A funny New Year's scenario with a modern twist for high school students. Modern and funny script for the new year for high school students Short scene: “Tangerines”

Scenario development for the New Year for high school students "Leapfrog for the New Year"

Description: High school students, like junior schoolchildren are also looking forward to the New Year. For them, it means not only school holidays, gifts and entertainment, but also the opportunity to touch the childhood that has not yet gone far. Scenario development "Leapfrog for the New Year" will help to entertain even adult students. It is possible to show this performance at New Year's events for the middle level (where the artists are high school students), and for high school students (where the artists are the same age). The production of "Leapfrog for the New Year" was a success at the New Year's Light for 8th and 9th grades, the artists were eighth graders. Teachers of Russian literature and music workers were involved in the work on the script and production.
Scenario development may be of interest to educators additional education, teachers-organizers, class teachers, music workers.
Danilchenko Oksana Anatolyevna, Head of the Department for Main Activities, State Educational Institution "Slutsk Ecological and Biological Center of Students", Slutsk, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus.
Target: involvement of students in the tradition of celebrating the New Year.
- create a festive mood;
- create conditions for self-realization of the individual;
- create conditions for artistic creativity of students.
Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Baba, Grandfather, Ryaba Hen, Mother, Little Red Riding Hood, five Robbers, five Butterflies-hedgehogs, Mouse, Voice-over.
1. It is desirable that male roles be played by females, and female roles by males.
2. To involve musical workers in the production.


It sounds polka. A guy dressed as a Snow Maiden runs out. Dancing.

Snow Maiden:
Hello! Why are you laughing so much? Did you recognize me? Yes, it's me, Forest beauty. I wish you a Happy New Year. Dancing and running off the stage. The light goes out. Then it ignites.
Mother and Little Red Riding Hood appear on the stage.
My daughter, you hear me
Take the pie to your grandmother.
To my grandmother, to my grandmother.
Don't forget about grandpa.

Red Riding Hood (preening):
Leave me alone, don’t you see that I sharpened my skis for a date.
Well, shame on you
You answer rudely
You don't respect your mother
All just for a walk.
Red Riding Hood:
We do not care,
We do not care
We are not afraid of either the wolf or the owl...
Anyway. So be it. I'll take the pies.
That's good. That is great. Just watch, Little Red Riding Hood, be careful.
Red Riding Hood (takes a basket and sings while dancing):
If long, long, long
If for a long time on the track,
If you drive along the path for a long time, stomp and run ....
Leaves the stage. Darkness. Sinister sounds.
According to the reports of the ROVD.
A band of robbers appeared in the forest.
Robberies and attacks increased.
Comrades! Be careful!
Robbers emerge from the darkness.

They say we are byaki-buki,
How does the earth carry us?
Give me some cards
Fortune on the king.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
Fortune telling on the king
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
The robbers are dancing.
Hear the voice of Little Red Riding Hood.
Red Riding Hood:
If it's long, long, long
If for a long time on the track,
If long on the path
Stomp, ride and run
That, perhaps, then, of course,
That's probably right, right
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible
You can come to Africa!
Ah, the rivers in Africa are so wide!
Ah, in Africa, the mountains are so high!
Ah, crocodiles, hippos,
Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,
Ah, and the green parrot!
Ah, and the green parrot!
The atamansha orders the robbers to hide.
Little Red Riding Hood appears on stage. The robbers surround her.

Oh what a pretty girl! Shall we take it for ourselves?
Let's take it!
The robbers grab the girl and carry her away. Little Red Riding Hood screams. The Snow Maiden appears.
Snow Maiden:
And where is our grandfather and grandmother?
A tall fat woman and a little grandfather come out.

Do you remember how I used to go mowing?
Do I remember how you went to mowing!
I remember your thick girlish braid!
I remember your head was not bald!
Hugging together:
Even if it was only a dream, it is dear to me.
Where is our granddaughter? Let's go meet her.
They leave dancing the waltz.
Snow Maiden:
And they had a Ryaba Hen. And a neighbor's rooster got into the habit of visiting her, and this is what came of it all ...
A chicken runs out onto the stage, clucking and flapping its wings. Behind her importantly comes a rooster. The chicken flirts with him.

You wake me up at dawn
You will go out without shoes.
Will you never forget me?
You will never see me!
The rooster turns around and leaves. The hen is crying.
Voice behind the scene:
The bird cried, grieved, and a day later she laid an egg.
The hen takes the egg, begins to rock.

Dark glade
The night is bright as the day
Sleep, my testicle, sleep as I slept.
The chicken falls asleep.
Snow Maiden:
And here is our hooligan Mouse.
And I'm a little bastard
And I'm a little bitch.
And I ate grebes
And I strive for mischief.
And I'm such a bully, I love shame and disgrace,
And I'm a little nasty, and I'm a little rubbish.
What would be wrong for me to do?
Well, what would be wrong with that?
Ay! egg!

Sneaks up and breaks the egg. The chicken jumps up and starts crying.
Again misfortune, again trouble.
No, never return my eggs.
Oh mouse, mouse! Oh demon of evil!
She broke the testicle and took away happiness.
The hen, sobbing, runs away.
Snow Maiden:
And here are the Grandmothers-hedgehogs!
Grandmothers-hedgehogs run out.

Stretch the bellows.
Hey, let's play
Sing ditties, grandmother-hedgehog
Sing don't talk!
1st Grandmother - hedgehog:
I flew on a broom
The devil got attached to me.
The man thought, what the hell!
Chorus all together:
Stretch the bellows.
Hey, let's play
Sing ditties, Granny-hedgehog
Sing don't talk!
2nd grandmother-hedgehog:
I walked through the woods, walked home,
The devil is following me again
Spit on his baldness
And sent to the devil!
Chorus all together:
Stretch the bellows.
Hey, let's play
Sing ditties, Granny-hedgehog
Sing don't talk!
Grandfather and Baba come out. Grandfather stops them singing.
Beauties, young women! Have you seen our granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood, here?
The healthiest Baba Yaga comes out, goes up to her grandfather, hugs him, and he hugs her.
Baba Yaga:
Come with me. I'll show you the devil, and the goblin, and Little Red Riding Hood
Baba tries to stop Grandfather, but Baba Yaga pushes her away.
Grandmothers-hedgehogs run away with a song, and Baba, crying, trudges after.
Snow Maiden:
The New Year is coming soon, but my Santa Claus is still gone and gone. But wait, I hear his voice.
Santa Claus enters the stage.

Father Frost (referring to the audience):
Well, dear guests, are you ready to celebrate the New Year? Ready? Well done!
Is everything all right in our fairy forest, Snow Maiden?
Snow Maiden:
No, Santa Claus, we cannot celebrate the New Year. Trouble is in trouble in our forest! The robbers stole Little Red Riding Hood, they took Grandfather away from Baba, they broke the Hen's egg ...
A whistle is heard.
(Appearing on the stage, the actors remain on it)
Father Frost:
Well, wait, Snow Maiden, let's hide, let's see ...
Robbers come out, lead Little Red Riding Hood with their hands tied.
Let there be no stake and no yard,
But they don't pay taxes to the king
Knife and ax workers,
Romance from the high road.

We walk along the edge of our native land.
We are looking for passers-by from night to morning,
Alien boots rubbed their feet
Knife and ax workers,
Romantics from the high road.
We do not want to live, oh, differently
We do not want to live, oh, differently,
We walk, we walk along the edge, we walk along the edge
We walk along the edge of our native land.
We walk, we walk along the edge, we walk along the edge
We are walking on the edge.
The tongues of the fire lick our heels,
Why do they dislike so many ugly people
Knife and ax workers
Romantics from the high road.
We do not want to live, oh, differently
We do not want to live, uh, differently,
We walk, we walk along the edge, we walk along the edge
We walk along the edge of our native land.
We walk, we walk along the edge, we walk along the edge
We walk along the edge of our native land.
Father Frost:
Well, let go of Little Red Riding Hood, otherwise I will freeze you!
On, on, take it, girl, just don't freeze!
Father Frost:
Promise that you will never bring evil!
We promise, we promise.
Baba comes out and weeps bitterly.
Oh, woe, woe to me. The bad guys have been taken away! But such a good old man was!
Father Frost:
Grandmothers-hedgehogs! Well, fly here!
Grandma-hedgehogs run out.
Yes, we joked, we do not need it. Take your old man!
Father Frost:
That's much better!
Ryaba Hen appears.
Again misfortune...
Evil Mouse broke our testicle.
Grandfather and Baba begin to sob.
Father Frost:
Do not cry Baba, do not cry Grandfather, the Hen will lay you not a simple, but a golden egg.
He takes out a golden egg and gives it to the hen.
Everyone joins hands and sings:
No need to be sad, your whole life is ahead of you.
All life ahead, hope and wait!
Father Frost:
Happy new year friends!
With new happiness!
The artists make a general bow and leave the stage.

Scenario of the New Year's Eve for students in grades 9-11 "Around the world trip on New Year's Eve"


1. Form for the presenter.

2. Balloons.

3. Pacifiers - 6 pcs.

4. Prizes for the winners of competitions.

5. Prizes for the lottery.

6. Bananas - 2 pcs.

7. 2 x blindfolds

8. Toilet paper - 2 rolls.

9. The costume of the old man Hottabych.

10. Surprise gift bags.

11. Cards with the names of the heroes of literary works.

12. Lototron.

13. Phonograms.

The course of the evening

The hall is festively decorated with garlands of lights, serpentine, rain and openwork snowflakes. The DJ's stand is designed as a captain's bridge, where a helm is installed and a ship's bell is suspended. The hosts' costumes may contain elements of a sailor's uniform (peakless cap, cap or sailor's collar).

Leading. Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you in this cozy hall.

How long have we been waiting for this most romantic, mysterious and fabulous holiday. They waited and prepared for it: the chefs heatedly discussed the menu, the waiters rubbed the already shining appliances, the artists rehearsed day and night! Ladies probably spent half a day at the mirror, and men..., men today are more elegant and fit than ever!

And now the New Year tree winks affably at all of us, sparks of good mood, like serpentine ribbons, fly from one to another, and this is already the beginning of our New Year's Eve evening!

We wish you a pleasant stay and will try to make this magical evening memorable for you for a long time!

Leading. December has passed in the bustle of New Year's Eve, and a magical night is approaching. On the calendar ... December, and the festive mood does not leave us for a minute. And rightly so, because everything is just beginning!

Leading. Today we have unique opportunity to go on a New Year's cruise to exotic countries, and now is the time to give all of you gift packages - surprises that will be very useful to you throughout our trip!

So, full speed ahead!

The ship's bell sounds and the roar of the departing ship.

Background music plays. The assistant distributes surprise gift bags, in which 2 sets of sparklers, New Year's whistles, 5 crackers and 2 packages of serpentine.

