The right job interview. Anti-HR: How to successfully pass a job interview. What to bring to an interview

Hello dear friend!

It is quite natural: everything that happens for the first time causes excitement bordering on fear. To varying degrees in different people. The reason is the unknown. Uncertainty, uncertainty always causes fear. What course of action to choose? Let's try to answer the question: first interview how to behave?

As a rule, the first interview takes place with a recruiter (HR manager).Its main differences from the interview with the head:

  1. The recruiter asks more questions. You will have to answer more than ask yourself
  2. The recruiter does not decide on the job offer. The decision is always made by the manager, most often by the immediate supervisor of the vacancy
  3. The recruiter does not seek to evaluate your professional competence. This is the prerogative of the leader.

Recruiter's tasks:

  1. Weed out candidates who, according to the results of a face-to-face meeting, do not meet expectations after reviewing resumes and telephone interviews. Or they made blunders in the interview.
  2. Select from the remaining those whom, in the opinion of the recruiter, it is advisable to send to a meeting with the head

Your tasks:

Quite logically, your tasks should correspond to the tasks of the recruiter. Namely:

  1. Don't screw up. Avoid gross missteps. So that you are not weeded out for reasons unrelated to your qualifications. For example, wearing shorts to an interview. Or say that your previous work is a hopeless garbage dump.
  2. Make a good impression. If possible, stand out from the crowd of other candidates. to be remembered. In a good way, of course.

Now in order:

How not to mess up? Common Mistakes

1. Prepare for an interview like a duel . Or like an exam where they want to fail you.

The recruiter does not have the task of filling you up or convicting you of incompetence. His task is to fill the vacancy. That is, your aspirations are largely similar. Yes, there may be uncomfortable questions - but as a rule, this is nothing personal.

A negative attitude towards a meeting is a sure path to failure.

2. Know nothing about the company

Awareness about the company where you came is one of your trump cards. Most applicants underestimate this.

3. No questions

The sailors have no questions - not the case. Questions are flying. Your questions are often more important than your answers. How to ask and what questions to ask a recruiter article

4. Negative ratings former bosses and places of work

The question of the reasons for leaving the previous job is mandatory. How to answer it correctly, look .

In general, it is desirable not to talk badly about anyone or anything.

5. Arguments and avoidance of answers

You should not enter into disputes under any pretext or for any reason. Just make it a rule that interviews are not the place to argue. You still won’t be able to prove something, and spoil each other’s mood.

6. Familiarity

Ivan - immediately on Vanya. Few people like it. In fact, this is a violation of personal space.

7. Not ready for questions

How to make a good impression?

If you ask recruiters how they decide on candidates, you will hear something like this:

“We select the most competent and appropriate position, company culture, style of the head of the vacancy.”

In practice, the situation is often different.

Believe it or not, but very often the decision on the future fate of a candidate is made on a “like-dislike” basis."" Nobody canceled.

What does the employer want?

  1. Benefit: - problem solving, revenue, cost reduction, new projects.
  2. Comfortable interaction: communication style, personal qualities, good habits.

From young specialist expecting a second one.

If you have an interview for the first time, most likely you are still young. Here is a portrait for you young worker, which the employer expects to see:

Educated, executive, interested, passionate about his work, with good habits, striving for professional growth.

And of course, they are greeted by clothes, sorry for the banality. It will be a shame if some little thing completely spoils your mood and impression of you. What to bring and how to dress

How to behave?

Stick to the following simple rules:

1. Rule of three pluses

Name, smile, compliment. This is from a series of influences on thin strings.

How to do it right, we discussed in article.

2. Rule of the golden mean

From my observations, recruiters do not welcome the manifestation of any excess. “This one asked questions like from a machine gun, and everything was not on the case,” “did not ask a single sensible question about work.” “This one is too sassy”, “This one is too timid”.

The key word is "too".You will say, “You won’t please them ... they dress up like marriageable girls.”Maybe so, hence the rule of the golden mean.

Do not talk too much or too little, ideally, the conversation between the interlocutors should be distributed 50 to 50. Do not speak too loudly, do not talk about problems directly, do not allow familiarity.

3. Rules for answering questions

First, prepare your answers to the questions.

Don't be afraid to ask questions. In an interview, it is more important how you answer, not what exactly. Follow the universal answer.

4. Ask questions about work

Ask about the content of the work, goals, projects of the company.

5. Active listening

Use active listening techniques. More

6. Enlist the support of a recruiter

Everything is very simple:

  1. Say you want to work for this company, give reasons.
  2. Ask the recruiter to recommend you to the job manager. This is the case when directness is quite appropriate.

For example:

“Elena, I’ll be honest: I would like to work in your company. You interesting projects and a team of professionals. I hope I can make a worthy contribution to the development of the company.I would be very grateful for the recommendation of my candidacy to the head."

Approximately in this spirit.

The trick is that almost none of the candidates do this. For different reasons. Some people are afraid of rejection. But you don't lose anything. Some people think that their experience and skills speak for themselves. I'm afraid to disappoint you: they don't speak for themselves.

7. Agreement on further steps

Mandatory item. Often they will tell you: we will call you back. It's about nothing.Specify when there will be a call and say that if there is no call, you will call yourself.

Your communication process does not end at the interview. Common Mistake— switch to standby mode. “Well, they said they would call…” Such promises should not be taken seriously.

  1. Write to the person you met.
  2. If you agreed to call and there is no call, dial yourself. Don't be afraid to be intrusive. Until you have been rendered, you can endure brains. Perseverance and obsession are not the same thing. Obsession begins when you are “kicked out the door” and you “climb in the window”.


Don't look at the interview as a matter of life and death. It's just a meeting. Just follow the rules of conduct we have discussed. The first interview will be followed by the next, one of which will complete your employment process.

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Have a nice day and good mood!

“We choose, we are chosen. How often it doesn't match. The song is not only about the search for happiness, but also work. The process of the relationship between the employer and the job seeker really resembles the choice of the second half. Like-dislike. Lucky, no luck. Marry, not marry. If there is mutual interest and sympathy between the boss and a potential employee - hallelujah! There is no contact - together they are not on the way. Such discrepancies can be called random, caused by certain circumstances. But is poor preparation for the first meeting with the employer to be considered an accident? Let's talk about how to pass a job interview ...

When did the interviews

Remember how in Russian fairy tales the tsars choose suitors for their daughters, giving them tasks one more difficult than the other? This is nothing more than an option for selecting applicants.

In ancient times, the analogue of the competition when hiring new employees was special tests that authorized persons conducted among applicants for positions.

In ancient China, anyone who wanted to become a government employee was tested. To do this, information about the candidate was collected, which was then transferred to the immediate supervisor.

In Egypt, only the best of the best were appointed priests after a multi-stage selection. The applicant had to state his biography, demonstrate the level of education and the presence of certain practical skills. At the same time, attention was also paid to the appearance of a person.

In our country, in the Soviet years, the interview for a specialist "passed" employment history. It contained basic information about the employee - age, education, places of work, as well as gratitude and awards received during the period labor activity. The best employees were those who had few records. Those who often moved from place to place were considered a "flyer" and they were reluctantly accepted to the next job.

Candidates for positions in the security agencies underwent a thorough check and multi-stage interview. It was then that methods of conducting interviews with potential employees were developed on the territory of Russia, which determined their personal correspondence to vacancies.

Today, there are more and more opinions that the interview, which seemed to be an already established tool, is outdated. HR specialists large companies claim that more than 80% of applicants tell lies about themselves, exaggerating their merits and creating a false positive impression.

However, HR managers explain that they are forced to do this, because in the conditions of fierce competition and unemployment it becomes more difficult to find a vacancy.

