Freelance marketplace for beginners in internet marketing. The best freelance and remote work exchanges: for pros and beginners. Freelance exchanges for copywriters

Hello friends and new freelancers!

Vasily Blinov is in touch with you, and today I would like to analyze a very important topic for beginners, regarding the search for the first orders on freelance exchanges.

From my own experience I know how difficult it is to find and take the first tasks, especially when you have no skills and you have no idea how to complete all the orders offered on the exchanges.

I remember, starting freelancing at the end of 2014, it happened that I spent days looking for tasks, responding to them, but did not receive a single confirmation of being a performer. Can you imagine my state after that and the desire to score on everything?

Now I understand perfectly why 99% of people end up merging after making several attempts.

It is very difficult to start and it takes time to gain experience, learn, become a professional and earn a lot of money freelancing.

For these sufferings, you will be rewarded with work that brings you not only money, but also pleasure. Get the freedom to be office-free, allowing you to travel the world and be free.

Traveling freelancers meeting in Bali

I often meet freelancers on my travels and remote employees, I can say with confidence that they have a much more interesting, rich and happy life.

Therefore, I hope that my today's story will help at least 1% of people not to stray from the freelance path they have begun and master the work with exchanges.

What you need to know about freelancing exchanges?

What is it and what are they for? It is clear that such labor exchanges play the role of connecting the customer and the contractor, but beginners do not see the main thing.

Firstly. The freelance exchange is a training ground where you can learn right away and receive a small reward in the form of experience, reviews and money for this.

If you want to become a professional, but you don’t have any knowledge and experience right now, then you shouldn’t put money in the first place, as most beginners do. Work for food, that is, for experience, feedback from satisfied customers and the first completed projects in the portfolio.

The exchanges pay very little, especially for beginners, but almost every successful freelancer has gone through this school.

Secondly. The freelance exchange is not only a warehouse of one-time orders, but also your future base of permanent employers. The essence of success is to create your base of regular customers who will contact you again and again.

Many beginners see only one-time tasks with a small cost, and behind them, in fact, very money-making customers can be hidden, who still have a lot of work for you, you just have to prove yourself.

Thirdly. Freelance exchanges are not the only way search for remote work and vacancies. Do not think that you will work for them all your life. There are many more effective methods which I will talk about later in this section.

As I said, go through the exchange survival school for a year or two and you yourself will understand how easy it is to find customers on the Internet and make money freelancing.

Do not pay attention to different ratings of exchanges, the main indicator of a successful freelancer is terribly satisfied customers and completed orders by 5 plus. Then there will be a demand for your services, and customers themselves will line up for you.

Look at the queues at Apple because they make really cool devices and thousands of their customers are very satisfied.

Become the Apple of your freelancing services niche.

List of freelance exchanges for beginners

I often work with her myself, only now as a customer, so I even left 61 rubles on my balance sheet. If you look into the history, you can see all the tasks with which I started in October 2014. Only the rating over time, if you do not work as a performer, is reset to zero.

Just like on any other normal exchange, in order to work, you need to pay a small amount - this is the developers' bread and butter. Unlike others, the cost of a monthly subscription here is minimal, only 100 rubles.

Other resources that I would also like to recommend for beginners, I think are a little more complicated, but it's worth signing up and trying them.

  • weblancer- not exactly for beginners, but one of the best Runet exchanges.
  • Author24– orders for students to complete tests, essays, term papers and diplomas.
  • Copylancer- a good platform for beginner copywriters.
  • contentmonster- also for copywriters. Look.
  • Free-lance (– for professionals, there is nothing to do without a portfolio, but you can register and start collecting it.

You can write in the comments which exchanges you started working with or have already worked with.

Now I’ll tell you a little about what you need to understand when starting your journey to freelancing and remote work at home.

What mistakes do 99% of beginners make?

1. They expect money to be made easily online.

Coming to the freelance exchange and starting to complete tasks is not so easy and well paid.

I know a lot of people, my acquaintances, who came, made one order, spent a day on it and earned 100-200 rubles, left upset with the thought that you can’t earn much on freelancing. Do not build expectations, take tasks and gain experience.

