Theme English for a freelancer is a set of words and combinations for working on foreign freelance exchanges. How a freelance translator works Freelance English

    Freelance- Free lance (fr[=e] lns), a. of or pertaining to a (freelance); as, a freelance photographer. …

    freelance- ADJECTIVE ▪ self employed and hired to work for different companies on particular assignments. ADVERB ▪ earning one's living in such a way. NOUN (also freelancer) ▪ a freelance worker. VERB ▪ earn one's living as a freelance … English terms dictionary

    freelance- or free lance n. a writer, musician, artist, etc. who is not under contract for regular work but whose writings or services are sold to individual buyers: also freelancer or free lancer adj. of or working as a freelance vi. freelanced … English World dictionary

    Freelance- Free lance (fr[=e] lns), n. 1. a person who acts independently or without authorization of an organization or of his superiors. 2. a person who pursues a profession independently, and not as the employee of an organization; used… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    freelance- index independent Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C Burton. 2006 Law dictionary

    freelance- also free lance, free lance, medieval mercenary warrior, 1820 (Ivanhoe), from FREE (Cf. free) (adj.) + LANCE (Cf. lance); apparently a coinage of Sir Walter Scott s. Figurative sense is from 1864; specifically of journalism by 1882. Related:… … Etymology dictionary

    freelance- |frilas| adj. 2 g. s. 2 g. 1. Diz se de ou profissional (fotógrafo, jornalista, publicitário, arquiteto, etc.) que efetua um trabalho independentemente de uma agência. 2. Diz se de ou trabalho assim realizado. Sinonimo geral: FREELANCER… … Dicionario da Lingua Portuguesa

    freelance- independent free agent, nonstaff, self employed, unaffiliated; concept 554 … New thesaurus

    freelance- ▪ I. freelance free‧lance 1 [ˈfriːlɑːns ǁ læns] adjective JOBS working for different companies or organizations rather than being directly employed by one: The company does not directly such specialists as designers, but employs on a… … Financial and business terms

    Freelance- Para el videojuego de Microsoft, véase Freelancer (videojuego). Se denomina trabajador freelance o freelancer (o trabajador autónomo, cuentapropia e independiente) a la persona cuya actividad consiste en realizar trabajos propios de su ocupación … Wikipedia Español

    freelance- [[t]fri͟ːlɑːns, læns] freelances, freelancing, freelanced 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Someone who does freelance work or who is, for example, a freelance journalist or photographer is not employed by one organization, but is paid for each piece of work … English dictionary


  • A Graphic Design Student's Guide to Freelance. Practice Makes Perfect, Ben Hannam. A complete guide to freelance graphic design-created specifically for design students Why wait until you graduate? Freelancing is a great way to jumpstart your career in graphic design. It … Buy for 3902.37 rubles electronic book

- freelance, freelance; freelancing
- non-contractual
- independent, free
- ist. landsknecht; condottiere
- a politician who does not belong to a particular party
- unemployed, freelance journalist or photographer
- freelancer
- an actor without a permanent engagement
- a person of independent mindset
- work self-employed; ≅ be a freelance artist
freelance worker
freelance artist  —  freelance artist [sculptor]
freelance journalist
freelance consultant — independent consultant
freelance attorney
freelance business — work without a contract; work for yourself
freelance news agency —an independent news agency
freelance work — work without a contract
freelance worker — working without a contract; freelance worker
freelance researcher


She works freelance from home.
She works freelance from home.

He freelanced for several newspapers.
He worked as a freelance journalist for several newspapers at once.

This was freelance work, paid by the hour.
It was a freelance job, paid by the hour.

This freelancer have nick "arrowhead"
This freelancer has the nickname "arrowhead"

The magazine is looking for freelance writers.
The journal is looking for freelance writers.

He gave up a permanent job in order to freelance.
He refused permanent job for freelancers.

I wrote a freelance article for a nature magazine.
I wrote freelance articles for Nature magazine.

He's freelancing for several translation agencies.
He freelances for several translation agencies.

Zoe does a bit of freelance photography as a sideline.
Zoya is a little non-freelance photography indirectly.

We found out he "d been doing some freelance work on the quiet.
We found out that he was doing some freelancing work on the quiet.

