation of this document. What petitions exist, how to make them and where to find the right competent sample - all necessary information below to answer these questions. There is also presented step-by-step instruction to check the relevance of the found samples of applications.

    What is a petition and when is it required?

    The concept of "petition" from the point of view of law means nothing more than a request addressed to state or other bodies that have the authority to consider and resolve it.

    At the same time, the skills of drafting petitions may be needed not only for lawyers who, by virtue of their profession, have to send them to various instances: to the court, prosecutor's office, preliminary investigation bodies, and so on. It is the petition that draws up a letter to the department of education on the allocation of a place for the child in a preschool institution, that is, in a kindergarten. A petition will also be required in order to encourage a particularly distinguished employee or to remove a previously imposed penalty from an employee who has been at fault, but has already redeemed his guilt.

    Petitions to the court: how to write a petition, sample

    With the question of how to write a petition to the court, it is best to turn to trusted thematic Internet resources, where you can also view and download a sample that is most suitable for a particular case. Details and elements of the application remain unchanged regardless of its subject:

    • the name of the court;
    • data of the chairman of the court (or a specific judge, if known);
    • applicant's data;
    • a description of the subject matter of the petition and arguments in favor of its satisfaction;
    • regulatory and legal substantiation of the application (reference to laws, by-laws and other sources of law);
    • date of the application.

    How to write a petitionon the promotion (reward) of an employee, where to get a sample

    Rewarding, promotion, removal of a previously imposed penalty, and sometimes promotion - all these, of course, pleasant moments are often preceded by the receipt of relevant petitions to higher authorities. Who exactly should make such petitions depends on the business practices of each particular organization.

    As a rule, this is the responsibility of HR employees, but HR managers often shift it onto the shoulders of the employees themselves, who are subject to bonuses or other types of incentives. Nor do they always provide an adequate example of a petition.

    Therefore, before making a petition, it is best to find a sample in advance and study each point - later this will help to avoid delays and the need for endless corrections. This can be done by asking the appropriate query in search engines.

    So, a petition regarding the promotion of an employee should be addressed to the first head of the institution. The form of compilation is free, but descriptions of the merits of the employee, his personal and labor characteristic. In the operative part, the conclusions are stated as concisely as possible, that is, in fact, the essence of the petition is to reward, reward, recommend for a higher position, etc.

    How to write a letter of application, do I need a sample

    A letter of petition is essentially no different from an ordinary petition: details, form, drafting style - all this is absolutely identical, the only difference is in the name. It is generally accepted that the letter of petition is called so because it is sent, as a rule, by mail. However, an ordinary petition can be delivered in the same way.

    Nevertheless, it is precisely this term - “petition letter” - that most often refers to requests that affect everyday issues:

    • admission of a child to a kindergarten or school located outside the place of residence;
    • the issuance of a cash loan by a credit institution (many banks practice requirements for borrowers to submit an application from the employer);
    • encouragement of an employee if the initiative comes from citizens (for example, a petition from a patient to encourage an employee of a medical institution who has shown a high level of professionalism in providing medical care) etc.

    In such situations, when wondering how to write a petition, it is not at all necessary to look for a sample - it is enough to state all the arguments in the form of a free story. But it is recommended to adhere to the official style and avoid non-literary and colloquial turns. At the same time, it is still worth observing the basic standards of office work:

    • indication of the addressee of the letter in the upper right corner of the sheet;
    • an appeal to the addressee, adopted by the customs of business turnover: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich, ...”;
    • availability of full personal and contact details of the author of the letter of petition;
    • a clear and concise listing of arguments;
    • if necessary, a reference to legal acts confirming the arguments of the petition.

    In the case when the letter of petition assumes compliance with the established form (for example, a petition to the Department of Education), it is better to request this sample from the addressee. There are no templates adopted at the legislative level, so each institution can set its own standards and require them to be observed. Of course, a deviation from such a self-proclaimed form cannot be grounds for invalidating the petition, but following it flawlessly will save a lot of time and nerve cells.

