The history of the lawyer profession presentation. Presentation "Profession of a lawyer" in social science - project, report. My future profession

Presentation of the 10th grade on the subject "Economics" on the topic: "LAWYER Author: Trudneva Anna, grade 10, MBOU Lyceum 1, Kansk Head: Rulenko L.V. Teacher of Economics, MBOU Lyceum 1, Kansk Community "Economics." Download for free and without registration. - Transcript:

2 Characteristics of the profession Specialist in the interpretation and application of laws, ensuring the rule of law in the activities of state bodies, local governments, enterprises, institutions, officials and citizens, revealing and establishing the facts of offenses, determining the measure of responsibility and punishment of those responsible, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens.

3 The history of the emergence of the profession The first founders of law as a branch were the ancient philosophers: Socrates, Aristotle, Plato. Religion has made a great contribution to the development of lawmaking. It was the 12 biblical commandments that formed the basis for the creation of laws. The first lawyers were priests who interpreted the law. For many centuries, humanity has improved its interpersonal and international relations, and therefore the law had to progress with the times and cover all spheres of human activity.

4 Content of work and official duties The duties of a lawyer include the preparation and drafting of contracts, legal acts, the preparation of legal and anti-corruption expertise, advising on various legal aspects, participation in negotiations with a client and lawyers representing counterparties in transactions, representing the client in courts, in various state authorities and local governments, as well as representing the client’s interests before counterparties and business partners, reviewing and analyzing current legislation and proposed regulatory legal acts, drawing up analytical documents on various legal matters.

5 Qualifications Higher legal education; Knowledge of the Constitution Russian Federation; Knowledge of the current legislation of the Russian Federation; Knowledge of the main international legal acts;

6 Leading and accompanying professional interests The science of state and law, studying the results legal regulation and putting forward legal ideas about the possibility of introducing progressive changes in the mechanism and ways of regulating society. The totality of knowledge about the state, management, law, the presence of which provides a basis for professional legal activity. Social sciences studying law, the legal system as a system social norms, lawmaking and law enforcement activities. The system of training lawyers in law schools.

7 Required Qualities lawyer High sense of responsibility; Developed logical thinking; Perseverance, integrity; painstaking; Self confidence; emotional stability; sociability; organization; Accuracy; Honesty and integrity; A responsibility; Objectivity; Striving for self-improvement; Ability to quickly restore performance;

8 Related professions Specialist in state and municipal government; Sociologist; Rehabilitation Specialist; Notary; Advocate; Referee; Financier; Lawyer-intermediary in the divorce process; Serviceman; Investigator; Prosecutor; Legal Counsel;

9 Working conditions 1. Large, comfortable desk; 2. Organic chair; 3.Modern PC; 4.Complete information legal system Consultant Plus;

10 Prospects for professional growth 1. Intern; 2.Junior lawyer; 3. Lawyer; 4. Senior lawyer; 5. Head of practice; 6.Associated partner; 7.Partner;

11 Demand in the labor market Currently, the country's universities graduate great amount lawyers, and as a result, labor exchanges offer the job of a paralegal or lawyer, without imposing requirements for work experience in the specialty. The salary for the required vacancies ranges from to Rs. After analyzing the sites, we can conclude that even now right time to build a career in the field of law: for good specialists there is a real hunt, and the best of them companies are ready not only to pay decent money, but also to provide career development.

12 Ways to get a profession Siberian Federal University(SFU); Krasnoyarsk Institute of Economics (KIE); Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (KrasGAU); Siberian State Aerospace University M.F. Reshetnev; Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (SibYuI); Siberian Institute of Business, Management and Psychology (SIBUP); Regional Financial and Economic Institute; St. Petersburg Institute foreign economic relations, Economics and Law (IVESEP);

13 The best in the profession Irina Shishkova, Director of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University, became the best lawyer of the year; Irina Ivanova - legal adviser of the legal department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Krasnoyarsk; Anna Lukyanova - legal adviser of the legal department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Krasnoyarsk; Stanislav Potashkov - legal adviser of the legal department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Krasnoyarsk;

14 Leading specialists of the country Mikhail Borshchevsky - "Borshchevsky and Partners" Law Office. Pavel Astakhov - Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation. Valery Zorkin - Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Pavel Krasheninnikov - Chairman of the Association of Russian Lawyers. Tamara Abova - Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor. Vyacheslav Lebedev - Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

15 Legal humor Passed in law: — Ivanov, give a definition of criminal law! “I will only speak in the presence of my lawyer!”

