The basics of covert control of units in battle briefly. The essence and conditions of control in combat. The defeat of the target is assessed by visible results

Covert troop control- this is a set of measures to keep secret from the enemy information used in the leadership of troops in peacetime and war time, - is an important condition for achieving surprise in combat. It is carried out in order to ensure that the plan of the battle and the measures for its preparation, the tasks communicated to the troops and the reports received from them are kept secret from the enemy. Covert troop control is organized and carried out under all conditions of troop activity.

Essence covert control troops (SUV) consists in keeping secret all measures for the preparation and conduct of hostilities.

When preparing for hostilities, it is prohibited to conduct open negotiations and broadcasts on technical means communications concerning the organization of hostilities.

The value of the SUV increases when the enemy uses high-precision weapons. To hide from the RUK and ROK of the enemy the location of command posts, units and subunits is one of the most important tasks of covert command and control.

Covert command and control of troops is achieved by carrying out the following activities:

1. Limitation of the circle of persons dedicated to the plan of the upcoming hostilities.

2. Hidden placement and movement of control points.

3. Establishing a communication mode according to the situation (complete or partial prohibition of transmission, operation at reduced power).

4. Compliance with the rules and procedures for conducting negotiations on technical means of communication.

5. The use of classified communications equipment, encryption and coding of documents, the use of negotiation tables, tables of signals and coded topographic maps.

6. High vigilance of personnel and strict observance of communication discipline.

7. Carrying out camouflage activities, incl. on radio camouflage and disinformation in accordance with the plan of the higher headquarters.

8. Constant monitoring of the work of their communications.

The experience of local wars and military conflicts in recent years with the participation of the US armed forces convincingly indicates that the issues of counteracting the command and control systems of the countries of a potential adversary are in the focus of attention of NATO's military leadership. The views of the US military command on the organization of counteraction to control systems are based on the requirements of the special directive of the National Staff of the US Armed Forces MOP No. 30-93 ("Fight against control systems"), which requires decisive measures to counter enemy reconnaissance, misleading him, electronic warfare, fire damage to enemy command posts and its communications system, as well as psychological warfare.

Considering that in modern conditions it is very difficult to hide the preparation of large-scale operations, it should be assumed that the enemy will strive to preempt the actions of the defending troops (forces) and inflict maximum damage on them, disorganize command and demoralize the troops before the start of the battle.

However, the use of weapons against the elements of the communication system is possible only if there is reliable intelligence data. It is known that the enemy assigns reconnaissance, as the main type of combat support, important role. The requirements for the NATO Intelligence Command in TZU are presented in Table 6.1.

Assessing radio and electronic intelligence according to the information obtained by it, the command of the Armed Forces of the NATO countries put it in first place in comparison with other types of intelligence, since the method of obtaining intelligence information is the most reliable, reliable, can be carried out continuously, behind the scenes and over very long distances. The amount of information from foreign radio and electronic intelligence is constantly growing and, according to foreign experts, is more than 60% of all information obtained.

Table 6.1

Basic requirements of the command of NATO countries

for conducting intelligence in TZU

Covert command and control (SUV)- a set of measures to keep secret from the enemy information used in the leadership of troops (forces) in peacetime and wartime.

For this, it is envisaged: personal transfer of especially secret information to subordinates; use of classified communications equipment; encryption of secret documents; coding of secret and official information transmitted via open communication channels; application of single-use control signals; technical and organizational measures on information protection

In modern conditions, the organization of hostilities and the reliable leadership of troops are unthinkable without the widespread use of radio electronic means (RES), which are the basis of control systems and an integral part of most new types of weapons.

Working active radio-electronic means radiate electromagnetic energy, which can be detected with the help of radio receivers, and the information transmitted using RES can be intercepted.

These vulnerabilities electronic means led to the emergence of a special type of intelligence activity - electronic intelligence, which is characterized by the following features:

Acts covertly, without direct contact with reconnaissance targets; as a rule, it is difficult for the enemy to establish the fact of its conduct;

It covers large distances and spaces, the limits of which are limited only by the characteristics of the propagation of radio waves and the sensitivity of reconnaissance equipment; (so, according to American experts, from posts located in England, Italy, it is possible to intercept radiation that was previously considered inaccessible for radio reconnaissance at long ranges (up to 1200-2200 km) - the line Murmansk, Leningrad, Moscow, Volgograd, Tbilisi and in the autumn-winter period at a distance of up to 3000-4000 km - the line of Dikson Island, Khanty-Mansiysk, Kzyl-Orda;

It can function continuously, at any time of the year, day and night and in any weather;

Provides obtaining in a short time, most often in real time, a large amount of information of a different nature;

Low-vulnerability and in many cases inaccessible to the enemy.

The most important electronic intelligence targets include:

Active means of radio communication used in all branches of the Armed Forces;

Automated systems command and control of troops and weapons, as well as control systems for space objects;

Technical means of storing, processing and transmitting information, the operation of which is accompanied by side electromagnetic radiation;

Telemetric information transmission systems;

Radio navigation systems used in maritime, air and space navigation;

Radar stations (nodes, complexes) of all systems and purposes.

The most important types of electronic intelligence are radio intelligence and electronic intelligence.

