What do they buy the most. Internet commerce in crisis. East is a delicate matter

And spend money surrounding yourself with beautiful and comfortable personal items, simplify your life by using various new electronics (smartphones, computers, navigation systems), look stylish and be in good physical shape.

And if you are thinking of starting your first (and maybe not the first) business in the field of trade, but you don’t know exactly what to sell, what product is used highest demand Then this article is written just for you!

So below are examples of the most popular products on the world market, on the Internet and in particular on the Russian market.

Based on the data we have collected, based on procurement statistics from the largest trading floors, such as TaoBao, Allegro, eBay, Amazon and others, you will find out which product is in unconditional demand, and what you can easily succeed in.

Ranked first in terms of sales Russian market occupied by Chinese copies of clothes and shoes of famous world brands. As the saying goes, "Everything that is not done, everything is done in China."

Potential buyers are boys and girls aged 20 to 35 who follow the latest fashion, take care of themselves, want to look good and modern, while not overpaying large sums of money for expensive originals that most simply cannot afford. This segment of the market is so vast that everyone will be able to find their own niche in it.

According to analysts for the first half of 2016, the best-selling product in Russia is Nike AIR MAX sneakers, of course, not their original design.

In addition to sneakers, such goods made in China are especially popular with buyers, such as:

  • Women's shoes loboutin with red soles and high heels;
  • Extremely popular and comfortable Converse sneakers (both men's and women's), this position has been at the top of sales for many seasons;
  • Copies women's bags such brands as Chanel, Birkin from Hermes, LouisVuitton, MichaelKors;
  • Polo shirts (mostly for men) with logos from companies such as Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Lacoste;
  • Women's Christian Dior sneakers are a comfortable, light and stylish model of women's shoes, which very quickly fell in love with most of the beautiful half of the Russian population. Beauty, originality and convenience elevated this model to the rank of one of the best-selling models in late 2015 and early 2016.

By the way, the quality of goods-brands of Chinese origin can be very different, of course, it all depends on the materials and accessories used.

The more accurate the copy of the model and the higher the quality of the leather, fabric used in production, the more expensive the purchase price for the requested product will be.

Poor-quality fakes can differ even in the inscriptions of the names, not to mention the complete discrepancy between the model and the original.

The next most popular product on the Russian market is this moment there is a sale of children's clothing of different brands.

After all, they do not save on children, and the widest choice of children's products on the market contributes to an increase in attention and demand for this segment of the product.

This item should also include other goods for children that are in demand, for example, strollers, tables for feeding, children's dishes, hygiene products.

In third place in popularity are small-sized Appliances. All kinds of irons, hair curlers, comb-straightener (the most popular manufacturer is Babyliss); electrical appliances: kettles, coffee machines, steam irons, vacuum cleaners. As a rule, the prices for these goods are low, which makes it possible to cover a huge niche of potential buyers.

The best selling product in the world

The top most demanded global products are opened by the sale of commodities:

  • Oil;
  • Cotton;
  • Precious and semi-precious metals (gold, silver, copper).

It is clear that the customers of the commodity are large companies, between manufacturers and customers are concluded big deals tens of millions of dollars.

It is not difficult to imagine the importance and huge demand for end products from oil, for example, or the breadth of the use of products from cotton fiber (this is the production of fabric for the textile industry, and the manufacture of paper, as well as oils, cosmetics, medicines).

The best-selling commodity in the world (after a derivative of oil - gasoline) is coffee.

Discovered by Ethiopian shepherds around 800 AD, coffee has been the world's most popular commodity for years, according to the Global Exchange.

Coffee is the favorite and most popular drink of the entire European population of the planet, as well as North America. About 30 million farmers in more than 50 countries of the world are officially engaged in the production of this drink.

The love and loyalty of coffee lovers to the drink only tends to increase its sales, and as Cassandra Clare said in her book "City of Ashes": "This world is not so bad as long as there is coffee in it!"

The next point worth noting is the sale of food products, and in recent times more and more buyers choose products in the "eco" standard.

The world leaders in the food industry are:

  • Sugar;
  • Wheat;
  • Olive oil;
  • Corn;
  • Beet;
  • Meat products.

Everything is clear here. No matter how the global crisis rages, you always want to eat, so the issue of nutrition will be relevant every day and absolutely for every person.