There will be a lot of money when you become a professional and create an army of satisfied customers who will recommend you.

2. First they learn how to do it, and then they will look for a task.

You can't learn everything! Remember what I said at the beginning of the article?

The Exchange is a training ground, first get yourself assigned as the executor of the task, and then go and learn how to do it.

It’s okay if you don’t succeed, tell the customer that you can’t complete it and take another task.

3. Copy-paste responses to tasks.

Do you want to be chosen as a performer? Find an original approach to each customer and task.

Try to do the same and see how they respond to your offer. Evaluate who you liked best, what he wrote, and which of them you would approve as a performer.

4. They will respond to one task and sit waiting to be appointed as an executor.

This is the mistake that makes the job search process as long as possible.

I'm on initial stage sent 10-15 applications a day and did not receive, it happened, not a single answer. The more responses to tasks you leave, the more chances that you will be answered and a conversation will start with the customer.

5. Prioritize price, not task.

Well, really, many go to the exchange to earn money, and the price becomes the main priority.

Look for tasks that you like more than those that have a big price tag, try to choose one niche and pump it.

If the work will give you pleasure and arouse interest, then you will achieve results faster.

Friends, if you have something to add to the tips on how to start freelancing and working with exchanges, write in the comments below.

I wish you all success.

According to forecasts, by 2020 every fifth Russian will work remotely. The number of freelancers in Russia is growing rapidly - they are joined not only by "experienced" office workers who are tired of the bureaucratic regime and the power of the authorities, but also by young students who are still at the stage of receiving education.

I started freelancing at the age of 15 and to this day I earn money remotely. The main advantages for me are that I don’t have to leave home anywhere, go through interviews, spend 1-2 hours on a trip to public transport. I started working on freelance exchange- on a site where performers (those who want to make money) and customers (those who give work) gather.

I develop within one direction of freelance (copywriting). Not everyone has the ability for this kind of occupation - someone likes to draw, understands programming, is fond of photography, and so on. You can find work to your liking on the freelance exchanges, which will be discussed in this article.

For you, I have collected more than 150 exchanges and divided them into the most popular freelancing areas. What if there are no special skills? No problem! I myself “swam” for a long time until I found myself. I will also talk about exchanges for beginners.

WARNING: The article turned out to be voluminous. For the convenience of working with the article, many sections are hidden under spoilers (a tool for folding text that allows you to hide voluminous images and long texts). To view the content, just click on its name - the spoiler will open. Pressing it again turns it back.

What is freelancing? Who is suitable for this job?

Here the terms Freelance and Freelancer are considered, I tell you what freelancing looks like in practice, and I also give the advantages and disadvantages of freelancing based on personal experience.

Basic terms and concepts (click here)

Freelance- a process in which an individual (or company) hires a specialist to perform a particular job without enrollment in the state and formal employment. Work is carried out via the Internet through exchanges (or directly). Usually this is a one-time job, but it can also turn into a long-term cooperation.

freelancer- a free worker This person can be a schoolboy, student, adult, young girl, grandmother, grandfather. Age is not important - the main thing is how a person performs his work and what skills he has.

What freelancing looks like in practice:

1 A person registers on a special exchange and fills out a profile;

2 Looks for suitable orders, gets acquainted with the conditions and applies for them;

3 If the customer is satisfied with the application, he accepts it, and the freelancer begins to do the work (for example, write a short text - an overview of the online store);

4 A person submits work for verification:

  • If it is accepted, he receives money to a personal virtual account on the stock exchange and can withdraw it to payment systems.
  • The work can be sent for revision with comments or not accepted at all if the conditions are not met.

5 A newly minted employee gains experience in freelancing, increases his rating on the stock exchange and continues to work in the same way if everything suits him.

