All about the production of polypropylene bags. All about the production of polypropylene bags Machines for the production of construction bags

On the modern market, where demand creates supply, inexpensive, durable and sealed packaging containers - polypropylene bags - have become very popular. The business for the manufacture of these products is profitable, so the costs of opening it, including the arrangement of the premises and the purchase of equipment for the production of polypropylene bags, can quickly pay off. This is due to the popularity of this type of packaging in various economic and industrial sectors.

Reasons for the increased demand for polypropylene packaging

Polypropylene bags are a convenient and practical container for any bulk materials. Construction mixtures, animal feed, fertilizers, food products, cereals - far from a complete list of goods for the transportation and storage of which these products will become indispensable. Their main advantages are:

  • wear resistance - the possibility of reusable use;
  • impermeability to moisture - availability of use in warehouses and basements;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • compactness - when empty, they are very light, practically do not take up space;
  • resistance to climate change - with temperature fluctuations environment do not lose their qualities.

But the main advantage of PP bags is affordability. Their price compares favorably with the cost of other types of packaging, and the versatility in use finally pulls the scales to its side.

Raw materials for production

The basis of the material is granulated polypropylene, which can be of primary or secondary origin, which affects the quality of the product. Recycled material refers to polypropylene that was previously used in other products and has already been recycled. During the production of polypropylene bags, the granules are mixed with other components that give the material strength and elasticity.

Depending on the feedstock, the following types of products can be produced:

  • from primary material - white bags, characterized by high performance and durability;
  • from recycled polypropylene with the addition of primary - gray products with less strength;
  • only from recycled materials - green PP bags, inferior in quality to the top positions, used for transporting waste.

Prices for products vary depending on the raw materials used in the manufacture.

Technological processes in the production of polypropylene bags

release finished products preceded by several stages, which individually are not particularly difficult, but together they constitute manufacturing process, where each procedure affects the final result:

Table of polypropylene bags

  • preparation of raw materials;
  • flat thread drawing;
  • production of a woven sleeve;
  • cutting blanks;
  • podverka and firmware;
  • product packaging.

A separate stage in the manufacture of polypropylene bags is the application of a pattern with a logo and name on a flexographic machine.

Raw material preparation

In the drying machine, polypropylene granules are mixed with other fillers, among which the chemical compound of calcium and salt occupies an important place. carbonic acid(CaCO 3 - calcium carbonate). This component acts as a dye and at the same time gives the material the necessary rigidity.

After that, the mixture is sent to the bunker, and then to a special machine for plasticizing (softening) - an extruder.

Extruder EPK 45×30

Getting a flat thread

In the extruder, the mass is heated, and under the action of the press it is pushed out through the extrusion head, which is a profiling tool. It gives the material a flat section. The resulting film is cooled, unraveled into strips, which are hardened and drawn into flat threads of the desired width.


Making a woven sleeve

Polypropylene fabric in the form of a sleeve is obtained by interlacing threads on the machine. Its parameters (thread tension, warp feed, width) are set depending on the desired result. The product is produced as a continuous sheet, which is wound on bobbins. They are obtained with a large diameter and for their movement to the place of further processing, it is necessary to use special equipment. To simplify the task, you can wind the sleeve in close proximity to the next production line.

Cutting blanks, turning and stitching

The next procedure in the manufacture of polypropylene bags is to give the product a shape corresponding to its purpose. For this, the PP sleeve is rolled out on a special line, where it is cut into pieces of equal length (blanks) by means of a thermal knife. The cut can be straight or curly, resembling a zigzag. In the future, the bottom of the bag is formed on the blanks by turning and stitching. For stitching use a strong nylon thread.

The stacking of products is carried out automatically in several hundred pieces. Each bundle is tied with twine and sent to the warehouse.

Equipment used in production

In addition to the above machines for drying raw materials and winding coils, the technological process will require a lot of special equipment for the production of bags:

  • a feeding unit that automates the supply of raw mix from the bunker;
  • an extruder, which plays a major role in obtaining a flat thread;
  • a loom that turns a polypropylene thread into a sleeve from a fabric with the desired weaving density;
  • line with a device for hot cutting of blanks and sewing machines;
  • flexographic printing machine.