Leading. The coming year brings a lot of unknown and unknown for all of us. On New Year's Eve, everything always comes true, everything will always happen. So, make a wish - and it must certainly come true on this magical night!

Leading. Well, well, the hands on the clock are inexorably running forward and there is very little left before the New Year, and in order to meet it “fully armed”, I suggest everyone to carefully prepare for this. So, I invite you to take part in the New Year's quiz! The correct answer gets a token.

Gift collection of Santa Claus (Bag.)

A prop that allows Santa Claus to fight off wolves. (Staff.)

Cold in the ocean (Iceberg.)

Roof candy. (Icicle.)

A place where fish big and small are caught. (Hole.)

Sheepskin coat, which skaters have a triple. (Sheepskin coat.)

The object of artistic creativity of Santa Claus. (Window.)

Nickname of Santa Claus. (Red nose.)

What did winter salt in a birch tub? (Snowballs.)

Why did the little man cut down our Christmas tree? (Under the spine.)

How far are 3 white horses carried? (Into the ringing snow.)

Leading. Well done to those who answered the questions correctly. My congratulations! You have become participants in the New Year's win-win lottery. And those who did not give a single correct answer, I ask you not to be upset, because you will still have the opportunity to become the winner of the competition, but that will be later. And now... we are starting the New Year's lottery, and everyone who has tokens, I ask you to be careful!

A musical background sounds. There is a lottery.

Mask for your carnival

So that no one would know.

Helps you become more beautiful

And he can cheer

Comes in handy in the cold

That wonderful red nose!

You got an interesting prize,

Christmas ball, elegant!

In the New Year, to be more beautiful,

Decorate with blue tinsel.

I will give you today

New Year's bell.

Difficult trinket -

New Year's Eve!

They get you -

Lights from Bengal!

To happiness, not straying,

It's come to you for the New Year,

You light this candle

And put it on the window!

Just to everyone's surprise

Here is the decoration:

And sparkles and shines

Let it hang on the tree!

You are incredibly lucky

Get a nice prize

He spins and twists,

It's called Serpentine!

So that you do not get sick in winter,

And bloomed and prettier,

It contains a vitamin

Get a tangerine!

This rain is not real

It's not wet, it's shiny!

He is not a woman, not a man,

It's called the snowman!

You have a cool toy -

Spruce cone!

Receive a humble gift -

This amazing calendar!

So that the New Year leads the way,

We give you confetti!

Leading. Thanks to everyone who participated in our New Year's lottery! Our world tour continues.

The ship's horn sounds.

Leading. So, dear friends, we did not notice how we arrived in the land of the rising sun - Japan. In this country they celebrate the New Year like this: they have fun for a whole week. And everyone should launch their own kite into the sky.

And I suggest you launch the dragon.

The game "Dragon" is being played.

2 teams are recruited, 10-15 people in each. Then the participants of each team line up in a column, at the back of each other's head, put their hands on the waist (or shoulders) in front of the one standing. The first number of the column is the "head" of the dragon. The last one is the tail. The task of the game is to catch someone else's dragon "tail" with your "head". In other words, the first number of one column must catch the last number of the other column. The dragon cannot be unhooked. The dragon is considered defeated if its tail is caught or if it falls apart.

The host announces the concert number.

Leading. Everyone knows that in different countries for the New Year, various trees are decorated: in Africa - a palm tree, in Japan - sakura, in Russia - spruce.

And now I would like to know if you know everything about our Russian beauty - the Christmas tree.

A quiz is being held.

1. Elochkina homeland. (Forest.)

2. What color do gingerbread and cones grow on a Christmas tree at home? (Pink and gold.)

3. The process ending with the fall of the Christmas tree. (Cutting.)

4. Ancient, but not aging dance at the Christmas tree. (Round dance.)

5. Performer of songs for the Christmas tree. (Blizzard.)

6. A person running past the Christmas tree at a trot is gray in all respects. (Wolf.)

7. Elochkin snow heater. (Snowball.)

8. A Christmas tree decoration that hurts the household budget on more than just the day of purchase. (Electric garland.)

9. A peasant's anti-Christmas tool. (Axe.)

10. What quality of a Christmas tree makes it related to every real woman. (The desire to dress up.)

Leading. Dear friends! There is very little left before the new year, and I propose to leave everything bad and unpleasant in the old year. May next year we have as many good and joyful events as there are lights on our New Year's garland!

Leading. May the coming year bring a lot of new and interesting things to all of you, and it is in your power to make sure that your most cherished desires come true this year!

dance block.

Leading. Throughout December, we live in anticipation of a miracle. We wait, we prepare, we hope. Always remain a little child, and then the doors to fairy tale will always be open to you.

I suggest you send a telegram to the main character of the holiday - Santa Claus! And maybe he will visit us!

The text of the telegram is almost ready, but I need your help: name the adjectives, what is Santa Claus like on New Year's Eve.

The guests make a comic telegram to Santa Claus. The written text is read to the guests.

Telegram for Santa Claus

Father Frost! All _____ guests are looking forward to your ____ arrival! New Year is the most holiday of the year. With ______ mood we will sing songs for you, dance _____ dances, play ____ games! _____ is finally coming New Year!

As much as I don't want to talk about education. But we promise that we will work hard and get only good grades.

So come quickly, open your ___ bag and give us ___ gifts.

With respect to you _____ ladies and ___ men!

Leading. In the meantime, our telegram is sent to Santa Claus, I invite everyone to the dance program.

dance block.

Dear friends!

Let's celebrate the New Year

Cheerful, kind look!

It's good that we are now

Everyone is gathered here!

Sweet smiles from the heart

There is nothing more beautiful

Santa Claus has come to us, friends!

And with him fun, happiness!

The game program of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

dance program.

The ship's horn sounds.

Leading. So, dear friends, our journey continues and we arrive in India. This mysterious, full of secrets and amazing wonders country. In India, the new year begins on the spring equinox. And today, the kind Old Man Hottabych, known to everyone since childhood, greets us.

Oriental music sounds, Old Man Hottabych comes out, welcomes all the guests.

A quiz is held, Hottabych gives prizes.

1. What are the names of the heroes of the fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov "The Three Little Pigs"? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.)

2. To whom such a song was sung: “Bayu-bayushki, oink-oink, calm down, I say!” (Stupid mouse.)

3. In which fairy tale do nightingales do not sing for pigs? (“Telephone” by K. Chukovsky.)

4. The pigs meowed: “Meow-meow!”, And who grunted? (Kits.)

5. Who wrote the lines: “A pig will grow out of a son if the son is a pig”? (V. Mayakovsky.)

6. In what fairy tale G.-Kh. Andersen sang a song about Augustine? ("Swineherd".)

7. Who speaks following words: "Oh you ugly, oh you dirty, unwashed pig!" (Moydodyr.)

8. In what fairy tale do piglets sing: “You are a pig and I am a pig, we are all brothers of a pig”? ("Cat house".)

9. A kid with a pig character. (Pig.)

10. Halfback pig. (Fang.)

11. Pork layer. (Salo.)

12. Pig bath. (Puddle.)

13. Brutal Piglet. (Boar.)

14. An event that increases piggy. (Farrow.)

15. The prominent part of the pig's face. (Piglet.)

16. One of the popular TV presenters of the evening program. (Piggy.)

dance block.

The ship's horn sounds.

Leading. Well, dear friends! Time inexorably flies forward, and we arrive in the next country, the most romantic and fabulous. And that country is France!

Paris, Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower. These names are simply breathtaking. And this is the most appropriate place for all lovers.

Do we have lovers in the hall?

The audience responds.

Leading. And now is the time to look into our surprise packages and find cards with the names of the heroes of literary works and just famous personalities.

Each of you now has such a card, and now, literally for 5 minutes, we will try to create new pairs. The couple that I name goes to the center of the hall and performs the dance that will sound for her.

There is a dance competition for couples.

The couple - the winner of the dance competition - receives prizes. In honor of her, volleys of firecrackers sound from each table.

The ship's horn sounds.

Leading. So, dear friends, we are arriving in the next country. This is Africa. You know, in one of the tribes, in Kenya, on New Year's Eve, when they meet, the tribesmen spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. Yes, a very exotic custom, but don’t worry, we won’t spit on each other, but we’ll try to congratulate our friends in African style.

A pacifier competition is being held. That one wins. who will spit out a dummy farther than others.

Leading. Well, well, we have 3 winners (boys) who will now go to the hall and choose a lady for themselves.

With three couples, the game "Feed blindly" is played. The participants-ladies are blindfolded, and they, in turn, try to feed their man with a banana. The winning couple receives prizes. In honor of her, volleys of firecrackers sound from each table.

Leading. Papuans do not have the right to eat pig meat, as they consider it a member of their family, and yet they kill it for meat. What way out of this situation was found? (They killed the neighbors' pigs, then already with clear conscience ate the meat.)

In their New Year's customs, an important place is occupied by a ritual dance around a palm tree. Let's try and do that.

A ritual dance is performed around an impromptu palm tree.

Leading. And in Africa, on New Year's Eve, the strongest man of the tribe is chosen.

The game "Burst the ball" is held. Each team member inflates the balloon until it bursts. The winner is the one whose balloon burst first. Fanfare is played in honor of the strongest man in the tribe.

Leading. I bury to celebrate the New Year at a party, but at home it’s still better, we are returning home to Russia.

It sounds like "Lady".

What is the Russian New Year without a snowman? Let's try to build a snowman!

There is a contest for the best toilet paper snowman. 2 pairs of participants are called. The ladies “sculpt” a snowman out of their gentleman, that is, they wrap it with toilet paper. When conducting this competition, it is important to remember that the main thing is not speed, but quality!

The winning couple will receive prizes. Firecrackers sound.

dance block.

Leading. Dear friends! People say: "The best song that has not yet been sung, best city, which has not yet been built, best year which euje has not lived". So let the new year bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Dance block with sparklers.

Leading. Dear friends! I have a feeling that all the most cheerful, smart, beautiful people have gathered here, and, taking this opportunity, I would like to award those who have especially distinguished themselves!

So, we begin the awarding in the nominations:

- "The best dancer";

- "Wasp waist";

- "Courage of the city coast";

- "Miss Surprise";

- “My years are my wealth”;

- "The most cheerful";

“Beauty is a terrible force.”

Leading. We thank everyone who traveled today with us! After all, we not only met the New Year, but also made many new friends, and this, as you know, is a good omen!

Happy New Year again, friends! See you soon!

New Year's songs are played. The guests leave the room.

High school students are not distinguished by their zeal to take part in school entertainment programs, consider themselves too old for skits, performances and other “nonsense”. The only thing we are always ready to participate in is KVN, funny pranks and various humorous numbers, so we offer a few fresh scenes that together can form an excellent scenario for the New Year for high school students. Students themselves can come up with New Year's skits, and most often they turn out to be funnier and more interesting than jokes invented by adults, so we recommend teachers and parents to lay responsibility for holiday program on the students themselves.

