How to start making custom cakes Reasons for opening a candy store. Raw materials for production

My friends, I greet you! As promised, I found another way for you to make good money - creative and very “delicious”! And now I will give you the first free master class on how to learn how to bake cakes to order from scratch.

From this article you will learn:

I have not yet met in my life people who would not like to eat sweets. How nice after a long time labor day relax with a cup of tea with sweets. And, despite the craze of the entire Internet community for sports and healthy eating, no, no, and you will treat yourself to something forbidden. And if a big holiday is coming, such as New Year, Birthday or wedding, then you can’t do without a cake! It should sum up the celebration, become a pleasant surprise and the main decoration of the table.

Some of us buy pastries in the store, some make it ourselves, and some order from a private confectioner.

Did you notice that in recent times home bakeries have gained wide popularity? All my friends have been ordering birthday cakes and cupcakes exclusively from private masters for a long time. So, I suggest you become such exclusive confectioners yourself.

What is needed for this? Of course desire! Even if you have never baked anything, this is not a reason to refuse such a tempting idea. Everything is just the opposite - it's time to start!

Top 5 easiest recipes

In any case, first of all, turn on common sense! No need to immediately take on recipes “with an asterisk”. Choose whichever is faster. Faster - it's better!

  1. cheesecake- the most popular dessert, is on the menu of any cafe and restaurant. Do you think it's difficult to prepare? At first glance, it might seem so. But in fact, it turns out the first time for everyone! In addition, the cost of all ingredients will come out no more than 600 rubles, and it will take a maximum of 20 minutes of your time to prepare! Well, if you plan to bake to order, then this will be the most profitable cake. After all, you can sell it from 1500 rubles and more. Don't believe? Then watch the free master class
  2. bird's milk- a cake that we know from childhood. Delicate soufflé dessert melting in your mouth will not leave anyone indifferent. The main advantage of the cake is that it can be prepared in the morning and served on the table in the afternoon.
  3. Pancho- a stunning combination of chocolate biscuit, pineapples and walnuts under a delicate cream. You will love this recipe because you can bake a sponge cake in any shape, and it does not have to be even, perfect - you will still cut it into pieces. And assembling Pancho is just a song! No alignments and complex techniques - just soak the biscuit pieces with cream and fold them up!
  4. Mousse cake “Three chocolates”- despite the long name and the word “mousse” that frightens many, this cake does not require fundamental skills from you. Not the cheapest set of ingredients, but the result is a gift for gourmets and a complete delight!
  5. pancake cake- brilliant invention! Each of us can bake pancakes. And the thing is small - mix any cream, grease pancakes with it and put it in a pile! Truly an amazing idea! And most importantly, you can experiment. You can bake yeast pancakes, you can fresh. Add cocoa to them - there will be a chocolate cake. Bake with oatmeal or rice flour - you get a pp-cake. And some even manage to make them savory - for example, from the liver or zucchini!

Very often, these recipes are included in basic courses for beginner confectioners. Clear and consistent, they will decorate any holiday.

How to learn the art of confectionery?

Independently and for free

This is where I and many of my friends started. How does it usually happen? We are looking for some recipes on the Internet, in books, we take from friends. And it seems like a cool recipe, judging by the stories / photos / reviews. You run to the store, buy a mountain of expensive products, then you do not get out of the kitchen all day, trying to do everything exactly. But as a result, something didn’t work out here, there is a joint, and now, all the efforts are down the drain. The finished cake flies into the trash can. You know those Internet memes called “Expectation/Reality”? This is exactly how it comes out. I wanted to surprise the guests, but in the end I made them laugh, and I myself was upset.

No, it's not that you're a bad hostess. It's just that most free recipes on the Internet are untested, and no one guarantees you a perfect result. You yourself perfectly understand that you can write anything, attach a completely left photo, and no one will guess anything.

And as a result, you will spend your energy, time, money, ruin a bunch of expensive products, and everything is down the drain. And most importantly, it will be a shame so that all the desire to bake something will disappear.

Master classes

So why not get real confectioners? Think it's long/expensive/tedious?

Not at all! Sign up for a workshop to try it out! By the way, most confectionery schools regularly organize free workshops in the form of webinars, where they teach beginners how to bake cool cakes in a matter of minutes live, share the secrets of craftsmanship and answer questions from participants. As a result, you will gain a lot of new information.


Of course, a one-time master class will not solve all your problems. But you:

  1. Guaranteed to master the recipe.
  2. You can ask your questions live.
  3. Surprise your loved ones with a new yummy.
  4. Understand how easy learning is for you.
  5. Decide if confectionery is right for you and if it's worth continuing your education.

