Your internet business from scratch. Earnings on the Internet: ideas for starting a profitable business. The idea of ​​​​earning - your own exchange office

I have been in internet business since 2011. And in this article I want to tell you the whole truth - how to start an Internet business from scratch. The information in this article is likely to go against what you are accustomed to hearing and reading on the subject. So get ready. Now we will break your stereotypes.

If you are only thinking about how to start your Internet business, then most likely you do not have a lot of money. And if you think that this is your main problem, then you are greatly mistaken.

Your main problem at the start of an Internet business

It's just fine that you don't have money. Seriously. All my experience shows clearly - if a person has money at the start of his business (on the Internet or off the Internet), then everything always ends the same way. He puts them in the wrong place. He seeks to leave "on the money." And as a result, he loses all his money.

And the fact that he is losing money is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that a person forever develops a “negative reflex” associated with business. It's like a child getting burned on a hot kettle for the first time. And then he will never stick his hands in there.

And it's the same with internet business. Once burned - and no more rolls can lure a person to try again.

But if there is no money, then you have to think. Think - where to get traffic for free, how to make a site for free, how to sell it harder. And that's when you start to develop the skills you need to run an online business.

Yes, this is your main problem right now. You don't know anything. Internet business is only on the selling pages of infobusinessmen it is so cool, easy and pleasant. In fact, you have a lot to learn and a lot to learn before you hear the sound of the first coins in your electronic wallets.

And what are those skills? Here are the top three skills to successfully run your online business.

3 main skills of an Internet businessman


most vital important skill for any type of Internet business, it is the ability to attract targeted visitors. This is also called “marketing” on the Internet. That is, you need to learn how to make sure that many people come to your selling sites who in theory can become your clients.

It’s not a fact that they will still pay you money and turn into real customers, but attracting an audience is step number one.

In order to attract potential clients you need to learn. This is the most important source of commercial traffic on the Internet today. And first of all, this is Yandex-Direct. If you still have illusions in your head about the fact that you are, and he will do everything for you, forget about it.

No one will do anything to you even for a million rubles (if you had one). In the beginning - only themselves, and only with their own hands.

Next, you need to learn how to work with targeted advertising on social networks, with SEO traffic, with teaser advertising. These are all completely different systems, and they work in completely different ways. If you want to learn everything at once - take my course. He will help you a lot.

Website development

To convert traffic into sales, you need at least one selling platform. If you are confident that you will be able to conduct business entirely through social networks, then you may not need a website. You just create some kind of VKontakte group, and it will work for you instead of a website.

But in the vast majority of cases, you still need to have a website. Let it be just one page on the Internet. But she should be. Moreover, in reality you will need a lot of such pages (trust my experience).

Now there are many different online designers that allow you to create pages on the Internet quickly and effortlessly. And this creates a false feeling that making a website is easy.

In fact, putting blocks from the constructor and writing something into these blocks does not mean making a website. You will need to learn at least the basics of html in order to be able to perform simple actions with sites without the participation of programmers. This is also a skill, and it also takes time.


The main way to sell on the Internet is to write sales texts. Even if you sell personally via Skype or through correspondence on social networks, you still cannot do without copywriting.

Because copywriting is the psychology of sales. You need to learn to "see" your target audience. Understand what language they speak. Feel the pain they are in. Be able to choose the right words so that the person on the other side of the screen understands you and believes you. To improve your copywriting skills, download my free book. It will already be good step forward.

These are the three skills you need to start pumping now: traffic, websites, copywriting. And for this you just need to start doing any business from the list that I give below. You do not need to set any global goals now. You just need to learn how to perform the simplest actions on the Internet.

Imagine a child who only yesterday began to take the first hesitant steps. So you come up to him and ask - "Where are you going?" He doesn't go anywhere, he just walks. And he walks in order to strengthen his muscles, learn to keep his balance.

The same should be true for you. You are not going to some goal of “taking over the world”, you are just repeating simple movements, developing and developing your skills:

And in order to make it more fun and faster - choose one of the five main options for online business. choose any option. Then you can change the direction of activity as many times as you like.

Top 5 Internet Business Options: Pros and Cons

Partnership programs

This is probably the easiest way to get started. own business through the Internet. The advantage of this method is that you do not need to have your own product to start earning. The disadvantage is that you cannot manage the entire sales chain.

An affiliate program is when you find some interesting product and start advertising it on your selling platforms. For each sale, you earn a commission - a percentage of the purchase price.

The problem is that there are not so many truly high-quality affiliate programs. And most often these are some kind of information products (courses, trainings). See more about partnership programs in the info business.

I myself am not a big fan and a craftsman to make money on affiliate programs. All I do in this direction is sometimes I place affiliate links in my articles on the site. But without a special system. However, I somehow manage to earn 2-3 thousand rubles a month only from these affiliate programs.

