How to start a bottled water business. Mineral water production business plan Water bottling plant business plan

Drinking water production: source for drinking water production + what documents are needed for opening + production stages + necessary equipment for the production of drinking water + personnel + advertising of the water production plant + how to sell the product + cost item and profitability.

Unfortunately, water from taps or wells is not the most environmentally friendly pure product. Unfiltered drinking liquid may have a cloudy or even yellow color, an unpleasant amount of dampness, and the like. Due to old water pipes, microbes can settle in the water, which later become the causes of many diseases.

To save themselves from trouble, many people buy purified bottled water.

As the saying goes, demand creates supply, so drinking water production can be your gold mine.

And the first thing to do before looking for equipment for the production of drinking water is to decide from which source you will extract it.

What are the sources for the extraction of water:

  1. Own well.
  2. Spring water in large volume.
  3. City water supply.

After you choose the appropriate option, you need to get approval from the SES and complete other documentation. It is worth talking about this stage in more detail.

Preparation of documentation

From SES, you should expect special attention to such a business. If there are even the slightest violations, your enterprise will not start its work. Therefore, as soon as the issue with the choice of source is resolved, it is necessary to take the water sample to the laboratory.

This is a mandatory step that will show how difficult the cleaning will be before sending the product to the buyer. It is best to take samples from several sources, and then choose the best option for you.

As soon as a positive result comes from the laboratory, you can start preparing other documents:

    First of all, we are preparing an appeal to the Federal Tax Service to open a business.

    The easiest way to open an individual entrepreneur is by choosing the type of taxation of the simplified tax system. Do not forget about the type of activity according to OKVED-2 - 11.07 " Production of soft drinks».

    We are looking for a place where the production of drinking water will take place.

    You need to rent or buy it. To operate a business legally, you must have a lease agreement or proof of ownership.

    What should be the room where the water production equipment will be located? You will need an area of ​​at least 50 m2. Pumps and filters take up a lot of space. The temperature in the room should be within 5-20°C above zero.

    If you want to sell water directly from your small plant, then it is better to look for premises somewhere in the city, closer to people, otherwise there will be too many logistics costs.

    If you decide to dig a well, then you need to look for a company that is engaged in drilling and conclude an agreement with it.

    And in the event that you want to connect to a local water utility, you must sign an agreement on the creation of a separate water supply line, which will be intended for sale on the drinking water market.

    You will have to beat the thresholds of the local city hall building for more than one day - be prepared for this.

    They must check the premises and equipment for the production of drinking water.

    You will have to meet with the sanitary and epidemiological service more than once.

    They will check the water not only before purification, but also after passing through the filters. If everything is fine, then you will receive a quality certificate.

    It is important to indicate its presence on the bottle in which water will be sold.

Be prepared to be checked at any time, so you should never deviate from the norm and risk people's health, as well as your business.

These are the main documents that you need to get before starting work.

At this stage, you can not do without financial costs for their design:

Drinking water production technology for sale

Before the water reaches the consumer, it must be completely purified using special equipment.

Stages of water production and its purification using special equipment:

  1. Drilling a well or connecting to the city's water supply system.
  2. Then the water comes through the filter, where large elements that pollute the water are filtered out (coarse filter).
  3. Fine cleaning involves the removal of small impurities.
  4. The next step is production quality control. Workers should measure the presence of minerals or harmful impurities in the water.
  5. The product must be disinfected with special ultraviolet radiation (appropriate equipment is purchased for this).
  6. The ozonation stage is needed in order to saturate the water with minerals and protect it from the rapid loss of beneficial additives. There is no need to chlorinate the water.
  7. The last stage is another check of the water and bottling it with the help of special equipment. It should also stick labels, and most importantly, disinfect containers.

Water must match general requirements GOST Russian Federation(You can find out more at this link - If during the check you find violations, then be prepared to pay a fine and even lose your business.

Equipment for the production of drinking water

One of the most expensive stages is the purchase of equipment. Ready, as well as bottling in containers is expensive. Of course, you can try to buy everything separately - pumps, bottling lines, filters, etc., but in the end, most likely, you won't win anything.

You need to buy only high-quality equipment with a guarantee, because SES will check it before launch. If the service does not approve your purchase, then you will not start water production.

Price for 1 unitOutcome
TOTAL: from 1,630,000 rubles
Ready-made cleaning complex
water and its spill
in containers from 2 to 19 liters

1 1 500 000 1 500 000
Container 19 l
400 200 80 000
Cash register
1 10 000 10 000
2 5 500 11 000
office chairs
2 3 500 7 000
working staff
1 10 500 10 500
Mobile phone
2 5 000 10 000

In total, it will take you more than 1.5 million rubles to purchase equipment for production, personnel and a mini-office.

