Presentation: "An amazing miracle - table salt." Habitual and amazing table salt What is salt presentation

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Salts are complex substances consisting of metal ions and an acid residue. PO 4 Metal ion Acid residue Metal ion Acid residue Na Cl K 3

Classification 1 . According to the composition of the acid residue SALT medium acidic Na 2 SO 4 K 3 PO 4 NaHSO 4 K 2 HPO 4

Nomenclature of average magnesium salts Name of acid residue Name of metal in the genitive case М g С L 2 chloride

Nomenclature of acid salts Indicate the name of the acid residue Add “hydro-” to the name of the acid residue Name of the metal in the genitive case NaHSO 4 hydrosodium sulfate

Chemical properties 1. Interaction with metals: SnCl 2 + Zn  ZnCl 2 + Sn

Chemical properties 2. Interaction with alkalis: 2Na OH + CuSO 4 → Cu (OH) 2 + Na 2 SO 4

Chemical properties 3. The interaction of salts with each other CS l + AgNO 3 → AgCl + KNO 3

Chemical properties 4. Interaction with acids: Strong acids displace weaker ones from their salts! CO 2 CaCO 3 + HCl → CaCl 2 + H 2 CO 3 H 2 O

Chemical properties Decomposition upon heating CaCO 3 \u003d CO 2 + H 2 O

Production methods 1. Acid + base \u003d salt + water H 2 SO 4 + 2NaOH \u003d Na 2 SO 4 + 2H 2 O 2. Acid + metal \u003d salt + hydrogen 2HCL + Zn \u003d ZnCL 2 + H 2 3. Acid + basic oxide \u003d salt + water 2HCL + CuO \u003d CuCL 2 + H 2 O 4. Acid + salt \u003d new acid + new salt H 2 SO 4 + BaCL 2 \u003d 2HCL + BaSO 4 Conditions: gas, precipitate or water should be obtained as a result of the reaction. Based on chemical properties oxides, bases, acids 10 ways 10 ways 10 ways 10 ways 10 ways

Preparation methods 5. Base + salt \u003d new base + new salt 2 KOH + Ca SO 4 \u003d Ca (OH) 2 + K 2 SO 4 6. Base + acid oxide + \u003d salt + water 2NaOH + SO 3 \u003d Na 2 SO 4 + H 2 O 7. Acid oxide + basic oxide \u003d salt CO 2 + CaO \u003d CaCO 3 8. Salt + salt \u003d new salt + new salt KS l + AgNO 3 → AgCl + KNO 3 9. Salt + metal \u003d new salt + metal CuSO 4 + Fe = FeSO 4 + Cu 10. Metal + non-metal = salt Fe + S = FeS 10 ways 10 ways 10 ways 10 ways

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Chemistry lesson in grade 9 according to the program of O.S. Gabrielyan using entertaining experience, maps step by step actions and testing as a result of the lesson ....

« amazing miracle : salt»

Completed by: 4th grade student

GBOU SO "School №3"


Ragozina Nadezhda Alekseevna

Target my research: to study how table salt affects human health and how it can help in the household.

An object research: table salt.

Item research: properties and uses of table salt.

Tasks :

  • Study the literature on table salt and find out its properties .
  • Learn how to grow crystals.
  • Conduct experiments on growing salt crystals.
  • Develop recommendations for growing crystals.
  • To study the effect of salt on living organisms.
  • To study the history of the appearance and use of salt.
  • Explore salt deposits in Russia.
  • Develop recommendations for the use of salt in the household.
  • Issue a booklet: "Treatment catalog"
  • Issue brochure: Helpful Hints on the use of salt


I suppose that if you exclude table salt from a person’s diet, this will adversely affect his health.


1. Theoretical: analysis, synthesis, generalization.


3. Observation.

4. Questioning.

History of appearance and the use of salt.

