Typical wording for employee characteristics. Characteristics from the place of work to the employee: a sample of how to write a job description. Characteristic for certification

Characteristics for an employee is an officially issued document that assesses the professional and personal qualities of an employee, describes labor path and social activities of the employee. The characteristic can be drawn up at the request of the employee himself or at the request external sources. So, how to write a characterization for an employee?

Types of production characteristics

Despite the fact that the characteristic for an employee is a document drawn up on a form, having its own serial number and in without fail certified by the seal, there are no strict requirements for its preparation in the regulatory and legislative acts.

The only thing you can be guided by when writing a characteristic is GOST R 6.30-2003, where are registered general rules preparation and completion of working documentation.

Characteristics sheet for an employee.

3. Data about labor activity and employee's career:

  • the date of commencement of work at the enterprise, the terms of work in other organizations may also be indicated;
  • brief information about the career - when, where and to what positions he was transferred;
  • receiving additional education, advanced training, self-performed work, key projects;
  • characteristics of the results of labor activity - the most significant results.

What primary documents in accounting, how to properly maintain and store it, you can read

4. Are there any penalties or rewards?- in the paragraph, all the achievements of the employee should be written (receipt of diplomas, achievement of titles, the employee’s own developments, and so on).

5. Evaluation of the personal and professional qualities of an employee.

This paragraph lists psychological and communication skills, the level of his knowledge, professionalism in a particular area.

7. The characteristic is certified by signatures management staff (the signature of one director or head of a division, department is enough) and the head of the personnel service.

8. Document issue date is placed at the bottom left, signatures are certified with a seal.

9. One copy of the characteristic is transferred to the employee or third parties(if authorized in writing by the employee), and the second (copy) remains with the organization.

Sample characteristics for an employee:

The characteristics of the employee must contain exclusively reliable information, and the assessment of his personal, professional and other qualities must be objective and impartial.

You can find out how to write a characterization correctly and what types of letters of recommendation are in the following video:

Hello! In this article we will talk about the characteristics of the employee.

Today you will learn:

  1. When is a characteristic needed?
  2. What are the characteristics;
  3. What design rules apply to characteristics.

What is an employee characteristic

A characteristic is a document that contains an assessment of the qualities of an employee (both personal and professional), and may also contain information about social activities person.

Compilation of characteristics is carried out either at the request of the employee, or at the request of any external organizations.

Requirements to this document are not regulated at the legislative level, there are only general compilation rules specified in GOST R 6.30-2003.

What is the characteristic for?

In many respects, where the characteristic is intended, its content also depends. If it is provided at the request of a banking organization or the police, an assessment of the moral qualities of the employee will be quite enough.

If it is drawn up in order to provide it at a new place of work, then such qualities of a person should also be disclosed that indicate that he is an excellent highly qualified specialist.

What are the characteristics

All characteristics are generally divided into 2 large groups: external and internal. Internal ones are usually used only in the company in which they were issued. They are made up if you are transferred from one department to another, promoted, and so on.

Characteristics of the external type are more common. They are provided to third-party organizations, banking institutions, law enforcement agencies, and so on.

Regardless of what type the characteristic belongs to, it must be certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization that issued it.

Who is involved in the preparation and signing of specifications

The preparation of the characteristics is carried out by the immediate supervisor of the employee. If the organization is small and the leader is in a single person, then he is also involved in resolving issues with a characteristic.

The person who created the characteristic will sign the document if the organization has an employee personnel department, he also signs the document.

How to write a characterization

First of all, let's figure out what components should be contained in a typical characteristic.

So this is:

  1. Name. In our case, this is a “characteristic”.
  2. Surname and initials of the employee. Must be written in full.
  3. The position held by the employee. Also no abbreviations.
  4. The age of the worker. In principle, an optional item for specifying.
  5. When the employee started and when he/she ended work in the specified position.
  6. Achievements in the profession, awards (if any).
  7. Information about whether the employee passed, whether he received additional education.
  8. Information about charges (if any).
  9. Information about the service skills of the employee, his skills.
  10. Information about personal qualities (most often about mobility and stress resistance, the level of conflict).

The characteristic from the place of work is either written by hand or typed on a computer. Usually printed on A4 paper.