Best selling product on the internet

The popularity of online shopping is rapidly gaining momentum, it should be noted that for the American and Western European buyers, shopping on the Internet is already more familiar than the standard one in a regular store.

On the Internet, you can find and order absolutely any product with home delivery, pay in a convenient way for yourself, change or return if necessary.

Potential customers are absolutely all people using the Internet, the choice of goods provided on Internet sites is so diverse that everyone can easily find what interests them directly.

A large segment of online commerce is represented by electronics. This includes the sale of phones, smartphones, laptops, laptops and individual components - processors, chargers, batteries, accumulators.

All the benefits provided by technological progress, without which our daily life, as well as work, is no longer possible.

A fairly strong position is occupied by the sale of cosmetics and care products on the Internet:

The main client environment of this product segment is women who, in their pursuit of excellence, are ready to spend a considerable amount of money on cosmetics and make-up novelties.

A separate item should be noted products aimed at "recovery", losing weight or cleansing the body, as well as sports nutrition:

  • Goji berries (help to improve the work of metabolic processes in the body, contributing to weight loss);
  • Green coffee (the principle of operation and the main indicators are similar to Goji berries);
  • Detox products;
  • Coconut oil;
  • Slimming gels, wraps and masks;
  • Ginseng root.

In addition to clothes, bags and shoes, jewelry, watches, belts and sunglasses are sold in large volumes on the Internet. This product is inexpensive (of course, if these are not catwalk models of world brands), so the demand for it is great.

A separate item worth noting is the sale of LED lighting, which is also popular in the Internet trade.

It is extremely difficult to name the best-selling product on the Internet, since online trading spreads throughout the world, and each region, state and nationality has its own preferences, needs and demand. However, online trading is the future, that's for sure.

OT Commerce found out the most popular categories of goods ordered from the Chinese marketplace Taobao in 2016. This study held by the company for the second year in a row. Product categories of online stores of Taobao intermediaries created on the basis of the OT Commerce platform were analyzed in terms of the following parameters: order frequency and sales volume. And based on this, a summary report on the number of orders and amounts of money is presented.

Currently, about 200 online stores operate on the basis of the OT Commerce platform, mainly in Russia and the CIS countries. Of these, only 20% - in the countries of Europe and Asia. At the end of 2016, the growth in the number of orders was small, only 5% compared to 2015. But it should be noted that in 2015 there was a big decline compared to the pre-crisis period. Therefore, even a slight increase is now an indicator of an improvement in the economic situation.

Moreover, according to the results of 2016, the sales volume of online stores on the OT platform in the aggregate increased by 52% compared to 2015. This is a very good indicator, which means that people began to spend more on purchases in online stores, ordering not only various cheap goods, but also more expensive ones. The situation on the market has stabilized, people have returned to their usual buying behavior, getting used to the new conditions that have arisen in connection with the global economic crisis.

The best-selling goods are clothing and footwear. They are bought in online stores in large quantities. According to the statistics of the OT platform: 42% of total sales come from clothing and footwear.

According to the statistics of the service platform OT Commerce, the ranking of the most frequently ordered products from Taobao in 2016 was distributed as follows:

  1. LED technology
  2. Chips, integrated circuits
  3. Jewelry, bijouterie
  4. Cosmetic accessories
  5. Cables and adapters
  6. Dresses
  7. Women's sweaters and jackets
  8. Shoes, sandals
  9. Women's bags
  10. Socks, tights
  11. Jeans
  12. Boots
  13. Pajamas, underwear
  14. Tools
  15. Baby clothes
  16. Wedding accessories
  17. Computer accessories
  18. T-shirts, T-shirts, turtlenecks
  19. Jackets and down jackets

By the number of orders, small and cheap goods are in the lead. The first position is occupied by accessories for drip irrigation. These products belong to the category all for the garden.

A large number of electronic components are also sold. These include chips and integrated circuits, cables and adapters, as well as LED technology, components for computers.

The number of orders does not determine the profitability of a particular category of goods. Based on an analysis of the sales volume of goods ordered from Taobao in 2016, the ranking is as follows:

  1. Dresses and sundresses
  2. Boots and ankle boots
  3. Jackets and down jackets
  4. Shoes
  5. Women's bags
  6. Women's sweaters and jackets
  7. Jeans
  8. Baby clothes
  9. Men's shoes
  10. Coat
  11. Pajamas, underwear
  12. Men's shirts
  13. Backpacks
  14. Computer accessories
  15. Hoodies
  16. Jewelry, bijouterie
  17. Tools
  18. Goods for expectant mothers
  19. Cell phones
  20. Wedding Dresses

The leading positions are occupied by clothing and footwear, and bags appear only in fifth place. I must say, they are also bought in large quantities on Taobao. In 2015 handbags are the most popular product category.

