JSC "Far East plant" Zvezda ". Shipyard" Zvezda ": myths and reality Big stone plant Zvezda

The development of shipbuilding is of fundamental importance for us: it is the basis for solving defense and socio-economic problems, it is the demand for qualified personnel and scientific developments, these are additional orders for the Russian metallurgical industry, mechanical engineering, and other sectors of industry, this is a powerful resource for the development of entire regions Russian Federation.

President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

On the territory of the Zvezda shipyard and adjacent sites in the Bolshoi Kamen Bay, the construction of a modern shipyard SK Zvezda is underway. The new shipyard will build vessels of any complexity, characteristics and purposes, including those not previously produced in Russia due to the existing limitations of launching and hydraulic structures.

The first stage of construction of the shipyard includes a block of hull production and painting booths, an open heavy outfitting slipway with a transfer dock for the construction of ships and marine equipment and a saturation shop. The deadline for commissioning all objects of the first stage is 2020. The block of hull production and painting booths were put into operation in 2016. In August 2017, permission was received to put into operation an open outfitting slipway.

As the queues are put into operation, it will be possible to build more complex marine equipment with a large displacement.

The implementation of such large-scale tasks will require the involvement of highly qualified workers and engineers and the formation of a system for training and retaining personnel. After commissioning, the shipyard will employ about 7,500 people.

Strategic goals of the project:

  • ensuring national security and state interests in the field of implementation of the Maritime Doctrine of the Russian Federation
  • security full participation Russian industry in the implementation of projects on the Russian continental shelf
  • increasing the competitiveness and budgetary efficiency of the shipbuilding industry of the Russian Federation
  • ensuring the economic interests of the Russian Federation through the creation of a modern fleet

Stages of project implementation:

  • I turn. Hull production unit and painting booths with an open heavy slipway and a transfer dock for the construction of medium-tonnage ships and marine equipment
  • II turn. Dry dock, outfitting shops and embankments

The main participants of the project:

Project curator: PJSC NK Rosneft
Project operator: JSC "DCSS"
General designer: LLC DPI "Vostokproektverf"
Technology consultants: IMG (Germany), DSME ( South Korea), Central Design Bureau "Lazurit"
Foreign partners: Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (South Korea), Damen (Netherlands), Samsung Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.

In September 2016, the ceremony of launching the first stage of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex took place in the Primorsky Territory. Equipping the future Zvezda shipyard with modern crane equipment ensures technological cycle shipbuilding price Bolshoi Kamen | The new shipyard will be the largest modern civil shipyard in Russia, as well as a base for the creation and development of offshore equipment. The first cranes with a lifting capacity of 320 tons were successfully delivered and installed at the site of SC Zvezda in August 2016. The total weight of the cargo was 1560 tons. In the meantime, construction continues and further saturation of the large slipway with crane equipment is taking place. Now let's look at the progress over the autumn-winter at the Zvezda shipbuilding complex.

Construction site of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex

August 2016

Heavy outfitting slipway before and after installation of 320 t gantry cranes

Works on a heavy slipway

General form construction site SC "Zvezda"

autumn-winter 2016

Heavy outfitting slipway

autumn-winter 2016

Formation of a heavy slipway cargo quay

autumn-winter 2016

Concreting of slabs of the upper layer of the base of a heavy slipway

autumn 2016

Construction works on the site of a heavy slipway

autumn-winter 2016

Reinforcement of plates of the upper layer of the base of a heavy slipway

autumn-winter 2016-2017

Formation of the transfer berth of the heavy slipway

autumn-winter 2016-2017

In autumn 2016 during electronic trading a contractor was selected to perform work within the 4th stage of the construction of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex. The creation of the complex as a whole is now divided into 16 stages. The current tender includes the erection of a block assembly shop as part of the 4th phase of construction, which is scheduled to be completed within two years - until August 31, 2018.

Clearing the site for the assembly and enlargement of blocks

winter-spring 2017

Laying of engineering networks next to the heavy slipway site

winter-spring 2017

View from the slipway crane new site

At the end of March, new large-tonnage equipment was delivered to the slipway of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex - two tower cranes with a lifting capacity of 100 tons each. The length of the crane boom is 81.7 meters, the width of the rail track is 10.5 meters, and the height is 94.5 meters. Delivery of cranes from China was a technically difficult transport operation, as the equipment was transported assembled on a special vessel.