What employees should be in the state for the production of drinking water?

No need to save on employees and do everything yourself. As soon as demand starts to grow, you will all be out of time.

Even people without work experience can be hired to work near the equipment, because the whole process is almost completely automatic. They only need to monitor the correct operation of the mini-factory for the production of drinking water. Also, hire an assistant when the volume of work starts to increase - to delegate small tasks to him.

You can keep accounting on your own or hire a professional, but working remotely enough. This will save your costs, besides, accounting for individual entrepreneurs is quite simple, the constant presence of a specialist is not necessary.

Advertisement for drinking water business

So, equipment for the production of drinking water has already been purchased and put into operation. Now you face your business.

  • First of all, consider who your potential clients. As a rule, offices, schools and kindergartens buy water. You can personally visit the nearest institutions to try to negotiate a profitable cooperation.
  • You can place an ad on the forums and websites of your city - this will not take a single penny from your budget (if you choose free sites).
  • Be sure to order print ads in local newspapers - they usually charge a low price for it.
Type of advertisingQuantityFinal price in rubles
TOTAL: from 20 000 rubles
1 000 2 000
1 5 500
Monthly newspaper ad 1 12 000

How to sell products to the consumer?

All organizational stages, it would seem, have been passed. But now you need to think about how you will profit from the business.

What are the options for selling water?

  1. Organize your own delivery service. At first, one gazelle is enough, but as soon as things go up, you will have to hire drivers with a personal car or buy a fleet. But keep in mind that you will need at least 5 cars, and this is a very high cost.
  2. Draw up an agreement with the delivery service, which will independently deal with all issues related to the delivery of products.
  3. Sell ​​water in the premises where it is produced. The most economical option, but it may not be profitable, because the client must look for a car to deliver water from the plant to his home. Not everyone is ready to do some of the work for you, so this option is extreme, it is better not to resort to it.

Production of bottled drinking water.

How to extract and bottle water? Equipment
for the production of drinking water.

Drinking water production - costs and payback

The production of drinking water is a business that requires significant costs. Let's summarize how much you have to spend on organizing such a business.

Please note: we did not take into account the purchase of a gazelle. If you do not have a car to transport water or you are going to contract with a delivery service, then get ready for additional costs. A used gazelle will cost at least 700,000 rubles. And how much the contract with the company that will deliver drinking water will cost depends on how many orders you have.

Now let's talk about profitability:

  • 1 liter of water will cost you about 3-4 rubles.
  • You will sell it at a price of 10 rubles.
  • For 40 liters standard order - 2 bottles of 20 liters) you will earn from 240 rubles.

Further arithmetic depends only on your performance. If there is a demand for products, according to average indicators, you will recoup all costs in 1-1.5 years, and then you will receive a net profit.

Drinking water productiongood business, but it requires a lot of knowledge about what a quality product should be like + you need to spend a lot of money to buy equipment for cleaning the product, etc.

However, if you work out a strong marketing plan and beat the competition, your business will flourish. After all, drinking water is a source of life, strength and energy, so the demand for products will never disappear.

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Drinking water is the most important and vital product on the planet. Without water, a person can live very little, and dehydration inevitably leads to the death of the body.

In the era of rapid industrial growth, the ecology of our planet is rapidly falling into a deplorable state. Accordingly, the quality of water is also deteriorating.

The sources of clean drinking water used by urban residents are polluted and become hazardous to health. The main solution to this problem can be the production of purified water that will meet all sanitary standards.

Almost half of the country's population now buys drinking water in stores, and this number is growing every day. Therefore, it makes sense to build such a “gold mine” in your region and start producing water that is harmless to human health.

Benefits and features of management

This type of production has undeniable advantages that only encourage the creation of a business:

  • high payback;
  • huge and growing demand for clean water;
  • opportunities to expand production.

Creation successful business read the tips on the link.

Of course, such an enterprise also has disadvantages, but with proper organization of the business, they do not make any difference.

How to draw up a business plan for the production of drinking water, watch the video:

The main disadvantages can be identified:

  • a large amount of initial investment for the purchase of expensive equipment;
  • constant cooperation with the sanitary and epidemiological station, whose task is to control the quality of the produced water.

Starting a Drinking Water Business

The very first step in organizing a business should be to decide on the type of activity. Drinking water can be produced and sold by yourself, or you can simply supply products from another company.

If independent extraction is planned, then it is necessary to decide how the water will be extracted and from where. You can drill a personal well, pour water and sell it, or you can take it from the tap and clean it with heavy-duty and modern taps.

