What can you trade on the street in summer. Is it worth doing a summer business? Organization of extreme entertainment

Summer business is not only selling ice cream and soft drinks. During the holiday season, the harvest time begins for businessmen. Do not miss the opportunity - choose original idea and earn.

The simplest way"correspond to the season" - trade in goods of increased demand during this period: soft drinks and ice cream, summer clothes and air conditioners, sunglasses, seeds and seedlings for summer cottages.

Meanwhile, there are over 1,000 types of activities in the world that correspond to the concept of "summer business" and bring their owners a total income of millions of dollars. Have been operating for a long time large firms, which are engaged in the only seasonal business. Depending on the season, they change the structure of production, methods of distribution and, of course, the range of goods.

There are over 50,000 registered "seasonal" firms in Europe alone, and over 60,000 in the US. So the turnover of funds in this area of ​​​​activity is comparable to any other line of business. Do not think that entrepreneurs who have taken their niches in the summer business work three months a year. Summer is just one of four varieties seasonal business. Among them, perhaps the most pronounced is the winter business.

However, if you are not afraid to switch mobilely from one type of activity to another, very tangible results can be obtained in this field. all year round. The most profitable seasonal business is not trading in its usual sense. The future, and, perhaps, the present, is for the production of seasonal goods, and the main thing here is not to make a mistake in choosing. The main thing is that the product should be located at the intersection of industries or market niches. As a rule, there is already a leader in each niche, and no one at the “junctions”, and identifying empty ones is a top priority.

By the way, one of the most successful products for seasonal business Russian practice, which filled just one of these "joints" is the Raptor electric fumigator with a liquid filler that repels mosquitoes and flies.

The profitability of this business of creating and promoting a new product should be at least 60 percent. In addition to high profits, high risks are also inherent in seasonal business. Therefore, a profitability of 100% or more is what is considered a professionally executed project. What could be the most promising coming summer? We have selected ten businesses that, in our opinion, are waiting good prospects in the coming season.

1. Worm farming business

The palm here is headed by a strange, at first glance, occupation called "vermicultivation". This "pasta" term refers to the cultivation of thoroughbred Californian worms. As it turned out, worms are the most profitable pet.

For example, the overall profitability of a major cattle now no more than 18%, while the worm easily brings 300%, and this is not the limit. Reproducing, it produces three main products. The most important thing, because of what, is the biohumus they produce, as well as the extract from it, which is a valuable concentrated fertilizer.

In addition, another source of income is their offspring, which are rented to fishing shops as bait and feed for fish, for flour in compound feed, which improves the quality of livestock products; it is also sold as breeding stock to other farms.

Calculations show that if a farm of 400 heads annually sells milk for 6-9 million rubles, then during the same period the cows produce so much manure that, if it is processed, you can get 15-18 million rubles. Now is the time to get involved in this business - as you know, there is enough manure in Russia, but there are only about a hundred farms involved in processing it into valuable fertilizer.

According to experts, at least 1.5 million tons of biohumus are required per year for Russian farms and household plots, while the total production today is only a hundredth of the need. So you don’t have to push your elbows, winning a place under the sun.

By the way, in recent times Worms can be franchised. Domestic craftsmen adapted the "Californian" to local conditions, crossed with the natives and gave a new promising breed, which received the symbolic name "Prospector". To ensure the first "harvest" of worms and biohumus for the summer season, it's time to purchase producers and prepare a field for them. In a heated barn, "housewarming" can be held as early as March. Starting capital it may not be here at all - if you manage to agree with the nearest farm to clear his "Augean stables". Buying the first batch of worms will cost 3-5 thousand rubles. With good care, you will be able to provide yourself with breeding stock in the future.

2. Ice cream business

The combination of the words “summer” and “product” rightly causes a strong association with ice cream for many. Nothing new about the idea of ​​trading in summer time no cold. However, despite the lack of innovation, this business consistently brings its seasonal fruits. The price of entering it is low, the path has been worked out by hundreds of predecessors, so if you want to replenish your budget with a good extra income without much headache, it is yours!

