Application of a competency-based approach to the analysis of the vacancy of an internal business coach. Recommendations for the development of business coach competencies Trainer competencies







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Prepared by: trainer-teacher

in weightlifting

Karpenko S.A.



The coach is the main link in the activities of the sports school. The work of a qualified coach is vital to the development of any sport - this is an obvious fact. Trainer working in sports school, plays a key role in identifying, motivating and developing athletes who then achieve their potential as a result of a long sports career.

I. Newton's famous phrase: "If I saw further than others, it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants."Such giants are coaches, scientists, researchers and athletes who have achieved high results. Working as a coach, a specialist should always try to understand why during the training process he does something the way he does, and not otherwise. He intuitively experiments (not to the detriment of athletes) - in search of both immediate and long-term results. Then he tries to find explanations for these results, if any.

Coaching is not a game that a mentor can play to satisfy his vanity. One of the most common and common problems is that coaches who work with beginners try to mimic in many ways the work of their colleagues who train highly skilled athletes. In fact, the best coach is not the one who blindly copies eminent mentors, but the one who works creatively, taking into account the characteristics of his students. Anyone who trains young athletes should not forget that the profession of a coach is a huge responsibility. A coach-educator has many opportunities for educating an athlete as a person. The fate of a young athlete largely depends on the actions and decisions of the coach.

Trainer Skills

The practice of activity shows that trainers do not always have sufficient methodological knowledge adapted to practical activities in training. The development of coaching activity consists in the following process: planning - implementation - analysis of what has been done. The coach must be able to:

optimally plan, design the educational and training process, namely:

Adequately comprehend the program and methodological requirements;

Diagnose the real possibilities of pupils;

Consistently design tasks educational process with access to the planned milestone and final results;

Choose the optimal combination of methods, means and forms of training;

Plan and regulate training and competitive loads;

Own the forms, methods and content of a comprehensive control of preparedness;

Create favorable moral, psychological, hygienic and aesthetic conditions for learning;

Optimal implementation of the planned plan of the training process;

To concentrate the attention of students on the fulfillment of the main tasks of the training session;

Optimally manage the activities of students;

Thoroughly master the methodology of the chosen sport;

Monitor the effectiveness of training impacts;

Analyze the results of educational and training work:

Analyze the correspondence of the results of training at various stages of preparation to the tasks set;

To identify the reasons for the successes and shortcomings of the results of the training process;

Make timely conclusions from the results obtained and introduce express correction into the training process.

The process "planning - execution - analysis" is cyclical. For the effective implementation of this process, the coach needs certain knowledge, skills and abilities.

The personal example of a trainer is the leading method of education

Among the various methods of education, the personal example of the coach is of particular importance, because all the others can be effective if the coach-teacher enjoys authority.

The trainer is an ideal model of the human personality: he does not drink, does not smoke, adheres to a sports regimen, is polite, helpful, takes every workout seriously. The trainee should see in his coach a person of high culture, educated, able to answer any questions. Not only behavior but also appearance the coach must be impeccable - a neat and beautiful working sports uniform, an elegant look of everyday clothes.

A coach who has managed to win the respect and love of his pupils easily achieves the implementation of his advice and instructions. Athletes trust their coach, and this belief is one of the most important factors contributing to success.

By systematically increasing the demands on the athlete, the coach gradually and purposefully accustoms him to the exact implementation of training plans and tasks, compliance with all the requirements of the coach.

Persuasion should not turn into notation. The coach needs to give carefully selected examples in conversations with individual athletes or with a group of athletes.

Encouragement is approval, praise, reward. The main condition for the use of encouragement is timeliness. The pedagogical essence of encouragement is to support the athlete, to strengthen self-confidence, as well as the possibility of consolidating the studied motor action.

Punishment allows you to strengthen your character, instills a sense of responsibility, trains the will, the ability to overcome temptations. Punishment must be timely and fair. A young athlete must clearly understand what he is punished for.

In relations with students, you need to look for the "golden mean". There should be an individual approach to each student, and at the same time, the whole group should not feel that there are favorites and not favorites. There is no concept of "good coach or evil." Rather, "strict and fair" is more suitable. The student should see the coach as an educator and assistant. And the pupil and the coach must both participate in the process, understanding that the problem is common. If the coach tells the athlete: “I explained everything to you, then your problems” - this is a dead end position. Sometimes it is even worth pretending that the coach himself does not really understand what is happening, then the student begins to feel greater responsibility and independence. Thus, it is possible to achieve spiritual unity, both with an individual athlete and with a group of students.

