The name of the department in the staffing table. We draw up a staffing table. How many copies of SHR should be in production

In enough large companies it is customary to form separate groups of employees performing similar labor functions and having a separate leader responsible for the work of such a group. This is what is commonly called structural divisions in the enterprise.

Types of structural units of the enterprise

In the event that departments, services, workshops, brigades or other elements of the structure are allocated in the organization, they should be reflected in staffing(hereinafter - SHR). At the same time, the allocation is made in accordance with the labor function performed by them.

According to the tasks performed, it is customary to distinguish the following types of units:

Attention: The exact grouping and types of workshops, departments, services or teams in each case may be different. Some businesses use a "matrix" structure in which temporary teams are created to work on a specific project and exist only until it is completed.

Is it necessary to indicate them in the SR?

It is necessary to single out subdivisions in the schedule only in one case: when they exist organizationally at the enterprise.

Officially, this term is not fixed in the legislation. Furthermore, divisions are optional. Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain an indication that the conditions for working in a particular department are essential. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 69 of 10.10.2003, which approved the Instructions for filling out work books, in paragraph 3.1 indicates that an entry in the book about the unit is made only if the condition for working in it is essential for the concluded employment contract .

As a result, in fact, the organization can act without distinguishing any separate structures within itself. In this case, the schedule will contain only a list of positions that are not assigned to any divisions.

If they are allocated, then they must be fixed by special provisions or with regulations, which are approved by the management of the enterprise for each service. Documents on the creation of structures should define:

  • description of the created structure;
  • its functions and tasks;
  • the authority of the unit's management;
  • responsibility of the manager and specific employees;
  • the procedure for interaction with the management of the enterprise as a whole and other services.

How to reflect certain types of units?

In addition to the functions performed, the structures of the enterprise are divided according to their organization. How exactly should this division be reflected in the staffing table?


Important: No branches or representative offices legal entities are not (part 3 of article 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). However, Art. 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides that any separate structure in which there are stationary jobs is considered a separate subdivision, even if it is not distinguished in any way in the documents.


Unlike isolated, structural units operate at the location of the organization. Their reflection in the staffing table occurs according to general rules. In particular, when approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation in 2004, each of structural divisions must have its own name and code according to OKUD, reflected in the corresponding columns of the form.

In the same cases when the enterprise has its own forms developed in accordance with the Federal Law “On accounting”, they may also provide an indication of the units.

Departmental indexes are needed in different work situations. For example, when compiling the nomenclature of cases, the line "Section" indicates the code of the structural unit, which will also become the first part of the indices of all its cases. At implementation of EDMS, when a special folder is created for each department in the system, its index is also used. Finally, the personnel department and accounting department in some documents fill in the field "Code of the structural unit". In the article we will tell you how to correctly assign indices to structural divisions and branches of an organization.


It would seem that it is not difficult to come up with codes for units. But it is in this simplicity that the main problem of indexing lies. It happens that one department, for example, the human resources department, indexes all departments of the organization, but does not consider it necessary to inform colleagues from other departments and management about this.

After some time, clerks take up the compilation of the nomenclature of cases, as a result of which the departments already have two different indexes.

And then IT specialists make a large telephone directory of internal numbers and assign index numbers to all departments at their own discretion ...

This can go on for as long as you like, until the day comes when it turns out that there are many numbers, but none of the divisions has an official index, and no one wants to give up their developments.

Thus, in order not to repeat the plot of the classic fable about the swan, pike and cancer, you need to do a simple thing: approve the codes of structural units at the level of the decision of the first person, that is, issue the appropriate order. And first find out if the indexing of divisions was carried out earlier.

As the described situation showed, for this it is necessary not only to analyze the issued administrative documents, but also to interview the heads of structural divisions.


The index of an organization's division - both structural and separate - is a unique code in which information about this division is encrypted.

The composition of the information encrypted in the code can be anything. For example:

The serial number of the unit in accordance with the organizational structure;

Name of the subdivision;

subordination of the unit;

location of the unit;

Functionality of the department, etc.

Parts of indexes can be separated from each other by any characters, but the most common are slash, hyphen, and period. For example:

12 - a simple serial number of the unit in accordance with the organizational structure;

TD/2- the second subdivision in the technical directorate;

UP/OTiZ- department of labor and wages in the personnel department;

DP.V-Sib- Sales Directorate in the fifth branch of the organization in the Siberian Federal District.


