Responsible for electrical workers

4 group

Topic 1. General provisions of the current norms and rules when working in electrical installations

1.What is an electrical installation? Answer: A set of machines, apparatuses, lines and auxiliary equipment intended for the production, transformation, transformation, transmission, distribution electrical energy and converting it into another form of energy

2. What electrical installation is considered valid? Answer:

3. What electrical installations according to the PUE are called closed (or internal)? Answer: Electrical installations located inside buildings that protect them from atmospheric influences, with the exception of electrical installations protected by canopies, mesh fences, etc.

4.What. according to the Rules for the installation of electrical installations are called electrical rooms? Answer: Premises or partitioned off parts of the premises in which electrical equipment is located, accessible only to qualified service personnel

5. What, in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules, is called a consumer of electrical energy? Answer: An electrical receiver or a group of electrical receivers united by a technological process and located in a certain area

6. What is included, in accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers, in the concept of "Operation"? Answer: stage life cycle product on which its quality is realized, maintained or restored

7. What is included, in accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations, in the concept of "Secondary power transmission circuits"? Answer: A set of rows of clamps, electrical wires and cables connecting devices and control devices, electrical automation, blocking, measurement, protection and signaling

8. Which electrical installations are subject to the requirements of the Electrical Installation Rules? Answer: For newly constructed and reconstructed electrical installations of direct and alternating current with a voltage of up to 750 kV, including special electrical installations

9. How are electrical installations divided according to electrical safety conditions? Answer: Electrical installations up to 1000 V and above 1000 V

10. What electrical installation is considered valid? Answer: An electrical installation or part thereof that is energized, or to which voltage can be applied by switching on switching devices

11. Who is covered by the Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations? Answer: For employees from among electrical, electrical and non-electrotechnical personnel, and for employers, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms), engaged in maintenance of electrical installations, conducting operational switching in them, organizing and performing construction, installation, commissioning, repair work, testing and measurements

12. Who is covered by the Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations? Answer: On organizations, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms, individual entrepreneurs operating electrical installations with voltage up to 220 kV inclusive, and citizens - owners of electrical installations with voltage above 1000 V

13. What is the liability for violation of the requirements normative documents during the operation of electrical installations? Answer: In accordance with applicable law

14. For what, in accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers, are employees directly responsible for servicing electrical installations? Answer: For violations that occurred through their fault, as well as for the incorrect elimination of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the service area by them

15. For what, in accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers, do employees who repair electrical installations bear personal responsibility? Answer: For malfunctions caused by poor quality repairs

16. For what, in accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers, are the head of the Consumer and the person responsible for electrical facilities personally responsible? Answer: For failure to comply with the requirements stipulated by the Rules and job descriptions

17. For what, in accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers, are the head and specialists of the energy service personally responsible? Answer: For violations in the operation of electrical installations due to untimely and unsatisfactory Maintenance and non-compliance with emergency measures

18. What should an employee do if he notices a malfunction of the electrical installation or protective equipment? Answer: Immediately report this to your immediate supervisor, in his absence - to a higher manager

19. What electrical receivers belong to the second category electrical receivers? Answer: Electric receivers, the interruption of power supply of which leads to a massive undersupply of products, mass downtime of workers, mechanisms and industrial transport, disruption of normal activities significant amount urban and rural residents

20. What electrical receivers belong to the first category electrical receivers? Answer: Electrical receivers, the interruption of power supply of which may entail: a danger to human life, a threat to the security of the state, a significant material damage, complex disorder technological process, disruption of the functioning of critical elements public utilities, communication and television facilities

21. How many power sources are needed to organize the power supply of power receivers of the second category? Answer: Two independent mutually redundant power supplies

22. Who and when determines the category of power receivers in terms of power supply reliability? Answer: Project organization in the process of designing the power supply system

23. How are premises classified in relation to the danger of electric shock to people? Answer: Premises without increased danger, premises with increased danger, especially dangerous premises

24. Which premises are classified as premises with an increased risk of electric shock to people? Answer: Any of the listed premises refers to premises with increased danger.

25. What, according to the Electrical Installation Rules, is called electrical rooms? Answer: Premises or fenced off (for example, with nets) parts of the premises in which electrical equipment is located, accessible only to qualified service personnel

26. What premises according to the PUE are called damp? Answer: Rooms where relative humidity exceeds 75%

27. What premises, according to the PUE, are wet? Answer: Rooms where the relative humidity is more than 60%, but does not exceed 75%

28. What premises according to the PUE are called dry? Answer: Rooms where relative air humidity does not exceed 60%

29. What is the nominal value of the parameter of an electrical device? Answer: Manufacturer-specified electrical device parameter value

30. How are power tools and hand-held electric machines classified according to the method of protection against electric shock? Answer: They are divided into 4 classes - zero, first, second and third

31. Who exercises state energy supervision over compliance with the requirements of the rules and regulations of electrical safety in electrical installations? Answer: Rostechnadzor

32. In what case is a comprehensive testing of the main and auxiliary equipment of an electrical installation before acceptance into operation considered to be carried out? Answer: Under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main and auxiliary equipment for 72 hours

33. In what case is a comprehensive testing of a power line before acceptance into operation considered to be carried out? Answer: Under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main and auxiliary equipment for 24 hours

34. Is it possible to take into operation electrical installations with defects and imperfections? Answer: Acceptance for operation of electrical installations with imperfections is not allowed

35. What frequency of revision of instructions and diagrams is the person responsible for electrical facilities required to ensure? Answer: At least once every three years

36. How is voltage supplied to electrical installations approved in accordance with the established procedure for operation? Answer: After obtaining permission from the energy supervision and the existence of an agreement with the energy supply organization

37. In what electrical installations is the appointment of a person responsible for electrical facilities? Answer: In all electrical installations, except for those where the owners of electrical installations above 1000 V - citizens or electrical facilities include only ASU, lighting installations and electrical equipment with a voltage not exceeding 380 V

38. Who should ensure the reliability and safety of electrical installations? Answer: Consumers

39. Which of the following is the responsibility of the person responsible for electrical facilities? Answer: Organization of training, instruction, knowledge testing and admission to independent work of electrical personnel

40. How are zero working (neutral) conductors designated? Answer: Designated with the letter N and blue

41. What letter and color designation is used for protective earth conductors in electrical installations? Answer: Letter designation PE and color designation by alternating longitudinal or transverse stripes of the same width (for tires from 15 to 100 mm) of yellow and green colors

42. What letter and color designation is used for combined zero protective and zero working conductors? Answer: Letter designation PEN and color designation: blue color along the entire length and yellow-green stripes at the ends

43. What designations are used for tires with three-phase alternating current? Answer: Bus designation phase A - yellow, phase B - green, phase C - red

44 How are DC busbars designated? Answer: Positive tire (+) - in red, negative (-) - in blue and zero working M - in blue

45. With what neutral mode should electric networks with a voltage of 10 kV work? Answer: Both with an isolated neutral and with a neutral earthed through an arcing reactor or a resistor


2. What kind of personnel belongs to the electrotechnological? Answer: Personnel who maintains electrical installations, as well as complex energy-saturated equipment, the operation of which requires constant maintenance and adjustment

3. What kind of personnel is operational? Answer: Personnel performing operational management and maintenance of electrical installations (inspection, operational switching, preparation of the workplace, admission and supervision of workers, performance of work in the order of current operation)

4. What kind of personnel belongs to the repair? Answer: Personnel providing maintenance and repair, installation, adjustment and testing of electrical equipment

5. Who belongs to the operational-repair? Answer: Personnel specially trained and prepared for operational maintenance in the approved scope of electrical installations assigned to them

6. What kind of staff is administrative and technical? Answer: Managers and specialists who are responsible for organizing technical and operational maintenance, carrying out repair, installation and commissioning work in electrical installations