  • private entrepreneur certificate;
  • permits from the sanitary and epidemiological service and the fire inspection that the equipment meets the required standards;
  • company charter;
  • a certificate from the SES that the quality of the produced water meets state requirements;
  • permission to entrepreneurial activity, for which you will need to provide a lease agreement for equipment and premises, notarized personal data.

Finally, you need to contact the bank and open an account there.

Line for the production of drinking water.

The room for the future workshop should have all-round access and optimal dimensions. To the building you need to conduct energy, internet and telephone line.

When creating an online store, you need to pay attention to the choice of payment system, the top 6 most reliable systems

It is better if the room is not very old and renovated. Special attention should be given to the electrical wiring.

The territory must be divided into functional areas: water production, multi-stage purification, bottling, storage. We will also need amenity rooms for workers, where they can have lunch, change clothes, and relax.

Transport for delivery

For fast and timely delivery of drinking bottled water, the client will need vehicle. The most suitable option for this would be a gazelle.

When choosing a car, you should take into account the amount of fuel that it will consume, otherwise the cost item for gasoline may become unprofitable for the entire production.

You can save money on buying a car as follows - submit an advertisement for a driver with the obligatory presence of your own car.

Cleaning and filling equipment

To start production directly, you need to buy or rent equipment:

  • for bottling;
  • for cleaning (reagent dosing system and aeration system);
  • apparatus for the manufacture of containers (bottles), if there is such a plan;
  • sterile tanks;
  • semi-automatic bottle capping machine;
  • ozonator;
  • labeling machine.

Production technology

Drinking water production technology can be divided into several stages:

  • drilling a well (or extracting water in another way);
  • water purification with coal or sand filters;
  • balancing minerals;
  • disinfection with ultraviolet rays;
  • water ozonation;
  • bottling.

Purification of main water

There is a way to reduce the cost of drinking water production - tap water purification. The fact is that already pre-purified water flows from city taps, which is passed through municipal filter systems.

Technological process for the production of drinking water. Photo:

The convenience of main water is that it does not change its chemical composition in a certain season.

Drinking water is divided into two categories according to its quality:

The second option is the safest for human health and has excellent quality.

The more funds invested in the business and the deeper the penetration of the product on the market, the faster the investment will pay off.

In the country, the normal production volume is 20,000 bottles per month.

In practice, it has been established that with a difference between the cost of buying and selling bottled water of 1-2 dollars, a company must sell from 500 to 1000 bottles per month in order to recoup current expenses.

If the sales level is increased to 2000 bottles, then the initial investment can be returned in 8-12 months.

Drinking water is the basis of human life, so the amount of drinking clean and safe water will only increase every year. This fact only encourages people to produce bottled water and deliver it to the population.

In this business, the main thing is good investments, thoughtful organization of the enterprise, high quality products. As a result, you can get a reliable source of inexhaustible income.

Bottling plants

Layout of water bottling equipment on production areas (bottling plant):

Go to equipment catalog -

Today, the bottled water market is growing steadily and is one of the most promising consumer markets Russia - more and more people want to eat clean water. In addition, almost no company can do without bottled drinking water in its office. Due to the high demand for products, there are many who want to open their own water bottling plant or at least a mini-factory. Such companies can outperform their competitors by expanding their trading infrastructure to reach even more customers.

With proper organization of the bottled water production process and effective advertising campaign, the investment in the water bottling plant is returned quite quickly. But it is not possible to launch a water bottling plant without involving technically competent specialists. Packing Group provides technical support at all stages of business organization, selects equipment for a water bottling plant, designing a water bottling plant, commissioning and other services.

Set of equipment, production scheme and selection of premises water bottling plant directly depends on the planned capacity of the enterprise, as well as on whether this bottling line is part of the enterprise or is designed as independent production. At water bottling plants, the production process itself is carried out on automatic or semi-automatic bottling equipment. The design of industrial premises should be carried out according to the principle best management technological processes and increase labor productivity. A small bottled water production facility usually employs several workers-operators. To control manufacturing process should the head of production.

The production process of water bottling includes the following steps:

Packing Group has been a specialized engineering company for many years, professional consultant and supplier of equipment for water bottling plants. We will help organize, understand the intricacies of this matter and provide a layout of equipment on production areas with reference to communications.

The quite understandable desire of the population of large cities to consume environmentally friendly "living" water is actively supported by its producers, who are setting up production for bottling water and supplying this kind of "fuel" both to offices and private clients. For organization small business for the production of bottled drinking water (water bottling) is enough production premises, in which the entire production process is carried out in two main stages: water purification and bottling of water on special equipment with subsequent group packaging. You can find more information about the process of bottling water in the description of the operation of the equipment on our website.

