Initial briefing for an engineer. The program of conducting primary briefing at the workplace. Download an example of the list of those exempted from instructing at the workplace

On-the-job training program drawn up in without fail as workers can only be admitted after completing the course. A sample of this document and the rules for its preparation (the author's version and GOST) are described in the article.

Purpose of the document: is it necessary to draw up an initial briefing program

It is mandatory to draw up an initial briefing program at the workplace, since each employee must undergo an initial briefing. This procedure is performed only 1 time, immediately after employment. In the absence of instruction, the employee cannot be allowed to perform his duties.

The main purpose of the initial briefing is to develop general course training for employees. A single briefing can be carried out for all employees who have:

  • the same position;
  • or engaged in the same activity.

The content of the initial briefing program must fully correspond to the type of work - this is what inspectors most often check. Therefore, one can make common document for a whole category of workers. If they are busy with different tasks (different technological process, working conditions, protective equipment, etc.), it will be necessary to develop an appropriate number of programs.

Sample and compilation rules

The program is developed by the immediate supervisor of the employee. It can be a foreman, head of department, shop, head structural unit and others. A single sample has not been established, so the author can adhere to any form. As a rule, the program itself is presented as a list of topics (table version). The document must contain the following information:

  1. Visa on the approval of the director.
  2. The name of the program.
  3. Company name.
  4. Actually a list of topics (listed in the order of the briefing).
  5. The number of hours for their development (1 academic hour is 40-45 minutes).
  6. The amount of hours.
  7. Full name, position, signature of the compiler; date and seal of the organization.

When compiling a program for the initial briefing of an employee at the workplace, you can focus on such a sample.

Such a program consists of 4-5 sections, the content of which is described in the table.

chapter content
general information
  • general information about the technological process;
  • acquaintance with the device of the equipment located directly at the workplace and in the employee's work area;
  • familiarization with dangerous, harmful factors, the risks of their impact on health;
  • means for general protection - these can be special fences, blocking devices, brakes, alarms, etc .;
  • means for protecting 1 person - purpose, principle of operation, rules of application;
  • requirements for the maintenance of the workplace, maintaining order;
  • requirements for the safe operation of equipment;
  • prevention of electric shocks.
preparation for work
  • basic requirements for protective equipment, footwear and clothing;
  • algorithm for checking the health of the equipment used, protective equipment;
  • safe working technique.
employee safety rules
  • main route;
  • dangerous zones;
  • the route of movement during evacuation and the occurrence of other emergency situations.
accidents that could potentially occur at the enterprise
  • causes, dangerous factors;
  • the course of action of employees in each case;
  • first aid methods;
  • the procedure for notifying management of the occurrence of a dangerous situation.

Liability and fines

The inspection of the initial briefing program is carried out by the inspector labor inspectorate. He is primarily interested in:

  1. The presence of a well-formed document.
  2. Compliance with the content of the position or type of activity of the employee who underwent the initial briefing.

If a violation is detected, the company may receive a fairly large fine, the amount of which ranges from 110 to 130 thousand rubles per employee. For example, if the content briefing program does not match official duties 2 employees, this may result in a fine of 220-260 thousand rubles.

On March 1, 2017, GOST 12.0.004-2015 “Occupational safety standards system. Organization of labor safety training. General provisions". This GOST replaced the popular GOST 12.0.004-90 “Interstate standard. System of labor safety standards. Organization of labor safety training. General Provisions”, in accordance

GOST 12.0.004-2015 “System of labor safety standards. Organization of labor safety training. General Provisions” was supplemented with new appendices. One of them is Appendix B Sample Program primary briefing on labor protection at the workplace.

In GOST 12.0.004-2015, paragraph 8.5, it is written Instruction programs are developed and approved by the training organizer in in due course, based on the required measures for the organization of work, safety and hygiene in the performance of specific labor functions working in accordance with national regulatory requirements for labor protection.

With whom is the initial briefing carried out at the workplace?

In accordance with clause 8.7 of GOST 12.0.004-2015, the initial briefing at the workplace is carried out before the start of independent work of the instructed persons:

  • with all newly hired persons, including for short-term, seasonal and other temporary work, in their free time from their main work (part-time workers), as well as at home (homeworkers) using materials, tools and mechanisms allocated by the employer or purchased by them at their own expense;
  • with employees transferred in accordance with the established procedure from another unit, or with employees who are entrusted with the performance of new work for them;
  • with the personnel of other organizations seconded to work with the training organizer;
  • with the personnel of contractors (subcontractors) performing work on the territories and facilities controlled by the training organizer;
  • with students educational institutions corresponding levels passing industrial practice(practical exercises), and with other persons involved in production activities enterprise - the organizer of training.