Presentation "Profession of a lawyer"

The presentation reveals the history of the legal profession, the growth in the labor market, and the glorification of the profession.


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Lawyer Anna Diab

Lawyer (from lat. jus - law) (German Jurist, English Jurist) - a specialist in jurisprudence, legal sciences; practical worker in the field of law. Therefore, lawyers include: people who have received a legal education; jurists, scientists studying law; legal practitioners. general characteristics professions

The first founders of law as a branch were the ancient philosophers: Socrates, Aristotle, Plato. Religion has made a great contribution to the development of lawmaking. It was the 12 biblical commandments that formed the basis for the creation of laws. The first lawyers were priests who interpreted the law. For many centuries, humanity has improved its interpersonal and international relations, and therefore the law had to progress with the times and cover all spheres of human activity. Now law is firmly rooted in all areas of people's lives and is an independent branch of knowledge. And the activity of lawyers is becoming more and more important in the life of people. History of the profession

The legal profession, like any other profession, is subject to various professional requirements. This means that a lawyer must possess the necessary set of qualities, professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Personal qualities include: high citizenship, intellectuality, morality, a developed sense of duty and responsibility for the performance of one's duties, devotion to one's work, a sense of intransigence with offenses, justice, a high humanistic orientation, adherence to norms professional ethics and personal excellence. Professionally important qualities

Young specialists at the beginning of their career need to objectively evaluate their experience, because they often have to face the fact that their salary expectations are higher than employers are willing to pay them. Start your career as a lawyer big company to gain experience. Don't turn down a recruiter's offer to do an internship first. Of course, it is most preferable that after it the young person has the opportunity of further employment in the company's staff. If he is only ready to be accepted for an internship, it is necessary to agree in advance on the provision of a recommendation upon its completion. Enlisting the recommendation of a law firm, it will be much easier for a novice specialist to get permanent place work. The growth of the profession in the labor market

young specialists with minimal work experience (the amount of compensation is 25,000-50,000 rubles, depending on the level of the company); specialists with work experience (80,000-150,000 rubles); highly qualified lawyers, including managers (150,000-350,000 rubles). The level of income depends both on the experience and requirements for the candidate, and on the area of ​​his responsibility. Today there is every reason to believe that in 2012 there will be an urgent need for highly specialized lawyers, so "generalists" and budding lawyers need to think about the direction in which they would like to develop further. If we talk about the needs of the market, we can predict that the demand for corporate lawyers will continue to grow. This applies to tax lawyers, personal lawyers, and real estate and land professionals. At the same time, employers are ready to pay well for the work of highly specialized lawyers. In order to have high income, you need an impressive experience in the profile, experience working with foreign contractors and, of course, free English language. Profession pay information

Chanting of the profession Take the word, not the weapon! Lawyer is a worthy profession. It is for the brave, the unyielding! Ohm's and Newton's Laws You may not observe, But the firm letter of the Law Do not dare, comrade, to transgress! .

Presentation on the topic: Lawyer

A lawyer is a person legal education; jurist, scientist studying law; practical worker in the field of law. The first lawyers were Roman priests - pontiffs.

Lawyer is one of the most popular and fashionable professions in our time. The profession of a lawyer is universal, since such specialists are in demand in different areas ah activities: labor, customs relations, legal media, judicial protection, insurance, real estate, construction, consulting, tax inspections, investment business, etc. A lawyer can hold different positions: a notary, a prosecutor, a judge, a lawyer, a tax, labor inspector, a police officer, be a legal adviser at an enterprise in any industry, and conduct private practice.

Functional duties The duties of a lawyer depend on the position held. The main task of a lawyer is to ensure the legal rights and freedoms of a person. The general duties of a lawyer include: drafting contracts, advising on legal issues, representing clients in court, etc.

Qualification requirements The following requirements apply to a lawyer: higher legal education, preferably additional economic or financial education; knowledge of the norms of the legislation of the country, the ability to apply them in practice; experience in this field; in some cases knowledge foreign languages.

A candidate for the position of a lawyer must have competent speech and writing, logical thinking, possess the skills business communication, good memory, oratory skills, be self-confident, attentive, sociable person, be able to work with large amounts of information.

In connection with the active legislative process, frequent amendments and changes, the adoption of new laws, a lawyer needs to engage in self-education, constantly monitor updates, and read specialized literature.

