What is the turnover rate. Staff turnover: formula, calculation, examples. How to calculate employee turnover for the year - illustrative examples

If an organization has a high turnover of staff, it is very difficult for it to maintain the image of a stable and attractive employer. It is for this reason that staff turnover can be safely called a kind of beacon signaling a failure in the effectiveness of the human resource management system. To analyze the level of turnover, predict possible problems and determine the level of turnover that is adequate for your organization, we suggest resorting to the calculation using a special formula.

The formula for calculating the turnover rate

In order for the calculation of the turnover rate to provide the greatest amount of information and help make competent management decisions, you need to regularly accumulate data on staff turnover. So you can see trends in personnel rotations.

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Staff turnover rate - an identifier showing the total number of employees who left in relation to the average number of employees. The total number of employees who left the organization is the sum of those who left for own will(active turnover), and those who were fired at the initiative of management (passive turnover).

Accordingly, the calculation of the staff turnover rate is determined as follows:

  • Кт – staff turnover rate, %;
  • Chuszh - the number of employees who quit of their own free will;
  • Chuia - the number of employees dismissed at the initiative of management;
  • Chs - the average number of employees.

An example of calculating the staff turnover rate in a beauty salon

As of January 1, 2016, the cosmetology clinic had 104 employees. During the year, 32 people quit voluntarily and 4 because of a violation labor discipline. During the year, 12 people were hired. Calculate the staff turnover rate.

Read also:

  • How to make a price list of services for a beauty salon
  • How to reduce unnecessary staff costs in a beauty salon

When you study staff turnover, it should be of particular interest to you to measure its value not only in the whole organization, but also for individual structural units, groups of employees. The coefficients that characterize the level of turnover in individual units or groups of workers are commonly called partial turnover rates. Their method of calculation is similar to the method of calculating the total indicator.

The ratio of the private turnover rate to the total throughout the organization is called the turnover intensity factor:

  • Whale - fluidity intensity factor,
  • Kf - partial coefficient of fluidity.

Thanks to the private coefficient, you can see how many times the turnover of employees in the study group is higher (lower) than in the whole company.

To begin with, let's calculate average headcount personnel. It must be calculated as the arithmetic average of the number of personnel at the beginning and at the end of the reporting period:

After that, we calculate the staff turnover rate by applying the formula:

Accordingly, the staff turnover rate in the beauty salon was 39.1% per year.

Today, one of the most important resources of every successfully functioning business entity is people. In this regard, much attention is paid to the process of personnel management. However, it is impossible without the calculation and analysis of certain indicators. Therefore, the question of how to calculate staff turnover is quite relevant. Next, we will consider the formula for staff turnover, the essence of the indicator, its optimal value, and much more.

The essence of staff turnover, its types, causes and consequences

Under should be understood the movement of staff units within a particular economic entity for a certain time period, that is, the frequency of their employment and dismissal.

It is customary to distinguish between its types:

  1. local - the movement of staff units within one business entity.
    2. external - the migration of labor from one economic entity to another.
  2. mechanical - termination with subordinates employment contract(Regardless of the cause).
  3. natural (within the norm, which will be discussed later) is a normal phenomenon that causes state renewal.
  4. hidden - employees, being at their workplaces, abstract from the work process or begin to treat it carelessly, as a result of which productivity decreases, the quality of services and goods sold decreases, costs increase due to an increase in marriage, discipline worsens, deadlines are not met.

As for the reasons for the presence of this process in the company, they can be as follows:

  1. Mismatch between expectations and reality. This applies to both working conditions and employment directly (for example, workplace does not correspond to the qualifications and experience of the employee).
  2. Ineffective management mechanisms. Many managers find it redundant to give their subordinates feedback, motivate and encourage them. Employees, in turn, do not see ways for self-realization and, in most cases, after some time write a letter of resignation.
  3. Uncomfortable schedule leading to overwork.
  4. Tensions in the team and with management.
  5. specialist. Multitasking, a busy schedule, a difficult atmosphere in a team, and conflicts with management can lead to the depletion of an employee’s internal reserves and, consequently, burnout. In this case, even financial rewards may no longer be sufficient motivation for further work. The only way out that the subordinate sees is to look for an easier job.

As a result of burnout, labor productivity is significantly reduced.

  1. Absence .
  2. Poor staff unit to work conditions.
  3. deterioration of the image and business reputation business entity.

