Personnel selection. Scientific electronic library The process of recruitment in the organization

"Cadres decide everything!" - the old slogan of Soviet times, has not lost its relevance at all. Managers are now becoming better and better aware that recruiting errors are among the most costly. They are just too hard to count. financial plan. Let's say if you bought the wrong equipment or your manager screwed up the deal, the cost of the mistake will be specific and calculable. With the selection of an employee, everything is more difficult and at the same time easier. An illiterately selected candidate is the total cost of all his miscalculations in the workplace, plus the lost profit of the company due to effective work. Yes, I almost forgot, the downtime of an empty workplace during the search period is also taken into account.

How to build a process?

A well-organized process of searching and selecting candidates frees up the manager’s time and allows you to really find the best people. The business process of searching, selecting and hiring personnel in an enterprise consists of nine stages:

Stage 1.

Preparation of an application for the selection of a candidate. The recruiting process begins with filling in by the customer (manager) structural unit) application form for the selection of a candidate. The following items must be specified:

  1. The name of the vacancy, in which structural unit it is open;
  2. The reason for the vacancy;
  3. To whom the specialist in this position reports / number of subordinates;
  4. Functional responsibilities;
  5. Basic requirements for candidates (required experience, gender, age, special skills)

Before starting the search, carefully analyze and justify the requirements for the applicant specified in the application:

  • age restrictions;
  • compulsory level of education (specialization, qualifications, availability of special education, etc.);
  • necessary work experience (areas of activity, title of the position, department in which the specialist could previously work);
  • highly specialized professional skills (level of PC knowledge, knowledge of foreign languages, driving experience, etc.).

The employer is obliged to know what professional knowledge in this position is necessary and what is desirable, what business and personal qualities the employee should have. Having a clear idea of ​​the requirements of the manager to the future employee, the nuances of work, the peculiarities of the microclimate in the team of the structural unit and corporate culture enterprise as a whole, is formed position profile.

Stage 2.

Planning a set of recruiting events. After the formation of the position profile, it is developed and approved set of measures search/selection of candidates. Depending on the requirements for the vacancy, the sources of selection are selected:

  • already working employees (including personnel reserve);
  • young specialists who have successfully completed an internship (practice);
  • external search (Internet, newspapers, ads);
  • database of former employees of the enterprise who left due to own will or dismissed for reasons that do not call into question the professional and personal qualities of the employee (for example, to reduce staff);
  • resume database, companies;
  • cooperation with personnel and recruiting agencies;
  • cooperation with universities, secondary specialized educational institutions, vocational schools;
  • staff leasing (for temporary work);
  • direct search.

Activities are planned consistently and within budget. You should always calculate the costs in advance in relation to the financial losses from an empty workplace. If you do not need an employee right now, it will be optimal to use free personnel search resources. You don’t have to wait for a large flow of qualified candidates, but this method is great for replenishment personnel reserve for the future. The only thing to consider is the labor costs of the employee who will analyze the incoming resumes. In other situations, it is more economically feasible to involve an agency in the selection.

Stage 3.

Primary selection of personnel for the declared vacancy. Thanks to the well-established work in accordance with the recruitment plan, we receive a stream of resumes of candidates every day. All of them are analyzed, information about applicants is entered into the database. If the candidate meets the basic requirements of the position, the recruiter conducts a preliminary interview with him by phone.

Based on the results of a telephone interview, the applicant for the position is invited to a meeting. An interview is conducted and in case of a positive assessment, the applicant is admitted to the next stage of the selection procedure. The recruiter coordinates the dates and times of all interviews with the customer (if necessary, with the head of the security service). For each candidate, a personality profile is compiled and an overall assessment of the candidate's compliance with the requirements of the vacancy is given.

Stage 4.

Psychological testing (if provided). According to the results of testing, the psychologist gives a conclusion, which reflects the conformity of the psychological characteristics of the candidate with the requirements of the vacant position, his strengths and weak sides possible difficulties in adapting to a new workplace.

Candidate Evaluation Results

FULL NAME.: Ivanova E. I.
Job title: legal adviser

personality block

Type of nervous system- medium-strong, nervous processes - highly mobile. A person is able to equally successfully perform both intensive and monotonous work.

General intelligence: above average. The speed of thinking is high, sufficient for effective work in the position of a legal adviser.

The type of temperament is normosthenic: the examined candidate is equally inherent in the features of all basic temperaments.

Personal traits are noticeably expressed: sociability, independence, independence, friendliness, emotionality, anxiety, inconstancy, optimism, activity.

