Win a government tender. What is a tender and how to participate in it. Corporate sales vs direct

Participation in tenders brings good dividends to any company. First, it's kind of a potential win. Secondly, this process is beautiful way for a business entity to declare itself, as well as to find reliable business partners. Therefore, the answer to the question: “How to win a tender?” - is relevant enough for any self-respecting head of the company.

However, it should be taken into account that participation in the tender involves the fulfillment of a certain number of requirements, which, at the onset of various stages of the tender, may cause some difficulties. Only trained professionals will be able to resolve them.

The army will always need uniforms High Quality, kindergartens - in milk and dairy products. Therefore, the relevant authorities are forced to hold public tenders. During the process, one of the candidates is selected.

How to win a tender? Provide the most suitable ratio of quality and price. These competitive events are mainly held at the state, international, municipal, regional and city levels.

Participants providing documents for the state. tenders, should be aware of the following basic rules:

Equal rights and obligations for all participants;

The organizer must communicate with the participants only in writing(in particular, this concerns the mechanism for submitting and confirming an application for participation);

About the beginning tenders relevant information is published in the media with duplication on the Internet;

A candidate company wishing to participate in this competition submits an application;

To all registered candidates, the organizer must send a package that is approved by the relevant Federal Law;

During the specified time, the candidate completes the preparation of his data, indicates necessary information;

If a participant has questions about tender documentation he can apply in writing to the organizer, who will also respond to him in writing;

As a result of consideration, analysis and verification of submitted applications, the winner of the tender is determined, who receives a proposal for cooperation in the form of a contract;

The results of the tender are published in the media, as well as on tender portals on the Internet.

Thus, participants can understand how to win the tender only by submitting correctly executed, full package documents.

Unfortunately, not all the legal details of this procedure are clearly spelled out in the relevant regulations. Therefore, only specially trained professionals can tell you how to win a tender. Especially if they have solid experience in this field, and they are armed with the latest digital equipment that will allow them to analyze the proposal of the candidate company. And based on its results, recommendations are given in order to eliminate all identified shortcomings in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation.

You've come a long way from searching desired tender, and bidding, and finally, it's time to find out if your efforts have been successful. How to find out who won the public procurement tender?

You can get the necessary information about the results of the competition in different ways. They are all very different from each other, and you can get data on who won the public procurement tender in any way you like. So:

1. The very first step is to contact the Official Public Procurement Portal, which is located at All public information about contract system is located here. Thanks to a convenient search system, you can easily get information about the winners of the auction. We offer to search for the necessary auctions by registration number. Then, in the "documents" section, find the protocol of the auction. In addition, 44 FZ obliges the state to place information about the auctions held in several sources at once - on the portal of the Federal Treasury in the Register of State Orders ( and on the Rosstat website.

2. The second easiest and most popular way to find out who won the tender is to turn to special services that collect information about the lucky ones into a single database. Despite the novelty of the service, it appealed to everyone who is interested in procurement - after all, such services allow you to receive information quickly, in a convenient form (you can often receive mailing lists regularly directly to your email). Synapse , Findtenders , bit .tender , Trade Inspect - this is not the whole list of companies providing such services. Some of them even provide access to their database for free - if only the provider uses their services.

3. In this case, you do not have to do anything at all to find out who won the public procurement tender. This is a personal posting. The fact is that, according to the protocol, after the selection of the winning company, it is informed that the tenders for it were successful. This option is most popular in cases where the auction was non-public (FZ 44 provides for the possibility of holding closed auctions).

Hello dear colleague! AT recent times My support team often receives questions like: “How can I find out the winner of the tender?”, “Where can I find the contacts of the winners of public procurement?” etc. Therefore, in this article we will talk in detail about the winners of tenders and public procurement, namely, where and how to find information about such winners and their contact details. And since this topic is so interesting to many, I suggest that you understand it in detail.

1. Tender winners. Who are they and what information can you find out about them?

tender winner - the supplier (bidder) who offered the Customer the best conditions for the execution of the contract.