The cranes were manufactured under a joint contract between DVZ Zvezda and China Heavy Industry Corporation Nantong (CHIC) for the supply of crane equipment for the outfitting slipway of SK Zvezda. In total, under the contract, the Chinese company will supply 5 pieces of equipment to the slipway in Bolshoy Kamen by the end of this year: two cranes with a lifting capacity of 320 tons each and two cranes with a lifting capacity of 100 tons, as well as a Goliath-type crane with a lifting capacity of 1200 tons.

1. Crane with a lifting capacity of 1200 tons of the Goliath type

2. Gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 320 tons

3. Crane with a lifting capacity of 100 tons

4. Tech shelter

5. Ship under construction

6. Bottom base of drilling rig

7. Block assembly sites

8. Transfer dock on the right

The lifting capacity of the main crane is 1200 tons. This is the largest crane in Russia. It will be built in cooperation with Chinese partners. The span of the crane is 230 meters. And it will be collected directly on the territory of the plant.

In December 2016, at the shipyard of the industrial economic region of Qingdao, shipbuilders began cutting the metal of the transfer dock, on the mock-up on the right. The transfer dock with a carrying capacity of 40,000 tons will be used for the transfer and launching of ships and marine equipment from the open outfitting slipway of the future shipyard. The structure is unsupported and allows longitudinal rolling of vessels from three different slipways and transverse rolling of offshore facilities.

In the autumn of 2016, tenders were held for the construction and installation works:

construction of a hot-dip galvanizing shop; construction of a pipe-working shop; construction of a block assembly shop; construction of outfitting and cargo embankments;

as well as the construction of a saturation workshop and modular assembly; construction of a chamber for cleaning, painting and drying blocks; construction of a mechanical assembly shop with a warehouse for equipment and accessories; installation of external power supply networks;

In January 2017, it is planned to create two artificial land plots with a total area of ​​about 83,239 sq. m, which exceeds the size of 11 football fields. To create them, about 316,197 cubic meters will be required. m of soil, which will be obtained during the development of the dry dock pit of the complex under construction. These sites are necessary for the creation of a dry dock and outfitting shops, where heavy-duty ships will be built and repaired.

In February 2017, a positive conclusion was approved by the expert commission of the state environmental expertise on project documentation“Creation of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex. II phase of construction. Dry dock and outfitting workshops. The period of validity of the SEE conclusion is also set for 3 years.

Reinforcement of grillage slabs of crane beams of a heavy slipway

spring 2017

Supply of technological crane equipment

The company's specialists note that the outfitting heavy slipway, located on the territory of the complex, will be the longest in Russia - 400 meters.

The cranes are unique in their technical specifications and will be used for the construction of large-capacity vessels.

Preparation for concreting of the transfer berth of the heavy slipway
Concreting of grillages of crane beams
The construction of the assembly and block enlargement shop continues
Laying networks of engineering and technical support for spray booths along the frame of the canopy

summer-autumn 2016

Paint booths ready to go

autumn 2016

Block of hull production and painting booths, laying of networks is completed

winter 2016-2017

Block of hull production and painting booths
Block of hull production

Crane and on the metalworking line

Cranes with different lifting capacity in the block of hull production
Setting up a metalworking line in the hull production unit
Picking up billets by crane in the hull production unit

Various machine tools in the hull production block
Crane and machine tool equipment in the block of hull production
Machine-tool equipment in the hull production block
Crane equipment in the block of hull production
Machine-tool equipment in the hull production block
Machine-tool equipment in the hull production block
Work is underway on cutting steel billets on the machine
Work in progress in the processing area
The use of crane equipment for moving workpieces around the workshop
Work is underway to cut steel on a metalworking line
Metalworking line in the hull production block

The use of a robotic complex on a metalworking line
Performance of work on the processing of blanks on a metalworking line
Metalworking line with crane equipment in the hull production block

Construction of the Zvezda substation

autumn-winter 2016

View of the Zvezda electrical substation from above

It is planned to finance the construction of housing for employees of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex and the engineering center in the Bolshoy Kamen advanced development area.

August 2016

For employees of the shipbuilding complex, it is planned to build 5.7 thousand apartments with a total area of ​​283.5 thousand square meters. m, which will provide housing for more than 14 thousand people.

autumn 2016

It is believed that comfortable and affordable housing will attract highly qualified specialists to the strategic project - both from the territory Far East and from all over the country.

winter 2016 Fifth microdistrict

Sixth microdistrict
In addition to 6 houses commissioned by PJSC NK Rosneft, new houses with a total stock of 750 apartments are being built on the territory of Bolshoy Kamen within the framework of regional and municipal programs.

winter-spring 2017


There have been many myths about the construction of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex in Bolshoy Kamen, which has no analogues in Russia. Starting from the traditional "everything will be plundered" and "nothing will work" to "they are ruining people" and "they sold everything to the Chinese." The supershipyard project, which was launched back when Sergey DARKIN was governor, was repeatedly reformatted until it received the current status of a shipbuilding complex with 100% Russian investments, writes the Golden Horn Business newspaper.

