Prirazlomnoye oil field in the Pechora Sea. New oil – new production conditions Prirazlomnoye oil field

There are not many unexplored regions left in the world. One of these places is the Arctic. The study of the Arctic began since the Middle Ages. Development of the region continues to this day. More than 2/3 of the world's Arctic shelf oil and gas fields are located in the Russian shelf zone. Prirazlomnoye is no exception

Project history

Geologists discovered the Prirazlomnoye field in 1989. The change of political regime and the default prevented the development of the field.

Only in 1993, a subsidiary of Gazprom - Rosshelf - began to actively develop Prirazlomnoye. Until 1994, geological exploration of three wells was carried out. Already in 1996, the company prepared a feasibility study. In 1997, a plan for the construction of a fixed platform was approved.

In 1998, when the design of the platform was in the active stage, work was frozen due to an economic default. After 5 years, the project was adjusted, and already a new subsidiary of Gazprom - Sevmorneftegaz - resumed construction. The timing of the installation of the platform has been delayed for a long time. The first stage of construction was completed only at the end of 2010. And only at the end of 2013 it began to fully function.

Platform Features

The region where the Prirazlomnoye field is located is the Nefteyugansky district of the Nenets autonomous region. The platform is located 60 km from the mainland.

To develop the field in the open sea, a specially designed platform was installed that can operate in conditions of low temperatures, ice, strong gusts of wind and the depth at which oil production is carried out is 20 m. The platform is securely fixed to the sea soil with the help of ballast. Its total weight, including ballast, is 500,000 tons. According to the plan, the platform must drill 36 wells in order to ensure an annual oil production of 6.5 million tons.

Deposit status

The Prirazlomnoye oil field is truly unique, since work on the extraction of "black gold" is carried out on it from the platform even in winter. However, the order state registration structures has not yet been developed by Russian legislation.

According to Federal Law No. 187, the platform is an artificial structure in the continental shelf zone of the Russian Federation. Court of Arbitration Moscow District in 2009 decided to recognize it as a hydrotechnical stationary structure. Also in 2012, Prirazlomnaya was registered as a sea vessel in the Russian ship register and assigned to the port of Naryan-Mar.

Management companies

Prirazlomnoye oil deposit began to be actively developed since 1992. It was in this year that the specialized enterprise Rosshelf was created. The constituent structure included about 20 different enterprises, some of them were engaged in geological exploration of the Shtokman deposit. In March 1993, CJSC Rosshelf received a license to carry out activities for the exploration, production and evaluation of oil deposits.

Since 2001, the Gazprom and Rosneft enterprises began to develop the oil and gas basin of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, including the Prirazlomnoye field. Yuganskneftegaz, a subsidiary of Rosneft, has been operating since 2006 pumping station platforms. In 2002, the Sevmorneftegaz enterprise received a license to use the Prirazlomnoye oil deposits. In 2009, Rosneft sold all the shares of Sermorneftegaz to Gazprom, and the company was named Gazpromneftshelf. Since 2014 it has become subsidiary company"Gazpromneft".

Features of storage and transportation of oil

Reservoirs for produced oil are located at the bottom of the platform - in the caisson. The technology for storing raw materials in it is called “wet”, because, regardless of whether the reservoir is filled with oil, it is always filled with water. Oil enters the tank with the help of a mechanism - a diffuser. When filling the tanks, the water is forced out into the ballast system, which is further cleaned. The water is then used to pressurize the oil reservoirs.

To ship oil, water is poured into the tank from a pressure storage. Oil is pumped from the surface of the tank to the discharge system. As it is pumped out, ballast water fills the tank.

Transportation is carried out using shuttle tankers, which are moored to the platform without contact.

Measures to protect the environment and environmental issues

The Prirazlomnoye field is located near several specially protected natural areas. Therefore, the environmental aspect of oil production is as relevant as ever.

Despite the fact that the project has passed a number of examinations, the damage environment still applied. To minimize it, a number of measures are taken:

  • devices are installed on water intake pipes that allow reducing the death of marine animals by almost 80%;
  • the work of the torch at night is reduced as much as possible to avoid collisions of birds flying past with the platform.

