Food delivery business profitability. Ready-made food delivery business plan. How much money do you need to start a food delivery business

The main goal of the project of an online service for ordering and delivering ready-made meals from restaurants and cafes that do not have their own delivery service is to provide high-quality and fast service by ordering food from restaurants and cafes anywhere in the city.

The high pace of life, as well as an irregular schedule, forces the average city dweller to reduce the time spent on eating. This is the main reason for the skyrocketing demand for food delivery services. Moreover, an hour of working time is often much more expensive than lunch or dinner delivery services.

Food delivery is currently the fastest growing segment restaurant business. According to the statistics of the current Delivery Club service, as well as data from the analytical agency RBC.Research:

  • 150,000 orders with home delivery are placed daily by Russians;
  • 76.6% of Russians at least once used the food delivery service at home;
  • 59% of Russians order food at home via the Internet;
  • $1.5 billion - volume Russian market delivery prepared food.

Based on these data, we can conclude that the demand market for ready-made food delivery is growing at a rapid pace. This leads to the emergence of demand, which remains unsatisfied both in terms of the quantity and quality of the services provided. The current situation creates objective external prerequisites for creating such a business as a delivery service.

The internal prerequisites for the implementation of the project are the low level of investment in the project, the absence of commercial risks, the simplicity of organizing and doing business.

Since the delivery service works with many establishments in the city, the client gets the opportunity to order dishes from several restaurants at the same time.

The main benefits of starting a business are:

  • Uniqueness. Similar single services exist only in large cities with a high level of demand;
  • Low competition. The service has dozens of cuisines and thousands of dishes for every taste;
  • Absence of market and financial risks. Even in a crisis situation, people do not refuse prepared food;
  • Ease of doing business. All business processes are debugged and registered.

Investments in the project - 93,000 thousand rubles.

The payback period of the project is 4 months.

Breakeven point - 3 months.

Average monthly profit - 99,577 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

3. Description of the market

The target audience

Since the company provides a huge selection of dishes from various restaurants and cafes in the city, the audience of the project is very wide.

The target audience can be represented in the form of several categories:

Men of working age from 23 to 45 years. They order lunches and dinners, as there is not enough time for self-cooking. Order frequency - from 3 to 7 times a week.

Women of working age from 23 to 35 years. Mostly unmarried. They order lunches and dinners, as they prefer to devote most of their time to work and meetings with friends. Order frequency - from 2 to 5 times a week.

Companies ordering a corporate lunch. Order frequency - 5 times a week.

Families with / without children who want to please themselves with something new on the weekend. Order frequency - from 1 to 3 times a week.

Schoolchildren and students having a party. Order frequency - once a week.

The share of the total number of orders that falls on each category of consumer is displayed in the form of a diagram.

According to the results of marketing research, the total market volume Catering in city N with a population of 1 million people is 17.4 million rubles. for 2015. The revenue potential of the delivery service in the city of N ranges from 12 million rubles. up to 20 million rubles in year.

It should be noted that the revenue potential depends on the dynamics of demand for services of restaurants and cafes, as well as on changes in the city's population and per capita income.

The advantage of running this type of business is the lack of seasonal sales.

Competitor analysis

Competitors are similar delivery services operating in the catering industry. In many cities, such a business is not developed at all, and there are no competitors. But even in the conditions of current competition, the company is distinguished by unique offers that allow you to quickly take a leading position in the market:

  • three detailed systems of cooperation with restaurants and cafes;
  • convenient Internet site with the calculation of the cost of delivery and a personal account;
  • bonus program of work with clients;
  • possibility of cashless payment;
  • mobile application for Android and iOS;
  • specially designed CRM;
  • excellent level of service.

In addition, the market capacity of this type of service is so large that it implies the presence of demand even with existing competitors.

At the disposal of the service are dozens of cuisines and thousands of dishes for every taste. This is a unique service, because food suppliers are restaurants and cafes of the city, which are many times more than individual delivery services.

SWOT analysis

Strengths of the project

Vulnerabilities of the project

  • Unique characteristics of the service (order from different establishments);
  • Huge selection of dishes (from 100 - 300 restaurants and cafes);
  • High quality of services provided (our own staff of couriers and call - center);
  • Convenient website and mobile application;
  • Bonus customer service program
  • The cost of delivery varies depending on the distance of the institution to the client;
  • Possibility of delayed delivery with a large number of orders.

Opportunities and prospects

Threats of the external environment

  • Expansion of the branch network throughout the country;
  • Organization additional services(flowers, goods, etc.);
  • attraction corporate clients(lunches in the office);
  • Great value of potential market capacity.
  • None.

4. Sales and Marketing

Current Marketing

Cooperation with catering establishments

The total income consists of the cost of delivery to the end consumer and interest on the order received from catering establishments. That's why marketing plan includes the development of cooperation programs with restaurants and cafes.

Sales program

The sales plan is focused on the number of orders per day. The average check is 1000 rubles. Delivery price varies from 150 to 300 rubles depending on the distance of the client. A one-time order from two restaurants is accompanied by an addition of 150 rubles. to the shipping amount. On average, delivery costs 225 rubles per client. The following is a sales plan for the first 5 months of the organization's operation with minimum staff employees, which includes two couriers.