At first, you will need nothing at all: a chest freezer (new costs $ 400, used - 150), trading place with electricity and a rooming house for a chest, a seller and supplier of ice cream. Depending on the location and the degree of heat, the daily income will be from 500 to 4,000 rubles. With sales of 35%, net profit - from 175 to 1,400 rubles, taking into account the costs of the seller - minus 5% of profitability. Total: an average of 300 rubles from each thousand of revenue with time spent up to 1 hour per day. If the number of outlets is N, then the profit grows N times, however, the time spent on controlling the business increases.

3. Business at the "summer cafe"

One of the most traditional summer businesses is the organization of outdoor cafes. The rules of the game on this field are constantly changing, but the relevance of street catering is still high. The first applications for the opening of summer playgrounds begin to come to the district administrations in February-March. The sooner the application gets into the paperwork, the more likely it is to get "go-ahead" and be in time for the beginning of the season.

There are three main varieties of seasonal street catering. The venues are the usual "umbrellas" under which you can drink water, beer, snack on chips or nuts. Cafe-verandas are covered areas where you can order tea and coffee, and sometimes something stronger. The requirements for them are stricter, which means that the investments are more significant. The "Olympus" of the seasonal business is cafe-pavilions, or simply "barbecue".

Here already, in order for a business to meet all the requirements, not only big money is needed, but also a desire to engage in it at least for the next few years. The fact is that the project of a pavilion or veranda needs to be settled with the communal services of the area, with city architects and sanitary and epidemiological supervision, but they will not give permission if there is no water and no toilet.

Costs for the minimum arrangement of the site start from 30 thousand rubles. Standard set equipment for a summer cafe is a tent, plastic furniture, a primitive bar counter (sometimes just a counter), a refrigerator and a bottling plant (if we are talking about a beer point).

On average, a tent (a regular roof measuring 5 by 5 meters, without side walls) costs 24 thousand rubles, a set of high-quality plastic furniture (1 table and 4 chairs) costs about two thousand. Including refrigeration equipment and other installations, the total cost will be several thousand dollars. Good way save on equipment costs - become a partner of one of the major suppliers soft drinks or beer.

4. Jet ski and water ski rental business

At a reasonable enough cost, you can build a profitable seasonal business in water skiing, slides and jet ski rentals. Jet ski rentals have long been known as super profitable business in coastal cities of Russia and abroad. Sports equipment worth 10 thousand dollars at a price of 10 dollars for five minutes of riding pays off in a matter of weeks, and even days.

Thinking about starting a business, every entrepreneur wants his investment to quickly pay off and bring a stable income. However, in practice this combination is quite rare. Thus, a business with a steady demand for a product or service usually requires significant investment in initial stage and pays off for a long time, but then, as a rule, brings a stable income.

While a business that has a pronounced seasonality, with proper planning, pays off quickly enough, which every entrepreneur would really like. However stable income expect in this case is not necessary, since there are 2 opposite phases here: "season" - period active sales, when the demand for a product is very high and the entrepreneur receives most of the annual profit in a few months, and the “off season” is a period of decline in sales or their complete absence, when the business incurs losses or, at best, works to zero.

Which business to choose: one that quickly pays off, brings high profit during the season, but unstable during the calendar year, or a business in which investments will pay off for a long time, but with a stable demand for a product or service all the time without sharp ups and downs?

Entrepreneurs who nevertheless chose a seasonal business and a quick payback, even at the stage of business planning, they should ask themselves: what to do during a period of recession or a complete lack of sales? How to prepare for this and what measures to take in order to survive and stay afloat? After all, not every seasonal business can hold out for the rest of the year on the profits received during the season of active sales.

So, in a swimwear and beach accessories store in summer period high demand for the product. However, it is in such high demand only 2-3 months a year. Although in the cold season, many Russians began to go to the sea abroad, the demand for swimwear still remains at a rather low level in the autumn-winter period. How to distribute the profits received over the summer and hold out until the next season? Is it worth taking drastic measures - completely closing the store and laying off employees, refusing to rent an office and a warehouse in order to minimize all expenses during this period, and start all over again before the start of the next season? Or should we try to avoid such situations and make every effort to ensure that high-season sales allow the owner and his employees to feel confident throughout the year - introduce additional products, hold promotions and all kinds of sales?