If the decision is positive, then you should think about choosing full-fledged courses.

Online courses

For some reason, many people want to get to live master classes. It would seem that everything is obvious. You stand next to the confectioner, watch how he does it, maybe even get lucky and be allowed to hold the mixer in your hands. But in fact, everything turns out to be not the same as in beautiful films and TV shows. For live lessons, as a rule, a large group of students is recruited. After all, it is necessary to recapture the rent of the studio, and take into account the cost of products, and many other expenses. And in the end, the bazaar-station begins. Someone did not see anything, someone did not hear, someone did not understand and asks to repeat. And he left the course, went home, and completely forgot what to do. But a lot of money was spent, time was killed, and the benefit is not a fact that will come.

That is why I prefer online learning. Modern ways shooting allows you to create the complete feeling that the teacher is standing right in front of you. Everything is perfectly visible, if you do not understand, you can rewind, or even pause. And most importantly - the complete feeling that you are one on one with the teacher. No one interferes, does not push under the elbow, does not interrupt. And in general, you don’t have to adapt, because you can study at a convenient time for you.

I usually watch the video, figure out what's what, and then go to the kitchen, put the tablet or phone so that it can be seen, and start cooking with the confectioner. The immersion in the process is enormous!

There is always someone to ask a question. As a rule, studying online, you get access to a general chat with a tutor or, even better, an individual tutor who is with you 24/7. He will explain what is not clear, tell you how to replace the ingredients if you did not find what is indicated in the recipe, give good advice, and then sort out the mistakes so that you can take them into account for the future. Is this not a dream?

So, in the “ProfiTroli” confectionery school, hand in hand with an individual curator, you can go all the way from a beginner to a professional confectioner. An individual approach to each student solves a lot.
Online courses of the school "ProfiTroli":

Course "Beginner confectioner"

Beginner Pastry Chef is a step-by-step 2-month online course consisting of 2 main modules (theory/practice), thanks to which you will learn how to cook 7 of the coolest and most unusual desserts. You can please your loved ones and pleasantly surprise your friends. Even experienced confectioners will envy you!

Candy bar course

Candy bar is a 2-month online course consisting of the 8 most popular desserts that have appeared recently, but have already managed to win the hearts of millions of sweet teeth. These desserts will be an excellent alternative to traditional cakes and a highlight of any children's or youth holiday, because they can be used to decorate a candy bar or a sweet photo zone.

I have always loved to cook. But I got to the master class on making cakes relatively recently. Quite by accident, I discovered a new talent in myself and began to develop it. And for several years now I have been treating all relatives, friends and colleagues with sweets of my own preparation.

What do we need at the initial stage?

How to bake cakes at home? First we need a kitchen. She can be anyone. It is not necessary to have an expensive professional household appliances. Any even the oldest stove and oven will fit. As long as everything works properly.

To knead the dough, you will need a mixer or blender with special nozzles, which will later come in handy for whipping creams. Of course, you can do everything manually with a whisk, but it will take much more time and effort.

You will also have to buy several baking dishes of different diameters. For the smallest desserts, a 20 cm cake is suitable, and a large company can easily eat a 30 cm cake.

The cake doesn't have to be round. Therefore, square and rectangular shapes work well too. A variety of flowers, hearts and stars - at your discretion. For example, a heart-shaped cake can be easily cut and assembled from a round and square base.

Take care of the storage of products and ready-made cakes. You will definitely have to free up a separate shelf in the refrigerator for this. And if possible, then buy a separate refrigerator specifically for orders.

This is the minimum set of tools you will need. And you will definitely learn about professional devices and little tricks in my online school.

Let's start with the main thing - bake cakes

The basis of any cake or pastry is cakes. They can be biscuit, honey, sour cream, kefir, shortbread, puff or choux pastry. The variety of options is countless.

Each hostess has her own preferences and recipes. In order not to spoil the products and not to waste time, find a proven master class in making cakes. High cakes of small diameter are now in fashion. They look compact and stylish. To assemble such a dessert, we need at least 3 cakes.


Cakes without impregnation are dry and lifeless. Therefore, we just need a cream! For my taste, the more cream the better. The most popular creams are made from whipped cream, condensed milk and butter, sour cream, cottage cheese or mascarpone, there are also various custards, chocolate ganaches and curds. For a bright taste and color, you can add a variety of flavors and dyes.

The cream is a kind of “cement” necessary for assembling the cake. Therefore, the cream must be applied evenly and thoroughly coat all parts of the cake with it.

Cake assembly

If you are making a cake for yourself and plan to eat it at home, you can collect it on a large flat plate or platter. But if you bake for sale, then it is better to use disposable cardboard or plastic substrates.