When forming a sales plan, it is assumed that the maximum number of orders per day for one courier is 15.

5. Production plan

Starting a ready-to-eat food delivery service business involves several steps.


The first thing to do when starting your business is registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The chosen system of taxation is USN 6% (income).

Site creation

The company website includes the ability to create personal account for each client, placing an online order, participating in the bonus program, as well as calculating the cost of delivery depending on the location of the client. Website setup is included in the company's franchise package. Content is uploaded to the site as contracts are concluded with restaurants and cafes.

Search for customers from restaurants and cafes

At this stage, you, as the owner of the business, have a very painstaking work to do. The volume of demand that you can satisfy depends on how many establishments of the city will become your partners. First of all, it is necessary to collect a database of all cafes and restaurants in the city where the online service is being created. Then arrange a personal meeting with the managers of the establishments to describe all the benefits of your cooperation and conclude an agreement. The next stage can begin when at least 10 establishments of the city have become your partners.

Office rent

Suitable room with an area of ​​10 - 15 sq.m. in any part of the city. In the room you will need to put a table, a chair, as well as a computer.


First initial stage the staff will require 4 couriers and 2 dispatchers. 2 couriers and 1 dispatcher work simultaneously per shift. The courier is hired with his car.

Starting a business

This step is extremely important for verifying the customer service sequence. The manager must monitor whether the team is working smoothly, at what stage there are delays in the execution of the order. It also monitors the strict adherence to job descriptions.

Service delivery process

6. Organizational structure

At the start-up stage, you can get by with a minimum number of personnel:

  1. Manager;
  2. Dispatcher - 2 people;
  3. Courier - 4 people
fixed costsSalaryThe number of employeesSumAverage salary per month per employee
Manager40 000 1 40 000 40 000
Dispatcher25 000 2 50 000 25 000
Courier17 500 4 70 000 23 876
Insurance premiums

48 000
Total payroll

208 000

The manager's responsibilities include:

  • Conclusion of contracts;
  • Working with the site - laying out the menu, monitoring and ensuring the smooth operation of the site, processing feedback through monitoring customer reviews, website promotion;
  • Financial management, salary payment;
  • Formation of a development strategy, search for business expansion opportunities, search for new partners.

Wage- 40,000 rubles.

The responsibilities of the dispatcher include:

  • Processing orders from the site and communicating with customers;
  • Coordinating the work of couriers;
  • Transferring the order to the manager of the restaurant / cafe;
  • elimination conflict situations with clients.

The dispatcher works alone on shift. Schedule - two working days / two days off. Salary - 25,000 rubles. KPI for the dispatcher - revenue of 35,000 rubles / shift.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Of course, a person can live without food. But not for long.

Like any other living being, a person must replenish the energy expended in the process of life. To do this, we have to eat - eat food, completed in varying degrees of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. At the same time, we love that this food be tasty, that is, not only meet our requirements for taste, but also exceed them. Often we do not have sufficient skills to prepare it in this way. Or we do not want to spend time preparing it. Or both together. It is to meet such needs that all kinds of catering establishments have appeared that provide us with food, meeting one or several requirements at once: tasty, fast and without spending your own time on cooking. As a rule, cafes and restaurants try to provide a cozy atmosphere for visitors and quality service.

And yet, despite these amenities, sometimes there may be a desire (and sometimes a need) to eat deliciously not in a restaurant, but at home. A romantic dinner in a pleasant seclusion, a meeting with friends, just the desire to spend the evening in a cozy armchair with a delicious dinner - all this can make us refuse restaurant service. Some establishments offer a home delivery service - and in this case this is the way out. Some, but not all. To date, no more than 10% of establishments are ready to deliver food on their own. The reason for this is that the creation of a delivery service is not only an additional financial cost, but also the need for it. proper organization. This is where a profitable business opportunity arises.

The organization of a food delivery service is a relatively new business niche for Russia. So far, there are practically no active and successful players here: in response to a corresponding request, search engines in an average million-plus city will offer no more than 3-4 options, two of which will be players of the federal level. It is difficult to say exactly what this state of affairs is connected with. We can only state certain difficulties that arise when organizing such a business. But what is a business without difficulties?

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First of all, it is necessary to think over the actual organizational scheme of delivery: what kind of transport and in what quantity is needed, how to manage logistics. The most important thing here is the moment of compliance with the declared delivery time. It should also be determined with particular care - if you declare too short a time, there is a risk of not being in time, which will cause negativity on the part of the client; if you declare too much to be safe, no one will respond to advertising. It is necessary to take into account not only the time of the courier on the road from the place of deployment to the restaurant, and from there to the client, but also (possibly) the time of preparation of the ordered dish. For average regional center delivery time of 1.5 hours is reasonable. Ideally, the courier, having arrived for the order, should receive it already without waiting - here it is necessary to ensure the competent work of the dispatcher, who, having received the application from the client, immediately broadcasts it to the institution where the dish will be prepared.