Freelancing benefits:

  • Independence. From superiors, schedules;
  • Possibility to work at home. Especially relevant for mothers on maternity leave and people with health problems;
  • You can also work outdoors / on boring couples at a university / on a trip, if you have a laptop or tablet;
  • Lack of a dress code in clothes;
  • Comfortable working conditions. You can finally set the desired sleep mode, power;
  • You can also study in demanded areas at home;
  • You can refuse to perform uninteresting work;
  • Taxes are not deducted from the salary - only the service commission, which is mostly small. Of course, if your income is high, then in theory the tax office may be interested in you. And by law, a freelancer, as a self-employed person, is obliged to declare his income and pay taxes on his own, but in practice, few people do this;
  • Prospects for long-term cooperation;
  • No additional costs (for transport, lunches at the office, and so on).

Freelancing Disadvantages:

You can highlight even more advantages and disadvantages - I just talked about those that were and remain relevant to me.

This section covers the following questions:

  • Are documents required?
  • What is required to register on the exchanges;
  • How to withdraw money.

What you need to work (click here)

Anyone can become a freelancer, the main thing is to have a working device (computer, laptop, tablet, phone) and access to the Internet.

Additionally, various programs will be required. For example, I am using Microsoft Word for typing and Advego for uniqueness checking. What programs you need depends on the chosen direction. Freelance exchanges always indicate what is required for work.

Are documents required?

No paperwork is required. You act as a free worker without formal employment. The only thing that may come in handy is a variety of certificates/diplomas confirming your skills.

How to register

Registration on freelance exchanges is the same as on any site. It is carried out using a login (username), password and e-mail. If you don’t have the latter, I recommend that you read the article.

I will give an example of registration on the website:

Step 1. We are looking for a registration button on the site. Usually it is located on the main page or "hidden" somewhere in the control panel:

Step 2 Click the "Register" button:

Step 3 Fill out the form below or use social networks for registration:

Step 4 Confirm registration by e-mail:

Step 5 We use the data to enter the account:

Step 6 Fill in information about yourself. For example, on this site you can choose a specialization, upload works to your portfolio, and so on:

Step 7 All! Now you can look for a job on the freelance exchange:

How to withdraw money?

Earned money goes to the virtual account of the exchange, and from there you can withdraw it to various electronic payment systems, such as:

The first two systems are the most popular for withdrawal, and we have full articles about it, I recommend that you read it.

Each exchange has a minimum payout amount. For example, on ETXT withdraw from 250 rubles to Yandex and WebMoney.

From payment systems, you can withdraw money to a bank card. This can be done using internal functions or using exchangers (you can track them on the BestChange website). You can withdraw money from the card.

Some exchanges provide the ability to withdraw money directly to your card. Usually, when withdrawing to a card, the commission is higher and the minimum withdrawal amount is higher, but it is still ultimately more profitable than a double transfer (from the exchange to an electronic wallet, and from it to a card).

Money is withdrawn to the card within a period of three days to two weeks, depending on the exchange. Some of them provide the possibility of an urgent withdrawal, in which the money is received immediately, but then the commission is much higher.

Here is collected information on the most popular types of freelance work in 2018-2019:

Spoiler (click here)

In 2018-2019, the following areas are in demand:

average salary specialists in this area is 40-50 thousand rubles.

Freelance exchanges

  • General for beginners and professionals;
  • For schoolchildren, students;
  • For copywriters, rewriters;
  • For programmers, developers;
  • For photographers, actors, models;
  • etc.

General for beginners/professionals

On the exchanges of a general nature, you will meet the most diverse work: writing texts, creating websites, designing, programming, and much more. Jobs can be found by both beginners and professional workers.

General exchanges and sites for beginners/professional freelancers

The following exchanges are suitable for schoolchildren and students. On them, they will find the usual work that they do during the school year: homework, term papers, essays, reports, and more.

Exchanges and websites for schoolchildren / students

In addition to the exchanges below, I also recommend Kwork and MoguZ to schoolchildren and students, where there are tasks for social networks, YouTube (leave a comment, like, repost, etc.) and other areas close to young people.

Exchanges for those who know how to correctly express thoughts. Copywriters in Runet are people who are able to write various texts (informational articles, short comments, store reviews, and so on).

