How to open a kitchenware store. How to open a shop selling dishes: features, profitability

In this article, we will talk about another product that is in demand among buyers and belongs to the category of home improvement and decoration, namely, dishes. We can safely say that this niche is not new and the market already has its own serious players who provide a fairly wide selection of goods. And if in big cities the lion's share of sales in this segment is carried out by large retail chains, then in small town, it is quite possible to compete and receive a stable profit. AT major cities it makes sense to sell something exclusive, such as handmade dishes, or to be the official representative of some new trademark. Thus, you will minimally compete with retail chains and be able to provide a fairly unique assortment.

Let's look at how to open a dishware store and whether it is profitable to do it. We will try to describe step by step all the main aspects of running this business so that you have a general picture and an algorithm of actions.

The documents

As with any business, first you need to know what documents you need to issue. We will provide you with a basic list of the papers and permits you will need for retail crockery.

  • open IP.
  • specify OKVED for activity. For Russia, this is 47.59.2. For Ukraine - 47.
  • conclude a lease agreement for the premises.
  • have quality certificates for the goods.
  • if necessary, obtain permits for trade from the SES and the fire service.
  • recruit staff.
  • arrange a corner of the buyer.

In order to do everything correctly in the legal field, we recommend that you seek the advice of a lawyer.

We need a product niche that would use in high demand And at the same time it would be possible to compete with other stores? The most attractive option is to open a hardware store. All the details in our article at the link above.

Premises and place for trade

In the second step, you will need to take care of choosing the location of the retail space, as well as its size. The shopping center is considered a very good place for any store, including a newly opened housewares store. Although there are also disadvantages: the problem will be to find free place, and the rent in large shopping centers, as a rule, "bites". But a big plus is a continuous flow potential buyers. In fact, your store will receive customers without initial promotion.

When starting in such a business, it is necessary to pay due attention to interior design. The right atmosphere, the choice of the right color scheme and texture of the walls is very important. To do this, you can use wallpaper or Venetian plaster in pastel shades, it is advisable to pick up paintings or place photographs on the walls. It will be useful to create a sound design. Soft, pleasant classical music is a good solution. You can negotiate with suppliers about branded racks, where the display of dishes will look even more impressive.

Another way is to launch a store in a separate room. In this case, in addition to the same repair costs, you will need to think about protection and promotion, and this is also an additional investment.

The average area of ​​a small glassware shop is 25-50 sq.m. This is quite enough to place the racks and arrange a presentation of the entire range.


The third stage is the purchase and installation of commercial equipment. When starting a business selling dishes, you will need to calculate all the necessary investments in these devices.

You will need:

  • racks with shelves.
  • showcases.
  • hanging shelves.
  • furniture for the workplace of the seller.
  • security alarm.
  • window lighting system.
  • room decor accessories.

As mentioned above, the main thing is to create a cozy atmosphere with beautiful presentation commodity groups. This is especially true for exclusive dishes or for handicrafts.

Range and suppliers

The fourth stage in compiling a business plan for a dishware store is drawing up an assortment.

The first thing you need to decide on is the type of product: exclusive, everyday kitchen utensils or handicrafts. The second is the price range and availability target buyers. The third is the manufacturers with whom you will cooperate.

I would like to note that if we talk about opening a department with dishes in big city, all options can be considered. But if your choice is a small store in a small town, there is no need to experiment and it is better to choose dishes for daily use as the basis of the assortment, and have 80% of cheap products and 20% of more expensive manufacturers available.

Main product groups:

  • kitchen utensils (watering cans, lemon makers, spatulas, meat hammers, etc.).
  • kitchen utensils (pots, pans, stewpans, etc.).
  • storage utensils (jars, trays).
  • goblets, glasses, decanters.
  • children's utensils.
  • for microwave ovens.
  • knives.
  • plastic utensils.
  • tableware (bowls, plates, sets, cups, forks, spoons, etc.).

In general, there is a universal dish that is in demand at any time. This is porcelain ware of white and dark color. It is popular in restaurants, cafes, and in every home is used very often. Food in white plates looks spectacular, and it goes well with any tablecloth.