When organizing logistics, a specialized software– CRM-system that ensures the work of the operator and the courier in a single space. A big advantage in this case will be its integration with a geographic information system to build the most efficient courier route. Today, a similar system is offered by one of the market participants - a franchisor, who several years ago organized a food delivery business from restaurants. Of course, buying a franchise is good way get a practically ready business and minimize the risks associated with entering the market new service. However, for various reasons, not every entrepreneur makes a decision in her favor. An alternative is to use CRM systems that already exist in the public domain, and for those who have programming knowledge, create their own software.

The choice of transport for couriers is determined by the conditions of a particular city of deployment. In Krasnodar, for example, food delivery on scooters is quite successful. Despite the fact that this is one of the least expensive modes of transport - only public transport is cheaper - it is hardly suitable for a city with a harsher climate. In this case, the purchase of small cars is required - new or used, depending on the planned investment in the project. Regarding the above public transport, and it may be relevant in some cases. In Moscow, for example, at rush hour with a small order, it is much faster to get on the subway; Of course, there are some reservations - the order should not be too voluminous, the route should not be too complicated and long.

At the time of the start of the project, two simultaneously working couriers will be quite enough - this will allow serving up to 5 customers per hour. Over time, the number of couriers will increase, and the cost of their maintenance will be covered by an increasing customer base. You will also need a small office equipped with a minimum set of office equipment, as well as smartphones or tablets for couriers with an installed CRM system. So the initial cost is:

Development and promotion of an Internet site - at least 150-200 thousand rubles, if transferred to a contract; if knowledge and skills allow, you can develop it yourself, but you still have to spend at least 50-70 thousand on advertising;

CRM-system - an average of 40,000 rubles per one workplace"boxed" version, but there is cloud services, allowing completely free use of versions with limited functionality for small companies; if you need a full version, then its rent will cost from 1000 to 10000 rubles, depending on the functionality and the number of connected users;

Transport for couriers - from 30,000 rubles for a new scooter with a guarantee or two times cheaper for a used one; a new small car-foreign car will cost ten times more - 300,000 rubles, and a used domestic one in good condition - 80-100 thousand, so the choice will be determined by the size of the entrepreneur's budget;

Computer and mobile equipment - up to 50,000 rubles;

Working capital for several months - to pay salaries to couriers, pay for a rented office, advertising, etc.

As a result, in the most budgetary version, we get the amount of starting capital of 300-350 thousand rubles. However, it will take a lot of patience, effort and, most importantly, luck to achieve impressive results with such investments. The optimal amount of starting capital can be considered the amount of 600-800 thousand rubles.

However, it is worth starting the creation of such a business not with the gross purchase of transport and equipment, but with agreements with local catering establishments. Before making a final decision on investing free capital in a project, you need to get the consent of cafes and restaurants to work with your delivery service. As practice shows, there are two main options for cooperation: in the first, the minimum order amount is not limited, the customer pays a fixed cost of delivery; in the second, delivery is free for the customer, the minimum order amount is limited, and the delivery person gets a percentage of the invoice amount paid by the restaurant. The first option is more applicable to the fast food format, the second - to cafes and restaurants with a wide range of dishes. The opportunity to pay interest on the order appears at the institution by attracting additional customers from the delivery service, as well as due to the fact that the amount of the check does not include the cost of renting and maintaining the hall and the wages of waiters; according to various estimates, the delivery person can receive 20-25% of the order amount. Pricing for a client can also be different - the cost of a dish at home can be equal to its cost in an institution, and various discounts or markups can be provided - it all depends on a competent marketing rationale for the pricing policy.

Only after obtaining agreement in principle (in the ideal case, signing an agreement) from 10-15 establishments - there is simply no point in working with a smaller number - you can start buying equipment and organizing an office. To promote the project, you can use such channels as the Internet, including your own website, advertising in elevators, flyers in cafes and restaurants. You can position your business in different ways. There are examples when the delivery service only delivers pizza, or only sushi and rolls. However, such specialization, on the one hand, facilitating logistics and relationships with suppliers, can significantly reduce the client base - a Russian person loves a wide range.

The work schedule for such a business is suitable only for shifts - but round-the-clock or time-limited will allow you to determine marketing research region or direct practical experience. The salary of couriers can be either fixed or with a variable part, depending on the number of deliveries made. Based on 5 deliveries per hour by two couriers with a 12-hour working day, we get 60 served customers per shift. With a minimum fixed delivery cost of, say, 200 rubles, this will amount to 12,000 rubles per shift. In the case of delivery of a set menu from a restaurant - a modest dinner for two now costs no less than two thousand - the delivery person will already receive 400-500 rubles for one order; thus, the maximum daily revenue can reach more than 20 thousand rubles. At shift schedule without days off, monthly revenue will be from 360,000 rubles. The 12-hour schedule assumes the presence of two shifts - two couriers and one dispatcher at the first stage of the project development. Another piece-work courier can be connected during peak hours or at the most demanded time - Friday and Saturday evenings.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The salary of a courier should be at least 20-22 thousand rubles per month, depending on the labor market of the region, or 100-120 thousand rubles per month gross for the enterprise. Two dispatchers - another 40-50 thousand rubles a month in total. Office rent will cost 10-15 thousand, CRM rent - an average of 5,000 rubles; communication costs are the same. Fuel and lubricants for cars and their maintenance - 50,000 rubles (scooters, respectively, are cheaper). Total monthly expenses - 225,000 rubles. Gross profit in this case will be at least 135,000 rubles. A very good indicator for a small business. The main factors in achieving the success of the project are the competent promotion of the service in order to ensure the planned number of orders and compliance with the deadlines for their implementation. With the growth of the business, the client base, the number of couriers and partner restaurants will increase, and, consequently, the profit of the enterprise.