Basic mineral The word "salt" comes from the Latin word "sal", which comes from the Greek term "hals" - meaning "sea"

In ancient Rome, salt caravans slowly wandered along the main trade road- Via Solaria, which meant "Salt Way".

Salt structure

Salts are different in structure :

  • Coarse-crystalline salt is used for cattle. Wild animals find and eat plants containing salt (Salt marshes).
  • Medium-crystalline salt is used for fermenting vegetables, for salting and drying fish, meat.
  • Fine crystalline salt is used for cooking.

Edible salt is divided into four grades: extra, highest, 1st and 2nd. Extra salt has the finest grinding and white color, for other varieties grayish or pinkish shades are allowed.

About salt deposits.

  • The main source of salt is the seas and oceans. Tens of thousands of salt lakes are scattered over the entire surface of the earth.
  • Salt lakes are very beautiful. They are covered with snow-white lace, which reflects the endless blue of the sky and the bright sun. These are self-sustaining lakes, salt is formed in them by natural evaporation.

Where does salt come from?

  • Rock salt is mined from sedimentary rocks
  • It is also extracted from salt lakes, where it is deposited itself. For example, the water of the Sol-Iletsk lakes is oversaturated with salt, so all the banks are covered with salt. This is especially observed on the Razval Lake.
  • Salt is also produced by the pool method from sea and lake water, that is, it is grown by people. When salt water evaporates, crystals form.
  • In our time, table salt is mined by the mine method (the most common), crystallization, freezing, evaporation

Salt deposits.

Baskunchak is one of the largest salt lakes. It is located in the Astrakhan region. In size, it is second only to Lake Elton, located in the north of the Volga steppe.

  • And the saltiest in the world is

Dead Sea.

Methods for extracting salt.

Extraction of salt:

  • 1. In Rus', salt was mined from brines, which were pumped out of the depths. (Washing, filtration, evaporation). 2. For the first time they began to extract salt in 1037, when Prince Svyatoslav Olegovich in Novgorod ordered that a salt tax be collected from each saltworks.
  • In our time, table salt is mined by the mine method (the most common), crystallization, freezing, and evaporation.

Salt Mine and Museum in Wieliczka

Poland, Wieliczka, salt mines - underground museum

Large crystals of table salt are exhibited in mineralogical museums

100 kg crystal

Names and properties of salt

  • Depending on the place and method of extraction, salt has different names and, accordingly, properties:
  • rock salt - mined from sedimentary rocks; self-planting salt - extracted from salt lakes (deposits itself); vegetable garden salt - produced by pool method from sea and lake waters (grown by people); boiled salt - it is extracted by boiling it out from natural and artificial brines.

Interesting facts about salt.

  • In Christianity, salt symbolizes incorruptibility, eternity and wisdom, and the biblical expression "salt of the earth" means the most important thing, the most necessary, something that cannot be dispensed with. Indeed, salt is one of the most essential foods in our diet.

Salt in Rus'

Many well-aimed colorful expressions and various beliefs are associated with salt. Sprinkle salt - unfortunately, leave with nothing - leave without salty slurping. And in order to get to know a person better, you need to eat a pound of salt with him. Bread represents strength and health, salt - wealth! Bread and salt have become a symbol of hospitality and cordiality of the Russian people. According to the old Slavic custom, which has survived to this day, when meeting dear guests, they solemnly offer bread and, of course, salt.

raspberry lake

Raspberry Lake is known, which was the property of Empress Catherine II. Every year, 100 pounds of this salt was supplied to her table, and only she was served at the table during foreign receptions, because the salt was an exquisite pink-raspberry color. Salt has the finest aroma, and inclusions of microscopic aquatic organisms - crustaceans that enter the salt from lake waters give it color.

Useful tips.

  • To keep fresh flowers longer, you need to

Pour some salt into a vase of water.

have long been placed cups with salt.

  • Glassware shines better when it is washed

rinse with salted water.