If you take this business seriously, you can bring income to an acceptable level. They say that there are people who monthly earn 100-200 thousand rubles from affiliate programs alone.


This option is suitable for those who love independence. Here you will have to make your own information products and sell them yourself. But you will also earn much more than in the same affiliate programs.

In affiliate programs, you will receive 10-20% of the cost of the product, and you will receive 100% from your products. In addition, you will have the opportunity to fully control the sales funnel. You can change something if it doesn't sell well.

The main disadvantage, of course, is that in order to run a successful information business, you need to know and be able to do something that other people want to learn. You can either dig into your old competencies, or choose a new one and quickly learn from books and practice. See more about how to start an infobusiness from scratch.

Network marketing

Network marketing or MLM (or as it is now fashionably called “network marketing”) is not for everyone. This is a very specific type of business on the Internet. I'm not saying that it's bad, or that there are only scammers. Even opposite.

I believe that it is MLM that will allow you to very quickly pump the necessary skills for an online business. Of the benefits - good training, and again, you do not need to have your own product.

Of the minuses - people do not like the network business (because they do not like it when they are recommended something for money). Another drawback is that today, in fact, a lot of financial pyramids have been divorced, which are covered by network business. In fact, there is no product there, and it all comes down to the fact that you pay for someone to pay you from below the structure.

If you do not have much experience in the network business, then it is very difficult to distinguish a real MLM from a financial pyramid. And chances are good that you will fall into one of them. But that's why they're mistakes, to learn from them. Maybe just for you network marketing fit best.


Blogging is not 100% business. Most often, earnings there do not come from the sale of a product, but from advertising. That is, you create some kind of platform, fill it with useful and interesting content, and promote it. And then you put ads there for money.

However, this does not mean that blogging cannot make good money. On the contrary, it is a great and very profitable way to earn a lot without selling anything at all. For example, if you have a content site on the Internet with a traffic of 15 - 20 thousand people a day, then you can easily earn 100 - 150 thousand a month from advertising alone.

Of the minuses - you have to work very long and hard before you see the return on your blog. To reach the level of 15 - 20 thousand uniques per day, you will need about two years of work (and this is provided that you do everything right right away).

By the way, blogging can be not only classic. You can make your own VKontakte group or YouTube channel. This will also be blogging, only social. There, you will focus not on SEO, but on the viral distribution of content. If you are sure that you don’t want to sell anything to anyone, then blogging is probably the best fit for you.

Selling goods from one-pagers

The last option for an online business in our today's "review" is running your own online store. Only this is not big internet a store with a bunch of items of goods, its own logistics system and other attributes.

You can make your own small “online shop” literally on your knee. To do this, you need to do, place some product there, and start traffic.

In words, everything looks easy, but in fact there are a number of pitfalls. The biggest disadvantage is the need to deliver the goods to the buyer. It is logistics that most often becomes the reason why it is not possible to conduct business through one-pagers. Goods go for a long time, people refuse to buy, and so on and so forth.

On the plus side, living goods are easier to sell than, say, the same information products. In a living physical product, its value is immediately clear. Read more about. And also about what it should be.

In general, a one-page business is probably the only “real business” that can scale up to many millions of earnings per month (and make it stable and not closed to you, as the owner of the business).

Therefore, if you think broadly, it is best for you to sell goods through landing pages.


In conclusion, let's once again summarize everything that has been said in this article.

  • If you don't have money for initial stage building a business on the internet, then that's good. So it is much more likely that you will learn to think correctly before investing money somewhere;
  • To run a successful online business, you need three main skills: the ability to attract traffic, the ability to quickly make high-quality sites, the ability to sell and convince with texts (copywriting);
  • There are five main types of Internet business, and you need to start any of them, just to improve your skills in practice.
  • Affiliate programs are convenient because you do not need to have your own product to sell. The disadvantage is that you earn only 10-30% of the cost of the sale and cannot control the entire sales funnel.
  • Infobusiness is suitable for independent people who want to make products themselves and sell them themselves. The advantage is really big money. The disadvantage is that you need to have knowledge and skills for which people are willing to pay money.
  • Network marketing is a specific type of online business. Its advantage is that you have a team of mentors who will train you intensively. The disadvantage is low earnings, negativity from others, a high probability of getting into a financial pyramid.
  • Blogging is suitable for those who do not want to sell anything. Your job is to create an interesting and useful content platform, and then earn money by placing ads on it. You can earn a lot and constantly. The disadvantage is that you have to work for a long time before your blog starts making money.
  • Selling products from one-page sites is the only "real" business on the list. It can be scaled and completely excluded from the business process. The disadvantage is that you have to deal with the logistics of goods and deal with very high competition.

