Labor exchange of remote work. Free freelance exchange, freelancing for everyone. Copy-paste responses to tasks

Do you dream of remote work? Are you tired of sitting in the office and want to work from home or sitting in a pleasant cafe? Or maybe you want to travel, but at the same time not lose your job in your specialty? I have good news for you! Working over the Internet is absolutely real! Despite the frenzied development of technology in the modern world, many still for some reason think that remote work is a scam for suckers, that there are no normal remote vacancies, that you can build a career only by working in an office, and salaries remote employees many times less than office. All these are myths that have no logical justification.

Remote work is the reality of the modern world. Most large, reputable companies have remote vacancies, and some companies generally keep their entire staff remote. Why? I answered this question in detail in the article. And today I want to answer another equally popular question that I get asked at every meeting, in personal messages and in blog comments. And this question sounds like this: “Where and how can I find a remote job?” I answer: on sites where vacancies are regularly updated in different areas Oh. There are a lot of such sites, and today I am sharing with you links that I have been collecting for a long time for personal use.

I note that here are sites for searching for a permanent remote work, in other words a business contract or employment contract, and not for freelancing or part-time work. Mostly English-language sites are presented here, because. The remote work market is just developing.

Websites for remote work

one. . Every day, about 10-20 new remote vacancies are published on the site. Jobs can be sorted by profession: web development, mobile software development, design, Information Security and vacancies not related to IT. You can also filter out vacancies from the very high salary and startups. On the site, you can subscribe to the newsletter about new remote vacancies, so as not to miss the job of your dreams.

2. . Another dedicated site. The main categories of vacancies: developers and system administrators, programmers, designers, marketers, customer support staff, copywriters, managers and business consultants, and other vacancies.

3. It's hard to believe, but about 100 thousand remote vacancies have been published on this site to date! As the portal itself assures, the most popular remote professions, presented in the form of job search ads, are sales managers, administrative staff, customer service managers, health and medical professionals. Vacancies are posted on the site in 55 categories. In addition to vacancies on the site, you can read a lot of interesting articles, selections and tips for finding remote work.

4. A nice site with five categories of search for remote vacancies: development, design, customer service, administration, management. Here you can also subscribe to a daily or weekly newsletter with fresh selections of vacancies.

5. Another interesting resource for finding remote work in various fields, but like most sites, IT vacancies predominate. Jobs can be filtered by job type (full-time, part-time, temporary job, internship, etc.), by professional area, by position level (beginner, leading specialist, etc.), by type of company (startup, small business, medium business, big business, non-profit organization etc.), by country and by wage level.

6. Nothing superfluous, only vacancies. Lots of vacancies.

7. Jobspresso is a large online platform that aims to help talented individuals who aspire to remote careers meet innovative, forward-thinking companies that offer remote positions. Job listings are moderated and updated on a daily basis.

8. On this site, in addition to the notorious vacancies of sales managers and customer support, you can find remote positions in education, HR, marketing and engineering.

9. One of the few sites where there are really a lot of vacancies in completely different areas from IT to copywriting.

10. The site is especially attractive with an abundance of vacancies in the field of Internet marketing and promotion in in social networks.

11. A very large database of remote vacancies. The site has a well-thought-out interface that allows you to store your documents, watch interesting research, and use a special job search guide. The site requires registration.

12. Angel List - a site for finding work in a startup. The resource contains more than 42 thousand remote vacancies. On the site, you can also invest in a startup and create a team for your business. Mandatory registration is provided.

13. Russian site for finding remote work in foreign companies. The site is presented in two languages ​​- Russian and English. The main bonus of this service is the free mailing of your resume to 300+ companies for remote work.

General job search sites, with a section "Remote work"

fourteen. . Yes, yes, the same Headhunter that most of us have used at least once in our lives to find a job. To date, has more than 15,000 partially or completely deleted vacancies. And every month this number grows (I checked).

fifteen. . The main job search site in Ukraine, an analogue of our Headhunter. My husband once randomly posted his resume there and signed it two weeks later profitable contract for remote work with a Ukrainian company.

16. Notorious in Russia and in the world site of professional contacts. Today contains more than 100 interesting remote vacancies.

17. Cool and very unusual job search site. It has a cool modern interface, an original approach to describing vacancies. The Muse is the only online career resource that offers a glimpse into the job opportunities in hundreds of companies while showing the inner workings of organizations. There are far from only vacancies here, but also career advice from well-known experts, relevant articles and reviews, individual consultations on career growth from the world's best coaches.

18. A simple and understandable American site with a convenient system for filtering vacancies by professional areas (40 directions), companies, cities and states. On the this moment there are more than four thousand remote positions on the site.

19. Basically, this site contains vacancies from American companies. A circle professional areas very wide, salaries are on average from $20 per hour and more (in the USA they like to measure salary per hour or per year, but not per month).

twenty. . About 700 remote vacancies in various professional fields.