Radio reconnaissance is aimed at detecting and intercepting open and encrypted transmissions of communication radio stations of the opposite side, analyzing and processing intercepted messages, and determining the location of radiation sources by finding them.

When intercepting, radio intelligence, in addition to the texts of radio programs and negotiations, are also interested in other details, such as, for example, the call signs of radio stations and officials, addresses and passwords, code and service phrases of radio operators, technical features and characteristics of intercepted radio electronic devices, individual "handwriting" of the personnel serving the radio equipment. The accumulation, generalization and analysis of these data make it possible to open the enemy's radio communication system, determine how many and which units and subunits are operating in the reconnaissance zone, establish launchers, the degree of enemy activity in certain areas, etc.

Electronic intelligence, using the same methods of radio reception, direction finding and analysis of radio signals as radio intelligence, is engaged in the detection and recognition of radar stations, radio navigation and radio telecode systems.

It allows you to identify the location of radio-electronic means, determine their tactical and technical characteristics, coverage areas, purpose, and on this basis open enemy air and missile defense systems, missile launch sites, airfields and other important objects. Leading states attach great importance to radio and electronic intelligence.

Methods of electronic intelligence, methods of analysis and processing of interception materials are constantly being improved. At stations for intercepting radio and radio relay communication lines for selective reception and recording on magnetic tape useful information at present, channel-search selectors are used, which provide a total viewing of all telephone and telegraph channels and recording only those programs where “key words” pre-stored in memory are encountered. As " keywords» telephone numbers and names of officials, call signs of radio networks and numbers of military units are used.

Modern means make it possible to conduct electronic reconnaissance not only by ground, sea, air and space means, but also use every opportunity to send their agents equipped with special equipment for electronic espionage into our country. Microminiature technical means make it possible to carry out reconnaissance with devices mounted in eyeglasses, pens, buttons, lighters, cufflinks, watches, cigarette cases, bracelets, etc.

Ground tactical radio and electronic intelligence in the US troops is conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA), battalions electronic warfare(corps and army), separate detachments of electronic intelligence. So, for example, in the zone of a division operating in the main offensive direction of an army operation, one can expect a security service company and an electronic warfare company from the EW corps battalion. These companies are attached to the US Army Infantry Division. It can deploy:

1. Radio intelligence posts:

4 HF (0.5-0.32 MHz) and 12 VHF (0.1-60 MHz) radio interception posts;

4 radio direction finding posts (0.1-60 MHz).

2. Radio interference posts:

4KV (1.5-20MHz):

4 VHF (20-230 MHz) and 7 ground, 3 aircraft multi-purpose jamming radio stations.

With these forces and means, the enemy can monitor 12-16 (50%) HF, 36-48 (21%) VHF radio networks and suppress or hinder the work of 4-8 (30%) HF and 14-48 (20%) VHF radio networks divisions. In a motorized rifle (tank) division, 25 HF, 170 VHF radio networks and 10 radio relay communication lines are organized. If the necessary protective measures are not provided, then the main radio networks of the division can be completely reconnoitered and suppressed by the enemy.

The increased possibilities of interception of various information by enemy intelligence oblige all officials of the troops and headquarters to pay constant attention to covert command and control of troops.

Subunit management consists in the purposeful activity of commanders in maintaining a constant high combat readiness of subunits, preparing them for combat and leading them in the performance of assigned tasks. Success in combat in most cases depends on the quality of control. The experience of wars shows that skillful leadership of troops made it possible to crush the enemy with the least losses and achieve victory in a short time.

AT Russian Federation the main link in the management system military organization state is national center Defense Command (NTSUOG) i. It links the existing departmental management and monitoring systems - the General Staff, the crisis center of the Ministry of Emergencies, Rosatom, Roshydromet and others - into single system and is designed to coordinate the activities of all federal ministries and departments of the Russian Federation in the interests of ensuring the defense and security of the state.

The main content of command and control of subunits are measures to increase (maintain) their high morale and psychological state and combat readiness, to ensure (restore) their combat capability; continuous acquisition, collection, study, display, generalization, analysis and evaluation of situational data; making decisions, setting tasks for subordinates, organizing and maintaining interaction, organizing and implementing measures for educational work and comprehensive combat support; organization of management, control over the preparation for combat and the fulfillment of assigned tasks by subunits.

Under modern conditions command and control of troops is the most important link in the system of combat operations. The ability to lead troops in practice embodies the tactical skill of commanders and staffs, their ability to organize a battle, develop an expedient plan, translate it into a decision, carefully plan combat operations, set tasks for subunits, coordinate their combat efforts, and comprehensively ensure combat.

Now the complexity has increased exponentially management activities commander in battle, the vulnerability of the control system to the effects of weapons of destruction, electronic suppression, air and airborne landings and sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the enemy has increased.

Timely and well-organized uninterrupted command and control of subunits contributes to seizing and maintaining the initiative, secrecy in the preparation of battle and surprise in delivering strikes against the enemy, rapid use of the results of nuclear and fire engagement of the enemy, and timely implementation of measures to protect subunits from weapons of mass destruction. In addition, it allows more efficient use of the combat capabilities of the forces and means involved in combat.