I hope now it has become clearer to you what is the best way to start an Internet business from scratch. And in just a couple of years, you will have your own real money machine online. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (squeezed from personal experience for 10 years =)

Internet business from scratch where to start - my real story about making money on the Internet

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How to start an online business? My real story work in the Internet for 5 years. What pitfalls await you? What you need to do, and where, you should not even meddle, you will only lose money.

Greetings my dear readers and random visitors to this blog!
In this article I will tell my story of working on the Internet, how I lost a million rubles, I will explain what you really need to do.
The article will be useful, first of all, to beginners, those who just want to start making money from the Internet, or have started, but little is achieved and cannot decide on the direction in business.

Do I regret that I came to the Internet business?
Of course not.
What do I regret?
About the fact that I lost a lot of time looking for a freebie, a loot button, as it is still customary to say in moneymaker slang, while you just had to work on the Internet!

Internet business from scratch where to start - how to start correctly, and not get a false start

For the first time in my life, I thought about making money on the Internet 10 years ago in 2007. At the very time when the Internet appeared on my computer. Sites in world wide web was much less than now, there was almost no information about earnings. I remember that I found some kind of site, hung with banners and teasers (advertising) the Christmas tree is resting. I dug out a link to the bookmarks (postal service) in it. Registered there, made an electronic wallet.
I remember that site and all the sites that I visited on the instructions of advertising on it more than information). The most interesting thing is that a virus on such advertisements could be easily caught, easier to catch than not.
I looked around the sites, clicked on the ads, I still managed to earn some pennies.
I'm bored with this.)

For a couple of years, I forgot to work on the Internet.
What did you do?
Played online games. In one I managed to lose as much as 3 years). Lost a lot of time ... although, how did you lose it?
In the game I met a girl who later became my wife and to this day we are together, although there are not two of us in the family, but three;).
The spirit of adventurism has not left me all these 2 years).
After 2 years, I again came with a fishing rod to the Internet business with renewed vigor for real money online.
I started puffing on click-through sites again. I tried the entire arsenal of the available at that time.
I liked Seosprint the most. He worked on it.
I managed to earn 50-100 rubles per day, then it was, what, not what, but money.

By the way, a year ago, in 2016, I returned to it again), although not as a performer, but as an advertiser and referee.
Why don't I work there?
There is no time, and even a hundred rubles a day is not interesting to me now.

I clicked on seosorint, I got bored. Yes, and this site itself is inundated with advertisements for "real earnings" of 5-10 thousand rubles a month.
What were your thoughts at the time?
I, almost man of genius! People earn tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles on the Internet, and I work for a penny!
I had read and seen enough of “exclusive, classified materials from the FSB, from the guru,” became wiser twenty times and realized it was time to act!

What did I learn and understand “of particular value?”
You don't have to work on the Internet, all the work for suckers needs to be invested.
The best earnings- this is on a liability, we are sitting, and the money is coming, remember, right? money should work even if there is none).

I remember he began to act ... with games with the withdrawal of money.
Well, what is it - it's cool! I invested a thousand - another, in a month - another, withdrew the invested grandmas from there, and then you will receive loot from there all your life! In general, I felt like Warren Buffett then).

It was decided to invest in such projects. I do not remember exactly how many there were and their name. I remember only 2.
One site, something about apple trees, planting, harvesting and so on.
The other one, which I remember very well, involved investing in virtual stocks.
I had great relationship with the administrator of the last project, it's no joke, I, the best investor of that project, invested tens of thousands of rubles.
We must give him his due, he regularly paid for the time being.
I remember that he called me to another similar project, where he was a co-founder, I wonder how I then had the brains not to invest there).
Of course, then all these projects will be wiped off the face of the Internet, but it will be later, but for now, I considered myself the smartest Internet businessman, and now it’s funny to read this).
Yes, I must also say that I managed to play with magic wallets.

I understood that it was necessary to move on, to conquer the planet Earth!
After much study, Forex was chosen.
At that time, at that time, it was considered a reliable investment in your future.
Then few people assumed that this was the second "MMM."
Probably, nevertheless, some knew, but were silent, which is logical in other respects.

I understood that I myself would not be able to play there, and why? Work for suckers! And I'm not a sucker, I'm thoughtful.
According to my then considerations, in a couple of, three years, I will be able to completely forget about the work of a farm laborer for my uncle's work in the usual sense of the word.

My thoughts at the time were like this.
Why don't others do this?
Not in the topic of green yet, do not flog.
Am I on topic? Let others work, and I will build a business and soon I will do nothing.

