sample interview protocol. Protocol of an interview with a foreigner applying for refugee status or subsidiary protection in the Republic of Belarus Sample interview protocol

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Protocol of an interview with a foreigner applying for refugee status or subsidiary protection in the Republic of Belarus

_______________________________________________________________ (name of the citizenship and migration unit)

Date of the interview

Surname ___________________________________________________________________

Given name ___________________________________________________________

Middle name (if any) __________________________________________________________

Date, month, year of birth __________________________ Gender _________________

Citizenship (citizenship) __________________________________________________

State of former habitual residence ____________________________

I am aware that the information obtained from this interview is confidential and cannot be shared government bodies, other organizations and citizens of the state of my nationality or former habitual residence or means mass media without my written consent.

I have been made aware that I am required to:

answer all questions

provide reliable and detailed information about yourself and your past, your close relatives, consistently state the reasons that served as the basis for my application for refugee status or subsidiary protection in the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the application for protection), as well as other information that has importance for the examination of my application for protection

provide documentary and other evidence that I have, or convincing explanations for their absence, to confirm the information I have provided

assist the interviewer in establishing the facts relevant to the decision on my application for protection.

I am warned that the information I provided after this interview, which contradicts what I have previously stated, may affect the assessment of the reliability of the information I provided earlier.

I agree that I will be interviewed by an employee of _________ gender.

Database of labor documents

Minutes of the interview with the candidate

The interview was attended by ______________________________________________ (head of department, head, etc.) Comments: Education _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Work experience ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Professional knowledge _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Personality characteristics ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ External data ____________________________________________________________ Overall assessment of the candidate Above average Average Medium Suggestions: Recommend for this position Consider as a candidate for another position Reject HR Manager _____________________ Date ____ ______________ 2007

sample minutes of the meeting of the commission for the interview

Sample documents for participation in the constituent assembly To approve the Provisional Regulations on the procedure for holding a competition for replacement. Interviewing, testing candidates for a specific vacant position The minutes of the meeting of the competition commission are kept by the secretary of the competition January 17, 2012 Commissions hold meetings as necessary during the period of the Promotion organizes interviews with nominees draws up and signs minutes of meetings Expert Council. to participate in the Promotion (the form is approved by the Organizing Committee).

standing committees · Minutes, recommendations, conclusions of meetings of standing committees · Minutes of plenary city meetings. Form1, Form 1 REGISTRATION CARD for holding state registration legal entity by establishing a new legal entity.

A sample of filling out an application for a city council decision on advertising (for submission to a meeting of the executive committee). 4. A sample of filling out an application for obtaining permission to hold events involving animals. 10. Meetings of standing committees.

This Regulation on admission committee State participate in the meetings of the commission. - participate in interviews with applicants the right to issue a document state standard about average vocational education. admissions committee protocols.

During the reporting period, 2 meetings of the board were held at which changes to the Procedure for the creation and activities of commissions for conducting were approved by the minutes of the meeting of the EPC of the Central State Energy Establishment of Ukraine dated 05.03.2012 No.

The decision of the Admissions Committee is drawn up in a protocol that the Subject Examination Commissions and Interview Commissions determine at their meeting and include in the Rules. a certificate of the established form is issued for paperwork

Admission Committee of the National Medical University named after Subject examination committees and commissions for conducting interviews. applications to it of the state standard and a medical certificate, students are accepted at its meeting and drawn up in a protocol,

sample invitation letter for interview

Click on this field with the mouse and enter your data instead of the sample. Recently, it has become possible to make an appointment for an interview for a visa to. In general, the interview is an invitation to a sample, from yearning to December 41. Being proactive in your job search can increase your chances of getting an interview. you made up good summary and managed to interest a promising employer by receiving an invitation for an interview. The article contains practical tips to help you correctly compose and issue an invitation to an interview. Related links: a sample of an invitation from the USA, how to get a visa through. If you received an invitation for an interview, it means that your resume has reached its goal and this is a small victory. Example: I have one invitation form for everyone. Most often, an invitation to an interview is issued according to a single model.

6.1. Preparing for an interview

Conducting an interview is the most critical stage in the selection of personnel, which plays a key role in making the final decision, even in cases where other assessment methods are used along with it. Therefore, serious and thorough preparation for the interview is necessary.

The interviewer should have a clear idea of ​​the vacant position that will be discussed during the conversation: duties, tasks, methods and means of solving them, scope of work, responsibility, rights, service relationships, conditions and place of work.

In addition, the specialist who will talk with the future employee must have the following information:

1. Information about the company (name, form of ownership, history, size, profile, products and indicators of its volume, market place, corporate culture).

2. Information about the unit in which the employee is selected, about its leader and group norms of behavior in the team.

3. Professional and personal requirements to candidates, desirable previous experience data on the work of the employee who held this position before.

4. Compensation package ( wage and the procedure for its accrual, bonuses, insurance, provision of a car, reimbursement of expenses for the use of personal transport, meals, etc.).

5. Opportunities for advanced training, professional and job growth.

Schedule an interview, prepare suitable premises, a questionnaire that the candidate will fill out before the conversation, study his resume and outline key questions. The interviewer should be aware of the procedure, procedures and terms for assessing the presented applicants, as well as the personal characteristics of those people who will make the decision to hire.

6.2. Interview strategy and tactics

Job interview is designed to solve the following tasks:

  • assessment of the candidate's abilities for a certain type of activity
  • comparative analysis of the competence of applicants for the position
  • providing the candidate with information about the organization in order to help him make a decision on employment.
  • Given the uniqueness of the interview as a method of assessing and selecting candidates, it is necessary to achieve its maximum effectiveness, which depends on the technology of its conduct, the professionalism of the interviewer.

    Structuring both the hiring decision process and the interview methodology will help to avoid possible serious mistakes.

    Internal effects that make interviewing difficult

    First impressions. Interviewers often draw conclusions about a candidate's personality within a few minutes at the very beginning of the conversation. For the rest of the time, they gather information to support the first impression. This is the case when a person hears only what he wants to hear and makes an unreasonable choice.

    Stereotypes. Some interviewers believe that certain groups of people have special characteristics (for example, bearded men are untrustworthy and women with glasses are smart).

    Edge effect (primacy - recentness). More attention is drawn to the information that was said at the beginning of the conversation than to the next one. This may be explained by the properties of memory or the power of first impressions.

    Contrast effect. The interviewer's opinion of a candidate depends on his judgment of previous applicants. On the one hand, this means that the best of them will be selected, on the other hand, they are compared with each other, evaluated in relation to each other, and not to the requirements of the work.

    Same as me. Interviewers are more supportive of people who are similar to themselves in upbringing, education, and work experience. There is even evidence that they prefer applicants with non-verbal behavior similar to their own (eye movements, posture, etc.).

    Negative information. Negative information makes a stronger impression on interviewers than positive information. This is especially noticeable if negative information appears at the beginning of the interview, after which they automatically begin to look for additional confirmation of the negative.