Units for the production of polypropylene bags

Among the additional equipment, starting electrical devices will be needed, lighting, means of automation, control and protection. In the process of production development, there will be a need to purchase other units, but at the initial stage the listed machines will be enough.

Features of the choice of premises for production

The activity of the enterprise provides for the presence of production noise from operating equipment, as well as the active movement of transport (delivery of raw materials, export of finished products, waste disposal). Therefore, one of the requirements for the premises for the workshop is a sufficient distance from the residential area.

The remaining requirements are explained by the specifics of the production of polypropylene bags.

The working area should provide a free location industrial equipment while maintaining space for the safe movement of people.

Machines and mechanisms are powered by electricity, so the room must provide for the supply of electricity in the required volumes (cable section, power distribution substation).

For service personnel the presence of utilities (heating, water supply, sewerage) and a ventilation system is mandatory.

Vehicles need parking and maintenance: a garage must be available for this purpose.

The development of an enterprise largely depends on high-quality planning, accounting and analysis of costs and profits, work with customers and partners, and other administrative activities. Therefore, when choosing a building, you need to pay attention to the availability of office space.

For storage, transportation and packaging of food and non-food food products often use polypropylene bags. They have a fairly low cost and wide application. Polymer packaging is practical and greatly simplifies the sale of products. Such packaging is more often used for packaging bulk food products (sugar, salt, cereals), fertilizers, building materials. The maximum weight of the contents of the bag depends on the size and density of the bag and can reach several centners.

The production process of polypropylene bags consists of several stages:

1) cleaning and extrusion of the web film;
2) getting the canvas;
3) cutting bags;
4) drawing logos;
5) sewing bags and packaging.

For greater strength and to reduce slippage of bags in the hands, special additives are used that make the fabric rougher, and the threads for sewing products more durable.

For the production of polypropylene bags, the following equipment is used:

1) dispenser;
2) extruder;
3) circular loom;
4) web cutting and stitching and edging machine;
5) filling machine.

The Sino-Russian Golden Bridge company offers you equipment for the production of polypropylene bags and their processing.

Polypropylene yarn extrusion machine and polypropylene yarn winding machine

Production of polypropylene bags

Friends! In our article, we will talk about how polypropylene bags are made, describe the main stages and technological features, and introduce you to the work in detail. You can also immediately familiarize yourself with the detailed video material on the production of polypropylene bags -.

The process of manufacturing polypropylene bags is carried out in several stages and is carried out within the same enterprise.

  1. Preparation of polypropylene raw materials.
  2. Finished product packaging.

Now let's take a closer look at each stage.

Production process of polypropylene bags

Preparation of polypropylene raw materials

Raw materials are supplied to the plant for the production of polypropylene bags in the form of granules, which, depending on the purpose, are of two types.

  1. Primary raw materials (polypropylene) are used in the production of bags for food and bulk products due to the increased strength of the material. Such products must comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Polypropylene is made from propene gas. Initially, the substance is obtained in the form of a powder, which is dried, mixed with additives and formed into granules with a diameter of two to five millimeters.

  1. Secondary raw materials, which are made by processing waste products, polypropylene products, for example, old bags. Such raw materials are not used for food products.

Secondary raw materials are made using a grinder. The drum of the device is filled with secondary materials, where they are crushed to the desired size.

Fabric threads are made from polypropylene film by processing raw materials on a special machine - an extruder. But initially, the raw materials must be dried so that when heated in the extruder hopper, no vapor is formed. For this, an industrial furnace is used, where the original raw materials are immersed. Moisture removal is carried out at a temperature of 80 ° C.

When the initial raw material completely gets rid of moisture, they begin to manufacture polypropylene threads.

The production of threads, as already mentioned, is carried out from a polypropylene film. To obtain it, dry raw materials are poured into the receiving hopper of the extruder, where it is mixed with dyes and additives. At this stage, calcium carbonate is added ( Chemical substance, which is obtained by combining calcium and a salt of carbonic acid). This component not only gives the desired shade to the product, but also increases rigidity. The additives used directly affect the properties of the resulting material.

Then the mixture enters the heating tank, where it melts at a temperature of 260 ° C. The molten mixture is squeezed out through a special nozzle, resulting in a continuous film that cools under air pressure.