It was decided to take a loan from the bank.
250 thousand, which seemed very little to me.
Well, it won't work like that! For a long time I will increase capital. Should have taken more!
In general, the wooden lam floor, in my opinion, should be enough for a start, successful start so to speak.

I beat compiled a portfolio of 3 investment projects: "Gamma," "FX Vladimir," "Forex Trend."
All designs were flawless. Out of a thousand comments, a maximum of a couple of sensible negative ones.
Does anything remind you lovers?

The first project was a closed area in which they worked puffing, skinning people, allegedly 3 people. Every week, a report was posted on their website on how the trading on the stock exchange went.

According to his impeccable legend, a Russian trader living in the USA worked in the second project. You could learn about all his successes on the stock exchange every week on his website.
However, there was no reason for concern, a maximum of 4 weeks in a small minus for the whole year!

In the last project though, even it turned out to be a scam, there was an opportunity to choose traders. Traders with a yield of 30-40% per annum from the deposit did not interest me. 100% per year, and preferably 200-300% - this is nishtyak!

I must say, with the last project, I myself screwed up, if I had not chosen aggressive traders, I could have remained in the black.

What happened next?
Somewhere in a year, Vladimir began to delay payments.
Gamma quickly covered up - it was black July 2013.
What happened?
Allegedly, the transaction on the stock exchange did not work, belatedly, and most of the money given to the fraudsters traders went into the negative, which they, of course, promised to return.

What were your feelings at that moment?
You know, if you were thrown by a loved one, a girl or a guy, depending on what gender and orientation you are) like a dream. This cannot be - this is some kind of mistake and everything will be fine tomorrow. Of course - it was the collapse of my Internet business, at that time, which I did not want to admit.

Guys, is this all bullshit? Only a weakling gets on his knees, and a strong one goes further, right?) Any decent businessman has risen from scratch at least a few times. It spun, went to zero and got up again. That's exactly what I thought at the time.)

It was decided to issue a couple more credit cards.
Where did the money go?
Mostly for the promotion of VKontakte groups.
Thoughts began to appear in my head that making money on the Internet is not only an investment, it turns out that you also need to work here.

Worked mostly in contact. Promoted his groups.
Basically got subscribers. The first time I realized that everything is not so simple here, when in one of the groups there were 30 thousand subscribers. By that time, she had accumulated a lot of dogs in her order, she could not avoid an automatic filter from contact. The VK filter cleaned out about 30-40% from the group, less than 20 thousand subscribers remained.
When a new member joins the community, he is automatically unsubscribed. There is such a Vkontakte filter.
It is set automatically for a week or two.

The realization came, it dawned on me that cheating is evil, you need to use legal methods. Of the relatively legal, then, it was possible to negotiate with the admin of the VK community about advertising in his group. Accordingly, you give him money, he, your post. Usually an hour post at the top, 24 in the news feed, then deleted.

Advertising was bought in different communities, with varying degrees of success.
The most unfortunate, where the subscriber cost me 30 rubles. Having figured out what posts people are pecking at, a subscriber began to cost me 1 ruble.

The largest group that I was able to promote is 200 thousand subscribers.
Why did you quit?
I posted a post in the group, some kind of financial pyramid, as I remember now, they kicked me a thousand for him Someone knocked, the public was thrown out for a month from the search for a contact.
By that time, there was no more money for advertising in the communities.
With each new post, more and more unsubscribed than subscribed, that is, the number of subscribers was melting before our eyes.
Against the background of everything else, there was no desire to lead it.

The most successful public was about making money on the Internet, now I wouldn’t say that it was), but it was called that.
About 30 thousand subscribers 80-90% of bots.
Advertising on it was ordered with enviable constancy. On average, 3 requests per day, the cost of a post is 50 rubles, on some days 5-7 orders for advertising were received.
Orders came from the sociate exchange, they wrote in a personal.
This public will also be abandoned.
The administration in VK does not really like topics about making money on the Internet, not alone, a normal public will not take up advertising about making money on the Internet. Accordingly, in order to increase the number of subscribers, you need to constantly wind up the group with bots, which threatens with a filter, and they can block it.
In general, wherever you go, one rake).

Would I poke my head into making money now Vkontakte?
Of course not.
You see, your VK group is not yours at all.
This page of the site Vkontakte.
How can you build a business on something that doesn't belong to you?

I did a lot of other nonsense, I think it’s not very interesting).

You know, this whole mess could have been avoided. There were more than enough prerequisites.
I remember that I ordered fortune-telling on the Internet using tarot cards).
For success in the Internet business).
Sent and said everything in color as is.
I don't see any business. Taking loans is very risky. Financial collapse.
What I remember the most.
How a fortune teller pulled out the sun. Having written that this is the most successful card of the deck.
This card denotes success in all endeavors, while adding that the card is turned upside down, which means success is possible, but not soon.
Well, now you are reading me). Just kidding of course)
This is not success - this is a step one step forward.
What would I do now if I could start all over again, from scratch?
I will talk about this later.

