The unique number of the registry entry of the consolidated registry. We make changes to the consolidated register. Handbook Screen Form

Unique number registry entry participant budget process is an encoding that identifies organizations when working with online budget resources.

Consolidated register of participants in the budget process

The consolidated register of participants and non-participants in the budget process (UBP and NUBP, respectively) is a list that includes information on institutions directly involved in budgetary functioning and legal entities that have the right to exercise budgetary powers. The procedure for maintaining a consolidated register is enshrined in the Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 164n of December 23, 2014. Responsibility lies with the Federal Treasury.

The list includes information on the types of institutions:

  1. UBP and their divisions.
  2. NUBP and their divisions. These include state or municipal, autonomous and budgetary institutions, state or municipal unitary enterprises, public corporations.
  3. NUBP, which do not belong to the previous group, but also receive subsidies and investments from the budget.

You can view the consolidated register of participants in the 2020 budget process in the Electronic Budget program - the Federal Treasury maintains a list in in electronic format exactly in this information system.

Where to find the registry

Then select the "Budget" item in the context menu and the "Expenses" tab.

In "Expenses" the register of participants and non-participants of the process of execution of the state budget will be presented.

This is how it will look in the registry, for example, a unique registry entry number public service education. You can find out by entering the TIN of the organization.

Why do you need a registry entry number

The unique registry entry number of a budgetary institution that uses subsidies and investments from the budget identifies the UBP and NBP. When generating information about an institution in the Consolidated Register, data is taken from various classifying subsystems: the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, registers of UBP and NUBP, registers of customer organizations and others.

When filling out information about a state or municipal task, a special encoding must be put down. To do this, you need to know where to find the unique number of the registry entry of the municipal task, because such information is not available on the website The register entry is indicated on a paper copy of the state or municipal assignment (GZ, MZ), which is held by the founder. Therefore, for this information, you must contact him directly.

How to find the code in the consolidated registry

The unique registry entry code can be found at:

  • the name of the organization;
  • OGRN.

The instruction on how to find out the TIN code from the consolidated register is very simple. The user needs to enter the taxpayer identification number (TIN) in the search bar and click on the "Find" button.

As a result of the search, the name of the budgetary institution, its codes and the unique number of the registry entry are displayed. If you click the "General information" button, the tab that opens will display detailed information about the enterprise.

And how to find out the code of the organization's NUBP? The procedure is similar to searching for a registry entry identifier. You need to enter the TIN in the search box, and the search engine results will display the desired registry code.

You can filter by type of organization and speed up your search. To do this, in the side menu in the "Type of institution" section, select the value 20 for all NUBP, after which only companies corresponding to this type will be in the register.

After that, select the company and its registry entry number.

Register entry structure

The identifier is not repeated, the registry entry code is created in a single copy. The rules for the formation of the registry coding are enshrined in the Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 163n dated December 23, 2014 (clause 22 of the Procedure). The entry contains information from various lists and industry registers. An exception is information containing state secrets. While creating identification code the following data are taken into account:

  • sectoral lists of state (municipal) services;
  • legislative norms and by-laws, which are the legal basis for the functioning of a budgetary institution;
  • directories of types of economic activities of OKVED 2;
  • information about the state and municipal services provided to the population, their content, terms of performance and prices;
  • public legal formation of an enterprise;
  • the population to whom public services are provided (contingent);
  • quality and volume indicators for the work performed, services.

Unique registry entries have a specific structure. By general rule The digits of the identifier are called digits.

Discharges Meaning
1 to 8 Numerical designation of the territory of a public legal entity that finances UBP and NUBP.
9 and 10 Type of budgetary institution from the consolidated register.
11 and 12 budget level.
13 to 17 The number assigned to the organization in the consolidated list.
18 Ownership of information and documents (if necessary):
  • 0 - does not match;
  • 1 - corresponds.
19 Specially calculated control value (Appendix No. 6 to the Order).
20 Status of UBP or NUBP according to the criteria:

The unique record number according to the consolidated list is formed from 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 digits.

Difference between entries from the UBP register and other register entries

The cipher according to the consolidated list and the number of the contract registry entry on the public procurement website are of a common nature. These are codes that are identifiers. But they identify completely different things. UNRZ is the encoding of the organization itself, which is used on the websites and The code consists of 20 bits.

The identification code on the EIS website determines the number of a specific order or lot. Using this code, you can find data about the desired register in the Unified Information System, by analogy, indicating the 36-digit cipher in the search line. The index on the procurement site has a completely different structure and formation procedure.