Unit management can only be successful if it is sustainable, continuous, operational and covert.

Sustainability management consists in knowing the actual situation; quick restoration of disturbed control and means of communication; timely collection of data on the situation, decision-making, report to his senior commander and communication to subordinates; maintaining reliable communication with subordinates, interacting units and senior commanders; reliable protection control center from all types of weapons used by the enemy, as well as from interference from his electronic equipment.

Continuity command consists in the constant influence of the commander on the course of the battle with all the means at his disposal in the interests of the successful fulfillment of the assigned task by the subunits. In combat, the commander of a platoon (squad, tank) is obliged to closely monitor the course of the battle, continuously conduct reconnaissance of the enemy, timely set or clarify tasks for squads (tanks), as well as attached and supporting subunits. An indispensable condition for achieving continuity of control is constant knowledge of the situation on the battlefield in front of one's own units and neighbors, its analysis and foreseeing the most significant changes. This will allow the commander to skillfully use regular and attached fire weapons in the course of the battle and effectively use the results of nuclear and fire engagement of the enemy.

In order to achieve continuity of control, it is necessary to skillfully choose the location of the command and observation post, locate it covertly and move it in a timely manner, especially when fighting at night, in fog, blizzard and in difficult terrain. The commander must be in the most important direction in this moment and in a timely manner to influence the course of the battle with all the forces and firepower at his disposal. In difficult moments of the battle, he, by personal example, showing courage, initiative and resourcefulness, must lead the units and carry out the combat mission, in spite of any difficulties, inspiring this determination to all subordinates.

Efficiency management is:

  • in the timely and rapid implementation of all measures related to the leadership of subunits in preparation for and during the conduct of combat;
  • constant knowledge of the situation and quick response to its changes;
  • timely clarification of the decision made and the tasks assigned to the subdivisions;
  • the commander's ability to apply the most expedient method of work and accomplish the assigned tasks within the time limits that ensure the advance of the enemy in actions; in the ability to work on regular means of communication.

Particularly high efficiency in work is necessary when preparing a battle in a short time and in the dynamics of its conduct. The rapid acquisition of information about the enemy, the timeliness of reports from subordinate commanders, and well-established information from the senior commander and neighbors are of decisive importance for maintaining command and control efficiency.

stealth management. In modern combat, it acquires even greater significance in connection with the growing role of surprise actions, the increase in enemy reconnaissance capabilities, and also with the use of nuclear and precision weapons. Therefore, keeping secret all measures related to the preparation and conduct of combat is the most important condition for the secrecy of command and control. It is achieved by strict observance of the established mode of negotiations on technical means of communication, the use of various ciphers and codes; the use of tables, call signs and signals, negotiation tables and chart coding, the prohibition of open negotiations; reliable camouflage of command and observation posts.

In modern conditions, when combat operations are developing at an exceptionally high pace, characterized by extreme tension and abrupt changes in the situation, only a single commander, endowed with great rights, is able to direct the efforts of his subordinates to the successful completion of the task. That is why the commander of a platoon (squad, tank) is entrusted with full and personal responsibility for combat readiness, training of a platoon (squad, tank), weapons, military equipment for combat and the successful completion of a combat mission within the established time limits, as well as for education, military discipline, psychological preparation and the political and moral state of the personnel.

The main indicators of the effectiveness of the management system are considered to be the following:

  • a) time indicators:
    • - speed of obtaining, collecting, analyzing, summarizing and evaluating situational data, making and formalizing decisions, timely bringing tasks to subordinates and planning a battle;
    • - the speed of response of command and control bodies to changes in the situation in the course of hostilities;
    • - the time spent on restoring the system of interaction, control and combat capability of units after the enemy has delivered a massive strike with high-precision weapons;
  • b) qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of the management system:
    • - the ability of command and control bodies to achieve accurate and timely fulfillment of assigned combat missions;
    • - achieving reliable fire damage to the enemy to the entire depth of his location;
    • - ensuring the continuity of leadership of units during the entire battle;
    • - stability of management;
    • - high efficiency in the work of commanders and headquarters, their ability to preempt the enemy in delivering a strike, to rebuild the control system in a timely manner, to adapt it to changes in the situation;
    • - ensuring secrecy of management.
  • Fundamentals of command and control in combat. M. : Military publishing house. 1977. S. 51-57.

Unit management consists in the purposeful activity of the company (battalion) commander, his deputies and the battalion headquarters to maintain the constant combat readiness of units, prepare them for battle and guide them in the performance of assigned tasks.

Management of units includes: organization and implementation of measures to increase (maintain) their combat readiness and ensure (restore) their combat capability; maintaining a high morale and psychological stability in the units, strong military discipline, organization and constant combat readiness; continuous acquisition, collection, generalization, analysis and evaluation of situational data; decision-making; assignment of tasks to subordinate units; organization and maintenance of continuous interaction; organization and implementation of measures for educational work and comprehensive support; management organization. In addition, the commander and headquarters carry out practical work in subordinate subunits to direct their direct preparation for combat, to organize the fulfillment of assigned tasks during combat, and other activities.