7. Who approves the List of positions and professions of electrical personnel who need to have an appropriate electrical safety group? Answer: Head of organization

8. How often is knowledge of electrical safety tested for electrical personnel carrying out repair work in electrical installations? Answer: At least once a year

9. What is the frequency of checking knowledge on electrical safety for personnel directly organizing and carrying out work on the maintenance of existing electrical installations? Answer: At least once a year

10. When is an extraordinary check of the knowledge of the staff? Answer:

11. Within what period from the date of the last knowledge test, employees who received an unsatisfactory assessment can be re-tested? Answer: Not later than 1 month from the date of the last check

12. What document is issued to personnel based on the results of testing knowledge on electrical safety? Answer: Certificate of the prescribed form

13. During what period should the internship of electrical personnel at the workplace be carried out before being assigned to independent work? Answer: From 2 to 14 shifts

14. What are the age limits for assigning III group in electrical safety? Answer: Group III can only be assigned to employees upon reaching the age of 18

15. During what period is duplication carried out before the admission of electrical personnel to independent work? Answer: 2 to 12 work shifts

16. For what period can duplication be extended for an employee if during the period of duplication the employee did not acquire sufficient production skills or received an unsatisfactory assessment in emergency response training? Answer: 2 to 12 work shifts

17. What measures are taken against an employee who, during the period of duplication, was recognized as unsuitable for this species activities? Answer: He is withdrawing from training

18 What are the obligations according to the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations assigned to the repair personnel? Answer: Provision of maintenance and repair, installation, adjustment and testing of electrical equipment

19. What responsibilities, according to the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, are assigned to administrative and technical personnel? Answer Organization of technical and operational maintenance, repair, installation and adjustment work in electrical installations

20. What electrical safety group should the person responsible for electrical facilities in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V have? Answer: Fourth

21. What electrical safety group should the person responsible for electrical facilities in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V have? Answer: Fifth

22. What is the minimum work experience in electrical installations that an employee with a higher professional (technical) education in the field of electric power should have to move from the third electrical safety group to the fourth? Answer 2 months in the previous group

23 What initial electrical safety group can be assigned to an employee when he is transferred from servicing electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V to servicing electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V? No higher than third

24. How many people should be in the commission of the organization for testing the knowledge of electrical personnel? At least 5 people

25. What electrical safety group should the chairman of the commission to test the knowledge of the consumer's electrical personnel with electrical installations above 1000 V have? Fifth

26. When is the next test of knowledge of administrative and technical personnel who are not involved in issuing orders and orders? At least once every three years

27. What electrical safety group should the chairman of the commission to test the knowledge of the organization's personnel with electrical installations up to 1000 V have? fourth

28. What are the requirements for seconded personnel? Answer: They must be trained and certified in electrical safety with the assignment of the appropriate tolerance group.

29. Who spends initial briefing seconded personnel when working in electrical installations up to 1000 V? Answer: An employee of the organization - the owner of electrical installations from among the administrative and technical personnel, who has group IV

30. What should seconded personnel go through upon arrival at their place of business trip? Answer: Introductory and primary in electrical safety

31. What training should electrical personnel undergo before starting work according to the order? Target

32. What training should electrical personnel undergo before starting work on the side? Target

Theme 3

1. What kind of work is referred to as stress relief work? : Work, when the voltage is removed from the current-carrying parts of the electrical installation on which the work will be carried out by switching off the switching devices, disconnecting the tires, cables, wires and measures are taken to prevent the supply of voltage to the current-blowing parts to the place of work

2. What is included in the concept of "Work permit"? The assignment for the production of work, drawn up on a special form of the established form and defining the content, place of work, time of its beginning and end, conditions for safe conduct, composition of the team and employees responsible for the safe performance of work

3. Which of the above works do not belong to special ones, the right to which is reflected in the certificate? Working with a megaohmmeter

4. What electrical safety group should have employees from among the operational personnel who solely serve electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V? Answer: Not lower than III group

5.Who has the right to single-handedly service electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V? Answer: Answer: Employees from among the operational or operational and repair personnel of the organization, having an electrical safety group of at least III, admitted to the work of the organization or a separate subdivision

6. Who has the right to conduct a sole inspection of electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V? Answer: An employee from among the operating personnel, having a group of at least III, serving this electrical installation in work time or on duty, or an employee from among the administrative and technical personnel, who has a group of at least V and the right to a sole inspection on the basis of the organization’s (separate subdivision) OSD

7 .Under what conditions are workers who do not serve it allowed to enter an electrical installation up to 1000 V? Answer: Accompanied by operational personnel with an electrical safety group of at least III or an employee entitled to a sole inspection

8. Who gives permission to release voltage in case of accidents to relieve the victim from the action of electric current? Answer: The voltage must be removed immediately without prior authorization.

9. Which of the listed activities are organizational? Answer: All of the above activities are part of the organizational

10. Which of the options contains a complete list of persons responsible for the safe conduct of work in electrical installations? Answer: Issuing the order, giving the order, approving the list of works performed in the order of current operation, responsible work manager, allowing, work foreman, supervisor, team members

11. Which of the following is not the responsibility of the issuer of the order that gives the order? Answer: For equipping an electrical installation for which an order is issued with a set of single-line diagrams

12. In what electrical installations does the issuing work order have the right not to appoint a responsible work manager when performing work? Answer When performing work in a switchgear with a voltage above 1000 V with a single sectioned or non-sectioned busbar system that does not have a bypass busbar system

13. What electrical safety group should the responsible work manager have when working in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V? Answer: fourth

14. What electrical safety group should the responsible work manager have when working in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V? Fifth

15. What electrical safety group should a person who is allowed to work in electrical installations have? Answer: In electrical installations up to 1000 V - the third, and in electrical installations above 1000 V - the fourth

16. What combination of duties is allowed for a responsible work manager? Answer: Producer of works and allowing (in electrical installations that do not have local operational personnel)

17. What combination of duties is allowed for the foreman from among the operational and repair personnel? Answer: Allowing (in electrical installations with a simple and clear diagram)

18. What is the supervisor responsible for in electrical installations? Answer: For the safety of the members of the brigade in relation to the electric shock of the electrical installation

19. What work, according to the order, in electrical installations with a voltage above 1000 V can be carried out by one employee who has a third electrical safety group? Answer: Work on electric motors and the mechanical part of fans and oil pumps of transformers and compressors

20. Who has the right to issue orders and orders? Answer: Employees from among the administrative and technical personnel of the organization who have group V - in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V and group IV - in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V

21. For what period is an order issued for the performance of work in electrical installations? Answer: No more than 15 calendar days from the date of commencement

22. For what period is an order issued for the performance of work in electrical installations? Answer: The order is of a one-time nature, its validity period is determined by the length of the working day of the performers

23. In what electrical installations can work be performed in the order of current operation? Answer: In electrical installations up to 1000 V

24. Which of the listed works can be attributed to the work performed in the order of current operation in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V? Removal and installation of electric meters, other devices and measuring instruments

25. For how long can an order for work in electrical installations be extended? Answer: No more than 15 calendar days from the date of renewal

26. Who has the right to extend work orders for electrical installations? Answer: Only the employee who issued the order, or who has the right to issue the order in this electrical installation

27. How long should work orders be kept for which work is fully completed? Answer: Within 30 days

28. After what period can orders be destroyed, the work on which is completely completed and there have been no accidents, incidents and accidents? Answer: After 30 days

29. How is the procedure for storing and issuing keys to electrical installations determined? Answer: Order of the head of the organization

30. How should the keys to electrical installations be stored? Answer: Registered with operational staff

31. What should be the distance from people and the tools they use to unshielded live parts in electrical installations with a voltage of 1-35 kV? Answer: Not less than 0.6 m