21. Idealist contains more than 12 thousand vacancies worldwide. A significant part of the vacancies are remote. There is a convenient filter to search for remote positions, including internships, volunteer projects, project work for organizing events, blogging and much more. The job description contains all necessary information about work and company. The site requires registration.

Remote work in the field of IT

22. Remote work for IT specialists: developers, designers, testers, support staff. Jobs are filtered by date - from the most recent to the oldest.

23. And IT again. The site is an aggregator of vacancies, i.е. he collects remote vacancies from different sites, passes them through moderation and publishes them. On this site, you can be sure that the vacancy is 100% remote and does not involve visiting the office even once every few months (as is sometimes the case in some remote positions).

24. Board of announcements about remote vacancies with a focus on digital and IT-sphere.

25. Giant site for job search in the field of IT. More than 60 thousand vacancies worldwide. Of course, there are many remote positions that need to be filtered.

26. Nothing special, just a bunch of remote IT jobs.

27. A good aggregator of remote IT jobs.

28. Incredibly famous site among developers, where IT professionals of all stripes communicate, solve common problems, share tips and finds. The site has a section with remote vacancies, but only for IT specialists. Today there are about 80 remote positions on the site.

29. An interesting resource for designers, which, among other things, contains a section where vacancies for designers are automatically added from all other job search sites. You can filter only deleted items.

30. A very original resource, target audience which are women developers. There are no vacancies for men, only for the fair sex, who are not afraid of such words as front-end, back-end, full stack and the like. Moreover, they just do this in life. Wow! The site has success stories of beautiful ladies finding their dream remote job on powertofly.

Welcome to my blog dedicated to freelancing, design and blogging. In this article, you will find a list of 35 freelance exchanges for beginners that are popular, in demand, and where you can definitely find orders for yourself. If you are just taking your first steps in freelancing, then the list will be useful to you. Almost every exchange has a note on how much participation costs or what percentage the service will deduct from you for completed projects.

List of 35 Top Freelancing Exchanges for Newbies, Broken down by Category

General Freelancing Sites:


Workzilla positions freelancers as remote assistants for busy people. The system itself selects the three best candidates from those who responded to the task, the customer only has to appoint one of them as the executor. Mandatory requirements of this freelance exchange for beginners - passing the test, paying for a subscription, confirming a mobile number, filling out a profile and accepting the rules of the service. From one account you can work both as a customer and as a performer.

Recently, the site allows you to take tasks by subscription. It costs 100 rubles/30 days, 250 rubles/90 days, 400 rubles/180 days. It's very cheap in my opinion. Such amounts are beaten off from one order. As an example, 100 it is worth translating 10 minutes of audio into text, i.e. .


A freelance services store with quarks in its showcase - offers of a certain service for 500 rubles that have passed moderation. It is recommended to add relevant paid options to each kwork, which the client can choose in addition to the main purchase. Within one kwork, depending on the scope of the service, several tariffs are allowed - Economy, Standard and Business. The customer can be offered several kworks to solve one problem. A free account is used to place kworks, but the exchange takes 20% from each sold kwork.


Exchange for the sale of a clearly defined volume digital services(work) for the amount assigned by the freelancer. Beginners start with 100 rubles worth of work, raising their cost as their reputation grows. Performers work from a free account, giving the exchange 20% of their earnings.


On 5bucks, freelancers sell the service for a fixed price of $5, or the equivalent of $300. Both sellers and buyers pay 10% of this amount for using the exchange.

5. I can do everything.rf

Catalog of services with a fixed volume, deadline and price. Service does not require subscription fee- 20% of the paid order is credited to the exchange. By participating in an affiliate program, a freelancer receives passive income.


A good example of a freelance exchange for beginners that does not require specific knowledge. Anyone who wants to become a member and write comments, make reposts or watch videos for a fee registers and takes an exam in the form of writing a review, after which he gets the right to leave responses to orders. You can write reviews in Russian, English and Ukrainian, subject to passing exams in each of these languages.


A popular exchange that requires artists to purchase a paid subscription. The cost of the tariff is calculated based on the category in which the freelancer is going to provide his services.


The service combines a freelance exchange, a showcase of ready-made services and a social network for freelancers. A beginner freelancer can use a free basic account for work, advanced business accounts are provided for advanced freelancers.


A platform for selling and buying freelance services, a side service of the habrahabr resource. The contractor replenishes the account with 500 rubles, after which he has the right to respond to orders and communicate with the customer outside the exchange for a month. There is no secure transaction service.


A section of the site about project remote work, the author of which is a freelancer. Contractors have the right to evaluate projects by voting, filtering out suspicious proposals.


A popular freelance job exchange among Russian performers. You can work on it from free and pro accounts, the difference between which is the limit of responses and the budget of projects.