Until the planned sales figures are reached, an additional volume of orders can be attracted by the delivery of other goods. In particular, the Russian franchisor in the field of food delivery also offers services for the purchase of order and delivery of any goods - from diapers to auto parts; it can also be just the transportation of some thing from one place to another. However, here you should already resort to reservations, otherwise you will soon have to accept orders for moving with the transportation of pianos and other interesting things. The most popular and easy to transport are flowers, auto parts, food and medicine.

In an era of rapid development information technologies, a mobile offer can become an indispensable tool for communication with the client, with the help of which the client can place an order and track its status. The development of such an application will cost at least 80,000 rubles, and its promotion - at least 50,000.

As we said above, about 10% of all catering establishments have their own delivery service. It is still necessary to build partnerships with them - often they focus on advertising own brand, aimed at visitors to the establishment, and delivery goes by the wayside. Thus, a certain target group is cut off - people who want to get a dish from a given restaurant, but who are not able to come there. In this case, partnerships will consist in placing the restaurant menu on the site and in mobile application delivery service, delivery will be made by the restaurant itself, and the delivery person will receive a small percentage for the advertising opportunities provided.

Starting small and having worked out the scheme of work in one city, after a while you can organize branches in other cities of the country. The next step may be the creation of a franchise and its sale, or the creation of a federal delivery network. As always in business, development opportunities are limited only by your desire.

Denis Miroshnichenko
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There are many ideas for starting your own business at home. For example, lunch delivery as a business: profitability, a business plan with calculations and a detailed description of the necessary actions for the development of a micro-enterprise.

Often this type of business starts as an additional form of income for people with limited financial resources - pensioners, young mothers on maternity leave, students. Everyone faces the same type of problems - where to start, where to find clients, how to return investments as soon as possible.

Pros and cons

An entrepreneur who decides to get into lunch delivery should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of this business:

pros Minuses
1 Starting a project from scratch requires a minimum amount of cash. If all manufacturing process is to cook for own kitchen and transportation by private car, then you can “fit in” 5,000 rubles. Big competition. There are many companies operating on the market - from entrepreneurs serving 2-3 orders per week to large catering enterprises with an extensive client base.
2 A budding entrepreneur does not need to be a chef. Lunches can be ordered from a cookery or hire an assistant who knows how to cook. It is difficult to build consumer confidence. Usually they order food at home or in the office in proven and popular places.
3 The work process does not take all day, which allows you to allocate time for business development. Lunch delivery activities are classified as public catering, with all the ensuing difficulties in official registration and inspections by supervisory authorities.
4 There is no pronounced seasonality, the service is in demand all year round.

In order not to get into the sight of the sanitation station, many novice merchants do not register until the business is stable. This is risky from a legal point of view, but allows you to save on mandatory payments and permits.

Step-by-step instruction

Based on the experience of predecessors, in order to organize the delivery of meals, it is necessary to adhere to an action plan:

  1. Study the market.
  2. Choose the right form of business.
  3. Make a menu.
  4. Get equipment.
  5. Hire assistants.
  6. Place an advertisment.
  7. Register an enterprise.
  8. Plan financial flows.

Market research

Before investing in a lunch delivery business, you need to make sure that the service is in demand. The metropolis has a fast pace of life, a shortage of free time for the working population, and there is definitely a demand for hot meals. The periphery has its own niche in this area, but if someone is already working on the market, competition is unlikely to be successful.

Potential customers include offices of small companies that cannot organize corporate meals for employees. The target audience is divided into those who prefer:

  • have lunch in a cafe;
  • order food from restaurants;
  • home food.

You should focus on the last category, given that it is not always possible to take the “brake”, and there is nowhere to warm up. The restaurant menu does not suit such workers at prices, and the delivery of lunches to offices from a private company attracts with affordable prices.

It is worth making a “reconnaissance in force” and calling up suitable enterprises with an offer of their services, and even better - spend time and come personally with culinary samples. To develop your own menu, it is useful to learn from the experience of competitors - to study the range of cafeterias, canteens, snack bars.


The next step is to choose a business format from several possible options:

  1. Mediation in its purest form. An agreement is concluded with a cafe or other catering establishment for the delivery of products. The duties of one side are to find clients and deliver food, the second side provides quality food. The entrepreneur receives income from the cafe for services or sets a markup on the menu.
  2. Full cycle. In this case, the businessman sells his own food. Here the field for activity is much wider, but there are also more risks - you will have to be responsible for the quality of products, try to please customers with a variety of dishes, and deliver orders on time. If at first it is difficult, but quite realistic for one person to combine many functions, then with an increase in buyers, assistants, a separate room, and additional equipment will be required.