On the copywriting exchanges, I myself began my activity. It is much easier for beginners to break into them than on freelance exchanges, because. special, but low-paying orders are created for them. They can earn a rating and experience, which opens the way to more expensive work.

Exchanges can be divided into three types:

  • open- free registration, no need to pay and complete test tasks. All functions are available immediately;
  • semi-open- after registration, you need to pass a small exam. Such exchanges are not suitable for those who do not know what copywriting is;
  • Closed- for real masters of the text (but not the fact that they are somehow better than amateurs). It is difficult to break through there, but there are expensive orders.

Open exchanges

Exchanges for lawyers, accountants and other similar professionals are a great way to earn money from your knowledge without leaving your home. Why work in an office when you can help people online? Among orders in this niche, paid consultations and assistance with documents are often in demand.

Exchanges and websites for lawyers, accountants, HR managers

  • is the largest Russian exchange of HR orders. Jobs are posted frequently, and the work is varied: updating resumes, conducting audits, building a sales team, and so on. It is also possible official employment in any company. There are rating, top performers, Pro-account.
  • - here lawyers can answer questions and earn in this way. Also in the section "Jobs for lawyers" posted a variety of vacancies. In addition, various interesting articles are published on the main page.
  • is an exchange of consultations. The contractor can answer the user's question and in the future give a paid consultation. To gain access to the site, you need to contact the administration by mail or phone.
  • - after registering on this site, you can answer questions, receive calls and draw up various documents. At the time of this writing, over 1,800,000 questions were asked on the site, on average, the cost of each is 1,000 rubles. Popular site - about 50 questions are published daily.
  • is a site with online consultations. Work is offered to experts in various fields (jurisprudence, psychology, esotericism).

The following freelance exchanges are designed for professionals in the field of architecture, engineering, construction. They can also use their skills to help people from a distance.

Exchanges and sites for architects, builders, engineers

  • is an exchange with a variety of projects. Without registration, you can see the latest tasks and their conditions. There is a top specialist in which you can get. Unfortunately, there is little work.

My new rubric on making money on the Internet is opened by one of the best views work. Freelance- a free worker who performs one or more orders without contracts, purely on a trust basis. For this type of activity, special sites were invented, where some make orders (employers), while others fulfill them (performers). There are many job exchanges on the Internet, where some pay a penny, while others have a lot of good orders. So I made up top 10 freelance exchanges for beginners. Where any beginner can quickly get comfortable and start making real money on the Internet.

It's important to know: working on such sites, one of the key secrets of high earnings is rating. Therefore, try to complete tasks with high quality and then you will be able to receive more than 100,000 rubles per month.

The best freelancing exchanges for beginners

It is very important to decide which direction you are most attracted to. Perhaps you have a talent for translating text from English, or you draw very well in Photoshop. There are separate job sites for this, but if you do not have special preferences, then this article will help you discover yourself.

Directions that bring the most money:

  • Designer;
  • Programmer;
  • SEO specialist;
  • Video editor;
  • Marketer;
  • copywriter;
  • Photographer;
  • Teacher.

I will review the top 10 freelance exchanges that have the largest base of employers where you can earn money in any direction. The most important thing is to have a desire, but there are always enough tasks! Let's get to our list:

1. Kwork - all for 500 rubles

is a fairly young project that is only gaining momentum. There, anyone can post a task that he can complete for 500 rubles. If you do a great job and everyone is happy, then your block is brought to the top and you get a lot of new customers!

The main plus is that you don’t need to sit there for a long time and accumulate a rating, but you can immediately earn money. The main thing is to create an attractive task that everyone wants to order. By the way, the exchange commission is 100 rubles, so in fact the freelancer receives 400 rubles.

If the employer does not find the required quark, then he can make a request for the service. Beginners can look for just such advertisers, but just remember the fact that you will be paid 400 rubles per action. .

Features of Kwork:

  • Professions: designer, programmer, marketer, SEO, copywriter;
  • Attendance: 15,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 20%;
  • Affiliate program: 2.5-3.5%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 1.5-4.5%;

2. FL is the most popular freelance exchange in Russia

is the most active resource with over 600,000 accounts. Very active employers and many professional performers. They use all kinds of services on the internet. Perhaps that is why it is so popular online.