Indeed, it is not difficult for a modern employer to be deceived when in front of him is a person who has learned the tricks of how to successfully pass a job interview, is able to present himself flawlessly and, moreover, is an excellent speaker. Whether he will be an equally excellent worker is difficult to discern at the first meeting.

Experts predict that in the future, the so-called trials, tests, that is, practical test tasks that need to be performed by being directly involved in the work process, may become a replacement for an interview, experts predict.

How to psychologically tune in to communicate with the employer

Like any exam, an interview is a nerve-wracking and emotionally costly undertaking. The mood is very important in it, the ability not to “burn out” ahead of time, to adequately present yourself and convince potential colleagues that you should be in their ranks.

So, you've been invited into the office for a chat with a company representative or a prospective boss. There is a small reason for joy - this is a small, but still a victory. Your resume was noticed, it was not sent to the trash, like dozens of others, but to the table of an interested person.

Save this positive attitude going to an interview. But do not forget that now the task is more complicated - to give an attractive form to the formal content of personal data.

Remember that both parties are interested in a positive outcome of the negotiations. Not only the job seeker needs a job, but the employer also needs an employee who will start solving the company's problems as soon as possible.

So go to the interview with self-respect. You are not a beggar with an outstretched hand, but a valuable frame.

Perhaps in this moment You need work like air. However, you should not break the rules of the game because of this. No need to put pressure on pity and persistently offer yourself. A deliberate desire to please can cause irritation and scare off the interlocutor.

Too much pressure can also be harmful. Leave shyness, a quiet voice, a frightened expression at the door. Humility matters on the first date, not the interview. Clear speech, an open look, confidence in every word cause a desire to continue the conversation, and not quickly end it.

The one who offers a job has some advantage over the one who is looking for it. However, you should not consider the interlocutor as the arbiter of fate. He has such a task, he does not feel any personal antipathy towards you. So behave with your counterpart evenly and calmly, do not expect a dirty trick from him and do not look at him as a potential offender.

Be natural (but not cheeky). Naturalness has not harmed anyone yet - neither in personal, nor in business relations. The more a person is open and understandable, the fewer pitfalls he has, the more trust and sympathy he causes. So, it disposes to entrust him with a responsible area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork.

If you are asked provocative questions to which you do not know how to react, perhaps this is a test of stress resistance. Do not give in to emotions, do not panic, do not be nervous, speak calmly and to the point. If you don't know what to say, choose a neutral answer. For example: "This question will require a little analysis." Even if it seems that the first meeting with the employer has already failed, do not give up - you never know how it will end.

How to prepare for an interview

  1. To win over the interlocutor, it is necessary to show that he is not indifferent to you. A job applicant must have an idea about the company he is going to. Read information from different sources, find out how long it has been on the market, what areas of activity it has, whether there are branches, who is on the management team, whether there are awards, what are customer reviews, what is written about it in the media.
  2. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself well with the specifics of the industry in which you are going to work. Show the employer that you are aware of the market situation in this segment, what experts think about its development, who the company's competitors are, etc.
  3. Put together a portfolio with information about yourself. This may be an electronic or oral presentation, which should include: information about education (including additional), places of work, successes achieved in previous positions. Perhaps your participation in the business process has improved the performance of the company or brought it to the market leaders - do not forget to point out these facts,.
  4. Anticipate in advance what questions might be asked and think about the answers to them. Be clear about what you can do and how you will benefit the company.
  5. Think about what you want to ask the employer about your responsibilities, scope and schedule of work, degree of employment, income level, vacation amount, nuances labor agreement and registration for work, social support in the team, etc.

Do not forget about organizational issues:

  • Think over the appearance, prepare clothes (it should be strict but comfortable), clean your shoes.
  • Ask about the weather. Provide an umbrella in case of rain.
  • Take with you all the documents required for the interview: resume in 3 copies, passport, diploma (s) of education, work book.
  • Calculate the route time to the meeting point so as not to be late. To avoid traffic jams, use public transport.

What to say in a job interview

First advice: avoid two extremes - innuendo and unnecessary information. Otherwise, the employer will decide that you are either hiding something or are too talkative and do not know how to keep your mouth shut.

The following information will play in your favor:

  • List of personal and professional merits. You should not deliberately praise yourself, but hiding the objective advantages that you have used in previous jobs and intend to apply in this company will help to get a better idea of ​​\u200b\u200byou as an employee.
  • A story about what you are doing for and increasing the intellectual level, how you are working on growth professional qualifications and what steps do you plan to take in the future.
  • Real stories about what kind of problems you had to solve and how you coped with them. The summary of these stories, of course, should be positive. The story of how you tried, tried, but nothing came of it, will turn against you.
  • Suggestions for improving the work of the company. Of course, you are not yet familiar with its “kitchen”, but you can formulate your ideas based on the market situation, the state of the industry and the economy as a whole. The listener may not take note of the proposal, but the fact that you took the time to do so and approached the interview in an informal manner will no doubt be appreciated.

What not to say in an interview

To get a job, many job seekers find it necessary to reveal as much about themselves as possible. We do not recommend doing this. Firstly, you are not a pop star so that your interlocutors are curious about your every sneeze. Secondly, if listeners of these fascinating stories get tired of their number, they will lose interest in you. Thirdly, the discussion of some topics may characterize you from a not very positive side.

Let's take a look at some examples.

  • There is no point in commenting on your resume in detail. More than what is written in it, you will not say. And if questions arise, they will certainly sound.
  • When talking about yourself, do not go to extremes - do not praise yourself in every way, as well as engage in self-criticism. Only facts and nothing but facts. A calm attitude towards oneself, the employer will certainly perceive positively.
  • Do not talk about what you can do if it does not apply to the proposed position. Information about how you play hockey well will be useful only if the company regularly participates in industry corporate tournaments in this sport and a good player does not interfere with it.
  • About what plans and goals you have in addition to work and a new position, it is also better to keep to yourself. Suddenly, you accidentally report that you have long dreamed of a house by the Mediterranean Sea. Your interlocutors will decide: he (she) needs a big salary and will cross out the name from the list of applicants.
  • Do not talk about the fact that in your work biography there were failures and even unsuccessful situations. It is better to leave a neutral impression of yourself than a negative one.
  • Do not discuss previous employers. The fact that you were dissatisfied with them, unfortunately, characterizes you badly, not them. Why? Because in the eyes of a new employer, you look like a quarrelsome, pretentious person who is difficult to please. No one will understand that this may not be so. So it is preferable to politely answer how you wanted to develop professionally, but last place work you hit the career ceiling.
  • Do not ask questions whose answers may affect the outcome of the interview. For example, if your plans do not include regular business trips, do not ask if this will be part of your duties. If the employer raises the issue, start a discussion. It is better to answer honestly, otherwise unpleasant situations may arise in the future. Sometimes it happens that the interlocutor simply checks whether you are completely honest with him.

In general, the outcome of the interview can be unpredictable. Let me tell you one real instructive story.

One employer asked the applicant if he likes to work with people. The standard answer is always: "Yes, of course." And twenty exclamation points at the end of a sentence. But this time, the applicant for the position (PR manager, by the way!) surprised me. He admitted, “People are very hard to work with. I know a handful of specialists who really like it.”

No other candidates were invited for an interview. Later, the employer confessed now to his colleague: “I always thought and still think exactly the same as you said, but I always had to listen to some hypocritical nonsense in response to my question!”

  • Do not pretend that you dreamed of working for this company from the cradle. Nobody will believe you anyway. Admit (here you can slightly exaggerate) that you considered other vacancies, but chose this one because ... Next, name the advantages that (make a list in advance) attracted you only to the Plumbing Siberia Corporation. But do not overplay, list the "pluses" without false flattery and without anguish in your voice.
  • The answer to the question about desired salary better to think ahead. It is worth studying the average income of professionals in the industry. Perhaps in the company where you are going, there is a familiar employee who will enlighten on the topic of who earns and how much. At the interview, do not name unrealistic amounts in the hope that it will work. High salaries are awarded to top specialists who receive individual job offers. Yes, and their duties are different, corresponding to the status.