A web resource for finding projects and communicating with the freelance community. By submitting a paid request for consideration by the jury, the performer can get into the Catalog of Professionals in order to attract more attention from customers.


Known Ukrainian freelance an exchange that also allows you to use the interface in Russian and English. You can search for orders without restrictions from both the basic and Plus accounts. The personal data of freelancers is verified by representatives of the exchange.


The largest freelance site in Ukraine with Russian, English and Ukrainian interface. Artists can purchase a PRO account to see customer contacts and remove restrictions on responses.


A service for automatically searching for clients through filtering orders in social networks for those who are interested in working offline or on the Internet without investments. Beginners can use for free for 3 days, after which they will need to choose a paid plan.

For copywriters:


An exchange that selects copywriters by passing a literacy test and writing an essay. By becoming a member, a freelancer can leave a fixed number of applications every day, which will increase with the growth of the rating, go through a copywriting school, courses for selling and seo texts. Presence on the exchange is free - the contractor gives 20% of each paid order. Sale of finished articles on the exchange is not provided. The editors of the exchange periodically check and evaluate the completed work of copywriters and rate the profile.

Interview with top 30 copywriter on ContentMonster exchange →


Copywriting exchange, where you can also sell finished articles, photos and perform tasks related to website promotion. For its services, the exchange takes a percentage of paid orders.


Freelance exchange is a content provider for sites with a relatively small commission for performers of 10%, which is also suitable for beginners. Here you can not only fulfill orders, but also place ready-made articles for sale.


A showcase of finished articles, a content exchange and a free service for checking the uniqueness of articles. Having successfully completed the order, the copywriter receives payment, of which 20% is retained by the exchange.


A text content exchange where you can write custom texts and sell pre-prepared articles. A PRO account visually highlights a freelancer's profile, increases his rating and provides a number of advantages when working with the service. While doing certain conditions you can get it for free.


Content exchange for copywriters, authors and translators, integrated with the article store of the same name. The best freelance copywriting exchange for beginners - it has orders that you can take on without participating in a tender. After registration, you need to pass a three-part exam.


Supermarket of text content, attracting copywriters, translators and SMM specialists for cooperation. Copywriters and customers pay for the services of the exchange at 10% of the order value. Performers have the opportunity to receive 25% of the turnover of participants attracted by them to the site.

For students:


An Internet exchange for students, where they can find a performer to solve educational problems. The performers of the exchange bear the title of "Experts", the size of the commission of the exchange depends on their earnings for the last 6 months. The search for orders is carried out by the contractor independently using filters in the catalog. It is important to provide correct contact information when registering.


Exchange of student works, the customers of which are students of universities. The system provides a secure transaction service and does not charge commission from performers. An order placed by a student is sent to contractors who evaluate the offer and set their price if they are interested.


A job search resource for freelancers who have academic knowledge at a level sufficient to complete student work. Here you can put up for sale finished work or become a partner of the service, attracting customers through the distribution of promotional codes and receiving interest from their turnover.


The site offers the authors of student papers orders at good prices for a moderate commission from 20% to 10% (depending on the rating) of the paid order. The system takes care of performers by providing services such as "Safe Deal" and "Arbitrage", as well as allowing them to work under a pseudonym.

For lawyers:


A social network and freelance platform for representatives of legal professions who can confirm the presence of a specialized education. Lawyers get the opportunity to earn money by participating in online legal consultations and inviting them to a paid personal consultation, or answering VIP questions.


Online service legal assistance inviting freelancers to cooperate with legal education. Having registered on the site, the lawyer advises clients in writing and by phone according to the standard or VIP tariff.

For photographers:


Stock gallery of media materials: photos and illustrations that can be edited online with a special tool, music and video recordings. The resource is international and has local sites; selling content on it is comfortable for both beginner freelancers and those who have been working remotely for a long time.


Photo bank, the authors of which are illustrators, photographers and videographers interested in selling their material online. Cooperation between the author and the photo bank begins with the signing of an agency sales agreement, which discusses the amount of deductions for the implementation of works.


An online platform suitable for the sale of creative material by photographers and videographers, which is an international photo bank. Authors receive 50% of the amount that customers have paid for their digital content.


An international photobank from Adobe, which has earned the title of leader in the sale of stock multimedia content. To become a contributor, you need to have or get an Adobe ID and upload your work through a smart tool provided by the system. When selling video material, the seller receives royalties of 35%, when selling images - 33%.



Most popular among professionals who choose foreign exchanges freelance. Upwork has a tender system. A freelancer profile with a free account is available to customers only when they respond to their order. Users with a paid account are displayed in the freelancer directory, see competitors' bids, and can leave more applications in the same period of time. From the earnings of a freelancer, the exchange withholds from 5% to 20%.