The first option is attractive with a minimum of responsibilities, however, it is not always possible to attract an inexpensive catering establishment with high-quality products to cooperation. Therefore, it remains for the entrepreneur to develop the inclinations of a cook in order to organize the delivery of meals according to the second scenario.


A diverse range of food implies a large set of products and recipes, which is difficult for a novice businessman to master when opening a business on his own. Therefore, in the absence of specific orders, it is preferable to stop at a dozen popular dishes:

  • hot liquid (chicken soup, hodgepodge, borscht);
  • cold first (okroshka, beetroot);
  • garnish (mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge, rice);
  • meat (patty, chop, chicken);
  • fish (fried, steam);
  • semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings);
  • vegetable salad (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes);
  • mayonnaise salads (olivier, crab, herring under a fur coat);
  • pastries and bakery products;
  • drinks (tea, coffee, mineral water, juice).

You can offer set meals (includes salad, first and second) in several variations at a discount. For example, Olivier + broth + mashed potatoes + cutlet.

If orders are delivered on a regular basis to any office, then the menu is compiled in such a way that offers are not repeated every day. This guarantees customers freshly prepared meals and creates the appearance of variety.

Products for cooking are purchased from wholesale markets at reduced prices. Freshness and quality are best checked by certificates and supporting documents from the seller. To save on the main cost item, you need to have a detailed menu for the week.


The first thing you need to implement a lunch delivery business idea is a place to cook food. If the business is opened by an entrepreneur with a minimum amount of funds, then the rent of a separate room will be postponed until better times and the working area will become their own kitchen.

If finances allow you to do everything according to the rules, then the best option for locating a workshop is next to customers. Renting in the city center is expensive, but overhead transport and time costs will be minimized.

The technical equipment of the kitchen also depends on the financial capabilities of the businessman. Basic set the same for everyone:

  1. Cutting tables.
  2. Cabinets, shelves, racks.
  3. Refrigeration and freezing equipment.
  4. Cooktop.
  5. Oven.
  6. Hood.
  7. Multicooker.
  8. Microwave.
  9. Scales.
  10. Blender and mixer.
  11. Meat grinder.
  12. A set of pots, pans, bowls, stewpans.
  13. Forms for baking in assortment.
  14. Cutting boards.
  15. Kitchen knives for various purposes.
  16. Forks, spoons, spatulas, plates, potholders.

In the kitchen of a housewife, there is most of the list. In addition, you will need disposable tableware and packaging for lunch delivery:

  • boxes;
  • vessels;
  • containers;
  • glasses;
  • forks / spoons;
  • napkins.

To maintain the desired temperature of the products during transportation, it is advisable to purchase several thermal bags. For transportation over long distances, a car is needed, although in megacities such as Moscow or St. Petersburg, the metro is faster and more reliable.


Depending on whether a businessman knows how to cook and whether he has a car, the following assistants may be needed for a lunch delivery business:

  1. Cook.
  2. Driver.
  3. Customer Acquisition and Order Processing Manager.

Accounting for income and expenses, the purchase of products and equipment is undesirable to delegate. These are important components of the business, which the owner of the enterprise needs to control.

All employees involved in the preparation and delivery of food must pass medical checkup and have a properly executed sanitary book on hand.

If the lunch delivery service has early customers, you still need to invest in attracting new customers. First, the larger the customer base, the greater the income. Secondly, the situation is constantly changing, and regular customers stop using delivery services.

Therefore, it is necessary to take various measures to inform the target audience:

  • Place ads on online trading platforms, in print media, on street boards, in crowded places.
  • Create your own website or order layout from a designer. It is desirable to add the function of online ordering and remote payment using various services. The reviews section will serve as additional advertising if the majority of customers are satisfied with the quality of food and service.
  • Register an account at in social networks, publish up-to-date information about the menu, prices, promotions.
  • Order mailing list.
  • Post Business Cards in business centers, banking institutions, supermarkets, service stations.
  • Distribute flyers on the streets.
  • Put contacts on the delivery vehicle.

In the future, when the business reaches a stable income level, you can come up with the original name of the enterprise, order napkins and packaging with a logo. Advertising is not for nothing called the engine of trade. If you constantly engage in the promotion of services, it is realistic to build up a large client base in a year and expand the enterprise.

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Work without permits is illegal, you can officially register a business at any time. Usually a merchant acts as a sole trader, entity rarely created in this area.

Registration with the Federal Tax Service does not take much time, the cost of the state fee is 800 rubles. It is beneficial to pay taxes on one of the special modes:

  1. Simplified.
  2. Single tax on imputed activity.
  3. Patent.

Problems for all entrepreneurs arise when obtaining approvals from the SES and Rospotrebnadzor, bringing the kitchen in accordance with sanitary and hygienic and fire safety standards. To simplify the procedure, you can conclude an agreement with a consulting firm and shift the bureaucratic concerns onto the shoulders of professionals.