  • In winter, roads are sprinkled with salt to prevent ice.
  • If the potatoes are salted at the end of frying, they will have a crispy
  • If the runaway milk spilled on a hot stove, it is necessary to cover the flooded place with salt.
  • To prevent a runny nose, every day you need to pull into the nose

salt water - alternately one and the other nostrils.

  • If your throat hurts, you can add one teaspoon of salt, a few drops of iodine to a glass of hot water. With this solution


  • Is it easier to sharpen a dull knife if you hold the blade in a slightly salty solution for half an hour?
  • Before lighting candles, dip them in salt water. Candles will burn more evenly, especially if you put a few salt crystals near the wick.
  • If the wood in the fire does not flare up well, sprinkle it with a pinch of salt.

Salt is an essential mineral for human life. And not only because it is needed for chemical industry. Most importantly, without salt, the human body cannot develop, and the person becomes ill.

Adding about 20 grams of salt to food daily, a person eats an average of 7-8 kilograms per year.

By the seventieth year of life, this number will be half a ton.

Salt in medicine

Doctors have established that in the human body without salt there is no metabolism, digestion stops. A living being, without receiving salt, dies the faster, the more food it receives.

Salt - essential construction material for the human body. Salt deficiency can lead to exhaustion of the body, weakening blood pressure. Thinking processes slow down, the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract decreases.

As you can see, in addition to the taste that salt gives to food, and its active role in healing, this wonderful gift of nature is widely used by folk healers for medicinal purposes.

Salt and human health

  • Salt provides the most important physiological processes in the body;
  • creates salt in the blood the necessary conditions the existence of red blood cells - erythrocytes;
  • in muscles determines the ability to excitability;
  • in the stomach it forms hydrochloric acid, without which it would be impossible to digest and assimilate food.

Salt in cooking

In addition, salt helps to preserve meat, lard, fish, mushrooms, vegetables and many other products for future use.

Salt is really important for our body,

but at the same time, its excess is harmful to our health.

It must be remembered that it is better not to add salt than to oversalt!

Monitoring salt use.

Monitored the use of salt in the families of classmates.

I found out that sea and table salt are the most popular. Most of the class uses it, some families use 3-4 types of salt.

He also monitored the use of salt for the prevention of diseases among students in the class. Salt is used to gargle the throat and nose in 12 families.

My experiments: 1. Dissolution of salt in water. 2. Effect of saline solution on living organisms. 3. Salt - stain remover . 4. The effect of salt on "shedding tissues". 5. Determining the freshness of eggs. 6. Growing crystals .

3. Salt - stain remover.

If you immediately cover these stains with salt, then the stains will become smaller, and the stains from the tea will not remain at all.

Stains can be removed with the following composition: a pinch of salt diluted in ammonia.

4. Effect of salt on "shedding fabrics".

  • Fabrics washed without salt became dull and ugly, and those shreds that I washed with salt remained almost the same as they were.

6. Growing crystals.

Exist 3 ways growing crystals.

  • Growing crystals by rapidly cooling the solution.
  • Growth of crystals during slow cooling of liquid.
  • Obtaining crystals with the gradual removal of water from a saturated solution (evaporation).

Tips on how to grow salt crystals.

  • Salt is better to take coarse grinding, for salting.
  • Keep debris out of the solution where the crystals grow.
  • If the solution is cooled rapidly, then the crystals will also grow rapidly, but their shape may turn out to be incorrect.
  • If the solution is cooled slowly, then the shape of the crystals will be correct.
  • Crystals cannot be removed from solution during growth without special reason.

Try to grow beautiful crystals at home in two or three weeks!

