Job description of a civil defense specialist at the plant. Job description of a civil defense specialist. State Inspector for Small Vessels

Korenkov G.P., legal adviser Center for Health and Education Studies

Job description is the main organizational and legal document that defines the tasks, functions, duties, rights and responsibilities of employees. A clear organizational and legal regulation of official activities contributes to rational organization and increase labor productivity, more complete use of the professional and creative potential of human resources, provides greater objectivity in the certification of the employee, his encouragement and imposition on him disciplinary action.

A job description is drawn up for each position, is impersonal in nature and is declared to the employee against receipt when concluding an employment contract (agreement), incl. when moving to another position, as well as during the temporary performance of duties on the position.

The job description indicates the name of the institution, the specific position, the details of the approval and approval (Appendix 1).

The job description consists of four main sections:

General provisions;


A responsibility.

In the section "General provisions" indicate:

The level of education and additional professional training of the employee necessary to fulfill the stipulated official duties;

Requirements for work experience in the specialty;

The main requirements for the employee in relation to special knowledge and professional skills, as well as knowledge legal documents, teaching materials, methods and means used in the performance of official duties;

Fundamental organizational and legal documents on the basis of which the employee performs official activities and exercises his powers;

Scroll structural divisions and (or) individual positions of employees directly subordinate to him in the service (if any);

The procedure for replacing an employee and performing official duties in the event of his temporary absence.

The section may include other requirements and provisions that specify and clarify the status of the employee and the conditions of his activity.

In the section "Responsibilities" indicate the duties of the employee, taking into account the tasks and functions of a particular structural unit, with a detailed description of the main directions of its labor activity. The list of job responsibilities can be supplemented or reduced depending on the external and internal conditions of the institution.

In the "Rights" section, a list of the rights of the employee is given. It is allowed to specify certain rights, taking into account the specifics of the duties performed by the employee.

In the section "Responsibility" indicate the degree of responsibility of the employee for non-compliance with labor duties. This section also indicates how the financially responsible person bears in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation liability for damage to the institution. The section may include other items that clarify and specify the responsibility of the employee.

An integral part of the job description is the familiarization sheet (Appendix 2). It is allowed to place a mark on the familiarization of the employee with the instructions on the sheet of the job description itself. AT this case the corresponding mark must necessarily include the date and signature of the employee.

When drawing up job descriptions, it is recommended to comply with GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified Documentation Systems. Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation. Documentation Requirements", approved by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia of March 3, 2003 N 65-st. Although the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 are not mandatory for application and are advisory in nature, unified approaches to paperwork not only simplify the process of preparing documents, but also significantly improve their perception by employees.

The approval stamp of the job description is located in the upper right corner of the document. The job description is approved by the head of the institution or a specially issued document (order or instruction). When approving a document official The document approval stamp must consist of the word I APPROVE (without quotes), the title of the person approving the document, his signature, initials, surname and date of approval. When approving a job description by order or order, the approval stamp consists of the word APPROVED, the name of the approving document in the instrumental case, its date, and number. For example:


order (name of institution)

dated 06/27/2013 N 18

The procedure for agreeing, approving and enacting the job description

The job description must be coordinated with the relevant legal department (legal adviser) of the institution. If necessary, it is coordinated with other functional units of the institution, the head of a higher management body, the head of the structural unit, the staffing of which includes the specified position, the deputy heads of the institution in charge of the relevant structural units and activities.

The job description is approved by the head of the institution or other authorized official.

The agreed and approved job description is numbered, laced, certified with the seal of the institution and stored in the personnel department in accordance with the established record keeping procedure.

For current work, a certified copy is taken from the original job description, which is issued to the employee and head of the relevant structural unit of the institution.

The job description comes into force from the moment it is approved by the head of the institution or another official authorized to do so, and is valid until it is replaced by a new job description.

The requirements of the job description are mandatory for the employee from the moment he reads the instructions against receipt and until he is transferred to another position or dismissed, which is recorded in the appropriate column of the familiarization sheet.