The construction of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex (SSK) is being carried out by a consortium of Rosneft, Rosneftegaz and Gazprombank. The project of the complex involves the construction of a heavy outfitting slipway, a dry dock, full-cycle production workshops, as well as workshops for the construction of marine equipment. The shipbuilding complex will produce large-capacity vessels, elements of offshore platforms, ice-class vessels, special ships and other types of marine equipment.

Earlier, President Vladimir Putin said that not only Rosneft, but also other companies should be involved in loading the shipbuilding complex. “This is not the task of only Rosneft, this is the task of the entire Russian industry, the shipbuilding industry. In general, this is a nationwide task - the development of production capacities, the creation of modern jobs in the Far East. Therefore, I ask you not to take this as a departmental or narrow-industry task, this is our common responsibility, and we will talk about this responsibility now,” the head of state said at a November meeting on stimulating the construction of ships and marine equipment at the SSC.

In mid-March, Prime Minister Dmitry MEDVEDEV signed a decree on granting subsidies to organizations that have taken loans for the implementation of a shipbuilding project with a total investment of at least 100 billion rubles. Subsidies will be provided to organizations that have attracted a loan after January 1, 2017 and do not have debts. The amount of the subsidy is two-thirds of the cost of paying interest on the loan.

The Zvezda shipbuilding complex under construction in Primorye falls under the decree - total investments in the creation of the complex are estimated at 202.2 billion rubles.

The subsidy will be provided within the framework of the subprogram "Development of production capacities of civil shipbuilding and the material and technical base of the industry" of the state program "Development of shipbuilding and equipment for the development of offshore fields for 2013-2030." The budget for these purposes for the next three years provides for 800 million rubles.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation last autumn developed rules for subsidizing organizations that create shipbuilding complexes to reimburse interest on loans. The rules were developed to prevent the Russian Federation from contributing 8 billion rubles to the authorized capital of JSC Far Eastern Plant Zvezda (DVZ Zvezda, on its basis the Zvezda shipbuilding complex is being created) as a reimbursement of interest on a loan for a complex under construction, and paid a subsidy, and in the amount of only 6 billion rubles.

JSC Far Eastern Plant Zvezda financed the project on its own until July 1, 2013. More than 7 billion rubles were invested in the project, then the plant ran out of funds. For further financing of the project, Gazprombank provided DVZ Zvezda with a credit line in the amount of 12.35 billion rubles for a period up to May 1, 2017. From July 2013 to April 2017, the plant paid interest on a loan in the amount of 5.992 billion rubles from its own funds. In this regard, the Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed to pay the plant exactly this amount in 2018-2022, distributing the funds by years in accordance with the amount of interest payments in 2013-2017.

He spoke about the current state of the project during an offsite meeting of the Club of Chief Editors of the Primorsky branch of the Union of Journalists of Russia (UJR) CEO JSC "Far East Center of Shipbuilding and Ship Repair" (FTSSS) Yury FILCHENOK.

We are at the very beginning of the journey. However, production is already running. There is a block of hull production, constructions are made here. AT spray booths they will be painted and on conveyors they will fall on a heavy slipway to form into the hull of the ship. There are already the first four blocks, from which the hull of the future vessel will be formed. Now the construction of the first extended stage of the Zvezda SSC is underway, as a result of which a floating dock will appear, from which ships will be launched into the water. As for the military shipyard (DVZ "Zvezda" - ed. note), it works and will be further developed.

In fact, the second stage is already under construction, in fact, this is another shipyard. Coastline - we will fill up a large part of the bay and form artificial land. Will be Training Center, it is already designed. The city will build 6 microdistricts for 7.5 thousand apartments. The first microdistrict is already under construction, the first two houses have already been commissioned.

The project is very complex, because the shipyard in the classical sense, it exists. But due to the fact that neither in the south of Primorye, nor in the Russian Far East as a whole, there are practically no operating production facilities for the manufacture of ship equipment, we will form all this here ourselves. Therefore, the city of Bolshoy Kamen, being ZATO until 2015, today received the territory of advanced development (TOR) "Bolshoy Kamen", the main specialization of which is shipbuilding.