How to make money on the Internet. What would I be doing now if I started from scratch?

Guys, I know, many are looking for treasured sites that will pay for the simplest work (likes, reposts, view ads or a site, click on ads, etc.) fabulous money.
Are they there?
Where they pay steeply for such work, there is a scam.
They will never pay well for this kind of work.

Is it worth it to work on clickboxes?
For starters, yes. Better on 3, 4, such. What, not what, but money. In addition, you will gain a little experience.
As they say, the boss who started from the worker is good).

They often reproach me in the comments to an article about a sarafan, saying that they say you didn’t try to earn money there, try first, otherwise, you write all sorts of crap.
Guys, I haven’t tried and I’m not going to distribute money to scammers, I haven’t already distributed it. Scams, for making money on the Internet, I tried how many you never dreamed of.
Like playing with money?
Well, play around while others will build a business in the internet, play around).

Where not to go at all?
Where you are required to invest.
Casino, mlm, games with attachments, and so on.
Most of these have a beautiful legend.
We are a growing company, we invest in gold, shares, forests, cars, factories, air, mars, ufo.
No one is investing! If you are promised, let's say 1% per day of the money you invested.
Do you think it's ok?
Guys, have you been banging your head against anything since morning?

Guys, you have to work everywhere, there is no freebie.
Well, trust me and my experience.

What kind real ways making money online?
Basically there are 2 of them.
1. Freelance.
2. Your site.

What is a freelancer?
Remote worker, that is, working at a computer.
For doing certain work on the Internet, you get paid.

What are the most in-demand professions?
In my opinion, this is a website designer and layout designer.
A good designer and layout designer will never be left without work.

How to freelance?
There are special exchanges where a person writes what work he is ready to perform and how much his work costs.
You see, there are a lot of employees, and in order to be noticed, accordingly, you had a mountain of orders, you need to prove yourself.
Let's say if I went to work as a freelancer, I would not rely on one exchange.
Signed up for at least 5.
Agree on advertising on the visited site or blog. Better for 4-5.
For example, in the form of an interview.

Cons of working as a freelancer.
Either thick or empty. The whole week is full of orders. Then sit for a week.
Without promoting you and your services, you should not leave your main job.
To be honest, this job is not for me.
With the same success, you can work anywhere. There is no particular difference.
This is again a job for someone. I like to do my projects and earn almost on a liability.
I put ads on the site, let the money drip.

Your site.
I've lost so much time... but if I had started working on websites for, say, 5 years, I would be in chocolate now.
By the way, you don't even have to write yourself on the site.
You can order articles from copywriters (person, article writer for your site).
But the blog, in my opinion, you need to keep yourself. By the way, you are on it now).

What are the disadvantages of the site?
From website creation to monetization (earnings), at least 1 year.
Usually 2-3 years. Provided that you will publish at least 1 article per week on it (preferably 3-7).
Until then, you only need to work on its content (articles).
That is, are you ready to work for free for 3 years?
Of course, I’m exaggerating that you will receive something, but this money is hardly enough for a family.

You know, now it's a fashion trend to make your own blog for making money.
But in 90% of cases, if he lives up to a year, no one leads him anymore.
Do you know why?
Most will see enough of all sorts of "gurus" who explain that the whole problem is in creating a site.
Further, almost immediately after creation, visitors will come to you and money will flow.
No - it's not like that at all.
In order to make money on the site, you must have visitors, a lot of visitors).
If they don't, there's no money.
In addition to creating a blog, you need to be able to promote it in search engines.
And this is a whole science that is constantly changing.
You have to be constantly on trend.

How to study if you are a green beginner and do not know or know anything?
A green newcomer is not a sentence. It's temporary). We all came here like that).
If you decide to create your own blog.
I wouldn't advise you to rush anywhere.
Think about what you are interested in and what do you understand?
I, before creating a blog, would spend at least 100 hours studying its promotion.

Let's say, if I'm interested in any topic, I don't know how to do it right, I go to the search engine.
I read at least 3 authoritative authors on this topic (often 7-10 authors).
What for?
I want to get a more complete picture of the issue that interests me.

What can I advise you?
Do not be afraid.
When I started, I thought it would be unrealistic to figure everything out!
90% of moneymaker slang did not understand at all).
Time passes ... and already those articles where you didn’t understand half of the words), you not only understand the meaning, but also see the delusions of the author of these articles).

It happens easily and quickly only ... you yourself know from whom).

