Key companies. Key companies Development and innovation

At the end of April 2016, I managed to pay a friendly visit to the weapons production of the Kalashnikov concern, a new logistics center, workshops for the production of special equipment, a training center, a control and testing station and a factory canteen. In addition, Deputy CEO concern and chief designer"Kalashnikov" Sergei Vladimirovich Urzhumtsev found the time and opportunity to answer various questions about the production of weapons. About weapons - in the next part of the photo story, but for now, about the present day of Kalashnikov and about the organization production processes at the enterprise.

A visit to the production shops of the Kalashnikov concern begins with a visit to the pass office. To enter the restricted area of ​​the enterprise, you need a passport, an accompanying person and a pass. The "guest" passes themselves contain all the necessary data for control and, in addition, special graphic symbols that allow you to instantly determine which workshops are allowed and which are not.

Mikhail Timofeevich is found everywhere here. This stand about Kalashnikov is installed right in front of the entrance to the shop.

The first month of work after the launch of the updated weapons production.
Dmitry Tarasov, director of the weapons production division of the Kalashnikov concern, tells us about the changes and innovations.

If the theater begins with a hanger, then the weapons production at Kalashnikov begins with a working locker room. Dmitry Tarasov specifically emphasizes this moment, drawing our attention to the stand from the “before - it became” series, which clearly reflects the changes that have taken place in the life of the company's employees. Dmitry has been working as a director for more than a year and a half and notes a change in scale (in a big way) and a huge increase in the “lever of influence” on the processes taking place around him.

Until 2014 management teams in the arms industry they changed more than once, which did not have the most positive effect on work. Dmitry Tarasov and his team, in this sense, are "long-livers" and have the opportunity not only to introduce new approaches, but also to monitor the results obtained. Some moments turned out to be surprising for everyone: the requests of the workers often did not come down to a salary increase at all: here, the employees of the enterprise asked first of all to build a toilet within walking distance, there - to repair the shower in the locker room. The entire production floor can accommodate up to 1,000 people, and everyone must be provided with comfortable sanitary facilities, changing rooms, and dining rooms. Provided.

From the locker rooms we get to the 101st workshop (an assembly shop for weapons production). Dinner time. The employees of the workshop en masse go through very meticulous security to the dining room and then return back from lunch in the same order. Whether you are a guest or not, the screening was detailed and detailed for everyone. Mode.

One of the stages of weapon assembly.

Carts with finished products.

Not far from the entrance to the workshop, workbenches of “military acceptance” have been installed, which have been operating in Russia since the 19th century. The standard task of military acceptance is to take a sample of products from each batch and subject the selected copies to very strict control, to study them, literally, under a magnifying glass. If the inspector finds a discrepancy, they “deploy” the entire batch. The batch goes for revision, then 50 random copies are selected again from 1000 pieces, the selected items are “shooted” at the shooting range and re-controlled by military acceptance.

If at the stage of control shooting you can get the declared design “heap”, reliability, reliability (or not get it) and it is instrumentally measurable, then a number of parameters are determined exclusively by the organoleptic method. The military inspector interprets any doubt in favor of the customer. The acceptance works very meticulously, guided, among other things, by its technical knowledge and experience in operating the product. According to Dmitry Tarasov, this is an absolutely correct approach and the position of the inspector “suppose that I am a soldier in a trench, what should I do now with this defect?” as a result, it turns out to be beneficial for the country's defense capability.

The “receivers” themselves are under the jurisdiction of the RF Ministry of Defense, and the Kalashnikov concern, even if desired, cannot influence them in any way. These are officers who are well trained both theoretically and technically and periodically confirm their technical qualifications in examinations. Participating in the admission process civilian inspectors, but the final decision is always with the military acceptance officer. In addition to acceptance under the State Defense Order (for example, a batch of small arms for the needs of the FSO), officers control the quality of all export contracts.

According to the same "military" principle, "Kalashnikov" plans to establish its own, "civil acceptance", tough and merciless, hoping to "cut off the oxygen" even for a small production "defect". Until now, the concern did not have a separate acceptance for “civilian” weapons, except, of course, for the standard in-line control of products by the inspectors of the factory quality control department. In addition, the director of the weapons division is thinking about the possibility of inviting consumers of products to participate in the “civil acceptance” work, who could carefully look at the product with an open eye and say - I don’t like this and that here. Most likely, technically everything will be fine, but such nuances, for example, as the color and texture of wood, may not be missed by a specially invited consumer controller, explaining what exactly he does not like. So far, this is an idea, but they really want to implement it at Kalashnikov, it is this approach that will allow production to get as close to the market as possible, to receive new offers directly from users.

Workbenches of the future "civilian" acceptance in the 101st workshop.

Another stand from the “before and after” series was installed right in the workshop. Dramatic changes have touched, for example, the floor in the room. At one time, the floor was worn out to the limit, pits, potholes and a one and a half meter change in level did not allow the normal carriage of carts with “products” and forced them to resort to the services of an elevator, and this is additional time and effort. Now the workshop has a flat self-leveling floor. In the process of repair, ventilation was also taken up - high humidity, when the weather changed, turned into rust on the metal of the “products”.

Process engineers at work.

We have thoroughly worked on the lighting of production lines: if earlier workers were not always able to see defects in appearance with the naked eye, now there is enough light even for photographing with a short exposure.

From an even more important and noticeable: the old workbenches were replaced with new ones and reconfigured production flows. 16 global changes were made to the work of the workshop, so it is not worth considering what happened only as a reconstruction (read - “repair”), this is a full-fledged transformation with a reconfiguration of flows.