According to research by the All-Russian Center for the Study public opinion conducted in 2016, about 16% of Russians (approximately every sixth inhabitant of the country) constantly use bottled drinking water, preferring it to tap water. An increasing number of people who care about their health and the health of their loved ones make a choice in favor of this product, considering it safe.

Drinking water strengthens its position on Russian market and attracts more and more attention of the organizers of production. A favorable factor is that the subsoil of Russia has significant reserves of high-quality fresh and mineral waters. Extraction and bottling of water as a business - promising direction capable of generating significant income.

Product quality requirements

Drinking water must be safe and have a special chemical composition. The level of general mineralization should not exceed 1g/cubic dm. At the same time, both tap water and water from underground and surface sources can be sources of raw materials for the production of this product.

Mandatory stage technological process is water purification. In some cases, additional conditioning is also used - saturation of the product with important micro and macro elements.

The quality of drinking water is affected by organoleptic properties (smell, taste, color), presence of mechanical impurities, chemical composition (content of salts, toxic elements, toxic metals), radiation safety. Depending on these indicators, water is divided into two categories: the first and the highest.

The quality of bottled drinking water in Russia is regulated by a number of regulatory and technical documents. One of the most important is SanPiN In these sanitary rules a list of hygienic standards for all the listed properties is given for both the first and the highest category of water.

Technical requirements for the production itself, for raw materials and materials, finished products, including labeling and packaging, as well as safety and security requirements environment, methods of control and acceptance - all this is included in GOST 32220-2013.

Also on the territory of the Russian Federation there is a document approved by the Commission of the Customs Union (Decision No. 299 dated May 28, 2010), containing uniform sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the quality and safety of food products.

These documents can be found on the help site. legal system"ConsultantPlus" at

Compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation is the responsibility of each manufacturer. For violation of these requirements, according to the law "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population", administrative and criminal liability is provided.

Control and supervision in the field of drinking water production is carried out by territorial bodies Rospotrebnadzor.

It is useful to read which one is used. Production plan and cost of the line, search for sources of raw materials and execution of permits for the production of drinking mineral water.

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What do you need to start a business

To organize own production, the entrepreneur has to go through several steps:

  • determine the assortment and select the source of raw materials. It should be borne in mind that the water of the first category can be obtained from different sources, higher - only from independent ones (from wells and springs);
  • purchase land;
  • issue a package of permits;
  • spend preparatory work. In particular, if artesian water is to be spilled, it is necessary to explore the subsoil, drill a well, and take a number of measures to ensure the sanitary protection of the source;
  • prepare premises for water treatment and bottling;
  • purchase and install the equipment necessary for the purification and bottling of drinking water;
  • to establish transport and logistics flows;
  • develop a strategy for introducing a new product to the market.

Some of these stages require separate consideration.

Obtaining a permit to use a natural water source is associated with high financial, labor and time costs.

So, in order to pour water from a well, you must first carry out an analysis of groundwater reserves and coordinate water consumption with the Federal Agency water resources. The next step is to obtain a document from Rospotrebnadzor confirming the possibility of setting up a sanitary protection zone at the site.

Then, at the Center for State Monitoring of the Subsoil Condition, it will be necessary to draw up a conclusion on the development of a well project. After that, you should apply to the Department of Subsoil Use with an application for obtaining a license for the right to use subsoil. In this case, the entrepreneur must have the following documents: cadastral passport of the site, title document for the land, gene. building plan, situational plan.

After passing the licensing procedure, it is allowed to start drilling.

Depending on the depth, two types of wells are distinguished: on sand (from 10 to 40 m) and on limestone (from 70 to 300 m). Sand wells are shallow and not suitable for industrial use.

The cost of drilling operations is on average about 1000 rubles/m to the water-containing layer located on the sand, and about 2000 rubles/m to the limestone. After drilling, the well must be equipped with a steel column.

Then you need to contact Rospotrebnadzor again in order to obtain an expert opinion on water quality. The service carries out sampling and conducts a complete laboratory analysis, as a result of which an appropriate document is issued -.

Now it is necessary to attend to the equipment of the sanitary protection zone. The territory measuring 60 × 60 m, on which the well is drilled, should be enclosed with a fence. This area should be free of buildings, pipelines and tall trees.

After arranging the zone, you can submit documents for a geological examination, and then register the water source. And only after passing all the above-mentioned preparatory measures, it is possible to put the object into operation and start its actual use.