The points that we talked about earlier should be fully reflected in the document, and the writing of the employee’s characteristics should be completed by indicating where and for what purpose it will be provided.

Also, do not forget to indicate the date and year when the characteristic was drawn up, and then do not forget to stamp the organization.

The characteristic does not have an expiration date, it can be provided at the place of demand at any time. But if suddenly it is lost, you can re-compile at any time.

In the process of consideration in the judicial authorities of a case in which an employee of your organization takes part, his characteristic from the place of work may be required.

Note that this type of characteristic is one of the most complex types. There are situations when the characteristics will determine what decision the court will make in relation to a person. In this regard, often such a characteristic is not an employee personnel service and the leader himself.

The characteristic for the court is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization. Be sure to indicate the marital status of the person, indicate the number of children and the age of each. Also include information about education, military service.

The characteristic should also include data that characterize the personal qualities of a person. And it is necessary to reflect both positive and negative. This is an important section, according to which the participants in the process judge your employee.

In addition, the characteristic must contain a note that it is drawn up for presentation to the judicial authorities. The signature on it is put by the head and employee of the personnel department.

Ultimately, the characteristic is recorded in the log of outgoing documentation and assigned a number to it.

Production characteristic

It characterizes the skills, abilities and abilities of a person. Often, on its basis, they decide whether to accept an applicant for a job or not.

This characteristic is usually given by the head of the company in which the person worked. At the same time, if the employee has reprimands or penalties, they should also be reflected.

There are a number of requirements for writing this characteristic:

  • When compiling, be sure to indicate the date and serial number of the characteristic;
  • In chronological order, reflect the stages of the professional development of an employee;
  • Reflect the presence of penalties and rewards for the employee;
  • Complete the document with your signature or the signature of the manager and affix the seal of the company.

You should also not ignore the negative characteristics of the employee. Unfortunately, in some cases it is necessary to draw up such documents.

In any case, even a negative characterization should be objective. Whatever the employee may be, you do not need to express your emotions in relation to him in the description.

As for the structure of writing, it will be the same as that of the usual characteristic. Only each item is considered from the negative side.

In practice, such a characterization is rarely given to an employee, even if he has committed a misconduct. It is clear that if you write such a characteristic on former employee, it is unlikely that anyone will take him to work.

Therefore, for the most part, employers try to simply part with a problem employee, but do not provide negative impact for his later life.

Example. Inventory Specialist I. has been with our company for two years. Despite a number of positive qualities, he is generally characterized as an employee with low professional potential. Periodically violates the deadlines for the execution of instructions, the deadlines for reporting. Repeatedly I. was subjected to disciplinary sanctions, received several reprimands. Conflicts with colleagues, refuses to help new employees. He categorically refuses to participate in the public life of the company.

Characteristics for awarding an honorary diploma

This document can be compiled both for internal use and for external use. In the second case, such characteristics must be provided by those employees who plan to receive the title of “Veteran of Labour” in the future, and so on.

Such a characteristic reflects information that shows a person in the best light, reflects the most best qualities honorary fellow. Be sure to emphasize the fact that the person is fully consistent with the position.

Also, if the characteristic is not used within the company, then you can consult with the employee himself on how best to compose it. There is no violation in this.

Qualification characteristic

This is a kind of standard for the qualification of a specialist. This document formulates all the basic requirements that apply to the qualifications of employees. This document is mainly used for government agencies and organizations.

This feature contains:

  • Description of the meaning of the profession;
  • Working conditions;
  • Psychological and physiological nuances of the profession;
  • Specialist training requirements.

These characteristics are currently used in professional selection, as well as when applying for a job in state structures, in particular in the field of education, culture and health care.

What is better not to do when preparing a characteristic

Although the scope for creativity when writing a description is wide, you still need to adhere to some simple writing rules:

  1. Do not use too emotionally colored expressions, and even more so offensive expressions. Whether you are satisfied with the employee or not - observe business etiquette.
  2. Information in the description must be true and reliable. It is unacceptable to reflect data on the political and religious beliefs of a person, as well as nationality.
  3. Control your literacy. If you find an error, rewrite the text again. It is important to remember that if the rules listed above are ignored, the employee will be able to appeal the document at any time.


