Monitoring the implementation of plans and tasks. Monitoring the implementation of the plan. Order automation of accounting for the implementation of plans

In the last article, we discussed the process with you, now I suggest you discuss how control the implementation of the plan.

The main task of the leadership is not only the correct formulation of plans, but also a clear plan execution control. In order for the company to work smoothly, as a single mechanism, it is necessary to introduce new control systems, as well as use innovative software developments that allow you to automate the control process, make it better and more efficient.

The sooner an effective one is established at the enterprise, the more “painlessly” this process will go. Any changes in the operation of an existing company entail the restructuring of certain business processes, retraining of employees, instilling a new culture in them, and additional financial costs.

The immediate responsibilities of the head of the company include:

  1. proper planning;
  2. clear delineation of responsibility and authority;
  3. control over the implementation of the plan.

In addition, the manager determines which automation tools he will use to perform these functions. AT modern company where the business process is accompanied huge amount tasks and responsibilities, manual delegation of duties and control is next to impossible. To do this, you should use, which are designed to automate and facilitate the management process, save management time spent on monitoring the implementation of the plan.

Setting goals

The tasks that the leader sets for his subordinates must be specific. Oral assignments without a clear indication to certain performers, without defining the area of ​​responsibility and deadlines, are of low efficiency. Practice shows that in the vast majority of cases, the result of such tasks is unsatisfactory.
Basic rules for setting tasks:

  • the issued tasks are necessary to exclude situations when they can forget about the assignment, its content or deadline;
  • the task should be specific and contain all the details (due date, performer, etc.);
  • large tasks should be divided into several subtasks and intermediate control over the implementation of the plan should be established;
  • the deadline and priority of implementation must be indicated;
  • it is necessary to indicate the means that should be used to carry out the plans;
  • it is necessary to appoint an executor (co-executors), as well as supervisors.

Execution control

Inexperienced managers often make one mistake - they try to control every step of employees. This approach can be justified only in some cases. :

  • when introducing new areas of activity;
  • when performing tasks by new employees;
  • when working with special clients.

In such cases, the intervention of the leader will be justified. He can double-check, recalculate to eliminate additional risks.

In other situations, it is necessary to transfer most of the responsibility to the implementers, but this should be done gradually. Completing complex tasks is good way for employees to learn independence, overcome fears, learn to take responsibility and make decisions.

Task setting and control tools

After the management of the enterprise has learned to correctly formulate and form tasks, control the implementation of the plan, built a performing discipline, you should choose a tool for automating the processes of monitoring the implementation of plans -.

If the manager regularly sets certain tasks for the performers, he just needs a task manager or in Russian. It should be a convenient utility, easy to use and as functional as possible. It should be possible to describe the task, indicate the performer, the date of control.

Simple CRM system allows:

  • set a task within a few minutes - the manager selects a responsible employee, sets deadlines, can break one task into several subtasks;
  • take into account the execution time of the assignment, it is possible to discuss the task, make comments, add or change executors, co-executors, supervisors;
  • the task manager takes into account the time for completing tasks, makes it possible to discuss each task, comment, add participants, change performers;
  • you can monitor the progress of the task immediately after setting it;
  • reminder to the executor and supervisor about the deadline for the task;
  • submit a report to the contractor on the implementation;
  • reschedule the task, if the manager considers it appropriate;
  • generate reports, including on performance discipline.

As a tool for managing tasks and monitoring the implementation of the plan, saves a lot of time, much improve management efficiency and is also an indispensable tool for business development.

AT general plan the organization of the process implementation involves the creation of a system of relations that ensures the distribution of tasks and resources between individual departments and employees, the establishment of a system of their interaction (organizational structure), the coordination of their actions to implement plans, decisions made and achieve organization goals.

In the process of implementing this function, three main components interact: people, economic relations and technical means.

The purpose of the organizational function is to prepare and ensure the implementation of planned activities and the achievement of planned goals.

In the process of organizing the execution of processes and operations, one can distinguish: a) organization of the process control structure, b) organization of the execution planned assignments performers.