We lay the first cake and cover it with an even layer of cream, then on top of it the second cake and again the cream. You can use several different creams and fillings in one cake, put nuts, berries or jam between layers. If you do not want your masterpiece to look like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, then use a pastry bag and a spatula to apply the cream.

Jewelry and decor

Decoration options great amount. It all depends on your imagination and the desire of the customer. And do not forget that its price will depend on the beauty of the cake and its design, and in general, the demand for your pastries.

  1. Mastic is a paste based on powdered sugar, similar to plasticine. It is very convenient to sculpt figures of animals, fairy-tale characters, comic and cartoon characters from it. Such cakes are often ordered for children's parties. Their cost ranges from 800 to 2000 rubles. for 1 kg.
  2. Fresh fruits and berries are not inferior to mastic in the popularity rating. They are liked by women who watch their figure. Yoghurt and cottage cheese creams are less high-calorie, and fruits are in perfect harmony with them. In addition, decorating baked goods with fruit is the easiest way of all. For such a dessert, buyers are ready to pay from 500 to 1500 rubles. for 1 kg.
  3. Gingerbread figures and sweets are the current favorite on the market. All the salt here is in printed gingerbread with drawings of multi-colored glaze, which are prepared separately, and then stuck into the cake using special skewers, or “glued” to the cream. Cooking such gingerbread is not easy, because in order to decorate them, you need to have a steady hand and artistic talent. In addition to gingerbread, such cakes are abundantly sprinkled with sweets, meringues, dragees, waffles, marshmallows and other ready-made sweets that can be bought at any store. average price 1200 - 1700 r. for 1 kg.
  4. and velor cakes are all the rage. They are considered the most difficult to prepare and expensive. Their cost can reach up to 3.5 thousand rubles per kilogram.

Decor is a topic that worries all novice confectioners, so the ProfiTrolls school understands more than 10 options for the actual design of cakes, and also provides a manual on modern species decor that every beginner can easily repeat. Just look at what beautiful desserts the students make online courses after a couple of weeks of training.

Were you able to learn how to bake beautiful cakes? Then you will surely want to expand the range. What desserts are now in high price?

  1. Cupcakes are small cupcakes with a massive cream cap that is sprinkled with various toppings. The price is 100-200 rubles per piece. But they are not sold individually. As a rule, the minimum order is completed from 6 pieces.
  2. Trifles are an English dessert made from sponge cake, custard and whipped cream. Garnished with fresh fruit and served in serving glasses. Approximate price 200-300 rubles. a piece.
  3. Cake pops are round cupcakes put on a stick. They are similar in shape and size to lollipops. Top them with chocolate and sprinkle with toppings. Price 80-150 rubles. a piece.

How to calculate the cost of the finished cake?

After you learn how to cook all these magical goodies, and move from the category of beginners to experienced bakers, you can think about opening your own bakery. And how to make this business profitable, I will tell right now.

  • The cost of products used in the preparation of cakes and cream;
  • The cost of decorative elements, dyes, fruits and toppings;
  • The price of the substrate and packaging;
  • Transportation costs for the delivery of the cake;
  • Payment of utility bills (electricity, gas, water).

Make an increase in the amount in which you value your work and time spent.

Compare the figures obtained with the average market price of similar cakes.

Where to find the first clients?

After completing my courses, you should not immediately try to sell your pastries. Try to start practicing on your friends and relatives. I am sure that they will only be grateful to you for such experiences. And you get your hand.

It is through social networks that it is easiest to find the first customers. Create a separate account on Instagram or place an ad on your wall in contact. Ask your friends to share your post. More advanced users can create their own website dedicated to baking. You can advertise on thematic forums and mom blogs, for example, or

Choose only fresh and high-quality products for your cakes. Then satisfied customers will come back to you again and again.

Try to personalize your style. Think carefully about packaging. It should not only be beautiful, but also ensure the safety of your creations during transportation.

My advice to you - cook cakes only in good location spirit. That's when they turn out to be unforgettably delicious. Therefore, I wish you a great mood, more inspiration and new creative ideas! Do not forget to subscribe to my blog and share the link on social networks. See you soon!

With a small start-up capital in search of an activity to open a business, pay attention to the production of cakes. This business can get by minimum investment, because there is no need to rent a room and high costs for equipment and materials. It is quite possible to successfully bake cakes at home. With an average volume of production, business emphasis should be placed on festive gift types to obtain a small but stable income.

On average, such a cake costs about 1800 rubles. If these are wedding multi-tiered compositions, then, accordingly, more expensive.

Do not forget that before investing any amounts in production, you must:

  • consider a standard business plan;
  • work out a complete list of costs;
  • explore market prices and the needs of the population.