Summing up the above, it is necessary to emphasize the following aspects of the coach's activity:

The main role of the coach is to actively promote the process of individual development of those involved by achieving the proper level of physical condition, which determines stable health and high sports results.

The coach is a mentor in the ethical and moral education of those involved.

The coach is obliged to ensure the safety of the training process.

The behavior of a coach in any situation (during training, competition, on vacation, in a situation of communication with an athlete, with judges, etc.) must be professionally and ethically impeccable.

The coach must be responsible for ensuring that his students do not use prohibited medicines that enhance athletic performance.

The coach must educate the athlete about the harmful effects of the use of prohibited substances and the use of psychotropic drugs.

The person who has bad habits, has no right to be a youth sports coach.

The coach must constantly work on improving professional skills.

Polnikova E.A.



The article provides an overview of the concepts of competence and competence, defines the key competencies of a corporate trainer.

Keywords: competence, competence

Polnikova E.A.



The articleprovides an overview of the concepts of competencies and competence, identify key competencies of corporate trainer.

keywords: competence, competence.

Every year, the topic of competencies and competence in the global HR practice is gaining momentum. Each company forms its own competency models, presenting various corporate requirements for them. And corporate universities with large holdings are no exception, in this article I want to focus on the key competencies of a corporate trainer.

To be successful at work, a person must have both competencies and competence. What is the difference?

Competence (from Latin - competens - appropriate) - knowledge, experience, education in a particular field of activity.

Competence (hard skills) - answers the question what ?, this is professional and technical knowledge and skills.

Competence (from lat. competere - to fit, fit) - the ability to apply knowledge, skills, to act successfully on the basis of practical experience in solving problems of a general kind, also in a certain wide area.

Competence (soft skills) - answers the question how?, this is self-management, people management (relationships), task management (based on the company's corporate culture). Competences combine knowledge, skills, interests, abilities, motivation, personal characteristics. Examples of competencies include: planning and control, result orientation, self-development and development of others, initiative, corporatism, persuasion and influence, effective communication And so on.

Each company sets its own requirements for the competencies and competencies of employees in relation to their position, depending on the functionality performed, as well as the goals and objectives of the company. Also of great importance is corporate culture companies.

The choice of competencies is huge, but in my opinion, the key competencies of a corporate trainer are:

Result orientation- emphasis on the required result of their work (training), the trainer must not only plan and control the course of the training, but also analyze the information in the course of his work, draw conclusions and make decisions. To take into account all the details of the course of the training and direct them in the right direction - the required result based on the goals and objectives of the training program.

Effective communication - clear presentation of ideas orally and writing, placing emphasis on the most important, the ability to change the style for a specific audience. Be able to hear the arguments from the participants.

– Effective self-presentation – effective public speaking, presentations, warm-ups. The ability to interest participants in the chosen topic, training, etc.

Persuasion and influence proving your point of view and reasoned justification for it. Determining the possibility of indirect influence on the situation/people.

Confidence and stress toleranceeffective solution tasks and decision making in critical/difficult situations without falling into emotions. Maintaining the working mood of the participants, as well as the ability to prevent conflicts. The trainer, by the nature of his activity, often has to deal with conflict participants or conflicts in the framework of the training, and in these situations he must play a restraining role and neutralize these situations.

Creating a motivating environment - creating an atmosphere in the team in which each participant willingly performs his role and is aimed at achieving the desired result of the training. The task of the trainer is not only to recognize the motivation of the participant (participants), but also to select a timely and essential tool impact. And this, in turn, is a very complex and delicate process. It is necessary to "hook" each participant.

There are many competencies that can be applied to a corporate coach and each company has its own. It all depends on the role of the coach in the company and his tasks. Naturally, in addition to competencies, it is worth paying attention to Special attention for professionalism and personal style(charisma) of the trainer, because what methods, technologies and professional knowledge the trainer owns depends on the main effective part of the training, and hence the achievement of training goals.


  1. Competence [ Electronic resource] // Wikipedia: free encyclopedia. – Electron. Dan. - [B. Moscow], 2012. – URL: Competence (date of access: 29.10.2015).
  2. Competence [Electronic resource] // Wikipedia: free encyclopedia. – Electron. Dan. - [B. Moscow], 2012. – URL: Competence (date of access: 29.10.2015).
  3. R. John "Competence in modern society: identification, development and implementation”. [Electronic resource] //– URL: (date of access: 10/29/2015).