    Personal affection. A higher score is given to those candidates who evoke sympathy, regardless of other factors related to the job. This is a natural reaction of a person, but, perhaps, does not guarantee the selection of the best applicant for the position.

    Copy. Interviewers with a preference for a particular personality type choose people who match them, regardless of their other characteristics. This interferes with the conversation and may result in the selected person being unsuitable for the job.

    Foreign or local accent. Job seekers with a foreign or local accent often end up at a disadvantage compared to those who do not have accents. However, this effect is less pronounced when it comes to not very prestigious positions, and for working with clients, people with some local accent are even preferred.

    Real time effect. Interviewers believe that the candidate behaves during the meeting in the same way as in life. This is a serious mistake, as people tend to get nervous during interviews. And vice versa: some applicants are able to splurge and demonstrate qualities throughout the conversation that they do not possess in reality.

    Gender preferences. Women candidates are often judged much more critically than men, especially if men are preferred for the job. Although there is evidence that this trend is more characteristic of female interviewers who consider representatives of the strong half of humanity to be more competent, while for the latter, gender does not seem to matter.

    6.3. Interview technique

    Build communication with the candidate in such a way that he can speak with you openly and you can get the information you need. To do this, encourage, support, take the initiative and at the same time be tough where necessary.

    Remember that 80-90% of the time in the first stage of the interview, the applicant should speak.

    In order to properly use the results of the conversation, you need to record the data received. Write down key points and phrases, as well as your comments about the characteristics of human behavior.

    For each competency, it is necessary to collect at least 2-3 facts from the candidate's experience. It is desirable that it be both positive and negative information.

    Evaluate the applicant only after the end of the interview.

    Don't suggest answers. Your interlocutor should not get the impression that there are right and wrong answers.

    Scheme for constructing an interview

    Stage 1. Introduction, establishing contact

    1. Introduce yourself.

    2. Define the purpose and procedure of the interview.

    3. Warn the candidate that you will be taking notes.

    4. Ask a general introductory question (for example: Where did you work before?).

    Stage 2. The main part of the interview

    1. Explore the competencies being assessed.

    2. Invite the candidate to add information about himself at his discretion.

    3. Provide an opportunity to ask questions to you.

    The more you learn about the applicant before the interview, the less time you will have to spend on clarifying this information during the interview. Preparation includes:

    Review of documents. Collect all available candidate documents - resumes, questionnaires, recorded results telephone conversations- and select from their content information about the work experience that is most important for this position.

    Work experience. Read the information that matches the work experience of the applicant you are interested in. Mark for yourself what seems unclear to you, about which you would like more information.

    Gaps in labor activity. Mark for yourself the gaps in the work or learning activities candidate. During the interview, you will be able to discuss these with him in order to establish their cause and draw conclusions about the candidate's track record.

    The main purpose of the experience review is to gain only general information, while spending no more than 5-8 minutes. If the interlocutor begins to delve into the details, politely remind him that at this stage this information is not essential for you yet.

    After completing the review part, move on to prepared behavioral questions. Tell the candidate that the next conversation will be more dynamic, and it is desirable that he answers in as much detail as possible.

    Do not try at this stage to form a final impression of the applicant. Write down the main findings so you can come back to them later.

    Pay more attention to recent study and work experience that is most relevant and relevant to the position in question. Don't ask too many questions about past events.

    If a candidate talks about what they liked or disliked about their previous job, it will help you gauge their motivation.

    Don't convince yourself that work gaps are a bad sign. It is necessary to find out their reasons.

    Stage 3. Completion of the interview

    1. Provide the candidate with information about the vacancy.

    2. Tell us about the next steps and selection procedures. To complete the interview, you must:

  • review your records to determine if you need Additional Information or any clarification (if needed, ask questions right away)
  • test (if required)
  • tell about the position and the company, answer the candidate's questions
  • end the interview: explain the further procedure and thank the interlocutor.
  • 6.4. Development of the structure of the interview in accordance with the specifics of the vacancy

    One of the main factors for the success of the interview is its thoughtful structure. To generate a list of questions to identify necessary competencies candidate, it is proposed to use the following table.

    First of all, it should be noted the main characteristics of a person who apply for any position:

    • a responsibility;
    • independence;
    • desire for leadership;
    • enterprise;
    • resistance to stressful situations;
    • organizational skills;
    • planning ability.

    For each interview feature invented their own questions. We will talk about this below.

    How are they assessed in an interview?

    As an example, we will offer the main questions. So, purposefulness - how to check at an interview with a candidate:

    • can you overcome difficulties;
    • what will be your decision in case of obstacles: do not pay attention, continue to act and achieve results, step back;
    • whether you can withstand a large number of failures;
    • what do you want failed to achieve in life and what are the reasons.

    Responsibility rating:

    • Could you you take responsibility for defeats, problems and failures;
    • whether you accept help from a stranger;
    • whether you helped someone, when it was, how it manifested itself;
    • whether your work result influenced the success of the company, its employees and how it influenced.

    Entrepreneurship score:

    • can you come out from a difficult situation a winner;
    • whether you will take action in adverse situations;
    • what obstacles, difficulties, problems you had to face in your previous position and how you solved them;
    • How did you manage to get your previous job?

    Assessment of the candidate's independence:

    • when you earned their first wages;
    • where did you spend the money?
    • how long have you lived apart from your parents;
    • how long have you been living on your earnings.

    Stress resistance rating:

    • are you able make a decision in a situation when there is a panic lack of time, uncertainty appears, pressure is exerted;
    • what conditions the company must provide you for successful work;
    • are there any conditions under which you can quit and give examples.

    Grade organizational skills applicant:

    • How do you exercise control over your wards;
    • how do you share the responsibilities of workers;
    • for what oversights you penalize, for what achievements you reward.

    Grade tactical and strategic planning:

    • Can you do multiple tasks at the same time?
    • how do you plan your day, time for work;
    • how many ways you usually have to solve a problem;
    • can you describe what was planned a year ago, what could not be achieved;
    • who makes your plans;
    • What do you know about time management?

    Grade leadership qualities:

    • have you ever been appointed headman;
    • Do you have the ability to influence others?
    • what are the main qualities that employees value in you;
    • do you value your boss and for what qualities;
    • three of your negative qualities, which are noted by colleagues.

    How to check systematic thinking at the interview with the candidate:

    • have there been difficult situations in your life and how did you find a way out;
    • you acted intuitively;
    • did you have any solutions?
    • Have you thought about the reasons that caused this situation.

    How to evaluate moral values interview employee:

    • What do you think might motivate an employee to quit?
    • what motivates a person to work;
    • why it is worth firing an employee immediately;
    • What do you think, is the lie justified, in what cases.

    Important: Questions may vary. It all depends on the company and the position for which the applicant is applying.