Sets of dishes in black (with or without a pattern), as well as white with a colored pattern, are also in high demand. Experts say that the most popular are sets of dishes for everyday use. Cooking utensils and gift sets account for only about 30% of all sales.

When opening a dishware store, it is advisable to immediately start working with several manufacturers, including domestic ones. Research prices and see where you can compete with similar outlets. Always take quality certificates for the goods, this will protect you from unnecessary fines that may follow after checking by a special commission.

Tableware suppliers can be found on the Internet. You can contact the manufacturers directly and ask them for the number of the nearest official dealer in your region.


A skillful and competent sales assistant will be a guarantee of the successful operation of a dishware store. Your employee should understand the assortment and be sociable. After all, people who can advise a suitable option, orient as producers, destination, who know how to cook and set the table, inspire more confidence in the buyer. And the most important thing is that the sellers themselves like the assortment, because only under this condition they can easily convince even the most skeptical client to buy the offered goods.

As an entrepreneur, you can take on the duties of an accountant and a manager.


It is very good if you take care of advertising your business. You can create an online store, order outdoor advertising(well, if it is unusual and memorable), place an advertisement in local media, including culinary magazines and newspapers. But you can also rent dishes for culinary events, negotiate with chefs who conduct master classes to advertise your dishware store.

Don't forget to also various promotions, contests with prizes, think over the system of discounts. Then every person who visits your store at least once will want to become a regular customer.

Factors affecting the increase in sales

Many changes in society entail an increase in sales of tableware. For example, an increase in the number of weddings, according to statistics, invariably leads to an increase in sales of this type of product.

The increase in sales in the real estate market also leads to a greater need for the purchase of this type of product: in a new apartment with new furniture and, of course, new utensils.

In addition, the market development factors in this area are the ever-growing range of tableware and the fashion for exclusive and interesting services. Fashion dictates a lot, and the color of the plates and their shape may vary depending on the directions. Previously, all plates were equally round, but today there are no other dishes: round, square, triangular, oval-shaped, and even in the form of various figures - for every taste of the buyer. Table setting in our time is a whole art, and restaurants are constantly looking for the most interesting options for tableware sets in order to surprise the client. And if you decide to become the owner of a dishware store, try to take care of the variety in the assortment and the constant replenishment of the counter with new products.

The way you present your product on the windows and shelves of the store also significantly affects the number of sales. For example, the “warehouse” format, which is familiar to sellers, is inconvenient for the buyer.

Experiment with the arrangement, plus you can make several stands designed for specific brands of manufacturers. People should imagine how this dish will look in their kitchen.

How much money is needed?

Now let's move on to the financial side of considering a business plan for a dishware store, namely, a description of how much it costs. We will indicate only the basic costs, and you will already substitute the values ​​\u200b\u200bfor your region and your range of goods, each final amount will be different.

Starting investments:

  • cosmetic repairs - from $ 120 per 1 sq.m.
  • purchase of equipment – ​​from $2000
  • paperwork - $200
  • purchase of a range of goods - $ 7000 - $ 10,000
  • corporate identity and decor (signboard, business cards) – $250

Monthly investment:

  • rent for the premises - from $7 - $10 per 1 sq.m.
  • utility bills - $20 - $30
  • taxes - $120
  • salary - from $ 200 per employee
  • advertising - $50
  • replenishment of the assortment of goods - $ 1500 - $ 2000

Based on this list, you can tailor it to your needs and add missing expense items.

How much can you earn?

The average margin on dishes is - 25% - 30%.

For example, for plastic products, it can reach - 50% - 100%.

Everything will depend on the manufacturer and the quality of the product.

The payback of a business selling dishes is from 1 year.

Conclusions. Opening your own dishware store is a profitable niche for entrepreneurs who want, and most importantly, know how to work in a competitive environment. Here you will either offer unique products, or a very wide range of products, or you will take a lower price. But in any case, you can compete and get a stable profit is also quite realistic.

Do you have experience in this niche? Looking forward to your feedback below.