The finished film is cut into threads of a given thickness, which are wound on coils. At this stage of production, it is important to monitor the thickness of the thread and change the coils in a timely manner. If the thickness changes, the cutting blades need to be adjusted.

The finished coils are delivered to the weaving shop, where a polypropylene sleeve is directly produced - the main material for the production of polypropylene bags.

Finished spools with polypropylene thread are fed to a circular loom, where the sleeve is produced. Before the beginning technological process the specialist configures the necessary parameters of future products:

  • thread weaving density;
  • thread tension;
  • polypropylene sleeve width;
  • the presence of an anti-slip thread, which is used to prevent the bags from slipping, and its parameters.

After setting the characteristics by the shuttle method, a polypropylene sleeve is produced, which is wound on bobbins. Finished bobbins can be transported to the warehouse or directly fed to the next stage of production.

Babins have a large diameter and weight, so special equipment is used to transport them.

The polypropylene sleeve is printed flexographically using a special machine. This method is characterized by the use of flexible printing materials (dyes), which allows printing even on uneven surfaces. The layer of polypropylene sleeve enters through rollers that rotate the paint containers. As a result, the desired pattern is applied to the product. After that, the sleeve is again wound on bobbins and sent for cutting and sewing.

The cutting of the polypropylene sleeve is carried out on a special line, where the hot cutting method is used. The machine independently determines the side on which the pattern is applied using a photocell.

The hot cutting method involves melting the end threads of the bag so that they do not spread in the future.

After the blank for the bag is cut off from the polyethylene sleeve, the machine tucks the bottom of the product, usually once or twice, and sews the seam with a multifilament thread, which is also called polypropylene.

The peculiarity of this thread lies in the longitudinal division, in contrast to the monofilament.

  • trimming by direct hot cutting or zigzag;
  • one or two gates;
  • stitched once or twice;
  • without additional processing.

Finished products are packed in packs of 100, 200, 250, 300, 500 or 1000 pieces, depending on the size. After that, the bundles are pressed and packed in a film or wrapped in polypropylene fabric, after which they are again pressed and covered with twine. Finished bags are sent for storage or transported.

Additional steps for the manufacture of polypropylene bags

In the production of laminated bags, a polypropylene sleeve is first processed with a melt of polypropylene, polyethylene or a mixture of them on one or two sides, and only after that it enters the line for cutting and hemming.

The neck with a valve is made in two ways:

  • in ordinary (stitched) bags, the valve is formed manually;
  • in laminated box bags, the valve is formed automatically on the machine.

In the production of polypropylene bags with an insert, after the products are cut and the bottom is hemmed, the insert is manually sewn by seamstresses to the top of the bag. When using special equipment, it is possible to automate the process of sewing in an insert: it is fed along with a polypropylene sleeve and is hemmed on top of the product and along the bottom.

Given such a wide range of uses, bags of this type are in great demand on the market and are sold quite quickly. The finished product does not require special conditions storage, has no expiration dates, takes up little space during transportation.

Polypropylene bags (PP) - a durable type of industrial packaging, which is made from polypropylene threads woven into bags. PP bags are very durable, widely used for packaging and transportation of industrial bulk materials and building materials, the agricultural sector and Food Industry.

Depending on the type of canvas, bags can be used for cereals, sugar, flour, grain, animal feed, mineral fertilizers, expanded clay, cement, etc.

Sales of finished products

Target consumers of PP bags are:

  • construction companies;
  • agricultural producers;
  • industrial companies and enterprises with warehouse complexes;
  • wholesalers and retail;
  • households.

The sale of finished products can be carried out through the following main distribution channels:

  • through and agricultural stores (wholesale construction sites);
  • by promoting products to end consumers through the media - print advertising on stands in gardening cooperatives, print ads) and using interactive media - a ticker on electronic scoreboards, advertising on monitors and light boxes.

Production technology

The following main manufacturing steps can be distinguished:

  1. mixing and drying of raw materials;
  2. production and winding of threads;
  3. obtaining a woven fabric;
  4. cutting cloth into bags;
  5. logo laying on;
  6. sewing a finished bag;
  7. package.

Required Equipment

Consider the package production site For example .

This line is designed for the production of 1.5 million bags per year, the equipment is characterized by a high degree of automation, most of the units and assemblies responsible for managing the line are made in Japan.