Today we talked about how to write an employee profile. The text of the characteristic can be both positive and negative. But in any case, the document should be as objective and unbiased as possible.

After working in the organization for 6 months, the employee has the right to receive official document from the administration, which defines him as an employee. Such a document is called a specification. It is required to study the qualities of a person by employers, they evaluate a potential employee and whether or not they subsequently accept him into the company.

Important: the information that is given in the characteristics of the hired worker is checked. The inconsistency is excluded.

It is important to find out what it is used for. This depends on the content. The characteristic is submitted to the traffic police in order to return the driver's license. Often needed to get a bank loan. Under such circumstances, the document will deal not only with the personal qualities of an employee of the enterprise.

When a person requires a characterization in order to change the place of the current job, then in addition to the qualities of character (sociability, responsibility, painstaking work in every case), the achievements of the employee in the enterprise are listed (stages of formation professional career, attitude to work).

The characteristic is:

  • internal. Created to promote or demote a subordinate in a position within the same enterprise. When transferring an employee to another department, financial reward.
  • External. This type of document is made by a third-party company in order to invite an employee to a position.

The document is issued to the employee upon his dismissal or at the request of government agencies.

Design and content requirements

Before filling out, discuss this with the employee and ask him for written consent that information about him will be transferred to other persons.

Legislation does not regulate forms and forms. The text of the document is written in the form specified in local acts enterprises. But more often it is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization. When it is requested by representatives of government agencies, it contains a link to them.

It is not allowed for the document to reveal the topic of the employee's nationality, his living conditions, religious views and other things that are not related to professional qualities.

  • personal qualities and psychological portrait;
  • employee qualification;
  • data on rewards for achievements, awards.

Compiled by an employee of the personnel department in writing, contains the date, details of the enterprise, indication official who issued and compiled. Written by the head of the department or the HR manager. In addition to the signature of the authorized person, the seal of the organization is affixed.

The document is registered in the journal according to the rules of business turnover.

The employee's education is not indicated in the document. When an employee is a suitable candidate for a new job, it is allowed to recommend to employers from another company those positions where he will fully reveal himself.

An approximate template for designing a characteristic from a previous place of work:

Features of writing characteristics upon dismissal

It is important to know how to correctly write a characterization for an employee when he is dismissed. When a person is employed new job, he will need one from a previous employer.

Pay attention to the business qualities of the employee, the position held, the level of professional development. When a person is hardworking, talk about his ability to make contact with people, improve the workflow, and so on.

By law, a person who worked at an enterprise and was fired has the right to request a reference for himself over the next three years. But more often, employees do not require such documents (the reasons for this are different).

Characteristic for court

It is possible for the court to request the necessary information about the person from the enterprise. When a person is brought to administrative or criminal liability, it will significantly affect the outcome of the case. Consult with a professional lawyer.

Every organization should have forms for compiling business documents. When requested from the court, the full name of the enterprise, contact numbers and postal address are indicated. Under the address part, the word “characteristic” must be written in large letters, and then the data of the employee for whom the document is being created is indicated.

After that, information is compiled about citizenship, how long he worked in the company, position. An important nuance is an indication of all achievements on career ladder, personal remuneration for work (cash bonuses or certificates). The attitude towards the fulfillment of the assigned duties is indicated.

The main part is the assessment of labor qualities as an employee, relationships with colleagues and the time devoted to social work. The presence of a direct indication of what is issued at the request of the court is mandatory.

The compiled characteristic is signed by the head of the enterprise or the director of the company. The document is certified by the HR manager.

An example of a characteristic for a court:

When conducting a trial where an employee is involved, the body requests a reference from the last workplace. When a person has recently received a new workplace, you will need to submit to the court a written description from each enterprise where he worked. Compiled independently of each other.

Characteristic for the police

When a document is created for the police, attention is paid to the character of a person, it plays important role. It is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization, which indicates the phone numbers, address of the company.

In the middle of the sheet is the word "characteristic". From the new page, all personal information about the employee who got into the police or interacts with it is indicated. The date of entry into the current headquarters of employees is indicated. Position held is taken into account.