FL has its own currency called "Free-Money" for intra-site transfers. Thus, they do not have a commission for freelancers and have a guarantor service for safe transactions.

The big disadvantage is that the project has 2 types of accounts: free and PRO-account. Free allows you to choose only one specialization for earning. And you can’t create a portfolio and post content for sale. Therefore, employers try to ignore such people on the resource.
But the PRO-account opens 5 specializations, a portfolio and makes it possible to sell prepared content. And most importantly, it gives credibility in the eyes of customers. But the prices for beginners are very high, so think 10 times before buying PRO.

FL Features:

  • Attendance: 40,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 0%;
  • Affiliate program: 10% for 3 years;
  • Withdrawal retention: 13%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

3. Work-Zilla is convenient for customers and contractors

- positions itself as a universal service for completing tasks. However, there most of the tasks are related to programming, design and promotion in in social networks. I have a convenient catalog of tasks from customers.

That is, you register on the site, fill out a profile and simply respond to the posted tasks, where the price is already written. It should be understood that the project has about 100,000 performers who also respond to applications, so work hard on your portfolio.

Features of Work-Zilla:

  • Professions: designer, SEO, programmer, marketer, other help;
  • Attendance: 25,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 10%;
  • Affiliate program: 7% and no more than 1000 rubles per partner;
  • Withdrawal retention: 5%;

4. Freelance - cool but greedy

- very similar to FL, only there are a few key differences. Firstly, you need to bind a phone number for registration, which excludes scammers. And secondly, the site provides services in the form of creating projects.

That is, the customer creates a project, and potential performers write comments on this project. Who and under what conditions is ready to start the task. Freelance is great for beginners!

There is a similar system here as in FL: free and business account. Freeloaders have access to only 20% of all tasks on the exchange and are shown lower in the rankings than business account holders.

Now a little about the cons. Not affiliate program, and all activities are carried out through safe transactions "FairPlay", that is, 5% is deducted from the freelancer for the completed project, and nothing from the customer. But when replenishing funds, the advertiser pays a commission of 6%, which is very sad.

Freelance Features:

  • Professions: everything you can imagine;
  • Attendance: 30,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 5%;
  • Affiliate program: 0%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 2.5%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

5. QComment is the best for beginners

is an ideal resource for beginners who are just trying their hand at making money online. There you will meet only small tasks for cheating views, comments, subscribers, likes and the like.

For successful transactions, they pay from 1 to 100 rubles, depending on the complexity of the work. Sometimes you can get 500 rubles per hour, provided that you have an author rating. But you still need to try to fill it.

Features of QComments:

  • Professions: promotion on websites and social networks;
  • Attendance: 20,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 10%;
  • Affiliate program: 10-20%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 0.5-0.8%;
  • Withdrawals: Qiwi, WebMoney.

6. MoguZa is the father of Kwork

is a fixed price online service store that was created before Kwork, but they are very similar. Only here freelancers indicate how much they are ready to perform this or that service, and the price is fixed.

Therefore, use this service as an auxiliary one. Where there is a chance that the customer himself will find you. Create 5-10 jobs and check your profile every day, then you will definitely be able to earn money there.

Features of MoguZa:

  • Professions: teaching, marketer, designer, programmer, SEO, copywriter;
  • Attendance: 15,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 20%;
  • Affiliate program: 2-8%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 2-4%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

7. Advego - content exchange

— my favorite service for buying/selling content and promotion in social networks! That is, you can become the authors of articles on some topic and post them at a certain price. Another way is to write articles on order, but here you need to fill the rating.

Therefore, on boring evenings, I go to Advego and do small tasks that help me get a rating. For example, you can subscribe to groups in social networks, as well as comment on blogs and forums. A regular comment costs 18 rubles, and a simple vote costs 6 rubles.

If you do not get distracted, then in one hour of work you can earn 200-300 wooden coins. Now imagine how much you can get for a full time job. And if you need it, then be sure to go there.

