How much do they earn on the resale of honey. Wholesale of honey. - And what remains for personal purposes

Getting this valuable and useful product to a beekeeper is only half the battle. You also need to know how to sell honey, because you can stay with it and not know where to put this product.

Sales mechanism

It would seem that he received honey, bring it to the market and sell it. But it turns out that the population does not buy it as willingly as we would like. Therefore, the question arises before the beekeeper: "Where to sell honey?".

Manufacturers of processed products, cosmetologists, are interested in purchasing this product at any time of the year.

When selling this product, it is necessary to sell only high-quality honey, since by selling a low-quality product, you can lose a buyer. Honey must be collected carefully, stored properly. The beekeeper must take care of his bees, do not hesitate to ask more experienced beekeepers for advice.

With retail sales, you can involve family members in this business.

You can find out where honey is purchased in bulk by talking to other sellers of this product, having studied the market on the Internet. It is possible that in this way you will find yourself a wholesale buyer to whom you will sell all the rest of your honey, and no further search is needed.

Implementation methods

There are several of them. The task of the beekeeper is to choose the right one among them that will not deprive him of either time or money. These methods include:

  • retail sale on the market;
  • wholesale sales to enterprises of various forms of ownership;
  • sale using the Internet;
  • implementation through the placement of ads or advertising campaigns;
  • sale at organized fairs, festivities, festivals;
  • sales to your friends.

These methods can be combined, then the question "Where to sell honey?" will not stand in front of the beekeeper.

The latter method assumes that the beekeeper has a large team of acquaintances, since honey is not in high demand in Russia. Therefore, invite friends who like your honey to give it to other friends of yours to try. Such a chain can continue indefinitely, which in the end can lead to the fact that a number of buyers will appear who will be interested in purchasing this product from you.

Wholesale of honey

Announcements for the purchase of honey in bulk can be found both on the Internet and in newspapers with advertisements. It should be borne in mind that there are some pitfalls here, which include the fact that most wholesalers work with batches of 500 kg or more, for each batch of honey you need to receive a declaration of conformity, for which you need to carry out chemical analyzes in accredited laboratories. And the most significant thing is that when wholesale, the beekeeper loses profit compared to retail sales.

If you urgently need money and fast sale of goods, you need to engage in the wholesale of honey. How to wholesale honey? To answer this question, you need to arm yourself with a computer with Internet access, a printer in order to be able to print sales advertisements that can be posted at bus stops (yes, this method continues to be popular, especially considering that the main buyers of honey are middle-aged and elderly people ). In addition, you need to contact various confectionery production located nearby, to restaurants, tea houses, various hyper- and supermarkets, consumer cooperation organizations.

Retail sale of honey

In retail sales, the question of where to sell honey does not disappear. When placing ads on the Internet, it is better to accompany the text itself with a photo of the product. The text should contain information about the merits of the product being sold, while there is no need to embellish, it is better to advertise the organoleptic properties of the honey being sold.

In addition, when answering the question of how to sell honey at retail, you can advise selling through an online store. It is better if it is your store. It is desirable to create a friendly atmosphere, sell a quality product, so that buyers leave only positive feedback.

In retail sales, honey is bottled in various containers. The seller must have a container with him, with the help of which and from which it will be possible to give the buyers a taste of the product. In addition to honey, for sale separately, you need to take such as zabrus, propolis, perga, wax.

Realization of honey abroad

If you have tried the options proposed above, but they did not seem attractive, and you continue to suffer from the question "How to sell honey?", You should try your hand at selling abroad. The most profitable countries for the sale of this product are Australia, USA, France, China, Germany, Japan, Greece. Especially relevant is the sale of honey to China, which is ready to buy all Russian honey, the supply of which to this country in 2016 compared to 2010 increased by 36 times!

When selling honey abroad, the wholesale price is much higher compared to prices from domestic buyers, however, there are somewhat more difficulties. With this implementation, it is necessary to pay increased attention to quality, and, consequently, to documentation, to determine the buyer and transportation of honey.