Promotional events for the sale of cakes

Baking cakes at home as a business must necessarily include good publicity stunts to attract customers.

  • Use of the Internet. Good and fast way dissemination of information The World Wide Web, the main communication portal of our time:
    • sites of announcements and services;
    • social networks;
    • contextual advertising.
  • Marketing ploy "cake as a gift." If your friends are planning a fun event, in addition to a direct gift, bake them a good birthday cake. This is one of the best self promotion methods that includes a cake business. As the saying goes: "It is better to see and try once than to hear a hundred times." So that guests do not forget to order a delicious cake later, in hot pursuit, distribute business cards with details to everyone.
  • Assortment catalogs. High-quality color photographs can be posted for Internet advertising, and printed booklets can be distributed among friends and shown to interested clients.

Do not miss:

Financial plan for the production of cakes

If you have already decided that the lot of your business is the production of cakes, a business plan typical for this type of activity shows that the percentage of profitability in the production of products is not lower than 25%.

The cost of production of one unit of production ranges from 1000-1100 rubles.

In order to quickly promote production, it is necessary to make a small margin and keep prices at a lower level (15% lower) than those of competing manufacturers. According to estimates, the expenses of the first year will amount to approximately 200 thousand rubles:

  • products and packaging - 184 thousand;
  • stickers and accessories - 3 thousand;
  • business cards and flyers - 1 thousand;
  • promotions - 2 thousand.

Cake business - profitable idea, which requires minimal initial investment and quickly pays off.

♦ Capital investments – 40,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 4 months

Today in any store - big choice confectionery.

But, firstly, the quality of the products used by serial manufacturers leaves much to be desired, and, secondly, many people want to purchase an exclusive cake that would match such important event like birthday, anniversary, wedding, etc.

There are women (and sometimes men) who manage to bake real sweet masterpieces, but for some reason do not think that they can be sold.

Cake business- a profitable idea that requires minimal initial investment and quickly pays off.

What is the idea behind the cake business?

Imagine that your husband is a photographer, and he is celebrating 20 years of his professional activity. On this occasion, he decided to treat the visitors of his personal exhibition with a cake.

Banal pastries will look uninteresting, but cakes in the form of a camera or other special equipment are an original idea.

You cannot buy such a dessert in the store.

But there are people who bake cakes at home and by placing an order, you can please your husband.

It is believed that the idea to make original cakes came to us from the USA.

It was the spoiled Americans who were the first to decide that standard pastries were not very interesting and began to order unusually shaped confectionery.

And since consumers had a demand, there were those who decided to turn their passion for confectionery into a profitable business.

Pros and cons of the cake business

Interesting fact:
Biscuit - a traditional cake for baking cakes, was originally called "sea biscuits". The first mention of it was found in the logbooks of English sailors. The biscuit won its popularity due to its long shelf life - it did not deteriorate and did not become moldy, even despite the humidity during sea voyages.

Baking at home from an opportunity to have additional income can turn into a main income and become a profitable business.

The main advantages of this startup are:

  • Minimum capital investment.
    In fact, you only need to spend money on kitchen equipment and utilities.
    Products for baking cakes will be included in the price of each order.
  • The ability to work from home, which is suitable for mothers with small children, people with disabilities and other categories who cannot be in the office full time.
  • A lot of free niches, because this business has not yet become too popular, but confectionery shops and factories are not your competitors, because they produce standard products.
  • You can not fool around with the registration procedure at first and bake at home illegally.
    You need to start dealing with the design of your business only after you have formed a client base.
  • Cake business is an opportunity to show your creativity.

There are practically no disadvantages to this type of business.

Unless earnings on initial stage may seem modest to some.

And you also need to remember that you are feeding people, which means that you should follow sanitary standards and safety precautions.

Advertising and business calendar plan on cakes

Confectioners who make custom-made cakes at home claim that the most effective advertising their business is word of mouth.

If the first client likes the pastry, then he will not only contact you again, but will also recommend this to all his friends and acquaintances.

  • newspaper ads;
  • social networks;
  • business cards;
  • specialized sites.

You can also make some free cakes, for example, for the anniversary of some large organization.

If his employees like your pastries, they will become regular customers and help grow your business.

The launch calendar for this startup isn't really necessary, because acquiring everything necessary tools and products for the first order can be made in 1 day, after which you can proceed to its implementation.

Competitive Advantages of a Cake Business

If in your city you are the only one offering homemade cakes to order, then you don’t have to worry about competition, the main thing is to make quality products that would satisfy customers.