Advego features:

  • Professions: copywriter, promotion in social networks;
  • Attendance: 30,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 10%;
  • Affiliate program: 25%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 5%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

8. Kadrof - like Robin Hood

is an open service where you can create your own freelance profile and apply for tasks for free. Most importantly, there is no wallet here. That is, we found an order, contact the customer and perform work bypassing the site itself.

The interesting thing is that there are a lot of customers with the most interesting tasks that I have not met before. Sometimes you come across very simple works for which you are ready to pay 2,000 rubles each. So be sure to check out this project.

Features of Kadrof:

  • Professions: copywriter, programmer, SEO, marketer, designer;
  • Attendance: 10,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 0%;
  • Affiliate program: 0%;
  • Withdrawal fee: 0%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: none.

9. Author24 - Learning/Problem Solving

- the largest exchange for solving homework for schoolchildren and students. Where are more than 700,000 students who want to order a solution. This area is developing rapidly and there are already authors who have managed to earn more than half a million in 6 months!

This page presents the best freelance exchanges and sites where you can find remote work on the Internet to your liking or find a contractor to work on your projects (orders). Exchanges can be used by both beginners and experienced users, performers and customers ...

Freelance exchange: what is it?

A freelance exchange or a remote work exchange is an Internet site that brings together customers and contractors, and the exchange itself acts as an intermediary and guarantor of a safe transaction between the parties.

All freelance exchanges are united by a common goal - to help customers find contractors to complete various projects (orders, tasks), and contractors, in turn, help them find remote work to earn money.

Remote work exchanges are convenient because you are not tied to a specific workplace. If you have a laptop with Internet access at hand, then you can be anywhere and at the same time fulfill or place orders.

To find a remote job or a performer, you need to register on the freelance services exchange, fill out the profile (portfolio, questionnaire) in detail with data "about yourself" and use the remote job search (for performers) or create a project for freelancers (for customers).

Are freelance exchanges free? Paid account

As a rule, freelance exchanges use in their work such a thing as a PRO-account (paid account or subscription). This is a necessary measure to maintain the quality of freelance services at the proper level, develop the service, and, of course, this is the income of the creators of freelance exchanges.

Note. A PRO account allows freelancers to use all the features of the exchange, increase their rating, get access to all orders and, accordingly, increase their earnings.

This approach may seem contradictory. common sense Why should a freelancer pay someone else? However, this will also allow you to weed out unscrupulous and frivolous performers who can let customers down. This means that in order to fully use the freelance exchange, you need to buy a subscription or a VIP / PRO account.

Of course, you don't have to, and you don't have to buy anything. On many freelance exchanges, you can get started without purchasing a paid subscription, but if you are serious about working remotely and collaborating with any freelance exchange, then a paid account is a must for you.

Will the freelance exchange be deceived? Safe Deal

Will the customer pay for the work performed? Will the performer perform the work properly - qualitatively and on time? In order for the transaction between the customer and the contractor to go through without fraud from any of the parties on the freelance exchanges, the service " safe transaction".

In a nutshell about a safe transaction and guarantees.

Guarantee of payment to the contractor. The customer creates an order and pays a certain amount (deposit) for its payment to his account (account) in the exchange, while amount reserved. The contractor takes the order to work, and upon completion it hands it over to the customer. The customer accepts the work and the reserved amount is automatically credited to the contractor.

Money back guarantee to the customer. In the event that the contractor did not complete the work or performed it poorly (not according to the customer’s requirements specification, for example), and even missed the deadlines, then the allocated amount for the project is returned to the customer.

Note. Detailed information you can find out how a secure transaction works on freelance exchanges. Any contentious issues are sent to the arbitration of the exchange.

List of freelance exchanges

There are quite a lot of Internet sites providing freelance services - you can find dozens or even hundreds of projects. But I included only the best Russian freelance exchanges in the list. general purpose and several new (relatively), as well as specialized and foreign projects: from large and popular to a couple of small ones.

Universal (general) freelance exchanges

First, consider universal sites, that is, general-purpose freelance exchanges that offer various kinds of distant work and vacancies for freelancers, for example, for programmers, designers, translators, photographers, layout designers, accountants, copywriters and rewriters, etc.

