Container opening and retail sales for iiko. The egais system for the sale of alcohol: participants and the connection procedure Retail sale of alcoholic beverages egais

EGAIS is a unified state automated information system.

What is EGAIS for retail and why is it needed? In fact, with the help of this system, the state intends to control the production and movement of all alcohol throughout the country. The fact is that, as statistics show, about 30 percent of alcohol in Russia is produced illegally. This means that approximately every third bottle of alcohol on the counter is counterfeit.

In such a situation, control is, of course, a necessary thing, but for entrepreneurs this is another stress. No panic! We will tell you in detail and in detail everything you need to know about how it works. EGAIS in retail from January 1, 2016: how to connect, when to connect and what to do to connect. We will answer questions that many entrepreneurs have, for example, is EGAIS needed to sell beer. And besides, we will offer a solution that will greatly facilitate your life with EGAIS in retail.

So, facts. If you have retail store on the territory of Russia, then keep in mind that from January 1, 2016 you need to transfer information to EGAIS about the purchase of any alcohol, even if you only sell beer at retail. And in July of that year, the retail sales reporting requirement came into effect. Each item must pass through the system. This is stated in federal law No. 182-FZ with the long title "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On state regulation production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting consumption (drinking) alcoholic products».

Moreover, according to the updated version of the law 171-FZ from March 31, 2017, the sale of alcoholic products and its sale through public catering can only be carried out using cash registers. This also applies to beer, as well as other low-alcohol drinks. In practice, this means that you automatically forfeit the delay until July 2018 for the introduction of online cash registers. Even if you are an individual entrepreneur on UTII or a patent, but at the same time you sell any alcohol, then you need to apply CCP now.

Latest news for those who sell beer! And they are good. Law 278-FZ of July 29, 2017 is published on the official Internet portal legal information July 31, 2017 and entered into force from the date of publication. In particular, it gives new edition article 16 of the law 171-FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" and its paragraph 10: " Retail alcoholic products and retail sale of alcoholic products in the provision of services Catering carried out using cash registers in accordance with the law Russian Federation on the use of cash registers. Thus, the priority of the law on cash registers over 171-FZ was recognized. Respectively, Individual entrepreneurs on UTII or a patent selling beer, beer drinks, cider, poire and mead received a delay for the introduction of online cash registers until July 1, 2018.

How EGAIS works in retail


Work with EGAIS in retail for you will begin with the receipt of the delivery. After receiving alcohol from the supplier, you will need to check the actual number of bottles with the paper and electronic invoice. How to confirm the fact of purchase in EGAIS? Electronic document must come from the information system to your computer with an installed accounting program with EGAIS support. If the data converge, you accept the invoice from the supplier and confirm the fact of purchase in EGAIS. If not, or if the stamps on any goods are damaged, you can either reject the invoice completely or issue a discrepancy report.

Let's assume that everything came together and confirmation of the fact of purchase in the Unified State Automated Information System took place. Now you need to upload information about the goods to the cash program, which must also be installed in retail in accordance with the requirements of the Unified State Automated Information System.

It is assumed that each bottle of alcohol has a special brand on which the two-dimensional Micro PDF417 barcode is applied. It encodes information about the manufacturer and license, as well as other product characteristics.


So, bottles of alcohol are placed on the shelves, and the trade begins. Buyer chose desired product and ready to pay. The cashier reads the information from the bottle's barcode using a 2D scanner, and the product is added to the receipt. At the same time, the cash register program generates an xml file and sends it to the Universal Transport Module. This is an application that communicates with the server of Rosalkogolregulirovanie. There, a receipt is generated digital signature store and a barcode, which "flies" to the cashier, and only after that the check is closed. Thus, the sale of each bottle or box of alcohol should be recorded online in the EGAIS system in retail since 2016.

after sale

Together with the purchased goods, the buyer receives a check from the cashier, but not a regular one, but with a two-dimensional barcode. This code confirms that the fact of the sale is recorded in the Unified State Automated Information System. In this case, the code on the check will be the same, regardless of the amount of alcohol purchased. Now the buyer can check the authenticity of alcohol himself by reading this code using mobile phone. To do this, he needs to install mobile app"AntiCounterfeit Alco" from Rosalkogolregulirovanie. With the introduction of online cash registers, when buying alcohol, there will already be two QR codes on the check: one - generated by the CCP for the check as a whole, the second - for alcohol from EGAIS.

However, if everything works correctly, then theoretically, there is no point in checking the barcode by the buyer. When the code is not read by the scanner at the checkout, the system detects an attempt to sell counterfeit alcohol and blocks it. This is what ideally EGAIS is for retail.

If a failure occurs

If the Internet in the store suddenly turns off, the sale of alcohol can continue for some time. The program for EGAIS will save data on each sale. And as soon as the network is working again, the software will transfer the data to the PAP. In this case, checks to buyers will be closed. The EGAIS system in retail trade in 2017 assumes that it is possible to work in this mode for no more than three days. If during this time the breakdown is not fixed, then the sale of alcohol will have to be suspended.

Questions and answers

- Do I need to scan each bottle when receiving goods?
- When receiving, there is no need to scan the goods at all. Acceptance and work with suppliers is carried out within the framework of electronic document management in EGAIS, in batches by volume indicators.

- How to move balances between stores?
- It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. According to the official position of the RAP FS, movement between separate subdivisions, as well as from a central warehouse or office is possible only with a wholesale license. But from a technical point of view, UTM allows you to issue invoices for movements.

- Will the alcohol declaration be cancelled?
- Until 2018, the declaration remains. In 2018, when the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS) will start operating at all enterprises engaged in the circulation of alcoholic products, declarations will be cancelled.