Career and Salary The legal profession is highly paid and wages of specialists in the field of jurisprudence depends on professional experience, skills and abilities, the position held, the scope of the company, in some cases also on the knowledge of foreign languages, the number and well-being of clients. The legal profession provides opportunities career development from assistants to specialists to heads of departments or positions of top managers.

Profession: Lawyer. Completed by 10th grade student Ekaterina Vashkeeva. - presentation

Grade 10 presentation on the topic: “Profession: Lawyer. Performed by a student of the 10th grade Ekaterina Vashkeeva. Download for free and without registration. - Transcript:

1 Profession: Lawyer. Completed by 10th grade student Ekaterina Vashkeeva

2 Brief description. The profession of a lawyer is considered to be one of the most ancient and respected. The principles that underlie the law of any democratic country today were even reflected in ancient Greek mythology: the goddesses of goodness, Eunomia and vengeance, Nemesis, judged those who dared to encroach on the foundations of public order ... Today, this is the direct duty of lawyers of various specialties. Lawyers and legal advisers, prosecutors and notaries, judges and investigators ensure the implementation of laws and regulations, and also guarantee the inevitability of punishment in case of non-compliance.

3 History of the profession. First professional lawyers were members of the College of Pontiffs in ancient Rome. It was they who laid the foundations for the legal regulation of public life, created an extensive base of precedents. Only a few centuries later, jurisprudence took shape as a science. A particularly significant milestone in its development is the publication of the first textbook on jurisprudence "Institutions" Gaius. ... The first professional lawyers were members of the College of Pontiffs in Ancient Rome. It was they who laid the foundations for the legal regulation of public life, created an extensive base of precedents. Only a few centuries later, jurisprudence took shape as a science. A particularly significant milestone in its formation is the publication of the first textbook on jurisprudence "Institutions" by Gaius. ...

4 Lawyer's Day. December 3 According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 130 of February 4, 2008 "On the Establishment of the Lawyer's Day", a new professional holiday Lawyer's Day, which is celebrated annually on December 3rd. Historically, the profession of a lawyer in Russia is prestigious, but at the same time it is associated with great responsibility. Lawyer's Day is a big and serious holiday, as it brings together lawyers from various fields of activity that serve to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens of our state.

5 The purpose of the work. The main purpose of the legal profession is to establish legal justice. There are not many professions in the world that are so responsible, respected and honorable, and, at the same time, so difficult as a lawyer. The main purpose of the legal profession is to establish legal justice. There are not many professions in the world that are so responsible, respected and honorable, and, at the same time, so difficult as a lawyer. It is on the employees of the legal branch of judges and lawyers, prosecutors and bailiffs that the impeccable implementation of laws depends, and, consequently, the existence and legal functioning states. It is on the employees of the legal branch of judges and lawyers, prosecutors and bailiffs that the impeccable implementation of laws, and, consequently, the existence and legal functioning of the state, depends. In recent years, the Ministry of Education has been particularly acute in the issue of quality training of young lawyers, and proposals have been made to reduce the number of law schools and abolish correspondence courses in this specialty. In recent years, the Ministry of Education has been particularly acute in the issue of quality training of young lawyers, and proposals have been made to reduce the number of law schools and abolish correspondence courses in this specialty.

6 Training. The Ministry estimates that more than 700,000 students study at Russian universities, who, after passing the established academic course, receive degrees in law. It is desirable that as many as possible of this number become worthy, highly qualified specialists. High professionalism, deep knowledge and honesty are necessary, first of all, for us, citizens, in order to receive a full-fledged legal protection. But even in the hard work there are breaks, and even such a serious profession has its well-deserved holiday!

7 Thank you for your attention =))) I hope you enjoyed it very much!

8 Internet resources were used in the design of the presentation

MY FUTURE PROFESSION LAWYER. AND I AM PROUD OF THAT…. Lawyer is one of the most popular and fashionable professions in our time. The legal profession is one of the - presentation

Presentation on the topic: » MY FUTURE PROFESSION LAWYER. AND I AM PROUD OF THAT…. Lawyer is one of the most popular and fashionable professions in our time. The legal profession is one of.” - Transcript:


2 Lawyer is one of the most popular and fashionable professions in our time. The legal profession is one of the most ancient in the history of civilization. The legal profession is one of the most ancient in the history of civilization.