The buyer can be found with the help of special companies, but they do not do it out of the kindness of their hearts, and part of the profits will need to be shared with them. You can search for yourself by creating a website and filling it with information in Russian, English and the language of the country where it is planned to sell honey.

The sale of honey, like any other product, requires constant monitoring of the situation on the market. Keep this in mind when pricing.

Transportation is usually negotiated and is therefore the least of a problem.

Documents for different countries are different. The following documents are common: confirming your activity, sanitary certificates.


Thus, how to sell honey, the beekeeper himself must determine. This may be a retail sale on the market, but this takes time and desire, or it may be a wholesale sale within the country or abroad, which is largely determined by the capabilities of the beekeeper.

You have decided to sell honey in bulk. Not every novice beekeeper knows how to organize such a business. So how do you avoid common mistakes at the beginning of such activity?

If you have harvested a rich harvest on the territory of your apiary, then you have only one thing left to do: competently sell your product on the market. Otherwise, all the work of the beekeeper will be in vain.

Therefore, the business of organizing sales must be approached with the utmost responsibility. It is better to sell honey in bulk if you have managed to collect a large harvest on the territory of your apiary.

is a complete business. And this means that it is necessary to approach this matter quite responsibly.

Remember that honey is one of the most effective and at the same time very tasty medicines that help in the fight against a wide variety of diseases.

Selling such bee products is a business that is unlikely to lack customers. However, first of all, it will be necessary to get in touch with potential buyers.

Having established sales, you will be able to feel that by selling your products, you are not only making a profit, but also doing a noble deed. After all, such beekeeping products are not only a delicious delicacy, but also an excellent medicine.

Your product will help different people improve their health. This benefit cannot be measured in monetary terms, but perhaps knowing this will bring you additional satisfaction from the results of your activities.

If you are at the beginning of your business journey and do not yet know what kind of activity you should take up, then you can consider beekeeping as one of the options. But, of course, at the same time, you must be predisposed to such an activity, otherwise you are unlikely to succeed.

The fact is that many beekeepers start their activities as a hobby. And only then, having gained enough experience and skills, they expand their business. are gaining new customers and are engaged in the production of popular bee products on an industrial scale.

Alternatively, you can not engage in the production of honey yourself, but engage in resale. However, this is far from such an exciting activity, and it is not aimed at obtaining satisfaction from the results of one's work, but directly at making a profit.

However, bee breeding troublesome business. You will constantly deal with living beings, which means that you need to take care of them with the utmost responsibility. The life of bees is subject to various factors. external environment, which means that you must make the maximum amount of effort to protect your wards from the negative impact environment.

Honey is good because it is in constant demand among the population. It can be used in the following industries:

  • cooking;
  • medicine;
  • cosmetology.

For the organization of the sale of honey, it is very positive that this food product, despite its naturalness, has a rather long shelf life. Of course, it is important to observe certain conditions content of such a product, but in general it cannot be classified as a perishable substance.

Such a product can be stored even at room temperature. This means that you do not have to think about how to provide cool conditions for a large batch of your crop.

In addition, if you failed to find customers in the standard way, you can always start your own business by offering your product to your friends and acquaintances. It is unlikely that there will be many people who refuse such a delicious treat. Moreover, its use is very beneficial for health.

Realization of bee products

How to properly sell your product on the market? Of course, it is necessary to surpass competitors in terms of product quality and find your client.

Unfortunately, beekeeping as a business can face some challenges. The fact is that here the harvest is clearly timed to a certain time of the year. In this way. such activities may be clearly seasonal.

In addition, honey bees are living organisms. Unfavorable environmental factors can negate all your efforts to breed and maintain them.

Phenomena such as heat, frost, wind and precipitation can cause the bees to weaken and be unable to reproduce and collect useful products. in the saddest course of events, they may even die. Therefore, it is very important to correctly apply your knowledge in the course of conducting such activities.