Avoids conflict situations.

Organizational skills are expressed, there are the makings of a leader: he can not only clearly fulfill the tasks set, but also make independent decisions, set goals and find ways to achieve them. Has an active life position, quite responsibly and self-critically refers to the results of their work.

Inclined to carry out assignments with a significant share of creativity. Independent, inventive, ambitious.

Motivational block

Key motives in the individual structure of motivation: "Creativity", "Profession". Specialists with the key motive "Creativity" strive for work that allows them to show initiative, intelligence, imagination, ingenuity and realize creative abilities through work. They are very sensitive to praise, approval, support from management. It is very important for them to be able to put their ideas and projects into practice. It is better not to apply penalties to this category of workers, it is desirable not to punish initiative and creativity. The motivation system can have a noticeable effect on the intensity and quality of work. Such employees usually show high loyalty to the company if it provides them with the opportunity to realize their creative abilities (the degree of loyalty depends on the interest that the work arouses in them).

Ivanova E. I. is focused on professional activities (motive "Profession"), strives for career growth Through continuous improvement of his knowledge and skills, he wishes to satisfy his professional ambitions through his work. Specialists with the Profession motivation, as a rule, estimate the cost of their work realistically, but sometimes they overestimate it. The size wages can, up to certain limits, stimulate the intensity and quality of labor.

Has experience of interested, intensive work (“workaholism”). The results on the truthfulness scale are within the normal range.


  1. Candidate for the position of legal adviser Ivanova E. I. can be assessed as promising specialist with high intelligence and developed business skills.
  2. The applicant has expressed leadership qualities, has “healthy” ambitions.
  3. Psychological features (first of all, the motivational sphere, value orientations) correspond to the profile of the post of "legal adviser".

Stage 5.

Interview with line manager. The recruiter sends the customer the following information about the candidate:

  1. summary;
  2. overall assessment of the candidate;
  3. results of psychological testing (if conducted).

The head of the structural unit is obliged, within three working days from the moment of providing him with data about the candidate, to set the date and time for the interview, which must take place within seven working days. After the interview, the customer is obliged, within two working days, to provide the recruiter with conclusions about the professional level of the candidate, his compliance with the stated requirements. In the case of a positive assessment, the person proceeds to the next stage of the selection procedure.

Stage 6.

Verification of information about the candidate by the security service (SB) of the company. If the line manager makes a positive decision based on the results of the interview, the recruiter transfers information about the applicant to the company's security service. The Security Service specialist is obliged to verify these data and provide an opinion within three working days. With a positive response, the candidate is allowed to the next stage of the selection procedure.

Stage 7.

Checking recommendations. The recruiter collects (specifies) recommendations from the applicant’s previous jobs: position held by him, functional duties, professional level, characteristics from the side former colleagues, reasons for dismissal, etc.

Stage 8.

Making a decision on the admission of a candidate. At this stage, the recruiter submits a package of documents for consideration by the decision maker:

  1. candidate resume;
  2. results of psychological testing (if any);
  3. references from previous jobs of the candidate;
  4. SB conclusion.

The date and time of the re-interview with the candidate is assigned (or decides on his employment without an interview). If the decision is positive, the recruiter sends the candidate to the personnel department for paperwork.

If a candidate does not meet the requirements of the position at any stage of the selection, the recruiter thanks the person for responding to the vacancy announcement and politely refuses him. The personal data of the rejected candidate are entered into the database with notes that can later be useful when closing another vacancy.

In the case of using the competitive principle of selection, at this stage a comparative assessment of the finalists is made.

Stage 9.

Registration for work. If the applicant meets all the requirements of the position, the head of the structural unit agrees with him the date of the actual entry to work.

The recruitment of candidates is the basis for the next stage - the selection of future employees of the organization. The content of this stage largely depends on the traditions, characteristics of the organization that accepts new employees, as well as on the nature of the position for which the candidate is selected. However, in general view The personnel selection process can be represented by the following diagram. At each stage, a part of the applicants is eliminated or they refuse the procedure, accepting other proposals.

Primary selection begins with an analysis of the lists of candidates in terms of their compliance with the requirements of the organization for a future employee. The main purpose of the primary selection is to screen out candidates who do not have the minimum set of characteristics necessary to fill a vacant position.

Rice. eleven.Typical recruitment process for an organization

Obviously, this minimum set is different for different specialties and organizations.

Primary selection methods depend on the budget, strategy of the organization and the relative importance of the position. Currently, the most common methods are: analysis of personal data and testing.