The chief has decided to farm out most of the work to freelance employees.
The boss decided to outsource most of the work to a freelancer.

Determined to be his own master, Simmons quit in 1998 and started working freelance .
Set to be his own boss, Simmons quit in 1998 and began working as a freelancer.

If you are interested in the services of an interpreter, on the Yudu website you can quickly find a suitable qualified specialist who provides them at the best price. Artists registered on speak various foreign languages, so you can order the translation and processing of any text, article or document. The cost of the work of a professional translator you will agree with him individually.

How Yudu performers work

At a convenient time for you on the website, you can profitably place an order for translation services. Yuda-registered specialists speak business and conversational English, German, French, Japanese and other languages. Contact professionals registered in Yuda if you need to profitably buy ready-made texts translated into Russian.

Yudu performers will be able to translate text, any article or process business and technical documents in a short time. On you can place an order for any translation:

  • successive(from any foreign language)
  • written(articles and documentation)
  • content from foreign sites(at home)

You will agree on the form of payment with the performer Yuda individually. If necessary, on you can order the services of a professional simultaneous interpreter for translation from English and other languages.

Benefits of cooperation with Yudu performers

The provision of services is carried out by professionals registered on, in accordance with your requirements. Yudu performers are interested in cooperation, therefore they will offer you at a low price:

  • buy processed text in Russian
  • translate foreign content of any complexity (orally and in writing, remotely)
  • notarize translated documents
  • buy ready-made articles from foreign sites on a specific topic

Use the services of a specialist registered in Yuda. You can always agree on their cost and form of payment with the contractor. The rates for the work of qualified translators will be low. An order for consecutive interpretation can now be made on the Yudu website by filling out an application.

Soon you will receive cooperation proposals from interested specialists. Select an executor and find out under what conditions translation services are provided.

One of the most popular types of freelance earnings is translations of texts. And although most people are sure that such a job requires a crust and a university education, those who speak a foreign language far from a professional level can also earn income from translations.

The most common is translation from English and vice versa. In addition, in order to earn money, it is not necessary to find specific clients with orders, but simply translate interesting materials from foreign sites and then sell them on content exchanges. But let's talk about everything in order.

What skills are required for a good translation of texts?

  1. To make a good translation, you need to understand the topic, or at least understand the essence of the translated text.
  2. In translation and subsequent editing, accuracy, style and terminology, if any, must be preserved.
  3. Do not rely only on your knowledge of the Russian language - use programs to check spelling and grammar. I advise the service for these purposes: it will show not only grammatical errors, but also help to correctly punctuate.
  4. Even though you are translating from a foreign source, this does not mean that it will necessarily be unique. Therefore, even the translated test must be checked for uniqueness.
  5. Foreign spelling of texts is slightly different. Most often, English-language articles are presented in the form of continuous text with several subheadings. As for domestic readers, they more easily perceive the text, divided into subheadings, paragraphs, bulleted lists.

How much can you earn from translating texts?

As in the case of regular texts, the cost of translations varies. It starts from 150 rubles per 1000 characters in the case of standard translations and goes up to 400-500 rubles per 1000 characters when it comes to highly specialized texts such as technical or medical. But again, it all depends on the topic and the complexity of the translation.

The cost of translations in facts:

  • The rate for the translation is taken from the calculation for 1000 characters, and the minimum cost is 120-150 rubles.
  • Depending on the complexity of the text, payment for 1000 characters increases, sometimes reaching up to 500 rubles for 1000 characters.
  • Especially appreciated are translations from rare languages ​​- Danish, Greek, Korean, Norwegian and other similar ones. The cost of translation orders for such texts can exceed 500 rubles per kilosign.
  • Don't overcharge your translations too much, especially if you're a beginner. You can start with the lowest rates and still earn $300 a month. In addition, relatively low rates will help you gain experience and build your client base faster.
  • It is possible to increase your income due to regular customers, whom you will be able to choose from the general client base over time.
  • Constant translation of texts will help you develop skills in rewriting and copywriting, therefore, by adding these two areas to your work, you can earn up to $500 per month.
  • As a professional translator, you can make remote translation of texts your main income and easily earn income in the region of $1,000 per month.