The organizational structure of process management is understood as the structure of distribution of management tasks, decision-making, rights and responsibilities between the links of the management body, aimed at achieving the goals. As a rule, the control structure is modified when the operating conditions of the process change.

Depending on the nature of the process being implemented in the organizational structure, the following types of departmentalization can be used: linear, functional, by result and matrix (project and matrix). Departmentalization is the principle of grouping (combining) works and performers.

Organization of the execution of planned tasks

When organizing the implementation of planned targets, attention is focused on the performance of work, i.e. on specific performers, workplaces, inputs, coordination of resources, work sites and performers.

The organization of the fulfillment of planned targets is carried out on the basis of a technological model, a process control structure, plans, resource capabilities and personnel motivation. When designing a technological model of the process, it is determined how, by what means and in what sequence the work will be performed, and when planning, at what time and in what areas the work of the process should be performed, calendar delivery schedules are formed necessary resources and production of products.

In the process of organizing the implementation of production plans, the existing organizational structure is adjusted to the process control structure. The technological model determines the scope of work and their relationship, and ideally underlies the structure of the process, because, in fact, the main purpose of the organizational structure is to determine the requirements for work performers at a detailed level of the technological model. However, the connections between the technological model, individual works, and elements of the organizational structure do not always coincide in practice. This is due to the fact that the organizational structure is determined by the totality of the work performed as a whole, i.e. depends not only on the given technological model, but also on the nomenclature, the amount of work on individual processes and real resource capabilities.

Performers of work with the required qualifications are assigned to jobs and specific jobs, and plan targets are brought to them. Work schedules for the use of personnel and the necessary perception by each performer of their work are formed. The timely delivery of the necessary resources to the workplace is organized (who, where, when and how they deliver them are established and tracked) and the product is transferred to the next technological stage. Provided Maintenance production and management process: equipment, tooling, Vehicle, energy, information exchange tools, etc. The load profile of limited resources is leveled by availability and deadlines, by spreading tasks in time and creating stocks. Control over the execution of work tasks is organized.

When forming motivating work tasks, the following recommendations should be followed:

1. Consolidate fragmented tasks. This allows you to increase the variety of skills and the peculiarity of the task.

2. Form natural work units. Tasks should be designed in such a way that they are combined into a specific whole. This encourages workers to take responsibility for the work they do and encourages them to view it as something meaningful and important, rather than a boring and useless activity.

3. Build direct customer relationships. A customer is an internal or external user of a product. To increase skill diversity, autonomy, and feedback, managers should strive to establish direct relationships between workers and customers.

4. Expand work orders vertically. Expanding the work order vertically narrows to some extent the gap between the "doing" and "managing" aspects of the work order, i.e. increases the degree of autonomy of the performer.

5. Create feedback channels. Feedback allows performers not only to receive information about how well they are doing their work, but also to constantly monitor whether the quality of their work is deteriorating.

Work assignments must be designed consciously and carefully, taking into account the requirements of an ever-changing environment, technological processes applied in the organization, as well as the skills, abilities and preferences of performers.

An important point in organizing the process of implementing plans is the creation of work teams, which were discussed in section 2.4 of the second chapter.

Work schedules of personnel are necessary to ensure that processes and operations are carried out by human resources.

They answer the following questions:

for an employee:

What date should an employee go to work?

What shift should he go to work?

What job should he work in?

for process manager:

Who exactly will work for him on a given calendar working day, on a given shift?

At what workplace will each individual worker work?

According to the work schedule, each employee must:

Get the legally required number of days off (usually two) per week;

During the month, work the same amount of time in different shifts;

Work the same amount of time at your workplace.

All actions presented in the work schedules should not be in conflict with the current labor legislation.



The purpose of the lesson is to develop students' abilities for independent work on the formation of an organization model, the identification and analysis of factors affecting the effectiveness of its activities, including such as:

organizational structure;

planning and quality control system;

making managerial decisions in a limited time;

interpersonal relationships.

