Labor law. Participation of employers in ensuring employment of the population Concluded by the employment authority with the employer

Employers' assistance in employment of the population is presented in the form of compliance with the terms of contracts governing labor Relations. This helps to stabilize labor relations and reduce turnover. work force. Employment assistance is provided on the basis of:

Compliance with the terms of contracts regulating labor relations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Implementation of measures provided for by labor legislation, collective agreements and agreements to protect employees in case of suspension of production or dismissal of employees;

Providing assistance in finding employment, training and providing additional material assistance to laid-off workers (in excess of that established by law) at the expense of organizations and other employers;

Creation of conditions for vocational training, retraining and advanced training of employees; when calculating taxable profit, the amount of balance sheet profit of organizations is reduced by the amount of funds spent by employers for these purposes;

Development and implementation of measures providing for the preservation and rational use professional potential of employees, their social protection, improvement of working conditions and other benefits;

Compliance with the established quota for the employment of persons with disabilities;

Employment determined by the executive authorities of the subjects Russian Federation and local self-government bodies of the number of citizens in particular need of social protection, or reservations certain types jobs (professions) for the employment of such citizens (clause 1, article 25 of the Employment Law).

If the employer hires a citizen sent by the employment service, he returns the referral to the employment service within five days indicating the day the citizen was hired. In case of refusal to hire, the employer makes a note in the direction of the employment service about the day the citizen appeared and the reason for the refusal to hire and returns the referral to the citizen.

In solving the problem of employment of the population, along with the bodies of the employment service and employers, the state is called upon to play an active role, namely its policy in the field of promoting employment of the population. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the state is pursuing a policy of promoting the realization of the rights of citizens, aimed at full, productive and freely chosen employment.

The state policy in the field of employment promotion is also aimed at the following: development labor resources, increasing their mobility; protection of the national labor market; ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of nationality, gender, age, social status, political beliefs and attitude to religion, in exercising the right to voluntary work and free choice of employment; creation of conditions ensuring a decent life and free development of a person.

In accordance with Art. 5 of the Employment Law among the most current trends state policy in the field of employment include:

1) support for the labor and entrepreneurial initiative of citizens, carried out within the framework of the law, assistance in the development of their abilities for productive, creative work;

2) the implementation of measures to promote the employment of citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work (disabled persons; persons released from institutions executing a sentence of deprivation of liberty; minors aged 14 to 18 years; persons of pre-retirement age (two years before the age giving the right to access to an old-age labor pension, including an early fixed old-age labor pension); refugees and internally displaced persons; citizens discharged from military service and members of their families; single and large parents raising minor children, children with disabilities; citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl and other radiation accidents and catastrophes; citizens aged 18 to 20 from among graduates of primary and secondary vocational education job seekers for the first time);

3) prevention of mass and reduction of long-term (more than one year) unemployment;

4) encouragement of employers who maintain existing and create new jobs, primarily for citizens who experience difficulties in finding a job;

5) uniting the efforts of labor market participants and coordinating their actions in the implementation of measures to promote employment of the population;

6) coordination of activities in the field of employment of the population with activities in other areas of economic and social policy, including investment and structural policy, growth regulation and income distribution, inflation prevention;

7) coordination of the activities of state bodies, trade unions, other representative bodies of employees and employers in the development and implementation of measures to ensure employment of the population;

8) international cooperation in solving problems of employment of the population, including issues related to labor activity citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens in the territory of the Russian Federation, compliance with international labor standards.

To powers federal bodies state power include:

Development and implementation of state policy, adoption of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of employment of the population;

Development and implementation of federal programs in the field of employment of the population, including programs to facilitate the relocation of citizens and members of their families in connection with sending them to another locality for employment or training;

Establishment of norms of social support for unemployed citizens;

Development and implementation of measures of an active policy of employment of the population, with the exception of measures, the implementation of which is attributed to the powers of the Russian Federation, transferred for implementation to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Monitoring of the state and development of predictive assessments of the labor market;

Formation and maintenance of registers of recipients of public services in the field of employment;

Determination of a list of priority professions (specialties) for professional training, retraining and advanced training of unemployed citizens;

Informing about the situation on the labor market in the Russian Federation, rights and guarantees in the field of employment and protection against unemployment;

Formation of funds to finance measures to promote employment of the population and social support unemployed citizens and control over the intended use of these funds;

Coordination of activities to create economic conditions for employment of the population, development of entrepreneurship and self-employment;

Implementation of supervision and control over the observance and execution of the legislation of the Russian Federation on employment of the population;

Generalization of the practice of application and analysis of the causes of violations of the legislation on employment of the population in the Russian Federation.

