Quest for professions for elementary school. Quest for professions “All professions are important, all professions are needed. Task - Masha and the Bear

The quest game starts in the assembly hall, where all the teams gather and introduce themselves to the jury.

On the screen there is a demonstration of the song “All professions are important” from the cartoon “Kaleidoscope of professions” by the film company “PARAMULT”

Leading talk about the world of professions, including students in the dialogue. They offer to go on a journey through the stations in the World of Professions, give out route sheets, explain the rules of the game.


There are so many different professions
We can't count them all:
There are doctors and divers,
There are turners, miners.
The teacher teaches us at school,
A tailor sews suits.
Builder builds a new house
The captain is leading the ship.
The main thing is not to make a mistake
Choosing who to become?
hairdresser, singer
Or fly to the moon.
All day all uncles, aunts
Do something for us
Here you will find poems about them
About the work of their story!

Hello guys! Today we will go on an exciting journey, where we will get acquainted with the world of professions. You will travel through the stations, take part in competitions, perform various tasks, learn a lot about the world of professions.

Have you thought about who you will become, what profession you will choose? (children's answers)

There are more than 40 thousand different professions in the world, this is a whole ocean. Today we will get to know some of them.

The stations you will visit today are called: “SHOP”, “FIRE STATION”, “BEAUTY SALON”, “HOSPITAL”, “SCHOOL”, “POLICE STATION”. Traveling through the stations, you will learn about the content of activities, means, subject, working conditions of representatives of various professions. Each class will receive an itinerary sheet for their journey, which indicates the stations that you need to pass in a certain sequence. After passing each station, you need to guess the word in the crossword puzzle and get a piece of the puzzle. As a result of passing through all the stations, you will guess the crossword puzzle and complete the puzzle. Having passed all the stations, you need to return here, to the assembly hall, and we will sum up the results of your journey. We wish you successful completion of your route.

All teams are given route lists (see Appendix) and the quest game begins.

Main part

Station No. 1 “SHOP”

The office is designed like a store. The “seller” meets the children, makes a riddle:

Mom has it on the counter
Dolls, balls, pins,
Shoes on the right, fabrics on the left,
Cups are on display.
Mom is like a queen
In our store! /children answer/

"Salesman": Guys, now you've come to the big store. Big stores are called shopping centers. A mall is a store with many different departments. This is the food (grocery) department, and the book, and clothing, and footwear, and the department of toys, furniture, and computer. It is very convenient to visit such shopping centers, everything can be bought in one place.

In each department there are people who help you choose a purchase - sellers. The seller knows everything about the quality of the goods sold in his department, about the price of the goods.

The profession of the seller is divided into several specialties. There are sellers of food products - that is, products (vegetables and fruits, confectionery, sausages, etc.), and there are sellers of non-food products (clothes, shoes, equipment).

“Kaleidoscope of professions. Salesman" film company "PARAMULT"

"Salesman": The seller greets buyers with a friendly smile, he is happy to help! It is from a friendly seller that you want to buy something. It is very important that the seller is neatly dressed and combed.

The seller knows his product well. Remembers where and what lies. For this he needs a good memory.

As soon as the buyer has chosen the goods, the seller escorts him to the checkout. The cashier sits behind the counter.

Who is the cashier? The cashier is also a seller, but he does not walk around the trading floors. His place is behind the cash register, he “breaks through” the check and takes money from the buyers for the goods.

Let's think, who else can work in the store? /children answer/

Drivers work in the store, their task is to bring new goods to the store.

Loaders (or workers) also work in the store - they accept and help unload new goods.

A merchandiser works in the store - this is a person who monitors the quality of the goods sold in the store, he knows how to distinguish a good product from a bad one. He tries to negotiate with the best factories and factories in order to purchase the right product. He is responsible for all the goods in the store. This is very important work.

Of course, the store has cleaners(s) who keep the store clean. And if one of the buyers accidentally breaks or spills something, they will immediately remove it. In the store you need to try not to litter, you need to protect the work of cleaners (kov).

And finally, the most important person in the store is the store manager. The store manager makes sure that all other employees do their job correctly and well.

"Salesman": Guys, a lot of new goods have been brought to our store, please help us put all the goods in their places. / The game "Sort goods" (cm. Application)/

This is the end of our shopping trip. The next time you go to the store, take a closer look - maybe you will notice something else of interest.

The “seller” writes down the team the number of points scored, time and hands over a piece of the puzzle. The children guess the first word in the crossword puzzle.


The office is designed like a fire station. The team is met by a “firefighter”, who makes a riddle:

For salvation from fire
Everyone is grateful to me.
What, did you recognize me?
Who am I? /children answer/

"Fireman": Any of us can put out a fire or even a lit towel in the kitchen. But when trouble happens - a real fire, who will help? Of course, firemen. Only they can put out the fire quickly and correctly! Do you remember what phone to call in case of fire? That's right, 01!

The working day of a firefighter - a shift, begins at 8.00 in the morning and ends only the next morning, again at 8.00. The morning of the fire department starts with a “divorce”, a “divorce” is a small morning meeting of the firemen. Those firefighters whose shift ended talk about what happened during their duty, i.e. they are on duty. The head of the fire department sets tasks for his subordinates for a new work shift. But, besides the fact that the firefighters have passed their duty, they still have to transfer the equipment to the next shift - fire tank trucks. All equipment must be in perfect order, because at any moment trouble can happen somewhere. Firefighters also have other equipment that they hand over during their shifts - these are breathing apparatus, which are also checked every morning.

What qualities do you think a firefighter should have?

/Answers of children (adult supplements)/:






Make decisions quickly;

Be able to provide first aid to victims of a fire;

Support your comrades.

Everything is correct!

Students are invited to watch the cartoon film company "PARAMULT" on the viewed cartoon/

"Fireman": In order for a fireman to have all the necessary qualities, he needs to constantly train - I will show pictures, and you have to say in what cases you need to call the fireman. To do this, you will pick up the plate with the number 101.

Call the fire department game(cm. Application). Images appear on the screen, and the guys show signs. If the team showed the sign incorrectly, it lost. Images - a burning house; a fire on a gas stove where dinner is being prepared; fire in the fireplace; fire in the forest; a candle in a candlestick on the table; the curtain caught fire in the apartment; Olympic torch; the iron, left unattended, caught fire on the table.

"Fireman": Guys, our fireman is going to put out the fire now! Let's help him get ready.

Game "Urgent call" (cm. Application): Task - the team must choose from the cards with the image of objects laid out on the tables only those that the firefighter needs to put out the fire (Fire truck, fire hose, firefighter suit, firefighter helmet, fire extinguisher)


So that I can be everywhere
I need a car.
And a suit so as not to burn
And the sleeve is long!
You need a fire helmet
And a fire extinguisher
Know about where it hangs
Every resident must!
Well guys, I've got to go
Back on the job!

“Firefighter” writes down the team the number of points scored, time and hands over a piece of the puzzle. The children guess the second word in the crossword puzzle.