    Application Writing Samples: How to Find the Right One

    Unfortunately, it is not always possible to trust the results of an Internet search for the query “how to write a sample petition”. To understand whether a particular template or sample is up-to-date at the time of the search, you need to follow a few simple steps:

    • study the sample and establish whether it contains references to normative sources (laws, regulations, by-laws, etc.);
    • if any, check their relevance by entering the appropriate search query (name of the normative act);
    • study the specific norm of the law indicated in the sample (it is possible that at the time of the search it has changed).

    Important: in all cases, when looking for a sample petition (regardless of its subject and addressee), it is best to use several sources.

    Petition from place of work is a proven way to influence the opinion of officials various institutions and organizations. They can be the head of the kindergarten, and a federal judge. In the first case, this document can help the child get a ticket to a preschool, and in the second, it can play an important role in making a decision or sentence.

    When will it be useful again?

    It can be useful in a variety of life situations:

    • admission to a university or graduate school;
    • the need to change the schedule for the delivery of the session;
    • employee promotion;
    • receiving housing.

    And there are many such situations. In each of them, patronage from the employer becomes an additional argument for making a positive decision.

    Writing a petition for an employee

    Legislation does not clearly regulate the form of this document. But lawyers recommend following a few important rules:

    • a petition for an employee must be signed by the immediate head of the organization in which the person works;
    • the document must be certified by a seal;
    • he must describe as clearly as possible the essence of the request and the reasons why it must be granted;
    • you need to draw it up on company letterhead, indicating the details.

    In the application itself, it is desirable to describe the work path of the employee at the enterprise, talk about his positive qualities, business abilities and authority among employees.

    When it comes to obtaining housing, it is necessary to separately note his marital status, family members who are dependent on him and the proposed solution to this problem.

    But especially carefully it is necessary to draw up such a document if it is addressed to the court and is one of the arguments in the consideration of an administrative or criminal case.

    In other words, the purpose of the document is to distinguish the employee from the background of colleagues and maximize his positive qualities. Therefore, the preparation of a competent application from the place of work requires a thoughtful and careful approach.

    Where can I find a sample document?

    It is not very difficult to get an example of an application from a place of work.

    You can find a general application form for a job application on our website. But for a positive solution to the issue, it would still be reasonable to contact a lawyer with practical experience in drafting such documents. It was this, at first glance, not very significant document that helped many.


    06/26/2019 - Vera Markova

    I need a sample application from my place of work for admission to state-funded education.

    03/05/2019 - Denis Voldavin

    There is a blockage at work, you need to go to the session in absentia, what paper do you need to provide from work so as not to go to the session, but only appear for exams?

    01/31/2019 - Stepan Kirdyaev

    Employment history and labor contract I draw up one company (labor exchange), and I work, respectively, in other companies. How do I apply for a TRP from the organization where I work?

    10/15/2018 - Lidia Yakovaleva

    How to write a petition from the place of robots to provide me with a room in a hostel

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    01.10.2018 - Elena Markova

    Hello, is it possible to find a sample for a petition from the place of work for the court that I need a car for work

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    08/15/2018 - Alexey Ugrinov

    Hello ich. how to make an application for our graduate to the university, the rector of UrFU, with a request for education on the budget. The fact is that 3-4 points were not enough for the budget. The girl's mother has a severe form of oncology, her father is absent. The girl is a capable and talented student. She was enrolled in paid education, but her mother does not have the opportunity to teach for a fee. Help me please. Sincerely, and Elena, teacher.

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    08/02/2018 - Evgenia Bobrova

    Hello! How to write a good petition for former employee, who was fired for absenteeism. To bring him back

    07/22/2018 - Igor Nikulov

    Good afternoon! Tell me how to draw up a request from a relative of the Russian Federation for TRP and the obligation (consent) of the receiving party to provide the IG after registration of TRP housing for living and registration at the place of residence.