Comparing the previous two lists, OT Commerce has presented a summary ranking of the most popular and profitable Chinese products:

  1. Dresses
  2. Boots / ankle boots
  3. Jackets and down jackets
  4. Shoes/sandals
  5. Women's bags
  6. Sweaters and sweaters
  7. Jeans
  8. Baby clothes
  9. Men's shoes
  10. Coat
  11. Pajamas and underwear
  12. Men's shirts
  13. Backpacks
  14. Computer accessories
  15. Hoodies
  16. Jewelry, bijouterie
  17. Tools
  18. Cell phones
  19. Wedding Dresses
  20. Mobile phone spare parts
  21. Phone accessories
  22. Wristwatch
  23. Goods for expectant mothers
  24. LED technology
  25. Socks, tights
  26. Chips, integrated circuits
  27. Cosmetic accessories
  28. Accessories and components for drip irrigation
  29. Cables and adapters
  30. Wedding accessories

This year, dresses are the absolute leader. They were sold 48228 pieces in the amount of 350296 USD. In general, most of the profits of online stores fall on women's clothing and footwear categories. Which confirms the popularity of women's shopping, compared to men's. Although men's shoes and apparel (represented by men's shirts in the ranking) make up profitable product categories.

Also in demand are children's things and goods for expectant mothers.

Items such as mobile phones, wedding dresses, wrist watch with a low frequency of orders, they make up a good share in sales.

Moreover, wedding dresses remain relevant for the second year in a row. But in 2016, wedding accessories also entered our rating. Their popularity has grown over the previous year.

A profitable business is a business that is built on the sale of high-margin goods or services. The offer must have a high demand and a maximum margin. High margin products provide good profits. Margin is the profit earned from the difference between the purchase price and the selling price. So, what products are profitable to retail? How to open profitable business?

Sales product markup

Profitable sales will not only help keep the company afloat, but also bring good income. To make a profit, each seller must compile a list of the most sought after and popular products that are characterized by maximum demand and a high margin. Today there are several types of margin: market, bank, share, investment. Market markup is used to sell goods.

As a rule, the markup on goods set by the entrepreneur can vary and be very high. Such margins are set due to the fact that there is no limit threshold and no one controls them. But here you need to clearly understand that the goods will not be bought at an inflated price. Typically, the standard markup for a product is set at around 40-50%, but there are products that can have a margin of about 1000%, but they will still be purchased.

Types of goods with different margins

To figure out which products have which margin, you must first familiarize yourself with its types. By margin, goods are of three types:

  1. Low margin goods. They are in high demand among consumers, but they can be bought at any store. They are priced at 10-20%. You can get income from such a sale not due to large markups, but due to high turnover. Products of this type include personal care products, children food, detergents. The real value of this type of product is very low.
  2. Medium-margin goods. This group includes products that are not essential. Here the margin can be set a little higher. But they are sold much less frequently. These include electronics, Construction Materials, Appliances etc.
  3. High margin goods. Items that customers buy for special occasions or holidays. This category also includes branded products that connoisseurs cannot refuse.

When calculating the markup on a product, it is necessary to take into account the cost, salaries to sellers, advertising costs, expenses for renting premises, take into account excess profits and set the minimum price.

Choosing the Right Niche

For effective sales, you need to know and take into account all the nuances. When choosing a niche for a business, an entrepreneur should focus on certain points:

  1. You need to choose a niche that is familiar and promising. It is better to choose a direction in which the businessman understands and knows the market.
  2. To get a good income, the cost of the product should be small, and the selling price should be high.
  3. A study of the level of demand must be carried out, this will allow you to find profitable high-margin products.
  4. It is worth focusing on those products that will lead regular customers.
  5. You should pay attention to seasonality and the location of the store (promotion is important for online stores).

Usually, when choosing a niche, they choose products for which there is a great demand, and high-margin products, or stop at what will always be in demand. For example, watches that sync with a mobile phone or fitness bracelets are very popular today. On the other hand, stable demand for Apple products can bring good profits. Therefore, a profitable business primarily depends on the right choice of niche and accurate miscalculations.