Staff turnover formula

So, after analyzing the turnover rate, you can get the percentage of quit workers (both individual categories and in general) for a certain time.

To analyze the occupancy of vacancies, taking into account the departed workers, the coefficient of the dynamics of the number of employed staff units allows.

You can evaluate the work of the personnel service in recruiting employees by calculating the acceptance rate of subordinates, and the number of layoffs - by the retirement rate.

If the first goal is pursued, the second step is to determine correct formula calculation.

K TK \u003d (K y / MF) * 100%,

where K y - the number of dismissed;

MF - average number for reporting period.

The best result will give the calculation of the indicator and its analysis not for the entire economic entity, but separately for subsections.

The normal value of the turnover rate

After the staff turnover is calculated, its value should be analyzed for compliance with the norm. It should be noted, however, that there is no universal normative indicator. The norm correlates with the conditions for the economic entity to carry out its activities.

So, for the sphere information technologies 8-10% is considered the norm, production - 15%, insurance - within 30%, restaurant service - 80%.

For qualified employees, the normal value should not exceed 2%.

With regard to middle-level managers, it can be higher, but should be within 8-10%.

In relation to line specialists, it is maximum 20%, production and sales workers, as well as low-ranking staff units - 30.

Regardless of the field of activity or qualifications of subordinates, in the first months of the operation of a business entity, the turnover rate can significantly exceed the norm.

In addition, in practice, staff turnover should be calculated in dynamics in order to determine whether the indicator has increased compared to the previous year or not. If so, then we can talk about a destructive personnel policy or unacceptable working conditions. The opposite is evidence of favorable conditions labor and good governance.

The absolute absence of turnover indicates a stagnation and unhealthy climate in the business entity.

The impact of layoffs on staff turnover

In practice, not all employee contract terminations have an impact on employee turnover. This is due to the fact that only layoffs that are independent of state or economic needs are taken into account in the calculation. These include layoffs:

When calculating staff turnover, termination of employment agreements due to:

  • reduction in the number of staff units;
  • layoffs;
  • reorganization of a business entity;
  • personnel reshuffles due to changes in the administrative apparatus;
  • retirement of employees.

How to calculate employee turnover for the year - illustrative examples

During the 20s contract of employment was terminated with 3 staff positions.

The accounting report for the reporting year shows that, as of January 1 next year the average number (SC) of employees is 25 people.

Hence, the staff turnover rate (according to the previously given formula) will be:

K TC \u003d 3/25 * 100% \u003d 12%

Since the subject operates in the trading industry, the resulting value is within the normal range.

Example #2

The head of the personnel department was instructed to analyze the level of staff turnover in the business entity for the reporting period (12 months). The initial data is as follows:

  • MF = 1017 people;
  • K y \u003d 76 people. (including those who retired - 1 person).

When calculating staff turnover, the head of the total number of dismissed persons subtracted 1 person, the reason for the departure of which cannot be taken into account, and received 75 people.

With this in mind, the fluidity formula will look like this:

K TC \u003d 75/1017 * 100% \u003d 7.4%

The obtained value is within the normal range and indicates the acceptable level of turnover in the company.

Additional calculated indicators of staff turnover

In addition to the specified formula, coefficients are also calculated to assess the movement of employees:

  • flow intensity;
  • potential turnover;
  • state stability;
  • staff turnover.

The first reveals the weaknesses of specific structural divisions economic entity. It is located as follows:

K it \u003d K TK lok / K TK total,

where K TC lok - the turnover rate in the department;

To TK total - the coefficient of movement in the whole organization.

Normally, the indicator is 1. If it is higher, then the frequency of dismissal in the unit is high. The reasons for this should be analyzed and measures taken to reduce staff turnover.

The second indicator characterizes the effectiveness of the team motivation system. For the calculation, the following formula is used:

K pt \u003d n x 100 / N,

where n is the number of subordinates planning to quit;

N- total number surveyed respondents.

The initial data for the formula are obtained by anonymous survey of employees on the subject of job satisfaction and working conditions.

The stability coefficient makes it possible to analyze the effectiveness of the work of the personnel service in the direction of the selection and adaptation of new employees.

The calculation period can be chosen independently, based on the needs of the analysis (month, quarter, half a year or year).

The formula for calculating the indicator is as follows:

Ks \u003d n / MF * 100%,

where n is the number of subordinates working in the organization during the analyzed period;

SC - the average number of employees.