How to pass an interview without work experience

You are a university graduate, a specialist who has decided to change the scope of employment or a young mother who hastened to get out of the decree. In all cases, you don't have an impressive list of previous jobs yet. Perhaps they don't exist at all.

Here are some useful tips for this.

If you have a complex about your lack of experience, just think that the top manager of some large corporation also started somewhere labor path. He did not immediately sit in the chair of the head!

Drop all doubts that you will not be taken anywhere. Be more confident in yourself, do not doubt the success of your intentions.

Don't make sky-high plans. Do not send out as yet almost empty resumes for positions that will not be given to you without work experience. Start small. The road will be mastered by the walking one.

With this initial baggage, go to the interview.

In conversation, demonstrate a willingness to learn, listen to mentors, take on various assignments, and try to do your job well.

If you had a similar work experience or internship at a university, be sure to mention it.

If the topic of a student diploma or a dissertation in graduate school is related to the profile of the company, do not forget to say or write in the resume. Perhaps the company has a job in your specialty.

Do not rush to refuse if instead of the chosen vacancy you are offered another one. Who knows where you can succeed faster.

Be sure to state your intention not to stop at the lowest rung, but to gradually move up. Young ambitious people attract the attention of owners successful companies who think about prospects.

Do not show arrogance - as a specialist, you are not worth anything yet. Do not immediately apply for high salaries. Ambitions are best demonstrated gradually.

Despite the lack of experience, no one takes away from you the right to inquire about the terms of the agreement and the benefits guaranteed by the Labor Code.

Just like any other applicant for a position, it will not hurt you to first familiarize yourself with the activities of the company, its reputation in the market, financial performance etc.

At the end of the conversation, you can assure the employer that you will do everything possible to become a useful member of the team. Again, say it all without too much pathos. The interlocutor will appreciate the sincerity of your intentions.

We hope you have received maximum advice on this important issue. Let's summarize all of the above.

  1. Set yourself up for a positive outcome of the event. This will give you confidence and remove many psychological problems.
  2. Hold on with dignity. Such people inspire respect and trust them more.
  3. Prepare for the interview as the main event of your life. Consider all of the above requests.
  4. Show naturalness, do not try to please or charm the interlocutor with the help of artificial tricks. Charm must be real and come from within.
  5. Remain friendly, calmly respond to sharp and provocative questions.
  6. Be as transparent as possible with your interlocutor. Employers do not like to solve riddles. They simply don't have time for this.
  7. Usually the first meeting with potential employer happens in the interview. Here are some tips on how to get through it with the maximum benefit for your future career.

    1. Prepare for the interview. Stock up on stories from own life reflecting your best qualities. "Best" in the context of the interview, means "suitable for the position." That is, if you are interviewing for the position of a sales manager, you should not paint your modesty. Here are more suitable examples of your ability to convince and find mutual language with a variety of people. These are examples, since it is believed that a person's behavior in the past can best predict his future success.
    2. Speak to the point. You should not get carried away with stories from your own life, let them be only illustrations of your professionalism. When building your answer, you must always remember the question itself and clearly adhere to its framework, not coming true for lyrical digressions.
    3. When going for an interview, try to find as much information about the company as possible. Prepare a list of questions that interest you. Remember that interviews aren't just about you, you can learn enough on your own to decide if the job is right for you. And for this you need to know what to pay attention to.
    4. The best thing to do in an interview is to be yourself.. Demonstrate your qualities, suitable for the position for which you are applying. If it requires critical thinking and independent thinking, you should not adapt to the interviewer in everything. On the contrary, he will expect you to actively express and defend your opinion, and perhaps even provoke you to do so.
    5. Be prepared for "uncomfortable" questions about your biography. Before the interview, review your resume and make sure you can clearly and concisely explain why you left your previous job and why you stayed at home for two months three years ago. Questions may also concern your family, friends, former colleagues.
    6. Keep your dignity. If it seems to you that the interviewer has gone too far in his questions, that the questions asked are no longer directly related to your future work, there is nothing wrong with asking why he asks them. You should not stand in a pose, but if you politely ask your interlocutor to explain why the question that confused you was asked, nothing bad will happen. In the end, the matter concerns you directly, and you have the right to protect your interests.
    7. Show that you are ready to develop. When asked about your negative qualities (read, not suitable for the position), it is important to show that you are really familiar with them, and either compensate for them with merits or work on yourself to correct them. Naturally, if the job requires, first of all, the speed of thinking, and it is difficult for you to think quickly under stress, you are familiar with your shortcoming and talk about it at the interview, the question arises why you need this job. But, as a rule, this does not happen. No one is perfect, but a reasonable person tries to choose a job according to himself. For example, it is not at all surprising to hear "shyness" from a person working with a computer or other inanimate objects.
    8. The same goes for the question of your professional failures. Your interlocutor most likely understands very well that not a single career can do without them, so this topic often comes up in interviews. Be ready to talk about them and show that you understand your mistakes and know how to act so that the situation does not happen again. No need to make excuses or shift responsibility to colleagues or circumstances. The ability to calmly admit your mistakes and draw conclusions from them is valued by employers.
    9. You don't have to lie in an interview. Lies are immediately noticeable, and your interlocutor may decide that he is either a pathological liar or a fool. In both cases, your lie will indicate that you do not know how to admit your mistakes and adapt to the situation. These are not the best qualities for a good employee.
    10. Don't overestimate the importance of the interview. Professional experience, requirements or working conditions, as well as supply and demand for specific specialists play a very important role.

    Text: Ekaterina Orel, Lika Borovaya

    Last update:  03/28/2020

    Reading time: 16 min. | Views: 14969

    Hello, dear readers of business magazine! In today's article, we will look at the questions of how to behave in an interview, namely how to successfully pass a job interview.

    Compiling competent resume and sending it to various organizations, the success of your undertaking will be an invitation to an interview. It would seem that it can be difficult when meeting with an interlocutor, how to explain your position and get the coveted vacancy.

    In fact, sometimes the desire to show oneself as a leader, incorrect behavior and even doubts when answering a question can make wrong impression about you and lead to a negative result.

    There are many different rules that help build the right dialogue, convince a potential employer of your candidacy, and by following them you can gain confidence, forgetting about fears. We have already written about confidence and self-esteem in the article - ""

    Of course, job search– the process is always difficult and tedious, which is why it is important to put all the remaining efforts so that your invitation to an interview becomes the final stage.

    So, from the article you will learn:

    • How to pass a job interview - 5 steps;
    • How to behave at an interview if you have no work experience - 7 tips and tricks 5 basic rules;
    • Frequently asked questions and answers in a job interview;
    • How to sell a pen in an interview?

    How to behave at an interview to get hired - read the rules and recommendations further in the article

    At its core, this is a regular meeting between you and a future employer, and perhaps even his representative, allowing you to discuss in more detail the details of your future cooperation.

    In the course of the conversation, each makes for himself the final decision on the question of whether how much back side is suitable. That is, you you determine for yourself whether all the proposed conditions will really suit you, and supervisor organization concludes that professional suitability employee.

    Today, there are many different species, types and even divisions interviews that employees of the enterprise can use in the process of selecting a candidate. It is worth at least a little understanding of them in order to be ready for any situation.

    According to its type, an interview can be of 4 types.

    Type of interview No. 1- Phone call

    This is the first stage, which may entail a meeting with the immediate potential supervisor.

    By a similar method they are used when the resume leaves interest, and the information described in it requires confirmation.