If several confectioners work in your locality, then it is worth forming competitive advantages to stand out from them:

  1. Reasonable pricing policy.
  2. Original baking decoration.
  3. Discounts for regular customers.
  4. Various promotions. For example, cookies as a gift when ordering a cake from 5 kilograms.
  5. Production of thematic products for the holidays, etc.

Business on cakes: a phased launch of a startup

One of the main advantages of a cake business that you do at home is that you do not depend on anyone.

Only you yourself can slow down the launch of a startup, and not external adverse circumstances.

Many people ask: "Where to start?".

And start like this entrepreneurial activity you need it from baking the first cakes, selling them and getting feedback from customers about your products.

And only when you make sure that your customers are satisfied with your pastries, that they are ready to contact you again, you can start baking cakes to order on a large scale and start buying special equipment.


If you are just starting to do business on cakes, then you do not need to register as an individual entrepreneur immediately after you have such an idea.

You should switch to the status of an official entrepreneur after you have formed a wide client base and you are thinking about opening your own confectionery or bakery.

Even if you do not want to work illegally, do not rush to register. The sanitation station is unlikely to give you a work-at-home permit and it will kill your business in the bud.

For now, bake to order at home, without thinking about your official status.


This business involves working directly in your home kitchen, that is, every month you will not spend money on office rent, which increases the profitability of your business.

If your living conditions do not allow you to make cakes to order in your kitchen, then there are two options:

  • rent an apartment for cooking;
  • do something else.

If you have a fairly wide customer base and you bake a cake at least every day, then create the most comfortable conditions in your kitchen.

Arrange ingredients, tools and baking utensils in a way that makes it easy for you to work.


Most women have everything to bake cakes: a kitchen surface, an oven, a mixer, molds, and more.

Not worth buying professional equipment immediately after you had the idea to make money on cakes.

You need to purchase the tools of professional confectioners after the business is firmly on its feet and starts to bring you good money.

Those who bake cakes to order must have the following equipment, tools and utensils:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:38 000 rub.
A food processor with which you can knead the dough and whip the cream
10 000
Round and square molds of different diameters for creating multi-tiered cakes
6 000
Confectionery syringe with different nozzles
1 000
Kitchen scale and measuring cup
1 500
Bowls of various sizes
2 000
5 000
Rolling pin and some wooden boards

1 500
Tools for working with mastic: a silicone mat, a set of stacks, an iron, etc.
3 000
Knives, including a string knife, to cut the cakes evenly
3 000
Whisks, brushes, spatulas, sieve and other small equipment
2 000
Other3 000

You can buy bags and bags of sugar, as well as wholesale things that do not spoil: coconut, raisins, candied fruits, dyes, etc.

So you can reduce the cost of the cake.

But it’s not worth buying perishable products for future use, purchase them exactly as much as you need to fulfill a specific order.


If the idea of ​​making money on cakes is only being tested by you, then you don’t need to hire anyone from the staff. You can quite independently take orders and make pastries, and let customers take them from your home.

When you have a large customer base and a lot of daily orders, then you should consider expanding the business, for example, hiring assistants or opening a full-fledged candy store.

About how to get rich baking cakes and build a successful business,

see in the video:

Profitability of business on cakes

If you make delicious pastries and are able to surprise customers with an original cake design, then in a month or two after launching a startup, you will be able to earn good money by making products to order at home.

To prove the high profitability of this business, let's calculate the cost of the honey cake with sour cream and butter cream, decorated with mastic, weighing 2 - 2.5 kg.

Item of expensesQuantityAmount (in rubles)
Total: 225 rub.
5 pieces.45
3 art. spoons50
2 teaspoons4
1.5 cups26
200 grams60
5 glasses40

Sour cream for impregnation:

Item of expensesQtyAmount (in rubles)
Total: 130 rub.
Sour cream
2 glasses95
2 glasses35

Butter cream for leveling cakes:

Item of expensesQtyAmount (in rubles)
Total: 120 rub.
1 pack60
1 glass15
Condensed milk
half a can45

Marshmallow mastic:

Item of expensesQtyAmount (in rubles)
Total: 220 rub.
marshmallow marshmallows
1 package80
Powdered sugar
300 g120
50 g20

That is, in order to make such a cake, you have to spend about 700 rubles + 100 rubles for water, gas / electric = 800 rubles.

But you can sell such a cake for 1,500 - 2,000 rubles, since the cost of one kilogram of a cake decorated with mastic ranges from 600 - to 800 rubles.

As you can see, the net profit from one cake is 700 rubles and more.

If you bake to order at least 5 cakes per week (about 20 cakes per month), then your monthly income will be at least 10,000 rubles.

Download a ready-made business plan for a cake shop with quality assurance.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

The wider your customer base, the more monthly you can earn.