  1. Competence //Wikipedia: free encyclopedia. – Electron. it is given. - , 2012. - URL: (date of the address: 10/29/2015).
  2. Competence //Wikipedia: free encyclopedia. – Electron. it is given. - , 2012. - URL: (date of the address: 10/29/2015).
  3. R. John “Competence of modern society: identification, development and realization”. //– URL: (date of the address: 10/29/2015).

Professionalism and professional competence of the coach as the basis of his success

The level of professionalism of a coach depends on the degree of mastery of a set of skills. Depending on how the coach has mastered specific skills, five levels of his activity can be distinguished, built on the principle of a cumulative scale:

1. Reproductive (the coach knows how to tell others what he knows);

2. Adaptive (the trainer is able to adapt his actions to the characteristics of the audience);

3. Locally modeling (the trainer knows the learning strategies for individual sections of the course, knows how to formulate pedagogical goal, is aware of the desired result, creates a system and sequence for including the student in educational and cognitive activity);

4. System-modeling (the trainer owns the strategies for the formation of the desired system of knowledge, skills, abilities in the subject as a whole);

5. Systemically - modeling activity and behavior (the coach knows the strategies for turning his subject into a means of shaping the personality of an athlete, his needs for self-development).

Psychological and functional results of his work serve as criteria for the professionalism of a coach.

Thus, a psychological criterion is a high degree of formation of a sustainable interest in sports activities among athletes; creative attitude to sports; deep knowledge of a particular sport; ability to overcome difficulties in sports activities.

The functional criteria of professionalism are: possession of the basics of a particular sport; possession of means, forms and methods of training athletes in sports skills; system of educational and educational work with athletes; a system for monitoring the activities of pupils, the ability to determine the features of the functional state of their body and, in this regard, dose the load in training and competitions; the ability to identify the characteristics of individual training, abilities and inclinations for specific exercises, a place in a team, etc.; high level of formation of general pedagogical skills; systematic analysis of their own activities and learning from mistakes and failures. Improving the professionalism of a coach involves a deep and comprehensive mastery of the theory and methodology of physical education, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, consolidation of theoretical knowledge in a particular sport and the development of practical skills based on them, approbation and verification of the effectiveness of knowledge and skills in independent pedagogical work, development of a setting for further improvement of their professionalism through self-education. The loss of any of these links leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of its activities.

According to A. K. Markova, the following levels of professionalism can be distinguished:

1. Pre-professionalism (a person does not know the norms and rules of the profession, does not have the qualities of a professional).

2. Professionalism: a) adaptation to the profession; b) self-actualization; c) fluency in the profession in the form of mastery (at this level, the norms and rules of the profession are assimilated).

3. Superprofessionalism (highest professionalism): a) fluency in the profession in the form of creativity; b) possession of a number of related professions; c) creative self-projection of oneself as a person. A feature of this level is the creative enrichment of the profession by the personal contribution of a person.

4. Neoprofessionalism (pseudoprofessionalism)

At this level, work is performed according to professionally distorted norms, against the background of personality deformation. A person can be active, but it is only a disguise of professionalism. The reason for this level is insufficient self-improvement, flawed spiritual and moral guidelines.

5. Post-professionalism.

This level has an "age determinant", but can be implemented in different ways. Some remain "professionals in the past" ("ex-professionals"), others continue to work as consultants, mentors, experts, sharing their professional experience with young people.

The levels of professionalism identified and described by A. K. Markova are fully applicable to professional activity trainer.

Professionally competent in relation to coaching is such work in which professional activities, interpersonal communication are carried out at a sufficiently high level, the personality of the coach is realized, in which good results are achieved in education and upbringing (these aspects make up five blocks of professional competence) .

The approach of N. V. Kuzmina can serve as the basis for considering the professional competence of a coach.

The professional competence of a coach is considered by N.V. Kuzmina as a personality trait based on the awareness, authority of the coach and allowing to productively solve educational, training and educational tasks designed for the comprehensive formation of the personality of another person.

N. V. Kuzmina singles out the following as the main components of professional competence.

* special competence (knowledge and authority in the field of the sport that the trainees master) .

* methodological competence (selection of optimal teaching and training methods for solving specific tasks and training of future trainers in teaching methods).

* socio-psychological (awareness in the field of communication that occurs within a group of athletes, between a coach and athletes, and the successful solution of problems with this in mind to achieve the desired results). It can be considered as a cumulative characteristic of the subject of communication, consisting of social-perceptual competence and communicative competence.