The BIBOSS portal found out how entrepreneurs who own a business with a pronounced seasonality get out of the situation.

Ilya Konoplev

Franchising Director of the World Gym network in Russia

The fitness business is very subject to seasonal influence, these seasons are predictable and we understand that “long contracts” are practically not sold in the summer and people traditionally do not prioritize spending on fitness in their budget. Clubs' revenues in the summer months are 30-40% lower than in spring or autumn. To offset this, fitness clubs include “short” offers for the summer, which attract working capital at the expense of those clients who continue to train, and make much easier conditions for club membership than in the high - autumn and spring seasons. In summer, if you wish, you can buy a card for two at the same price, etc.

Traditionally, expenses are pressed down - group training schedules are cut - there are still few people in the clubs, sometimes you even have to turn on the super-saving mode, but the whole point of management is to be ready for the low season and, on the one hand, have a pillow, and on the other - a pool of services that generate revenue even in a low season in terms of club membership sales. For us, it's personal training.

If there was an objective force majeure, and because of too much early spring, we would, for example, begin to lose revenue due to the fact that people stop buying workouts, then clubs can include activities to attract a new audience, increase input corporate clients, offering corporate training to businesses at a significant discount. It does not last long, but it loads the staff and brings in revenue. That is, in fact, there are no miracles, and if it breaks somewhere, because it is thin, then you need to keep several directions in the assortment and focus on them.

Ivan Ershov

Head of the Franchising Department of the Unium Educational Centers Network

Perhaps, each type of business has its own seasonality, and this is especially felt in education. It is summer, in the educational business, that is a huge drawdown.

In the summer season, we get out of the situation by introducing additional courses, arranging outreach programs, and organizing other educational events.

Planning. We are always sensitive to budgeting and resource allocation throughout the year, therefore, initially, when drawing up and approving a budget with franchisees, we consider the low season to be zero, thus we reinsure ourselves as much as possible and avoid unpleasant surprises.

Of course, this is not all that can be done in order to “survive” the low season, but it is competent planning and budgeting that allows us to be calm throughout the year.

For good entrepreneur, the presence of a low season is more a plus than a minus! It is during the low season that additional tools and ideas appear on how to improve the situation, energy suddenly appears that does not allow you to “relax”, and clear focuses on specific tasks. This is the power of a downturn in sales - it is he who helps entrepreneurs get out of their comfort zone and start doing a little more than in the days when customers themselves come to you. Only after that, we begin to apply all the tested cases and in the high season, as a result, we see a completely different business, playing with new colors! But without striking a finger, you should not wait for manna ... Business, whether it works on a franchise or it's your own business, requires involvement and certain labor costs.

Almost every business has seasonal fluctuations. In some areas, these fluctuations are insignificant (about 20-30%), which can be corrected various promotions, gifts for regular customers or simply - wait out this period.

However, there are cases in which seasonality is pronounced, when a decline in sales or their complete absence forces business owners to take drastic measures.

Anna Polyakova

Head House Bikini

We have been selling swimwear and beachwear via the Internet for 3 years. In our case, with the onset of autumn, the volume of sales and the number of applications fall by 5-6 times.
The most important thing is to reduce the cost.
At the end of August, we begin to cut costs: we close the store, we fire all employees. Now there are many companies that are ready to remotely take on part of the work and it will cost much less than keeping an employee on staff. For example, in autumn we use delivery services. Payment only on the fact. There are orders - you pay for delivery, no - you risk nothing. Similarly, you can transfer the processing of orders to outsourcing.
A decline in sales is the time to work on the brand and company awareness. While the volume of orders is not so large, it is possible to engage in SEO-promotion of the site. Just during the seasonal drawdown, you can reach the top of the search for mid-frequency and wide-frequency queries. You can engage in the promotion of social. networks, hold contests among subscribers, increase activity in public, work with the media, etc. In addition, I recommend taking the time to educate yourself. It can be seminars or books, biographies of great businessmen. The work done will help prepare for the next season. The main thing is to be able to make a profit in the season and benefit "out of season".