Yes, and plants that are a source of pollen can bloom with different intensity from season to season. And this factor will also inevitably affect the state of your beekeeping.

Besides, in recent times apiary owners often face another misfortune. These are pesticides.

Unfortunately, such substances are often used to grow crops. Bees pollinate such plants and can be harmful to their health.

Do not be afraid to take measures to counteract this factor. If you find out about such work, then you should think about how to protect your wards.

As a rule, bees fly within a radius of five kilometers, and it is important to ensure that pesticides are not applied to plants in this area. Otherwise, you should think about moving your apiary to a new place. You can apply additional measures to strengthen the immunity of bees. To do this, use top dressing and special medicines.

If your bees are healthy, and the bee colonies are strong enough, then you have the right to count on rich harvests of bee nectar. If, in addition to this, you were able to establish wholesale sales of your products, then you can be sure that your business will not burn out.

It is enough to keep about 35-50 hives in order to be ready for the sale of large wholesale lots of their goods. Who can be your clients in this case?

  • specialized fairs;
  • trade networks;
  • confectionery factories.

Sometimes even medical and cosmetic enterprises are ready to buy such products. If we are talking about small wholesale lots, then often even private buyers are ready for this, because, as a rule, it is more profitable than buying such goods at retail.

Do not forget to draw up a preliminary business plan for your activities. It would be logical to first focus on the territories closest to you to search for potential buyers.

Perhaps you will have informal connections with some of them, which will help to establish contact. And only then, when you are quite firmly on your feet, you can think about expanding your subsidiary farm and finding new customers from distant regions of the country.

Confectionery factories as one of the clients

One of the types of potential buyers for the owner of the apiary can be confectionery factories. And this is no coincidence, because the delicious delicacy collected by the winged beekeepers is, first of all, an exquisite delicacy, and only then a well-known medicine.

Wholesale means that you will sell your product in bulk. This will provide you with a stable profit, especially since orders from large buyers are received, as a rule, with greater regularity than from private traders.

When deciding to start your own business, try to calculate your profit. This will help you make an informed decision about whether or not you should engage in such activities.

Confectionery factories are great potential buyer for large deliveries of similar goods. After all, sweet bee products are a good raw material for the production of many types of confectionery.

Thus, it is possible that having found several similar customers, you can no longer think about which channels to sell your products through. You can enter into a contract for the supply of your goods for quite a long time, which will give you some confidence in the future development of your business.

However, by doing so, you assume a number of obligations. The contract may specify the volume of deliveries for all time, which means that you must be sure that no adverse factors will force you to violate your obligations.

When working with wholesale customers remember that the price per unit of goods should be fixed. At the same time, try to keep your interests, because your activity should be profitable, first of all, for you, and your client thinks, first of all, about his own benefit.

How to organize wholesale bee products? You need to find such customers who will be interested in large quantities of your product.

If you decide to sell large quantities of your goods and work with legal entities, then, most likely, you will have to legalize your activities.

For example, designate yourself as individual entrepreneur or open a real company. as a legal entity.

There are certain nuances here. You need to comply with certain veterinary and sanitary standards in the conduct of your activities. This will need to be confirmed by the relevant authorities.

Your products must be certified, which will allow large customers to trust you. This is especially important given that you are selling products that are intended to be consumed by people as food product and medicinal product.

Consider the time it will take you to collect all the necessary paperwork. Perhaps the timing of the first deliveries, taking into account this period, will be slightly moved to a later time.

By interacting with wholesale customers, you can sell your products not only on domestic market but also abroad. Of course, the profit per unit of goods will be significantly less than when interacting with retail customers, but due to the effect of volume, you can be satisfied with your turnover.

Selling honey in bulk should be organized. If you are an experienced beekeeper, then you probably already have your own established customer base.

For beginners, mastering the existing market can be difficult. However, knowing some of the nuances of this activity, you can successfully cope with the task.

Before starting a business of breeding bees and selling honey, you need to at least theoretically learn this specific business, since there are plenty of sources of information, because bees have been bred since ancient times.