3 Scales - an ancient symbol of measure and justice Sword - a symbol of spiritual power, retribution; in the hands of Themis, he is a symbol of retribution. A mantle is a solemn, ritual attire designed to perform a certain ceremony, action, in it. this case justice. The bandage on the eyes of the goddess symbolizes impartiality. THEMIS Ancient Greek goddess of law and legal order

4 Lawyers protect the interests of the individual, his rights, freedoms, property, the interests of society, the state from criminal and other unlawful encroachments. Lawyers protect the interests of the individual, his rights, freedoms, property, the interests of society, the state from criminal and other unlawful encroachments. They are called upon to fight for justice, humanity, law and order. They are called upon to fight for justice, humanity, law and order.

5 A lawyer can hold different positions: a notary, a prosecutor, a judge, a lawyer, a tax, labor inspector, a police officer, be a legal adviser at an enterprise in any industry, and conduct a private practice.

6 The main task of a lawyer is to ensure the legal rights and freedoms of a person.

7 Professionally important qualities of a LAWYER high sense of responsibility; high sense of responsibility; developed logical thinking; developed logical thinking; initiative; initiative; persistence; persistence; painstaking; painstaking; concentration and shifting of attention; concentration and shifting of attention; emotional stability; emotional stability; good memory. good memory.

8 Judge- executive who is a member of the court and administers justice; in the modern theory of the separation of powers, a person endowed with judicial power. Judge - an official who is a member of the court and administers justice; in the modern theory of the separation of powers, a person endowed with judicial power.

9 Prosecutor (lat. procurare to manage, manage something, take care of) the main legal representative of the prosecution in civil law countries with an investigation system or in common law countries that have adopted an adversarial system. Prosecutor (lat. procurare to manage, manage something, take care of) the main legal representative of the prosecution in civil law countries with an investigation system or in common law countries that have adopted an adversarial

10 Investigator in criminal procedure law is an official authorized to carry out a preliminary investigation in a criminal case, as well as other powers provided for by the criminal procedure law.

11 Lawyer (lat. advocatus from advoco invite) a person whose profession is to provide legal assistance individuals(citizens, stateless persons) and legal entities (organizations), including the protection of their interests and rights in court. Advocacy as a profession has been known since ancient times. Lawyer (lat. advocatus from advoco invite) a person whose profession is to provide legal assistance to individuals (citizens, stateless persons) and legal entities (organizations), including the protection of their interests and rights in court. Advocacy as a profession has been known since ancient times.

12 Legal adviser (lat. juris- consultus jurist) regular worker organizations ( legal entity), ensuring compliance with the law, both by the organization and in relation to the organization by other participants in legal relations. Legal adviser (lat. juris- consultus jurist) is a full-time employee of an organization (legal entity) who ensures compliance with the law, both by the organization and in relation to the organization by other participants in legal

13 Militia Militia (from lat. militia "army") is the historically established name of the bodies for the protection of public order. (from lat. militia "army") the historical name of the bodies for the protection of public order.

14 Federal Tax Service Federal Tax Service (FTS of Russia) (FTS of Russia) federal agency executive power exercising the functions of control and supervision over compliance with the legislation on taxes and fees.

15 Federal customs Service The Federal Customs Service (FTS of Russia) (FTS of Russia) is a federal executive body that performs the functions of control and supervision in the field of customs. federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of customs.

16 federal Service security (FSB of Russia) is a federal executive body, within the limits of its powers, exercising public administration in the field of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation.


18 I swear to be just I swear to the law to serve

Scales - an ancient symbol of measure and justice Sword - a symbol of spiritual strength, retribution; in the hands of Themis, he is a symbol of retribution. A mantle is a solemn, ritual attire designed to perform a certain ceremony in it, an action, in this case, justice. The bandage on the eyes of the goddess symbolizes impartiality. THEMIS Ancient Greek goddess of law and order

Lawyers protect the interests of the individual, his rights, freedoms, property, the interests of society, the state from criminal and other unlawful encroachments. Lawyers protect the interests of the individual, his rights, freedoms, property, the interests of society, the state from criminal and other unlawful encroachments. They are called upon to fight for justice, humanity, law and order. They are called upon to fight for justice, humanity, law and order.

Professionally important qualities of a LAWYER high sense of responsibility; high sense of responsibility; developed logical thinking; developed logical thinking; initiative; initiative; persistence; persistence; painstaking; painstaking; concentration and shifting of attention; concentration and shifting of attention; emotional stability; emotional stability; good memory. good memory.