Encyclopedic reference: dishware store - a point of sale where you can buy pots, plates, glasses, other items for serving or cooking, as well as various kitchen accessories.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of dishes of different sizes, shapes, colors and purposes. Demand for this category of goods seems to be stable, but not everyone is lucky in this business. Why? Read our article and find out if a cookware store is profitable and how to avoid the most common mistakes in the initial stages.

Step by step to a profitable housewares shop

Step one: preparing the legal and material base

The same documents are required for the trade in utensils as for the organization of other types of retail sales:

Certificate of registration (legal entity or individual entrepreneur);

Certificate of registration and assignment of an individual taxpayer number (TIN);

The conclusion of the State fire supervision and sanitary and epidemiological station;

Cash register license.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise starting with a small store or a department in a large one. mall. Choose a place where there is an "anchor" - outlets with themed goods such as kitchen textiles, Appliances And so on. Remember: dishes, as a rule, are purchased against the background of other purchases. You can also sit near the gift shop, since many buyers consider kitchen utensils to be a good present and buy them on the occasion of certain holidays.

How to choose a place? A good option is in a large shopping center with good transport accessibility. Also, a china shop can be opened in a residential area. If the premises can be rented, then it is better to purchase commercial equipment - so you can easily expand trade in another place, if necessary.

Step two: choose a strategy

Experts advise beginner businessmen not to sell dishes of one brand, but to have goods from different manufacturers available. In this case, you should choose a price category in advance. For example, focus on selling inexpensive tableware from China, Russia and Ukraine, or create an assortment based on more expensive European brands.

Before you open your kitchenware store, also decide what kind of goods you will sell. It can be kitchen utensils for cooking, exquisite crystal, practical plastic and much more.

Step three: we form the assortment, we recruit personnel

There are several ways to form an assortment. Firstly, you can offer customers a product that is fundamentally new for your region. For example, no one sells bamboo or ceramic dishes nearby. Focus on it, and the attention of the audience will be ensured. If there are no free trading niches or you do not want to take risks, take a closer look at your competitors. Which product category is in the highest demand? Focus on it and you, offering, for example, a better price or a wider selection.

Remember that the reputation of your store is the key to its prosperity. If the buyer likes you, he will tell three friends or relatives about it, if not, ten. That is why the choice of suppliers should be approached with particular care. Try to negotiate with manufacturers. Firstly, you will get a good price offer, and secondly, it is easier to control the delivery schedule and quality.

Important: each type of product should have its own zone: a zone for gift sets, a zone for cooking utensils and a zone for serving utensils. A third of the income per year brings each of these groups of goods.

In the place of the seller, according to experienced businessmen, it is best to hire a middle-aged woman. On a subconscious level, among buyers, it is she who is associated with an experienced hostess who can give useful advice choice of dishes.

Where to get money?

When calculating how much it costs to open a dishware store, consider the costs of renting a room, purchasing commercial equipment, and forming an assortment. On the initial stage quite big investment, since bulk purchases of dishes from suppliers are coming. Want to save? Sign contracts during exhibitions - large manufacturers offer good discounts during this period.

Credit is the most common form of attraction start-up capital. When choosing a loan program, keep in mind that the trade in utensils is a stable business that brings year-round income. Profitability is quite high if the trade margin is 25-30%.

Underwater rocks

Your reputation may be threatened by poor quality dishes and poor service. Failure can also befall you if you choose the wrong assortment. For example, you start selling elite crystal in a middle-class residential area. In addition, there is quite a lot of competition in this niche. Loyalty programs will help you stand out from your competitors. Remember that people love discounts and promotions.

Summing up

The dishware store is a fairly stable business with an average level of profitability. With the right approach to the formation of the assortment and the organization of the trading process, you will ensure the interest of customers in your outlet. It is easier to start with a small multi-brand store.

Kitchenware stores are eagerly visited by female customers, and the success of the enterprise depends on your ability to form an assortment and find a convenient place for outlet. What points should be considered when opening a store.