For skeptics.
I paid off the loans, here it’s true that not only work on the Internet helped out, but work offline.
A gift of fate or something). A gift, because this is not a job that few people can do, but rather a lot of people), but the salary, not only big, but an order of magnitude higher than the national average.

That's all for me guys.
Questions in the comments are welcome.
Good luck to you!

With development information technologies human life has become much easier. Today, many activities can be done without leaving home: watch a movie, pay bills, make a purchase. Therefore, the question is quite natural: what kind of business can be opened on the Internet? The answer is simple: almost any. A modern person today can earn without leaving home. All you need for this is the Internet and abilities in a certain area.

The content of the article:

Advantages of a remote business

If you decide to open your own, then you will win big. After all, a remote business has a lot of advantages, which are worth talking about in detail:

Where to begin

Despite the fact that the Internet business is simple and convenient, some efforts still have to be made. As in any commercial business, it also requires literacy, determination and patience. To open and run a business you need:

And, most importantly, to conduct a remote business, you need a well-functioning Internet.

Types of remote business

The Internet has not only facilitated the conduct of certain types of business, but also created new opportunities. We offer common and:

Of course, this is not a complete answer to the question of what kind of business can be opened on the Internet with minimum investment. There are many ways to earn extra money from the comfort of your home. The secret to success is to find a product or service that you can make and sell, identify a market that needs that product, and then create a system to reach, sell, and deliver that product.

The sea breeze, the rustle of palm trees and a luminous monitor on a deck chair in Thailand - usually such pictures of the future life are drawn in the minds of those who think about doing business on the Internet. The dream of the present - to work little and get a lot - according to the unenlightened majority, the almighty Internet will help to realize. After reading and listening to the success stories of entrepreneurs who have earned millions on the Internet, young people begin to think:

If he could, then why am I worse?

For the hundredth time, having stumbled upon another story that business on the Internet is easy and simple, and you can earn hundreds of thousands a month here, working several hours a day, someone starts looking for a familiar programmer, and someone starts study website builders and comprehend the basics of Google analytics.

There are, of course, those who peck at the bait of quick and easy money - trying to figure out binary options, online trading, CPA networks and traffic arbitrage...

Internet business attracts by the fact that it does not require initial investments. No equipment, no office, no employees needed. You don’t even have to register an IP, pay taxes - nothing will happen to you. Moreover, there are many options to start earning money without having anything for your soul, the vast majority thinks.

Is it really?

Freelance or business?

First you need to define the concepts. What is a business on the Internet, and how does it differ from regular earnings through the Internet? If we equate Internet business and earnings with its help, then millions of freelancers - copywriters, designers and programmers - are the same businessmen as the creators of Google or Vkontakte.

When working via the Internet as an ordinary specialist, only the mythical feeling of working for yourself is created - a flexible schedule, a comfortable sofa at home, own kitchen instead of a canteen... I work when I want, I don't depend on anyone, I choose my clients, etc. However, nevertheless, you will have a boss, albeit on a “remote” basis, who will tell you what, how and when to do it. What kind of business is this?

real business involves development, delegation of authority, a more ramified hierarchy and a well-thought-out structure, and, of course, is accompanied legal registration, accounting and work with contracts.

No serious customer will contact a lone freelancer without a legal entity.

Selling knowledge and online learning is gaining more and more popularity today.

Starting with your own video courses, you can stop by getting passive income from sales from time to time, or go further and start developing in this area - attract other speakers, trainers and coaches, publish both paid and free video courses and video lessons, expand the topics of your online school courses, launch webinars and etc. Only then can it be considered a full-fledged business. Nevertheless, the start of any enterprise in the network always begins from one point - the creation of a website.

Business on the Internet: the site is the head of everything

Making a site make money is not an easy task for several reasons.

Website owners need to not only choose the right niche and theme for their site and constantly fill it with interesting and useful content - this is obvious and required by default. Anyone who wants to monetize their site will have to master many promotion techniques - the main one being SEO - a dark forest where hundreds of entrepreneurs roam. But this is another story, which we will talk about in another article, but for now we propose to consider various business options on the Internet in more detail.

Niches in internet business

Alexander Ninburg

CEO of Nimble Service

Separately, perhaps, it is worth dwelling on the most popular area of ​​online business - online stores. It is the idea of ​​creating a store on the Web that first comes to mind to a person who dreams of doing business on the Internet.

Despite its low margins in today's realities, a business built on buying and selling continues to attract start-up entrepreneurs. Either this is due to laziness and unwillingness to come up with and look for unique and original ideas for business, or the desire to trade is inherent at the genetic level, along with the memory of the successes of fartsovshchik and shuttle traders of the 80-90s of the last century. In any case, today dropshippers, online aggregators and online stores of various stripes have come to replace perestroika schemes. All these options use the Internet as the main, if not the only, sales channel, which allows you to minimize initial investments, reduce costs and increase the margin and profitability of this business.