The powers of the Russian Federation in the field of promoting employment of the population, transferred for implementation to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, include:

1) control over the following:

Providing state guarantees in the field of employment of the population;

Employment of disabled people within the established quota;

Registration of persons with disabilities as unemployed;

2) registration of citizens in order to assist in finding a suitable job, as well as registration of unemployed citizens;

3) provision in accordance with the legislation on employment of the population of the following public services:

Assistance to citizens in search suitable job and employers in the selection of the necessary workers;

Informing about the situation on the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

Organization of job fairs and training jobs;

Organization of professional orientation of citizens in order to choose a field of activity (profession), employment, vocational training;

Psychological support, vocational training, retraining and advanced training of unemployed citizens;

Implementation of social payments to citizens recognized in in due course the unemployed;

Organization of paid public works;

Organization of temporary employment of minors aged 14 to 18 years in their free time from study, unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding a job, unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 years from among graduates educational institutions primary and secondary vocational education, looking for a job for the first time;

Social adaptation of unemployed citizens in the labor market;

Promoting self-employment of unemployed citizens;

Assistance to citizens in resettlement for work in rural areas;

Issuance of conclusions to employers on the attraction and use of foreign workers in accordance with the legislation on legal status foreign citizens in the Russian Federation;

4) development and implementation of regional programs that provide for measures to promote employment of the population, including programs to promote the employment of citizens at risk of dismissal, as well as citizens who are in particular need of social protection and have difficulty finding work;

5) organization and holding of special profiling events (distribution of unemployed citizens into groups depending on the profile of their previous professional activity level of education, gender, age and other socio-demographic characteristics in order to provide them with the most effective assistance with employment assistance, taking into account the current situation on the labor market) unemployed citizens;

6) checking, issuing binding orders to eliminate violations of the legislation on employment of the population, bringing the perpetrators to justice in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

7) taking measures to eliminate the circumstances and causes of the revealed violations of the legislation on employment of the population and the restoration of the violated rights of citizens, etc.

More on the topic Participation of employers in ensuring employment of the population:

  1. § 4. Participation of employers in ensuring employment of the population
  2. § 6.7. Participation of employers in ensuring employment of the population
  3. Legal relations to ensure employment of the population and employment
  4. § 1. International legal regulation of employment of the population
  7. Lecture 7. Legal regulation of employment and employment of the population
  8. Legislation of the Russian Federation on employment and employment. State employment agencies
  9. § 4. Employment. Employment. Professional education. Principles of state policy for ensuring full employment, protection against unemployment
  10. The system of state guarantees in the field of employment. State guarantees for the realization of the right of citizens to work and additional employment guarantees for certain categories of the population

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The promotion of employers employment of the population is presented in various forms. The main of them should be recognized as compliance with the terms of agreements (contracts) regulating labor relations. Strict observance by the employer of conditions employment contracts(contracts) helps to stabilize labor relations, reduce labor turnover.

In addition, the promotion of employment is ensured by: a) the implementation of the provisions collective agreements and agreements for the protection of workers in the event of a suspension of production or the release of workers; b) providing assistance in finding employment, vocational training and providing additional material assistance to laid-off workers at the expense of organizations and other employers; c) creation of conditions for vocational training, advanced training and retraining of employees. When calculating taxable profit, the amount of balance sheet profit of organizations is reduced by the amount of funds spent by employers for these purposes; d) development and implementation social plan an organization that provides for the preservation and rational use of the professional potential of employees, their social protection, improvement of working conditions and other benefits; e) observance of the established quota for the employment of socially unprotected citizens; f) employment determined by the authorities executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments of the number of citizens who are in special need of social protection, or reserving certain types of work (professions) for the employment of such citizens (clause 1, article 25 of the Employment Law).