The first level of indexes. The easiest way to index divisions is to assign them serial numbers ( 01, 02, 03 etc.). Such indices will be more than enough for the nomenclature of cases and filling out forms of documents in personnel records management, as well as for the abbreviated name of departments in internal documents.

Without special need to complicate them, there is no point.

This method is suitable for indexing departments of an organization that has a simple structure - rather large, but without branches (Scheme 1).

From Scheme 1 it can be seen that assistants are directly subordinate to the general director CEO and heads of the following departments:

Sales Directorate;


Technical Directorate;

Directorate for Economics and Finance;

Logistics Department;

Legal department;

IT department.

The assistant to the general director manages the office and the archive - he is responsible for all the organization's office work and accumulates all organizational, legal and administrative documents, as well as part of the information and reference documents of top managers. Therefore, the conditional unit for which he is responsible is usually referred to as "Leadership".

So the first level indexes will look like this:

The second level of indexes. In some cases, this indexing can be completed. But if the directorate and departments are divided into departments (see Scheme 1), indexing is continued - second-level indices are introduced (Example 1).

Between parts of the index, we put a slash. All additions to these designations, for example, serial numbers of cases according to the nomenclature, will be indicated with a hyphen: 06/02-01.

Letter index. In our opinion, another way of indexing is more informative: first-level divisions are designated by letters, which makes them easier to identify, and second-level divisions receive additional numerical designations (Example 2).


The need to compile complex indexes for divisions arises if the organization has a complex structure, for example, it has a network of branches, or is even a holding (group of companies).

"Simple" indexes are indispensable here. The index will consist of at least two, and most likely three or four parts.

Diagram 2 shows the structure of an organization with a central office and four branches, each with four divisions.

And in this case general principle indexing remains unchanged: units receive unique numeric or alphabetic codes.

If your organization has a branched structure, use alphabetic indexes already at the first level of indexing - letters are easier to perceive than numbers.

First level indices in the organization from our example might look like this:

Different letters for subdivisions of the first level eliminate the repetition of indices. In our simplified example, it was not difficult to designate four branches with different letters. But in practice, there may be several dozen branches. However, in any case, the difficulties here are quite surmountable.

Indexes of the second level. Let's return to our example and put down indexes of the second level, and we will start with branches.

Each of them has 4 departments: sales, logistics, personnel and administrative departments. Let's choose numerical designations for them (Example 3).

Indexing of divisions of the Central office.

As for indexes for central office and its subdivisions, it seems logical to follow the same principle and link the first level index CO with letter indexes of the second level R, DP etc. and get CO-R and CO-D P. But here you need to stop and remember the indexing rules: respect the uniqueness and not put unnecessary information into the index.

Designation CO, as well as the letter designations of the first level central office divisions in our organization, are no longer found in any of the branches or divisions. Therefore we will leave CO to designate the central office, and its subdivisions are denoted by indexes consisting of two parts.

We do this in order not to put unnecessary information into the indexes: it is clear that, for example, the DE&F exists only in the main office of the organization, there is no need to report this once again (Example 4).


Indexes in the nomenclature of cases. Let us give an example of the designation of sections and indexes of cases according to the nomenclature: it is obvious that the indexes of cases will differ from the standard 01/02 and others (Example 5).

However, this is perfectly acceptable, because our goal is to create readable, not formal indexes, and this applies to documents too.

Order on the indexation of divisions of the organization. Whatever method of indexing is chosen, it must be fixed at the highest level - to issue an order for the main activity.

In the ascertaining part of the order, it is customary to include the basis for its issuance.

Since OU indexing is used in many processes, it is not necessary to list them all. It is better to get by with a general formulation (Example 6).


1. Before indexing organizational units by own initiative, you need to find out if indexing has been done before.

3. The simplest index is numeric ( 01, 02, 03 etc.). In addition, indexes can be alphabetic, as well as combined. Letters in indices are easier to read than numbers and are more informative.

4. Any complication of the index must be justified. If you can stay simple numerical designations, it is better to do so.

Special classifiers are created in order to facilitate the task and work. Special attention - to the enterprises of the trade sphere. They do not have structural divisions, but sales or commerce departments have been introduced. They are closely intertwined with the departments that are in charge of logistics. Documents in this group are not approved without an order from the head or another person endowed with the appropriate authority. First comes column 1 "Name". It is filled in by the head in the order that he determines independently. It is better to use a certain hierarchy in order to write about structural units, from administration to service personnel. Scheduling Then comes the second column, with the code. This lists the numerical designations for any unit.