Not a single oil field in the world is immune from spills of raw materials. The Prirazlomnoye field is developed year-round, even during the polar night. It is practically impossible to eliminate quickly in the Arctic zone - part of it goes under the ice. The spill response equipment is located almost 1,000 km from Prirazlomnaya in Murmansk. Transporting it to the accident site is also difficult due to weather conditions.

The Prirazlomnoye field is a high-tech complex, which brings together the most advanced methods of drilling, production, and transportation of oil. Its development is especially important for the Russian economy.

The Prirazlomnoye oil field is the first domestic project to develop the resources of the Arctic shelf.

The field was discovered in 1989 and is located on the shelf of the Pechora Sea, 60 km from the coast (village Varandey). The sea depth in the area of ​​the deposit is 19–20 m.

The recoverable oil reserves of the Prirazlomnoye field are 46.4 million tons, which makes it possible to achieve an annual production level of about 6 million tons.

for development
-The most prepared field for development on the Arctic shelf of Russia
- Possibility of connection to operation of adjacent oil and gas bearing structures
-The shallow depth of the sea allows you to install a stationary structure

Features of development
-High ice loads on production facilities in the Pechora Sea
-Undeveloped industrial infrastructure in the region
- Absence of analogues in world practice
-Transportation of oil in difficult natural and climatic conditions

The development of the Prirazlomnoye oil field is the first hydrocarbon production project on the Russian Arctic shelf.
The start of oil production at the Prirazlomnoye field will mark the beginning of the development of the richest hydrocarbon reserves concentrated in the Russian waters of the Barents, Pechora and Kara seas.
The special natural and geographical conditions in the area of ​​the Prirazlomnoye deposit required the use of fundamentally new, unique technologies. Thus, to ensure year-round operation of the platform and oil transportation under conditions of increased ice loads and shallow depths, for the first time in world practice, specialized ice-class shuttle tankers with a deadweight of 70 thousand tons were created.

Field development
For the development of the deposit:
- a multifunctional complex is being built on the basis of an offshore ice-resistant stationary platform;
- a specialized transport system export of oil and supplies;
- the necessary coastal infrastructure is being created;
- 36 directional wells will be drilled.

Prirazlomnaya platform
The offshore ice-resistant fixed platform (OIRFP) Prirazlomnaya is the main element of the development of the Prirazlomnoye field. The design of the Prirazlomnaya platform initially included the possibility of receiving oil from other fields. This will effectively – without the construction of similar platforms – involve neighboring fields in cost-effective development, thanks to a reduction in unit costs for their development.

OIRFP functions
- drilling of the wells;
- Oil and gas;
- oil storage;
- direct shipment of oil to tankers.
- generation of heat and electricity

OIRFP requirements
- resistance to increased ice loads;
- year-round operation, incl. shipment of oil to a tanker;
- Autonomous work within 6 days;
- Possibility of use in subsequent projects.

daily oil production - 22 thousand tons
daily gas production - 1 million m3
daily water injection - 32 thousand tons

oil shipment period at the maximum production level - 6 days
change of shifts - 15 days
replenishment of materials - 60 days

Platform Composition
weight 39 thousand tons
drilling rig 1pc.
wells for wells 40 pcs.
systems for shipping products with a capacity of 10 thousand cubic meters / hour 2 pcs.
Support base/caisson
weight 79 thousand tons
dimensions 126m * 126m
14 oil tanks with a total volume of 113 thousand m3
2 water tanks with a total volume of 28 thousand m3

Transport and technological system

Oil transportation is carried out in two stages using an intermediate floating oil storage facility already installed in the ice-free bay of the Kola Bay.

Transportation of oil from the platform to the storage along a route of about 1,100 km will be carried out by ice-class shuttle tankers. From the oil storage, raw materials will be exported by linear tankers with a deadweight of 150-170 thousand tons.

Coastal infrastructure
The implementation of the project for the development of the Prirazlomnoye deposit provides for the creation of coastal infrastructure, as well as the use of a special transport and technological system.
Supply base and production service base of Gazflot LLC in Murmansk.
drilling support production wells, production and transportation of oil
unloading, storage and transshipment of goods
supply of goods and property of OIRFP Prirazlomnaya
service and repair work
Transshipment base near the village of Varandey
collection and delivery of personnel to the Prirazlomnaya platform by helicopters

A new word has been said in the field of domestic oil production. The Prirazlomnoye field became the first sign in the development of underground marine resources of the Arctic and Far East. This is a promising decision that will bring great benefits to our country in economic terms and what is much more valuable, energy independence. However, the Arctic imposes its own restrictions on the exploitation of this field.