If we take into account that initially our capital investments were about 40,000 rubles (and then, provided that you have to buy all the equipment from scratch), then in 4 months you will be able to fully recoup them, which indicates that cake business- profitable business.

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In this material:

Baking cakes at home is a business that does not require large expenses. To implement it, you do not need to rent a room, hire employees, and even draw up documents for doing business. Every housewife who knows how and loves to cook sweets can turn her passion into a profitable business.

Cake is a key element of any celebration, whether it's a birthday, a wedding or a small corporate party, so finding buyers will not be difficult. In addition, most consumers prefer sweets prepared to order by skilled housewives, because Such cakes have not only amazing taste, but also an original look.

Advantages of the "sweet" business

Unlike other activities, a cake business has many advantages, for example:

  • minimum cost of ingredients;
  • fast return on investment and guaranteed income;
  • the ability to work at any convenient time;
  • development of creative abilities.

The only negative aspect of this business is the lack of a stable income in its early stages. But do not despair, because the situation can be corrected by advertising. own products. In addition, buyers who like sweets often become regular customers and bring their friends. Gradually, the home business develops, the client base grows, thereby increasing financial income.

The success of her own baking business directly depends on the skill of the hostess, so she must constantly develop: try new recipes, experiment with the design of sweets, use her creative potential to the maximum when decorating products. Today you will not surprise anyone with elegant cream roses on a cake or frozen chocolate swans. To attract a large number of customers, you need to master the technique of transferring photographs to glaze, learn how to prepare multi-colored mastic and sculpt various characters from it.

Thanks to the Internet, it will not be difficult to learn all the intricacies, since on the network you can find many master classes on baking and decorating it. In order not to translate the ingredients, it is recommended to practice creating decor not on mastic, but on dough of a similar consistency.

Organization of work and search for clients

To turn amateur cake baking at home into a business with high income, it is necessary to seriously approach the issue of its organization.

It is not necessary to draw up a business plan, but it will be needed if the production will expand to a full-fledged confectionery. draw up documents individual entrepreneur working from home with a small number of clients is also unnecessary.

For organization production process at home you need to purchase everything you need for baking cakes:

  • forms of different sizes and designs;
  • several baking sheets;
  • special plates and devices for cakes;
  • kitchen appliances.

As for products, it is recommended to buy them as needed, because. most of them may deteriorate or not be needed at all. An exception may be flour, sugar, jams, preserves, soda and other ingredients with a long shelf life.

The next important step in creating a "sweet" business will be finding customers. There are several ways to report your services:

  1. Prepare cakes for celebrations held with family and friends. As a rule, acquaintances become the first customers of baking, because they had the opportunity to be convinced of its excellent taste.
  2. Place ads in sources mass media, i.e. in newspapers or the Internet. It is important not only to correctly compose an ad, temptingly presenting the offer, but also to attach several photos of your masterpieces taken earlier.
  3. Post your own sweets on your social media pages or create a separate community.
  4. Hold a free tasting or take your products for sale at a fair or other social event, while distributing potential clients business cards.

Calculation of business profitability

Having started own business on cakes, prices should be kept fairly low at first in order to attract as many customers as possible. You need to raise the cost of products as the number of orders increases and your own skills develop. As a rule, income from a simple confectionery product is 25% of the cost, and cakes with a unique design and an abundance of decorations can bring up to 50% of profit.

In this business area, sweets are sold based on the weight of the treats, not the quantity. In addition, decorative elements, the complexity of the work and the ingredients used are additionally taken into account. The average price of 1 kg of cake is 1-2 thousand rubles, while 2-4 kg are usually ordered for a celebration. If we make calculations taking into account the receipt of 50% profit and about 15 orders per month, then the net income will reach 60,000 rubles.

Your own business, based on your favorite pastime, can bring not only great profit, but also pleasure. If desired, a small home-made cake production can be expanded into a pastry shop by increasing the range of sweets and hiring several workers. It is important to remember that any activity can become a "gold mine" if you properly organize the workflow and have the desire to develop.

Order a business plan

it doesn't matter Auto Bijouterie and accessories Hotels Children's franchises Home business Online stores IT and Internet Cafes and restaurants Inexpensive franchises Shoes Training and education Clothing Recreation and entertainment Catering Gifts Production Miscellaneous Retail Sports, health and beauty Construction Household goods Health goods Business services (b2b) Public services Financial services

Investments: from 1,490,000 rubles.

