Money on the binary options affiliate program. YouTube traffic arbitrage. Almost a million rubles from binary options Case binary options

A huge audience of Internet users is interested in finding options for depositing money. Everyone knows that financial pyramids and announcements of income of $ 10,000 per month are scams, so it is better not to even consider these methods for deposits. The network is, and real methods to invest money profitably.

In addition to investing in the creation of the site, using bookmakers, building referral networks and other long-term ways to increase your capital, there are more interesting options.

Traffic arbitrage and binary options, that's what can really bring profit quickly and the final profit depends entirely on how much you invest. Before you use these methods or choose one of them, you should familiarize yourself with them.

Where is the best place to invest money?

To make the right decision in the question “Traffic arbitrage or binary options?”, You need to understand both types of earnings.

What is traffic arbitrage?

This is a profitable conversion of traffic that you receive from various sources and “merge” into affiliate programs. To make it easier to understand, let's look at a specific example. Let's assume that we have chosen an ad network as a traffic source.

To convert traffic, we use, under the terms of which you will receive 1200 rubles for an attracted client. We make an initial deposit of 5,000 rubles and, through Adwords, launch an advertisement for Tinkoff Bank loans. The advertisement will be shown on thousands of sites, and for each click on it, a certain amount of money will be deducted from your balance.

For example, you pay 50 kopecks per click, in which case you can pay 10,000 clicks for 5,000 rubles. Of these 10,000 users who switched through advertising, at least 5 must become customers of the bank in order to pay off the costs.

Do you think it's real? Of course, in reality, a conversion of 0.05% is a very low indicator, it is natural that it will be higher for you, and an increase in this percentage even by a hundredth will already bring you profit.

What are binary options?

Investing in binary options is somewhat more dangerous, because. in a few minutes you can lose all your funds. The essence of this method of deposits lies in setting rates on changes in the Forex exchange. You determine the amount of the bet yourself, as well as the change option.

For example, you can bet 1000 rubles that the dollar will increase in 3 days. If you have made a winning bet, your capital will be increased. Please note that deception is excluded in this case, because. you can see exchange rates anywhere.

One of the best projects for making money on a binary option is.

It is very important to take this method of earning seriously and hope not only for luck. In order for your winning percentage to be higher, you will need to make forecasts and analyze the market, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to achieve a positive result.

On Affiliatekin there is a guest case from a webmaster who sells binary options in an affiliate program. The algorithm of his actions is simple: he took a video on YouTube, uploaded it to a gray channel, set up affiliate links and started promoting the video. What happened next, the author himself will tell.

I registered in the KingFin affiliate program at the end of 2016. Then I immediately worked on a creative video, or rather stole it from YouTube, uploaded it to a gray, almost empty channel, set up affiliate links and started promoting the video.

The first registrations went and new traders appeared who made deposits on the Olymp Trade platform and for their investment I was charged 60% revshare - this was the general rate for all partners, now it has become a little lower for beginners.

The first accruals came pretty quickly, but I didn’t even notice them in the pre-holiday bustle, it was a surprise for me, but on December 26 I withdrew my first almost $12 and then about another $35 before the end of the month. I considered this to be a very good result.

Traffic scaling
After some time, I again began to promote vidos with links to binary options. I started driving traffic to these videos and uploading new ones, as well as creating YouTube channels for this traffic.

To promote the video, I used various methods: from cheats (I will list them below) to setting up official advertising through Google Adwords on the video (do not rush to set up until you finish reading, there are important nuances). The traffic from cheating and bookmarking services turned out to be very useful, because people who want to raise money are just present on such resources and far from empty pockets (although the goal was just to cheat views).

After you have created a channel, you need to go to the “Promo” section of the binary options affiliate program and ask the manager what videos you can take to place on your channel. Thus, you can work with several binary options affiliate programs by posting several videos on different or the same channel. For example:

It is important to do all these operations as quickly as possible, since this directly affects the position of your video among competitors in the search. Titles, descriptions, and tags should most closely match the search queries of the users you want to reach. Further, after the launch of advertising, your video will begin to be unscrewed in advertising on YouTube itself and many sites on the Google network. This will give another powerful signal to YouTube algorithms, which will start showing your video not only in paid advertising, but also in related videos, in Youtube organic search results for those queries that are written in titles, descriptions, tags.

First, let's get some traffic on the video to make it look more serious. The more views, the more credibility. To do this, we will run ads "without settings". You should not run the video through cheats, we will do it much cheaper through Adwords.
In the video manager, next to the icon for the video itself, select promote. After that, you will be taken to the video ad campaign settings in the Google Adwords account, which must be linked to your YouTube account (in settings).