Station No. 3 “BEAUTY SALON”

The office is decorated like a beauty salon. The team is met by a “hairdresser”, who makes a riddle:

Who is behind our beauty
Every day in the answer?
Who's mom's hair is happy
Make for a banquet?
Cut and comb everyone
Both in winter and in summer.
To not be of us
Never sluts
Who is always ready to help?
This is .... / children's answers /

"The hairdresser": The word "hairdresser" is of French origin ("perruque") - an overlay of hair, and in the theater - one of the expressive means of make-up. Our ancient ancestors knew about the profession of a hairdresser. At different times and in different countries, she was called differently: hairdressers were called barbers, barbers, and shearers. In addition to haircuts and hair styling, hairdressers were engaged in shaving, manicure, and often performed the duties of doctors, exposing their clients to simple medical procedures. In Russia, hairdressers were called a barber. A large number of people came to the barber to shave, cut their hair or do their hair. And only in our time, the specialization of hairdressers has narrowed - now they are engaged only in hairstyles. The profession of a hairdresser has always been and will be vital, as a person has an inherent desire for beauty and self-care.

Students are invited to watch the cartoon “Kaleidoscope of professions. Fireman" film company "PARAMULT" on the viewed cartoon/

"The hairdresser": Guys, let's remember what a hairdresser needs to make a beautiful hairstyle? /children's answers/

Game “Hairdresser's Accessories”(cm. Application). Task - the team must solve puzzles (scissors, comb, shampoo, mirror, hair dryer)

Braid the braid game. Task - three guys from the team need to braid a braid of ribbons, each of the participants is given one ribbon. Players take the ends of the ribbons with both hands, they will have to show all their flexibility and ingenuity, because. you need to braid the braid without letting go of the ribbons. First, we rehearse: one climbs under the other, the other then over the second, and the third generally jumps over everyone. Etc.

"The hairdresser": You guys all come to me for a haircut. /says goodbye to the guys/

The “hairdresser” writes down the team the number of points scored, time and hands over a piece of the puzzle. The children guess the third word in the crossword puzzle.

Station No. 4 “HOSPITAL”

The office is designed like a hospital. The team is met by a “doctor”, who makes a riddle:

Who comes to us sometimes
If there is a sick person in the house?
Who will put a thermometer for us
And make you drink the potion?
For everyone to be healthy
Did you go to school every day? /children's answers/

"Doctor": People who work in hospitals and clinics are called medical workers. And the places where they work are medical institutions.

Doctors are very smart and kind people, they know a lot about every disease, about every medicine. They help people who are sick.

Students are invited to watch the cartoon “Kaleidoscope of professions. Doctor" film company "PARAMULT" on the viewed cartoon/

“Doctor”: A doctor is a very difficult and ancient profession. The doctor must know a lot about the structure of the human body, about the work of its internal organs, be able to understand the signs of the disease, and there are a lot of diseases! Doctors have assistants - special devices, for example, x-rays. Doctors need it to understand the cause of the disease. But these devices are very complex, and the doctor must be able to handle them.

Guys, what is the name of the place where doctors work? (Children's answers) That's right, the hospital.

Game "Medical quiz"(cm. Application)

"Doctor": Thank you very much guys. I wish you always be healthy.

The “doctor” writes down the team the number of points scored, time and hands over a piece of the puzzle. The children guess the fourth word in the crossword puzzle.

Station No. 5 “SCHOOL”

The classroom is designed like a classroom. The “teacher” meets the team, makes a riddle:

He gives us knowledge
Gives marks,
Recognition from us in response
Receives all the time.
mentor, leader,
Our beloved ... (teacher) / children's answers /

"Teacher": Teaching is a unique profession. It is considered one of the oldest professions, but continues to be in demand today. The teacher conducts training of students in schools, gymnasiums, lyceums in general subjects. There are many specializations of the profession of a teacher: the profession of a primary school teacher, the profession of a chemistry teacher, the profession of a history teacher, the profession of a physical education teacher, the profession of a physics teacher, the profession of an English teacher and others. And they are all very honorable and noble.

Students are invited to watch the cartoon “Kaleidoscope of professions. Teacher" film company "PARAMULT" on the viewed cartoon/

"Teacher": Guys, I ask you to help me check my students' notebooks. Dictation check game" (see Attachment). The task is to check the text for errors.

"Teacher": To achieve success in teaching, you need a high level of abilities (intellectual, communicative, organizational), thorough preparation, as well as personal qualities that are conducive to this work. You need to know the disciplines taught well, master modern teaching and upbringing methods, be able and willing to communicate with children and adolescents, have a high motivation for such work (it is not for nothing that they say that a teacher with a capital letter is not just a profession, but a calling of a person).

The “teacher” writes down the team the number of points scored, time and hands over a piece of the puzzle. The children guess the fifth word in the crossword puzzle.

Station No. 6 “POLICE STATION”

The office is designed like a police station. The team is met by a “policeman”, who makes a riddle:

My dad is a hero!
Walks in uniform, with a holster!
In the middle of the darkness of the night
Somewhere a theft or a fight?
Call immediately on "02"
Call my dad! /children's answers/

"Police officer": A police officer is a person who is entrusted with the difficult duty of maintaining order in society. In the minds of most people, the profession of "cop" is associated with catching criminals, dangerous incidents, fights and surveillance. This is certainly true, but there is also the other side of the coin. Much of a police officer's job is to prevent crime. Activities aimed at achieving this goal are usually holding talks and lectures in various organizations (special attention is paid to schools), patrolling the streets, working with persons registered for offenses, and actions to satisfy non-urgent complaints and statements.

Students are invited to watch the cartoon “Kaleidoscope of professions. Police officer" film company "PARAMULT" on the viewed cartoon/

“Policeman”: The policeman is easily identified by his special uniform, as well as the presence of a rubber baton and a pistol. Since the work of a policeman is connected with maintaining order and the need to apply measures of physical influence, then he has the appropriate labor tools.

The game "Tools of the police"(cm. Application). Task - the team must choose from the cards with the image of objects laid out on the tables only those that the policeman needs (Patrol car, pistol, baton, uniform).

"Police officer": Thanks guys. Now I'm ready to help people. Let's help the boy get to his friends together.

Game "Labyrinth"(cm. Application). Task - Help the boy go through the maze, because his friends are waiting for him very much.

The "policeman" writes down the team's points, time, and hands over the last piece of the puzzle. The children guess the sixth (last) word in the crossword puzzle.

Final part

All teams gather in the assembly hall. They hand over the route sheets and the completed crossword puzzle to the jury, make up a general picture (collective work of all teams) from the puzzles “Formula of the profession” (see Appendix (each team received 6 pieces of the puzzle during the game when passing the stations).

Leading: How to make the right choice? What profession will fit? What do I need? And many more young specialists are tormented by many more questions. Unfortunately, the answers to them can only be given by the same person who asked them. In other words, to yourself. Nobody can make the choice for you. Only you are responsible for making a decision on the choice of specialty. Help you figure it out? There is one universal formula that will help anyone make a bull's-eye choice. I want + I can + I must = A profession for me,

Where, I want - these are your Interests and Inclinations.

Clarification: everything that you did or are doing at the institute and school on your own initiative and desire. These are your various hobbies and interests, what do you do in your free time. Thus, if you enjoy your chosen profession, then you will be more willing and more efficient to do your job. So you can quickly become a professional, and you will have more opportunities to get a prestigious and highly paid job.

Mogu – your Abilities, Health Potentials and Professional Qualifications.