English-language international exchange, providing for the mandatory identification of the performer. By registering on Freelancer and filling out the profile by 100%, you can apply from both free and paid accounts, while the limit on the number of available applications will be different. Gamification is used on the exchange: gaining a positive experience when working with the site, a freelancer receives bonuses.


An international exchange that allows you to earn money in foreign currency. To work on Guru, you will need at least basic knowledge of English language. The main category of orders: web and mobile development, design, creation of desktop applications. Only projects with a fixed price are available on the exchange. A simple free account is enough for novice performers, users with a rating choose a paid account, the cost of which is determined by the category of services they provide.

Friends, which option did you choose for yourself? Perhaps you have already worked on one of the exchanges, write your opinion in the comments!)

I also advise you to read → , I share my freelancing experience. See you!)

Finally, a little humor on the subject of "Inadequate customers"

My new rubric on making money on the Internet is opened by one of the best views work. Freelance- a free worker who performs one or more orders without contracts, purely on a trust basis. For this type of activity, special sites were invented, where some make orders (employers), while others fulfill them (performers). There are many job exchanges on the Internet, where some pay a penny, while others have a lot of good orders. So I made up top 10 freelance exchanges for beginners. Where any beginner can quickly get comfortable and start making real money on the Internet.

It's important to know: working on such sites, one of the key secrets of high earnings is rating. Therefore, try to complete tasks with high quality and then you will be able to receive more than 100,000 rubles per month.

The best freelancing exchanges for beginners

It is very important to decide which direction you are most attracted to. Perhaps you have a talent for translating text from English, or you draw very well in Photoshop. There are separate job sites for this, but if you do not have special preferences, then this article will help you discover yourself.

Directions that bring the most money:

  • Designer;
  • Programmer;
  • SEO specialist;
  • Video editor;
  • Marketer;
  • copywriter;
  • Photographer;
  • Teacher.

I will review the top 10 freelance exchanges that have the largest base of employers where you can earn money in any direction. The most important thing is to have a desire, but there are always enough tasks! Let's get to our list:

1. Kwork - all for 500 rubles

is a fairly young project that is only gaining momentum. There, anyone can post a task that he can complete for 500 rubles. If you do a great job and everyone is happy, then your block is brought to the top and you get a lot of new customers!

The main plus is that you don’t need to sit there for a long time and accumulate a rating, but you can immediately earn money. The main thing is to create an attractive task that everyone wants to order. By the way, the exchange commission is 100 rubles, so in fact the freelancer receives 400 rubles.

If the employer does not find the required quark, then he can make a request for the service. Beginners can look for just such advertisers, but just remember the fact that you will be paid 400 rubles per action. .

Features of Kwork:

  • Professions: designer, programmer, marketer, SEO, copywriter;
  • Attendance: 15,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 20%;
  • Affiliate program: 2.5-3.5%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 1.5-4.5%;

2. FL is the most popular freelance exchange in Russia

is the most active resource with over 600,000 accounts. Very active employers and many professional performers. They use all kinds of services on the internet. Perhaps that is why it is so popular online.

FL has its own currency called "Free-Money" for intra-site transfers. Thus, they do not have a commission for freelancers and have a guarantor service for safe transactions.

The big disadvantage is that the project has 2 types of accounts: free and PRO-account. Free allows you to choose only one specialization for earning. And you can’t create a portfolio and post content for sale. Therefore, employers try to ignore such people on the resource.
But the PRO-account opens 5 specializations, a portfolio and makes it possible to sell prepared content. And most importantly, it gives credibility in the eyes of customers. But the prices for beginners are very high, so think 10 times before buying PRO.

FL Features:

  • Attendance: 40,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 0%;
  • Affiliate program: 10% for 3 years;
  • Withdrawal retention: 13%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

3. Work-Zilla is convenient for customers and contractors

- positions itself as a universal service for completing tasks. However, most of the tasks there are related to programming, design and promotion in social networks. I have a convenient catalog of tasks from customers.

That is, you register on the site, fill out a profile and simply respond to the posted tasks, where the price is already written. It should be understood that the project has about 100,000 performers who also respond to applications, so work hard on your portfolio.

Features of Work-Zilla:

  • Professions: designer, SEO, programmer, marketer, other help;
  • Attendance: 25,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 10%;
  • Affiliate program: 7% and no more than 1000 rubles per partner;
  • Withdrawal retention: 5%;

4. Freelance - cool but greedy

- very similar to FL, only there are a few key differences. Firstly, you need to bind a phone number for registration, which excludes scammers. And secondly, the site provides services in the form of creating projects.

That is, the customer creates a project, and potential performers write comments on this project. Who and under what conditions is ready to start the task. Freelance is great for beginners!

There is a similar system here as in FL: free and business account. Freeloaders have access to only 20% of all tasks on the exchange and are shown lower in the rankings than business account holders.