Information about such winners is reflected in the relevant protocols, which, in turn, are posted by the Customers (operators) on the websites and electronic platforms. The exception is tenders held closed ways, and information about which constitutes a state secret.

If we talk about state (under 44-FZ) and corporate procurement (under 223-FZ), then in the final protocols you can find the following information about the winners:

  • Name;
  • Mailing address;

Below is a screenshot from the official website of the EIS.

Here, only the name of the winner is publicly available. But the TIN and the address of the winner can be found in the protocol itself.

There are more than enough sites on the Internet that provide services for sending tender winners. However, along with tables, online databases like are gaining more and more popularity, where it is possible to set filters, search for additional contacts and combine several convenient functions at once right online. For the most part, such databases contain information about the winners of state (under 44-FZ) and corporate (under 223-FZ) tenders. The collection of such data is automated and occurs with the help of special programs - parsers. Scraping (i.e. collecting) information about the winners of commercial tenders is much more difficult. This is due to the fact that there are quite a lot of such resources, they have a different interface, and the organizer of the commercial purchase is not obliged to publicly disclose information about the winner. Therefore, no one provides information about the winners of commercial tenders at present.

Newsletters of tender winners can be both one-time and regular. Most often such email newsletters done in the morning at the beginning of the working day. The period of subscription to the newsletter can be issued for 1, 3, 6 and 12 months.

Some services provide their customers with free mailing of tender winners during the trial period (1-3 days) to give them the opportunity to evaluate the relevance of the data and the convenience of working with the database.

Also, these services allow you to fine-tune the database according to such parameters as keywords, industry, region of announcement or delivery, customers, law, etc.

How much does it cost to mail out tender winners?

1 month- from 1500 to 12500 rubles;
3 months- from 3900 to 18500 rubles;
6 months- from 7200 to 24500 rubles;
12 months- from 12600 to 34500 rubles;
One-time mailing - from 300 to 700 rubles.

4. Conclusion

Information about tender winners is useful and necessary. In some cases, this information helps to analyze the market, and in others to find new customers or partners. However, it should be understood that if you just want to analyze the market and your potential competitors, then you do not need to purchase ready-made databases. All the necessary information is available on the website Of course, this will require some time from you, but it is absolutely free. If you want to speed up the process of collecting and analyzing such information, then you can use any paid search service with a built-in analytics module, such as a tender plan.

But if you sell financial services (bank guarantees, loans, credits), or are a manufacturer or distributor of goods, then you simply need a ready database of tender winners. Imagine that several thousand purchases are made every day and it is simply unrealistic to monitor the results of the auction manually. And by subscribing to the mailing list, every morning you will receive a letter with a fresh database, with which you can immediately start working (make calls or send commercial offers). Some services offer a half-hour service for sending out fresh databases, i.e. in your hands will be the latest information that your competitors will receive only the next day. In this case, even a few hours of odds are decisive.

That's all for me. If you have any questions, then ask them below in the comments to this article.

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It's no secret to anyone in the digital space that to be successful in this business, you either need to be good at selling or have a few key clients with a steady stream of tasks. Usually this flow is provided by people from the agency itself who have gone over to the side of the customer. We, digital agencies Solary, had such key clients, but in 2013 we managed to lose them because we focused on one customer. That startup failed, and we didn't want to follow suit.

Since 2010, we have managed to work with various large clients, such as Rolf, Lada, Invitro, Infotecs, and have learned to deal well with various kinds of documentation: design, technical, competitive. We decided: since we are so good at writing and executing papers, should we try our hand at state and near-state tenders? It turned out that our expertise is really enough, but the nuances and different problems in working with specific customers a lot.

I have formulated several rules for those who are ready to suffer in order to earn money on government contracts.

What tenders can the agency participate in

1. Competitions for the development of websites of state institutions.

As a rule, these are sectoral ministries, websites of city halls, regional governments, prefectures, and committees.

2. Competitions for the development / redesign of state and large near-state corporations / companies.

For example, subsidiary Russian Railways or Gazprom.