Considering the popular and at the same time real, from my point of view, small business ideas from scratch to agriculture It is simply impossible not to remember the breeding of bees. Indeed, the idea of ​​a bee business is one of the traditional for the entire southern part. former USSR. According to official statistics of past years, we can say that the USSR was one of the five leaders in the production of honey in the world. Now the situation has changed and Ukraine is in the top five, and Russia is in the top ten largest producers of sweet products, but in the aggregate, nothing has really changed.

To organize a business based on breeding bees, you need to purchase hives. The optimal number of hives for an entrepreneur who does not live permanently in the apiary is 30 pieces. Such a purchase will cost $ 600 (based on the price for 1 piece in the amount of $ 20). It should be noted that these costs can be avoided if you build the hives yourself.

The cost of doing this business is one-time, because after the first honey harvest, there will be no need to re-purchase bees and hives. By the way, it’s not necessary to buy hives at all: with some skills, it’s easy to make them yourself. Today on the Web you can find dozens of diagrams and drawings, according to which you can make high-quality hives with your own hands. If you do not have such a desire or opportunity, you will need to spend about 400-500 rubles to buy each hive, the number of which should be equal to the number bee colonies.

So, for example, if you decide to install 30 hives on your site, you will need to purchase 30 families, the cost of each of which is approximately 1100-1300 rubles. In addition to the above, a novice beekeeper needs to buy necessary tools, inventory and a special protective suit, having spent 3-4 thousand rubles on all this. Thus, the starting capital for breeding 30 bee colonies will be about 60 thousand rubles. No running costs for the maintenance of bees will be required.

The main condition for obtaining sustainable honey collection from bees is the timely and skillful performance of all bee work related to caring for and breeding bees. An equally important task in caring for bees is the ability of a beekeeper to keep bees from harmful natural reproduction (swarming), provide them with high-quality food supplies in a timely manner, create optimal conditions for wintering, prevent bee diseases with timely preventive measures, and when diseases appear, be able to recognize them and treat.

It is desirable to place the apiary in a zone protected from the wind, between trees or buildings, in order to prevent the possibility of death or illness of your bees. You can also place the hives in a south-facing area that will be well lit by the sun during the day.

In the absence of the above conditions on your personal plot, the place for the apiary will need to be fenced around the perimeter with a small fence or hedge, the height of which will be at least 1.5-2 meters. It is desirable to have hives away from roads and paths along which people intensively walk. It is strictly forbidden to locate the apiary in damp and low places, near industrial enterprises, since such an arrangement of hives will necessarily entail an inevitable disease of the bees.

It is noteworthy that the breeding of bees not only profits from the sale of honey, but also from the sale of beeswax, propolis, bee venom and pollen. Thus, with one-time costs for organizing your business, you will receive a stable income.

Working with bees requires special clothing and extreme caution. If you wish, you can breed bees yourself, but it is also possible to hire individual employee who will visit your hives from time to time for a salary by arrangement.

Honey obtained from breeding bees can be sold to both wholesale dealers and small shops. If you wish, with the growth and development of your business, you can organize your own honey supply channel to all stores in your city.

Each bee family produces about 30 kg of honey per season, so from 30 hives we will get about 900 kg of this product. The cost of one kilogram of honey is different, depending on its variety, region, etc., but in any case, it will not be lower than 150 rubles. As a result, 30 hives will bring income to the owner, minimum size which is 130-140 thousand rubles. But do not forget that, in addition to honey, you will have propolis, bee venom, propolis and pollen, on the sale of which you can earn about 30 thousand rubles more. Thus, already in the first season, your investments will not only pay off, but also bring about 200% of net profit.

Business plan for breeding bees. Beekeeping

Beekeeping is another craft that can become quite successful idea. You do not need a lot of money to organize a business, but the profit will be good. Beekeeping provides a wide range of products. In addition to honey, as it is, there is the possibility of selling pollen, royal jelly, honeycomb, propolis and bee bread. As a result, it is worth counting on a profitability of 15-30%.