Terms of connection to EGAIS

From January 1, 2016, organizations that sell alcohol at retail must record the fact of purchasing alcohol in the Unified State Automated Information System. This applies to both urban and rural outlets. Another important date is July 1, 2016. From now on, all these organizations, in addition to informing about purchases, will also have to record retail sales in EGAIS.

Questions and answers

- What to do with balances purchased before January 1, 2016?
They don't need to be balanced. You can sell. But if you need to issue an invoice for a return to the supplier or write off, these operations will need to be carried out only through the EGAIS, and to do this, you must first put such products on the balance sheet using the Statement of Statement on the Balance Sheet document in the EGAIS.

Sale of beer in 2016 - new rules

Individual entrepreneurs selling beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret and mead, according to the new rules from 2016, must also transfer information on the purchase of low-alcohol drinks to EGAIS. Just like most representatives of alcohol retail, they are required to do this from January 1. The new rules do not provide for fixing beer sales in 2016.

Do I need EGAIS in catering

Judging by the explanations of official authorities, the answer to the question of whether EGAIS is needed in public catering is as follows. Public catering establishments that sell alcohol must record its purchase in the EGAIS system. The law does not provide for fixing sales in EGAIS for cafes and restaurants.

Questions and answers

- If we are an individual entrepreneur and trade only beer, do we need a scanner?
- You don't need a scanner. UTII printer - at your discretion. If you are exempt from applying CCP.

- Do you need a scanner for a small cafe-bar?
- If you want to connect to EGAIS in terms of reflecting sales of strong alcohol on a voluntary basis, then yes, you need it.

- What are the advantages of voluntary connection to the Unified State Automated Information System of a catering organization?
- The advantage is that if you send sales data to EGAIS, you can forget about the retail sales register. It will be automatically filled in and generated in your personal account.

Who does not need to connect to EGAIS?

To begin with, we list those who are temporarily exempted from EGAIS.

  • Relaxation in the law is provided for organizations in the territory Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. This applies to companies that sell alcohol at retail, as well as individual entrepreneurs retailers of beer and other low-alcohol drinks. In urban settlements, it is necessary to record the facts of the purchase of alcohol in the Unified State Automated Information System from January 1, 2017. For rural settlements, the postponement of the EGAIS is even longer - they will need to connect on January 1, 2018.
  • Retail alcohol organizations in countryside with a population of up to 3 thousand people, where the Internet has not yet been connected to stores, also belong to those who did not need to connect to the Unified State Automated Information System at the first stage, but only in terms of fixing sales! On sales, they have a delay until July 1, 2017. With regard to fixing purchases, there were no delays in rural settlements! And, importantly, not all rural settlements will receive benefits. The list of settlements that have received deferrals is approved by the subject of the federation.

And now about those who do not need to connect to EGAIS at all. They are entitled to:

  • producers of beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret and mead with a volume of not more than 300 thousand decaliters per year;
  • producers of wine and sparkling wine (champagne) from their own grapes;
  • in terms of fixing sales, EGAIS is not provided for individual entrepreneurs selling retail beer, beer drinks, cider, poire and mead, as well as for public catering organizations (cafes and restaurants).
Questions and answers

- Crimea has a deferral under 182-FZ, but if an organization from the mainland buys products from a company in Crimea, does it have to record the purchase in the Unified State Automated Information System?
- Yes, it is necessary to record such a purchase.

- How to confirm invoices to a supplier in a rural settlement, where the Internet in the store can be lost for more than 3 days?
- For settlements, the maximum terms for confirming invoices to the supplier are set - 7 days. During this time, you can find a point where there is Internet (for example, a post office) and confirm invoices there.

Internet trade in alcohol

In fact, there is simply no law on the legal Internet sale of alcohol yet. But Rosalkogolregulirovanie says that this issue is on the agenda. It is assumed that in the legislation regulating these processes, restrictions on the age of buyers and on the time of sales will be prescribed.

Log book for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages

Keeping such a journal has also become a necessity since January 1, 2016. It records the number, date of retail sale, barcode, product name, product type code, capacity in liters and quantity. Data on the supply of alcohol in the log is not displayed. The form of its maintenance was approved by the order of Rosalkogolregulirovanie No. 164 of 06/19/2015.

The document can be maintained both in paper and in in electronic format. Subject to connection to EGAIS, the requirements for logging will be considered fulfilled. However, there is a subtle point here. Recording retail sales of alcohol in EGAIS became mandatory only on July 1, 2016, and the journal had to be maintained from January 1. Accordingly, for half a year it was necessary to fix sales in it separately.

Questions and answers

- How to enter data into the register when selling alcohol on tap?
- When selling alcohol in bottling, the data is entered into the log when the container is opened. The weight and volume of the container is entered in full.

- Is it necessary to maintain a register in Crimea from January 1, 2016, or is there a delay?
- Yes, required from January 1, 2016.

- How to keep entries in the journal if the LLC sells both alcoholic products and beer?
- If the organization is one, you must record everything in one log. The journal is maintained for each legal entity separately.

Filling out the journal is the responsibility of all organizations that deal in the circulation of alcohol, as well as individual entrepreneurs selling beer and other low-alcohol drinks. At the same time, individual entrepreneurs who do not have to inform EGAIS about sales will need to display them in the magazine. A separate journal must be kept for each outlet.

The data from the log will be needed for the quarterly filing of declarations.

