Exchange of articles copywriting rewriting translations. The best copywriting and rewriting exchanges for making money: an overview and tips. How and where do rewriters and copywriters work

Greetings, dear readers of my blog. Today I propose to figure out what a copywriting exchange is and which ones are best suited for beginner copywriters. Almost all copywriters, even the most successful ones, started their careers on stock exchanges. This is such a survival school for beginners, which has its own rules and features.

The unprepared give up quickly, there are many of them. More persistent - achieve impressive results. Some authors enjoy the exchange activity so much that they have been working in this mode for many years.

What is an exchange

Strongly generalizing, we can say that a copywriting exchange is a platform where freelancers, in this case, earn in several ways:

  1. Fulfill orders.
  2. Place their finished texts for sale.

The main advantage of any exchange is a secure transaction system, when the possibility of non-payment for the work performed is excluded. The main disadvantage is that the cost of orders on exchanges is very low.

I spoke about the pros and cons of working on the stock exchange in an article.

I offer you an overview of the best copywriting exchanges for aspiring authors, I hope this will help you start earning your first money today.

All copywriting and rewriting exchanges my detailed review you can find about this resource in the article where I talked. There are also many orders for copywriters on this site. is a young resource that is steadily gaining popularity. Compared to other exchanges, its main advantage is that there is no need to look for orders. You choose the topic that interests you the most and write articles, why not a copywriter's dream? Further, the editors either accept your work or ask to be finalized.

Requirements for texts and design are quite feasible. The cost of 1,000 characters varies depending on the chosen topic from 40 to 60 rubles for beginners. With constant cooperation with the content workshop and high-quality work, the cost of 1,000 signs can grow to 120 rubles.

  1. Register.
  2. Pass a test for knowledge of the Russian language (spelling, punctuation, syntax).
  3. Attach your article on the chosen topic and write a short essay about why your articles can be useful and interesting to readers.
  4. After successfully completing all the tasks, you will receive an invitation to the team of authors of the workshop and you can start creating.

This resource offers a very convenient payment system, where you can withdraw earned money both to an electronic wallet and directly to bank card.

Choose to your liking

This list is far from complete. I have included in it only those sites that, in my opinion, offer beginners the most comfortable conditions for starting. The rest you can find in the article all on the Internet.

You can find a lot of reviews about each resource, both positive and negative. Don't rely on them too much, take the facts and try whatever appeals to you.

There are many other places to earn money. Some pay in dollars, which is very convenient for freelancers who work not in Russia, but, for example, in Ukraine.

On freelance exchanges, just like in the offline world, competition is very high. But without competition, there is no incentive to develop. Here, too, no one will pay you a lot at once and trust responsible orders. What salary can a graduate student without work experience expect?

But here, with due diligence, you have a much better chance of short time reach high ratings and decent wages. In this direction, you will also be strongly encouraged by constant learning and improving your skills, I advise from our Knowledge Base.

In addition, this is a great opportunity to find employers who will offer you long-term cooperation outside the exchange.

Needless to say about the experience and professionalism, which grows with each completed order and positive feedback.

Did you, dear readers, have experience working on stock exchanges for copywriters? What sites have you worked on? Share your impressions in the comments, perhaps someone lacks your advice in order to achieve the desired results.

Rewriting is the rewriting of an existing text in order to increase its uniqueness. This may also require inserting keywords at the request of the customer. The rewriting exchange also publishes many orders for proofreading the text, in which spelling, punctuation, stylistic and other errors need to be corrected.

Yes, this is in demand on our rewriting exchange. Customers often need to correct errors in existing text, improve its style and arrange it beautifully with headings and lists.

The price for rewriting the text can vary significantly depending on many factors. Often performers with a high rating fulfill an order at higher prices than novice performers. The more experienced the performer and the higher his rating, the higher the price the customers charge for the execution of the order.
We see many examples of the successful work of our users who are able to write high-quality texts and who are able to build good relationships with customers for whom the exchange site has become the main source of income with decent earnings, much more than the average market salary.