* differential - psychological competence (awareness of the coach about the individual characteristics of the athlete, his abilities, strengths the will of character, the merits and demerits of training; manifests itself in productive strategies of an individual approach to athletes in the training and educational process).

* autopsychological competence (trainer's awareness of strengths and weaknesses of his personality, about ways of professional self-improvement, which will increase labor efficiency).

* general pedagogical competence (trainer's awareness of the scientific approach to the design and organization of the training process, the result of which may be teaching, education and training technologies).


1. Derkach A. A., Isaev A. A. Pedagogy and psychology of the activity of the organizer of children's sports, M., 1985

2. Kuzmina N. V. Professionalism of the personality of the teacher and master of industrial training, M., 1990

3. Markova A. K. Psychology of teaching a teenager, M., 1975

4. Markova A. K. Psychology of professionalism, M., 1996

Business coach, management consultant, Managing Partner of Intellect Service.

Implemented more than 450 consulting and personnel development projects in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnoyarsk, Perm and other Russian cities. Head of the author's Business Trainers Training Program.

Among the clients: OJSC Rostelecom, OJSC RUSAL, Central Black Earth Bank of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Salyut, Domodedovo Airport, ZAO Raiffeisen Bank, OJSC Pigment, Komdiv Company, OJSC Pervomaiskkhimmash, Trade House Morozko and many others.

Profession business coach: competencies, training, career development

The demand for professional business coaches has been growing in recent years. The staff of in-house trainers is increasing, the client base of training companies and freelancers is growing. HeadHunter's research service predicts growth in salaries for training managers in 2012. But, despite all this, the profession of a business coach is still quite exotic. In this article I want to answer the main questions of the professional development of a business coach. What qualities do you need to have to make a coaching career? How to become a professional in this profession? We will talk about this.

Where do coaches come from?

As far as I know, universities do not train business coaches. So where do they come from? As a rule, those who already have a basic higher education and work experience in business structures become trainers. Meet business coaches without higher education I have never, and many have two or three educations. Among successful business coaches, many have a basic psychological or physical and mathematical education, but the list is not limited to these professions. It is impossible to say which diploma holder will become an effective professional. It is much more important to have the necessary personal qualities.

Forming a competency model for a business coach, we came to the conclusion that in addition to a high general and emotional intelligence, we need the following personal qualities, knowledge and skills.

Personal qualities

  • Tolerance and sensitivity.
  • Sociability.
  • Learnability (flexibility of thinking, etc.).

Knowledge and skills

  • Basic professional knowledge, broad outlook.
  • Public speaking skills.
  • Group dynamics management skills.
  • The ability to convince.
  • Ability to structure information.

We use this competency model when assessing coaches and coaching potential. Of course, for those who are new to the profession or who are just about to become a coach, group dynamics management skills are not required. Coaches undergo methodological training at trainings for trainers. And it is there that you can learn this (and much more). But a certain backlog in the field of social intelligence greatly facilitates learning.

So, at the start you need to have:

  • Higher education.
  • Experience in business structures (desirable).
  • Developed general, social and emotional intelligence.
  • Necessary set of personal qualities.

If all this is there, we go to the training of trainers.

I would go to the coaches, let them teach me!

Offers for vocational training There are plenty of business coaches on the market. Various authors, different duration, different content. Many training companies advertise their programs and encourage trainers to be trained by them. How not to make a mistake in choosing? What should you pay attention to when choosing a training program for business coaches? In my opinion, pay attention to three main points: the content of the program, the format of the training and the author's style of work.

  • Training methodology. Training is a special form of education. Coaching training should include familiarity with the specifics of the training, the main approaches to the formation of training programs.
  • Working with group dynamics. By understanding the patterns of development of the training group, many mistakes can be avoided. But knowledge alone is not enough. The coach should have developed skills in this area, including improvisation and resistance handling skills.
  • Technology written work and organization of the training (including the preparation of the training design, handouts and all the necessary details).
  • Methodology for conducting specific training programs (sales, communications, etc.).

When conducting coach training, we use the following general scheme of coaching competencies (in the figure), which reveals some general provisions.

Rice. one. Graphic model business coach training programs.

Turning to the format of the training of trainers, I would like to focus on its duration. Of course, the offer to become a coach in 2-3 days sounds very tempting. The only problem is that it doesn't! It takes a very long time to acquire knowledge and develop skills.

If you want to get a full-fledged coaching training, then give preference to programs that last at least 6 days. The optimal format of the program is several training sessions with an interval of 1-2 months. As a rule, in the intervals between sessions, it is supposed to do homework, test the acquired knowledge, conduct or assist in conducting trainings.