A simple example of the effectiveness of flow redirection: a warehouse. Each time, parts for supplying the workshop got into a “traffic jam” at the checkpoint, from it they went to the assembly, from the assembly they went by elevator to the place where a special coating was applied, then they were sent by elevator back to the assembly and again to the warehouse. Formatted this particular stream: warehouse-special-assembly. The savings on logistics turned out to be very significant - they reduced about 15 km of “mileage” daily for only one operation. We carefully reviewed all operations in the shop. Somewhere it turned out to be advantageous to divide one large flow into a series of small ones, but somewhere they did the opposite: in recent times the Izhevsk "menagerie" (bolted carbines "Los", "Bars", etc.) became popular with consumers - the site for their production was doubled, and due to optimized flows, about 180 m2 of workshop space was freed up. The dilution of the streams of rifled and smoothbore also gave an increase in the speed of operations up to 40%, and the production of smoothbore weapons was doubled. It seems that nothing new was built, and the economic effect became immediately noticeable.

Elements of artistic design are noticeable on the walls of the shop.

The issue of comfortable, wearable overalls was also resolved.

Additionally, we thought over and implemented the equipment for the training area for new employees (for example, locksmiths mechanical assembly work) and separately - a site for training all employees in the basics lean manufacturing. Replaced worn gun traguses with new ones - reduced the percentage of scratches on products. The workbenches were equipped with wheels - they were rolled if necessary and the flows were changed again. In the near future - a complete replacement of tools and equipment, this is an urgent requirement of the division director. So far, all the vices on the workbenches have been replaced. But they decided to replenish the machine park gradually, the old machines, which perform their functions 100%, do not change to new ones until they wear out, this is not economically feasible.

Gauges are measuring instruments, without which there is nowhere in the arms industry.

Last year, Kalashnikov began mass launching new products (which has not happened for decades), which immediately revealed a number of shortcomings in the organization of production. Shortcomings were seen, evaluated, and work was done on the bugs. In general, the enterprise took up, and, it seems, seriously, the so-called "production culture". They introduced obvious requirements for the state of the workplace, even encroached on the traditional oiled rags and rags - they are replacing them with a special cloth for wiping.

The changes also affected the small rooms, closets and fences that were common for factory workshops of the late USSR era. Here, in the 101st shop, everything was once arranged in this way: even if the partition was glazed, the glass was painted over, glued, corrugated - so long as nothing was visible outside. I set up a table behind three cabinets, brought a kettle and make tea in a cozy closet! It got to the ridiculous: the masters in their “bandeyks” sat without getting out at all, often the workers did not really know who exactly their master was. This concept had to be completely broken and changed to a new, more open one. Since the global change affected everyone at the enterprise, the division director had to endure a real battle with military acceptance. For everyone means for everyone.

Partitions and closets were demolished, the walls were replaced with a dotted marking line, highlighting specialized areas for movement, storage, etc. in space. Production transparency has come. It played a positive role in terms of the efficiency of supplying each assembler with the necessary parts: it became clear who and where what lack or excess of parts and how to overcome such distortions at the micro level.

The eradication of closets was painful for the workers, but administrative measures, albeit with a scratch, the idea of ​​a production open space was finally realized. By the way, it also touched upon the office of the division director. The director in his new office has not yet had time to really settle down, there is no time. The old office of Dmitry Tarasov was four times larger than the new one - with a shower room, a sofa, a dining room and two entrances. Dmitry himself believes that he does not need the classic bossy "sitting" in the office - the director must spend most of his working time in production or at meetings different levels. Today, director Tarasov's standard working day consists of approximately 15,000 steps (the pedometer in the watch vigilantly counts each step) - this is approximately 12-13 kilometers.

In the office of the division director.

Next to the director's office is the TsUP - the production (or flow) control center. The premises of the Center are equipped with special windows that allow you to observe the processes in production live. Dmitry Tarasov noted that video surveillance was given to the workers, of course, easier (the enterprise is a secure one, without control anywhere), but full transparency was psychologically much more difficult to endure, while people get used to the new working conditions.

View from the special window of the director's office on the production lines of the 102nd workshop.

Transparency touched not only people, but also machines. The machine park and workshop orders in operation were consolidated into a single ERP system that reflects the situation in the workshops and the status of all work in real time. Each intrashop order or order received from outside is registered in the system and displayed on monitor screens. This significantly reduced the purely paper workflow, and setting up system filters allows you to immediately see current and overdue orders, so that planning meetings have a reason to discuss what needs to be improved first and where. According to the accumulated statistics (more than 150,000 electronic orders processed) Introduction electronic system reduced the response time for some applications by as much as 4 times.

At the stage of implementing the ERP system, we again had to face "opposition on the ground": there is a main production facility and 10-15 supporting services around it. It used to be very difficult to manage the fate of a “footballed” application to one of these services, but now everything can be seen immediately and very clearly: who, when, to whom, with what exactly they turned and what was the result of the appeal. The implementation of the system took about a year, and now it has about 2,500 users. Foremen and foremen still have access to the system, but in the future access will be provided to all employees without exception. Dmitry Tarasov is sure that by combining all intrashop communication between employees of all levels, the concern will receive not only economic benefits.

In the adjacent rooms there is a command post where meetings and planning meetings are held. All walls in command post» finished in a special way - you can leave inscriptions on them. Gathered, thought, drew, determined what to do next. At planning meetings, at the suggestion of the director of the division, they tend to discuss issues that are as close to the "ground" as possible.

I asked a question about smoking. For employees who smoke, they made special smoking booths right in the shop. The very smoking in working time is not welcome, because there are no benches in the "smoking rooms" and they are small in themselves, so that smokers do not gather in large numbers and do not linger on smoke breaks. In general, during working hours, you can go for a five-minute smoke break three times a day, but there is no total surveillance of compliance with the “five-minute” standard, if you feel the urge, you can smoke 4-5 times.

Convenient ashtrays are installed in the smoking room, the room itself is forcibly ventilated.

Advanced Japanese manufacturing approaches in action: The main idea of ​​the "kaizen approach" is obvious - the improvement of the manufacturing process must be carried out daily and continuously. Product improvement leads to an increase in competitiveness, turning the philosophy of attitude towards one's work into pure economic profit.