Salt in Verkhoturye stores

Verkhoturye stores sell 8 types of salt:

  • Marine food
  • Large refined
  • Cooking refined
  • Cooking food iodized
  • Food»Extra»
  • Cooking food
  • food dietary
  • marine household


Studying the meaning of salt, I learned a lot of new and interesting things:

convinced that salt really has bactericidal properties,

convinced of the need rational use salt;

learned the history of the use of salt and interesting historical facts;

learned about salt deposits in Russia;

learned why salt is called table salt;

learned the importance of table salt in human life;

got acquainted with the method of growing a salt crystal at home and tried to grow it.


Reference Atlas of the World. - M.: AST - PRESS SCHOOL - 2008 - 280 p.

Pleshakov A.A. The world around us. Proc. for 3 cells. four years. early school At 2 h. Part 2 - 2nd ed. - M .: - Education - 2006 - (Green House).

Erudite series. The structure of the earth. - M .: LLC "TD" Publishing House "World of Books", 2006.

Salt dough: decorations, souvenirs, crafts. - M .: Publishing house - in Eksmo, 2002. - 128 p.

Tera - Lexicon: An Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: TERRA - 2004 - 672 S.

Universal encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: U 59 Great Russian Encyclopedia - 2005 - 1551 P.

Ward B. Illustrated Encyclopedia for the Curious / Per. from English. I. Ya. Dikhter. - M .: CJSC "ROSMEN - PRESS" - 2008 - 96 p.

Fersman A.E. Entertaining mineralogy. - L .: Children's literature - 1975 - 240 p.

Shaleeva G.P. Everything about everything. Popular encyclopedia for children. Volume 9. - M .: Philological Society "WORD" - 2001 - 248 p.

An exception are ammonium salts, in which not metal atoms, but NH4+ particles are bonded to acidic residues. Examples of typical salts are given below. NaCl is sodium chloride, Na2SO4 is sodium sulfate, CaSO4 is calcium sulfate, CaCl2 is calcium chloride, (NH4)2SO4 is ammonium sulfate.

The salt formula is built taking into account the valencies of the metal and the acid residue. Almost all salts are ionic compounds, so we can say that metal ions and ions of acid residues are bound together in salts: Na + Cl– - sodium chloride Ca2 + SO42– - calcium sulfate, etc.

The names of salts are made up of the name of the acid residue and the name of the metal. The main thing in the name is the acid residue. Salt of which acid Acid residue Valency of the residue Name of salts Examples Nitric acid HNO 3 NO 3 I nitrates Ca (NO 3) 2 calcium nitrate Silicon H 2 SiO 3 SiO 3 2 II silicates Na 2 SiO 3 sodium silicate Sulfuric H 2 SO 4 SO 4 2 II sulfates PbSO 4 lead sulfate Coal H 2 CO 3 CO 3 2 II carbonates Na 2 CO 3 sodium carbonate Phosphoric H 3 PO 4 PO 4 3 III phosphates AlPO 4 aluminum phosphate Oxygen-containing acid residues are shown in the upper part of the table, anoxic residues in the lower part.

Hydrogen bromide HBr Br I bromides NaBr sodium bromide Hydrogen iodide HI I I iodides KI potassium iodide Hydrogen sulfide H 2 S S 2 II sulfides FeS iron (II) sulfide Hydrochloric HClCl I chlorides NH 4 Cl ammonium chloride Hydrogen fluoride HF F I fluorides CaF 2 calcium fluoride From The table shows that the names of oxygen-containing salts have the endings "at", and the names of oxygen-free salts have the endings "id". In some cases, the ending "it" may be used for oxygen-containing salts. For example, Na 2 SO 3 is sodium sulfite. This is done in order to distinguish between salts of sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4) and sulfurous acid (H 2 SO 3) and in other similar cases.