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    07/20/2018 - Margarita Romanova

    write me a petition to the Ministry of Labor in obtaining subsidies for improving the living conditions of a disabled person Anatolyevich

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    06/30/2018 - Bogdan Nedokukin

    How to write a petition from work so that they would provide me with a child in a hostel

    06/26/2018 - Daniil Baiborodov

    Good afternoon! ! Do I need to write a "petition" or??? document-appeal about our student, ... that we guarantee after training to take him to work in our own school (as a teacher of computer science)

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    05/29/2018 - Gennady Chilimov

    The application from the place of work clearly states: with the provision of a place of work! But the workplace was denied because another employee was found! What is the legal force of the text of such a petition?

    04/20/2018 - Vladislav Ukolov

    Hello! I need your help, I need to file an application for a service apartment. It doesn't work well on its own.

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    04/19/2018 - Bogdan Polevskiy

    Hello, I have such a question, tell me how to correctly and briefly write a report to the authorities on the appeal of clients to resolve the issue

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    04/11/2018 - Fedor Gomzin

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    02/20/2018 - Vyacheslav Kulesh

    Hello, I am a law student and I would like to ask you a couple of questions. I myself will be from Kyrgyzstan.

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    01/12/2018 - Yulia Alekseeva

    she completed her practice as a neonatologist at the maternity hospital, we need to write her a petition to the university so that after the residency they will give directions to the maternity hospital.

    12/23/2017 - Ksenia Danilova

    I study at the Orenburg Agricultural College, I apply for an internship in a production and commercial company Mir

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    12/17/2017 - Kristina Baranova

    I need a sample application for admission to study as a teacher in an accelerated program. remotely with the issuance of a diploma

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    11/09/2017 - Antonina Belova

    Good evening! You need to apply for a residence permit for the employee. An employee is a valuable person, but not a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, but I would like to keep him in my company. help to make a petition to the district executive committee. : 11:00 - 13:00

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    10/26/2017 - Alexandra Makarova

    Good evening. Do you handle housing issues? My brother was registered by distant relatives in a barrack-type apartment more than 15 years ago (they moved to the new house. He was registered in this apartment and their minor (at that time) daughter remained registered

    04.10.2017 - Vitaly Tverdun

    Hello! It is necessary to write a petition from the head with a recommendation and confirmation of me as a manager in this organization and confirmation and recommendations from the same head in the previous organization, also in the position of head of the department, but only from the words, since this position is not displayed in the labor and I need to apply for professional development in an educational institution and justify why my professional development and training in this advanced training program is important for this advanced training course? Source: http://www.site/page/articles_/Hodatajstvo-s-mesta-raboty/

    09/02/2017 - Mikhail Shirmanov

    I have a residence permit in Belarus On February 14, I was caught drunk on the street; now a case is being considered about the purposefulness of my stay in Belarus. What should I do? What documents should I collect so that they leave me in Belarus?

    08/28/2017 - Valeria Sergeeva

    Hello! Me and my family since 3.5 year. a child can be evicted from the hostel after the expiration of the contract, are we all registered???

    08/23/2017 - Artem Devichev

    how do I make a request I have such a situation I am a teacher I go to work on September 1 and my child will be 3 years old only on September 23 and we will be considered the last in turn to the kindergarten, we need to write an appeal to the Ministry of Education on behalf of the school director because I go to work according to production needs

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    08/19/2017 - Grigory Kazak

    Hello, I need a sample application for a quota for a temporary residence permit from an employer

    08/13/2017 - Alla Andreeva

    Hello Olga.

    08/08/2017 - Konstantin Galakhov

    help write a petition from the place of work to provide him with a job after the operation

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    08/02/2017 - Evgeny Polikanov

    we need a petition for a specialist to get his category back. M teachers. we don't know how to start at all

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    07/25/2017 - Grigory Marfenkin

    Hello. My wife needs to apply for an interest-free subsidy for housing extensions. Do you have a sample of such a request?