The division encourages bottom-up initiative. For masters in production, for example, a special “grading” system was introduced. Each foreman can, by feasible reasonable measures, increase the productivity of labor in his area and, thereby, increase the size wages twice for his micro-collective. This spurs internal competition in production, it makes economic sense for workers to study, improve their skills and act collectively. To exit to new stage or “grade” the team needs to catch up and start meeting the new production requirements: for example, to reduce scrap to a specified minimum percentage. Dmitry Tarasov believes that this is a completely feasible task for many employees of the enterprise. Impossible tasks in the weapons division were once called "ambitious". According to Dmitry, there are no impossible tasks in production now.

Participants of the inspection photo ride: from left to right, representatives of blogs bmpd , yarin_mikhail and .

Several personnel from the 102nd workshop, the reorganization and transformation of which has not yet been completed.

The management of the division is trying to introduce a special philosophy into the basis of production, which makes it possible to overcome the global unfavorable factors inherent in capitalism, primarily instability.

From the arms production workshops, they smoothly moved to the newly opened logistics center of the Kalashnikov concern.

A tour of the logistics center is conducted by Farid Kalimulin, head of the bureau in the Procurement and Logistics Department.

The unified logistics center of the Kalashnikov concern opened just before our visit. Prior to the opening of the center, there were 33 separate warehouses on the territory of the enterprise, "specializing" in different categories of material assets and several kilometers apart from each other. If it was necessary to assemble something heterogeneous to fulfill an order, it was necessary to drive equipment and people to different warehouses, complete the order, spending an unacceptable amount of time and effort on all this. The situation has changed, now everything (with a few exceptions) is stored “under one roof”.

Climatic microzoning has been implemented in the new warehouse. The same zoning in the center is also provided for compliance with the "regime" - not every employee can get into any corner of the center, sometimes this requires a separate special permit.

In the “non-categorical” storage zone, everything that cannot be attributed to any large category is stored - ferrous and non-ferrous metals, wood, chemistry, etc. Warehouse "to failure" is not filled and when proper organization storage will never be full. This approach will make it possible to simplify the work of receiving and issuing materials and not to freeze money for nothing.

Previously, metal could be stored "in bulk" even on the street, which led to rust. If the corrosion layer was small, then additional mechanical processing of the raw material was required before it was put into operation, but it also happened that the raw material deteriorated irretrievably - this is a direct economic loss. In addition, the new logistics center allows for 100% compliance with the well-known FIFO principle: First In, First Out - “first in, first out” when receiving and issuing materials.

The new warehouse complex is fully computerized, due to which it was possible to significantly reduce the flow of paper documentation and to abandon the usual running of storekeepers to the accounting department for signing and approval. Each storage cell is marked with its own barcodes. This seriously speeds up each warehouse work operation and makes the accounting of existing material assets transparent.

The logistics center is no longer closed for inventory (previously this was regularly done on weekends and holidays), which in itself reduces the cost risk for the enterprise. Storage is made addressable, possible negative influences « human factor”: “I forgot”, “mixed up”, “gave out the wrong kind”. Computerization has changed the number of employees from 23 to 14 storekeepers, the "reduced" people were transferred to other areas of work, some went to production.

Worn-out loading and unloading equipment was a separate headache for Kalashnikov, now logisticians are provided with a new fleet of equipment. This side loader for working with ferrous metal is now being tested in the center, they say it has proved to be excellent, it will be purchased for work in Kalashnikov.

We are moving to the workshops for the production of special equipment of the Kalashnikov concern. We are met by Vyacheslav Bukharov, Deputy Director of the Special Equipment Production Division for Development.

From practical observations: even a large photographer is about half the size of an average employee of the Kalashnikov concern.

Production of special equipment - anti-tank guided missiles of the Vikhr complex are manufactured and assembled here. Such anti-tank systems are armed with Russian attack aircraft of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, combat helicopters Ka-50 and Ka-52 and some boats and ships. It also produces components for the "Shell" - a ground-based self-propelled anti-aircraft missile and gun system (ZRPK).

A large number of women are employed in production. This, of course, is not news, but in routine, conveyor operations, for example, assembly, women show themselves better than men.

Automotive equipment arrives from KAMAZ to Kalashnikov under its own power, and containers for equipment also arrive there. And already all the stuffing for the machines of the "Pantsir" complex (except for combat ones) is made and installed here. High-precision machine tools for machining work in the workshops, the machine park itself has been updated by about 80%. Here they went the same way of increasing manufacturability as in the arms industry - they reduced the labor intensity of many operations, “straightened” production flows and received a noticeable gain in time and labor efforts. Saving. The workshops are already secret, you can look at some areas of work, but you can’t shoot anything except what is clearly permitted.

From the workshops for the production of special equipment we head to the canteen.

Those who wish can afford delights, for example, brighten up dinner with pineapples in syrup.

One floor above is a working dining room. There are no special differences, except that the tables are denser.

Here, the employees of the enterprise will be offered several options for a full-fledged complex lunch at a fixed price of 95 rubles. The enterprise compensates its workers for 45 rubles of this amount. Such a low cost is the requirement of the Kalashnikov management, which is striving to provide its employees affordable food and the principled position of the General Director Alexey Yuryevich Krivoruchko. Those who wish to eat on their own and bring meals from home are also provided with all the necessary conditions in special rooms for eating.

Compote from fresh apples is obviously prepared according to some special recipe.

A visual demonstration of the menu - like in army canteens.

AT training center"Kalashnikov" operates a production mini-university.

Employees of the enterprise have the opportunity to get new theoretical knowledge here and consolidate it in practice.

For new employees of the enterprise, several training grounds have been created that imitate sections of real workshops.

All the little things are reproduced, allowing you to quickly adapt to real production.

The conference hall "Kalashnikov" also did not stand idle. There was some sort of safety meeting going on there.

This concludes the first part of the story. In the next part of the photo story: a story about the weapons of the chief designer Sergei Vladimirovich Urzhumtsev and some data on the current state of affairs on the projects of the 5.45-mm AK-12 assault rifle (index 6P70) and the 7.62-mm AK-15 assault rifle (index 6P71), developed by Kalashnikov as part of the ROC Ratnik.