General freelance exchanges
Freelance exchangeYear of launchPRO accountShort description
2005 free account (available) 1399 rubles / 1 month. 4880 rubles/3 months (7% savings) RUB 16,790/1 year (20% savings) - freelance services exchange No. 1 - the largest exchange for finding performers and customers. Due to the serious competition, it is difficult to break into successful freelancers here. your desire, high quality the services provided will help to advance on this exchange. And buying a PRO account will increase the chances at times.
2015 is a relatively new freelance exchange, but thanks to an experienced development team (Mirafox), it can be safely attributed to the best remote exchanges. Well suited for both beginner freelancers and pros. The volume of any work is determined by the "kwork", which is equal to 500 rubles.
2009 free account (no) 440 rubles/3 months (there are discounts) a proven remote work exchange. Both beginners and pros can sell their knowledge and skills. There are a lot of jobs for freelancers here. There is an artist rating system. To start working on Workzilla, you need to pass testing and pay for a subscription.
1999 free account (yes) 540 rubles/1 month (S account) 750 rubles/1 month (XL account) 1099 rubles/1 month (2XL account) the oldest freelance exchange. Convenient search for projects by category. Over 3.5k projects. Safe transaction.
2003 the cost of the tariff plan depends on the category, there are free ones (more on the exchange) is a popular freelance exchange. Search for projects by category, type, status. Payment in USD
2012 no, only site commission 20%— freelance exchange "MoguZa" with a convenient search for workers in all popular categories (text, graphics, IT, websites, etc.).
2006 free account (available) 49 rubles / 1 month.— exchange of remote work and additional services. Search freelancers by category. Search orders by filter. Over 20 thousand projects. Inexpensive VIP account. Safe transaction.
2006 free account (available) 150 rubles / 1 month. is a remote work exchange for professional freelancers. This is the position of this exchange. Sort in the category "by date added" or "by rating". Relatively inexpensive VIP.
2005 free account (available) 250 rubles / 1 month. 750 rubles/3 months 1250 rubles/6 months the best Ukrainian exchange freelance. It is a convenient service for customers and contractors. Safe transaction (safe). The exchange will be interesting not only for freelancers from Ukraine, but also from Russia. Payments to Yandex wallet and WebMoney, cards of a Russian bank.

Note. For up-to-date information on subscription prices, see freelance exchanges.

Specialized freelance exchanges

Often, most freelancers or customers have enough broadly targeted remote work sites, but still I will list specialized freelance exchanges (maybe it will come in handy for someone).

For copywriters and rewriters:

  • perhaps this is the best remote work exchange for copywriters, rewriters and translators. Convenient interface and wide functionality will not leave you indifferent to this site. In addition, the exchange is completely free. I recommend!;
  •— this exchange is almost as popular as the previous one, there are orders for both beginners and more advanced freelancers;
  • I consider this site also worthy of the list of freelance exchanges for copywriters.

For web developers, optimizers:

  • a universal portal for remote work, but more emphasis is placed on web development, creation and optimization of websites.

For programmers and 1C specialists:

  •— provide services, or place your tasks on 1C, the exchange works with all CIS countries;
  •— a freelance exchange for the provision of programming services will be of interest to both performers and customers.

For designers and illustrators:

  •— a popular site for remote work for illustrators;
  •— a project for freelancers who are not indifferent to creativity, design and art.

For tutors, teachers, students:

  •– popular ordering portal academic work(control, coursework, diploma, abstracts, etc.);
  •— a freelance exchange of trusted authors who are ready to offer online help to students, there is a price list for ordering student work;
  •— exchange of performers and customers of any educational and scientific works;
  • stock exchange online help students, easy navigation through sections;
  •– automated exchange for solving various educational problems.

For photographers and videographers:

  •– photographers and videographers for any of your tasks, search by country and city;
  •— a popular community of wedding photographers and operators, there is a forum;
  • photovideoapplication.rf— freelance exchange to search for a professional in photo and video shooting;
  • is an exchange for photographers where you can post and sell your work.