The total cost of completing this production line is 3 696 139 rub.

Feasibility Study

Capital investments

  • Purchase of a line: 3,696,139 rubles.
  • Delivery of equipment, adjustment: 300,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials in granules: 300,000 rubles.
  • Registration in the INFS, payment of rent for one month, other expenses: 200,000 rubles.

The total amount of initial investment in the polypropylene bag production business is 4 496 139 rubles.

Revenue calculation

Cost calculation

Average weight bag - 70g.
14 bags are made from 1 kg of granules (-2% technological losses).

The cost of manufacturing one bag:

General expenses.

  • Wage(6 people, with two shifts, 3 people per shift) - 108 thousand rubles.
  • Social contributions from the wage fund - 32 thousand rubles.
  • Room rental - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Administrative expenses - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

Total fixed costs: 390 thousand rubles

Profit calculation

Profit = 998,400 rubles. - 359,424 rubles. - 390,000 rubles. = 248,976 rubles.

ROI (Capital expenditures/ Profit): 18 months.

The article describes the organization of its own highly profitable production of polypropylene bags. The text is divided into subheadings: requirement for the premises, personnel, equipment, materials, production technology, business profitability.

Polypropylene bags are widely used in agriculture, construction for packaging building mixtures and materials, everyday life and household as an inexpensive, durable and easy-to-use packaging.

Polypropylene bags are widely used in agriculture, construction for packing building mixtures and materials, everyday life and households as inexpensive, durable and easy-to-use packaging.

Requirements for the premises

The starting capital for the implementation of the business idea will be about 160 thousand dollars. The main part of these funds will be spent on the purchase of equipment and the lease of premises; production and storage areas will require considerable sizes - 800-1000 sq.m. The shop has a number of requirements. The building must be at least 50 meters away from the residential area, the floor is concrete, the walls are tiled, ventilation, sewerage, heating systems are required, compliance with fire safety standards and labor protection rules. The total area is subdivided into several production departments (this will include a polypropylene yarn production shop, weaving and cutting shops), as well as amenity, administrative premises, warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products. preparation project documentation can be trusted to a third party. The cost of such services is estimated at $60 per sq.m.

PP bag making equipment

The cost of a new automatic line for the production of polypropylene bags of Chinese origin is on average 100,000 USD. excluding delivery and installation. It includes such main components as looms, cutters, printing presses for applying advertising images, a laminating machine, a machine for producing flat polypropylene thread of various thicknesses and widths, an extruder, equipment for processing plastic residues and waste after the manufacture of threads.


Granules of primary or secondary polypropylene act as raw materials for the manufacture of bags from polypropylene yarn. The choice of suppliers of the latter is very wide. The purchase price of 1 kg varies from $ 1 to $ 1.5, depending on the quality of polypropylene and the degree of purification from impurities.

Production technology

Polypropylene granules in a special hopper are mixed with dye and additives. As the latter, calcium carbonate is used, which provides a beautiful white color and the necessary stiffness of the threads for the bag. The cost of the additive in bulk purchases is about $2 per 1 kg.

The mixed components enter the extruder, under the influence of high temperature the mixture melts and is squeezed out in the form of a thin film, after cooling it is cut into threads that are wound on the coils of a circular loom, and here the fabric base is formed - the sleeve of the bag. Then the fabric is cut with a cutter using the hot cutting method, the edges are edged or stitched, the neck is also processed. Finished products are stacked in packs of 500-1000 pieces, pressed to reduce the volume and transferred to the warehouse. An additional source of income can be the use of the sidewalls of the bag as an advertising platform and the application of other images. This procedure is carried out using a flexographic printing press with the possibility of mono- or full-color printing.


To maintain the line, a staff of 2-3 workers will be required. Salary expenses will average 1800-2000 USD. per month.

Profitability of a business idea

The cost of manufacturing one polypropylene bag is estimated at $0.09. Wholesale price - $0.25. Given that 1 kg of granules can produce 14 finished products, the monthly profit of the enterprise can reach 7.5 thousand dollars with active sales and large deliveries to construction, agricultural, and agricultural companies.
Low cost of materials, excellent margin, high demand on the final product and the possibility of using recycled materials make it possible to consider the business of producing polypropylene bags as a promising, profitable and profitable line of business.