Scene "How to celebrate the holiday"

It takes 2 people to set up. Costumes are not required, the main thing is to emotionally pronounce your lines. If the participants in the production are resourceful enough, you don’t even have to learn the roles by heart - let them improvise.

1: Glad to welcome everyone to the New Year's party! Now I will tell you how to properly celebrate the holiday!

2: Why is it you and not me?

1: Yes, what do you understand in parties? You always need to be dragged somewhere!

2: At least I don’t put empty gift boxes under the Christmas tree to post on Instagram, like they gave me so many things!

1: And you give everyone the sweets that you gave to your mother-teacher!

2: At least I give sweets, but you, in general, remember gifts on the 31st and stand in lines for two hours to buy a fridge magnet!

1: What does it have to do with gifts, in general? You turned on Petrosyan last New Year and tried to make everyone watch it, but we wanted to dance!

2: And during the president’s speech, you took a selfie against the background of the TV set and posted it on Instagram!

1: But you didn’t buy fireworks, as asked, said: “Why, that there will be few strangers on the square? Let's look at them!"

2: Yes, then you, in general, most of all told how cool we would celebrate the New Year, and then ate salads and fell asleep.

1: I don’t even write a wish on a piece of paper under the chimes! And you write the same thing every time, you burn your sheets, and then you drink champagne with ashes. And it will never reach you that they are still not fulfilled, these desires!

2: And you throw the same congratulatory poems on the wall to everyone!

1: And on the first of January you will be at 10 in the morning and yell: “Let's go sledding!”

2: At least I didn't watch the battle of psychics all the holidays like you!

1: At least I didn’t offer to call a taxi to the center at exorbitant prices, so that later I could say: “Pay like a brother, otherwise I have a five thousandth.”

2: Of course, but when you call to celebrate, you don’t go home on the 1st until all the food is over.

1: Okay, got it. Both are good. In general, guys, listen: for New Year's Eve to be gorgeous ...

2: Never do as we do!

Scene "Herringbone"

In a skit that can be played without preparation, 9 people are involved. To participate, it is advisable to choose the most artistic and active students and still give them five to ten minutes to think about their role - it will turn out interesting.

The text of the famous song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” will need to be printed out - not everyone knows it by heart.

Also print out the roles on the sheets: a Christmas tree, a snowstorm, frost, a cowardly bunny, an angry wolf, a furry horse, a peasant, firewood, a leader.

Put the sheets with the roles in the hat, let the participants in the skit pull out the roles themselves. Further, as you might guess, you need to emotionally and artistically play a song by role. Those who are not shy can sing their part, the rest are allowed to recite with expression. Give high schoolers time to prepare: have them make a costume out of improvised means and think about how they will beat their role. With a sense of humor at this age, guys usually have no problems, so it will turn out funny.

Scene "Old year against the New"

It will take 6 students (leader, old year, new year and three more). Old year dressed in a festive, but torn and shabby suit, a garland is wound around it, but it does not burn. In the hand - an empty glass of champagne or a burnt sparkler. On the chest there is a plate with the numbers 2017. The New Year is dressed in a Santa Claus costume or similar to the previous one, but “from the needle”. On the chest are the numbers 2018. The rest of the participants do not need costumes.

Leading: On December 31, it is customary to see off the old year and meet the new one. And if there was such an opportunity, would you stay in the old year? What would you choose? The students of one of the schools were lucky - they were given such a chance.

The old year is on the left, the new year is on the right. Three students are coming up to the new year, who also participate in the skit.

Old Year: Is that how it is?! And this is your gratitude for the magical 365 days that we spent together?!

Student 1: And what good have we seen from you? Some deuces, parents to school, they even began to feed somehow tasteless!

Student 2: By the way, you promised that our wishes would come true! There are a couple of days left before the new year, but something has not come true yet!

Old Year: So why did you think about the victory of the Olympic team? I would have wished then that the Olympiad would be held extraordinary this year! How can you win in what is not?

Student 3: Was it difficult for you to guess yourself? In general, I was poisoned by these ashes when I burned a piece of paper with a desire over a glass of champagne! Do you know how bad it was in the morning?

Old Year: Well, you all got poisoned, because the Olivier, which the classmates made in the morning, had to be kept in the refrigerator, and not on the table near the battery. And who told you that everything you write will definitely come true? Should I start doing the inscriptions in the toilets? It’s simpler there, “call me” or “Katya loves Andrey”.

Student 1: Yes, I can fulfill such desires myself, don’t go away from the topic. It’s better to go completely, we are already waiting for the next year, maybe it will be better!

Old Year: No problem! But did you think well, with whom did you decide to stay? With this?! Yes, he is a pig, what else to look for! Moreover, you know me, stability, so to speak. The football team will not win, the president will not change, gasoline will not rise in price, oil will not become cheaper. And this year is in the bag! Well, that is, a cat.

Student 2: Well, that the team will not win and the president will not change, this one (points to the new year) can guarantee us!

Old Year: Well, how did he bribe you? Do you want better grades? Or do you think the holidays will be longer? Yes, your parents will force you to learn lessons anyway, why do you need so many days off! Well, here you are (pointing towards the third), I gave you a meeting with your beloved, now you have a girl.

Student 3: Yeah, I can’t get rid of her for a month!

Old year: (to student 1) And you finally went to Thailand.

Student 1: I went with my mother. In addition to these excursions, I didn’t see anything, for the whole quarter for the sake of this I sat on textbooks, earned good grades. It would be better to go here with friends!

Old Year: Well, if you're like that, I'm leaving! Only then you yourself will cry, since you stay with him (again with your fingers for the new year)! The photographs will remember me. And you will want to go to Thailand again, and you will miss the girl, and according to your good grades. You try, you try for them, and when you leave, they stab you in the back and no thanks!

Everyone comes up, strokes the Old Year on the back, consoles, apologizes.

Student 1: Well, don't be offended, you really were good!

Student 2: If you want, stay!

Old Year: Well, no, it's already been decided. Yes, and it must be different from year to year, otherwise it will turn out to be some kind of “groundhog year”!

Slowly and sadly leaves. The new year is coming forward.

New Year: Of course, it must be different! Here is a list of exams that you will take in the summer, and here is a list of questions for each subject!

Student 3: How much?! Three hundred questions? And yet so complicated? It's time to learn to sit down!

Everyone rushes to run after the old year, shouting “Stop”, “Wait!”, “Don't leave!”, “We changed our minds”.

Scene "Before the holiday"

Pharmacy. The salesperson is behind the counter. A schoolboy comes in, goes with the words: “So, parents will leave, friends will drink champagne, someone’s stomach will hurt from Olivier, you need to prepare, and on the 1st still go skiing from the mountain.” He enters the pharmacy: “Give me coal, please.”

Apothecary: “You activated?”

Student: Are you kidding? Every year I win computer science olympiads. I wrote a trial exam for 100 points, in the lessons there are only five. Let's get a demo version, if it works, I'll activate it myself somehow!”

Scene “Argument with the teacher”

Two students come out and start a conversation:

1: Why are you so sad?

2: Why rejoice then? We have a new year, holidays, and we were asked so much! Read there, and decide, in general, write essays in English and do tests. I won't have New Year's holidays. And you won't, no one at all. No, what do they think?

1: Stooooooop! Here you need to act. Look. Holidays are not only with us, but also with teachers, right? So! But they will rest, and we will learn what we were given back.

2: I'll tell you more, they will not just rest, but also drink ...

1: Don't continue! Let it be on their conscience! Now you need to seize the moment! Today we have a holiday, good teachers. We invite them to play a game. If we lose, so be it, we will learn everything. But if we win ... (significantly rubs his hands).

The students invite two or three teachers to the stage.

2: So, we will ask you questions. You will have 15 seconds to think about your answer. Answer correctly - you get a point. Make a mistake - we get the point!

  1. The rooster decided to cross the border with China. Suddenly, at the border, he laid an egg. The border guards say the egg will have to be left behind. Question: which state does the egg now belong to? (answer - roosters do not lay eggs).
  2. In 15 seconds, name 2 proverbs about pigs and wild boars.
  3. The piglet was born on January 14, 2017. What will happen to him on January 14, 2019? (he will be 2 years old)
  4. In what month will our classmates gossip less? (in February, it is the shortest).
  5. How many snowballs with a diameter of 7 centimeters can fit into a container with a volume of 5 liters? (snowballs can't walk, so not at all).
  6. You came to visit to celebrate the new year. On the table are salads and pink plates. With which hand should you put salads on pink plates? (the one with the spoon).

After the end of the quiz, you need to calculate the points, then - according to the situation. If the teachers won, one of the students says: “Yes, you proved to us that we need to study. And you are already so smart that you can afford to take a break, so it's all fair!”. If the teachers lost, the student says: “Of course it was a joke game, and we will still learn our lessons! But let's not forget about the rest! In general, on the basis of the game “Teachers against students”, an excellent scenario for the New Year at school will turn out if the team of teachers opposes the team of students in all competitions. By the way, such activities help the two parties to establish relationships. Quite often, the behavior of students and their attitude to classes improves after such a “team building”.

Scene “Valenki Santa Claus”

Two students come on stage again. In the hands of the first - felt boots.

Student 2: Wow, what are those strange shoes you have on?

Student 1: What's strange here, these are Santa Claus boots!

Student 2: Stop what we are kindergarten? Still do not understand that there is no Santa Claus?

Student 1: Whose boots are these then?

Student 2: I don’t know, I took it from my grandfather, confess?

Student 1: Yes, I'm seriously telling you, these are Santa Claus boots, magical!

Student 2: Show me then! Otherwise I won't believe it!

Student 1: Show magic? I'll show you now? Who wants to experience it for themselves? (one student comes out) Put on boots! (puts on boots).

Student 2: I don't see any magic!

The music turns on, the student in felt boots begins to dance. He is joined by the one who brought the felt boots, then the one who did not believe in magic. A few more guys come out one by one, join the dancers.

Student 1: Wow, but felt boots are really magical!

Student 2: Yes, magical, magical!

Student 1: Just give them to me soon, now grandfather will wake up and you will see real magic - he can say one hundred and forty abusive words in a minute!

Everyone leaves.

Scene “Divination for the New Year”

Two students participate - they conduct a dialogue, one periodically depicts the described action.

Student 1: And after the new year, on Christmas night and until the very baptism, the girls guess.

Student 2: And we want to show you the most famous divination.

Student 1 (student 2 meanwhile depicts): A girl goes out into the yard at night, takes off her felt boots, stands with one bare foot on the cold snow. He closes his eyes, spins around himself several times, and how he throws his shoes!

Student 2: And then what?