No, registration and stay on our service is absolutely free.

For the provision of services and ensuring the security of transactions with earned funds.
  • The service site guarantees the security of the transaction between the customer and the contractor.
    The contractor can always be sure that if he has done the work efficiently and on time, he will receive a reward for it.

    The customer can refuse payment only in the following cases:

    • the work was not sent on time;
    • the customer is dissatisfied with the quality of the work performed and filed a complaint with the internal Arbitration site, where the customer's side was accepted.
  • Yes, you can work on our copywriting exchange, completing orders to create unique texts. If you want to sell your author's articles, you can publish them in our Articles Store. Detailed statistics on the key queries of the Store are also available, so that the performers have an idea, articles on which topics are in demand in this moment. If you write news articles, you can sell them in the News Store.

    You make a response to the order you like. If the customer chooses you among other performers, you will receive a system notification and you will be able to start working on the order.

    When creating an order, the customer sets the deadline for the delivery of the work (deadline), and by leaving a response to it, you undertake to hand over the work on time and in accordance with the requirements specified in the TOR.

    After writing the text, you send the work to the customer through the service of our exchange. Then there are 3 options:

    • The customer accepts your work and the funds for it are transferred to your account.
    • The customer sends the text to you for revision, indicating the reason(errors in the text, inconsistency of TK, low uniqueness). In this case, you should correct these errors and send the text to the customer again. If you do not agree with the reason for the revision and believe that you have done a good job, then you have the right to file a complaint against the customer in the internal Arbitration of the service.
    • The customer submits a complaint to the service's internal Arbitration to refuse your work due to multiple errors or inconsistencies in the TOR. In case of accepting the side of the customer, the contractor loses a significant part of the rating (its size is 3 times higher than the rating for the execution of this order).
  • To withdraw funds, you need to follow the link "Withdrawal of funds", and add a counterparty - individual or company, indicating the country of residence. Next, you will have access to a list of payment systems through which you can withdraw funds, where commissions for withdrawing funds will be indicated.

    When creating an order, the customer sets an order deadline. When you respond to an order, you see when it has a deadline.

    It is very important to submit the work on time, so you will not only avoid a fine for breaking the deadline, but also earn the trust of the customer. In the future, he can begin to work with you on an ongoing basis and provide you with stable income from his orders.

    The customer has the right to refuse you if you do not send the work before the deadline. In this case, the work is not paid. For breaking the deadline, you will be charged 2 times more rating than you could get for completing this order.

    The work is checked personally by the customer. The service administration checks the work only if the customer or contractor files a complaint with the internal Arbitration.

    The customer has 3 business days to decide on your work (weekends and holidays are not taken into account). If during this time he does not accept the work, does not send it for revision and does not file a complaint, then the work will automatically go to the Auto-Acceptance Arbitration, where it will be checked for errors and compliance with the TOR. If a discrepancy between the TOR is found or the work is not unique enough, the Arbitration will extend the auto-acceptance period, returning the work to the status sent to the customer. Otherwise, the work is accepted automatically and you will receive money for the order.

  • The rating of the performer is an indicator of his experience on the site service. The Contractor receives a rating for the timely completion of orders and the publication of texts in the Content Store, as well as for studying the site. A one-time increase in rating can be obtained immediately after registration, if you fill out a profile, upload an avatar and answer the question "How did you hear about the site?". There are also additional bonuses for the timely sending of works, writing unique texts and earnings per day.