Who conducts the initial briefing at the workplace?

Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out by the head of the unit or the immediate supervisor (manufacturer) of the work (foreman, foreman, teacher, etc.), who has undergone training in labor protection in the prescribed manner and tested knowledge of labor protection requirements as an instructor in labor protection.

Primary briefing at the workplace with the personnel of contracting (subcontracting) organizations performing work on the territory and facilities controlled by the enterprise - the organizer of the training, is carried out by the immediate supervisor (manufacturer) of the work - a representative of the contracting (subcontracting) organization together with the head of the unit or with the person responsible for the contract work at workplaces (in the working area, territory) of this unit. The procedure for the safe performance of these works, including the procedure for instructing workers, can be drawn up separate document, which is an integral part of the contract for the performance of contract (subcontract) works (rendering services).

According to what local act is the primary briefing at the workplace

In accordance with clause 8.7 of GOST 12.0.004-2015, primary briefing at the workplace is carried out by:

  • or according to programs (Appendix B, program B.2) developed and approved by the training organizer in the prescribed manner in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, local regulations, instructions on labor protection at the workplace and on safe performance works, other necessary to ensure the safety of technical and operational documentation,
  • or directly according to instructions on labor protection and (or) safe performance of work at this workplace,
  • other necessary for briefing local regulations and documents.

According to the new GOST, primary briefing at the workplace can be carried out according to the approved program of primary briefing at the workplace or according to labor protection instructions at the workplace, and this mechanism must be fixed by the local normative act organizations.

I believe that it is important to maintain continuity with GOST 12.0.004-90 and carry out initial briefing at the workplace according to the approved Program for primary briefing at the workplace, in which it is indicated which labor protection instructions are used for briefing for this position of the employee.

Questions Recommended for Inclusion in the Initial Instruction Program at the Workplace

In GOST 12.0.004-90, Appendix No. 5 recommended that ten questions be included in the primary briefing program at the workplace. GOST 12.0.004-2015 recommends including five questions. The analysis of the proposed questions is aimed at strengthening preventive work with labor protection workers.

1. General information about the working conditions of the employee: the technological process, equipment and working environment at the workplace of the employee, the nature of his labor process(tension and heaviness):

  • general introductory information about the technological process and products manufactured by the department;
  • general familiarity with the equipment located at the workplace, in the working area and within the territory and premises controlled by the unit;
  • dangerous and harmful factors of production present at the workplace and the risks of their impact on the human body;
  • collective protection means installed on the equipment (safety, braking devices and fences, blocking systems, alarms, etc.);
  • purpose, device and rules for the use of funds personal protection(PPE) required at the workplace;
  • requirements for the safe organization and maintenance of a clean and tidy workplace;
  • safety requirements during operation and maintenance(repair) of equipment located at the workplace;
  • safety requirements for the prevention of electrical injury.

2. The order of preparation for work:

  • requirements for overalls, footwear and PPE;
  • checking the serviceability of equipment, starting devices, tools, fixtures, interlocks, grounding and other means of protection;
  • safe techniques and methods in the performance of work.

3. Scheme of safe movement of an employee across the territory of a subdivision, organization:

  • passages provided for movement;
  • emergency exits, restricted areas;
  • intrashop transport and lifting equipment, location and safety requirements when carrying out lifting operations.

4. Emergencies that may occur at the workplace:

  • characteristic causes of accidents, explosions, fires, cases of industrial injuries and acute poisoning;
  • actions of the employee in the event of an emergency, work injury, acute poisoning;
  • location of emergency protection and fire extinguishing equipment, rules for their use;
  • location of first aid equipment for the victim, first aid kits, rules for using them;
  • location telephone communication, phone numbers;
  • the actions of the employee in the event of a dangerous situation that threatens the life and health of others, and in the event of an accident that occurred at work;
  • the procedure for reporting by the employee to the representatives of the employer about an accident or acute poisoning that has occurred to him.

5. Familiarization with all instructions on the workplace and labor protection by profession (in accordance with the list of professions developed by the employer for each workplace, indicating the numbers of instructions required for instruction).

The initial briefing program (Appendix B) is only a base that must be supplemented with information about the hazardous or harmful production factors present at a given workplace and other information that an employee needs to know for safe work.