We draw up a staffing table

Of the possible changes:

  • salaries
  • additional responsibilities
  • department renaming
  • translation
  • job renaming

In all these situations, there is a procedure for correcting personnel documentation. Job rename A change that does not change salary or affect direct responsibilities. But we must remember that the title of the position refers to essential conditions in any contract.

Such conditions may be changed at the initiative of management or upon reaching an agreement between the parties. The main thing is that the function of the employee itself remains unchanged. Changes must be notified to the employee himself no later than two months before they are made.
Making adjustments will become impossible if the employee himself has objections. When they don't, it's good. It remains only to write everything down in the T-2 form and the work book.

And with the adoption of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, doubts about the binding nature of this document for the organization have disappeared completely. Let's try together to figure out how to properly draw up a staffing table and work with it. The code of the structural unit in the staffing table The following reasons for the changes must be indicated in the order: Change in salaries

  • Planning and economic calculations made by the relevant department
  • Optimization of work related to management
  • Legislation is being adjusted
  • Production base expands or shrinks
  • Carry out reorganization
  • Implemented measures to improve efficiency
  • Structural improvement

The main thing is to correctly assess the consequences associated with certain actions.

How to make a staffing table

If there is no information, then the line can simply be left blank. Staff The first step is to determine the full and abbreviated name of the enterprise. You can not do without the document number, date and OKPO code. Sometimes managers get confused about the dates that need to be specified.

The first is the time period for which the schedule is drawn up. After that, the date is put when the document is actually formalized, with signatures. If you mean commercial organization, then there are no restrictions on the names.

There is only one wish - not to use foreign words with which few people are familiar. But sometimes in an organization, the benefits provided to certain categories of employees depend on the name of the structural unit. Enforcement of the rules in this area is usually the responsibility of personnel departments or services that organize labor and pay for it.


If the staff list consists of more than one page, signatures are placed on the last page in special signature lines. During the initial development of the staffing table, the graph for signatures can be entered on each page of the document. When and how to make changes? It is necessary to make changes every year or not, each manager decides separately.
This is pla new document and it is advisable to update it annually. The annual update will allow coordinating the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees. If it is necessary to introduce or remove positions, abolish or add departments, a new document can be approved less often or more often.
Changes can be made in several ways:

  • Overall change. He is given a new registration number and ratified by order (decree).
  • Selective change. It should be registered in an order or order.

Articles and consultations on the website

The organizational structure is a schematic representation of structural divisions. This document reflects all departments of the organization, the order of their subordination is schematically drawn. The organizational structure can also reflect both vertical and horizontal links between departments.

It is problematic to clearly indicate where the boundary of responsibility for compiling the staffing table lies, but we will try to distinguish between some stages of compiling the SHR, and at the same time fill out a unified form No. T-3. How to start filling out a unified form? Filling out the unified form T-3 "Staffing" should begin with the name of the organization - it must be indicated in strict accordance with the name that appears in the constituent documents.

Unified form No. t-3 - staffing (form)


From the moment the employees are accepted, he becomes an employer and must maintain a staffing table. The exception is cases when the duties and form of the employee's activity are described in detail in the employment contract. Thus, making changes consists of the following steps:

  • The consent of the employee to make adjustments to the schedule that concern him.
  • Writing and adoption of an order (instruction) on making adjustments.
  • Writing and accepting an application to employment contract with the employee affected by the change.
  • Recording the received changes in the work book.

How to draw up a staffing table correctly? Procedure, stages and rules for filling out When writing a staffing table, refer to organizational structure enterprises.

This is due to the fact that when drawing up the schedule, it is necessary to indicate the departments that are part of the enterprise.
They are also established by regulations developed at the enterprise itself. Content:
  • 1 Rules for drawing up staffing tables
  • 2 Staffing: about the number of units
  • 3 Information on tariff rates
  • 4 About surcharges in the schedule
  • 5 How to make notes and changes in a document
  • 6 Is it necessary to read the document?
  • 7 Additional rules for change
    • 7.1 Job rename
    • 7.2 Salary changes
  • 8 How are staffing tables approved?
  • 9 Staffing tables for branches
  • 10 A word about approval and changes

Staffing Rules Drawing up a document is allowed using forms developed by the company, but a more convenient option is already existing unified forms. One of them is No. T-3.

How to draw up a staffing table in the form of t-3?

The names of the departments are indicated by groups:

  • management or administrative part (such units include directorate, accounting, personnel department, etc.);
  • production departments;
  • support or service departments.