3. Complex integration work.

Competitions in which the customer is looking for contractors to perform integrations, for example, with CRM systems and subsystems. Such things are more often done by integrator companies, but, according to our observations, agencies also often participate in such tenders and sometimes win them. There is a little more money in such contracts, and a little less competitors.

Personal experience - the case of the Corporation for the Development of the Far East

July 10, 2017 Development Corporation Far East, guided by the President's instruction to create a "single window" for all potential resident investors in the Far East, has published a tender for the modernization of the official website. Modernization meant an absolutely complete redesign of the site, or to be more precise, the development of a new site from scratch.

For us, it was an ordinary tender with a very well-elaborated TOR (often state-owned companies have a TOR consisting of thousands of sheets pure water). And now we are entering the competition. The starting price was declared at 2,834,125 rubles, we made an assessment, we realized that according to qualification requirements we go to the participants and the project can be profitable for us, even if we reduce the price by almost a million rubles. We took a deep breath and prepared an impressive amount of documents. Naturally, this was not our first tender, we have been participating in public procurement since 2013. But this case is very revealing, in working on it we encountered a large number of typical difficulties.

So, we set the price at 2,070,000 rubles. As a rule, from three to six companies take part in interesting purchases. The time has come for the publication of the protocol with the results. There were only two companies in the protocol: we and an agency from the Far East. We were very surprised, because usually - and this is known to all companies participating in such tenders - at least five companies reach the final. Moreover, these are the same participants, with whom it is very difficult to compete at first (for understanding: we usually send a thick package with an application, and these guys send an application in several boxes).

As a rule, there are five or six strong market players who constantly participate in tenders on their topic. They are well grounded and hard to compete with.

Final - we win, the customer informs us about this by letter, emphasizing that the project is a priority and that fakups are unacceptable here. We begin to study the history of this procurement item and find out that the customer has already made a similar purchase, and one of the strongest integrators won it. It became especially scary when we learned that this giant had not fulfilled its obligations and was blacklisted as suppliers. This reflects extremely badly on karma and on further participation in such tenders.

Well, and when the respected president once again emphasized the importance of this project at the economic forum, we were not at all laughing.

Homework to be done before applying for the contest

See who was the contractor before you, with what price the contractor won. You can check this through the website select advanced search, find your customer, indicate the subject of the tender, select the status “completed” and “cancelled” and see who and how worked or tried to work with the customer on the subject of the tender. Check the database of arbitration cases on the website arbitration court the reason for their occurrence.

Pay attention to how many times this or that tender was published. It often happens that the tender is canceled at the very last stage. If you see that the customer canceled the tender several times in a row, despite several good suggestions on the part of the participants, this may indicate that, in addition to the “necessary” company, the left participants entered the tender with suitable selection criteria. So, if you show up, the situation will repeat itself.

You can view canceled tenders using the same algorithm that I described above, through the procurement website.

How much will it cost to participate in the tender

Why is this needed preliminary work? Participation in the tender usually costs not a penny. Firstly, this is the work of a document preparation specialist, and secondly, this is the work of a team that evaluates the proposal. Plus, you often have to draw concepts, individual presentations in accordance with the approved form. Your documents will need to be delivered to the customer by courier. All this costs money, and all this must be included in the assessment.

We spend from 15,000 to 80,000 rubles on the presale of one tender. It all depends on the format of the application, the site on which the tender is placed, it matters whether the preparation of a concept, pre-project analytics is required.

Often, after analysis, it turns out that the cost of pre-sale and the cost of completing the subject of the competition almost double the maximum price for the competition.

Government contracts are not such an easy money

Do not be stingy and purchase a system for searching and analyzing purchases. This will save you time and money in the future. There are many such systems. The companies "Kontur", "Seldon", "Tenderplan" have their own solutions. There are few fundamental differences. We have chosen the one with which we are personally more comfortable to work with. Main function systems - monitoring and aggregation tender sites(commercial and government). The system can be fed search parameters and receive regular reports of suitable tenders.