    Factors affecting the analysis

    Each position implies characteristics without which the work cannot bring results. For example, applicants for an accountant position are often assessed for accuracy; the sales manager - sociability, the ability to communicate; at the leader the ability to think, etc.

    So, what are the main factors used to evaluate a candidate who applies for an ordinary position:

    1. Ability to express opinions and ideas only after guidance.
    2. Ability to communicate with clients for no more than 15 minutes.
    3. If a problem occurs, fix it yourself.
    4. Ability to complete assignments on time.
    5. The need to enlist the support of management and colleagues.
    6. Discuss tasks with management.

    If the applicant chooses from the above characteristics those that are correct from the point of view of the company, then this is the ideal candidate for the vacancy.

    Attention: when considering applicants for a position, you should also pay attention to age. If an applicant with a long work experience is in the rank and file, then he probably lacks the desire to develop, and his ambitions are incompatible with real opportunities.

    And on what factors to analyze at the interview of a candidate applying for the position of manager:

    1. Awareness importance of their role in the development of the company.
    2. Adequate assessment of the degree of risk and importance of information.
    3. Willingness to communicate directly with customers and staff.
    4. The ability to get things done.
    5. The ability to take responsibility.
    6. Enterprise.
    7. Ability to timely find the causes and consequences of the problem and eliminate them.
    8. Ability to assess the quality of work.
    9. Efficiency and activity.
    10. Ability defuse the situation and establish contacts.
    11. The ability to admit failure and quickly bounce back.
    12. Tendency to unconventional solutions.
    13. A commitment to everyone's success.

    Important: when choosing a candidate for the position of a manager, it should be taken into account that a person who does not know how to make decisions, use power and build effective communications cannot apply for a vacancy.

    How to evaluate a candidate during the interview process?

    So, what are the main criteria for assessing a candidate in the interview process?


    • the applicant came to the interview a few minutes before the agreed time;
    • the candidate arrived long before the start of the interview;
    • applicant is very late.

    Appearance of the candidate clothes:

    • dress neatly and cleanly;
    • dressed fashionably;
    • dressed sloppily.

    Communication activity:

    • normal activity level;
    • lethargic, rather low activity;
    • the candidate is concise, answers questions too briefly, does not support the conversation;
    • active, lively, asks questions, actively supports the conversation.

    Intelligibility, intelligibility:

    • perceives questions quickly, immediately gives clear answers;
    • quite legible, intelligible;
    • asks again, does not immediately understand questions;
    • the candidate does not understand what he is being asked about, gives off-topic answers, low level of intelligibility.

    Attention: each recruiter can draw up criteria for evaluating a candidate at his own discretion and depending on the interests of the company.

    After the end of the interview

    After the interview is over, a comparison is made personal characteristics applicant and the position for which he is applying. Then the results are summed up.

    Non-standard methods

    These methods are not designed for experienced job seekers. It is better to use them on young candidates who do not have practical experience behind them.

    Collective verification and high bar

    This characterization of the candidate after the interview is carried out with a group of applicants for one position. Instead of a standard survey, the recruiter offers various unexpected situations. Candidates should quickly find their bearings and suggest suitable options.

    Important: this method reveals the applicant's ability to think quickly, make decisions, determine the degree of skill, the ability to work in a team and independently.

    Often, recruiters test applicants using the “high bar” method. It is also used on experienced candidates. AT this case an overestimated requirement is made and a clear picture of the personal characteristics and skills of applicants is drawn up.

    Battlefield check and reaction time

    This technique is often used during the late selection period. The applicant is invited to take workplace on the certain period time. So his reaction and knowledge is tested.

    The applicant is offered an out of the ordinary situation. This technique is to determine the ability to make the right spontaneous decisions.

    Interview protocol

    An interview protocol is a document that compiles an assessment of a candidate for a vacant position. The document must include general data, personal information and past professional experience of the candidate.

    The format of the protocol is not regulated, that is, can be compiled by a recruiter depending on the preferences of the company. The document is created in advance and filled out as detailed as possible.

    During the entire interview, notes are taken in the minutes and the most significant points are recorded. At the end of the interview, the recruiter decides whether to hire the candidate or him.

    Fill example

    FULL NAME. candidate: Kiseleva Ekaterina Andreevna

    Applying for the position: Sales Manager

    Interview set start time: 9:00

    The actual time of arrival of the candidate (in case of being late, the reason for being late should be noted): 8:30

    Candidate's First Impression: Neat appearance, friendly

    Psychological qualities that will help to successfully cope with official duties and master new skills: purposefulness, enterprise, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, the ability to quickly make the right decisions

    Psychological qualities incompatible with work in this position: none

    Psychological qualities that allow you to achieve compatibility with colleagues associated with the future employee and the corresponding corporate culture organizations: sociability, sociability

    Psychological qualities that are incompatible with work in the company: none

    Conformity additional requirements: corresponds

    Accept: hired


    Analysis of the entire interview as a whole

    First of all, it is necessary to identify which particular characteristics of the candidate are the most significant for the position. Based on the notes made in the protocol during the interview process, the recruiter should analyze the situation. At the same time, it would be good to take into account your impressions of the conversation with the candidate.

    As a result, you should choose one of the most suitable candidates and notify the "lucky one" of being accepted for the position either orally or in writing.

    It is very important for each company to choose a suitable applicant for a vacant position, because its success will directly depend on this. Therefore, you should take care in advance how the applicant will be assessed, according to what parameters, personal qualities, what questions should be asked during the interview, and also what little things to pay attention to.

    Posted On May 31, 2018

    Personnel management\Technologies for search, selection and adaptation of personnel in the company

    6.1. Preparing for an interview

    Conducting an interview is the most critical stage in the selection of personnel, which plays a key role in making the final decision, even in cases where other assessment methods are used along with it. Therefore, serious and thorough preparation for the interview is necessary.
    The interviewer should have a clear idea of ​​the vacant position that will be discussed during the conversation: duties, tasks, methods and means of solving them, scope of work, responsibility, rights, service relationships, conditions and place of work.
    In addition, the specialist who will talk with the future employee must have the following information:
    1. Information about the company (name, form of ownership, history, size, profile, products and indicators of its volume, market place, corporate culture).
    2. Information about the unit in which the employee is selected, about its leader and group norms of behavior in the team.
    3. Professional and personal requirements for candidates, desirable previous experience; data on the work of the employee who held this position before.
    4. Compensation package (salary and the procedure for calculating it, bonuses, insurance, provision of a car, reimbursement of expenses for the use of personal transport, food, etc.).
    5. Opportunities for advanced training, professional and job growth.
    It is necessary to set an interview time, prepare a suitable room, a questionnaire that the candidate will fill out before the conversation, study his resume and outline key questions. The interviewer should be aware of the procedure, procedures and terms for assessing the presented applicants, as well as the personal characteristics of those people who will make the decision to hire.