Most women love to buy dishes. We can say that they visit dishware stores with almost the same pleasure as cosmetic ones. In the foreseeable past, the assortment of china shops upset and discouraged - sets that differ slightly in pattern, but are the same in shape.

Cups with poor flowers. Plates with a joyless border. The object of desire of many housewives in times Soviet Union There was a red tea set with white polka dots.

And if you managed to get pots and boxes for bulk products of the same color, you could be proud of yourself. If dishes that were inherited from great-grandmothers were accidentally kept in the house: elegant porcelain cups, a tureen that did not even allow the thought of borscht, or a teapot that children were strictly forbidden to touch, suspicions crept in that the dishes should look somehow different.

Today, fortunately, the choice in stores is much richer and respect for dishes is gradually being revived. We are happy to buy dishes not because a cup has broken, but we need to drink from something, and not in order to install a service in a sideboard for beauty. The dishes have become very popular item which is in pretty good demand. We consider the opening of a glassware store good idea businesses with significant financial investments and good prospects.

Released today great amount a variety of dishes of all shapes, colors and sizes. Buyers are on all the most inconceivable and strange tableware delights and on very laconic household items intended for ascetics. Many dishes are traditionally bought as gifts for weddings, anniversaries, housewarmings and other such occasions. A lot of people just can't get past the vending cup or coffee pot, salad bowl or candy vase.

And yet, with all the seeming simplicity of selling dishes, you need to know some rules and follow them if you want your business to develop successfully.

Kitchenware store location and premises

You can equip a separate store or department in a shopping center. According to experienced businessmen, it is better to choose a place among other stores or outlets. Then your store will be guaranteed a constant influx of customers. Experience tells us that buyers rarely come to a china shop purposefully, but very often they come along the road for groceries, and, having entered, they rarely leave the store empty-handed.

It is also believed that a dishware store will be popular in a residential area, where there are many new settlers and people are much more likely to think about arranging their homes. The area of ​​the store depends on your financial capabilities and plans. Areas of 50-60 sq. m is quite enough, but you can stay on 150-200 sq. m. In any case, when placing dishes, you must follow the principle of zoning:

  • tableware
  • Cooking utensils
  • Gift sets of tableware, etc.

Purchase of goods

Experienced entrepreneurs advise starting a dishware business from a store selling several brands. Foreign suppliers, if you arrange direct deliveries with them, provide the store with commercial equipment with professional lighting, which will save a lot.

However, foreign manufacturers work, as a rule, on a prepaid basis. If the amount of purchases reaches tens of thousands of dollars, you can count on discounts of 7-10%. At the start, the purchase of goods will require about $100,000. Further, the cost of the purchase will dictate the turnover.


When starting a tableware business, it is difficult to choose an assortment that will be profitable to work with. It can be argued that win-win there will be white dishes. It is universal and suitable for any interior, serving and dishes. Transparent dishes are just as democratic and versatile, and therefore are in steady demand. With catchy and bold design solutions, it’s better not to rush until you decide on the preferences of buyers.

Porcelain remains the most favorite material. This material has excellent thermal conductivity, it is hygienic and products made from it look aesthetically attractive. It is not uncommon for large companies to buy batches of white china cups to have their logo printed on them for use as gifts and promotional items.

Introduce dishes made using new technologies to your assortment. Such novelties appear not so often and are always in demand. Pay Special attention on the environmental friendliness of dishes, buyers now attach importance to this quality when choosing. This is especially true for middle-class buyers.


Friendly and knowledgeable salespeople are a must successful business. Sellers must understand not only the dishes, but also the technology of cooking and serving, in order to convince the buyer of the need for one or another serving item.

Therefore, we can recommend middle-aged women as sellers, who give the impression of experienced housewives who know a lot about dishes and cooking. Customer confidence is a very important factor. The seller's salary is about $300-400 (the seller simultaneously acts as a consultant and cashier).