How much money will it take to start working on a project

After winning in commercial tender usually a contract is signed and design work begins. With government tenders, things are different. The executor's duties, for example, may include enforcement of the contract. The security amount cannot exceed 90% of the contract price offered by the winner in the procurement procedure. Usually it is about 10% of the contract value, but sometimes more. From practice: once we found a tender with maximum price 80 million rubles, while the security amounted to 13 million rubles. Of course, we did not participate in that tender.

The term for ensuring the performance of the contract is defined in the draft contract - as a rule, this is the entire period of performance of the contract. That is, you will have to transfer a tangible percentage of the order amount to the customer’s account or use the services of a bank to provide a bank guarantee (if the documentation provides for this).

A whole agency network of brokers has formed on the banking market, who are able to interact with banks and correctly form applications for the provision of these same bank guarantees. Of course, you will have to pay a commission to the bank and the intermediary. For example, under the Far East Development Corporation tender, we had two guarantees, the commission for each was 5% of the price of each stage - all together about 8,000 rubles.

Add to this a full post-payment in stages and a payment deferral of 60 days after signing the act. By the way, this act still needs to be delivered promptly, and the signatories can change at the customer immediately after you have already sent the act by courier somewhere to Vladivostok from Ulyanovsk (you roughly understand what the costs of official correspondence are, without which you can’t go anywhere?).

We spent 9,500 rubles on the courier service alone

Due to delays in the approval of documents, we had to pay twice bank guarantee. Note that I do not indicate here the work of a person who writes corresponding official letters for each of our approvals and requests. If this function were entrusted to some piecework outsourcing or fashionable online service legal support, we would have reduced the entire margin on the project to nothing.

Is it really fun? We already treat this as the norm, and we are jarred when newcomers are outraged.


Usually, agencies try to negotiate in such a way as to communicate with one, maximum two people from the customer's side. This will not work with a state tender, there will be much more people on the other side. When we worked on the corporate project, there were 22 people in the customer's project team! 22 decision-makers who directly set tasks for us, the direct executors of the subject of the contract. Can you imagine what strong nerves must be project team on the side of the agency?

Each of these 22 members of the working group had their own vision of the project, persuasion and references to the TOR did not work on them. It soon turned out that the TOR was not a TOR at all, but some kind of superficial specification that the customer could interpret as he wished. Note that doing some additional agreements or changes in the contract is almost impossible. Revaluation and resale do not work here either.

From our side, two project managers, three designers, three content managers, four front-end developers, three back-end developers, two testers worked on the project. In the process, we had to hire two more content managers to deliver the work on time. A total of 19 people.

Let me give you some numbers to understand. At the presale stage, we estimated the project at 1200 hours. In fact, it came out in the region of 1650-1700 hours. And that's not counting the purchase of additional software and overtime managers leaving work at 8 am to sleep. Meetings ended at 8 am, because we have a project for the Far East. Working group the client sat partly there, partly in Moscow, and our employees - in the Moscow and Ulyanovsk offices.

We made two iterations of the project, although this was not described anywhere. This happens very often. The first iteration of the site was launched a month later, in time for the start of the Eastern Economic Forum. Everything went to successful delivery, but at some point the wind on the client side began to blow in one direction, then in the other. We redid the fully laid-out layouts three or four times. You must always be prepared for these risks. We implemented the project on December 31, 2017. Such a Christmas present.

The result of the work

Summing up, I would like to say to agencies that are going to go to state tenders: guys, do not go to state tenders without weighing everything possible risks. If you decide, here are four simple tips:

1. Workflows inside the agency you are used to, you will need to change dramatically. This must be remembered.

2. Use automated tender monitoring systems and manually search for tenders on the websites of state-owned companies, as sometimes automation does not find everything.

3. Government tenders- lot of strong agencies with good financial leverage, which can afford 100% post-payment. Therefore, save money and upgrade your expertise in the preparation of tender documentation.

4. Participate in price buying more often, where you do not need a lot of qualifying experience with executed government contracts (even if they are low-budget). So you, as a participant, will be able to acquire documented experience in working with government customers and after that you will be able to participate in more serious tenders.