32. What protective equipment should be used when removing and installing live fuses in electrical installations above 1000 V? Answer: Insulating pliers (rod) using dielectric gloves and face and eye protection

33. In what sequence should I perform technical measures that ensure the safety of work with stress relief? Answer: Make the necessary shutdowns, hang prohibition posters, check the absence of voltage on live parts, install grounding, hang out index, warning and instructive posters

34. Who checks the preparation of the workplace in the absence of operational personnel? Answer: The work manager together with the work foreman with the permission of the operational staff

35. How can members of the team with the third electrical safety group leave the switchgear and return to workplace? Answer: With the permission of the manufacturer of works, independently

36. Who has the right to turn on electrical installations after the completion of work? Answer: An employee from among the operational personnel who has received permission to turn on the electrical installation

37. What measures should be taken to prevent the erroneous switching on of switching devices in the absence of fuses in the circuit during the scheduled repair of the electrical installation? Answer: You can take any of the above measures, or carry out the decoupling or disconnection of the cable, wires from the switching device or from the equipment on which the work will be carried out

38. What prohibition posters are hung on the drives of switching devices in order to avoid voltage supply to the workplace during repairs or scheduled inspections of equipment? Answer: "Do not turn on! People work"

39. What kind of prohibition posters are hung on the valves that block the access of air to the pneumatic actuators of the disconnectors in order to avoid voltage supply to the workplace during repairs or scheduled inspections of equipment? Answer: "Do not open! People are working"

40. Who is allowed to check the absence of voltage in a switchgear with voltage up to 1000 V? Answer: One employee from among the operational personnel who has group III

41. Who is allowed to perform a voltage absence test in a switchgear with a voltage higher than 1000 V? Answer: One employee from among the operational personnel who has group IV:

42 How many employees and with which electrical safety group should check the lack of voltage on overhead lines with a voltage above 1000 V? Two employees, one of which has group III, and the second - IV

43. Who has the right to install portable grounding in electrical installations above 1000 V? Answer: Two employees, one with group IV from the operational staff, the other with group III

44. What document gives the right to test electrical equipment using a mobile test facility? Answer: work permit

45. How often should electrical circuits of electrical installations be checked for compliance with actual operational ones? Answer: At least once every two years with a mark on them about verification

46. ​​Where should the operational diagrams of electrical installations of a separate section and electrically related other departments be located? Answer: At the workplace of operational personnel

47. In what case should the electric motors be immediately disconnected from the mains? Answer: In any of the above cases

48. Who has the right to carry out maintenance batteries and chargers? Answer: Specially trained personnel with III electrical safety group

49. How often should the emergency lighting be inspected and checked for proper operation? Answer: Once every six months

50. How often should periodic inspection of portable and mobile electrical receivers be carried out? Answer: At least once every 6 months

51. What composition of the team should carry out work on the hauling and replacement of wires on overhead power lines with voltage up to 1000 V? Answer: At least two people, and the foreman must have an IV electrical safety group

52. What voltage should be used to power portable (manual) lamps used in rooms with increased danger? Answer: Not higher than 50 V

53. Who should periodically conduct a selective inspection of cable lines? Answer: Administrative and technical personnel of the Consumer

54. How are responsible employees appointed for maintaining portable and mobile electrical receivers in good condition? Answer: By order of the Head of the consumer 55. Who has the right to connect and disconnect electric welding installations from the network? Answer: The electrical personnel of this Consumer with an electrical safety group of at least III

56. Who in the organization monitors the operation of electrical energy measuring and metering instruments, including recording devices and devices with automatic recording acceleration in emergency modes? Answer: Operational or operational-repair personnel

57. What megohmmeter measures insulation resistance when testing devices and circuits with voltage up to 500 V? Answer: Megger for a voltage of 500 V

58. What megger is used to measure the insulation resistance when testing devices and circuits with a voltage of 500 to 1000 V? Answer: Megger for a voltage of 1000 V

59. What megger is used to measure the insulation resistance when testing devices with voltages above 1000 V? Answer: Megger for a voltage of 2500 V

60. How are measurements made with a megohmmeter in electrical installations with a voltage above 1000 V? Answer: Work is carried out along

61. How are measurements made with a megohmmeter in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V and secondary circuits? Answer: Work is carried out according to the order

62. Who has the right to open electrical measuring instruments that is not related to work on the normal functioning of recording devices? Answer: Personnel of the subdivision performing the functions of the metrological service of the Consumer

63. Who should carry out the installation and replacement of measuring current and voltage transformers? Answer: Consumer's personnel in agreement with the energy supply organization

64. What should be the calibration period for a current transformer built into power equipment? Answer: The overhaul interval of the equipment on which they are installed is 65. In what voltage circuits should the current be measured? Answer: In circuits of all voltages, where it is necessary for the systematic control of the process or equipment

66. In what circuits is the voltage measured? Answer: All of the above chains


1. What is included in the concept of "Direct touch" in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules? Answer: Electrical contact of people or animals with live parts under voltage.

2. What is included in the concept of "Indirect touch" in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules? Answer: Electrical contact of people or animals with open conductive parts that are energized when the insulation is damaged

3. What, in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules, is understood as touch voltage? Answer: Voltage between two conductive parts or between a conductive part and earth when a person or animal touches them at the same time

4. What, in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules, is understood as step voltage? Answer: The voltage between two points on the earth's surface at a distance of 1 m from one another, which is taken equal to the length of a person's step

5. What, in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules, is called protective grounding? Answer: Grounding for electrical safety purposes

6. What, in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules, is called working grounding? Answer: Grounding of a point or points of current-carrying parts of an electrical installation, performed to ensure the operation of an electrical installation (not for electrical safety purposes)

7. What, in accordance with the Rules for the installation of electrical installations, is called a ground electrode? Answer: A conductive part or a collection of interconnected conductive parts that are in electrical contact with earth, directly or through an intermediate conductive medium

8. What protective measures are taken to protect people from electric shock through indirect contact in case of insulation damage? Answer: Protective earth

9. In which of the following cases is protection against direct contact not required? Answer: If the electrical equipment is located in the zone of the potential equalization system, and the highest operating voltage does not exceed 25 V AC or 60 V DC in rooms without increased danger and 6 V AC or 15 V DC in all cases

10. When should indirect contact protection be performed? Answer: In all cases, if the voltage in the electrical installation exceeds 50 V AC and 120 V DC

11. What can be used as natural ground electrodes? Answer: Metal water pipes laid in the ground

12. What material should artificial ground electrodes be made of? Answer: Made of black or galvanized steel or copper

13. What sign should be applied at the places where grounding conductors enter buildings? Answer:

14. Which buses are not allowed to be used as the main grounding bus? Answer: aluminum tires

15. How is the connection of grounding conductors to the grounding conductor and grounding structures? Answer: welding

16. Which of the following grounding systems applies to the TN system? Answer: A system in which the neutral of the power supply is solidly grounded, and the exposed conductive parts of the electrical installation are connected to the solidly grounded neutral of the source by means of neutral protective conductors

17. Which of the following grounding systems applies to the TN-C system? Answer: TN system, in which the zero protective and zero working conductors are combined in one conductor throughout its entire length 18. Which of the following grounding systems applies to the TN-S system? throughout

19. Which of the following grounding systems applies to the TN-C-S system? Answer: TN system, in which the functions of the zero protective and zero working conductors are combined in one conductor in some part of it, starting from the power source

20. What can be used as PE conductors in electrical installations up to 1000 V? Answer: Steel pipes for electrical wiring

21. From what sources should mobile electrical installations be powered? Answer: From a source with a solidly grounded neutral using TN-S or TN-C-S systems

22. What is the frequency of visual inspection of the visible part of the grounding device? Answer: Scheduled, but at least once every six months