Classification of salts Depending on the composition of the salt, there are: 1. Medium - the product of the complete replacement of hydrogen in the acid with a metal. 2KOH + H 2 CO 3 \u003d K 2 CO 3 + 2H 2 O potassium carbonate 2. Acidic - the product of incomplete replacement of hydrogen in acid with a metal. NaOH + H 2 CO 3 \u003d NaHCO 3 + H 2 O sodium bicarbonate

3. Basic - the product of incomplete substitution of OH groups - bases for an acid residue. Mg (OH) 2 + HCl \u003d MgOHCl + H 2 O magnesium hydroxochloride 4. Double - consisting of various metal atoms and a common acid residue. K 2 SO 4 + Al 2 (SO 4) 3 \u003d 2KAl (SO 4) 2 aluminum sulfate - potassium

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If a tear pours from your eye You will immediately remember the taste I, of course, everyone needs You won’t cook dinner without me You won’t pickle the cucumber You won’t fill the jelly But not only in food I live in sea water. .

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Define: what is salt and what are its properties? To prove that salt is not only a necessary product, but also an interesting material for creativity.

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Tasks: - to explore the properties of salt, - to learn about the significance of salt in human life, - to prove that salt is an interesting material for creative activity.

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Object of study: salt Subject of study: inanimate nature Hypothesis: suppose that salt is not only a necessary product, but also an interesting material for creative activity.

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Salt is a white, free-flowing product that has been known for centuries. It is a naturally occurring crystalline mineral that dissolves in water. Salt is made up of chloride and sodium ions. Salt is different: coarse and finely ground table salt, refined and unrefined, pure and with impurities, iodized and sea salt.
What is salt?

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Look at the color: white. Taste: salty, crystalline. Dissolves in water. Has the ability to creak. Salt is like snow. Like snow, it is made up of crystals. The snow crunches underfoot in winter. If you pour salt into a plate and press it, you hear a crunch.
We study the properties of salt

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Salt is a mineral natural substance and a very important component of human food. There is evidence that the extraction of table salt was carried out as far back as 3-4 thousand years BC in Libya. Salt is evaporated from water, mined from the bowels of the earth, from sea water. The world's geological reserves of salt are practically inexhaustible.

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"Bread and salt!" - this is how noble guests were greeted in Rus'. This is a traditional wish for good, prosperity, good appetite, an expression of hospitality. Meeting guests with bread and salt had another important meaning - salt was a kind of amulet, our ancestors believed that salt protects against hostile forces.

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Salt is the only mineral used by humans for food in its "natural" form, with little or no processing. Very widely people use salt in everyday life, in canning and salting. food products: fish, meat, vegetables, mushrooms, etc. The fact is that salt has a unique property - to kill bacteria and microbes that cause rotting and spoilage of food. The production of canned meat and fish is based on the same property. Such products do not deteriorate for a very long time, they are stored for a long time and can be used for food even several weeks after their preparation.
Salt value:

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Salt is also useful from a medical point of view.

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The mineral iodine is added to table salt, and iodized salt is obtained.

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Many people like to take baths with salt. For baths, as a rule, sea salt is used. Such procedures well cleanse the skin and tone it. Sea salt is good for nervous system person.

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In addition to cooking and treating certain ailments, salt can also be useful on the farm. First of all, this is a great cleanser. A mixture of salt and turpentine will rid the bathtub and sink of yellow spots, a mixture of salt and vinegar will restore the former shine of copper and tin, a mixture of lemon juice and salt will clean rust spots. A strong saline solution drained into the sink prevents the accumulation of grease on the walls of the water pipes in the kitchen and eliminates unpleasant odors.

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Salt and sand are sprinkled on ice on the roads so that people do not fall and accidents do not happen.

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Our ancestors believed that salt has magical and healing properties, and therefore salt was actively used in various rituals, conspiracies and spells, and was used as a talisman. "Thursday" salt (calcined in the heat on Maundy Thursday before Easter) had cleansing and healing properties. Many people still believe the sign: to sprinkle salt - to a quarrel.

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Salt is an effective biobalance regulator in the body of farm animals

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Bread and salt is the head of everything. You will not be full of salt; Eat salt, but cut the truth. There is bread and salt, but not about your honor. Without salt, the table is crooked.
Salt is also widely used in proverbs:

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Salt can also be used in creativity: Flour salt is a salty dough that is dried and painted.