The legal obligation of employers is to monthly submit to the employment service authorities: information on the application of insolvency (bankruptcy) procedures in relation to this organization, as well as information necessary for the implementation of activities for vocational rehabilitation and promotion of employment of persons with disabilities; information on the availability of vacancies (positions), the fulfillment of the quota for the employment of persons with disabilities, the transfer of mandatory insurance contributions to the employment fund and the payment of a mandatory fee in case of non-fulfillment or impossibility of fulfilling the quota for the employment of persons with disabilities.

It should be borne in mind that employers, by transferring funds to the employment fund, fully reimburse the costs of the employment service bodies for the creation of jobs (special jobs) and vocational training, advanced training, retraining in connection with the employment of workers who have received Occupational Illness or disability in the organization. In case of non-fulfillment or impossibility of fulfilling the quota for hiring disabled people, employers monthly pay a mandatory fee to the employment fund for each unemployed person within the quota.

The procedure and amounts for making this mandatory fee are established by the Government of the Russian Federation (clause 5, article 25 of the Employment Law).

In case of denial of employment without good reasons declared graduates of institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education organizations make targeted financial contributions to the employment fund in the amount of the average earnings of an employee of this category for the year.

If the employer hires a citizen sent by the employment service, he returns the referral to the employment service within 5 days indicating the day the citizen was hired. In case of refusal to hire, the employer makes a note in the direction of the employment service about the day the citizen appeared and the reason for the refusal to hire and returns the referral to the citizen.

Labor law in order to encourage employers who actively cooperate with the employment service, provides for them a number of benefits and benefits.

1. If employers employ in excess of the established minimum number of graduates of vocational general education institutions, persons released from places of deprivation of liberty, as well as citizens who are in special need of social protection and who experience difficulties in finding a job, then they are entitled to tax benefits established by the tax the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Employers have the right to receive free information from the employment service on the state of the labor market (clause 3, article 26 of the Employment Law).

3. Bodies of the employment service, if necessary, may fully or partially compensate employers for the costs of advanced provision of citizens released from organizations in order to ensure their employment, as well as for the organization of training for employed citizens released from other organizations.

4. The employer has the right to appeal against the actions of the employment service body to a higher body of the employment service, as well as to the court in the manner prescribed by law (clause 5, article 26 of the Employment Law).

In solving the problem of employment of the population, along with the bodies of the employment service and employers, the state and its policy in the field of promoting employment of the population are called upon to play an active role. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the state is pursuing a policy of promoting the realization of the rights of citizens, aimed at full, productive and freely chosen employment.

The state policy in the field of employment promotion is aimed at developing labor resources, ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of nationality, gender, age, social position, political beliefs and attitudes towards religion in the implementation of the right to voluntary work and free choice of citizens, carried out within the framework of the rule of law, promoting the development of their abilities for productive, creative work (clause 2, article 5 of the Employment Law).

At the same time, special attention is paid to the implementation of special measures that contribute to the employment of citizens who are in particular need of social protection and who experience difficulties in finding work (disabled people; citizens who have people who need constant care, assistance or supervision; people released from places of deprivation freedom; young people under the age of 18 looking for work for the first time; persons of pre-retirement age (two years before the age giving the right to retire for old age (by age); refugees and internally displaced persons; citizens dismissed from military service and members of their families; single and large parents raising minor children, children with disabilities; families in which both parents are recognized as unemployed; citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl and other radiation accidents to disasters.

One of the most important tasks of the state is to prevent mass and reduce long-term (more than one year) unemployment.

In accordance with Art. 5 of the Law on Employment, the current areas of state policy in the field of employment include: encouragement of employers who maintain existing and create new jobs, primarily for citizens who are in special need of social protection and have difficulty finding work; coordination of the activities of state bodies, trade unions, other representative bodies of workers and employers in the development and implementation of measures to ensure employment of the population and control over them; ensuring employment in places of residence of indigenous peoples and other national minorities of the Russian Federation, taking into account their national and cultural traditions, as well as historical types of employment; international cooperation in solving problems of employment of the population, including issues related to the labor activity of citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation, compliance with international standards labor law.

The legislation of the Russian Federation on employment of the population applies not only to citizens of Russia, but also to foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons, unless otherwise provided federal laws or international treaties. For example, the fact that a person has the citizenship of a foreign state is, as a rule, an obstacle to his admission to the public service, except in cases where access to public service is regulated on a mutual basis by interstate agreements (clause 3, article 21 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Basics public service Russian Federation” dated July 31, 1995 // SZ RF. 1995. No. 31. Art. 2990).