    The call can come at any time, so no matter the situation, it is important to behave correctly. Even if you have been waiting for a decision from the employees of the company for a very long time and have finally contacted you, you should not answer the phone with pronounced joyful intonations.

    Most banal question « Are you comfortable talking now? can say a lot to an experienced HR worker. Decide for yourself whether you really have enough time to calmly answer all the questions.

    If so, then say confidently: Yes, I am listening to you» Otherwise, let them know that you are a little busy and you can call back yourself via 2-3 minutes, specifying the phone number and name of the employee.

    During this period, try to calm down, figure out which company contacted you, and find a draft resume sent. Review all the information that is described in it, focus on the most important details, and then, having prepared yourself for the conversation, dial the given number.

    Type of interview No. 2- Personal meeting

    Most common type of interview. It involves direct contact and is designed to test your professional characteristics. About how such communication takes place, what behavior to choose for it, and what is important for each of the meeting parties, we will consider a little later.

    Type of interview No. 3- Communication with a group of candidates

    Each vacancy includes search for the best employee. But, sometimes it happens that there can be several applicants at once and the manager of the organization holds a group meeting in order to understand which of the applicants who have arrived best meets the specified parameters.

    At such a meeting, it is important to be able to show your professional skills, try to answer the questions asked most accurately and have the necessary degree of stress resistance.

    Collective communication- it is always a rivalry with each other, the price of which is your ability to get the offered vacancy. But, do not resort to hard behavior and insult, and even more so to reveal superiority over interlocutors. Remember that your every wrong deed and even a spoken word can become reason for further rejection..

    Type of interview No. 4- Commission

    Sometimes, in order to simplify the process of selecting candidates, an interview is scheduled for one day, on which leading employees from various fields who are able to do final choice .

    You are invited to a meeting where various questions are asked, and they can intersect and come from a whole group of people. As a result, a decision is made that will be known to you almost immediately.

    This method allows you to immediately cover many areas of the enterprise and understand how the applicant really corresponds to the proposed position.

    In any case, getting to such a meeting, you should understand that the task of the employee communicating with you is it's a selection . In fact, you will be considered for the degree to which you fit the portrait of an ideal employee. On how you are able to fulfill all the requirements of the proposed job description, adapt to the team, show their skills depends on the decision.

    Depending on this, the interview can be divided into several types:

    • stress interview . It is carried out mainly when the work itself involves the occurrence of such situations. It could be a job operator, telephone worker, transport logistics, manager trading floor , procurement organization etc. in essence, in the course of the conversation, a moment will be created that will determine the real traits of your character. The simplest methods are: raising your voice, repeating the same question at intervals, constantly interrupting your narration, inadequate grins, or discussing information that is not related to the main topic. There can also be 2 ways of behavior. Either you will try to answer each question without raising your own voice, or you will interrupt the speech in order to calmly explain that this point has already been discussed. It is important to understand that, causing your stressful condition an employee of the organization will observe and care. Therefore, a monotonous conversation will raise doubts, and this is already a sign of reflection on your candidacy.
    • cinemalogy . A similar method is very often used in organizations with a multi-stage selection system. It allows you to fully consider your professional quality. At the time of the meeting, you will be offered view video excerpt, where an unfinished situation or action, and most likely even just an abstract episode. Your task tell what was viewed, draw conclusions and suggest ways to solve the situation. Of course, a small enterprise with a limited staff will not resort to such measures of studying candidates. But, network companies working in the global market and even in conditions of regional cooperation are quite capable of arranging this type of interview. Leading employees who solve a number of tasks every day should easily navigate the situation and find the most optimal solutions.
    • Testing . This is a preview of your candidacy. The main task is to correctly answer the questions posed, not only of a professional, but also of a psychological nature. There is a special rating scale, and special sensitive questions are included in the list in order to evaluate your reaction to them.
    • The immersion method . It can be found, for the most part, in large, dynamically developing organizations. An open vacancy for a managerial position is likely to involve such an application. All essence is as follows: you are given a situation on which the further state of affairs in the organization depends, and here it is important not only to find a way out, but also to explain the reasons why you propose to do so.

    Of course, the simplest positions of an ordinary line performer do not imply much difficulty in checking professional data when choosing a future employee. Therefore, most likely, the meeting will involve regular contact with the study of your resume, or rather confirmation of his data. and what professional qualities and skills to indicate we already wrote in the last article.

    But if the company has a world-class level, and each department has several dozens or even hundreds of people subordinate to it, then prove their individuality and abilities you will have to meet several times, step by step, with several specialists.

    When reviewing your resume, first of all, the employee of the personnel department will pay attention to general characteristics. He will try to recognize your analytic skills, character traits, basis of motivation and even life philosophy.

    Compatibility with the organization itself is also considered an important factor. She is checked in two directions . It's no secret that any company has its own culture, well-established traditions and order of conduct.

    It may also happen that your personal values ​​and style do not match what a potential employer offers. That is why, getting to such a meeting, it is important to ask the right questions in order to understand future compatibility.

    2. Methods for selecting candidates at the interview 📄

    Employees HR department, especially agencies working in this direction for quite a long time, have a lot of ways and methods, thanks to which you can evaluate a person from different angles.

    1. Questionnaire. You are invited to fill out a specially created document in which there are a number of questions regarding your psychological state and professional skills. Then, by selecting the best candidates, a meeting is scheduled with the head representative of the department, where the vacancy is open.
    2. Biography. In a preliminary communication, you are asked to tell about where you worked before, what educational institutions you graduated from, whether you had an internship or practice, and even how far you live from the place of possible employment at the moment. With such questions, the interlocutor tries to understand whether you have experience, whether you are ready to overcome distances and how often you can count on you at the time of the necessary part-time work. Sometimes even the question of the reason for your dismissal can form a common opinion.
    3. Criteria. Some vacancies require the mandatory presence of certain qualities. Therefore, a competent specialist can determine in advance the important elements for the future candidate to meet them. The selection process in this case is very simple. First they look at your resume, and then in a conversation they determine whether you fit the criteria.
    4. Studying the situation. This technique has already been discussed earlier, but its essence is to clearly, quickly and correctly recognize the situation, understand its essence and find the right way solutions.

    A job interview may include one important feature. Filling out the form, being tested or even just talking to an interlocutor, you will be asked to leave the contacts of a person who can give a detailed description. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a former employee or a manager with whom you said goodbye not so long ago, the main thing is that the information voiced at the interview does not differ even in small things.

    5 important and basic stages of how to pass an interview

    3. How to pass a job interview - 5 important steps 📝

    Any meeting assigned to you by an employee of the personnel department can be programmed for the result, it is enough to prepare correctly and, anticipating the question, answer it with capacious phrases that inspire confidence in the interlocutor.

    Usually, the interview has 5 main stages, each of which has its own significance. Try to study them, and this will help you realize how best to act at the moment.

    Stage number 1. Making contact

    Here the connection is established and the boundaries are marked. It is during this period that it becomes clear how your interviewer is set up. It is quite possible that the procedure for selecting candidates began quite a long time ago and during this time has accumulated fatigue, nervousness, stress, what negative may affect the outcome of your meeting.

    Try to establish contact by showing your goodwill. Talking about neutral topics often helps. So, you might be asked Was it difficult to find us?" or " Did you get there quickly?". Think over your answer.

    You can start the conversation yourself with the phrase " Good afternoon, the office of your company is so well located that we managed to get there quickly". Such a distraction will help relieve nervousness and provide a good platform for further conversation.

    Stage number 2. Organization story

    Most likely, the HR person will start by getting to know you and giving you some information about their company. By and large, this 2-3 offers about what they do, what vacancy is open and a description of the range of tasks performed in this position.