The Ministry of Eastern Development is already accepting applications from various legal entities for the placement of shipbuilding industries in our city. There are more than 10 residents there, each of them enjoys very serious benefits, both in terms of finance and infrastructure. If the project itself was recently estimated at 140 billion rubles, now, as we add other objects here, the figure of 200 billion rubles is already sounding. But this is not the end of the matter. True, one cannot say that the project is becoming more expensive: it is expanding. Rising prices also take place, and is mainly due to inflation. But so far we are within the limits of those prices that are approved for our project.

The production program of our plant should be formed before 2035. These decisions were made in September last year. According to our estimates, the line should be 178 ocean-going vessels. We already have orders for 115 vessels. Both SSK Zvezda and DTSSS are actively negotiating with almost all shipowners of the Russian Federation, large oil and gas companies, and our main customer, the Ministry of Defense. For the Russian Navy, in addition to warships, a huge number of support vessels are needed. Negotiations are underway with each of these departments, contracts are being prepared. We plan to sign the nearest contract for the construction of icebreakers with Rosmorport at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum (SPIEF) in May. We (DTSSS - author's note) look at the loading of this plant with very serious optimism. In addition, a working version of the bill is being discussed so that only Russian-built ships will sail along the Northern Sea Route, this is a law that is being lobbied by Russian shipbuilders. The project has a great future.

- What is the main difficulty in its implementation today?

The fact that we started building a shipyard, and now the task is to build a cluster. This is a large number of enterprises. This process is now underway.

- Will there be an opportunity to build ships for the fishing industry at the shipyard?

The shipyard specializes in large-tonnage shipbuilding. We do not talk about the construction of seiners and medium trawlers at all. And we do not even participate in such negotiations. If we are talking about BMRT and BATM, then we participated in a number of tenders that were held by fishing companies and Russian fish holdings in anticipation of quotas. We lost one tender - the Russian Fishery Company held a tender for the construction of six BMRTs of the Norwegian project. They will be built in St. Petersburg. The market is the market. And in this case we understand the customer - his lead ship is being built in Norway, all suppliers are located there.

Dossier of the Golden Horn: In March, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia approved the sale of Maxim VOROBYEV's stake in Russian Fishery Company LLC (RRPC). In the decision of the antimonopoly department, it is reported that the FAS agreed to acquire a 44.7% stake in the authorized capital of RRPK LLC, which, together with the existing shares, will amount to 89.95%. Prior to the transaction, 44.7% of the company's shares belonged to Maxim Vorobyov, 45.25% - to Gleb FRANK. The transaction is expected to close after receiving approval from the Federal Antimonopoly Service. The perimeter of the deal will also include stakes in other legal entities RRPK groups.

Several ships are being built at Yantar (we are talking about the Yantar Baltic Shipbuilding Plant, which is part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation - ed.). And in general, we know that our colleagues, both in the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) and private factories, are very actively preparing for the construction of ships. Including in the Far East. But mostly these are vessels less than 60 meters in size. And this is not our speciality.

For our part, we will be very actively involved in all tenders and competitions that relate to the construction of ships of 80 meters and above. But so far there are no tenders and competitions that have been announced. But we are negotiating.

In the production program, we are already 75% full. And then we will see if we have free production capacities for some periods of time. The track on which we can build such ships for the next three years is full.

- How much can one ship cost?

A modern high-tech vessel of medium ice class, 100 meters long, costs 100 million euros. BATM and BMRT also cost about the same. Therefore, it is also difficult for fishermen to concentrate such big money. And then the price depends on the saturation of this vessel with equipment. Linear icebreakers, which are ordered by the Ministry of Transport, cost even more.

- And how is the tanker business developing?

Our cooperation with Sovcomflot is continuous. They once built a whole series of tankers in St. Petersburg. Under our contracts, we are talking about the construction of aframaxes (a type of vessel, primarily tankers - ed.), as well as smaller tankers for the transport of liquid cargo and natural gas. We are constantly conducting serious technical consultations where Sovcomflot plans to participate as a shipping company in tenders. We will conclude serious contracts with Sovcomflot, because the shipyard has actually started working, Sovcomflot has a real desire and need to upgrade the fleet they operate.

Dossier of the Golden Horn: PAO Sovcomflot is the largest Russian shipping group specializing in the transportation of oil, oil products and liquefied gas; one of the world's largest tanker fleet operators. 100% of the company's shares belong to the state. Head of PAO Sovcomflot Sergey FRANK, former deputy Director General for Economics of the Far Eastern Shipping Company and Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.