Personal data analysis suggests that a person's biography is a fairly reliable indicator that determines the possibility of successfully performing certain production functions. When using this method, HR specialists analyze the information contained in the questionnaires filled out by candidates, comparing the actual data with their own model. Personal data analysis is a simple, cheap and quite effective method of primary selection when the organization has an extensive list of candidates and when it comes to specialized positions. At the same time, this method is closer in assessing the potential, since it is focused solely on facts from the candidate's past, and not on his current state and ability for professional development. Therefore, when selecting candidates for managerial positions, especially those involving further development and professional growth, it is necessary to use the questionnaire analysis method with extreme caution.

Testing wins in recent times growing popularity among leading organizations in developed countries, it is used not only by corporations, but also state institutions, public organizations. The advantages of testing are the ability to assess the current state of the candidate, taking into account the characteristics of the organization and the future position. The disadvantages of this method of primary selection are high costs, often the need for the help of specialists, the conditionality and limitations of tests that do not give a complete picture of the candidate.

Each organization must make a decision about the use of tests, taking into account its own financial capabilities, cultural characteristics, and development priorities.

Three types of tests can be used in hiring:

  • - professional knowledge and skills;
  • - on the level of development of intelligence and other abilities;
  • - the presence and degree of manifestation of certain personal qualities.

Qualification tests for assessing the level of professional knowledge and skills are designed to determine the level of professional skill or knowledge of a candidate in specific areas of the labor process, in addition, they allow screening and initial ranking of applicants for a position.

Tests for the general level of intelligence contain sets of tasks that include mathematical, logical, linguistic and other similar tasks, the solution of which is given a limited time (usually from 30 minutes to an hour and a half).

Psychological portraits are of an auxiliary nature when choosing a candidate, but some positions obviously require certain character traits. For example, someone who works directly with the organization's clients should be cheerful, lively and friendly. psychological compatibility in a team, especially when people have to work in close contact or stay together for a long time (business trips). Tests for the presence and degree of manifestation of certain personal qualities are called upon to determine the personal characteristics of the hired employee. These tests are most often presented in the form of questionnaires. They are used to evaluate personality traits or interests.

The initial selection stage, regardless of the methods used, ends with the creation of a limited list of candidates that best meet the requirements of the organization. The remaining candidates are informed of the decision to stop consideration of their candidacies for this position.

Interviews with HR staff . At this stage, the recruiter conducts individual interviews - interviews with selected candidates. The purpose of these interviews is to assess the degree of compliance of the candidate with the portrait of an ideal employee, his ability to fulfill the requirements of the job description, the potential for professional growth and development, the ability to adapt in the organization, getting to know the candidate's expectations regarding the organization, working conditions, its pay etc. Not being technical specialist, the HR officer should focus on evaluation" general characteristics"candidate - analytical skills, character, philosophy of life, motivation, ability to work, compatibility with the organization.

It is important to note that the interview is a two-way process - not only the organization evaluates the candidate, but the candidate also evaluates the organization in terms of its compliance with his own interests and requests. The HR officer conducting the interview should provide the most objective and complete information about the organization in order to interest the candidate and at the same time avoid hiring those whose expectations are at odds with the capabilities of the organization.

There are the following types of interviews with candidates:

  • one representative of the organization meets with one
  • candidate;
  • one representative of the organization meets with several candidates;
  • several representatives of the organization are talking with one candidate;
  • several representatives of the organization interview several candidates.

The one-on-one interview is the most common and quite effective.

In the second case, the interviewer is given the opportunity to simultaneously evaluate several candidates and observe them in a stressful situation (the presence of several applicants for the same position), although it is much more difficult to talk with several candidates at the same time.

The participation of several representatives of the organization increases the objectivity of the assessment and the quality of the interview itself, but can create additional stress for the candidate and increase the costs of the organization.

The presence of several people on both sides greatly increases the complexity of the interview process and requires careful preparation and consistent behavior of the interviewers.

The choice of the type of interview depends on the traditions of the organization, the characteristics of the candidate, the vacant position, the individual preference of the interviewer.

Main part An interview is an exchange of information between its participants. The interviewer is interested in the information that makes it possible to assess the candidate's ability and desire to work successfully in the organization. That's why completion The interview should take place at the moment when the interviewer wants it. To do this, there are several tricks - to invite the candidate to ask the last question, start looking at the clock or at the door, straighten up as if about to get up from the table. At the very end of the interview, it is necessary to thank the candidate and explain to him the further procedure for considering his candidacy and maintaining contact with him.