    Even if you have prepared thoroughly in advance and know the entire history of the enterprise to the smallest detail, listen carefully, giving you the opportunity to establish closer communication.

    Stage number 3. Interview

    This is actually the stage at which you will discuss issues professional activity ranging from salary level to proposed responsibilities.

    At the same time, pay attention Special attention into several aspects:

    • The questions you are asked will most likely be spoken at an accelerated pace. There is nothing to worry about, as it is important to save time and understand the candidate's compliance based on the answers.
    • All the topics discussed constantly alternate, opening new ones, then returning to the old ones. This method simply allows the practitioner to reduce the likelihood of receiving socially desirable responses.
    • Each sentence written in the resume and voiced by you can be checked several times in various ways. Do not be surprised by this, and even more so do not be nervous.
    • All recordings made by the interviewer during the communication will be hidden from you. This is normal practice, so there is no cause for concern. Most likely, there will be short notes of compliance with the criteria presented.
    • Be prepared for the opportunity to improvise. Of course, as you prepare for an interview, the HR department makes plans, writes tests and has a well-defined script, but sometimes, depending on the situation and based on the assignments received, it becomes necessary to forget about the standards.

    Stage number 4. Feedback

    Here you need to ask your questions. It's best if there are no more than 5. Therefore, from the very beginning, think over a rough list, based on those points that are most important to you.

    You can clarify the content of work, indicate the level of future responsibility, talk about the social package.

    Stage number 5. End of the meeting

    Such an initiative, for the most part, is manifested by the party that invited you for an interview.

    Negotiations may result in 3 various options:

    • refusal;
    • invitation to an additional stage;
    • recruitment for a job.

    In any case, try to discuss the algorithm for further interaction. Most likely you will be asked to wait for a response, specifying the approximate time frame.

    4. Before you have an interview - 7 practical tips 💎

    Preparing for an Interview - Planning Questions and Answers

    Before going to a meeting it is important to properly prepare for it. You must not only make the right impression, but also make the potential employer believe in your uniqueness.

    Worth understanding that one desire is simply not enough, and the time spent will not be wasted if everything is done correctly. Pay special attention to the details, they allow you to create the perfect image of the candidate.

    Write a plan that you will adhere to at the time of collection, and cross off the completed action.

    Prepare them ahead of time and put them in your bag. Check if you haven't forgotten anything. This is usually a standard list, including:

    • The passport;
    • Diploma of education;
    • Employment book (if you have one);
    • Copy of resume;
    • Certificates and other documents confirming the completion of courses.

    Try to take with you only what is directly related to your vacancy, so that later you do not bother yourself in the search, wasting your own time and the time of a company employee.

    Try to collect all available information about the organization in which you will try to find a job tomorrow. Ask a series of questions and answer them yourself. " What is the period of operation of the company and the main activity?», « What is the current production, its range?», « Are there any negative points in the reputation and what are they connected with?»

    In our age of developing technologies, it is very easy to find the necessary information on the Internet, among acquaintances and even from the secretary inviting you to a meeting. By defining such main aspects , it will be easier for you to focus on further points. You will initially, in your head, already form a picture of the upcoming activity, and this will make it easier to feel and choose a course of action at the time of the meeting.

    Many companies now set a dress code for their employees. And this means that the form of clothing should be of the same type and most often strict. Anyway, invitation for an interview- this is the moment when you have to impress.

    Therefore, choosing your image, stop it on a business suit. You will have to forget about sports style, jeans, blouses and T-shirts, not able to completely cover the stomach, and even more so to remove topics and mini skirts.

    Check your condition nails, hair, eyebrows. Tidy up your shoes, purse, determine the fragrance with which you are going to go to the interview. Let the direction of clothing be conservative, this creates a feeling of confidence in a potential employer, but a small accent in the form of a beautiful brooch that goes well with the invented image will not be out of place.

    Try on an outfit and pay attention to yourself in the reflection of the mirror. Is your suit too tight? Excessive zeal in this direction can lead to the fact that you become like a man in a case, and this will not add to your chances.

    Remember 3 basic requirements that your clothes must meet:

    • create a good first impression that will be positive later on;
    • give a sense of comfort to you personally, which allows you to gain self-confidence;
    • be subject to business style, because an interview is inherently an important event at which an agreement is concluded.

    Give preference gray, white tones and dark blue shades. Do not include a headpiece in the kit, even if it creates a single whole with the image.

    It is preferable for women to choose a knee-length skirt than strict trousers. try reduce the amount of bright color to a minimum and discard old unfashionable clothes, especially if they are already heavily worn.

    Of course, every employer will tell you that appearance at work- not the main thing, but according to statistics, if you break down the reasons for the refusal on a scale, then a slight lack of knowledge is in 29th place, but “ miserable The image of a person confidently takes the first position. Therefore, we will pay special attention to it.

    Check yourself for the following:

    a) hands. You should have a neat manicure without flashy tones, dirt under the nails and protruding cuticles. Care requires not only nails, but also the hands themselves. Lubricate them with a mildly scented moisturizer before going out.

    b) hairstyle. Think it over carefully so that it does not fall apart within half an hour, defining your meeting as slovenly. Cancel ponytails, protruding curls and disheveled. If possible, check with your hairdresser to create a finished look with the most appropriate styling.

    c) accessories. Do not overload yourself with various rings, earrings, bracelets, belts, trying to prove to everyone that you are worthy. This trick doesn't work here. Everything should be in moderation, especially at an official event.

    d) makeup. Look through the tones of the clothes and find their general combination with cosmetics on the face. Forget about bright colors visible from afar. Your task is to leave a pleasant impression of a serious business person.

    d) aroma. Before going out, put on the perfume that will most clearly complete your look. Just do it carefully and in small quantities. Otherwise, you risk creating a pungent odor, which will cause discomfort during further communication.

    Council number 4. Building a route

    Think over the scheme of your movement and determine the time, taking into account the margin. You need to arrive at the office 15 minutes ahead of schedule. At the same time, during the road, traffic jams, waiting for transport and distance which must be walked.

    Your task is to determine the exit time so that you can reach your destination at a calm, measured pace, without exposing yourself to unnecessary stressful situations and conflicts.

    View the map of the city on the Internet, if possible, check the route with the secretary of the enterprise, and also write down the exact address.

    Council number 5. Telling about yourself in an interview

    This seems like a minor detail, but it actually has a very important place in the subsequent evaluation of your candidacy. Very often, an HR employee asks the same question “ Tell us a little about yourself?» in order to understand how you are able to offer yourself, find contact and correctly present information. Such a task at first glance is considered simple, but try to do it even now, without preparation. This is where potential difficulties arise.

    First, you must steer your narrative towards the job you want, paying attention to your relevance and professionalism.

    Secondly, select the correct information in case the interlocutor becomes interested in the facts of his personal life. think over your hobby, enthusiasm,psychological component of character. This question is often asked in order to form an opinion about your personality.

    And, thirdly, scroll through your successes and failures that happened in the course of work. This question is considered to be a favorite during the interview, so it should not now take you by surprise.

    Try not only to voice the answer, but also give examples, ways out of the situation that you have found. The entire story should take no more than 3 minutes. Speak the composed story clearly, training it in front of the mirror several times, otherwise your uncertainty may negatively affect the final result.

    By the way, if you just graduated educational institution, and there is still no experience as such, except for internship, in this story you can include your ideas of what you would like to achieve in the proposed area.

    Think over your meeting in advance and clarify the information that may be of interest to you during the conversation. By creating a howling question, you clarify the situation, but do not overdo it.

    Council number 7. Positive mood

    At the end of your preparation, remember that important to create the right attitude . Cheerful state of mind and pleasant emotions lead to a positive result faster than nervousness.

    Of course, our body does not have a special toggle switch that can switch at the right time, but still some recommendations should not only be taken into account, but also observed.