It is known that with the development of the armed forces, the theory and practice of command and control also developed and changed. So, before the advent of mass armies, the leadership of the troops was carried out directly by the commander (commander), since at that time he could observe the actions of all his troops and, without the help of a special body (headquarters), could give necessary orders and dispose of the troops personally or through adjutants, orderlies and liaisons.

With the advent of mass armies, and consequently with the increase in the scope of hostilities and the change in the conditions for preparing and conducting combat, it becomes more and more difficult for one commander to lead troops, and he alone can no longer cope with this task. There is a need to create a permanent special governing body. To do this, first introduced the Military Council under the commander in chief, then in the middle of the XVIII century. the headquarters of the army was created, and at the beginning of the 19th century. Headquarters appeared in divisions, regiments and battalions, which were constantly developing, improving and improving, becoming indispensable assistants to the commander in commanding troops both in peacetime and in wartime.

In the course of the further development of the armed forces of many states, new types of troops and special troops appear, which began to take part in the battle. This led to a further expansion of the circle of officials involved in the leadership of formations, units and subunits. AT organizational structure troops, the chiefs of these branches of the military and special troops appear.

The main content of subdivision management is: maintaining a high morale and constant combat readiness of subdivisions; collection and study of situational data, revealing the intentions of the enemy; decision-making; bringing tasks to subordinates; organization and maintenance of interaction between units of the battalion and other branches of the armed forces participating in the battle; all-round support for combat, control over its preparation and performance by subunits of assigned tasks.

Timely and well-organized uninterrupted command and control of subunits contributes to seizing and maintaining the initiative, secrecy in the preparation of battle and surprise in delivering strikes against the enemy, rapid use of the results of nuclear and fire engagement of the enemy, and timely implementation of measures to protect subunits from weapons of mass destruction. In addition, it allows more efficient use of the combat capabilities of all forces and means involved in combat.

Division management conditions. In modern combat, in comparison with the Great Patriotic War, the conditions for commanding units have become much more complicated. In the last war, subunit control was carried out in a situation where the battle developed relatively slowly, and its outcome depended mainly on rifle subunits, sometimes reinforced by tanks and artillery fire.

Command and observation posts of companies and battalions, as a rule, were located in the combat formations of subunits, usually staying in the same place for a long time (especially in defense).

Modern motorized rifle company and the battalion became highly mobile and maneuverable. If a company (battalion) of the period of the Great Patriotic War had a rate of advance of 4-5 km / h, now it can march at an average speed of 20-25 km / h. In modern conditions, if the enemy uses nuclear weapons, then the commander will have to control his units fighting in the zones of infection, areas of destruction, fires and floods. Now the combat situation on the battlefield can often and significantly change, which will necessitate the clarification of the decision or its organization again.

The increase in the spatial scope of the battle, both defensive and offensive, as well as the pace of its conduct, leads to a more frequent change in the location of command posts and will force the commander to control subunits on the move. And this, as you know, makes it difficult to control units, complicates their protection from nuclear and high-precision weapons, air and artillery strikes, as well as from the actions of enemy sabotage groups, which, as a rule, will have the task of withdrawing command posts out of service

The changes that have taken place in the organization and technical equipment of our troops and enemy troops have led to significant changes in the content and nature of modern combined-arms combat, in the methods of its organization, conduct and control of subunits. Combat has become decisive, dynamic, maneuverable and fleeting. Significantly compared with the period of the Great Patriotic War, the spatial scope of the battle increased. Thus, a modern motorized rifle battalion can attack a prepared enemy defense on a front of up to 2 km and defend an area along a front of 3-5 km.

Under such conditions, the company (battalion) commander will control the units by means of radio communications, as a rule, on the move or from short stops. The amount of information about the enemy that needs to be quickly collected, summarized, studied, analyzed by the company (battalion) commander decision and report to the superior.

In modern combat, the commander of a company (battalion) will have to make a decision at least three or four times a day or clarify it, and in a shorter time than it was during the Great Patriotic War, and often in conditions where the command and observation post (KNP) will be in motion for a considerable time. Therefore, the time factor now has a decisive influence on all management processes. Under these conditions, the company (battalion) commander must think carefully and determine the location of his command and observation post and the organization of communication with subunits, neighbors and the senior commander from it.

The place of the company (battalion) commander should be where he can confidently lead his subordinates and exert effective influence on them in the preparation and conduct of combat. The presence in the company and battalion of communications equipment (especially radio equipment) provides the commander with greater mobility when choosing his place. However, the commander's attachment to means of communication should not contribute to the commander's refusal to contact subordinate, attached and supporting units.

The experience of the last war shows that the commander of a company (battalion) must have a good look at the battle order of his subunit and the enemy with whom he is fighting from his CNP.


Wired communication equipment of a motorized rifle battalion.

The motorized rifle battalion has wired communication facilities: 2 P-193M switches, a P-274 field cable and TA-57 telephone sets. They are designed to install telephone, wired communication at the command and observation post of the battalion with subordinate units and for remote control of radio stations.

The P-193M switchboard is designed to equip a low-capacity telephone exchange at the battalion's KNP. Switch capacity 10 rooms. Time to deploy the switch 3-4 min.