The results of the interview should contain an assessment of the candidate and a proposal - to continue or stop working with him. The conclusion of the employee who conducted the interview is transferred to the head of the unit that has the vacancy, who decides on further actions in relation to this candidate.

Information about the candidate . In order to better appreciate the professional and personal qualities candidate, organizations can seek information from people and organizations who know him from joint studies, work, etc. Human resources specialists can invite the candidate himself to name the names of people who could characterize him, and then talk with these people.

If the head of the department is satisfied with the results of the interview conducted by the personnel officer, he appoints a meeting with the candidate. Unlike interviews with personnel management specialists, this interview should allow, first of all, to assess the professional qualities of the candidate, his ability to perform production functions. At the same time, the manager assesses the degree of his personal professional compatibility with the candidate and the likelihood of the latter's successful integration into the unit.

In addition, the manager provides the candidate with detailed information about his unit, vacant position, functions that the candidate will have to perform if he is hired. The results of the interview must be documented. For this, it is necessary to use special forms for evaluating candidates.

Recently, the practice of hiring with a trial period has become more widespread, making it possible to evaluate a candidate directly at the workplace without assuming obligations for his permanent employment. During the probationary period, the duration of which depends on labor legislation, the candidate performs official duties in full, receives remuneration, but can be dismissed at the end of it without any consequences for the organization. During the probationary period, the head of the department pays special attention to the candidate and evaluates him in terms of compliance with this position and the organization.

Based on the analysis of the results of the interview, as well as the trial period, the head of the sub-division selects the candidate who, in his opinion, is most suitable for this position. Depending on the importance of the vacancy, an interview with CEO before a hiring decision is made.

In the process of recruiting personnel, depending on the size of the organization, the employer must resolve the following main issues:

  • 1. How much additional workers will the organization need?
  • 2. Where does the organization plan to find the required workers?
  • 3. What specific qualifications and experience are really needed?
  • 4. How does the organization plan to disseminate information about vacancies?
  • 5. How do you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment work?

Recruitment involves studying the compliance of nominated candidates with functional duties for a particular position. The selection of employees and managers, their placement belong to the class of management tasks that do not have a standard, strictly formalized solution technology.

The needs of people are different, so a person, job seeker, it is necessary to independently understand what he is more interested in:

  • - large, medium or small enterprise;
  • - private or public sector;
  • - what branch of the economy and type of activity;
  • - work with mechanisms or people;
  • - mode and intensity of work: calm, even mode or impulsive rhythm of work;
  • - the nature of the relationship with the boss;
  • - individual work, in a small group or in a large team, creative or routine;
  • - location of work, i.e. work close to home, moving to a new place of residence, going on long business trips, etc.;
  • - wages and systems of labor motivation;
  • - work in one or in different places; indoors or outdoors and more.

When recruiting personnel, personnel officers should find out quite accurately the goals and expectations that a person will bring with him to the organization. This helps to create and use an effective system of labor motivation.

In turn, the selection of personnel of all categories should be carried out at each enterprise on the basis of pre-formulated qualification requirements to a specialist of the corresponding production or functional unit. In the practice of personnel management services at domestic enterprises, two possible sources of recruitment are usually used: internal and external. The internal source of recruitment involves the use of existing labor resources and allows the enterprise to do without a new set; external includes the involvement of personnel from various educational institutions, related enterprises on the recommendations of employees of the enterprise, etc.

Recruitment is a system of measures provided by the organization to attract employees with the necessary professional skills and moral qualities and capable of performing all job duties in production. From the point of view of the organization, the selection of employees is influenced by three main factors: the level of requirements put forward for personnel, the general personnel policy, the established image of the organization, including remuneration. In conclusion, we formulate a series essential principles recruitment at enterprises in the conditions of market relations:

  • - freedom of choice future profession should be provided with the opportunity to receive an appropriate education, with priority given to the state system;
  • - the chosen profession must fully correspond to the abilities of the employee and the needs of the domestic economy;
  • - market demand for all categories of personnel must be balanced with production volumes and the availability of jobs both in the economy and in the enterprise;
  • - as is customary in the world economy, professional selection and evaluation of all categories of workers should be carried out according to the final results of work;
  • - the consolidation of personnel in production and its professional movement should be carried out taking into account the Japanese experience of lifelong employment;
  • - the price of labor in the domestic economy should be raised to the level of developed foreign countries.