    • Go to bed early to get a good night's sleep and set your alarm to a light tune.
    • Start the day by talking about the topics that give you the most confidence. Think about how your future life will change after employment. Perhaps now you need to spend less time on the road, or there will be additional earnings, an increase in wages, a new team.
    • Find motivation to make it more interesting to achieve results. For example, promise yourself to buy a new dress or exchange furniture, arrange a trip to the mountains, go to a restaurant with the first paycheck. Visualize the desire by writing it on a piece of paper.
    • Convince yourself that all difficulties are temporary, and the day that began today is simply beautiful, and that it will bring you what you want.

    There are some more tips that psychologists and experts give before attending an interview.

    Firstly, do not eat breakfast very tightly and with foods that have a strong smell. Give up garlic, Luke, sausages. Control the amount of water you take.

    Second, stop yourself alcohol and tobacco. Drinking even the smallest dose can reduce attention, concentration and leave a smell, and a smoked cigarette leaves a fragrance on clothes and an unpleasant state during a conversation. Hide your chewing gum and do not try to appear with it in front of the interviewer.

    Thirdly, arriving behind 20 minutes before the start, you will be able to get acquainted with the situation, catch my breath, visit toilet room, if necessary, and a little repeat material.

    Try to ask and be sure to remember the name and patronymic of the interlocutor, so that it is convenient to start and continue a dialogue with him. Disable mobile phone or put it on silent mode, thereby creating a favorable environment for yourself.

    5 rules on how to behave at a job interview + interview questions and answers

    5. How to behave in an interview - 5 basic rules 📋

    Well, let's imagine that the preparation was successful, you woke up on time, set yourself up positively, arrived at the appointed time and even calmed down. What next, how to be at the moment of communication itself, and how to behave at an interview in front of a potential employer?

    Everything here is actually not so difficult, it is enough to remember a few rules.

    Rule number 1. smile

    This is the easiest way to set the interlocutor to positive . Just be sure to watch your facial expressions. No need to do this by force, such insincere behavior immediately becomes noticeable, and many are also alarmed.

    Try to remember some pleasant moment from your life. For example, baby phrases, a cat falling during a loud noise or a frame of your favorite comedy. Be natural, don't forget to smile.

    Rule number 2. Control your voice

    A nervous state, previous difficult moments of preparation can give you away at the most crucial moment, leading to a violation of the timbre of your voice. Sometimes the sound is lost altogether, and often turns into a squeaky sound, confirming the resulting uncertainty.

    Knowing about your problem or even simply anticipating its possible appearance, try to prevent the causes that arise. If it's stressful, then calm yourself, take a special pill and imagine that everything possible has already been done.

    And, if this is a fear of public speaking, then rehearse it in front of a mirror, pronounce the words in which you stumble.

    Rule number 3. Posture and gestures

    In order to look confident and serious, take the following position: both feet are on the floor, hands are on the table, the back is straight, the head is looking at the interlocutor, maintaining eye contact.

    It is worth remembering that you can’t take a cheeky pose, scatter yourself on a chair, cross your legs and constantly pull something. Your restless hands will easily give away stressful moments, and besides, they can do harm by ruining a document on the interviewer's desk or breaking his pen.

    If you still uncomfortable look a person in the eye, then find a more comfortable place on his face, where you constantly direct your gaze. This may be a point in the forehead or ear. Don't forget gestures.

    Of course, a slight movement of the arms in front of oneself cannot harm, and the OBE, their constant spread, frequent swings, turns of the body, will create a negative impression.

    Rule number 4. Hold your belly

    Watch your speech. If a situation arises in which you need to answer a question, do it clearly. After finishing the story, it is better to remain silent than to fill in the gaps with awkward phrases. No need to be nervous, sometimes the employer checks your behavior with such silence.

    Rule number 5. Keep the conversation going

    In the process of communication, you will need to constantly respond, but even this must be done correctly. If suddenly, for some reason, it was not possible to hear what was said, there is no need to guess, use a simple question: “ Did I understand you correctly?"Do not go too deep, starting your story from the moment of birth. Speak clearly and to the point, trying to express your thoughts correctly. Remember, if the interviewer is interested in any details, he will definitely ask you about them again.

    Now the rules of behavior have become clear, but here " What to say?" and " How to answer correctly?' remains a topic of interest. Create an attitude for yourself that you come to a potential employer not to ask for an open vacancy, but to offer your professional skills.

    Imagine that you have been made a business proposal, the details of which need to be discussed at the meeting. Realize that the final decision whether to work here or continue your search is largely up to you.

    That is why know how to correctly offer yourself, setting the tone for the conversation. Learn the basics that will help you.

    It is worth remembering that even if the final decision regarding your candidacy was made negative then you have experience to work with. Going to the next invitation, you will already understand what the possible mistakes were and will not repeat them.

    Basic Interview Questions and Answers - Dialogue Examples

    6. Job Interview Questions and Answers - 10 Examples 📃

    It should be understood that in the process of communication you can be asked about anything, and you need to be prepared for any situation. Personnel departments, realizing that the candidate can be prepared in advance, act very cunningly without voicing a direct phrase. They can veil the question, build it with different meanings, try to catch you on craftiness, but do not despair, and there are instructions for these methods. Let's try to figure out what interviewers most often want to know about and how to give an answer more correctly, making your impression.

    Consider the questions at the interview and the answers to them - 10 most popular questions when applying for a job

    Question number 1. What can you tell about yourself?

    This is the most frequently asked question in a job interview, which we have already covered and "broken down" earlier. It remains only to add that the interlocutor, most likely, wants to know about your education, personal achievements and professional skills, and he is not interested in the detailed facts of your childhood, youthful love and the number of loans you took out. Don't try lie, speak briefly, but not dry.

    Answer:“With over … years of experience, I will tell you why I applied to your company and how I can meet the requirements for a candidate for an open vacancy. I lead an active lifestyle, I have great contact with people, I constantly deal with issues of my own development and self-realization. Still at the institute .... "

    Question number 2. What attracts you to work in our company?

    In order for the answer to be the most complete, you will need information about the history of the enterprise, the stages of its formation and the specifics of its activities. This is where the knowledge that you give yourself in the process of preparing for an interview will be important.

    Forming your own story is also not difficult, just imagine what benefits could enter your life if you could use the services or products of this company.

    Imagine a situation in which you plan to find a job in the cosmetics sales department.

    Answer:“The use of cosmetics nowadays allows you to most correctly create your own image, giving a feeling of complete self-confidence. That is why its significance cannot be reduced to a minimum. I would like not only to know the secrets of the image in more detail, but also ...... "

    Question number 3. What salary would you like to receive?

    Everything is simple here, take into account the salary with the bonus that you were given monthly, and add to it 10-15%. It should be understood that an attempt to reduce the average level of wages in the region will speak of your incompetence, and if you name an exorbitant amount, then you will be mistaken for an ambitious specialist who is inflating his own worth.

    Answer:“To date, the payment for my work was ... rubles. I would like to change my financial situation. Considering your requirements, the amount of work for this position and the overall workload, I believe that this should be reflected in an increase in wages to .... rubles »

    Question number 4. You are raising small children, and the vacancy involves an irregular working day, what do you say?

    Many employers initially try not to consider candidates in whose families children of school or kindergarten age are growing up. Their logic is simple. If the baby gets sick, then it is necessary to issue a sick leave, look for a replacement for the employee, rearrange schedules and put up with delays.

    Sometimes the upcoming work involves business trips, meetings, seminars, extra time and the manager wants to rely only on an employee who is able to fully devote himself to the labor process.

    Answer:“Yes, such circumstances could cause some difficulty for me not so long ago, but today the problem has been completely resolved. In difficult periods, next to the baby will be ... "

    Question number 5. What do you think is your main weakness?