Student 1: Nothing, then he walks like a fool, without boots, he will also get sick!

Student 2: Another fortune-telling is for a dream. Grandmothers say, you need to put under the pillow the thing of the guy for whom you have unrequited love, and whom you want to bewitch. For example, a sock.

Student 1: Of course, it will stink so much that all love will disappear!

Student 2: Yeah, and there is also fortune-telling: at the New Year's party, you ask the first girl in the mask for a mirror, and then you wonder who to return it to!

Confetti prank scene

In between scenes, you can arrange a prank number. A cleaner (student) comes out with a bucket of water (real) and a mop. He starts washing the floor, for real, everyone can see that there is really water in the bucket. The dialogue is built with the leader (if there is none, with the student involved in the skit).

V: What are you?! We have a holiday here, we are showing skits here, the guys are now performing a number!

W: So what? Should I wait until night until you all disperse here? I don't get paid! They walk here, trample on, then only things disappear!

The cleaning lady continues to mop the floors, rearranging the bucket all the time, and grumbles: “inherited”, “well, pigs”, “mother doesn’t teach you to wipe your feet”, “the second shoe - they can’t bring that clean one” and so on. The main thing is that everyone can see that the bucket is constantly being moved from place to place. The host, meanwhile, decides to wait until the cleaning is over:

Well, since we have a little hitch, I'll take the floor and wish everyone a Happy New Year! I wish you 365 days of happiness, 53 weeks of fun, 12 months of good mood and one year of success! (continues to say any wishes)

Meanwhile, the bucket disappears from the view of the audience for a few seconds - the cleaning lady places it backstage or outside the door, in any place that none of the audience can see. It is quickly replaced with the same, but filled with confetti. The cleaner takes it and with the words: “Bah, you need to change the water!”, Pours it on the audience. Fright is replaced by an explosion of laughter, when students, parents and teachers realize that dirty water is not pouring on them, but multi-colored shiny pieces of paper are pouring.

Short scene: "Tangerines"

The scene is suitable as a final for any party or as a sign that the amateur block is over and it's time to move on to the table or dancing.

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come out, dragging a huge bag together.

Santa Claus: Fuuuuh, they barely dragged it! But all the students were given gifts!

Snow Maiden: What is there?

Santa Claus: Tangerines. They produce the hormone of joy, this is the most necessary thing at the holiday!

The Snow Maiden opens the bag, a student appears from there, finishing his tangerine.

Snow Maiden with Santa Claus: Who are you?

Student: I'm a tangerine cannibal!

She takes her bag and leaves, finishing her tangerine.

Snow Maiden: Well, that's the end of the gifts, and our performance too!

Santa Claus: Happy New Year!

Scene-competition based on fairy tales

It just seems that the script for the New Year for high school students based on fairy tales is not interesting. Even adults do not grow out of them, it is not for nothing that magical characters are used even at corporate parties. The main thing is that the New Year's skits are funny and modern, so folk art usually redone in a new way.

Koschei the Immortal, Kikimora, Baba Yaga appear on the stage. With sad faces, they sadly sit down at the table.

Koschey: Skuuuuuuuuuuuchno! And today, in fact, the New Year!

Baba Yaga: And do not say, Bony, oh, that is, Immortal, animals, get out, everyone is having fun!

Kikimora: Shall we join them?

Koschey: We have already joined, for some reason, as they see us, everyone scatters in different directions. What are we, so scary or what?

Kikimora: Or maybe we can beat them all? We'll pick up the presents, eat treats, champagne, probably, not everyone has had time to drink yet. How are you?

Koschey: Let's not spoil the holiday, we'll think of something ourselves!

Baba Yaga: Or maybe it's time for us to get out among people? We sat up in the woods!

Kikimora: Yeah, people! Have you tried to go to the pharmacy? I didn’t spend a penny, because I scared everyone away, and instead of medicine, they gave you foundation creams, mascara and lipstick for free!

Koschey: I made up my mind! High school students are already adults. Firstly, when they see us, they will not burst into tears, like kindergartners! Second, have fun with them. Thirdly, they also have New Year's concerts now and performances. We'll come early, we'll close the leaders in the pantry, well, these, real ones. And we make fun of them!

Baba Yaga: We will hold dirty contests, we will ask such questions at quizzes that not a single scientist will answer, let them think they are scratching their turnips!

Kikimora: And the girls will make up us! There will be a make-up competition, who will make the Queen from Baba Yaga and Kikimora the fastest!

Baba Yaga: They will make beauties out of us, so we will take their guys away at the disco! Go!

Koschey: It seems we are in place. Look how young-dressy! Well, who here wants to try himself as a makeup artist? Please note that these two old women need to be made into Hollywood movie stars, and they have never seen a beauty salon in their 3000 years! So a lot of hands are needed. Let's say five people each! Let's go! (Invites 2 teams of 5 people - both boys and girls).

Kikimora: Listen, Bony! What if they don't know anything! Wow, what green! Let them practice first. If it’s not weak for them to make snowmen out of their guys, then you can let them get to my face!

Baba Yaga: Now we will turn on the music and from this and this we need to make elegant beautiful snowmen. So the kids gasp! And we will not give you props - what you find here, then use it!

The music turns on, the teams dress up the selected students in snowmen.

In a similar way, you can beat any competition, as well as lead to any game or activity. At the same time, it is not necessary to follow the plot of fairy tales, the main thing is to choose such a costume so that it is clear that this is a fairy-tale character, you can make it a little more modern. Although we still recommend that high school students themselves act as hosts and choose their own New Year's images. So the holiday turns out to be more lively and cool.

Scenario for high school students based on the movie "Harry Potter"

Another option is to use characters from Soviet cinema or a very recent film. In the latter case, funny scenes for the new year cause even more delight, because the viewing experience does not have time to cool down and the jokes turn out to be extremely relevant. In 2019, we propose to come up with a story about Harry Potter - by the holiday there will not be a single schoolchild (as well as a single adult) who has not seen the novelty.

The idea is this - school number N turns into a school of magic and wizardry during the holiday. In advance, ask students to come dressed as wizards. Divide those who came into 4 teams - Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Puffinduy and Gryffindor. If the budget allows, order decals - badges, scarves, robes. These items can be left with students as a keepsake.

Decorate your party space with printed mythological creatures, candles, goblets, toy owls and balloons. Buy some mops, paint them gold, sign them "Nimbus 2000".

Scenario New Year 2017



Baba Yaga -

Kikimora -

Koschey -

Father Frost

Snow Maiden, Alyonushka -

Tsar Gvidon -

Ivanushka the Fool, the king's son 3 -

Marfusha -

Nastya -

High school student -

Wizard -

royal servant

Queen -

King's son 1 -

King's son 2 -


Zemfira -

Pugacheva -


Mirror -


The holiday begins with a song to the music "Carnival Night"

If you stayed at home on the couch,
If you are not with us, we are very sorry for you.
Say goodbye boldly to dad or mom
Come join us for the carnival.
And smile. No doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore.

If you accidentally learn it doesn't matter,
If you are an excellent student, and in the eyes of sadness.
Where to find luck, we will tell you:
May success give you a New Year's Ball


Presenter: Happy New Year to you, with new happiness!

New cases to you and new discoveries!

Let your laughter flow like an immeasurable sea.

Let there be no end to songs and jokes,

And let it be like these open doors

Today your hearts will be opened.

My friends! Joyful hour is coming

We solemnly invite you to the hall.

New Year's Eve starts now!

2nd host: Good evening friends! Good evening!

Happy New Year!

2nd Host: Happy New Year! These magic words cheer up, eyes light up with joyful fire. Faces shine with a smile and we say from the bottom of our hearts: "Happy New Year"

1st : Friends, dance, sing, laugh!

Fill the room with fun!

We are the song open ball!(the song sounds New Year is coming to the melody Wonderful neighbor).

2nd : New Year is the most the best holiday. Holiday of miracles, magic, fairy tales.

Fairy tales, they awaken love for everything good, kind and dislike for everything insidious and evil.

Koschey, Baba Yaga appear on the stage, Kikimora sit down at the table with sad faces. There is complete silence in the hall, you can only hear how to knock your nails on the table. On the table is a small Christmas tree, decorated with tinsel balls, in the New Year's style.

Koschey: Well, boring things, but it seems like the New Year is in the yard!

Baba Yaga: Don't talk, Kitty! Still what, all the animals of our forest are having fun, they dressed up the Christmas tree, there are a lot of gifts, they dance, they are waiting for Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, and we sit like mediocrity. Well, that's why when everyone sees us, they run in all directions. Are we really that scary?

Yaga takes a mirror looks into it and almost got scared herself.Kikimora: Maybe we can beat them? (scratching fists) We'll pick up the gifts,Will we take the Snow Maiden with Frost? BUT?

Koschey: Not! This is not an option! Let's not spoil the holiday, we'll come up with something ourselves!

"Eh!"say together and put their hands on the table. And again, only silence.

Baba Yaga: Yes, we sat in the forest. Can we get out in public?

Kikimora: What kind of people are you? What are you talking about mother! Eh, think of it too. Have you forgotten, last time you went to the pharmacy for medicines, they scared you so much that the whole line scared you, they gave you foundation creams instead of pills, but they gave you lipstick for free. Have you looked at yourself in the lake for a long time!?

Baba Yaga: And what, last time it was very cold, and I didn’t put on makeup. And this time I put on so beautifully, combed my hair that I looked like a beautiful Madama. Look, I'm Madama!

Kikimora: It's not real! (almost in a whisper)

Baba Yaga: What are you? I'm compared to you, Queen.

Kikimora: Yep, Dustbin Queen.

Baba Yaga: Yes, I'll arrange for you now!

They come closer to each other. Koschey gets between them.

Koschey: Girls don't fight. You better look at me. In general, I have an athletic physique, not a gram of excess weight, only muscles ..(shows his bones)

Second silence and wild laughter of Kikimora and Baba Yaga.

Koschey: I don't even know what to do! We also want a holiday!

Baba Yaga: And in the Oryol school today, in my opinion, is New Year's Eve! Let's go see if there's anything interesting! I'm just at the parade today!

Kikimora: Oh right, let's go! Maybe it's fun there?

Koschey: There must be a lot of kids there! Ehhh.

Koschey, Baba Yaga and Kikimora "leave" on a broom to the music of Babka-Ezhka.

Baba Yaga grabs Ivanushka and sings

Leading : So, in a few minutes, the performance, and the stage is not ready yet! Where is everyone, where are the actors, where are the scenery?

Tsar Gvidon comes out

Leading : Who are you man? Are you part of our team at all? Who put you in this?

Tsar Guidon : Open your eyes

And set your mind a little

That you do not distinguish the king

Where are you from

Leading : Don't you think that you are playing too much, I'm a director, I have a holiday on my nose - the New Year, but I still lacked such shots.