When setting up a video campaign, specify a daily budget of 200-300 rubles. Specify the countries that are allowed for advertising in Adwords for your affiliate program. I do the first launch, excluding Russia, but leaving the rest of the countries. Next, go to the ad and set the minimum price of 0.07-0.15 rubles. for viewing. No more settings yet, we are waiting for moderation.

After your ad has passed moderation, it will start to unwind all over the world. So we will collect several thousand views. Now you can move on to setting keywords. Go to the "keywords" section and fill in the list of keywords and search queries you have collected, then save.

Now, in order for your ads to spin up, you need to increase the cost of an impression. Go to the ad settings and first raise the price to 50-60 kopecks per impression, then follow and analyze: if the number of impressions is not enough, then you can gradually raise the price for the entire ad or individual keywords.

Traffic from VKontakte, publics and groups
To arbitrate traffic to binary options affiliate programs, your own groups, specially created for this topic, are great. I will briefly describe how I do this below.

The videos that we worked with on YouTube will help us here too. I recommend posting them directly to VK so that they can “loop in playback” and be available in the search for VKontakte itself.

Next, create a group or public and fill it with content. We design and create a description of the group, supplement it with links in the right column, publish several posts with our videos, strategies, cases, success stories, while adding creative photos of beauties with wads of money and guys in chic cars with cool watches on their hands. It is these associative creatives who often force our visitors to make the decisions we need - to follow our link and register.

After everything is ready, we begin to attract traffic. This will help us as ordinary boxes and cheat exchanges (there are people who want to make money), as well as serious exchanges, with the help of which we buy advertising in popular VK groups. You can also select groups manually and negotiate with admins on your own, but this will take more time, but sometimes it can be much more efficient than exchanges. Do not forget that cheats are often accompanied by group bans, so use only proven methods.

Returning to history
Registrations and traders increased, income also increased, and expenses compared to income were simply minimal, I made this conclusion based on read-re-read cases on traffic arbitrage, where income barely exceeded expenses. During the period January-February 2017, about 30k rubles were spent, and about 10k were spent in February! Costs were reduced by optimizing ads and driving traffic from organic search. Let's take a look at KingFin affiliate statistics for this period and see how much was earned. The dollar exchange rate at that time was about 62 rubles.

So, for the first two months of working with the KingFin affiliate program, $4219 was earned. Since mid-January, Adwords ads on video have been set up, optimized for wide geos and audiences, a huge influx of free traffic from YouTube search, related videos and video search engines has appeared. At the very beginning of the advertising campaign, I set up a daily limit of 100 rubles, then, as income increased, I increased the daily budget. On average, Adwords spent from 500 to 1500 rubles per day on advertising and received from 15 to 60 registrations per day: about a dozen of them were traders who made deposits and started trading. Traders' deposits ranged from $20 to $400 per day in total and grew steadily (see screen above). I note that on some days I did not pay for advertising at all: funds ran out and it stopped. However, 10-15 registrations and 5-7 traders continued to come from organics.

Of all the types of traffic allowed, I used social networks (at first). Having posted an advertising video on YouTube, and then in a pre-prepared group, he began to drain traffic through promotion services. This also affected the promotion of the video on VKontakte and, accordingly, on YouTube. I sowed videos on Twitter using the Twiza service, after which the video went to the top of YouTube search for the right queries and collected a bunch of free traffic. The mass promotion of the video also threw it into similar ones and attracted an even more solid bunch of traffic.

Then I collected all the keywords and set up Google Adwords ads for this video, which doubled or tripled the number of registrations in the affiliate program. This went on until the channel was banned, and then the second channel, which I was preparing in case the first was banned. My mistake was that the video was uploaded to "gray channels" with other people's videos, which already had strikes for it. Now I receive traffic from other channels, to this and other affiliate programs.

Detailed case on traffic arbitrage from VK to binary options. The case is not mine, but very interesting, so it will be interesting for every moneymaker to get acquainted with it.

While still in high school, I began to be interested in this field of activity. I became interested in arbitration at school, but then it was not a way to make money - it was just a hobby and even more of a theoretical interest.

Almost like every one of my peers involved in this area, I received traffic from the VKontakte website. Having worked in this industry for two years, I can say for sure about traffic that for a professional and productive activity, you need to choose only one specific source of it. However, you will have to study it thoroughly.

My passion for binary options did not arise immediately. At first I worked with beauty products. It took almost no effort. My peers were the target audience for this area, and I perfectly understood their needs. A small but stable profit - I could provide for myself without significant energy costs. But I wanted more! And, preferably, immediately.

I started working actively with binary options from the case of one of the major arbitrageurs from the notorious Kadam. Then I decided to leave the comfortable VKontakte and try myself in what he does too - namely, to pour on the offer from teasers and MT.

But somehow this didn't work for me. Too low envelope came out on the teasers, and in MT it was too long to approve. For these reasons, I decided to return to the territory of the VKontakte site that I had studied well and began to work.