Clarification: includes consideration of those activities that you can do not only according to the state of health. You also need to take into account the level of your knowledge, skills and abilities in different areas of activity. There will always be something that comes easily to you without much effort and with good results, so it’s worth taking on such a profession. And what is hard for you to do, difficult and does not bring pleasure - leave it to others.

It is necessary - the opportunity to find a job, the level of demand in the labor market.

Leading sums up the quest game. The jury announces the winning team (the rest of the teams are given diplomas in nominations).


  1. Degtyareva S.V. All professions are important, all professions are needed.// Pedagogical Council. - 2009. - No. 11. - With. 2-4.
  2. Potapova T.V. Conversations with preschoolers about professions. Moscow: Creative Center, 2005.
  3. Pryazhnikov, N. S. Professional self-determination: theory and practice: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the direction of "Psychology" and psychological specialties / N. S. Pryazhnikov. - Moscow: Academy, 2008. - 318 p.
  4. Pryazhnikova E.Yu. Career guidance: textbook. allowance / E.Yu. Pryazhnikova, N.S. Pryazhnikov. - Moscow: Academy, 2008. - 496 p.
  5. Development by Ivanova N.N., Burovaya N.N. “Journey to the world of professions”, GBOU secondary school No. 262, St. Petersburg, 2013
  6. Shalaeva G.P. Who should I be? Big book of professions. – M.: AST, SLOVO, 2010. – 192 p. Shorygina T. A. Professions. What are they? Moscow: GNOM i D., 2013.

Web resources:


Quest game for career guidance "In the world of professions" for 4th grade students. Purpose: creation of conditions for the formation of ideas about the world of professions, the formation of the communicative competence of pupils. Tasks: Educational:  To form and consolidate primary knowledge about various fields and types of professions.  Reveal the existing knowledge of students about various professions and products of labor, expand them.  Promote the formation in students of the idea that any profession is important and necessary.  Learn to see the need to define a profession and navigate in this world. Developing: To promote the formation and development of educational and informational skills and abilities of younger students, as well as work in groups. Develop the ability to objectively evaluate your knowledge. To promote the development of a communicative culture of students. To help students realize the moral and personal significance of the new material. Development of thinking, attention, observation, memory. Expand knowledge, horizons, vocabulary of students. Create conditions for the development of students' speech, its emotional coloring. Educators: To form a cognitive interest in working people and their professions. To promote unity of the classroom team, to help students realize the value of joint activities. To cultivate respect for labor activity, for people of any profession, respect for the products of labor. Progress of the quest game 1. Introductory part There are many professions on Earth, and each is important. Decide, my friend, who to be you, After all, we have one life. One person is not able to cope with everything to live. Therefore, since ancient times, a diverse world of professions has appeared. Teacher: What is a profession? Children: The work that a person does. Teacher: Can a person get a profession right away, without preparation? Children: No, it is necessary to graduate from a special educational institution (university, institute, technical school, college) Teacher: In the explanatory dictionary, the word profession is explained as follows: A profession is a type of work that requires a person to have certain training, knowledge and skills.

Now we will play a game called "Different Professions". We need to complete the sentences. Professions can not be counted! What can you name? The train drives ... (driver). Plows the field ... (tractor driver). The plane is ruled by ... (pilot). Glues books ... (binder). At school, he teaches us ... (teacher). Builds buildings ... (builder). He paints the walls for us ... (painter). Makes tables ... (carpenter). Sings songs to us ... (singer). Busy with trade ... (seller). Weaves fabrics on the loom ... (weaver). Heals from diseases ... (doctor). He will give us medicines ... (pharmacist). Bread will be baked in a bakery ... (baker). Will draw for us ... (artist). He will sew boots ... (shoemaker). Will translate from another language ... (translator). Fix the faucet ... (plumber). The watch is repairing ... (watchmaker). Loads with a crane ... (crane operator). We catch fish ... (fisherman). Serves at sea ... (sailor). The bread is being removed ... (combiner). Works in the mine ... (miner). In a hot forge ... (blacksmith). Who knows everything well done! My years are growing, and there will be 17. Where can I work then? What to do? This is a very important question. Today you are schoolchildren, students of the 4th grade. But time will fly by quickly, you will finish school and face the choice of a profession. Choosing the right profession is a difficult and very responsible step in a person’s life, and your future fate will largely depend on your choice. Today we will go on an exciting journey, where we will get acquainted with the world of professions. You will travel through the stations, take part in competitions, perform various tasks, learn a lot about the world of professions. Which team will do it faster and better will win our quest and be recognized as the most professional team. Each team will receive a itinerary sheet for their journey, which indicates 6 stations that you

must be completed in a certain order. After passing each station, you get chips and a piece of the puzzle. As a result of passing through all the stations, you will completely assemble the puzzle and earn a certain number of chips, by counting which we will determine the winner and sum up your trip. We wish you successful completion of your route. All teams are given route sheets and the quest game begins. 2. Main part 1 station "Alphabet of professions". Assistant. I offer you a task: the team draws a card with a letter and names 3 professions for this letter (1 point). If 3 professions are not named, then the point is not given. How many cards were dealt with, so many chips were received. (V, K, M, D, P, R, G, ... ..) 2 station "Turn on the logic." Assistant. I suggest that you determine which professions the groups of pictures in the envelopes belong to. How many tasks were completed, so many chips were received. 3 station "Black box". Assistant. Guys, I received the package. I'm very interested in what might be in it! Are you interested? Let's open it. Do you agree? Let's read the letter here, shall we? (Pulls out a letter and reads it.) "Dear Guys! We, the employees of the Lost and Found, ask you to help find and return the items to the owners. Thank you very much for your help." The parcel contains things: scissors, a wrench, a needle and thread, a typewriter, a compass, a ratchet, a candy, pills, potatoes, an apple, a hair dryer, children's dishes, a pointer, a letter, medicine for animals, a mask, a brush. Children in one of the subjects need to determine where and in what profession the owner works. How many professions you guessed, so many chips you got. 4 station "Detectives". Assistant. You need (one by one) to understand the words in the name of which there is a (hidden) profession. How many cards were dealt with, so many chips were received.

RVACH \u003d V (health worker) GRATED \u003d A (theatrical and cinematographic profession) PENDANT \u003d K (fun circus profession) GAUGE \u003d M ("colorful worker") OLD OLD \u003d C (junior medical worker) GUTTER \u003d C (livestock profession) CREDITOR \u003d D ( head of the enterprise, head) 5 station "Chamomile of professions". Assistant. All professions (and there are more than 40 thousand of them!) can be divided into 5 large groups according to who or what a person communicates with in his work. It is necessary in 5 minutes to distribute cards with the name of professions into these 5 groups, while explaining your choice. For each correctly assembled group 1 chip. (Children for each group of professions (middle) must choose professions (petals). Groups of professions according to the type of relationship between a person and an object of action. 1) “A person is an artistic image”: sculptor, lacemaker, glass blower, photographer, composer, artist. 2) "Man - nature": meteorologist, technical topographer, forester, ecologist, livestock breeder, gardener. 3) "Man - technology": locomotive driver, trolleybus driver, pilot. 4) district inspector, nurse, 5) "Man - sign system": programmer, draftsman, cartographer, economist, astronomer, telephone operator. "Man - man": secretary, waiter, hairdresser, lawyer, electrician, plumber, carpenter, 6 station "Way to Success" Assistant. Guys, think about what character traits, in your opinion, are suitable for any profession. Connect the important words with the central words in red, the not-so-important words in blue, and those that interfere, circle in red. (drawing paper) Cunning, ABILITY TO PLAN YOUR ACTIONS, READINESS FOR RISK, PASSION FOR PLEASURE, ABILITY TO CONVERSATE, FEAR, CAREFULNESS, ERUDIENCE, GOOD HEALTH, boastfulness, Sense of HUMOR, GREED, HONESTY, EDUCATION, BENEFITS, SINCERE, WILL