    6.2. Interview strategy and tactics

    Job interview is designed to solve the following tasks:

    • assessment of the candidate's abilities for a certain type of activity;
    • comparative analysis of the competence of applicants for the position;
    • providing the candidate with information about the organization in order to help him make a decision on employment.

    Given the uniqueness of the interview as a method of assessing and selecting candidates, it is necessary to achieve its maximum effectiveness, which depends on the technology of its conduct, the professionalism of the interviewer.
    Structuring both the hiring decision process and the interview methodology will help to avoid possible serious mistakes.

    Internal effects that make interviewing difficult

    First impressions. Interviewers often draw conclusions about a candidate's personality within a few minutes at the very beginning of the conversation. For the rest of the time, they gather information to support the first impression. This is the case when a person "hears only what he wants to hear" and makes an unreasonable choice.
    Stereotypes. Some interviewers believe that certain groups of people have special characteristics (for example, bearded men are untrustworthy and women with glasses are smart).
    Edge effect (primacy - recentness). More attention is drawn to the information that was said at the beginning of the conversation than to the next one. This may be explained by the properties of memory or the power of first impressions.
    Contrast effect. The interviewer's opinion of a candidate depends on his judgment of previous applicants. On the one hand, this means that the best of them will be selected, on the other hand, they are compared with each other, evaluated in relation to each other, and not to the requirements of the work.
    Same as me. Interviewers are more supportive of people who are similar to themselves in upbringing, education, and work experience. There is even evidence that they prefer applicants with non-verbal behavior similar to their own (eye movements, posture, etc.).
    Negative information. Negative information makes a stronger impression on interviewers than positive information. This is especially noticeable if negative information appears at the beginning of the interview, after which they automatically begin to look for additional confirmation of the negative.
    Personal affection. A higher score is given to those candidates who evoke sympathy, regardless of other factors related to the job. This is a natural reaction of a person, but, perhaps, does not guarantee the selection of the best applicant for the position.
    Copy. Interviewers with a preference for a particular personality type choose people who match them, regardless of their other characteristics. This interferes with the conversation and may result in the selected person being unsuitable for the job.
    Foreign or local accent. Job seekers with a foreign or local accent often end up at a disadvantage compared to those who do not have accents. However, this effect is less pronounced when it comes to "not very prestigious" positions, and for working with clients, people with some local accent are even preferred.
    Real time effect. Interviewers believe that the candidate behaves during the meeting in the same way as in life. This is a serious mistake, as people tend to get nervous during interviews. And vice versa: some applicants are able to "show off" and throughout the conversation demonstrate qualities that they do not possess in reality.
    Gender preferences. Women candidates are often judged much more critically than men, especially if men are preferred for the job. Although there is evidence that this trend is more characteristic of female interviewers who consider representatives of the strong half of humanity to be more competent, while for the latter, gender does not seem to matter.

    6.3. Interview technique

    Build communication with the candidate in such a way that he can speak with you openly and you can get the information you need. To do this, encourage, support, take the initiative and at the same time be tough where necessary.

    Remember that 80-90% of the time in the first stage of the interview, the applicant should speak.

    In order to properly use the results of the conversation, you need to record the data received. Write down key points and phrases, as well as your comments about the characteristics of human behavior.

    For each competency, it is necessary to collect at least 2-3 facts from the candidate's experience. It is desirable that it be both positive and negative information.

    Evaluate the applicant only after the end of the interview.

    Don't suggest answers. Your interlocutor should not get the impression that there are right and wrong answers.

    Scheme for constructing an interview

    Stage 1. Introduction, establishing contact

    1. Introduce yourself.
    2. Define the purpose and procedure of the interview.
    3. Warn the candidate that you will be taking notes.
    4. Ask a general introductory question (for example: "Where did you work before?").

    Stage 2. The main part of the interview

    1. Explore the competencies being assessed.
    2. Invite the candidate to add information about himself at his discretion.
    3. Provide an opportunity to ask questions to you.
    The more you learn about the applicant before the interview, the less time you will have to spend on clarifying this information during the interview. Preparation includes:
    Review of documents. Collect all available candidate documents - resumes, questionnaires, recorded results of telephone conversations - and select from their contents information about the work experience that is most important for this position.
    Work experience. Read the information that matches the work experience of the applicant you are interested in. Mark for yourself what seems unclear to you, about which you would like more information.
    Gaps in employment. Mark for yourself the gaps in the work or educational activities of the candidate. During the interview, you will be able to discuss these with him in order to establish their cause and draw conclusions about the candidate's track record.
    The main goal of the experience review is to get only general information, while spending no more than 5-8 minutes. If the interlocutor begins to delve into the details, politely remind him that at this stage this information is not essential for you yet.
    After completing the review part, move on to prepared behavioral questions. Tell the candidate that the next conversation will be more dynamic, and it is desirable that he answers in as much detail as possible.


    Do not try at this stage to form a final impression of the applicant. Write down the main findings so you can come back to them later.

    Pay more attention to recent study and work experience that is most relevant and relevant to the position in question. Don't ask too many questions about past events.

    If a candidate talks about what they liked or disliked about their previous job, it will help you gauge their motivation.

    Don't convince yourself that work gaps are a bad sign. It is necessary to find out their reasons.

    Stage 3. Completion of the interview

    1. Provide the candidate with information about the vacancy.
    2. Tell us about the next steps and selection procedures. To complete the interview, you must:

    • review your notes to determine if you need additional information or any clarification (if necessary, ask questions right away);
    • conduct testing (if required);
    • tell about the position and the company, answer the candidate's questions;
    • end the interview: explain the further procedure and thank the interlocutor.

    6.4. Development of the structure of the interview in accordance with the specifics of the vacancy

    One of the main factors for the success of the interview is its thoughtful structure. In order to form a list of questions to identify the necessary competencies of the candidate, it is proposed to use the following table.

    Compose questions based on the assessment of tasks corresponding to the position, the method of their solution and the necessary competencies.

    Ten best questions for an interview

    1. Describe yourself using only adjectives.
    2. Name the biggest success and the biggest mistake in your career.
    3. What was the most serious criticism ever addressed to you?
    4. Describe, please, the best of your leaders or subordinates with whom you have ever worked.
    5. What would your last boss try to improve in you?
    6. If the last ten years of your career were repeated, what would you do differently?
    7. Describe the most difficult decision you have ever made. Looking back, was your decision the best possible decision? Why yes or why not?
    8. If I were to talk to your manager (current or former), what are your strengths and weak sides would he notice?
    9. Let's say you already work for our company three to six months ago, but things are not going well. What do you think might not work and for what reasons?
    10. What can make your working day really good? If by the evening you are upset, what could lead you to such a state?