    • Opportunity to respond to more interesting orders. When choosing a performer, customers are often guided by his rating and prefer to give expensive orders to experienced authors.
    • Exchange commission reduction. A performer with the title of "Academician" has a significantly lower commission than a performer with the title of "Schoolboy".
    • Reducing the checkout queue. The waiting time for checking uniqueness decreases as the rating grows: the higher the rating, the shorter the queue for you.
    • Arbitration Trust. Arbitration decides contentious issues. Higher ranked performers are more trusted. Therefore, when considering their questions, it is more likely that the situation will be quickly resolved in favor of the performer.
    • The opportunity to take a place among the top performers. Customers trust performers with a high rating more. The profiles of top performers with high ratings are shown at the top of the main page. Customers are guided by the top and choose performers who occupy high places in it.
  • Users with a PRO account have the following benefits:

    • rating increase 30% faster;
    • trust from customers;
    • quick uniqueness check;
    • instant withdrawal of funds without additional commission using express withdrawal.
  • Greetings, dear readers website. People working on various content exchanges know perfectly well what rewriting is and why customers need it. Despite the possible difficulties in writing such a text, this species work is considered one of the easiest to date.

    To better understand the essence of this term, it is necessary to consider it in more depth and detail. Among other things, it is worth paying due attention to the question of who rewriters are, as well as how much it costs to rewrite 1000 characters without spaces.

    The concept of rewriting and its difference from copywriting

    If we consider the question, what is rewriting in simple words, then this concept can be formulated as follows: rewriting is rewriting someone else's material in your own words.

    The author of the source article is not indicated in the completed article. The rewriter has every right to call the text written by him his own. The only thing that can be done is to indicate at the end of the material the sources from which the information was taken.

    Rewriting is a day-to-day job, which is why it is so highly valued by talented writers. Of course, it all depends on whether the person works for himself, selling articles to other users, or for one (or several) customers.

    Why is this type of work necessary? It's simple: rewriting is a great way to create an absolutely competent and unique text based on material already posted on the Internet on a particular topic. In addition, such a text, as a rule, adapts to the reader, due to which it becomes easier to read, understand and remember.

    In general, earnings on rewriting are very interesting view work. It helps not only to reveal the topic and convey it to a potential reader, but also provides an excellent opportunity for the author himself to learn something new and interesting for himself.

    Copywriting and rewriting - the main differences in concepts

    Despite the apparent difference, many people do not quite understand the difference between copywriting and rewriting. In order not to get confused, let's consider these concepts separately.

    So, as mentioned above, rewriting articles is rewriting other people's texts in your own words. That is, the author finds this or that source text on the Internet, carefully reads and studies it, and then sets out what he has read in a language that is accessible to a simple reader.

    For example, many medical articles are often full of all sorts of terms and heavy speech turns. So, a rewriter who is well versed in medical topics adapts the article to a simple person who does not have a special education. Thanks to this, even an ordinary school teacher or a light industry worker (as an example) will be able to fully understand the article he read, and remember for himself the most interesting and useful information.

    Of course, you can register on several services at once, but be prepared for the fact that the requirements for some of them are very strict. For this reason, you will have to work hard to become one of the employees of one or another copywriting exchange.

    If you are a beginner in the field of writing texts on various topics and genres, but you have huge potential and a lot of free time, then for a start you can take special rewriting training courses by clicking on the link:

    Such exercises will help you gain valuable knowledge in the field of creating high-quality and unique content, and there is no doubt that they will be useful to you in the future!

    Making money by writing articles is much more profitable than, for example, or.

    So here copywriting exchanges, content or articles, this is just the place where you can turn your writing gift (the main thing is that you have it) into real money.

    List - top, best copywriting and rewriting exchanges for beginners:

    Earnings on content exchanges are not limited to writing articles for sale (read more about copywriting), you can also earn money by rewriting.

    Rewriting is a rewriting, rewriting of an existing text, but in your own words. Of course, rewriting articles is easier than writing them from scratch, do not forget about that moment, if the topic of the ordered article is not familiar to you, you will have to spend some time getting to know it.

    Another way to make money on content exchanges is paid comments on forums and blogs, usually 100-200 characters each.

    But, nevertheless, writing unique, interesting articles will allow you to earn much more (about $ 5 per 1000 characters) than rewriting or paid comments on forums and blogs.

    Earnings on writing and selling articles on the exchanges of articles (content) allows you to get a good income.

    Excellent exchanges where students can order a diploma rewrite, term paper, abstract.

    Quark and Workzilla - freelance exchanges for beginners, remote work (vacancies) on the Internet for everyone.