3. The final part All teams hand in route sheets, make up a general picture (collective work of all teams) from the Profession Formula puzzles (see Appendix (each team received 6 puzzle pieces during the game when passing stations). Host: How to make the right one choice? Everyone can answer this question for himself. No one can make a choice for you. There is one universal formula that we have collected. Who can explain what it means? I WANT - something that is interesting, what you will enjoy, where you can become a professional CAN - something that comes easily and with good results NEEDS - an opportunity to find a job, that is, your profession will be in demand You are still only fourth graders and you have time to decide on a future profession Some children from our class have visited already in the role of a doctor, and a bank clerk, and a postman, and an artist, and an architect. Where did this take place? Let's remember how it was. (View video) Did you like this about travel? Do you want to visit this city again? Spring break is coming and we can go there again. Now let's find out the winner. (Announcement, rewarding.) Our quest journey through the World of Professions is coming to an end, but we are leaving with a wealth of knowledge. There is such a sign: if you throw a coin into the water, you will definitely return. In order for the World of Professions to accept us again after a while, we will leave our names and the name of an attractive profession on the proposed leaves, flowers, fruits. Conditions to take a sheet - if you have not decided on a profession. take a flower - if you doubt your choice of profession. take a fruit - if you have decided on the choice of profession Flowers, leaves, fruits, hang on a tree (attach with tape to a painted tree). Teacher. We have returned from a trip. Share your impressions. Do you think our lesson was useful for you? - What were the difficulties? - What conclusions can you draw from the lesson?

Svetlana Sokolova
Game-quest "Journey to the country of professions" for children of senior and preparatory groups

Game - quest: « Journey to the land of professions»


Organization of purposeful leisure

Expanding the horizons of students in the field of existing professions

Development of cognitive interest

Building friendships within the team

Decoration and equipment

Station name plates "Laundry", "Culinary", "Medical", "Teaching room", "Musical", route sheets, costumes of a doctor, a cook, a toy doll, life-size puppets.

Preparatory work

Selection of riddles about professions, preparation of route sheets, costume preparation.

Event progress

Guys, today we will go to one country. But in what - you try to guess. Now you will be offered riddles, guessing which, you will understand at what journey we will go.


Tell me who cooks so delicious

cabbage soup, fragrant cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes

All breakfasts, lunches? (Cook)

He is not a pilot, not a pilot

He is not driving a plane,

And a huge rocket

Children, who say it? (astronaut)

Waving his wand

Music will become play(Conductor)

Master, master, help -

Leaky boots

Hammer in your nails

We are going to visit today (Shoemaker)

Who in the days of sickness

Is everyone better? (Doctor)

So, everyone has already guessed, today we are going to country of professions.

Station "LAUNDRY"

Acquaintance with the laundress Tatyana Sergeevna.

Riddles. A short story of the laundress about her work, acquaintance with the technique.

What a car - just amazing!

After that, everything is clean, beautiful ...

She washed away all the stains and dirt

She squeezed everything herself - rinsed.

(Washing machine)

It's hard to live without him

He can serve everyone.

From scarves to curtains and trousers

Everything will please us…. (iron)

A thin-legged dancer dances in a woolen clearing.

From under a steel shoe

The stitch comes out.

(sewing machine)

Station "MEDICAL"

Hello guys! you arrived at the station "Medical" which will test your knowledge of first aid. Everyone is familiar with the fairy-tale hero Dunno? Imagine a situation where Dunno is walking in the garden. He ate a pear, an apple, a plum. And after a while he got sick.

1 question: what kind of fruit could he have been poisoned by? (rotten, dirty). What are the rules prevention poisoning you know?

2. Dunno went to sunbathe and overheated in the sun. What to do? (Take to the shade, put a wet cloth on your head)

3. Task: show how to measure temperature.

4. Write down all the words that can be formed from the word "health"

5. This doll hurt her hand. How to treat a wound? What is needed for this? Choose from the proposed cards with the words aspirin, iodine, bandage, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, cotton wool, heating pad the necessary words.

The host shows how to bandage a hand, then the children perform this task.

Well done boys! The host puts an estimate on the route sheet, and the children go to the next station.

Station "CULINARY"

The host welcomes children in apron. Guys, I'm glad to welcome you to the station "Culinary". As you may have guessed, I am a chef.

Riddles about kitchen appliances and technique:

Roast meat, cook soup,

She bakes pies.

She has here and there

Very hot.


Take water, vegetables,

Soup and borscht cook in me.

I'm clean, not dirty

I'm mother. (Pot)

To pour cabbage soup into a plate,

Milk soup, borscht, okroshka,

Look in spoons for mom


What is this unit?

Meat grinder.

He chews meat in pieces,

And they run back

Thin meat tubes

From electro... (meat grinders).

1 question: What is missing in the cook's clothes? (headdress - scarf or cap)

2. Why does a chef need a headdress? (So ​​that hair does not get into the food, so that the hair does not interfere with work)

3. What rules of conduct at the table while eating do you know. (Don't talk.). you know proverb: "When I eat, I am deaf and dumb"?. Why do they say so? (In order not to choke)

5. Question - How to distinguish a raw egg from a boiled one?

Well done boys!. The leader fills out the route sheet and the children go to the next station.

Station "TEACHER"

Acquaintance with the teacher's work.

Tasks at the request of the teacher Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Station "MUSICAL"

Acquaintance with the work of a musician.

The game"Guess the melody"

Thanks guys! You've done well.

Summarizing. Guys, what the country you visited today? (AT country of professions) . With which got acquainted with professions? (Answers children) Have you thought about the question "Who will you be in the future?" Interview children who do they want to become?. Summing up the game travels. Team awards.

Related publications:

Foreword: The manual I developed includes a set of colored geometric shapes. From an artistic point of view, geometric shapes.

Children's quest of professions "Journey to Chadograd" The quest game is a journey through different stations of the city of masters. Representatives of different professions share the secrets of their skills.

Game-competition "Road to the country of professions" The happiness of people lies in loving to do what they have to do. K. Helvetius, French philosopher Purpose: the formation of ideas.

Game-quest "In search of treasure" Goals: Activation of the dictionary. The development of phonemic hearing, coherent speech, visual perception, attention.

Synopsis of the GCD "Journey to the country of professions" (second junior group) MKDOU kindergarten "Cherkmushka" with. Tangui Bratsk district, Irkutsk region Prepared by the educator Novikova O. A. Synopsis of the GCD for development.

The game takes place on the territory of the kindergarten.

Tasks: organize an interesting, fun and meaningful leisure time for children in kindergarten. Continue to help parents find interesting solutions in relationships with children. To promote the establishment of friendly relationships between parents, children and teachers. Encourage children to find their own solution to the situation.

Preliminary work: reading adventure books in kindergarten and at home.

Equipment: a map cut into 4 parts, 2 rubber cords, small balls for each child, felt-tip pens, a large sheet of paper, 8 buckets, jellyfish for each child.

Characters (in pirate clothes): children, parents, educator, physical education instructor.

Game progress

Pirate Bill (F/C instructor)) is included in the group for children:

I greet you youngsters. I came to you for help. But first, I want to tell you a long story that happened to me many years ago. My captain of the Black Rose pirate ship gave me and my friend Jack a map showing the location of the treasure. We decided to go treasure hunting. Sailed along with other pirates. When we began to approach the place where the treasures were hidden, we were attacked by our own pirates and began to demand a map. We did not give back, then the struggle for the map began, during the struggle the map was torn, it was picked up by a heavy wind and carried away in an unknown direction. The ship sank, the pirates drowned, only Jack and I were able to escape. A lot of time has passed, I have grown old, and Jack too, although I haven’t seen him for a long time, but I really want to find the treasures of the old captain. Another pirate Jack appears. They look at each other in surprise, recognize and begin to greet each other.

Jack: hello old man, Bill! How long have we not seen each other? How are you, sea wolf?

Bill: Hello old Jack! It seems to me that a hundred years have passed since the last meeting. Listen, do you remember the treasure map we lost? It is a pity that the wind carried it away, now we could be rich and not be afraid of lonely old age.

Jack: maybe we can try to find it?

Bill: Of course, I don’t mind, but, we are already a bit old, and there is no such dexterity and speed as in our youth. It would be nice to recruit a team of nimble, young pirates.

Jack: open your eyes wider and see. (Points to the sitting children.)

Bill (looks through spyglass): you are right! From these youngsters you can recruit a good team, what if they get scared and do not want to help us?

Jack: let's ask them. Which of you wants to become a pirate and find treasure? Want to? Then you need to say the solemn oath of the pirates:

Oath of the Pirates.

“When joining the ranks of pirates, I swear to be brave, honest, help out my comrades and share the treasure found in good conscience. If I break my oath, let the sharks eat me."

Bill: before we go on a trip, let's do a pirate warm-up, gain strength. Who is against? All for, then do like me!

Musical and rhythmic exercises to pirate music (optional)

Jack: now forward to adventure and treasure hunting! To get to the seashore, where I left my ship, we need to go unnoticed along the pirate path. Come on, follow me!

Jack is the first to overcome the "path": they crawl through the tunnel, climb the hill and slide down, go along the narrow path behind the veranda, jump over the stumps and approach the "ship". The children take turns following him. Jack closes.

Board the ship, "sail".

Jack (looks through spyglass): attention, I see an island. Friends, we have run out of water supplies, we need to replenish, do you agree?

Bill: Jack, maybe we can find a map on this island? (leave the ship).

Pirate Dick (parent) comes out to meet them: why did you come to my island, who called you? (children's answers). I only have part of the map and there is water on my island too. So be it, I will give you water, but you, a thousand devils, must collect the cannonballs that scattered all over the island when I fired from the cannon. If you agree, then you can start. Everyone must find one cannonball. Come and when you find it, come to me.

The children disperse around the site, looking for "core balls", whoever finds it goes to the pirate Dick.

Dick: I see you are not mother's children.

Bill: Dick, if we show our agility and speed, will you give us part of the map?

Dick: if you prove that you are clever, I will give it back! I'm a pirate, but I keep my word. See what I have. You need to go into this ring with the core that you found and, on a signal, put it on the base (in the bucket), who is forward.
(children complete the task in groups of four)

Task for the quest game "Pull-pull"

Jack: did not disappoint, young pirates, coped with the task. Let Dick give us some of the map and some water, and we'll sail on. (pirate gives). If you want, you can sail with us, in case we need your help.

They sit on the "ship" and sail.

Bill: I see the ground, someone is waving his hands to us, maybe we should stop? They go out, and the pirate Ben is walking towards them.

Ben: how long I did not see people, I thought I would not wait for anyone. What are you up to, young pirates? (children talk).

Ben: There was such a case, but a very long time ago. The south wind brought part of the map, I do not need it, but as a true pirate, I must test you. Yesterday there was a heavy wind on my island, look how many jellyfish washed ashore. Help collect them, I will give part of the map. And then I'll release them into the sea. Your decision? (children's answers).

Jack: of course, this is the right decision, at the same time we will check how well they throw.

Quest task "Sticky raft"

Children throw "jellyfish" into a hoop, on which adhesive tape is pasted, in the form of a cobweb.

Ben: Well done guys, got it done quickly! Now find a part of the map on this island and if you find it, you can go further.

(Children find a bottle in which one of the parts of the card is hidden.)

Bill: we already have two parts of the map, but this is not enough. Let's go further. Ben, if you want, you can swim with us, it will be more fun. I see the earth again, we will stop, suddenly there is also a part of the map here. They leave the ship.

Pirate Joe runs out: ha ha, gotcha, now I will take you prisoner, and you will live on my island.

Jack: no, you won't succeed, because we won't give up that easily. In general, we are looking for a treasure, but for this we need a map. We have already found two parts, we need two more. Do you have part of the map?

Joe: I have been living on this island for a long time, and during a storm on the seashore I found a piece of paper. I don't know, maybe that's the map. Only I, the old sea wolf, just won't give it to you. Complete my task, I will share the map and let you off the island. (children's answers). Then listen to the task. Imagine that you are caught in a storm, your ship is broken. You need to draw a ship on which you would like to travel further. You can draw everything else on the ship. You will take turns drawing. Ready, then, forward march.

Task "Draw a pirate ship"

Joe (disappointed): I thought that you could not cope and stay with me, but I am an honest pirate, so take part of the map and seven pounds under your keel.

Jack: sail with us, Joe, we have a big ship, enough room for everyone. You must be bored alone on this island.

Joe: I do not mind your proposal, I hope we are lucky and the search will end in luck.

Jack: young pirates, I like you more and more, and therefore I will tell you one very important thing that will help you find the last part of the map. A real treasure hunter is distinguished by curiosity. He is ready to look into any gap, notice all the oddities in order to find what he needs. Let's hit the road, may Poseidon help us. Swim up and out near the sports ground.

Bill: thousand devils! We again ended up on an unknown island. Look, someone is coming towards us.

Pirate Roger: my pirate instinct tells me that you have come for a map, I have been waiting for you for a long time. I can give it away, but how dexterous and strong are you? You need to overcome the creepy thickets of the jungle. Can you climb obstacles and run fast?

Children: Yes!

Roger: you need to climb over the vines, danger awaits you there. The ocean is teeming with sharks, but you need to be brave and fast. Forward!

Mission "Catch up and take"

Children run and try to take the ribbon from other children and save their own.

Roger: you convinced me, I give you part of the map and wish you to find the treasure.

Jack: you are real sailors. You and I can glue the map and see where the treasure is. (glue). Letters are poured out of the card from which the children must make a word. (sand)

Bill: so that it could, then, young pirates? (answers)

Jack: right, this is the place where our treasure is located. But I don't see sand near.

Bill: but there are mysteries. I am sure, a thousand devils, that this is the key to the treasure. If we, of course, guess them.

Each part of the map has a riddle written on it. Having guessed which, the children, together with the pirates, go to the guessing place. The last riddle points to the place where the treasure was buried.

  1. What is used to steer the ship? (steering wheel).
  2. When it is needed, it is abandoned, but when it is not needed, it is taken out. (anchor).
  3. How many stripes are on a Russian sailor's collar? (three).
  4. You don't have to look for the path. North will show us ... (compass)

Together with the children, everyone digs up a treasure (chocolate in the form of gold coins and games on pirate themes).

All Pirates:this is luck! We found a treasure, cheers-ah-ah-”. We return home.

The teacher welcomes the children, they discuss what they saw in the morning on the way to kindergarten. After the discussion, a policeman enters the group and offers to test their knowledge on and traffic rules.
Children's answers:

After he leaves, and the teacher asks the children to take part and OBZH.

When the children are already gathered for a walk, the teacher takes out an envelope, in the envelope there is a plan diagram. This diagram shows the locations that they need to go through in order to learn the rules of the road, and clarify the rules of behavior with a stranger.

Children, together with teachers, begin their journey.

On the way to the first location, a small child comes up to the children and asks for help. He asks someone to walk him home. The children start arguing about who will go with him. The teacher intervenes.

Educator: Children, aren't you afraid to go with this boy? Maybe we should better know his last name, first name, patronymic?
Children's answers:

Educator: if he does not know his address and last name, then what should we do in such a situation?
Children's answers

Educator: That's right, we need to call the police and wait for their arrival. But in no case should you go with an unfamiliar child in search of his parents.

And all because he can lure to bad people. The teacher calls the police, a policeman comes up, takes the child and leaves, thanking the children for their vigilance.

Children go further, on the way to the next location, children on scooters prevent them from passing, they go at speed without stopping. The teacher asks if it is possible to do this? Is it possible to drive through a residential area at such a speed without yielding to pedestrians?
Children's answers:

Educator: Well done, you can’t behave like that on the road. And pedestrians must be respected.

The teacher invites the children to demonstrate how to ride.

The next location, an uncle comes out to meet the children, he has ice cream and a kitten in his hands, he invites the children to go with him and he will show how many more animals he has at home. The teacher asks what will the children do in such a situation?
Children's answers:

Educator: Well done, call the police.

A policeman comes and takes the criminal, thanks the children.

On the way to the next location, a nice woman comes out to meet the children and offers to go with her, under the pretext that mom and dad are in the hospital and they asked to bring them to them. The teacher asks the children if they will go with her?
Children's answers:

Educator: Well done, you passed all the tests perfectly.

Children approach the last location, where a surprise awaits them. A bag with candy in it.

The teacher distributes sweets and asks the children what they learned and remembered useful?
Children's answers.

Development game. Quest "Housewarming"

Goal: creating a favorable atmosphere between the pupils of the preschool educational institution.

Tasks: to teach children to navigate in a new space; consolidate the ability to work together; cultivate friendships.

Materials and equipment: smiles from red paper, a picture of an evil witch, a picture of a good sorceress, a box with pictures for booths, clues in the form of landmarks, a basket.

Quest progress:
Children gather at the play center.
Presenter 1: guys, today we are waiting for an exciting journey through our new home. As you have already noticed, there are no pictures on your booths. They were closed in this box by an evil witch. She did not want us to settle in this house and therefore did so. I know that this witch is very afraid of laughter. Therefore, we need to find as many smiles as possible and the evil spell will melt. Let `s start?
Children's answers.

Host 2: a good sorceress sent us hints to help us. Let's see the first one. What can this mean?
Children's answers.

Presenter 1: well done! Let's go look for where this clue will lead us.

Host 2:
Children's answers.

Presenter 1: absolutely right. Here we will play sports. Look here, smiles are scattered everywhere. Let's collect them and put them in a basket.

Presenter 1: That's right, we're going to the locker room.
Children with leaders go in search of a room, using the scheme.

Host 2: so we found this room. Why do you think we need this room?
Children's answers.

Presenter 1: absolutely right. Here we will change. Look, there are smiles all over the place. Let's collect them.
Children collect smiles and put them in a basket.

Presenter 1: That's right, we're going to the dining room.
Children with leaders go in search of a room, using the scheme.

Host 2: so we found this room. Why do you think we need this room?
Children's answers.

Presenter 1: absolutely right. This is where we will eat. And we will work here. Look, there are smiles all over the place. Let's collect them.
Children collect smiles and put them in a basket.

Presenter 1: That's right, we're going to the game center.
Children with leaders go in search of a room, using the scheme.

Host 2: so we found this room. Why do you think we need this room?
Children's answers.

Presenter 1: absolutely right. This is where we will play. Look, there are smiles all over the place. Let's collect them.
Children collect smiles and put them in a basket.

Presenter 1: That's right, we're going to the bedroom.
Children with leaders go in search of a room, using the scheme.

Host 2: so we found this room. Why do you think we need this room?
Children's answers.

Presenter 1: absolutely right. Here we will rest. I think you know what to do.
Children collect smiles and put them in a basket.

Presenter 1: That's right, we're going to the restroom.
Children with leaders go in search of a room, using the scheme.

Host 2: so we found this room. Why do you think we need this room?
Children's answers.

Presenter 1: absolutely right. Look, there are no smiles here. And there are none because we know all the rules of personal hygiene. And as everyone knows, sorceresses do not like to bathe. And you and I know that before leaving the toilet room we need to ....
Children's answers.

Presenter 1: right and now we all wash our hands.
Children wash their hands and get acquainted with new equipment.

Host 2: all clues are gone. Only one leaf remained. Let's see what's there. Guys, what does this mean?
Children's answers.

Host 2: That's right, that means we have to go back to the game center.
Children with leaders go in search of a room, using the scheme.

Presenter 1: Well, here we are back. Let's take smiles and show the evil witch how we can laugh.
Children put smiles on their faces and laugh merrily.

Host 2: Look, our box began to shake from your laughter. I can't even hold her. And it looks like she's opening up. A miracle happened - the box opened. And then there are our pictures. Now we will line up in a column and take turns choosing your favorite.
Children line up and take turns choosing a picture. Together with the teachers they place pictures on the booths.

Quest game in the preschool educational institution "Profession" CONFECTIONER "

Target: to enrich children's knowledge about the professions of adults.


  • to form an interest in the profession of a confectioner;
  • enrich the vocabulary of children;
  • develop horizons, curiosity, the ability to interact with each other.


Coordinator: We are glad to welcome you to the quest game, which will be held in our new studio "Island of Professions". And today you will get acquainted with the profession of a confectioner. What do you think a person in this profession does?
Children's answers

Let's summarize and clarify everything you know about the confectioner. Please look at the screen.

View presentation "Confectioner"

Coordinator: Do you want to become real confectioners yourself today and concoct real sweets?
Children: Yes!

Then each of you must complete all the tasks in order to collect as many ingredients for the sweets that you want to cook.

Coordinator: What do you think the confectioner bakes delicious pastries and cakes from?
Children's answers

The greatest invention of mankind is flour!

Flour is a food product obtained by grinding grains of various crops, mainly cereals: wheat, spelled, rye, buckwheat, oats, barley, millet, corn, rice and dagussa. The bulk of flour is produced from wheat. Flour is an essential ingredient in making bread. Wheat baking flour is subdivided into grades: grits, higher, first, second, wallpaper.

Conversation "How flour is made" with a demonstration of illustrations

(M. Sultanova "Amazing transformations". Hatber-press LLC, 2016)

Coordinator: And now you guys need to take turns, changing places, to complete various tasks and assignments.