23. What is the frequency of inspections of grounding devices with selective opening of the soil? Answer: On schedule, but at least once every twelve years

24. At what number of overhead line supports with grounding devices is selective opening of the soil to inspect these grounding devices? Answer: At 2% of supports

25. When should the earthing element be replaced? Answer: If more than 50% of its section is destroyed

26. What objects are classified as special objects according to the degree of danger of being struck by lightning? Answer: Objects that pose a danger to the immediate environment, social and physical environment

27. What objects are ordinary objects according to the degree of danger of being struck by lightning? Answer: Buildings with a height of not more than 60 m intended for trade and industrial production as well as residential and administrative buildings

28. What structural elements of buildings and structures can be considered as natural lightning rods? Answer: Any of the items listed

29. When are lightning protection devices checked and inspected to ensure continued reliability? Answer: Once a year before the start of the thunderstorm season

30. When are extraordinary measurements of the resistance of lightning protection devices carried out? Answer: After performing repair work both on lightning protection devices and on the protected objects themselves and near them

Theme 5

1. Which of the following does not apply to the main insulating electrical protective equipment for electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V? Answer: Dielectric galoshes

2. Which of the following does not apply to additional insulating electrical protective equipment for electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V? Answer: electrical meter

3. Which of the following options contains the correct list of basic insulating electrical protective equipment for electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V? Answer: Insulating rods of all kinds, insulating clamps, voltage indicators

4 Which of the following options contains the correct list of additional insulating electrical protective equipment for electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V? Answer: Dielectric gloves and boots, dielectric carpets and insulating supports, insulating caps and linings, side ladders, insulating fiberglass stepladders, transfer and potential equalization rods

5. Which of the following options contains a complete list individual funds protection? Answer: Protective equipment for the head, eyes, face, respiratory organs, hands, from falling from a height, special protective clothing

6. What should be done if the protective equipment is unsuitable? Answer: Remove from operation, make an entry in the journal of accounting and maintenance of means of protection about the withdrawal or in the operational documentation

7. What is the frequency of inspection of the state of protective equipment used in electrical installations? Answer: At least once every six months

8. Is it allowed to use expired protective equipment? Answer: not allowed

9. How can you determine that electrical protective equipment has been tested and is suitable for use? Answer: According to the stamp or marking on the protective equipment

10. In what electrical installations can control lamps be used as voltage indicators? Answer: Answer: The use of pilot lamps is prohibited.

11. In what electrical installations, when using a voltage indicator, is it necessary to wear dielectric gloves? Answer: In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V

12. What should be the time of direct contact of the voltage indicator with controlled current-carrying parts when checking the absence of voltage in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V? Answer: At least 5 s

13. In what electrical installations are voltage indicators used to check phase matching? Answer: In electrical installations with voltages from 6 to 110 kV

14. What are the requirements for appearance dielectric carpets? Answer: They must be with a corrugated front surface, one-color

15 In what electrical installations are dielectric gloves used as the main insulating electrical protective equipment? Answer: In electrical installations up to 1000 V

16 In what electrical installations are dielectric gloves used as an additional insulating electrical protective agent? Answer: In electrical installations above 1000 V

17 How are dielectric gloves checked for punctures?. Answer: By twisting them towards the fingers

18. In what electrical installations are dielectric galoshes used? Answer: In electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V

19. In what electrical installations are dielectric bots used? Answer: In electrical installations of all voltages

20 What are safety helmets for? Answer: To protect against all of the above

21. Which of the following posters are prohibited? Answer: Do not include! people work

22. Which of the following are warning posters? Answer: Beware! electrical voltage.

23. Which of the following posters are index posters? Answer: Grounded.

24. What type of safety posters is a "Caution! Electrical Voltage" poster? Answer: Warning

25. What type of safety posters does the poster with the inscription "Grounded" belong to? Answer: To index

Theme 6

1. Select correct order actions to save the life and preserve the health of the victim Answer: Release the victim from exposure to dangerous production factor, assess the condition of the victim, call ambulance take the necessary measures to rescue the victim

2. Specify the sequence of actions when providing first aid to the victim in case of loss of consciousness and absence of a pulse on the carotid artery. Answer: Make sure that there is no pulse on the carotid artery, release the chest from clothing and unfasten the waist belt, cover the xiphoid process with two fingers, strike the sternum with a fist, check the pulse, if there is no pulse, go to an indirect heart massage

3. How is it necessary to treat a burn with a violation of the integrity of the burn blisters and skin? Answer: Cover with a dry clean cloth, apply cold over the cloth for 20-30 minutes

4. What electric current is more dangerous for a person: direct or alternating? Answer: Up to 380 V AC is more dangerous, and above 500 V DC is more dangerous than AC

5. What effect does electric current have on the human body? Answer: Electric current has all the listed types of action on a person.

6. Which electric current loops (passage paths) through the human body are the most dangerous Answer: Both arms - both legs, left arm - legs, arm - arm, head - legs

7. What should be done first of all in case of electric shock to a person? Answer: Release the victim from the action of electric current, for this it is necessary to turn off the part of the installation that the victim touches

8. If an electric shock occurred at a height, where should first aid be started, on the ground or at a height? Answer: The victim needs to be lowered from a height as soon as possible in order to start providing assistance in more convenient and safe conditions.

9. What first aid should be provided to the victim from the action of an electric current if he is unconscious, but with a stable breathing and pulse? Answer: It is even and convenient to lay, loosen and unfasten clothes, create an influx of fresh air, let ammonia be smelled, sprinkle with water, ensure complete rest and call an ambulance

10. In what maximum radius from the place where the electric wire touches the ground can one get under the "stepping" voltage? Answer: Within a radius of 8 m from the point of contact

11. How should one move in the zone of "stepping" voltage? Answer: "Goose step"

12. In what case, in case of electric shock, is it necessary to call an ambulance for the victim? Answer: In all cases of electric shock, calling a doctor is mandatory, regardless of the condition of the victim.

13. What first aid should be provided to a person who has fallen under a lightning bolt? Answer: Carry out resuscitation measures, give painkillers and anti-shock drugs


for electrical personnel undergoing a test of knowledge of safety rules atGroup IV for electrical safety

Ticket number 1

1.1. What is the consumer obliged to ensure during the operation of electrical installations (clause 1.2.2 PTEEP)

1. uninterrupted power supply;

2. environmental protection;

3. voltage level on the supply devices.

1.2. What fire extinguishing agents are checked according to the approved schedule (clause 2.1.6 of the PTEEP).

1. primary;

2. stationary;

3. primary and stationary.

1.3. What does it include prompt service electrical installations (clause 3.1. POTEE).

1. repair of electrical installations;

2. inspection of electrical installations;

3. testing of electrical installations.

1.4. In what cases can one approach the place of a ground fault in electrical installations with a voltage of 3-35 kV and at what distance (clause 3.7 of the POTEE).

1. less than 4 m in closed switchgear and less than 8 m in outdoor switchgear, on overhead lines, for operational switching in order to eliminate the circuit and release people under voltage;

2. 4m in the switchgear and 8m in the switchgear, on the overhead line for operational switching in order to eliminate the circuit and release people under voltage;

3. less than 4m in indoor switchgear and less than 8m in outdoor switchgear, on overhead lines is allowed for routine work.

1.5. What is the responsible work manager responsible for when working on the side (clause 5.7. POTEE).

1. for the implementation of all the security measures specified in the work order and their sufficiency;

2. for the qualitative and quantitative composition of the brigade;

3. for the compliance of the electrical safety groups of the workers specified in the work order with the work performed.

1.6. AC grounding system 1T .Scheme. (clause 1.7.3 of the PUE 7th ed.).

1. a system in which the neutral of the power supply is isolated from earth or earthed through instruments and devices that have high resistance, and the exposed conductive parts of the electrical installation are earthed;

2. a system in which the neutral of the power source is solidly grounded, and the open conductive parts of the electrical installation are grounded using a grounding device;

3. a system in which the neutral of the power supply is solidly grounded.