Responsibility for non-connection to EGAIS

If the outlet is not connected to the Unified State Automated Information System, then from January 1, 2016, it is prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages, including beer. Responsibility for non-connection to EGAIS is the same as for the sale of alcohol without accompanying documents. Entity will be fined the amount from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles, and a fine for not connecting to EGAIS for the head of the company ( individual) will be 15,000 rubles. This is provided for in Article 14.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

A similar responsibility after July 1, 2016 came for those entrepreneurs who connected to the Unified State Automated Information System but do not scan the goods. If this is not a conscious violation, then this can happen as a result of the delivery of goods to the store with damaged stamps and damaged bar codes. Information simply does not count and when such a product is sold, it can only be regarded as illegal trafficking in alcoholic products. Therefore, every entrepreneur dealing with the sale of alcohol should take care to sell the goods with damaged brands before July.

We add that, as stated in Rosalkogolregulirovanie, until April 20, 2016, suppliers and retailers, if any problems with the Unified State Automated Information System were found, were promised not to be punished.

By April 20, declarations for the 1st quarter of 2016 were submitted, and the regulatory body was able to compare the information reflected in the declarations with the volumes that passed through the Unified State Automated Information System. And then the suppliers and sellers who did not ensure the normal functioning of the system by this date could have problems - they were subjected to the measures provided for by law, up to the deprivation of their license.

EGAIS will be postponed until 2018?

This question occurs among representatives of alcohol retail quite often. Most likely, it arose on the basis of speeches on this topic by the Opora Rossii organization in the media. Opora Rossii appealed to the authorities with a proposal to postpone the need to connect to the Unified State Automated Information System until July 1, 2018. However, the law officially came into force on January 1, 2016.

After the introduction of EGAIS at retail trade enterprises their interaction with suppliers of alcoholic products will be built according to the following scheme.

  1. The manufacturing organization, importer or wholesaler of products fixes consignment notes in EGAIS. The volume of shipped products is reserved on the balance of the sender in EGAIS.
  2. The recipient organization (retailer) through its own accounting system or in any other way, through the Universal Transport Module EGAIS (hereinafter - UTM) receives all waybills sent to it.
  3. If the organization agrees to accept the products specified in the invoices, the organization confirms receipt. In case of detection of an actual shortage of products compared to the volumes indicated in the electronic invoices, if the organization wishes to accept such products, an act of discrepancies is formed with the corrected quantity. The act through UTM gets to the sender of products, while the sender can agree with the act. In this case, only the amount agreed with the recipient will be debited from the sender's balance. In case of disagreement of the sender with the act of discrepancies, he refuses the act and then the entire invoice is refused and the entire volume remains on the balances of the sender.

EGAIS work in the wholesale-retail link

  1. In the event that an actual excess of products is found in comparison with the volumes indicated in electronic invoices, if the organization wishes to accept such products, the recipient organization confirms the invoice. For an excess amount, the sender generates an additional invoice.
  2. In case of disagreement to accept the products specified in the invoices, the recipient organization refuses the incoming invoice. Rejected products remain on the balance of the sender.
  3. Rosalkogolregulirovanie processes all incoming documents and through the UTM returns to the organization receipts for fixing data in the Unified State Automated Information System.

How will EGAIS work in retail?

In accordance with the new legislation, the sale of each unit of alcoholic beverages must be recorded in the EGAIS system. The cashier must have at the checkout 2D scanner that is capable ofread off a special or excise stamp necessary information. After scanning it processed by the EGAIS cash module and with an electronic digital signature is transmitted to the server of Rosalkogolregulirovanie. Thus, accounting is carried out in the "online" mode.

To date, the system has been installed and is already operating in some large retail chains, such as Magnit, Dixy and X5 RetailGroup - Perekrestok store.

Changes in the work of the cashier

In connection with the introduction of EGAIS, there will be some changes in the usual sequence of actions of staff at the checkout (only when selling alcoholic beverages):

  1. The buyer brings products to the checkout, among which there is alcohol;
  2. The cashier reads the EAN of the item;
  3. When reading the EAN of alcoholic products, the request “Scan the bar code of the brand” appears on the cash register screen;
  4. Using a 2D scanner, the cashier reads the FSM / AM barcode;
  5. Upon successful reading of the FSM / AM Barcode, the product is added to the receipt, otherwise the sale of this product is canceled;
  6. If all the goods are included in the check, the cashier presses the "Total" button;
  7. The cash register software generates an xml file and sends it to the EGAIS software (Transport Terminal);
  8. The Transport Terminal generates a receipt and returns it to the cash desk;
  9. The check is closed with the print of a slip of alcoholic products;
  10. The buyer, having read the QR code from the slip of alcoholic products, can check its legality;

What if the alcoholic product does not break through?

If for some reason the EGAIS software ( Transport Terminal) does not send a receipt to the cashier, that is, does not confirm the legality of the product, the alcoholic product is removed from the receipt to complete the sale of the rest of the non-alcoholic product.

Why didn't alcohol make it to the check?

There are two main reasons why a unit of alcoholic products does not break through:

The main reasons that the barcode is not readable:

  • non-compliance of the printed barcode with GOST (low readability category);
  • abrasion of the brand surface during transportation;
  • curvature of the surface of the applied brand due to the characteristics of the container;
  • applying decorative materials to consumer packaging (conditionally);
  • Combining several units of consumer packaging into a group container (conditionally);
  • Use of souvenir packaging (conditionally).

How to avoid problems with alcoholic products at the checkout?

  1. Pay attention to the presence and quality of labeling of alcoholic products;
  2. Carefully handle alcohol products, avoiding damage or difficulty reading the brand;
  3. Work with trusted suppliers;
  4. Check the legality of alcoholic products before they enter the trading floor.