The turnover ratio characterizes the satisfaction of employees with working conditions and allows you to predict the likelihood of their dismissal. The following formula is used for the calculation:

K Ob \u003d K y / K P,

where K y - the number of dismissed for the reporting period;

K P - the number of employed in the reporting period.

If it is equal to 1 or more, it indicates a high probability mass layoffs workers in the near future.

Staff turnover management

In practice, the following HR management tools are used:

  • analysis of the value of the turnover rate;
  • development, implementation and adjustment of the subordinate management system (includes their competent selection, adaptation, training, development and effective motivation);
  • correction of inefficient tools for managing the company's human potential;
  • formation of a comfortable working environment in the team, contributing to the disclosure and development of the skills of each of its members.

It is customary to single out such ways to reduce the above indicators of staff turnover:

  1. Improving recruitment at the interview stage. Sometimes it is enough to reconsider the issue of the urgency of closing vacancies and give the recruiter more time to search and qualitatively select applicants in order to significantly reduce the turnover rate.
  2. Work on the adaptation of newly employed. Staff turnover correlates with the system of their adaptation. The more thoughtful the second, the smaller the first. Effective adaptation tools are a dialogue with an HR manager, mentoring, team building, employee evaluation by colleagues, HR specialists and superiors.
  3. development of subordinates. A very effective tool to reduce the movement of personnel, since employees appreciate the support of a manager in matters of advanced training and improving skills, receiving additional education, and so on.
  4. Increasing the loyalty of subordinates. Loyal employees are less likely to quit. To do this, the manager must establish a dialogue with them and give competent feedback that allows them to feel their significance and value for the business entity, implement training events and team building, study the existing reaction and work with objections.
  5. Delegating a normal amount of work. An employee who works for a long time in tension and multifunctionality burns out. Upon reaching the exhaustion of emotional and physical resources, they either write a letter of resignation, or decide to work with less return. Therefore, leaders need to ensure that overtime work was not systematic, and the volume of tasks was feasible and sufficient, since an employee who has too much free time quickly loses motivation and the required productivity, which can also provoke leaving.
  6. material and non-material motivation. It refers to the components (VHI policy, compensation for the costs of self-education), the payment of bonuses, one-time payments (for a wedding, birth, funeral).
  7. Leveling conflicts.
  8. Policy Adjustment personnel management, its adaptation to existing realities.
  9. Providing decent working conditions.

Additional measures to reduce staff turnover can be:

  • Availability in the economic entity of affordable self-development programs for workers paid by the employer;
  • Work to involve each member of the team in achieving the employer's strategic and tactical goals. It implies the participation of subordinates in solving issues related to working conditions, improving performance. Such involvement in internal processes is an effective team-building tool that helps to increase staff loyalty. Moreover, the lowest employee turnover values ​​are observed in those companies that allow employees to make their own suggestions for improving work.

Effective personnel management is one of the important components successful business. Frequent change of employees has a negative impact on productivity and corporate spirit. Employees of a Russian HR consulting company "HR-benchmarking - Axes Monitor" conducted research and found that the staff turnover rate (hereinafter referred to as Kt) is one of the three criteria for assessing the work of the personnel service and the integrity of the company. Today we will talk about the causes of employee turnover and learn how to calculate employee turnover.

In economics, staff turnover refers to the migration of labor, based on the dissatisfaction of the employee with the working conditions or the company with a particular employee.

Depending on the type of movement of personnel, there are:

  • internal fluidity - within the institution;
  • external - the movement of workers between companies and industries.

Rotation by type is divided into:

  • Natural - associated with retirement, dismissals at the end of the term, with transfer to other positions. Does not require intervention in personnel management, promotes the influx of young professionals and the formation of a healthy team.
  • Excessive - intensive movement of personnel associated with dissatisfaction with work. It leads to a decrease in labor productivity, economic losses and psychological discord in the team.

To identify the level and analysis of turnover, the staff turnover rate is calculated, revealing the ratio of the number of quitters to .

How to calculate employee turnover

To assess the state of the team, the staff turnover rate is calculated using the formula:

where ct- staff turnover rate, Ku- the number of laid-off workers for the actual period, Chs- the average number of employees for the actual period.

Example. In 2017, there were 20 people in the Romashka company, 5 of them quit.

