Where is the Barents Sea located? Coordinates, description, depth and resources. Detailed map of the depths of the Barents Sea Nautical chart of the Barents Sea

The location was corrected according to the notices to seafarers of the Main Directorate of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense in issue No. 41 dated September 30, 2000.

Information about changes since specified date, are published in subsequent issues of notices to mariners of the Main Directorate of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense and additions to the sailing direction.
With the publication of this sailing direction, consider the sailing station unsuitable for navigational purposes Barents Sea. Part I (No. 1111) GUNiO MO, 1991

1. Information clearly presented on sea charts or detailed in other navigation manuals is not given in detail in the sailing directions. Concerning:

Information about aids to navigation is limited to indications of their presence and position;
- information about navigational hazards located away from the fairways, anchorages and routes of normal navigation of ships is given in general characteristics no detail;
- the coordinates of the routes of submarine cables and pipelines, as well as the boundaries of areas hazardous from mines and sensitive areas are not given (only information is given on the presence of such objects and areas);
- no description is given of fairways specially designed for the passage of ships through areas with a mine hazard.

2. The reliability of the location of milestones and buoys, as well as the strict constancy of the nature of the lights of floating warning signs, cannot be fully relied upon.
3. Airborne radio beacons may temporarily stop their operation or change its mode, about which no notification is given to mariners.

On the May 2019 year, corrections were made to the lotion according to
1. Page 84. Lines 5-8. Cross it out. Do not count the corrections and put instead:
"Kapp-Martin (Carr Magip) air beacon (77°43.2'M, 13°56.9'E) is installed at Cape Martin." (IM 2512/19(1), B. Vo1. b
2. Page 234. Line 8. Cross it out. (IM 2512/19(2), N. 20/56178/16
3. Page 234. Lines 19-20. Cross out from "beacon" to "and also". (IM 2512/19(3), N. 20/56178/16

District scheme


Navigational and geographical outline
Hydrometeorological essay
Swimming rules
Chapter 1.

Chapter 2. Western coast of the island of Western Spitsbergen

From Sörkappøya to Isfjord
Isfjord Bay
From Isfjord to Kongsfjord
From the Kongsfjord to Cape Fuglepyunten

Chapter 3
North coast of the island of West Spitsbergen
Northern coast of the island of North-East Land

Chapter 4
Approaches to the Storfjord from the south
Strait of Storfjord

Chapter 5
Approaches to Hinlopen Strait from the South and East
Hinlopen Strait
Recommendations for navigation on the main routes
Instructions for sailing in ice
Help Desk
Depth information at anchor points
Distance tables
Alphabetical index

Notes on proofreading

Detailed map of the depths of the Barents Sea

What is a geographic map

A geographic map is an image of the Earth's surface with a coordinate grid and symbols, the proportions of which directly depend on the scale. A geography map is a landmark by which you can identify the location of that, the yoke of an array, an object or a person’s place of residence. These are indispensable assistants for geologists, tourists, pilots and the military, whose professions are directly related to travel, trips over long distances.

Types of cards

Conventionally, geographical maps can be divided into 4 types:

  • by coverage of the territory and these are maps of continents, countries;
  • by appointment, and these are tourist, educational, road, navigation, scientific and reference, technical, tourist maps;
  • by content - thematic, general geographical, general political maps;
  • by scale - small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale maps.

Each of the maps is devoted to a certain topic, the thematic one reflects islands, seas, vegetation, settlements, weather, soils, taking into account the coverage of the territory. The map can only represent the applied countries, continents or states separately on a certain scale. Taking into account how reduced this or that territory, the scale of the map is 1x1000.1500, which means a decrease in the distance by 20,000 times. Of course, it is easy to guess that the larger the scale, the more detailed the map is drawn. And yet, individual parts of the earth's surface on the map are distorted, in contrast to the globe, which is able to convey the appearance of the surface without changes. The earth is spherical and distortions occur, such as: area, angles, length of objects.