Nikita and Anastasia Kuimov

Creators of "Enchanted Christmas Balls with Warm Wishes", seasonal and family business for the production and sale of balls self made with natural flowers, in Russia and the USA

Our business is deeply seasonal and although we plant flowers for our balloons in April, sales do not start until September, and the main ones are from December 1 to December 31. The book says that corporate orders must be issued before the start of summer, in practice this is a rarity. We turned a minus into a benefit - we work remotely for 10 months a year. We do not need to pay rent for an apartment, ride in a stuffy subway - we travel the world and develop other projects. In general, it is not important how much you earn, but what you can afford with this money. Actively working 2 months a year and resting 10, we feel richer than people who work all year with 2 weeks off. On our travels we came up with board game Whistle, which we will sell in the summer, using winter developments.

Roman Sabirzhanov

Founder, Hotconsulting.ru - serial opening of hotels

Hostels in the regions are an example of a seasonal business. Such cities as Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Sergiev Posad, St. Petersburg are in demand among tourists in the spring and summer months. During the off-season, these hostels' profits drop to zero. Some hostels in St. Petersburg close during the low season to save on wages and room maintenance.

The most correct way is to negotiate with the owners about a flexible rent. High season rents are higher than low season. Better yet, fix a percentage of the profits, as they do in Europe. But during the season, hostels in such cities make excellent profits. And those projects that were able to build a sale additional services such as selling coffee, pastries, breakfasts, make a profit higher than that of competitors.

Thus, we see that most companies prefer to significantly reduce costs during the sales downturn, lay off some employees and wait out this time, preparing for the new season. And all kinds of promotions and discounts can only be called a supportive measure that allows companies with seasonal business to stay afloat. But what to do if the profit received during the season is not enough to hold out the rest of the time? Or is the entrepreneur not satisfied with this “survival” and wants to make a profit throughout the year, while maintaining his seasonal business?

How can a seasonal business survive?

One of the most profitable options for an entrepreneur is to open another seasonal business, whose period of active sales begins when the first seasonal business experiences a decrease in buying activity. It is in this situation that the entrepreneur will always win with money, and for each season he will have a peak in sales in one of his businesses. These may be adjacent areas, or they may be areas that are completely unrelated to each other.

For example, rental of bicycles and roller skates is in demand from mid-March to early October.- this is the season for this business and the period of receipt maximum profit. At the same time, having opened a “winter” business for renting skates, skis and other equipment, the entrepreneur will receive maximum profit from the second business, at a time when it disappears in the first “summer” business. A similar pattern can be seen in the Yandex.Wordstat query history. The graph clearly shows how the demand for a product or service changes throughout the calendar year, thanks to which you can track trends and seasonality of requests that are of interest to the entrepreneur.

The owner of the fur coats and fur products shop receives the main income in winter luring buyers in the summer big discounts and selling goods at low prices in order to somehow stay afloat. However, by opening a department with summer clothes and swimwear in parallel, you can make a profit even during the off-season of your main business, thereby creating a kind of safety cushion for your pocket.

Take, for example, tire fitting, whose services are in demand in the middle of autumn and spring. It is at this time that you can see long queues of cars whose owners want to change summer tires to winter tires, and vice versa. Tire owners even have to hire additional workers during this period in order to withstand such an influx of customers. However, it is this time that is the so-called season for this area, and, accordingly, the period of maximum profit. But what to do the rest of the time, when there are no more people who want to change tires? You won’t last much on one tire repair and their pumping. You can earn additional profit during the year, for example, by providing rubber storage services. This will allow the business to raise additional money. In addition, customers who left the rubber for storage in this particular tire fitting can be offered a discount on the subsequent replacement of rubber. And then be sure that this client will not go to another tire shop, but will come to you (of course, subject to the quality of the services provided).