Ticket number 2

2.1. In which case the person responsible for the consumer's electrical equipment may not be appointed (clause 1.2.4 of the PTEEP).

1. if the consumer is not engaged production activities and its electrical equipment consists only of ASU 0.4 kV, lighting and portable electrical equipment;

2. if the installed capacity of the electrical installation does not exceed 10 kVA;

3. if there are no specialists with electrical engineering education in the Consumer's staff.

2.2. What documentation should be maintained at the workplace of operational personnel (clause 1.8.9 of the PTEEP).

1. operational scheme, magazines: operational, accounting for work on orders and orders, etc., lists, forms, etc .;

2. single-line power supply scheme, magazines, lists, power supply contract, etc.;

3. single-line power supply diagram, magazines, lists, PPR schedule for electrical equipment.

2.3. What should the energy supply organization seal in the chain of settlement meters (clause 2.11.18 PTEEP).

1. terminal blocks of current transformers, gratings and doors of chambers where current transformers are installed;

2. current circuits of electrical measuring instruments and protection devices in any case;

3. gratings and doors of switchgear chambers.

2.4. Define the term "team" (clause 5.3.POEE).

1. a group of 2 or more people, including the foreman;

2. a group of 3 or more people, excluding the foreman;

3. a group of 2 or more people, including an admitting person from among the operational personnel who performs the duties of a work foreman.

2.5. For how long is it allowed to issue an order and whether it can be extended (clause 6.3. POTEE).

1. 5 calendar days without extension;

2. 10 calendar days without extension;

3. 15 calendar days with extension up to 15 days.

2.6. Is it allowed to connect the zero working and zero protective conductors on the shields under a common contact clamp (p. 7.1.36 PUE 7th ed.).

1. allowed;

2. not allowed ;

3. at the discretion of the subscriber.

Ticket number 3

3.1. In which switchgear and what switching is allowed to be performed by one employee from among the operational personnel (clause 1.5.40 of the PTEEP).

1. one employee from among the operating personnel is allowed to perform switching in the switchgear, as well as in the switchgear on boards and assemblies with voltage up to 1000V;

2. complex switching in switchgear with voltage above 1000V;

3. switching in switchgear with voltage higher than 1000V with faulty blocking devices.

3.2. What instructions should be provided with the workplaces of electrical (electrotechnological) personnel (clause 1.8.7 of PTEEP).

1. operational, labor protection;

2. operational, labor protection, official;

3. operational, labor protection, official, fire safety measures.

3.3. The reason for the extraordinary inspection of electrical equipment located in the explosive zone (clause 3.4.30 PTEEP).

1. automatic shutdown by protection devices;

3. interruption of work for more than 24 hours.

3.4. Who is solely allowed to check the absence of voltage in electrical installations with voltages above 1000V (clause 19.2. POTEE).

1. from among operational personnel with group IV;

2. from among the repair personnel having group IV;

3. from among the repair personnel having group V.

3.5. To whom the employee issuing the outfit conducts targeted briefing (clause 10.7. POTEE).

1. watching;

2. brigade members;

3. allowing.

3.6. Give a definition of the term "open conductive part" (clause 1.7.9 of the PUE 7th ed.).

1. accessible to touch conductive part of an electrical installation that is not normally energized, but which may become energized if the basic insulation is damaged;

2. a conductive part that is not part of the electrical installation;

3. the conductive part of an electrical installation that is under operating voltage during its operation.

Ticket number 4

4.1. The procedure for performing welding work in a closed or hard-to-reach space (clause 3.1.19 of PTEEP).

1. under the control of three observers, the welder must have a safety harness with a rope;

2. under the control of two observers, the welder must have a safety harness with a rope;

3. under the supervision of an observer, the welder must have a safety strap


1.2.1. The operation of electrical installations of Consumers must be carried out by trained electrical personnel.

Depending on the volume and complexity of work on the operation of electrical installations, the Consumers create an energy service staffed with appropriately qualified electrical personnel. It is allowed to operate electrical installations under an agreement with a specialized organization.

1.2.2. The consumer is obliged to provide:

  • maintenance of electrical installations in working condition and their operation in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, safety rules and other regulatory and technical documents (hereinafter referred to as NTD);
  • timely and high-quality maintenance, scheduled preventive maintenance, testing, modernization and reconstruction of electrical installations and electrical equipment;
  • selection of electrical and electrotechnological personnel, periodic medical examinations employees, conducting briefings on labor safety, fire safety;
  • training and testing the knowledge of electrical and electrotechnological personnel;
  • reliability and safety of operation of electrical installations;
  • labor protection of electrotechnical and electrotechnological personnel;
  • environmental protection during the operation of electrical installations;
  • accounting, analysis and investigation of violations in the operation of electrical installations, accidents associated with the operation of electrical installations, and taking measures to eliminate the causes of their occurrence;
  • submission of reports to the state energy supervision authorities about accidents, fatal, severe and group accidents related to the operation of electrical installations;
  • development of official production instructions and labor protection instructions for electrical personnel;
  • completion of electrical installations with protective equipment, fire extinguishing equipment and tools;
  • accounting, rational use of electrical energy and implementation of energy saving measures;
  • carrying out the necessary tests of electrical equipment, operation of lightning protection devices, measuring instruments and metering devices for electric energy;
  • compliance with the instructions of the state energy supervision bodies.

1.2.3. To directly fulfill the obligations for organizing the operation of electrical installations, the head of the Consumer (except for citizens - owners of electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V) appoints the person responsible for the organization's electrical facilities (hereinafter referred to as the person responsible for electrical facilities) and his deputy with the appropriate document.

For Consumers whose installed capacity of electrical installations does not exceed 10 kVA, an employee replacing the person responsible for electrical facilities may not be appointed.

The person responsible for the electrical facilities and his deputy are appointed from among the managers and specialists of the Consumer.

If the Consumer has the position of chief power engineer, the duties of the person responsible for the electrical facilities, as a rule, are assigned to him.

1.2.4. For Consumers who are not engaged in production activities, whose electrical facilities include only an input (input-distribution) device, lighting installations, portable electrical equipment with a rated voltage of not more than 380 V, a person responsible for electrical facilities may not be appointed. In this case, the head of the Consumer may assume responsibility for the safe operation of electrical installations by written agreement with the local state energy supervision authority by issuing an appropriate statement of obligation (Appendix No. 1 to these Rules) without testing knowledge.

1.2.5. Individual entrepreneurs performing maintenance and operation of electrical installations, carrying out installation, adjustment, repair work, testing and measurement under a contract must pass a knowledge test in in due course and have an appropriate electrical safety team.

1.2.6. Responsible for electrical facilities is obliged to:

  • organize the development and maintenance necessary documentation on the organization of operation of electrical installations;
  • organize training, instruction, knowledge testing and admission to independent work of electrical personnel;
  • organize the safe conduct of all types of work in electrical installations, including with the participation of seconded personnel;
  • ensure timely and high-quality performance of maintenance, scheduled preventive repairs and preventive testing of electrical installations;
  • organize the calculation of the Consumer's need for electrical energy and monitor its consumption;
  • participate in the development and implementation of measures for the rational consumption of electrical energy;
  • control the availability, timeliness of inspections and tests of protective equipment in electrical installations, fire extinguishing equipment and tools;
  • ensure the established procedure for admission to operation and connection of new and reconstructed electrical installations;
  • organize operational maintenance of electrical installations and liquidation of emergencies;
  • ensure the compliance of power supply schemes with the actual operational ones with a mark on them about the check (at least 1 time in 2 years); revision of instructions and schemes (at least once every 3 years); control of measurements of indicators of the quality of electric energy (at least 1 time in 2 years); advanced training of electrical personnel (at least once every 5 years);
  • control the correctness of the admission of personnel of construction and installation and specialized organizations to work in existing electrical installations and in the security zone of power lines.