    A new, not typical freelance exchange, the Russian analogue of fiverr, all tasks cost 500 rubles.

    On Quark, you can quickly earn 500 - 1000 rubles a day, for 2-3 hours of work, without investment and deceit.


    - freelance exchange of remote work, the service allows the contractor and the customer to quickly find each other, to perform simple tasks: design, help with the site, translation, advertising, information search, working with texts, writing articles, rewriting, copywriting, editing.

    QComment - exchange of comments, reviews and social promotion

    - combines two of the most simple ways make money on the Internet without investments: actions in popular in social networks(VKontakte, FaceBook, Odnoklassniki) plus writing comments and reviews.

    In terms of functionality, QComment does not differ from the characteristic boxes (although there are much more ways to earn money and types of tasks on the boxes).

    However, the prices for tasks in QComment are usually twice as high as in regular boxes.
    This is a big plus for beginners.

    ETXT is the best copywriting exchange for beginners

    The ETXT.RU website is a copywriting exchange where you can buy or sell an article.

    On the Internet, mostly positive.
    If we compare the ratio of negative reviews to good ones, then Etxt surpasses all other content exchanges in this regard.

    Many advise this resource to beginners, because, unlike other services, all conditions for an easy start and quick career growth are created here.


    TEXT - SEO content exchange

    TEXT.RU is an excellent exchange for, albeit not very large, but stable earnings on the Internet.
    This exchange provides great amount orders, on any subject.
    You can choose the one closest to you.

    Money for completed orders is credited for a small commission and instantly.
    The money earned by selling articles can be withdrawn to your Qiwi or WebMoney wallet.
    Withdrawals are made instantly, without delay.


    CopyLancer - SEO copywriting exchange reviews, with the most expensive payment for articles

    - a popular copywriting exchange with instant withdrawal of money to wallets of payment systems: WebMoney, Qiwi, to a bank card or mobile phone balance.

    Copylancer is excellent for selling and buying articles, one of the best article stores where you can buy SEO-optimized selling text for your website.

    Customers appreciate Copilancer for the opportunity of excellent quality at an affordable price, and performers for high average price 100 rubles for 1000 characters.


    Advego Exchange of copywriting, content, articles

    , one of the first copywriting exchanges that beginners learn about when they start looking real internet earnings, so there is a lot of competition among performers and it will be difficult for a novice author to get an order.

    The customer of articles on Advego will appreciate the low prices for services: copywriting and translations (price from 25 rubles per 1000 characters) and rewriting (price from 15 rubles per 1000 characters).

    Also, the resource is known for its program Advego Plagiatus (Advego Plagiatus) for checking the uniqueness of the text.

    Registration of a performer on the Advego website is free and free.

    On the Advego article exchange, there is a great opportunity not only to earn real money, but also to communicate on forums and blogs, learn from those who have achieved success and share their knowledge.


    ContentMonster content exchange - unique content for your website

    ContentMonster (ContentMonstr) - an adequate exchange of articles, an excellent source of unique content for customers, a stable source of income for performers, rapid growth in rating, easy to work, a small amount of deposit / withdrawal of money, a clear interface, error checking.


    Content exchange SMART-COPYWRITING

    SMART-COPYWRITING is a relatively new Internet service in the field of copywriting and rewriting. In general, a good exchange of articles for beginner copywriters.

    In 2018, the SMART-COPYWRITING exchange closed and no longer works.


    Exchange of copywriting, content TextSale (TextSale), the best article store where you can buy ready-made articles cheaply

    Site (exchange of articles) - In my opinion, the optimal exchange of articles for a beginner, this is one of the best places for easy money making by selling ready-made articles and texts.
    Customers love TextSail for the opportunity to buy cheap ready-made articles for the site, in the resource article store, there are texts on almost any topic.

    Rewriting over the past few years has become one of the priority areas for remote work. Since millions of sites are registered on the Internet, each of them needs original content. Creating high-quality content, increasing the uniqueness of the text is the main task of a person involved in rewriting. What is rewriting, how to develop a method for rewriting texts and how much you can earn on it, let's figure it out.