Before starting such a business, you need to familiarize yourself with a large amount of literature, as well as take care of practical skills. Experts say that starting work with beekeeping from scratch will be difficult. Therefore, it is worth engaging in such an industry only to those who know about the main nuances, and it is better to go through school for several years. After all, experience will make it possible to recoup the business already in a season, excluding the possibility of a mistake.

The location of the apiary.

This is one of the most important questions. The ideal solution is a clearing with multi-flowering plants. Fruit trees in the garden can also be a good place. Some beekeepers decide to leave their apiaries near the fields. But, it is always a risk and fraught with looting. Therefore, you will have to hire a watchman. Therefore, it is best to negotiate for a fee to place your apiaries near already protected fields or gardens. This option will be beneficial for both parties. After all, pollinated fruits will give a good harvest. Whereas d bees are food and an abundance of honey. The cost of seasonal rent will follow the agreements. Most often, this amount starts from $ 200 and depends on the size of the apiary itself.

So, for work on large fields or gardens, landlords ask for at least $1,000.

Purchase of bees and hives.

It is most optimal to purchase five families to start a business. Those who try to start with two often end up unsuccessfully. This option will protect yourself from mistakes and the likelihood of family death. It is best to turn to experienced beekeepers who are engaged in breeding and selling bees. Although not everyone is ready to share a strong swarm. Most often, bee colonies are sold directly with the hive. Therefore, this will immediately solve 2 questions. The price of buying hives together with chelas will also be very different and starts from $800. In the future, experts recommend continuing the development of families. And in order for the apiary to become a truly profitable industry, it is worth creating about 15 hives.


If you already have hives, then you need to buy the following tools:

  1. Boxes - $12;
  2. Axes - $8;
  3. Planers - $10;
  4. Capacities - $30;
  5. Pincers - $4;
  6. New honeycombs - $25;
  7. Frames - $20;
  8. Wires - $10;
  9. Honey extractor - $120;
  10. Special crane for pumping honey - $ 40;
  11. Protective suit - $100.

In total, about $ 500 is needed to purchase the necessary equipment. It is worth noting that some tools will be consumables. Therefore, it is important to purchase them in the required quantity.


It is quite possible to take care of a small apiary on your own. But, if you have the proper experience and time, and the apiary is small. Otherwise, 1 assistant is needed. This is a person with mandatory experience in such activities. Also, most often you need a security guard or even two to work in shifts. Since the apiary will be temporarily located on the field or near the garden, this is a seasonal work that lasts for 6 months. Salary will depend on the size of the apiary.

On average, you should expect monthly payments in the amount of $400.

For advertising, the Internet is most often used. This is the creation of a website-page with address data, as well as the dissemination of information about the sale of honey in the network. You can also use outdoor advertising. When working for the end buyer, it is worth posting information and posters on poles. It is also important to prepare flyers and business cards. It is better to immediately buy in bulk at the printing house.

Basic costs.

The main costs include the following:

  1. Location of the apiary - 200-1 thousand $;
  2. Purchase of bees and hives (5 families) - $ 800;
  3. Equipment - about $500;
  4. Staff - $400;
  5. Advertising - $200.

The starting price for creating and developing a business will be about $3.5 thousand.

Profit and payback period.

The market value of 1 kg of honey is $7.5-10. A kilogram of wax will cost buyers $8. The cost of propolis is about $7. At the same price they sell bee venom and pollen. Queen's milk is considered one of the most expensive bee products, and its price is close to $33. This is a market price and may vary greatly depending on the size of the territorial unit and the sales region. As a result, for a season with five hives, you can make a profit of $ 9,000 or more.

Payback will be realized already in a season. Net profit will be about $4,000.

Clients and options for development.

Clients: food industry, end customer, cosmetic industry, health care industry and so on. As a business development, it is worth breeding hive families. For the business to be highly profitable it is worth organizing at least 15 families. Also even more profitable business is the processing of honey. But, for implementation it is necessary to purchase special equipment. Yes, and the amount of honey should be much more substantial.