The Kalashnikov Group of Companies is one of the leaders in the domestic arms industry and a system-forming structure of the small arms sector of the Russian military-industrial complex

The Kalashnikov Group of Companies is the largest Russian manufacturer of small arms, guided artillery shells and a wide range of precision weapons. A large segment of civilian products includes hunting rifles, sporting rifles, machine tools and tools. The Group's product areas are: remotely controlled combat modules, unmanned aerial vehicles, multifunctional special-purpose boats, civil shipbuilding, auto, motorcycle and electric vehicles, tactical clothing and equipment, medical equipment, aerospace products.

CEO - Dmitry Valerievich Tarasov.


Since 1807, Izhevsk gunsmiths have been producing regular small arms. Already after 5 years, during the war with Napoleon, the Russian army received more than 6 thousand flintlock guns. Until 1857, about 1 million guns and rifles were made at the plant.

During the First World War, Izhevsk armed more than one and a half million soldiers with rifles.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War Izhmash produces small arms, aircraft guns, machine guns and anti-tank rifles. About 12,000 updated three-rulers come out every day. After the war, the plant mastered the production of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. AK-47 and its models are gaining fame not only in the USSR, but also far beyond its borders. The Soviet Union produces up to 600,000 weapons a year. This is the most massive machine in the world.

In 2017, the company celebrated its 210th anniversary and 70 years since the creation of the AK-47 assault rifle.

Concern "Kalashnikov" today

To date joint-stock company The Kalashnikov Concern is a system-forming structure of the small arms sector of the Russian defense industry. A blocking stake of 25% plus one share belongs to Rostec State Corporation, 75% minus one share belongs to private investors. The Kalashnikov Group of Companies includes: JSC Concern Kalashnikov, JSC Izhevsk Mechanical Plant; shipbuilding enterprises of the full cycle LLC "Holding Company of the Rybinsk Shipyard" and "Shipyards of the Nobel Brothers", OJSC "Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant", developer and manufacturer of unmanned aircraft aircraft and helicopter type ZALA AERO GROUP, NPO Molniya and a number of others.

Products "Kalashnikov"

The concern is the flagship of the domestic small arms industry, it accounts for about 95% of the production of small arms in Russia. Characteristics Izhevsk weapons combine the latest technological advances with simplicity and ergonomics, making them indispensable for any category of users: from regular army soldiers to special forces, from law enforcement officers to ordinary people seeking to ensure their safety.

The company started production the latest machines AK-12 caliber 5.45 mm and AK-15 caliber 7.62 mm. Concern "Kalashnikov" is completely updating the line of small arms intended for the armed forces. In particular, the AK-12 and RPK-16 are designed to replace the AK-74, AK-74S and AK-74M assault rifles and RPK-74 light machine guns, respectively. Both samples meet modern requirements in the field of reliability, ergonomics and modular design.

The company is strengthening its capabilities in the development and production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). In August 2017 subsidiary ZALA AERO presented a new tactical UAV ZALA 421-16E2 with a flight range of up to 50 km, as well as the REX-1 device designed to suppress UAVs.

In 2017, the Kalashnikov Concern revived the legendary IZH motorcycle brand. The Russian military and police have already begun testing an electric motorcycle created by the concern.

The Kalashnikov Group of Companies pays Special attention diversification of products, in particular, by expanding its competencies in the field of shipbuilding, unmanned aircraft and ground equipment. Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, part of the Kalashnikov Group of Companies, produces medical equipment and microelectronics. Their products include, for example, therapeutic hypothermia devices and pacemakers.

Development and innovation

Today, the group of companies is implementing a development strategy until 2020, the main priorities of which are the release of a wide range of competitive products on the world market, increasing the efficiency of production processes, building an effective management structure and creating comfortable working conditions for all employees of the enterprise.

The Group includes:

JSC Concern Kalashnikov
JSC "Izhevsk Mechanical Plant"
Rybinsk Shipyard Holding Company LLC
LLC "Shipyards of the Nobel Brothers"
OAO Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant
NPO Molniya
and a number of others.

Concern "Kalashnikov" - a manufacturer that develops and manufactures automatic and sniper weapons, guided artillery shells and civilian products.

Concern "Kalashnikov" is considered the greatest Russian manufacturer and manufacturer of combat self-acting and sniper weapons, guided artillery shells, and a wide range of civilian products: hunting rifles, sporting rifles, machine tools and tools. The concern's equipment is exported to 27 countries of the world, including the United States of America, England, Germany, Norway, Italy, Canada, Kazakhstan and Thailand. The concern is managed by Alexey Krivoruchko.

history of the company

The creation of the concern took place on the basis of the Izhmash Research and Production Association. The Izhevsk Arms Plant was founded in 1807 by the decree of the ruler Alexander I, and became a supplier of firearms and edged weapons to the Russian army in the war of 1812. From that moment on, not a single major victory of the Russian army was won without the Izhevsk gun.

During the Second World War, Izhevsk gunsmiths carried out a genuine working feat, arming one rifle division every day. From 1941 to 1945, 11,145,000 rifles and carbines, 15,141 aircraft guns, and 131,310 anti-tank guns were produced.

In the post-war period, the institution continued to provide high-quality weapons to the law enforcement agencies of our state and many allied states.

In addition, the plant started the creation of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, which is still in service with armies and special forces around the world. In 1975, the production community "Izhmash" was created.

By 2008, the Izhmash group included within a hundred legal entities, a large proportion of which was in a state of ruin. In 2010, the Russian Technologies State Corporation performed an audit of the company, which proved that the situation on it was deplorable: in practice, only 32 legal entities operated, although they had a multi-level system of government that duplicated options and the highest level of overhead costs. The total responsibilities of the Izhmash team by the beginning of 2011 were within 19 billion rubles. The degree of production potential did not exceed 20%.

Rostec decided to restructure the system through bankruptcy and merger. The task was set to preserve the research and production and personnel potential and raise Izhmash to the world leadership in the manufacture of small arms.