Do you know where the Barents Sea is? It is located on the outskirts of the Arctic Ocean. Until 1853, it had a different name - the Murmansk Sea. It washes the coast of Norway and Russia. Speaking about where the Barents Sea is located, it should be noted that it is limited by the archipelagos of Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land and Svalbard, as well as the northern coast of Europe. Its area is 1424 thousand square meters. km. Coordinates: 71° N sh., 41 ° in. e. In some places, the depth of the Barents Sea reaches 600 m.

The reservoir of interest to us is located on the In winter, its southwestern part does not freeze, as this is prevented by the North Atlantic current. by the Pechora Sea called its southeastern part. The Barents Sea is very important for fishing and transport. Here are the major ports - Varde (Norway) and Murmansk. Before the Second World War, Finland also had access to this sea: the only ice-free port in winter was Petsamo.

Today, the places where the Barents Sea is located are heavily polluted. A serious problem is the radioactive waste that gets into it. An important role in this is played by the activities of the nuclear fleet of our country, as well as the factories of Norway involved in the processing of radioactive waste in such a reservoir as the Barents Sea. The boundaries of its belonging to individual states (sea shelf) in recent times are the subject of territorial disputes between Norway and Russia, as well as some other countries.

History of the study of the sea

Let us now tell in more detail about the reservoir of interest to us. Let's start with historical information about him. Since ancient times, people have known where the Barents Sea is located, although its name used to be different. The Saami (Lapps) - Finno-Ugric tribes - lived near its shores. The first visits by Europeans (first the Vikings, and then the Novgorodians) date back to the end of the 11th century. Gradually they became more and more frequent. The map shown in the photo below was drawn in 1614.

In 1853, the Barents Sea received its modern name in honor of the Dutch navigator. The beginning of its scientific study was laid by the expedition of 1821-24, led by F.P. Litke. And at the beginning of the 20th century, N. M. Knipovich compiled the first reliable and complete hydrological description of it.

Geographical position

Let's tell you more about where the Barents Sea is located on the map. It is located on the border of the Arctic Ocean with the Atlantic. It is the outlying water area of ​​the first. The Barents Sea on the map is located between the islands of Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya and Vaygach in the east, in the south it is bounded by the northern coast of Europe, and in the west by Bear Island and Svalbard. The body of interest to us is bordered in the west by the Norwegian Sea, in the east by the Kara Sea, in the south by the White Sea, and in the north it is bounded by the Arctic Ocean. The Pechora Sea is its area, located to the east of about. Kolguev.


Basically, the shores of the Barents Sea are fjords. They are rocky, high and heavily indented. The largest bays are the Barents Bay (also known as the Kola Bay, Motovsky Bay, etc. The coastal relief to the east of Nos changes dramatically. Its shores become low and mostly slightly indented. There are 3 large shallow bays: Khaipudyrskaya, Pechora and Cheskaya Bay. In addition , there are several small bays.

Islands, archipelagos, rivers

The islands of the Barents Sea are not numerous. The largest of them is Kolguev. The sea is bounded from the east, north and west by the Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land and Svalbard archipelagos. The largest rivers that flow into it are the Indiga and the Pechora.


The circulation formed by surface currents is carried out counterclockwise. The Atlantic waters of the North Cape current move to the north and east along the eastern and southern periphery. It is warm because it is one of the branches of the Gulf Stream system. Its influence can be traced all the way to Novaya Zemlya and its northern shores. The western and northern parts of the gyre are formed by arctic and local waters that come from the Arctic Ocean and the Kara Sea. In the central part of the Barents Sea there is a system of intracircular currents. Under the influence of changes in wind directions, as well as water exchange with nearby water bodies, water circulation changes. Tidal currents are of great importance. It is especially large near the coast. The tides of the Barents Sea are semidiurnal. Their largest value is 6.1 m and is observed off the coast of the Kola Peninsula. As for the rest of the places, the magnitude of the tides in them is from 0.6 m to 4.7 m.