What affects the price of a translation:

  • the presence of a diploma or certificate of knowledge of the language;
  • portfolio with finished translations;
  • experience with translations;
  • ability to translate complex texts(technical and medicine).

Where to take orders and sell translations?

The main place for selling translations and receiving orders are content exchanges. Of course, you can find clients on general freelance exchanges, but usually there are not very many ads in this area on such resources. Again, that's why they are content exchanges, that there you can put up a finished text for sale and wait until someone buys it.

Here are the exchanges that beginners should start with:

  • a fairly popular exchange, which is suitable for gaining experience and reputation. All payment goes through the site and is carried out in rubles, and the cost of a regular transfer varies from 30 to 60 rubles.
  • Copylancer is a service that offers many orders for the translation of texts. If you successfully pass the test, then you can safely expect to receive a decent income. Having a good command of foreign languages, in particular English, you can earn from 120 rubles per 1000 characters.

How to make money without knowing a foreign language?

So we have reached the point that interests many. How to make money on translations if you do not know any foreign language perfectly. Let's take English as an example.

Step 1

Explore the content market and identify the most popular topics. Also, view statistics on the sale of texts on content exchanges. From the most popular topics, choose the one that you understand and are familiar with.

Step 2

Find sources on the topic and identify the articles you plan to translate.

Step 3

Translate the text. This can be done in several of the following ways:

  • The most popular way to translate text is through Google Translate or Yandex.Translate. You just need to paste the text in one box, and in the other you will have a finished translation. Of course, it will be rather "clumsy", but still you will be able to capture the essence of the text.
  • The program "Socrates Personal" allows you to translate from Russian into English and vice versa. Very easy to install and does not require special skills.
  • Service for translation Microsoft Bing-translator. Copy the URL of the article from the source, paste it into the box, and then the service issues a full translation of the entire text.

Step 4

Bring the text into a readable form or rewrite it. If the text is customized, then it will need to be adjusted to the requirements of the client.

Step 5

Check the text for uniqueness and errors, as well as for style.

Advantages and disadvantages of making money on translations

As with any job, translation has its pros and cons. Undoubtedly, such distant work gives an opportunity to earn income to many people who are unable to work in the office - mothers on maternity leave, students, people with disabilities, etc. For them, this will be an excellent part-time job, but, alas, even here there are pitfalls. It is with them that we will begin.

Among the shortcomings of such work, I would like to highlight:

  • Unstable orders. Do not expect that the work will go on in an endless stream.
  • Fraudsters. Many people just want to profit from your work.
  • Texts for sale. Your translations can hang unclaimed on the content exchange for a month, or even more.
  • Clients. It is necessary to monitor ads daily in search of orders and try to intercept them first, because there are enough competitors.

As for the advantages, they are obvious:

  • You can work whenever you want and even combine translations with your main job.
  • You can choose only those orders and topics that you like.
  • You gain experience in rewriting and copywriting, and this, as I said above, is an additional income.


Perhaps we will round off on this. I hope that I managed to sufficiently reveal the topic of this type of earnings and help someone find their calling. The main thing is not to be afraid to try. Who knows, maybe in the future, translations will indeed become your main income.

Freelancing is becoming more and more integral to our lives every year. Any specialist who does his work on a computer can do freelancing. The freelance translator is no exception. The profession of a translator is popular in our country. Many people know foreign languages. There are a huge number of universities that teach this profession. The most popular languages ​​are: English and German. Other Western European languages ​​and specific languages ​​such as Japanese are also gaining popularity. The more complex the language, the more you can earn.

What do freelance translators do?

Naturally, the main direction of work is the written translation of texts. Interpreting tasks are much rarer and require that the person who needs the service and you are in the same city.

A freelance translator who translates from English into Russian will be the most in demand. But along with the demand, there is another problem - this is a large amount of competition with other freelancers. In this regard, a specific language will be much better than a popular one, but it will take more time to find a customer.

How to become a freelance translator?