    What it is

    Rewriting is the process of rewriting the original text, during which its uniqueness is increased. It is worth noting that the person involved in rewriting is faced with the task of preserving the original meaning of the text, but presenting it in other words.

    Site owners are constantly in need of high-quality and unique material for publications, so today the services of a copywriter and rewriter are in demand more than ever. If the first creates unique articles from scratch, then the second, in fact, rewrites ready-made texts. If you use other people's texts, without trying to increase uniqueness, such a site will be ignored by the search engine, since it carries absolutely no new information.

    Website owners are helped by people who skillfully master all the intricacies of writing texts. They are engaged in rewriting, which is translated from English. means "rewriting". This capacious concept fully reflects the essence of the rewriter's activity.

    Owners of web resources of various formats need rewriting. And it is in demand due to the lower cost of wages, when compared with copywriting. Who is this job for? First of all, creative and literate people with a developed vocabulary. Remember your school years, when the class wrote the presentation together at the Russian language lessons. If you did an excellent job with the task, then you should definitely try your hand at rewriting.

    At first glance, it may seem that even a child can handle rewriting, everything is so simple and clear. But this is a colossal delusion, the work of a rewriter has many subtleties and is not easy. Imagine that you were given a text to work filled with specific terms, quotes from by-laws, or professional slang.

    Sometimes you have to sit over one text for hours in order to preserve the original meaning as much as possible.


    Tasks for rewriting texts are always associated with certain requirements, the rewriting process itself consists in the formation of completely new sentences, phrases and word forms.

    Primary requirements:

    1. Without changing the structure, change the type of text;
    2. Do not add additional data to the text (the exception is the text, which prescribes the possibility of using additional sources of information);
    3. Do not give your subjective assessment of the events described in the text;
    4. The process of modifying the test is called "rewriting", and the final result of the rewriting is called "rewriting", these concepts are often confused.

    Anyone who is not familiar with the field of writing texts may assume that rewriting is nothing more than ordinary plagiarism. In fact, this is a misconception, since a rewriter (a person involved in rewriting) creates new unique content.

    Rewriting has become widespread in the vastness of the network, as the most budgetary way to fill thematic forums, services and sites with new material. Compared to copywriting, rewriting pays an order of magnitude lower, despite the fact that the final product is 100% unique.

    Over the years of the existence of rewriting as a freelance industry, several main types of this work have emerged:

    • Primitive. Work with the text is carried out through special programs, without the involvement of human labor. Such a text is created on the basis of the selection of many synonyms (it is also called synonymizing);
    • Simplified. It is similar in structure to a primitive rewrite, with the difference that a person works on the text, and not a program;
    • Exemplary. Rewriting, written more competently and efficiently;
    • Super deep. Such rewriting helps to achieve the highest degree of uniqueness of the text due to the complete change of word forms and sentences in the text.

    In a separate category, professional rewriting can be distinguished. It is distinguished by the presence of structural changes in the text, consistent style, and the absence of spelling and punctuation errors. Most professionals work on popular exchanges, where they provide their services to customers.

    The main task of rewriting is to create a unique text based on the available source..

    How to rewrite text

    Beginners often make the mistake of believing that rewriting is the simplest type of activity that does not require a serious approach and significant time costs. In fact, rewriting requires a lot of effort, it needs a comprehensive step-by-step approach.

    If you are taking your first steps in the field of text rewriting, then it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with a proven algorithm of actions:

    1. We carefully study the task. It would seem that the simplest point, but due to inattentive proofreading of the text, problems and misunderstandings may arise in the future. For example, little time is given to complete the work, and you did not take this moment into account. Or the text is filled with a lot of specific terms, which complicates the task, especially for a beginner;
    2. Text analysis. We carefully read the material, get acquainted in advance with all new words;
    3. Let's start the rewriting process. We work on preserving the meaning, we select competently synonyms, we change word forms;
    4. We carry out a comprehensive check of the text. Here it is worth paying attention to literacy and punctuation. For the first time, we recommend that you “go over” the text yourself, and then use popular services for checking texts;
    5. Checking the new text for uniqueness using relevant services. Here it is desirable to achieve the percentage of uniqueness that was prescribed in the terms of reference;
    6. Final proofreading of the text. It is advisable to check the text after a couple of hours in order to go through what was written with a “fresh look”, so you can identify those errors that you have not noticed before.