Financial investments

  • Registration of individual entrepreneurship and documents (5,000-15,000 rubles);
  • Room rental (15,000-30,000 rubles);
  • Salary of sellers (20,000-40,000 rubles);
  • Purchase of goods (100,000-250,000 rubles);
  • Purchase of equipment and machinery (40,000-80,000 rubles);
  • Advertising (5,000-10,000 rubles);
  • Other costs (10,000-20,000 rubles).

To start a business, you need 200,000-450,000 rubles. The income of the store, depending on the prices in the region and the chosen place, will be 80,000-140,000 rubles. Net profit - 35,000-90,000 rubles. The business will pay off in 5-8 months.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Crockery is one of the necessary household items, so the demand for it is always quite high and constant. This product in general, it has several categories of goods, therefore, they distinguish dishes that are elite and almost belong to works of art and dishes intended for everyday use, which are practical and low price. An entrepreneur who wants to go into trade can start his own business in the field of selling dishes, while he will have access to various formats for working with consumers and organizing his business. What type of entrepreneurship can be attributed to quite promising, but to a greater extent guaranteeing the entrepreneur a stable and constant income in the case of a competent organization of his business.

In any big city, you can find a huge number of dishware stores that offer customers just goods from various categories; at the same time, the level of competition in most cases is quite high, regardless of the category of which tableware it was decided to trade. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully study the situation on the market and the offers of competitors in order to develop your own strategy and business tactics; For this, it may be advisable to carry out a full-fledged marketing research in order to study the market situation in order to find out the demand for all categories of goods and to occupy a niche in which there is a lack of supply or insufficient customer satisfaction with the purchased product. In general, with a competent organization and drawing up a well-thought-out business plan, you can count on the fact that the risks will be minimized as much as possible, and the entrepreneur will be able to take his place in the market, successfully counteracting the actions of competitors. As already noted, several formats of work are available to him. If we take into account retail store dishes, he can work not only with individuals, but also deal with wholesale sales small parties with other entrepreneurs.

To get started, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity, in this case can be done just like individual entrepreneur, because it will not require large financial costs, and will also reduce the time and effort for registration. If there is a need for registration legal entity or you plan to work with other enterprises and organizations, it is more expedient to register a company with limited liability, because in this case, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship, a simplified taxation system will be available, which involves the transfer to the state of no more than 6 percent of income or 15 percent of operating profit as taxes. No special permits are required for the retail trade in tableware, so an entrepreneur can start his business immediately after registering with the tax authorities. The activity itself falls within the definition (OKPD 2) 47.78 Other retail trade services in specialized stores.

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In many ways, the determining factor for the success of such an undertaking is the choice of the location of your store. A china shop usually brings in the most income in crowded places, that is, first of all, you need to consider the possibility of renting a room in the central areas of the city, but it may be advisable to open a china shop even in a residential area. It should be noted that although the demand for dishes is constant and stable, it is still not too big when compared with the demand for other types of products, it is also very important to correctly determine your target audience and their capabilities. In an elite quarter, a utensil shop that sells only fairly expensive dishes can bring good profits; in the center, it is best to open a store oriented to a fairly wide range of consumers. The disadvantage of the sleeping area can be considered a decrease in the level of sales after a certain amount of time, when all the residents of the surrounding houses buy the goods they need, and the store will not be able to offer anything new, and they will no longer be interested in such products. However, the players this market note that at first glance, the place that seems ideal for placement in a china shop eventually leads to a small number of consumers, and at the same time, a seemingly unfortunate location allows you to sell products in huge quantities.

When an entrepreneur decides on a place, he needs to accurately calculate the size of the room; at first, it is best to open a relatively small store with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 50 square meters, in this case it will be possible to determine the needs of customers and more accurately form your product range later. If you immediately open a large store, then you will need a lot of money to fill it with products, but the level of sales will be minimal, which means that significant funds will be frozen and withdrawn from circulation. Depending on the chosen target audience, an assortment of its products is formed, and already at this stage it can be understood that this is in to a large extent will determine the future format of work.