In 2011, the NPO Izhmash concern itself was created, uniting all the specialized areas of work within itself. The establishment of control over economic flows occurred in a short time, as did the normalization of industry financing, the payment of salaries to employees and the maintenance of current payments. Anti-crisis measures in 2011 led to a threefold increase in operating profits and a 10% reduction in costs.

In 2011, I was lucky enough to double the level of equipment productivity. The result of the activities carried out amounted to about 100 million rubles.

Izhmash's income increased significantly due to the expansion of sales markets. In 2011, we were lucky to achieve a 50% increase in the size of shipments for sale in the United States of America, which accounts for 65% of the global market for sporting and hunting weapons. Izhmash equipment is exported to 27 countries of the world, including the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Germany, England, Norway, Kazakhstan, Thailand and South Africa.

For 9 months, the percentage of exports to Germany increased by 77% compared to 2011, to the United States - by 62%, to Italy - by 84%. A partnership was concluded with New Zealand and Ukraine.

At the beginning of August 2013, on the basis of the conclusion of the state corporation Rostec, OAO NPO Izhmash was renamed the Kalashnikov Concern.

The emergence of the concern is considered one more event on the way to the formation of a sheer pre-established holding of small arms. In the future, the manufacturer will connect Izhevsk Mechanical Plant OJSC, Vyatka-Polyansky Machine-Building Plant Molot, NITI Progress, KBAL im. L.N. Koshkina and other enterprises of the shooting area, and the area of ​​​​ammunition.

Production today

The production carried out by the concern is:

  • military small arms, weapons for law enforcement forces;
  • sports and hunting weapons;
  • aircraft guns;
  • high-precision guided artillery shells;
  • control and verification machines of guided weapon systems;
  • machine tools;
  • high quality tools and precise workpieces.

Concern "Kalashnikov" is a 90% monopoly, producing domestic automatic and 95% sniper small arms, and 10 types of other weapons.

famous weaponry

AK is an exclusively famous technique of NPO Izhmash. Due to the excellent simplicity of the device, the inimitable combination of technological data, the Kalashnikov assault rifle is recognized as the best small arms in the 20th century. For 65 years, the famous AK, which is the emblem of sustainability, has been adopted by the law enforcement agencies of our state and in 106 countries of the world.

Now the manufacturer is already producing the 4th generation of Kalashnikov assault rifles - AK of the "hundredth" line: AK-101, AK-102, AK-103, AK-104, AK-105. Also in production, work is underway to improve the widest weapon of the Russian Army - the AK-74 assault rifle.

Another well-known product of the concern are sniper rifles. For almost fifty years, the Dragunov rifle has been the best weapon for army snipers. The needs of specialists working in special units are satisfied by rifles SVDS, SV-98, SV-99, SV-338. Work is underway to form the latest versions of sniper weapons.

For many years, the manufacturer has been considered the main Russian manufacturer of sports weapons and a monopoly producing rifles for biathlon. Rifles of the type - "Biathlon" were chosen by most famous Russian athletes: Alexander Tikhonov, Alexander Privalov, Vladimir Melanin, Viktor Mamatov, Valery Medvedtsev, Renata Safina, Svetlana Ishmuratova, Tatyana Pyleva, Anna Bogaliy-Titovets. Now the first team of the Russian Federation is performing with rifles developed according to the new technology: Evgeny Garanichev and Ekaterina Glazyrina, Olga Vilukhina and Yana Romanova.


Since 2011, under the control of chief designer Vladimir Zlobin, developments have been carried out to form the 5th generation Kalashnikov assault rifle. With the release of the AK-12, the designers were lucky enough to significantly upgrade the ergonomics and performance parameters of the machine, and adapt it to modern condition fight. Along with this, all the original parameters for Kalashnikov assault rifles were left unchanged: simplicity of the device, high stability, operational strength and relatively low manufacturing costs. Early tests of the AK-12 began, and in 2013-2014. the machine will be adopted by the Russian law enforcement agencies and allowed for serial production. AK-12 will be a multifunctional base for the production of up to 20 various variants of civilian and military guns with the ability to fire cartridges from 5.45x39 mm to 7.62x51 mm.

The Federation of Practical Shooting of the Russian Federation put forward an order together with the association of athletes at the beginning of April 2012 in the design and technology center of NPO Izhmash, a sporting rifle "Saiga-12" was created. 340. With a fresh model of a shotgun, the Rostec group became the Russian Federation's favorite in utility shooting, also taking silver in the most elite competition - the World Shotgun Championship.

In a row latest developments in the field of civilian, sports and hunting products: latest versions hunting rifles, the Saiga-9 carbine chambered for 9x19 (civilian version of the Vityaz-SN submachine gun), Los-10 and Los-11, the Saiga-12 sp. 340" used in practical shooting, the airsoft version of the AK-74M for airsoft training and others.

The Kalashnikov Concern is the largest Russian developer and manufacturer of combat automatic and sniper weapons, guided artillery shells, a wide range of civilian products: hunting rifles, sporting rifles, machine tools and tools. The company's civilian product segment includes hunting rifles, sporting rifles, machine tools and tools. 51 percent of the concern's shares belong to the state corporation Rostec, 49 percent were bought out by private investors. Kalashnikov products are supplied to more than 27 countries around the world.

The company was created on the basis of the Scientific and Production Association "Izhmash", the date of foundation of which is 1807. The renaming was carried out on August 12, 2013.

Performance indicators


In 2014, the Kalashnikov Concern's revenue increased by 28 percent and amounted to about three billion rubles, exceeding the same indicator in 2013 by 700 million rubles. Earlier it was reported that the projected revenue of the Kalashnikov Concern according to the results of 2014 will be more than 9 billion rubles.

“Despite the sanctions following the results of 2014, Kalashnikov for the first time in the last seven years reached a net profit and almost doubled the production of small arms to 120,000 items,” said Alexei Krivoruchko, general director of the Kalashnikov concern. According to him, the concern managed to achieve growth in production volumes due to civilian products. “In 2015, we will continue to increase production volumes and plan to increase at the level of 20-25 percent,” Krivoruchko said.