Now a little about the cons. Not affiliate program, and all activities are carried out through safe transactions "FairPlay", that is, 5% is deducted from the freelancer for the completed project, and nothing from the customer. But when replenishing funds, the advertiser pays a commission of 6%, which is very sad.

Freelance Features:

  • Professions: everything you can imagine;
  • Attendance: 30,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 5%;
  • Affiliate program: 0%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 2.5%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

5. QComment is the best for beginners

is an ideal resource for beginners who are just trying their hand at making money online. There you will meet only small tasks for cheating views, comments, subscribers, likes and the like.

For successful transactions, they pay from 1 to 100 rubles, depending on the complexity of the work. Sometimes you can get 500 rubles per hour, provided that you have an author rating. But you still need to try to fill it.

Features of QComments:

  • Professions: promotion on websites and social networks;
  • Attendance: 20,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 10%;
  • Affiliate program: 10-20%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 0.5-0.8%;
  • Withdrawals: Qiwi, WebMoney.

6. MoguZa is the father of Kwork

is a fixed price online service store that was created before Kwork, but they are very similar. Only here freelancers indicate how much they are ready to perform this or that service, and the price is fixed.

Therefore, use this service as an auxiliary one. Where there is a chance that the customer himself will find you. Create 5-10 jobs and check your profile every day, then you will definitely be able to earn money there.

Features of MoguZa:

  • Professions: teaching, marketer, designer, programmer, SEO, copywriter;
  • Attendance: 15,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 20%;
  • Affiliate program: 2-8%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 2-4%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

7. Advego - content exchange

— my favorite service for buying/selling content and promotion in social networks! That is, you can become the authors of articles on some topic and post them at a certain price. Another way is to write articles on order, but here you need to fill the rating.

Therefore, on boring evenings, I go to Advego and do small tasks that help me get a rating. For example, you can subscribe to groups in social networks, as well as comment on blogs and forums. A regular comment costs 18 rubles, and a simple vote costs 6 rubles.

If you do not get distracted, then in one hour of work you can earn 200-300 wooden coins. Now imagine how much you can get for a full time job. And if you need it, then be sure to go there.

Advego features:

  • Professions: copywriter, promotion in social networks;
  • Attendance: 30,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 10%;
  • Affiliate program: 25%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 5%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

8. Kadrof - like Robin Hood

is an open service where you can create your own freelance profile and apply for tasks for free. Most importantly, there is no wallet here. That is, we found an order, contact the customer and perform work bypassing the site itself.

The interesting thing is that there are a lot of customers with the most interesting tasks that I have not met before. Sometimes you come across very simple works for which you are ready to pay 2,000 rubles each. So be sure to check out this project.

Features of Kadrof:

  • Professions: copywriter, programmer, SEO, marketer, designer;
  • Attendance: 10,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 0%;
  • Affiliate program: 0%;
  • Withdrawal fee: 0%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: none.

9. Author24 - Learning/Problem Solving

- the largest exchange for solving homework for schoolchildren and students. Where are more than 700,000 students who want to order a solution. This area is developing rapidly and there are already authors who have managed to earn more than half a million in 6 months!

If you do not like office life and you like working from home, then this post is for you.

website presents to your attention 85 sites-exchanges for finding remote work.

Remote work exchanges (general):

Popularity Leaders:

  • is a large remote work exchange in Runet. After registration, be sure to fill out a portfolio - it will help you get more orders!
  • is one of the largest freelance exchanges in Runet. It was originally a forum.
  • (formerly is an exchange for freelancers of various specializations. To effectively promote your services, you need to buy a PRO account.
  • is one of the most popular exchanges for SEO copywriters.
  • is one of the largest Western exchanges, uniting more than 16 million freelancers from all over the world.

Remote work exchanges for copywriters

Our site contains the main exchanges for copywriters, allowing you to sell or buy articles and texts for sites.