Ready-made ideas for your business

This is due to the following feature of trade in this type of product. Currently, a fairly large number of utensil shops work with local suppliers, who for the most part are intermediaries in a fairly long chain between the manufacturer and the buyer, that is, most of the ware shops buy goods from small wholesalers, who, in turn, take them from large wholesalers, which also do not always cooperate directly with the manufacturer. The fact is that elite and expensive dishes can only be bought in other countries; in Russia, manufacturers usually make a relatively cheap product aimed at inexperienced buyers. For example, we can point to crystal tableware, in this case Bohemian glass, which is produced only in the Czech Republic, is generally considered to be a quality product. In order to be able to trade Czech crystal at competitive prices, an entrepreneur needs to contact the manufacturer directly. Bohemian glass for the most part belongs to the elite types of glassware, and therefore, if wealthy people are oriented, they will have to contact manufacturers or at least large wholesalers in other countries.

Sooner or later, the entrepreneur realizes that, having received products at a relatively low price, he can sell them on his local market with a benefit not only to private individuals, but also to small wholesalers. However, it should be noted that it will take a lot of effort, time and money to establish cooperation with foreign manufacturers. This applies not only to Czech glass, but also to elite porcelain and many other types of products. An exception can be called Chinese manufacturers that produce a cheap product, because cooperation with them is often much more profitable, even taking into account transport and customs costs, than cooperation with Russian manufacturers. Depending on the size of the premises and the planned sales volume, the initial purchase amount of the first batch is determined. For small shop this amount rarely exceeds half a million rubles, but if you open a store with a large assortment and in the assortment of which a large number of manufacturers are represented, you need to allocate at least one million rubles, and sometimes this amount is even several times more.

The entrepreneur also needs to decide from the very beginning how many manufacturers of products will be represented in his store. It is possible to conclude an agreement with a large supplier-manufacturer for the sale of only his goods, in which case it will be possible to count on fairly favorable terms of cooperation, advertising support and even assistance in opening a store. If the manufacturer supplies all possible types of tableware, including also related products, then such an undertaking can be quite profitable, because the consumer can always find exactly what he needs specifically. If the supplier cannot offer all types of dishes, but manufactures, for example, only sets, mugs and cups, then the entrepreneur is forced to look for other suppliers of other types of products. An average utensil shop offers its customers goods from 5-6 different manufacturers, in this case a sufficient assortment is formed, which allows you to have a stable level of sales.

Multi-brand stores in general are a much more promising undertaking, because they always have the opportunity to conclude contracts with other suppliers or even significantly change the range of products supplied. However, if we consider the opening of a small store, then it is more expedient to work with only 2-3 different manufacturers in order to understand the needs of customers. Working with resellers in most cases turns out to be too unprofitable, because their margin can reach 100 percent, it is best to spend time and, perhaps, some additional funds to go directly to the manufacturer.

You should also be concerned about the advertising campaign for your outlet. When opening a china shop, it may justify holding special promotions, providing significant discounts on the opening day or gift certificates. Store information should be placed in a box in the media mass media, including also thematic portals on the Internet, if possible, you should create your own website, which will provide detailed information about the company, opportunities for cooperation with it (especially relevant when working with wholesale buyers), as well as a complete product catalog with prices. Further, it is possible to arrange work in such a way that the consumer receives the goods only after an application on the site; opening an online store allows you to significantly reduce the cost of storing products, and in general adds convenience when buying, which means it increases customer satisfaction with the service.

When developing your company, you need to think about opening your own special distribution points for goods in various parts of the city, because in this case it will be possible to cover a fairly wide audience of consumers. The point of issue of goods can be not only your own store or a specially created outpost, but also dishware stores of other companies with which cooperation has been established. But it is worth considering this option only if there is no opportunity to open your own additional stores. This type of business cannot be called easy, because there are a huge number of factors that significantly affect the success of an undertaking, and the entrepreneur must therefore constantly develop the business and look for new ways to sell their products.

Summing up, we can say that the important competitive advantages are the content of your online store and online sales, a convenient network of points of issue and sale, a lower price than competitors, which is possible in the case of direct cooperation with the manufacturer, good location and advertising, thanks to which the largest possible number of consumers learn about the store, discount system and cooperation with small wholesale buyers, as well as polite treatment of sellers with customers, detailed consultations on issues and good quality service.