When working with the lists of UBP and NUBP, it is also necessary to determine unique entries according to the basic (industry) list. They can be viewed on the website of state and municipal institutions in the classifiers of works and services.

The rules for using the classifier do not differ from those that apply when working with a consolidated list. The name of the service or number is entered into the search bar, after which the desired result is displayed.

The consolidated register of participants and non-participants in the budget process includes data from:

  • Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • consolidated list of customers;
  • RUBP - participants in the budget process;
  • RNUBP - non-participants of the budget process;
  • other classifiers.

Consolidated register of participants in the budget process 2020

Consolidated register code: how to find out by TIN

For each organization registered on the sites,, a unique code is generated - a registry entry. You can find out this code by typing the TIN of the institution you are looking for in the search bar.

The unique number of the registry entry of the state service "Education" can be seen in the example below.

“The organization’s NUBP code, how to find out” is often asked when working with the Electronic Budget. This information is contained in general information about the legal entity.

In order to find out the codes of all non-participants of the budget process, you need to select 20 in the "Type of organization" filter - other legal entities, other non-participants of the budget process. If you need the code of a specific organization, then in the field above you need to enter the TIN of the organization.

UNRZ for other types of participants in the budget process:

How is a registry entry formed?

The procedure for the formation and maintenance of the RUBP and NUBP is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 163n dated 12/23/2014; Order No. 190n dated November 15, 2017 controls the procedure for the formation of register entries.

It is formed on the basis of the following information contained in the basic (industry) lists:

  • the name of the state or municipal service, work with OKVED codes;
  • type of public legal entity of the institution;
  • data on the cost of the service, work or its free provision to the population;
  • the content of the public service;
  • conditions and form of performance of work or provision of public services;
  • type of economic economic activity organizations;
  • contingent - consumer categories;
  • quality and volume indicators;
  • data of the regulatory framework governing the performance of work and the provision of services.

Each entry has its own unique number. The register does not include information and documents that contain state secrets.

The unique number is generated by authorized federal authorities executive power based on all available information blocks and lists included in the consolidated SMM and NBML.

It happens like this:

  1. Ranks 1 to 8 - the territorial designation of the public legal entity that finances the organization - UBP.
  2. 9 and 10 digits - cipher of the type of institution in accordance with a similar entry in the Consolidated Register.
  3. 11 and 12 are budget level codes.
  4. Ranks from 13 to 17 - the number of the institution in the RH of the Consolidated List.
  5. Number 18 - cipher of the sign of information belonging:
  • 1 - information and documents, if any, are similar and correspond separate division, endowed with the right to conduct accounting;
  • 0 - Information does not match.
  1. 19 - control discharge, calculated in accordance with Appendix No. 6 of the Order of December 23, 2014 No. 163n.
  2. Digit 20 - encoding the status of the institution:
  • 1 - operating institution;
  • 2 - inactive;
  • 3 - lack of legal relationship;
  • 4 - organization with special instructions.

Digits 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 is a unique code for each participant in the budget process in the SR.

How is it different from other registry entries

Unlike the 20-digit unique RZ, the number of the contract registry entry on the public procurement website, which is assigned to each purchase or each individual lot in the order, consists of 36 digits and is automatically generated as a set of classification codes for a particular purchase. In order to find the desired contract or information about it, in the EIS, you need to go to the "Register of contracts" tab and drive in the RZ of the document you are looking for.

The unique number of the registry entry of the municipal assignment - where to find it? If you are looking for an answer to this question, then we do not recommend looking at the register of participants in the 2020 budget process. That information is definitely not there!

Unique registry numbers must be specified according to the paper copy of the task. To obtain this number, you need to contact the founder.

Institutions open personal accounts with the bodies of the Federal Treasury, if they are included in the Consolidated Register of Recipients of Federal Budget Funds. The data of such a register is changed only on the basis of statements by the main managers of funds. How to perform this operation, tells Elena Anatolyevna KOROL, adviser to the state civil service Russian Federation 3rd class of the Office of the Federal Treasury for the Khabarovsk Territory, Ph.D. n.

What is the Consolidated Register for?

The requirement to include in the Consolidated Register of the main administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds (hereinafter - the Consolidated Register) of all institutions that have accounts opened with the Federal Treasury (OFK) is established by the Instruction on the procedure for opening and maintaining personal accounts, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 31, 2002 No. 142n.
Note that the documents submitted to the OFC for opening accounts are checked for compliance with the data of the Consolidated Register. The check is carried out in terms of the full name, short name, legal form and form of ownership. The procedure for maintaining the Consolidated Register was approved by Order No. 83n dated July 4, 2005 of the Ministry of Finance of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure). It should be reminded that the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 15, 2007 No. 86n approved amendments and additions to the Procedure for Maintaining the Consolidated Register.