Qualification characteristics

Qualification characteristics can be used as regulatory documents or serve as the basis for the development of job descriptions containing a specific list of job responsibilities of employees, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor and management, as well as their rights and responsibilities. Where applicable, job responsibilities included in qualification characteristic a certain position, can be distributed among several performers. When developing job descriptions, it is allowed to clarify the list of works that are characteristic of the corresponding position in specific organizational and technical conditions.

A sample job description for a specialist in civil defense and emergency situations is presented in Appendix 3.


Sample job description


(name of institution)




(name of institution)

___________ _____________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

"__" ___________ 201_



(full name of the position and structural unit of the institution for staffing)

I. General provisions

II. Job responsibilities ________________________

(Job title)

III. Rights ___________________________

(Job title)

IV. A responsibility ________________________

(Job title)

Head of structural unit


(position title) (signature, surname, initials, date)


Head of Legal Department (Legal Counsel)


(signature, surname, initials, date)

Familiarized by: (date and signature of the employee)




1. The familiarization sheet must be calculated for the number of employees who will be informed of this job description during the period of its validity.

2. On the back of the last sheet, an entry is made: "In this job description, ______ sheets are numbered, laced and stamped" (number in words). The entry is signed by the head of the institution or a person authorized by him, indicating the date.

3. A civil defense and emergency specialist should know: legislative, regulatory and legal and methodological documents in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic nature, ensuring fire safety and safety of people at water bodies; production and organizational structure of the organization; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of civil defense, prevention and elimination of emergencies; office work on civil defense and emergency situations; the procedure and terms for reporting on the implementation of measures for civil defense and emergency situations; the procedure for working with information constituting a state secret, and official information of limited distribution; requirements for official conduct; methods of conducting classes on civil defense and emergency situations; fundamentals of labor legislation; labor protection rules and regulations, industrial safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety; basic environmental standards and regulations; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on general issues industrial safety.

4. A civil defense and emergency specialist is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. A civil defense and emergency specialist is directly subordinate to the head of his structural unit or the deputy head of the organization for civil defense and emergency situations.

2. Job responsibilities

Participates in the planning, organization and coordination of civil defense, prevention and elimination of emergencies in the organization. Participates in the development and control over the functioning of the civil defense system, prevention and elimination of emergencies in the organization in accordance with state regulatory requirements. Interacts with authorities in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety and safety of people at water bodies. Develops and corrects the object's civil defense plan and the object's action plan for the prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies. Develops other local documents on civil defense issues, prevention and elimination of emergency situations. Organizes training of employees of the organization on civil defense issues. Organizes the creation, logistics and training of civil defense formations in the organization and in its structural divisions. Controls the maintenance of protective structures civil defense In the organisation. Timely communicates to the employees of the organization new regulatory and methodological documents, requirements and instructions on civil defense issues, prevention and elimination of emergencies. Upon receipt of a signal about the threat of emergency situations, organizes the notification of the management staff of the organization and the emergency commission. Plans and organizes command and staff exercises (trainings) and other exercises on civil defense, prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies. Owns full information about the fire condition and design features of buildings and structures at subordinate facilities, fire danger technological processes, characteristics of fire-fighting water supply, condition of passages, communications and signaling. In case of emergencies, it acts in accordance with a pre-approved plan of action in case of emergency, including the issues of notifying the management and employees of the organization, deploying civil defense units and eliminating emergencies, evacuation, and other urgent measures. Carries out regular inspections of the state of civil defense and the system for preventing and eliminating emergencies in the whole organization and in its structural divisions. Based on the results of inspections, it develops proposals for improving the civil defense system, preventing and eliminating emergencies. Organizes the provision, updating and storage of funds in accordance with the current regulatory legal acts personal protection, reconnaissance and dosimetric control devices, etc. Organizes fire and preventive work in accordance with the current regulations in the field of fire safety. Conducts fire-fighting briefings for newly hired, organizes and conducts classes on the fire-technical minimum with workers and employees, as well as explanatory work on fire prevention. Organizes and controls the work of the fire-technical commission (PTK) and the object voluntary fire brigade. Supervises the implementation of the instructions of the state fire supervision. Participates in monitoring the implementation of the budget of the organization in the field of civil defense, prevention and elimination of emergencies, evaluates the effectiveness of the use financial resources in terms of achieving the goals and objectives. Develops proposals to improve the effectiveness of measures to improve the civil defense system, the prevention and elimination of emergencies. Participates in the work of the commission on civil defense, emergency response and fire safety. Provides methodological assistance to the heads of structural divisions of the organization in the field of civil defense, prevention and elimination of emergencies. Conducts monitoring and ongoing analysis organizational structure, technical equipment of the organization, industrial, fire and other risks, state regulatory requirements in the field of civil defense and emergency situations, advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of civil defense and emergency situations. Compiles and submits reports in the prescribed form in a timely manner.