Judge - an official who is a member of the court and administers justice; in the modern theory of the separation of powers, a person endowed with judicial power. Judge - an official who is a member of the court and administers justice; in the modern theory of the separation of powers, a person endowed with judicial power.

Prosecutor (lat. procurare to manage, manage something, take care of) the main legal representative of the prosecution in civil law countries with an investigation system or in common law countries that have adopted an adversarial system. Prosecutor (lat. procurare to manage, manage something, take care of) the main legal representative of the prosecution in civil law countries with an investigation system or in common law countries that have adopted an adversarial

Lawyer (lat. advocatus from advoco invite) a person whose profession is to provide legal assistance to individuals (citizens, stateless persons) and legal entities (organizations), including the protection of their interests and rights in court. Advocacy as a profession has been known since ancient times. Lawyer (lat. advocatus from advoco invite) a person whose profession is to provide legal assistance to individuals (citizens, stateless persons) and legal entities (organizations), including the protection of their interests and rights in court. Advocacy as a profession has been known since ancient times.

Legal adviser (lat. juris- consultus jurist) is a full-time employee of an organization (legal entity) who ensures compliance with the law, both by the organization and in relation to the organization by other participants in legal relations. Legal adviser (lat. juris- consultus jurist) is a full-time employee of an organization (legal entity) who ensures compliance with the law, both by the organization and in relation to the organization by other participants in legal

Federal Customs Service The Federal Customs Service (FTS of Russia) (FTS of Russia) is a federal executive body that exercises control and supervision functions in the field of customs. federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of customs.

Short description. The profession of a lawyer is considered to be one of the most ancient and respected. The principles that underlie the law of any democratic country today were even reflected in ancient Greek mythology: the goddesses of goodness, Eunomia and vengeance, Nemesis, judged those who dared to encroach on the foundations of public order ... Today, this is the direct duty of lawyers of various specialties. Lawyers and legal advisers, prosecutors and notaries, judges and investigators ensure the implementation of laws and regulations, and also guarantee the inevitability of punishment in case of non-compliance.

History of the profession. The first professional lawyers were members of the College of Pontiffs in ancient Rome. It was they who laid the foundations for the legal regulation of public life, created an extensive base of precedents. Only a few centuries later, jurisprudence took shape as a science. A particularly significant milestone in its development is the publication of the first textbook on jurisprudence "Institutions" Gaius. ... The first professional lawyers were members of the College of Pontiffs in Ancient Rome. It was they who laid the foundations for the legal regulation of public life, created an extensive base of precedents. Only a few centuries later, jurisprudence took shape as a science. A particularly significant milestone in its formation is the publication of the first textbook on jurisprudence "Institutions" by Gaius. ...

Lawyer Day. December 3 According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 130 of February 4, 2008 “On the Establishment of the Lawyer's Day”, a new professional holiday, Lawyer's Day, is established in Russia, which is celebrated annually on December 3rd. Historically, the profession of a lawyer in Russia is prestigious, but at the same time it is associated with great responsibility. Lawyer's Day is a big and serious holiday, as it brings together lawyers from various fields of activity that serve to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens of our state.

Objective. The main purpose of the legal profession is to establish legal justice. There are not many professions in the world that are so responsible, respected and honorable, and, at the same time, so difficult as a lawyer. The main purpose of the legal profession is to establish legal justice. There are not many professions in the world that are so responsible, respected and honorable, and, at the same time, so difficult as a lawyer. It is on the employees of the legal branch of judges and lawyers, prosecutors and bailiffs that the impeccable implementation of laws, and, consequently, the existence and legal functioning of the state, depends. It is on the employees of the legal branch of judges and lawyers, prosecutors and bailiffs that the impeccable implementation of laws, and, consequently, the existence and legal functioning of the state, depends. In recent years, the Ministry of Education has been particularly acute in the issue of quality training of young lawyers, and proposals have been made to reduce the number of law schools and abolish correspondence courses in this specialty. In recent years, the Ministry of Education has been particularly acute in the issue of quality training of young lawyers, and proposals have been made to reduce the number of law schools and abolish correspondence courses in this specialty.

Education. The Ministry estimates that more than 700,000 students study at Russian universities, who, after passing the established academic course, receive degrees in law. It is desirable that as many as possible of this number become worthy, highly qualified specialists. High professionalism, deep knowledge and honesty are necessary, first of all, for us, citizens, in order to receive full-fledged legal protection. But even in the most difficult work there are breaks, and even such a serious profession has its well-deserved holiday!