Summer business has become a real find for many people. Sometimes, having worked actively for 3-5 warm months, they provide themselves with a comfortable existence for the rest of the year.

The idea of ​​working "for yourself" attracts more and more people over time. But most of the "niches" are occupied, and it is in the summer months that the opportunity to start your own business increases.

Summer business features

Most of the summer business ideas are based on the desire of people to relax comfortably and have fun, quench their thirst, improve conditions in suburban areas, as well as opportunities that appear only in the summer.

It gives you the opportunity to fully realize your career, without prejudice to your interests and the interests of your family. Now very great opportunities for business in women.

The easiest way is to “correspond to the season” by selling goods that are in demand during this particular period:

  1. Refreshing drinks.
  2. Kvass for bottling.
  3. ice cream.
  4. Arbuzov.
  5. Sunglasses.
  6. seedlings.
  7. Means for repelling mosquitoes and flies.
  8. And so on.
  9. Seasonal vegetable growing.

Differences of summer business from that year-round trade:

  1. Brief life cycle– usually 3-5 months.
  2. Special starting conditions with relatively low initial costs. They need to be “recaptured” in one season, so entrepreneurs try to invest a minimum of funds.
  3. Dynamic and high risk. It is necessary to correctly assess the shortage of a service or product, to correctly choose the place of its promotion.
  4. Work on the "open" site - as close as possible to those who have reached the heat of the holidaymakers.
  5. High income. The profitability of the summer business must be at least 100%.

Combine different types summer business. Do you sell ice cream? Keep helium-filled balloons nearby. After all, often children incline their parents to buy ice cream. Or you can sell it in a summer cafe. By the way, how to arrange a cafe is described in this video:

Types of summer business

What ideas are the most promising? It all depends on the terrain, competition and other factors. Among the huge selection, the following types of summer business will almost always be profitable (with a profitability of 100% or more).


This business requires minimal investment. However, knowledge and love for the land are required. In the summer, the owners of cottages and country cottages want their place of residence to delight the eye with an aesthetic view. Office owners also understand that the credibility of their firms depends a lot on appearance.

Not everyone can create beauty on their own due to lack of time or desire. And resourceful designers or plant lovers have a chance to earn good money by landscaping garden plots and other territories.

What you need for this activity:

  • 3-4 students, preferably from the agricultural academy;
  • gardening Tools;
  • a car, preferably with a trailer - for transporting plants, in order to make it convenient to get to the customer;
  • on a note: planting material usually paid by the client, so start-up costs are not taken into account.

To purchase a garden tool, you need 50 - 500 dollars. The costs of student salaries and gasoline are negligible compared to profits. It will be 200-300%.

Sale of ice cream and soft drinks

It would seem that everything is banal and simple. Summer, heat, thirst are primarily associated with the desire to eat or drink something cool. And how nice it is when ice cream sellers come across on the way. In summer, the consumption of these products increases significantly. And the cost of the products themselves soars high, and the cost remains the same.

Despite the fact that you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel” with this type of business, it brings a stable, high income.

How to get started:

  1. Buying a chest freezer, a refrigerator for drinks or a keg for kvass - from $ 400 (second-hand - 2-3 times less).
  2. Buying the actual products: ice cream, lemonade, juice.
  3. A high-traffic retail space that will have electricity and be closed at night.
  4. Seller (you can sell yourself).

Daily revenue depends on the location of the point and the mark on the thermometer. The hotter, the higher the income. It is quite possible to earn 500 and 5,000 rubles a day. Net profit 30-35%.

A mobile refrigerator-chest (on wheels) is very convenient. It allows you to navigate the situation and use the most convenient points of sale.