According to the results of 2013, the revenue amounted to just over 2 billion rubles. In 2013, the loss of Kalashnikov amounted to 1.7 billion rubles.



"Kalashnikov" will be engaged in drones

Both light and heavy drones are being tested. The difference of the latter is that they can fly without additional recharging for several days and carry several tons of cargo. Already in the summer of 2018 will be launched mass production such UAVs.

IDF loan for diversification

The cost of the project is 678.7 million rubles, of which 67.7 million rubles. can be provided by the IDF in the form of a concessional loan.

“Defense-industrial complex enterprises have a huge technical and production potential, but investment funds are often not enough to translate it into new civilian production. IDF programs offering "long and cheap money" can become drivers for the transition of dozens of defense enterprises to "civilian rails". For example, the Kalashnikov Concern faced a high level of equipment wear and a lack of capacity to expand the production of civilian small arms, ”said Roman Petruta, director of the FRP.

With the help of the IDF loan, the concern intends to set up a pilot shop for machining parts, where, in particular, rifles for our biathletes will be produced.

“This is the first such project for the concern. It was important for us to understand how the IDF works and how long it takes to make a decision. Thereafter positive experience we are considering the possibility of applying for more capital-intensive projects aimed at the production of civilian products under the Conversion program, - added Aleksey Krivoruchko, General Director of the Kalashnikov Concern.

The concern plans to export part of its products to the CIS, countries of the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

With the attraction of the IDF loan, the enterprise will produce three types of civilian weapons.

  • Saiga MK-107 is the world's first self-loading hunting carbine with balanced automatics, which makes it possible to significantly increase the stability of the weapon when firing from unstable positions.
  • "Tiger" is the only hunting weapon created on the basis of the Dragunov sniper rifle.
  • "Biathlon" - sports rifles for biathlon, which are used by athletes in competitions, including the Olympic Games.

Update of the system of work with suppliers

Starting from the end of 2017, Kalashnikov, which is part of the Rostec state corporation, intends to adhere to the changed philosophy of interaction with suppliers within the integrated supply chain, the concern reported on October 5, 2017. As conceived by the concern, the updated system will, first of all, make it possible to neutralize the long-standing problem associated with the current cost-based SDO "cost plus" pricing method, which stimulates production in vertically integrated structures and does not allow the development of external suppliers.

At the same time, the Kalashnikov concern is moving towards solving a number of other problems inherent in the industry:

  • Attraction of investment capital: relatively small domestic market and low demand does not ensure the payback of projects, and thus repels investment capital.
  • Supplier competency development: Russian suppliers do not have sufficient competencies in supply chain management, marketing, quality management, costs, etc.

According to Alexey Krivoruchko, General Director of the Concern, the enterprise faces an important task of switching to a transparent and efficient model of cooperation in the production of the final product in general and supply chain management in particular. Concern "Kalashnikov" intends to introduce the functionality " personal account supplier" within the ERP system of the enterprise in order to ensure uninterrupted teamwork, optimize costs and accelerate the launch of developments on the market.

The Kalashnikov Concern has already developed and implemented a comprehensive methodology for evaluating suppliers according to the main criteria: quality, logistics and price. If necessary, the group's employees will conduct audits at partner enterprises in order to create a development program and reduce costs. Information based on the results of the assessment is used when scheduling audits of problematic suppliers. The best suppliers will be involved in the development of the concern as partners.

In general, it is expected that the combined efforts of the concern and suppliers will reduce the cost of products, shorten the cycle from order to delivery, improve the quality and technical equipment of military and civilian products.

Transition to digital technologies in production

On September 22, 2017, the head of Rostec, Sergey Chemezov, launched a “production line of the future” at the Kalashnikov concern, which involves the introduction of technologies and business processes of the so-called “Industry 4.0” at this site.

The project allows you to "digitize" production, from the design stage to automated transport system excluding manual labor, and automatic ordering of the necessary parts at the right time. In addition, the equipment on the line can be configured remotely, and the designers, technologies and production itself will be in a single digital environment.

One of the monitoring and management tools has become virtual reality technology, which combined data various systems in one virtual office.

It is also planned to introduce additional technologies using artificial intelligence in production, which will allow not only to deal with emergency situations that have already arisen, but also to predict their occurrence.

In particular, we are talking about a scrap tracking system that is able to recognize scrap and fix such tendencies to it as equipment overheating, sound changes, vibrations, etc.

According to Aleksey Krivoruchko, General Director of the Kalashnikov Concern, this project is a “zero-loss production”.


In 2014, Kalashnikov began to develop new sales markets, primarily in the Asia-Pacific region and Africa. At the same time, Kalashnikov sees for himself the main priority in maintaining the position of a key supplier of weapons for the Ministry of Defense and other law enforcement agencies. Russian Federation. The expected total investment will be about 5 billion rubles.

Concern "Kalashnikov" presented the development strategy and the concept of modernization

The implementation of the modernization project will make it possible to qualitatively change production technologies, while reducing current costs and energy costs. In addition, the measures taken will have a positive impact on working conditions and productivity. In general, it is planned to allocate more than 4 billion rubles for the program for technical re-equipment, overhaul and new construction in 2014-2017.

Kalashnikov launched a modernization program; in the first year, the Concern's management invested more than 1 billion rubles in updating the current fleet of machine tools.

- Thanks to the chosen strategy for the development of the Kalashnikov concern and the attraction of private investment, we are already seeing a serious increase in the efficiency of the concern, - said [[Chemezov Sergey Viktorovich | Chemezov Sergey]. - According to the results of the first half of the year, the production of small arms has more than doubled, there is a global modernization of production, new technologies are being introduced, and the competitiveness of manufactured products is growing. According to our estimates, in the near future these changes will reduce the labor intensity of production by 30%. All this allows us to say with confidence that the experience of public-private partnership is successful, and within the framework of Rostec's development strategy, it can be extended to other enterprises.