As a rule, the location of the names of structural units in most organizations corresponds to this order. The exception is enterprises whose main business is trade. In such firms there are no production departments, but there are sales departments or commercial departments, which are closely related to logistics units (the latter in this case are service units).

Auxiliary units usually include the supply department, repair services etc.

Code of the structural unit in the staffing table

When filling out the form in any form, a person does not violate any laws and is not subject to fines or sanctions. Back to Contents Who makes up the staffing table? Already after the organization has made a decision on the need to generate a document (if it has not been drawn up before), a new problem arises - who exactly is responsible for creating this act of professional accounting? There are no direct provisions in the legislation, however, in accordance with qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees, confirmed by the Order of the Ministry of Labor Russian Federation dated August 21, 1998 No. 37, the execution of this category of documents is considered part of the duties of a labor economist.

Codes of the structural unit in the staffing table

The sequence of filling in this column for each structural unit is individual, taking into account the specifics of a particular organization. As a rule, the positions of the head of the structural unit, his deputies are located first, then the leading and chief specialists, then the positions of the performers. If the structural unit includes both engineering and technical personnel and workers, it is necessary to allocate first engineers, then workers.

What is a "staff unit"? A staff unit is an official or work unit provided for by the staffing of an enterprise. As a rule, the number of staff units of organizations financed from the federal or regional budget is determined by higher organizations.

Any citizen of the country who has reached the age of 14 becomes the owner of a passport. Each document has its own individual sign, consisting of six digits and indicating under which number the passport form was issued. The number is preceded by a document series. This parameter depends on the region where the passport was issued (the first two digits) and the time the form was issued, more precisely the year (two other digits).

  1. Zero is used to designate FMS.
  2. Seeing the unit, you can understand that the document was issued through a specialized passport and visa service of the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Central Internal Affairs Directorate.
  3. The deuce is used in cases where the owner of the passport received it through the district or city department of internal affairs.
  4. The troika is used to designate passport and visa services in urban, rural or rural areas.

What is the organizational unit code

Structural subdivision code. The coding of structural divisions is mainly used to form Contents2 How to find out the code of the division that issued the passport?3 Codes of divisions of passport offices reference What is the division code in the passport? The code value is on the second. Branches are divisions created in order to perform the functions of the company and represent its interests. OP is not an independent legal entity. It is endowed with property objects of the parent organization. Unlike the TIN, the Reason Code for registering an organization can change. So, if an organization changes its address to another address, the numbers 02, 03, 04, 05, 31 or 32 mean that the checkpoint is assigned to the organization at the location of the organization's separate subdivision. What is OKPO, how to decipher it. The OKPO code is clearly required to be present in the official papers of the accounting field of activity. The classifier of enterprises and organizations is divided into two large divisions of the checkpoint: what is this code? KPP is a code indicating the reason for registration and consisting of 9 characters, each of which carries its own semantic load. For example, in an invoice, if products are sold through its separate division, the organization must which issued this certificate. It is useful to understand how you can identify the division code in the passport. 1. Assign an individual code to the structural divisions and the leadership of the academy, in accordance with the appendix parameter that, if necessary, allows you to identify a person. Therefore, many organizations require that customers referrals / automation of enterprise personnel records. Page 2. 1 List of divisions. Department code. The name of the subdivision. Number of employees. The structure and staffing of an organization, an enterprise is a document in which a list of structural divisions is fixed in their order. In this case, the name and code of the structural division are indicated not in the column, but in the header row. Subdivision code: subdivision code assigned to it for document management and designation of its place in the organizational hierarchy. Therefore, many organizations require that customers sign documents exactly as in the passport. Who issued the passport? So, what is the unit code in the passport and what does it mean? What is the subdivision code for?

What is the registration reason code? This is a combination of nine characters in which information about a particular organization is encrypted. What is a checkpoint? KPP is the code of the reason for registration. The possibility of endowing each separate division or foreign organization with the corresponding KPP allows the Federal Tax Service to control the activities of such companies, check the timeliness In column 3, an entry is made about the acceptance or appointment to the structural unit of the organization, indicating its specific In my case, deal with the “Code” column if I leave the structural unit column empty. Each structural unit in the organization is assigned a code that is used to maintain workflow. The code also indicates the place of the structural unit in the hierarchy of the organization. The organization code is affixed to All-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations (OKPO) and includes eight characters. Column 2.