It should be borne in mind that state authorities of all levels take part in the implementation of state policy in the field of promoting employment of the population.

The powers of federal government bodies include: implementation of the main directions of state policy to prevent mass unemployment in the territory of the Russian Federation; adoption of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts establishing general principles state policy in the sphere of employment of the population; development and financial support of federal targeted programs in the field of promoting employment of the population; formation and control over the targeted use of funds to finance activities to promote employment of the population ( State fund employment of the population of the Russian Federation; hereinafter referred to as the employment fund); determination of minimum and obligatory in the Russian Federation norms of social and economic protection of citizens from unemployment; coordination of the activities of state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation on issues of employment of the population; attraction to the territory of the Russian Federation of foreign labor and its use in the manner determined by law (Article 17 of the Law on Employment); formation of the basic principles of social protection of employees of insolvent organizations that carry out structural changes in production.

The powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation include: resolving in full the issues related to the development and implementation of the state policy to promote employment of the population, taking into account national, cultural traditions, as well as historical types of employment; ensuring the realization of the rights of citizens who are in special need of social protection and who experience difficulties in finding a job.

The legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, decisions of local governments, as well as collective agreements and agreements may provide for other conditions and procedures for paying unemployment benefits, re-registration by the unemployed, clarifying the definition of suitable work that enhance the social protection of citizens, including extending the terms of payment and increase in unemployment benefits, remuneration for work on paid public works, as well as scholarships during the period of study at the expense of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (clause 3, article 7 of the Law on Employment).

In case of mass dismissal of workers and difficulties in their further employment, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, at the proposal of the employment service, trade union bodies or other representative bodies of workers, may suspend the decision on the release of workers for up to six months or decide on a phased releases during the year, financing these activities at the expense of the relevant budgets (clause 4, article 7 of the Employment Law).

1. Employers contribute to the implementation of the state employment policy on the basis of:

  • compliance with the terms of contracts regulating labor relations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • implementation of measures provided for by labor legislation, collective agreements and agreements to protect employees in case of suspension of production or dismissal of employees;
  • providing assistance in finding employment, undergoing vocational training, obtaining additional professional education and providing, in excess of the legally established additional material assistance, to laid-off employees at the expense of employers;
  • creation of conditions for vocational education, vocational training and additional professional education of employees, including women during parental leave until the child reaches the age of three. The amounts of funds spent by employers for these purposes are accounted for as expenses in the manner and under the conditions established by the legislation on taxes and fees;
  • development and implementation of measures providing for the preservation and rational use of the professional potential of employees, their social protection, improvement of working conditions and other benefits;
  • compliance with the established quota for the employment of persons with disabilities;
  • employment of the number of citizens determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies who are in particular need of social protection, or reserving certain types of work (professions) for the employment of such citizens;
  • attracting labor resources to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation included in the list of constituent entities of the Russian Federation approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • accompaniment with the assistance of the employment of a disabled person, including the formation, taking into account his needs, of a way to move around the territory of the employer, equipment (equipment) for him a workplace, providing him with access to the necessary premises, assisting in organizing work during remote work or work at home, determining the features of the regime of working time and rest time for a disabled person, providing, if necessary, the assistance of a mentor.

2. When making a decision on the liquidation of an organization or the termination of activities by an individual entrepreneur, the reduction in the number or staff of employees of an organization, an individual entrepreneur and the possible termination of employment contracts, the employer-organization no later than two months, and the employer - individual entrepreneur not later than two weeks before the start of the relevant events, they are obliged to writing report this to the employment service, indicating the position, profession, specialty and qualification requirements to them, the terms of remuneration of each specific employee, and if the decision to reduce the number or staff of the organization’s employees may lead to mass layoffs employees - no later than three months before the start of the relevant activities.

When introducing a part-time (shift) regime and (or) part-time working week, as well as in case of suspension of production, the employer is obliged to inform the employment service authorities in writing about this within three working days after the decision is made to carry out the relevant measures.