How to make changes

The main administrators of the federal budget funds (hereinafter referred to as the main administrators) monitor changes in data for all budget recipients and, in accordance with this, submit applications for adjusting the data indicated in the Consolidated Register.

Inclusion of institutions in the Consolidated Register

In order to add a new institution to the Consolidated Register, the chief administrators submit an application to the Federal Treasury. It is drawn up in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to the Procedure.
The application number is a three-digit code of the main manager of budgetary funds according to the List of direct recipients of federal budget funds, and the three-digit application number is indicated through a fraction. For example, the number of the first application prepared by the Russian Ministry of Finance will be: No. 092/001.
Please note: when an institution is added to the Consolidated Register, the Federal Treasury assigns it a so-called “budget recipient code”. At the same time, the main administrators, administrators and recipients, divisions carrying out enforcement proceedings are assigned one code, regardless of whether they open the corresponding personal accounts in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury.
The institution will open personal accounts in the OFC only subject to the submission of all required documents. Only after that, the Federal Treasury enters into the Consolidated Register information about OFK codes, according to which the corresponding personal accounts are opened for the institution.

What is the Consolidated Register
The Consolidated Register is a list that contains information about all the main administrators, administrators, recipients of federal budget funds and subdivisions of recipients. The subdivisions include bailiffs-executors united in district, interdistrict or subdivisions of bailiffs corresponding to them according to the administrative-territorial division of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are headed by a senior bailiff and who are entrusted with the tasks of executing judicial acts and acts of other bodies (hereinafter referred to as the unit that carries out enforcement proceedings).

Changing registry details

Amendments are also made to the Consolidated Register on the basis of the application of the main managers of funds - to change the details. Its form is given in Appendix No. 4 to the Order. Based on this document, the Federal Treasury corrects the details of the institution in the Consolidated Register.
After the changes are made, the chief administrator receives a notification from the Federal Treasury about the change in the details of the institution in the register (see Appendix No. 7 to the Procedure). Remember, the Procedure provides for only one case when the Federal Treasury can make changes to the Consolidated Register without an application from the main manager of funds. This is possible when it is the OFC codes that are changed, when institutions are transferred from the department of one body of the Federal Treasury to another on the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation.

The data of the Consolidated Register are reconciled
Additionally, we recall that the Federal Treasury for 45 calendar days before the start of the next fiscal year brings the Consolidated register to all recipients of funds. The chief stewards are studying him carefully. If it is necessary to make any changes, the main managers form applications for inclusion, exclusion, change in accordance with appendices No. 2-4 to the Procedure. They are submitted to the Federal Treasury no later than 20 calendar days before the start of the next financial year.
The Federal Treasury quarterly (no later than the fifth working day of the first month of the quarter) brings the specified register to the chief administrator, with the exception of the last quarter of the current year.

Exclusion of an institution from the Consolidated Register

This procedure is performed on the basis of the “application for exclusion” of the institution from the Consolidated Register filed by the main manager (Appendix No. 3 to the Procedure).
The Federal Treasury and its territorial bodies close the corresponding personal accounts and exclude the institution from the register. The chief manager receives a corresponding notice from the OFC.
It should be noted that the administrators and recipients of federal budget funds are also entitled to submit to the territorial OFK draft applications for inclusion, exclusion, change of details of the institution in the Consolidated Register. The forms of such applications are similar to those of the main manager of funds. After receiving the draft applications, the territorial OFCs transfer them to the Federal Treasury. And it, in turn, transfers them to the main manager of funds, who checks and approves the data of draft applications, and transfers them to the Federal Treasury.
Please note: applications for changing the details in the Consolidated Register will be returned by the Federal Treasury to the main administrators without execution if they are executed with incomplete or incorrect details.

information exchange

The exchange of information between the Federal Treasury, territorial OFCs and the main administrators (administrators, recipients and divisions carrying out enforcement proceedings) when maintaining the Consolidated Register is carried out in electronic form using electronic means digital signature(EDS).
If a technical feasibility there is no information exchange using EDS, then the exchange of information is carried out on electronic and paper media.

When a customer registers with the EIS, he is assigned an organization account number. Why is it needed, how to find out these numbers and where to look, read the material.