Kt \u003d (5 ÷ 20) x 100% \u003d 25%

Calculations speak of excessive fluidity: a quarter of the team has changed. To follow the trend, calculate ct for previous periods. In 2016, the number of laid-offs was 3 people, hence ct equals 15%. In 2015 - 2 people, ct- ten%. We can talk about a decrease in turnover.

For more qualitative analysis make a calculation ct in the context of departments and identify a weak point. Based on the calculations, a personnel management plan is drawn up.

Positive dynamics indicates the destabilization of the workforce, the inefficiency of personnel management and the dissatisfaction of workers with working conditions or pay. A decrease in Kt speaks of competent personnel management, an improvement in the psychological situation and an increase in labor productivity.

Causes of staff turnover

Growth ct does not arise from scratch, employees always have grounds for dismissal. HR specialists have identified the main reasons for the departure of employees:

  • low wage;
  • unstable salary;
  • irregular work schedule;
  • unsatisfactory working conditions;
  • conflicts with superiors;
  • remoteness of work from the place of residence;
  • absence career development, opportunities to improve skills;
  • inefficient recruitment methodology;
  • shortcomings in the development of induction measures;
  • frequently changing corporate image;
  • work on the principle of "squeeze everything out of the employee";
  • unjustified layoffs.

When assessing staff turnover, there are:

  • active - this is the departure of personnel due to dissatisfaction with working conditions;
  • passive - dismissal of employees who do not suit the management.

HR managers should timely identify growth trends in Kt and establish the reason for the departure of employees. To do this, you can conduct an oral survey of those leaving the company or develop a special questionnaire that is filled out when leaving the company.

Normative indicators of staff turnover

The norms of Kt depend on the internal and external factors: work environment, field of activity, industry, competitiveness. Note that the standard of indicators for managers and low-skilled employees takes on different values, the table shows indicators for different positions.

If we consider the rotation of personnel in the context of the field of activity, we can see that the standards differ significantly.

Please note: during the formation of the company, on initial stage business development, a high rate of labor movement is a normal phenomenon.

How to reduce employee turnover

The manager must be able not only to identify staff turnover, but also learn how to manage it and minimize it. Depending on the reasons for the departure of personnel, measures are taken:

  • Analysis tariff scale in terms of the structure and amount of payment. Identifies positions for which rates are understated or overestimated. If remuneration depends on the bonus system or the implementation of the plan, review them.
  • Examine the causes of income instability. If they are related to internal problems, this indicates an ineffective business strategy. If the profit depends directly on the workers, perhaps the reason lies in their insufficient qualifications. Solution: training and retraining of personnel or recruiting new specialists.
  • Study of working conditions. They conduct a survey of employees on the subject of what they are not satisfied with at the workplace and in the working mode: working hours, shifts, organization of the workplace, heating, lighting, air conditioning, the presence of a recreation area. Conduct a comparison of conditions in the company with competitors.
  • leading persons. To improve the quality of the manager's work, they conduct trainings and introduce corporate training systems.
  • . Apply systems of material and. Work through job descriptions: increase the responsibility of workers, expand the scope of their activities, reduce the amount of monotonous work.
  • The formation of a competent team begins with a properly conducted interview. How to do this - we told in. To effectively approach the selection of personnel, we need up-to-date job descriptions, documents on structural units, improved methods for assessing and selecting candidates.
  • Development of activities for . In large companies, it is difficult for a new employee to join the team. To minimize stress and easy adaptation develop special programs. Statistics show that in the first three months, a newly minted employee develops loyalty to the company and the team. If he is not helped to “fit in”, he will most likely leave the enterprise.
  • Adequate use of staff potential. Do not demand from the team to give 200% - this quickly dulls enthusiasm and reduces productivity. By practicing the “juicer” policy, you train hardy staff, but they will not remain in your company - they will go to competitors offering loyal conditions.

Work on the image of the organization. Study the market, analyze what competitors offer, and make your offer more profitable.


There is always staff turnover in the company. If it is within the natural norm, this indicates the correct personnel policy and effective management. Excessive turnover requires a professional approach: analyze trends by period and department, identify reasons for layoffs. And remember: the best is the enemy of the good. The complete absence of staff rotation leads to stagnation and a decrease in the productivity of the team.