You are a small firm that "produces" words and "packages" them into meaningful sentences (in Russian). Market research has shown that sentences of 3-6 words (including function words) are in demand. So "packaging, shipping, and selling" should target 3-6 word sentences.

This "industry" is characterized by strong competition. Several new firms have just entered an expanding market. Since raw materials, technology and prices are industry standard, your competitiveness depends on two factors: 1) production volume; 2) product quality.

Thus, the main task of the subgroup is to create an organization so that it works as efficiently as possible during 10-minute production cycles. Between cycles, you will have the opportunity to reorganize.

Before the start of each cycle, you will receive the source material - a word or phrase. Its letters serve as the raw material for the production of new words that are packaged into sentences. For example, from the word "crocodile" you can make the phrase "an idol gave birth to a stake."

Before the beginning production cycle should carefully study the rules of production

Work order:

1. From a group of students, two Heads of the Quality Council are invited in advance. They receive production rules and get acquainted with them.

2. A group of students is divided into subgroups(4-6 people) that form small firms for the production of words.

3. Preparation (20 min) - familiarization with the tasks of the lesson and the task, the rules of production and the evaluation of results in the Quality Council.

The Council consists of representatives of all manufacturing companies, Council Leaders and a teacher.

At the end of the independent study of the rules by the manufacturers, the leaders of the Quality Council bring to them the most important rules, pay attention to the main criteria for assessing the quality of the product.

4. Modeling according to the following algorithm.

Step 1 (10 min). Members create organizations. Questions for participants:

What are the objectives of your organization?

How will you achieve them? How will you plan your work?

What division of labor, power and responsibility is most appropriate for your goals, objectives and technology?

Which group members are best suited for which tasks? Each subgroup nominates one representative to the Quality Council (the rules for evaluating results in the Quality Council are given below).

Step 2 (10 min). First production run. All subgroups receive the original ma-

material, i.e. two sets of letters for two production runs (the original set should consist of 15 - 25 letters). The countdown starts. 1 minute before the end of the cycle, the teacher warns about the remaining time. At the command of the leader, the work stops. The representative of the group must present the results of the work to the moderator within 30 seconds for participation in the Quality Council.

Step 3 (15 min). The Quality Council checks the quality of products and reports the results. The participants analyze the work organization of the first cycle and reorganize the firm for the second production cycle.

Step 4 (10 min). Second production run. The loop is performed similarly to step 2, but with a new initial set of letters.

Step 5 (15 min). The Quality Council checks the quality of products and reports the results. Participants analyze the organization of work during both cycles and prepare short reports on various aspects of the organization of their firms; analysis (60 min); representatives of each subgroup make a report on the results of the work, they are discussed.

Questions for the preparation of reports and discussions:

What organizational structure(culture, leadership style, decision-making methods) did your firm have during the first production cycle? Was she effective? Why do you think so? (The same question applies to all analyzed parameters listed in parentheses.)

How was quality control carried out?

Has there been a reorganization? If yes, what was it? How has the structure, culture, leadership style, and decision-making changed?

Have there been conflicts? If so, how were they resolved?

What factors have had the greatest impact on the performance of your organization?

What theoretical ideas and concepts have been most useful to you?

Production Rules:

Products that do not meet the accepted rules do not withstand quality control

and not allowed on the market.

From the initial set of words, it is required to create as many sentences as possible.

In the produced word, letters can be used as many times as they occur in the original set of words. For example, from the original word "crocodile" you can produce the word "eye", but you can not - the word "about", because in the original word "crocodile" there are only two letters "o".

The letters "e" and "ё"; "and" and "and"; "b" and "b" are considered different.

The letters of the original word can be used in all the words of the sentence being composed (for example, from the word "crocodile" you can make the sentence "an idol gave birth to a stake."

A new word cannot be created by changing the grammatical form of the word (case, number, etc.).

Words differ in spelling, not in meaning (for example, "castle" and "castle").

It is unacceptable to use non-literary words (for example, jargon).