Mobile cafes came to us from America. In the US and Europe, this segment began to grow rapidly since 2008 and has become one of the main market trends. Cafe on wheels "Confectioner Street" is the first federal franchise network in Russia, which is rapidly gaining momentum, which is understandable. After all, for such a cafe you don’t need to spend money on attracting…

Investments: Investments 6 500 000 - 10 000 000 ₽

The idea of ​​​​creating a wine bar with a quality assortment and pleasant prices was born by Evgenia Kachalova in 2013, after some time, which took the consciousness of a holistic concept, search suitable place and the team, the first Wine Bazaar appeared in Moscow! In May 2014, the Bazaar on Komsomolsky Prospekt opened its doors and immediately fell in love with the guest. Everyone came to…

Investments: Investments 2 700 000 - 3 500 000 ₽

We are a team of professionals with over 10 years of experience in the food market. During this time, we have implemented more than 40 regional and federal projects in 15 different concepts. In 2017, we launched the Bakery No. 21 project and now we manage a network of bakery cafes, which we want to expand, because we believe that our product is new level in the world…


Franchise "Khomyak" is a network of cafes and a workshop for family holidays on a turnkey basis, and a cake-confectionery. We offer an alternative to relaxing "at the TV", boring children's shows with the same scenarios. For modern parents, we provide a quality service - the organization of a family holiday at a high level and at affordable prices. "Family" and "uniqueness" are the hallmarks of Hamster's services. The café's menu includes…

Investments: Investments from 345,000 rubles.

Tops Cake Pops is a new trend in the confectionery market in Russia. We specialize in making cake pops - tiny cakes on sticks. Our biscuit desserts covered with excellent Belgian chocolate are prepared individually for each customer. This means that your name, wish or company logo can appear on the mini-cake. In addition, cake pops can take on almost any guise: ...

Investments: Investments 426,000 - 926,000 rubles.

Royal Forest is a team of young professionals that has been developing dynamically since 2010. We are direct suppliers of all raw materials used in the manufacture of our products, we are the owners of the production complex, i.е. minimized the risks of dependence on other market participants. For five years, we have been able to establish ourselves both in the capital market and beyond. Active…

Investments: Investments 8,000,000 - 10,000,000 rubles.

The Butcher Burger Bar burger project represents the LFR Family restaurant chain - a steadily, actively developing network that is in the service market Catering 10 years already. The company is represented by more than 30 restaurants: Pan-Asian restaurants "Sushimin", American diners New York, party-bar Mixtura Bar, night club The Top Club, Italian restaurant IL TEMPO, Coffee Cake chain, Georgian…

Investments: Investments 300,000 - 800,000 rubles.

Sea of ​​Tea is the first and largest network of specialized tea shops. "Sea of ​​tea" is a retail direction Trading House Rubin, which has existed since 1993 and also carries out wholesale, in addition, Rubin Trade House is the exclusive distributor in Russia of such trademarks like "Mabrok", "Sheri", "Quality" and many others. The basis of the “Sea of ​​Tea” assortment is made up of…

Investments: Investments from 400,000 rubles.

The AKKOND confectionery factory dates back to 1943, and today it is one of the largest and dynamically developing confectionery enterprises in Russia. The factory produces a wide range of exclusive and traditional confectionery products - more than 450 items, and annually updates its range, bringing unique and original products to the market. So, for example, the pride of the factory and its calling card are…

Investments: from 400,000 rubles.

CJSC "Agro Invest", which manufactures products under the trademark "Tsar-Product", is one of the five largest food manufacturers in the Volga region. For many years of successful work (the history of the Volgograd Meat Processing Plant dates back to 1898. TM "Tsar-Product", thanks to such qualities of its products as taste, naturalness and high quality, managed to earn the love and trust of customers. Guaranteed taste and...

Investments: from 500,000 rubles.

"Konfael" are original chocolate gifts made from high quality chocolate and natural ingredients without preservatives. The company "Konfael" began its work in the chocolate industry in 2001, becoming the first company to start producing sweets. self made and the production of exclusive, certified chocolate pictures, also usable. In addition, the company produces custom-made chocolate sculptures weighing…

To start earning the first money, it is not necessary to wait until the age of majority or graduation. It is enough to choose an attractive niche. There is a wealth of information available on the Internet for any area of ​​activity. For example, baking cakes can turn from a simple hobby into a profitable business.

Business features

Baking cakes at home has several advantages:

  1. Independence from the season. Delicious homemade cakes are always in demand. This is the main treat at a birthday, wedding and anniversary.
  2. No need to purchase industrial equipment . All the necessary tools are usually in the kitchen of any hostess.
  3. Realization of creative potential. Baking cakes is just such a business. Here you can create both simple products and culinary masterpieces. On the Internet you can find recipes with photos of cakes, for example, from cookies and cottage cheese, which do not even require baking.