The seller must know what's on the counter!

Reducing the risk of counterfeit products entering the sales area

The EGAIS system allows you to check the authenticity of alcoholic products not only at the time of sale at the checkout. By registering on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website, the store owner can check his goods at any time.

This will require:

  • access to Personal Area FS RAR;
  • (modified to work with the system).

EGAIS is state system control over the production and circulation of alcohol, operating throughout Russia. Until 2016, the system controlled only producers and importers of strong alcohol, but now wholesalers and retailers of any alcoholic products, as well as manufacturers of beer and beer drinks, are required to connect to it. The EGAIS does not apply to the production and circulation of alcohol in the pharmaceutical industry.

The main goal of implementing the Unified State Automated Information System is to prevent the sale of counterfeit alcohol, the share of which, according to various estimates, is 30-35% of the entire alcohol market. Such a number of fakes not only poses a huge danger to the health and life of consumers, but also causes significant damage to the budget.

The legal basis of EGAIS is fixed in the following legal acts:

  • Law No. 171-FZ dated November 22, 1995;
  • Law No. 182-FZ dated June 29, 2015;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 25, 2006 No. 522;
  • order of Rosalkogolregulirovanie dated 01.08.2013 No. 193.

All regulatory sources are freely available, and in this article we will give only practical information about who and when should connect to the EGAIS and how to do it.

How EGAIS works

The EGAIS system should provide control at all stages of the production and sale of alcohol. In fact, the entire path of alcohol from the conveyor to getting into the buyer's basket should be transparent. To do this, a special brand with information encoded in the PDF417 2D barcode is glued to each bottle of strong alcohol or wine. The code contains information about the manufacturer, product composition, date of release or import into the Russian Federation, place and time of bottling, container volume and other characteristics.

When selling alcohol, the cashier reads information from the barcode using a 2D scanner. If the product is legal, then the position is added to cash receipt, and the cash desk software generates an xml file and transfers it to the universal transport module (UTM). Through it, EGAIS receives information about the sale, and the sold bottles are written off from the rest of the store. The check issued to the buyer, in addition to the usual information, will contain a QR code, with which you can independently verify the legality of the purchased alcohol.

This is how the EGAIS registers the fact of retail sales, which in 2016 is mandatory only for sellers of strong alcohol in cities. From the second half of 2017, retailers in rural settlements will also be required to record the sale of alcohol in this way. The sale of strong alcohol in public catering and in the system is not fixed.

Much more participants in the alcohol market are required to connect to the Unified State Automated Information System for another reason - confirmation of the fact of purchases from legal producers and suppliers. Working with EGAIS in this case happens like this:

  1. When ordering alcoholic beverages, the manufacturer or supplier draws up invoices for the buyer, reflecting them in the Unified State Automated Information System. Waybills become available to the buyer through the universal transport module.
  2. Upon actual delivery, the buyer compares the assortment and the number of units in the lot with what is indicated in the invoices. If everything is in order, then the receipt of the goods is confirmed by sending a corresponding notification to the Unified State Automated Information System. If the information from the invoices does not correspond to the actual quantity / assortment, the buyer has the right to send a discrepancy report to the sender. The fact of any shortage or excess of products is also recorded in the system.
  3. After accepting the batch, the supplier writes off the delivered products from their balances in the Unified State Automated Information System, and it is recorded in the buyer's balances.

Thus, in unified system to control the circulation and sale of alcohol EGAIS records:

  • volumes of production of alcohol, beer and beer products;
  • volumes of alcohol received at warehouses and released from them;
  • confirmation of the fact of wholesale purchases of alcohol and beer;
  • fixing retail sales of strong alcohol.

Terms of connection to EGAIS

Participants of the alcohol market are divided into several categories, each of which has its own requirements regarding the timing of connection to the Unified State Automated Information System.

Who is required to connect to EGAIS

Reason and date of connection

Organizations engaged in the purchase, storage and supply of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (wholesalers)

Transfer to EGAIS of information on the turnover of alcoholic products received and released from warehouses from 01/01/2016. For Crimea and Sevastopol - from 07/01/2017.

Producers of beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead with a production capacity of less than 300 thousand decaliters per year

Transfer to EGAIS of information on the turnover of products released from the warehouse from 01/01/2016

Producers of beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead with a production capacity of more than 300 thousand decaliters per year

Transfer to EGAIS of information on the volume of manufactured products from 01.10.2015
Transfer to EGAIS of information on the turnover of products released from the warehouse from 01/01/2016

Sellers of alcoholic products in cities

Procurement confirmation from 01.01.2016. For Crimea and Sevastopol - from 07/01/2017.

Recording the fact of sales from 07/01/2016

Sellers of alcoholic products in rural areas

Procurement confirmation 01.01.2016. For Crimea and Sevastopol - from 07/01/2018

Recording the fact of sales from 07/01/2017

Sellers of alcoholic products in catering

Procurement confirmation 01.01.2016

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs purchasing beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead for retail sale

Procurement confirmation from 01.01.2016

Please note: EGAIS in public catering and for the sale of beer does not require fixing the fact of sales by scanning each bottle, so connecting to the system for such sellers will cost less.

Agricultural producers of wines and champagne that produce them from their own grapes are not required to receive confirmation from the EGAIS on the legal origin of alcohol. In addition, retail outlets located in rural areas with a population of less than 3 thousand people and where there is no Internet have the right not to connect to EGAIS. The list of such settlements is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, learn about the inclusion rural settlement this list can be in the local administration.