Video: how to make money on food delivery?

Financial part

What is the profitability of a lunch delivery business? Experts evaluate the economic efficiency industry in the range of 10-25%. Estimated cost of opening your own business in the "home cooking" format on a personal living space with minimal investment:

You can save on any calculation points, except for products - it depends on the quality and freshness of the ingredients of the dishes whether customers order delivery on an ongoing basis.

The income of a lunch delivery company directly depends on the number of customers. Suppose, at first, it was possible to conclude an agreement with one company for the supply of 6 complex meals daily. average cost one serving - 150 rubles. Revenue for a month in which 20 working days will be:

With an increase in the customer base, the income of the business will grow. Entrepreneurs working in this area claim that in a year of active development of their business, one can reach a profit level of 60-70 thousand rubles. per month.

In Russia modern business for the delivery of ready meals is quite well developed. Despite the large number of competitors, it is quite possible to find your customers in this area. Interesting idea- create own enterprise delivery of lunches to offices. People who devote a lot of time to work or some other business usually often use online stores. They buy not only food, clothes, shoes, personal hygiene products, etc., but also order ready-made meals to their homes or offices.

The idea of ​​​​starting a home lunch delivery business should be well thought out, because for its implementation you will need to spend some money. To organize such a business in a city with a population of 1 to 1.5 million people (Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Omsk and others), you need start-up capital not less than 15,000 rubles. In order for the lunch delivery business to become profitable, the best option would be to organize the full cycle of the enterprise - from own cooking to food delivery to the client.

Business plan-enterprises for the delivery of meals to offices

If a novice entrepreneur has good culinary skills, then he can do the cooking himself, in his own kitchen.

Such an idea provides undeniable advantages, since you do not have to take loans or borrow the missing funds from friends to open a business. A person who knows how and loves to cook will always have everything necessary equipment for cooking food. The most important thing is to get creative, prepare food for yourself, and always have a clear plan of action in front of you.

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Preparation of necessary documents

In order to make a business legal, you need to issue Required documents . Many people do this only after things have “taken off”. However, you should not take risks, as you can run into inspectors and get a decent fine. The best option is to immediately go to the tax office to draw up a package of documents individual entrepreneur(IP). According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, you must pay a state duty (800 rubles), fill out the PD form (tax). You still need to write an application for inclusion in the USRIP ( State Register Russia, which contains data on all individual entrepreneurs registered in the territory of the Russian Federation).

Be sure to obtain permission from the SES (sanitary and epidemiological service) for premises for the future enterprise. This is a rather long and laborious process, so many seek help from specialists to resolve this issue. law firms. Do not forget about the registration of a sanitary book - you can get tested at the nearest clinic. If the entrepreneur plans to accept non-cash payments, then you need to open a bank account. In general, the execution of a package of documents will take more than a month and will require costs from 2000 to 2500 rubles.

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Kitchen equipment and procurement of raw materials

Each house has a stove with an oven, a set of frying pans, pots, a meat grinder and more. If there are not enough accessories, you should buy them from a hardware store. It is not necessary to purchase expensive brands, domestic kitchen utensils are quite suitable good quality. Shopping plan:

  • pots of different sizes (5-6 pieces);
  • frying pans (2 pcs.);
  • kitchen knives (2-3 pieces);
  • grater;
  • cutting board;
  • blender;
  • baking molds.

It's a good idea to get a microwave or pressure cooker, it will speed up the cooking process a lot. The minimum cost of kitchen equipment is 5000 rubles.

To prepare a delicious lunch, you need fresh and high-quality products. In order to save on the purchase of raw materials, you should not use supermarkets, but make purchases in markets and wholesale depots. At the same time, it will not be superfluous to always check the quality of products, requiring appropriate documents. The grocery shopping plan will depend on the recipe for future lunches. Also useful are napkins, plastic dishes, and special containers for food. Another necessary purchase is a capacious thermal bag (500 rubles). Average per purchase plastic tableware and raw materials will take about 4000 rubles.

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Finding clients and advertising

You need business cards to advertise your business. They can be ordered at a printing office (300 rubles) or printed on a color printer yourself. Next with these business cards will have to visit great amount various institutions:

  • offices;
  • department stores;
  • banks;
  • parking lots;
  • car parks;
  • individual enterprises;
  • car services.

It's a great idea to prepare samples of your meals ahead of time and give them away as advertisements for free. If people like them, the first customers will appear pretty quickly.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

From 20 000 ₽

Starting investments

80 000 - 510 000 ₽

50 000 - 400 000 ₽

Net profit


If you want to open a business with minimal investment, then take a closer look at the idea of ​​​​delivery ready meals home cooking. This is a great business option for women and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Many catering establishments have verified that business lunches are a very profitable business. But this was until 2016, when people actively visited various cafes and restaurants. In 2016, orders for business lunches halved. RBC specialists note that the reason for this is a decrease in purchasing power. Restaurant business lunches costing 300 rubles are not affordable for people. But many people have lost the habit of bringing lunch to work in home containers. So such a time can be considered as a period of opportunity, which is great for starting your business for the delivery of ready-made business lunches.