    It is extremely important not to thoughtlessly take orders for work, but to read the source information about the task as carefully as possible. In addition, you always need to make contact with the customer, clarify the details you are interested in.

    Rewriting exchanges

    To date, a huge number of platforms have been registered where rewriters can receive orders on an ongoing basis. We offer to consider the best exchanges for, which are guaranteed to pay out the funds earned by the rewriter and provide a huge number of tasks.

    Etxt is one of the most popular platforms in Russia and the post-Soviet countries for making money on writing texts.

    To date, several thousand performers work within the framework of the exchange, however, due to the huge number of incoming tasks, there is enough work for every newcomer.

    The cost of rewriting here varies depending on the rating of the artist:

    • For rewriting entry level pay from 15 rubles for 1000 characters of text;
    • At the middle level, the price increases, and the cost of 1000 characters starts from 25 rubles. Often there are tasks with higher pay;
    • The lucky ones who have earned the coveted "three stars" and high rating, receive from 50 rubles for 1000 characters.

    The system charges a commission for the withdrawal of earned funds in the amount of 5%. The exchange allows you to earn on rewriting an average of 250 rubles per text. In a month you can earn from 7,000 rubles.

    Turbotext - rewriting is one of the key areas of the exchange. The platform is famous high quality writing texts, so the beginner will have to try to prove himself with better side and give it 100%.

    The cost of rewriting will depend entirely on the level:

    1. At the initial level, you will be paid from 22 rubles per 1000 characters;
    2. The basic level brings users from 47 rubles per 1000 characters of text;
    3. Payment for 1000 characters at a high level is from 96 rubles;
    4. Professionals can safely count on 120 rubles per 1000 characters.

    The exchange is one of the highest paid in the vastness of the network, so you should try to interest customers with your talent. Even a beginner, devoting 3-4 hours a day to writing texts, has from 9,000 rubles a month.

    Advego is an exchange that gladly accepts everyone who wants to show their creativity in the process of writing texts. You can take tasks to work here immediately after registration, and the abundance of orders will please both beginners and professional rewriters.

    For 1000 characters of printed text on Advego they pay from 20 rubles. The more complex the text, the higher the payment. You can often find tasks with a payment of 120 rubles per 1000 characters. Beginners earn on the exchange from 5,000 rubles a month.

    Copylancer is a time-tested exchange. More than 600 new tasks appear here every day, 40% of which are rewriting tasks. Before starting the tasks, you need to register and pass a simple test for knowledge of the basic rules of the Russian language.

    Exchange Rates:

    • Each newcomer automatically has an entry level, where they pay from 20 rubles for 1000 rewriting characters;
    • At the basic level, for 1000 characters they pay from 35 rubles;
    • A high level involves payment from 55 rubles per 1000 characters;
    • Professionals receive from 70 rubles for 1000 characters of printed text.

    Every month, a beginner can count on additional income in the amount of 15,000 rubles.

    Miratext is a platform for creating exceptionally high-quality content. The best rewriters work here, so it is worth making a lot of effort to join the team. Despite the strict selection of performers, the exchange attracts newcomers with a decent level of remuneration.

    Here you will not find a huge number of tasks, but even a beginner will be able to work on tasks with payment from 35 rubles per 1000 characters. You can earn from 19,000 rubles per month.

    ContentMonster is another popular freelance exchange that cares about the quality of the work done by users. To start working on the exchange, you need to pass a test for knowledge of the rules of the Russian language, as well as write a short introductory essay.