  • is a popular exchange of copywriters and translators. A lot of work on copywriting and rewriting, the pay is different.
  • is an exchange for copywriters and rewriters. There are expensive orders with high tariffs, as well as with a contractual price.
  • - the exchange offers to earn money by writing comments, reviews, filling forums.
  • is a large content exchange. They pay an average of 25 to 100 rubles. for 1000 signs of rewriting or copywriting. There are expensive and profitable orders.
  • is a new exchange of texts and articles. On the site you can find orders for texts for sites, as well as sell finished articles.
  • is a new exchange for copywriters. There is a shop for selling finished articles.
  • is one of the most popular exchanges for copywriters, authors of texts, posters. You can buy or sell articles on the site, but competition among performers is high.
  • is one of the most popular copywriter exchanges. On the site you can sell texts and articles on favorable prices. The exchange has a rating popular articles- watch it and write articles on popular topics, this will increase the chances of a quick sale of texts!
  • is a new exchange for copywriters. Lots of tasks. To get started, you need to pass a test in Russian.
  • is an exchange for experienced copywriters. They pay 35 rubles. for 1000 characters. There are enough tasks. Cons for beginners - high requirements to quality, payouts are not every day.
  • is an exchange for copywriters with a payment of 44 rubles. for 1000 characters and above. There is an article store. To get started, you must complete three test tasks to confirm your qualifications.
  • is a new exchange for copywriters. There are still few orders, but you can register for the future.
  • is a content exchange, there are usually many orders for texts for websites.
  • is a new exchange of copywriters and text authors. Many small and inexpensive orders that beginner copywriters can handle.
  • - anchors (link texts) must be compiled on the exchange. Relatively easy job, according to the exchange, is capable of bringing in about $100 per month.
  • is a popular exchange for copywriters that allows you to sell texts for $2-6 per 1000 characters.
  • is a professional community of copywriters, distant work. Vacancies, projects, portfolios, blogs.
  • is an exchange for copywriters, an interesting project.
  • is an exchange for namers. The essence of the work is to come up with names for companies, domain names, slogans. Project budgets are usually 500-2000 rubles.
  • is a young text exchange. Beginners can try their hand.

Exchanges for programmers

Exchanges of programmers in the segments of web development, startups and 1C.

  • - remote work for 1C specialists. Lots of jobs with good budgets.
  • is a new service for IT professionals, startups and companies from the IT industry. Allows you to quickly assemble a team of any specialists to carry out any IT project.
  • is a job exchange for 1C programmers.
  • is an exchange primarily for IT professionals, especially programmers. Lots of interesting projects.

Exchanges for lawyers, accountants and HR

  • is an exchange for lawyers and attorneys. Clients ask questions - lawyers get paid for answers. To get started, simply register with the service.
  • - the service allows lawyers to earn money. You can also use the site free consultation lawyers.
  • is a remote work exchange for specialists in the field of HR, recruitment, personnel.

Exchanges for designers, illustrators

  • - on the stock exchange you can sell logos and corporate styles.
  • - work for illustrators, new projects almost every day.
  • - many projects for designers with a good budget, we recommend.
  • is an international directory of designers. You can place a portfolio, including freelancers.
  • - service allows you to place a portfolio online for creative people.
  • is an international directory of designers. You can post a portfolio. Interface in English.

Exchanges for actors, models, photographers

  • is a directory of wedding photographers and videographers. Performer rating.
  • is a directory of wedding photographers, videographers, florists, leading and other specialists in the field of organizing and conducting weddings.
  • is an exchange for photographers and cameramen. A paid PRO account is provided.
  • Exchange for actors and models - information about castings for movies, TV shows, filming.
  • is a job exchange for artists, artists, musicians and representatives of other creative professions. Project work in the field of arts, entertainment and leisure.
  • Photovideozayavka.rf - exchange for photographers.

Exchanges for builders, engineers, architects

  • Jobs for interior designers are one-time and permanent jobs for interior designers and decorators. New projects every day.
  • is a directory of specialists in design, architecture, construction, repair and decoration.
  • is an exchange for finding contractors for household services, including repairs. The service was created by Yandex.
  • is a directory of experts in interior design, construction and architecture, and home improvement.
  • We are at home - remote work for architects, designers, constructors, technicians, specialists engineering systems, 3D - visualizers.
  • is a remote work service for engineers.
  • is a directory of engineers, jobs for specialists with a technical background.
  • Apartment Krasivo - exchange for builders, search for orders for the repair of apartments and offices. The exchange takes a commission for its services.
  • Exchange for home and garden - construction exchange. On the site you can find customers or a construction team.
  • The City of Masters is a forum where builders, teams, and private craftsmen are looking for.

Exchanges for students

  • - help students complete work and get paid for it.
  • is an online exchange of authors and customers of term papers, control works, abstracts. Large service with a large list of services.
  • - help solve problems, write abstracts and earn money on it!
  • - complete student assignments and earn money. Also on the service you can order the execution of student papers from term papers, essays, reports and tests to more complex tasks.
  • - on the site you can order the solution of problems in various subjects. To make money on solving problems, you need to write to the administration of the service.

Exchanges for webmasters and bloggers

Popular exchanges for webmasters that allow you to earn money on your own website.

  • - on the stock exchange you can buy or sell a site, including income-generating. The cost of sites ranges from a few hundred to more than a million rubles.
  • - on the stock exchange, you can rent links from your site and receive a stable monthly income.
  • Blogun is an exchange for bloggers. Through the exchange, you can sell posting and advertising publications on your blog.
  • is an exchange for buying / selling eternal links. Webmasters can earn by placing links in news and articles on their site.