Regulations on the structural unit

Section 6. "Relationships (service relations) of the unit." All recommendations for the preparation of the section of the same name, but only job descriptions, are given in paragraph 3.1 " Job Descriptions» of this book. You should only pay attention to the fact that the interaction of departments, and not individual employees, is “signed”. Therefore, first of all, you need to focus on official relations between the heads of various departments, and secondly (if necessary) - on the coordination of official relations between ordinary employees of departments (i.e., to determine whether it is necessary to obtain consent from the head of your department, you need whether to coordinate their actions with the head of another department before interacting with its employees).

Regulations on the structural unit - a document that defines: the procedure for the creation (formation) of a unit; legal status divisions in the structure of the organization; unit structure; tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities of the unit; the procedure for interaction of the unit with other structural units of the organization.

Separate subdivision

In addition, Article 288 of the Tax Code requires the calculation of the residual value for the period(reporting or tax), but does not specify the procedure for such a calculation. According to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the residual value of fixed assets should be calculated in the same way as average annual cost property for corporate property tax.

When separate subdivisions (a group of separate subdivisions) are closed during the tax period, in declarations for subsequent ones after closing reporting periods and the current tax period line 031 indicates the tax base for the whole organization excluding the tax base attributable to closed separate subdivisions. The difference between the indicators of lines 030 and 031 must correspond to the sum of the indicators for lines 050 of Appendix No. 5 to sheet 02 of the declaration with the code "3" for the variable "Calculation made" for closed separate divisions

We draw up a staffing table

Changes to the staffing table are made when the number or staff of employees is reduced. When the number is reduced, individual units are excluded, and when the staff is reduced, individual units are excluded. At the same time, employees replacing positions being reduced or working in professions being reduced are subject to dismissal in accordance with the relevant articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The code of the structural unit usually indicates the place of the structural unit in the hierarchical structure of the organization. It is also assigned for the convenience of document management (this is especially true large enterprises). By coding, the place of smaller units in the structure of large ones is indicated. For example, departments have departments, departments have departments, and departments have groups. If the department is indicated by the digital code 01, then the department within the department, respectively, will be numbered 01.01. In the same way, departments and groups are designated.

05 Aug 2018 930

Hello! Have you ever heard of such a document as the "Staffing Organization"? But this is a document on the basis of which it is calculated wage and also hire and fire employees. Now we will try to tell in detail about what functions the SHR performs and how to compose it correctly.

What is "staffing"

Each of you at least once in your life has been in the personnel department of some enterprise. You have probably seen countless folders and personal files of employees. Surely many were interested in how the employees of this department collect and remember information about all positions, employees, etc.

And everything is quite simple. They have such a document as the staff list.

Staffing (SHR)- this is normative document, which indicates information about all the positions of the enterprise, the number staff members, the size of their tariff rates and the amount of allowances.

In other words, this is a document that contains generalized information about the number of employees of the enterprise and the available positions. In addition, the staffing table indicates the amount of wages for each position, taking into account all due allowances.
Very often, this document helps the managers of the enterprise in the course of litigation. For example, due to a forced reduction in staff, a worker was fired and he filed for former leaders to court. In this case, the SR is direct evidence of the legality of the defendant's actions.

Because of the importance of this document, all pages are numbered, laced and sealed.

  • Download Sample order on approval of the staffing table
  • Download Staffing form N T-3

Staffing functions

Like any document, the HR performs a number of functions. The main ones of which are:

  • Possibility of organizing the working time of the staff;
  • Paying monthly salaries to employees;
  • Official registration of newly hired employees;
  • Leaving the rules of the internal daily routine;
  • Transfer of registered employees from one position to another, etc.

Staffing is a mandatory document

Every company has a lot of documentation. There are documents maintained in without fail, but there are those that are created out of necessity. To the question “Is the SR a mandatory document?” it is impossible to give a definite answer.

All because labor Code does not imply the mandatory presence of SHR at the enterprise. But if we consider this issue based on the requirements of Roskomstat, then it turns out that this document is necessary, because. he is primary documentation to account for payroll.

Although there are no clear rules in the legislation, most organizations conduct this species documentation. After all, the main part of state inspections begins precisely with the study of the SHR.

In fact, the presence this document makes life easier not only for inspectors, but also for managers, HR and accounting departments.

What is the duration of the staffing

None official document No exact expiration date has been specified. The head himself has the right to indicate the period for which this document is drawn up. Most often, it is redone every year, and put into effect on January 1. When compiling the SR, the date of its validity is indicated. But if you do not specify a date, then the document is considered unlimited and does not need to be redone.