Responsibility for violation of the procedure for accounting for alcohol

EGAIS is designed so that the supply of alcohol and beer, bypassing state control, was impossible in principle. A legal supplier or manufacturer simply will not be able to ship products if the buyer is not identified in the system under unique number(ID).

But if we are talking about the supply of counterfeit products and their further sale outside the EGAIS, then the following liability is provided:

  1. Fine under article 14.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: from 10 to 15 thousand rubles for individual entrepreneurs and heads of organizations and from 150 to 200 thousand rubles for legal entities.
  2. Cancellation for the production and circulation of alcohol, if it was issued (Article 20 of the law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ).
  3. Seizure of products that are in illegal circulation (Article 25 of the Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ).

What is needed to connect to EGAIS and how much does it cost

EGAIS is a single federal information base, and you will have to incur certain costs to connect and work with it. For convenience, we have collected information in a table, indicating approximate prices.

Mandatory purchases for EGAIS


Computer (2 GB RAM, 50 GB hard drive)

from 25 000 rubles

Internet access at speeds of 256 kbps or more

from 300 rubles per month

Fiscal registrar with QR code printing function

from 18 000 rubles

Crypto-key for writing CEP

from 2000 rubles

Certificate of Qualified electronic signature

from 2000 rubles

2D barcode scanner

from 8000 rubles

Universal transport module EGAIS

Is free (*)

Accounting program compatible with EGAIS

(for example, 1C-Enterprise)

from 4000 rubles

(*) You can download the EGAIS transport module on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website

On the cash register market, they offer ready-made sets of equipment for EGAIS, which will cost less - from 30,000 rubles. For the sale of beer, as well as alcohol in public catering, confirmation of the fact of sale is not required, so the cost of connecting to the system will be even lower.

Please note: for organizations that have, each point of sale must purchase its own separate kit technical means. Connection to EGAIS for individual entrepreneurs, regardless of the number of outlets, will require only one set.

Connection to EGAIS on the official website of Rosalkogolregulirovanie occurs through the user's personal account. Separate instructions are provided for different participants in the alcohol market (retailers and wholesalers, manufacturers, catering), so choose your category.

But before registering in your personal account on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website and connecting to the Unified State Automated Information System, you need to get a hardware crypto key and write a qualified electronic signature certificate to it. Gives them out state organization FSUE "TsentrInform", which has a network of branches in all regions of the Russian Federation.

The site has a well-written procedure for obtaining an electronic signature, so choose your region and the office closest to you. You will need to receive the certificate in person, after paying the bill and preparing the necessary documents:

  • application to the Certification Center and consent to the processing of personal data (automatically generated in the personal account);
  • certificate of registration with the IFTS;
  • certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • passport and SNILS of the owner of the electronic signature (head or individual entrepreneur;
  • a document confirming the authority of the head (minutes, decision, order of appointment).

In addition, special media will be required to record the electronic signature key (JaCarta SE or Rutoken EDS 2.0). Media can be purchased at the office itself by ordering in advance through your personal account and paying their cost.

How to set up EGAIS? After you have received a qualified electronic signature certificate, go to the page of video instructions for setting up the Unified State Automated Information System on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website. The instructions are different for Rutoken and JaCarta, just follow them and you will be able to connect to the system yourself.

In this article, we will try to highlight the topic of EGAIS, talk about the goals of implementing the system, the risks that enterprises bear in connection with its implementation, regulators and the necessary training.

The system is automated system data for state accounting and control over the turnover of alcoholic products (hereinafter referred to as AP), namely production, storage, delivery, export, wholesale and retail trade.

  1. Shops purchasing wholesale alcoholic products are required to record these wholesale purchases in the system.
  2. The retail sale of beer, beer drinks, as well as cider, poiret and mead, is not recorded in the system, and the rest of the alcoholic products are recorded from 07/01/2017.

Who is responsible for the functioning of the system

In accordance with Article 5 of the Federal Law No. 171 “On State Regulation of the Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products and on Limiting the Consumption (Drinking) of Alcoholic Products” dated November 22, 1995 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 522 dated May 25, 2006 ., Rosalkogolregulirovanie is responsible for the operation of the EGAIS system, and for technical support JSC CenterInform.

Who is required to join

Direction Activity Fixation
Retail Organizations_producing_beer_and_beer drinks with a production capacity of more than 300 thousand decaliters per year production
Organizations engaged in the production of beer and beer drinks with a production capacity of less than 300 thousand decaliters per year turnover
wholesalers Organizations engaged in the purchase, storage and supply of AP turnover
Manufacturers Individual entrepreneurs and organizations that purchase only beer and beer drinks for the purpose of subsequent retail sale of such products purchase fact
Public catering organizations engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic products and beer (restaurants, bars, cafes, etc.) purchase fact
Organizations engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic products in urban areas purchase fact
retail from 7.17.
Organizations engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic products in rural settlements purchase fact
retail from 7.17.

What you need to connect retail

A set of technical means- this is: a PC with an installed UTM module and a special media with a CEP certificate for the system and an RSA key recorded on it.