Tsar Guidon : Who did you raise your voice to?

You probably didn’t understand the Guard yourself (the guard runs in)

Grab her quickly

And plant in the basement

And then we'll decide what to do

How can we teach her

The guards leave and take the director away, Ivanushka the Fool enters

Ivan the Fool : King, hope and support. They were not to be executed! As I said, I found you a beauty - a spitting image of an identikit, and she washed her dear face and became completely different - she says in makeup she is better. He says once he stole me as a wife to the king - take me, he couldn’t get rid of her in any way.

Tsar Guidon : Vanya, you know me, I like meek, but if you make me angry ...! Come on, bring the beauty here - show who you brought.

Ivanushka the Fool runs away and returns, leading Baba Yaga

Tsar Guidon : No, no, no, take her back, no, no, no, I didn’t order this, no, don’t

Baba Yaga: Gvidon, I came to you, are you not happy? Don’t be afraid, I’m a modern girl, we don’t get married early now (pause, I’m straightening my hair), I just decided to break away for the new year. Although if it's boring, I can change my mind (makes a menacing look).

Tsar Gvidon exchanged glances with Ivan

Ivanushka the Fool shrugs his shoulders, pretending not to know how to help

Tsar Gvidon: Okay, Vanyusha, take her to the bedchamber, let her rest from the road, but for now I need to think about how best to celebrate the New Year ...

Ivanushka the Fool leads Baba Yaga away.

Tsar Gvidon: Guard!!! Guards, bring the director here as soon as possible!!! Until she died there in the dungeon from the cold .. The guards run after the director

Tsar Gvidon: Guard!!! Who remained there, send a messenger for Santa Claus! Without him, what a holiday. The guard brings the director.

Presenter: (he is also a director) What an arbitrariness, who are you! Honored Director and in the dungeon.

Tsar Gvidon: Sorry, we got excited, those responsible will be punished, and if you help arrange a holiday, you will receive compensation for your work - you will receive fabulous treasures and an order.

Presenter: How can you not understand "majesty", I need to put on a holiday, I need actors to cheer people up - a holiday, after all!

Tsar Gvidon: Here, fun is what you need! Can you cheer up Baba Yaga?

Host: Well, I don’t know, everything is ready, but there are no people?

Santa Claus: Come in, oh, I messed up, oh, and confused - the old one mixed up everything, oh, oh, oh,

I mixed up a fairy tale with a reality ... it remains only to wait for the New Year, only with the battle of the first chimes everything will return to its original places.

Leading: And what should we do, we won’t be able to arrange a holiday?

Santa Claus: You can if you find my granddaughter.

Host: Well then, look: (sketch “Three girls under the window)

Gvidon, Baba Yaga and the Host come out

Tsar Gvidon: Well, how fun?

Baba Yaga: Okay, but that's all I need more fun.

Tsar Gvidon: What do you want?

Baba Yaga: Dancing, so that immediately and with grandmas hedgehogs.

Tsar Gvidon: Will there be a dance today?

Host: Of course, dance! “……” (leave) (Flash mob girls)

Kikimora: The tree is decorated, there are a lot of people. Yes, they are all so pretty!

Koschey: Is there something not fun here? (referring to the audience). Why are you sitting here? Are you bored too?

Baba Yaga: And let's make fun of them: we will hold various contests!

Kikimora: Oh right! I even know the first competition!

Koschey: Where is it from?

Kikimora: Well, I'm not a stupid girl! I can read books, newspapers are different. Here is what I read...

Baba Yaga: And what kind of competition is this?

Kikimora: The contest is calledSherlock Holmes Competition ».

The children are offered a photo of a little girl (boy). From this photo, find an adult girl (boy) at the ball. The winners receive prizes.

A senior appears.

Senior student:

O! New Year is coming soon! I bought a clapperboard, we'll shoot at the New Year's Eve. Let me try one.

( Pulls the string, the clapperboard explodes
A man who looks like an astrologer appears
Senior student: - Who are you? Where did it come from?
Wizard: -From your firecracker, dunce! I'm actually a wizard from the 18th century, I can fulfill any one of your wishes.
Senior student: - Not a fig to itself, and why one desire? In fairy tales, wizards grant several wishes.
Wizard: - You understand inflation, there are not enough funds, the limits have been cut, the energy potential is only enough for one wish per month.
Senior student: - Yes. You have to think about what to order. No matter how much money I order, it will run out someday. Need power. In, I came up with, I want to be a big boss.
Wizard: -As you wish. Abracadabra, sim salobim. Now you are the king.
Senior student: -How is the king? What are you? I asked you to be the director.
Wizard: - You see, I'm actually from the 18th century, and I don't know who the director is, but I know the king.
Senior student: - Ugh, you're a dick! The director is the leader of the company. Let's fix it soon.
Wizard: - I can’t, the limit is over, I can only next month.(leaves) Senior student: “Hell, what are you going to do. Well, I'm not a damn thing in this royal business. Anyway! As the song says: Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked. So, I'm the king now!
The song suddenly creaked the door like in a fairy tale)

Happiness suddenly in silence
Knocked on the door
Can't you come to me
I believe and I don't believe
Snow fell, dawn floated,
drizzle autumn
So many years, so many years
Where were you?

Suddenly, as in a fairy tale, the door creaked
So out the king I am now
I didn't dream about it
What should I do if I knew
Learned something somewhere at school
Just forgot everything
If only it wasn't in vain
Everything in the world was not in vain
It was not in vain.

Here it is, here it is
Happiness without an answer
Got to be a king
Me in this world
The one who waits will take everything down,
No matter how life beats
If only everything, this is everything
It was not in vain
( The royal servant runs in, he is also a clerk-clerk. Falls to his knees, beats his head on the floor .. The wizard has disappeared.)
Royal Servant: - Oh, the tsar-father, they didn’t order to execute, they ordered to have mercy, where did your majesty disappear, and there are no royal clothes on you, the infidels did not undress, your majesty, oh, they didn’t order to execute.
Tsar: -Yes, okay, get up, what's your name?
Royal Servant: -Lord have mercy! No memory lost. They call me Fedka the tsar-father, with your royal mercy I serve as a clerk and assistant, they have not forgotten.
Tsar: -Yes. Something has become with my memory, nothing but sclerosis.
Royal Servant: - You just order the king-father, we will cut off this Sclerosis in an instant.
Tsar: - Oh, and darkness! You are an unpaved village. No one needs to be executed.
Royal Servant: -Ah, the Queen, how she yearned for you, the king-father, in her room toils, she cried all her eyes!
Tsar: - Queen? In Dela! I wonder how she is? Come on, beauty! Let's call her here!
royal servant This minute my lord, this minute...!

(The royal servant leaves, the queen enters. )
Queen: -Oh! Thank God for the living tsar-father. For three whole days he disappeared and not a word or a breath, so we did not care what to think.
Tsar: - Disappeared, but I did not disappear, Where then is the real king?

(Turning to the Queen) - I was absent on state affairs, mother, I was on a business trip, to exchange experience.
Queen: - You are all in business and in worries, the king father .....
Tsar: - Well, you think it's easy for us kings. There is not enough money, Inflation, taxes, meetings, press conferences, consensuses, ugh, you must have turned something wrong .. Well, how are things at home?
Queen: - Yes, it's time to marry the sons of the princes. Adults have become!
Tsar: Crazy, I also have adult sons!

Yes, I'm still young.

( Addressing the queen. ) -Well, let's call them here.
Three princes enter, line up) Tsar: -Yes. The king had three sonsapproaches the elder , pats on the shoulder ) - The elder was smart,

(fits in the middle,) middle son and so and so, (to younger) The younger one is not stupid. That's what my sons, it's time for you to get married, go look for brides. How is it in a fairy tale? Well, you go to the merchant's yard, you go to the boyar yard, and you know in the swamp for a frog.
Junior prince: -Yes, I don’t want a frog, then run after it to the distant kingdom, help out from Kashchei. I'll look for something else, more interesting.
Tsar - Well, go, go. The new year is coming soon, we should make arrangements for the ball. Fedka, let's order there that the New Year be in the first category, there is Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, order it.
Royal Servant: -Oh, they didn’t order the execution, the king pardon, father, we are in trouble. All the heralds in Russia galloped off to look for you, there is no one to send for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.
Tsar: Oh, if I were in my time, now I would order at least two Snow Maidens with Santa Claus on the Internet.
(a girl with pigtails appears, dressed very modernly) Tsar Who are you?
ICQ: ICQ I am an instant message - a product of new technologies!
Royal Servant: What? What product?

Tsar: Quiet! The people are not educated! Here is the class! Here you are, then we will call Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden!
Well… and what are you standing for?..
ICQ: So send me!
Tsar: Well... so... go already... otsedova...... in the end!
(on the stage of the Snow Maiden, preening, Aska appears)
Snow Maiden: And who are you going to be? Where did it come from?!
ICQ: ICQ, I'm an instant message - a product of new technologies! You Snegurki message.
Snow Maiden: (indecisively) What product?
ICQ: Product new technology! You, along with Santa Claus, are urgently expected in a fairy tale to celebrate the New Year.
Snow Maiden; What? Both? Ah, we have been waiting for this message for a long time!
ICQ: The message has been delivered, I will hasten to inform about the delivery ...
Snow Maiden: So what are you standing for? Run!

ICQ. Yes, send me!

Snow Maiden: Well, get out of here!

ICQ Another thing, I'm already running!

(Aska runs away) (There is a conversation between the Snow Maidens Snegurochka 1 and Snow Maiden 2.) Snow Maiden 1: Where are you dressing up? BUT!
Snow Maiden 2: How where? New Years is soon. Let's go with Santa Claus to congratulate children on the holiday, to give gifts.
Snow Maiden 1: And why did you decide that it was you who would go to the holiday? After all, we are both granddaughters of Santa Claus, both Snow Maidens!
Snow Maiden 2: I'm younger. I must go. Why do we need a junk like you on a holiday!
Snow Maiden 1: Look at yourself better, I’ll also get a present for the holiday! It would be better if it snowed!
Snow Maiden 2: What is it, am I worse than snow or what? The snow will melt, but I will stay!
Snow Maiden 1: Yes, you can’t erase such a gift as you, as you draw, you can’t turn it off with any bulldozer, you won’t go around on a crooked mare!
Snow Maiden 2: You know what, my elder sister, the Veteran Snow Maiden! Don't turn up your nose. Grandfather Frost will come, he will judge us. Let him say who he wants to take to the holiday!
Snow Maiden 1: Listen! Let's call him! Santa Claus, we are waiting for you!(3 times) Snow Maiden 2. Well, why are you yelling fool, you work the old fashioned way. According to modern it is necessary. Learn!(knocking on the door) Hear. Grandpa, it's good to snore! The corporation is waiting!

Snow Maiden 1. Blimey! It worked!