    Ten of the most "uncomfortable" interview questions

    1. What management beliefs have you formed?
    2. What is more important to you - truth or comfort?
    3. What did you learn more from: your successes or your mistakes?
    5. How lenient was your attitude towards the mistakes of your subordinates revealed during the year?
    6. What do you think is the main strength of your organization? Why?
    7. Under what circumstances could you cheat?
    8. Is the customer always right?
    9. If you could organize the world according to one of the three principles - no flaws and shortages, no problems, no rules - how would you arrange it?
    10. Do you think everyone can business relationship be absolutely clear, in particular, on the timing of the fulfillment of obligations?

    6.5. Technique for assessing information during the interview

    Use as many interview methods as possible to properly evaluate the information you receive.
    1. Questions to the candidate (open, closed, alternative, repeated, clarifying, sequentially clarifying - chains in which each new question follows from the answer to the previous one).
    2. Requests for examples from personal experience.
    3. Specific situations for analysis.
    4. Role-playing games.
    5. Built-in interview tests and tasks.
    6. Written assignments.
    7. Provocations.
    8. An invitation to the candidate to ask questions.

    6.6. Analysis of the effectiveness of the interview

    The effectiveness of the interview directly depends on its results, that is, the amount of information received and the time spent on conducting it. Possible interview outcomes:
    1. Conclusion on the candidate for the position in question.
    2. Recorded conclusions about the applicant for invitation to possible positions in the future.
    3. Obtaining useful business information from the candidate.
    4. Establishing contact with the applicant as a potential partner.
    5. Access through it to new interesting contacts.
    6. Conclusion on the fundamental inexpediency of further work with
    given person. Conclusions:
    1. An interview is not useless if at least one of the possible results is obtained.
    2. The quantity and quality of the results of the conversation are determined by:

    • the skill of the interviewer;
    • duration of the conversation;
    • the value of the candidate.

    3. Ideally, the interview structure should include specific questions to obtain all possible data.
    4. The limited time of the interview should be used in the first place to achieve the result that is its main goal.
    The main results of the interview should be recorded in writing and saved for future work. If this is not done, then the data is lost, and the effectiveness of such activities is reduced.

    6.7. Interview reporting technique

    It will take you some time to complete the interview materials.
    1. In order not to miss the details, during the interview you should take your notes on the interview sheets. If other persons are involved in the interview (immediate supervisor, mentor), record their questions and answers to them. You can entrust the record keeping of the interview to a secretary or a colleague.
    2. Analyze the received information.
    3. Immediately after the interview, discuss the results with all participants in the interview.
    4. Evaluate the information.
    5. Summarize, record in the protocol.
    6. Try to schedule interviews in the first half of the day in order to compile a report on the interview in the afternoon and agree on it with all interview participants.
    7. After agreeing on the report with the interview participants, file all the materials collected on the candidate into a folder. To make a final decision about the candidate, the manager will need to analyze all the collected data.



    "____" ___________200

    Interview with the candidate Ivanov I.I.
    Vacancy for Head of Sales Department
    Professional experience is extensive and fully corresponds to the proposed position (seven years of work in sales, five of them in leadership positions).
    The candidate actively pursued his promotion opportunities. Expressed need for career growth and achieving success. Ambitious. Capable of taking justified risks.
    Intelligence is high and corresponds to education. Creative thinking, capable of a non-standard approach to solving problems. Oral and written speech is highly developed. Vocabulary is extensive. Critical to information. Adequately evaluates his intellectual abilities, seeks to use them in business.
    The mood is even, the level of self-control is high. Restrained. Anxiety is low. Sometimes quick-tempered, but quick-tempered. Gives the impression of an emotionally mature person.
    Sociable, able to establish and maintain interpersonal contacts. Prefers group activities. Active in communication. Quickly adapts to the team and strives to take on the role of leader. Sometimes intractable, not inferior to group pressure, but quite tolerant of the opinions and shortcomings of other people. Willingly accepts responsibility for joint actions.
    Self-esteem is adequate. The level of claims is high. Understands the hidden motives of others. Shows an active interest in people.
    The present place of work does not satisfy his ambitious plans, but he speaks respectfully of the management. Purposeful, persistent, initiative. Capable of clear strategic planning. Quickly grasps the essence of the matter, we train. Understands and can put into practice the mechanisms of his business. Accepts full responsibility for his actions. Able to work in a team. As a leader, he is oriented equally to the staff and to the task. In tense conditions, he adheres to an authoritarian leadership style, in calmer conditions - a democratic one. Able to delegate authority and distribute responsibility among subordinates.
    Appearance is neat. The dress code is appropriate for the situation. Behavior is open and equal. The posture is mostly open. Answers extensively. Has a presentable appearance.

    The interview was conducted by the HR manager

    ___________________________________________ were present

    Head of Procurement Department________________

    Marketing director________________


    Typical mistakes specialists make when conducting an unstructured interview:

    • ambiguity and heterogeneity of the grounds when making a decision on employment;
    • intuitive choice;
    • overestimation of the importance of some factors to the detriment of others;
    • preference for candidates who are similar to themselves and rejection of those who are not;
    • "hanging" on the applicant certain characteristics that are considered typical in connection with his age, social or gender identity, as well as based on the subjective opinion of the interviewer, based on various psychological conditions;
    • attributing to the applicant skills that are considered typical for people with similar work experience;
    • comparison of candidates among themselves, and not relative to the criteria for success in this work.


    Test task number 1

    Choose from the list of five questions that can be used to assess the candidate's ability to effectively perform the required work.
    1. What are you especially good at? Why do you think so?
    2. Describe, please, the best of your leaders or subordinates with whom you have worked.
    3. Please name your three main roles or responsibilities for last place work, the performance of which assessed the success of your activities.
    4. Is honesty always the best policy?
    5. What knowledge do you lack or lack in your previous job?
    6. Please provide an example of a well-prepared document.
    7. How many times a day do you walk your dog?
    8. How did you feel after your last layoff?
    9. Please describe your working day. For example, yesterday.
    10. What about your former colleagues made you jealous?

    Test task number 2

    Choose from the list of five questions that can help you assess the candidate's real interest in the job in question.
    1. Why do you always work with female bosses?
    2. What job would suit you the most?
    3. What kind of training do you intend to take in the near future?
    4. Where do you see yourself in five years?
    5. How and by what criteria are you going to make a decision about employment in a new place?
    6. Describe a situation where you made the wrong decision.
    7. What could keep you from changing jobs?
    8. What benefits can employees receive by assuming additional powers?
    9. How did you identify the causes bad work subordinate?
    10. In what case will you refuse our offer?

    Test task number 3

    Select from the list provided five expressions related to manageability and compatibility that can be assessed in the candidate.
    1. Factors that bind a person to a company.
    2. Attitude to negative statements addressed to you.
    3. Self-criticism of a person and adequacy in his opinion about himself.
    4. Method of making a choice decision new work.
    5. Applicant's health.
    6. Habits and expectations of behavior in the group.
    7. Personal circumstances and factors (marital status, place of residence, etc.) affecting the ability to perform the required duties.
    8. Education and level of theoretical preparedness.
    9. Experience in forming relationships with others.
    10. Motives for moving to another job.
    11. Talkativeness of the applicant.
    12. Formation of a general assessment of the manageability and compatibility of the applicant.