- One of the key elements of the SSC infrastructure is the provision of housing. How is construction progressing?

As for departmental housing, in general, we must build six microdistricts. All six micro-districts have been allocated land plots by the administration of Bolshoy Kamen, they have been agreed with the Ministry for the Development of the Far East. Most of the plots have already been drafted for planning the territory. The Ministry for the Development of the Far East, through the Corporation for the Development of the Far East (KRDV), provides public funds for bringing networks to these microdistricts. There is a construction schedule for all these microdistricts. It is controlled by Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev and the Rosneft company. Competitive procedures have already been played for the first three microdistricts. Construction contractors have been identified, unfortunately, not from Primorsky Krai. There were no strong companies in the region, because it is necessary to build large microdistricts for 2.5 thousand apartments. Felling tickets have already been received, next week we will start cutting down plantings and a contractor will come in.

In all microdistricts, the land was leased to the SSK Zvezda. A very serious preparation was carried out in 2017. This year, the phase of active construction of three more microdistricts will begin. This is both the competence of SSK Zvezda, which is the customer, and the work of the Ministry for the Development of the Far East in the design and construction of networks. Everything will be connected to the new microdistricts, including roads. This will be a departmental office building. But there are enough vacant lots in the city for private companies to build housing as well.

- How can the project change the Big Stone?

The city of ZATO Bolshoi Kamen has been engaged in the disposal of nuclear submarines for a long time at the expense of foreign customers. In 2012-2013, they decided to change the trend for the development of shipbuilding here, and not cutting. Now we are faced with the task of organizing shipbuilding here. We have only increased the number of personnel at the Zvezda plant in recent years. There were no real cuts.

As for the infrastructure of the city. When they analyzed its condition, it turned out that the networks were leased to private companies for a long time. The boiler house, for example, today is in a wild state, not a single ruble has been invested in its modernization. Not a single ruble has been invested in the city water supply, city heating networks. This is being corrected now. The road is currently being repaired, two or three contests have been won by local construction companies. A street around the Sixth Microdistrict is being built. The position of some city deputies is related to the fact that they participated in the distribution of the city budget. Now they don't participate.

Three billion rubles had to be used for the modernization of networks. And there is no one to give money to. But gradually everything builds up. Now we have established cooperation with the City Council and administration. And it will really bring results. We understand that we must be one team.

- Is a private investor already coming in?

In fact, we have a different strategy. We want to build a world-class shipyard. We attract leaders in this field. And this foreign companies. The largest design bureaus in St. Petersburg, they are already working. And step by step we will drag the leaders here. First of all, this applies to areas such as welding consumables, varnishes and paints. As for ship equipment, we are actively negotiating with the Russian Valve Holding. They have already mastered a number of fittings for ocean-going vessels. We haven’t made such vessels for a very long time, since the time of the Krym tanker, almost 30 years. The reinforcement holding is directly related to the Askold plant.

We are currently looking for a shipbuilding partner. Ship panels, ceilings, floors - all this used to be in Primorye, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, but everything has been lost. At the Zvezda plant there was once a workshop that produced furniture. We (DTSSS - ed.), when we hand over the ship, everything is there, right down to pillowcases, dishes and pillows. Now we are handing over the Rosneft-Primorye tanker at Dalzavod, we recently handed over the Rosneft-Sakhalin tanker. There, the supply services of Dalzavod complete all this.

Within the framework of the Maritime Council under the Governor of the Primorsky Territory, a shipbuilding and ship repair section was formed. The main task is to attract coastal enterprises in the cluster that is being formed in Bolshoi Kamen. In total, we have 16 enterprises in this section. Everyone who is related. They even attracted Yuri Petrovich DENISENKO with his Progress aircraft factory. They have a ship-based helicopter.

The Union of Mechanical Engineers of Primorye is also involved. Each of the factories is now developing a work program for our section, and on April 18 they will hold a meeting with the participation of all factories. The topic is the participation of coastal enterprises in the shipbuilding cluster. Vostochnaya Verf will prepare proposals for the resumption of coastal passenger traffic.

Enterprises of the instrument-making block, they have always had a ship focus - these are Dalpribor, Emerald, Varyag, Era, Askold and Radiopribor. All shipyards of our region - Slavyansky, Livadiysky, Nakhodkinsky, Primorsky, Vladivostok - they will prepare their proposals both for participation in the large shipbuilding program and for the program for the construction of medium and small-tonnage fleet.