From this article you will learn:

Initial data

Subject: binary option

The task includes: attract users of the VKontakte site at minimal cost and bring them to the terminal for trading binary options

Traffic source: targeting and advertising publications in the groups of the VKontakte website

The target audience: 18+


To make targeting more effective, I broke the target audience into 3 different categories:

  1. Already familiar with the binary options trading industry. Thematic groups on BO trading systems and groups of brokerage companies were included in this category.
  2. Forex exchange audience. There are also groups dedicated to this topic and related topics.
  3. Online Games. The most unstable type of audience for the niche of financial activity, I understood this myself. However, I was once an avid user of such entertainment - and I knew that any of the worthwhile acquisitions that players dream of - a feature or equipment, as well as combat devices - cost money. But it is on binary options that you can earn this money quickly and in large quantities.

With the help of Cerebro, I also arranged the "section" of the target audience.

3 groups were formed for the target, I uploaded them on the Vkontakte website.

Each campaign received 30 ads, together I ran 90 ads, setting a price per click. I often get asked a question about which model to choose to launch a campaign. But this is individual for each case, and will depend on the social network and the type of service / product.

For example, on a VKontakte website, an inexpensive beauty salon, clothes and fashion accessories are better for you than scrap metal. For targeting the beauty industry and products, it will be convenient to use the pay per 1000 impressions model, it will be really profitable in terms of money in many campaigns. I did it myself.

However, binary options are of interest to a much narrower target audience, which, nevertheless, brings in the future 100 times more than teenagers with backpacks. It is this niche that will be most beneficially applied with a pay-per-click model.


I didn't really care about the pictures. I used the logo and actively experimented with texts. When my testing came to an end, the campaigns were already debugged and did not require any intervention, and then I could already think about interesting pictures and test them in the same way. However, I do not advise you to be very creative, the client, just by looking at the picture, must realize its relationship with the company's activities. Some are so creative - that nothing is clear at all.

In order for my logos to be of high quality, I contacted the binary options affiliate and asked them to send me the logos of the required formats. They even made them for me with different backgrounds.)

Here's what's interesting: when you insert a link to a landing page, use a slash (/) before the question mark in this link. Otherwise, it may happen that the ad will not be created, it will write that the URL is incorrect. This happens in some advertising services, through them you can also work with the VK exchange, so keep in mind.

Check out some of my ads:

In total, as we have already said, I launched three advertising campaigns, and those that were associated with Binary Options and Forex performed the best, however, I thought that it would turn out that way. By the way, I also left RK “Games”. There may not be so much traffic there, but for some reason, suddenly, not the worst depots for two or three hundred bucks flew in more than once from this very RK. There is definitely a payback there, and then we will look.

As a result of testing, I left the 10 coolest ads for each of the advertising campaigns. The cost of clicks has decreased to 5-7 rubles - from the initial 10-25 rubles.

Advertising posts

Due to the targeting, I got an excellent amount of traffic, and I was able to successfully convert it, but this is not enough, right? According to this, at the same time I actively worked with thematic groups of the VK site. Technically, this is simple, the process does not need a detailed description.

In short, I wrote short stories about how users made money on binary options, inserted beautiful pictures with money, cars and the like into texts. The main amount of traffic, of course, came from this placement format.

I advise you: do not be afraid of placements in expensive groups. When a group with active members falls under your target audience, the game is worth the candle and will bring a more worthwhile effect than a large number of groups filled with inactive users.

P.S. I chose groups by VK search. I did not use any services for this.

Here is a simple post for example:

Case results

Spent: 90 586.58 rub.

Received: RUB 235,874.93

Profit: 145 288.35 rub.

Initial data:

RK period: 15.01.16 – 30.01.16
Traffic source:
Offer: binary options Binomo
GEO: Russia, CIS
Pay: confirmed registration, Russia - 90 rubles, CIS - 80 rubles.
Spent: 30 574 rubles
Earned: 49 835 rubles
Net profit: 19 261 rubles
ROI: 63%


Recently, I have increasingly come across on forums and arbitration communities on the topic of binary options - during a crisis, a huge number of users are interested in finding options for quick earnings and profitable deposits.

There are different options here: work for registration, for deductions from the deposit / loss.

It is important that when working for a deposit / loss, the materials should be directed specifically to this action, otherwise you will simply merge into a minus. Here, everyone chooses for himself the option that he can pump as much as possible.

Recently I climbed the software and came across the binomo offer (binary options) in I leaked test registrations to them, they cost me quite a penny, over time they were approved, went into a normal plus. Since it went pretty well, and the limits were removed in addition, I decided to take a closer look at this offer.