Food delivery is pretty profitable business. More and more people are ditching their daily "containers from home" routine. Some people have no time to cook, others find it inconvenient to carry food containers with them to work. Still others just want to eat a hearty, freshly prepared lunch. The fourth will not go to the nearest cafes and canteens, because they want to save money or do not want to leave the office. One way or another, the delivery of business lunches simplifies the life of office workers, and gives the entrepreneur the opportunity to earn.

The idea of ​​a hot lunch delivery business is to prepare delicious meals at home and have them delivered directly to the workplace for customers. And at the same time offer low prices - a full meal can be bought for 170 rubles. A business lunch in the office will be the best option for local employees. It's convenient, tasty and cheap. These three main criteria for choosing a business lunch should be combined in one project.

What are the advantages of a business lunch delivery business:

    The business of delivering business lunches does not require large investments.

    For successful business the delivery of ready meals does not require special knowledge and special skills. It is enough to be able to cook deliciously and be careful.

    Suitable for home business, women's business and requires relatively little working time.

    Is promising direction catering, has the opportunity to expand the business.

    Provides a decent level of profit.

To open a business for the delivery of ready meals, you need a minimum start-up capital - you can meet 20 thousand rubles. For profitability, it is best to organize the full cycle of the enterprise - from cooking to food delivery to the client. It will be a huge plus if a novice entrepreneur knows how to cook deliciously and will do it on his own. By combining both the investor and the contractor, it will be possible to save significantly. You can prepare meals in your own kitchen and without the involvement of assistants. At the initial stage, the entrepreneur will be able to cope with the entire volume of work alone.

Earn up to
200 000 rub. a month, having fun!

2020 trend. Intelligent entertainment business. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

For a lunch delivery business, you do not need to take out loans, save for a long time to open, and risk large sums. In fact, the only thing you risk is your time. It will take about 2 months to start the business. The most important thing in this business is creativity, decency and clear planning.

How to plan a lunch menu for the office

The most important thing in this business is delicious food for the office and a varied menu that will appeal to customers. We recommend that you provide a menu for the days of the week: the product will not have time to deteriorate, and customers will appreciate the variety. In addition, by offering new dishes every day, you show that you are selling fresh, not yesterday's leftovers. This inspires confidence.

The menu can include various cereals, meat and fish dishes, dumplings, soups, potato side dishes, salads, pastries. You can sell set meals that include hot + second with a side dish or salad. And you can offer each dish separately.

Study the offers of competitors. Start with inexpensive cafes and restaurants, canteens offering a business menu. Then, when you have roughly decided on the offices where you will sell your hot meals, study the menu of catering establishments that are located next to the office buildings. Collect as much information as possible about what dishes are offered and how much the order costs. This will allow you to set the optimal price and correctly compose your menu.

How to calculate the cost and set the price for food delivery to the office

To set the optimal price for products, you should calculate the cost of its preparation. And for this you need to draw up a detailed recipe for each dish and calculate its cost, taking into account the cost of the ingredients. For example, you are preparing a vegetable salad. Ingredients: 1 tomato (150 g) and 2 cucumbers (350 g). The cost of 1 kg of tomatoes is 100 rubles, and 1 kg of cucumbers is 125 rubles. Thus, the cost of vegetable salad is calculated by the formula: 0.15 * 100 + 0.35 * 125 = 58.8 rubles.

In addition, you should take into account the time spent on preparing a particular dish (it takes not only your working time but also energy saving). Also, the cost of business lunches should include the cost of packaging and transportation costs.

Ready-made ideas for your business

To determine the price, you do not need to carry out complex calculations. It is enough to determine the cost of products and provide for a certain margin on products that will cover all costs. The approximate markup on products will be 200%. On average, 1 serving of a full meal should cost, on average, 170 rubles. Before setting a price, study the offers of competitors. To attract customers, offer prices slightly lower than your competitors. This is the law of starting a business. Don't chase after high profit. Earn your client's trust first.

How to register a business for the delivery of food to the office

It is better to start a business for the delivery of ready-made meals in the format of home cooking. This does not require renting a room and buying equipment. You can also avoid SES checks and other bureaucratic procedures. But we still recommend legalizing your business if you plan to develop it in the future and avoid unpleasant situations.

First instance - tax office. There you should fill out the form of the PD form (tax), pay the state duty of 800 rubles, and also write an application for inclusion in the EGRIP. Next, you should obtain permission from the SES, issue a sanitary book (you can get checked at the nearest clinic). In general, the execution of a package of documents will take about a month and will cost 2-3 thousand rubles.

How much money do you need to start a food delivery business

To answer this question, you need to calculate the amount of initial costs. To organize a business, you will need utensils for cooking, disposable tableware and bags for transportation. Let's consider each item in more detail.

We buy equipment. Even if your closet is bursting with pots and pans at home, we advise you to purchase dishes specifically for work. And cook in it. An approximate list of necessary utensils is given below:

    pots of different sizes (4-5 pcs.);

    frying pans (2 pcs.);

    kitchen knives (2-3 pieces);

    cutting board (2 pcs.);

  • forms for baking;

    other utensils (spoons, spatulas, ladle, colander, etc.).