What goods are profitable to sell at retail

Since an aspiring entrepreneur is usually limited in finances, he should carefully choose his niche and best-selling product. This will help in the future to bring your company to a high level of profit.

Today trade is very developed. Shops or markets open on every corner with a large selection, where you can find goods for every taste. Market trading should not be excluded from your list, since it is on the market that there is a lot of traffic, especially on holidays or weekends. Here goes active sale inexpensive goods, as expensive products are simply not in demand.

The store is different from the market. It can be opened on the first floors of a residential building, in a large shopping center and in any other suitable room. Typically, stores have low traffic, but targeted customers bring income. Here you can sell goods of different price categories. During the opening of the store, it is necessary to determine the expected demand and need for the goods of the inhabitants of the area. You need to offer exactly the product that is not in this district.

Choice retail goods for business depends on certain factors. But experts believe that right choice outlet food is the most sought-after commodity and win-win business. Income from the sale of products will be at any time of the year. The cons are short term sales and high competition.

The sale of household chemicals is also a popular category of goods that have a long shelf life. Since this product is in high demand, you can also earn good money in this niche. A department can be opened in any store and sell household chemicals as a related product.

A win-win retail option is shoes and clothing. But here it is necessary to take into account the financial abilities of customers and the relevance of this product (fashion). In residential areas, sales will be low, but customers will become permanent. In large shopping malls it's the other way around. Here you can sell branded items with a large margin.

Don't forget stationery. With the right choice of outlet, this business can bring good profits. Stores should be opened near educational institutions or offices. This niche is relevant and has no seasonality. Also in the store you can offer Additional services in the form of a copier, printing documents or photographs, etc.

Another retail option is flowers. Today it is customary to give them with or without reason. Properly created bouquets can bring good money. When choosing a niche, this beautiful and pleasant type of business also deserves attention.

When choosing an assortment for sale, one should take into account the location of the outlet, the needs of the consumer, and the financial capabilities of the population. At the initial stage of implementation, any business needs a competent business plan.

Online store

Today it is very important to conduct your business on the Internet. An online store does not require premises and staff. This helps to save money on rent, salaries for employees, and advertising on the Internet is much cheaper. Due to the fact that such a store is not geographically tied, business can be carried out throughout the country by sending goods by mail.

What high-margin products for online trading to choose? Now there are many online sites that offer a wide range of products. It is difficult for beginners to compete with the giants of online stores Amazon, AliExpress or Ozon, whose assortment starts with clothes and ends with precious jewelry. In order for an Internet business to bring good money, it is necessary to correctly choose a special niche and a group of trade items.

You can sell everything in an online store, but first you need to choose 2-3 categories. If the products are sold, then over time you can expand your range.

The most requested items in the online store

Having studied the market and demand in the Russian Federation, experts have compiled a list of the most hot goods in global network. This will help on initial stage make your choice in one area or another. List of requested products:

  • flowers, souvenirs, gifts;
  • toys and goods for children;
  • auto parts;
  • clothes, bags, shoes;
  • special equipment for sports and tourism, sportswear;
  • Home Appliances;
  • computers and accessories to them;
  • materials for construction and repair;
  • household chemicals and personal hygiene products;
  • mobile phones and accessories to them;
  • alcohol and food;
  • medicines;
  • products for animals;
  • jewelry, watches and bijouterie.

When choosing an assortment, it is necessary to understand that the greater the demand, the greater the competition. To take a worthy place among competitors, you need to carefully analyze each of the above categories.

To open an online store small town It must be taken into account that the population here has a lower income than in the metropolis. In small towns, the population is smaller, and the needs here are completely different. It should be noted that expensive goods will not be in demand. Customers will be looking for inexpensive but average quality products. Examples of goods for trade in a small town:

  • inexpensive shoes and clothes;
  • food (except delicacies);
  • used goods;
  • cheap alcohol and cigarettes;
  • auto parts;
  • drugs at low prices.

These categories of goods will be in great demand in a small city. Creating an Internet business even in a small town, you can find regular customers, the main thing is to sell quality products and maintain a reputation.

High margin goods from China

How to choose the right product that will bring profit? Purchasing goods from Chinese sites should be considered. Products should not be heavy or bulky, and you also need to choose products that do not deteriorate. This will save money on shipping. For implementation, you can use social networks, one-page sites and online stores.