3. Employers are required to submit to the employment service bodies on a monthly basis:

  • application information regarding this employer insolvency (bankruptcy) procedures, as well as information necessary for the implementation of activities for vocational rehabilitation and promotion of employment of persons with disabilities;
  • information on the availability of vacancies and vacancies, created or allocated jobs for the employment of persons with disabilities in accordance with the established quota for the employment of persons with disabilities, including information on local regulations containing information about these jobs, fulfillment of the quota for hiring disabled people.

3.1. Employers ensure the completeness, reliability and relevance of information on the need for employees and on the conditions for their involvement, on the availability of jobs and vacancies, posted in the information and analytical system All-Russian database of vacancies "Work in Russia" in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. Excluded.

5. Excluded.

4. No longer valid.

5. When hiring a citizen sent by the employment service, the employer within five days returns to the employment service a referral indicating the day the citizen was hired.

In case of refusal to hire a citizen sent by the employment service, the employer makes a note in the direction of the employment service about the day the citizen appeared and the reason for the refusal to hire and returns the referral to the citizen.

6. It is prohibited to disseminate information about vacancies or vacancies containing information about any direct or indirect restriction of rights or about the establishment of direct or indirect advantages depending on sex, race, skin color, nationality, language, origin, property, family, social and official position age, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership or non-affiliation to public associations or any social groups, as well as other circumstances not related to business qualities employees, except in cases where the right or obligation to establish such restrictions or benefits is provided for by federal laws (information about vacancies or vacancies containing restrictions of a discriminatory nature).

Persons distributing information about vacant jobs or vacancies containing restrictions of a discriminatory nature are subject to administrative liability established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses.

Article 25 of the Law on Employment of the Population refers to the assistance of employers in ensuring employment of the population. In accordance with article 25, when a decision is made to liquidate an organization or to reduce its staff, the employer is obliged to notify the employment service authorities of this in writing no later than two months in advance. On the basis of Article 25, employers must submit monthly information to the employment service authorities on the application of bankruptcy procedures to them, as well as information on the availability of vacancies and positions for the employment of persons with disabilities.

What does a person need for a decent life? A lot, you might say, and you'd be right. But the main thing, of course, is the opportunity to work and receive remuneration for this. Social benefits are guaranteed to citizens by the state, but all its conditions to provide work for everyone are useless if employers do not participate in this process. How?

The implementation of the state policy to ensure employment of the population is impossible without the participation of employers, because it is they who provide jobs job seekers maintain existing labor relations, preventing illegal dismissals, interact with the bodies of the employment service and other subjects of the labor market.

What is the assistance of the employer to the implementation of the state employment policy? Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 “On Employment in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Employment Law) defines the following methods.

New personnel reports in Rosstat:

  • Compliance with the terms of employment contracts by employers.
  • Implementation of measures to protect workers in the event of their dismissal or suspension of production.
  • Providing assistance in finding a job, completing vocational training, obtaining additional professional education and providing additional material assistance to dismissed employees at their own expense.
  • Creation of conditions for vocational education, training and additional professional education of employees, including women, during parental leave until the child reaches the age of three.
  • Development and implementation of measures providing for the preservation and rational use of the professional potential of employees, their social protection, improvement of working conditions and other benefits.
  • Compliance with the quota for the employment of persons with disabilities.
  • Employment of a specified number of citizens who are in special need of social protection, or a reserve of certain types of work (professions) for the employment of such citizens.
  • Attracting labor resources to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation included in the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Participating in employment relations, the employer interacts with various subjects:

  • public authorities and administration;

local authorities; educational institutions; bodies of the state employment service; private employment agencies; trade unions, etc.


In the relationship between the employer and the employment service, two groups of duties can be distinguished.

Information responsibilities

Monthly provide the employment service authorities with:

  • Information on the application of insolvency (bankruptcy) procedures.
  • Information necessary for the implementation of activities for vocational rehabilitation and promotion of employment of persons with disabilities.

Information about the availability of vacancies and vacancies. If your company has separate structural units who have the right to hire and fire workers, remember that they must also submit information about the presence or absence of vacancies to their regional centers employment.

Information on the availability of created or allocated jobs for the employment of persons with disabilities in accordance with the established quota, including information on local regulations containing information about these jobs, the fulfillment of the specified quota.


Inform the employment service authorities about the occurrence of certain circumstances.

So, the employer must inform the employment service in writing about the following.

1. On the decision to liquidate the organization, reduce the number or staff of employees and the possible termination of employment contracts no later than two months before the start of the relevant events.