(Sleepy Santa Claus appears with a bag of gifts behind his back).
Father Frost: I slept for almost a year, although there is a lot of work. It's time to go to work: go and congratulate on the holiday, give gifts.

Snow Maiden 2. Grandfather, well, everything is fine, we have heard about it a hundred times.

Father Frost. And why are you so rude and gloomy today, what happened, what happened?
Snow Maiden 1: Why, Grandfather, some here believe that they can make any holiday happy with their presence. To be, so to speak, an utter gift!
Father Frost: What for? I have already received gifts. Look at the whole bag!
(Puts the bag in a conspicuous place). Snow Maiden 2: Grandpa, don't worry! The fact is that I believe that the youngest, most blooming of us should go to the holiday with you.
Snow Maiden 1: And my centuries-old experience, seniority, you do not take into account at all? Just imagine, you will come, a new, unfamiliar face, the children will not recognize you, they will still be frightened. And I'm a completely different matter!
Father Frost: Granddaughters, do not quarrel!
Snow Maiden 2: Well, Grandpa! It's a shame indeed. I waited a whole year, prepared a congratulation for a whole month, dressed up ...
Snow Maiden 1: Been dieting all day...
Snow Maiden 2: And you did make-up all day, covered up wrinkles ...
Snow Maiden 1: It was I who covered up the wrinkles, it was me... Yes, I...
(Santa Claus grabs a bag and runs away, and the Snow Maidens rushed after him)

Snow Maiden 1. 2 . Grandpa, wait for us!
(The king and queen are sitting, flirting)
Aska appears with a comical step )
ICQ: I would like to inform you that the message sent by you has been read by the addressee… read… read…
Tsar: I hear! Not deaf! Class! The process has begun, we will wait for dear guests!
Queen (walking around Aska) She's kinda weird though!
Tsar: Don't worry, it's not real, it's electronic. Well, go away! Do not interfere with state affairs!
Tsar Hey Fedka, come here!... Listen. Is there a magician in our state? Ah, so I forgot something?
Royal Servant: But what about, the king-father, there is! .... only he is very mean?
Tsar. So what are you standing for. Bring the miser here!
(An old familiar wizard appears) Tsar: Yeah, I see, you're an old friend again.

We have already called Santa Claus with the Snow Maidens ourselves, and you let us organize something fun, festive, magical!
Wizard: - I can't, I told you the limit is over.
Tsar - That's bad luck, well, come up with something.
Wizard: -I don't know, next year!
Tsar: -What!!! I'm not going to babysit you. I give you 20 minutes, think about what to do, if you can think of it, I will order you to be executed.
The wizard bows out, sons appear with brides, the eldest and middle son-bride have modern ones in fashionable clothes. And the younger one has a whole harem from the East, all in veils.)

Tsar: Wow! Here are the sons with their brides!
Senior prince
Here, meet the Tsar-father, this is Zemfira. Singer!

(Zemfira bows and sings.)
I was looking for you
for years
looking for you
dark courtyards
magazines, movies
among friends
the day I found
she gone crazy

looking for you
at night-chami-chami-chami-chami ...
Tsar - Yes, of course, a little extravagant, but how do you know how to live.
middle son: (introduces his fiancee) Here is the tsar-father, my Allochka, recaptured from Kirkorov or from Galkin, well, oh well, in general, it doesn’t matter ... from whom.

(Tsarevich and Alla Borisovna also sing)
Be with me a boy, a fluffy bunny,
Fragile baby or don't be with me.
Be with me a master, be with me a gangster
I'll be a girl, or don't be with me.
Be or don't be, do something.
Be or not be, be or not be. (2 times.)
Tsar - Well, you give a son, but she is already good for your grandmother.
Alla Borisovna: (Indignantly) But even though you are a king, I ask you to be more polite with the prima donna, by the way, I look younger than your queen.
Tsar: - Well, God be with you, live as you want. (Refers to the third.) And what is your team?
Younger son: - Yes, I want to start a harem tsar-father, come on Gulchatay, Zulfiya, and the rest, Lord, I already forgot how, open your faces, show yourself to the tsar-father.
harem dance belly dance )
Tsar: - Well, you really are a fool or not a fool, On the fig, you have so many of them! - I suppose there are as many mother-in-laws?
Younger son: Well, yes, mother-in-law, nannies are still on the road, they will arrive tomorrow.
Tsar: - Well then, deal with them yourself, don't go complaining to me.
(Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear)
Tsar: Oh, here comes Santa Claus! and even two Snow Maidens?
Father Frost: Forgive me, tsar father, I raised my granddaughters poorly, and I don’t want to tell you how they cursed. They don't want to give up on each other!
Tsar. Yes, God bless them, let them both be at the feast, than neither.
(The wizard returns)
Tsar: Well, magician-sorcerer - not funded, did you come up with something?
Wizard: -Oh sure!

Host: Santa Claus, I need to go home after the performances, I have friends there, I don’t want to be in a fairy tale - I have already grown up.

Santa Claus: I figured out what the reason was - my staff melted, now it will return to normal and send you back, but for now, announce another performance, otherwise Baba Yaga will get bored (you will still have to conduct the wedding)

Host: the next competition "Knowledge on a barrel"

Questions for the competition "Knowledge for a barrel"

1. How much is twice two? (four).

2. What is three times three? (9)

3. Name the tallest grass. (bamboo).

4. What house in our village stands at the intersection of the median and the parallel? (any).

5. How many nails do you need for a well-shod horse? (not necessary because she is savvy).

6. Where do Siberian cats come from (from South Asia).

7. In which work is the hero assassinated three times and only the fourth time he dies? (kolobok).

8. What do linen and paintings by Leonardo da Vinci have in common? (paintings are painted on linen).

9. As the name of the hero of Chekhov's story "Horse Surname" (Ovsov).

10. When was Santa Claus born? (over 2000 years ago)

11. Why do they put up a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve? (spruce is a symbol of eternal life).

12. Residents of which country eat one grape with each stroke of the clock (in Cuba).

13. In what country has it become a tradition to throw away old furniture in the New Year? (Italy).

14. In which country at midnight all the lights go out for 3 minutes and it's time for New Year's kisses? (Bulgaria).

15. Name a bird that does not lay eggs, but hatches from them? (rooster).

Baba Yaga: Oh, I'm bored, oh, how bored.

King: let's quickly sing a song!

(song Happy New Year to the motive "Hope")

Vedas: next contestCompetition "Snowballs"

For this wonderful game you need to split into two teams. 32 balls should be rolled out of cotton wool in advance - these will be “snowballs”. You also need to prepare two buckets. Teams should line up at the same distance from the buckets and, one participant from each team, throw snowballs into the buckets. The thrown snowball goes to the end of the chain. Teams can be divided into adults and children, or into female and male.

(song Happy New Year to the motive of the Bremen town musicians)

Vedas: nextCompetition "Ribbons"

For the game you will need three participants, two of which are given ribbons. With a blindfold on their eyes, children with ribbons must tie bows on the third participant. After all the ribbons are tied, you need to untie the bows, but now you can’t use your hands.

Vedas: next"New Year's drawing"

All ages can participate here. Two heroes, who were previously tied up with their hands, standing with their backs to a stand with a sheet of paper, are offered to draw a symbol of the previous and next year- Monkey and Cockerel. You can use pencils, felt-tip pens. Participants have the right to prompt - to the left, to the right, etc.

Vedas: The game "Fortune telling"

To do this, we will prepare in advance a lot of airy, multi-colored balloons and put various playful prophecies in them. For example, “Your constellation is under the influence of Queen Cleopatra, so you will be charmingly beautiful all year round” or “The President of New Guinea will come to visit you” and so on. Each participant chooses a balloon for himself, bursts it and reads his playful note to those present. Everyone has fun, we celebrate the New Year 2017 with games and entertainment, it will be remembered by everyone.

Baba Yaga: I want a song about the symbol of the New Year!

King: Do we have one?

Vedas: Of course there is.

Song to the motive of Three White Horses

Vedas: the next Contest "Clockwork Cockerel"

We call two participants to the Christmas tree. We tie their hands behind their backs, and put some fruit on the dish, for example, a tangerine or an apple, a banana. The task is to peel the fruit and eat it without touching it with your hands. Whoever did it faster, then won. We give the winner a keepsake

Vedas: next Game "Hat"

Everyone can participate. What is the essence of the game: pass the hat to each other, without hands, and the one who drops it tries to put it on the neighbor's head, also without using his hands. (to the music)

Santa Claus: I twist the staff, I twist, I want to return everyone back!

Tsar Gvidon, let him rule the kingdom,

Director from a fairy tale to a true story,

Grandmother hedgehog, Kikimora and Koschey let them dance tango, waltzes and quadrille.

New Year's merry holiday

Let him be merry

May it bring happiness to people

Every hour, every day.

Song: New Year's song on the motive Spinning, spinning blue ball

Host: I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year, I wish you all happiness and joy, prosperity and prosperity, peace and prosperity in this New Year.

Father Frost: Winter holiday is coming

The old year is leaving us

The New Year is knocking on the door.

Let with a blizzard and powder

He will bring all the good

Children - joy, as before,

Adults - happiness and hope.

Snow Maiden: Let New Year's Santa Claus

Will give happiness a whole cart,

Good health in addition,

In everything conceived, good luck,

Fun, laughter, tenderness, affection,

So that life is like in a fairy tale !!!

Vedas : And now the New Year's disco!

Scenario New Year's Eve for high school students"Once upon a New Year's Eve..."


Presenter 1

Presenter 2

high school student




Baba Yaga




Snow Maiden

Father Frost

Grandma Zima

New Year

Event goals:

Educational: acquaintance with the culture of the country with its customs and traditions

Educational: the formation of positive relations in the class team, the development of a culture of communication with classmates in the process of implementing a common cause;

acquaintance with Russian traditions and education of respect for them

Developing: formation

    cognitive interest in the world around;

    cognitive independence based on creative work in preparation for the event;

    development of creative abilities and labor skills of students.

HOST: Hello, dear high school colleagues, our dear teachers and long-awaited guests!

HOST: The New Year is already knocking on our doors, on the pages social networks, on billboards and shop windows of the streets. Indeed, this holiday has long been considered the most long-awaited, most beloved, everyone is looking forward to it with impatience and hope for a miracle - naive and always young adults, not childishly serious kids, and, of course, we,
HOST: The New Year 2015 will certainly bring warmth and harmony to every family.

HOST: Health is like the greatest treasure.

LEADING: Good luck - to be lucky all year in everything.

LEADING: Love - so that the heart is filled with tenderness and mercy.

HOST: A huge bundle of gifts and New Year's wishes!
HOST: We gathered here for a walk, it's time to start the holiday!