Training of trainers, which is organized in this way, allows you to get stable training skills and start independent work.

And last but not least, the style of the author's work. When choosing a trainer for training trainers, you should pay attention to two points.

Firstly, this is the leader's own coaching experience. It is impossible to teach training without having a lot of experience in conducting trainings. But anything happens in Russia.

Secondly, look at how the author of the training works. To date, there is no single school recognized by all in the training. Of course, the basics of training are the same for everyone, but then quite serious differences begin. It is impossible to say which approach is correct. Moreover, with a sufficient level of professionalism, representatives of various areas achieve approximately the same results. In my opinion, "individual compatibility" can serve as the basis for choosing one or another approach. That is, how this or that school suits you.

Therefore, it will be very useful to look at the work of the trainer you are going to learn from. Assessing the style of work, you can be guided by the categories "like - do not like." Believe me, you will like it, most likely what will be closest to you. To such a trainer and it is worth going to the training. After his or her training of trainers, you will not feel uncomfortable putting the acquired knowledge into practice.

If you have chosen the “right” training of trainers, this is a good start. professional career. But only the beginning. What's next? Next - active practical work, continuous self-education and additional training.

coaching career

As a rule, coaching practice begins with "paddling pools" - free trainings, work with students or holding mini-trainings in the companies of your friends and acquaintances. But sooner or later you need to move on to professional activities and start earning money. There are three main areas for developing a coaching career:

  • Work as an internal trainer.
  • Work in a training company.
  • Freelance.

Each of these paths has its pros and cons. I have summarized them in one table to make it easier to make decisions.

Intracompany trainer

Work in a training company



· Stability

· Predictability of career development

· Training / advanced training

· Education

· Teamwork

· freedom

· Ability to create a personal brand

· Variety of projects and experiences


· "Boring"

· Not always good pay

· Lots of non-training workload

· High barriers to entry

· Difficulties of becoming

· Alone, all alone...

Table 1. Ways to develop a career as a business coach: pros and cons.

In practice, often coaches use two or more options at the same time. For example, an in-house trainer also practices as a freelancer or collaborates with a training company. However, some things are primary and some are secondary.

1. Effective in communication: able to organize a dialogue both with the group as a whole and with its individual participants. Interested and equipped to receive feedback from the trainees and the group as a whole. Knows how to "take the attention" of the group and "switch" this attention, knows how (if necessary) "to be in the center".

2. Competent in the field of group dynamics (“group science” and “group leadership” skills): how a group lives and develops, what stages and crises it goes through, is able to describe and model group processes.

3. Observant, able to track individual and group signals that indicate the state of the group (participants), the level of their progress in the material.

4. Has the skills to diagnose and monitor the real activities (behavior) of employees and the organization as a whole, in particular the ability to identify "bottlenecks" (difficulties, problems, resource zones). Competent in conducting training needs assessments.

5. Clearly formulates a system of training goals and objectives, defines the zone and boundaries of training opportunities (training and non-training solutions), is able to "translate" training goals into the language of skills being formed.

6. Has the skills to work with the skill. A very important and at the same time specific class of competencies for business training. It is the formation of the participant's skill that specifies business training in the training field. This requires from the trainer, firstly, the ability to "see the skill" - to single it out in the flow of actions and operations, to extract the behavioral basis of the skill, to algorithmize actions. Secondly, the trainer needs the ability to “translate” the skill into a system of training tasks and exercises for its development (training). Thirdly, the ability through observation and organization of observation (and self-observation) of the training participants to diagnose the adequacy of the use of the skill - whether the skill being worked out is “taken”, whether the participant has appropriated it.

7. Accurate in monologue speech especially when instructing a group.

8. Has a wide range of coaching roles (types of behavior) in his repertoire.

9. Instrumentally competent: knows and effectively uses a significant arsenal of coaching tools (games, warm-ups, etc.). Effective when working with TCO.

10. Possesses the skills of designing a training: developing both a separate training (training module) and holistic training training programs (training systems).

11. Has developed skills of conceptualization and structuring both the subject material (content) and the process of its development: is able to offer the group summary what was said (using the language of the speaker and the group).

12. The skill of supporting and developing interpretation: the ability to find positive content in any (even the most “inexpressive”) speech or statement and offer it to the group. One of the tasks of the trainer is to ensure the maximum activation of the personal potential of each participant in the training. The coach constantly maintains the "tone" of the group ("imitation of group success").

Mark Kukushkin