    In general, the question of weaknesses candidate is very common during the interview. The employer in this case wants not so much to hear your real negative traits as to see how you can present such complex information.

    Try to structure your speech in such a way that minuses" could sound like " a plus". Do not list weaknesses, trying to joke inappropriately, in the end, it is better to pick up such insignificant moments that would not spoil the overall impression in the end.

    Answer:“Because of my professionalism, I very often have to be distracted to help my colleagues at work, this one wastes personal time, but I cannot refuse. Moreover, the fulfillment of official duties is essential to me, so sometimes you have to stay after the working day to complete your undertakings.

    Question number 6. Why did you leave your previous job?

    There is no single correct answer here. Everyone speculates it himself, depending on the circumstances. Communicating about this, the interlocutor wants to hear not so much the true reason as to understand whether you are ready to stay in the specified vacancy and continue your work for many years.

    After all, even the very fact of your dismissal and the search for a new workplace is already talking about the possibility of leaving this company for other prospects. The most incorrect answer would be the desire to talk about a bad boss, difficult relationships with colleagues, non-compliance with working conditions, and even less solidity of the organization. Even if this was the case, choose a more loyal reason that does not bring you negative points for the answer as a result.

    By the way, an expression like: I was not satisfied with the salary, I wanted more, so I quit” can tell you about your motivation based on money and potential dismissal if a better offer arises. What will be the result losing the moment of the interview. It is best to indicate household, neutral factors with whom difficulties arose in the normal rhythm of life.

    Answer:“Unfortunately, the company's office has changed its location, and getting there has become very inconvenient. I am now forced to spend great amount travel time, but it can be devoted to labor processes. By the way, you could also move, having bought a house not so long ago.

    Another common answer concerns the possibility of self-development. In this case answer sounds like this: “I worked for a very long time in a regional level company, where I managed to acquire the necessary experience and skills, now, trying to develop further, I am quite ready to try my hand at a larger organization»

    Question number 7. Are you ready to evolve and where do you see yourself in 5 years?

    First of all, the interviewer wants to hear about the desire of a potential employee to stay in the company, even after such a long period, and secondly, it will be important to understand that you are ready for self-development and career growth.

    No need to attribute important achievements to yourself and reach for powerful peaks, especially voicing positions. It is enough to show your desire to change, to achieve more, but only within the framework of the organization in which you are trying to find a job.

    Answer:“I would like to be active in your company, but in a higher position by then.”

    Question number 8. Were there any conflicts at your previous place of work?

    Such a formulation of the question is considered tricky, because the employee of the personnel department tries to understand your candidacy as accurately as possible, trying it on an already existing team.

    Of course, gross mistake there will be a desire to tell how you did not get along with your superiors, why you were loaded with work and how hard the work day was. But, and gross flattery in favor of the fact that everything was fine, namely, you were considered the soul of the company, will raise doubts, forcing you to think again.

    Try to set yourself up in a serious way so that the words you utter seem firm and convincing.

    Answer:“Yes, of course, such moments in the work cannot be avoided. But I set tasks for myself, the priority of which is the solution, and complex conflict situations arising in this process are solved by searching for the truth. First of all, it is important for me to set up the interlocutor in a positive way, so I try not to resort to aggravating the existing situation.

    Question number 9. Who can I contact for feedback on your work?

    Such a question presupposes the existence of contacts, in which case it is better to provide them than to refuse, coming up with new reasons. Even if it so happened that you left your previous place of work, slamming the door hard, and relations with your boss cannot be restored, you need to look for ways out.

    The most correct would be to give your number former colleague with which the relationship has been maintained. Present him as a leading specialist, even if he was on the same parallel with you. Call him an informal leader capable of managing the entire team.

    Perhaps this call simply will not follow, but your part of the duties will remain fulfilled.

    Answer:“Yes, of course, I will leave you a contact, and you can make a call at any time during the working day.”

    Question number 10. Do you have any questions? What questions to ask in a job interview?

    Even if during the conversation you understood all the points that were mentioned, it is important to prepare in advance those questions that could additionally interest you.

    Answer:“I really want to work in your company and I am absolutely sure that I will cope with the proposed duties. But still, I would like to know if there will be additional stages of selection for the position?

    In general, the list of topics and issues discussed with you can be much longer and more voluminous. It should be understood that not always the person talking to you can be correct. Sometimes you can hear questions related to personal life, related to marital status and even political views.

    In any case, it is important for you to try to give a more loyal answer without demonstrating your emotions, and even more so the state of stress. Most likely, such topics are raised in order to determine your maximum compliance with an open vacancy.

    Selling technique - How to sell a pen in an interview

    7. Case - "How to sell a pen at an interview?" 🖍💸

    This is the most common way to test a person for real definition of his abilities . Sometimes it seems that there is nothing difficult in making such a transaction, because we regularly visit stores, go to the market and make a lot of purchases. Therefore, such a task seems simple and easy to perform.

    Really try to do this right, so that your interlocutor wants to get money and give it for the simplest writing instrument. And you will understand that this is a whole art.

    The execution of this task can be carried out both traditional and unconventional ways. It all depends on the personality of the person sitting in front of you.

    If this is a strict serious employee, then the method you choose should be business , but if the main quality of a person is creativity , there are many more sales options.

    It is worth remembering a few rules that will become assistants in both cases.

    1. Ask for 1-2 minutes to prepare. There is no need to rush here, it is important to just focus. It is normal practice for a transaction to take a little time in advance.
    2. Inspect the product and try to study it as correctly as possible. Find the positive qualities and benefits of this pen.
    3. Identify your customer's needs. Determine what will become a priority in buying for such a person. maybe it's the uniqueness of the brand or a common need for writing.
    4. Try to be truthful, do not exaggerate the cost of the item and its basic qualities.
    5. Try to maintain eye contact at all times, so it will be easier to establish a connection and make a sale.
    6. Work with related products. If you managed to sell a pen, offer a notebook, spare paste or plain paper for it. This will allow you to become visible among other candidates.

    The traditional way Selling a pen involves several steps that are easy to follow just by remembering them.

    Step 1. Introduction

    You need to say hello, introduce yourself and clarify how best to contact potential buyer. A properly worded speech would look something like this: “Good afternoon, my name is ..., I am a representative of the company .... How can I contact you"?

    Step 2 Identification of needs

    To do this, ask the right questions and formulate them in such a positive way that the dialogue can be continued further. For example: “I have a unique offer for you, can I ask questions? ..., how often do you have to work with documents, writing down the necessary information in your organizer?

    Step 3. Pen Presentation

    After the needs are identified, try to correctly offer this product, paying special attention to the benefit that the interlocutor receives when buying. In other words, "Thank you... considering what you've said, I'd like to suggest a pen that will help you write down as quickly as possible. important information at any moment" or "... a stylish pen that can emphasize your status as a business person."

    Step 4. Objections

    Of course, it is likely that your interviewer will object. In his case, this is justified by an attempt to fully reveal your abilities. For example: "Thank you very much, but I already have a beautiful pen, everything suits me in it."

    Step 5: Defining Additional Arguments

    Here you will need those qualities of the product that you studied in 2 minutes of preparation. Now your task is to offer him special conditions, which will not allow to refuse the planned deal. It looks like this: “By purchasing this inexpensive pen, you will receive a special gift card that will allow you to buy other goods at reduced prices” or “Only 3 pens left at a price of ... rubles, the next batch, I assure you, will be already more expensive.”

    Step 6: Close the sale with a related product

    Offer an additional copy or tell us that there are notebooks, spare pastes, other colors. For example: “Today, every customer gets the opportunity to purchase a unique pencil with an eraser if they have a pen” or “You only need one pen or maybe you can take the remaining 3, because the holidays are coming, and this will be a unique present for your colleagues.”