The only requirement for a beginner is to have a passion for cooking and the courage to experiment creatively. And the right skills come with experience.

First steps

So, it was decided to open a business on cakes, where to start? Any marketer will say that 50% of the success of a business is competent PR. At first, the creator of the business will be engaged in baking cakes. However, in order for people to know about the undertaking, it is necessary to prepare promotional materials. Professional photos required. For ease of use of the catalog, all samples must be categorized:

  1. for a birthday. This can be the production of figured cakes in the form of your favorite cartoon characters or ordinary ones with beautifully designed numbers.
  2. Making wedding cakes requires experience, but over time this direction can bring a good income.
  3. Treats dedicated to holidays (New Year, March 8).
  4. comic cakes on the theme of the birthday man's hobbies can become the calling card of the future culinary specialist.

Advertising activities

When making cakes to create a catalog, products will need to be attached somewhere. You can organize a promotion.

Kindergartens, schools, a team at work with parents will be happy to try a free treat. People will appreciate the talent and possibly become the first customers.

Holiday cakes at home as a business need to be properly advertised. You can start with simple steps:

These simple steps will allow you to get your first customers. However, new items are constantly appearing, so it is important to study cake baking recipes and learn decoration techniques.

Business registration

The first time you can work informally. But in the future, if the production of cakes to order needs to be expanded by hiring assistants and renting a room, it will be necessary to issue an IP.

When submitting an application, the OKVED code 15.82 "Production of food products" is indicated. For the workshop in which cakes will be baked, you will need to obtain a conclusion from the sanitary control service. Workers in contact with food products medical records will be required.

Manufactured products require permits from Rospotrebnadzor - certificates of conformity and the conclusion of the SES.

Required inventory

To create home-made confectionery, the first step is to audit your own kitchen.

It is not necessary to immediately invest in the purchase of professional units, a gas stove and an oven are enough. Any housewife has a lot of the necessary equipment:

  • pots;
  • various containers for dough;
  • mixer and whisk for whipping;
  • kitchen scales;
  • sieve;
  • rolling pin;
  • paper;
  • containers for baking in the oven and in the pan;
  • food colorings.

How to start buying additional tools? You will need:

  • special molds for jewelry;
  • iron, border stencils, tongs, mats for shaping and drying products, a set of special tools;
  • nozzles for applying cream;
  • silicone molds;
  • confectionery plungers.

The maximum amount of investment that needs to be invested in the production of cakes at home does not exceed 30,000 rubles. The amount can be reduced by ordering inventory for, buying used or at sales in the confectionery departments.

It is better to buy sugar, flour and other non-perishable products in bulk. The rest of the products can be purchased as orders come in, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the calculations.

Determining the cost of a product

Extremely milestone- calculation of the cost of manufacturing one sample. It is clear that baking cakes from condensed milk will be cheaper than from chocolate.

However, for the formation, which will pay back the money spent, the calculation of the kilogram must be calculated.

Typically, the cost of confectionery products includes:

  • Ingredients. Calculations can be done in 15 minutes. There are many tables on the Internet that help convert measured values ​​​​in grams and kilograms (for example, a teaspoon of raisins - 7 gr.). Simplify the task of kitchen scales;
  • the cost of jewelry;
  • package price;
  • resources spent (gas, electricity, water);
  • work of a confectioner.

Is it profitable to bake cakes to order? The margin on such products often reaches 300%. Therefore, for every 1000 rubles deposited, a profit of up to 2000 rubles will be received. Baking cakes is a profitable and fast-paying business. When planning revenue, you need to take into account the prices of competitors. Also, making cakes for beginners is associated with the cost of marriage, test samples, spoiled products during training.

Business nuances

To achieve success, you need to consider the following points:

  1. When forming a business plan, it is important not only to take into account costs, but also to clearly formulate goals. For example, the goal is a profit of 15,000 rubles. To achieve it, it is enough to sell 7-8 cakes for 3000 rubles. a piece.
  2. The most popular cakes weighing from 2 kg.
  3. Constant study of the assortment and prices of competitors. It is necessary to evaluate private confectioners. For this, social networks are used. You need to offer something that is not or is not enough in the city. Can be mastered certain direction, for example, a diet cake without baking.
  4. Learn new things and improve your skills. Free on video clips on the topic of cooking or sign up for a paid one on making cakes. It is necessary to clarify an important point: almost everything has already been embodied by other pastry chefs. It is very difficult to offer something new. However, cakes to order is a business in which it is necessary to improve skills. After all, customers often find the right product on the Internet and ask to repeat it.
  5. To increase the influx of customers will allow you to place an order with delivery around the city. Private traders usually do not provide such services.