According to many experts and analysts, Internet commerce is one of the few business areas that does not slow down its growth despite economic shocks, changes in the macro-economic climate and political confrontations both in a single country and around the world as a whole. Moreover, novice entrepreneurs are haunted by the success of foreign giants - Aliexpress, Ebay and Amazon. How to resist the temptation to start an online business by creating your own online store?


Online stores, as a rule, are opened by people who are a) far from business and commerce, b) far from IT. This is 80% of the owners of online stores. They make an incredible amount of idiotic mistakes. They, in order for the store to start making a profit, usually have to go through a long and thorny path. Our practice shows that in a year and a half such people run out of money and motivation. Even more often, people open online stores, do not think that any market has a ceiling. Especially in small towns. As a result, people spend a lot of money, hoping that sooner or later they will start earning, but this does not happen, because the one and a half buyers that they had in the first month is 100% market saturation.

When launching an online online store, you will have to face many problems that an online entrepreneur will have to solve. In addition to the standard “creating a site”, “filling content” (in the case of an online store, this is filling and designing a product catalog) and “promotion”, the list of questions will include such items as “searching for suppliers”, “logistics”, “payment organization” and other business processes that are typical for ordinary offline stores.

Regardless of whether you are going to open an online or offline store, you will have to start by choosing the product that you will sell. According to Pavel Gorbov, Executive Director of Re:Sale Expert, today the most popular areas in online commerce are:

  • personal everyday goods (beauty and health; gifts, etc.);
  • technique personal use(phones, tablets, etc.);
  • goods for everyday household use (bedding, dishes, etc.);
  • jewelry, accessories (not jewelry);
  • sporting goods;
  • clothes, shoes.

On the other hand, today more conservative businesses are coming online - woodworking, chemical industry, heavy industry, Agriculture, confirm the data of the international internet trading center Allbiz. This opens up additional opportunities to choose your own niche, free from competitors, which means it gives you the opportunity to take advantage of the odds and break away.

Petr Talantov

Founder and CEO flower delivery services

There is no single e-commerce market, there are many markets, each in its own niche - food delivery, search and purchase of air and railway tickets, purchase of equipment, search for hotels, delivery of bouquets and flower arrangements. It's all perfect different businesses, united only by a common denominator - their location in the global network. As in any other enterprise, here you need to find your own not yet occupied niche, invest a lot in marketing, in service, in organizing the procurement and production process.

Of course, if 15-20 years ago an Internet business could be started with a starting capital of $350, now this one can be launched (depending on the business) from $1000 and more. Behind the seeming simplicity of organizing online commerce is a huge amount of work that is in no way inferior to its offline counterparts, while the competition in this area is often even higher.

From an idea to an Internet startup: uniqueness and competition

The Internet and modern IT technologies, like nothing else, make it possible to translate any idea into a business, provided that the idea is in demand (it will solve some problem) and it will not be difficult to monetize it.

Finding a problem and trying to solve it with the help of Internet technologies in the future can bring a lot of income - this statement is the foundation of today's young and active startup market. Here and there, young and ambitious online startups appear that offer a unique service or service, a solution to a problem or new way make life easier, save time or money through IT.

Another thing is that not every startup develops into a normal, operating business...

CEO "Photogenics"

On the this moment The photobank market is quite developed and saturated. Market leaders now have databases of 30-50-70 million images. To create a new successful project in this segment, a strong competitive advantage and a lot of capital. Opening a photo bank on your knee will be doomed to failure.

Competitive advantages - prices and service. At the moment, both in the first and in the second question, photobanks have succeeded. To "break" the market you need to come up with something revolutionary.

business on business

However, not all internet business options suffer from competition and high barriers to entry. The very fact of the need and demand for the creation of websites, the presence of companies on the Internet and the creation of an additional sales channel through an online store gives rise to a whole galaxy of different options and opportunities for business on the Internet in the b2b sphere.

The only requirement in this case is the knowledge and competence of the future Internet entrepreneur in certain areas - web development, web design or Internet marketing.

Director of the agency "IT-Fabrika"

Founder of the Internet Marketing Agency "Architector"

Beginning Internet entrepreneurs can be divided into several categories.

The first is young and inexperienced people with burning eyes and a firm belief in the success of the Internet business. Often they do not have significant start-up capital, have only a vague idea of ​​both programming and how to attract traffic. Nevertheless, they enthusiastically rush into battle - to conquer the expanses of the Internet, to fill bumps, to act by trial and error. If you fall into this category, you have two options. The first, spending titanic efforts, to master all the nuances of the Internet business on your own, stubbornly follow the set goal, starting small, or do it differently - gain experience in the area in which you plan to start a business.