One of the key areas of work to optimize production is the introduction of MIM technologies - a new method for manufacturing high-precision parts by pressing plastics. This will allow the production of parts complex shape with virtually no post-processing. As a result, the labor intensity of production in a number of areas will decrease by 90%, 140 pieces of equipment will be released, and 1200 square meters. m production areas. In 2014-2015, it is planned to introduce more than 40 new parts manufactured using MIM technology, of which 15 have already been tested.

- One of our strategic goals is to increase the competitiveness of our products in the global market through systematic and consistent work aimed at increasing labor productivity and production efficiency, - explained Alexei Krivoruchko, General Director of the Kalashnikov Concern. - The production modernization program will reduce the amount of required equipment by more than half. The production area will be reduced by more than 40%. As for the production of special equipment, here we expect a reduction in costs by 15-20%, while the production capacities themselves will be increased, which means that the range and volumes of products will expand.

The industrial re-equipment program is a continuation of the global process of financial recovery and reorganization of the Concern, which was launched after the sale of 49% to private shareholders and the appointment of a new CEO at the end of January 2014. In 2013, the loss of Kalashnikov amounted to 1.7 billion rubles. At the same time, according to the results of the first half of 2014, the production of small arms doubled to 60,000 units, and the enterprise was tasked with maintaining this momentum and continuing to increase production volumes.

According to Sergei Chemezov, Izhevsk will become the main platform for the creation and mass production of modern small arms. The program for the development of the shooting industry until 2020, developed by the Rostec State Corporation together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, has been approved and agreed upon with all departments, direct customers and the Ministry of Industry.

JSC Concern Kalashnikov is the largest Russian manufacturer of military automatic and sniper weapons, guided artillery shells, as well as a wide range of high-precision weapons.

A large segment of civilian products includes hunting rifles, sporting rifles, machine tools and tools.

The concern is the flagship of the domestic small arms industry, it accounts for about 95% of the production of small arms in Russia.
Products of the Kalashnikov Concern are supplied to more than 27 countries.

The Concern includes 3 product weapons brands: Kalashnikov - military and civilian weapons, Baikal - hunting and civilian weapons, IZHMASH - sporting weapons.
The Concern's new areas of activity are: remote-controlled combat modules, unmanned aerial vehicles and multifunctional special-purpose boats.

JSC "Kalashnikov Concern" is a backbone structure of the small arms sector of the defense industry of Russia and is the parent organization of the holding company in the field of promising models of specialized weapons systems for military purposes.

In terms of sectoral affiliation in the Russian defense industry system, Kalashnikov Concern JSC belongs to the Conventional Arms Industry (POW).

The activities of the Concern are carried out in the following areas:
military (including its disposal), service and civilian small arms;
high-precision ammunition for artillery weapons;
technical means for ensuring the operation and repair of rocket-artillery and armored weapons (means Maintenance and repair)
aircraft guns and guided missiles;
machine tools, high-quality tools and precision workpieces.

In list promising directions Concern's activities:
remote-controlled combat modules;
unmanned aerial vehicles;
multifunctional boats for special purposes.

Small arms of Izhevsk

Reliability and ease of use is what makes the weapons of the Kalashnikov Concern unique.

Since its foundation in 1807, the Izhevsk Arms Plant (now the Kalashnikov Concern) has been supplying the Russian army with firearms and edged weapons. Starting from the Patriotic War of 1812, not a single major Russian victory was complete without the products of Izhevsk craftsmen.

Concern "Kalashnikov" has the leading competencies in the country for the development and production of small arms systems. Currently, its design center is developing more than 50 promising projects in the interests of law enforcement agencies and the Russian Ministry of Defense, as well as civilian customers.
The main of these projects are the development of pistols, machine guns, self-loading sniper rifles and automatic grenade launchers.

Combat weapon

The most famous product of the enterprise is the Kalashnikov assault rifle. Thanks to the ingenious simplicity of design, a unique combination of technical characteristics, it is recognized as the best small arms of the twentieth century and is in service with the security forces of our country and more than a hundred foreign countries.

Today, the company produces the fourth generation of Kalashnikov assault rifles - AK "hundredth" series: AK-101, AK-102, AK-103, AK-104, AK-105. State testing of the fifth generation Kalashnikov assault rifle AK-12 is nearing completion.

The concern supplies the country's special forces with SVD, SVDS, SVDM, SV-98, SV-99 sniper rifles, produces weapons for law enforcement forces - the Vityaz submachine gun, the 18.5 KS-K carbine and a number of other models.

Military products are manufactured by the Concern under the Kalashnikov brand.

civilian weapons

On the basis of the famous Kalashnikov assault rifle, many samples of civilian weapons have been created. On the basis of the AK "hundredth series" and other small arms, three completely new types of civilian weapons have been developed - "Saiga-MK107",
"Saiga-9" and "Saiga-12 execution 340".

The Saiga-MK107 carbine was created on the basis of the promising AK-107 assault rifle. The main advantage of this model is the lack of momentum from impacts of moving parts in extreme positions, which makes it possible to make accurate and fast repeated shots.

The design of the carbine "Saiga-9" is based on the domestic submachine gun "Vityaz-CH" and is a novelty for both domestic and overseas market. The carbine has an increased level of reliability, and a high level of similarity with a real-life combat model attracts the attention of buyers to it.

In 2015, the Concern introduced a new shotgun Saiga 12, 340 version. shotguns – 2015 in Italy.
For the first time, all Russian medalists won a confident victory in the open class, performing with this particular gun.
This gun has recently entered the retail market.
The gun is distinguished from the previously presented samples by a reinforced receiver, a magazine volume increased to 10 rounds, as well as a quick reload system.
The muzzle brake significantly reduced recoil.
The increased level of reliability allows the use of the gun by both army and police units.

hunting weapon

Probably, there is not a single hunter older than three decades on the territory of the former USSR who would not hold in his hands any of the guns of Izhevsk production. IZH-17 and IZH-18, IZH-27 and IZH-58 could be found everywhere - from Kamchatka to Turkmenistan.
Guns faithfully served both fishermen and amateur hunters.