Own names are allowed.

The sentence must contain a subject and a predicate.

The allowed number of words in sentences is not less than 3 and not more than 5.

A produced word can only be used once during one production cycle.

The sentence does not have to carry a semantic load (for example, the phrase “the house overflowed the banks” is acceptable).

Rules for the sale of products:

Products drawn up by each firm on a separate sheet of paper are accepted by the Quality Council on the basis of the above production rules.

Products are evaluated on the following scale:

1 point - for each word in the accepted sentence;

- 1 point - for each word in the unaccepted sentence.

Evaluation of results in the Quality Council:

Each representative of the subgroup in the Quality Council should have a list of proposals presented on one sheet containing the words produced by the subgroup. If the group did not present the result within 30 seconds, then it is not considered, and it is considered that the group did not produce a single word. The Quality Council evaluates the compliance of the presented products with the standards set forth in the "Production Rules" and determines the result of the work of subgroups

- the number of produced words that meet the standards. If any word in a sentence does not meet the standards, the entire sentence is crossed out. In addition, the number of words in the rejected sentence is subtracted from the subgroup result as a penalty.

Report formatting requirements:

The subgroup draws up a single report on the work done with a detailed rationale for each stage of implementation. As an industry where the firm is engaged, there remains the production of sentences from phrases.



The purpose of the work is to learn how to distribute the functions of a leader (manager) in accordance with the management cycle (using a specific example).

1. Complete the management cycle diagram (see workbook for practical work).

2. Study carefully the example of the job description of the head of the personnel department (option 1), for-

deputy director (option 2), sales manager (option 3), brand manager (option 4). Distribute the functions of the manager in accordance with the management cycle and fill in the table (in the table, indicate the numbers of the corresponding paragraphs of the instruction). Job Descriptions presented in Appendix 1.

Distribution of the functions of the head of the personnel department by stages of the management cycle.

Control function (sta-

Functions of the Head of Human Resources

management cycle management)

3. Enter in the table of managers according to the levels of management: foreman, foreman, head of personnel department, head of shop, CEO, financial director, Chief Accountant.

Types of managers by management levels.

Who applies

Main goals

type of management


Head of the organization

Formation of the goals of the organization,

and his deputies

development of long-term plans,

interaction of the organization with

external environment

All other leaders

Coordination of work of subordinates

bodies of the organization, not from-

managers, management from

carried to the highest and none

separate divisions

call levels

Managers, don't have

Direct organization of

subordinate to the management

workers engaged in the main activity


efficiency, control over the use

raw materials and equipment

4. Solve the situation below.

5. Prepare answers to security questions.


The head of the construction department, Prokhorov, during a break in the production meeting, asked the opinion of the heads of the shops about the management functions.

The head of the shop, Fedorov, wrote in his notebook: “Any subject and object of management has common unified management functions. There are many management functions, but they have always been, are and will be based on a three-tier division.”

Master Semyonov read what was written aloud and clarified: “Each object and subject of management has its own correlation of functions, their rational combination or division. In the process of development, in each control object, there are changes in the conditions of action common functions, combinations of their individual elements and tasks to be solved”.

Formulation of the problem:

1. Give a list of functions that are basic for the object and subject of management?

2. Describe which management functions characterize preliminary, operational and final management.

3. Arrange the following concepts in a logical sequence (from general to more specific): “functions of the governing body”, “functions of management”, “functions of an employee of the management apparatus” and “functions of the management object”.

4. The role of what functions increases (decreases, remains unchanged) in the conditions of the formation of market relations?

test questions

1. What are managerial functions?

2. What is planning?

3. Place of planning in a country with a market economy;

4. Organization as an object of management;

5. What is motivation?

6. What is the role of control in management?

7. What is the relationship between planning and control?


The goal of the game is to learn how to distribute the functions of a leader (manager) in accordance with the management cycle (using a specific example).

General guidelines

The most important of managerial functions- making managerial decisions. Responsibility for the decisions made lies with the head of the organization or the collegiate body that makes the decisions.