Water exchange

Of great importance in maintaining the water balance of this sea is water exchange, which is carried out with neighboring seas. About 76 thousand cubic meters of water enter the reservoir through the straits during the year. km of water (the same amount comes out of it). This is about a quarter of the total volume of water. The largest amount of it (about 59 thousand cubic km per year) is brought by the North Cape current. It is warm and strongly influences the hydrometeorological parameters of the Barents Sea. About 200 cu. km per year is the total river flow.


During the year in the open sea, the salinity of the surface layer ranges from 34.7 to 35% in the southwest, from 33 to 34% in the east and from 32 to 33% in the north. In summer and spring, in the coastal strip, it drops to 30-32%. And towards the end of winter, salinity increases to 34-34.5%.

Geological data

The sea of ​​interest to us is located on the Barents Sea Plate. Its age is determined as Proterozoic-Early Cambrian. Syneclises are depressions of the bottom, anteclises are its elevations. As for the shallower landforms, at a depth of about 70 and 200 meters are the remains of ancient coastlines. In addition, there are glacial-accumulative and glacial-denudation forms, as well as sandy ridges formed by large tidal currents.

Bottom of the Barents Sea

This sea is located within the boundaries of the continental shelf. However, unlike similar water bodies, in a fairly large part the depth of the Barents Sea is about 300-400 meters. The maximum is 600 meters, and the average is 229. As for the bottom topography, there are elevations (Perseus with a minimum depth of about 63 meters and Central), plains (Central Plateau), trenches (Western, the greatest depth of which is 600 meters, and Franz Victoria (about 430 meters), etc.), depressions (the maximum depth of the Central depression is 386 meters). If we talk about the southern part of the bottom, its depth rarely exceeds 200 meters. It has a fairly even topography.

Soil composition

In the southern part of the sea of ​​interest to us, sand predominates in the cover of bottom sediments. Sometimes rubble and pebbles are found. On the uplands of the northern and central parts there is sandy silt, silty sand, and silt is found in depressions. Everywhere there is coarse clastic admixture. This is due to the spread of ice, as well as the large distribution of glacial relict deposits. In the middle and northern parts, the thickness of the sediments is less than 0.5 m. Because of this, the ancient glacial deposits on individual hills are located almost on the surface. Sedimentation occurs at a slow pace (less than 30 mm per thousand years). This is explained by the fact that terrigenous material comes in insignificant amounts. The fact is that due to the peculiarities of the relief of the coast, large rivers do not flow into the Barents Sea, with the exception of the Pechora, which leaves almost all of the alluvium in the Pechora Estuary. In addition, the shores of the land consist mainly of crystalline rocks, which are quite durable.


Now let's talk about the climate of such a reservoir as the Barents Sea. The Atlantic (warm) and Arctic (cold) oceans influence its formation. What weather are very variable, due to the frequent invasion of cold Arctic air and Atlantic warm cyclones. Over the sea in winter, mainly south-western winds blow, and in summer and spring - north-east. Storms are frequent here. In February, the air temperature averages from -25 °C (in the northern regions) to -4 °C in the southwestern regions. Cloudy weather prevails over the sea during the year. The amount of precipitation per year in the northern regions is 250 mm, and in the southwestern - up to 500 mm.

ice coverage

In the east and north of the Barents Sea, the climatic conditions are quite severe. This determines its significant ice cover. Only the southwestern part of the sea of ​​interest to us all year round stays ice-free. Its cover reaches its largest distribution in April. This month, about 75% of the entire surface of the Barents Sea is occupied by floating ice. At the end of winter in especially unfavorable years floating ice reach the shores of the Kola Peninsula. Their smallest number is observed at the end of August. The border of ice these days is moving beyond 78 ° north latitude. In the northeast and northwest of the sea, ice usually persists throughout the year. However, sometimes the sea is completely free of them.