I created banners (I did not go too far with motivation and did not promise mountains of gold for registration, as many do now) in the following formats: 500x200, 240x400, 468x60, 728x90, 250x250, 300x250. As for me, these are the most successful formats in Kadama.

Here is an example of a banner that converted well:

My payment model was KSA. I set the price for the action 40 rubles. (this is about 40% of the cost of the lead), the manager recommended this to me, I followed her advice

Actually, all the settings of the RK are below:
- categories:

At first, I placed a bet on categories for 2 rubles, turned it off for several thousand rubles and added sites that did not have leads to black. After that, I raised the bet to 3 rubles, lost a few thousand more and again replenished the black with ineffective sites ... In this vein, I reached the rate of 5.3 rubles.

binary options
binary options earnings

I took a bet on the keys for 1 p. more than by categories - to get more thematic traffic.

Target audience and platforms:

In Platform Targeting, I left only desktop ones: Windows, Mac OS (because the landing page in the offer is not adaptive).


KSA did not set up, as I used to collect blacks manually. The sites were screened out according to the following principle:

  • no conversions from 50 rubles spent - to black.
  • a click is more expensive than 4 p. - in black.
I did this using the built-in tool in Kadama “Statistics by sites”.

Paid Impressions Received: 10 058 908
Free Impressions Received: 8 422 592
Impression costs: 20 774 rubles
Giving “price per action” to sites: 9800r.
Clicks received: 52 329
Ratio: 1:91
Conversions received(from training / from free traffic): 245/328

Screenshot of statistics from Kadam:

Screenshot of statistics from elonleads:

The main conclusion that I drew from this RK is that you need to work with black and not be afraid to raise the stakes.

“In our time, only the lazy do not make money on the Internet!” ©
How to stop being that "sloth" that does not yet benefit from the worldwide Internet? The answer to this question can be found all over the Internet. However, the main problem is not the question “How to make money?”, But the question “What kind of earnings suits us best?”. Among the many types of earnings on the Internet, those that do not require an investment of money and titanic efforts to organize a business process will be especially interesting for us. This type of earnings is the use of affiliate and referral programs of investment and brokerage companies. Profitability from trading in the financial markets can be very high, which makes people run in droves to brokers and get money from them. And with this money, the partner can receive a significant amount in the form of partner deductions. Becoming a partner and posting a link on your Internet resource or on various forums (for an ordinary Internet user) you can have a regular income without investing money and effort. How does it all work?

Let's take ExpertOption, a binary options broker, as an example.
Link to affiliate
Link to broker

(besides this, there are many landing pages, high conversion and a minimum of fields to fill out during registration)

The company provides the best customer service among its kind, which is what stands out. Moreover, they have many other features and useful tools for the client to help him earn. The company has something to attract a client. But we will not focus on this, because we are interested in the company primarily due to their affiliate program. Their affiliate program allows you to receive up to 60% of the broker's profitability constantly from each client as long as he trades through the company. By organizing an influx of customers, you can effortlessly reap the benefits.

Where to look for clients? This question is more relevant for ordinary people who do not have their own websites or promoted blogs. You can start simple:
1. Enter the query "forex forum" in the search engine;
2. Register on 5-10 forums (for starters);
3. Choose any holivar about Forex and create a post to attract attention, for example, “I got $1000 for free to learn trading at ExpertOtpion!” and insert your affiliate link.
And that's it. People will get curious, follow the link, and some will become customers. Of course, just posting one post is not enough, you also need to create activity by participating in the discussion and stirring up interest in the company. In each of the discussions, you can insert links in the process of arguing your opinion. With a little effort, the topic will take on a life of its own and other people will quote the affiliate link, distributing it for you. The profitability of such activities speaks for itself:

The affiliate program has a diverse set of tools for placing links:
promo links;
Banners for webmasters;
Also, webmasters are provided with unique content for free to post on their sites: reviews, articles, strategies, tips, and more. All this greatly facilitates the work and reduces the efforts made to earn money. And the income received can be withdrawn in any way you choose:
Wire Transfer (Bank Transfer);
Webmoney (USD ONLY) ;
Yandex Money;
perfect money;
FasaPay ;
Pretty easy way to make money, right? Partnership with ExpertOption allows you to receive a “small” income several times a month, for example, as in fig. 2.

But this is if you just work with the forums and update your links from time to time. If you spend more effort or if you are a webmaster, then the amount of income will already be of a higher order.

A wide range of statistics tools will allow you to track the sources of income and effectively manage the placement of links.
The international company ExpertOption is widely known all over the world, most clients open a real account after trading on a demo, and at least half of them make a second deposit. Thanks to this, affiliate 50-60% of the company's income is an impressive amount even for webmasters. All you need to do to become an affiliate is to register in the program in one click, place a link and earn income. All questions and difficulties will be solved by the support staff.