Attractions and sale/rental of water transport

Organization of leisure time on the water is one of the most profitable things. Tourists come to the sea, preparing in advance to spend money on entertainment: to relax is to relax. And quite reasonable spending allows you to acquire a profitable seasonal business related to:

  1. Water skis.
  2. Gorki.
  3. Inflatable bananas.
  4. Jet skis.
  5. By boats.
  6. other attractions.

Jet ski rental is a super profitable business, tried and tested by seaside towns. The sports equipment will cost about $10,000. And the price for 5 minutes of skiing is on average $ 10 / 5 minutes. Just a few days - and the purchase of a jet ski will fully pay off and begin to make a profit.

This business will operate on a semi-legal basis due to the extremely complicated procedure for obtaining rights to drive a jet ski and will not statutory renting it out. It is easier (but also slightly less profitable) to work with water skis.

A more solid "water" business is associated with the purchase or rental of a boat. Expenses:

  1. Boat - from 70,000 dollars.
  2. Boat crew - from $ 500.
  3. Providing a coastal base depends on the terrain.
  4. The use of the pier of the hostel or holiday home depends on the area.

The costs pay off in the first season. Especially if there are interesting and historically famous places on the banks of the reservoir.

Shooting range opening

Pneumatic shooting range is a great entertainment that has an “element of masculinity”. It happens:

  1. Stationary.
  2. Mobile.

No special permissions or licenses are required to open it. Expenses:

  • rent of premises or land (plus a tent) - from 10,000;
  • purchase of equipment. For example, for a mobile shooting range based on a car trailer, a set of target equipment, a shooting range, a fencing system, an awning, lighting and other attributes will cost about 75 thousand rubles;
  • one gun - from 3000 rubles;
  • acquisition Supplies- bullets and prizes.

Already for bullets, visitors pay 10 times more than their cost. And the number of shots is rarely less than 5-10 per person at a time.

When registering as an entrepreneur, the type of activity should indicate “provision of sports and training services for the population”.

Pet hotel

Many potential tourists cannot afford summer rest only because they have no one to leave their pets. Opening a pet hotel is the perfect solution for them (and for you). This service is becoming more and more relevant and profitable.

The start of this business is also possible in an ordinary city apartment, but it is preferable to buy / rent a small house, where to equip open-air cages and provide walking in a suburban area.

If you have real estate, the costs are very small. A dozen enclosures and a walking area will cost about $3,000. Feed costs are at the expense of the owners themselves. You will need time for walking and cleaning the territory. To avoid problems, only accept healthy and vaccinated animals to the hotel. But meeting with a veterinarian will not be superfluous.

Is it worth doing a summer business?

The answer is almost unequivocal: yes, because of the high profitability. The profit exceeds the start-up costs by tens and even hundreds of times. In 3 months you can provide yourself for the next year. But high risks, activity of work (sometimes almost 24 hours a day) and considerable competition scare away some novice businessmen.

Summer is a favorable season for making money. Nature itself in the summer contributes to this. Having applied your work, you will start earning even without much effort.

Gather berries. You can start collecting from mid-June, as soon as the strawberries bloom. Take the berries to the market or make delicious jam out of them. You can keep a little for yourself, and let the rest “leave” for sale.

Look for medicinal herbs, plants, and roots. Give them to pharmacies and specialized shops. When doing this hard work, remember that most plants contain poison. In no case do not touch your eyes with your hands while you are collecting them!

Buy freight car and "simulate" from it a real mobile store. Why is it beneficial? Because local outlets they just can't handle the influx of customers at this time of the year.

Buy food, cages, collars, aviaries. Set up a pet hotel in your backyard. Summer is a great time for vacations. People who want to spend their holidays abroad simply dream of leaving their pets in good hands.
Grow black and red currants or "northern grapes" (gooseberries). Do not be too lazy to take a berry treat for sale.

How to earn money in the city in summer?

Many Jewelry darken and fade over time, losing their original appearance. Give them new life by throwing gold into a glass of vodka! In half an hour, rings, bracelets and chains will dazzle those around you with their brilliance!

Earn money as a toastmaster if you know how to have fun and entertain guests. Summer weekends are your money days. Don't miss your chance!

Sell ​​goods that are provided by a chain of stores. Your first customers are friends and neighbors. It is possible that they will soon want to become your partners.