The job description of the person responsible for electrical facilities should additionally indicate his rights and responsibilities.

1.2.7. The appointment of a person responsible for the electrical economy and his deputy is made after checking the knowledge and assigning the appropriate electrical safety group:

  • V - in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V;
  • IV - in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V.

1.2.8. On the proposal of the person responsible for the electrical facilities, the head of the Consumer may appoint those responsible for the electrical facilities structural divisions(branches).

The relationship and distribution of responsibilities between the structural divisions responsible for the electrical economy and the Consumer responsible for the electrical economy should be reflected in their job descriptions.

1.2.9. For violations in the operation of electrical installations, the following persons are personally liable:

  • the head of the Consumer and those responsible for electrical facilities - for failure to comply with the requirements provided for by the Rules and job descriptions;
  • workers directly servicing electrical installations - for violations that occurred through their fault, as well as for the incorrect elimination of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the serviced area;
  • workers conducting repair of equipment, - for violations in work caused by the poor quality of repairs;
  • managers and specialists of the energy service - for violations in the operation of electrical installations that occurred through their fault, as well as due to untimely and unsatisfactory maintenance and failure to comply with emergency measures;
  • heads and specialists of technological services - for violations in the operation of electrical equipment.

1.2.11. Violation of these Rules entails liability in accordance with applicable law.

Each employee who has discovered a violation of these Rules, as well as noticed a malfunction of the electrical installation or protective equipment, must immediately report this to his immediate supervisor, and in his absence - to a higher manager.

1.2.12. State supervision over compliance with the requirements of these Rules is carried out by state energy supervision bodies.

Basic information about electrical installations and electrical equipment. Terms and Definitions. General requirements safety rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations. Responsibility and supervision over the implementation of the norms and rules of work in electrical installations

1.What is an electrical installation?

· A set of devices used for receiving and distributing electricity and containing switching devices, prefabricated and connecting buses, auxiliary devices, as well as protection devices, automation and measuring instruments;

· A set of devices for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy, consisting of substations, switchgears, current ducts, overhead and cable power lines operating in a certain area;

· A set of machines, devices, lines and auxiliary equipment intended for the production, conversion, transformation, transmission, distribution of electrical energy and its conversion into another type of energy;

· An installation that serves to receive and distribute electricity and contains switching devices, combined and connecting busbars, auxiliary devices (compressor, battery, etc.), as well as protection, automation and measuring devices.

2. What electrical installation is considered valid?

· An electrical installation designed for the conversion and distribution of electrical energy;

· An electrical installation that serves to receive and distribute electricity and contains switching devices, prefabricated and connecting buses, auxiliary devices (compressor, battery, etc.), as well as protection devices, automation and measuring instruments.

3. What electrical installations according to the PUE are called closed or internal?

· Electrical installations protected from mechanical influences;

· Electrical installations located inside a building that protects them from atmospheric influences;

· Electrical installations protected by canopies from atmospheric influences.

4. What premises, according to the Electrical Installation Rules, are called electrical premises?

Premises or fenced off parts of the premises in which electrical equipment is located, accessible to all service personnel;

· Premises or fenced off parts of the premises in which electrical equipment is located, accessible only to qualified service personnel;

· Only fenced off and isolated parts of the premises where electrical equipment is located, accessible only to service personnel;

· Premises with normatively normal atmospheric conditions, in which electrical equipment is located, accessible to all service personnel.

5. What, in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules, is called a consumer of electrical energy?

· The electrical part of the power system and receivers of electrical energy powered by it, united by the common process of transmission and distribution of electrical energy;

· Electrical and thermal networks connected by the commonality of modes in the continuous process of transformation, transmission and distribution of electrical and thermal energy;

· An electrical receiver or a group of electrical receivers united by a technological process and located in a certain territory;

· Power supply systems for underground, traction and other special installations connected by common technological processes.

6. What is included in the concept of "Operation"?

the stage of the product life cycle at which its quality is realized, maintained or restored;

A set of activities that includes maintenance engineering systems and communications;

· Maintaining the life cycle of the product in order to ensure its compliance with the established requirements of technical documentation.

7. What is included in the concept of "Secondary circuits"?

· A set of rows of clamps, electrical wires and cables connecting devices and control devices, electrical automation, blocking, measurement, protection and signaling;

· A set of rows of clamps, electrical wires and cables connecting only instruments and control devices;

· A set of rows of clamps, electrical wires and cables connecting only devices and devices of electroautomatics, blocking, measuring, protection;

A set of rows of clamps, electrical wires and cables connecting only electrical automation, measurement, protection, control and signaling devices.

8. What electrical installations are subject to the requirements of the Electrical Installation Rules?

· Only for AC electrical installations with voltage up to 380 kV;

· For newly constructed and reconstructed electrical installations of direct and alternating current with a voltage of up to 750 kV, including special electrical installations;

· On the constructed electrical installations of direct and alternating current with voltage up to 750 kV;

for all electrical installations.

9. How are electrical installations divided according to electrical safety conditions?

· Electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V and above 1000 V;

· Electrical installations with voltage up to 10 kV and above 10 kV;

· Electrical installations with voltage up to 380 V and above 380 V;

Electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V and above 10000 V.

10. What electrical installation is considered valid?

· Correct electrical installation;

· Electrical installation or part thereof, which is energized, or to which voltage can be applied by turning on switching devices;

· Electrical installation, which is in constant operation;

An electrical installation that is energized at least 220 V.

11. Who is subject to the Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations?

· For employees industrial enterprises, which include electrical installations;

For employees of organizations, regardless of the form of ownership and organizational-legal forms and other individuals engaged in the maintenance of electrical installations, conducting operational switching in them, organizing and performing tests and measurements;

For employees from among the electrical, electrical and non-electrotechnical personnel, as well as for employers (physical and legal entities, regardless of the form of ownership and organizational and legal forms), engaged in the maintenance of electrical installations, carrying out operational switching in them, organizing and performing construction, installation, commissioning, repair work, testing and measurement;

· For employees of all organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, engaged in the maintenance of electrical installations and performing construction, installation and repair work in them.

12. Who is covered by the Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations?

· For organizations, regardless of ownership and legal forms, individual entrepreneurs operating existing electrical installations with voltage up to 220 kV inclusive, and citizens - owners of electrical installations with voltage above 1000 V;

· For organizations, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms, operating operating electrical installations with voltage up to 220 kV inclusive;

For organizations, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms, individual entrepreneurs operating existing electrical installations with voltage up to 220 kV inclusive, as well as for electrical installations power stations, block stations;

Organizations, regardless of ownership and legal forms, individual entrepreneurs operating existing electrical installations with voltage up to 380 kV inclusive, and citizens - owners of electrical installations with voltage above 380 V.

13. What is the responsibility for violation of the rules and regulations in the operation of electrical installations?

· Only criminal;

· Only administrative;

· Only disciplinary;

· In accordance with applicable law.

14. For what, in accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers, are employees directly responsible for servicing electrical installations?

· For violations that occurred through their fault, as well as for the incorrect elimination of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the serviced area;

For violations in work caused by poor quality of repairs;

15. For what, in accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers, do employees who repair electrical installations bear personal responsibility?

For untimely and unsatisfactory maintenance of electrical installations;

· For violations that occurred through their fault, as well as for the incorrect elimination of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the serviced area;

· For violations in work caused by the poor quality of repairs;

For violations in the operation of electrical equipment.

16. For what, in accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers, are the head of the Consumer and the person responsible for electrical facilities personally responsible?