    07/17/2017 - Evgenia Petrova

    The subject of my question: Labor disputes (Protection of the rights of the employee) Today at 18:00 - 19:00

    07/11/2017 - Zoya Dorofeeva

    good afternoon, I have to write to the interns a petition that we had an internship, will it be a petition or a reference?

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    07/08/2017 - Oleg Filimoshin

    I work as a doctor in a maternity hospital. I have 4 children. 3 foster children left without care and one child adopted in childhood. Now the girl, according to a special quota, as left without parental care, enters a medical university. Can the administration of my work write a petition asking for help in admission to a university? If yes, does that make sense?

    07/05/2017 - Anna Osipova

    Good afternoon. Please tell me how to make an application from the employer for a TRP quota for a foreign worker

    06/30/2017 - Polina Romanova

    Where can I get a sample application for a quota for a temporary residence permit (TRP)?

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    06/16/2017 - Vladislav Timachev

    Good afternoon, I am interested in how to properly draw up an application from the head of the kindergarten for an employee to provide service or other housing for social employment

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    06/13/2017 - Elizaveta Borisova

    how to correctly draw up a petition from the head of the employee to the court in a criminal case

    06/09/2017 - Gennady Drashusov

    How to write a letter to the employer with a request to exclude housing from the service housing stock for your employee?

    06/09/2017 - Sergey Koritsky

    I wanted to download a petition from my place of work

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    06/07/2017 - Leonid Gromov

    How to write an application from the place of work to receive a quota for TRP?

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    06/02/2017 - Alena Alekseeva

    application certificate how to fill in the sample

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    05/29/2017 - Vasily Shafirov

    Do you need a sample application form from an employer for your migrant worker to obtain a temporary residence permit, married to a citizen of the Russian Federation?

    05/29/2017 - Victoria Veselova

    Hello, I need an application from the place of work to the university, I am finishing my master's program. Question: Is the petition written by hand? if you have a sample, please send it to me by email: 11:00 - 13:00

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    05/26/2017 - Stanislav Pikov


    05/24/2017 - Maria Bobrova

    Hello. How to make a petition from the place of work to the court? Thank you.

    05/20/2017 - Stepan Chvanov

    Hello, I need an application to the school for the child to enter the first grade (because we do not belong to them by registration), but my first child goes to this school and I myself work next to the school in a kindergarten. The manager told me to print the form, and she would sign it. Can you help in finding the right application? : 9:00 - 11:00

    05/19/2017 - Olga Polyakova

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    05/19/2017 - Anatoly Rzhaedinov

    Good afternoon! How to write a petition for a person who is in the colony of the settlement, that the director of the enterprise guarantees employment? Thank you!

    05/02/2017 - Ksenia Ryabova

    hello, I wanted to write a petition from my place of work that I need a kindergarten for a child, how to write it correctly, Thank you in advance

    04/25/2017 - Larisa Petrova

    Nobody called me yesterday. Here is the help!!!

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    04/24/2017 - Alexander Gorlantsev

    how to write a petition for the provision of rental housing on behalf of the head of the organization addressed to the mayor of the city: 9:00 - 11:00

    04/23/2017 - Grigory Bashirov

    hello, how to write a request or a petition from the place of work to the university to pass the session ahead of schedule

    04/15/2017 - Egor Kovtunov

    how to call you

    04/06/2017 - Nadezhda Melnikova

    Hello! Please help me to apply for a loan from my boss

    04/04/2017 - Kristina Mironova

    Hello! How to write a petition from the military unit to the place of study, to pass the session

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    04/03/2017 - Dmitry Svistun

    hello i need a job application

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    03/29/2017 - Bogdan Kushnirenko

    Good afternoon. How to write a petition from an enterprise to allocate a quota for a temporary residence permit.

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    03/28/2017 - Elizaveta Belousova

    Hello, they want to deprive our employee of the rights for driving while intoxicated, you need to write a petition from the place of work that he works as a driver, and the production really needs it! Is there a sample of such a request?