Staff turnover is a natural movement of the workforce, characterizing the degree of dissatisfaction of the staff with the workplace or the degree of dissatisfaction of the enterprise with specific employees. Excessive turnover leads to a disruption in the smooth operation of the enterprise, lowering its rating in the eyes of potential applicants. The article discusses the factors that affect the turnover rates, the types of turnover coefficients, their values.

Why do you need business performance indicators?

The real part of the value of the enterprise consists not only of the material resources (assets) of the company, but also of other indicators: personnel, ongoing business processes, innovative technologies, relationships with organizations acting as consumers of manufactured products. They are subject to a clear systematization, because a coherent system will ensure the mobilization of personnel and increase its efficiency.

When evaluating the efficiency of an enterprise, not only indicators of economic orientation, expressed in numerical values, are taken into account, but above all A complex approach. To do this, performance indicators are conditionally combined into two large blocks.

Objective (financial). This includes:

  • determination of the minimum labor costs aimed at ensuring the final production result;
  • comparison of the quality and quantity of manufactured products;
  • profitability, showing the efficiency of the use of all resources.

Subjective (social, personal, sensual orientation) relate to staff motivation. They help to determine the strength of the employee's resources, his emotional and psychophysical preparation, and are no less important, since they characterize staff turnover.

The staff turnover rate indicates how well the structure of interaction within the enterprise is organized, the actions of the managerial link and the implemented management methods are successful.

Types of employee turnover rate

The goal of any employer is to receive as a result of the organization's activities maximum profit. And it is no secret that the guarantor of successful work is not only management, but also a well-coordinated and well-organized team. Several turnover rates are used to evaluate the effectiveness of a personnel policy.

Turnover for the reception of workers (Kpr):

Kpr \u003d number of accepted / average number (Chsr).

Turnover by disposal (Kv) characterizes the intensity of the change of workers and their interest in work:

Kv \u003d number of quitters / Chsr.

Yield (Kt) is the most common and is calculated as:

Kt \u003d number of dismissed on their own. desire / Fr.

Composition constancy (Kps):

Kps = number of employees working throughout the year / Nav.

Stability (Kst) characterizes an effective policy in the field of selection and hiring of personnel, the period of adaptation of employees and the impact of newcomers on the overall turnover rate.

Stability Index (ID) allows you to determine the number of employees who have worked for less than 1 year.

Intensities (Kit)- is used to determine the number of employees relocated within structural divisions at one enterprise.

The value of the flow coefficient

The normative values ​​of this indicator are largely determined by the direction of the company's activities, as well as the breadth of coverage of the indicator - completely for the organization or for its individual structures. At the same time, each division has its own standard turnover rates, which are acceptable and depend on a number of factors. For example, harmful conditions production will contribute to an increase in the coefficient, favorable - to a decrease.

The value of the indicator within 5% per year is normal. This fluidity is equated with the number of natural processes leading to a stable renewal of personnel.

Exceeding the mark of 5% is already excessive fluidity associated with additional economic costs, the emergence of a number of difficulties and the risk of disrupting most production processes.

Depending on the direction of personnel movement, turnover is divided into the following types:

  • internal - the movement of personnel within the organization, when employees simply change positions;
  • external - the choice of another place of work outside the company.

According to the parameters used for the calculation:

  • absolute. Allows you to calculate the ratio of the number of dismissed personnel to the total number of the enterprise for the studied time period;
  • relative - covers a narrower range in the form of separate units. At the same time, the analysis is carried out not only by the number of employees, but also by gender, age criteria, and the duration of work of personnel at a given enterprise.

Depending on the relationship to the main reason for leaving, fluidity is distinguished:

  • active. The change of work by the employee occurred on his initiative due to dissatisfaction with working conditions, the level of payment;
  • passive. The initiator of the dismissal of staff was the employer due to dissatisfaction with a particular employee.

Factors influencing the flow rate

They are divided into three large groups:

  • internal, related to the activities of the enterprise and its structural divisions (wages, working conditions, the presence or absence of career opportunities);
  • personal characteristics of the staff (age, education, experience);
  • external ( economic situation in the region, family circumstances, the opportunity to get a new job).

Within each group, factors are distinguished that have different effects on the degree of staff mobility.

By purposefully influencing the first two groups, it is possible to reduce the value of Kt. To do this, various methods are used, carrying out measures to improve technical equipment, introducing new bonus systems, incentives, etc.