How much and where is the staffing table stored

On the basis of the decision of the Federal Archives, SR, after the expiration of the validity, must be stored at the enterprise for 3 years. And the shelf life of regular constellations is 75 years.

Regular arrangement- an optional document for each enterprise, which is created on the basis of the staffing table. It is a mobile version of SR and includes more detailed information about the employees of the company (the full name of the workers, disability group, etc. are indicated).

Who makes up

Before proceeding with the creation of a document, the manager issues an order to change the staffing table, where he appoints an employee who will draw it up.

It can be absolutely any employee of the organization. But most often, such work is entrusted to employees of the personnel department, accounting or a labor rationing engineer.

How many copies of SHR should be in production

When compiling the SR, one copy of it is made. Therefore, the original and a copy must be kept by the Human Resources and Accounting Department.

Change in staffing

Sometimes changes have to be made to the existing SR. This is done in several cases:

  1. If there is a reorganization of the company;
  2. If you need to optimize and improve labor activity control apparatus;
  3. If the changes made to the legislation require the introduction of mandatory amendments to the SR;
  4. In the event of a change in staffing ;
  5. Changes in positions in the staffing table;
  6. Salary changes in staffing.

If the changes are minor and do not require the creation of a new HR, then the head issues an order to amend the staffing table. After that, the responsible employee makes amendments to the current document.

When changes are made to the staffing table, management is not required to notify employees in writing.

The second way to amend is to create a new SR.

For any changes to the SR, amendments must be made to work books and personal cards of employees. Prior to this, it is necessary to obtain written permission for this action from employees.

For example, if the wording of the job title changes slightly, the employee must be notified in writing. Only after that changes are made to his work book.

If the changes relate to the amount of salaries, in this case, the employee is notified in writing 2 months in advance. These amendments are made in parallel to the employment contract.

Is there a mandatory form of staffing

To compile the SR, most often they use a unified one. It is a form - a table in which you need to enter data.

Most organizations take the T-3 form as a basis and “customize” it to fit their enterprise. This is allowed, i.e. unified form this document is optional.

In cases where the company has state form management, then the staffing is drawn up in accordance with all the rules.

Organization staffing structure

The SR consists of a header, a table, and the data of the people who signed the document.

The first part of the documents contains the following information:

  • Name of the organization, according to the constituent documents;
  • The date of commencement of the SR, its number and validity period. Numbering can be assigned arbitrary.
  • Date and number of the order on approval of the staffing table;
  • General staff.

The second part is a collection of data for all positions. We will consider it a little later.

The third part contains the names and positions of the people who signed this document. Most often it is the leader. personnel service and Chief Accountant.

How to make a staffing table

We hope that no one had any questions when filling out the “header”, so let's move on to filling out the table itself.

1 count . Name of the structural unit. They must be listed in order of subordination. For example, administration, secretariat, financial department, accounting department, etc.;

2 counts. Department code. We number the units from top to bottom (01,02,03, etc.);

3 counts. Job title. Data must be entered in the nominative case without abbreviations, in the singular, guided by qualification and tariff reference books;

4 counts . Number of staff units. This column indicates how many people of one position the company needs. This value can be either integer or fractional. For example, 2.5 could mean that 2 employees will work full-time and one part-time;

5th column . salary amount, tariff rate or bonuses. Indicated in rubles for each position. If, for example, 2 accountants work, but the manager pays them different salaries, then a single salary is indicated in the staffing table, and additional payments are prescribed in the allowance column. That is, the salary of employees in the same position should be the same;

6, 7, 8 columns . Surcharges for special conditions labor. They may not be, then dashes are put in the columns. But if the worker works at night, holidays, removes dignity. knots, etc., then according to the law he needs to pay some compensation;

9th column. In just a month. The data in columns 5,6,7,8 are summarized, after which it is multiplied by the number of staff units for each position;

10 count . Note. A local normative act may be indicated on the basis of which remuneration is carried out;

After entering the data, it is necessary to sum up the total by 4 and 9 column. Thus, we will find out the number of staff units in the staff list and the monthly payroll.

staffing approval

According to the rules for approving the staffing table, after compiling and verifying all the data, the SR signs the head, chief accountant and head of the personnel department. After that, the head of the enterprise issues an order to put this document into effect.


SR is not mandatory, but very important document any organization. Based on it, you can either accept a new one. In addition, it is used to pay wages to employees of the enterprise.

This document is not strictly regulated, so it can be “customized” for each organization and redone if necessary. This is the leader's lifesaver during the period of inspections by state bodies.