    Test task number 1
    Answers: 1, 3, 5, 6, 9
    Test task number 2
    Answers: 2, 4, 5, 7, 10
    Test task number 3
    Answers: 2, 3, 6, 9, 12

    Technologies are used uCoz

    recruitment and selection interview

    selection of personnel and selection interview 2.2 assessment of the candidate after the interview This form of assessment of the candidate will be convenient if you follow the recommended scheme for conducting the interview.

    Job interview protocol

    it will allow you to compare the qualities, skills and capabilities of the candidate required by the vacancy with his objective qualities, skills and capabilities, that is, to compare the desired and the actual.

    4 main criteria by which you need to evaluate a person at an interview

    4 main criteria by which you need to evaluate a person at an interview

    1. how not to fall under the spell beautiful girls who came for an interview
    2. why ask a person about the same thing several times
    3. four correct criteria for evaluating applicants

    directors and hr-managers, when evaluating applicants, as a rule, put in the first place personal qualities applicant, the scope of his knowledge and skills.

    how to assess and test the moral values ​​or purposefulness of an employee in an interview: how does a sample protocol help?

    how to assess and test the moral values ​​or purposefulness of an employee in an interview: how does a sample protocol help? identification of personal characteristics of a candidate for free position is one of the most important goals of a recruiter. do not forget about the complexity of this task, since most applicants hide their shortcomings and embellish their merits.

    making a choice of a candidate and conducting a proper analysis is sometimes not easy, which is why there are methods for assessing a candidate at an interview that will bring the applicant to clean water.

    employee appraisal form

    form of the employee's evaluation sheet manager (name, position) job responsibilities for the past period agreement with the list of responsibilities activities for reporting period:  achievements (correlation of responsibilities and achieved results);  assessed qualities (30-33);  areas of possible improvement;  the need for special training;  the need for mentoring; final assessment on a 5-point scale HR manager's comments assessment can be formulated as follows: does not have the necessary professional knowledge and does not strive for it does not have sufficient professional knowledge has minimal professional knowledge has sufficient professional knowledge has good professional knowledge has great professional knowledge and can provide advice on a number of issues
    src=" "="" alt="Job Applicant Evaluation Sheet">

    Candidate interview scorecard

    Evaluation sheet of the candidate's interview for the position Conformity assessment is put on a 5-point scale for each parameter: X* (arithmetic mean) is found according to the formula: X*= (correspondence assessment / per number of parameters).

    The candidate obtained a personal interview with the employer. Recommendations: an approximate list of questions that can be asked most often during an interview is proposed (answering questions should be short, easy and natural).

    The practice of conducting appraisal interviews

    Practice assessment interviews Conducting assessment interviews (conversations) with working employees is currently just beginning to enter HR - the life of many of our domestic enterprises. In this regard, each company, by trial and error, is trying to develop its own unique approach to this area of ​​personnel assessment.

    And everything seems to be fine, if not for one "but".

    Final assessment sheet at the interview

    Final evaluation sheet at the interview of the candidate passing (Job title, department) Level professional excellence 1 - no prof. skill; 3- good knowledge and skills; 4 - highly professional knowledge; Ability to think independently and solve complex problems 2 - a consultant is constantly required;

    Coursework - The system of work with personnel

    term paper The system of work with personnel The basis of the concept of personnel management of the organization.

    The process of selecting personnel for a vacant position.

    Rules for compiling an evaluation sheet of a candidate and job description. Determination of the number of main workers and annual average wages.

    By clicking on the "Download archive" button, you will download the file you need for free.

    How to conduct a job interview with a candidate

    How to conduct an interview with a candidate when applying for a job large companies to search for applicants and recruit personnel, certain people are hired - specialist recruiters, who carry out all such actions.


    Candidate evaluation form after the interview

    As soon as the door slams behind the candidate, do not put it off indefinitely until fresh impressions have evaporated, evaluate it. After the form below is completed (and pre-printed according to the sample), put it in the candidate's personal file.
    This form of candidate assessment will be handy if you followed the recommended interview pattern. It will allow you to compare the qualities, skills and capabilities of the candidate required by the vacancy with his objective qualities, skills and capabilities, that is, to compare the desired and the actual.
    Candidate Evaluation Form
    FULL NAME. candidate: _______________________________________________ ________________
    Job title: _____________________________________________________ ________________
    Date of interview: "_________" ____________ 200__
    Scheduled interview start time _____________________________ ________________
    The actual time of arrival of the candidate (in case of being late, indicate the reason for being late) ______________________________________________________ ________________
    № _____________________________________________________________ _________
    Characteristic "Ideal" candidate (in this column, the desired qualities are entered in advance after the examination of the vacancy) __________________________________________________________
    Relevant data of the candidate (in this column enter the actual qualities of the candidate) __ ________________________________________________________________ _____________ _

      1. Floor _____________________________________________________________ ________________
      2. Age __________________________________________ _______________ _____________
      3. Family status ______________________________________________ _____________
      4. Titles educational institutions, where the candidate could receive the necessary for the successful implementation of their functional duties knowledge. His desired
        specialization and additional education ________________________ ____________________________________________________________
      5. Names of possible positions held by the candidate._______
      6. Profile and names of companies where the candidate could receive and master the skills necessary for the vacancy.
      7. Minimum experience.
      8. List of job responsibilities that the candidate was supposed to perform.
      9. Proficiency in office equipment (PC, copier, fax, etc.), knowledge of software products.

    10. Degree of possession foreign language _______________
    11. Professional knowledge and skills required by the candidate.

      1. The presence of a car, a driver's license indicating the category, driving experience.
      2. Availability of housing, desired place of residence.
      3. Psychological qualities that will help you successfully cope with job responsibilities and learn new skills.
      4. Psychological qualities incompatible with work in this position
      5. Psychological characteristics that allow achieving compatibility with employees directly related to the future employee and corresponding to the corporate culture of the organization.
      6. Psychological qualities incompatible with work in this company
      7. Additional requirements.

    Brief information and opinion official who conducted the initial interview (i.e.

    sample interview protocol

    your informal assessment of the candidate) is also very important. Below is a form by which you can evaluate the applicant. To fill out this form, circle the appropriate (your, if possible, objective, opinion about the candidate) number in each line. Calculate the overall score maximum score equal to 60, the minimum is 12. The optimal score will be obtained if the candidate scored no more than three triples, provided that the remaining marks are 4 and 5.
    When evaluating, do not confuse appearance with the cost of clothes and the personal taste of the candidate, in the appearance column we mean neat hair, adequate makeup and manicure (if you are a woman), clean, tidy clothes suitable for the occasion, unobtrusive accessories. In addition to the timbre of the voice, you need to pay attention to the tempo of speech, possible defects in sound pronunciation, vocabulary, and the use of slang words.