Temperature of the Barents Sea

The relatively high salinity and temperature in the southwestern part of this reservoir is determined by the inflow of warm Atlantic waters here. From February to March in these areas, the surface water temperature ranges from 3 °C to 5 °C. It can reach up to 7-9 °C in August. AT winter months in the southeastern part, as well as north of 74°N, the surface temperature of the Barents Sea drops below -1°C. In the southeast in summer it is 4-7 °C, and in the north it is about 4 °C. In the coastal zone, during the summer months, the surface layer of water can warm up at a depth of 5 to 8 meters to 11-12 °C.

Fauna and flora

The Barents Sea is home to many species of fish (there are 114 species). There is a rich animal and plant plankton and benthos. Seaweeds are common off the south coast. The most important species of fish in terms of commercial use are herring, haddock, cod, catfish, sea bass, halibut, flounder, etc. Among the mammals, seals, polar bears, white whales, etc. are represented here. At present, seals are fished. There are a lot of seagulls on the coasts (teagulls, guillemots, guillemots). In the 20th century, they were brought to these territories. He managed to adapt and begin to actively breed. Lots of sea ​​urchins, various echinoderms, different types starfish are distributed along the bottom of the water area of ​​​​the reservoir of interest to us.

Economic importance, industry and shipping

The Barents Sea is very important both for the Russian Federation and for Norway and a number of other countries. Russia is actively using its resources. It is rich in various fish species, animal and plant plankton, as well as benthos. Thanks to this, Russia is actively working in the Barents Sea, also extracting hydrocarbons on the Arctic shelf. Prirazlomnoye is a unique project in our country. For the first time, hydrocarbon production is carried out from a stationary platform in this area. The platform (OIRFP "Prirazlomnaya") allows carrying out all the necessary technological operations right on the spot. This greatly simplifies the mining process.

The sea route is also very important, connecting the European part of our country with the ports of the eastern (from the 19th century) and western countries (from the 16th century), as well as Siberia (from the 15th century). The largest and main port in Russia is Murmansk (pictured below).

Among others, the following stand out: Indiga, Teriberka, Naryan-Mar. Norwegian ports - Kirkenes, Vadse and Varde. In the Barents Sea there is not only the merchant fleet of our country, but also the navy, including nuclear submarines.

I can’t believe that I found the time to sit down for the report - it’s already been the third week since we drove the company to Teriberka. Moreover, this happened immediately upon my return home from vacation (which is why I "flyed" back by car - see previous post). I only had time to unload things, get some sleep in the morning and drive the car out of the garage, always ready for travel.
Since the weather was scheduled for the next morning (it’s generally difficult to catch the weather suitable for us on the coast, so we couldn’t lose such a chance), we decided to go the day before, already on the spot to sleep off at the hotel and then the next morning to get down to business. In general, the plan was normal, the only thing is that, as usual, because of some members of the company (who always and everywhere have to wait), instead of two in the afternoon, we left six hours later.

So the idea to shoot the sunset at sea was covered with a "copper basin". So, a couple of times I jumped out of the car along the way.

The photos are "crooked", since it is simply unrealistic to go out into the tundra unprepared for a long time - bloodsuckers will bite.
So without a tripod, without changing lenses and on the go.

Already at the entrance to Teriberka it was clear that it was pouring rain on the horizon. Somehow doubted the forecast ...

We slept well at the hotel, had dinner and breakfast. It wasn't the first time there. A good civilized place (breakfast, however, is rather weak). On the other hand, no one forbids you to bring your own food and store it in the refrigerator, use kitchen utensils and appliances. Moreover, when we had already checked out, we were welcomed throughout the day and were kindly allowed to have dinner in normal conditions.
And before that, in the morning, we nevertheless got out onto the runway (an old unpaved runway of the last century) from which we had already taken off a couple of years ago. Of course, it is even more overgrown with shrubs. But there was still a suitable site for take-off. It was raining, mosquitoes and midges were eating. However, as always, our main ringleader and instigator was, as they say, "positive" and believed in the forecast. They began to unfold and prepare for flights.