· For failure to comply with the requirements stipulated by the Rules and job descriptions;

· For violations in the operation of electrical installations due to untimely and unsatisfactory maintenance and failure to comply with emergency measures;

For violations in the operation of electrical equipment.

17. For what, in accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers, are the head and specialists of the energy service personally responsible?

· For failure to comply with the requirements stipulated by the Rules and job descriptions;

· For improper liquidation by them of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the serviced area;

· For violations in the operation of electrical installations due to untimely and unsatisfactory maintenance and failure to comply with emergency measures;

For violations in the operation of electrical equipment.

18. What should an employee do if he notices a malfunction of the electrical installation or protective equipment?

· Take troubleshooting steps;

· Immediately report this to your immediate supervisor, in his absence - to a higher manager;

Call repair service;

· Troubleshoot yourself.

19. What electrical receivers belong to the second category electrical receivers?

· Electrical receivers, the interruption of power supply of which may entail: danger to human life, threat to the security of the state, significant material damage, disruption of a complex technological process, disruption of the functioning of especially important elements of public utilities, communications and television facilities;

· Electric receivers, the interruption of power supply of which leads to massive undersupply of products, mass downtime of workers, mechanisms and industrial transport, disruption of the normal activities of a significant number of urban and rural residents;

20. What electrical receivers belong to the first category electrical receivers?

· Electrical receivers, the interruption of power supply of which may entail: danger to human life, threat to the security of the state, significant material damage, disruption of a complex technological process, disruption of the functioning of especially important elements of public utilities, communications and television facilities;

· Electric receivers, the interruption of power supply of which leads to massive undersupply of products, mass downtime of workers, mechanisms and industrial transport, disruption of the normal activities of a significant number of urban and rural residents;

· Electrical receivers, the uninterrupted operation of which is necessary for an accident-free shutdown of production in order to prevent a threat to human life, explosions and fires.

21. How many power sources are needed to organize the power supply of power receivers of the second category?

· Two independent mutually redundant power supplies;

· One power supply is enough, provided that the interruption in the power supply in case of an accident or repair will not exceed 12 hours;

· Three independent mutually reserving power supplies;

· One power supply is enough, provided that the interruption in the power supply in case of an accident or repair will be no more than 24 hours.

· On the basis of normative documentation during the operation of the power supply system;

· In the process of designing the power supply system on the basis of regulatory documentation, as well as the technological part of the project;

· In the process of acceptance of electrical installations into operation on the basis of regulatory documentation.

23. How are premises classified in relation to the danger of electric shock to people?

Premises without increased danger and premises with increased danger;

· Premises without increased danger, premises with increased danger, especially dangerous premises;

· Non-dangerous, dangerous and especially dangerous premises;

· Non-dangerous, low-dangerous, dangerous and especially dangerous premises.

24. What premises are classified as high-risk premises?

· Premises characterized by the presence of dampness or conductive dust;

· Premises characterized by the presence of metal, earthen, reinforced concrete and other conductive floors;

Premises characterized by the presence of high temperature;

Premises characterized by the possibility of simultaneous contact of a person with the metal structures of buildings that are connected to the ground, technological devices, mechanisms, etc., on the one hand, and to the metal cases of electrical equipment (open conductive parts) - on the other;

· Any of the listed premises refers to premises with increased danger.

25. What, according to the Electrical Installation Rules, is called electrical rooms?

· Premises in which there is an electrical equipment with a voltage above 220 V;

Premises or fenced off (for example, with nets) parts of the premises in which electrical equipment is located, accessible only to qualified service personnel;

Any premises with electrical equipment with a power of more than 10 kW;

· Premises in which there are any electrical installations.

26. What premises are called damp?

· Premises in which the relative humidity does not exceed 60%;

· Premises where the relative humidity exceeds 75%;

· Premises in which the relative humidity does not exceed 90%;

27. What premises are wet?

· Premises in which the relative humidity is more than 60%, but does not exceed 75%;

· Premises where the relative humidity is within 80%;

· Premises in which the relative humidity is more than 75%, but does not exceed 90%;

· Rooms where the relative humidity is close to 100%.

28. What rooms are called dry?

· Premises where relative air humidity does not exceed 60%;

· Premises in which the relative humidity does not exceed 75%;

· Premises in which the relative humidity does not exceed 70%;

· Rooms where the relative humidity is close to 65%.

29. What is the nominal value of the parameter of an electrical device?

· The value of the parameter of the electrotechnical device set by the user;

· Specified in regulatory documents, variations in the values ​​of the parameter of an electrical device;

· The value of the parameter of the electrical device specified by the manufacturer;

· The average value of the parameter of an electrical device achieved during operation.

30. How are power tools and hand-held electric machines classified according to the method of protection against electric shock?

· They are divided into 4 classes - zero, first, second and third;

· Divided into 3 classes - the first, second and third;

· Divided into 4 classes - the first, second, third and fourth;

· Divided into 3 classes - zero, first and second.

31. Who exercises state energy supervision over compliance with the requirements of the rules and regulations of electrical safety in electrical installations?

· Russian Emergency Situations Ministry;

· Rostechnadzor;

· Ministry of Energy of Russia;


32. In what case is a comprehensive testing of the main and auxiliary equipment of an electrical installation before acceptance into operation considered to be carried out?

· Under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main and auxiliary equipment for 24 hours;

· Under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main and auxiliary equipment for 48 hours;

· Under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main and auxiliary equipment for 72 hours;

· Under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main and auxiliary equipment for 12 hours.

33. In what case is a comprehensive testing of a power line before acceptance into operation considered to be carried out?

· Under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main and auxiliary equipment for 24 hours;

· Under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main and auxiliary equipment for 8 hours;

· Under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main and auxiliary equipment for 12 hours;

· Under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main and auxiliary equipment for 16 hours.

34. Is it possible to take into operation electrical installations with defects and imperfections?

· It is possible, subject to the elimination of defects within a month from the date of acceptance of the electrical installation into operation;

· It is possible, if there is permission from the energy supervision;

It is possible if the existing defects do not affect the operation of the electrical installation;

· Acceptance into operation of electrical installations with imperfections is not allowed.

35. What frequency of revision of instructions and diagrams is the person responsible for electrical facilities required to ensure?

· At least once a year;

· At least once every two years;

· At least once every three years;

· At least once every five years.

36. How is voltage supplied to electrical installations approved in accordance with the established procedure for operation?

· After obtaining permission from energy supervision;

· On the basis of the order of the head of the Consumer;

· After obtaining permission from the energy supervision and the existence of an agreement with the energy supply organization;

· After coordination with energy supervision.

37. In what electrical installations is the appointment of a person responsible for electrical facilities?

· In all electrical installations, regardless of the owner;

In all electrical installations, except for those where the owners of electrical installations above 1000 V are citizens;

In all electrical installations, except for those where the owners of electrical installations above 1000 V - citizens or electrical facilities include only ASU, lighting installations and electrical equipment with a voltage not exceeding 380 V;

In all electrical installations, except for those where the electrical facilities include only ASU, lighting installations and electrical equipment with a voltage not exceeding 380 V.

38. Who should ensure the reliability and safety of electrical installations?

· Energy supply organization;

· Consumers;

· Energy supervision;

Service organization.

39. Which of the following is the responsibility of the person responsible for electrical facilities?

· Completion of electrical installations with protective equipment, fire extinguishing equipment and tools;

· Selection of electrotechnical and electrotechnological personnel;

· Organization of training, instruction, testing of knowledge and admission to independent work of electrical personnel;

All of the above are his responsibilities.

40. How are zero working (neutral) conductors designated?

· Marked with the letter N and green;

· Marked with the letter N and white;

· Designated with the letter N and blue;

· Indicated by the letter N and yellow.