Most often, such papers are drawn up for those employees whose driver's license was confiscated or committed on their part. administrative offense of a different kind. In the document, you need to “stand up for” the employee and indicate his merits and performance important tasks that are related to a police case (when a person’s license was taken away, mention his professional driving skills that went to the benefit of the company).

The focus is on performance and reliability. Signed by management and certified by the official seal of the company.

Drawing up a negative

When a leader is dissatisfied with the work of a subordinate, he makes an “unflattering” description of his activities. But at this moment there is back side- Poor job evaluation will affect the subsequent reputation of the enterprise. The organization will be thought badly, as it takes unscrupulous workers for cooperation. It is necessary to get pecuniary penalty. Or law enforcement agencies asked for such a compilation.

It is made according to a standard pattern. The main part is necessary to reveal all the negative qualities. List any shortcomings of a personal and professional nature. When, after the expiration of the period, the subordinate did not violate, the penalty is canceled automatically.

An interesting video about the features of compiling a characteristic in Germany:

Often, the organization receives requests for the provision of characteristics for the employee. Such a document may be required by a variety of authorities. Sometimes the employee himself turns to management with a similar request. In any case, the enterprise is obliged to respond to this request.

Who should write a characterization for an employee?

As a rule, the characteristics are written by representatives of the personnel department or the personnel service of the enterprise where the employee worked or still continues to work. The head only certifies the characteristic with a signature and seal. In large organizations CEO this, of course, is not dealt with - this is the work of the personnel department. In very small firms, where there is no “personnel officer” in the state, the head writes the description himself.

Where to start writing a characterization?

In order to correctly write a characterization for an employee, it is necessary to consider where this document will be provided. Accordingly, reflect the data, facts and qualities of the employee that are necessary for the requested organization.

  • For internal characteristics required to transfer an employee to another department or branch, a characteristic is needed that clearly reflects professional quality worker.
  • For guardianship authorities and other organizations related to the care of children, the elderly and sick people, it is necessary to note the personal qualities of a person - cordiality, responsibility, love for children, what a person is like in a family.
  • For military registration and enlistment offices - professions that a person has or what official duties performed. Especially if they are related to technology. Be sure to indicate personal qualities, such as responsibility and diligence.
  • Credit institutions want to know how responsibly a person fulfills his obligations. It can be noted the experience of continuous work at this enterprise - this characterizes stable income.
  • If an employee is applying for a higher position in a third-party organization, his professional qualities and ambitions must be indicated.

In a well-written description, it is necessary to take into account that:

  • In accordance with the Law on Personal Data, this document can be drawn up and provided only with the written consent of the employee.
  • Distortions and deliberate lies in the description are unacceptable, as well as offensive and emotional information. Otherwise, the employee has the right through the court to prove the unreliability of the information provided and demand compensation for non-pecuniary damage.
  • Data not related to labor activity, such as: religious, political beliefs, are not indicated in the characteristic.

What should be the "stuffing" characteristics?

Personal data

Date of birth, length of service according to records in work book. All must be specified educational establishments that the worker has completed. If you have a diploma with honors, academic degrees, this must be indicated, even if they are not related to this position.

The description of the position held and the duties performed does not cause difficulties. The level is described here. vocational training- ranks, categories. Knowledge of regulations and legislation applicable in the profession.

Personal and business qualities

It is more difficult to assess the qualities of an employee - both business and personal. Business qualities is the ability to interact not only with employees, but also with clients, with the administration within the framework of a common cause. Plan your activity, analyze it, control it manufacturing process All of these fall into this category.

The personal qualities of an employee can be assessed by his interaction with colleagues. Here, benevolence, the ability to establish contacts, and responsibility are evaluated.

Another important property is efficiency. It is characterized by how a person copes with the standards, plans and tasks set.


If a person has incentives, they should always be indicated. Be sure to note what the employee was awarded for and when. For example, "Awarded with a valuable gift for achieving sales volume in 2015."

Learning and striving for growth

Knowledge and experience are characterized as deep, sufficient, insufficient, medium . It depends on whether the employee has a desire for growth or not. If a person did not strive to master new technologies in the profession, he worked only from start to finish, his experience cannot be called deep. Accordingly, if an employee masters related professions, tries to innovate in everyday duties, his knowledge and experience increase, and the person himself grows and develops.