Quietly, humming a fairy tale, winter floats in the twilight.
A warm blanket covers the earth and trees, and houses.
Light snow swirls over the fields, as if the stars are falling from the sky.
Lowering the shaggy eyelashes, the dense forest slumbers in silence.

Golden owls sleep on the Christmas trees. In the fabulous glow of the moon.
At the edge of the forest, snowdrifts sleep like big white elephants.
Everything changes shape and color, the windows of sleepy houses are extinguished
And winter, telling a fairy tale, falls asleep slowly by itself ...

Senior student: Oh! New Year is coming soon! I bought a clapperboard, we'll shoot at the New Year's Eve. Let me try one. Pulls the string, the clapperboard explodes
A man who looks like an astrologer appears

Senior student: Who are you? Where did it come from?

Wizard: -From crackers. I'm actually a wizard from the 18th century, I can fulfill any one of your wishes

Senior student: - Not a fig to yourself, but why one desire? In fairy tales, wizards grant several wishes.

Magician: -You understand inflation, there are not enough funds, the limits have been cut, the energy potential is only enough for one wish per month.

Senior student: Yes. You have to think about what to order. No matter how much money I order, it will end someday. Need power. In, I came up with, I want to see a fascinating fairy-tale performance, such that it will take your breath away

Wizard: - Be your way. Abracadabra, sim salonym.

Music "Visiting a fairy tale"

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived - there was Tsar Pea, and with him - the Pea Jester. And when It was? But who knows! Probably a long time ago. And maybe - recently!
Lights up against the background of music. The king sits on the throne, his legs float in a basin, and next to him is the Jester. She pours water from the kettle and holds a towel. The king looks bored. The jester tries all the time to add hot water to the king, but he pushes him away from himself.

Tsar . - Oh, what a bore! Neither you the raids of the Tatar yoke, nor you the Serpent Gorynych. No entertainment! Go hang yourself in a shtol?!

Jester . - Go - go, since you have nothing to do. What kind of raids do you have - the Tatar ones, if you, the old horseradish, Khan - then you don’t owe anything now. “Tribute” - then you gave your daughter, Ulyanka, a “beauty” written (Aside: “Ugh, God forbid me”, baptized), you betrothed blood. Probably, your son-in-law, I am grateful to you for the grave of my life.

Tsar . (pretty) - A FAQ? And he's fine, and I'm up to the mountain.

Jester - Where is he not well - then ?! I thought I took a wife - a shy woman, thirty-third in a row. And now he turned out to be with one, after all, he exhausted the whole harem, dispersed your Ulyanka!

Tsar . Well, one is enough for him. Not young anymore. You better tell me, your foolish head, well, in my kingdom - the state there are absolutely no emergency situations at all? And the evil spirits - then where did all the things go? BUT?

Jester - Well, what is evil? No one now encroaches on the Zmey Gorynych, so he drank out of boredom.

Tsar. - Himself, right?

Jester . - Well, how can I tell you, he has three heads.

Tsar .(On reflection) - Ah, yes. Where did Yaga go? She doesn’t fly, she doesn’t smoke with her mortar, and she hasn’t done any dirty tricks for a long time.

Jester . - Why Yaga? She got married, she was not up to dirty tricks. You are the king - father, then wash your legs out of the water, otherwise you will completely become limp.
Tsar . (Takes her feet out of the water) - Look, she wanted to get married! How many centuries she herself cuckooed, and in her old age give her a husband! And the beast will drive away from my kingdom! No, and don't dissuade me, I'll go, I'll strangle myself!

Jester (wiping the king's feet) - Yes, you wait: "I'll strangle myself, yes I'll strangle myself!" . She will not go anywhere, she goes for the local, I don’t know, she seems to have some kind of problem.

Tsar. - What is the problem? If I have money for a wedding, I will lend it at interest. And if the toastmaster is at a feast, then you go. Nothing will happen to you.

Jester (listening) - Yes, do not make noise, the king - father! Do you hear? Say the stupa is flying. Probably, to land, thought up. Let's step aside, away from sin, otherwise you never know what.

The king and jester quickly leave.

On the background __________________________________________
Baba Yaga “flies” onto the stage in a mortar. Makes a circle around the stage, stops near the microphone. Gets out of the stupa and bypassing it, sits on top. He sits, moths with his feet.
At this time, Leshy passes to the Christmas tree, pretends to clean up near it, decorates, etc.

B.Ya. - Wow! Say it went well! Not deceived on entot time, wet his soul. This is me about the water. Sits in his puddle, sells marsh slurry. He has a gas station. Entrepreneur, a toad in his liver! Duck after all dilutes the same, you bastard! Just now I was going to see Leshem for a date. Well, why am I going on foot? I'm in transit. Well, he refueled me through an acquaintance, a long time ago. Well, it was young! (coquettish). In general, while he powdered my brains with his memories, he poured nasty things! So for the time being I flew to Leshy, knocked all the tops off the pines and fir trees! Nearly died of fear! In general, I cursed a lot. Come on, this Waterman in the swamp! I have a date again!

Against the background of Rus.nar. music ___________________________________________
Leshy comes out from behind the tree, dancing. In his hands he carries a bouquet of dried flowers and a box of sweets. Baba Yaga stands with her back to him and preens, looking into a piece of mirror. Goblin comes up from behind and grabs her by the “interesting” place.

B.Ya. (jumping in fright)
Oh, you, Leshy, a prankster!
Where did you come from?
And what do you grab?!
I'm shy, you know!
LESHIY. What are you arguing about, honey?
Al not happy to see a friend?
I spank lovingly
I love you!

B.Ya. Okay, I'm sorry
Now, say mercy
Where so long, as many as three days
Have you been hiding from me?
Maybe you go to the "left"
Are you leading me by the nose?
So know you for it

I will punish. Be afraid of the answer.

L. (scared)
Beauty, God be with you!
From you I'm not a foot!
Yes, what sense of me
I'm not a goer for girls!

B.Ya. Not a walker, you say?
Why are you silent?!
And what the hell for
I got stuck at the parade?!

L. Do not make noise, Yagulya, that's enough,
I didn't want to laugh
Invite you old lady
In my bachelor hut.
After all, today all the people
Will soon meet the New Year.
Duck I wanted you and me
With the beautiful Yaga,
We celebrated this holiday together
And as it should be noted!

B.Ya. Izh, how famously twisted,
Almost shed a tear!
Why, tell me, dear
Are you hiding behind your back?

L. (embarrassedly takes out a box and a bouquet from behind his back)

Here, Yagulechka, flowers,
Extraordinary beauty!
B.Ya. (looking at bouquet)
What did you give me?!
You dried up the herbarium!
And now, he gives to the grandmother,
Like a goat - an armful of hay!

L. (justified)
I've been going since the summer
I didn't make up my mind anyway.
Here are the flowers withered a little,
But the beauty is not lost.

B.Ya. OK. What's in the box?
(to the hall) What a timid fool!)

L. Yes, sweets here for you,
I signed: "Yage".
Maybe eat one?
And I'll help you open it.

B. Ya.

What else is this?!

L. Ai-ai-ai! This is grief!

B. Ya. Are you stunned, rotten?!
Where are you candy cases?

L. The box was full,
It was the moth that ate them!

B.Ya. Have you bought the same since the summer?
That's it, Goblin, you got me!
You deliberately mocked
So that the whole room laughed at me?
So know that I won't forgive you
I will greatly avenge you!
I'll twist the plot like that,
I won't miss New Years!
You won't have a holiday

(shows a fig in the hall)

I'll arrange dirty tricks now!
Help Koshcheyushka is always happy to help me,
Together we will turn back the clock!
Now I will call him...

L. Oh, I'm tired, I can't!
Your koshchey will never come -
Frost will break him.
And how you, fool, do not understand -
You can't turn back the clock!
Let's bet on a click
That the New Year will come on time!

B. I Again you lay softly, okay,
It's hard for me to argue with you.
How can you deceive me?
Will you give a click, and fuck, for three days ?!

I'll go now and enchant the Snow Maiden. You will not see the holiday as your own ears.

Goblin: Nothing, nothing Let's see who tricks whom


Leading: And at this time in a forest clearing ...

9th grade performance


There is a timid knock on the door, Goblin enters.

Father Frost: Yes Yes! Come in, it's not locked!

Goblin: Hello! Grandfather Frost, Grandmother Winter, and you have a telegram from the city!

Grandfather Freezing: Telegram, you say? Come on, give it quickly. So, so, we read: "The granddaughter Snegurochka is coming to visit you. I kiss you firmly, your daughter Metelitsa."

Grandma Winter: Fathers! What a joy! We haven't seen our granddaughter for a long time. Come on, she has changed, grown up.

Father Frost: Thank you Leshy for the good news.

Goblin: Is the Snow Maiden coming to visit?! I really want to see what she has become.

There is a knock on the door.

Grandfather Freezing: Yes, yes, come on!

A brightly painted, disheveled girl enters, chewing gum.

Grandma Winter: Snow Maiden, is that you?

Snow Maiden: Yeah. Only now I am not the Snow Maiden, but Snegi. The Snow Maiden is a fool, some kind of not fashionable name! Well, hello, ancestors!

Grandfather Freezing: Not understood! Who is Hello?

Snow Maiden: Well, you fucking give! Completely wild in the forest! Hello is our way of saying hello! Darkness!

Grandma Winter: Well, hello, dear granddaughter! Tell me, dear, how are you in the town, live .... Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: What am I explained incomprehensibly?

Grandma Winter: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name now?

Snow Maiden: Snow, I told you!

Grandfather Freezing: Snow-gi, say mercy! So how are you at school?

Snow Maiden: Oh, yes, her school! There is nothing interesting there. Why go into it, I already know everything.

Grandma Winter: So you, probably, study for one five, my good?

Snow Maiden: Well, why immediately on the top five! It hurts me to show off - like everyone else, so do I!

Grandfather Freezing : Yes, grandma, things are serious. We need to call Leshy, he is the best student in our school, let him help out of this miracle - to make a normal child.

Goblin : Hello, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: Well, here's more! There will be some Goblin to teach me the mind!

Grandfather Freezing: Listen, dear granddaughter! I'm starting to lose my patience! You came to visit us, be kind and respectful to us and our friends!

Snow Maiden: Think! I'm tired of you with your moralizing! I'll go for a walk in the woods.

He slams the door loudly and leaves.

Grandmother Winter: Fathers! But where did she go, looking at the night! She will get lost in the woods!

Goblin: And if she meets a wolf or Baba Yaga with Koshchei?

Grandfather Freezing: There is nothing to judge, but to row. Get ready. We need to find this capricious girl and bring her back.

The Snow Maiden walks through the forest, sings a song (“Well, why are you so scary ....”) Ahead, the New Year sits on a stump and cries.

Snow Maiden: What are you doing here?

New Year: I played and got lost.

Snow Maiden: Wow played. In my opinion, this is a forest, not a tear-off calendar. And what, no one can help you?

New Year: Only Santa Claus can help. But where can I find him in this forest?

Snow Maiden: So this is a couple of trifles. Consider the job done! After all, I am Snegi, the granddaughter of Santa Claus!

New Year : Truth?! And will you help me?

Snow Maiden: Of course I'll help. Only a little later. In the meantime, we will walk with you.

The Snow Maiden leaves with the New Year. The musical screen saver "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds.


Snow Maiden meets Baba Yagu and Koshchei. New year from a distance watching.

Snow Maiden : Hey guys! Wow, what a cool outfit you have! Stunned!

Koschey: Somehow I don't recognize you in makeup. What is an unfamiliar face in our deep forest?

Baba Yaga : This one is definitely not from our forest. Ours are much more modest.

Snow Maiden: Actually, I am Snegi, the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

Koschey: Blimey! Yes, you girl are deceiving us! The granddaughter of Santa Claus is called Snegurochka. Everyone knows this. And she's all so...

Snow Maiden: What is it like?

Koschey: Like creme brulee ice cream...

Snow Maiden: Here's more like ice cream! For everyone to bite and lick me? And who will you be? Are the real Baba Yaga and Koschei the Deathless?

Baba Yaga: Well, what are you thinking, baby? I am Agata Kuzminishna. An old sick woman.

Koschey: And I'm Koshche ... (B. Yaga pinches him, he screams).

Baba Yaga: And this is just Kostya. (B. Yaga begins to whisper something in Koshchei's ear).

Snow Maiden: What are you whispering there?

Woman Yaga and Koschei pounce on the Snow Maiden and tie her up.

Snow Maiden: What are you doing? Are you out of your mind? What do you want from me?

Woman Yaga: Yes, we decide with Kostya when to eat you: for lunch or for dinner?

Koschey: Or maybe let's just let it go? Maybe she really is a Snow Maiden?

Woman Yaga: I'll let you go! Snow Maiden, not Snow Maiden, what's the difference. Let's go and that's it. Take it and drag it. It's New Year's Eve and we don't have dinner yet.

Snow Maiden: Release me now! You have no right! I will complain.

B. Yaga: Complain even to the Commission on Human Rights!

Snow Maiden : Help! I am not tasty! I can't eat! I have a lot of bones! A-a-a-a-! Grandmother grandfather! Help!

They take the Snow Maiden and carry her away.

The New Year is running around the stage in confusion and shouting: "Help, help!" Father Frost, Grandmother Winter and Goblin come out.

Grandfather Freezing: And what is this miracle Yudo loud-mouthed?

New Year: I am not a miracle and not a Yudo. And it's not about me. Help free my girlfriend. Her name is Snegi, she came from the city for the holidays. And some monsters stole it. They want to eat it.

Grandfather Freezing: What - such monsters in my forest wound up?

Goblin: Maybe he is talking about Baba Yaga with Koshchei?

New year: Exactly! There was an old woman and a man of indeterminate age with her.

Grandma Winter: Ah, rascals! Again they are ugly! Let's hurry Santa Claus to help his granddaughter. And you, Goblin, run ahead, show the way, you know all the paths in this forest.

Grandmother Winter, Santa Claus and Leshy leave.

Baba Yaga and Koschei bring the Snow Maiden and seat her on a stool.

Woman Yaga: Fu, I'm tired. Yes, and something entered the lower back.

Koschey: So what are we going to do with her, Yagusya? Maybe, let's let go. There is a pity for her.

Woman Yaga: It's a pity for him to see it there! The unfortunate philanthropist. What kind of Koschey are you?! Mutated completely, switched to plant foods.

Koschey: I'm worried about my health. And, by the way, I do exercises in the morning, unlike some who have a backache.

Woman Yaga: Be silent, do not argue. I am in command of the parade. We will demand a ransom for her. Go, score an arrow to Santa Claus.

Koschey: Of course, I’ll go, but I just feel that Santa Claus will score such an arrow for his granddaughter that it won’t seem enough.

Woman Yaga: Haven't you left yet? Come on, quickly evaporated!

Koshchey runs away.

Snow Maiden: Well, what will you do with me?

Woman Yaga: Shut up, girl, in your position, talking is harmful. And don't make me sick.

Snow Maiden : Agata Kuzminichna! Well, shame on you! It is the 21st century in the yard: rockets fly into space, computers and cell phones, the Internet are all around. Do you want to eat the baby?

Woman Yaga: Do you think are we that stupid? Only I don't care about your Internet! When you want to eat, no computer will help - you will not be virtually full. And what kind of child are you? Scarecrow scarecrow. No, I will definitely eat you.

Snow Maiden: Agata Kuzminichna! But you are still a fairy tale character. And in fairy tales, the guest must first take a steam bath, feed, drink, and then everything else.

Baba Yaga : Look, you are literate, she knows fairy tales, she will teach me. I know order. Okay, let's go steam.

Baba Yaga and the Snow Maiden leave.

The musical screen saver "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds.


Baba Yaga and the Snow Maiden take the stage

Baba Yaga : Oh well steamed

Santa Claus and Grandmother Winter come out

Grandfather Freezing : Oh, you old rascal! Look what you've made up, steal my granddaughter and demand a ransom!

Snow Maiden : Grandmother grandfather! It's good that you found me! I'm so ashamed of my behavior! Please forgive me! (Hugs) Grandpa, don't be angry with Agata Kuzminichna and Koshchei, they're just very lonely. BUT Agata Kuzminichna is also very sick. She should go to a sanatorium for treatment. May be, Will you arrange a ticket for her as a New Year's gift?

Grandfather Freezing: Well, Snow Maiden, you are just a "box with a surprise." I don't even know what to answer you.

Grandmother Winter: And what is there to think! After the holiday, we will send Baba Yaga to the sanatorium, let Koschei lead the drama circle, he is a creative nature, he will succeed. And now invite everyone, Moroz Ivanovich, to the New Year's carnival.

Grandfather Freezing: AND, really something we delayed. It's time, friends go to the Ice Palace. Yes, but where is the New Year? After all, he helped you, Snow Maiden, find.

Snow Maiden : Grandfather Frost, you know, New Year lost, and I promised that you would help him.

Grandfather Freezing: Ah, there it is! So there is nothing to be sad about! As soon as the clock strikes 12 times, he will come into his own.

Snow Maiden: .May you have a young New Year
Happiness brings new.
Will give joy, jokes,
Not sad moments.

Father Frost:.The arrows rose to the top,
We agreed on twelve.
The time has come! Twelve strikes!
Be happy New Year!

Grandmother Winter: Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a Happy New Year.
So that neither anxiety nor misfortune
They didn't guard at the gate.

Baba Yaga: So that the sun gently shines,
Everything that the heart is waiting for came true,
And just to be gratifying
All your life, like this year!


B.1: We want to tell you about New Year traditions around the world

B.2: NoffensiveThe New Year in Russia has long been celebrated on September 1st. By decree of Peter the Great, since 1700, the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1.

V.1: This holiday with a Christmas tree, decorations, carnivals was very fond of the Russian people. Now it is one of our favorite holidays.

V.2: Do you know that before, other trees were decorated instead of the Christmas tree. These were cherries specially grown in tubs.

V.1: But the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree is also great, over 2000 years old. Previously, people believed that all trees were endowed with good powers, that good spirits lived in them. And hanging treats on trees - gifts, they tried to appease these spirits. Well, the evergreen spruce occupied special place among all trees. She was a sacred center symbolizing life itself.


IN 2:For Belarusians, Ukrainians and Russians, pancakes and sweet porridge were a ritual dish for the New Year.

B.1: Porridge was cooked from several types of whole grains. It was believed that if there was a plentiful meal on the festive table, then, therefore, you would not have to starve all year. From here comes the tradition of laying a rich table, which people still adhere to.

V.2: It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the century in Russia, for the New Year, domestic animals were baked from dough - bulls, cows and horses. And when they came to the house to carol, the guests were presented with these figurines, various sweets, nuts.


V.1: On New Year's Eve, emotional Italians get rid of old furniture and rubbish in an unusual way: they throw the unnecessary from the balconies.

B.2: The Befana fairy comes to Italian children on New Year's Eve and fills empty stockings hung by the fireplace with sweets. But only if the children behaved well last year. And pranksters instead of gifts in the morning find only coals


IN 1: The last leaf is torn off
The calendar has been removed from the wall.
Waiting for a long time congratulations
January behind the door.

IN 2: The old year is leaving
His last page rustles.
Let the best that was not go away
And the worst cannot happen again.

IN 1 : May the new year be generous
Let him not skimp on happiness
Let the stars light up on time
To make all wishes come true.

IN 2
: Let the frost play more fun,
Let it freeze your cheeks.
Happy New Year to you,
With a year of joy, happiness, love!


V.2: For a long time, many different signs associated with the New Year and winter have accumulated. - Snowy winter - rainy summer.- On New Year's Eve, the starry sky is for the harvest.- Winter is frosty - summer is hot. - If there are blizzards in winter, bad weather in summer. - A dream on the night before January 1 is prophetic and characterizes the coming year.

    For a prosperous year do not take out the trash before the New Year .

    Visit elderly relatives or parents - a good omen for the New Year 2014.

    In order to maintain family unity, tie the legs of the New Year's table with a rope .

    If a celebrate the holiday in a new dress then there will be many new clothes throughout the year.


But there are other signs

To make everything in chocolate, it is enough for yourself to put a tile under your pillow at night.

If there is no news from relatives for a long time, then everything is fine with them.

If you felt a blow from behind while driving a car - to a financial increase, and from behind - to a loss of money.

Low flying pigeons for washing.

If you woke up in the morning in shoes, then your head will hurt all day

Take an umbrella with you just in case for sunny cloudless weather.

If you see smart children with flowers everywhere on the street, then it's time to dig potatoes

If mom laughs at dad's jokes, then there are guests in the house

If you come face to face with a polar bear, this is the last sign in your life.


Father Frost

It's time to say: "Before new meeting!"

The New Year's carnival is over.

We were visiting friends of the heart,

Everyone has been in a wonderful fairy tale.


We wish you all sports health,

Five school, interplanetary routes.

We will follow you with love

And you, friends, do not forget us.

Grandma Winter:

What else would we wish for?

Perhaps peace in your families!

To divide everything in half:

Sadness and joy and delight.

Well, in general, everything that God gave you!


What to wish for the New Year?

More joyful chores

More jokes, swarm of laughter,

At least even above yourself.

Baba Yaga

What else? Perhaps yes...

Good health, and there ...

Let everything that you dream about

And whatever you want -

May it all come true!

Snow Maiden May the New Year that you celebrate
A happy year will enter your life.
And all the good things you dream of
Let it come true and it will definitely come.

Together: Happy New Year!

FINAL SONG: _________________