The work of the Maritime Council is a very serious task. And here we need to look for partners among world leaders. The filling of any ship is determined by the customer, he needs only the most modern equipment, and he will not wait until the enterprises of the Primorsky Territory master the production of such equipment. And it is necessary to solve this problem only by methods of localization. We offer Primorye factories to take over the localization of part of the ship's equipment. There are such proposals.

We are not going to compete with shipyards in China and Korea. Those niches that are now occupied by the Chinese, why go there? But BATMs and BMRTs are not built there, they are built in Norway. And our experience has shown that we can compete with the Scandinavians. If we talk about ships that are used to transport bulk and liquid cargoes, we have enough orders from oil and gas companies for ships of high ice class. You have to take what you are capable of.

Dossier of the "Golden Horn": Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex LLC was registered in December 2015 in the city of Bolshoy Kamen at the address ul. Stepan Lebedev, 1 (the same address of registration at JSC Far East Plant Zvezda). The authorized capital of LLC at the moment is 13.001 billion rubles. The founders of the company are JSC " Modern technologies Shipbuilding (Moscow), which owns 99.90% of the capital, and JSC Far East Plant Zvezda (0.01%). The general director of LLC is Sergey TSELUYKO. LLC "SSK" "Zvezda" in March 2016 became a resident of the territory of advanced development (TOP) "Bolshoy Kamen" in Primorye. The amount of initially announced investments is 92 billion rubles.

Far Eastern plant "Zvezda" - leading enterprise for the repair of submarines of the Pacific Fleet and the only one in the Far East specializing in the repair, re-equipment and modernization of ships of nuclear submarine missile carriers.

The Zvezda plant is a complex, well-equipped complex with a high technical and production potential, which makes it possible to perform work in all major areas of the enterprise's activities in a quality and timely manner. The plant has developed hull, welding, painting and insulating, machine-building, foundry, forging, pipe-working, galvanic production.

The plant includes the main production shops: dock-hull, hull-building, unit repair shop for ship equipment, mechanical, assembly and delivery, coating and woodworking shop, pipe-manufacturing and radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel management shop, as well as the plant’s central laboratory, energy laboratory and a welding laboratory certified, accredited and licensed by the State Standard of Russia, Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation, the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and Gosatomnadzor of Russia.

The plant has a developed warehouse economy, including both open and closed storage areas, and equipped with all the necessary loading and unloading equipment (cranes, elevators, electric and forklifts, electric cars and stackers), as well as a complex of auxiliary workshops (tool, repair and mechanical , electrical repair, boiler, energy, transport, repair and construction), which provides maintenance of the main production and supply of all necessary types of energy.

The plant employs a highly qualified professional team, numbering today about four thousand people. The accumulated rich experience and the use of advanced technologies allow the DVZ "Zvezda" to use technological capabilities and a developed infrastructure of auxiliary industries for the successful repair of ships and vessels, the construction of civil ships, the disposal of ships and vessels that have served their time, the manufacture various kinds metal structures, various products, both marine and general engineering, non-standard equipment, equipment and tools.

Factory history

Factory and people

Plant No. 892

July 9, 1946 Ministry of the shipbuilding industry Soviet Union decided to build plant number 892, intended for the repair of ships and vessels in the Far East region. An expedition of the Leningrad GSPI went to Primorye - to determine the place and start research work. This place was the Bolshoy Kamen Bay and the territory adjacent to it. True, it turned out to be inconvenient due to the small depth. For several years, work was carried out to fill the soil. Industrial buildings were built on the territory reclaimed from the sea. In parallel, they worked on deepening the bottom. Appointed construction commissioner Theodosius Maksimovich Rusetsky.

In November 1954, he was appointed director of the new plant. Stepan Ivanovich Lebedev. An experienced production worker, a skilled organizer, he was a demanding and principled person. Feodosy Maksimovich Rusetsky took the position of the plant's deputy for capital construction, where he worked for more than 15 years.
On December 3, 1954, the enterprise began to carry out production program. This day is considered the birthday of the plant. We started with the repair of small vessels: boats, boats, hunting schooners, medium-sized fishing trawlers.

Shop No. 15, which was located in the current block of auxiliary shops, became the first production unit. It fell out to establish the work of the workshop Ivan Ivanovich Khakhulin. At that time, about 400 people of various specialties worked here. With the growth of production volumes, the plant annually introduced new buildings, and separate divisions were separated from the 15th workshop.

When a tired submarine...

In the late 1950s, the plant began repairing diesel-electric submarines and surface ships of the Pacific Fleet. Since that time, the main task of the enterprise for many years has been to maintain the country's defense capability.