Name Price
1 a computer
more than 2 GB RAM, 100 GB disk space, conventional processor, Windows 7 Starter or higher, Java 8 or higher
16 000 rub.
2 scanner_for_reading_barcode_PDF417 1 500 rub.
3 JaCarta crypto key with built-in PKI/GOST crypto provider 2 500 rub.
4 enhanced qualified electronic signature
a qualified electronic signature is used to sign files transferred to the EGAIS system: waybills, acts, checks. The certificate is produced and issued to an authorized person of the organization.
included in the price of the crypto-key
5 cash register compatible with the system
The cash register (CRE) must be equipped with a clock set to real time areas where this equipment is installed and used (Letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 03-01-15/28072 of 05.05.2017).
18 000 rub.
6 UTM software Free at
7 stable internet connection from 256 kbps Mobinternet

How many kits are needed for LLC and IP

For Limited Liability Companies

  1. Technical means are purchased for each separate subdivision YL, which has a unique combination of TIN-KPP. Each such unit must use your own set technical means.
  2. These technologies must be used at the place of activity specified in the license wholesale or retail trade in alcoholic beverages.
  3. For organizations that sell only beer, technical means are placed at the address of registration of a separate subdivision of a legal entity that sells beer.

For Individual Entrepreneurs

  1. For individual entrepreneurs selling beer at retail, only one set of technical equipment is required.
  2. Hardware kit can be installed to any address carrying out the activities of this individual entrepreneur.

Connecting to the system

You can connect to the system yourself, for this you need to register in the “personal account” on the system website, and the video instruction is at the link

The essence of the EGAIS system is that each producer or seller of alcohol, wholesale or retail, must enter data on his work into it.

Thus, ideally, the state will be able to monitor the circulation of alcohol and simply catch counterfeit products on the market - and it has become recent times more, as a result of a sharp increase in the excise tax on alcohol.

Connection order

1. Purchase a GOST Qualified Electronic Signature Certificate (CEP) and a special carrier.

The CEP certificate is written to a hardware crypto-key (Jacarata SE or Rutoken EDS 2.0) - a certified key carrier, a special usb device designed to create, securely store and use CEP keys. The required number of CEP certificates is determined by the number of separate divisions of the organization that sells alcoholic products, including beer and beer drinks. For each separate subdivision that has a unique combination of TIN-KPP, a separate QEP certificate is ordered. It is enough for individual entrepreneurs selling beer and beer drinks to order one CEP certificate.

2. Get a certificate on the website for establishing a secure connection with EGAIS (RSA key).

This certificate is issued free of charge, it is necessary for organizing a secure connection and identifying the organization in the system.

To create an RSA key:

Log in to the organization's personal account on the EGAIS portal using the CEP certificate received earlier.

Select the "Get Key" section in the side menu. On the page that opens, you can view the locations of your organization's activities.

Select from the list the place of activity for which a specific hardware key is intended and click the "Generate key" button. In this case, the required RSA key will be generated on a special medium.

3. Get the distribution kit of the program "Universal Transport Module" (UTM) and its description on the site

This software module is required to interact with EGAIS, it belongs to the EGAIS software and is distributed free of charge.

To obtain a UTM distribution kit, you need

Log in to your personal account on the website and go to the "Transport module" section.

Get the UTM software distribution kit from the appropriate link and install it on a dedicated computer

After receiving the distribution kit, you will be able to install and configure UTM, set up information interaction between the accounting solution used and UTM.

Additionally for retail stores - until 07/01/2016

Contact the supplier of your cash register software to bring it in line with " Technical requirements» module UTM

Those involved in the retail sale of alcoholic products, before July 1, 2017, must also contact the supplier of the cash register software used to bring it into compliance with the technical requirements.

Using the system

EGAIS is maintained electronically using software. Rosalkogolregulirovanie or authorized customs Department, using software tools, they record information in the Unified State Automated Information System and send an organization, agricultural producer or individual entrepreneur in electronic form via information and telecommunication networks confirming the fixation of information or notification of a refusal to fix it.

The order of work of sellers

1. Fixing the sale to the consumer

The introduction of the Unified State Automated Information System will entail a number of changes in the usual work of the retail store staff, primarily the cashier. The sale of labeled alcoholic products in the store will be carried out as follows:

  1. The buyer brings products to the checkout, among which there are labeled alcoholic products.
  2. The cashier reads the EAN-13 linear bar code of each purchased item.
  3. If this code refers to alcoholic products, then the cash register software will require the cashier to scan a PDF-417 two-dimensional barcode with FSM / AM applied to alcoholic products. With the help of a 2D scanner, the cashier reads this code.
  4. Upon successful reading of the two-dimensional bar code from the FSM/AM, the product (alcoholic beverage) is added to the check, otherwise the sale of this product is canceled.
  5. When all the goods are included in the receipt, the cashier presses the “Total” button.
  6. The cash register software generates an xml file containing information about the alcohol products sold and sends it to the EGAIS software (UTM).
  7. UTM generates a receipt and returns it to the cashier.
  8. The check is closed with the AP QR code printed on it.
  9. The buyer, having read the QR code from the check, can check the legality of the AP.

1. Fixing the wholesale purchase of alcohol for sale to the end consumer Yu

After the introduction of the system at retail trade enterprises, their interaction with suppliers of alcoholic products will be built according to the following scheme:

1. Product sender(manufacturer, importer or wholesaler) fixes consignment notes in EGAIS . The volume of shipped products is reserved on the balance of the sender in the system.

2. Recipient of products(retail store or other wholesaler) receives all invoices sent to it via the Universal Transport Module (UTM).

The recipient agrees to accept the products.

In this case, the recipient acknowledges receipt.

An actual shortage of products was detected compared to the volumes indicated in electronic invoices, the following options are available:

  • If the recipient wishes to accept such products, a discrepancy report is generated with the corrected quantity. The act through UTM gets to the sender and to EGAIS.
  • If the sender agrees with the act of discrepancy, only the volume agreed with the recipient will be deducted from its balance.
  • If the sender does not agree with the act of discrepancies, he refuses the act and then the entire invoice is refused and the entire volume remains on the balances of the sender.