In accordance with the old GOST 12.0.004-90 clause 7.2.2. “Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out according to programs developed and approved by the heads of production and structural divisions of the enterprise, educational institution for individual professions or types of work, taking into account the requirements of SSBT standards, relevant rules, norms and instructions for labor protection, production instructions and another technical documentation. Programs are coordinated with the department (bureau, engineer) of labor protection and the trade union committee of the unit, enterprise.

In GOST 12.0.004-2015 there is no indication of the coordination of the Program of primary briefing at the workplace with the labor protection department and the trade union committee of the enterprise.

You can download the Initial Briefing Program at the workplace in the section

In connection with GOST 12.0.004-2015 “System of labor safety standards. Organization of labor safety training. General Provisions” organizations require changes to the Initial Briefing Program at the workplace.

List of professions and positions of workers. exempted from primary briefing at the workplace

Employees whose labor duties are not related to the use, operation, maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of electrified or other mechanized hand tools, storage and use of raw materials and materials may be exempted by the decision of the training organizer from undergoing primary briefing at the workplace.

The list of professions and positions of employees exempted from primary briefing at the workplace is approved by the head of the training organizer.

Approximate form


by order of 12.06.2017 No. 55


professions and positions of employees of Montazhnik LLC,

exempted from primary briefing at the workplace

1.General Director.

2.Deputy CEO on economic issues.

3.Secretary of the General Director

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OOO "_________________"
"_____" __________ 20___

conducting an initial briefing
at work

1. General requirements

1.1. Initial briefing at the workplace is carried out with all newly admitted to the organization, transferred from one structural unit to another, seconded, temporary workers, students and pupils who arrived at the organization for industrial training or practical training, as well as with workers performing a new job for them and with builders performing construction and installation work on the territory of an existing facility.

1.2. Persons who are not associated with the maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of tools, the storage and use of raw materials and materials, primary briefing at the workplace is not carried out. The list of professions and positions of employees exempted from primary briefing at the workplace is approved by the head of the organization.

1.3. Primary briefing at the workplace should be carried out according to programs developed and approved by the head of the structural unit (in the absence of a structural unit - by the head of the organization) taking into account the requirements of the SSBT, norms, rules and instructions for labor protection, production instructions and other technical documentation. The program must be agreed with the OT engineer (service technical control).

1.4. Initial briefing at the workplace should be carried out with each employee individually with a practical demonstration of safe working practices and methods.

1.5. Workers are allowed to work independently after completing an internship, checking theoretical knowledge and acquired skills in safe ways of working.

1.6. The management of the enterprise, in agreement with the OT engineer (technical control service), may exempt from internship an employee who has at least 3 years of work experience in the specialty, moving from one unit to another, if the nature of his work and the type of equipment on which he worked previously does not change.

2. A list of the main issues of primary briefing at the workplace.

2.1. General information about the technological process and equipment at this workplace, production site, in the workshop. The main dangerous and harmful production factors arising from this technological process.

2.2. Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace.

2.3. Dangerous zones of the machine, mechanism, device. Equipment safety equipment (safety braking devices and guards, blocking and signaling systems, safety signs). Requirements for the prevention of electrical injury.

2.4. The procedure for preparing for work (checking the serviceability of equipment, starting devices, tools and fixtures, interlocks, grounding and other means of protection).

2.5. Safe techniques and methods of work; actions in the event of a dangerous situation.

2.6. Personal protective equipment at this workplace and the rules for using them.

2.7. Scheme of safe movement of workers on the territory of the workshop, site.

2.8. Intrashop transport and lifting means and mechanisms. Safety requirements for loading and unloading operations and transportation of goods.

2.9. Characteristic causes of accidents, explosions, fires, cases of industrial injuries.

2.10. Measures to prevent accidents, explosions, fires. Duty and actions in case of accident, explosion, fire. Ways to use the fire extinguishing equipment available on the site, emergency protection and signaling of their location.

2.11. The results of the initial briefing at the workplace are recorded in the journal "Registration of briefings at the workplace" (Appendix N 1).

application number 1.

(organization, educational institution)

on-the-job training registration


(workshop, section, team, service, laboratory)

Started “____” _______________ 20__

Graduated “____” _______________ 20__

Chief Engineer ________________________ / ______________________


HSE Engineer ________________________ / ______________________


The initial briefing requires documentary confirmation of the measures taken to prevent injuries and labor protection at the enterprise.

The activities carried out are reflected in a special local document of the organization - the program of primary briefing.