3. Rights

A civil defense and emergency specialist has the right to:

1. make proposals to the management on the improvement of civil defense and emergency situations in organizations, incl. on the organization and conditions of their labor activity;

2. use information materials and legal documents necessary for the performance of their duties;

3. submit to in due course its organization in governing bodies and other organizations on civil defense issues, prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies, fire safety and military registration;

4. submit to the head of the civil defense organization calculations and proposals for organizing and conducting civil defense activities and ensuring fire safety;

5. receive from the heads of structural divisions of the organization necessary information to perform assigned official duties;

6. exercise control over the implementation of measures for civil defense, emergency prevention and fire safety in the structural divisions of the organization;

7. to prohibit the conduct of hot work carried out in violation of fire safety rules;

8. make proposals to the management on encouraging or imposing disciplinary sanctions on employees based on the results of fulfilling the requirements of civil defense, prevention and elimination of emergencies, fire safety;

9. pass certification in accordance with the established procedure with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;

10. improve your skills.

A civil defense and emergency specialist uses all labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

The Civil Defense and Emergency Specialist is responsible for:

1. timely and high-quality implementation of the duties assigned to him;

2. timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions of the management, regulatory legal acts in their activities;

3. compliance with internal regulations, fire safety and safety;

4. maintaining the documentation provided for by the current regulatory legal acts;

5. observance of executive discipline and performance of official duties by employees subordinate to him (if any);

6. prompt action, including timely informing the management, to eliminate violations of safety, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the institution, its employees and other persons.

For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory legal acts, a civil defense and emergency specialist can be brought to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the misconduct.

Persons who do not have special training or work experience specified in the "Qualification Requirements" section, but who have sufficient practical experience and perform their official duties qualitatively and in full, on the recommendation of the attestation commission, are appointed to the relevant positions in the same way as persons with special training and work experience.


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


civil defense specialist

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job duties, rights and responsibilities of a civil defense specialist [Name of organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. A civil defense specialist is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position in the established current labor law by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. A civil defense specialist belongs to the category of specialists.

1.4. The Civil Defense Specialist reports directly to [title of immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.5. A person who has the appropriate qualifications may be appointed to the position of a civil defense specialist:

Civil Defense Specialist: higher vocational (technical) education without requirements for work experience or secondary professional education and at least 3 years of experience in the related field.

Category II civil defense specialist: Higher professional education and work experience in the field of activity for at least 3 years.

Civil defense specialist of the 1st category: higher professional education and at least 3 years of work experience as a civil defense specialist of the II category.

Leading civil defense specialist: higher professional education and work experience as a civil defense specialist of category I for at least 3 years.

1.6. In the practical activities of a civil defense specialist should be guided by:

  • legislation, regulatory legal acts, as well as local acts and organizational and administrative documents;
  • internal work schedule;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • this job description.

1.7. The civil defense specialist must know:

  • constitution Russian Federation;
  • laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies;
  • methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of a civil defense specialist;
  • fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • rules on labor protection and fire safety.