Characteristics in court

Often employees of the personnel department have to deal with requests for references from the place of work for certain legal proceedings. An employee of the enterprise, who may not have been working for him for some time, is suspected of committing some illegal actions.

In order to make a fair decision and to lighten the punishment, it is necessary to provide the court with an objective assessment of the person's personality. It doesn't matter what the person is charged with. An employee of the personnel department must characterize the labor and personal qualities of an employee, objectively and impartially. What is written in such a characteristic and how to write it correctly?

  • The "header" of the document is filled in as usual.
  • Lists the time the employee worked in the organization. If you worked for six months or less, the dates are set - day, month, year. If several years - only years, from which to which.
  • Positions - the exact title, description of the work performed.
  • If there were promotions and awards, be sure to indicate.
  • If there were disciplinary action how to reflect them and is it necessary? Here you need to be very careful in the wording. If an employee systematically violated discipline - he was late, skipped, etc., but this was not recorded anywhere in the act and further punishment in the form of a reprimand, then there was actually no violation. Therefore, instead of writing “there were violations of discipline”, it is better to note - “he did not differ in particular diligence”, “he was systematically late”, etc.
  • In the same tone, you can write about the relationship in the team. You can, of course, write that the employee was a squabbler, a brawler, etc. But here, too, it is worth being objective, and not just making your own judgment.

In general, it is better to characterize a person positively for the court, especially when his guilt has not yet been proven. Although, each leader here decides for himself how to characterize a person.

Production characteristics per worker

Production characteristics are needed in two cases.

  1. For the bodies of the VTEC (medical and labor expert commission) or ITU (medical and social expertise). These characteristics are needed to determine the disability group and further conclusions of these organizations to determine the labor activity of a person. If the company has a health center, then the help of its employees would be very helpful. But this is optional. As a rule, characteristics for VTEK and ITU are drawn up on the letterheads of these organizations, in which you need to indicate working conditions, causes of illness, transfers to other positions, etc.
  2. Production characteristics for employment, for admission to a university, for guardianship authorities, etc. The work path and professional skills of a person should be reflected in detail. The length of service of the employee in this organization is indicated, whether there were advanced training, training, gratitude, encouragement. Personal qualities necessary for this position, relationships with colleagues, initiative, participation in the life of the team - all this can also be reflected in the document.

Approximate characteristics for an employee (sample)

Head of Sales Department. Work experience since 2001.

Education: higher economics, Smolensk Institute of Economics (1998) - diploma with honors. Specialty - economist.

2005 - Institute of Business and Politics, specialty - marketing.

Has been with the organization since 2001. She started as an economist, then moved to the sales department as a marketing specialist, where she worked from 2005 to 2009. After graduating from the institute in 2005, she was transferred to the position of head of the sales department, where she worked until August 20, 2016. During her work, she studied the entire cycle of the enterprise, independently studied the work of the sales department, went from an ordinary employee to the head of a large department.

In 2009, Ivanova S.I. headed the new project. Under her leadership, 15 employees not only coped with the task, but also exceeded the sales target by 3 times.

For this project, Ivanova S.I. was awarded a trip to Bali.

The department headed by Ivanova S.I. is one of the most cohesive at the enterprise, which characterizes Ivanova as a skilled leader.

Svetlana Ivanovna constantly improves her education, during her work she received a second higher education on the profile of work, constantly attends refresher courses, uses all the innovations of business processes in his work. Receives personal development training.

Colleagues and subordinates speak of Ivanova as a benevolent, sympathetic person, very self-possessed and tactful.

Ivanova S.I. Married, has two teenage children.

Head of Human Resources Uchaikina M.R.

This characteristic issued for delivery at the place of demand.

Adhering to such a presentation scheme, you can draw up any characteristic, for any request.

Video experience writing testimonials

A useful video on this topic will help in correct spelling characteristics or, as it is now called "recommendation letter"

To make an objective description of an employee, it is not enough just to list his job responsibilities and the period of work at the enterprise. It is necessary to assess without prejudice the personal and professional qualities of a person and clearly express them in the document. A properly drawn up characteristic can help a person both in his career and in life.