Other exchanges for freelancers, new projects:

  • is the leader among microservices exchanges. On the site you can find a performer for almost any job.
  • - on the service, freelancers post offers on what they can do and for how much (for example, I will make a website for 1000 rubles). You can find an artist on a small budget.
  • - freelance auction. The customer sets the task - you can complete it and get money. Work in various specialties.
  • is positioned as an exchange for professional freelancers with a good portfolio.
  • is a directory of specialists. On the site you can register and add your portfolio.
  • - vacancies for translators. In the free version, you can view jobs posted 12 hours ago and later. A paid subscription is required to receive fresh vacancies.
  • - on the service you can take orders for small services in the field of IT, courier services, household repair etc.
  • is a young but promising telecommuting exchange for freelancers of almost any profession. Great opportunities for portfolio design. Freelance rating.
  • is an exchange for teamwork. It has built-in project management tools.
  • is a new remote work exchange. Gain popularity.
  • is a small but convenient and friendly freelancing exchange.
  • is a remote work exchange for freelancers of all professions.
  • - remote work for designers, programmers, managers, optimizers, copywriters. The service is free - anyone can register their account here for free and get access to the main services of the service.
  • is a promising service for freelancers, great opportunities for setting up an account and portfolio, low prices for paid accounts. There are enough orders in different areas - copywriting, translations, design, programming, website promotion.

Good day, dear readers of our site dedicated to making money on the Internet. Every day more and more users begin to conduct activities on the network with the goal of. There are a number of ways to earn money, but freelancing deserves special attention. About what it is and what its directions are, we will talk a little lower. The network has corresponding services where employers are looking for performers for their tasks. So, it is the freelance exchanges for beginners that we will consider in this article, we will talk about the best services and how to choose the most suitable project for an inexperienced user.

What is freelancing earnings?

Freelancing is the most popular method of making money online, when the performer places orders with employers for a separately agreed amount. Money. The user, that is, the freelancer, works at home, chooses tasks for himself and sets deadlines without concluding any contracts. Such activities has many advantages:

  • Free schedule.
  • Ability to work anywhere.
  • Free choice of tasks.
  • Unlimited earnings.

All this makes freelancing incredibly popular lately, especially among young people. Of course, this type of activity has its cons, for example, the lack of a constant salary and an independent search for orders, however, they pale in comparison with the existing advantages.

As for directions, there are great amount, so any user can find something to their liking without any problems. Especially popular on freelance exchanges are such professions as programmers, website builders, and seo-optimizers. We can say with confidence that these areas are the highest paid. That is, by making your choice on one of them, you can get the maximum profit.

Popular freelance exchanges for beginners

As we said earlier, the remote work service is special place where freelancers look for work and customers post their assignments. Thus, this platform acts as an intermediary between performers and employers. To date, the network has a huge number of different projects and each of them has its own key features.

Especially for you, we tried to select several reliable and proven services that are ideal for inexperienced users who are just starting out. Let's look at each of them.

is a large freelance exchange for beginners, where any user is sure to find a suitable task for himself. Due to the large number of employers and, accordingly, orders, the service is suitable for both professionals and inexperienced respondents. According to reviews on the Internet, this is a reliable and efficient project, one of the best in the world. world wide web in the Russian segment.

Freelance is a job search service that offers a huge range of services. Here everyone can find both a one-time order and permanent job. The project has a rating system, according to which the more tasks you complete, the higher you climb. The “Risk-Free Transactions” system has also been introduced and all payments are made exclusively through it. This is charged additional fee, however, the risk of being deceived is minimized.

is a unique project that offers a completely different approach to the relationship between the contractor and the employer. If customers visit ordinary resources in order to find a person to complete a specific task, then employers come to Kwork and look for some useful service for their business. That is, they look at ready-made offered services that have set price and choose the most suitable one.

- a convenient service for specialists from various industries. Provides the ability to quickly find various vacancies and projects to complete. Freelancers are guaranteed safe transactions.

weblancer is a freelancing site that concentrates a large number of performers from various fields of activity. The project is suitable for both knowledgeable users and less experienced users, has a user-friendly interface and a large number of customers. To start earning on Weblancer, you only need to go through the registration process and fill out your profile as accurately as possible with your personal information. the leading service, by visiting which the user, in whatever direction he works, will find suitable job. There are tasks for both copywriters and website developers. According to online reviews, the project is incredibly active, there are always a lot of orders with good rewards. However, it should be noted that it is difficult for beginners to work here, as employers offer rather difficult tasks.

freelance job- a modern freelance exchange. To start working in this service, it is enough to register on the Russian-language official website, after which each performer can offer customers his candidacy for. Basically, specialists in the field of IT are in demand, namely programmers, optimizers and designers. However, copywriters, translators, and journalists can also find work.

is a popular resource that began its work in 2005. There are a lot of performers here. different levels both professionals and beginners. The exchange has a large selection of specializations and related projects. However, there are several main areas, namely: copywriting, marketing advertising and design. The project also has a profitable bonus program.