Calculation of the flow rate

It is calculated using the following formula:

Kt \u003d Ku / Chsr * 100

Kt - coefficient of fluidity

Ku - the number of dismissed

Chsr - the average number.

Data for calculations are taken for a specific analyzed period of time. For example, one year or quarter.

When calculating Kt, employees dismissed are not taken into account:

  • due to downsizing;
  • as a result of the reorganization of the enterprise;
  • in connection with retirement due to age or length of service;
  • due to internal staff changes.

To calculate Kt, another formula is used:

Kt \u003d (Kszh + Kir) / Chsr * 100, where

Kszh - employees dismissed on their own. wish

Kir - employees dismissed by order of the employer.

On the staff turnover rate in to a large extent influenced by the scope of the business. To get more detailed information, it is better to calculate the coefficients for each division of the organization separately. For example, management staff more prone to turnover than junior and middle managers.

An example of calculating the flow rate at a private enterprise engaged in the production of plastic windows

At the beginning of January 1, 2017, the NHR of the organization's employees was 120 employees. During the year, 43 people made an independent decision to change their place of work outside the company, and 7 people were dismissed by decision of the management. 20 people have been hired.

To begin with, the Chav is determined by calculating the arithmetic average number of employees at the beginning and end of the study period:

HR \u003d (120 + (120 - 43 - 7 + 20)) / 2 \u003d 105.

Now Kt is calculated according to the established formula:

Kt \u003d ((43 + 7) / 105) * 100 \u003d 47.6%.

Consequently, Kt at the enterprise under consideration amounted to 47.6%, which significantly exceeds its normal value within 5%.

It is better to analyze the indicator in dynamics, choosing the last few periods for research. With an increase in the turnover rate, we can talk about the instability of the team, ineffective personnel policy. The decrease in Kt indicates the reverse situation.


Solving such a problem as reducing the rate of staff turnover requires a careful and competent approach. Only then will the enterprise be able to reach new level and create advantages over competitors.


Functions of the personnel management service

Staff - totality of all human resources that the organization, its employees, partners and involved experts have

Personnel Management - tactical leadership currently being carried out, aimed at solving current or short-term problems.

1. Determining the need for personnel. Planning for quality staffing needs. The choice of methods for calculating the quantitative need for personnel. Planning for the quantitative need for personnel.

2. Provision of personnel Obtaining and analysis of marketing (in the field of personnel) information. Development and use of tools to meet the need for personnel. Staff selection, business valuation

3.Personnel development Planning and implementation of career and office movements. Organization and conduct of training.

4. Use of personnel Determination of the content and results of labor in the workplace. Industrial socialization. Introduction of personnel, its adaptation to labor activity. Ordering jobs. Ensuring labor safety. Release of staff.

5. Motivation of the results of work and behavior of personnel Management of the content and process of motivation labor behavior. Conflict Management. The use of monetary incentive systems: wages, staff participation in profits and in the capital of the enterprise. The use of non-monetary incentive systems: group organization and social communications, leadership style and methods, regulation of working hours.

6.Legal and Information Support personnel management process. Legal regulation labor relations. Personnel accounting and statistics. informing the team and external organizations on personnel matters. Development personnel policy.

What are the methods used to evaluate employees?

Personel assessment is a system for identifying certain characteristics of employees, which then help the manager in making management decisions aimed at increasing the effectiveness of subordinates.

Typically, personnel assessment is carried out in three areas:

1.Evaluation of the employee's qualifications- when the characteristics of the standard are revealed and compared with a specific person;

2.analysis of the results of work- evaluate the quality of work performed;

3.Evaluation of the employee as a person- personal characteristics are revealed and compared with ideal ones for a given place.

Personnel assessment methods:

According to their orientation, they are classified into three main groups: qualitative, quantitative and combined.

Qualitative Methods - these are methods that determine employees without the use of quantitative indicators. They are also called descriptive methods.

Matrix method- the most common method involves comparing the qualities of a particular person with the ideal characteristics for the position;

Arbitrary characteristics system method - manual or personnel service simply highlights the brightest achievements and the worst mistakes in a person’s work, and comparing them draws conclusions;

Assessment of the performance of tasks is an elementary method when the work of an employee as a whole is evaluated;

Method "360 degrees" - involves the assessment of the employee from all sides - managers, colleagues, subordinates, clients and self-assessment;

Group discussion - a descriptive method - which provides for the discussion of the employee with his supervisors or experts in the industry about the results of his work and prospects.