As a rule, acceptance management decision it is preceded by careful preparation, which includes an analysis of the management situation, and forecasting its development trends, and much more. One of the

Our classes will be specifically devoted to the main stages of preparing a management decision.

After the decision is made, a detailed plan for its implementation should be developed, including the amount of necessary resources, the implementation period, and the executors who are entrusted with the implementation of the various stages of the adopted management decision.

The next function of management is planning. We know such varieties of planning as strategic, tactical and operational, depending on the tasks that are set in the development of plans.

When moving to market economy in Russia at the end of the 20th century. many enterprises abandoned this important management function, which was often one of the reasons for their inefficient performance.

The main management functions are implemented through management communications, through which management information is transmitted.

AT in the process of making and implementing managerial decisions, orders, instructions, instructions, plans are transmitted from a higher level to a lower one in the managerial hierarchy, information is requested on the state of affairs on the ground.

AT in the opposite direction, information is transmitted on the state of affairs, on the implementation of orders, orders, plans, management decisions are requested in case of problems that are not within the competence of a lower managerial level. A higher management level may receive proposals for solving problems that have arisen, for adjusting plan targets, etc.

The successful implementation of management decisions largely depends on the quality of management communications.

The technological sequence of the management process, in which the main management functions are implemented, forms the main management cycle (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - The main management cycle.

Managerial Situation #1

Management large plant for the production of tools for mechanical engineering has set the task of a wider penetration into foreign markets sales. To do this, it was necessary to significantly improve the quality of products.

At the same time, purchase new technological lines or it was not possible to carry out a large-scale replacement of equipment due to large receivables (late payment for purchased products by consumer enterprises).

Problem 1. What is the best strategy for a wider market penetration for the plant? What can be recommended to the management of the plant in this situation to solve the problem of improving product quality? What role can additional employee motivation play?

No. 1. As a strategy for a wider penetration of the products manufactured by the plant into the sales markets, it is advisable to use the strategy of increasing the production of tools that are in steady demand among consumers. This will allow, on the one hand, to reduce the labor intensity of production and improve the quality of products, and on the other hand, to reduce its cost.

The plant managed to solve the task of significantly improving the quality of manufactured tools by creating quality circles in the workshops, which included the most experienced workers and craftsmen. They were tasked with finding ways to improve quality at all stages of tool making. At the same time, the implementation of the received proposals was guaranteed, provided that they passed the examination.

In the case of a positive result from the implemented proposal, a bonus was set, commensurate with the average salary.

On fig. 2. the main functions of management and the basic principles of their implementation in the process of managing an organization are presented.

The management system functions effectively only when it ensures the implementation of each of the main management functions.

The absence of any link in the process of functioning of the management system of any organization makes the management system ineffective.

The task of any leader in the formation or reorganization of the management system is to ensure that each of the main management functions is implemented in the newly formed or reorganized management system.

Managerial Situation #2

When organizing control over the execution of plan targets at a woodworking factory, a communication system was used, in which all information about the progress of the plan, emerging problems and difficulties came to the masters of the main production sites, from them to the heads of workshops, from the heads of workshops to the administration of the factory.

Figure 2 - Main management functions and principles for their implementation

According to the tradition that existed at the factory, the foreman analyzed the current results of the implementation of the plan and transferred his conclusions to a higher authority. The foreman worked on the same principle with the information received by him.

The role of the factory management in the implementation of control was reduced to familiarization with the information received from the heads of the shops.

Problem 2. Analyze the situation with the organization of control over the fulfillment of planned targets that has developed at a woodworking factory. Assess the quality of communications. What would you recommend to a factory manager?

Development of the managerial situation No. 2. With the organization of control that has developed at the factory, the factory management is not guaranteed from receiving false information from the heads of shops, and the heads of shops from receiving false information from the foremen. This allows us to characterize the communication system at the factory as insufficiently effective.