According to Article 16 of the PBP of the SV Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (p. 249), the battle commander platoon like

usually organizes:

- on the ground,

And if this is not possible - in the original area on the map or on the layout of the area. In this case, the combat missions of the squads (tanks) and attached assets are specified by the platoon commander on the ground during their advance to the line of transition to the attack.

In accordance with Article 17 of the PBP of the SV Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (p. 249) commander platoon, received a combat mission,

makes her clear,

Assesses the situation

Makes a decision

Conducts a reconnaissance

Gives a combat order

Organizes the interaction

combat support

and management

Preparation of personnel, weapons and military equipment for combat,

Then he checks the readiness of the platoon to perform a combat mission.

And at the appointed time he reports this to the company commander.

When clarifying the received task The platoon leader must:

Understand the task of the company and platoon,

What objects (targets) in the direction of the platoon's actions are affected

means of senior commanders,

Tasks of neighbors and the order of interaction with them,

Forces and means of strengthening a platoon to perform a combat mission,

As well as the time of readiness to complete the task.

Assessing the situation , The platoon leader must:

The composition, position and possible nature of the actions of the enemy, his

strong and weak sides, the location of its firepower;

Status, security and capabilities of the platoon and attached


Composition, position, nature of actions of neighbors and conditions of interaction

wia with them;

The nature of the terrain, its protective and masking properties,

favorable approaches, barriers and obstacles, conditions of observation and


In addition, the platoon commander takes into account the radiation and

chemical environment, weather conditions, time of year, day and their influence

for the preparation and conduct of combat.

Based on the conclusions from understanding the problem and assessing the situation, The platoon leader makes the decision which defines

Ways to accomplish the task received (which enemy, where and by what means to defeat, the measures used to mislead the enemy),

Tasks for squads (tanks), attached units and firepower

And management organization.

The platoon commander reports the decision to the senior commander (chief).

Solution the platoon commander draws up on the work card.

During the reconnaissance field platoon leader

Indicates landmarks,

The position of the enemy, and the most probable nature of his


Clarifies tasks for squads (tanks)

And other issues related to the use of terrain in battle (positions of squads, firing positions of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, tanks, anti-tank and other fire weapons, barriers and passages in them, the route of advancement of a platoon and the places of dismounting of squads).

It is carried out with the involvement of the commanders of full-time and attached units (fire weapons), and sometimes driver-mechanics (drivers).

In combat order Platoon leader says:

1. Landmarks;

2. The composition, position and nature of enemy actions, places

the location of its firepower;

3. The task of the company, platoon;

4. Tasks of neighbors, objects and targets in the direction of the platoon, hit by the means of senior commanders,

After the word "order"

5. Tasks are set for squads (tanks),

attached units

and fire weapons

and the commander of a motorized rifle platoon, in addition, tasks directly subordinate personnel (platoon sergeant, machine gun crew, sniper, orderly gunner) and created groups (fire support, obstacles (undermining and capture).

6. Ready time to complete the task;

7. Your place and deputy.

When organizing interaction the platoon leader must

To coordinate the efforts of regular and attached firepower for the successful completion of the task,

To achieve a correct and unified understanding by all commanders of squads (tanks) of the combat mission and methods of its implementation,

And also indicate the identification signals,



interactions and procedures for

In order to military support organizations platoon commander in the form of separate instructions defines

The order of observation and actions of personnel when the enemy uses weapons of mass destruction and high-precision weapons,

Measures for engineering equipment positions,


protection and the order of their implementation.

When organizing events for technical and logistic support platoon leader points out

The procedure and terms for obtaining ammunition,

Refueling with fuels and lubricants,

Holding Maintenance weapons and military

Providing personnel with food, water and other

material means,

And also monitor the content of the equipment of a soldier and sergeants and its correct use.

When organizing management platoon commander

Clarifies (finishes) radio data

And the procedure for using radio and signal communications.

When operating on foot infantry platoon commander dismounts and stays behind the platoon chain (at a distance of up to 50 m) in a place where it is more convenient to see his platoon and control it.

Part-commander advances directly in chain .

In combat vehicles remain:

Mechanics-drivers (drivers),

Gunners-operators (gunners)

And deputy platoon leader ,

through which the platoon commander controls the fire and movement of combat vehicles.

On the defensivemotorized rifle platoon commander is on the command and observation post (CNP) which is equipped with

progress message,

Or in the BMP

in a place where it is provided the best observation of the terrain, the enemy, the actions of his subordinates and neighbors, as well as continuous platoon control.

Together with the platoon leader are messengers from the branches, they also perform the duties of observers.

Accommodation KNP company (battalion) should provide

Reliable communication with subordinates and interacting

units, brigade (battalion) headquarters, neighbors and within the KNP,

Hidden placement

And the protection of personnel and controls from weapons of mass

destruction, air strikes and high-precision weapons,

As well as continuous control of units in any conditions of the situation.

The command and observation post of a company (battalion) is usually deployed in the direction of concentration of the main efforts of the battalion , away from the landmarks that stand out from the enemy, taking into account the protective and masking properties of the terrain. The place and time of deployment, the order of movement of the KNP company (battalion) are determined in the order.

The command and observation post of a company (battalion) should not be far away from the subunits, especially when advancing at night. The commander must observe the battlefield, receive timely reports on the situation and immediately respond to its changes.