    In the column of physical condition, especially carefully assess women and the elderly. It is also necessary to distinguish the qualities necessary when applying for a job from those that can be quickly acquired in the process of adaptation at the workplace (criticality of conditions).

      1. Untidy
      2. Carelessness in clothing
      3. Neat
      4. Pays special attention to their appearance
      1. Harsh, annoying
      2. indistinct
      3. Nice
      1. clear, understandable
      2. Expressive, energetic


      1. Unpleasant, unhealthy appearance
      2. Lack of energy, lethargic
      3. Good physical shape, good looks
      4. Cheerful, energetic
      5. Very energetic, in great shape


      1. Nervous
      2. Shy
      3. Mannered
      4. Tense
      5. Embarrassed
      6. Calm
      7. Adequate
      8. Extraordinarily aged


      1. Shy
      2. Arrogant
      3. Consistent, evidence-based
      4. Enough self-confident
      5. rectilinear
      6. Demonstrates confidence
      7. Unusually self-confident


      1. Illogical
      2. Uncertain
      3. Unclear
      4. Spread over trifles
      5. Clearly expressed, words adequate to meanings
      6. Convincing
      7. Logical
      8. Extraordinary ability in the logic of thought


      1. slow-witted, slow-witted
      2. Accepts what is being said
      3. Attentive, clearly expresses his thoughts
      4. Smart, asks the right questions
      5. Unusual sharpness of mind, perceives a complex of ideas


      1. Sluggish, not ambitious
      2. Lack of interest in self-development
      3. Demonstrates a desire for self-development
      4. Determines future goals, wants to succeed
      5. High ambitions, self-development


      1. Doesn't fit the job
      2. Not relevant but useful
      3. Conform
      4. Above required
      5. Particularly suitable
      6. Keeps learning, leveling up


      1. immature, impulsive
      2. Stubborn
      3. sensible, mature
      4. Cooperative
      5. Responsible
      6. Mature, self-sufficient


      1. Vividly negative
      2. Shows dissatisfaction
      3. Avoids direct questions
      4. Expresses a positive attitude
      5. Demonstrates positive, objectively evaluates "+" and "-"


      1. Expresses extreme embarrassment or aggression
      2. visibly nervous
      3. Does not express discomfort, does not seek to continue the conversation
      4. Demonstrates calm demeanor, continues dialogue
      5. Responds adequately, looking for ways to continue the conversation

    Decision taken: "Accept" (), "Reject" ()

    How to start an interview? Of course, every employer I want to know as much information about the applicant. To this end, all kinds of and, both working and psychological, have recently become especially popular. But are they legal? How is a job interview conducted?

    1. English: conversation.
    2. Deutsch: careful study of the applicant's documentation, request for former place work.
    3. Chinese; testing, questioning.
    4. American: mixed method, which includes both a personal conversation, testing, and checking the applicant's stress resistance in a formal and informal setting.

    The last option is probably the most efficient..

    But, if everything is more or less clear with testing, questioning and studying the documentation, then it is worth dwelling on how to conduct a conversation in more detail, because a lot depends on this point.

    Rules for building a conversation with the applicant

    How to interview a candidate for a job?

    ATTENTION: it is better to draw up a conversation plan in advance and keep it on a piece of paper in front of your eyes, because one of the most important points can simply fly out of your head, and from that you will receive incomplete information about the applicant.

    We will present you an approximate interview plan (step-by-step algorithm):

    1. friendly greeting. The request of the applicant to briefly describe himself: full name, age, education, experience and length of service.
    2. “Tell me, what did you do at your last job and what was the reason for the dismissal?”
    3. “What prospects do you see in a new place of work in our organization?”
    4. What salary are you aiming for?
    5. “What are you striving for? What life priorities, attitudes are dominant for you? Do you have a dream, interests, hobbies?
    6. “What are five reasons why you should be hired for this position?”

    You can diversify this list of questions and others that are important to you.

    REFERENCE: remember, that the conversation should be built in a respectful, friendly tone.

    If an employer initially allows himself an impudent tone or shows excessive curiosity about issues that have nothing to do with workers, then such an employer can be given a fat minus.

    There is no doubt that his company will not last long, because The key to the success of the company is a close-knit, friendly team, while the wild, tense atmosphere kills the initiative and leads to disastrous results. What do they look for in an interview?

    During the conversation, carefully (but not intrusively) monitor the reaction of the applicant. First of all it is worth paying attention to the staging of speech, turns of speech, the train of thought, confidence or uncertainty of the answer.

    If you are looking for a candidate for position of manager, PR manager, head and so on, that is a position that requires the employee to communicate, energy, then the applicant cannot show stiffness during the conversation.

    creative worker defined according to different criteria. the ability to create, immersion in the work process, the desire to develop, learn.

    It is also important to pay attention to the appearance of the applicant: clothing, hairstyle, makeup.

    Vulgarity is a serious minus for the applicant, while a sense of proportion allows us to define him as a reasonable person who understands where and why he came.

    How to end an interview? For example, you can end the conversation in simple terms: "We will review your resume in more detail, and if it suits us, you will call you back."

    Interview report

    The last stage of the interview by the HR manager is the preparation of a report (on the interview) to the manager. Here you need to provide the most complete information obtained during the study of resumes, other documents, testing, questionnaires and conversations.

    The following points should be noted in the reports:

    1. The amount of knowledge, skills of the candidate. Do they meet the stated requirements?
    2. Advantages and disadvantages candidate.
    3. Does education and work experience match?, age with the parameters required by the company?
    4. Is an introduction to the candidate required?, or does he have the proper experience of the specifics of the work?
    5. Can the candidate be suitable for other positions? that are vacant?
    6. Candidate classification in terms of behavior, work experience, references from a previous job. Is the applicant a "flyer" or a responsible, serious person?

    Useful video

    In this video, you will learn what questions to ask at the interview and how to assess the experience and potential of the candidate:

    And two words in conclusion

    Yes. The interview is a complex, multifaceted, multi-stage process that requires maximum attention and caution from the personnel officer.

    Now, knowing all the nuances and rules of the interview, you can build an interview in a competent context. Well, we wish you good luck at work and good for every day!

    Before conducting an interview, it is necessary to select a competent person suitable for the role of the interviewer. He must be aware of the specifics of the work of the enterprise and the vacancy itself, which candidates are aimed at, have the skills to build a targeted conversation and be able to draw a correct and impartial conclusion.

    The interviewer should be aware of the specifics of the enterprise and the vacancy.

    In small enterprises, the recruitment procedure is usually carried out by the managers themselves.

    A sample job interview schedule looks like this:

    • A brief outline of the purpose of the conversation.
    • Dialogue on the general theme of the company.
    • Switching attention to the position for which the person is applying.
    • Questions about qualifications, experience.
    • Answers to the candidate's questions.