In November 1957, the first boat arrived for repairs. Builder in charge of repairs Alexander Ivanovich Kazantsev. At that time, large orders had to be repaired afloat, the plant did not have dock equipment. Small civilian ships were hauled onto open slipways along the slipway using a bulldozer or winches. On diesel submarines, underwater work was carried out using the caisson method, which was associated with a certain risk. In 1963, a docking chamber was put into operation, and the repair process went faster.

On May 12, 1962, the first nuclear submarine arrived at the plant. The main issue we started with was the specialization of workshops and departments. A pipe copper shop No. 19 was created (on one nuclear submarine, the length of all pipes is about 24 kilometers). Installation shop No. 16 was put into operation. And with the separation of a separate production from its structure - shop No. 11, the old dream of all ship repairers came true: the organization of aggregate repair. Specialized production sites were created, equipped with stands that made it possible to adjust and test all the mechanisms of the nuclear submarine. A lot of strength, energy, and sometimes ordinary ingenuity was invested in the creation of this workshop by its first boss Alexey Elizarovich Korostelov.

One of the important aspects of ship repair is to take accurate measurements during production process. Therefore, a central factory laboratory was created at Zvezda. In 1967, he was appointed head of the CPL Grigory Romanovich Pavlenko. The CPL consists of several specialized laboratories. The equipment used here is the most accurate and perfect. All laboratories have been certified, accredited and licensed by the supervisory authorities of Russia.

To provide the divisions of the plant with design documentation and solutions technical issues the design department No. 40 was organized. The department was headed by Iosif Berovich Lando for the longest time: from 1976 to 2003.

Rising star in shipbuilding

The need of the Pacific Fleet for the repair of nuclear submarines increased from year to year, and the plant was called upon to play a major role in this. In 1964 he was appointed director of the plant Vladimir Ivanovich Kushlin, and two years later Veniamin Pavlovich Dolgov became the chief engineer. Prior to that, both of them were employees of the Komsomolsk shipbuilding plant, they knew the organization and technology of shipbuilding well, and were directly involved in the construction of nuclear submarines.

Soon the plant received a name. During the next visit, the Minister of the shipbuilding industry of the USSR Boris Evstafievich Butoma called the plant a rising star of ship repair. With his light hand In 1968, the Far East Shipyard was officially renamed the Far East Shipyard "Zvezda".
The plant began to introduce an automatic production control system. In December 1972, the first computer appeared on Zvezda domestic production"Minsk-32".

Keeping pace with the times, the plant mastered the production of consumer goods. At the same time, products such as kitchen sets and upholstered furniture have received universal recognition and are in great demand: original design, branded execution, standard and custom-made furniture. Currently, shop 17 is engaged in the production of consumer goods.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing

In 1976, the docking and slipway shop No. 10 was separated from the hull shop No. 10, which began to carry out operations for lifting and lowering orders for water. In the same year, a unique technical structure was built - the first slipway. This building made it possible to place a submarine and surface vessels on a covered slipway, which made it possible to carry out repairs all year round, regardless of the weather. Five years later, a second boathouse was built, larger in size. The boathouses provide all the systems necessary for the repair and modernization of ships. In 1980, the Pallada floating dock built in Kherson was put into operation. At the same time, a transfer slipway and a transborder were built, which together make up a unique ship-lifting complex that allows lifting and moving ships with a dock weight of up to 13,500 tons.

The year 1978, in fact, became the first serious test of the technical and organizational readiness of the plant to fulfill its main task - the serial repair of nuclear submarines.

What does it cost us to build a city

A significant event in the life of the city was the construction and commissioning of the central factory boiler house. A difficult situation developed with the heat supply of the plant and the provision of its production needs. The plant was provided with steam and hot water from a temporary boiler house. And the "heater" was an old steam locomotive, decommissioned due to its antiquity. In the late 60s, the energy and mechanical department and the energy shop of the plant were assigned responsibility for the heat supply of the village. The construction and commissioning of the central factory boiler house made it possible to establish uninterrupted heating of the village and the factory.

A factory was being built, and a working settlement was being built. In the seventies, the Sports Palace with a swimming pool was built. About two dozen different sections worked here, summer and winter sports days were regularly held. The factory Palace of Culture received adults and children. Creative teams performed in workshops, on propaganda sites, in villages, military units.