Anna Diab

General characteristics of the profession

Lawyer (from Latin jus - law) (German Jurist, English Jurist) - a specialist in jurisprudence, legal sciences; practical worker in the field of law.
Therefore, lawyers include:
people who have received a legal education;
jurists, scientists studying law;
legal practitioners.

History of the profession

The first founders of law as a branch were the ancient philosophers: Socrates, Aristotle, Plato. Religion has made a great contribution to the development of lawmaking. It was the 12 biblical commandments that formed the basis for the creation of laws.
The first lawyers were priests who interpreted the law. For many centuries, humanity has improved its interpersonal and international relations, and therefore the law had to progress with the times and cover all spheres of human activity.
Now law is firmly rooted in all areas of people's lives and is an independent branch of knowledge. And the activity of lawyers is becoming more and more important in the life of people.

Professionally important qualities

The legal profession, like any other profession, has different professional requirements. This means that a lawyer must possess the necessary set of qualities, professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Personal qualities include: high citizenship, intellectuality, morality, a developed sense of duty and responsibility for the performance of one's duties, devotion to one's work, a sense of intransigence with offenses, justice, a high humanistic orientation, adherence to professional ethics and personal impeccability.

The growth of the profession in the labor market

Young specialists at the beginning of their career need to objectively evaluate their experience, because they often have to face the fact that their salary expectations are higher than employers are willing to pay them. It is better to start a career as a lawyer in a large company in order to gain experience. Don't turn down a recruiter's offer to do an internship first. Of course, it is most preferable that after it the young person has the opportunity of further employment in the company's staff. If he is only ready to be accepted for an internship, it is necessary to agree in advance on the provision of a recommendation upon its completion. Enlisting the recommendation of a law firm, it will be much easier for a novice specialist to get a permanent job.

Profession pay information

young specialists with minimal work experience (the amount of compensation is 25,000-50,000 rubles, depending on the level of the company);
specialists with work experience (80,000-150,000 rubles);
highly qualified lawyers, including managers (150,000-350,000 rubles).
The level of income depends both on the experience and requirements for the candidate, and on the area of ​​his responsibility.
Today there is every reason to believe that in 2012 there will be an urgent need for highly specialized lawyers, so "generalists" and budding lawyers need to think about the direction in which they would like to develop further. If we talk about the needs of the market, we can predict that the demand for corporate lawyers will continue to grow. This applies to tax lawyers, personal lawyers, and real estate and land professionals. At the same time, employers are ready to pay well for the work of highly specialized lawyers. In order to have a high income, you need an impressive profile experience, experience working with foreign contractors and, of course, fluent English.

Classroom hour

“I am a future lawyer!”

History of jurisprudence

Themis(Themis, Themis) - the ancient Greek goddess of law and legal order.

Peter I

Establishment of the Academy of Sciences in Russia,

creation of the department of jurisprudence


Edition of the Complete Collection of Laws and the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire.

Judicial Reform of 1864.

The variety of specialties of the legal profession


Professionally significant qualities of a lawyer

Professiogram lawyer Qualities that ensure the success of the professional activities of a lawyer:

  • logical, analytical thinking;
  • high level of development of conceptual thinking
  • good development of concentration and stability of attention (and long-term memory;
  • verbal abilities (the ability to communicate correctly and clearly);
  • the ability to persuade;
  • communication skills (skills to communicate with people);
  • propensity for research activities;
  • good knowledge in various fields of science;
  • a high level of development of deductive thinking (the ability to think from the general to the particular);
  • ability to comprehensive, adequate perception of the situation;
  • ability to negotiate.
Personal qualities, interests and inclinations
  • organization;
  • accuracy;
  • self confidence;
  • erudition;
  • honesty and decency;
  • business acumen;
  • a responsibility;
  • objectivity;
  • sociability;
  • good intuition;
  • emotional and mental stability;
  • energy;
  • perseverance, integrity;
  • desire for self-improvement;
  • ability to quickly recover.
Pros of the profession:
  • The profession of a lawyer is considered one of the most noble and responsible. He protects the offended and ensures the punishment of the criminals. Working as a lawyer brings great moral satisfaction.
  • Higher legal education.
Career and salary:
  • Today, more and more people use the services of a lawyer. However, competition among specialists is very high. To be successful in your profession, you need to work hard.
  • Lawyer - promising profession. He has a huge selection of specializations. The level of wages largely depends on where he stops.