All dishes will cost about 5,000 rubles. It is also recommended to purchase a kitchen scale so that it is convenient to calculate the size of portions and their cost. They will cost about 1,000 rubles.

For convenience, you can buy a separate refrigerator to store food. However, at the first stages of the business, food stocks will not be very large, and you can completely do without a separate refrigerator.

But you will immediately need to purchase thermal bags in which it will be transported finished products. They will allow you to deliver ready-made meals while still hot. The number of bags depends on the size of your business and the capacity of the bags themselves. For the transportation of lunches, a volume of 44 liters will suffice. The cost of such a thermal bag will average 2,500 rubles. Thus, the cost of equipment will be about 8,500 rubles.

We buy disposable tableware. To sell ready-made meals, you will need to purchase disposable tableware - plastic containers, forks, plates. You will also need food wrap and paper napkins. Containers will cost from 7 rubles apiece. With an average sales volume of 50 orders per day, you will have to spend 500-600 rubles on containers. Those. for a month you will have to purchase about 120 containers in the amount of 1200 rubles.

We buy raw materials. Delicious home-cooked meals require fresh, high-quality ingredients. To save on the purchase of raw materials, preference should be given to markets and wholesale depots. It's cheaper than supermarkets. The shopping plan depends on the recipe for future lunches. For the first month, when there will not be very many customers, you should provide for the cost of products in the amount of 4,000 rubles.

Starting a Homemade Food Delivery Business for Office Costs:

    dishes and utensils- 6,000 rubles;

    business registration- 2,000 rubles;

    utensils for transporting food(thermal bags, containers) - 3,700 rubles;

    initial purchases of ingredients- 4,000 rubles.

Thus, in order to open a business for the delivery of ready-made food to the office, investments of about 20,000 rubles will be required.

Food delivery to the office: where to find business customers

your target audience are office workers. Where to look for them? You should mainly look for them in business centers, office buildings, shops, banks, beauty salons, etc. Potential customers can be searched for in two ways: prepare flyer about your proposal and circulate it among potential clients. You can also contact the heads of enterprises to conclude agreements with offices for corporate food delivery. More effective method– prepare a trial batch of homemade meals and lunch time personally walk around the places of work of potential customers. Give product a try The best way advertise it! If you like the dinners, the first customers will appear very quickly.

We recommend that you personally go around the establishments that may be interested in your offer. It is important to understand whether the idea is in demand among potential customers. Offer SMS notifications about the daily menu, provide the ability to pre-order certain items from the menu. Use the buzzword in business "customer focus". What is a business without advertising? For promotion, business cards or leaflets are useful, where the menu for the week is presented. Handouts can be ordered at a printing house, or simply printed on a color printer. The cost of this will be no more than 1,000 rubles.

How to plan a workflow for delivering food to the office

At first, you will have to work alone for quite a long time - to draw up a procurement plan yourself, cook and serve meals. Over time, when the delivery of lunches to offices gains a good turnover and regular customers appear, you need to think about expanding your business - hire a courier, a cook and an assistant.

It is reasonable to prepare food on the day of orders, to deliver a hot lunch to the office "hot, hot." Therefore, you have to get up early in the morning, to carry out the purchase of products. If you start cooking at 8 in the morning, then by 11 everything should be ready. You can deliver meals yourself or hire a courier. Service hours are from 6:00 am to 2:00 pm.

How much can you earn by delivering food to the office

Now let's calculate how quickly we can recoup the investment and how much we can earn. With a 200% cheat, you can count on revenue of 80,000 rubles per month. Based on this, the cost of meals will be about 30,000. Then the monthly profit will be about 50,000 rubles. And this is by conservative estimates. There are high chances to recoup the business in the first month of work. Another plus of this business lunch delivery business is that it is not limited in volume. You can develop, increase sales, expand your business. If you serve several organizations, you can reach a sales volume of 100 orders per day and earn up to 400,000 rubles per month.

In conclusion, we share useful tips, which will make your business easier, better and more profitable:

    Study the tastes of customers, observe what they like. Analyze which menu items are most in demand and which ones are sold less often. Eliminate unprofitable dishes from the menu and offer instead what your customers like.

    Always offer snacks to customers - pickled or fresh (depending on the season) cucumbers or tomatoes, sauerkraut, Korean-style vegetables, and so on.

    Make purchases of products at wholesale bases or food markets. Choose only quality products. Do not save on products, because of their inadequate quality, losses can be several times higher than the amount saved.

    Make sure that the food delivered to the office is always fresh, tasty, neatly prepared and packaged, delivered still hot.

    Plan the menu so that the ingredients in different dishes are repeated. For example, if you are cooking chicken noodles in broth, provide a salad with chicken fillet on the same day. This saves on cooking time, saves product consumption, avoids unnecessary food leftovers and simplifies purchase planning.

    Track trends and innovations. Especially watch out for business ideas that appear abroad: the main drivers in the field of delivery are the United States and European countries. Reviews of fresh business ideas can be found.

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