For lawyers:

  •— exchange of legal online consultations;
  • a similar site.

For engineers, architects, builders:

  • an exchange of orders for the construction of buildings and the repair of premises, apartments, offices. Search for performers and customers by country, region, city;
  • is a popular construction portal in Russia.

For translators:

  • is an international freelance exchange for linguistic services of any complexity.

New freelance exchanges

  • - a relatively new remote work exchange for finding freelancers and customers, a PRO account is provided;
  • - a new exchange of freelance services for business and home;
  • - new freelance services store, simple registration;
  • - freelance exchange for online work.

Other remote work sites

The following sites present not only offline work, but also remote work vacancies:

  • a popular site about work, where you can find "remote work" through the search;
  •— an exchange with a convenient built-in search - just type in "remote work" and specify the city;
  • is a site for offline and remote work search. "Remote" search through the search form;
  • a well-known portal about offline work, there is a catalog of remote work vacancies.

Foreign freelance exchanges

In addition, a few foreign exchanges freelance:

  • is a universal freelance exchange, translated into many languages, incl. Russian;
  •— a western freelance exchange where many professions are in demand;
  •— a popular foreign freelance exchange with many categories for freelancers;
  • this "foreigner" is more suitable for creative people;
  •— Basically, this freelance exchange specializes in IT and graphics;
  •— exchange for web developers, administrators, designers, translators, managers;
  •— the freelance exchange will be of interest to marketers, designers, video and audio editors.

The list is not exhaustive, but complete enough for you to find the right remote work exchange.

Which freelance exchange should a contractor choose?

Why am I focusing on "performer"? This is because it is more difficult for performers, and not for customers, to find "their" exchange.

It is quite difficult to decide among the many remote sites. Which freelance exchange to choose? Which one to give preference? On which exchange can you really make money?

After studying the reviews on the Internet, I concluded that the ideal freelance exchange does not exist. There are both good and bad reviews about a particular service ... But as they say, you won't know until you try.

One way or another, they will help you choose an exchange following tips and recommendations:

  1. You must know exactly what you will be doing, that is, what kind of work on freelance exchanges you can perform qualitatively and on time, depending on your capabilities, knowledge, skills, experience;
  2. A freelancer needs one or two (maybe three) exchanges that can load him with work. There is no need to chase quantity, it will be difficult to earn a reputation as an honest and reliable performer on several exchanges at once. Account promotion is not a simple and fast business;
  3. Regarding the choice of freelance exchange. Pay attention to the popularity of the site, find out whether it pays, and also whether the exchange will provide you with the necessary amount of work, whether it works through a safe transaction.

This concludes the article, and I wish you to find "your" freelance exchange.

Successes to you, Patience and Good luck!


Freelance exchanges for beginners are a great way to earn your first money from remote work. We talk about the best sites for making money.

The ideal freelancing process looks like this: choose an exchange, apply for several interesting projects, complete the task and get money. In reality, everything is much more complicated, because you still need to find a good order, and then make sure that the client chooses yours from dozens of applications. But first you need to find that freelance exchange for beginners, where you can get a well-paid and exciting job. We talk about the best sites, freelance earnings, common mistakes and give tips that will help you get your first orders.

The best freelancing exchanges for beginners

Freelance exchanges are not considered the main source of income for pumped professionals, but large sites are a great option for beginners who still need to figure out how the market works, how to communicate with customers and what kind of work they can find in different areas.


Excellent Russian-language exchange freelance for beginners and experienced professionals, where you can find work in various areas: web design, photo processing, printing, website promotion, and so on. To start working on the Weblancer exchange, you will need to register, after which you will be credited with 30 universal applications; if you need more, you have to pay tariff plan. At the same time, the more specializations you choose, the more you will have to pay for using the exchange.


General knowledge about the work of freelance exchanges will be enough to get comfortable in a new area, but in order to make a big profit, you will have to create a selling portfolio, learn a lot about finding and attracting clients, and commercial offer and personal brand development. You can learn about all the features of freelancing and how to make a lot of money on the course.