If the decision to reduce the number or staff of the organization's employees can lead to mass layoffs of employees, such notification is made no later than three months before the start of the relevant events.

The written notification must indicate the profession, specialty and qualification requirements, the terms of remuneration for each specific employee.

2. On the introduction of part-time work, as well as on the suspension of production within three working days after the decision was made to carry out relevant measures.



When applying to the employment service for the first time, submit a copy of the certificate of state registration. It must be certified with a seal and contain the inscription "Copy is correct", the date, surname, initials, position and signature of the authorized representative of the employer who carried out its certification, or it can be certified by a notary.


Upon employment, return within five days to the state body the direction indicating the day the citizen was hired, sent by the employment service.

If such a person is refused employment, the employer makes a note in the direction of the employment service about the day of his appearance and the reason for the refusal, and returns the direction to the citizen.


Issue to employees upon dismissal a certificate of average wages (monetary allowance) to determine the amount of unemployment benefits and scholarships.


Create special jobs for the disabled and fulfill the quota for employment of this category of the unemployed.


Fulfill the quota for the employment of other citizens who are in special need of social protection.


In accordance with paragraph 6 of Art. 25 of the Employment Law, it is prohibited to disseminate information about vacancies or vacancies containing information or restrictions of a discriminatory nature.

Persons disseminating such information may be held liable under Art. 13.11.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles, for legal entities- in the amount of 10 thousand to 15 thousand rubles.


In addition to the obligations that arise when interacting with the employment service authorities, the employer also has the corresponding rights.

Employ citizens who applied to the employer on their own, on an equal basis with citizens who have a referral from the employment service (Article 26 of the Law on Employment). In other words, citizens who have received referrals from the employment service do not have any advantages over other job candidates.

Receive free information from the employment service about the situation on the labor market.

Contact the employment service for assistance in the selection of personnel.

Appeal against the actions of the employment service body to a higher body, as well as to the court in the manner prescribed by law.


In order to become a participant in additional measures in the field of employment, the employer must submit an application to the employment service department for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. It must be accompanied by:

  • plan (program) for increasing labor productivity, optimizing costs and / or developing personnel, and / or

documents evidencing the implementation of projects aimed at import substitution.

Employers' assistance in employment of the population is provided by:

a) the implementation of the provisions of collective agreements and agreements for the protection of workers in the event of suspension of production or dismissal of workers;

b) providing assistance in employment, training and providing additional material assistance to laid-off workers at the expense of organizations and other employers;

c) creation of conditions for professional training, advanced training and retraining of employees;

d) development and implementation of the social plan of the organization, which provides for the preservation and rational use of the professional potential of employees, their social protection, improvement of working conditions and other benefits;

e) observance of the quota for the employment of socially unprotected citizens;

f) employment determined by the executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments of the number of citizens who are in particular need of social protection, or the reservation of certain types of work (professions) for the employment of such citizens. The employer is required to provide monthly:

1) information on the application of insolvency (bankruptcy) procedures in relation to this organization, as well as information necessary for the implementation of activities for vocational rehabilitation and promotion of employment of persons with disabilities;

2) information on the availability of vacancies (positions), fulfillment of the quota for the employment of persons with disabilities, transfer of mandatory insurance contributions to the employment fund and payment of mandatory fees in case of non-fulfillment or impossibility of fulfilling the quota for the employment of persons with disabilities.

Labor legislation, in order to encourage employers who actively cooperate with the employment service, provides for a number of benefits and benefits for them.

1. If employers employ in excess of the established minimum number of graduates of vocational general education institutions, persons released from places of deprivation of liberty, as well as citizens in particular need of social protection and experiencing difficulties in finding a job, they are entitled to tax benefits established by tax legislation RF.

2. Employers have the right to receive free information from the employment service on the state of the labor market (clause 3, article 26 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On employment in the Russian Federation").

3. Bodies of the employment service, if necessary, can fully or partially compensate employers for the costs of advanced provision of citizens released from organizations in order to ensure their employment, as well as for the organization of employed citizens released from other organizations.

4. The employer has the right to appeal against the actions of the employment service agency to a higher agency of the employment service, as well as to the court in the manner prescribed by law (clause 5, article 26 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On employment in the Russian Federation").