When choosing a product for sale, you need to think about what you can make a high margin on, which can recoup the costs spent and make a profit. Such products may be unremarkable, disposable, but will always be in demand. For example: plastic bags, plastic lids for jars, disposable hats, slippers, raincoats. They cost a penny and do not take up much space, but they can bring good profits.

The purchase of goods in a crisis should be well thought out. At this moment, by offering the consumer cheap analogue goods from China, one can get good income. Even if the quality is lower, the low price will be a nice bonus. Here it is important to find an assortment with a low price, but good quality.

While searching for a suitable assortment, you need to analyze the market. Every day, global trends and fashion create new niches in demand. Entering the market with this particular group of products will initially bring good income due to the lack of competitors.

How and where to look for Chinese goods

Today there are a lot of popular Chinese sites where you can buy goods. They are engaged in retail and wholesale. Main sites:

  1. GearBest - this site has Russian support. Usually the newest products appear here.
  2. AliExpress - this site is also available in Russian, presented great amount goods, including at a low price.
  3. Alibaba.

Finding a high-margin product on AliExpress, for example, is quite simple. You just need to select the category of goods you are interested in and view the offers. You can turn on a filter to show only products under $1, or products for which you can free shipping. Comfortable little things for the home, T-shirts, unusual jewelry, interesting and original souvenirs will be in demand (now spinners are popular, a few months ago everyone bought My Bottle water bottles, and a couple of years ago talking hamster toys “shot out”).

It remains only to purchase a batch of such goods, set your own price or use the dropshipping scheme. Such a product should in any case be in demand. The main thing is to find your niche, and then everything will go according to a proven pattern.

The most popular goods in the Russian Federation for 2017

Today, in the economic crisis, newcomers to business have a lot of questions. What are the popular products in 2017? Which direction will bring income? These questions can be answered by analyzing the market, demand and competitors.

In 2017, experts advise selling cheap products. Goods with average quality and low price are now popular. The rating of high-margin products for 2017 is represented by the following product groups:

  1. Quadcopters and the necessary equipment for them. Now this product is at the peak of popularity. Quadcopters are used for aerial photography.
  2. Mobile phones and additional gadgets (power bank, original headphones).
  3. Appliances.
  4. Green teas. This business does not require much start-up capital, but is in great demand among consumers who lead healthy lifestyle life.
  5. Products that cleanse the body. Today, herbal tinctures, detoxes, etc. are popular.
  6. LED lamp. Every year the demand for such lamps is growing. They are economical and last a long time.
  7. Books. Now many people prefer to read electronic literature, but printed editions also find their category of consumers. It is very convenient to buy books through online stores, as it is much cheaper there and you can read the annotation of the book you like.
  8. Clothing and footwear.
  9. Gift items and toys for children.
  10. Cosmetics.

A modern businessman is obliged to build a strategy for his work, keeping up with the times. You need to be able to completely change your style at a time of crisis and significant competition, to radically change direction.

People who are active in the field of trade cannot help but be interested in questions about what sells best in a crisis and what can be sold more? These questions are becoming even more relevant, given that during the crisis of 2015-2016, a significant part of the population has significantly decreased. So, let's look into the essence of the tasks set and determine what is profitable to trade in a crisis?


Of course, people with a lack of financial resources buy first of all essential goods. This is a limited list of items that a person needs in the first place. And the leading place in this list should be given to food. Indeed, a person needs clothes, but in a crisis, you can get by with old ones and temporarily not buy new things.

Medicines are the goods for which a person is ready to give the last penny.

Not every individual has serious health problems. But food is exactly what all people need, and almost every day. Therefore, it is profitable to trade this product even during the crisis of 2015-2016. But still, food is also different.

It is unlikely that expensive and gourmet dishes will be very popular during the crisis. But the level of sales of social varieties of bread, cereals and similar products during the crisis may even grow.

As mentioned above, medicines are also among the goods of the first, and in some cases, vital necessities. Most people, in case of illness or on the recommendation of a doctor, immediately run to the pharmacy, regardless of their financial situation.

A fairly small percentage of people are trying to save on their own health. Therefore, sales of medicines in pharmacies, even if they do not increase, then in any case should not decrease.

True, one nuance must be taken into account: in times of crisis, like that, which came in 2015, most people will prefer to buy cheap analogues of expensive medicines. Buyers will focus more on domestic producers, rather than on imported ones.