    Follow this interview procedure, and the interview will take place successfully. If during the conversation it was decided to refuse the candidate, you can correctly inform him about this, indicating the reasons.

    Requirements for an effective interview

    There are rules for organizing interviews. Let's start with the fact that in without fail the interviewer should have:

    • List of all candidates and protocols for notes.
    • Professiogram of the vacancy (requirements for a potential employee).
    • Job instructions.
    • Indicative interview schedule.
    • List of questions.
    • Forms for fixing the answers of applicants.
    • Arranged place for interviews.

    A room in which no one and nothing distracts from the conversation will help to effectively conduct an interview. If candidates have to wait in line, comfortable chairs and water should be provided. Remember that not only the employer chooses the employee, but the employee also chooses the employer. It would be a shame to lose a good candidate because of a trifle.

    A room in which no one and nothing distracts from the conversation will help to effectively conduct an interview.

    According to psychologists, the interview will be more productive if the interviewer sits not at the desk, but, for example, on the couch. This will create an atmosphere of easy communication, evaluate the appearance of the candidate, gestures, facial expressions.

    When describing a company, present it in a favorable light, but avoid unmotivated "mountains of gold" if you are counting on long-term cooperation. Short breaks (5-7 minutes) between interviews with the next candidate help to put thoughts on the shelves, tune in to work with a new person and write down information about a potential employee in the protocol, analyzing his answers and behavior.

    If the interview is not conducted by the LPM (decision maker), the protocol should be completed in as much detail as possible. Its format is not regulated: it can be prepared in advance or compiled at the discretion of the interviewer. The document must include the personal data of the candidate, his past professional experience. However, the main purpose of the protocol is to make an assessment of the potential employee. Therefore, the interviewer should record in it notes and important points of the interview that will help form the final opinion and make a decision: to hire or refuse.

    If you are looking for an employee for a managerial position, do not conduct more than 5 interviews in one day. It is better to split the process over several days. Otherwise, by the evening the candidates will begin to seem "on the same face."

    The list of questions for the interview depends on the specifics of the vacancy. They can affect both the personal sphere of a person’s life and professional. In general, it directly depends on what type or method of interviewing is optimal in your case. A little later we will consider the topic of questions for each specific situation.

    Interview methods

    Exist different kinds interviews with potential candidates that can be used by the interviewer.

    • British. The hiring decision is made on the basis of a personal conversation. Questions about professional activity and personal life. Suitable for a wide range of positions, but as an introductory conversation and to obtain generalized data.
    • Deutsch. The package has the advantage accompanying documents(personal files from previous places, letters of recommendation, certificates, diplomas). Pedantic Germans usually carefully check the accuracy of information and pay attention to professional skills (personal qualities are less significant). Ideal for "serious" positions: managers, medical workers, teachers.
    • American. Priority of creative, mental and psychological abilities. Forms - passing tests, talking in an informal setting, presenting the company with questions about how a potential employee would act in a given situation. Thus, creative professions are hired: creative manager, designer.
    • Chinese. Attention to written examinations, e.g. essays, tests. In China, erudite and intellectually developed employees are preferred. The method is suitable for recruiting specialists for positions related to intellectual work: engineer, editor of a publishing house.

    In modern personnel practice, one interview technique is rarely used. In addition, HR professionals create their own methods based on the above.

    In order to avoid bias towards the interviewee, in large companies there should be several interviewers (2-4 people) or a multi-stage selection is used (for example, a personnel officer - a potential immediate supervisor - a head of a department).

    Interview techniques

    Any of the following methods may be used to recruit new employees. But this does not mean that you need to choose the first one you like. For hiring for a specific profession, some are suitable, while others are not.

    For hiring for a particular profession, some methods are suitable, while others are not.

    Based on competencies

    It is considered one of the most objective and universal methods for identifying the suitability of a candidate for a specific position. The purpose of the interview is to understand how competent the candidate is in his field.

    Questions are asked on professional topics that should be real basics. If they will affect the past experience of the candidate for similar position, it can tell you a lot.

    Asking questions about a candidate's past experience in a similar position can reveal a lot.

    For example, if an accountant of the settlement desk is hired, the following question may be asked: “How will you arrange the posting of the receipt of money from the current account to the cash desk of the enterprise?” If we are talking about the position of a mechanic, the questions should be from the category of specific technical topics: “Have you worked with BMW cars before? What is the specificity of their repair?

    It is undesirable to trust such interviews to HR managers. We need a person who understands the topic and will be able to assess the competence of the candidate.


    The principle of the interview is revealed in the title itself. Suitable for admission to a position where you need to independently and quickly make a decision on the situation: leadership positions, first responders.

    Any situation is projected according to the position, and the candidate is asked a specific question, how he will act. The number of situations is from five to ten. Based on the results, the compliance of the employee with the principles of the company's work is assessed.


    Here a person is invited to evaluate the actions of other people or characters (films, literary works). The potential employee must analyze the situation and give it a personal or professional assessment. Used for hiring for management positions with a relaxed working atmosphere.

    Benefits of this interview:

    • Low probability of "correct answers" from the respondent.
    • The applicant's expectations can be compared with the actual state of the company.
    • The ability to accurately assess the creative and motivational potential of a person.

    Unlike the situational principle, some time for reflection may be given. It is acceptable to offer several options and analyze to select the best one. Answers should be as complete and detailed as possible. Professional and personal questions alternate to avoid "tuning" to the situation.

    Projective questions allow assessing personal and intellectual potential. Use this technique if the position requires it.


    The interview is suitable for positions in which non-standard situations constantly arise that require endurance: salespeople, show business workers, sales managers, hotline operators, executives, journalists.

    Organized in an extremely tense atmosphere. The following methods are allowed:

    • The principle of "evil and good cop".
    • Cross polls.
    • Non-standard questions by profession with clarification of details (sometimes the interview lasts several hours).
    • Psychological pressure: deliberate exasperation, indelicate questions.

    Stress interviews can be conducted with or without notification of their specific nature. In the second case, the "purity" of the experiment is higher, but there is a risk of non-standard situations (there are also fights).

    It is difficult to assess the objectivity of such an interview. Often passing the test is not the result of a stable psyche, but shyness or low self-esteem.

    Interview results

    At the end of the interview, you should sum up the results, i.e. Prepare a report containing the following information:

    • Name of the interviewee.
    • Job title.
    • Information about the interviewer.
    • Date and time of the interview.
    • General conclusions (strengths / weaknesses of a person, impressions about the candidate, motivation, recommendations).

    The choice of interview methodology for each specific profession is unique, which means that there are no “ideal” methods. Approach this issue carefully, because the wrong choice of a candidate means direct losses to the company (unearned money, reduced product quality, destabilization of the team) and extra time spent on finding and training an employee.