Freelansim is a project that allows employers to find a contractor for any remote order, and vice versa. To get started on the site, you just need to go through a simple registration. However, this service has one feature that other freelance exchanges do not have. To gain access to all functions, including the search for orders, you need to issue and pay for a special subscription.

illustrators is a unique service for Russian-speaking illustrators and artists. Here, every creative person can post examples of their work, that is, a portfolio, and find an employer to perform similar work in the future. The essence of the activity is as follows: the customer comes to the site, looks at examples of user work and chooses the person who is most suitable for fulfilling his orders.

We should also mention about, since this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity is an integral part of freelancing. The most popular projects include the following services, which have also been verified by us personally:

is a modern service specializing in writing and selling articles. An ideal project for beginners, as it allows each user to maximize their potential. Offers big choice assignments of various subjects, levels of complexity and volumes. That is why on this service each user will be able to find the best task for himself, complete it and get a guaranteed reward. The only thing that is important to say is that the minimum amount for withdrawing funds is 250 rubles.

- the leading copywriting exchange, which employs many employers and many performers. Any person immediately after registration can quickly and without any problems find a suitable order, regardless of skills and abilities. There is no rating system on the site, so all participants are equal and have equal conditions. Unlike other services, here the characters are counted with spaces and, accordingly, the payment is higher.

— a project for making money by writing articles for websites and other resources. Offers one of the highest rates per 1,000 characters without spaces in existence. A rating system has been introduced, which employers pay attention to when choosing performers. On this freelance exchange, there is a significant variety of tasks, so there is work here for both professionals and less experienced users.

Turbotext is a new generation copywriting exchange, opened in 2010 and actively developing to this day. The administration of the service works as efficiently as possible to attract new performers and employers, so there are always free orders on the site for fulfillment. Payments of earned funds are made on Mondays, the minimum amount for withdrawal is 200 rubles. Earnings on an effective affiliate program are also available.

Copylancer- a closed service for making money on writing articles. To get on the exchange, you must submit an appropriate application, accurately indicate personal data and attach a portfolio. If your candidacy is approved, a test order will be offered, based on the results of which a decision will be made on your admission. That is, this project is not very suitable for beginners, but it’s still worth trying to get into it.

contentmonster- a young, but well-established exchange in the field of copywriting. Both a novice and an experienced user can earn in this service. As for the prices, they are much lower on this exchange than on other sites. This factor is influenced by the small age of the project. It should also be clarified that a commission is charged from the funds received by the contractor - about 10%. Money can be withdrawn to WebMoney e-wallet.

How to choose an exchange for a beginner?

To achieve significant success in freelancing and get a decent income, the process of choosing a place of work, that is, an exchange, is very important. It is about how to choose the right service that is suitable for work, we will talk further and Here's a short, sequential list of tips:

  1. First of all, decide on the field of activity, and, based on this factor, start searching for an exchange. This will help narrow your search considerably.
  2. Next, we return to the above described list of reliable and tested on personal experience projects.
  3. We open all freelance exchanges and carefully review each of them, form a personal opinion and first impression, taking into account the ease of use of the site, its practicality and design.
  4. Special attention should be paid to whether the exchange has a special secure transaction service. After all, only he is able to protect you from scammers and minimize the likelihood of being deceived.
  5. Search the Internet for reviews of the site from other artists, both positive and negative. Pay special attention to the latter, especially those related to the issue of fraud.
  6. Find out more detailed information about working conditions, what commission is charged from the contractor, whether it is necessary to pay for the account. The main thing is to find out how the earned money is withdrawn, what methods are available and what is the minimum amount for withdrawal.

That is, your goal is to find out as much information about the service as possible so as not to encounter any unpleasant features while working. Pay attention to the popularity of the exchange, the number of employers and performers, evaluate the competition in a particular area. All this will affect the volume of your work and the income that you can receive.

Ways to withdraw money from such sites

When it comes to withdrawing funds, exchanges usually offer different ways to withdraw money. Often, at least 2-3 ways are available to users. The most popular are the following:

  • Bank card;
  • Yandex money;
  • Qiwi.

It is up to you to decide which method to choose, and the decision must be made based on the commission and personal convenience. Of course it is recommended to have bank card and register in all of the above electronic payment systems, so that, if necessary, depending on the freelance exchanges, accept payment by a variety of methods.

Freelance work is a very promising area that opens up a lot of opportunities for each user. At first, you won't be able to receive high income, however, do not be afraid of this, because with experience and skills you can significantly increase profits and fully meet your financial needs.

Start with low-paying orders, gain skills and knowledge, build regular customers and get good reviews. Only in this way can you earn a good name, and then employers themselves will seek to cooperate with you. The main thing is to initially choose a suitable field of activity, choose the best freelance exchanges and not stop there. In this case, you will surely succeed!