Clothes will also always be bought, as they require constant renewal due to their wear and tear. Although, unlike food and medicine, the level of clothing sales may still fall, as some people decide to wear old clothes or have clothes repaired in the workshop, rather than buy new ones.

In this way, the segments of the population most affected by the crisis redistribute finances to more necessary, in their opinion, types of costs: the purchase of food and medicine, payment utilities etc.

At the same time, certain types of clothing, on the contrary, are beginning to be in high demand, and their sales level is growing. First of all, it is profitable to trade in cheap and worn things. Therefore, during the crisis of 2015–2016, cheap clothing stores and second-hand shops, engaged in both wholesale and retail will flourish.

In the modern world, hygiene products can also be attributed to essential goods. Therefore, if their level of sales falls, it will be insignificant. But most likely, as with the purchase of food, clothing and medicines, there will be a reorientation of buyers to cheaper analogues.

Therefore, firms that sell hygiene products should take this factor into account and trade more with lower price options for these products.

Spare parts

During the crisis, the sale of spare parts, including those for cars, is moving quite well. The fact is that during times of problems with the economy, people often cannot afford to buy new equipment or vehicle and therefore prefer to repair the old.

In this regard, the cost of purchasing spare parts and paying for repair services increases. Of course, it can be argued that at the end of 2014, the opposite situation was observed, when, with a sharp fall in the ruble exchange rate, people rushed to buy equipment and vehicles.

But, firstly, then it was only the beginning of the crisis, and the population had a fairly large money supply on hand, which has since decreased significantly. Secondly, many of those who bought equipment in a panic in December now do not know what to do with it, and some are forced to sell it at a lower cost than they bought.

In this regard, it is unlikely that even if the ruble exchange rate collapses again, people will behave in this way. Therefore, experts predict a reduction in the volume of purchases of machinery and vehicles for 2015-2016, in contrast to the level of sales of spare parts.

In stressful situations, people try to find relaxation in various extreme ways of transmission or in the use of substances that contribute to distraction from the gloomy reality. In Russia, alcoholic beverages are traditionally very popular among such products.

The crisis period, of course, in itself is a source of various stressful situations, so we should expect that the consumption of alcoholic beverages in 2015 will increase, which means that the level of sales will also increase.

The fact that since February 1, 2015 in Russia the minimum retail price for a bottle of vodka with a volume of one and a half liters has been reduced to 185 rubles has also contributed to the increase in demand for alcohol.

Products for children

It cannot be said that the volume of sales of goods for children does not fall at all during the crisis, but its decline is much smaller than this figure for other products.

And this is understandable, because it is so difficult for parents to refuse their children their favorite toy, and if you need to purchase some useful or necessary thing for a child, for example, related to study, then moms and dads don’t even think about it. Naturally, there are exceptions, but they do not significantly affect the general state of the market. Therefore, it can be summarized that, although the demand for children's goods in 2015 will slightly decrease, it will still be profitable to trade them.

Funeral goods

In the narrow sense of the word, ritual products are most often understood as goods intended for a funeral rite. But broadly speaking, they include:

  • wedding paraphernalia;
  • symbolic goods for newborns;
  • goods for the funeral rite;
  • other goods for religious ceremonies.

It was never customary to save on such products, even in the most difficult years. Most likely, this will be the case in the current crisis.

However, some adjustment in demand for certain groups of goods is still possible. This is due to the fact that, due to economic difficulties, a certain increase in mortality, a decrease in the number of marriages and the birth rate is possible.

Therefore, in 2015, a slight increase in the level of demand for funeral goods and a decrease in the volume of purchases of goods for newborns and wedding paraphernalia is expected. The volume of sales of goods for religious ceremonies should remain unchanged.

Although all these fluctuations will be insignificant and are unlikely to significantly affect the state of affairs in a particular niche of the sphere ritual services. Therefore, we can say that in a crisis it is profitable to sell almost any ritual products.

What is profitable to implement?

Thus, we see that it is most profitable to trade essential goods during a crisis, namely food, medicines, clothing and hygiene products. It is quite profitable to sell spare parts to extend the life of those types of equipment for the purchase of new models of which, due to financial turmoil, there is not enough money.

Also, during a crisis, products that alleviate stress, such as alcohol or specialized anti-stress medications, have always sold well.

There is another group of goods, the level of sales of which decreases only when the people are extremely impoverished. Such goods include products for children and ritual paraphernalia.