As a result of using such a communication system, the principle of independence of control was violated. The functions of production and control over execution were carried out by one official which led to the receipt by the higher management of not always objective and timely information on the progress of the plan.

Naturally, in such a situation, the receipt of orders from a higher managerial level to a lower one is late and does not always correspond to the current situation.

The management of the factory, along with the conclusions of the heads of workshops and foremen, should have primary (direct) information on the progress of the implementation of planned targets.

Making a managerial decision is the first in a series of basic management functions. The main functional chain - organization planning, motivation, control -

preceded by a strategic, tactical or operational management decision. Making a strategic decision on the transition to the production of a new type of product

sets in motion the entire main functional chain.

Making a strategic decision on a new defensive Doctrine of the country, a new social policy or the policy of economic transformation also "includes" the entire main functional chain, without which the implementation of the adopted management decision is impossible.

If an enterprise has made a tactical decision to increase the volume of production, which, as expected, will be in high demand in the near future, and will make it possible to obtain additional profit, then this entails the need to develop an additional plan, requires additional organizational work, motivation, control.

An operational management solution to a serious problem that has arisen in a particular area of ​​the enterprise's activity may also require the inclusion of the entire main functional chain, starting with making adjustments to the approved plans (production, financial, etc.).

However, both tactical and operational decisions must be consistent with the enterprise development strategy.

The development and adjustment of the strategy, followed by the adoption of a management decision at the appropriate level - strategic, tactical, operational - together with the main functional chain form the main management cycle, shown in Fig. one.

32. Monitoring and analysis of the implementation of planned targets

The current activity of the enterprise can be characterized by indicators of sales volume and profit. Each value has its own predicted values ​​or standards. To control and analyze the implementation of planned targets, the method of constructing tables with planned and actual values ​​is used, the comparison of which is of interest. Of particular importance here is planning for financial responsibility centers (a structural unit participating in the construction of plans and responsible for their implementation within its powers).

Depending on the criteria, the following types of responsibility centers are distinguished:

1) cost-forming - a service that takes as a basis in its work the cost estimate approved by the enterprise. It is difficult for this center to determine the level of income of the enterprise, therefore all work is concentrated on costs (for example, the accounting department of the company);

2) income generating - a service whose head is responsible for generating income (for example, the sales department). This center is not responsible for the costly part of the enterprise, but the level of income directly depends on it. Of course, the presence of costs is not excluded here, but the management of these costs is not controlled;

3) profit-generating - a unit, the main criterion for the work of which is profitability and profit. Most often this affiliated companies etc.;

4) investment and development - a center that is responsible not only for profitability and profitability, but also has the ability and authority to invest.

The setting of planned targets is determined depending on the type of responsibility center.

Thus, the management of the enterprise establishes a planned task, for the implementation of which appropriate resources are allocated, a policy of interaction with third-party organizations is approved, etc. It is impossible to go beyond this framework. After planning period the degree of fulfillment of planned targets is analyzed, in case of violations, those responsible are identified, i.e. when planning activities:

1) the management of the enterprise identifies several evaluation criteria, and also sets their planned value;

2) analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the financial responsibility center is carried out on the basis of the implementation of the approved plan according to the established criteria;

3) heads of structural subdivisions are provided with the resources necessary to fulfill planned targets;

4) the heads of financial responsibility centers have complete freedom regarding the resources at their disposal.

To improve the efficiency of structural divisions in relation to the implementation of planned indicators at enterprises, a system is being introduced financial incentives employees, i.e. for the fulfillment or overfulfillment of the plan assigned to an individual structural unit, employees of this service are rewarded, which in the future (as practice shows) increases the effectiveness of work.

This text is an introductory piece.