This natural area severe atmospheric conditions. Thus, the water surface freezes for 7 months, the thickness of the ice is about 2 m, the temperature minimum can reach -45 °C. Oil reserves are located in the most studied part of the Russian Arctic - on the shelf extension of the Varandey-Adzvinskaya lithospheric plate, where detailed tectonic monitoring was carried out in the early 90s with the drilling of four exploration wells.

Where is

The deposit is located in the shallow southeastern part of Barents Sea at a distance of 320 km to the north-east from the administrative center of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Naryan-Mar and 980 km from Murmansk. It was opened in 1989.

It turned out that the discovered deposits are a branch of the vast Timan-Pechora oil and gas basin, the boundary of which in the south reaches Perm. Its sedimentary rock consists of Paleozoic and Mesozoic deposits.

At one time, they served as the source material for modern oil and gas formations. The development of continental reserves started in the 18th century (at that time, oil was discovered on Ukhta on the earth's surface), but it was only two hundred years later that hands reached the development of the Far North as an oil and gas region.

Main characteristics of the deposit

The depth of the Arctic Ocean here does not exceed 19-20 meters, but the capacity of Prirazlomnoye is estimated at 72 million tons of oil. Its structure looks like a two-dome anticlinal fold with a northwest strike. The presence of small faults (mountain disturbances) accompanying the fold axis cannot be ruled out.

Clays lie in the upper layer, oil-saturated layers are located below them, which are separated by dense rocky partitions. The deposit contains high quality raw materials. The mineral contains a small amount of sulfur, has good characteristics in terms of density and viscosity, resembling the Urals brand according to the analysis results.

The new variety was named Arctic oil ARCO (ArcticOil).

On the basis of the concept of the company's work on the shelf adopted by OAO Gazprom, joint development of the Prirazlomnoye and Dolginskoye oil fields is expected. This step is an integral part of the strategy for the integrated development of fields in the Barents Sea and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Its essence lies in the development of a number of deposits located close to each other.

This approach will make it possible to reduce costs, as well as prepare the prerequisites for the systematic development of offshore fields. A big plus in this case is the complete absence of the social infrastructure associated with their operation, although, taking into account the development of the Shtokman gas condensate field, its facilities will have to be built in the future. Among other things, a camp for a transshipment base and an industrial heliport will be required.

Start and end dates of field development

Commercial development of the field began in December 2013. It was then that the first oil was pumped into the storage of the technological complex, where the advanced industry achievements of the Prirazlomnaya platform are presented. The development period is 25 years.

Features of production at this field

main object economic activity The already mentioned Prirazlomnaya offshore oil platform is considered to be in the field, from which up to 40 directional wells with a length of 7 thousand meters are currently being drilled. It should be borne in mind that productive horizons occur at a depth of 2.3–2.7 km. Other main features of the applied technology are as follows.

This facility, created at OJSC PO Sevmash, will provide well preparation, production, as well as storage and shipment of oil to consumers. The specificity of its design is stable resistance to ice loads, almost complete autonomy with year-round operation. It is securely held at the bottom of the sea due to its own weight, which is at least 500 thousand tons.

Ice-resistant tankers "Mikhail Ulyanov" and "Kirill Lavrov" were built, transporting oil from the platform to destinations by shuttle. The multi-purpose icebreakers Vladislav Strizhov, Yury Topchev, and Vengeri are also involved in the reliable maintenance of Gazprom Neftshelf's subdivisions.

At Prirazlomnaya, leakage and the possibility of an explosion are unlikely because the storage tanks with the extracted raw materials are located at the bottom of the structure, and the thick-walled caisson has a double bottom.

Plus, during "wet storage" air does not enter the storage.
Oil is pumped by a direct shipment complex. Two special fixtures guarantee the free passage of the vessel to the platform even in the most unfavorable conditions. To avoid oil leakage, the equipment is equipped with an emergency stop device. This allows you to interrupt the process in 7 seconds.