1.9. During the temporary absence of a civil defense specialist, his duties are assigned to [deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

A civil defense specialist is required to perform the following labor functions:

2.1. Develops regulatory, methodological and organizational documents on civil defense issues.

2.2. Carries out an analysis of the state of civil defense and prepares an annual report on the state of civil defense in the organization, keeps records of objects and property of civil defense, selects methods or logical methods to justify decisions made.

2.3. Participates in the development and implementation of organizational and technical measures for civil defense, conducting civil defense exercises.

2.4. Develops the procedure for organizing and conducting civil defense in the organization.

2.5. Organizes the collection and exchange of information in the field of civil defense.

2.6. Distributes and implements the most effective methods of work to promote civil defense measures.

2.7. Participates in the preparation of documents on the organization of civil defense activities, develops plans for civil defense and protection of the population.

2.8. Prepares proposals for improving the work in the assigned area of ​​activity.

2.9. Participates in the development and implementation of activities aimed at improving the sustainability of the organization in emergency conditions and wartime.

In case of official necessity, a civil defense specialist may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

The civil defense specialist has the right to:

3.1. Receive full and reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements at the workplace.

3.2. Receive materials and documents related to the issues of his professional activities.

3.3. Receive vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws.

3.4. Interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues that are part of its functional responsibilities.

3.5. To propose for consideration by the head of the proposal to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.

3.6. Report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.

3.7. Get workplace, which meets the state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement.

3.8. Collaborate with all divisions of the Company to resolve operational matters their professional activities.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. A civil defense specialist bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.1.7. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.8. infliction material damage and / or losses to the enterprise or third parties related to the action or inaction during the performance of official duties.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of a civil defense specialist is carried out:

4.2.1. The immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation by the employee of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Certification Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of a civil defense specialist is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The work schedule of a civil defense specialist is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. In connection with the production need, a civil defense specialist may travel to business trips(including local values).

Acquainted with the instructions ______ / ____________ / "__" _______ 20__

Question from Tatyana:

Good afternoon! Please tell me, is it necessary to introduce the position of a civil defense and emergency specialist? And what is the size of this position?

To be or not to be, a specialist in civil defense and emergency situations ...

Reply to Tatyana:


According to Art. 12 of the Federal Law of February 12, 1998 No. 28-FZ “On Civil Defense”, the bodies that manage civil defense, including structural units (employees) of organizations authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, created (appointed) in the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The regulation on the creation (appointment) in organizations of structural units (employees) authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1999 No. 782.

According to paragraphs. 2, 4-6 of the Regulations, structural units (employees) for civil defense are created (appointed) in organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, in order to manage civil defense in these organizations. The number of employees in a civil defense structural unit or individual civil defense employees in other divisions of the organization is determined based on paragraphs 6-8 of the Regulations on the structural units (employees) of organizations authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, approved by the Order of the EMERCOM of Russia dated 31.07. 2006 No. 440:

6. The number of employees in a structural unit or individual civil defense employees in other divisions of the organization (representative offices and branches) is determined according to the following standards:

1. In organizations that continue to work in wartime:

  • up to 1000 employees according to the staff list - 1 exempt employee;
  • from 1000 to 5000 employees according to the staff list - 2-3 exempt employees;
  • from 5,000 or more employees according to the staffing table - 4-5 exempt workers;
  • up to 200 employees according to the staff list - 1 employee (part-time);
  • from 200 or more employees according to the staff list - 1 exempt employee.

2. In organizations that stop working in wartime:

  • the appointment of released workers authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense is not mandatory.

When determining the number of employees in structural divisions or individual civil defense employees in organizations as part of its divisions (representative offices and branches) operating in the field of education, the total number of trainees is taken into account.

7. The number of structural units (employees) authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense is fixed by the administrative document of the corresponding head.

8. In organizations classified as civil defense, with the number of employees over 5,000 people (taking into account their representative offices and branches) with a total number of employees over 10,000 employees, the head of the civil defense structural unit is ex officio the deputy head of the organization and is appointed to the position in agreement with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia ( territorial body Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the subject of the Russian Federation).