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    03/15/2017 - Lidia Egorova

    I work in a kindergarten as a laundry machinist. I asked the management for a petition for a room in a hostel. Refused because I service staff. Isn't the laundress worker entitled to petition?

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    03/14/2017 - Fedor Koporushkin

    Hello, tell me how to properly apply for a place in a hostel from an individual enterprise

    03/04/2017 - Valentin Mokhovikov

    Hello! Tell me please, I have home chemistry (2.5 years) 415st. excited in September of this year, violations will be removed, I work and do not violate the regime, can I take characterization at work and make days off - go out from 9:00-21:00?

    03/04/2017 - Evgenia Blinova

    My house burned down. One with two children, I was supposed to have temporary housing

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    03/03/2017 - Natalia Sidorova

    hello! you can show me a sample for study from the public association "Aikol Ala-Too": 9:00 - 11:00

    03/02/2017 - Alexey Klimshin

    Hello, please tell me how to write a petition so that the organization (university) pays for the contract for postgraduate studies (at another university) before the end of this year. : 9:00 - 11:00

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    02/20/2017 - Valeria Petukhova

    need to write a petition

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    02/13/2017 - Galina Kudryavtseva

    I need to write an application for additional funding to strengthen the MTB College: 19:00 - 21:00

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    02/08/2017 - Lidia Semenova

    you can call now

    02/08/2017 - Artem Cheglov

    please help the person got into a difficult life situation a young woman, having been married for 12 years, was constantly humiliated and insulted by her mother-in-law after the birth of her second child (the pregnancy was very difficult, the birth was also numerous, cesarean multiple anesthesia) as a result of postpartum depression for this reason, the mother-in-law with her son they took a poor woman who needed help and attention they put her in a psychiatric hospital they took her children away they kicked her out of the house instead of helping her a year has passed mom is on the mend but she is not allowed to see her children and this is a breath of life for her help make a petition in defense of our employee she very good kind hardworking sympathetic and caring mother advise how to help a person in this situation thank you in advance

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    02/07/2017 - Ksenia Zaitseva

    Please tell me how to write a petition from the place of work for production needs in order to transfer the defense of the WRC at the university?

    02/06/2017 - Dmitry Senofonov

    How to write an application from a place of work to a university? To increase the scholarship

    02/05/2017 - Raisa Belousova

    Petitions for housing, that I am a necessary worker to the boss

    01/31/2017 - Raisa Pavlova

    how to write a petition of the host party for the allocation of a quota in the Rostov region

    01/30/2017 - Andrey Pivovarchik

    How to write an application for employment of a psychologist?

    01/24/2017 - Kristina Kulikova

    I need an application for research to write a dissertation, I study at the university to be admitted to the scientific center, the head of the doctor Time when to call back: 11:00 - 13:00

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    01/18/2017 - Oksana Anisimova

    Hello, I need to write an application (petition) on behalf of my boss to another organization where there is an educational institution so that I can enter the budget

    01/17/2017 - Ilya Tur

    Hello, I need an application to the school for the child to enter the first grade (because we do not belong to them by registration), but my first child goes to this school and I myself work next to the school in a kindergarten. The manager told me to print the form, and she would sign it. Can you help in finding the right application?

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    01/16/2017 - Konstantin Litvinov

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    01/16/2017 - Pavel Abakumkin

    How to write a petition from the employer to the chairman of the flower for the employee?

    01/15/2017 - Elizaveta Sukhanova

    Hello! In order to get a quota for studying at a Russian university, do I need to write a letter of recommendation or a petition from the director's school to Rossotrudnichestvo?

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    12/16/2016 - Valery Povarikhin

    How to write a petition from work for the court so that they don’t leshi or cut off the term for deprivation of rights?

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    12/14/2016 - Inna Frolova

    How to write a petition from the place of work to the court so that the employee is not imprisoned?