Actual excess of product detected compared to the volumes indicated in electronic invoices, here, again, options are possible:

  • If the recipient wishes to accept such products, he confirms the invoice. For an excess amount, the sender generates an additional invoice.
  • If the recipient does not agree to accept the products specified in the invoices, he refuses the incoming invoice. Rejected products remain on the balance of the sender.

4. All invoices, acts, as well as confirmations / refusals are recorded in the EGAIS repository. FSRAR processes all incoming documents and, through the UTM, returns to the sender receipts for fixing data in the Unified State Automated Information System.

According to the manufacturer, EGAIS allows you to:

  1. ensure the completeness and reliability of accounting for the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products; with the possibility of detailing to the subject of the Russian Federation, manufacturer, type, product name, strength, volume, correctness of excise tax calculation;
  2. ensure the maintenance of records of imports of alcohol and alcoholic products with control over the correctness of the calculation of excise duty;
  3. ensure the accounting of federal special stamps and excise stamps;
  4. to analyze the state and trends in the development of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products on the territory of the Russian Federation and its regions;
  5. hinder the sale of counterfeit products by checking the accompanying documents certifying the legality of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products.

The law also provides that:

  • software and hardware of organizations engaged in these types of activities, using equipment to record the volume of turnover (except for imports) of labeled alcoholic products, must ensure reading from federal special stamps and (or) excise stamps of information about such products specified in paragraph 3.1 of Article 12 Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. No. 171 FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products", as well as receiving and transmitting information on the circulation (except for imports) of such products;
  • software and hardware of organizations engaged in these types of activities, using equipment to record the volume of turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcohol-containing products, beer and beer drinks, cider, poire, mead, as well as individual entrepreneurs purchasing beer and beer drinks, cider, poire, mead for the purpose of subsequent retail sale of such products, must ensure the reception and transmission of information on the turnover of such products.

Legislation about the system

1. Federal Law No. 171

1.1. The main law in the field of regulation of the production and circulation of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products is Federal Law No. 171-FZ dated November 22, 1995 “On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” .

2. Government Decisions (GD)

2.1. Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 1459 dated December 29, 2015 “On the functioning of a unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products”

2.2. PP on the labeling of alcoholic products:

  • RF GD No. 785 dated December 21, 2005 “On the labeling of alcoholic products with federal special marks”
  • RF GD No. 866 dated December 31, 2005 “On labeling alcoholic products with excise stamps”

2.3. RF GD No. 864 dated 12/31/2005 "On the certificate to the bill of lading for ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on amendments to some resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation"

3. Orders of Rosalkogolregulirovanie

  1. Order No. 33n dated May 12, 2010 “On approval of the list of information on labeled alcoholic products applied to federal special stamps and read using technical means of the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, as well as the application format specified information"
  2. Order No. 43n dated 07/01/2010 "On approval of the list of information contained in the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products provided to organizations engaged in the production and (or) circulation (excluding retail sales) of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.
  3. Order No. 191 dated July 12, 2012 “On approval of samples, a list of details and security elements of federal special stamps”
  4. Order No. 193 of 08/01/2013 "On approval administrative regulations provision by the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation public service on maintaining a unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products "
  5. Order No. 149 dated May 21, 2014 “On Approval of Forms of Applications for Recording in the Unified State Automated Information System for Recording the Volume of Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products, Information on the Organization Producing and (or) Turning (Except for Retail Sales) of Ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, on products, on the volume of production and turnover of products, on documents authorizing and accompanying the production and turnover of products, confirmations of fixing and notifications of refusal to fix the specified information, as well as the form and procedure for filling in requests from organizations for providing information contained in the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, and certificates provided territorial bodies Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market on the basis of these requests"
  6. Order No. 231 of August 23, 2012 “On the Procedure for Filling in Declarations on the Volume of Production, Turnover and (or) Use of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products, and on the Use of Production Facilities”
  7. Order No. 164 dated June 19, 2015 “On the form of the register for the volume of retail sales of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and the procedure for filling it out.”
  8. Order No. 414 dated 03.12.2015 “On approval of application forms for fixing in the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, information about the organization engaged in the production and (or) turnover (except for retail sales) of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, on products, on the volume of production and turnover of products, on documents authorizing and accompanying the production and turnover of products, confirmations of fixing and notifications of refusal to fix the specified information, as well as the form and procedure for filling in requests from organizations for providing information contained in the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, and certificates provided by the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market on the basis of these requests owls."

Responsibility for not connecting to the system

For violation of the procedure for fixing information in the Unified State Automated Information System and (or) not connecting to the system, it is possible to bring to administrative responsibility under Article 14.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and impose a fine:

  • for IP and officials organizations - from 10,000 rubles to 15,000 rubles;
  • for organizations - from 150,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles.

History of EGAIS ( brief reference)

The main functional purpose of the EGAIS system is to provide information and technological support for the tasks set forth in the Federal Law No. 171 FZ of November 22, 1995 "On the state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products."

Since 2005, the system has been introduced for mandatory use by enterprises working with wholesale quantities of alcohol-containing products.

In 2012, Rosalkogolregulirovanie announced the need to use EGAIS in the retail trade of alcoholic beverages. The system was developed by the main research computer center of the Federal Tax Service.