In the registry, you can either find an organization through quick search by name, TIN, OGRN or through advanced search using filters. It is important that an organization can be registered either in the register under 44-FZ, or in the register under 223-FZ, or in both registers. This must be taken into account when searching.

For example, when choosing the federal treasury department for the Yaroslavl region, a window will pop up offering a choice of information from both registers (according to 44-FZ and 223-FZ).

After selecting an organization, a tab opens with its account card and additional information.

To find out the unique account number of the organization in the UIS, you need to select Additional information. AT this case this number is 01711000002.

It is important that both the registration card of the organization and the additional information have the same section "Registration data of the organization". But in the first case, this section contains the code according to the consolidated register, and in the second - the unique account number of the organization. It is important not to confuse one with the other.

In some cases, information about organizations is opened in a different form - it does not contain the "Additional Information" tab, and in the main section there is no indication of the organization's unique account number. How to find out the account number of the organization in the EIS in this case? In this case, we look at the code for the SDR (consolidated list of customers). This is the number we are looking for.

How to find the account number of the organization in the EIS. Second option

You can get to the unique account number of the organization in another way. On the main page of the public procurement portal, in the search bar, you need to type the name of the organization or TIN, PSRN, etc. As a result, the search results with all purchases of this organization will be displayed. We click on the name of the organization you are looking for and the portal will again show the organization's registration card and additional information with a unique account number.

We considered two options for where to find the account number of the EIS organization. This organization number is required by the customer to include it in the UIS technical support contact form.

Registration N 6925

In accordance with Article 165 of the Budget Code Russian Federation(Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1998, N 31, item 3823; 2005, N 1, item 8) order:

1. Approve the attached procedure for maintaining the Consolidated register of the main administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds.

3. To impose control over the execution of this order on the head of the Federal Treasury Nesterenko T. G.


A. Kudrin

The procedure for maintaining the Consolidated Register of Chief Managers, managers and recipients of federal budget funds

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Procedure was developed on the basis of Article 165 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1998, N 31, Art. 3823; 2005, N 1, Art. 8) and establishes the procedure for maintaining the Consolidated Register of Chief Managers, Managers and Recipients of Federal Budget Funds and making changes to it.

1.2. For the purposes of this Procedure, the following concepts apply:

register of administrators and recipients of federal budget funds for the main administrator of federal budget funds (hereinafter referred to as the register of administrators and recipients) - a structured list that includes information about the main administrator of federal budget funds (hereinafter - the main administrator) and all administrators of federal budget funds under his jurisdiction (hereinafter - the manager) and recipients of federal budget funds (hereinafter - the recipient);

the consolidated register of the main administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds (SRRPBS) (hereinafter referred to as the Consolidated register of administrators and recipients) is a structured list that includes information about all the main administrators, administrators and recipients.

1.3. The consolidated register of administrators and recipients is maintained by the Federal Treasury for the purpose of centralized accounting of the main administrators, administrators and recipients and the creation of an information base to ensure the cash execution of the federal budget.

1.4. The consolidated register of administrators and recipients is intended for use by the Federal Treasury and its territorial bodies, chief administrators, administrators and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation when ensuring cash execution of the federal budget.

1.5. The inclusion of the main administrators, administrators and recipients in the Consolidated register of administrators and recipients is necessary condition opening by him of the corresponding personal accounts in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury.

When the main administrators, administrators and recipients are included in the Consolidated register of administrators and recipients, the Federal Treasury assigns them a code according to SRRPBS, while the main administrators, administrators and recipients are assigned one code, regardless of whether they open the corresponding personal accounts in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury.

1.6. The formation and maintenance of the Consolidated Register of Managers and Recipients is carried out by the Federal Treasury on the basis of the documents established by this Procedure.

1.7. The maintenance of the part of the Consolidated Register of Managers and Recipients containing information constituting a state secret is carried out in accordance with this Procedure and taking into account the requirements for the protection of state secrets.

1.8. Bringing the Consolidated register of administrators and recipients, as well as changes to it, to the main administrators, administrators, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury is carried out by the Federal Treasury.

Part of the Consolidated Register of Administrators and Recipients, as well as amendments to it containing information constituting a state secret, are brought by the Federal Treasury to its territorial bodies, chief administrators and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements for the protection of state secrets.

Part of the Consolidated Register of Managers and Recipients, as well as changes to it containing information constituting a state secret, are communicated to the administrators by the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury in accordance with the requirements for the protection of state secrets.