According to the experience of the Great Patriotic War and exercises, the command and observation post of the battalion from the units of the first echelon in the offensive was usually located at a distance of up to 300 m, companies - up to 200 m, in defense, respectively - up to 1.5 km and up to 500 m.

Commander - leader of the battle. Therefore, the correct determination of his place in battle plays an important role in achieving success.

Unit management in combat is based on on the firm confidence of the commander that subordinates are able to successfully complete the task. Such confidence comes from the level of training, initiative and creativity of each soldier, sergeant, officer individually and their high personal responsibility for the performance of a combat mission.

While trusting the squad (tank) commanders, the platoon commander at the same time, possessing knowledge and experience, constantly monitors (supervises) the progress of preparation of subunits for combat and, if necessary, must provide them with assistance at any time.

The order of work of the platoon (squad, tank) commander depends on the specific situation, the task received and the availability of time.

During the battle when operating on combat vehicles (tanks) The platoon leader directs the platoon:

On the radio


And signals.

When working on radio equipment, commanders must strictly observe the rules of negotiation.

When commands are given, the commanders of squads (tanks) are called by call signs, and points of the terrain are indicated from landmarks and by conventional names.

The procedure for issuing commands (signals) by radio should be the following:

The called station's call sign is called once;

The word "I" and the call sign of my radio station - once;

The word "I" and the call sign of my radio station - once;

The word "reception" - once.

For example:

“Birch-13, I am Ash-21, advance in the direction of landmark 4, the bend of the Rotten stream, I am Ash-21, over.”

"Birch-13, I am Ash-21, 222, I am Ash-21, over."

On the received command (signal), the commander of the squad (tank) immediately gives confirmation by the exact repetition of the command (signal) or only the word "understood" indicating his call sign.

For example:

“Ash-21, I am Bereza-13, I understand, advance in the direction of landmark 4, the bend of the Rotten stream, I am Bereza-13, over.”

“Ash-21, I am Bereza-13, I understand, 222, I am Bereza-13, over.” “I am Bereza-13, I understand, welcome.”

With poor audibility and strong interference, the platoon commander of the command (signals) can transmit twice.

For example:

"Birch-13, I am Ash-21, reduce the distance, reduce the distance, I am Ash-21, over."

Commands (signals) relating to all combat vehicles are given by the platoon commander using a circular call sign. At the same time, he repeats the content of the command (signal) twice.

For example:

“Thunderstorm, I am Zarya-20, in the direction of landmark 5, the “Round” grove, into the battle line, directing - Zarya-21 - to battle; in the direction of landmark 5, the Kruglaya grove, to the battle line, the guide - Zarya-21 - to battle, I am Zarya-20, over.

In this case, the commanders of squads (tanks) do not give confirmation for the command, but immediately proceed to its implementation. With a stable connection, it is allowed to work with abbreviated call signs or without call signs.

For example:

“10th, I am 20th, increase the distance, I am 20th, over” (work with abbreviated call signs).

"Increase distance, reception." “Understood, reception” (work without call signs).

Issuing commands and setting up combat missions to open fire from the weapons of the BMP (BTR) the platoon commander carries out through his deputy and gunners-operators remaining in combat vehicles.

When managing single military personnel, acting on foot, the team usually indicates:

And last name

What action to take

The executive part of the team.

For example:

"Private Akhmetov - to battle."

"Private Zhumagulov to run across to a separate tree - go ahead."

"Corporal Aidarbekov to crawl to a separate bush - forward."

A platoon operating on foot without combat vehicles is deployed from marching formation to pre-combat formation on command (signal).

For example:

"Platoon, in the direction of such and such an object (to such and such a line), in the line of departments - march."

The first squad advances in the indicated direction, the remaining squads, regardless of the order in the platoon column, move forward at the commands of their commanders:

the second is to the right,

third - to the left,

maintaining alignment with the first squad, with an interval of up to 100 m between squads, they continue to move.

Depending on the situation and the decision of the platoon commander, the places of the squads in the pre-battle order of the platoon may change. In this case, the platoon leader determines the places of the squads by the team,

for example:

“Platoon, in the direction of a group of birches, to the line of a forest ledge, building; guide - the second compartment; first branch - to the right; the third branch - to the left - march.

Squads at the command of their commanders advance to their directions and, maintaining alignment with the leading squad, continue to move. With the beginning of deployment in pre-battle order, the squad leaders establish observation of the signals of the platoon commander.

A platoon operating on foot, from a pre-battle order or from a column, bypassing the pre-battle order, is deployed in a chain on command,

for example:

“Platoon, in the direction of a dry tree, to the line of a hillock, ruins, directing - the second squad - to battle, forward” or “Platoon, follow me - to battle, forward.”

When deployed into battle formation from the pre-combat formation, each squad, at the command of its commander, deploys into a chain and, maintaining alignment with the leading squad, continues to move in the indicated direction (at an accelerated pace or run).

To repulse the enemy with fire from a place, the commander, platoon gives a command

"Platoon - stop"

along which the personnel lies, applying to the terrain, and is made for firing.

To resume movement, the platoon leader gives the command

“Platoon - forward”, and adds (if necessary) - “run”.