In order to start working as an interpreter, you need:

  • Excellent knowledge of a foreign language
  • No less excellent knowledge of the Russian language
  • Knowledge in the field of translation. You must determine for yourself the specialization in which you will work. For example: medicine, law, construction, etc. The definition of a narrow specialization will allow you to be considered a high-class translator in this field. There will be more customers, prices will be higher.
  • Knowing your strengths. Determine the amount of transfer that you can make during the day. Never agree to work beyond this amount or say more time is needed. If you do more work than you can, then either the quality of the translation will be poor or the deadlines will be missed. It is also useful to keep in touch with other translators in order to hand over part of the work to them if necessary.
  • Computer with high speed Internet access.
  • Antivirus, so that at the wrong moment the computer does not fail. Customers don't like delays in orders.
  • You should be proficient with office programs and communication tools such as Email and Skype. Always keep in touch with your employer. In cases where the deadlines need to be postponed or unforeseen circumstances arise, be sure to warn.
  • You must first have electronic wallets in the main payment systems, such as Yandex Money, Webmoney, Qiwi. Sometimes customers also work by transfer through Sberbank.
  • The ability to quickly type with a blind ten-finger method is required. Without this skill, even if you know perfectly well foreign language, the time spent on translating the article will be so large that it will simply not be profitable for you to engage in the activities of a translator.
  • And of course, the ability to express your thoughts on paper is also important. A good presentation style will add to your translator's karma.

Freelancing for a translator is different in that you need to independently look for orders and customers. For many freelancers, this becomes just a headache.

Language teaching

As noted above, excellent knowledge of the language is the most important condition for you to be able to start working as a translator. Of course, you can use machine translators, for example from Google, but in any language there are difficulties, catchphrases, unusual wordings that auto translators usually translate incorrectly. Yes, and staging a speech on your own is also quite difficult.

In the modern world of communications, it is very easy to get knowledge of the language without leaving home. Skype training is available. Of course, this is not free, but the result will be much better and faster than learning on your own.

How to search for customers?

Firstly, these are specialized sites. They are also called freelancing exchanges. Most of these exchanges are not highly specialized. Not only translators, but also other freelancers are looking for work on them.

Jobs should be sought on stock exchanges where there are jobs for translators:

Specialized sites for translators:

When working on these exchanges, the concept of rating is very important. The higher your rating, the more employers value you. The pay for your work also depends on the rating. At first, in order to develop a rating, it is worth taking orders at a small price, and then raise prices in the future.

When working, the use of machine translation is allowed, but just do not overdo it. Poorly corrected machine translation is easy to calculate. A negative review on the exchange will be guaranteed to you.

Freelance settlement methods

When working on stock exchanges, several methods of mutual settlements are used:

  • Prepayment. The customer usually pays 50% before the start of work and the rest after the provision and verification of the translation.
  • . Funds are reserved on the exchange. After the delivery of the translation of the text, you receive full payment. Please note that a safe transaction takes into account the timing. If you do not deliver the transfer on time, there is a chance that you will not receive payment at all.

In addition to freelance exchanges, there are other ways to find orders for text translation.

Studio customers

You can cooperate with translation agencies. At the same time, they are in strong competition with you as a specialist. Because legal entities it is often easier to contact an organization that accepts payment by bank transfer, even if they overpay for the transfer.

When contacting a translation agency, be prepared for the fact that it will be necessary to complete a test task, as well as the fact that you simply will not receive an answer. The flow of incoming applications from those wishing to work in a translation agency is usually so large that the manager simply does not have time to read it.

You can get a job in a similar agency, but not as a freelancer, but in the state. The difference is that you will be required to pay the minimum bid and there will be no need to look for orders yourself.

Another option is to build good relationships with other freelancers who do translations. Perhaps they will transfer part of their work to you (of course, with its excess).

The time that a freelance translator spends searching for orders is very high. To achieve maximum effect, you should combine methods of finding customers. A freelancer is a multidirectional person who loves to communicate. If you do not have this skill, it will most likely be very difficult.

A combination of customer search methods

The combination of methods for finding customers for translators is as follows:

Always improve in your work

Read specialized literature, both in your own language and in a foreign one. The more terms and specific concepts you know, the better. It will be easier to translate texts in the future.

  • Practice endlessly! Practice makes your translation skills better!
  • Always know your strengths. It's better to say no than to miss deadlines.
  • Discuss the order if you have any questions
  • Correct and edit the text until there is nothing to complain about.

The work of a translator will always be in demand in the freelance market. Work, improve, and customers will always be!