That's all. If you liked the answer, put rating stars a little lower and share a link to this note with your colleagues in in social networks, forums, etc. ;) Thanks for support!

My assistant for the development of the official group on VKontakte, Svetlana Podberezina, answered the question.

To be continued …

I. General provisions

1. 1. An engineer for civil defense and emergency situations (hereinafter referred to as an engineer for civil defense and emergency situations) belongs to the category of specialists.
1. 2. A person with a higher, professional education is appointed to the position of engineer for civil defense and emergency situations without presenting requirements for work experience.
1. 3. Appointment to the position of an engineer for civil defense and emergency situations and dismissal from the position is carried out by order of the director of the facility in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
1. 4. The civil defense and emergency engineer carries out his activities in accordance with the current legislation, orders, orders and instructions of the management of the facility, the territorial department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a higher organization, this instruction, internal labor regulations.
1. 5. Engineer for civil defense and emergency situations must know: methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials on the organization of civil defense, prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies, the basics of labor legislation; rules and regulations on labor protection, industrial safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety, environmental standards and regulations, Federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on general issues of industrial safety, modern computer equipment.
1. 6. Administratively, the civil defense and emergency engineer reports to the head of the civil defense - the director of the facility.

II. Job Responsibilities

civil defense and emergency engineer:
2. 1. Develops and corrects the civil defense plan of the object and the protection of the population and the action plan of the object for the prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies.
2. 2. Develops documents on civil defense issues, prevention and elimination of emergencies at the facility for the new academic year.
2. 3. Organizes training of employees of the facility on life safety.
2. 4. Carries out regular checks of the state of civil defense at the facility.
2. 5. Takes into account the accumulation and saves personal protective equipment, reconnaissance and dosimetric control devices in the facility's civil defense warehouse.
2. 6. Organizes the creation, staffing and training of non-standard emergency rescue teams in the structural divisions of the facility.
2. 7. Controls the maintenance of protective structures of civil defense in the divisions of the facility.
2. 8. Develops and timely submits reports and reports on the forms of urgent reports to the commission for emergencies and safety of the higher organization, as well as reports and reports to the commission for emergency situations and safety of the facility.
2. 9. Promptly communicates to the employees of the facility new documents, requirements and instructions on issues of civil defense, prevention and elimination of emergency situations.
2. 10. Upon receipt of a signal about the threat of natural and man-made emergencies:
2. 10. 1. Together with the dispatching service, organizes notification of the management staff of the commission for emergency situations and the safety and security of the facility.
2. 10. 2. Organizes control over the readiness for the reception of sheltered protective structures of civil defense, available in the subdivisions of the object.
2. 10. 3. Organizes control over the reduction of explosive and flammable substances stored at the facility.
2.11. In the event of natural and man-made emergencies:
2.11.1. Participates in the organization of the work of the commission for emergency situations and the FSC of the facility, provides members of the CoES and FSC with the necessary documents.
2.11.2. Maintains constant communication between the CoES and the OPB of the higher organization and the municipal district.
2.11.3. Participates in the organization of reconnaissance of lesions (destruction) at the facility.
2.11.4. Together with the CoES and FSC organizes the collection of data on the situation at the facility and prepares the decision of the head of civil defense of the facility to conduct rescue and restoration work.
2.11.5. Submits reports to the CoES and OPB of a higher organization and municipal district.
2.12. Plans and organizes command and staff exercises (trainings) and other exercises on civil defense, prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies.
2.13. Owns full information about the fire condition and design features of buildings and structures at the facilities of the economy, the fire hazard of technological processes, the characteristics of fire water supply, the state of passages, communications and signaling;
2.14. Conducts confidential business.
2.15. Complies with the regime of trade secrets established in the parent organization.