Technology for the production of drinking water and the necessary equipment

Water is extracted from the well with the help of special submersible pumps and flows through pipes to the storage receiving tank. In close proximity to the location of the well (at a distance of no more than 150 m), a water treatment station and a bottling shop are usually located.


Entering the water treatment site, artesian water goes through several stages of purification. First, deferrization and demanganation are performed - removal of excess iron and manganese salts from its composition.

The next step is water softening. Most often, the ion exchange method is used for this purpose, since it is considered the most effective.

Water, from which excess calcium and magnesium salts are removed with the help of an ion-exchange resin, enters pressure filters, where it undergoes mechanical and sorption purification. At this stage, harmful chemical compounds and impurities are removed from it. Activated carbon is usually used as a sorbent.

Then ultraviolet disinfection of water is carried out in special chambers made of stainless steel. The filters used at this stage do not change the chemical composition of the water. The destruction of dangerous bacteria (causative agents of diseases such as dysentery, cholera, poliomyelitis) is carried out without the addition of any toxic compounds.

The final stage of water treatment - conditioning - bringing the concentration of vital for humans chemical substances to the required rate and stabilization of the liquid.

At the stage of preparing water for bottling, complex purification equipment is used. Production lines are equipped with pressure mechanical filtration units, which include several units (for aeration, demanganization, defluorination, ultraviolet disinfection, etc.), a set of pipelines and valves. As a rule, all operations are carried out in automatic mode The system is controlled by a remote control.

Line capacity can reach 55 cubic meters. m/hour. To accommodate such installations, a room with an area of ​​​​at least 50 square meters is required. m.


Having passed the initial preparation, the water enters the preliminary storage tanks, and from there - for bottling. Bottling of finished drinking water can be carried out in large containers with a volume of 5, 10 and 19 liters, as well as in small bottles with a volume of 0.5, 1 and 1.5 liters.

For bottling water from a well into bottles, lines equipped with the following equipment are usually used:

  • device for preliminary washing of bottles;
  • automatic bottle loader;
  • filling machine;
  • thermotunnel for shrinking caps (element of the bottling line for bottles with a volume of 19 l for coolers);
  • capping machine (included in the package of lines for bottling bottles with screw caps).

The movement of bottles from one zone to another is carried out using belt conveyors. Additionally, the line can be equipped with a packaging machine. large factories, engaged in the production of drinking water, independently produce PET containers. For this, special blowing equipment is installed.

Cost planning

To determine how profitable the production of drinking bottled water is, it is necessary to carry out preliminary calculations.

Calculation standards, overhead costs, cost estimates, products, revenue forecast - all this should be reflected in financial terms project, the development of which is best entrusted to experts.

Approximate data on the main start-up costs are reflected in the following table:

These are very approximate data, which can be relied upon when using a well with a capacity of about 10 cubic meters as a source of raw materials. m/hour.

The current expenses of the enterprise include the cost of well maintenance, utility bills, taxes (including water tax), wages, costs for packaging and packaging of finished products, etc. (see).

The retail price of a five-liter bottle of drinking water of the highest category is on average 60 rubles, the wholesale price is about 45 rubles. With a capacity of 500 bottles per hour, the monthly production will be approximately 120,000 bottles (with one-shift operation and a shift duration of 8 hours).

Shop for bottling drinking water into bottles of various volumes:

The diagram below shows bottling shop- the option of placing a water bottling line with a capacity of 80 bottles per hour in the maximum configuration. That is, a thermotunnel for shrinking caps and a packer for 19-liter bottles in PE bags are optional equipment and are purchased at the request of the customer.

This scheme of the bottling shop is exemplary - for a preliminary understanding of the required dimensions of the room. To order a detailed layout of equipment in production areas for your business,

The diagram below shows a 19 liter bottle filling equipment with a capacity of 150 bottles per hour. The basis of such a line is QGF-150 WellSpring.

The last diagram shows a placement option with a capacity of 240 bottles per hour.

These schemes are typical and are given on our website as an example. Our engineers Service Center will develop a project for placing a bottling line for water and drinks on production areas specifically for your company, taking into account productivity and with a supply of communications.

Layout of equipment in the bottling shop "":

in a bottle of 19 liters, as a rule, includes the following set of equipment:

Automatic bottling line (productive) detailed information
1 Old cork remover

The quite understandable desire of the population of large cities to consume environmentally friendly "living" water is actively supported by its producers, who are setting up production for bottling water and supplying this kind of "fuel" both to offices and private clients. To organize a small business for the production of bottled drinking water (water bottling), a production facility is sufficient, in which the entire production process is carried out in two main stages: water purification and bottling of water on special equipment with subsequent group packaging. You can find more information about the process of bottling water in the description of the operation of the equipment on our website.