        • Similar business ideas:

Opening a department for the sale of packaged honey does not require large investments. Trading equipment can be bought in a used version, and products for sale can be taken in installments from local beekeepers. In most cases, to open a store, it is enough to rent a corner of 10-15 square meters. meters in mall or on the ground floor of an apartment building. The second option is even more preferable, since clients will be what is called “at your side” ...

The retail honey market is already quite developed, but the opening of new points of sale continues. At its core, packaged honey is purchased in retail chains. But its range in such facilities leaves much to be desired. Plus, in retail chains it is unlikely that they will advise on the varieties and types of this product, and this is very important for the buyer.

These two facts create a certain niche for opening a specialized department for the sale of packaged honey. Such a point of sale has several advantages at once, which will be easily appreciated by true connoisseurs of a useful product.

Firstly, in a specialized retail store, the range of honey and other products is much higher. Here you can sell a lot of related products: bee products (wax, propolis, royal jelly, perga, pollen), health products, tea, herbs, gift sets.

Secondly, in such departments, as a rule, a person who understands the varieties of honey and its beneficial properties works. Indeed, often, the buyer, coming to the store, does not know what kind and taste he will like. But no problem - tasting is open for him, try and buy whatever your heart desires. You won't find it in the supermarket, that's for sure.

It is for these reasons, special shop selling honey and related products will always be in demand. Its client base will be formed in any city, from small to great.

How to start a business of opening a department for the sale of packaged honey

A businessman who decides to open such a business needs to solve several questions. First you need to decide where to get honey from and how to create the right assortment of goods. There are several options. First option: You can buy honey in bulk from local beekeepers and pack it yourself in plastic or glass containers. The advantage of such activities is that you can get more profit due to a higher margin (up to 100-150%). However, there is also a significant disadvantage - packaging requires the purchase of appropriate equipment (dosing unit UD-2), a separate room and hiring work force. In other words, you are forced to open a full-fledged production, with all the consequences.

An easier way is to buy ready-made, packaged honey from wholesalers, who are not few in our country. You can even agree on such conditions that they themselves will bring goods to your outlet. Hence the lack of transport costs. It will turn out to earn less (margin maximum 50%), however, there is much less hassle.

How much money do you need to start a business selling packaged honey

As for the total costs of opening a business, they can range from 300 thousand rubles, depending on the scale of the project. It is logical that the more Sales Department- the more funds are needed for its arrangement. It will take at least 100 thousand rubles to purchase commercial equipment, from 150 thousand rubles to create an assortment of goods, from 30 thousand rubles to advertising (a sign in front of the entrance), to other org. expenses - about another 20 thousand rubles.

When purchasing goods, you should definitely check with the supplier for the availability of an apiary passport and a veterinary certificate for a batch of honey. This is necessary in order to avoid problems with regulatory authorities in the future.

The most important task of the organizer of the case is to find good sellers, real connoisseurs of honey business. Often, the size of the store's revenue and the success of the whole business depend on the skill of your salespeople. The man behind the counter should understand the varieties of honey, be able to offer desired item to the buyer, to explain its healing properties and rules of use. In addition, he must have good human qualities, be polite and responsive. Finally, the seller must be able to sell the goods, no matter how trite it may sound. If the buyer, having come for one jar of honey, takes two more with him, and even having bought a set of Indian tea just in case, you have found the perfect employee.

How much can you earn at a point selling honey

Speaking about how much you can earn on the retail sale of honey, you need to calculate the turnover. From one bee family in total for the season you can get an average of 40-50 kilograms of honey. Given the current market price at 300 rubles per kilogram, we can conclude that one family can earn 12-15 thousand rubles per season. Then from one apiary it will be possible to get about 400,000-500,000 rubles. It is also possible to introduce the sale of beekeeping by-products (pollen, wax, propolis). From their sale you can get an average of 120-150 thousand rubles. If the development of the apiary proceeds normally, then subsequently the number of bee colonies will only increase, which will give impetus to an increase in profits.