III. Rights

The civil defense and emergency engineer has the right to:
3.1. Represent the object in accordance with the established procedure in other organizations on issues of civil defense, prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies.
3.2. Submit calculations and proposals for the organization and conduct of civil defense and emergency measures requiring an urgent decision to the head of the civil defense facility.
3.3. Receive from the workshops and services of the facility the information necessary to perform the assigned duties.
3.4. To control the correct conduct of civil defense and emergency measures in the divisions of the facility.
3.5. Submit proposals to the management of the facility to encourage or impose a disciplinary sanction on the employees of the facility based on the results of fulfilling the requirements of civil defense and emergency situations.
3.6. Use the information that trade secret, and other confidential information of the object only in the interests of performing official duties.
3.7. To exercise the rights provided for in Article 21 Labor Code RF.

IV. A responsibility

Civil Defense and Emergency Engineer is responsible for:
4.1. Improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. Causing material damage - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.4. Violation of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, orders, orders, instructions and provisions of a higher organization, facility, internal labor regulations.
4.5. Failure to submit required reports on time.
4.6. Disclosure and illegal use of information constituting a trade secret and other confidential information of the facility.
4.7. Improper execution of instructions and orders of the management of the facility.

I APPROVE __________________________
General Director ______JSC "_________"_______
(Business name)

Job description of the responsible for civil defense

1. General Provisions
1.1. This civil defense officer has been developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, federal law"About civil defense",
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 782 of July 10, 1999 and others regulations 1.2. The civil defense engineer (hereinafter referred to as the civil defense engineer) is the deputy chief of staff of the civil defense and emergency situations _______________________________________ for operational and combat
(name of company)
1.3. A civil defense engineer is appointed to a position and dismissed from the position by order of the head of the organization.
1.4. A person with a higher professional education is appointed to the position of civil defense engineer without presenting requirements for work experience.
1.5. Administratively, the civil defense engineer reports to the head of the organization, the chief of staff of civil defense and emergency situations.
1.6. The responsible for civil defense carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, orders, orders and instructions of the management of the organization and department for civil defense and emergencies _______________________________, this job description of the responsible for civil defense.

2. Functional responsibilities
2.1. Develops and corrects the organization's Civil Defense plan.
2.2. Develops documents (orders, directives, instructions, etc.) on civil defense issues of the organization.

2.3. Organizes civil defense training for employees of the organization
2.4. Carries out regular inspections of the state of civil defense at the organization's facilities.
2.5. It takes into account the accumulation and saves personal protective equipment, reconnaissance and dosimetric control devices in the organization's warehouse.
2.6. Organizes the creation, staffing and training of Civil Defense formations in the structural divisions of the organization.
2.7. Controls the maintenance of the protective structures of the Civil Defense in the structural divisions of the organization.
2.8. Timely brings to the employees of the organization new documents, requirements and instructions on civil defense issues.
2.9. Upon receipt of a signal about the threat of an emergency situation of a natural or man-made nature, organizes the notification of the management staff and control over the readiness to receive the sheltered employees of the organization (personnel) of the protective structures of the Civil Defense available in the structural divisions of the organization. Organizes control over the state of explosive and flammable substances stored at the organization's facilities.
2.10. In the event of emergency situations, civil defense exercises on the scale of an administrative entity:
- Participates in the work of the commission of the organization;
- provides the commission and employees with the necessary documents;
- organizes the collection of data on the situation at the facilities, in the subdivision of the organization;
- prepares the decision of the head of the Civil Defense organization on the conduct of rescue and restoration work;
- submits reports, information to the civil defense department (administrative unit);
2.11. Plans and organizes command and staff exercises (trainings) and other exercises on Civil Defense and fire safety. Carries out methodological control over the activities of the fire safety engineer of the organization.

3. Rights
3.1. Represent the organization in accordance with the established procedure in other organizations on all issues of Civil Defense.
3.2. Submit to the Chief of Staff of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, the head of the organization, calculations and proposals for the organization and conduct of civil defense and fire safety measures that require an immediate decision.
3.3. Receive from the structural divisions of the organization and management the information necessary to fulfill the assigned duties.