This document is developed strictly in accordance with federal GOSTs and standards in the field of labor protection.

Also, such a document should be developed by a responsible specialist in labor protection at the enterprise, who has the appropriate education and was appointed to the position by order of the director of the organization.

The document should contain the requirements for employees, the main measures and measures for labor protection for a specific position in the organization, and also take into account the specifics of conducting the primary instruction.

Development order

The development of the program takes place in several stages:

This document should also be mandatory for execution, both for the employees themselves and for the heads of departments of the organization.

The end of the development procedure is the order to approve this program at the level of the organization's management.

Who is approved for on-the-job coaching?

The approval of the initial briefing program also goes through several stages:

  • After the process of developing standard measures in relation to a certain category of workers, the occupational safety specialist agrees on a list of activities and questions for briefing with the head of the organization’s division in charge of the instructed employees;
  • The head of the site / subdivision, also guided by the norms of federal legislation and internal regulations, taking into account the specifics of the organization of labor at the enterprise, can make adjustments and changes to the proposed program. Ultimately, after agreeing on all the issues, the head of the unit puts his visa on the layout.
  • The final approval remains with the head of the organization, who approves the developed document by order of the organization.

After approval, the program enters into force and, accordingly, it is possible to begin the implementation of safety and security measures in the organization.

In addition, before holding events, employees of the organization must be familiar with the program without fail.

How it is compiled - the content of the standard form

A typical program looks like a written document reflecting a number of typical questions:

Questions of the program can be changed depending on the situation and the characteristics of production.

Download Sample

The initial briefing program is developed separately for positions.


The program for the initial instruction of personnel at the workplace is important document in the implementation of measures to protect health and safety at work.

Upon completion of training, entries are made in.

The article describes typical situations. To solve your problem- or

Guest writes:
Hello, can you tell me if it is possible for lumberjacks and electricians to include instructions for sharpening grinding and drilling machines in the briefing and training program and, after the exam and briefing, allow them to work on these machines ???? help to find a distinction where it is enough to conduct training instructing and testing knowledge on machines and where it is necessary professional education for which groups of machines?
Workers must be trained in educational institution in the respective profession. If your lathes and grinding machines are any special and special safety requirements are imposed on them, then workers must be specially trained on these machines.
If ordinary machines, then professionally trained workers (for example, a turner) do not need to be additionally trained professionally - after all, he has already been trained and has a document on education.
However, employees must be trained and instructed within the organization in the prescribed manner.

Look at POT R M 006-97 Intersectoral rules for labor protection in cold working of metals "
9.1. To operate the equipment and perform technological processes cold working of metals is allowed for persons of the corresponding profession, specialty and qualifications who have been trained and instructed in labor protection.
Managers and specialists must be educated and vocational training corresponding to their positions, and workers - vocational training in the amount of requirements qualification characteristics and practical skills in performing production operations.
Admission to independent work of newly hired employees can be carried out only after an internship at the workplace.
To carry out the work for which Additional requirements on labor safety, persons not younger than 18 years of age who have professional skills, have been trained in safe methods and techniques for conducting such work and have received appropriate certificates are allowed.
9.2. All employees of the organization, regardless of the degree of participation in manufacturing process, are required, in accordance with the nature of the work performed, to regularly undergo instructing at the workplace and testing knowledge on labor protection. All checks and briefings on labor protection must be recorded in a special journal.
The organization of labor protection training and instruction of workers and specialists should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.0.004.
9.3. All persons newly entering the organization, regardless of their length of service, qualifications and preliminary theoretical training, must undergo an introductory briefing on labor protection.
9.4. Newly hired workers, as well as workers transferred to another job or to other equipment, regardless of the introductory briefing, must be additionally instructed directly at the workplace.
The briefing is carried out on the basis of labor protection instructions for each profession, developed and approved in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for the development and approval of labor protection rules and instructions, and is recorded in a journal entry.
9.5. It is allowed not to conduct briefings and internships at the workplace for employees transferred from one workplace to another within the same organization, who have at least three years of work experience in their specialty, and if the nature of the work and the type of equipment being serviced have not changed.
9.6. Repeated briefing is carried out at least once every three months, as well as in all cases of detection of violations by employees of the established safety rules.
9.7. A manager or specialists newly hired must undergo an introductory briefing and, no later than one month from the date of admission, an examination of knowledge of these Rules, fire safety rules, production and job descriptions. The test results are documented in a protocol.
Training and testing of knowledge on labor protection of managers and specialists should be carried out at least once every three years.