41. What letter and color designation is used for protective earth conductors in electrical installations?

· Letter designation PE and color designation by alternating longitudinal or transverse stripes of the same width (for tires from 15 to 100 mm) yellow and green;

· Letter designation PEN and color designation: blue color on all length and yellow-green stripes on the ends;

42. What letter and color designation is used for combined zero protective and zero working conductors?

· Letter designation PEN and blue color along the entire length;

· Letter designation PE and color designation by alternating longitudinal or transverse stripes of the same width (for tires from 15 to 100 mm) yellow and green;

· Letter designation PEN and color designation: blue color on all length and yellow-green stripes on the ends;

· Letter designation N and blue color on all length.

43. What designations are used for tires with three-phase alternating current?

· ABOUT designation of tires of phase A - yellow, phase B - green, phase C - red;

· Designation of tires of phase A - green, phase B - yellow, phase C - red;

· Designation of tires of phase A - red, phase B - white, phase C - blue;

· Designation of tires of phase A - blue, phase B - white, phase C - red.

44. How are the tires designated at direct current?

· Positive tire (+) - in red, negative (-) - in blue and zero working M - in blue;

· Positive tire (+) - in green, negative (-) - in red and zero working M - in blue;

· Positive tire (+) - in red, negative (-) - in blue and zero working M - in white;

· Positive tire (+) - in green, negative (-) - in blue and zero working M - in blue.

45. With what neutral mode should electric networks with a voltage of 10 kV work?

· With dead-earthed neutral;

· With effectively grounded neutral;

· With isolated neutral;

With any of the listed types of neutral.

Employees directly servicing electrical installations - for violations that occurred through their fault, as well as for their improper elimination of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the serviced area

For what violations in the operation of electrical installations are employees carrying out equipment repairs personally liable?

equipment repair workers– for violations in work caused by poor quality of repair

For what violations in the operation of electrical installations are managers and specialists of the energy service personally responsible?

managers and specialists of the energy service - for violations in the operation of electrical installations that occurred through their fault, as well as due to untimely and unsatisfactory maintenance and failure to comply with emergency measures

For what violations in the operation of electrical installations are the heads and specialists of technological services personally responsible?

heads and specialists of technological services - for violations in the operation of electrical equipment.

What is the frequency of visual inspections of the visible part of the grounding device?

Visual inspections of the visible part of the grounding device must be carried out according to the schedule, but at least once every 6 months by the Consumer's electrical equipment or an employee authorized by him.

During the inspection, the condition of the contact connections between the protective conductor and the equipment, the presence of an anti-corrosion coating, and the absence of breaks are assessed.

The results of inspections should be recorded in the passport of the grounding device.

What is the duration of load tests of the main electrical equipment that has undergone a major overhaul?

The main equipment of electrical installations that has undergone a major overhaul is subject to load testing for at least 24 hours, unless there are other instructions from the manufacturers. If defects are found that prevent the normal operation of the equipment, the repair is considered incomplete until these defects are eliminated and the test is repeated.

How long should the internship be?

The internship is conducted under the guidance of a responsible training employee and is carried out according to programs developed for each position (workplace) and approved in the prescribed manner. The duration of the internship should be from 2 to 14 shifts.

How long should the duplication be?

Duration of duplication - from 2 to 12 working shifts. For a particular employee, it is established by the decision of the commission for testing knowledge, depending on the level of his vocational training, seniority and work experience.

What is the frequency of inspections of grounding devices with selective opening of the soil in places most susceptible to corrosion?

Inspections with selective opening of the soil in places most susceptible to corrosion, as well as near the grounding points of neutrals of power transformers, connections of arresters and surge arresters should be carried out in accordance with the schedule of planned preventive work(hereinafter - PPR), but at least once every 12 years.

What is allowable temperature indoor air indoor switchgear summer time?

The air temperature inside the indoor switchgear in the summer should be no more than 40 degrees. C. In the event of an increase, measures must be taken to reduce the temperature of the equipment or cool the air.

What is the frequency of inspections of each overhead line along the entire length?

The frequency of inspections of each overhead line along the entire length should be at least 1 time per year.

What are required forms maintenance work?

With maintenance staff:

introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor protection, as well as briefing on fire safety;

training for a new position or profession with on-the-job training (internship);

checking knowledge of the rules, labor protection standards, these Rules, fire safety rules and other regulatory documents;

professional additional education for continuous professional development.

Answer. We are personally responsible for:

the head of the consumer and those responsible for the electrical economy, as well as the employees replacing them - for the creation safe conditions labor for workers in the electrical industry, staffing with trained and certified electrical personnel, as well as for fulfilling the requirements stipulated by the rules and regulations for working in electrical installations and job descriptions. In accordance with the requirements of the PTEEP, these persons must monitor the compliance of working conditions at the workplace with the requirements of safety and industrial sanitation. The head of the consumer of electricity is obliged to organize training, testing of knowledge, briefing of personnel in accordance with the requirements of GOST, norms and rules for working in electrical installations, labor protection rules and local instructions;

employees directly servicing electrical installations - for violations that occurred through their fault, as well as for the incorrect elimination of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the service area by them;

workers carrying out equipment repairs - for violations in work caused by poor quality of repairs;

managers and specialists of energy services - for violations in the operation of electrical installations that occurred through their fault, as well as due to untimely and unsatisfactory maintenance and failure to comply with emergency measures;

heads and specialists of technological services - for violations in the operation of electrical equipment.

Question 365.

What are the duties of the person responsible for the electrical facilities and (or) the employee replacing him?

Answer. In general, they are obliged to organize and maintain the rational operation and safe maintenance of the electrical facilities entrusted to them and the entire electrical installation as a whole in accordance with current rules and regulatory and technical documents. These are employees from among the administrative and technical personnel who are appointed by order of the head of the enterprise (organization) after checking the knowledge of the rules and regulations for working in electrical installations and assigning them the appropriate electrical safety group (IV - in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, V - in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 IN).

Question 366.

Which employees are responsible for the safe conduct of work in electrical installations? Answer. Are responsible:

issuing the order, giving the order, approving the list of works performed in the order of current operation; responsible work manager; allowing; work producer; watching; brigade members.

Question 367.

What is responsible for issuing the order, giving the order?

Answer. Responsible for the adequacy and correctness of the safety measures specified in the work order (order), for the qualitative and quantitative composition of the team and the appointment of those responsible for safety, as well as for the compliance of the electrical safety groups listed in the work order with the work performed and for conducting targeted briefing of the responsible work manager (work supervisor , observing);

Question 368.

What is the responsible work manager responsible for?

Answer. Responsible for the implementation of all the safety measures specified in the work order (order) and their sufficiency, for the additional safety measures taken by him that are necessary under the conditions of the work, for the completeness and quality of the targeted briefing of the brigade, including safe work.

Question 369.

What is the admitter responsible for?

Answer. Responsible for the correctness and sufficiency of the safety measures taken and their compliance with the measures specified in the order (order), the nature and place of work, for the correct admission to work, as well as for the completeness and quality of the target briefing.

Question 370.

What is the producer responsible for?

Answer. Answers:

for the compliance of the prepared workplace with the instructions of the order, additional security measures necessary for the conditions of work;

for the clarity and completeness of the target briefing of the team members. It should be borne in mind that the target briefing of the work foreman differs from the target briefing conducted by the supervisor, who does not instruct the team members on the technology of work, the use of tools and devices, the use of lifting machines and mechanisms;

for the availability, serviceability and correct use of the necessary protective equipment, tools, inventory and devices;

for the safety at the workplace of fences, posters, grounding, locking devices of drives;

for the safe conduct of work and compliance with safety rules in electrical installations by himself and members of the brigade;

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From the analysis in chapter 10, it is clear that the access control system cannot do without the participation of operators. However, the automatic recognition of "necessary" and "unnecessary" ...

Alec Thomson MBE 5th Class Security Consultant This book comes out at a time when governments, businesses and industry...

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