All domestic enterprises and organizations that comply with these rules personnel policy, will be highly competitive both in the regional and all-Russian labor market, will be able to attract highly qualified graduates of higher, secondary and primary vocational schools.

The management of organizations conducts selection when a need arises or is realized for workers of a certain profession and qualification. The requirement is the result of personnel planning (new staffing) or staff turnover. The main task of the HR manager is to ensure the availability the right people in right time at the right workplace. The organization must find such a person who meets the requirements determined by analyzing the content of the job or position (special knowledge, qualifications, practical skills, certain abilities and work experience, the degree of responsibility for subordinates, etc.).

Schematically, the selection of personnel can be represented as follows (Figure 7.1).

Figure 7.1 -

The recruitment process is determined to a large extent by the organization's human resource policy. So, with the priority orientation of the organization on promotion own employees selection within the organization will be decisive. If the organization focuses on the influx of workers from outside, then the role of selecting workers from outside will be a priority. It is important to keep in mind that the selection of employees for permanent job- far from the only option to meet the needs of the organization. Employees can not only be hired, but also rented. Temporary hiring has long been a common practice.

Establishment of qualification requirements necessary for the successful completion of the work. Definition of personal and business qualities needed to do the job effectively. Also, the company can receive a resume from the applicants themselves who carry out an independent job search without recourse to intermediaries. Self-employed candidates are people who are looking for work on their own without contacting agencies and employment services, they call the organization themselves, send their resumes, etc.

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Othe optimal scheme for selecting personnel when hiring in an organization

The main purpose of the work on the selection of personnel is to select from among the candidates for a vacant job a person who most satisfies the requirements and is able to effectively fulfill the necessary labor functions.

When carrying out this work, it should be remembered that the legislation (Article 64 Labor Code Russian Federation) unreasonable refusal to conclude employment contract, and a person who is refused to conclude an employment contract has the right to demand that he be informed of the reason for the refusal to writing and challenge the denial in court.

The selection of employees is carried out by the personnel management service together with the structural unit where there is a vacancy workplace.

Employees of the personnel management service should keep in mind that in the application for the selection of a candidate to fill a vacant job, as a rule, excessive requirements for a future employee are indicated, an ideal portrait is drawn, therefore, it is necessary to approach the issue of whether applicants meet the requirements and screen out candidates extremely carefully.

The initial stage of personnel selection is the analysis of materials submitted by applicants for a vacant job in the personnel management service.

In order to obtain information that allows at the proper level to assess data on candidates and compare them with each other, it is advisable to establish a minimum list and uniform forms of submitted documents. The list of submitted documents is determined by the organization independently within the framework of the current legislation. Applicants should be given the opportunity to submit additional documents or information they deem necessary.

In order to obtain the necessary information about the applicant in a concentrated form, it is advisable to use a questionnaire survey. The so-called “personnel record sheet” can be used as a candidate’s questionnaire, but it is better to develop a special questionnaire, the content of which would fully take into account the traditions, specifics and interests of the organization.

The questionnaire includes the following sections: general biographical data, information about the education received and special knowledge, data on the previous professional activity. In addition, the questionnaire may include questions that provide information about the candidate's interests, his career aspirations and other questions of interest.

The questionnaire should include questions that are important for determining the possibility of concluding an employment relationship with an employee.

The wording of the questions should be clear and understandable, avoiding ambiguous answers;

Understandable and accessible terminology should be used;

Excessive detail of unprincipled issues should be avoided;

Use questions with hints more widely, when one or more options for pre-prepared answers are offered to the question posed;

Compose the questionnaire in such a way that it is convenient to enter and read necessary information; use soft-colored paper for questionnaire forms.

It is impractical to develop a questionnaire for candidates for each specific job; it is more expedient to create three unified forms: for workers and service personnel, for specialists and technical executors, for executives.

An interview with employees of the personnel management service is conducted in order to determine whether the candidate matches the portrait of an ideal employee, possible potential, motivation, expectations from the conditions of the future labor activity, as well as estimates of its appearance and culture of behavior. staff interview candidate management

For the purpose of evaluation professional qualities candidate and determine personal compatibility, an interview of the candidate with the head of the structural unit is conducted.

Interviews are held as many times as necessary and at the stage of selection at which it is necessary.

Forms of interviews can be individual and group, the topics of interviews are biographical, situational, criterion and others.

There are several types of interviews: a) formalized interview; b) poorly formalized interview; c) informal interview.