The technological idea of ​​Prirazlomnaya further assumes the ability to accumulate liquid minerals mined nearby. This will contribute to a more productive use of expensive equipment and a more rational arrangement of production points. Its capacities contain 110 thousand cubic meters of oil.

Companies developing the field and the number of employees

Gazpromneft Corporation is the owner of OOO Gazpromneftshelf, which has the monopoly right to develop a field in the Pechora Sea. In addition to representatives of the industrial and financial group Gazprom, the circle of people implementing this project includes top managers of Sovcomflot and FEMCO. The service personnel reaches 5,000 performers: the residential block is designed for 200 people (1 watch) plus ship crews and control apparatus.


The field is currently being drilled by a Russian contractor "Gazpromburenie". In 2015, it is planned to drill 4 . The fall in world oil prices did not affect the rhythm of Prirazlomnaya's work, and if everything goes according to the planned program, after 5 years, investments in the project worth 120 billion rubles will fully pay off. By 2018, the development of production will reach 4 million tons, by 2020 - 5.5 million tons. Then, a peak in the average annual production of 6.6 million tons is possible, although now such a task is not set. Should focus on scientific research to decide on the adjustment of the further mode of operation of the object.

In general, 17 Western Arctic deposits have been explored, and only 2 (Shtokman and Prirazlomnoye) are regarded as a real potential for the future. To all others, experts assign the role of "fellow travelers", and even then after the information obtained as a result of their detailed exploration, as well as the first results of the development of the main deposits, become known. The development of the Arctic shelf in terms of capital intensity is still unattractive, and due to the high cost of preparatory operations, the choice of options is limited. And investments comparable to the annual budget of some countries cannot be expected; especially after the introduction of economic sanctions against the Russian Federation.

The impact of oil production on the ecology of the region

In the conditions of offshore production, increased environmental requirements are also an additional complication during operation. In this regard, the platform uses a number of progressive know-how.

inhibitors, which technological process relatively little is required. This method is popular with Western companies thanks to its safety.
Slurry storage and transportation scheme, which is isolated and easy to operate. The principle of "zero discharge" is observed, which excludes the direct disposal of waste into the sea. They are sent to a separate well specially designated for this purpose.

Containers, mercury lamps, batteries, together with possible excess sludge, are removed ashore.

Unique valves, specially designed for this platform, taking into account the peculiarities of operations in this region. So the risk of an emergency blowout is minimized by equipping the wells with a double protection system.

Even before the official launch of the facility, Greenpeace organized protests near the Prirazlomnaya platform. A particularly tense situation developed there in September 2013: the activities of activists posed a security threat service personnel. Subsequently, the emergency situation was resolved through forceful pressure and negotiations, and a criminal case was opened against the initiators of the action. According to statements management company there is no negative impact of oilmen's activity on the environment.

So far, nothing is known about man-made incidents related to the operation of the said platform.


Salavatov Salavat Yulaevich

4th year student, BashSU, Ufa, RF E-mail - [email protected]



In this article in short form the geological component of the shelf Prirazlomnoye field is described. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the field is currently the only operating project in Russia for the production of hydrocarbons on the Arctic shelf.

Keywords Field, shelf, reservoir, reservoir, horizon.

Prirazlomnoye is a field unique in its kind for Russia, located beyond the Arctic Circle in the waters of the Pechersk Sea. Today, this is the only field on the Russian Arctic shelf where oil production has already begun.

The field is located on the shelf of the Pechora Sea, 55 km north of the village of Varandey and 320 km northeast of the city of Naryan-Mar (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Location of the Prirazlomnoye field on the map

Prirazlomnoye was discovered in 1989 and contains more than 70 million tons of recoverable oil reserves. The new Russian grade oil was named Arctic Oil (ARCO) and was first shipped from Prirazlomnoye in April 2014. Belongs to the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province. The sea depth in the area of ​​the deposit is 19-20 meters.

Production is carried out on an offshore ice-resistant oil platform.

Tectonically, the field is located in the southeastern part of the Pechora Sea on the continuation of the Varandey-Adzvinskaya structural zone. Oil deposits are confined to the Carboniferous-Lower Permian deposits. The reservoirs are vuggy-porous reef limestones. According to the petrogeological zoning, the territory of the field belongs to the Timan-Pechora basin.