Factory and city clinics with hospitals, a children's clinic, a children's pioneer camp, a sanatorium, schools, kindergartens and entire residential neighborhoods were built. All work was carried out under the patronage of the factory department capital construction and required engineering study, deep knowledge and great dedication of the team. In 1989, the working settlement of Bolshoy Kamen acquires the status of a city.

Maslakov era

In 1991, he was appointed director of the Zvezda plant Valery Alexandrovich Maslakov. A difficult fate befell Valery Alexandrovich - to manage the plant in the years that became the hardest in the history of the plant and the city. The country has a complete collapse of industry, defense and economy. With the beginning of perestroika as part of the ongoing conversion, the plant was increasingly deprived of a defense order and, as a result, long delays in payment began wages. The situation escalated to the limit.
But Valery Alexandrovich tried to save the plant. Today, recalling Maslakov, many agree that thanks to his perseverance, faith in the future of Zvezda, and the ability to resolve issues at the highest levels, the plant survived and retained the status of a state-owned enterprise.

In this difficult time, Zvezda managed to survive only thanks to the continuous search for orders from third-party organizations. A huge role here was played by the fact that in 1993 the US Department of Defense and the Russian Defense Industry Committee signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of strategic offensive arms reduction. The Zvezda plant received an order for the disposal of strategic submarines withdrawn from the Russian Navy.

As part of the contracts concluded, the United States supplied various equipment to the plant, as well as financed the repair of existing and construction of new facilities. Today, a modern universal complex for the disposal of nuclear submarines has been created at Zvezda. Over the years of its existence, more than 40 nuclear submarines have been decommissioned.

Clear Sea of ​​Japan

By the 1990s, a lot of radioactive waste had been accumulated in the Far East of Russia, resulting from the operation and disposal of nuclear submarines. Their collection at the Zvezda plant was carried out by a special tanker TNT-5, which was in extremely poor technical condition and did not provide safe storage of LRW.

It was decided to place a floating complex for the processing of liquid radioactive waste in the water area of ​​the plant. This project was financed by the Japanese government. The complex was put into operation in 2000. This made it possible to prevent the discharge of liquid radioactive waste into the Sea of ​​Japan and contributed to the improvement of the environmental situation in the south of the Far East. The quality of purified water, which is formed as a result of LRW treatment, meets the requirements of standards for discharge into fishery water bodies.

However, cooperation with the Japanese government did not stop there. The main topic of the Russian-Japanese talks was the need to carry out work on the disposal of decommissioned first-generation multi-purpose nuclear submarines. There are more than forty such boats in the Far East region, some of them no longer keep afloat. As a pilot project, Japan funded the dismantling of the Victor III class boat. The program of Russian-Japanese cooperation was named the "Star of Hope".

Disposal work was hampered by the lack of technical means to unload spent nuclear fuel from boat reactors. Gradually, step by step, the plant began to modernize the facilities involved in the dismantling of nuclear submarines. This, again, was made possible by the active financial assistance of the US Department of Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

In 2003, a coastal complex for unloading spent nuclear fuel from nuclear submarine reactors was put into operation. This complex is unique in its kind - there are only a few of them in the world. It meets all international and Russian requirements in the field of nuclear, radiation and environmental safety.

Round and round

In parallel with the recycling work, the Zvezda plant is being rebuilt to produce civilian products. The repair of the civil fleet was resumed, new shipbuilding was mastered. But the main activity for "Zvezda" is the repair of ships of the Navy. In 2003, after a long break in the delivery of military orders, Pacific Fleet The 397th order "George the Victorious" was delivered. In 2001, the shipyard accepted the Irkutsk multi-purpose nuclear submarine of the third generation for repair. In August 2008, the nuclear submarine of the third generation, the Omsk, was handed over to the customer, which underwent repairs at the plant to restore technical readiness.

From 2001 to 2007 the plant was headed by Yury Petrovich Shulgan. He started labor activity at the Zvezda plant in 1976, after graduating with honors from the Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute, he went through all the stages of professional growth at the enterprise.
Since December 2008, the plant has been headed by Andrey Yuryevich Rassomahin. Leader of the new generation: young, energetic, modern. He only writes his story in the history of the "Star".

On November 6, 2008, the enterprise changed its status and became a joint-stock company, where 100% of the shares belong to the state. JSC DVZ "Zvezda" became part of Far Eastern Center shipbuilding and ship repair.

On December 3, 2009, the Zvezda plant will celebrate its 55th anniversary. For man - the golden age of wisdom. For such a huge enterprise - only youth. Perspective, striving for development, the Far Eastern plant "Zvezda" confidently declares itself as an enterprise of bold ideas and great opportunities.