2.1. The Consolidated Register of Managers and Recipients, maintained by the Federal Treasury, contains information about all the main managers, managers and recipients that have ever been included in the Consolidated Register of Managers and Recipients.

The consolidated register of administrators and recipients contains the following details of the main administrators, administrators and recipients:

1) code according to SRRPBS;

2) full name;

3) short name, and in the absence of the main managers, managers and recipients of the short name in the constituent documents, the full name of the main managers, managers and recipients shall be indicated in the requisite "short name";

4) code of administrative subordination - the code of the main manager, in whose jurisdiction are managers and recipients according to the list of direct recipients of federal budget funds (hereinafter referred to as the PPP code). For administrators and recipients who are not under the authority of the main administrators, the code of administrative subordination is assumed to be 000 (three zeros);

5) code of the form of ownership according to All-Russian classifier forms of ownership (hereinafter - OKFS code);

6) the code of the legal form according to the All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms (hereinafter - the code according to OKOPF);

7) codes of territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury in accordance with the Departmental Classifier of Territorial Bodies of the Federal Treasury (hereinafter referred to as the code of the body of the Federal Treasury (according to KOFC), in which the corresponding personal accounts are opened for the main managers, managers, recipients and other recipients of federal budget funds (hereinafter referred to as another recipient ).

In this case, for the main manager, you can specify:

the code of the FC body (according to KOFC), in which a personal account is opened for it to record transactions with funds received from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities directed to operational-investigative activities (hereinafter referred to as the personal account for recording funds for the operational-search activity);

for the manager, you can specify:

code of the FC body (according to KOFC), in which the manager's personal account is opened for him;

code of the FC body (according to KOFC), in which the beneficiary's personal account is opened for him;

code of the FC body (according to KOFC), in which a personal account is opened for it to record transactions with funds received from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities;

for the recipient can be specified:

code of the FC body (according to KOFC), in which the beneficiary's personal account is opened for him;

code of the FC body (according to KOFC), in which a personal account is opened for it to record transactions with funds received from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities;

the code of the FC body (according to KOFC), in which a personal account is opened for it to record funds for the ORD;

for a different recipient, indicate:

code of the FC authority (according to KOFC), in which a personal account of another recipient is opened for him.

8) degree of secrecy;

Details of the main managers, managers and recipients specified in subparagraphs 2, 3, 5 and 6, paragraph 2.1 of this Procedure in the Consolidated register of managers and recipients must correspond founding documents and documents about state registration respective main stewards, stewards and beneficiaries.

2.2. The Department of the Federal Treasury for the subject of the Russian Federation, to ensure the cash execution of the federal budget, uses a part of the Consolidated Register of Managers and Recipients, which contains information about:

managers and recipients who have opened the corresponding personal accounts in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury for this subject of the Russian Federation;

chief administrators and administrators whose personal accounts are opened in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation and who are superior to the administrators and recipients who have the corresponding personal accounts opened in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury for this constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

managers and recipients whose respective personal accounts are opened with the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are subordinate to the main managers and managers who have personal accounts opened with the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury for this constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2.3. The branch of the Office of the Federal Treasury for the subject of the Russian Federation, to ensure the cash execution of the federal budget, uses a part of the Consolidated Register of Managers and Recipients, which contains information about:

managers and recipients who have the corresponding personal accounts opened in this branch of the Federal Treasury Department for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

chief administrators and administrators whose personal accounts are opened in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation and who are superior to the administrators and recipients who have the corresponding personal accounts opened in this branch of the Federal Treasury Department for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

administrators and recipients whose respective personal accounts are opened with the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are subordinate to the main administrators and administrators who have personal accounts opened in this branch of the Federal Treasury Administration for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

3. Formation of the Consolidated register of managers and recipients for the next financial year

3.1. The Federal Treasury 45 calendar days before the start of the next financial year sends to the main administrators the register of administrators and recipients of federal budget funds for the main administrator of federal budget funds for the next financial year in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure.

3.2. The main administrators, if it is necessary to make changes to the register of administrators and recipients, no later than 20 calendar days before the start of the next financial year, form and submit to the Federal Treasury applications for inclusion, exclusion, change of details of the main administrator, administrator and recipient of federal budget funds in the consolidated the register of the main administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds according to the forms in accordance with Appendices No. 2 - 4 to this Procedure.

3.3. The Federal Treasury, on the basis of applications submitted by the main administrators for inclusion, exclusion, change of details of the main administrator, administrator and recipient in the consolidated register of administrators and recipients, forms the Consolidated register of administrators and recipients for the next financial year.