The second category of Internet entrepreneurs already has knowledge and competencies - they worked as specialists in a certain area in which they plan to open a business. Someone worked as a programmer, someone as an Internet marketer or SEO optimizer. Tired of working for their uncle, feeling the strength to start their own business and having accumulated initial capital, they begin their journey through the sea called business. But they also face certain difficulties, but of a different nature.

Firstly, any Internet entrepreneurs have to do something with self-organization and system work setup. Secondly, it is necessary to learn how to work and communicate with clients, who often do not understand the peculiarities and difficulties of working in such narrow areas as web development or website promotion. Professionals in their field will have to sink to the level of the client and explain on their fingers what you will take money for, what the client will receive in return and how this will improve his life.

The main secret of the success of any business, both online and offline, is the motivation of the owner or founder. The best and most powerful companies grow when the starter of this business has "nothing to eat" at the beginning of his activity. Nothing better for future company no.

In addition, due to the fact that the Internet industry is perhaps the most dynamic of all, you are unlikely to relax if you really want to achieve the result and success that your idols have achieved. So forget the dreams of serene work on the beaches of Goa, working several hours a day and passive income. Of course, no one forbids you to strive for this, but at the start of an Internet business, you better throw these thoughts away and roll up your sleeves and get down to business.

An Internet business from scratch is just a business, not much different from any other. The same principles, rules and attitudes work for him.
At the very beginning, you must soberly consider why you need all this. After all, promotion and promotion will take a lot of time.

According to our experience, 1-1.5 years of hard and focused work until it starts to bring any tangible income. One that you could live on. In addition, there will be no more boss urging you on. And it is quite difficult to motivate yourself for labor exploits.

Also, what you choose for yourself as a product should greatly inspire you. Otherwise, your Internet business from scratch will not survive the first real difficulties.

In addition to an inspiring idea, it is necessary financial goal, which you will achieve in those same year and a half. Income from the business should range from 200,000 to 500,000 rubles. Otherwise, all efforts are simply meaningless. There is a fairly simple method for more accurate determination of the amount. Multiply your today monthly income by 10. The resulting figure will become the goal.

To become an entrepreneur, you need some skills and knowledge. The key skills in business lie in sales and negotiation. Still need good knowledge product.

Here are 4 parting words for you, following which from the very beginning will save you from many problems and bitter disappointments.

1. When it comes to the first business, choose as the object of trade only what you are well versed in. Even the famous billionaire investor Warren Buffett does not invest his money in areas he does not understand. This does not mean that you will never expand your horizons and do something else. But for the first voyage, well-known fairways are best suited.

2. Never spend money on your first business that you have set aside for others. strategic goals housing, education, financial security cushion. Don't take loans.

3. It would be nice to fall in love with what you are going to do.

4. Don't make everything perfect. Idealism sometimes plunges people into unnecessary expenses. Minimize your initial investment as much as possible. And do not try to do everything at once on "5" - you will just lose time.

Internet business from scratch: 3 directions

The question of how to build a business on the Internet from scratch is now not asked only by the lazy. The interest is justified, since a business from scratch on the Internet promises many benefits. Right on the surface lie such "eternal" values ​​as freedom, independence, mobility, the absence of ceilings and limits. True, for some reason people forget that in order to achieve them, you must first seriously limit yourself both in freedom and independence, and even very often in mobility. In any case, you will need a certain amount of discipline and patience.

There are dozens of ways to start an Internet business from scratch. We will list only 3. Most likely, you have heard about them. But have you seriously thought about it? So, think about it.

Business on the Internet from scratch: consulting, teaching and other services

You somehow know how to do something well and professionally. Something that represents for someone real problem or a headache. Or maybe even a dream. Consulting and teaching are good directions that will help you quickly start a business from scratch. The Internet in this case will give you the necessary “acceleration”. The available Internet marketing tools allow you to quickly scale and expand your activities. Webinar rooms, online conferences and social networks to help you. Then you will grow up to your network resource.

How to start an online business from scratch: an online store

Your Internet business from scratch: an agency with a marketing specialization

Do you already have your own business from scratch on the Internet, is it working successfully? Or have you already helped someone organize an Internet business from scratch more than once? In general, you have some experience on how to build a business from scratch on the Internet. Then you can earn extra money on your knowledge in SEO promotion, content marketing, promotion of representation in social networks, setting up a YouTube channel, creating blogs / websites / landing pages.

Do not forget that for cash payments, an online cash desk is required. In online stores, it is convenient for users to pay using bank card, so you will need to connect payment systems (for example, Yandex.Checkout, Robokassa, etc.)

We talked about how to start your business from scratch on the Internet. What directions can be chosen and in what sequence to move towards the goal.