At the starting position.

Our guest from St. Petersburg was the first to launch - after all, he is a Carlson, he only has a wing and an engine without a "cart", it is easier and faster for him to take off.

A little later we got up. I foolishly immediately opened the lens, and we immediately flew into a cloud with real rain. So in the next ten minutes I cursed, dried and cleaned the lens of water. The camera, of course, at least henna, and the glass of the lens was all in raindrops (however, like the glasses of helmets and ourselves). It was a little sad to see such weather. The only thing that in the direction where we flew, the sun was shining. I really wanted to overtake a cloud with rain, behind which, however, there were also vast gaps of blue sky. In any case, we have already taken off, it is time to turn our heads and enjoy the flight.

They broke away ... It's good that it's not a thunderstorm :))

We - there, right in the direction of the sun. On the left, you can already see our northern desert at the mouth of the Voronya River.

And by the way, the weather is great. We are moving along the coastal strip, along rivers and coves. It would be closer to fly straight from Teriberka, but not so interesting: what is there - tundra, countless hills and lakes. A very monotonous landscape, especially from a height (well, like a Google map). Wouldn't get lost, of course, there. But it wouldn't be much to look at either.

There are cool beaches here. Too bad it's far from the village. But there is no rubbish from vacationers (of which there is already an indecent amount in Teriberka).

Oh what a memorable place! In this bay a few years ago we landed and spent a great three days. Our tent was just on a dark green clearing, and there was a fire near the orange float from the net (the report is in the magazine, you can easily find it by tags). I would love to get here again, only now on the other side of the river - there are also interesting places, as it turned out.
Well, now there is a chance to see everything from above.

Here it is, the desert in the delta of the Voronya River.

Suddenly we saw a company of belugas near the shore, we decided to take a closer look at them. Besides, I had never seen the desert from this side before. There, in the sea in front of the beach, you can see a shoal, overwhelmed by waves - at low tide they reached it on foot. You just need to keep your eyes open, otherwise you will gape and have to swim back at high tide. Unfortunately, I did not take a telephoto lens with me, so the belugas were filmed from afar. Somehow they see what is happening above them in the sky - as soon as you go down a little lower, they immediately dive and go to the depths.

We decided to fly around the sands in a circle at a low altitude.

Flying right over the mouth of the river. Over there, from behind the hills, it flows out. While the tide is high at sea, the water level in the river also decreases at low tide.

Southern part of the desert.

I remember climbing those hills. Eh, it was cool!

And this is just a magical place. How it all fits together - I have no idea!

I did a quick search on the Internet in search of information, but found nothing sensible. There is no time to guess about the origin of such a place, which is not quite familiar to the north. So I leave it up to the readers if anyone is interested. In general, the longer I look at the photographs of these places, the greater the desire to return here again. Well, it's true, it's very unusual. And being there you feel like you are on another planet. And the energy there is overwhelming.

This beach is on the other side of the river. The one from the Far Zelentsy side (12 km from the road in a straight line or 15 km by sea around the coast).

Here's the place I want to hit with my feet next time.

They specially looked at it from above - the purest yellow sand, even in the desert where it was, is not like that.

And there are beaches too. I'll wait for a warm summer :)) Although ...

However, almost arrived...

Meet: Far Zelentsy.

The road here is, they say, quite passable. Never been here. The situation is exactly the opposite of the desert: at first I visited it in the usual terrestrial way, then flew around and looked at it from above. And then for the first time I examined the area from above and I already wanted to wander around the neighborhood on foot (or swim on a boat). Moreover, there is something to see here: a beautiful bay with azure water, hidden from the winds; the building of the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, the interior of which has been preserved much better than the Teribera school; abandoned site of the Northern Corrosion Station with samples of metals and alloys... Yes, and nature itself, of course. By the way, the places shown above are relatively close.