    The project has a 5-level system, during which each user can go from a beginner to a master. The work of a beginner at the initial level is estimated at an amount of 30 rubles per 1000 characters. For a month of work on the exchange, you can have from 8,000 rubles, while experienced rewriters receive from 20,000 rubles.


    When working on text rewriting, it is necessary to constantly apply various tools or techniques that guarantee an increase in the uniqueness of the original text.

    • Use of synonyms. The most efficient and easiest way to change text. Change the most frequently used words with synonyms and the text is guaranteed to have increased uniqueness. If inspiration has dried up, you can always use special services where you will automatically find synonyms for any word;
    • We change the word form. A verb can be transformed into a noun and vice versa, but often this technique should not be used so that the transformations do not affect the quality;
    • Change offers. It's about their structure. Convert several short ones into one long one, break the long ones;
    • Write dates and numbers in letters and vice versa;
    • Use phrases instead of verbs, but do not overdo it so that the text does not turn out to be overloaded.

    Experienced rewriters in the process of working at the level of intuition realize which of the techniques is more appropriate to apply in a particular case. Again, we repeat: rewriting is not a thoughtless paraphrase, it is meticulous work that requires maximum concentration and involvement from the rewriter.

    How much can you earn

    Many beginners in the field of rewriting are extremely interested in the financial side of the issue. The income will directly depend on the quality of the work, the volume of the texts performed, the amount of time that you are willing to devote to work.

    At first, you should not dream of "golden mountains". Primitive texts for beginners are often valued at meager amounts. So the system weeds out everyone who does not want to gain experience and skills in pursuit of quick money.

    The more you practice writing texts, the better the final result will be, monetary reward it applies the same way. Experienced rewriters charge from 30 rubles for 1000 characters of text.

    Having given a couple of hours to rewriting, you can have from 300 rubles daily. A rewriter receives from 8,000 rubles per month.

    The better you perform the assigned tasks, the more your work will be appreciated. potential employer, which will also affect the amount of money earned. Rewriting gurus are able to earn from 25,000 rubles and this is far from the limit.

    Pros and cons

    Like any profession, rewriting has positive and negative sides, which you should know about in advance in order to avoid unpleasant surprises and objectively understand what obligations are assigned to the rewriter.

    • Abundance of work. The number of sites is growing every day, so the demand for high-quality texts is also great. If you wish, you can take several texts to work every day, which will provide you with a good income;
    • You do not need, as in the case of copywriting, to "reinvent the wheel" by creating new text from scratch. You are given a ready-made text that needs to be converted, preserving the meaning and uniqueness of the material;
    • The rewriter gains valuable experience in working with texts.
    1. You need to be prepared for the fact that working on one test can take a lot of time and patience;
    2. Not every person can work as a rewriter. Despite the abundance specialized services, accelerating the process of writing texts, you need to have a rich vocabulary and craving for writing;
    3. The first time rewriting will not bring a lot of money.
    1. Do not treat rewriting as light work. The texts need a thoughtful approach, detailing, and not a simple paraphrase of the existing material;
    2. Use all possible platforms created to help copywriters and rewriters. These can be services for checking spelling, uniqueness, platforms with which you can select synonyms and antonyms;
    3. Gradually take on more complex texts, do not be afraid of new topics. In order to better understand what is being discussed in highly specialized texts, you should analyze additional sources, familiarize yourself with new words in more detail. So you can “get into” the topic and write a good professional text;
    4. Stick strictly specifications, attached to the main text, since the employer indicates in it exactly what he wants to see in the end;
    5. Use exclusively trusted exchanges for work, do not contact dubious sites;
    6. Improve in the chosen direction, replenish your vocabulary, learn new information, then you can become a real "universal soldier" ready to complete any rewrite.
    7. Believe in yourself, then you will definitely succeed in achieving your intended goal.


    Rewriting is a relevant field of activity that can bring good income for anyone who wants to work online. Rewriting is quite exciting and anyone can master all the skills of writing texts, it is enough to have basic knowledge language and some free time. An ideal way to have an additional income for creative and patient people.