The productive horizon penetrated by four wells is represented by two carbonate reservoirs of different genesis. The upper highly porous reservoir, composed of bioclastic limestones, is overlain by clays of the Kungurian stage, which form a regional seal with two thin (1-2 m) and impermeable layers, and is divided into three layers: Ia, Ib, Ic.

The lower reservoir II is represented by relatively dense Carboniferous limestones. It is weakly expressed in the seismic wave field due to low reservoir properties.

Reservoir I is well correlated between all wells. Reservoir!a stands out only in the well section. 3 and 4, located in the central and southeastern parts of the structure, and is represented by interbedding of high-porosity and low-porosity (up to impermeable) limestones. The formation was subjected to palso-erosion; it is absent in the crest and in the north of the structure (well 1.5). On the east wing in the well 4, only its plantar part has been preserved. The highest reservoir thickness is noted in the well. 3. Layers Ib and Ic are distributed over the area of ​​the entire field.

The total thickness of the limestones of productive stratum I (according to drilling and seismic data) varies within 43-85 m, effective - 42-85 m, for productive stratum II (according to drilling data), respectively 49.5-63.0 and 11.1- 26.2 m

Areal irregularity of the effective thickness of reservoirs of formation II with their low porosity (< 10 %) не позволяет рассматривать этот горизонт в качестве самостоятельного объекта разработки.

The main oil reserves are confined to formation I, which is distributed over the area of ​​the field and is characterized by medium porosity (15.6-21.7%) and permeability (0.05-0.4 µm2). Its average oil saturation is 77-95%.

The features of the geological structure of the deposit are:

Structural-tectonic type of reservoir reservoir (traps);

Good consistency in terms of the thickness of the main reservoir and its petrophysical properties;

The confinement of increased values ​​of porosity and permeability of reservoirs (and, accordingly, increased concentration of reserves) to the central and southern parts of the field;

Significant development vertical fracturing, especially in the northern part of the field;

An increase in the ratio of vertical to horizontal permeability from the central part of the field to the north.

List of used literature:

1. Nikitin B. A., Khvedchuk I. I. “Prirazlomnoye oil field on the Arctic shelf of Russia”. Geology of Oil and Gas, No. 2. Moscow, 1997

2. Shipilov E. V. “Hydrocarbon deposits of the Russian shelf of the Arctic: geology and patterns of placement”. Bulletin of MSTU, volume 3, No. 2, 2000


© Salavatov S.Yu., 2017

Farkhutdinova Dilara Ramilevna

student of BashSU, Ufa E-mail: [email protected]


In terms of proven oil reserves, Russia is one of the world's leading oil-producing countries. In her

It is located in the southeastern part of the shelf of the Pechora Sea, 55 km north of the village. Varandey, 320 km northeast of the city of Naryan-Mar (Pechora river) and 980 km from Murmansk. The depth of the sea in the area of ​​the field is 19-20 m, the period of its development is 36 years.

At present, the development of the Prirazlomnoye deposit is the first Russian project for the extraction of hydrocarbons on the shelf of the Arctic. For the first time, hydrocarbon production on the Arctic shelf is carried out from a fixed platform - the offshore ice-resistant fixed platform (OIRFP) Prirazlomnaya. Today, Prirazlomnaya can rightly be considered a real symbol of Russia's success in developing the northernmost region of the planet.

The area where the deposit is located is characterized by difficult natural and climatic conditions: the ice cover surrounds the platform for 7 months from November to May, the height of hummocks reaches 2 meters, the minimum air temperature can drop to -50 °C, and the polar night lasts almost two month.

Oil production at the Prirazlomnoye field began in December 2013. In April 2014, the first batch of ARCO (Arctic Oil) Arctic oil was shipped. The command for shipment was given by Russian President Vladimir Putin. At the end of 2014, more than 300 thousand tons of oil were shipped to consumers in Northwestern Europe.

In total, the project provides for the commissioning of 32 wells. All wells at the Prirazlomnaya OIRFP are drilled using the directional drilling method, their length is from 4 to 8 thousand meters. At the same time, the total prospective length of wells at the Prirazlomnoye field will exceed 200 km.

Field development scheme