    12/01/2016 - Ivan Khorunzhiy

    Hello! Help with a petition in a criminal case for non-deprivation of liberty under Article 228 from an enterprise (excellent characteristics), from work clients (orphanages, schools, overnight stays, psycho-neurological boarding schools, children's and adult rehabilitation centers, a nursing home, etc.) e.) I did charity work in the indicated enterprises - collection of wearables, books, household and office equipment, organization of performances by musical groups. I work as a chief mechanic for the repair and maintenance of equipment for transporting children (in short, buses for these enterprises. Thank you in advance. Waiting Igor.

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    11/21/2016 - Egor Simonchik

    How to write a petition to the court from the place of work to reduce the term of arrest in a criminal case?

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    11/14/2016 - Oleg Lesnykh

    Hello! Please tell me how long you need to work to apply to the administration for service housing?

    11/11/2016 - Raisa Romanova

    how to write a certificate or petition for a teacher who was elected in the list of candidates for deputies in countryside for certification

    11/05/2016 - Elizaveta Vorobieva

    How to file a petition to the institute to reschedule a session?

    11/04/2016 - Gennady Tishkov

    Hello, I need an application for construction company"STROYAVTO", about the fact that I was hired, and so they sent me from college as an intern.

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    02.11.2016 - Daria Timofeeva

    hello, how to apply for a job and samples

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    11/01/2016 - Inna Zhuravleva

    Good afternoon! how to file a petition for an employee who this moment is a citizen of Ukraine? The document must state that we will officially hire him from the moment he receives Russian citizenship

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    10/21/2016 - Tamara Kazakova

    good morning! please tell me how to make an application from the place of work for the transfer of a child from one kindergarten (which is far from home) to another, which is close to home? I work at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Vologda Oblast, it is necessary to go to work from the decree,

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    10/14/2016 - Tamara Gromova

    How to write petitions to invite a specialist from another organization to conduct interviews with students?

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    10/12/2016 - Zhanna Borisova

    how to write a petition from the place of work? what should be indicated there?

    10/10/2016 - Vyacheslav Tapeshkin

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    10/10/2016 - Viktor Kondrashin

    Hello! I need a solicitation construction company, I work at KGUSTA named after Nassriddin Isanov as a senior teacher of economic disciplines. My name is Kadyrkulov Kanat Muradinovich.

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    06.10.2016 - Vladislav Gogotov

    Is there a petition to the court from the place of work on the issue of maintaining the military status due to production needs?

    05.10.2016 - Alla Ilyina

    Hello. I. My worker came to work and ended up in the hospital. Domestic trauma. He has small children. We need to help him with a petition to pay for the road, sick leave until he fully recovers.

    09/13/2016 - Lidia Maksimova

    I have a court today regarding the deprivation of rights, how can I write petitions to the court from my place of work

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    09/09/2016 - Vladislav Nesgovorov

    My case has been sent to court, I am accused as a "repeater", I want to submit a petition from my place of work to the court in order to mitigate the punishment. How to issue it?

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    09/07/2016 - Anton Konyushy

    Is it still possible to apply for a correspondence department of a pedagogical university upon application from a place of work?

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    08/30/2016 - Valeria Grigorieva

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    08/30/2016 - Daria Antonova

    Good afternoon. My name is. I'm interested in what will be the court's decision on the primary violation of traffic rules 12.15.4, is it possible to avoid deprivation of the right to drive a motor vehicle?

    08/24/2016 - Diana Zaitseva

    Hello, please tell me how to properly file an application from the place of work for the admission of a child to kindergarten

    08/12/2016 - Anton Kuzichikin

    an example of a petition from an enterprise to the administration for a specialist to provide housing

    The answer to the question is given by phone.

    There are two types of referrals for employees to training events.

    1. For education.
    2. For advanced training.

    These two species are similar, but still quite different from each other.

    In the case when an employee is sent for training, it is precisely about learning.

    That is, the employee is sent by his employer to an educational institution with which the latter a certain contract.