3.4. The Federal Treasury quarterly (no later than the 5th working day of the 1st month of the quarter) brings the register of administrators and recipients to the chief administrator, with the exception of the last quarter of the current year.

4. Making changes to the Consolidated register of managers and recipients

4.1. To include the chief administrator, administrators and recipients in the Consolidated register of administrators and recipients, the main administrators submit an application to the Federal Treasury for the inclusion of the main administrator, administrator and recipient of federal budget funds in the consolidated register of chief administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Order.

The Federal Treasury assigns a code according to SRRPBS to the main manager, manager and recipient and carries out their preliminary inclusion in the Consolidated register of managers and recipients.

After the preliminary inclusion of the main manager, manager and recipient in the Consolidated register of managers and recipients, the Federal Treasury and its territorial bodies open the corresponding personal accounts for the main manager, manager and recipient in the manner established by the Federal Treasury.

As the corresponding personal accounts are opened for the main manager, manager and recipient, the Federal Treasury enters into the Consolidated register of managers and recipients information about the codes of the FC bodies (according to KOFC), in which the corresponding personal accounts are opened for the main manager, manager and recipient.

The Federal Treasury, after entering into the Consolidated Register of Managers and Recipients of information about the codes of the FC bodies (according to KOFC), in which the corresponding personal accounts are opened for the main manager, manager and recipient, sends a notice to the main manager about the inclusion of the main manager, manager and recipient of federal budget funds in the consolidated a register of chief administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to this Procedure.

4.2. To exclude the main administrator, administrators and recipients from the Consolidated Register of Administrators and Recipients, the main administrators submit to the Federal Treasury an application for the exclusion of the main administrator, administrator and recipient of federal budget funds from the consolidated register of chief administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this Order.

After the preliminary exclusion of the main manager, manager and recipient from the Consolidated register of managers and recipients, the Federal Treasury and its territorial bodies close the relevant personal accounts of the main manager, manager, recipient and other recipient, in the manner established by the Federal Treasury.

After closing the relevant personal accounts of the main manager, manager, recipient and other recipient, the Federal Treasury excludes the main manager, manager and recipient from the Consolidated register of managers and recipients and sends a notice to the main manager about the exclusion of the main manager, manager and recipient of federal budget funds from the consolidated register of main managers , managers and recipients of federal budget funds in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 6 to this Procedure.

4.3. In order to change individual details of the chief administrator, administrators and recipients in the Consolidated Register of Administrators and Recipients, the main administrators submit an application to the Federal Treasury for changing the details of the main administrator, administrator and recipient of federal budget funds in the consolidated register of chief administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds in the form according to Appendix N 4 to this Procedure.

The Federal Treasury shall make changes to the details of the chief administrator, administrator and recipient in the Consolidated Register of Administrators and Recipients and shall send to the chief administrator a notice of changes in the details of the main administrator, administrator and recipient of federal budget funds in the consolidated register of chief administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 7 to this Procedure.

4.4. Managers and recipients have the right to submit to the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury draft applications for inclusion, exclusion, change of details of the main manager, manager and recipient of federal budget funds in the consolidated register of the main managers, managers and recipients of federal budget funds in the forms in accordance with Annexes No. 2 - 4 to this Order.

The territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury submit to the Federal Treasury the draft applications submitted by the administrators and recipients for inclusion, exclusion, change of details of the main administrator, administrator and recipient of federal budget funds in the consolidated register of the main administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds in accordance with the forms in accordance with Appendices No. 2 - 4 to this Order.

The federal treasury transfers to the chief administrator draft applications for inclusion, exclusion, change of details of the chief administrator, administrator and recipient of federal budget funds in the consolidated register of chief administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds in accordance with the forms in accordance with Appendices No. 2 - 4 to this Procedure, prepared by administrators and recipients for their approval and subsequent submission to the Federal Treasury in accordance with this Procedure.

4.5. Applications for inclusion, exclusion, change of details of the chief administrator, administrator and recipient of federal budget funds in the consolidated register of chief administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds in accordance with the forms in accordance with Appendices No. 2 - 4 to this Procedure are subject to return by the Federal Treasury to the main administrators without execution in cases their registration with indication of not all or incorrect details.

4.6. The Federal Treasury has the right to change in the Consolidated Register of Managers and Beneficiaries the codes of the FC bodies (according to KOFC), in which the corresponding personal accounts are opened for the main manager, the manager and the recipient when they are transferred from one territorial authority Federal Treasury to another on the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation.