A m finance study guide. Finance, money circulation and credit. Tutorial. Section I. Essence and organization of enterprise finance

4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2005. - 384 p.

Along with highlighting the essence and functions of finance at the level of the Russian state, the problems of financial management enterprises. The role of profit, working capital, investment activity of enterprises in the course of deepening economic reforms in Russia is considered. Modern business conditions have necessitated the allocation into special sections of the problems of financial analysis and financial strategy, as well as the financial and economic activities of financial and industrial groups (3rd edition - 1998).

For students of higher educational institutions, graduate students studying in the specialty "Finance and Credit", students of advanced training faculties, as well as scientific and practical workers.

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1.1. Stages of development of finance in Russia .............................. 3
1.2. Functions of Finance .................................................................. ... fifteen
Test questions................................................ ... 22
2. FINANCIAL SYSTEM............................................... 23
2.1. Formation of the financial system.............................. 23
2.2. Budget and budgetary device....................................... 31
2.3. Extra-budgetary funds............................................... 43
2.4. Organization, functions and types of insurance ............................. 64
2.5. The stock market as part of the financial system .......... 79
Test questions................................................ .... 83
3.1. Essence and meaning of public debt....................... 84
3.2. Government securities "as a tool for managing public debt .......... 89
3.3. Characteristics of certain types of government securities .............................................................. 95
Test questions................................................ ... 104
4. FINANCE OF ENTERPRISES .............................................. 105
4.1. Financial relations of enterprises ....................... 105
4.2. Cash funds of enterprises ............................................... 108
4.3. Flow control Money................. 116
Test questions................................................ .. 121
5 PROFIT OF THE ENTERPRISE. ITS PLANNING AND DISTRIBUTION....................................... 122
5.1. The role of profit in the conditions of entrepreneurship development .............................................. 122
5.2. Factors affecting the amount of profit .............................. 127
5.3. The composition of the gross profit of the enterprise .................... 135
5.4. Definition planned profit- the starting point of entrepreneurial activity.. 141
5.5. Distribution of profits in the conditions of the modern taxation system .............................................. 153
5.6. The value of net profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise .............................................. 157
Test questions................................................ .159
6 TAXATION OF ENTERPRISES .................................. 160
6.1. The taxation system in the Russian Federation, ... 160
6.2. Socio-economic essence of taxes....................... 166
6.3. Value Added Tax...................................... 168
6.4. Excises ................................................. ........... 180
6.5. Corporate Income Tax .............................................. 183
6.6. Tax on the property of enterprises of the Russian Federation .............................................. ................... 191
6.7. Other taxes paid by enterprises ...................... 196
6.8. Simplified system of taxation of small businesses .............................................................. 199
Security questions.............................................. 203
7.1. Economic entity working capital enterprises ................................................. .............. 205
7.2. Organization of working capital of enterprises .......... 209
7.3. Determining the needs of enterprises in working capital .............................................................. ................. 214
7.4. Sources of formation of working capital ........... 223
7.5. Efficiency in the use of working capital..... 227
Test questions................................................ .231
8 INVESTMENT POLICY OF ENTERPRISES .............................................................. ...... 233
8.1. Principles of investment activities .............................................................................. ................... 233
8.2. Sources and methods of investment".................................. 239
8.3. The role of a business plan in the evaluation of investment projects .............................................. .................... 248
Security Questions.................................................... 256
9. FINANCIAL ASPECT OF PREPARATION OF A BUSINESS PLAN .............................................. .........................257
9.1. The concept of a business plan, its scope and conditions for development ................257
9.2. Financial aspects of the development of sections of the business plan of the enterprise .................................................... ........263
Security Questions................................................... 275
10. FINANCIAL PROBLEMS AND INCONVENTIONS (BANKRUPTCY) OF ENTERPRISES .............................................. 276
10.1. Financial reasons for the emergence and indicators of insolvency of enterprises .................................... 276
10.2. Directions for the financial recovery of the enterprise ....................................................... ............288
Security questions ........................,.................................. 293
11. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND FINANCIAL STRATEGY OF THE ENTERPRISE .................................................................294
11.1. Financial analysis at the enterprise ....................... 294
11.2. Financial strategy of the enterprise .........................321
Test questions................................................ 329
12 PECULIARITIES OF THE FINANCE OF A JOINT STOCK COMPANY .............................................................. ..............331
12.1. Principles of creation and activities of a joint-stock company, the role of finance ....................................................331
12.2. Capital, profit and funds of a joint-stock company .............................................. ..............335
12.3. Securities of a joint-stock company...............................340
12.4. Register of shareholders of a joint-stock company.......................352
12.5. Financial issues of reorganization and liquidation of a joint-stock company.......................................................355
Security questions..............................................360
13.1. The economic content of the creation of financial and industrial groups in Russia .............................................361
13.2. Development priorities and governmental support financial and industrial groups ........................ 369
13.3. Financial and economic aspects of FIG activity .............................................................. .......................371
Security Questions..............................................376
Literature................................................. ...............................377


  • Rudskaya E.N. Finance and Credit (Document)
  • Zhmailo A.F. Finances of an organization (enterprise) (Document)
  • Sheremet A.D., Saifulin R.S. Enterprise Finance (Document)
  • Kaderova N.N. Corporate Finance (Document)
  • Dmitrieva E.A. Mutual funds (Document)
  • Bobrova L.V., Zolotov O.I. Informatics in Management and Economics (Document)
  • Sergeev I.V. Business Economics (Document)
  • n1.doc

    E.N. Gladkovskaya


    Publishing house KnoRus

    BBK U9(2)26.a7


    Yu.V. Lysenko, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department "Economics and Management at the Enterprise", Chelyabinsk branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "RGTEU";
    L.N. Belozerova, head of the financial department

    OJSC "Kopeysk Machine-Building Plant"

    Gladkovskaya, E.N.

    C247 Finance: textbook / E.N. Gladkovskaya. - Moscow: KnoRus Publishing House, 2010. - 296 p.

    The training manual outlines the basics of organizing financial activities at the level of the state and economic entity (enterprise, organization). Updated information with reference to electronic resources on budgetary activities and the budgetary process in the Russian Federation, pension and social insurance and security, a description of state bodies and services that manage finances in the country and control the targeted use of budgetary funds is given.

    Particular attention is paid to the finances of organizations (enterprises): the peculiarities of financial relations and the principles of organizing the finances of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and sectors of the economy, the formation of equity and borrowed capital, the management of fixed and working capital, the formation financial results and their evaluation, financial planning and budgeting in the process of activity, analysis of cash flows.

    To consolidate the theoretical material in the manual, questions for self-control, control tests, practical tasks with an explanation of the solution are given.

    The manual is intended for students, graduate students and teachers of economic areas, specialists and managers economic services enterprises and organizations.

    BBK U9(2)26.a7
    © Publishing house KnoRus, 2010

    INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………...


    1. The concept of "finance" and their functions. a brief description of financial system ………………………………………………………

    2. Budget device and budget process ………………………..

    Theoretical material …………………………………………………

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………

    3. Pension insurance and provision. Activity of the Pension Fund of Russia ……………………………………………………………….

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………

    4. Social insurance and provision. Activities of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation ……………………………………………..

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………

    5. Compulsory health insurance. Activities of the Federal and Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Funds ……………………………………………………………………………..

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………
    6. State loan. State and municipal debt..

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………

    7. Functioning of stock exchanges, financial and commodity markets …………

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………

    8. Financial policy of the state …………………………………….

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………

    9. Financial management bodies. State financial control …………………………………………………………………….

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………


    10. Financial relations of enterprises and principles of their organization..

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………

    11. Finances of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and sectors of the economy ………………………………………………………..

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Practical task ……..critical task ………………………………………………

    12. Finances of different sectors of the economy ………………………………..

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………

    13. Own and borrowed capital of the organization ………………………

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………

    14. Fixed capital of the organization: classification of fixed assets, methods of depreciation calculation …………………..

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………

    15. Working capital of the organization: the composition of current assets, standardized and non-standardized current assets …………………….

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………

    Practical task ………………………………………………….

    16. Management of accounts receivable and cash of the enterprise …………………………………………………..

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………

    Practical task ………………………………………………….

    17. Composition of income and classification of expenses of the enterprise …………..

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………

    Practical task ………………………………………………….

    18. Profit of the enterprise. Profitability assessment and break-even analysis …………………………………………………………….

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    Control test ………………………………………………………

    Practical task ………………………………………………….

    19. Financial planning. Budgeting ………………...

    Theoretical material ……………………………………………….

    Questions for self-control ………………………………………………

    REFERENCE LIST…………………………………….


    Finance is part market relations and represent a tool through which the state regulates the economy. The study of the nature of financial relations, the principles and mechanism of their functioning is necessary, since any negative phenomena in the financial sector (imbalance in revenues and expenditures of the state budget, violations in the payment system, etc.) affect not only the country's economy, but also affect political and social sphere, as well as relations with foreign partners. Therefore, finance is an instrument of economic relations between various entities within the country and abroad: the state, legal entities and individuals, specialized institutions, banks, etc.

    At the macroeconomic level, finance covers the accumulation and distribution of funds, which is carried out through the state budget and various off-budget funds. At the macro level, the state financial policy is being formed, in accordance with which budgetary funds are spent. At the microeconomic level, the formation and use of financial resources of enterprises and organizations takes place.

    This tutorial covers the organization of centralized and decentralized finance. At the same time, the centralization of finances characterizes their management by state authorities, the features of the budget structure in the Russian Federation, the specifics of state credit relations (the system and forms of lending, the procedure for lending, processing and repayment of loans), issues of pension, social and compulsory medical insurance and security in Russian Federation and more. Decentralization of finance implies that they are managed by a specific economic entity (enterprise, organization). Therefore, special attention in this textbook is paid to the finances of organizations (enterprises): the features of financial relations and the principles of organizing the finances of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and sectors of the economy, the formation of equity and borrowed capital, the management of fixed and working capital, the formation of financial results and their evaluation, financial planning and budgeting in the process of activity, analysis of cash flows.

    This manual is intended for students of economic specialties in order to prepare for the final control in the disciplines "Finance", "Finance and credit", "The budget system of Russia", "Finance of organizations (enterprises). In order to master the material, questions for self-control, control tests, practical tasks with an explanation of the solution are given.


    Theoretical material
    The term "finance" appeared in the 13th century in trading cities Italy and comes from the Latin word "finansia", which means "any cash payment". With the development of commodity-money relations, this term became internationally widespread and began to be used as a concept associated with the system of monetary relations between the population and the state regarding the formation of state funds of funds.

    Finance differs from money both in content and in the functions performed. Money is the universal equivalent by which the labor costs of producers are measured, and finance- an economic tool for the distribution and redistribution of gross domestic product and national income, an instrument for controlling the formation and use of funds of funds.

    In this way, finance represent economic relations associated with the formation, distribution and use of cash funds. At the same time, the centralization of finances involves the management and disposal of them by public authorities to implement the economic, social and political tasks of the state, the decentralization of finances involves the independent management and disposal of economic entities (enterprises and organizations) in the process of activity.

    Finance performs the following functions:

    - distributive;

    - control;

    - regulatory.

    distribution function consists in the distribution of national income and the creation of basic (primary) income. The main incomes are formed during the distribution of national income among the participants in material production. They are divided into two groups: the first group includes the wages of workers, employees, incomes of farmers, peasants employed in the sphere of material production; the second group includes the income of enterprises in the sphere of material production. As a result of redistribution, secondary (derivative) incomes are formed. Secondary incomes serve to form the final proportions of the use of the national income. These are incomes received in non-production sectors (tax on personal income, income tax, etc.).

    control function is manifested in control over the distribution of income received among the relevant funds, items of financing state expenditures and the distribution of funds for a strictly designated purpose, in accordance with approved budgets (payment of insurance coverage in terms of pension and social insurance, issuance of wages public sector employees, financing current expenses budget institutions and etc.).

    Regulating function associated with government intervention through finances (government spending, taxes, public credit) in the process of reproduction.

    The financial system of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Russian Federation) is a combination of various areas of financial relations, in the course of which centralized and decentralized funds of funds are formed and used. At the same time, the centralization of finance involves the regulation of financial relations and the disposal of financial resources directly by public authorities. Decentralized finance involves the management and disposal of funds of funds that are formed in the process of carrying out activities by a specific economic entity (at the same time, state influence is also manifested, which is manifested in the regulation of financial relations by the state through norms, regulations, tax rates, mandatory contributions to the budget and extra-budgetary funds, but business entities independently dispose of financial resources).

    The financial system of the Russian Federation includes the following links of financial relations (Fig. 1):

    - the budget system;

    – state funds (extrabudgetary and budgetary);

    - state credit;

    – insurance;

    - finances of enterprises of various forms of ownership and sectors of the economy.

    The budget system of the Russian Federation is a set of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets and budgets of state off-budget funds, based on economic relations and the state structure of the Russian Federation, regulated by Russian legislation.

    Thus, the budget system of the Russian Federation includes budgets of three levels, of which the first level forms the federal budget of the Russian Federation, the second - regional budgets or budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation (these are the budgets of the republics within the Russian Federation, regional, regional budgets, budgets of autonomous regions, districts and city budgets of Moscow and St. Petersburg), the third level is formed by local budgets(these are budgets municipal districts, budgets of urban districts, budgets of intra-city municipalities of federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as budgets of urban and rural settlements).

    Rice. 1. Scheme of the financial system of the Russian Federation
    All these budgets function autonomously, that is, local budgets with their incomes and expenditures are not included in regional budgets, and the latter are not included in the federal budget. But the Budget Code defines the concept of a consolidated budget. Consolidated budget is a set of budgets budget system RF in the relevant territory (with the exception of the budgets of state non-budgetary funds) without taking into account interbudgetary transfers between these budgets. For example, combining the budgets of different regions, regions, autonomous regions will represent the consolidated budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    State funds have a specific purpose:

    – expand social policy in the country;

    – stimulate the development of backward sectors of infrastructure, provide additional resources priority sectors economy.

    State funds include off-budget and budget funds.

    State non-budgetary funds are created on the basis of relevant acts supreme bodies the authorities in which their activities are regulated, sources of formation are indicated, the procedure and directions for the use of monetary funds are determined. Extra-budgetary funds are an integral part of the financial system of the Russian Federation and have a number of features:

    - are planned by state authorities and administrations and have a strictly targeted focus;

    - relations related to the calculation, payment and collection of contributions to funds are determined by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation;

    - the money resources of the funds are used to finance public expenditures not included in the budget;

    - are formed mainly at the expense of compulsory insurance contributions (until 2010 - at the expense of the unified social tax), paid by employers from the wage fund;

    - the financial resources of the funds are state-owned, they are not part of the budgets and other funds, they are not subject to withdrawal for any purposes not expressly provided for by law.

    Extra-budgetary funds in the financial system of the Russian Federation are created and operate in accordance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation (Federal Law No. 145-FZ of July 31, 1998) (Part II, Chapter 17). The main reason for their creation is the need to determine the costs that are important for society and provide them with independent sources of income. The resources of these funds are not included in the budgets of all levels, they are in federal ownership.

    As part of extrabudgetary funds included :

    – state non-budgetary funds (Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund, federal fund compulsory health insurance);

    – Territorial state non-budgetary funds (Territorial Funds of Compulsory Medical Insurance).

    Thus, off-budget funds are state funds of funds managed by state authorities of the Russian Federation and intended for the implementation of the rights of citizens to social Security by age, illness, disability, in case of loss of a breadwinner, the birth and upbringing of children, upon receipt of free medical care etc. Data financial resources are at the disposal of central or local government bodies and have a designated purpose.

    Extra-budgetary funds are formed from:

    - mandatory insurance payments in the amount established for the relevant fund (paid from the payroll fund);

    – voluntary contributions from individuals and legal entities;

    - appropriations from the federal budget;

    – other income not prohibited by law.

    The activities of off-budget funds implement the rights of citizens to pension, social and medical insurance and security. In this connection, the subjects of compulsory insurance in the Russian Federation are:

    federal authorities state power;

    - the insurer, which is the relevant Fund (Pension, Social Security, Compulsory health insurance, etc.);

    – policyholders, represented by employers making payments to individuals (organizations, individual entrepreneurs, as well as individuals on a voluntary basis);

    - insured persons - citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign citizens residing in the territory of the Russian Federation and stateless persons working on employment contract, contract, copyright and license agreement; self-employed (individual entrepreneurs, private detectives, notaries in private practice, lawyers); persons who are participants in peasant (farmer) households; working outside the territory of the Russian Federation in case of payment of voluntary insurance premiums in the territory of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation; persons engaged in traditional economic sectors in the North; other categories of citizens.

    Draft budgets of off-budget funds in the Russian Federation are compiled by the management bodies of the corresponding fund, then transferred by the bodies executive power for consideration by the legislature. The funds' budgets are approved by the Federal Assembly simultaneously with the adoption of the law on the federal budget for the next financial year. The budgets of territorial off-budget funds are considered by the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are approved simultaneously with the adoption of laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the next financial year. The execution of the budgets of state off-budget funds is carried out by the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation.

    Part budget funds states include the Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund.

    reserve fund is part of the federal budget and is designed to ensure that the state fulfills its spending obligations in the event of a decrease in oil and gas revenues to the federal budget. The resources of the reserve fund are subject to separate accounting and management for the purposes of oil and gas transfer in case of insufficient oil and gas revenues to finance the said transfer (with the exception of the period from 01/01/2010 to 01/01/2013, when separate accounting of oil and gas revenues of the federal budget will not be carried out).

    The Reserve Fund contributes to the stability of the country's economic development by reducing inflationary pressures and reducing the dependence of the national economy on fluctuations in revenues from the export of non-renewable natural resources. This fund actually replaced the Stabilization Fund of the Russian Federation and, unlike the Stabilization Fund of the Russian Federation, in addition to federal budget revenues from oil production and exports, sources for the formation of the Reserve Fund are also federal budget revenues from gas production and exports. Since January 1, 2010, the formation of the reserve fund has been suspended until 2012-2013.

    Since 2008, oil and gas revenues have been accounted for separately from other federal budget revenues. Oil and gas revenues of the federal budget are formed from:

    – tax on the extraction of minerals in the form of hydrocarbon raw materials (oil, combustible natural gas from all types of hydrocarbon deposits, gas condensate from all types of hydrocarbon deposits);

    – export customs duties on crude oil;

    – export customs duties on natural gas;

    – export customs duties on goods produced from oil;

    - income from the management of the Fund's assets (from 01.01.2010 to 01.02.2012, income from the management of the Reserve Fund's assets is not credited to the Fund, but is directed to financial support for federal budget expenditures).

    A certain part of these oil and gas revenues in the form of an oil and gas transfer is annually directed to finance federal budget expenditures. Oil and gas transfer represents part of the federal budget funds used to finance the federal budget's non-oil and gas deficit at the expense of federal budget oil and gas revenues and the Reserve Fund.

    The amount of the oil and gas transfer is approved federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period.

    The volume of the oil and gas transfer is set as a percentage of the forecasted volume of gross domestic product for the corresponding year:

    – in 2008 – 6.1%;

    – in 2009 – 5.5%;

    – in 2010 – 4.5%;

    After the formation of the oil and gas transfer in full, oil and gas revenues go to the Reserve Fund. The normative value of the Reserve Fund is approved by the federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period. Until 01.01.2010, this figure was ten percent of the volume of gross domestic product forecast for the corresponding year. After filling the Reserve Fund to the specified amount, oil and gas revenues were sent to the National Welfare Fund.

    From 01/01/2010 to 01/01/2013, the formation of the normative value of the Reserve Fund is suspended. This value is not determined, the oil and gas revenues of the federal budget are not used to financially support the oil and gas transfer and to form the Reserve Fund and the National Wealth Fund, but are directed to financial support for federal budget expenditures.

    national wealth fund formed by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation and is intended to become part of a sustainable mechanism for providing pensions to citizens of the Russian Federation for the long term. This Fund is a part of the federal budget funds subject to separate accounting and management in order to ensure co-financing of voluntary pension savings of citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as to ensure a balance (deficit coverage) of the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. But from 01/01/2010 to 01/01/2013, separate accounting has been canceled.

    Until 2010, the National Wealth Fund was formed at the expense of:

    – oil and gas revenues of the federal budget in an amount exceeding the amount of the oil and gas transfer approved for the corresponding financial year, if the accumulated amount of the Reserve Fund reaches (exceeds) its standard value;

    – income from the management of the funds of the National Welfare Fund.

    The first type of the Fund's income source was canceled until 01.01.2013, the second - until 02.01.2012.

    Management of the resources of the Reserve Fund and the National Wealth Fund is carried out by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    State loan as a link in the financial system of the Russian Federation is a special form of credit relations between the state and legal entities or individuals, in which the state acts as a creditor, borrower or guarantor. All types of loans are urgent and are provided on a paid basis (with payment of interest for use).

    Finances of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and sectors of the economy form the predominant part of the financial resources of the state budget through the payment of taxes, fees and mandatory payments. Depending on the organizational and legal forms, joint-stock companies, companies with limited liability, municipal and unitary enterprises, public organizations, religious organizations, associations of enterprises in the form of associations and unions. A description of the finances of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and sectors of the economy is given in the textbook below.

    Thus, the financial system of the Russian Federation is a complex system of different links of financial relations, which combines state (centralized) finance and enterprise finance (decentralized) to achieve various goals and objectives of the state.
    Questions for self-control
    1. What is the content of the distribution function of finance?

    2. What state revenues are primary and which are secondary?

    3. What is the regulatory function of finance?

    4. What does the centralization of financial relations imply?

    5. What links are included in the financial system of the Russian Federation?

    6. Due to what sources of funds are incomes of non-budgetary funds formed?

    7. What funds are included in the budget funds?

    8. What is the purpose of the State Reserve Fund?

    9. Which government body is responsible for managing the Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund?

    10. What organizational and legal forms of enterprises and organizations are private businesses?

    control test
    1. Finance is:

    a) a system of economic relations in the process of which the formation, distribution and use of centralized and decentralized funds of funds takes place;

    b) a set of purchasing, payment and accumulated funds serving economic relations;

    c) the universal equivalent, by which the labor costs of producers are measured.

    2. Which of the presented functions of finance is associated with the influence of the state on all spheres of relations between enterprises and organizations (in particular, the organization economic activity, choice of tax regime, payment of taxes, fees, etc.):

    a) distributive;

    b) control;

    c) regulatory.

    3. The composition of the links of the financial system of the Russian Federation includes:

    a) Fund for Financial Support of the Regions, state credit, extra-budgetary funds;

    b) the state budget, state credit, state funds, insurance, finances of business entities;

    c) budgetary and financial-credit systems.

    4. The composition of state off-budget funds does not include:

    a) the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

    b) federal Service on labor and employment;

    c) The Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

    5. The role of the insurer in the system of compulsory state insurance is performed by:

    a) persons paying mandatory insurance premiums from the wage fund for working citizens;

    b) non-profit organizations represented by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, which implement social policy in the country and pay different kinds allowances;

    c) individuals receiving various types of benefits from extra-budgetary funds.

    Theoretical material
    Budget device in the Russian Federation- this is the organization and principles of building the budget system, which are regulated by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation (dated July 31, 1998 No. 145-FZ).

    The budgetary device of the Russian Federation unites key positions, such as:

    - the composition of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

    – principles of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

    - the composition of the budget classification of the Russian Federation.

    budget system state is called the totality of budgets of all levels, which is a system based on certain economic relations and legal norms.

    The structure of the budget system is determined form of government, which refers to the internal structure of the state, its division into constituent parts and the system of relationships between them based on the distribution of power and sovereignty between the center and territorial entities.

    According to the form of government, countries are divided into two groups:

    - simple (unitary);

    Year of issue : 2005

    Genre : Finance, credit

    Publisher:"Finance and statistics"

    Format : PDF

    Quality : Scanned pages

    Number of pages: 512

    Description : The textbook "Finance and Credit" was prepared by a team of teachers from the Department of "Finance, Money Circulation and Credit" of the State University of Management.
    The need to write this textbook is due to the new specialty "Finance and Credit", in which the department prepares future specialists.
    The role of financial and credit control levers with the improvement of market relations and cardinal changes in the Russian economy is increasing dramatically.
    Finance and credit, as economic, monetary relations, organically participate in the mechanism of regulation of the economic process. With the development of entrepreneurship, privatization, the competitiveness of enterprises, organizations, joint-stock companies, it is necessary to study the theory and practice of the functioning of finance and credit, to be able to manage financial and credit resources.

    The textbook "Finance and Credit" was written in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard in the specialty "Finance and Credit" by teachers of the State University of Management. The complex of financial and credit management levers is considered both at the macro and micro levels. Financial and credit problems are presented in terms of modern stage development of Russia, taking into account the latest decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Budget and Tax Codes of the Russian Federation. The actual digital material is given, examples and calculations are given.
    For students, graduate students and teachers of economic universities, as well as for employees of financial and economic services of enterprises and organizations.

    Chapter 1. Finance of the Russian Federation
    1.1. Essence and functions of finance
    1.2. Financial system Control questions
    Chapter 2 Budget of the Russian Federation
    2.1. Economic content and the role of the budget
    2.2. Budget revenues
    2.3. Budget expenditures
    Chapter 3 Target budget and off-budget funds
    3.1. Target budget funds
    3.2. Extrabudgetary funds
    Chapter 4 Organization of insurance
    4.1. Insurance as an economic category
    4.2. Fundamentals of organizing insurance relations
    4.3. Classification and characteristics of insurance services Control questions
    Chapter 5 Management of the organization's finances and its financial condition
    5.1. The essence and organization of enterprise finance
    5.2. Management of the financial condition of an enterprise, organization
    Chapter 6 Income, costs and profit of the organization (enterprise)
    6.1. Revenue from product sales
    6.2. Production costs, their structure and classification
    6.3. Profit and profitability
    6.4. Planning and forecasting profits in a market economy
    6.5. Profit distribution
    Chapter 7 Organization taxation
    7.1. Fundamentals of the taxation system in the Russian Federation
    7.2. federal taxes
    7.3. Regional and local taxes
    7.4. Features of taxation of small enterprises
    Chapter 8 Investment activities of organizations and financing of non-current assets
    8.1. Investment activities of enterprises carried out in the form of capital investments
    8.2. Sources of financing of capital investments
    8.3. Composition of non-current assets of enterprises and economic organizations
    Chapter 9 Working capital management
    9.1. Purpose, purpose and structure of working capital
    9.2. Inventory management
    9.3. Accounts receivable and cash management
    9.4. Sources of working capital formation
    9.5. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of working capital
    Chapter 10 Financial planning and analysis of the financial activities of the organization
    10.1. Essence and purpose of financial planning
    10.2. Models of the financial planning process
    10.3. Analysis of financial activity as a tool for managing financial planning
    10.4. Financial strategy and its role in managing financial planning
    Chapter 11 State financial control
    Organization of state financial control
    Types and forms of state financial control
    Bodies of state financial control

    Chapter 12 Credit and credit relations
    12.1. Essence and functions of credit
    12.2. Basic forms of credit
    12.3. Organization of short-term lending
    Chapter 13 Banking system of the Russian Federation
    Role of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
    Savings Bank of the Russian Federation
    13.3. Commercial banks
    Chapter 14. Operations of banks
    14.1. Active and passive operations
    14.2. Credit operations - the basis of the credit policy of banks
    14.3. Non-traditional operations of commercial banks
    14.4. Investment activities of commercial banks
    14.5. Settlement operations of banks
    Chapter 15 Cashless payments
    15.1. Organizational bases of non-cash payment turnover
    15.2. Domestic forms of cashless payments
    15.3. Settlements for export-import transactions
    Chapter 16 Market valuable papers and stock exchange
    16.1. Essence and types of securities
    16.2. The securities market and its participants
    16.3. Stock Exchange. Operations with securities
    Chapter 17 Financial and credit mechanism of currency relations
    17.1. Capital management of enterprises engaged in export-import operations
    17.2. Features of the organization of settlements in the execution of foreign exchange transactions
    17.3. Financial and banking control of currency relations

    Section topics:

    List of articles: "Section: Textbooks in Finance"

      2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2012. - 703 p. The textbook reveals the essence and procedure for the functioning of the financial and credit system of the state, describes the typical structure of regional and municipal finance bodies, set out ... St. Petersburg: Information Center "Intermedia", 2014. - 208 p. The textbook reveals the basic concepts, essence and content of financial relations. On Russian and foreign material are described financial relations, financial systems, the content of the main state ... M .: 2008. - 160 p. The abstract of lectures complies with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. Accessibility and brevity of presentation make it possible to quickly and easily obtain basic knowledge on the subject, prepare and ... 2nd ed., Revised. and additional - M .: Infra-M, 2007. - 360 p. In the textbook, state and municipal finances are considered as an element of the financial and credit system. Their features and role are revealed, such… 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: RAGS, 2007. - 640 p. The textbook outlines theoretical, methodological and practical issues, including new trends in the development of state and municipal finance, enterprise finance ... M .: 2009. - 546 p. In the presentation of the educational material, a modular principle is used. The basic module and complementary, goal-oriented modules with a special practical significance, laboratory modules. The basic (theoretical) module considers ... M .: Finance and Statistics, 2007. - 256 p. Tasks are included in the main sections of financial mathematics: payment flows, credit calculations, analysis of investment projects, evaluation of rates and profitability of securities, measurement of financial ... M .: 2010. - 768 p. The training manual provides a detailed economic interpretation of the basic concepts used in applied finance, accounting and analysis in the context of International Standards financial reporting, domestic regulators, international ... St. Petersburg: 2008. - 272 p. The first textbook in Russia on the updated discipline "Corporate Finance" (previously called "Finance of Enterprises"), written taking into account recent changes standard and designed for a two-level system ... St. Petersburg: 2011. - 592 p. The textbook contains material on the theory of corporate finance and financial management in enterprises, presented in accordance with state of the art their development and the requirements of economic reality. ... M .: 2008. - 224 p. The content of this manual is detailed description methods, tools, sources and forms of financing. The main objective of the course is to gain knowledge on attracting financial resources for any ... 3rd ed., Revised. and additional - M .: Finance and statistics, 2005. - 576 p. Generalized world experience, theoretical and practical aspects of international monetary and financial relations in the context of globalization of the economy ... M.: Ostozhye, 2000. - 267 p. The manual outlines the main methods of financial calculations that are the subject of financial mathematics. To understand these methods, it is enough to have knowledge in the volume of mathematics of the senior classes of the secondary ... 2nd Russian. ed. (translated from the 7th international ed.) - M .: 2008. - 1008 p. Before you is a generally recognized and appreciated by experts textbook on the theory and practice of finance in modern economy: here ... 2nd ed. - M.: 2012. - 204 p. The textbook is an educational and methodological complex, including lecture material, assignments for independent work, topics term papers and abstracts, questions and tasks for ... M .: Finance and statistics, 2004. - 352 p. In the collection, tasks are selected and methodically distributed, the content of which covers all sections of the program of the course "Financial Investments" for economic higher educational institutions and ... M .: 2011. - 510 p. The essence of the finance of enterprises is revealed, their feature, role and place in the financial management system in the state are shown, the financial relations of enterprises, their management systems of monetary funds are disclosed ... Per. with him. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 320 p. You are holding in your hands a collection of problems and solutions to the textbook of the famous German scientist Lutz Kruschwitz `Financing and investments`. In the collection ... M .: 2002. - 624 p. Questions of classical financial mathematics are considered. Mathematical methods of financing operations, schemes of these models are described. Two main, most often used in practice, simple and complex schemes are given ... Tambov: TSTU, 2009. - 80 p. Considered: the basics of building and functioning of the financial system; the most important factors in the formation of the banking and credit system, directions and conditions for its development; factors of successful improvement of the stock market; essence and ... M .: 2006. - 320 p. This textbook consists of diagrams and tables, which in a visual and easy to understand form represent all the topics of the course "Finance" - the base in the system ... M .: 2008. - 80 p. All the main topics of the lecture course "Finance" are presented. The general theory of finance, the principles of organizing the finances of economic entities in different areas activities, state and municipal finances.… M.: GrossMedia, 2005. - 256 p. This book teaches you to understand and speak the language of numbers - financial reports, budgets, formulas. The success of a modern leader and manager depends on how well ... M .: 2005. - 104 p. (Series "Course of Lectures") The textbook "Finance and Credit" was prepared in accordance with the program of the course "Finance and Credit", intended for students studying in the specialties "Organization Management", ... 6th ed., Revised. and additional - M.: 2011. - 576 p. The textbook, consisting of four sections, consistently outlines the essence of finance and its management, the financial system of Russia, state and municipal ... M .: EAOI, 2008. - 371 p. The course "Finance and Credit" is provided for by the state general educational standard of higher professional education for the training of specialists in the specialty "Finance and Credit". Finance and credit are part of the market ... M .: Finance and statistics, 2005. - 512 p. The textbook was written in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard in the specialty "Finance and Credit" by teachers of the State University of Management. A complex of financial and credit ... M .: 2009. - 408 p. The textbook highlights the basic concepts that characterize finance, financial policy, financial resources and the market, its tasks and functions, types of operations performed. The issues of budgetary relations, budgetary ... M .: RIOR, 2006. - 288 p. In the course of lectures, in a brief and accessible form, all the main issues provided for by the state educational standard and the curriculum for the discipline "FINANCE AND CREDIT" are considered ... M .: 2009. - 240 p. The manual provides the basic concepts and definitions in the field of finance organizations (enterprises). In the practical plane, topical issues of the organization of finance at the enterprise, the formation of financial ... 3rd ed., Revised. and additional - M.: KNORUS, 2007. - 608 p. Written in accordance with the State Educational Standard, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. On the basis of Russian legislative and ... M .: TK Velby, Prospekt, 2006. - 352 p. The textbook is written in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard in the specialty "Finance and Credit" and covers the main sections of the standard training course "Financial ... M .: 2008. - 575 p. The textbook has been prepared in accordance with the state general educational standard of higher professional education and covers its main sections. It details the content and principles of the organization of finance ... 4th ed., Revised. and additional - M .: Unity-Dana, 2007. - 383 p. The fourth edition of the textbook (previous editions of UNITI, 1998, 2001, 2004) has been substantially revised and supplemented in accordance with the latest changes ... M .: EAOI, 2008. - 311 p. The course "Finance of enterprises" is provided for by the state general educational standard of higher professional education for the training of specialists in the specialty "Finance and Credit". Enterprise finance is an important area of ​​financial relations… 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: 2010. - 208 p. The proposed manual has been prepared in accordance with the curriculum of the course "Enterprise Finance" and covers the main range of issues studied by students of various economic specialties. This is… 6th ed., revised. and additional — M.: Dashkov i K, 2006. — 712 p. This textbook reveals the features of organizing the finances of enterprises of the main organizational and legal forms, as well as their relationship with ... M .: Infra-M, 2003. - 302 p. The textbook covers the theoretical and practical problems the functioning of finance, taking into account the economic changes taking place in the Russian Federation at the macro and micro levels. Designed for students ... M .: 2006. - 543 p. The course "Finance, monetary circulation and credit" is one of the basic courses in the preparation of specialists in the field of finance. The textbook was prepared by the Department of Finance of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and ... St. Petersburg: 2012. - 320 p. The training manual outlines the basics of organizing financial activities at the level of the state and economic entity (enterprise, organization). Updated information is provided with reference to electronic resources about ... 2nd ed. - M .: Unity-Dana, 2002. - 512 p. The textbook discusses the most important components of the financial and credit system in Russia. The first section reveals the essence and functions of money, monetary circulation and monetary ... lane. from English. - Publishing house: Williams, 2007. - 592 p. This book is a basic textbook on the course of finance, which is studied in the first year of the institute in the preparation of specialists in the MBA program. ... M .: 2009. - 169 p. The direct passing of an exam or test in any academic discipline is always preceded by a short period when the student must concentrate, systematize his knowledge. In computer language, he must ... M .: 2008. - 160 p. The abstract of lectures complies with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. Accessibility and brevity of presentation make it possible to quickly and easily obtain basic knowledge on the subject, prepare and ... M .: 2012. - 320 p. The manual is a complex theoretical foundations, blitz questions, tasks and tests. Finance content. Russian and foreign interpretation of the content of finance. Lessons of the modern economic crisis. Financial system: methodological ... 2nd ed. - M.: INFRA-M, 2004. - 543 p. The textbook reveals the topics of the course "Finance", provided for by the state general educational standard of higher professional education. The general theoretical problems of finance, as well as practical ones, are considered in detail ... 10th ed. - M.: 2012. - 528 p. The textbook consistently outlines the essence of finance and its management, the financial system of Russia, state and municipal finance, the fundamentals of the functioning of the finance of enterprises and organizations, ... 2nd ed., Revised. and additional - M.: 2012. - 496 p. M.: 2004. - 504 p. The textbook was prepared by the staff of the Finance Department of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In the second edition ... 2nd ed., Revised. and additional - M .: Velby, Prospekt, 2007. - 640 p. The textbook is written in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard in the specialty `Finance and Credit` and covers the main ... 4th ed., Revised. and additional - M.: Finance and statistics, 2005. - 384 p. Along with the coverage of the essence and functions of finance at the level of the Russian state, the problems of financial management of enterprises are revealed. ... 3rd ed., Revised. and additional - M .: Unity-Dana, 2008. - 703 p. The textbook gives an aggregate necessary knowledge as a whole academic discipline higher professional education in the specialty "Finance and Credit". Are considered ... M .: 2004. - 504 p. The textbook reveals the content of finance, their role in ensuring economic growth and implementation social policy. Particular attention is paid to a new understanding of the theory and practice of public…

    Based on the materials of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Finance of Russia, financial and tax authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the practice of financial activities of organizations and institutions, the textbook discusses the content and functions of finance, their role in macroregulation of the economy, tax regulation, and much more. The content of finances, their role in ensuring economic growth and the implementation of social policy are revealed. Particular attention is paid to a new understanding of the theory and practice of public finance management in the modern period of development of market relations in Russia. After studying this course, the student will master not only the conceptual apparatus in the field of the theory of finance and institutions of the financial system, the provisions of regulatory legal acts regulating public and private finance, but also modern instruments analysis of the structure and dynamics of debt obligations of public legal entities, skills in using securities market tools, methods of conducting operations on international market money and capital. Each chapter is followed by self-assessment questions and recommended reading.

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