Diving center, again, to visit.

The same bay. There is something in the middle...

Again they "leaked" the height and went over the bay, examining the details and details of life here.

Wow, the divers even have a pool. Hopefully heated.

Bay with a functioning pier and boats. It looks like they are about to go somewhere.

Local residential area. According to information from the Internet, it has not been inhabited for a long time at all.

Main building of MMBI. Our friend, who took off before us, flew to the village, landed (he needs very tiny platforms for landing and take-off, not like us) and took a walk here, visiting both the diving center and the institute buildings. They take envy :)) Well, oh well - the time will come, I will try to visit here too. The main thing is to get here, but I have not decided yet: kill my car or somehow contact the locals for delivery. I will think about it after choosing the time of the trip there.

The right place was chosen at the right time, beautiful.

For dachas, it seems a bit far, for plots with vegetable gardens - there are no vegetable gardens ... Just residential houses?

Looking back at the village...

And, by the way, here is our Carlson.

There was nowhere for us to sit down. And they didn’t find places on the map when they planned the flight. Yes, we have seen it with our own eyes now. Although, in principle, we would not have sat down: there was still enough gasoline, so we decided to fly further - to Porchnikha Bay (all the roads in this direction end there - if we suddenly have to be pulled out). And it's always interesting: you fly to some place and look "beyond the horizon" - what's next interesting. So much to fly and not try to move a little further?
The bay turned out to be like a bay. Traces of the military all around, as we "accepted". On the edge of the road, at a dead end - cars and tents: crab fishermen or just travelers? And a little further behind the bay on an island there is a lighthouse - well, how not to fly to it?

Well, turn around and through the lighthouse - home.

Bay of Porchnikha.

Back again we go over the Far Zelentsy. In general, even after careful selection and discarding of similar photographs, more than half a thousand frames remained. Well, there is no way to cram them all into the report, you'll excuse me. And so he was exhausted until he selected a hundred for the show.
Right here below us is the former weather station and the site of the Northern Corrosion Station. I really want to walk there and take a closer look at the samples (while it is still alive).

Coast of the Barents Sea.

We climbed back under the road. The weather cleared up, class!

Both deserts in one frame. Awesome place!

River Voronya before the mouth.

Bottom. Just the bottom. Rivers.

The mouth of the Voronya River and the Barents Sea.

Perhaps the best beach in the Barents Sea. 1200 meters of sand.

Once again, I couldn't resist :)

While spinning over the desert, our fellow traveler caught up with us. Let's fly on together.

On the way to the base.

Op, rotated the polarizing filter 90 degrees. The picture is completely different. And then in the bright sun, the gray atmosphere, haze and muddy surface are very annoying. In principle, my sunglasses show the world that way. So "sleight of hand and no fraud" :))
And the bay and Teriberka itself already appeared on the horizon. There is very little left. And then he already served his ass.

"Unfinished" road in the hills. This is the end of the development of Shtokman.

And this is the famous bay and the Teriberka beach on the edge of the old Teriberka.

The beauty of civilization. Tourism is developing, however.

On the way we flew over the hills with traces of trenches, machine-gun nests from the time of the war. Looking ahead, I’ll say that the guys later flew to the coastal battery and the waterfall: we showed the area to those who had not yet been here. In the "new" Teriberka, they also circled a little over the beach with "dinosaur eggs".
Still, Teriberka is a very attractive place. And at any time of the year. True, last winter I wanted to come specially for the storm, but the work did not allow it. Otherwise, I would have been stuck here for a couple of weeks - this season the road was generally terrible.

We flew along the beach. Everything, as in the "backwoods" of the coast, only the garbage shows that this is a "civilized" place.