Changing the direction of movement of a platoon operating on foot, in pre-battle or combat order, the platoon commander shall carry out on command,

for example:

"Platoon, to the right, in the direction of the ledge of the forest, directing - the first section - march."

The guide compartment changes direction to the specified object, the remaining compartments move to a new direction and continue to move, maintaining alignment with the guide compartment.

When turning the platoon around in the pre-battle order of the squad at the command of their commanders

"Squad, march behind me"

"Squad, all around - march"

follow their commanders or turn around at the same time and continue in a new direction. When a platoon turns around in battle formation, all vehicles in the battle line, and when operating on foot, squads in a chain turn around at the same time and continue moving in a new direction.

If necessary, a change in the direction of movement of a platoon on combat vehicles in combat formation is carried out at the command (signal) of the platoon commander:

"Attention, do what I do."

In this case, the platoon leader indicates the new direction of movement of the platoon by the movement of his vehicle, and when acting on foot, by the set signal.

The platoon leader rebuilds the platoon from the battle line into a column on command (signal),

for example:

"Platoon in the direction of landmark 4 (behind me), in a column - march."

At the same time, the combat vehicle of the platoon commander continues to move, the remaining combat vehicles, in numerical order, go to the direction of movement of the vehicle of the platoon commander, take their places in the column and continue to move, observing the established distances.

A platoon from a chain to a line of squads is rebuilt on command (signal),

for example:

"Platoon, in the direction of a separate building, in the line of departments - march."

Each section is rebuilt into a column one at a time and, observing the intervals, continues to move in the indicated direction,

A platoon from a line of squads or from a chain into a column is reorganized on command,

for example:

“Platoon in the direction of the barn, in a column one at a time (two, three each), directing - the first squad - march” or “Platoon behind me, in a column one at a time (two, three each) - march.”

Squads on the move, in numerical order, take their places in the platoon column and continue to move in the indicated direction.

Surveillance and intelligence, organized by the platoon commander while organizing the battle, continue uninterruptedly in the course of its conduct.

When assessing the importance and prioritizing the lesion target, the platoon leader must proceed from what damage this target, in terms of its fire capabilities, is capable of inflicting on the platoon in battle.

Important goals are and those whose defeat in the given conditions of the situation can facilitate and accelerate the accomplishment of a combat mission.

Important goals are usually:

Enemy fire weapons (tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery mounts, anti-tank guided missiles, machine guns, anti-tank grenade launchers),

observation posts,

Radar stations, etc.

When these targets are from platoon units within their effective fire range, they are called dangerous .

especially dangerous targets in all cases, the enemy's means of nuclear attack are launchers and weapons using nuclear weapons.

Those important targets that are at distances from the platoon that exceed their range of actual fire are considered harmless at the moment of the battle.

The commander must have comprehensive information about the enemy's defenses and fire weapons that need to be suppressed and destroyed. With this data, the commander gets the opportunity to:

Distribute fire missions between the means of destruction available to him

And build a fight to the fullest,

i.e., to achieve a build-up of fire from the depth, so that at all lines of the offensive (especially at the line of transition to the attack), the onslaught and the fire effect of the subunits not only do not weaken, but are continuously built up.

The ability of a platoon commander to issue a command clearly and confidently, even in difficult battle conditions, largely determines the success of the battle. Commands for opening fire and setting combat missions should, in addition to their direct purpose, be a disciplinary and organizing tool.

The sequence in which the command to open fire is given by the platoon (squad) commander may be as follows:

1. To whom to open fire. For example:

"second division"

"Machine gun calculation",

"Grenade Launcher".

2. Target designation. For example:

"Landmark 3, left 40, machine gun in the trench."

3. Installation of the sight. For example:

"Permanent", "Seven", "Five".

4. Setting the rear sight or the amount of offset of the aiming point in the figures of the target. For example:

“Two rear sights to the left”, “Two figures to the left”.

5. Aim point. For example:

“Under the target”, “In the belt”, “In the head”.

6. Queue length. For example:

"Short", "Long", "Continuous".

7. The moment of opening fire - indicated by the word

"the fire".

For firing from an infantry fighting vehicle The command is given in the following order:

1. What projectile (grenade) to fire. For example:



to open fire from a machine gun at the beginning of the command is indicated:

"Machine gun".

According to these commands, the coaxial machine gun gun is loaded.

2. Target designation.

3. Distance to the target in meters. For example:

"1600", "800", "1200".

4. Shooting method. For example:

"On the move"

"From place",

from a short stop -


5. The moment of opening fire - indicated by the word


In the command to open fire from an automatic grenade launcher, the platoon leader indicates:

1. Who to fire. For example:


"First Division"

2. Purpose. For example:

"According to the mortar battery",

"According to ATGM".

3. Sight, goniometer. For example:

"Sight 10-15, goniometer 30-00",

"Seven on the grid".

4. Shooting method. For example:

"On the move"

"From place",

from a short stop -


5. Aiming point (aiming) for each division. For example:

“To the first to aim at the mortar near the bush, to the second - to the right

0-50, to the third - to the left of 0-50 ";

"Point into the corner of the trench."

6. Method of shooting, rate of fire. For example:

"With dispersion along the front of the target, the pace is maximum."