Children disperse and sit down at the tables, after completing each exercise they receive a card with the image of any ingredient for baking and change places.

Game task "Help Dunno determine what is made of flour"

Purpose: to develop ingenuity, motor skills of hands

Game progress: from cards depicting various ready-made dishes, children must select those that depict flour products.

Coordinator: now you know what dishes a pastry chef can cook from flour?

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Purpose: to develop logical thinking, the ability to express their thoughts.

Game progress: Children are offered cards with three images of products for baking confectionery and one unsuitable picture. It is required to identify an extra picture and explain your choice .

Game task "Crossword"

Purpose: to develop intelligence, thinking, the ability to work in a team.

Game progress: children are invited to solve a crossword puzzle. (An adult reads riddle questions and helps to write in answers)

Game task "Paint the plate"

Purpose: to develop artistic abilities, imagination, hand motor skills.

Game progress: children are invited to paint a disposable cardboard plate using paints and a brush.

Experience with ice

Coordinator: and the next task for some reason turned out to be frozen! (shows a glass inside a note in ice)

Children make suggestions on how to get a note out of the ice.

In the note, the task: “Determine what products are still put into flour to make delicious treats”

Coordinator: Right! Now we will need all those products that you have named and the images of which are on your tokens. With the help of flour and various ingredients, we will knead the dough for delicious sweets and bake them. Now I suggest you to be confectioners yourself and cook a variety of cakes, pastries, cookies, rolls, muffins, etc. from the dough, and then put the treat on our very beautiful plates. Later in the group we will have a real puppet tea party!

Game task "Cook a flour product"

Purpose: to develop creative abilities, motor skills of hands

Game progress: from the finished salt dough, children are invited to fashion cookies, cupcakes, Easter cakes, rolls, cakes, cakes at will and decorate it.

Coordinator: What good fellows you are! You have completed all the tasks! Who were you today? What did you like the most?
Children's answers.

This is where our game is over. Many thanks to everyone for their efforts, ingenuity and beautiful flour delicacies!

Abstract quest - games on ecology for children of the preparatory group

On the topic: "Connoisseurs of nature."

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations on the topics: "Forest and its inhabitants", "Red Book", "Rules of behavior in nature", "What is nature?" etc.
  • Didactic games: “The fourth extra”, “Guess by the silhouette”, “What first, what then?”, “Good - bad”, “Guess by the voice”.
  • Viewing presentations: "The forest and its voices", "We are the protectors of nature!", "Views of the forest".
  • Reading poems, stories, fairy tales about nature.
  • Games: "Guess the animal", "Do not tell, but show."

Material for the lesson:

Video clips from Aunt Owl with an appeal to children, envelopes with tasks from fairy-tale heroes, e. game - "Ecological chain", cards with silhouettes of animals for the game - "Find by voice", audio recording - "Voices of animals", geometric shapes - travel keys, story cards with the rules of behavior in nature.


Formation of educational motivation in the course of activities for the passage of the QUEST.


  1. Introduce children to the concept of ecology.
  2. Consolidate previously acquired knowledge about nature.
  3. Develop cognitive and research interest, sense of humor, imagination, ingenuity, the ability to independently find solutions in created problem situations.
  4. To continue to cultivate the desire to preserve and protect the natural world, to follow accessible environmental rules in activities and behavior.
  5. To cultivate respect for each other, a sense of responsibility, an attentive attitude towards others, the ability to work in a team.

Course progress.


Children, I received an e-mail yesterday, which was sent to you by our old friend Aunt Owl. Do you want to know what is in this letter? I suggest you look and find out what is in this letter.

(Includes a video clip).

Hello dear children! I have known you for a long time, I know that you are very inquisitive, kind and sympathetic. So I decided to ask you for help. Help me clean up my forest. You can get to my forest with the help of the keys that my assistants have prepared for you. My first assistant is a cheerful wooden boy. Guess who is he?

Wish you luck! See you in the forest!

Educator: What will be our decision? Are you ready to help Aunt Owl? Let's hit the road!

(There are 5 envelopes with tasks in the group, fairy tale characters and silhouettes of geometric figures are depicted on the envelopes. On the reverse side of the envelope are the letters:e, ko, lo, gi, me, envelopes contain geometric shapes: oval, square, triangle, polygon).

Educator: Did you find out who Comrade Owl was talking about?
Children: Pinocchio .

So our path begins with a task from Pinocchio. Let's find out what it is.

Task from Pinocchio - Tell me, what is a forest?, What are forests?

(Children speak out, list the inhabitants of the forest, name the plants).

Help me find out what forest I am from if I was made from a tree that has no leaves?
Children: - Coniferous forest, pine forest.

Educator: No more questions. Look, there is a figure in the envelope, what is it called?
Children: triangle.

What does he tell us?
Children: you need to find an envelope with this figure.
(Children find an envelope with a triangle from Snow White).

Assignment from Snow White - "Guess and find whose voice?"

Listen and find the animal in the picture by its voice.
(There is no hedgehog voice on the recording).

Educator: Look carefully, did you recognize and find everyone?
Children: - there was no voice of a hedgehog.

Educator: Snow White writes that she doesn't know what a hedgehog's voice is. She asks, do you know his voice? Show.
(Children imitate the hedgehog's voice and mark it in the picture).

Educator: Mission completed. Each animal found its voice, and we have the next key - is it ...?
(A square is taken from the envelope).
Children: square.

Educator: The next task is in an envelope with a square.
(Children bring an envelope from the cat Leopold).

Task from the cat Leopold - the game "What was and what became?"

Educator: Children, the cat Leopold, has prepared envelopes with a task for you, but you need to find your envelopes by reading your names, there are two of them here. So you need to work in pairs, together and carefully. Find your names and get to work.
(Children find their envelopes and start laying out the chain of sequence).

The task is completed, check each other, are the chains correct?
(The teacher with the children consider and check the completed task).

Educator: You also successfully completed this task, the key is an assistant ...?
Children: oval, tasks from the Little Mermaid.

Educator: I suggest you take a break and play the game. "Don't tell, but show!"
(Children go out onto the carpet, the audio recording “Sounds of loess” turns on).

Imagine that you and I are in a forest:

As soon as we came to the forest, mosquitoes appeared.
They attack us, they bite us very painfully.
The mosquitoes were driven away, they marched on.

Suddenly we see near the bush, the chick has fallen out of the nest.
Quietly we take the chick, and we carry it to the nest.
We go to the clearing, we find a lot of berries there.

Strawberries are so fragrant that you are not too lazy to bend over.
A sly fox looks ahead from behind a bush.
We will outwit the fox, we will run on toes.

In the clearing, near the Christmas trees, the children danced,
They saw a wild boar and fainted.

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the words of the text, at the end, they fall to the floor, freeze).

Educator: Well, did you rest? It's time to continue our journey.

Order from the Little Mermaid.


The little mermaid asks to tell why they were called that:

- Fly agaric - kills flies.
- Magpie - from a distance it looks like she is wearing a white shirt.
- A frog - long legs, they think that it is kicking.
- Sparrow - stole grain, everyone shouted: - beat the thief.
- Plantain - grows along the roads.
- Cuckoo - cuckoo.
- Crow - often steals everything that glitters.
- Bell - looks like a bell, etc.

Educator: We answered all the questions of the Little Mermaid, which means that the hint - the assistant in our hands - is this figure ...?

Children: - a polygon, the envelope - Masha and the Bear.

Let's check it fits the envelope.

Task - Masha and the Bear.

Educator: Remember all the tasks, in turn, lay out the envelopes with the back side, read the word.
(Children read the word -"ecology").

What does the word ecology mean?
(The statement of the children, the teacher gives an explanation).

Ecology is a science, which studies the relationship between man, flora and fauna and the environment, including the impact of man on the environment and wildlife.

Educator: There are no more envelopes, which means that we are at the end of the road. Close your eyes and imagine that you have come to Aunt Owl's forest.
(Children close their eyes, the teacher randomly lays out plot pictures on the table with examples of behavior in nature, the projector turns on the image of the forest).

Let's remember what Aunt Owl asked you about?
Children: to clean up.

Educator: Where is the disorder here?
Children:- mixed cards.

Educator: I suggest you play the game "Traffic Light of Nature".
Our traffic lights have two signals - red and green.
Which pictures do you think suit these colors?
Children: Green is good, red is bad.

Educator: Let's help Comrade Owl, put things in order.
(Children distribute pictures on easels).

A video clip with Comrade Owl is turned on:
My dear children!

Today you proved once again that you truly love nature and know a lot about it. I want to reward you for this. Thank you very much for your help! Get rewards!

(At the end of the video, the owl shows the place where the medals are, the children find the box, the teacher puts on the medals.)


What beautiful medals, who will read what is written on them? Why a young ecologist? Did you find it difficult to complete tasks? What task was the most difficult? The most interesting? Who did the best job? Who was having a hard time? What is your mood at the end of our journey?

  • Develop children's creativity and ingenuity.
  • To instill in children love and respect for nature.
  • Material: cut map, cut pictures depicting the rules of conduct in the forest, scoop, watering can, apple, flower, cucumber, bag, rubber toys - cucumber, pineapple, apple, tomato, pear, banana, eye patches (3 pieces), tangerine , Christmas tree branch, onion, garlic, flower, cucumber, three maple leaves with riddles, plastic plates, cups, napkins (according to the number of players in the group), 3 garbage bags, 3 buckets of sand, 3 scoops, "bonfire" 3 pieces, skittles, paper flowers (red, yellow, blue), according to the number of players in the group, medals according to the number of participants.

    Heroes: Crow, Old Man-Forester, Gardener, presenter.

    Entertainment progress:

    Children go out and line up in groups on the playground in front of the garden.

    Host: Today we will go on an excursion .... Oh, what is this noise? ...
    (phonogram of noise, a crow “flies in”)

    Crow: Kar-kar, trouble, trouble.
    Host: What happened? Why are you making such a noise?
    Crow: Kar-kar, trouble, trouble. Bad boys came to the forest, destroyed my nest, my chicks got scared and got lost in the forest. Only the Old Man-Lesovichok can help find them, but he has a lot to do ...

    Leading: Guys, let's help the Old Man-Lesovichka cope with things, and he will help the crow find the chicks? CHILDREN'S ANSWER Crow show us where the Old Man-Lesovichok lives. (crow flaps its wings towards 1 area)

    Near the site, the children are met by the Old Man-Lesovichok

    Old Man-Lesovichok: Hello, why did you come, what did you come with?
    Leading: Hello, we want to ask you for help (children can voice themselves), help the crow find the chicks.
    Old Man-Lesovichok: I will help you if you help me.
    Host: What about?
    Old Man-Lesovichok: Complete my tasks and for each correct execution you will receive a map fragment. Collect the whole map - you will find crows! Do you agree?
    Children: Yes

    Starichok-Lesovichok: Do you know that nature must be preserved and protected?

    Old Man-Lesovichok: Well done, you know everything! But recently guests came to me who do not know these rules! Look what they have done (shows split pictures depicting the rules of conduct in the forest), all the signs have been ruined. We need to restore them. Can you handle it?


    Old Man-Lesovichok: Well done, we did it. GIVES THEM A MAP FRAGMENT. Now go to the Gardener, he is already waiting for you. THE CHILDREN GO TO ANOTHER PLOT, WHERE THE GARDENER WILL greet them.

    Gardener: Hello, hello. I know why they came. Ready to help you if you complete my tasks. Do you agree?
    Children: Yes.

    Gardener: Good. Here is a task for the younger group.

    Game "What is missing" 3 people

    Gardener: Here is the task for the middle group.

    Game "Touch and Guess" 3 people

    Gardener: Here is the task for the older group.

    Game "French perfumer" 3 people


    Gardener: Well done, they coped with all the tasks. Here's another piece of the map for you. (GIVES THEM THE MAP)

    And now go to our forest theater, where the next task is prepared for you. THE CHILDREN GO TO ANOTHER PLACE (the veranda of the older group), WHERE THE LESOVICHOK MEET THEM.

    Old Man-Lesovichok: I have 3 leaves with riddles in my hands. From each team, 2 people will choose one piece of paper for themselves, guess the riddle and show the answer in pantomime.

    1. cunning cheat,
    red head,
    Fluffy tail - beauty!
    What is her name? (Fox).

    Lives in a mink
    Gnawing on crusts.
    Short legs.
    Afraid of cats. (Mouse)

    2. grayish, toothy
    Roaring across the field
    Looking for calves, lambs . (Wolf)

    A ball of fluff, a long ear,
    Jumps deftly, loves carrots. (Hare)

    3. The owner of the forest
    Waking up in the spring
    And in winter, under a blizzard howl,
    Sleeping in a snow hut. (Bear)

    Angry touchy
    Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
    Too many needles
    Not just one thread. (Hedgehog).

    CHILDREN GUESS LESOVICHOK GIVES THEM A FRAGMENT OF THE MAP AND INVITES THEM TO THE NEXT GLADE (plastic plates, cups and napkins are scattered on the sports area)
    (Sports relay - 3 teams compete)

    Old Man-Lesovichok: Look, guys, tourists rested in this clearing and left behind such a mess. Let's collect this garbage together (the youngest - cups, the middle - plates, the eldest - napkins).

    On a signal from Lesovichok, participants from each team take turns running, picking up one item and throwing it into their trash bag.

    Old Man-Lesovichok: Well done, they collected all the garbage. Look, the tourists were burning a fire, but they forgot to put it out. Let's fix this. Put out the fire with sand. (The team is given a bucket of sand and a scoop, each team member takes turns collecting sand into the scoop and runs to the “bonfire” located at the opposite end of the site. Pours sand onto the “bonfire” and returns to the team)

    Old Man-Lesovichok: We did a good job with this task. Just look, after these vacationers, the whole clearing is trampled down and not a single flower remains. I suggest you decorate our clearing with flowers (each team player takes turns running around the skittles to the opposite end of the site, takes one flower and returns to the team)

    Old Man-Lesovichok: Well done, the clearing was cleared and decorated. Here is the last piece of the map. Now the crow will be able to find its crows.

    Crow: Karkar, I will fly and find my children. Thanks guys. (flies away)

    Old Man-Lesovichok: Avy guys, for your work you are dedicated to the young friends of nature (gives medals to children). Well, I have to go, there is still a lot of work in the forest. Goodbye my friends.