Given the fact that in 2015 and 2016 difficult times are foreseen for the country's economy, it will still be far from the total impoverishment of the population, so we can conclude that trading in such products will be profitable.

Now let's continue with this matter. After all, shops are shops, but what goods to buy. Many people are interested in such a question as most popular products on the internet. What, in fact, is the best and most sought after by people. This is what will be discussed in this thread. The experts conducted a survey of people, read a lot of reviews, consulted with many online stores. From all this, this list came out. So this is the rating. best-selling and popular products on the Internet in 2018. By the way, for each product, we give a link below under the description where you can buy it at the lowest prices.

Adlens glasses

Adlens glasses with adjustable diopters can replace three pairs of ordinary glasses. They use Stanford's patented ClearGlass technology. It allows you to adjust each diopter individually. Now you don't need to carry a bunch of glasses with you.
Adlens are completely safe and suitable for everyone. The glasses have a unique two-piece lens. Case and frame emphasize their uniqueness! Now you are your own oculist! Adjust the diopters for yourself, and enjoy life.

Waist training corsets

Waist training - a special corset for waist reduction. Using this corset will instantly give you a sexy figure and waist. Long-term use of Waist training along with a healthy diet and exercise will make your waist more attractive and refined. This is no ordinary corset from the store! Waist training are made from a rare latex material that "finds and destroys" excess fat and eliminates other shortcomings of the female figure.

Cerebro slim

This drug will allow you to lose weight by using previously unused areas of the brain. This miracle drug is called Cerebro Slim. It does wonders for your body and can promote healthy sleep, improve appetite, speed up brain activity, and increase fat burning. Scientists studied the drug and came to the conclusion that its composition does not harm the human body. Cerebro Slim will allow you to lose about twenty-four kilograms in four weeks. Be healthy!


Spacious and stylish men's purse Armani will emphasize your status! A lot of things can fit in this wallet: mobile phone, up to 12 plastic cards, money, coins, keys to an apartment or car, certificates and a passport. You must buy this wallet if:
You want to be stylish and always stay in trend. You want to look more attractive. You value quality and practicality. You love comfortable things. You want to look 100% in the eyes of others. Honorably takes its place in the list best selling products on the internet 2018 among the CIS countries.

Electric Hair Styling Comb

The device will carefully style your hair of any length. An excellent choice for women who value their time. An electric brush will help you create a stylish hairstyle without harming your hair. There are two built-in temperature conditions. The comb will create the styling of your dreams. It will help to create sexy curls and curls. The coating of the device will protect the hair from any damage, as well as save them from static electricity. Let all the girls around you envy your hairstyle. Feel like a queen!

Orthopedic patches

"ZB PAIN RELIEF" is healing orthopedic patches for the spine! They relieve you of pain in the vertebrae. The effect of their use can last for several days.
A little about patches:
Excellent adherence to the skin. Do not harm the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
They are inexpensive. The plaster will last for seventy-two hours, as they provide a long-term effect due to the continuous supply of medicinal substances. There are GMP and ISO certificates. They do not interfere with movement and do not harm the human body. There are no side effects. And they rightfully occupy a place in the ranking the most popular products on the Internet 2016.

HD Smart DVR

This DVR records everything that happens in front of your car and can serve as evidence in car setups and traffic accidents. Video surveillance will help you insure yourself and your car against scammers, quickly resolve the issue with those who like to cut cars or film the work of police officers. With the swivel mount, you can freely rotate the device in the right direction. Protect yourself with this device!


CAR DVR MIRROR is a car DVR mounted on the rearview mirror. Its front camera records videos in high definition. A high-quality matrix does not distort the image. The motion sensor saves space as nothing is recorded if there is no motion. The monitor's automatically adjustable brightness saves you the hassle of constantly adjusting it. The anti-glare function saves from glare.
Even a housewife can attach and connect! Since the registrar is mounted on top of the mirror, it will not be necessary to hide it constantly from thieves.

Electric bikes

The most popular and best-selling product on the Internet in 2018
. You won’t surprise anyone with an electric bike now. This is not just a toy, but reliability and quality proven by many years of experience. The classic electric bike is the perfect combination of a regular bike and the speed of a motorcycle. On such a device, you can freely move around the city at a speed of 30-45 km / h on any surface and under any circumstances. Forget about gas and gas prices public transport, insurance, inspections! Feel free!