On the sea in the summer season you can make a good profit

Urgently buy a minibus and take people to the seashore. Such a business will always be in high demand, since the cost of your services will always be much less than the cost of air travel.

Make a personal film. The script will be provided by the customer. Carefully consider each shooting step. Submit the order on time so that the person believes in your responsibility and cooperates with you in the future.

Take on the organization of water skiing, jet skiing, water mattresses. See to it that boat trips are uneventful.

Become the organizer of beach football. Explain to campers how to play this game correctly. Just in case, print step by step instructions, which will describe everything in detail.

Talk to the beach administrator. Tell us about your desire to open a jet ski rental. Get consent - start making the action plan a reality!

Draw portraits of people on the sea background and on the beach! This will have to be done quickly. People don't like to wait long. And you, accordingly, do not have to wait for the financial influx. You will receive money as soon as you finish your creation.

There are also ways to earn money in the village

Revive in countryside some folk craft and develop it. This idea has always been supported by the state.

There are a lot of people who want to sell their home, but they do not know how to do it right. Offer your help. Make a name for yourself, go to the address, take a picture of the house and place ads to sell it. Ask for a good amount for your services.

Dig a pond in the yard of the house and breed fish in it. Send products to big cities and sell it there.

In a private house there are ideas for making money

Tidy up your country house. Give it to everyone who wants it. There will definitely be people who are tired of the bustle of the city. They will be grateful to you for providing them with nature and fresh air.

Open a home photo studio. Prove to customers that you are an expert in your business, then even foreign citizens will start coming to you.

Reflect on discovery small shop"second hand". Many will be happy to buy a new and inexpensive item.

How to make money in the summer as a teenager?


  1. Assistant counselor. Suitable for those who have a camp near their home. The duties of teenagers are the same as those of counselors. The only difference is that they go (go) there as children.
  2. Tanker. Refueling cars is a simple matter, which you can learn in just a matter of hours.
  3. Conductor on private buses. If we seriously consider this option of a part-time job, then every weekend a teenager will have pocket money.
  4. Car wash. No special skill is required here. The car must shine with cleanliness so that the driver generously pays the guy for his efforts.
  5. Salesman. The most "hit" goods of the summer season are ice cream, mineral water, kvass and various soft drinks. Sales points are very diverse: metro, kiosks, crossings, parks, bus stops, playgrounds.
  6. Promoter. For this non-dusty occupation, if you're lucky, you can get five hundred or six hundred rubles a day.

Seasonality affects almost all areas of business - this also applies to trade, both wholesale and retail and services. In this article, we will discuss summer business ideas for seasonal earnings, which are most in demand during the hot season and, with the right approach, allow you to make a good profit in a short period of time. At the same time, consider how business ideas for the summer with minimum investment, and more large-scale options that require serious financial resources, but, accordingly, the profits bring more substantial.

Summer trade business ideas

Ice cream trade

Speaking about what kind of business you can do in the summer, you can start with the ice cream trade.

The ice cream business has always been and will continue to be relevant in the summer season. The success of such activities is largely determined by how well the place of trade is chosen. In order to successfully place an ice cream stall, you need to choose a place for it in advance, since by mid-May most of the good places for such a business are occupied. Also, you need to get refrigerators for storing ice cream in advance. Freezers and cabinets are better to rent, especially if you are not going to sell ice cream in the winter. It is not difficult to agree on the supply of ice cream, especially since suppliers are also interested in customers and, as a rule, deliver the goods to the point of sale themselves.

Beverage trade

In the summer, people are very active in buying soft drinks: juices, mineral water, lemonade, kvass, beer, etc. With regard to the latter, here it must be taken into account that next to government agencies in places where there are many children, the sale of alcoholic beverages may be prohibited.

Sale of beach accessories

In order to make your beach holiday more comfortable and interesting people ready to buy various accessories. Therefore, trading can be quite profitable. various goods, which are often used on a beach holiday. This includes the sale of various items for playing on the beach, for example, balls, badminton sets, cards, toys for children, etc. They also actively buy swimwear, towels, picnic mats, etc. With a sufficient amount of initial funds, you can purchase all such items, otherwise you can start trading from several positions.