Legislators want to say: dear, change this rotten procurement system, where the customer has the right to everything, and the contractor has no rights to anything. : "Law 44-FZ laid out a six-lane highway to hell."

Cover photo: Ilya Pitalev / RIA Novosti

The task:

In a small town, N leads his entrepreneurial activity IP Kirpichev. He has a brick factory and several dozen private clients. And in city ​​N-N recently held a municipal tender for the construction kindergarten, which was won by Good Construction Company LLC.

How many times will the turnover and profit of IP Kirpichev increase if he concludes an agreement with Good construction company” for the supply of bricks?

If you are interested in the answer to this question, this article is for you. From it you will learn: how to expand your customer base with winners of commercial and government procurements, quickly receive tender protocols, and how to automate this process using email newsletters, increasing sales on an ongoing basis.

Thousands of organizations across the country win every day electronic trading for the supply of goods and services. If you are a manufacturer, distributor, contractor or financial services provider, then tender winners are your hottest customer base. They definitely have a large order, a budget, and an updated need for your products and services that will help them realize the won tender. All you need to do is contact them and make an attractive commercial offer.

Who needs mailing lists of tender winners and why?

  1. Those who offer financial services. Bidders need tender credits and loans to secure the bid, the winner of the public procurement must provide a bank guarantee, and then he will also need a loan already to fulfill the bid - any bank will be happy to be nearby in right time with the right offer.
  2. Analytical agencies use databases of tender winners as a basis for market research, studying trends and patterns. However, any company can use this information to analyze competitors and the balance of power in its segment.
  3. Manufacturers, distributors and contractors who are not independently involved in commercial and public procurement. Similar to Mr. Kirpichev from the task, many organizations do not want to get involved with tenders- too complicated, responsible, not enough volume - there are many reasons. But becoming a partner of the organization that won the tender is a completely different matter. To do this, you need a database of tender winners, and you can call them and offer your products or subcontract for part of the order. Thus, it is realistic not only to increase the number of loyal customers in your region, but also to enter neighboring markets. The winners of tenders for construction are especially useful in this matter. This is a large-scale work involving a large number of partners, therefore, for each auction or competition won in this area, great amount related contracts: for the supply building materials, equipment, subcontracts for estimates and design work, hiring specialists of various profiles.

How to find out who won the tender?

The law on the contract system guarantees free access to information on public procurement. Therefore, the data of the winners of auctions announced by federal and municipal organizations(according to 44-FZ), as well as by companies with state participation (according to 223-FZ) are openly published in the UIS no later than 20 days after the auction. If they were closed, then the companies that won the tenders are disclosed only to the participants, on an individual basis.

So, on the procurement pages in the EIS, you can find out who the winners of tenders are for free:

fig.1 Procurement page in the EIS

In the attached protocols of summing up there is the TIN of the participants:

fig.2 Protocol of summing up

By name and TIN, it is not difficult to find the address, phone numbers or e-mail of the organization in open sources, business directories. All this can be done manually and free of charge if the task is to analyze the success of your competitors once or find contacts of suppliers for several purchases. In this case, it is also interesting to know which tenders the company has won. This is in the EIS: open the tab “Register of contracts concluded by customers”, advanced search. At the very bottom, expand the "Supplier Information" item. In the "Supplier" field, enter the name or TIN of the company, and the system will display a list of all purchases won by it.

If you constantly need a fresh database, then manually monitoring the results of thousands of trades is simply unrealistic. For these purposes, we suggest subscribing to the daily mailing list of the finished database of tender winners.

How does mailing work?

The collection of information is fully automated: a special parser program collects the contacts of the winners of commercial, government and corporate tenders, filters them according to your criteria, forms a ready-made database in MS Excel tables and sends them in a convenient daily mailing format:

fig.3 Base of winners in MS Excel table

Leave a request on the Tender Winners page, specify the keywords for the search, the price of interest and the region of purchases, and tomorrow you will receive a trial free mailing list. Subscribe, and every morning your sales team will start with a cheerful call to hot potential clients on a fresh base.