In carrying out the plan, it is necessary to constantly keep operational records, control and current management production process. Planning, accounting and control over the implementation of plans in the divisions of the enterprise helps to ensure the rhythmic work of the entire enterprise, to reduce interruptions in the course of the movement of objects of labor through technological operations. It also allows to reduce the duration of the production cycle and speed up the delivery of products to the consumer. Operational accounting is necessary for coordinating and regulating the work of production units, preventing and eliminating possible deviations from schedules.

operational control and the control of the production process is carried out during dispatching based on accurate information about the actual implementation of schedules, shift-daily tasks and the occurrence of deviations from the plan.

dispatching production ensures the operational regulation of the production process by systematically recording and monitoring the implementation of production tasks, current preparation of production, prompt elimination of problems and deviations that arise. dispatching provides:

Complete control over the course production process and prompt resolution of problems and deviations that arise;

Organization of delivery to workplaces of raw materials, materials, blanks and tools;

Export finished products, production waste;

Control over the serviceability of equipment;

Supply of energy, fuel, compressed air and organization of quality control.

The main characteristic properties of dispatcher control are:

Centralization, that is, regulation is carried out from a single center (dispatching department), the orders of which are mandatory for execution at any level of the enterprise (from the head of the unit to the worker)

Efficiency, namely the adoption of effective decisions and the development of measures to eliminate possible deviations from the planned production process and the consequences of the influence of such deviations. This is carried out on the basis of monitoring the progress of the implementation of planned targets.

Central dispatch department (at the enterprise level) performs the following functions:

Checks the implementation of the production plan according to the nomenclature and assortment;

Controls the process of replenishment of stocks of inter-shop warehouses with blanks, parts, purchased products to ensure the continuity of the production process;

Monitors the preparation for production and the progress of equipment repair.

Dispatch service at the level of the workshop (subdivision) carries out:

Monitoring the implementation of shift and daily tasks;

Accounting and analysis of unplanned equipment downtime;

Monitoring the progress of equipment repairs and preventive maintenance.

Objects of supervisory control may vary depending on the type of production.

For series production such objects are:

Terms of launch-release of a batch of units of production (parts);

The state of stocks of materials and finished products in warehouses;

The degree of complete provision of works related to the assembly.

For single production objects of dispatching control are:

Timely preparation of production;

terms of release of products;


for mass production the objects of control are:

Compliance with the rhythm of production lines;

Perform preventive maintenance of equipment;

Condition and availability of linear blanks.

Dispatching functions are largely performed by the administrative and technical personnel of the workshops. Along with this, on large enterprises there are special factory dispatchers, shop dispatchers. Dispatchers maintain schedules for the delivery of parts, the receipt of blanks, control and maintain contact with supplying plants, and take measures to eliminate accidents.

One of system performance indicators promptly scheduling is continuity factor of the production process is determined according to the data of the current accounting of the actual processing cycles of a batch of parts. Continuity can be ensured through timely preparation and delivery material resources, other items of labor required technical documentation for each workplace according to calendar plans. Continuity factor() is determined by the formula:

where - duration of working hours, hours;

The total duration of the production process, including downtime, h.

The degree of use of working time in the production process characterizes rhythm factor. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between the uniformity and rhythm of production. uniformity of production produced using a number of indicators and methods for their calculation:

1. decade method Rhythm assessment consists in the fact that the planned and actual percentages are calculated and then compared by decades, deviations from the planned percentages indicate the level of rhythmic or non-rhythmic work.

The planned percentage of rhythm (KPP) for a decade is calculated as follows:

where is the number of working days in a decade;

The number of working days per month.

The actual percentage is determined by the ratio of the ten-day actual production output in the corresponding meters to the total volume of production produced in a month.

2. Evaluation method using the uniformity coefficient(Kr) execution production program, which is determined by the formula:

where - the actual output of products on the i-th day, but not more than planned, thousand UAH;

Production plan for the month, thousand UAH;

3. To assess the rhythm of the work of departments or enterprises is used rhythm coefficient calculated using the coefficient of variation(V):

where g is the standard deviation;

X - arithmetic mean of the variation series.

With uniform production and output, the value of the coefficient of variation is closer to zero, and the coefficient of rhythm is 1. This coefficient shows only the uniformity of production, without connection with the implementation of the plan, it is calculated at enterprises and in departments of mass and large-scale production types.