    According to the current legislation, namely part two of article 197 Labor Code, in order to be sent for training, an appropriate agreement must be concluded between the employee and the employer.

    Or agreement to a valid employment contract. In addition, such a clause can be included in the contract as an employee working out a certain period in the organization after completing the training.

    Employer bears all costs associated with employee training. Or he can compensate such expenses to his employee.

    The employee is not required it is mandatory to give your consent to attend or undergo training.

    Article 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The right of workers to vocational training, retraining and advanced training.

    Employees have the right to vocational training, retraining and advanced training, including training in new professions and specialties.

    This right is exercised by concluding an additional agreement between the employee and the employer.

    Upgrading is a little more difficult. Based on the timing of the courses, and what amounts of knowledge are given to them, there are several types according to the duration of this training:

    1. Short courses. This is a type of training in which the classes take less than three days(72 hours). As a rule, such classes take place right at the workplace and are defended by writing a control test or an essay.
    2. Seminars. Seminar dates from 72 to 100 hours. They are more global in nature and consider the problem areas of the industry in which employees work.
    3. Long courses. last over a hundred hours and are devoted to a deeper study of issues similar to those of the seminars.

    When to send

    There can be many situations in which the level of knowledge of employees may be insufficient.

    Most often, this is due to the fact that new ways of working are introduced or improvements in the instruments of production.

    For example, when one of the workshops is modernized at the plant, new equipment is brought into it, then the workers, accustomed to the old mechanisms, may no longer be able to cope with the new systems.

    Therefore, they are sent to refresher courses or even to training if the new methods have little in common with the old ones.

    The same thing happens when the company changes, for example, document flow. Computers are being installed in offices, and all documents are now processed in in electronic format. So that employees can quickly track all the information and correctly operate software tools, they are sent to courses on the basics of using a PC.

    In addition, there are certain activities in which the constant improvement of the level of knowledge is mandatory. Such professions include, for example, drivers of all categories, train drivers and other similar occupations.

    In these cases, the course is strictly mandatory and is included in the terms of the employment contract.

    Documents for referral

    In any case, when it becomes necessary to train an employee of the company, first of all, a order to send an employee to training(you can download a sample below), or an order for referral to advanced training courses.

    As such, mandatory form according to which the order is drawn up, no. Since this document is intra-organizational, then the form of its preparation is arbitrary.

    Order for employee training (sample):

    Order on advanced training (sample):

    If it becomes necessary to send several employees for training, in this case one order is drawn up.

    Order on sending an employee for training (sample):

    There is general provisions, which must be indicated in the order to send employees for training:

    • must be standing order number and its date (in the header of the document);
    • Name and position an employee who is sent for training;
    • date or time period during which the training or courses are being taken;
    • the name of the institution, to which the employee is sent;
    • justification, that is, in the order it is necessary to indicate the reason why the employee of the company is sent for training;
    • specify the conditions under which the training will be conducted and compensation amounts student (travel, accommodation, if the training will take place in another region);
    • nominate a person responsible for employee training;
    • The order must state that on what basis the employee is sent: an employment contract and / or an additional agreement to the TD;
    • the signature of the sent that he is familiar with the order;
    • manager's signature organization and responsible person.

    In addition to an order for advanced training or for training employees, the company must draw up Plan of the education. It should reflect all employees who will be sent to training or refresher courses for the year, indicating the dates when the training takes place.

    Competent specialists are often the merit of a good employer who cares about the quality of work of his employees.

    A good leader always thinks about improving the skills of employees and will try to train current employees in courses to something new, rather than contribute to the growth of "turnover" of staff.

    After all, it is always better to have proven people in the company and expand their horizons than to constantly hire new staff and learn it from scratch.

    This is the benefit for the employer. For a company employee, training is also a boon, as it allows you to improve your existing knowledge, share and adopt the experience of other employees in the same area, and simply improve the quality of your life. After all, as a rule, salaries and rates are increased for highly qualified personnel in accordance with their training.