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Tableware market operators note that in recent years, consumer preferences have changed: buyers have become more demanding on the quality and design of table and kitchen utensils - they want to see in the kitchen beautiful and high quality crockery. The market is constantly changing, following changing tastes, fashion and style, but the rules of successful and effective sales remain unchanged, the knowledge and application of which will allow any market operator, whether it be a large commercial network or a small retail store, keep your customer.

Tableware market, like any market in general, must take into account differences in preferences and purchasing power different groups consumers. There will always be a clear price gradation of goods: economy, medium and premium segments. Accordingly, any operator of the tableware market, first of all, decides for himself the key question: what will be his the target audience? In other words, each retailer chooses its customer. And already from this choice the assortment list and the level of prices on the shelves of a particular store will depend. Secondly, the retailer answers the conceptual question: what should their store look like? This is a matter of positioning, a matter of design, interior and exterior design, a matter of recognition.

At the level of assortment formation retailer determines the percentage of goods in different price categories. As a rule, the "lion's" share of large-format stores (hyper- and supermarkets) falls on products of the middle price segment; no more than 15-20% of the assortment is allocated for products of high and low price segments. However, operators, which include several networks, solve the problem of price differentiation by special positioning of each individual network and its geographic location, taking into account social factors and the solvency of the population. Most operators believe that it is unthinkable to achieve good profitability from tableware sales on a small area, since this product sells well only if it is presented in a wide range.

Specialized glassware stores designed for a narrower category of buyers, offering products of medium and high price ranges. Often they are exclusive representatives of foreign factories, thanks to which they can offer a special - piece - product that no one else has. At the same time, in contrast to the middle and low price segments, where supply exceeds demand, competition in the high price segment is minimal: the buyer of expensive dishes is ready to pay for the goods he likes.

Almost all market operators agree that the usual commodity group in the store can be turned into a "cash cow" in the presence of three components: qualified salespeople (and quality service), the right assortment and well-organized merchandising.

Merchandising, taking into account the psychology of consumer preferences and the motivation for making purchases, helps to create a unique atmosphere, to position the buyer, thereby forming their own, special style of the store.

To create the necessary emotional atmosphere in dishware stores use special handling techniques. For example, a very positive effect on visitors is the presence in trading floor islands of decorative display - tables served and decorated as a dining table or as a table for a festive breakfast. In the departments of dishes, souvenirs are often sold as related products. Display of fancy souvenirs on the slides in the center of the hall is able to create a festive emotional background in the department and help make a purchase decision. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of competent display of products in stores and departments of tableware. There are cases when, after changing the design of the shop window, sales increased by 40-200%!

Classically perfect commercial equipment for kitchenware stores simple functional racks and counters with horizontal surfaces are considered. Shelves in such racks are made of glass for tableware or made of chipboard and OSB for kitchen utensils.

Expensive dishes exhibited in glazed shop windows and mirror slides. Such slides can be rotating with selective illumination. But for departments of kitchen equipment, instead of simple horizontal shelves, it is better to use perforated panels on which objects are hung - from ladles to pans.

Cutlery is laid out in display cases, and cutlery sets are placed in high glazed racks. Silver and gold-plated devices are more often placed in jewelry counters.

Frying pans and small kitchen utensils(spoons, spatulas, ladles, etc.) are never exhibited in a single quantity, but only in several units - from 3 to 10. Such a display is a storage ( inventory) and at the same time makes the product more attractive, “richer”.

Plates look much more presentable when they are "facing" to the customer, which is possible when using special holders or grids for plates. And cutlery sets are conveniently placed on sloping shelves with a border, which makes it easier to see.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the wide possibilities of using space along the windows of a store or department in a shopping center. Tableware- exactly the product, the layout of which is easy to make attractive from all sides. By installing “transparent” equipment along the showcases, you can get a beautifully and informatively designed showcase and a rationally used retail space operating inside the trading floor.

(Based on materials from the site