What equipment to choose for a point of sale of honey

The main equipment for the purchase is devices for packing honey. Experienced entrepreneurs advise choosing the domestic line "Medofit +". It is highly productive, with great power and a rather high price - about 500,000 rubles will have to be paid for one automated production line. You also need transport for the delivery of containers, the container itself and a standard shop equipment(counters, racks, signs, etc.).

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

When registering a business, it is necessary to indicate the OKVED code 52.27.39 (“Retail trade in other food products”).

What documents are needed to open a point for the sale of honey

To open a point for the retail sale of honey, you need to register an individual business. To do this, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • a copy of the act of registration with the tax office;
  • a copy of the identity card;
  • application for opening an individual entrepreneur (in the form);
  • receipt of payment of state tax for opening an IP.

What taxation system to choose when registering a business

To open a point for the sale of honey in Moscow, it is recommended to apply a simplified taxation system, and in other regions - UTII.

Do I need permission to open a point for the sale of honey

Retail trade in honey and by-products does not require a license, but you need to be certified by the Rosstat and Rospotrebnadzor structures - this will allow you to distribute products through retail chains.

business management technology

Generally retail honey can bring even more income than wholesale. All because in wholesale trade difficult to succeed due to high competition. Otherwise, thanks to the discovery of not even one, but several points retail honey, the entrepreneur has a chance to become a monopolist in certain areas. If, of course, the quality of the products corresponds to that. You can later create own brand, engage in its promotion on the Internet (including through the creation of an online store).

Find out how sale of honey, has become for a young man profitable view business.

  • I saw this story on one of the Russian TV channels in a program about successful young entrepreneurs. This story shows once again that own business you can start without start-up capital, as they say from scratch.
  • So, there was one family in which the head of the family was engaged in beekeeping, the wife worked on the housework, and the son was in his first year at the institute. They lived in a private house on the outskirts of a provincial town in Russia.

In general, once the income from the sale of honey and bee products for this family began to fall due to the fact that many competitors appeared in their area, the same beekeepers as they are.

By the way, if you are interested, read the article oriental sweets, which tells successful story how to start at least profitable business making delicious sweet dish.

Sale of honey in the city

Without hesitation, an enterprising young man quickly solved this problem and not only helped his father and family return their previous income, but was also able to increase this amount by at least 3 times, and that's how.

Andrey, agreed with all beekeepers about joint activities. To be more precise, he offered them not to compete with all the beekeepers of their area among themselves, but to give all their honey to him, which he would sell not only in their area, but also outside it.

Negotiated with beekeepers

Almost all beekeepers agreed to his proposal and in the first season they began to give him honey for sale. Andrei organized the sale of honey in this way. He began to take it to his relatives living in the regional center, who began to sell honey to their friends.

  • And such a sale of honey is much more profitable than selling it on the market or in stores. It is explained simply. His relatives, selling honey, act as guarantors of its quality. Moreover, they work a certain percentage rewards.
  • As a result, there were so many customers that the next year, Andrey could not satisfy all the needs of customers. According to him, this year the demand was several times higher than in the previous one. And people began to order honey from his relatives long before sales. Although the volume of honey that he delivered in the previous season exceeded 5 tons.

In his future plans, to negotiate with beekeepers from other areas in order to satisfy the needs of everyone and get even more profit.

In such a simple way, a young entrepreneur was able to start a profitable business that will always flourish, since honey and bee products have always had and will have a steady consumer demand among the population. I think there is no need to explain that the sale of honey is a profitable and promising business, in which there will always be a demand for goods.

Why is it beneficial?

And given the fact that there is a lot of fake honey on sale, his business, where his relatives act as sellers and guarantors of its quality at the same time, will always flourish, and sales and profits will only increase from year to year.

You see how the sale of honey has grown into a profitable business. What is stopping you from doing the same. No need to try to come up with something clever and more profitable. Just repeat his scheme and that's it.