The purpose of a conversation of any type is to collect the necessary information about the personal and business qualities of the candidate, verify documentary information in direct contact, and also provide the candidate with information of interest to him. The exchange of information usually takes place in the form of questions and answers.

When preparing for an “a” interview, the interviewer prepares a list of questions in advance and does not deviate from it later. Questions may have options for ready-made answers, and the interviewer only needs to mark the candidate's answers in pre-defined columns. It should be noted that such a conversation is the most unified and easy to conduct, but it has a number of limitations, since it does not allow you to get Additional information about the candidate, often violates the logical sequence of the conversation, fetters and embarrasses the applicant himself,

Each employee of the personnel management service or structural unit conducting the interview fills out an assessment sheet, where he records the results of the interview and gives an opinion on the degree of compliance of the candidate with the requirements.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the assessment based on the results of the interview has a high percentage of subjectivity, such work requires certain qualifications, special knowledge and extensive practical experience. Even an experienced interviewer should keep this in mind when making a final decision.

The presence and level of professional knowledge (skills, skills) can also be determined on the basis of the results of exams on special test questions or test tasks. Depending on the requirements for the volume and level of professional knowledge of a candidate for a vacant job, an exam methodology is selected and a package of tasks and questions is formed.

Examinations may be conducted orally, in writing, or by automated means, depending on which test materials are intended to be used. This method, with a competent selection of test materials, allows a fairly objective assessment of the level of professional knowledge of the candidate, but is not widely used in practice due to high labor intensity.

The business qualities of candidates from among those working in the organization can be assessed by an expert. There are several ways to organize and conduct this work. Good results are achieved when using formalized questionnaires, which list the business qualities that an employee should have in a given workplace. The experts, filling out questionnaires, assess the level of these qualities in the candidate, choosing one of the options sufficient (3 points), satisfactory (2 points), low (1 point). Summing up the number of points corresponding to the selected level of assessment, and dividing this number by the number of qualities assessed, we obtain the average score of a particular expert. The sum of the average scores of experts divided by the number of experts gives the average score of the expert assessment. With an average peer review, exceeding 2.5 points, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the full compliance of the candidate's business qualities with the requirements, with an average expert assessment ranging from 1.5 points to 2.5 points for partial compliance, with a score below 1.5 points for non-compliance .

Taking into account the possibility of manifestation of subjectivity when using this assessment method, it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of experts. Experts should be persons who know the candidate well joint work, it could be leaders various levels, as well as other work colleagues, including subordinates, it is desirable to have at least three experts, representatives of various levels.

The individual psychological, personal and psycho-physiological qualities of candidates are assessed by the method of psychological testing using, if necessary, instrumental measurements.


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    Signs of the effectiveness of the interview as a selection tool. Objectives and methods of conducting interviews, their classification. Interview preparation principles, strategy and tactics. Factors and techniques for successful interviewing.

    term paper, added 01/31/2011

    The essence and types of personnel selection. Analysis of the main methods of personnel selection for admission to a business organization. Problems of professional selection and employment in a business organization. Features of business organizations. Services of a consulting company.

    term paper, added 07/27/2010

    Methods of selection and evaluation of personnel in hiring. Organization of the process of selection of candidates for a vacant position. Personnel assessment and selection system for hiring in OAO "Gazprom". Development of an effective technology for the selection of personnel in the organization.

    term paper, added 09/05/2015

    Basic principles of personnel selection. Interview as the main method of evaluating candidates. Development of technology for conducting personal interviews with candidates for vacant positions in the Staritsky branch No. 1559/073 of the Savings Bank of Russia, personnel selection systems.

    term paper, added 02/19/2013

    Security issues in hiring staff. Principles of organization of professional selection of personnel in commercial enterprises. The main stages and procedures for professional selection of personnel. Recommendations for the organization of verification and selection of candidates for work.

    thesis, added 01/05/2003

    Analysis of the sources of personnel attraction. The main stages of building a personnel selection system. Phone interviews, conducting interviews with the best candidates. Checking the recommendations and the data presented in the summary. Methods of personnel selection at enterprises.

    control work, added 05/07/2009

    Principles, criteria, methods of recruitment and selection of personnel. Analysis of the personnel management system of CJSC Design Plus. Features of the correct recruitment and selection of personnel. The main types of personnel recruitment costs. Steps in hiring a new employee.

    term paper, added 03/27/2016

    Methods for obtaining primary information about candidates for vacant positions. Characteristic production activities and quality of the company. Analysis existing system attracting staff to the organization. Conducting an interview.