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You can make a model of the North Pole out of salt.

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Can you grow a crystal?

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Christmas tree toy for the new year.

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Salt painting

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And today we want to show you
You can also make interesting colored bottles from salt

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For work we need: - Gouache paints; - Salt (EXTRA) fine; - Funnel; - Fork; - Rolling pin (or chop hammer); - teaspoon; - Knitting needle; - Jars for colored salt; - Cellophane bags; - Empty bottle.

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Salt coloring: To begin with, dilute the gouache in a container with a small amount of water (the more water, the lighter the color. The less water, the more intense the color). Then pour salt into a plate and pour colored water.

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Gently mix the salt with a fork so that all the salt is colored.

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Leave the salt to dry completely.

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After drying, we take the salt out of the container, and we see that dry lumps have turned out.

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We take a plastic bag and pour salt into it.

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! The purpose of the project: To learn as much as possible about salt and its properties. And to prove that salt is not only a necessary product, but also an interesting material for experiments and creativity. Project objectives: To expand children's knowledge about salt, to determine the properties of salt, how it is mined, where it is used. Develop research skills in children. Develop an interest in research activities the desire to learn new things. Develop the ability to participate in experimental activities.

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Main stage Conversation with children “What do we know about salt and its properties?” Collection of salt samples (sea, table and rock) Acquaintance with works of art that talk about salt. Acquaintance with riddles, with proverbs and sayings about salt. Experimental - experimental activity "Salt is a sorceress". "The Study of the Properties and Qualities of Salt". Creative workshop. Painting with salt. We sculpt from salt dough.

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Key questions: What is salt? What types of salt are there? properties of salt? Explore the properties of salt empirically; Conduct experiments on growing salt crystals.

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So what is salt? Salt is a white crystalline mineral substance soluble in water; one of the few minerals that people eat. Salt is the oldest spice.

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What types of salt are there? In fact, salt of natural origin has a grayish tint. There is unrefined (rock) and refined (cooking) salt, as well as coarse and fine. Sea salt is obtained by evaporating sea water.

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Rock salt is mined in deep mines. How did she get there? Everything is very simple - a rock salt deposit is found high in the mountains. In ancient times there was an ocean in the place of these mountains.

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In a dry and hot climate, sea water evaporated, and the salt turned into crystals and powerful layers were obtained. (Experiment with crystals) “Growing crystals To grow salt crystals, we poured warm water into a cup, poured salt. A thread was dropped into the cup. After a few days, we noticed that the water from the cup began to evaporate, and the string and the bottom of the cup were covered with salt cubes. Are these crystals.

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properties of salt? Salt for its beneficial properties is called "White gold". The healing properties of salt were known in antiquity. Salt can also be used in cosmetic product, And How detergent. It can help you with your laundry, eliminate odors and clogged pipes, and more. The most widespread technical salt received as a fairly effective tool for the fight against icing of roads in winter period. Salt is useful and vital not only for people, but also for animals. Animals are given salt, which is not found in grass and hay.

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Floating egg For the experiment, we took 2 raw eggs and two mugs of a glass of water. They poured water into mugs, poured 3 tablespoons of salt into one mug and mixed well, but not into the other. They put eggs in both mugs, where there was salt water, the egg floated, and where not, it sank. And when both solutions were mixed, the egg turned out to be approximately in the middle of the mug. Conclusion: Salt water helps objects stay on the surface (Dead Sea effect)

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“Snowy pine branch” For the experiment, we took a pine branch, poured hot water into a bowl, put a pine branch there and poured salt. The next day we pulled out the branch and put it to dry by the radiator. After another 2-3 days, we saw that our branch had become silvery, as after a frost. Conclusion: crystals can be grown independently at home. Crystals grow in a saturated solution with gradual evaporation of the liquid

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