Mass serial production of smooth-bore hunting weapons began in Izhevsk in the middle of the last century. The choice of models in comparison with the present time was very small.

With the collapse of the USSR, weapons legislation also changed, rifled weapons became available to ordinary hunters, and both the conversion "Saiga" and "Tigers" and the purely hunting "Moose" and "Bars" went to the masses - all this was produced and is being produced by the Kalashnikov Concern "(formerly - IZHMASH).

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant (IZHMEH) also did not stand aside, not only expanding the basic line to versions for Magnum cartridges, combined guns, and so on, but also creating completely new models - "pumps", "self-loading". In addition, at the young armory Russian market All sorts of "foreign cars" began to appear en masse, and it was not at all easy for Izhevsk products to compete with them. However, despite all the difficulties, both Izhevsk plants "remained afloat", firmly occupying the niche of inexpensive, but at the same time reliable and durable weapons.

As you know, weapons production is one of the most conservative branches of engineering, many Constructive decisions do not change for decades (especially if they have proven their effectiveness and viability), however modern market requires a flexible and prompt response to demand, regular restyling of old and the release of new models of weapons. Since now both Izhevsk arms factories are part of the Kalashnikov Concern, one of the primary tasks facing the Concern's team is to modernize as soon as possible existing old models and gradually replace them with new ones that fully meet the modern requirements of the global arms market.

In the near future, the modernization will affect the MP-155 model (ergonomics, reliability of the bolt group, increased wear resistance, and so on), MP-43 (new stock, ejector, modified trigger, fuse and swivels, and much more), MP-27 ( new stock, improved appearance), "Los-7" (new coating of metal parts, ergonomic stock, increased reliability of magazine fastening, change in rifling pitch), "Bars-4" (similar to "Los-7" + introduction of new calibers).

In turn, the upgraded guns and carbines will be gradually replaced or supplemented with new, promising developments - for example, MP-144/142 and MP-234.

A separate area of ​​work is working with concepts, which during the work of both plants were developed a lot, but for a number of reasons, these concepts were not mass-produced. For example, the Maral carbine, the first version of which was developed back in the 90s of the last century, is a vivid example of this. Now the Maral test sample is undergoing field tests, the results of which will make a decision on finalizing the sample and subsequent mass production.

Also, the Baikal brand, under which all hunting weapons of Izhevsk will now be produced, will gradually include related hunting products selected from the best samples - now, for example, thermal underwear and hunting clothes.

Weapons, clothing and other related products produced under the Baikal brand undergo lengthy field tests before entering the market - it is this concept that allows us to offer hunters only what is reliable, properly designed and of high quality. For example, one of the last large-scale field tests of the Maral carbine prototype, an autumn hunting suit and two types of thermal underwear took place in Kamchatka.

Sports weapon

For many years, the Kalashnikov Concern (formerly Izhmash) has been the leading Russian manufacturer of sports weapons and the only company in Russia that produces biathlon rifles under the Biathlon-7 brand in various versions. The first sporting rifle was created in 1949 under the guidance of designer Evgeny Fedorovich Dragunov. And since 1950, the production of well-proven various kinds sports weapons, with the help of which now several generations of athletes from our and some other countries have set many world records and won the highest Olympic titles.

The Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant, among several defense enterprises, was entrusted with the development of specialized weapons for the high-quality training of our biathletes (as you know, the official “birth” of biathlon took place on March 2, 1958 at the world championship in Austria). Since then, for over 50 years, the Biathlon sporting rifle, developed by Izhevsk gunsmiths, continues to be very popular among athletes both at Russian and international competitions.

Sports weapons are produced by the Concern under the IZHMASH brand.

New segments

As part of the new development strategy until 2020, the Concern is expanding product line and enters new segments of the profile market.

Multifunctional boats

On the basis of the Rybinsk Shipyard Group of Companies, the Concern plans to develop and manufacture multifunctional boats intended for specialized departments.

The scope of products covers the fight against piracy and terrorism, allows the transfer of personnel and landing on an unequipped coast, its fire support, and also allows you to provide a full range of patrol and search and rescue operations.

Unmanned aerial vehicles

The concern also plans to conduct projects for the production of UAVs in Russia. Trademark ZALA will join the portfolio of brands of the Kalashnikov Concern.

On the basis of ZALA Aero, it is planned to develop and manufacture unmanned aerial vehicles, mobile and ground control stations.

The scope of the UAV will cover the protection of state borders, reconnaissance and rescue operations, as well as special operations.

Combat modules

Among the promising developments of the Concern is a new remotely controlled combat module (MBDU), land-based and water-based.

The module is equipped with a gyro stabilization system along two axes, automatic tracking of the selected moving target and storage of up to 10 fixed targets. The armor of the module provides protection against B-32 armor-piercing incendiary bullets of 7.62 mm caliber.

Four types of weapons can be installed on the module: machine guns of 12.7 and 7.62 mm calibers, an adapted version of the 30-mm AGS-17 automatic grenade launcher, as well as a new 40-mm automatic grenade launcher.

Concern today

Today, the Kalashnikov Concern is implementing a development strategy until 2020, the main priorities of which are the production of a wide range of products that are competitive on the world market, increasing the level of efficiency of production processes, building an effective management structure and creating comfortable working conditions for all employees of the enterprise.

The implementation of the investment program for 2014-2017 in the amount of 10.5 billion rubles is aimed at a comprehensive renewal of the enterprise's machine park, reduction of production space, cost reduction and a significant increase in labor productivity.

Production development

In 2015, a large-scale development program was launched production system by 2020, which aims to quadruple labor productivity, halve production costs and working capital, and quadruple the development and launch of new products. Economical effect, which the Concern plans to achieve through the implementation of a long-term program of development projects, may amount to about 3 billion rubles.

Concern "Kalashnikov", [email protected]