Combined methods are a set of descriptive methods using quantitative aspects.

Testing is an assessment based on the results of solving pre-set tasks;

The method of the sum of estimates. Each characteristic of a person is evaluated on a certain scale, and then an average indicator comparable to the ideal is displayed;

Grouping system, in which all employees are divided into several groups - from those who work perfectly, and to those whose work is unsatisfactory compared to the rest;

Quantitative Methods- the most objective, since all the results are recorded in numbers;

Rank method - several managers rank employees, then all ratings are compared, and usually the lowest ones are reduced;

Scoring method - for each achievement, the staff receives a certain number of points in advance, which are summed up at the end of the period;

Free scoring - each quality of an employee is evaluated by experts for a certain number of points, which are summed up and the overall rating is displayed.

What determines the number of employees ?

From the size of the organization, the type of its activity, the specifics of its tasks, traditions, financial condition, stages of development.

Methods in personnel management- these are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel in order to achieve the goals of production management.

There are: - administrative and legal,


Socio-psychological methods.

Administrative and legal methods - are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel, based on power relations, discipline and a system of administrative and legal penalties. There are five main ways of administrative and legal influence: organizational and administrative influence, disciplinary responsibility and penalties, material liability and penalties, administrative responsibility and penalties.

Socio-psychological methods - these are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel, based on the use of the laws of sociology and psychology.

The most common forms direct economic impact for personnel are: cost accounting, material incentives and profit sharing through acquisition valuable papers(shares, bonds) of the organization.

Staff turnover

In personnel management, a norm that shows how often an employee gains and loses a job. Simply put, it shows how long an employee has been at work, it is also called the “revolving door index”. Employee turnover is measured by individual companies for the entire industry. If an employee has a higher turnover rate compared to peers, this means that the employee of this company has a shorter average tenure than the same employees from another company or his colleague. A high turnover rate can be detrimental to a company's performance if highly skilled workers leave frequently and many new hires are added.

What is the normal rate of staff turnover?

Staff turnover for the planned period (F) and average (F1):

F= number of layoffs in planning period/ Average number of employees in the planning period.

F1= average annual number of dismissed * 100 / average annual number.

According to experts, currently in practice there are the following values flow rate taking into account various categories personnel and business specifics.

For senior managers, the turnover rate ranges from 0 to 2%.

For middle managers, the optimal value of this indicator is 8 - 10%.

For line specialists this indicator should not exceed 20%. With regard to skilled production workers and sales personnel - 20 - 30%

For unskilled labor, the turnover rate can be much higher - from 30 to 50%.

For IT companies, the turnover rate is 8 - 10%.

Normal turnover in the manufacturing sector is 10 - 15%. But in the conditions of active growth and development of the company, when there is a mass hiring of personnel, up to 20% is allowed. For the managerial staff of production units, the period of effectiveness can last for years. Here, the normal flow rate should be below 5%. AT retail and insurance business 30% is considered the norm, this level is achieved through "migration" sales representatives and sales managers who do not stay in the company longer than 1.5 - 2 years. The HoReCa segment (Hotels, Restaurants, Cafes - hotel and restaurant business) has the highest percentage of turnover - 80% - and this is recognized by experts as a normal value.

Personnel adaptation- the process of their adaptation to the content and conditions of labor activity and directly to the social environment, improving the business and personal qualities of the employee. Adaptation of frames is carried out using public organizations, officials, mentors who provide the employee with systematic assistance in improving professional excellence, productivity and quality of work, establishing cooperation with members of the primary labor collective, in creative, qualification and job growth.

Frame adaptation can be professional, psychophysiological, socio-psychological

Professional staff adaptation- adaptation of the employee to the profession, active development of the operations, actions, movements included in its structure in accordance with technological process (official duties), norms of labor costs, as well as readiness to make decisions and actions in non-standard production situations.

Psychophysiological adaptation of personnel- adaptation of the employee to working conditions, work and rest regimes at the workplace (at the site, in the workshop, in the laboratory, etc.), which largely depends on the state of health of the employee, the protective reactions of the body to the level and fluctuations of external factors (temperature , illumination, gas pollution, vibration, noise, etc.)

Social and psychological adaptation of personnel- adaptation of the employee to the primary labor collective, in cooperation with which professional and social activity worker.