7. Number of shots (ammunition consumption). For example:

"Expense - 15", "Expense - 10".

8. Queue length. For example:



9. The moment of opening fire - indicated by the word

"the fire".

Sometimes the platoon leader manages the fire of full-time and attached units by setting fire missions ; while he points out:

I. Which unit (whom) is assigned a fire mission.

2. Name and location of the target (target designation).

3. Type of fire to hit the target ("destroy", "suppress", "prohibit").

Selecting the type of weapon, which can most effectively perform a fire mission (with the lowest consumption of ammunition and in as soon as possible), depends primarily on the importance of the target, its nature, remoteness and vulnerability.

Tank gun fire used to combat:

Tanks, self-propelled artillery mounts and other

armored targets,

For the destruction of defensive structures,

Suppression and destruction of artillery

And enemy manpower.

Small arms platoon in use for destruction:

Manpower of the enemy with concentrated fire at a distance of up to 800 m.

PK and PKT machine guns are used to destroy manpower and destroy enemy fire weapons at a distance of up to 1000 m.

Heavy machine guns (KPVT), installed on armored personnel carriers, they can destroy enemy manpower and fire weapons at a distance of up to 2000 m.

The commander of a motorized rifle platoon in battle has to decide on the most expedient choice of ammunition for hitting a target, in accordance with the presence of shells in the ammunition load. At the same time, it should be remembered that HEAT rounds used for firing at tanks at medium and short ranges (for example, from ambushes); sub-caliber shells - on tanks and all fast-moving armored targets, starting from the maximum firing ranges; high-explosive fragmentation grenades - for armored personnel carriers and manpower with the installation of a fuse for fragmentation action and for high-explosive or delayed action when firing to destroy dugouts, long-term firing structures (DZOS, DOS), brick buildings, etc.

Target designation between infantry fighting vehicles and tanks, as well as between platoons (squads, tanks) is carried out mainly from landmarks (local objects) with tracer bullets and shells.

Inside an infantry fighting vehicle (armored personnel carrier) target designation between members of the landing (crew) is usually carried out from landmarks (local objects), aiming a weapon at a target or from the direction of movement .

At target designation is usually followed sequence:

The position of the target is indicated (from a landmark or from the direction of movement);

The name of the target, characteristic features of the target or terrain are given;

The task is set - to clarify the actions of the target, to observe, etc.

For example:

"Landmark 2, 50 to the right, closer than 100, ATGM near the green hillock" or "Corner of the grove, 10 to the right, further 150 - black bush, to the left 20-machine gun."

Air targets are fired in two ways:


And accompanying fire.

In the command for firing, the platoon leader indicates:

1. To whom to fire (subdivision).

2. Over what local object (landmark) to fire.

3. How to fire.

4. The moment of opening fire.

For example:

“Squad - over the bridge, barrage - fire”, “Squad - a helicopter over the grove, three, five figures to the left, long ones - fire.”

Shooting at a fast-moving aerial target requires known skill and knowledge of the rules of fire. You need to know what lead to take when firing at one or another type of aircraft (helicopter). When the aircraft is flying at low altitude, it is in the firing zone for a matter of seconds. That is why it is very important that every soldier instantly take aim and open fire on the plane (helicopter), no matter how sudden his appearance.

The constant readiness of all means to open fire on air targets is the basis of a platoon's air defense, no matter what conditions it finds itself in. Therefore, it is necessary that well-trained observers are constantly on duty in the platoon and squads (tanks), who promptly notify of the approach of enemy aircraft (helicopters).

The platoon commander is obliged to organize the matter in such a way as to provide a powerful fire impact both on the air and on the ground enemy, solving these two tasks as one. When the situation requires it, boldly direct the bulk of the fire at the aircraft (helicopters), so that, having repelled their raid, again fall upon the ground enemy with all their might.

Fire control does not end with the command to open fire. Errors in the preparation of the initial data lead to the need to correct the fire, i.e., to amend the initial settings to ensure effective shooting to hit the target.

Therefore, shooters, commanders and crews of fire weapons (crews of infantry fighting vehicles, tanks) must monitor the results of firing in order to correct the fire and determine the degree of destruction of the target.

The defeat of the target is assessed by visible results:

Target stopped moving

Or the DZOS is destroyed,

The weapon is destroyed

The target is lit.

fire maneuver is an essential component of fire control. With the help of a fire maneuver, fire superiority is achieved on a chosen target at a given moment in the battle. It consists in:

Concentration of platoon (squad) fire on one important target,

Timely transfer of fire from one target to another

And firing by a platoon simultaneously at several targets.

Concentrated fire It is used on an important target (group of targets) to destroy it with high-density fire in a short period of time. It is prepared in sections of the terrain on the paths of the probable movement of the enemy.

fire transfer used in cases where the target is hit and it is necessary to hit another target or it is necessary to hit a more important target.

Distribution (dispersal) of fire This form of fire maneuver is called when a platoon (squad) simultaneously fires at several separate targets.

One of the duties of a platoon (squad, tank) commander is to ensure organized and effective fire in battle is to control the consumption of ammunition. Commanders must constantly monitor the availability of ammunition in the subdivisions and take measures to replenish them.

Military Department Lecturer