This solution is able to fix container opening operations for restaurants. The bottom line is this: a 2D barcode scanner and a plug-in are installed on the terminal in the bar "Opening containers for iikoFront" . After making certain settings in iikoFront there is a functionality that allows you to register the operations of opening containers for labeled and non-labeled products. The solution allows automatic or manual sending of write-off acts from both registers. On the email the accountant receives notifications about written off positions, as well as about problematic positions that could not be written off. It is possible to activate the "Cruise control" mode, which helps to automatically write off items that were not available on the balance at the time of writing off. Solution controls reopening, which allows the bartender not to get confused about what was opened yesterday and what is today, etc. A report on opened containers is also available to check. There is a menu for sending a summary report and ZHURP for the period. In general, this module allows automate the process of sending write-off acts to EGAIS. Good luck in job!!!


  • Correction of errors in the search algorithm for help B. (If there were leftovers for one alcocode of blot and batch products, the system could select help B from the blot for a batch bottle.)
  • Correction of double sending of the write-off act. (We have made the maximum number of checks before sending the request).
  • When generating write-off acts, openings older than 3 days are automatically transferred to the current day. (Previously, the system waited for a response from EGAIS regarding the impossibility of processing a document older than 3 days and only then moved the autopsies to the current day)
  • Now, if the system could not find the MRP for products on register 1, then the position is immediately placed in a "penalty" before sending the acts. Relevant for situations when there is beer on 1 register and no MRP is specified for it in iikoOffice. Previously, the entire act was not accepted because of this.


  • Register access to the serveriikoin the config file.
  • Appoint account plugin rightB_ADMSystem Administration.
  • Versioniikosupports work with new excise stamps.

Earlier in past versions

  • Made minor adjustments to the work with the MRC
  • Corrected the situations in which the write-off certificates received the error "Incorrect RFU2".
  • Added MRC for wine weaker than 28 degrees. We put down the same price as for wine from 28 degrees. If you need to put down individual values, then you need to put down the sale price in the EGAIS product card in iikoOffice.
  • Corrected the situation in which write-off acts were not carried out due to the error “Barcode not found in the system”.
  • In connection with the latest innovations in EGAIS, we made an automatic breakdown of write-off acts into old and new brands.
  • We made it possible to launch the process of resending write-off acts for problematic items. Given the innovations in controlling sales amounts and breaking down acts by brand type, problematic positions could well accumulate. In the menu for sending reports to e-mail, a button for resending data to EGAIS appeared. Select a period and click the button. The operation is not terrible. It does not affect decommissioned positions in EGAIS.
  • Optimized the ticket processing process for a large number of tasks.
  • We fixed a bug when sending debit statements that contained keg openings. In versions,, there was an error when calculating the MRP and the act was not sent. After updating to version, these acts will go to EGAIS themselves.
  • Fixed a bug in printing a daily autopsy report (In version it was not printed).
  • Support for working with new excise stamps.
  • Improved the interface of the autopsy window. Now, when you click "Opening the container", the opening window immediately opens. If desired, you can change the reason for opening in this window. When re-opening, the system now displays the date and time of the first opening of this container.
  • Optimized work with the plugin database.
  • Fixed the situation in which the acts were not sent to the Unified State Automated Information System in the absence of communication with the UTM at the time of sending.
  • Fixed minor bugs.
  • Earlier in version 3.2 ( )
  • Support for working with 1 register.
  • The new "Cruise Control" mode, which allows you to automatically deal with errors when writing off positions in the Unified State Automated Information System. You'll like it.
  • Simultaneous work with 1 and 2 registers. The solution writes off products with priority to register 2. Thus, you can safely work and stop making moves to the trading floor. The system will “free” register 2 and write off the rest from register 1.
  • Automatic sending of a summary report on the write-off of products for the past month.
  • Fixed the situation of regular re-request of balances at the hour of operation according to the schedule.
  • Fixed a situation where debit reports might not be sent automatically.
  • Earlier in version 3.1
  • The problem of resending the act of debiting when the UTM was unavailable for more than 90 minutes was solved. Previously, this situation resulted in a resubmission
  • Earlier in version 3.0
  • Support for the transfer of excise stamps in the write-off reports and the amount of sales in accordance with the new requirements of the Unified State Automated Information System from 01/01/2018
  • Resolved the problem of repeated requests for balances
  • Fixed the problem when scanning the barcode of unmarked products that are not in the price list
  • Earlier in version 2.0
  • Implemented functionality for writing off beer products.
  • The mode of automatic opening of containers when closing an order for bottled beer has been implemented. It is very comfortable.
  • Added automatic check and, if necessary, restoration of the plugin database at system startup.
  • Sometimes, for technical reasons, for example, the replacement of the UTM key or its physical inaccessibility, unsent write-off acts may be formed, which the UTM will no longer accept after restoration of working capacity, since EGAIS does not accept documents older than 3 days. AT this case our plug-in automatically transfers the opened containers of old acts to the current day and then writes them off, otherwise they will have to be written off manually.
  • Request for balances trading floor Scheduled. The solution is able to write off beer products. For the correct write-off of products, it is necessary to periodically update the balance of the trading floor. According to the rules of EGAIS, the request for the balance of the trading floor is possible 1 time per hour. In order not to create inconvenience for the accountant, the hours for requesting balances separated by commas are specified in the config.
  • If a beer barcode matches several matched alcocodes of EGAIS products in iiko, the system will write off the products with the largest balance on the trading floor first. In practice, this situation occurs quite often. Therefore, the functionality of smart write-off of beer was also included in this release.
  • Fixed an issue where the system could send intermittent empty email messages.
  • Fixed the "root element is missing" error that stopped sending debits.
  • In the window for sending reports for the period, the current period is now displayed.
  • In the EGAIS menu, the button "Forced synchronization" appeared, this function manually causes the synchronization of the directories for comparing iiko and EGAIS products and sends a request for the rest of the trading floor. By default, EGAIS comparison directories are updated when iikoFront starts.