Trade in souvenirs

During the summer season, you can also make money selling souvenirs. People, being on vacation, very often acquire various souvenirs that will remind them of how they spent their vacation. The wholesale cost of such souvenirs is quite small, and the retail margin for them can reach up to 200-300%. Various magnets, postcards, various figurines, etc. can serve as souvenirs. In this case, it is especially good if the souvenirs that you will trade are similar in their subject matter to the place of rest where you will sell them.

Services sector

As for the provision of services in the summer, most profitable business ideas relate to the field of recreation and entertainment.

A separate line of business in this area are various cafes and outlets. Catering. But such activities require certain organizational skills, as well as special equipment, communications and compliance with strict sanitary standards. Therefore, let's talk about simpler types of entertainment on which you can make good money in the summer.

Inflatable play complexes

An interesting idea of ​​​​a seasonal business in the summer of 2017 may be the organization of a children's inflatable attraction, which is now offered in a wide range and consists of various inflatable slopes and slides. Such attractions are very popular with children and give them the opportunity to have fun and actively spend their time. Yes, and parents, while their child is resting on such inflatable complexes, can devote time to themselves. You can place an inflatable attraction both in the city and near the beach on the sea or other body of water.

Equipment for creating such an attraction can be rented, and if finances allow, and you plan to do this business not just for one summer, but for several years, then it is more reasonable to buy an inflatable complex, which will pay off these expenses during the first season. But in this case, you need to think about a place where you will store a large attraction in the winter.

Bicycle and car rental

In those places of rest where there is a more or less acceptable road surface, you can organize the rental of bicycles or children's cars. Of course, for such a business, you will first need considerable financial investments for the purchase of cars and bicycles.

One of the advantages of such a business is that you can start it as soon as the earth dries up, sunny days come, and people will spend a lot of time on the street.

Providing beach equipment for rent

In order to have the most comfortable and pleasant vacation on the beach, people need various beach accessories, such as an umbrella from the sun, a deck chair or a sunbed. You can offer such items for rent and receive hourly pay. Here it is very important to choose the right prices so that they are democratic enough for vacationers with different financial situations. Also, the profitability of such a business also depends on the place where you offer rental equipment - the closer to the beach you locate your point, the more profitable your business will be.

The main investment for this business is the financial means for the purchase of goods that you will rent out. But with proper storage and operation, they will not need to be replaced soon.

Unusual photo

Almost everyone has a camera these days. cellular telephone with a camera that allows you to capture any interesting life moments, so regular photos no one is surprised now. But you can impress vacationers with an unusual entourage. You can take photos of people dressed as various famous characters, or take photos in unusual settings: on a throne, in a carriage, etc. Or you can invite people to take pictures with exotic animals, unless of course you yourself are ready to keep such an animal. The amount spent on creating the entourage for photographs is the main financial investment and can be very different, depending on the specific items with which you are going to photograph your clients. This is a fairly profitable business and its profitability can be more than 100%.

Tour guide

It is unlikely that it will be possible to organize a large business for the summer without investments, but as an example of earning money from scratch without any financial costs, one can cite the provision of tourist guide services. This can be done completely without hired employees, it is only important that there are enough tourists in your city and that you know the places you are talking about well. To do this, you will have to carefully familiarize yourself with the history of the area that you will show tourists and make an interesting program for them. It also requires a certain ability to hold such events and present information in such a way that it is interesting to your listeners.

Creation of a shooting range

Tire has been one of the most traditional entertainments in resorts since Soviet times. And now, after a long time, there are also many who want to shoot from pneumatic weapons at targets. And in order to attract even more customers, you can make the shooting gallery a prize. Of course, you need to be smart in choosing prizes so that they are not very expensive in terms of value, but at the same time, prizes should be liked by those who will shoot at your shooting range. In terms of investment, you will need to spend money on an iron container in which your shooting range will be located, as well as on pneumatic guns and a bullet for them.