    Step 7. Farewell

    Thank the buyer for the purchased product and try to establish contact for the possibility of your future meetings. It is done like this: "Thank you very much ...., I'm sure you did right choice. I will definitely contact you for the opportunity to make other unique offers. See you soon"!

    For unconventional sales it is important that your buyer has sense of humor or share of creativity .

    First, take the pen for yourself and ask your interlocutor for an autograph. Naturally, he will answer you: “But I have nothing,” so offer him to buy what is so necessary now.

    Second, ask the question And you yourself, for example, could sell it". They will answer you: “Of course, no doubt, only the pen itself is not available now.” Now boldly say: I'm ready to sell you a pen, just show me a master class and complete the deal.

    And, thirdly, the most cardinal option. Take the pen and go out the door. Naturally, you will be asked to return and hand over the item. Answer: " Can't sell, able to sell". Worth repeating again. Such methods only work when you have a person with a sense of humor in front of you.

    9. Video examples of how to successfully pass an interview 🎥

    Video 1. Interview questions

    Video 2. How to succeed in an interview

    Video 3. How to interview for a sales manager position

    8. Conclusion 🔔

    No matter how difficult the upcoming interview may seem to you, you should not be afraid in advance, let alone refuse it. Learn all the tips, work on yourself and try to solve this problem in the most successful way.

    Now, after reading this article, you should have a certain scenario of actions and answers to the questions: “ How to behave in a job interview?», « How to sell a pen in an interview?”, etc., becomes clear.

    Every living being strives to live in comfortable conditions. In order for a person to be able to surround himself with maximum convenience in life, he needs to have a prestigious position. In qualified organizations, there is always a careful selection of personnel. In order to get a job, it is not enough to have a good education and work experience, you must also be able to pass an interview with dignity.

    This is a form of dialogue between a potential employer and a specialist. Important requirements are placed on how a person answers questions. The employer also pays attention to the manner of his behavior. In order to hear the cherished “Yes, you are accepted”, you should follow a few rules.

    What is it and what is it for?

    Interview is the official form of communication. Every employer who has held a position in a particular field for many years clearly understands who will be able to cope with the task. Accordingly, he appearance and by several answers he will understand whether this person is suitable for him to complete the staff.

    In order to complete the interview you need:

    • Realize what enterprise a person is going to and accordingly plan his image.
    • Think in advance about what the employer will ask and prepare several answers to the questions.
    • Be able to show off better side showing off your skills.

    It is worth remembering that the employer is the same person and you can also find an approach to him.

    The purpose of the employer and the applicant

    The interview makes sense. There are two goals for passing it. It is necessary for both the employer and the applicant:

    • When an employer announces that his company has vacant position, then several applicants may respond to such an announcement. The purpose of the interview is to choose one of the most suitable people from several people. The employer, as a rule, pays attention to such qualities as perseverance, an analytical mindset and the level of knowledge regarding the intended position.
    • For the applicant, the goal is one - to get the opportunity to work in this very place. He must prove to the interlocutor that it is he who will cope with this work better than other applicants. The applicant should not only do things to please the employer. He also needs to find out if the working conditions suit him. He should inquire about wages, capabilities career development and work schedule. Thus, the applicant will not only present a picture of his intended job, but also show the employer that it matters to him what position he will occupy.

    An interview is usually a lengthy process. Sometimes it can take several hours. Participants in the dialogue need to get rid of self-doubt and pass this test with dignity.

    Interview stages

    The entire interview process can be divided into several separate stages:

    1. The applicant is more anxious. Of course, because of such a side feeling, it is difficult to understand what a person is like, in this case it is customary to relieve tension. The employer can ask whether the person quickly found this place, whether he likes the company, how the weather is outside, and any other non-binding question. As a rule, after a few minutes of such communication, the applicant calms down and feels more confident;
    2. The next step in the interview is the interview itself. A person who is looking for a job must answer a few brief questions. Often, the employer asks which candidate has work experience and skills. In this case, you should not be cunning just to get an interview. If there are no such skills, then it will be easily revealed during work. The employer is the same person who has no desire to spend a long time on an interview, so you need to give short answers to the question without additional frills. If the applicant has just received a diploma of education, then he can report what kind of work practice he has. Some organizations also provide for the evaluation of a candidate with the help of;
    3. After the applicant has answered all the questions, he can ask what interests him, now, in order to find out if such a position is suitable for him.
    4. After the interview, a decision is made. First of all, it is accepted by the employer based on the data provided for him. He can hire a person, provide him with an additional interview or refuse. As a rule, the employer does not report that the person did not pass the interview, he promises to call him back or says that the staff is staffed and you need to come at another time. There are also cases when the applicant himself refuses the position, for example, due to the fact that the work schedule does not suit him.

    Interview types

    There are several types of interview:

    • Dialogue with a person who works with personnel. This person is not an employer, he selects the staff, according to his provided requirements. He can also draw up several resumes of prospective candidates and send them for consideration to the manager, who himself will choose who is more suitable for him.
    • Prestigious firms often arrange collegiate interviews that cause a lot of stress for the candidate. It is conducted by the head and several of his assistants, who have the right to ask additional questions. Then, they release the applicant for a few minutes to “walk”, after which they collectively decide whether to refuse or accept him for work.
    • When large companies receive a huge number of candidates, group interviews are arranged in order to reduce time. All applicants are divided into several groups and are asked in turn to enter the office. Next, managers interview all people and hire those who are more suitable for work in the enterprise.

    Key interview points to think about ahead of time

    • It is not for nothing that they say that a person is greeted by clothes. First of all, you should pay attention to this factor. Of course, we are not talking about selling furniture in the house and buying a brand from a famous designer. Dress neatly and business style. The employer should have the impression that a well-groomed person is sitting in front of him.
    • If the interview is scheduled for a certain time, then the candidate is required to come without delay.
    • Each answer to the question should be short, but at the same time detailed.
    • Should only be provided truthful information, since it can be easily verified.
    • In no case can one say that a person left his former place because of terrible management, a new employer can take these words into his own account.
    • The candidate does not have to answer the questions right away, he also has time to think, for which he can weigh how best to express his thoughts.

    How to increase self-confidence, develop and develop self-esteem

    Some people who are going to be interviewed feel insecure about themselves. There are several ways to overcome fear:

    • You need to imagine how life will change thanks to this work.
    • You need to get rid of all negative thoughts and believe that the interview will go well.
    • If the last interview was unsuccessful, then before a new dialogue, you need to analyze all your mistakes.
    • It is necessary to get rid of various phenomena of self-criticism, only in this case a person can become more confident in himself.
    • Every failure should be viewed as an important life experience.
    • Before the interview, you need to relax, for this you need to watch a good movie, take a warm bath or do yoga.
    • Before entering the manager's office, you need to repeat the phrase for yourself: "I am confident in myself."

    Sample interview dialogue

    • Why do you want to work in our company?
    • I like that in your company there is an opportunity for career growth, for me this is one of the important indicators. I will also need useful experience that I will gain at your enterprise. I want to emphasize that I also welcome the organization of your company.
    • Are you considering other employment options?
    • Yes, I have considered other options, but your firm appeals to me the most.
    • What is your marital status, will it interfere with your work?
    • Previously, I was able to combine family life with other cases, I hope that this will be the case in the future.
    • List your strengths?
    • I am very punctual, I always arrive on time. I am of the opinion that every work should be done qualitatively. I also consider my perseverance as a positive quality, I go to the goal to the end.
    • List your weaknesses?
    • I may not do complex work as quickly as I would like, since I spend a lot of time analyzing the problem.

    Everyone has to go through an interview at least once in their life. In order for it to be successful, you need to tune in to a positive result.